HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-10, Page 3.'-4
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1. 8
SLI! M11 in Sta�j C41 . Paths arts to be for the exclwilive NE361109S SEAT WITHOUT WIFR& i 1w,411tv I, iiat 01M. wolkit- - "
au4_','nLt='"thP rVttll! use MANWO OF THE WOUD a o"p", , -, -. "k seits-vilsils
ONTARIO LIE of Of It CYOUSILL The license too Is I � - 4104 of the 0 b .* .
I I his synte'm between 0 *tlstc**, noitili
to be ,� AT sill $tat** tu_t'
up capital of $1A.W0,W0, A graduated I .104*tid with t1go. city. town. of TrIvigirvions seeks Illicawcen tat earell a
News Summary. -,#" tax has therefore beau thought pro- county treasurer, and is to form. a I 40obs"wasid the pirtu're, an she R03;11 i floulogn6- 819noIr I
Notts of Pgoov ad, which may be . I ,vertical wires A 01; ri brig4t ol'u,
� Wugx In the LoeW terable, and the hill provides that an cycle�patb COO drawn PrIese of OW14 cattlih ChM$. ft V*CUL feet will be a ticle to isisitte,cow
0 0 Recent Hap Told. . adiliticilual tax of 026- shall be levied upon by the oor�miaxieaero. Moneys so two# Leading Mill& ar,
� .penings Bt-iefly ParUmbut. - A despatch from London. sia) - ,nucleation between the I;W0 COa*!I1I, -- q
' upon every $100,9M, In excess of f2.000, colketilid aim to be appropriated tb Toroatoj� Xarch 7. -We had fifty Great Interest was exp.ited at thc meet. .
CANADA. stalled an Ingenious system of air- RAISIN6 TIM REVENVE. 000 and not exceeding f6,000, 000. and the repairing Of existing Cycle paths I— .--. .- -
Brantford citizens are asking for a 'colors, at Toronto Junction yards by Hon- Mr. Harcourt's scheme for the 115 for evaq 110,000, or traction there- and tit, congtrurtiou of no -A, ones, and loads of Ottlitt 811 told at the western ing at the Society at Electrical Engin- I LAMP BURST IN SIGN ROOV, 11
technical school. . which the locomotivka are coaled P, raising of tb�o revenues consists of two of, of unpaid stock over 46,0W,000- In the enforcement of regulations for the cattle yards, this morning. The sup- cars on Thursday night by Signor I - . .
The civic revenue of Montreal for I their sand domes replenished, their fire a a bill respecting brew- additica the bank will be required to use of bicycle the. A penalty of 610 ply was he -day. Mamoni'm wireless telegraphy demon- 1 losing Lady patteas very *orlo*"Y XI", ., . ..,
boxes cleaned out, and the ashes car- measures, On may 6100 for every haadoffice and $25 I* to be imposed for riding a bicycle ,*Vy for an off ..
1&�8 is $3,078,839, an increase of 0157,000 ried away. The whole operation, Cries, distilleries and liquor licenses. For each additional branch office trace- on bicycle paths without a license. The This tradsl. In export cattle wits dull, atration. He seat a Message fromone' CA as 11"emllifflose. I
over 1897. which formerly took at least a� the other known broadly as an act acting buaine" in the province- boards of adjoining counties may b:3 and not 144ob changed hands. The end of the hall to the other by means A despatell from Chathiltm, Ont.. I
An engineer company to tat be o8tab- hour is performed in less than threeto an le n enues of ,the No distinction ban beau made be united. boats haw* nogIrcely ita yet recovered of small apparatus, He said that says: -Miss P. Clark, of Tbamestvillot.
limited in connection with the Toronto minutes. PF tween foreign and domestic compant5sis ,
Garrison. GREAT BRITAIN. province. The amount which these fg1lowing the example of every other AGAINST BARBERRY, their regulit_r order of running, and operations which had been in progress while visiting her aunt. Mrs. J,Xxko.*,
The only gin distillery in the Do- measures will draw to the Provincial British possession. Mr. Little introduced a bill to Pro- prices were too high this morning, daily (or months between the South Bell, at Blenheim was taken III w1t1ii, :1
minion is soon to be erected I a J M. Cook, head of the celebrated hibit oulAivistion of barberry shrubs and with little disposition on thopart Foreland and the lighLehip, at the pneumonia. Thursday night a lav*�, L .
n the tourist agency, is dead. Treasury in something like #3W,000. a THE CANADIAN SENATE. within kaf a milt of farm land wed of exportas to purchase little was East Goodwitin showed that on [to 1, ,
Province of Quebec. Lord Rosebery has been elected prim-. hundred thousand frotp the liquor Premier Hardy has given notice of for qr'"'n producing. It providend that single occasion had communleation left burning to tier room ezpW6d,,, I I � .. ..(
, .
Office hours in the Post Office De- sident of the Eighty Club, in succe- people, the other two hundred then- an important motion., Fault is found the = inter of AgrJoulture a -Ay direct done. been interrupted, despite all sorts of setting fire to the curtain and bad-
W &I I
partment at Ottawa have beeni extend- cion to Gladstone. sand borne by corporations not notor- with the provisions of the Britiah the des ruction of kiairberry cultivated Prices woo unchanged at from 41-4 bad weather., Masan os bOtwe*u the; ding. utsit Clark got up. a9d In Otto- . .
ad to 5.80 o'clock. North America Act so tar as they re- contrary to the provisionsof the Act. to 4 3-4c par lb,, which 5o asked for Queen at Osborne and the 11rinco of tempting to put out the r
Chief of Police Horsey of Kingston er It is estimated that the Britiph Gov- ions for their poverty. late to the powers and constitution of It provide# also for compensation to prime staff. Drovers would not sell Wales on the Royal yacht had been fl" he
niment will have to face a deficit of night-dress caught. The otilifir in-
will resign about the tat of May Ow- E1,500,000 in the year's accounts. Wholesale licenses in 1884 stood at the Canadian Senate. There should be, the owner OR the shrubs deatoyed. and notion. and when they could transmitted, in some Instances for a motes came to the rescue and extin-
Ing to failing health. the reappotable figure of $150. They the motion goes on, an amendment to a penalty not less than W. and not at a red distance of eight miles, overland, I.- . tiaLmes. mia Clark was .
