HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-10, Page 2I .r' 1 r Pt - i - ;: l < _ T - _. _ _.�____ HEALTH. oy� �,� _ e [lead to some gxtant. There is no pro- �_ ♦ _ ♦ _ M� ♦ w_` when I toll you that working girls to ♦NNN♦♦r♦♦NNN♦♦♦♦a " To think any nostrue or patent medi- fit in • ♦ alae is a s alfip for ell the diseases growing a large Drop, of pQtatotst- 1 the City hate an indefinitely more man- yu ry J t EAD ,,,HE. • that [lest la 1tefT to. C1e the Farm, unloea they aro of maralloataAlq sire. V*'VCI�Q�S• 1 otonouu existence thus the country CAUSE AND CURE OF HEADACHE. ��, . No 1"1 About We ROUX. The largest potatoes ars alwaysfound girt- dreamed of. You gat up early To go to ilea lata Imagine night and ilea -AA ,T w,y" sHtNhlllL TheYls.alddas>• at daybreak, [frooleopthat Ovary where the lillgeat and atrongeatstalks-♦-♦-♦-♦1-♦-♦-♦-♦•-�-♦-♦-♦ and work hard, it Le true, but the pia- a physicians who hnan't had th with 1oss4 susst'eoated Plus. whleb tear you auto ♦�N -- hour hour takeII from sleep la an hour grow, and the small ones where they tics you attend in the summer and the We physicinna took at a patient with _ gained. SOW TO KEEP IiQI.B CLEAN. "MY MA, SHE SNOWS.'• plow, an so is It with Hood's• Easy totaks To believe that children can do as ate small and weak. It is a mistake, sleigh-rideat and parties that enliven wonder and incredulity when hero and A LULLABY. Winking to keep my milk se Olean in my judgment. to plant small need, iHY Pa, he I'moculds,g the jea henna your winter give you social recreation there in our procuce comes one who J1 .much work as grown p, -cyte and that I.t Hush -a -by, little one, mother is near, the more they study the more they as pollaibles says Samuel Gray, I got the or to out the large ones to one or two Bes asye I'm gottin' "tough- and change, while there is always the I Bays he does not know what ft ►a Wil - she is watching there's nothing learn tinter to make acovsr for the pail, g e says my face is sever clean, to tear ; eyes to save seed and to induce the My kande are always rough; keenest enjoyment for those who know have a headache, says Dr. W. P. Wil- +fy.< , Hoods Spirits of evil ehnh trouble thea not, To give unnecessary time to a oar- which I have Lound answers the number o1 plants, as the common prao- I'm not behavin' like I should, how to read Mother Nature's book. kin. G aMsasytsolear�W. is true Angola f hovering over thy cot. twin established r,uune of house- purpose very well. The cover tits the tine is. It is much better to Plant' An' gain' wrong I s'pose, Think of spending every working day It is a fact that over one -hall of s liq is ops which are keeping when it wu. d be much more pall closely, go as not to be easily jar- whole potatoes of good size, or it large, But Me, she takes an'pata my hand rofitubl spent in rest or rearea- to out them at most only in halves. O1 , in a din office, writing and figur- womankind and one quarter of the ipto♦alsrawr:tsgss6 P,,, Rook-a-by, rook -n bp, y P� red oft, has a slightly convex upper Y An' smiles, beeuxt she knows. dingy a man aro subject to headache, which I. rL Sleep, baby, sleep, F1100 aonrea It will aoet more to seed a field Ing constantly, with .but half -a -day' y surface and has two tnbee about an �aKttta >M Q b iW id.. LoweP, Maw Watch by thy cradle thy To Imagine that whatever remedy but with good seed proper! thinned, My Pa haLnt got no use for boys, vacation in three years, as ate girl I means that 75 per nett. of humanity T►soaU>'�sMwtewltd001I.'•9a"ill, M ha Mother shall keep. causes one to feel immediately better inch and a hall in diameter and three much better seaul�a can b� obtained,. He wants 'Om always men; in to some eicont or degree afflicted -aa alaoholio stimul�ata-la good for or tont inches high extending up I1 one desires to raise the largest I wonder it he's clean forgot know of has done 1 Think of spending sinful Sweet little cherub, so snugly at rest, the s at in without regard to the af- quantity ibis from a few seed, The bo he must 'a been; all the hot, dusty summer days fit a I with throbbing, thumping, p yy ward. The tubae aro planed about 7 Thou haat the love [hut is dearest and ter etieote. great res to can be obtained by ink. For Ma, e6ie gays they're all alike sawing -machine in a factory with the heads more or lean often. But this two inches, and a halt apart and about tng off the shoots and transplanting 'Bout face an, hands an, clothes LEOA,L• beat ; To eat as i1 you had only a in nuts ceaseless clatter of hundreds of other ought not to trouble un when we oon- Smile on thy pillow, a stranger to care, in which to finish the meal, or to eat the same distance from the edge of the but the potatoes will not grow large • An' ss. a I'll learn to be a maul ARROW t YR.OUDH'OOT,BARRISTERB Harm may not OODao to thea slumbering without an appet� te, or to continue Dover. When the Early Rosa was first Intro- Aa' 9a, I guess she knowal machines about you I Think of walk- alder headache as a symptom rather . Attorneys Boll lie s to.. Goderloh. J. there after It has been satisfied merely to The Mllkman holds the pail be, duoad, T bought s pound o1 seed, for Ing two Stiles to work, standing be- than a Headaches 1; l3aanow, ty0. W. PimuorooT. gratify the taste. which I paid $S, and out theles in My Pa, be says I ain't no good hind a counter all day, forced to