HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-10, Page 4­­._ w--,.. . L ', n ., rl. P"v• ar to further l>m rove b paying In advances Face Qurse�f on case bads as early as possible I With 7... postage Tax, Subscribers vVill help the St �' p Y' -- -_,-.- _ _ ____ _ -- tIAR WL; lfAPPiNUSS - - --~ _ pIII.,` I• dependent upon tilt healtha of the wife 4 • r deposit" to Cho neighborhood of Cho Cialerlch to Guel h an nctur,l uirlj' a •iniac Js He PP Y o first, wo nil at d, something we have large tbau on any other one thing. If a ± rrht��rS in Arrears rte, as a cheap insist fot•sU 1 to w- nevor done hisfure-tay down it Pl*KL:ti- woman is troubled in , . er for manufactures in the city, the cat plan of campaign +toad wurk IL rut a distinctly feminine Deiir, f3ubacrihec. per- expenditure for coal being shout $it10, Heaven known, ,hero have 1'� r,r Pub*as- way aeNeo'e most (1clivate of her body are Hilt THE t3TAR to remind 000 annually. tic meetings enough during P in a state of chronic twonty years at (ikrderieh. Thr town irritation. She has you that all subscriptions TliE GUELPH PAPSM UliOls ACTION. Is hotu av with railway LLLlk I1uL all heada i he and back Guelph Mercury. has done no ALL DEPARTMENTS are being daib�r added to with arrenrsAud advance— this h K+'•"t •'t all• achy. She is tiite is uutst he paid not Intel When this city built the Guelph except to advertise amongst . ,I—' selves and spiritleso. she is I " fthan next week. We do junction Railway afete years ago It the fact that Goderich wool, 1, an„t her cross .,std blue. Slit was upon the erne t promise h l it railty say he sa train iu t +nada fens that lift: is not New I0•11 t not want to stop any p•siper, or William Van Horrro that when t he U• could suv Cho came.wotth living and hSpr'ng resort to legal proceedings, but P. R. should build it line to Ooderich temper re Orcts the It is just as little use fur 11„• Uurlph condition of her Von know the whole mutter is it would go from Guelph. In accord- people to get excited be, ” they nerves. Pont, suf ilriog wiicr, poor, dis• r )n your hands. A great num nnCe wiLh tills plan and in otdm to have sppent at hundred Lhuu> t .•I i slur's tracted husband. If the husband in a give a more direct 6rough line to Lite un +t l,liud atilev of a r,tib•o"A tad they abet rful, good humored man he will her have promptly responded, mist, at the suggestion of the C. P. It. want Lho C.P.ti. to curry t",t . KAJAI sympathize - - if he is u!+rvuu,, tired and New Dress Goods, New Art 1'luslins, but once mora we oust remind president, the route, which was or)gl- ed promise, tthich the t w 1' would to the t ob or he cite `i.re m go off 1Y those who have ria pard that .ally to have been from Guelph to tint enforce, W continue tfn, tare front g the club or Berk rlarwttrrc more con- New Sate�ns, New Staples, Schaw, was varied, and the connection genial company 1�1 the law Hod consequent ef- Uanlpbellville LO (}odericl, There - A sick woman Is to he pitird because with the ntttin line made neat (;nn1P nota I•etter ppuke- pplayur u, ihu Dun,- ahs is miserable and because she bas not " feet areof a very serious nature. bellvllle. This necessitated the con- in(vn than yir Willinol i an Horne, yet learned that i o Pierce's Favorite Pre. New, gentlemen. do your duty. sUucuot of atrl additional wllenge, and, and it'.s plain that he pLt�r,l a little senytion w !I make her well New Gloves and Skirtings; MI'fUHELL & TODD, consequently, considerably IncretLthe game of bluff upon the t iurtlus of The "Favorite Prescription” was ve- Publiahem the cit expenditure on the part of the Gaeiph• thirtyveloped over Kill thirty years, Hosiery Cottonades etc. 