The bill raising the age at which S the act, substantially providing! ta I .
The head office of the Crow's Nest child may leave school, from 11 to 12 were retired $20.5 and later to 9250. to case 0 t more than $100. not got their prices held their stock. tervening bllim, alkhough 301) feet high- gut 0 seriously burned. and ala bas
Company will be moved , f disagreement between the a brI5k . Osborne,
sborne ! quite sarit � ., I
Pass Coal years was given its second reading In Tavern licenses In large cities in turn House of Commons and the Senate. MR. WARDELL'S ALIEN BILL. We had trade in butchers' or than the vertical wire at 1. also suffered a relapse. Her chances
Prom Montreal to Toronto. the British House of Comments. L from 4 offered no obstacle. ,,otar Marconi of recovery are slight.
Com- were $100, $160 and *250. In towns, the point of difference shall be deold- Mr. Wardell introduced his alien ta- cattle, and choice stuff sold a 1 During his lecture S
To stop scurvy at Dawson City The British Government Is awaiting $90, #100, $150; villages, 860, $80; $120-1 ad by a majority of the members of bour bill. It provides that in the case to 4 I -4o per lb. Several loads of good , - - -, -__ -_ ----- '--'---- -_ -------- ' L.
misBionar Ogilvie has interdicted the � an official report upon the shooting of the two Houses present and voting in � Of a6ny special Act passed during this cattle Bold at from 3 I-2 to 3 3 --to per I . .
selling of salt meats. I the three Englishmen at Manila be- I tOW118hipS, 860, 972, $R7. The municiP- & joint meeting. Further, it is pro- 1 present session or hereafter passed ib., and for all medium to choice stuff ' 11 I
Lord Minto s cases Of Paint- , fore asking the United States Govern- , mlities may go on increasing- license posed that the British North America' conferring the franchise for construct- S I
. . .
. I
Ings on ivory by the wreck of the ' 'turn SKIN LIKE BABY _'_ ,
men! for compensation. fees it they choose. The Increases to Act should be so amended as to pro- Ing a bridge, railway, tramway, - prices were wall maintained. but there -
steamer Labrador. The Very Rev. Andrew Kennedy � be gathered In under the auspices of vide that the appointment of Senators pike road, telegraph, or telephone line, was a little slowness with the inferior I
Revelstoke has been proclaimed a Hutcheson Boyd, D.D., LL.D., an ' should be for a limited term of years, harbour improvements, canals, looks, grades of cattle, though prices were l5kin diseases from the rnemt pimples to the most obstizato *=UW.
city and will elect a Mayor arid Al- author of some prominence, died in � Richard Harcourt are for the needs of and not for life, as at present. dams, slides, rights of carrying on any much the saint/ an on Tuesday, while salt rheum. running sores. are quickly, pleasantly and pormanGStJy
dermas in a few days. London, through taking a carbolic the Ontario Government alone. No BILL ABOUM ALIENS. trade business, occupation, or calling some drovers did say they could not cured by Dr. Agnaw's Olutrittant-35 costs. I I 11 11
Wine. to- 1 I in connec- � ..
The London City Council has passed Lion in mistake for miedi right which the municipalities have Mr. T. A., Wardell, of Wentworth, I no alien shall be employed get their Price for Pourer stuff as Who does not envy a baby its soft velvety panic* until past middle. Ufa. and Dt. I I
by-law to increase the number of � In London forty-five corporations I exercised is taken away. has an Important bill relating to the tion with such works under penalty easily.
I Z i upon the person employing Bitch alien Choice shipping bulls are in fair ro- Wo? How many suffer from distressing Agnew's Ointment bait cared speedily and
liquor lie ns s from 34, to 36. 1, were brought out in February. with In cities with a population of over employment Of aliens. It provides that, of W for every day alien is Be am- akin discasoo--Do you suffer? Have you permanently It Is a boon to mothers 'L ...
There is a pos.sibility of serious trou- a n aggregate capital of more than any company securing a charter from quest at from 8 1-2 to to par Ib., ,L
I 150,D00 the wh olesale licen#3e fee .hall he Ontario Government, whether it ,lo ed, to be recovered on stimmary ligh, bulls are worth from 21.2 to 3o tetter --salt rheum -"d head -ring worm because it Is a boon so babytand-scam L .
ble in the Atlin district, B C.. between A:17.00000. An expert asserts that this be increased by $200. In cities between It conviction, and any manager, director, .. -
' i --oczarma-ulcers--blotchoo on the skin- head end its irritatkow which an acC000-
month bids fair to establish a record be for building of railways or canals, 0 Per lb,
Canadian arid American miners. officer or agent of a corporation am- Buffalo stookers are unchanged at � chronic arysipalas -liver spots and what paniments tie the loathing parlod.asequicHy I
Two starch factories are to be opened in this same direction, 40,000 and 100,000, there are four of �a company not be able to am- ploying an alien or who permits or from 43 to 03.65 per cwt. 'FriLde in I I
Luca, Quebec. this spring the - Add states them, the increase is 0150, and in oth- ploy on any work whatever. connives at such employment shall be stocker& is fair 'and they are wanted not else of these distasteful Lad aggravating driven off and restlessness passel away-
at Ste. � . Wardell
B feels thrill Canadians are I
centre of the potato growilig dis- , The bill giving the London Board of er cities, seven in all, an increase or no ... .... liable, in the samt, manner as a private Here are am* of to -day's repreamn- disorders which disfigure and and when torture reigned witb
trio. � ' Trade five years within which to cam- t $100. For tavern and t being well I..I.d and that people individual. tative transatitiong;;-baby
shop licenses In � of othe,r countries are. too well tre . at.- discourage ? Dr. Agnew's holes brought raft
The Minister of Inland Revenue at Uel British railways to adopt automa- Mao of 150,000 and tip the price in , ad, and has dirawn up the bill t give IMPORTANT MUNICIPAL BILL. Six good butobero' cattle, averaging Ointment alloys the dis- sad a cure -it affords in-
Ottawa has docidbd that all the de- tie couplings was introduced in the ' c the Canadians any advantage ofowark.: Mr. Conmee introduced an important 950 tbs., Bold at $3.00 per cwt. . I I I
partmental employes must give guar- Britial- House of Commons on Tues,- I Just 8150 higher than before, in cities measure to provide thatA load of exporters, averaging 1,2fW) tressing Itching, burn- seat raltal kom the
� .
antee bonds. i dap. I between 40 and 150 thousand 4100 ex- TAX EXEMPTIONS BILLj municipality goes into the gas or oleo - tbs sold at 434d per Ib. Ing, stinging sense- itchingtilstross.