smile Headaches aro therefore to he taken Dimples are fluttering over thy cheek, tween hilt knees, with tubes of the halves and planted them in a cold At dofn' anything; as an admonition. liven a headache O. HAYS, Barraater, BoUolWr, Notary lnnooent signs that oP happiness To expect a girl or woman to be cover on the opposite side from him, frame. At, peat as the plants grow I'd rather fool away the time and sMUe, though you PBBl like a vtl- gr one must look to the liver or stomach MPnblic, &a nflloe-. Diner of 9 aura handsome when the action of her lungs lar enough to trans lent I took thOm lain ought to Iasi, and walking home q speak; and milk& with each hand directly large B P An' whistle, play, a¢' sing; g y• �J<rth an, near ltegl+cry office, God.rich Long may thy guardtane grant thea m �P�dent on the eapanslva nature off and set them in a field. I eontinu- But Us, smiles an'says I'm young, again at night! All these things or some othBr or as of the hod Do Prtvate [D—adept-o loan at lowest rates. that boon. 01 a Dent's worth of tape. into the tubae. Tho hands shoul3 be ed to do this until too late to set out O. JOIiNBTON. Darrlster, 8vlta/tor, Sorrow tltny Dome to thea only too directly over the tops of the tubes and more. I obtained from that and of An'then she up nn' goes thousands of girls In the city nit not. treat the headache alone. Po And kleaea me an' shown me how; One girl I know stands and irons If we analyze closely we shall dl� M. Notary &c. Office, Hamilton atroet, soon. LET CHILDItEN SLEEP. as close to them as possible, so that need over 11-2 hue. potatoes. The For Me, you bet, she knowal randy -made shirtwaists all day, week cover that behind the headache is a erlob. the hand may protect the openinge first taken off produced the largest In and week out. Where is the variety CHILDREN AND CLOTHING. So many mothers do not seem to real- y F potatoes. The later growths made My Pa, he says I'll never be in her life ? How would you like to sluggish organ, or a defectiveoin function, TM CAMPION, 8• C„ Barrister. Solicitor. It still greater cleanliness is desired, tubers proportionately smaller. It Beouz I hain't of any "drLve you not,think it would be a welcome »° - • Notarryy, &c. Ofllne-Over DavlN Drug Little children sometimes Buffer as- ize how necessary it is for young poo- from tailing particle& while milking- weaker plants, and from them were A business manlike him, exchange your duties with them? Do' due to some indiscretion in dict or E'...Godo Money to loss, pie to have plenty of sleep. They re- a piece of strainer cloth can be used may not be known to some ole that An' et a got and 'vim;' relief to them to milk in the cool of personal hygiene. _ _ veroly In winter from improper cloth- quire much more sleep than grown RNEBT AEATON, Darr4Wr,eottottor,&a Ing and close air. What has always to Dover the top of milk 11, and the each eye in a potato is capable of pro- But Ma, she says so solemn like, the morning, churn, peel the potatoes I It is remarkable that so many of the UEST Hn the 8quarv, sato door it B,.nit been nulled the inclement season is persons for the reason that they are �' duein a large number of shoots; as A man's a bo that rows, ' for dinner out under the shade of a ' various diseased states come tapping cover pushed down on to it, making a g ott7ommorow more merciful to them, however, than usually very impressionable and their D fast as taken ori others will grow. An' boys musty have their playin' tree, and, atter the dinner work is at our temples in this manner; but so OP"IU81C. DANCEY, Harrtsur, eouottnr, nervous Byetems cannot endure the complete strainer, but it would be de- U&wally not more than two or three to spell; over, to sit in the cool and shady yard the heat o2 summer, the season of aLrable to strain again when the Pail each eye will start when planted, but An' Me's a trump, or rest in the hammock, or take a can- It is. .. :,+ &a Procter in Maritime Court, &c. &a. strain Ot Long waking hours. an' knowal Money to ,can at. lowest rates. Otnees-itor- "ethereal mildness." The majority of is emptied. The nowt milkmaid who that number is ter too many to be ter on the pony, or in the full to go Headaches f may indicate, by their 10- I tons Look, Hamilton street. Qodertoh. deaths among ohlldren, it is well Then, too, they require more aleep often attends to thin last straining will left to grow. My Pa, he Bhakes his head an' sighs to the woods in senreh of nuts, and at cation and frequency, tea derangement Q. oAMICRON trormerty of Cameron known, says A welter In nn ezohnnge, because while they are alsoping all be pleased to find no black sediment An' says he doesn't) see. night to lie down and breathe in the of almost any Junction of the body. M. Holt & Cumeronl, merlator and rerun their vital powers are concentrated on in the bottom of the pail as she amp Where I get all the oarelesa ways sweet-aoented air of the country. tn" For example, s torpid hoer, or dyapep tor. Hot Hamilton . Barr er and dao occur not in winter, but in summer. building them up instead of being di- ties it and none in the cloth of the SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS That seem jes' born in me; stead of sewer -smells and effluvia oP from tbffice- a Qodertoh Winter weather may be keen, but the strainer. An' Us, she laughs. an' laughs. an' sia, constipation, nervous