1t, {r cold that at thilt time the U. P. Thesis is only one way t " r+tise" Rig tI ago in the reg- , i I . " R. Intended to maks Gode[ieh their William, or to makes holo s4 his u1az practice ,'ply �({ laktl port, but that a God tic Owen hand, and that let to denwl+ trtRe that of Dr. R. V. �, 1'�Q (�pt�Q1XIC�t ft y �• Mound was selected, and that the same the shaty the it the C. P.this It. will yPierce who is Our Carpets are all New, so ate our roflt by the bulld(ng lit this line. and was then, __ _ need for a line to Goderich does not P chief consult- Ttccarnoxto Celt 71 rhe onl reason that it Is not in operu• ing physician f therefore now exist. Whatever the tion now is the Pact that there is or, Gents Furnishings. views of the U. P. 1Z. may be upon outlet at Goderloh for thl oogh freight li tt,e luva. FRIDAY, MAROH 10, 1809. that point, they have nothing to do lids'Hotel and I _ with our position In the matter. What to the west, because the har•hur ham Surgical Insti- --wi have to cion in r e that r%WII- not been nnade deep en+ agh to admit p Utate, at Buf. These goods are up to date and prices within the reach of all. t �_ T the larger vessols on the [likes, ,tau falo, N. Y. liam Van Herne made a definite prom- there ie not a shadow o1 ,Ioubt that If Since then it The Railway Ql�estlo>,. Ise to the people of Guelph, and on tin attwolute eiflsurnnetl rt,uld btl given - has been used the strength Ot that Promise we htlilt b millions of women and has brought the litre to Uawp e1lvlllo. In accord- that the Goderich harb„r• will be sleep• Y health, happiness and contentment to as T BORING r (}ODERICH a8 ATERMINAL Of sacs with the plan, the U. P. R. sur• coed, so ua to meet till the require mapy homes. OUR READY-MADE C1Jp mentsof thio railway, IIIc contracts Il3E TF3ROIIGH LINE. veyed she [lac toGoderieh. The coin- for the buildin of th,• Lot• will hr Int "Uywifewneslck foroA ise htyenrs,"writes + pony has since renewed the charter, g Albert H Failte. Ssy . of Allnmmrt, Grundy Co.. ou debt Teva "tike had uterine disease and was treated w(th t Y d d •tit no relief At last I Ode physicians and ' aB e h Iwo by LHI h he mat P . and there t y h , I„ i, . 17Guelph Citizens Talk IIP the C. P. The Guelph Boatel of Trade. in coin- The first step, then, i t Laken Y rend ubuut Ur Picrce's Favorite rrjttic and 1 Depa'tment will be largely increa9sd wi h the newest styes. B •t onr $lo sing R. Connection There. man with a flood many other people, Guelph :old Goderich ,u,J .dl t he towns first nose L,sent to the ve'eoser�nd .,r r, nshi ria uo sic i s row think it is about high time to (to and corporations alatq the'•"tato i't'r'' any for three nights. Being .,or, that It would Overcoats before pui-eliasing. ;ea; Mr. Heaton wrote a second letter to something further. It the public who posed is to provide I h,. ;tv,tii anve. cure her I sent or five more bottles road when q, ', Altti IC Carl be dna". 7'IIP lioderich wen we now have a fine bov tit our house." I city papers in a it se t of Goderich are interested do not act Hrat it does she toad taken the sixth Crottle she was soup an There Il. The v • ab r ad v re- nut look as if the company wl Citizens, Onminittee h t t , The " Favorite Prescription ' contains its the western terminus of 1% through is every reason why the People of this ceived a et ition W I." tarwnrolid to line fl•om lake Huron, as follows: city should act. Ever year that p no is Psi and no opium or other condition The Goods are RIGHT the Prices are RIGHT, and you Y fah Wilfrid Laurier ,iaord by neru4Y noel is pe,fectly harmless in any condition t 31uce my former letter on this sub- passes under ai�seting circumstances all the