Peterboro' is offering very liberal The British House of Commons I tra, and in all other cities 0100 is Andrew Pattullo, M,P.P., has given an trio light busineam it, must make abid iialf a dozen butchers' cattle, aver- tions which am part 4 Do you suffer ftom
n tice of a bill to amend the Munici- for the plant of any existing company aging 1,000 tbs., Bold at 4c.
inducements to the Thomas Organ adopted a resolution declaring that 1 added to Lie original sum. Three 0 n � and parcel of such piles--itching.bUndL
pal Act regarding tax exemptions. The gn a, basis to be settled by arbitration, I A load of butchers' cattle, averag 1*
Co., of Woodstock, to locate in the the Government should endeavor to railway saloons are each to pay ad- bill asks that section 401 of the Muni- ubles, and in a blooding or ulcer-
former town. : remember the growing employment of and that where an. existing contract I 11crIl. 1,025 tbs., sold at to and live dul- tro
Columbia Legislature 11 foreigners in the British mercantile ; ditional license fees of $150 each. cipal Act, relating to municipalities for lighting a municipality o.p , . back. thousand cases algid ?-No remedy
11 ,
1�, I
The British Federal Parlia- service.- All told, Ontario has 67 breweries and granting tax exemptions 10 manufao- the municipality may compel the light- A lot of eight averaging 1.060 IDs- where internal treat- has brought so quich
has memoralized the I
[tiring establishments without first - sold 6
The London, Eng., Times thinks the � 8 distilleries. Thirty-six of smaller Ing company, if necessary, to ,It 4c per I ,
went to increase the per capita Lax coming to the Legislature for the pow- Six cattle, averaging 1.085 lbs., gold Monte have failed to I . row. spared painful I �w-�ee.
UP013 Chinese to $500. , I British Columbia I ,gislation excluding I concerns are to be exempt, while the or. a the terms of new contract r . I � -
Mr. Pattullo first introduced arbitration. � at 4 1-4c pe lb. heal and eradicate surgical operations as
A. G. Allison of Belleville, resign-' United Statesers from the Atlin min- I remaining 39 contribute decording, to bill, then presented a resolution to se-, MAY SHOOT DEER IN WATER, Eleven cattle, scaling close on 1,100 them It bU WOT1 I Du Agnew's Ointment 1-
I Trunk after 39 , Ing district is a policy which will I rem I 11 I �
ad from the Grand Ti the amount of their investment. The Core the sense of the House on the tbs., each, sold at 4 1 -So per lb. I'll
years' service, 3.i of which he served MOO' with but little sympathy in With .the presenti bill Mr. A number of bills were advanced a Three prime steers. averag . Ing wonderful and pormast- ---�ft haLs proved ftself an
uS train de-spatoher. I England. breweries will pay from 8160 to $1,000, question
-a-t-ttuiloluo-expect8 to take away all the stage, and in connection with the bill the.. sold at lie r lb. 1.300 ant cures -and no akin tile. uts, care for pike . I
UNITED STATE distilleries, two small, four me- powers of municipalities inA regard to of Mr. Reid, to repeal the clause whinh per
the the The bulk of to -day's business was awe, no matter of how long -_ I forms and at all stages-
The Supreme Grand Lodge of ;S. '�d ado up of small males, 0
Sona of England will renew its appli- Railways in Wyoming are blockaded into, and two very large, from $750 exemptions. The principal clause of the, prohibited the shooting of deer in the I I LLL
with snow. I to $4,000 extra. If Harcourt's calcula- bill reads: "Every municipal council ! water, the Minister of Crown Lands M standing,bas baffled its curative qualities. one a plication will relieve the Itching,
Milch cows are unchanged. No no- .trt I
cation for incorporation at the coming a , I announced that in view of the great a In cams of chronic oczerna it has proved Irritant` sensations to an instant -and
session of Parliament. It ie again reported that Archbishop 1 tions are anywhere near the mark the shall by a two-thirds vote of the in m- ties demand, but a few prim cow"' its great worth. and cases are on record tong standing cases disappear after from �, I
The Ireland will be made a cardinal. I total revenue from distillers will be bers thea of, have the power of ex- diversity of opinion as to the present will Bell at good figurea. been the three to five nights'treatment-the pain "
City of Montreal will enter $24.000 from brewers, 81�6,000; from empting any manufacturing establish -'I law, the Government had decided to Good os Ives are lu demand, and will where this dread affection has 1
eighteen actions against the street �, WTbe American Senate has passed the other licenses 865,000, a total of $110,- ment or any water works or water embody Mr. Reid's proposal in a bill so 11 up to $8 or 99 each. Commour birthright of its patient and constant coo- morasses quit you and the tumors vastsit.
raiiway for insufficient service and bill appropriating $20,000,000 for pay -'000 company, in whole or in part from , of its own. ,
I calves are dull. A lady tIviett In a northern County Iowa writes that Ito baby of another lad avian .1�
' *
Che license schedule divides the li- taxation for any period not longer Lambs are steady tit from $4.40 to for seventeen yeareakewits troubled with salt rheum. Toronto, was terribly with scald-lasad and � "
overcrowding the cars. Mont to Spain, without a dissenting J 'Moo Pacific Ave. to
Nova Scotia's timber law will be
voice. I cause holders into three classes. I. than ten years, and to renew the ex- � $4.75 per Owl. Tbore are too many she took doctorn'treatments and used sainty lotions oexcuse-she tried wash** probtribed by ter 1phySi-
revised. Instead of granting Limber Buffalo people state cobfidently that over 150,000, 2. between 40 and 150 thou- emptions for a further period not ex- lambs of secondary and inferior grades without permanent relief. Rodin oftheoure. clan, and so:y's ad"retwol I" ova furpoess, but the
made byT. Agnew's Otntment, she 2ecidod to disease rem nol-Dr. Agnew's 0 Consist was her : ,'. I
lands in feesimple hc�reafter they will the trolley lines In the vicinity will i sand, 3. under 40,000. Here is the ceeding ten years." . BIG WAREHOUSE WRECKED coming In. It is the best which are � :to The first application -Ilayed tbs Irritation .0 good friend; hot . box eared the baby and gated . . ,�', I
be granted in leases of ZO years at 50c soon be all run by Niagara Falls' hedule:_ MINING LAW CHANGES. wanted. oontlnued using It a dissasai rapidly drs, herself of troublesome pit" which Is" have tis been
power. Wholesale. I - =%red Morn
to for two years those b- boon so of bar III. ,as.e baby's birth.
per acre. Sheep are ancharigod from Tuesday � of a rorturnool'u.