blood; Ball verted to muscular movements And if 1 were orderin ils made com- tau dirty alleys f air le pure. It has been purified by g pinnae tiepea' to Doo Creat Brttala sad g� How would you like to pa out o[ thosediseaed conditions of the blood; all Jho frost, and the miasmatic poisons other Influences which would interfere plate with covers, I should have them the world with Them- Till Pa's Ince crimson grows, , your soant earnings for every specked these may cause trouble in the head DENTAL. FO with this concentration. made with straight Bides Instead of An'ttten she says "'Tis very queer; Or the pain may be due to impoverish - that lafeot the summer atmosphere flaring and have the ears for the pail As as offset to Grant Britain's great 7 apple lived withered peach you std P Why, P y If children do not rest easily but are But somehow, Ma, she knowal if you lived in the city you would have meat of the blood known ca anaemia- NICHOLBON, L D. 8. Denta180rseon. 7 set down low enc h or out from the naval supremacy. France proposes to 1 are laid under the snow. If children ug to pap for fruit that you would not rheumatic statue, lithaemic and toxic Roomaopvosite tho I oat Office. Gold aro properly protected b warm cloth restless and wakeful It is an unfailing edge of the pail far enough to allow of build a submarine navy.According My Ma, she knows most everything conditions. g pick u from the ground now. How I 1. 8--a , porcelain and gold crown end bridge p pO p P y iadlaatloq that something !s wrong ; the flange oP the oovar going on the to official reports received, the French Bout boys an' what they like; would you Us the ever-present Pos- faking these in order, a frequent :11 specialty. latrtyftva yearn' ezper Ing in winter and are not housod too outside of the pail. With flange on She's never saoldfn' 'bout the muse e[b{llt of losing your place and hnv- onuses of headache, very severe and font. closely, so they softer from the em- and the mother should endeavor to get the inside and the edge o1 the cover government has obtained a type of I make with kites an'bfkc; y characteristic, is Dye -strain due to urn air of the house, they are health- at the Beat of the trouble and ad- only even with the outside of the pall, submarine boat which is declared to be She says she wants me to be good Ing your income out off for a time, with your money to pay the expenses some defect in or impairment of the 1ItABEE D. D. B., L D. 8, Dental eaz• P minister some quieting, eoothing mix- milk that is splashed on the top of the perfectly practical and seaworthy and An' conquer all my toes, that always accumulate so fast 9 'Chink eyes. The. symptoms urn intense pains Lso Latest and approved methods ter to winter than at any other season lure that will Btu 1P them for the cover in milki¢g will run off the acv- well ads A on bet I'm gain to be p in [be eyeballs or directly behind or for etl dental operations. Preservation of P y adapted for coast defenoe pur- -�G` of all theae.thinge before you give u y natural teeth a epantaity. Otuo.-Orsi Jamas of the year. er into the bucket, carrying some dirt uz my sweet Ma, she knowal the quiet [Lad peaceful life of the coup- over the eyes. 'rhe patient cannot Robinson'se I'll rltodry-goods store. time being and leave them worse off pow• tip with the certainty of a comfort- read or new with any comfort or use Sensible mothers dress their child- with it. able tome even it you do not have Y 1� in the end. The character of the boat• its man- the eyes without an increase in the + ion in under -flannels night and day. THE RICH TWINS,, M. TURNDULL D.D.e L: D. e_ Donca The cause may often be traced to Lim- GARDEN AND ORCHARD HELPS. ter of operation and the details of its ice ream and fried chicken every day. pain. The only treatment for this is #��• 8u eonULL,formerlynee aced with ta'Dr. The day flannels are aired during the or excessive feeding or too mechanism are profound secrets, but "Mamma, I wish we doultt have hie rro make the best of what you have is the adjustment of glasses to overcome ,...n, of, onbreat. Al branches of the pro- night and replaced by night f llanelB proper g Virgin soil and a hoe well applied p ayoloe sad other• things)'" `j¢nd the better than to rush into evils you know tate defect. teaston practiced, including Bold and porcelain that are aired during the day. All tight or too warm clothing. Often the �1 usual) produce good results in practical teat has demonstrated the Pain may take in the entire head, or Drown and brad • work. eceolul porcelain air in the room ie impure and if the y twins managed to look quite unhappy. not of. ggiven to and proaory woo of the nal aft Wath. children under flue or six ears old P aides or orchard providing good seed ability of the operator to torpedo a it may centre in the forehead. in this Ofllce in the prase New Block. Y room is ventilated they will soon drop g F g "So do I wish you could have bi- latter case, when it is accompanied should wear .flannel nightgowns with Into an easy slumber. Try and have a and cod stook have been aged. battle Ship at anchor or under way and y g cycles and other things that you would with. n feeling of dizziness, it may be —` - feet, and should be carefully covered regular hour, as soar ae possible, fit Continual cropping with the same for the vessel to proceed awash or sub WHO IS YOUR "DOUBLE"? 