HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-10, Page 5W
No, Paper its, Huron has ever advanced so rapidly or permanently in all departments as The Stara
x.;7 7 . 'w Sofa: stili Sint, 4iou tbAt he or the committee. A 00M&[d;TPv 110.41"ITA1,.
cle3ured Or intended to do so. 1'tde That'y what Alcrrt11118yyetera Tonle ls. It
f . t B• , t"i. rt pee t avag adopted. nnu of thq moot pow.,rA inland pttriilcr• qpd Ate pttr
I the boat b(nrol regal clot kuowu, ltesldes being zhceks
s Fj 1 Thr clerk fur•tually reported t hitt a muactdar and osteo tunit tiopoo it surra o p
Mr. Humber, having received the next `"ldctierrnaga of Id, thatn Most mrdlcl c,_ 171111f .r Omar
t Rj highest uutuirer oY vOte, at the la°t j eaedrurullWgondleoatramor!ypplc utpo u 11 white?
l municipal electlnn, had taken the seat Wako. Pricy 50 scuta for thrraw OYa trcatmont
BIC ti CL i vacant by Councillor Holmes' re iKua- Bold nt Duaham s Drug $tom' Is your appetite
tion, and Sit•. Humber wus then off paid
Atado in Canada by Canadian Mechanic" f poor and (OUT di -
motion placed on ill committees On account of advancing years and (festioII wei{C? lS t
ttt,,, where Dir. salutes held been frt,liug health. Rev. Dr. Pascoe, of Yom' fksh sof t
Councillors Campbell and Naftel Wingham, hits decided to retire from '
i McBurneyand p e active wort[ of the ministry P aid have YOU lore
thou moved that tete succour of A. Yat th
MCD. Allan for alleged expenses in- approaching conference. As he enter- In Wei lit
Beattie Bicycles. g P ed the work in 18513, this is his 40th >f
Mtr y f t art ed in promoting the Oodet irh Those arc symptoms Of
Not Chero but Good at a reason- 'Elevator and Transit Co, he referred year of active service, His wife died
able prlaXi Lor nes tell you more un Feb, 2151 bwm s grippe. anCmla or poor blood .
V % to Special ial cummtttHP, with power to Ij K PP 'f'h a t frequent
about them. A hnndaome cntw 'J
Logue for the asking. Bring in as
act• rind this bring agreed lu the cwuo- -- ---
dyed up whogls and get them cif adjoutned. Ladies and gentlemen who take Mil• 1 Int a summer a8 in the
-_ - lor's Compound Iron Pifk always grow Winter. And you Can be
HOW '1'O GET RICH. younger in appearance and improve in ,cured at one time just as
Emerson's Bicucle and Mualc We refer t.o the richness of tilt "Pierre. r _ well as another.
" Hum, and Blhucle L lveru. t blood. If you are pale and thin, you At Wingham ap,arty of about fifteen '
Q ore poor in etreugtb and nerve power. S o'tt
are preparing to go west some time
Scott's Emulsion drives away thinness in April. The prosperous year 1t39g in
and pallor, and bt rugs rich blood and the west is likely to cause considerable
nerve power. emigration during the corning sunt- p
- - ' mel•.
VIC Aode> ich `„ t 1r• Kintail. -
of cod•lilver oil wffh Aypo-
PAWN. -Deur Editor -It is soraq tiwe Morrllttr d stem'ronto has oured more cases Pk0;PA11C5 Wiff Certainly
y of blood end akin diseases such ax Eitzema her ou. Almost eV One
FRIDAY. MARCH 10, 1899. since I took any part in An el`3t`tion' scrofula. Pim.,les and yphilitie s, res, than hli p y uY
but I wits touch interested in the tine other remedies combined. Besides being a can take it, and it will not
- _ _•, - just held to ibis r'lding. I alwitys have moat powerful blood purift r it is an excellent disturb the weakest stom-
heen led [u believe that it was only the tonic ants cure• by assisting vaotro to throw oar
the disease- A Nifty Ceut Bottle lasts three ach.
Illhp fho'mq (Ip, L1. 'furies that aid the dirty work in elec weeks. Sold at Dunham'9 Drugstore. It changes the light color of
1 4e Town U V V I tions, but I have had my eyes opened v
in this last flight. Thu Liberal party Parr Sound Star - Fr G poor blood to•a heathy and rich
e .