A big combine of ealmon canning Mary E. Prouty, a widow, jumped Present Proposed James Conmet, M.P.P., while avow- FALLING WALLS DESTROY A KING-, last. I
companies is announced having a to her death from the fifth storey win- �c fees. fees. ing Ontario's mining laws the best in STON ESTABLISHMENT. Books Bell at from 2 1-2 to 28 4o per , DR. AGNEW'S CURB POR THE 11113ART-Cur- Palpitair", fluttering, allertam of breath anoll
� -class all boon thaorders-mlict to 3..lour... . L
capital of $5,000,000, which will prat-', dow during a fire at New York on First .. . , . , .8250 $4501 the world, has a pair of improvements lb. Ing --cal ow,
Second class.. . . .. . 250 1 400' to suggest He has incorporatod these - W40 had a thousand hogs in. The IDIt. A(IN%V'S CATARRHAL POWDBR-H-s--,-d----f-t-�h-fS-Y-*'-t&bd Is
tical! con trot the Indust ry on i he Pa- J T d Y. I * I gold In the bead to to minutes. . ,
'1' - 3! 1 .1,
cific Coast. U;'aytc Quincy of Boston has directed b asked �o consider. As the liturtedlindor ale Debris-0rollapse or I
Third-ola8s . ....... . . . 250 50 1 in a bill which the Legislature will "as W111 be About $110.00141 -An Old Man market is weak but unchanged. DR. AONEW15 LIVER POLLS --Stop arch koadsatha.virs --natipstice, btloums" and 11� troubles,
The Grand Jury at Montreal have I the Superintendent of Public Grounds Tavern and Shop. 8 mi For choice aelections the best price -96assat little dosso--tio to a box--" cents. __4
First-class . . . . . .$150 300 1 soon stands, mining lands may be the Oddrellows' Building status. is 4 1-40 per lb.
J. S ' to b,. -gin the work of exterminating the 0 law $1 1,
16ujid a true bill Against Mr. Second-claas. . . ._ . . 150 250 bought for an acre or rented for A despatch from Kingston sage :-A For light hogs the Outside prion Imi SOLD BY W. C. GOODE ANI1 F. M. DUNHAM, GODERICH. . I
Brierley, Maiiaging Diiector. and Mr": English sparrow.' Third-class .. .. .. . , 150 200''25 cents an acre. This 25 cents rental ' o'clock 40 per III. _�
John McKay, Secretary, of The Herald, Fire at Wichita, Kansas, destroyed I Brewers. I I Mr Conmee believes too high. The � mighty crash occurred at 5.40 Thick tat hogs are worth not more ,
I -
on the charge of libelling Chief of Pot- the large smoke -house 0 , the Jacob Tinder the fine fur- than 33-4c Per lb. . , I
". .. . - - � �. .1 - 4 41,0 '000 . .. . $.250 $250 present law also makes certain in -Ion on Sunday evening, and . I I
, - r, - xo,� �� .1 -$20,01)(1 . ... .'.. 250 duc,,_�nts to miners Maki- d�--- - only one " Slater Shoo" agency.
k� �, , - I . -,401?�-RA*bw mn , � --_,oitjib1Iahment pfj, F. Harrison Sews salt at So per lb. �
, � - , " . . '400
1- - . , ,
� 1. I � . I,_ ;_ .. ies ID miles from - - ,
. - , , , 500 - I
I I � �� , � - 4&,OQD,. .. . . . . &50 '�l , 0 wrecked, 'Clio furniture Sta a are quoted at 2o per lb
� - ___ - - - �, � -' 'MO60 .'-'. ..'.. . . 250 750 Fo Ywing I& the ran . 11 1". . 1. I 7 �,4 1,
- , .-
- p - "f xt�w ,.a , - . _ in operation, The bill liesseha En- - �" . , - _'i i ozft 5. _� %�111 ,
kee"ers r fornj�iig a Jof", Afrock 'dis. f � �41jjrfs ty Ig v-. 34 of Ib.
I I .. - -
till -t L ,, 100,000 . . _. . 25f) 1,(100 tante. � . - -%Po%ey t1'%iIdI,rrg - to . I ,> - ixxtcl; - l 1,4� , .1
er n i- r � rent quotations:
y is, e he Interests of the cur
Exposition in 1901, at which ]Re w 0 . I Imu rA;0Ma N4 - "-�� - A19ft6# , " - -
siNtrade alone, and .stock sheets io sub- ,state will erect a $300,000 building, to Over 100,000 . . . . .... DW 1,500 TO TEACH AGRICULTURE. being converted Into kindling wood, A Cattle. 4 . in this town. " Slater Shoes can be bought I
scription will be sent 'into 1pvory coun- be open seven days in the week. Dititillers. The Minister of Education moved r very high wall left standing after the
5 cwt .......... $4 25 $5 0f)
try in the province. $ 50,000 and less . . 1250 $1,()00 the second reading of his bill to im- I 11 re which destroyed the Oddfoliows' Shipping, per . � in no other store but this store.