4 MONEY-INBIIRANCE• pP g like," said mamma. "But papa and I considered as a symptom of derange, �'' which to put the little ones to sleep. merged for a distance of at least sixty ment of the digestive organs, and calls at night with warm, light bed cloth- variety of plants or trees will exhaust can't seem to et them and get you Children soon learn to conform to re miles g 9otae Btrlklns Resemblances Between for some correction of diet or some --- -- Ing. Such bed covering does not op' gular habits and are all the better for coil- The information in the possession of what you real) need." pepsin, p j�j( ONISY TO LOAN-Prtvete tugda flue rasa the little sleeper with Its weight, them. Though a hand hoe can not be ex- y 1'lebelausand t•rtner.. medicine, a sin, fur example, to as - 1T1 per oeT to tercet. straight loan A Lew P g The twins looked more ttnd more f000dd farm and towr�properaea for aa�ol A f iq and It Ie not as likely to be thrown + celled !or some kinds oP work there are the Navy Department is meagre, but In the saying that every one hese a sial digestion, re cathartics. rent, E. N. LEwte, oportter and solicitor, It ahowe that the French overnment miserable, and added,- " double' is laid down a rule to which If headache recurs at regular in- ,�_.' Qodertoh. off as heavy bed covers, like comfort- Implements, both hand and horse, that g "We can't have bio oleo, and we can't tervals, as on a certain hour or day able& of cotton, Wool comfortables WENT ABOUT LIRE A BEGGAR. will do*ao much more work so much Places so much faith is the success of y there.are not many exceptions, even or every other day, and affects only aro easily made. Tho are light, and -- the type Cf boat that it. has made pro- have nice clothes, like other children, among Royalty itself. But, whereas some distinct portion of the head, it RADCLIDFE. General Insurance, Roal yy easier that it Le often economy to lay and -and • 19itateandmoney LoantnsA enc. only are In every vvay proferable to cotton Eccentric eahtte air Count Aprazta, os.. vision in the naoeat naval budget for resemblances between ordinary people is of malarial origin. Quinine is the tiret,ofass companies repre.ented. fa-oy W bedquilte or oomfortablee, •t the nest Known Flsures to ct aside the hoe and nae something alae. "Wouldn't bu Like to o and live land on �ttyraalght loans at Iowans tato of rotor A wool comfortable can be washed. patsies■res. Fnrmera and ardeaers are be in- the conatruetfon of sia, vessels of the Y g are but little noticed, those between great remedy for this. ant toing,in any einount to aide the borrower. g g with BOMB one who could et you Again, anaemia, or impoverished The filling La anally washed and ytit Reference has already beefy made to slag to realize that it. pays better to same character, all of which are to be g Y ordinary people and prominent person- blood, produces a dull pain, one which — ----- back in place, while the filling of a keep up the fertility of the soil than laid down during the present year. It everything you eek fort" said mamma. ages attract much attention, says the is diffused over the entire head, ac - MARRIAGE LICENS'ES. cotton comfortable to practically use- the death of a notable figure in St, g is stated that they can be quickly built 7. y London Daily Mail. compacted with dizziness and faint- B to restore it after bait tont, hence the "Wh is there an one who aouldt" P less after wsabing. Wherever it to Petersburg, Count A. 0. Apraxin, the more common use of manure in some asked the twins, ini the name breath• nese. Patients with this form of head- Y" possible to use bed covers of wool they millionaire owner of vasti properties in motions and the raising of crops to be at small coat, and that in the levan- Queen Victoria's "double " may ez- ,, LAN)) I89UER OF MARRlAG6 should he neon on children's bode in F po weapon "You know that rich Mr. Porter on Baha,. as n rule, are short-winded and turned under green In other sections tion France esesaea a wen n which tat, but she has not get t3een diacov- become easily exhausted. f� i� t ,.. Ltcoasas, Goderlah, Ont p a[erenae to heav cotton ootpfort- the capital, one of the largest markets will Dense a hostile' fleet to hesitate the hill? They h^apo children, and Bred. On the other hand, there is ,•,iii'- W. r y oP the country. w Neurasthenia, or nervous headaches, r .. nblea. The German peasant Is often of which bears his iname. Besides tho nae of barn yard manure before a I have heard thtit;'tbey w.sid !Ike to hard) j take in the entire tqp of the head. -The f Y *'-e- . + TONSORIAL. ridiculed for sleeping under a feather TJlts deceased nobleman was what is and reen ct. riohin PWROBes �_ approaching her. shoaea, y any member of Her Ma eaty's B g ZA,'1Lih, =Fra��'._j,tr adopt g._nel.:..Perhapn.,theg 'would - take' family but has a " double " among Hem a sensation an .but llix;.Rr- the cuaotm bl' em]f Dying sp7e^ a Danu were ti nil drawn around r _ beds Instead o1 Rver1. it _, 3eIIr�Prly callp a,:.'charaoter," the t see g y _ , mural- wx[t•,� �- ' .fir ,,;• don' Ma is 'E subjects. A peculiar fact is O TNEAL 8T. rLiuc^ tilizers for specific Drops is fir_._, �g �. _ �_ the top of his head, or as if a heavy Cp altty mai ked hteryday life to such more and more eneral amon garden- tion o ned b the French overnment a'�d1►<nne could tial wanting bath that those " doubles" of Royalty are 4� p... �, ., � ��AAOPrra Y, ,-. _ g S FB Y B weight were bearing down on him. Y p dean shaves, Hair outEing ata ^shumpouma. no .e yr o. a.. <, re- 9>.. -the tin extent that people were never tired era and orchardists std if wisely Par- come time ago for the beat deal n of of you," said mamma, wLLh a little teem- y Good air and Bound sleep are the an- y ttasore sharpened and honod warmest and lightest of bed Dover- relating anoedotas and stories about chased and judiciously used a profit g g nearly always people humbl oiroum- in s. may derived from the oustom. These a submarine torpedo boat. The Gua ble in her voice. "Cat's go right up, stanced. tidotea Cof°thie ❑ancon state. gg flim. The most contradictory opinions, end see if they) wouldn't like you•" Tbeae are the main conditions of OHN BNOX, Nswgnco strQor• rdodorleh, It. is Ae essential that children special Lertilizere may be called helps taro Zede met with the approval of the Per instance, a women who is the , HN KN X, NA s Hotel Ltoensed Auo• should. breathe pure, fresh Air when however, prevnilesd on hie behalf, some to sticeessful gardening and profitable Freneb officials, and it has since been "Oh no( not right up . Let's wait headaches. Any one ought, from these until'papa comes, ands sees what he very counterpart of the Empresa Fred- statements to alae up his headache, de IUneerandAgentfor the Noxon Bros, Agri- AMey ;ire asleep as it is that they declaring him to be a miser, others oraharding. put throitgh exhaustive trials. By thinks;' said Jamie; and Ruth said. silt follows the calling of a monthly termines its indication and start to cultural Implements, Paris: the celebrated should be kept warts, Abundant City- lauding him the skies as a most There are many who think barn yard Jdamqq �W'egona• MoLanghttn Cnrrlage,Go•-,- g LQ directions of the French Minister of "Let's nee what he thinks," because y,Oehawei t�oCookehutt Car Company, got moat reach the lunge, and through noble and kind hearted friend to all manure good enough for their garden she always said what Jamie did. nurse. Any one not having a very work on the remedy. '� ' ^ ntftsrd, gad all other lines pertaining to the the lunge the blood, to keep the lays- and orchard that would have muoh Marine the battle ship Magenta Was ..l think it .would make a a feel close acquaintance with either would Iron, beef, wine end other remedies trade, Lab terious fires of life burning 'at full who were in neon, more success with these two a uncts directed to participate to in the .trials. In papa for nervous disorders and for impover- �gOMAB QUNDRY-Live Brook and Gon• force. Pure air helps to keop the lbs 'C;razhdnnin" devotee at article to profitable farming ii they would use F very bad to Bee you go," replied mem- Find it difficult bo diatinguieh between laked blood are easily obtained, and pp 1 spade, rake and hoe the manoeuvres which followed the ma; "and you geed not take one thing the Empress and the nurse and vice with a little care and watchfulness T .ml Auctioneer, Goderteh. Ont, Sale, body worm by keeping t in hBaitlt• to the subject which Bottles the nes- more tools than a from home." versa. Even in the style of dressing should at least lessen the headaches toad♦eve hero and all efforts made W give Do not be afraid of admitting fre J q after plowing and harrowing the land. Zede succeeded in twice torpedoing her y youaatisfa on. Ohargesrensoaabie. Cando cold air to the sleeping room of a child; [lot:' It saps:- There are garden drills, wheel hoes, opponent, once while the battle ship �h s,' we must have our beet the resemblance appears, though the perceptibly. more hsfact t e end am atter at. le TCanide olothee,-yea, our very beet!" Whatever you do, though, do not Qtyre butT. Auctioneer, aver, m after there Is far more danger in keeping "Count. Apraxin was over eighty and hand cultivators, and the same was at anchor and again when it was "Oh, no, they are not half fine nurse can hardly be accused of copying content yourself with swallowing sim- the air stale than in admitting the years of age. The whole oily knew tools on a larger scale adapted for use in motion. cold. Sixty-eight degrees is generally with a horse. enough for rich children." her, exalted model, for It is doubtful ply n palliative powder, especially when ? M�g'i' oven as the proper temperaturesgetorn him, for every one was pretty certain th think the farmer spend& too THE SPEED OF THE ZEDE. "Well, we should want out tin dip- whether she has ever seen bar. your headaches become more,Mr less 11 I McLean s g Pars that you ave us.." habitual. Find out wh ou have your t 3WA,Rg$1'X_ sleeping -room in winter, but there Le at one. time or another to meet the much money for machinery but if be was, of course, below that of the Mag- P y g This, however, is not the case with y y less danger oven for n child la main- old ma u, bent with age' poorly clad, spent more for some of the little big enta, and in the second manoeuvre it "You would have silver muga to beadsche. 