HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-03, Page 6.. « . blood, and signed by the hand her knecs,and in two minutes Npoil the WOUNDED ON THE CROSS. whole cxppGrimcnt. .. ) 1 f 1% ter.s a THE EFFICACY OF PRAYER water, hamal11.1a; not yetbeenaccepted. I now accept it in the presence of this '�' ' Galtew's , JhlreaHr Tyndall and E7a11cla shall come, In the United States and' Ptepeaed Expertmeat-Nana G.d tear Europe. I accept the challenge on one dad Answer Prayer r-1111 Gee of Rick ?�. ansa rho Grealtal Aid le Toa, aezorery .. _ IQ• when they are alck, go down In the . , prayerlestl ward, while we give our it to the next ward. I hope . n - ., I . .. prayer; behold I will beat thee And ' - , , ___ . go EXPERIMENTS WANTED -_ __1 ward " the hospital l I must pray for thpin.And she would ,gat down on blood, and signed by the hand her knecs,and in two minutes Npoil the WOUNDED ON THE CROSS. whole cxppGrimcnt. 11 REV. DR. TALMAGE DISCOURSES ON ) 1 f 1% ter.s a THE EFFICACY OF PRAYER water, hamal11.1a; not yetbeenaccepted. I now accept it in the presence of this '�' ' Galtew's people, and of all to whom theme words JhlreaHr Tyndall and E7a11cla shall come, In the United States and' Ptepeaed Expertmeat-Nana G.d tear Europe. I accept the challenge on one dad Answer Prayer r-1111 Gee of Rick condition, and this is, that these men ansa rho Grealtal Aid le Toa, aezorery who snake this yyruposal, themselves, is Prayer -Tb. Dr. takes a Challeaga when they are alck, go down In the A despatch from Washingtonstye: prayerlestl ward, while we give our it to the next ward. I hope , .-Rev. Dr. Talmage preached Irom the these Physicists will lot us know its tollowing text .-I have heard thy swan as they aro fairly duwa on their prayer; behold I will beat thee And ' backs, that we -pay begin even. They have not made any arrangements about I13aiah maid, Take a lump of figs. And paying the expenses of the experiment ; they took and laid It on the boil, and i will pay half, however, on the condi- be recovered." -Y Kings. xx. 6, 7. tion that they do not have the order - Luxurious living is not healthy- The ' lug of their own provisions. Ah i friends, Yuan we been so second generation of kings and gtlyons os hear and answer Godmistaken and lords and princes, Is apt to be i prayer, or does he not I Why come brainless and Invalid. The second crop out with a challenge in this day, and of grams is almost always shurt. Royal an experiment, when we have here the very expur[ment. Hezekiah was blood is generally scrofulous. You will sick unto death; he prayed for his not bl, surprised, then, to hear that i life; God heard him, and added fifteen King Hezoltiah had disorders which ' years to that lifetime. The prayer 8a ed him -the lump of figs appbe- broke out in a carbuncle, virulent and ing merely the God -appointed human deathful. The Lord told him he must instrumentality. - But," says some one, die ; he did not want to die. tie turn- 1 " 1 don't believe the Bible." Ah 1 then ed his face to the wall, so that his I we will have to part oompany for four ra'or would not be interrupted, and 0" five minutes, for It is useless to try to argue with any man with whom Pei d heard God for his life. God herd I you can not stand upon common the prayer and uasavnred it, saying. ' ground. In any argument, it you " Behold 1 will haat then." But there I would be successful, there must be some onto data to start from. Is [oot- rims human instrumentality to be stn- a at Into to try to prove to u man, that to played. This carbuncle needed scat- 1 twice three are six, provided Its does splash. That is a tough word that we' not admit the multiplioation-table, or Ase to show how much we know. If I that two and two aro four, if he does not admit the addition table. In the wen always use words the pulpit Y MY first address, therefore, is to people understand we never should those who do believe the Bible. I want have any reputation for learning Well it, tell you that prayer !s the this carbuncle mended a cataplasm, I MIGHTLEST OF ALL NJ•:MEDIES which is a poultice. Yuur old mutb- I and that the allopathic, and homoco puthic, and the eelecti0 schools will or, who doctored her ow❑ children in , Yet acknowledge it. Here are two the time when physicians were not as' cusam of sickness precisely alike; the plentiful as they are now, will tell I samo kind of medicine is given to both You that the very bre»t poultice im a', of them, and in the same quantities. the one patient and the recovers,God fig, and that wag what was used upon ' blesses 01' lines no((,. WWhy hyI the carbuncle of King Koznkiah Thn I the t,nv remnLy, and does not bless the power of God, accompanied by this hu - other. Prayer ham helped many n man instrumentality, cured the kingblundering 'that doctor through with across coin- would have been otherwise om - Inthis aga of discovery, when men m pietnly unmanageable. There is such know o`much, it kilts them, and write . /. .. . .... .. , ,. __ u thing as Gospel hygiene, as Christian %,_n env n. a;wl,,.. n,.terlit medics. Turkish towel, Paul said to the Pain.' seugers of the Alexandrian corn -&alp that the should get main ,shore, but he told them they must one means, (and that was, "STICK TO THE OLD SHIP t" God