A favourable report o the propoa- Butcher, choice, do..........8 . 8 50 4 121-2 - - 11
Nontreal Bar Association IM,000 and less . . . 3,000 prove the Schools Act. SpeaJ&ing on I block bad fallen out and done the d2m- Bu(cher. med. to good... 5 12 1-2 3 , '
The has a - 150,000 and less . . . . 250 4,000 the subject of agricultural instruction 1 If more than one dealer in each town had the �
. 250 .
ed constitutional amendment prohibit 50 1
decide4fto take steps in an endeavor Ing polygamists from being elected to Over $150,000. . .... . . 250 5,000 which was provided for in this bill h age. Butcher, interior ......... 2 76 3 00 I -
I �
I , 11,
to stn species and, individuals eel- Congress hae been made to the House. The means by which the Government said that it was the intention of bill, ba
I All day tip to 4 o'clock rain fell. The Sheep and Lamba. .,. Ageucy for"Slater Sboes,"no onedealercould , 11'1�
letting money. It is claimed that I•
such collections usurp the function Of. Josiah Baik�y, 95 years of age, was Proposes to add $200,000 to its r6- Government in time to drop some oth wind arose and soon became violent. Ewes per cwt ......... 8 25 9 50 ' afford to carry in stock enough shapes, sizes, "I.
the legal profession, 1 WedneBday nominated by the Republi- venues
appear in the following se,he er subject and make agricultural in:1 I At 5 . 40o'clook the wall swayed, and Lambe, per cwt ...... _.... 4 40 4 70 ' I 11 11
the office dula:- Bucks, per ow -t ............ 2 50 2 75 ' and widths, to fit all feet, and thus TTT
Basil Noel, who claims to have d - cans at Dickinson, N.Y., for struction compulsory. They had been , .1,1111
the Klondike Is- of town clerk. Mr. Bailey is �t pres-1 Banks --One-tenth of I per rent on tryint, Lo prepare teachers in agricul- , than with a crash came down on Bar- Milkers and Calves. 'L `
covered coal nn seven . The third and second storeys
' ent holding that position, and is prob- i capital stock up to 82,000,C00, $25 for ture by teaching it in the Normal � 68013'13 "I
miles from Dawson, is on big way to ably t lir oldest office b elder in the I every 8100,000 above $2,000,000 a,nd not school ; they had also secured a tax(- I of the furniture establishment were I I �
country. too �,�
: exceeding $6,000,000 and �15 per $100,- Calves, each ............... 2 00 8 00 feet, and the reputation of the
ciug de- 000 above that sum; also an additional technical. The new Act was proposed Hogs. I ,
Sifton on the subject of coal -mi book, which unfortunately proved I carried down into the first, the whole I
velopment in the Yukon. � Cotton cloth malnufacturers of Fall � tax of $100 for each head office and as a lover in the direction of wider I Mass presenting a pitiable might, Choice hogs, per 4 4 25 " Slater Shoe " as a foot -fitter
There is such a scarcity of dwelling' River, Mass., representing interests 825 for each branch office or agency. instruction, and to encourage teachers ' MAN BURIED, UNDER THE \N'ALL, H•,avy hogs. per cwt-, 3 60 3 75
houses suitable for well -to -dome- worth $40,000,000, have decided to ad- Life insurance -One per cent. on the to would all be injured. i
chanios in Brantford that the vance the wages of nearly 30,000 oper- inform themselves. T,rnvolling I 'r,bo two upper storey walls were car- Light hogs, per cwt ... 4 00 4 00
t ensuing �gross p--emiums received for business lecturers in agriculture would be RP'- I ried out upon the sidewalk, the mass Buffalo, March 7 -Spring w heat - and $5.00.
spring is likely to see the alives 12 1-2 per cent. Ther PTice, $3-00, $4-00
biggest . . a Is " i within the province of every company pointed to cover a group td schools I aker of Dull but firm � No, I hard, 837-8c, No.
boom in house building that Brantford "'ou d4io� attached. The now rate will Shoes by mail. r,
go into effect on April 3rd. transacting business within the prc-- and impart scientific knowledge of I falling upon Jo�%eph Gould, caret 11 I Northern, 81 1-2c. Winter wb"(-No �11",
has seen for many, years. wince, and one-half of 1 per cent. on the subject. He hoped that this I the Central school. He was sp-ew I y �'..
offerings; quota tions nominal; No. 2 red CAtalogue Free.
It is believed in Kingston that The people of Maryland have pro- every other insurance company. would have the effect of keeping (he ' pulled out, and sent to the hos1181.7ft 1-2c; No. 3 extra red, 771-2c; No I
Regnald Hooper, now serving a lite- Booted Rear -Admiral Schley with a Loan companies --With fixed or, per- boys at school. At present boys left ' He was conscious, but can only remem- white, 78c. Corn-W�sak, unsettled; WM, SharMan, Jr., Sole Agent for Godericlat I
I -A
sentence for the murder of his wife, modal of gold and diamonds at Haiti- marrent paid-up capital ME on every school at 13 or 14.
If th y could be , bar that bricks fell upon him. His left No, 2 yellow, 38 1-2o; No. 8 yellow, Mr., - -_ -1 -_ --- -------- - - - - --- - -, -_ --
will be pardoned on the ground of more. as a token of their esteem and $1()0,000, retained a year or two longer they ' I .
good conduct and the doubtful circum- heartfelt appreciation of his services With terminating or withdrawn- I broken, his face out, and hi No. 4 yellow, 37 1-2o; No. 2 corn, 37 1-2 , -
would gain in knowledge to a vast I 189 a ) 1, Is to 37 3-4c ; No. 3 corn, 871-2o; No. 4 ,here .-d R!!.)1f. T.bul. a B
att`- t he" been a ere&$ atitr0flix from COnatIPAVICS
With terminating or withdraw- He wanted to try the e x peri- I body badly bruised. It is also feared - , I ""' = for-oravoyows. N,thlogg"ecoo"Y-W.