The People have made The Star a• Lead
BARGAINS IN STOVES....'s-1111161-
this atom always gives thoi0q bot value In the market,
bigger bargain; than ever now await aaolll in account of the dissoln-
tion of partnership of Fil,iinger & Robitl*oa, The splendid stook of
Stoves, while they last, must go at greatly' jKednced prices. No bet-
ter chance was ever offered for (radii; k Bargaius--Bargaibs in
what you really need. Stoves, Tinware,,tamp-, &u., at Bargain
Prices. Come here fur .our Coal Oil, Iumbing, beating and
Tinsmithing at the lowest possible prices.
0 1 o.a
Corner Wrist -St. and Square.
To make room for Spring Goods we are offering our
at prices that will astonish you.
Call and examine goods and be your own judge.
must have believed LhPmFelves to be y om enctuli y , red. It nourishes tale brain; Alves y,
The regular meeting of the Council I nae been ascertained that, there is out power to the nerves. It brio (fit
in a bad corner wh th t d t back
was held last F •iday evening
t K. all the
rllemhei present,. Mr. O. A. Humber
taking the plan of Councillor Hulwes,
The Treasurer's statement for Feb,
was read its tollows :
en ey iesor e o
"itch mean tricks to gain +t few votes.
The Port Albert job was so ditty and
so thin, t wonder anyone attempting
it, and I wonder that every honest
Ulan in the (tarty did not vote against
it, I noticed some of what are sup-
posed to he the straikhtest men in the
note within a reasonahle distance of
I Parry Sound aut3lnAyt mm het o, and
tie and hoes to su 1
{ Dly thedemm d, and
that tuns of pork and beef are being
Imported from other place".
A Cure For Rheumatism. -The in-
trusion of uric itlto the blood
Your old
All Droggiass. Me. and St.
canal-t•dtgowxs, CChemists, Toronto.
-'-, K T10-4,9
TsttrMluta_fC ®
Balance from Januar
January. 87
neighhorhou(1 in private cuuversation
48 76
. .$2,1148
w'itA the supposed boodlers. What
vesselsiax c•,ulse of rhentuatic
Made 8 well
Taxes .........
... 600 0
were these fellows doing in the riding
pain". This irregularity Ig (rNlnar to a
der,xngad and unhealthy condition til
r Man of
Non-re"Eden[ taxes 8 75
Dog tags..... 7 b0
if not Noodling? Is there not [nen
enough in the riding, honest and true,
th a liver. Anyone subject to this pain -
fol affection find in
Wnterratrs.. .... 70 (bYRrmelee's
o o e work oan election without
tdthkf l
bringing men from They
will a remedy
Vegetable Pills. Their
pJ .e
Elevator notes... lb,t)VO W
other parts?
action upon the kidneys is pronounced
IVDA 0 N•041 ,.
Electric light tat r" 3033 02
B'ls p'y'ble. ren'aIs. 12,5W 00
were not concent with the Port Albert
jolt• but. at the heel of the hunt they
Wild to have meeting the
and most heneflcial. and by restoring
healtiiv action, they correct, impurities
HTsN000 REL EDY r pP
Maltland Cemet'ry 45 0
Kinking fund int.. 171 02
a got up on
sly ; some of their own party did not
in Lite Hood•
_ {
e.ir. a .i9oIt tee
VINer•o t•DI.ee J . o uo ptemprr BOtN.OP
areale, etoepleeaa•sa Ishl?, Emie-
Elevator notes cils. 6,00 0
know that it was to he, within nn hour
of gathering•. 'There were three speak-
Rev. Jahn Ferguson, D.D., died at
"ton•, etQ lensed by peat obueex, atree
.loot .a sze b nken o aro sea aplakl, bee
33,70 64
ora and three sin etas to liven the
the residence of his brother-in-law,
•nrelrraetor e oft rea.noodr no`ldorronus.
We do all kiilds of
If any description at &•1iore notice and for U1101a money
g Em ly o ed n I pocket. Prtae 1. n pookass,
Alex. Stewart, Brussels, last week, in eixfor aooroieAowrtete..
tie 53 meeting. The singers were the best 8 tr..prorue•e. o,..•e or
$35.753 41 the 70th year of his age. Dr Ferguson ,Ixa•••Y roj,.ndea. DQQN`r stn AN IMITATION, bat
DIBnDRBEMENTB- Part Of It, If one could judge from the lan.top hevins INDAP0. It r.-drussiahua not
Salaries.... .... $
179 14
27 41
There are many families who use
Miller's Worm Powders for all ages in
applause. The speakers commenced
by stating the Tories Wiie afraid GO
was at one time praetor of Melville
church, resigning shout 20 vents go,
of it, we r.fit •.eau pr.p.id.