is not weak, needing our help, but God is strong, and asks us to GO••oper- Ste with hint that we may bestrong too. Pray by all means, but don't for. get the fig-poultice. Thal God answers prayer offered In the right spirit, seconded by our own effort, is the first and last lesson o1 this teat, and it is a lesson that this age needs to learn. If ;til oommunica- tion between heaven and earth is cut off, let us know it. if all the Chris- tian prayers that are going up to wurd God never reach him, then, I tuty let ailence amite the lips of the affl[ated world, and tho natious smoth- er their groans and die •,uietly. God doom answer prayer The text shows it. You say, "I out bbelieve the Bible; I think that those things were merely coincidences which are often brought am answers to prayers." Do you say thAtf Was It more happens - '.so that Elijah prayed for rain just as the rain was going to coxae anyhow? Did Daniel pre In the wild Waste' den jest at the time when all the lions happened to have the lockjaw? Did Jesuh pray at the grave of Lazarus just at ,the time when Lazarus was going to dress himself and come out anyhow? Did Jeeu s IOee his place in his sermon, and make a mistake when he said, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and is shall be opened unto you?" And, lest some were so stupid they could not understand it, he goes on, "For every one that asketh, recelveth; and he that meoket h, findeth ; amid to him that knookoth, it shall be open- ed." But some one persists In saying, "I don't believe any thing of the Bible." Then 1 appeal to your own instincts. Prayer in certain circumstances Is as natural to a man as the throbbing to the pulse, as the respiration of the lungs, IPut a ccmipany of men - 1 don't care how bad they are -in some imminent peril, and they will cry out, "God bave mercy on tel" It seems to be a time for making challenges; sax 1 make one. I challenge that these men who don't believe in prayer chart- er a steamer, go out in the "Narrows," swing out eight or nine hundred miles to sea, and then heave -to and waitfor a cyclone. And after the eye, ne comes, and the vessel has gone under on the hank o1 theaven. wrltteu in s#xyO blood, and signed by the hand rf the /Y WOUNDED ON THE CROSS. Yee been BENE - ."diet.° le one o ,,,gg nom I pane,whoVsaetoken It is not safel for jou to give A blank check with your name+ to it. . You do ) 1 f 1% ter.s a not know what might be written above. But here is ai blank check You are master of your which God says I Gan give to youl tq is signed by the handwriting of the Lord health, And if you do not Jesus Christ, and yod can fill it up "Ask, attend to duty, the $lime is with anything you want to. and it shall be seek and O given you; ye find." I do that eaSitlocttrd, If your blood shall notl say your prayer will ba Snswerri& ►n the is out of order, Hood's Sar - ttrstl way you except, but I do say it will be answered in the beat way. Ohl will saparilla twill' prlr6 it. you Lost him? This is the outcome of It Is the spocifio repedy for troubles all this subject. I am glad the Christian world has of the blood, kidneys, ;bowels or liver. been challenged. i think it will evoke KIdMyt - „Illy kidaiys trotibled me, n.a..rlce took Ilood'e t3arAapuflla Lou thousand experiences that other- and ghlctl goTetptrompG •rslkf, bettor. appKlte. wise would not have been told. It I should the in Hy dwpp is retnaltms. It curgd logy w1A So.&, ask mem end women this audience who have found God a ale..'" Dlto.ASL 3173 Deeny 9uaet Pittebarg, P;, prayer-Anarwaring God to rise up you Scrofulous Humor-" I was In terrible would nearly all rise up. In time of condltiqu from the itcbJne apd gtlraI 411 darMaesa and trouble, as in time of scrofulous h*111Gr. (crew worts nada light and prosperity, he answered you. treatlautnt 411 never al 44ppt its, T04 $t�roud' ganeyf,rU[a and li. Is PI1L. irbst.4ltrr , I commend you to that God to whom our rents dedicated y you in ifitanoy. They believed so pouch In prayer, that me thoree4hly." J„ J..Lrrr4x, F'ultq#,.N, Y - .lastword was a eupplicationl for you. i(rHaving Ala==,� heard you is days of prosper- ity, he will not reject your last peti- 10 'Ift, tion, when, in the darkened room. after , they have wiped the dew of death Reade lterN Ittka11e11 tls sal from your brow, and the whole group yes N to e r .a r of loved ones have kissed you good-bye, . o v you have poly et;ength enough left to IF. pray, "Lord Jesus, receive, my spiritl" If all who hate would love ut, 'j:1 --hill" era molved at rntereak paid or wae- And all our lover weretrue, pan,1 bitraarlr haul!RTilti9luusdin Qnre.oy or Bterlios witR IS Berin The liters that,swing above us PAINS IN THE BACK Would bright,th inthe blue; -- If cruel words were kisses, Are Usually the tee11ll or imperfect {fork And every scowl a smile, A better world than this is Ian of &be tlderay■-These can Only be Would hardly be worth while. Would Restored W T?telr Normal Coadlll11a by purees would untighten a Fair Use of Dr. Williams, Ptak Pills. To meet a brother's need. Mr. Albert Mintie, of Woodstock, , The load we bear would lighten Ont., now engaged in the insurance Above the grave of greed. business, is well known in that city erRATCORD, OUT. aces%r tM and