in the late war. Schley is a native ti- tb.t I beerltuiy ...... ,
stances of the crime. extent corn, 37r. Oat �-Dull and easy; No. I ff boon tr-mod for about I.= y foot .rid loss and abdomer were btostod sc�
of the State. t able. capital between $100,000 and $200- ment of bringing children to school in I be has been hurt inwardly. lie Is tin white, 35e; No.'2 white, 841-4o; No. 8 -.L I..Il.d `IW- .1t-1-11 I -.Id ..t -.h.- on my t -t oad 0.17 . [-
Si regularly ordained elders of the Ohio State authorities have taken ac- 000 a tax Of $50, from $200,ODO to $500,- omnibuses in Algoma and (lie Island i old man. while, to, 33 1-4 to 33 1-24% No. 4 Whit,, 3J . -k 0 .,'- -Il by ,111 dm- *I %aw topans Tabules ad-111sed is ..,
Mormon . I -a I �
Mon Church are quietly living in tion to oust the Pennsylvania. Railway 000 a tax of $75, from $500,000 to $I,- of r'l,initoulio. a scheme which bad garrison and Co. had about $10,000 3-4c. No. 2 mired, 82 1-4r; NO. 8 mixed,
� - tat .- --1 hy bad th. of whW I 4 saki) I.P.', Wuuh-ome and sookth,m dirret
Winnipeg, making preparations for a Co. and the Cincinnati, Hamilton & 000,000 a tax of $100, and $50 for each been tried with success in certain � B I b��thth.h:t- I .4. 11 ... takh.. .r -tit tbr- -k.-1 tl.-,. I 11 I
vigorous missionary effort, with a view . , Worth of stock, and of this, W1881blY 310 Barley -Enquiry good; ".,a. --I, I h.,I in. W.11, ..%,- i.0,
ck. tin..d I h.,i .d- 1-nis-Ll or � 1. -b .,haoir.' I , -1 ftn-11, I -7 -a
I- I
to convertin people to the doctrines of , Dayton Railway Co. from the State for additional million. parts of the United States where the not $1,000 worth will be saved. Charles light; males of Western at 52o., Rye-- , , ,. T,hulos I'L all tbo PAI- 1�111 11-1 -11 Wth I sod I owe it an to aips- T- , - 0 - th'tty.
sennas -
their church. violating their franchises by forming Trust comp,anie-s-One -third of one distancrig were long. It was econom- I 1) Chown, tinware. dealer, had a corner Quiet ; No. 2, on track, 66o. Floor- in ,h,.. b., ait six -k. .int, a fri-o in seven yes" ol,f, h -o uo ,.-cul . �. only my
�% h- ,d. .1
' themselves with other reads into a per cent. on paid up capital stock. icni, since it prevented the multi lion- knocked out of him works, and he will Quiet. Barley -Steady. h1yt1. no.,kb,1tdth. , h. -WA dull.. - 11 -1-i-9 -, - lk.
Mr. Martin P. Connolljr of Quebec pool to fix passenger rates. Railway companies --Fifteen dollars =iI.,&'.. b.t.�.,.f,tt,-T.I�tlli�,...,db.,.k,.4 1I.1.h.d1JI--1111--1 Pse r•. �� ��
tion of schools where (be classes were The Detroit, March 7-NN'heat-Clomvd. - , " .. ta�k . . I 'I �k or .
per mile for every mile of railway 11,_,,r.1,".,`,1.'1 _Wr�� h""". 111. (h. K -.t ' h., h- N"'. .1� k .. 1-r. Y_ I
has purchased by tender be a loser to the extent .of $300 n -or gjv,n a , Taholoo r- h-, i7- r i, t,rttor blit ".
from the Gov- not large enough to warrant it It buildings were owned by I'viiss Gilder- No. I white, cash, 733-4o; No. 2 red. t.. .1
ernment the output of binder twine Col. King, of Brooklyn, was award- ap�,rated which receives provincial sub.- .�,n,,,�".fv...,Iw,.�,llt�ll."t�"1"-"-,.. . -.y .- my 1.t- ..4 .. ,-u Irk�
wa.� tertible to think of little children � sleeve, and were ilh 11b.'Ut 88.mo, cash. 74 1-4c; May. 753-4c: July, 723-4c "1,..,. 1.1,.,I- ,,�I,,. - ,,, .da ,ni I., th. ,, " )1,., Uo__L�,�aa_
from the Kingston Penitentiary for the ed $2,000 damages against the Pull- aidy. in Alg(,mn walking three or four I Several coal stoves were going in Ntilwnukoe, Mareb 7-�%'bsat-L,,"er; _ t'
currant Year. The Ontario Bi ndoz I rail- ,�, ,-,I ....... uo, ,,, doubtless I-. I ,,, i_. •1..t
rI I 1111
- Twine man Car Co, for ejection from asleep- Street railways --Every street miles to Hebool through the deep snow I Harrison's building, and it was feared No I Northern, 72 I -2o! No. 2 North - , I. -I". .1 - A I I).;,- I n... ,4 ,' h..,i.,b,. , �3
Company will handle the Output. er. It seems his ticket to New York way operating in any city $20 per mile "n(i in the biting cold. 11� I be r('f0T r' ' ,I blaze might follow, but the firemen orn. 70 1-2c. Rye, -Steady, 570. 13 it r- � .1ce. I woo . 1-1. .tri IWd , ,I, , ,� . .i I 11 :3
' from Baltimore read via the 13. & O., mile of track when the mile- prnpo-ed to appoint a comm qsi,,n to ' �peedily turned mit and prevented much t w-1 " hf y-,
Admiral Beaumont is the newly ap-! w for vetch I ley -Steady � No. 2, 50 i o 50 I -2c , ruin- -, 1911.1-1.1'.. 11 I "
pointed Commander -in -Chief of the Pa- hilp his sleeper ticket was good only age does not exceed 15 miles in the look into the bent means of carrying an additional calamity. for a fire in pie, 42 to 49c. 1. -H. (�r 10,11... *.+** -4 pl- - �hl= lt..� .
._!t 4,,
� , -.
overthe Pennsylvania. The iz)cident .-P, 1,1.1.1, ,;
cific squadron, with headquarters at city, 835 per mile for eanh mile between out the scheme. I minh a lane, Find with the rnging gale Minneapolis, Niarch 7 - Wheat -- t,,-'-- -f 'h. 1,-nt , - -I Ilk. I -.