13111`411 asrtxaa co" tRvpn CAI..a. ui qr.m star
Insurance .andI .,
48 76
I only Hall Umbrella Stands
meet there. They referred to Mr,
sins a which time he ha" resided princi-
in Denver, Colorado,
Sold In goderlch by James Wilson, druggix
Ftre,water and 1' t
22 28
the'Senate up to.ridimle by call-
(Zaino, I suppose: but I think they did
not invite him, and I know they did not
pally spending
some time in Oregon, new Mexico and
. • '
Roads and bridges.
Chat it.y
10 75
hill their meeting. M.r McBrady was
TO meet the demand for a 10
. -
. .. ......
Special grant. ....
17 50
of placiapt ,m. ard:a, rte,
n they placed nE $140 of which $40 had
the first speaker, but what he said wag
The election of Messrs. `Scott and
Bland, as County Councillors of Kin -
Cent plug
p g of Smoking Tobacco we
Debenture interest 706 0
B'Is p'y'hle, ren'ttla.12,600 0
the 0overnment offered so touch laud
nothing More than a verhation bar-
angue of his previous address at Kin-
tail. 1 think vary Yew were soy the
Hundrodsotpeople who have ggnnothe rounds
of physicians Lod patent, inedirines have found
are now making a Ten Cent plug
_ - _ _.
11 Ct
Bank interest..... 167 00 a core In %191611 s System 'funic. This now -
wiser for anything he said, and as the medicine cures disease b tonin all the
Water works rap 119 87 dv , 111 _
T•renc•h speaker afterward said, "They principal orisons In the bo y, thus nnbting f,Q -
nlnitit. 190 B7 nature to throw off the disowns. It rho rent T B MYRTLE 1Y1 Y - ° -
uight as well have remained at hou,H g
Electric light...... 208 118 est purinor known. Price 5oc. per bottle, at T. B.for all the good they did." Mr. Me Dunham's Drug SLOro. I "
Schou) account.... 461 16
read to its the sgveral planks of
eyawr inter•eat.. 264 80
Elevator stock d. 8.00 0 the Reform platform, and tried to ASK FOR IT
C. C. ane O. ex P' 4 00 shore what had been done. But troin Wm. Armstrong, Past of Rnlssels, • y`
what I see of the etat•J of affait•s at has A ton hundred Durham grade cow l L,
Sinking fund deg.. 171 02 which Ives 275 pounds of milk in »
Washin ton, some of the planks will a
Elevator fills reu'Is 5,000 00 K week, which Welded thirteen pounds
Miscellaneous...... rot before they are used, I am think• Y e
1 W ing. Mr. DlcUillic•uddy commenced of hotter. Her dart rations were talo- +, I
3' 0 his harangue by compxt inrKc • Sit Chas.
ver h av, halt bushel of manpolds, one ((ll [ ((
•ark 489 80 Tupper to a nimmov and claiming that pound of pea moat, six pounds of oat The Geo E. Tuckett & Sofl
Balance of chop-
A (oufrle of accounts were referred he was sorry for the pour cid than for r P• _ -
to the Finance committee, havingcut such a pitiful figure at
P• a Co Limited.
- -
Oodertch. The conclusion I came to
that Sir Charles did indeed de-
There are many families who use
Miller's Worm Powders for all ages in
"ll", , W - -
The Market committee reported hav-
serve pity if such a villifler could find
cases of biliousness, and claim better
tic. each
I only Hall Umbrella Stands
!ng received several tenders for erect-
cit fon him. His next move was to
results than from any other medicine;
dose is
,Q, The'r% •
y - `sa s
ing.o w weigh scales, an(t .r--
the'Senate up to.ridimle by call-
one usually.sufifcient to '
. • '
ed the acceptance of R. W. McRenzfe's
Ing them a lot of tobithless old men any-
the trouble.