surrounding country. Some three If those who whine would whistle, years ago Mr. Mintie was living at furry Sound District, And those who languish laugh, The rose would rout thethi,�yytie, South River, and while there was attacked with The grain outrun the chaff; severe potion in the buck. At first he If hearts were only jolly, paid but little attention to them, If grieving were forgot, thinking that the trouble would pass And tears and melancholy away, but as it did not he consulted a Were things that novo are not- locai physician and was told that his Then love would kneel to duty, . kidneys were affected. Medicine was And all the world would seem prescribed, but beyond a trifling al- A bridal bower of beatlity, leviation of the pain it had no elfeot. A dream within a dream. In addition to the pain in the back Mr Mintie was troubled with head- If men would casae to war ret • aches and a feeling of lassitude. He And women cease to sigh Oil to calm the waves was t11Bs41 on as auasuaily large SO a}le during the recent gales In the English ChliuRn,l, The water breaking over � Folkeatone pier made it difficult for steamers to. enter the port till some one thought of pouring a fpw gallons of oil Into the harbour, when the Bean immediate- ly became klnouth, To Paint the Ross Were absurd; to praise Catarrhozone would be superfluous. But if you have oBtarrah and feel hopeless about curing it, wq assure you that Catarrhozone never fails to effect a cure. It is neither ointment, wash nor snuff, but a pleasaltt remedy, which is Galfied by air directly to the diseased parts. If you send your s,ddreas yve will send you a triail bottle and inhal- er free, knowing that a trial will give you confidence in it. N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Out. ALWAY6- Lady of the House -You have been out of work a long timet Tramp -Yea, mute -tor, 35 years. Why how old are you f Thirty-five, mum. La Toscana, 100. FACTORY Montreal. It's foolish to supply your wants with n ealthfu. u h supplies. TO CURE A COLD IN ONR DAY Take Wartth• SM= yululne Tablet. Aa Dress• state refund the m ovay of 11 twits to Dore. fie. HAD ENOUGH ALREADY. She, bitterly -When you married me, you didn't marry a cook 1 Be -Well, you needn't rub it in I 1 t i t Me I You can't convince a girl with a big waist that the one with a small one doesn't lace outrageously. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with, LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as ,hey 016 - sot reach the coat of th- diaee a.. O■tarrh t° . bleed or eoaatitxibnsi disease, sed iii ordgqr to cure it you mut take Internal renedlew lY&0'r Catarrh Care Is take internally, ni sou di• restlyeathebloodminda maoouesurfaces Ball', t- .-_... .--- dead fail o. All lhi❑ s nee arra, nave en rex a ln, an a masts net or s a a o mel Dona or g g 'imuurcea, when we hove those inalanaea aro gone -if the do not pray, I will he decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink g p g O1 ►ton. tlaroynposedotthabsettonlo,known, Y P y, Aa love demands of all, oonbined with the but blood Purl0ers..eotini ltd aceordin Io inexorable law 'There I of the Lord's help in a nick room. Be- surrender tyy theory. Do you tell•me Pills. He purchased a half dozen The rust would eat the saber, (ore you null the doctor, while be is that this Inaltnot whin God has est boxes and was not disappoint d J dtreotb op the unions nr[acer. The perfect is no use i praying to God for rain b P The spear stay on the wall; oembisation of the two Ingredient., to what In the t[mo if drou ht. The " weulher i there, and after he goes away, look up in us, he put there just to mook axe ed with the result. Before they roduces such wonderhii results in curing p j Then every day would glisten, starch. Bend for teatim^nialr, 4eo. g to him who cured Hezekiah. Let the for his own cruel amusement? It God were all used Mr. Mintie was feeling And every eye would shine, F. J. CH.LNEY& CO., Toledo. O. probabiliti ,' in the morning paper' apothecary send the poultice, but God implanted that Instinct in the human almost as well as ever he had done. And God would pause to listen, Soldti Druegir price 75o. wilt deoi a the question, rain or no makes it draw. Oh I I am glad to heart, it was becuuee in his own heart The pain in his back had almost disap qq testae n dueler who knows how to pray. peared, the headache were gone, and And life would be, divine.Hall's amflyPlllo11retbabost. rain, and the whole nation in pntyer there was t Gcml sari salvation to all alto doctors I he felt greatly improved in strength. %before God would not bring down o tiu•hI .,s would be oftener balked, SOMETHING RESPONSIVE. P The world would noon cease to gy- 11 Two more boxes completed the cure,�EUM ~4TISIyI CURED a Idnglo drop. I am not now spooking death would be oftener burled back To prove that God does bear prayer, and he returned to work hale and llL rate if it were not for our hobbies. of an Imaginary theory, but of that Irom the doorsill, if medical men came I put on the witness-attrJld Abrdbam, hearty as ever. Mr. Mintie asserts we Iti.°C. 981 which Is believed by ten thousand Into the Sieh -room, like Isaiah of the Isaac, Jacob, Ezekiel, d!eremiath, that his return to health is due entirely -- - text, with n prescription [n theirhande Micah, John, Paul, Peter and Xing to Dr.