'creat that condition. Do • I CORNER EAST -ST. AND SQUARE. talnin a temperature much below 68 het and oared for them properly he was necessary for her to await the dank from than." at least one lady who bears a striking not by these drugs bring about a worse °r g Pe going everywhere on foot, looking like Pg P y assn of the battle chi "Well, I couldn't sleep in anything likeness to Princess Henry of Batten- condition than ou were ori iaall in. FAYllif ORGEII/ A SPECIALTY. degrees in the sleeping -room than in would be a happier, more prosperous passage p. The 'Leda Y. y g y ' sleeping In a close roam, A child a beggar to whom one felt inclined to individual. under water is perceptible when she but my arab that papa eat up ntghte i berg, and [a proud of the feat, far Try giving the lunge plenty of good Everything in Season and prices always right. from the flint pew days alter iia birth glue :lme, or a miser, whom one felt comes within a distance of fifteen hun- to make. ou know they are ao much in her manner oY dressing she tries fresh air. Got out into the sunshine, may ba aeaustomed to sleeping in a like i,•proaehing for his thrift while PRUNING APPLE TREES• dred yards, owing to the swells pro, prettier than abort odba end, Rath, we si much as she can ce accentuate the give the stomach wholesome tood- dueed on the surf tl b 16- sea C must take the birthday rosebush papa similarity. As Princess Henry, like beefsteak, milk, grains, fruits. Ile C . When to Prune. -If an apple orah- 10 11 Is uvenate our force with lent of j, y plenty bow the U and could betined ever properly m ted that the vessel attacked would have a e out of e ily, cultivates SIMPLICITY AND GOOD TASTE sound sleep and see readily headache will disappear and better well -aired and quite cold room. It will pityinu him for his bodily infirmities better and be a healthier child and . When to Prune. -If an apple orah- e u a e .7 Pa g through the water, so that it is admit- brought us from the fair:" g "And most other members of our Royal Fam- uvenate our force with lent of j, y plenty bow the sleep R'hie: a eming beggar, miser and ortp Lor the habit, and could betined ever properly m ted that the vessel attacked would have a e out of you never knew that papa went without his dinner to buy it, for ily, cultivates SIMPLICITY AND GOOD TASTE sound sleep and see readily headache will disappear and better As a rule, vory young children in .pie wan the i the country do net take ns much ex- O1R NER OF MANY MILLIONS, season, so, little cutting of large limbs . St 1, he r her sea Still, the results obtained y' sults o he had not money for both," answered "The are ,net like those more than anything else in her toilette, health ensue. _- erctao in the winter as children of city, Children who and was neither beggar, miser nor would be required that it would make but little difference at what sea- are said to be highly satisfactory. The ability at the Zede to make a long voy- ' mamma. rosea his mother had when Ike was a boy. her "double" " has not a difficult task in hot. A BEAUTIFUL NECK. Lha enmo age to the _, . ,_. ,.. da not go to school in the countr are nick. 3K son the pruning was done. June Lh age waa demonstrated b her passage y F g from Toulon Marseilles in But they have a rose garden at Mr. Porter's the gardener would' not afire copying There are several men whom one A beautiful neck beautiful) dressed y like) to lank na atilt and infant "Ba hod an absolute contempt for 7 ' house iso Carefully this month in which it is bast for the to a rough sea The diatnnde was covered in nine for yours. Hadn't we better go right might be excused at first eight for mistaking for the Heir Apparent. One makeg a woman look fairer and young- than any toilet dressing, children are often ,all display and could C[nd no enjoy- that they suffer from it, ID has be- mon: in the usual pleasures that tree to out large limbs, it it must be g hours. She was accompanied by the Utile u and nee if the do not wanq you?" P 7 Couldn't we have you and papa and of these is a farmer, who resides at no High- er other and the majority women know it, and Come quite the general ountom In the , wealth can city to send all ohildren outdoors for provide. Judged from the it in dose at all; but with farmers thio to a bogy season of the year, and it is gunboat What is considered t*6`s7vSde's chief our home, too, just the same ani we do I great omeeoa from His Royal j nese home at Sandringham. s [hair worry is greater on this scare flint any other in the beautifying line. about an hour's airing in the middle of ,outside he waa a miser, and yet be l t d I would much advantage Ilea in the Pact that thOso nowt" I •Ss. �,• ! The Dukes of Connnught's "double'' 'There is a way -in fact there is al - net tit a that he loved to save money apt to neg so o , manoeuvring the day, the baby In its carriage or Bolely for- the purpose of besstowi it her can see their way AWdb , I chimed a me as no is n brewer's agent, who represents a ways we. when a woman wills -and a little a algh, and the tiny ttiddlera well I prefer that an orchard tlY mine should without trouble. This is nccompliehed y. I think that if they 'took ❑rm that does a large army business. y y 't 11 I ,. wrapped in warm Oainy ledgers and in sev.rot Charities, absolutely forbid- b you to theta, home the wouldn't want little patience and perseverance will EPPS'S COCOA w app The. value is this ns d i tits those whom he aided to breathe t tuned to tall or winter than not Y means of an invention made by two y y Almost everybody is aware how close- tt French naval officer details of which you to some back to your, old home." y maks the ugliest neck not beautiful r Period