a happened nearly a year ago. be, March. 70 I -2c . July, 71 1-2c ; on track d-1-1 ("". " ., I h-d.b.."s � 1
15 and 25 miles, $45 for each mile, I h- 11 F V... T.1,.1- C, - . .. 1,
paquimalt. He succeeds Admiral Pal-, A BIM, FOR TRAMPS would have done great deRtruction r, R -1 -P -A -N -S 1,
riser. K:,,^,, T.bl� ]-- I - 1� - ,J1
Two modern cruiscrR will be � William Zeigler, of New York, has N� I hard. 71 3-Rc , N,. �i n.1 . -4 4, �;. � '".'Z%7"' "',
tween 25 and 50 miles, and $60 for 'S I Northern: , * " %'.',`i, ar, h
added to the squadron at an early date. ' purchased the Royal Baking Powder each mile in excess of 50 miles. Mr Richardson In t rod u,od n n MANY 70."; No 2 Northern, 68 3-80. Flour
:� w. p -f -A.- �11 - 03. .r th..t.. h I jl
The first taperation under the X Telegraphs -Ont fGUTt h of one per amendment to the Muniripal Act to There were a number of narrow First I ... tants, $389 t,, 84; necond h,-1 1. --y. d,d. 40, L;.; 12. 1, 1,
_� Company,the Cleveland Baking Pow-" - ju.. T. . d- It I h I 1
int. upon the paid-up capital stock, enable Councils of cities, t-�ns, town- "1119 Har�ey Ho inn and F;ovoral * "` , 11
rays In Quebec took place on Wednes-; der Company, the Now York Baking "a pnlPnts, t3W to $370, first, clears, 1 4, 7 The modern stand- * i ' ,,.!.rah
"' I - - . r-�,�'•' : 11,
IO A f- - -If -Y cas- I 0 t,
day at the Hotel Dieu, where it was Powder- Compnny, the Price Baking and one-tenth of I per cent. where the ships, and villages to pass by-laws far ,�tbvr men showered with $27(l t" 82 80 nr'an-In bulk, 1075 , , , If 1-pi.tIly 49 - * "-k. 1b,", I I
- - .
used to locate a needle in the foot of Pnwdor Company and others, at prices line is worked or Operated by others. prohihiting persona from camping on i They were only Ft mh,,rl distant- h- to $11 1 . ,','��..'�J, I•
,-, 1�, - h. * ��, and Family Nledi 40'0' Lu, ".',-0 - 4
a Miss Pouliot, of St. Laurent, Island over $10.000- Companies that work or operate, lines I hind Mr. Gould. The, I,— -11 fall 11 0- R- * I-J.•r I
aggregating something 4 Pent. the highwnys. nr va�ant land a(i ' join- Duhth March 7 Wheat - _, . I ., p, (I ,,A r�k * C9 I ,* -, th-, h" - -
of Orleans. ". , 1", I - a 41 . "T' o" h' 11
The operation was a suo- 000. A now cumbination will be owned by others to pay I per n t. ing, except with the cnnsont of the I heavily upon some parties. a� the in - hard. rash, 71 I -Re hid � Nlarch, 7 I 1 -Pc, I cine : Cures the * "'
Cass. , e upon the paid-up capital. of such e Policies not cover nceid'ots - A Jr, Iii, I - I-" , I
ca at e2f),(109,000. OWDOT IRnds. and to enahle I 4uranc. May � 3 F�P t� 73 X -4c � .1 u I y, 74 1 -9, . I 1w.- ..."a- with
Telehones-One-sixthof one a war- � It in likely a suit will be ner�smary 1. N11 1 N-('Tthprn, r,asb, F39 I-&; No. 2 1 ". .I . .. 4. LL: �* ^1'1 I ,,,, - .
GENERAL. P"T vonstnhlog to arrPsi. without . I + Common every -day * ,.> ...,h-.
Two new Iinesof steamers will run I cent. upon the paid up rnpital. runt. pprson� violating this Ac I I determine who is 110,1� f,,r lh,� I- Nih�rn M 5-fLr. . W, .. � 1.- wtz..� -I > 0 K- J B..
. �
between Quebec Find Great Britain next A man nam,d Kohn has just died a, Natural gas coznpanies-�N bore pro- R � t I DG HS R 1:*r \\ 1,; 1,; N CO (' 1, 1� I ,.�� � ,The tysill wrw an inside fmo, and wa� I 0 - * 4 'i I
season. The Mo8s'Lino will provide ri I Vienna at the reputed age of II! years. daci ng natural gas, $5,'01; \, he re trans- Mr Stratton introduced ri ,.,,I to pn•tially used fnr three s1,, Ys by klms - I 11--, - t-.hl.d *� = ill of humanity. * -
* -
ten-day service between Quebec and' The Cubans at Santingo arp follow- matting as well as producing 82,0fl(i im-nd the Municipal Act so thi, no Gildersleeve aq the rl vtding will ,rh4- QUEEN FEARS ASSASSINS : ITT I - - I. "',
I ,
Liverpool, and theransmitting or ;inn I)ridge ;, ! temaining w�llq will 1- 1-1bed l- I ."..,."".,.,:-,.,�.".",-,d,�",YI * LL; IV"..
Morlay & McIntyreMcInlyre ing the Filipinos in their hostility to- additional ; where on scone piss eros,iing - * * .1ft-d %�
Company of Glasgow will " transporting, $2,1500. ' I I 1,� ,,�s fur .noon . � I "
'provide a wards th- United States. navigahl- river and of the to ()f , p,*P,,,nt furihe, damage, _ . ", * Z . his ...J. 1, , I
naili It. "Ill 4b"I .... 111- r -p. -d Vials so -1 -bi � �;
similar service from Quebec to Green-' Emperor William has promoted hi Express companies (2)-$3,000 each. not li�ms than 300 feel. provided ,Nith - i It, IL1,1.. � .h. =-W * 0 1 p
ock. . . in car companies (2) - 83, 1 1. 11.1"..".1-l" -, 6,d�� - _11 ____
I brother, Prince Henry of Prur;ala, to Sleep swing and which has I -en erertpd ht I' '.'.' a.. * � z %,-.,�, .h .'.1, *, I
a 0 "'c"' T�h"' * � 4 f :
Pmoh. mritributioniq from municipal, Dnmin- A dp,t,-h from London, says. - I d r i-dt".01.1h.- ; I
J11011- J. H. Ross, Of the Nortbweat'command the cruiser squndroW - �Wlpd'.' lo. ". d, ..d ,.;
All told. Mr. Harcourt estimatAq tb, ion Q'I_a as", , * dki:.s .1hin,
- � - �Ilr Lk - bin. �11
- revenue which the new hill will pull ri-em'
n bridge over a river forming _ ' ,
Territorial Government, Bon. David' The French Government will entat and provinvial Amir(vs shrill 1- SUNDAY REFORM IN EUROPE \',-(,�;ia ba, pi decided •I
Laird, Indian CommisAnner, and fish an experimental wireless tele- � t� ,,I,in.l,.n h -r pr,,J-t-d ,i -it to lh� 'ou"I"", w`71 ."�'- 11�,: sed �f . .or
Mr. in AS follows: Telegraph rompanit,R, n hountinry lino between two count -4 . -, A-:1 8'....P. I'- I . "". , ,. R.,di.4 . .f tbs I- - � I 1. I.