%Williams' Pink Pills, and he �t '.:; times ten thousand men. if sickness' ,111,1 the word of the Lord In their Hezekiah, Tell me, ye ancient battle- still occasionally uses a box if he feeia Mr. F. Cole, Well -Known In Wind- CALVERT'S t`'..:, come to our household, it will depend 1 mouths. fields, ye Oriental thrashing floors, ye in any way "out of sorts." ser, Rejoices �,, Y p Oarbollc Dietnfeotants. Soaps, olnt• entirely upon ventilation, good diet, I John Abercrombie, the most eelebrat- Judean Dorn -fields, ye Gnllhiaa fish- The kidneys, like other organa of -- resent, Tooth rewdors, oto„ bare baso ;, ing-amucks, is God deaf, and dumb, the body are dependent upon rich, red a ardeA III medals and diplomas for superior and the skill of the doctors, as to ed physician of Scotland, prayed when Y teemome Ile Used Dodd's Kidney Plus and pp he went into a sick -room, +lad howroLe and blind before all humble pet[tlon4 blood and strong nerves Por healthy ateelleaaw Th.lrregalarvupronos iafeott• k, whether your child gels well. The fa- ! That God answers prayer, I brio the action, and it is because Dr. Williams' r7wa Thorowghty and Permanently Das dlsaaJ!mAsk treak dealer to obtain • r :.,. , brain" more ably ubottt "e phios o1 [bo P y g Cured of tkeumatials-Dodd'° Rlda .apply• Lasts milled from an UP"' "... ID 110 1 that ten million f Christendom 1 e Condit ons I n m n acts of Ch Pink P la ens thea 1-' 11 due t or might pray all da and the mol i h g P Y y bruin" than about "the philosophy of u might pray all night -it would not the moral teelingg," I don't ktiow how Plove. There has never paper enough they Dore kidney troubles, as well as Pills Always Core theamaWm• F. C. C¢LYERT lie CO., have an offset upon the neap. If !, much of the medical success of Syden- ' .out. Of. the papar-milia to writa .other- illa.-ilubich _lbave their origin in Windsor, Feb:- 27. -Who haan't'-felt teANQs`=3'TER - - aN"il', o- y p ham, and Cooper, and HurvH and the story. Haat. not rnany_.1L.muther _tvnttvey-IJDJood or .n shattered nervous the torturing twinges of Rhetimattamr .1 11 squllle, belladonna, pnrHgorlc. amt gruel Rush, depended u the fact that Prayed back her bad boy from the system. Sold by all dealers or sent It is safe to say that there are not one RETURNS IN'oNa WEEK. !' do the work, your child will get well; �� Pe upon made of the worth -from Canton, from postpaid at 6th. a box or six boxes for hundred families in Canada In which We want good nutter, asgs, Pau ltrv, etb. d not, not. �bovv to prn� lie tiYGll .113 ytl� "Nadrae, from Constantin le --until he L 60 b addraat+` lite D" vVut' -' Bhtp to us. and jou wtti-hsre „t_ r �t n't want" n•'. 4ystaian °lP �' ' y Rheumatism baa not been an Unwel- week or lase. TRIC AIICENHEAD PRODUVIC ^ THERE IS A CAST-IRON Guo ' wuv sgae ryoGod in human'anntomy to knelt beside tier in the old homestead? Medicine CO_, BrooliVdie,, rot .,!13 . MI -6 .cqj��r, ;, '- ' - CO.. 98 Front St., 14., Toronto. e • seated at the head of the Universe, E doctor cot bones. !t God made us, and Have there not been desparadoes an ¢.u• - _ e 'i»ing the o? Life following - 'F,°` holding in the grasp of •h;d metal !think ho did, and it the Bible is true, renega0es who have looked into the aticute; - statement given far. Publication must elll.a rowtrryy Grit le the b. at dlfeate, 1. the w rk.t I:ifingers a band of law from r+bleb Huth- I sad I nm rather disposed to think !t door of a prltyeirhm�tln'g to laugh have a leap and -interest for LAURBNTIAN BAND a ORAVCL Co.b"atr.,t Ing can break away. t then it is not strap that prayer and ascii at it, who haus iroea drawn the rent majority of Canadians. The whole Christian world and the a BUYING SHOES'FOR THE BOY. B J Y does traverse natural nausea ; aye, that by the power of prayer„ until they ren � Every person who suffers from Rhea- a xtOt �nsAr' Lord Almighty, within Ilia past few it introduces a now cause. When God to the attar crying out for merey9 matism will rejoice. to find a medielaa rhe Balmoral, Free Bub anus.; weeks, have been challenged. God has made the law, he did not make it so But why should I go so far? I had, The Boy's Father Now Spared the Tngble that will positively curerjd; thoroughly `'a. now an opportunity of proving w hel h- strong he could not break t(. If God in my uwn experience, and I have had of Kerraembering Ill but Size ne Wears. and permanently root it out of tiie CUTTING SCHOOL` re, Tailors ani Drew or he keeps his promises, by an expnr- made aur bodies, when they are broken, in the history of day own Family, the "The bo said the youngster's fa- system entirely, as it has been shown btosua C. 4 D, SCHOOL CO Mogtt•ro-c went. Professor Tyndall and Francis he is the one to mond them; and it is evidence that God answers prayer. Y, g thousands of times Dodd's Kidney -�'. Galton, English gentlemen, propose reasonable that we should call him in My mother, with three Christian wo- ther," goes through a pair of shoes pills do. Rheurnatihm-C.n-rod in 24 hon & men, a: sembled week after week, and in two weeks; the will stand resolin a now epe.iao,sentbymel' v i t at two wards a hos lint H set Y B w a ant i% b n p b to do !t. If