_*k nearly- completeagain. New goods received daily,
offer of $75 for 4 ton acales- _ boaicost
where frraw 0 to 1W years : he then
. -
-t RI.Yr Mtr r:r a ._ dA- I
500 Bone Mustard Spoons,
of placiapt ,m. ard:a, rte,
n they placed nE $140 of which $40 had
said the Senate was a lot of old wo-
men. He next went on to show why
The election of Messrs. `Scott and
Bland, as County Councillors of Kin -
A lot of Fine Rath and Carriage Sponges just to band.
been contributed by shipper's, and Lhe
the 0overnment offered so touch laud
c•ardine, has been Voided through the
The ne\vest and latest Perfumes.
c'ommit.tee asked power to act.
to McKenzie & Man, and closed by
buuglinq of the returning officer, and
Thatis the cry that homes from the carohtl
saying that the road was to be
y K
the have to a some
y pay $5001n costs.
hou.e wifeaa HALE'SBREAI) WAU01 n -
throughg J111ey
Patent Medicines, horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders.
built to draw aw from. the States
every morph)
es ow t est is
know that The Bcat. is Tho Uhonpext.
The application of E. N. Lewis for a
the trade in supplies and transferring
Had La Grippe. -Mr. A Nickerson
Rubber Goods, Syringes, Atomizerg, Hot Water and Ice Da i, ate. etc.
g r
I /
water service at big residence was re- it to Uanlmdit, which, of course, would Farmer, writes: 'Last winter
ferred to the Witter and Light com_ be antagonistic to the States; [jut, I hrta La Dutton.u a and it left,, ms with a "
mitres• strange to say, when the Frenchman PP 4 HALE'S HOME MADE BREfID i
spoke he told ax that if the toad
bad severe pain in the small of my hack and I e JORDAN
A circular Prom the Municipal Som- been built Mr. Laurier would have a hip [hat used W catch me whenever I IS THE BEST.
i the of Ontario tow a e s
or t o nes and a iii s ask-
tried wcllmb n Pence. This las ed fo'
better chances to cuakP terms at Wash•
s t 1
Twopounds In every Inn delivered in
oti d e e f and c
Lion r t r '
coo era G secure the rL i( Inion of
bout, n v a
P a >( It tut month when I 1 oti ht R
a 9 - w nt ren
n hi lk r• Frenchman I
time Por d neer. P ... I Ish here to 1 n
inti n I t t th F n( mu d
Las exemptions on sects materials, bottle of Ur. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil find the people of Oodorlch that t do not sound In Corner ('o bornP gt. and 8quarP,
p„ not have been listening to what Mc- the BAKERS' a1Nn of the town, bill intend to
b which large corporations ed en- used it both internally and externally,
CiillicuddV had brew sayingor he avould gree you good bread xt rho right nricc, accord -
1 d re get their assessments i reduced `-
e t r u encs redl e
n otnin and evenin forthree s
K not have made the atatetfient, Mr. K v, t the a day Ing to the prion of f1n(I r. Plo,se Styr, mo x rill
to merely committee.
figures. Referred at the expiration of which time I was and I can assure you you will be well paid for
McGillicuddy wound lip his harangues J E B R Y DG E S, COAL
to Special Citizens'
by trying to make us believe that the completely noted." It. a +
From the Uitizens' committee stat-
bricks in Mr. McLenn's house for the
Ing the probability of the Grand T. HALE, GODERICH, ONT.
K Y moat part belonged to the farmers, Robert Mcliveen, of Stanley, has div- s i CHARCOAL
Trunk Railway Precting a new station No. 5, Huron Road 'I
turd asking that they he allowed and that Mr. McLean was unfit for the posed of his flarm to Chits. J-nston, of _
for offfee to which he aspired. Great the Goshen line, for $4,80. The ex -
to encroach oil the present street
erection of the building if st etnecfnlogic 1 The conclusion I have arrived reeve intends going west. GODERIGH STERM BOLER WORKS WOOD and
sore. Special con.mittee• s. at ig that politics as run by the party --- +--- --- KINDLINC3 .
of purity are rotteu, and that we MARCH AND THE LION.
Form 11um. Jardine asking that the .A._ 8_ CHztYST.AL, ,
never will have honest government
manufacturers of the town be reprP- SOMETHING BETTER THAN THE OLD Manutactnrer of all kinds of
until we have honest electors, --
settled at the Paris Exhibition of 1900. sow.