millers lit ,cr,tern Ontario, of the system. " ject my attention has been drawn tta find" as butrdoned wtt6 1►eavy t.nxaa to praying that the Gndrrich htt'bot be Wlll be RIGH ( In it If y0U bey at the fact that the Goderivh route hits ineeb the interest and sinking fend in thoroughly dredged at once, because the advantages of the Oonrgutu tiny. counection with our debt file the road: both treight and ill,»1-AnCe ratan are or four feet front the ground on , Moth in risk to navigation and in time We arra pay ug for those parppOflea lower tu Gor�ench tavui to any point st^night stacks. In bending budded H. ��� oP passages trout the West. I have about 18.111)0 annually, less from $4.000 on the Georgian Bay, and Goderich stacks tit t.he, spring, cul, utr two inche+ received a letter from the (tanager of to !$5.000 durrVed as our share of re* holds the contrulling nulway freights shove hud ; It, timst tit, lone quite Pai'ly � the Western Assurance Uompuny, tit ceipta from the tra�fflc. Thus the as -to eighty per cent Of all the naillerA in it, the spring, uefu'u itis buds stout' Colborne Bros. Old Stand o Toronto, it which he strates that the sessment rate is several ruillb highs,— Ontario. Another petition tilts been espec•ialiv, far Lite pear, pluu' and Geo•QQinn bay ports are classed with perhaps 8 to 4 mills—than It otherwise extensively signed by the owners of c•herrl , obis h tire severely c backed in - ---------- `r r Buffalo, and the eaten of inenrance to tt•tuld he. The C. P. R. and the coon• both American and Canadian vessels gi-mvLh by the loss ,f growing buds lir ;.� t .- those points is higher than to Goderich. try to be served by the proposed GodP- tradiPg on the (akss LO have Goderich foliage, Nur the stunt reason, all T It has also been painted out to me ,lab extension aero satidded t•hnt we harbor made a harhor of Iat"go, not in other sprouts, except the inset ted hold, /0 1- K ■ .� v that, by the chart, the course of navi• have done our share of building the name oft) its at present, but such as shotld he kept, constantly and closely L—li_ lr 1t, a �/ �1� , 11ration from Fort W11%aut to Goderich line in bringing it to Guelph+ and will be adequate to UIe reyu ITIAIMULs of nibhed off. Alum inhisurtinner the is actually aborter thein the cou[fle to rushing more is or can be expected of navigation oil the hakes. If +uldP.d W prujerting Ahtbs should hes cnretutly ,�11Uollingtvuod, although th map Showa us, If the line were completed tt thesg we have a siniihu• petition Prow pared utr to the growing shout. The Seasonable Gonda in every variety, snob se q '.s d one the better, nal s wt r k ' r ! dd(tlo o at sooner this e a , •o c t ation th Nc on of th Ili, I t share town p Is nor every cit r W fllsit9 •lob e thO c odes 1, I t wcH as a G . Y Y• that L e des r r , , ov rprovidedr i old u t u u held e ' _ greater; and there is n greater saving traffic over the prmeet line to is interested in the building of the that the Cot, } Mulls, s, Women's and Ctildr'efl s Dflderelot4i>lg F of time by the open water route to probably suffice to ,neat the Interest lint", that will be us.uriutce enough fui shit shout has become st rung enr•urh , Goderich than tit fltAt eight e,ppe,us, and sinking Pund ; it would its till tiny railway cantpaily; for though gov- t.0 prevent the danger t,f breaking nut. �l - for vessels are compelled to slow down events ninterial)v reduce our snood ernments may charge, theses petitiutA Budding is perfurnu•rt in samuiei' Mosiery alld Grloves , r antang the shcals and islands of the payments, and thus relieve usfrOk ex- will be on record far all tittle, anti nu grafting In spring, sari both have their ) ° Gealgilmn tinny, especially rat night And c(asive taxation ; it [night even yield government could ,ttford to rof Ise advantages. Bl'dtlitig'sa91riipleruper•-, !n times of fag, Wllich, its wtl know, rot• a dividend. For such lea+sons the an- all of which will be sold at read reducer] rices before stock taking P what is arcked, even if the work iuvul ,atiun And ntnrP successfully pertarmed greatly P tl ° upfrequently t)tevuila in these catnpar• ple of this e►tv have a ecial cause to ved an expenditure of bait a liniirio.a tiv ai nuvit P GraFting grapes is veru ,_,` ., utive{y dangerous watPn•s. AlTe the extension of tine line. dollars, which it cerGLiuly dues not. difficult wr•rk, aiLhoug i done about I We can understand from title why there Are otherconsideratiooawhich Now i,t the tittle to strik,.. West the same as with the apple; it is often A few Fancy Travelling Rags will be sold at cost and tinder. As usual a t vessel miners offer a lower rate fur the row iniportHnt. It it believed that the Huron Can demand . hot justice" in unsuccessful. The hest tint-, to any p r:�_. ,;>; ',; carringH of Preight to Qod�rich. pper- E►tnuu branch of the Grand Trunk was Ieturn Pnr the bast llominitn h e -else experience, to du the wurk is'when the largo stock of Yarns and Fiae.Woole, Ask to see our i eerleas Cotton Bar. InapsourGienrglan hav friends can show built from Berlin largely for the pill` tion, and Mr. Tarto realizes that we new gtowth s nb,mt tell inches long; ting. Small wares complete 'sin every line. Y+iur patronage kindly solicited. ° t.hnt hay the siexieting Ilnes, o by some pose of heading off the U. P. R. ex- Ibis is 4%fte'r the sap hits stopfhPd flow. I, on the eve of a enaendoua develop e { line Iflat cnn hes built, t.briv can offer t.Pnaion from Guelph. The effect of went ih the Northwest. His hohb to ing, std Wuad-making m atter is cont A. M U N Rd• [)raper. cc ". cvuaiderably lower rates than we can building the $limos road hits been to is divert the carriage of grain to Llw•• lur+uc•'ng to forte. 1hH cuttings fur o , o for transportation by raii to Luke On- deprive this city of a Constidrrnble pct•• lips front the Bit f tlo route into 41$na• thin wtn•,c r31lnt1ld be taken uti the tilt- __ _ __ ;`"" ' wrio or the sea. If thPy cannot do 1IOU of the ti which formarly prime dial chi}upels, tie knows that ,rite- ter {tart lit Novenihev and .saved by R } `S' this, they nrust adailt'that. these facts. ,here"• Every yyeflr that, elapses under rine► is a better point fpr, transhlpinent .Ilack1119 in damp uivas and kept in a r ,h l Superior 7� /fir nj p 7 n y� v , ouch what has been said before. PstAb- present condit.iona toads to permun than any harhrr• on I lie Genrginn Bay, tont place. 1118 tell' hilt r. r hl l%1 �llla 1 �il11 �� Ll liah hevund till shadow of doubt the ent.ly divert that trade from us. If we He has pl,omi,ed to develop all t.ne Witt, respect to pruning there has gs imperior claims of the Goderich route are not to gget it back again by means hvrhurs on the lake and has been a grerat dettl said and written, 1. °V'K for the carriage of rain front the of the C. Y. It.. than the CIL rter {s principal and much had ract'c•o still eittits. n`r+ u - West; noel prove the t�itllaiay °P th�h only att�nding in the wap of en�ityal•.�a 44nt It is his mtuntjtrn to make Orchard, sue a�on ali Lh.roua h Cha __ _` „,,.-, �" - a kjni,_. grbor•.iVI tit it Ought to be. g F , unnPnts Iit avorof an ,-Nair torn' o. country which baavo novel- been Vlry A �r LaOrk ane quickly and -..,. t� lit• it the work has been" por•fo.-_ s , ; . nrLPN lrePll urgaP's ,.l M• p}at peFIt"VI i' ear than a ': At�tTELON'S c' maniacs. , Yours, &C.;