m furnace in the oellnr Mr. 1. H. Cole, hose perm n apart for the experiment. The people blrakm dovvn, there is rep one so coin- prayed for their children; they kept once; fw I have occasion to Gommuni- residence is in Detroit, Mimi but who on recolpt of �h DR ROUBY, P.o. sox 3%, Hoacnet in the one ward of the hospital shall ' potent to repair it a8 the munufactur- up that prayer -meeting of four per- oats with the store where I buy his is equally well-known in Windsor, Out., Champion EVAPORATORS FOR MAPLE never be made, for the reason, in the , er. If m watch ate there is no one sone year after year. The world SYKUP C.telaaue tree. y p, had been a great sufferer from Rheu- other ward of the hospital shall be so competent to repair it as t ei one Iknew nothing of it. God answered all shoes twice a month; twelve times n mausm and Kidney Disease. G. H. GR[M MFG CO, Moatn.l, prayed tor. Then wo wlii see which who mndn lt. 1f the body isinord- I those prnyera. All the grouR Dame y to buy new shoes, and twelve He gave fair and patient trial to a Ba.c.wl ns t1d ,throat of the patients got well the sooner. ' fired, in; the eleven sone and daughters of times to carry a pair to be repaired. number of so-anlled "Rheumntiem Agents k.t s.U.,,, r.°,pp telt. ra" 1N&ate. -the experiment to go on for five CALL IN THE MAKER OF IT. my mother came in, myself the last. M tnomor is not the beat ever Curea," etc., but not one of them gave toryauahottse rmul.ve t. ft.ry. years. Welt, it is the most condos- Sickne a came to my household - y y ROWELL& BURY - Chicago and Mostreal , nears. thing in human philosophy It is not all, as these physicists tell I hopele" sick, ss as, it seemed to many. was, and I couldn't always remember him more than even temporary re- lLIlat Ithink Ipace over heard of Here us, a matter of ventilation or poison- At three o'clock on Saturday p.m.,, the what size shoes the boy wore; mo I'd 1i� !Q 3wJvsp oroasorts c+rl nit, of cleanliness or dirt, of nut- Then a friend urged him to give ��plb CATALOGUE FRp:K SVUU the Lord Almighty has an opportun_ invalid was carried to' the steamer have to ask his mother when I want DGdd's Kidne Pills a trial. Half ire,ve ill! b 0. H.ORIM, Mt on., Montreal tJJ u ity of winning the confidence of such ritioua diet or pear fare. I have known for 6u,nnnnh. At eleven o'clock the men as Professor Tyndall and Francis people to get well in rooms where thenextd:.y, being Sunday, standing in to order a pair, but, now I don't have thankfluctanul he did so, and a has been gAUTAG&DABINOs--Newlo rkaetoues°att.giw y windows had been six weeks down, Y P p Y thankful ever mince that be did pre Galtoni Besides that, it is ver oom- this ver lace, a man of God rn ed say more trouble of that Bort; I've a■d Aradena ea�l�i� p -reliable goods& limentary to thwangels; and if bnvid, tight shut, and I have known them to for the recovery at the sic), one. At had my name put down on the list that 8O' Idam PAs[, MAO�wght, a CO"Toroal.. p die right undetr patent ventilators. I that time, sloven o'ohxik, she who had is ke t b the salesman in ohne a of He used only four hoses, but that Paul, and Isaiah, who wrote so much p Y g quantity was sufficient to clean the about prayer, bear of it, they will, have known children sickly vvho cv'gry been prostrated three weeks, with the department of boys' shoes where q y A After7..w roan o day had their bath, and I have known 1 some het taint out of his blood thoroughly. To- S�fimerersurrusgl• °.a coli po doubt, be very much gratified to children robust, the washing of wbuse P, walked up on deck. The I gc, day he is sound and well in every bone;forall caro tonna tre"aon have a recommendation from such hi h g occurrence is na He has the names of hundreds Of Write mllstorfrc•oIese,s ,T.r to g raccvg would make their features un- muscle, sinew, nerve and organ in,wolaoae,WKgaae,8pea■ll.taf7oovogeat,7or.AJ authority. If there ever was a Lima NEAR TO :BEING MIRACULOUS boys on his list, with the. name and the hod thanks to Dodd's Kidney - when the whole universe ought to' reoogpizable. address of the parents, and nobody y yma.ve any IPPLIB, AUTTZA, EGGS or PDaLTH Gal did not make the law' and then as I can imagine. That she was Pills. IF resent a vote of thanks to one Eng- ever has to bother to remember the Lahp,ablyNemto p run away from it• t'trhat is n law of hopolH.vsly sick, people who sat up with Dodd'a Kidney Pills, the 'only known llab literary review, this is the time. sizo worn by any of these boys-- natureP It to only God's usual way of her night after night,, and are here, unfailing sure for Kidney Complaints, The BaWto Commission CO., Lilgltod --- i call for the ayes and noes. The eyes Y Y anm to tit g they are all down in the alai• with, g Y n doing things. But he has said that if, y. That the prayer for her are sold b all druggists, at fifty cents Tortoase0. have Ill bo a Loot is fitted right to tart i friends, tont experiment w111 his children ask hila to do a thing, recovery was offered in this pulpit, and the elan is ug down with his a box, six boxes J2.60; or sent, on re- p and he can consistently do it,' be will thousands of people could testify, That p cetpt of price, by The Dodd'e Medicine never be .ado, for the reason, in the do it. (:o on with your pills and plus- 1 at eleven o'clock on that Sunday morn- name, and there's nothing more to do Co., Limited, Toronto. Baldnessfar°D-"s" i; teesnM,kfiDaµt• sP.CU OS' first place, you never could get a man about that until his foot has grown so (era, and nostrums and elixirs, and ing she walked u on deck, as b a .