Yours truly, Smoke stacks, wilt. Puna, E are still fit theold stand, Nelson
Special committee. The sR.vm about the lion and the BOILERS, ;[hent Imo weeks, etc., eta. r
DovnTlNci THOMAS. R Ilealer In Engines, Machinery ('axtings, etc. SL, tenets we neve been supply-
Acirwn for tire Gordon Mcnfroill lamh in Starch often IJroves talse, hut.
the town fon the Gurdon Metm,ri•(I - + - --Ing our customers for a number
College went to the Finance com- When the children are ale, there is anothertie. and When
Mbetter ch comes
nll%Vntort Ploor,0mig and Pope Hill", "ruga, MANUr'.4f T('itF.R OF
K p peevish, ys literally G•IIP. 1V hen Mar(•h romev and w'ntor Onnga. Globe Valves, C'hork /1 // /t Wyeara. WP know th9 fuel that mita
mittee. and restless at. night they require it in andflfidsvoutakingHuod'sSaratp-Valves,lncptra,ore,9JnetnrPAnd injectormeon FINE `,/HRRI 4GES You•
From file Elevator company nrgina dosf'or two of Miller's Worm Powders. arilla to Fpurify. enrich arld vitalize stoutly oil blind at tnwast 1'rlriP. f Orders left with our dPfIVP.ry rigs
that the town allow the extension 3.1 ----+ 011r tdOod, till ilia expel.t, whrll IL A aperial line of Steel V1ater and Hog OFALLNTVL". Or RL Worsell'" stove and tin abort and
Y Y YTroughs for rise of farmer. and or bore.
the railway track Westward CO the A811,ldld. goes Ora. that It, will leave von frees Alan"11 factory work in RngRiea. ('nrri"gPa at our office W111 reCHIVO prompt at•
beach, as asked tot• some dine ago. It pairing promptly attended to. and I,umhef \1'ngon.. Re niol,n tention.
K tori that tired feeling and with none p K. rel rinim
Special committee. DOTS -There have been man per- of the boils, rim ilea and Pru t ions m to ruahinn., &r. ,\ I w rk warranted. All mal weighed on marlet scales
Y P r t P A. S. CHRYSTA It(-palrl;; a
The F inance committee recommend none on the sick het during the past g promotly attended tn. Nra•nnd ninlP s ul.hrnviee ordered.
whi • t i s e h f
which nu n fest, t hear. Pla s erauec t f
0 r $ n r x
P. . I ox 17 0 h n 1 rl s n nearly all kinds for plc (hon
.- : r die. n '
• q y n
edpayment of than accounts r •r ( to
few week... ( o r Mid to un.
c its rff re ]
• ha have
blood III H spring. _-- --- _ - -
d thI f rni
V - We run several Pe drays conn c-
theui at Inst meeting. Adopted, hits bran very ill of mftnnuunton•y buys not attend( begun taking Hood's DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS tion, Y e
rheumatism, but wP ar,• glad u' learn of OUr students
ThH Westar and Light corntnitteel Sarsaparillafor your spring niedirinP,
he Ix now con VRlPq('C 11 t.-- R'e Rl'e
asked power to purchase enough coal we ndvisP you to begin today. We R"- UI'1'OStTI: ('O1.RUitNR iIOTF.L rHovrc 02
of such quantity and ualitV as the sorry to learn that itev. E. Olivant• sure You it. will make you feel better hnrr, rrr.•nuy inkro unnd sun,.
9 q Y Y tion" and four p -limn- rrmnln
,judged best tc1 last the pumping stn- pastor of Ashfield Circuit, is not• able all through the coming summer. 29 Unfilled. The von boat h1wily CARTAOE AND FUFI, CO,
tion till navigation would open, rw the to lie out on account of rheumatism. a firms Ihrnughmir Thr vouniry emalol nor urnrt Ir W E have just received
present supply would not likely last - - near., l y( cho-n. ion nol.1no rxtns err, another Car of Flour JohnS. Flats
longe[thanthemiddleofApril EFFECT( WERId LONDERFtiL. After very full consideration the nearly nlwnyarhnsen. (larbualnnxarnorsri. r
government, fins recommended to firs Hued rvnh prn •ti nl saint -P wr Irna•h rr"I from Keewatin, made-a2titvd.c} x6
A slight breeze aroeP over a crntt.en. " I had been tr•ouhlPd for years with business rlo imitation or IPtnaeri"e. (lar •`+hor1-
tion of Oouncilloc Martin that h re,+o- painq in my sides and kidnevs and rind hacellency the (icer enol-OPnPnll that. hand rmlrve I+ In rhnrgr of canters. f:nlrr bV Fhe Lake Of the
Y aches in all arts of ui trod owing to I the haw he permitted to take its course now. Cirentnrs free.