word about him. And a& he five broad- at all. Prune whenever time and op- e' ly the Czar of Russia and the Duke always but presentable. •,, .; GRATEFUL COMFORTING fresh air, taken on a sunny aide o[ 8 are kept secret. "O mammal We couldn't live away of York "resemble each other. Nor is y cast to every one who was in nee it portunity will allow, whatever the . Two vessels of the same t as the I from you and home, tool" "Gymnastic movements for develop Distinguished everywhere for the street or in .tome protected place, type this resemblance merely a physical In the muscles of the neck," sae a W, is not' to be easily ontim&ted, Just of mo to pass that while one Be Reason. segue, Zede are ander construction. They "And," mamma replied, "we can't do one. They are as alike in character g y r�.. Delicacy of Flavour, Superior as conn ae ohlldren are able to go out- drnuuneed him ea a miser the other gow to Prune, --In the first, aim to are the Gymnote and the Mcrae. Tho' half ae marsh for you se wo wash to. as they are in figure, and are fast well known beauty expert, "aro:-1, g action, the thouainda whom he Auo- former Is almost read and the latter Papa said last night that God had y g Slowly but firmly bend the neck Lor - Quality, and Nutritive Pro- doors and trud n about with a Bled secure some certain, definite form of Y friends. Hie Royal Highness can tell ward until the chin near) touches the pertiea. Spocially grateful it Is beat to let them go. 13087 moth- 'cored proclaimed his righteousness. will be completed within three months given him nook a doer home he wishes many an amusing story anent occasions y I "Not lot ago the following inai- the tree. Different trees will require papal neck ; then gradually raise the head. ors find scarcely time to take, an air g B B b third boat -tate Norval -which they , H work do mond for tie Poor on which he has been mistaken for his and comforting to the nervous dant oneurred:- oust A taxis sena different treatment. My preference He works so hard and-" •L. Slowly but firmly bend the head Ing with little children, but there la y P F believe to be an improvement on the Imperial cousin. backward as far as you comfortably anti dyspeptic. Sold only in J no better.wa for a moth r with Ilt- 0 [king along the boutanka with as is for a trod with a low spreading top Zeds, is under construction at Cher- "Didn't you tell him we had every- 7 �i old Behoolfellow, when they met a re- Different varieties tow different] In A gutter in the British Navy re- ons. Repeat this movement tweet �'� Ib. Lina, labelled JAMES .lin children to spend the !n delay Lour• g y bourg. thing that we wanted? What did ran aom6lpe the bake of York almost as P y L Thn cutin to a moat As valuable for tired officer who had also been to form, and while those which are nate- It will be after this t that the six Sall" times. 8. Bend the head sideways to EPPS A CO., LTD Homes- g y closet ae the Czar dose. There is a per as for the children. A trettdl baby school with them. Aften greeting rally of erect growth require trim- bt>afa authorized will be laid down dor- "What did I say? Why, I didn't y right twenty times and . the loft the op after this winter airing will often Y Ws Ing the know thatyou carod more for bio alesnh t the ponce residing near ethic Chemists, London, �, the. letter the went on. The Court's ming out from •Deafer, others of present year. The Norval, it 9 y justice same number of times. 4. Roll the friend said B in said, will be able to etoam tweet Manchester who mfghth be the Duke England, down At once tato A nap when brought , 'You know) our old Dom- more taenia growth need to be abd clothes than for us; and I told head slowly to the right, then to the p 7- of CAmbrid o's twin brother, so much I BRSAlCFASx SUPPER Into the house. One thing should be rade is in such straits in his old age trimmed up more from the bottom five miles at eight knots, or seventy him we were the happiest family in g loft, twenty times." avoided -that In n wintery breese, that he has to live On Charity: The and tmtside of the tree. Out off the g are the two alco This fact is eo much 1 miter at five knots, below surface. If the wo7ld, and that, Lt sea could have a matter of common knowledge that After those exorcises the Weak should '';Windy weather la more dangerous to Count seamed not try hear, put a few limbo clow to the body of the tree, desired it can steam on the surface like him, and-" among his intimates the J.P, is La- be bathed in warm water and oliveroil EPPS'S COCOA the lungs than rain or snow, Children 'minutes later asked Casually Cor the and with something that will leave a ry vessel And in this Daae o "0 mammal We haven't to go to Mr. soap and rubbed with a soft towel. an ordinary ton' miliarly spoken of. ae "The Duke." enjoy A dry snowstorm, titt't there Is address, the wounds an smooth a a possible. carry sufficient coal to proceed 2W i Porter's have wet Can't we stay with That much -advertised monarch, the Follow thin by annointing the neck „ :, lithe danger In them Catching cold "Soma days !atlas, happening to dins `Cove' the wounds made en cutting miles at twelve knots. These will be' yout"' And Jamie fell, sobbing. on one with retiring cream, and, i4 persisted ' -'/s` x'14`- with Cou t 13 the dfmonaions of the boats to be laid ' German Emperor, possesaoe hie "don- • . • from n frolic is