__ New H.lf Grower Co., Montres end Ohloasa to Ito down in the prayeM'1flse ward of i ! p y that it Honda to be refitted. All that .- -- that hospital -not even the philosoph- the not tholi an ono t [n remember that I miraculous los the overSan ly,', I c llcom a pass-nded it's necessary to do in ordinary shoes TWO SORTS, I 111111 I ars who make the propp�tl. It they I is prayer. Prayer to God brought the by Captain Atkins, December 1dth, to for any of thaw is to may send a pelt Hostess -Please play something oleos t were sick, it would be tab last place 0f shoos for William, or John; or King's ourcv the lump of Lige be ng the tc iffy, This is no second-hand to, professor; play something pretty. 11 "on earth the would Want to be stek James, or Charles as the ease m be, y God -directed human instrumentality. story. t � prnfesaor-Viob will you half viral. In -that prayerlesf ward of the hos- not even epeoifying the kind unleea I would have on also see -for it is I'r,ynr impotentl If I dared to shOBs different from those ordinarilyma'am? pital. You could not got on English- I another lesson of the cub mot --that our tepo4tAlty chs. man to lie thorn, for King .Tampa s >i think thorn was no force In prayer, worn are wanted : and the same guide !'-t'aerers 'rhotta,etaue ra r must be accompanied by means. methinks God, after all` he has done K tubeourod.ls, translation had been abrond too long pp' eervea also In the purohaee of over- SUPERFLUOUS LAW. s:`. amort Brite It is an outrage to ask God to do a for rue and mine, would strike me shoos and other footwea where, write t g ns and the bell of St. thin while we remain Indolent. tjJiel � This copyright law is all bosh, said nr._AraaftiH4rLin.weolt1_ •ucekouk°wacnrey haul's has rung London to prayer mo g dead. Prayer , janpotontl 1V)� It is -. _ _`- _---- prayer, to be acceptable, must come not the mightiest force In the universe. the exuberant young writer. Just a alien. You mould mat et a Snotchmnn g totaw hrtne Tar sal0. 117 lir .tin flash ant- aeonrotx atipc1nes a••°las ■+as g only from the heart, but tram the'LightOia hsa no a ed, the Al p scheme to make money. aeokbindlnar l ards,msde,suttoordoLett to lie there, for he comes from the land g Ps pine anoe I trop until paid. J. tulaap, abux 016., Is. 1 thought it an excellent law. Mstlltgt panda WA moat work while we pray avalanche ken no Luer. compared gh Cards, ala to •tsar. ser of John Knox, and methinkg the old -devotion and work in together. �O °� "- sect t�w r. yd wester agsot Bah, it's a fraud. I never copyright g 0.11�7weljaR,tiBlns-4LIiWil", Covenanters who died for their faith Luther pnmo to hfelflnoth re's bedside with It. HIS gAppy IDEA, my stories, and uo one timate them. s -ms's 11" would would get up from Gra triers church- Will you let th'a abstractions and y mad prayed for his recoveryt .and in - yard and hist et him if he tried It, the vagaries of s few sonptica lir They say,ventured the young man, eiel,t+d, at the same time, that u should The experiment to oleo tm aasible ; o good lMt)y soaptltie, etsnd beside the that it 911 becoming quite the thing for e p jtakeust s i warm soup, the roup being because tf the professor and myself oxperienne o4 General Savelook. who newly married cons les to go and sAe just of important as ileo prayer. In $ AA,V • �.siV "11.w v►' should agree upon makingit, you could came out In trent of the English army, Niagara Falls in Winter, p the time of the greatltd plague that ray- s not oto the world an the Church lifted his hat, and 0alled ,upon the It must be a beautiful Right in WIn- to York, 01 England, the priest pray - from praying for all the diatrefsed. Lord Almi h t or of William Wilber ter, she said. I should ao like to see >.: �� y g ed all day and all sight for the tomov- g � There to a great company of deluded &I of Jilin pfague, but did not think tome, who went froth the British ,Par itf e men and women, who every day, have 'lament to the 'cloaeQ of • devotiont or is uext trembling utterance settled the habit of of cleaning cut the dead dogs end of LnUmar, who atotxit with his hands it, and they are to.start next, week. lamil 4`7� cats that lay is the guttate, on fire, In martyrdom, praying• for bill A/ PRAYING FOR ALL TBE SICK, naming the efokneaa. We moat pHraecutora? Wee Bevfiook wenitl War When the qqew masher at the Arlea- and you could not stop them. Be, use means se well ns supplication. It Wilberforce weakil Was Latimer creekf bur divlaioa of $uokingbaniWre I / /101711400�° aides, the EEpiaoopal Church, in Its lit- a man has "evening prayers,"a askl��g Bring all the affairs 011 your soul talo 1118 seat In the Sanaa 011 Comimona . A/- a orgy, has a prayer to t at for the afoot health, and then nits down to a fuel of our and I don't suppose that yens could get an per of indlgestibles at eleven Y Ft of ;rifest trteada, of a Jewish fatally will bf6thoreaentsd In theles to