lotion all supplies should be purchased p' Y y' in the coops of l'ordelia Viral Rod VVoOdS Millin r (.On1 -
h the clerk, and the report Raked stomach and liver troubles. i began Central Business College F' A Midwinter
Y P isnrnuPl Purslow. The execution will
that the committee should do so in taking Ho-ol's Sarsaparilla and its ef• 111 • The hest Patent and
this case. Councillor Campbell said fects were wonderful. in a short. time ,a^cordingly take place on the date sTHATFUItt) ONT. Y
P I waq entire) cured." AfRs. FRANCKE, fixed, March 10, (to -day.) , lrong Baker's Flour nlade in Sale., -at.+-
the committee would instruct the I Y W. J. F L L I OTT
clerk to order, and restanted the En- 2O90asu1gtnn Avenue, Toronto, Ont. --' ' the world.
No Worm Medicine Acts so nicely as f Hi Nc'I P A L. When one andq film stock Lon large to aprtr
Miller's Worm Powders; no phv"ic re- . neer to spMntt. !h(• wiaast step is to eat down
quit ed. - Choice Groceries prim ro xnch n eMrh nes will make the goods
Laster Gards Glf e r VkaNO AND (Lrich go yof f x ,nuto gn nR llvolp. Wr wen m that as now ie a d ■ anyone In learrirteh go nor of them to .0h fell nt winter gouda for Men's them.
hove re best or el and done when ,hey run D • •+ • a•rar. and sou wool In get rid of thorn. NO
Ret the neat work and nno.t nl.i.fnrr inn at I and ■ rovisions. Innht yon wane rorno of thnaa gond.'
(': ry'. Dvefng and ('leaning W•,rks, Wnxt•at.,
Iioderieh. Indies and uontlemen'. garmonr„ f - --- I An Overcoat R Palr of Pants
Choice selection of Easter Cards, ranging from Ge to 600. Examination dfad an color fi idrnd, and all rhin-ris of M.
/ ,
r nlhoa a Pnnod In that.(:In..•tyin Ea•ory pices , ':, NICHOLSON.
of work turned out f. guarharT.1. PricepMove G.
fl Business Stilt. fl Waterproof.
Faster Booklets in great (oriel(. I Of the 'Imnintn, and no dollJOH rhor,g Ulnen
clrvining a apPMnit.y. JOHN CI'RItIR, Nrn
• rlator any of V%h,,a urn plwny. handy An -thing
about the
Pretty little volumes, snitable for Easter Gifts, 26, 80, 86 and 60 cents 11► p_- _ _, __ _____._ _ ,. I ttOt,; Rit'li. I'n(,n.r a. r mPrr ria rhaaP and nn•thtng dao
a volume. I SIGHT f'TiVE901,r(r"ORSWANTTdDEVERY - --- Innurilnenrrralh RAROAINPH1l'FEi. Jomo
WFIRRE Por "The 91ory of the Philip
A few artistic calendars for 1899. One of these will make not only an By the most modern methods. pin"- by Mmol Halatruul, cammi.almr d by the Warning
(invernment as Offirlat Historian to the w nr
appropriate gift but a useful one. y heparLme nt- The hl.o wara written hr army I HUGH DUNLOF9
tt t Glasses aCerVatel fitted. romp• at San Fres .)ok on the ten ill with
W0 are titltr "Bilin t Uenoral Morriit, In the hnapitalx at Honolul, Any person or perannq rnti,n,, nr romov
g 610th bound Books for l9 cents or 8 for 50 cents, Satisfaction guaranteed, In Hang Kon , In the 4moriean imnrhe. lit Neat 1)"or to Hank of Montreal, Goderi ch
A 1 Mar, In, fn the insurgent Tampa w-{th Aguinaldo, inv any Lona or Timber -1w gnat nn the,
/ on the deck of the UI m is with hewer, and in - - -a
-- -- - -- - PORTER,
W. T. WELsH • y a ahoroa Lake ILnron, will bn prnaeeatedGEO. Boohlscilor, A by go r mme tP aphot gulag Manila ae Bonawa
O ti lnn• for `wont, Rrimfnl of oriefral pie ren ulknn t0 the toll extent of the Law AS Rn AdVerLlBltlg Medium The
Q by Rnrernment. phntogrnphern an the aDnt CAPT. WM. BABB, f OderlCl] Star hdg no BllpeTlOr.