it. 4 Aprgxin, the aohoolteAow large Limbs with something that will shoulder, while Ruth, with real tears ►n, the fair patient will noon be re- (�. p p}� found the destitute schoolfellow there rge down during the ble " also, •though not among hie own _ seclude air and water. A cod wax g present year:- i wopt • on the other, and mamma had ,subjects. Hie counterpart is an F.ng- warded by being the proud possessor I World �UU planing iK111s IT IS A 105TA$E, dressed and cheerful, 00 the morn- for this purpose and which s equally Displacement. l0ii tone I abining drops in her beautiful eyes. of a beautiful white neck. lW. b s cod also Por raffia etc. is made of p 11ish artillery officer, who would have ing after their meeting in the street gg $ g, Length , 111.6 feet' The tears waahhd away every trace of little difficulty in passing for the Em- .rw.ti.x.....s.„w,tia To sleep exposed to a dtraet draught the Count had one on toot to the die- [our parte tease, °fie part tallow and Beam 12.9 feet i discontent; and, when mamma said, g fetor; that is, in everything alae but HATEFUL WRETCH. fit any eseanon. tint address indicated, climbed six 066 Part bebwwax, m elted together It In proposer] to supply the engines "Let'agather some of your lovely roses ill hta at atafra anti given htm 1.60D with steam from s tubular Boiler. A for the tea table to' lease papa," the the Iinlaer'a multitudinous accomplish- Mrs. Secondtal You ure fthurrans & Rhynas To Work whist you are not In a fit g and worked tholrotlgbly. P meats. moaneat man oe9 just the k Condition to do so. rubles on condition that he would not horns power of 91? will be developed twins fohnd Contentment slid joy ih t/y ped A remarkable foot about the don.. Mr. Secondtri Well, there is one itj�jj trac�'ors AI1(1 T000nclude that the smallest room Bay t word about it.i` HOW TO SEC'[it`M LARGE POTATOES wbilb will give an estimated speed c,J every rose petah 1 blas "' of Royal personages fi, that the p' In the house is lar enough to sleep 7 P g 7 that I Presume I ma inter " ..- .. res■. ,. ., _�_. I tie0a convinced from my ettlterimeatn twelve knots. Each ship will have Due frequently differ as punch in dieposi- y �:ldelra Be g ep • m• that It *til pt�lt to thin potatoed to Otte aarow, They will have no weapons A WORD TO GIRLS. tion from their dtetingulshed counter- than I ameto lamented sena meaner sAuf ettirers of and dealers To think that the more a r6dn eats A GI1,iSAT OAT TOWN. other than tour tolt'pedo launebitl ap arts as they resemble them in er- Illi til) kinds oP Boiidink Ma- 'i g Girls is flee CCuntry aometimae row P p b the hsaltMar sad stronger $et Will ho- There are sald to be lb,060 assts to stalk in a place and so give all the ratuaaa and w[Il be manned sack by g non i appearance. Here is a problem fetlal, ratrch as Lutttber, Dors, [ tired of rise iLalet routine of Perm work ► THOSE LOVING WOMEN, A LoaldCa, Of w>41oh 1:Alt itrty °' uuheltch- strength *fid tziofsatnre o1 the land to screw of two offioera and nine men. for physiologists. liiittlta LAth, Shingles, 6cc , ate ' y Imagine that to a little ittork or ed�' Mud Ilia IargeTy Jul rah". tt!1i, Ill one that Ybva writes C, H. Andrus• The cost is fixed at dlB.OWL for each aAd long for the ezeitombhta and at- - •.e� Ethel. I've baba engaged nix tim,•a , • - .-. • vessel. and now I'm going 4mareiBe Is. , violent said prelonged y might �' CAPAURD OUT. 7 jilatttY�►nt! 13aiitratea'I'rirnished on a li. good, district AIiltsr t► very IMrglt +Aad item- It rh Lt lets well to Cat out All eyes traction of the city life, Bayo t writer. B to mart Charlie PP ertercLle is better. ens irt`bVt'ell'y'. 4 °hilmWl` it t4'fra;8r1li is of tt* potAtoea *hell planted. eYCtlpir _ _ _.._.._ �t lino Iq,tis city is not the public BLmpsnn. $ase many times have You nitltIi L To [aka tiff heavy nndetyolpthfitl* out eatb tEo inlaUliljt las wdts>► Ars thw **tett Hi astAnieal majesty never gets Disks. War Growler's purpose of been engaged? EYrI*1ilfltiltt ' ii4.1 d o t take efititrl be vy un O cloy*U have Lye- are open tits• LtltrL alit Pats lyl t * &6w. Buell an kre dpstred to (grow, [tad so tired jollying people who boast of being bolidgy it seems to file girls on [hair whipping the editor carried out[ Maude demurely. Only twice - is Isti� ohal►lrllwns * Rhyna* came ,orhsated. , ally, atht" a aa+• the tLotLbis of tLinlrtn* out tis mann, oocaslonal. visits to town. Believe arse Danks. No; but t3yowler was Ciarlla Biatpaan . 0 . . . • , , •• , .. ;-. ,. r *' w .,�. .r M. A ,,hi, w-.AaAs, nA-*,AA.,* tk „ser .w ..:., ,, -.,,. ,,. ;� .. r.' « m ro, .,., ,:v tldtin�..nrtirz•a',a+c.m�M,:.x.er,�r>,..a`. Y�,.Jh«k.%":t">vt'?..-*h6ALt±srla.e..:h+, ,�,. Mt W ix r: .C!„+i..F,Lri /t rI K tlFyt:',j,,�tati.,"t:,'?s, „ .Leri .era �nn•Xs• r ,•y', tr ..r r. »tr•r�M..,.ni�e-» w,.iA"s;rr-�wrt�>,*: ,>kr aaf.r^,K.a�,.,.t�� y,,,a+.. a,�t,. tcst�r.ttice n r c � . � lig :srea.ye,w�,*ss. taA a t•"rk'�",51T" stataaf,aWraeataaritas*b♦vaAt♦•,a#�♦ab-ttrt**0'4♦♦r'*ar;At*:i ^a t ��t� alt a is.✓«. y try �et�"ll ,ark a yYeYt-. A+..n..mum,.w+u..dn� a,..u.,f1: .__ a...u..uY.K,, w.iii. ..,,::.Ywuu: � m .__ ..,,,..-im„w.J,.c,c.w.. ,.,n......., .r. r..n ur...•L J ..;u.rl.c.8a-......,.r ,to.i.0 ,La,u..,1L.W.,i.. :. a.. s...:. nisei.uM., u.,LL....,u,:. w.a,Jl\. a. �l, $n7t, �:4'a•.i�:1.&. 5: :..u'i,..a. :•Z. �3+�ui. i..ii�Llwra , ;a i Ji' .. ,y,�aal,Y F N cit .. .