put Into their liturgy a fen- O'oltitik at night, his prayer IR a m'ook- Your church before Sim, &lid the ParllaLhelht b�r. both tallier and son. .. /" . thhee like this: "This we ask for all ery. A man has no right to pray for great day of eternity %will, shorn you Walter Rothaee'lld 'bail Y strong res- I,� the sick[, save thea% In Ward 62 of the safety of his family wben he knowa that the neat investdaent you ever semblance to his father, and by means ,* o4oa. * #%*.. '1+7"ir tt�W`J'l , t f "I$ll&611 and Talmage's experimentbl there is no %aver on the cistbrri, The made were your praysra, and thougb of his beard anti dleaappealt��lug heir on e � IW01 Besides tb%t, at the end Of Christian mala, t'eekless about his you may bait brbitenl pI'mlaiisti you his orauitlm, linigbt be tRkeetr��, for bis gotirYears three hundred and sixty health, ought not to btl*ot `thl+ same made to Qat. God never brbke .ble pro- brothef. fife Is ori eutbusia5tio 'hatter• iiajrs, 0n life tact day of the tier snRrror to bla oyer as the (`hrfattan mines to rbu. 1'et God btitrue. thongb slut and cans a wonderfal rhueeumQ/ �F .. pr et evert man;_bs 'fouudi a list'. at Tring. He has also distinguished 000 itarlf of our experiment, some - man expecte who retires regulkit�Y •'' I ' ipkke, �tilittln Inigbt styf", " Aiaf4 for ten o`etonk ail tpaigill slid , 4!��'► his Present �n�• feoo�,oYnsiOlkblltexitt htr4i to � t by driving se'brae in hair- rwv . ' Ittt'lyiii fall the atxtywebDgd horning bath riitrL the sipti11t1tlilk of sy iinio11, d. I 11 1. t -I . 11. 1 u ht: r-st- ,k,A /'i' �,X_ -'11,;11 'Ix. Ajryr d•a�*A**._.iv P3lh J�,A NV,,**rtl,t,AA ,P,a' ,} r,,•r•- a,:,.,y ..a. ..,s ,. ..,. ,,. ..•.!r r•,x,r, .,lf . l A • r, 1r a,s i .h .a w+.-»: a. ,a... ,, * 0 yr ... e '�p -« . k i', 4". n,t +a t_ ;ftlac p ...�, 1 rtirFA.o . ,r,' . y r „.F.'rx.. rkw1 .,,ft, %y.•;3:; ".'y:, ,h te1q ;.l�+ e,tlIJr•.+.y'r JA o,.. " ,,.,,F A>A Ae,t,.A.%#AA. .. .a•` a 4r y�,..1,,...ia. r,e's�y•rJ ws 1R , F . ti r� t� i. y . h.r a.. r a :"iw, , k'X i h iA 1 T+k r t a I. i ��l �f �k, L. x R %1'. . [f�ii'tf iMt 111. �s4"iI.-. ; ;_.....,- '1C�..:_.........; _.,.........,�.. ,n.. ..-.,e J,, ...,.•,;,. ,. ,,.rW-,. ,s r. :.'. s.. �lcu ....w.;;.1:,..,......,.._..,,W,�.a,xs:.,c..-,.s:,a-.aLsaAc ad:JL•y'11i.:,ekbacwYatiY,.,.,wei.,lr __-_'.lb�•t•-_:.. _. ..,. _-_ Careful attention to the smallest detai's enable uniform produl-tion of quality and flavor. Try L U'D, E L LA l,k,Y1.9N `rEA Lead packages. z5, 3u, 4c'• I" '11J 00, ... conboy's improved arrinc Tops .. I I RzoAaysG Tee nlodesT AWARD AT Te! wORLIO'e FAIR 1893. Do„yyyryry ►at.nt Rellu I.P. halo mot with _ in h utAlvoraatnkmar,nt"nor min "Olt'and. i ate are sow m s u ,Llop the Coabmy ae�IltL there on the rep be hoodwlaael by Tope have made- L). sot G,y p• -,n who reood.nlead, no Inferior make to belust ea s The Oonboyy JiW:er' ,P. ere .+ .ear per- fent As eki,led workmoil cue ro.ke them. when you order I—, B+any .idpulate e with y..ur o.rr'age b ,Ude, that it to thi ltd ce a genuine Conboy It.-, resp. •e are never as Gond. Q $25,000 Q $25,000 O $25,000 O $ 0 THE best adverti.rc,rnt foranyC -_ Yee been BENE - ."diet.° le one o ,,,gg nom I pane,whoVsaetoken all char Hundreds haw ------ 000the remedy .ltd $2510.0 caned fine watch. working for axe, .by not out fa We p. FITEa we wi.h to 8 IrlS anmlroduchon ,ck- � tribute thronahnnt ('nnnAn Y00.000 p nek- O W ret. ore" . , Bealtn mprnhe It• ° o CASH GIVEN AWAY - E lie, Arabioa Food, i ons �'- F R'�` ,.art C lC.e a f�p�ptla Bare w be di i,itiutea Q Qpatron. AS to the efficiency of the Specific we could write pates laudatory of its cow, ,o ■ rrGure Bend 37:50 for 8 SoiHA aOLD'a eUiLbRRa, the e O CurativeQualities. when we were dose you would know no more of It than yo,•da %n, iodlgoaloo, Liver or K,d•,ey trouble, ur coy - elaply W if lou am troubled with CoroWPAC10 -rl wlll take cos p,wkege of Dr Orenn a If BDeclflo, V CA O cent eel .s from adisor end stomach. and and you are lot delighted with td,•,sults, atsa. the Mote to tnh Comp..y and we wa ch-er b Used laxative a Eas no peer, ead wh°n u"co ue"d wtl c.er e dlr 8 m n to) rotund your molter. u a emo for en7 other needy. Bend your order dlrece to this Compe.y, ...I..tnp 50 te tno ant 1 tt°r,-i .beet, London, W ,.I$,- In tarts, I/ Ru. de °astlsltone. sell M corded At cps). mad we will .Al170.0 . p°okege of the slit, I),. To the water of O. the aft traltta for on. paak.ge of the mad we wUl remit ten +ou.r. to cash, m Cure all forme of weakne.• In Other sex arle. one .1 y wgdw of erar� 738th latteq thereafter`, e.oloeia eft C".t° until 1011 000 order lettere aro toel ou, to this �0..Oma,a Jimand o G .n�oi000o000� Addressof ,°°yal�.dggrweap�tin� frit an it t .t16 a ''n•,n ni the many doc,-ors who shiv •d the medicine. ` o The Sanford Ear Drum Co., N 456 King St., West, Toronto OH' TORONTO, LSM=TE777, O 10 'Ift, Room- E. Confederation Life Building, Toronto. • 1 I $2g.000 O $25,000 p $25,000 Q $25,000 Q !i ­_ -- - - __ Mlira centra i Males TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL. ; Barr'eaer.,aw., remo.ed to WesleyRld .., Blob t du in Janus and 8 n Write for mein terms r 11'1 � S W., Toronto. ep Q L�A mond t. Pebraary, O. CORRIOANT. 