The s narp, Ooderiah, isrgnnook. Inw rlerol. 1 meta. Fro l ht
paid vredit given. 1 rop all irn.hv unoflloosi Av••nl for the Owners 1 hP G(Oprtoh Star gives Qual•
Our Telephone No in 10, Court Bonne Square, OODERICH R.ryhook, ro°nrnl free. Arldm-, F T. Barber. OadPrioh, Re t. 8th, Ig9N. It i7ant It, (;IrcuIfLL10D.
flnn't he afraid to use it. P y, V•
I.McLean's Palace .a
Breathes there a man with soul so dead,
Who never to himself has said,
Nothing but custom made Clothes will do,
Bring bim along we make cheep, too.
Keeping everlastingly at it brings Suegess.
Wheu a rant hunter pantlees is pealing for paota
And partite for the beat pante that thr pant market greats,
He peateth unpanted until he implagle
Himself in a pair of our $4.00 Pants.
We have a large variety of Fine Tweed and Worsted Soitinas, also
Overcoatinge and Troosericgs, for custom trade. We are Wining out first'
class work and giving our customers satisfaction in perfect Butting garments.
Our prices are very reasonable for good work and good material. Inspection
A: R MOLEANI StGloder chuff
Art Tallor, Natty Hatter and Gentst Furnisher.
Are stubborn things, then a•e
DON'T H ESITATE--rrsissawL
you can't down them, others mFl% t'v to d'o'do wall feline
advertisemout,t that may tempt to unguarded paopin to
You know what you pay, but do you know what yon get for vnur monfiv ?
rbe buyer of Clothing is practically fit the mercy of the dealer's honor. We
lave sustained a reputation fnr flftfen veers of honorable defdo g and our
7lotbing is warranted striotly HIG H GRADE, and although we cannot make
ouch profit against the competition of inferior goods, but thore we wit] not
rave in our store. We do not pretend to try to compote with R.,ady made
--"lothos, and no man should want to wear them when Ordered Clothing can
)e bought at the price we are selling them to day.
You cannot exppect to cresto the impression that you are well dressed ideas your
nothing is made for you. Equivocate as you may, the fact remains that ready-made
:arments lack that air of exclusiveness whaoh custom work possesses,
OUR SPRING GOODS are now all in, and comprin the finest selection
f Imported and Domestic Ooods that the looms can produce. This standarl of eacell-
nee in mass is still kept up in our work room, and our guarantso goes with every
We respectfully solicit your patronage.
PRi DHAI'i, 'The Tailor.
PI,UMBIhG. .-.
A Perfect Bath Room means a great
deal to n frostY n
furnished hoose. Inferior
IPlumbing may last for a year or so in other
arts of the house, and "do just as well"
or that length of Limb. But Plumbing is cheapest when it is 1•• I feet. We
rave done plumbing in some of the best residences in (ioderieh, nn i do Doth
ug but first class work. Call at Cattle Bros. for estimates of cost, etc., for
ood material and plum tg work.
West Side of Square, next Sturdy Bros., Goderich, Ont.
8t0GK_TdRinQ Salo$ @
N1'P have Just finlghed taking stock and find the following o• (l lots Haruware,
which we will sacrifice for ca•h
200 pair kooaP .Joint hurts at ...
5e, a pair
(.xaortPd'l.2 2.2, :3121, 8.2,3.2, 4 4)
20 itallroad Lanterns... 25e. each
2.000 Larve l rout Hooka at .150.
per 100
311 Ballet Moulds at...
tic. each
I only Hall Umbrella Stands
i nilly f\ItChfill 00then Racks _
i only Carpet Sweeper .. ... ...
... •i(Ic
.5 only Steak Pounders
5141 only Tined Most Hooks
(; rrily fly tiocicrt Chleola...
G B, tlleq Crockery Mender, at
loo lbq. Mica Crystal for Chickenq, per Ib
to lhq.
1 dozen Iloknra Butcher Knives, 7 -inch _..
500 Bone Mustard Spoons,
Y for 5o
2t, packages Putz Paste Silver Pohsb, per package
Thr, above fire all (food Goole and worth fully double the money.
1). RO I1( v I E , - GoticriGh
R.'t!'+•r4 'i,•,h w4. <t v, +G-.. n.♦ «. +. • w•=1h' .1 Mn1 war•-t.1h. Ih•'•.1kr'e • .'flt'1P.+It 9