J. A. J. McKenna, of the Indian graphy post on this coast. nomething under $11,(W; telephones. , 4i.resso 4-d� %aAo-t M, 4-11-1-1 llivrn Shp had afrantred to stn rt T* - I
Department, will leave Edmonton By the death of his aunt, the Sul- something und,ir *7,(W; sleeping car., within th� meaning of mention 167 1.1 - . r I 1- .. bb., I h. i T.1,W11'1-1 T� I I I - -11h Rip...T.b.1-.1�1.11t, RIP-l"A
about May ?,4th to negotiate a treaty - 1!vlar, b P -1. -1 rh� , - -.,- .." _1-1 h- -1-11, -,I ��), I I
oAth tie tann Adileh, Abdul Hamil ham come $tI.(,00 ; press componips, VVX)0� rintu- FOR CYCLTSTS. I A despatrb from Frnnkfort-nn-the- 1� 1,-11. 1� . -11 - 1h. h..J.-so h". 1.t� ........ 1, - . .
Indians north of the Atha- of $23,000,01[k). ral gas companies, $15,001; trust eom- Itir. Strrtton Intr0dUMd A 1,111 r- f,-- ,.p , - . b-!- *- I I r - " .. ...... I oditl.n -i no -1. - ,,,
into a windfall � %lain, Fa)s -(he rrnsade against the �a '!has change of pinn� is not due to
d-,,--1 -11, ,h- I ,
basca River, and extending from the ,i,.n th FranrA, but bor.au.. � r.,,,, - . -,brl r.,,, - , . , +d .1 .1111-1h. TI. t-. . -I.. S'll", ,__.
Rocky Mountains to the Hudson Bay. Signor Corcloss, of ROMP, the inrpnt- prin,es, $3,000; lifs insurance eompnn Kweling cycle priths and eyrip palh "ContinAntril Sundav" h� at full til, ,,-, . --f,'[ "h-" T b1l'. to RIP- '
'% A;900��Ml,
I at
'a- �u-4
, die. I hool
_ ion. I 1. .11 for
.1, -
� 0.
or. hits bit upon a screw which will vem. $t2,MO; other Insurance rompan- rornmissionPrs. It provides that th� ' fi,he vnnwani p�rwmrtl al'ackA by . , %, -1 �, -lb-r'• *11 �' "' I -
I . " h, h li�r Iv.rit has i -on lt�raldo a 1 , , -,1h.h-1-th- - •, •, ". .1- I ..,I.n� tbs* 1h.7 -itl m-111 - - .
The Nova Scotia Legislature has ap- Frankfort ,L�arieliem have hero d 1h.r,edi.Id". �f1.A1mGCV'1
pointed a committee to double the speed of ateamors. IPA, $17,(00� loan companies, perman- enunty judg� shall appoint five par- I in - .h. I
enquire into loan companies, qon� to coustifut- a plonrd of C ,,, �formpel in urge, 1he rinsing of the th-- N,rms .Journal - I - I.. .a MAP- '7 , ti.- F. v I .
0 ant capital, $24,0W ; I -,k , ".... I.s.UM A.- I %_ � ,
the fisheries of the province. It is The Chinese Dowager has caused the y I -_
h cold storage ata- arrest of 600 memDara of a I terminating, $3,(M; street railways, path Commissioners in . I ,hops ?n Sundays. and (hAir mashers fiememherina the assaiRminat on of - --- 40 - ________ __ )------ . I
a ""'y 818,(M; railways receiving provincial th, mmmimsionorm to nerve ,,ilhmo Inro ) ringing all the prAssure posRihIA iho krnpro�. of Austria, it in (eared I -
tions at convenient points along the whose members have sworn her des- a cite .0m. I A - -t- V�" W�ox `x` - o' "' •" ' " "'kwl to & ""�' , -m... C'-' l.. , , , ,Js
id, W,WO: and from the licentip bill, eomp-nnation ernppt diShurRPrnPn?q .'o hear in Inv.ur ,,f the reform At 111,31 th Rtt-lk- m-ly in � 1. .4� r., 0- -, -d U,. 6 - ,
coasts where bait would be preserved' truction. lown meeting rn)IM to get ,in oi ha1fdPmPnTAd pernon if) mnke tin nt- ' .. � I ,__ _ ".I.. •,--
approximately, $100,000. Th,y are to grant annual li-nRe.o ,,, a .. a., r h. --4 -",-. .am . . - - ' » bad by o -i by soodinS r- I abt -.1. - - I'M �
so that fishermen might always be abt; ThP Spna�e at Madrid overwhelm- A chartered bank with a capital of rycligtm and , to c,hnrg- 59 cents (a, Pression in OpPo4111-ti, to the "wide shk ,,f ,,h,,h m,ght pr- fatal rki �� 'a �' -_ _. _ ' . ...I. - (TIN -1 -H w - t', A- -cc& I I
to obtain a supply. ingi decided on an investigation in- $2,000,CM and no Mort will prey the each license. The retiordn of the name. 1,)ppn*' twority-throe of those so,lpties!Qgh�k of whirh might prove fatal at " , ,:I- --k-p- .- =." " - tat- assets I
,se -
.._-��, , Z, o -1
y - :,:� _14 11.1-41 Ur- Owo a"- 11
The Canadian Pacific Railway ham In- i to the conduct of the recent war. sum of $2AO(L But there is one bank of the licensees is to be kept- C,alo were present to a body I bar a(ivanr;kd age- i � .:. - _�
v'. -"-I-., ", ,L'
"�, ".
,%4%,V,%MA,1-<%."*,*.4 4 4 ^ %
_�L3,L y -, .,L, L I,- u-'�4- .;. .
F-. ko,
__'t ,- _r
A r
" - k-�
' '��,�,��" Mkt
, . . ,Itt,o,4I-