119 Yonne 811 POULTRY KEEPERS-61110al'ounryorit �y���der SQ��d� The beet .. L• r :. Ileo market, -e - nun---- -- [�0'�^ I artl Oxide of Iron, a1te • -a•t MesseI--.----------=- ,. wbiol►are all ..ease t e Il.1po p Bary to the heel h mrd produ3 at. J s, of t., mo MQbI1Ie[ NUQlgo U[ LAURF.NTIAN BAND & ORATEt• C�., 113 at. Jean Bt., 1[a.tre.l. Byoamo0LS Castor TAILM E R ERS. Cermanla 011 Co., 134 Bay St., Toronto. only lgstlNtls. la Q -n -1k for�Nebletub1� sis.•f rt CATA R R H r° T ' so �e fMw►eke lilt Terence, Onr'ad11 LOOSE LEAF and HAY FEVER Permanently Cured by U.Mosted V. r I.haleti - 11.1-1. of °uoceu �, 10 Daya Trial rroe. s°od 15- for cop ree. o. outat. LETTER FILES Dr. Ray a 8uoosnstul Remedy oo.,Tornnto, Ont. 160 ..A tile- with Ludes. Dr. Ray'. Anti-Condipatbo Palls always aura ' 's• The elflos a►aolalty Mfg. Oa, I Lo.doa, EpL Melbwrne, Aus. To -.W, Oe.. L ,.it.d 177 a.d 174 Bar cot., T•rontn. Beatory : If --hall F,nc .Ise $51P er I---- !New Tires gun, and Sheet Metal Works . -1 N EITHER SINGLE or DO t'BLIs ffir 6 ih 7ia51t` s ew t None��6a�p,...;; a fr let . 9dei esDrer* .ai.AAAD9ltire stot ply-';--. 1. TV73E. Only-puDl -atl Hieb BokoolIIIIo� tlna lFa'•elt, Yfbb,.netao°ompa.9 order.O.e1 tris. loco.� M� Olril'i[ aUo r WM. B. N(�RTHAM, - TORONTO. I Inas .�St^,,-s•..�at �.�..lrrt►ar Y twrya� 1•Ie.or tor_ t .00r'u at:BllRs.Adaall ti "l W' Rule"*-*,-, Escanara,..., ,-.., � L. COFFEE & CO., -- - HARRIS LEAD GRAiN AND COMMISSION BUYS COPPER MERCHANTS, SCRAP BRASS Rnseis 409-17 Beard -of Trade Building, TORONTO, ONT. Tlholess)e only William St., Toronto TaomAs FLYNN - JoHN L. Corva _Long Distance Telephone 1779. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. FREE we gate this iso ' FJWATCH ,I with chain and char., for all- 4 it ins two dm Whitelf``{u Wlcb I - -1b= a[ tar ,:.nee .act tlo Ye+uy j Ar I Jtsquir d, write, and wo will .I sad the Wick°, postpaid tied A oar big Premli ium st. *b-om EPPS'S GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. COCOA you bow acid the wiciu, re- 1 BREAKFAST -SUPPER turn the smatter, and we at ono scud Tons watch ire" of -_ all char Hundreds haw ------ W, caned fine watch. working for axe, .by not out fa We HEALTH REST0117.0 wr'°e:et t°°a'oloahas oDe. t writing, taention payer. ss dieur l", rd a<um+ch, Lanae Nerr•s. Liver,,, IIloud, WHITELICHT WICK CO., Bladder, Kid -ii., Brain Led H,,.,b by TORONTO, CAN. DU Barry's Revalenta Arabioa Food, - s wh oh,mnves Ins,-III.a,A (`had, en . A a.w R ­Rua• cee.f'li) Iuf-10° •hese. Alim.nr.&Llt Drl,llity hale to- t%t� (�® Guaransteed ,.u,d LII.Ner treatment, It dlseats when L, I other rand 1.rel".Cad. u.ea 60 tlI..it, lne.'g, n.. ■ rrGure Bend 37:50 for 8 SoiHA aOLD'a eUiLbRRa, the .V,iq 50 Years, lava table mesa°.� tae.a.f Ann cal res,,. ,d Coo.tge tin°, Fl lir We Bey. oypep+re, now onl reengnizod System Rsgletator and elo,d T.n�o, and we will nlni you a guar •otea' u leatge,ou °ousumptlor le-h°te-, Itrr-him", Innu- ears, a ugly- A.tbm-, ci.ta.,b, Ph,egm, to refund the money for a•r oase of General LA."tee" Nerroua Dddlit" Sle"plessoru, D.pondenay, obility tour offerer akin r.he medlcini Tho.spndAotauRoreraro dally r.00vnring Inst health by this Great Bnglirh Pre•o•lp Ion, Du Barry O `Idnrt°dt a 71 K.,tant Co Iheretol-e wenlakeyou this unbiased mnaran• .beet, London, W ,.I$,- In tarts, I/ Ru. de °astlsltone. sell Lee. Bold's Blood Bons and Brain Builders. *tell Groes., Ch,•m,.ts, and eta,.. r,.rywhere, I. tins 'L s.., R , litssl /,n 14. scat °ns. ter. 6.eo Ds $alt) • 1lerale. , biseulta, to t... -. f and Ai Cure all forme of weakne.• In Other sex arle. Ing from Impure blood, diseased bone, or tin. _ -- poverlahed nraln. We also take this apportunity of thanking have spoken so favor the many doc,-ors who shiv •d the medicine. ` ad� he BOLD PHARMACAL CO., w a ,/ 456 King St., West, Toronto 11 CANADA PERMANENT , . . Loan and 8ttvinlza Cotl PSUY. • 1 I INboeronarae ISM. Paid-up Capital........ 02,41leot000 ' a RuerW Fund. .......... I,Ino,000 Head offlt»-Toronto St., Toronto. Aranah $file" Winnipeg, Matt,. Vanoeuver, R.O. 'j:1 --hill" era molved at rntereak paid or wae- pan,1 bitraarlr haul!RTilti9luusdin Qnre.oy or Bterlios witR IS Berin Inner ince-essoerpona attaah°d, pary.-ble lir In England. FAeoutora and Tnutree are Th., tt Maltose I.by law to Invest In the Debenture• of this r.;,Axr•an Cro��/ ;tfst°lgl4 .. Re., ,,let. lie 1" at Tu .°went rates ala on favorable conditions u to tae ■►ymenL neleepy 61atYN["e sad M J le'pskat[�TMAdSON d. 11tl1 Mattimalbs Director. ___ ROYMAIL Dominion Lind •TRAALMBHIPB ATTtHD THE BEST IT PAYS - (.efltral - Jeha J11. aaA Hall(ay;te Wera6.t, (11tg �t .4luo.M �t��sea feri to rteeet%st (rr`Je 11116I1/. eetatl • LABItaa011,r ' ANCOUV t.w 900T8111AN.' 9dtltlrlisr' u6eoafwtidptioa Itlr licit CAbin, Bso• oedlkbhf�Irdeteta"t.Ae,tassMs ars. Rates of erRATCORD, OUT. aces%r tM aa;%�a i111at Oabin, f14.e11; Bread Orbin, i,,tll� tq' '•' tliu Maeda eadppolag and Warner, .ee-1011 pared for hw -*no life; hest atrole ep.r 1 g��i.ia .tn st s,ryi Mi{•tj.f• e� tafeT.a.t(o9 al/ ty tyIf�aN1 lr bkfrAr, TORaaftt"a GtOw d -Atte; ,tel t"schen Iargat�teaea.."e: halls "h,•ap..tnd.nt" a.. enter aI i •sett gammsrelxl Boheal in entarle, Rey t414=11 to O 7 31 1 wro'tarieatteUul°ataloe°. .Blteia+Ma►et1.11tHnesL W J, ELe.lOTT. Prine 10.1 k