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The Goderich Star, 1899-03-03, Page 5
" _.. _ �'"'�y�. Y'. ..-.. v..,:, "'-�rs>AIFR(�^. _ ,. _ _- _.•,,y,y�v,a.. �.. ... •q,pywT+u- ,qq+"-+I�rp_ -..y�'-.,IesT V'^/.!°^a661^R"°,-C•'�"+n<' - Y " , -� .y.. - .•.•.`T - No .a% to l uron, ,has ever advanced r ld.l r eat '. ; . tr r .. M The PeoPle have d- . The ti �t+�r r 1,9bip, # the lather $Whi carped Auf ortiettim, 17 hF WJII yftu.,J1 W k cmW, 4 ,m low- ;yy ,Augollt 1• tN�S ! (Anada has a W. C. T. U, member• rfekou Kcafwulrapt* _••�mvr,Does ) R A II ST, D_V of 1I.0t sa thin about five cents] -whet; 6? t 0 t1mely, us$ et J3►ckle'e 14 Rtakul er, woula':Hieet the need8 of the Anti-Voasud>I"ipttvo Syr4p the ,pain can R, A wqu-o ABOUT ri;eq. ire. Large to [it+ fi4st (Jana,. he #hayed gall the claDker uvvided. n y dliiu appponinted tq ,# epre�eut Lha, This syrup is ple?i.saub to the taste, Although Baia st0.r9 Alw"s S&O Th*Too t value in the market B10Y�`iLE$. Warid's VP.p.T.U'. in a�toreign land.. ,and ansurtiassed'fpr relieving, healing Thrive? bigg) r bargains Baan ever now awaiGyoti 1 ' ittlaount of the dissolu and curing all nflections ,of the throat to The splendid stock q ,p U84e to Canitelabycabadtan Mochanlca +--- ' and Jung% coughs. colds. bronchitis. t to of partntfrehi� of h�lsin{tair & RobitgiKiir, P d TXZIEMA EASILY CUIMD. etc. pets. L Stoves, while they last, moot go at greatltr 1[ Aw*d prices. No bet ^-•--•^^^ Merrilt's%otemTonle haacurgti Moro casca __ _� _.__ If your baby is delicate tax' chalice watt Iver oll`eretl for Geuu!Ao 4mgains-Bargains it r �'• at blood a8dd skin diseases sucua as l xsorna and S3ClC and its food does you real] need. Stoves, Tinwares y #yf McBurney and Scrotala Plmpl, arld8yphl tfusorae,thanall Eightsen Rornctrt t;at)lolic iatepav- y what y mos, &a., at Bargait Other romRdlee yyboraIii Ilealdea beingg a �em of Regma have petitioned Premier net nal]rlSh 1t put fifteen Prices. Como here for your Cost 011. IkluMbiDg, beating ant r tnosC powertal btdod purifier it Is an x o`,I t t. Beattie Bicycles. Haul.tain-not to r p Y tonic and autea b -p asRistip ()tatorp w t yr ofz Tinemithing at the lowest possible prices. Not Cheap, hatQood at a reason- W1°`v"ea�i A eUwY Con Sottse lasts Warca The petiGlongts• are t.ttd Co be chiefly or twenty drops of Scott's �• able pries. Let us tell you more weefre. t3old at Llgnhsm'c ptug8tarp, C3ornaati settleri, They lav that they _ about tbem. A handsome cath• ----=------ are perter,tly sattlsfied with the public Emulsion in its bottle three t loguo for the askta . Brio in � The celebrated Shire horse Bay schools of Regina as at present con• or four times a day and soil H • C • F I L S � N G' E R, your old whoala and get, it ein , oil ducted, and have no desire to assume I' Prince No. 14,J74, rrecantl import fixed up. by Messrs. Bandon and McDooald, of the burden of increased taxation, with04ruer'Pest-St. and Square Exeter from the Uske Shure Horse Co, the probability of less otlicient work. a will see a marked change, Emef'son's Bicucle and Music of Wales. England, was sold recently, — We have had abundant House, and Blfiucie Giver to Ray Bros. &Hay, of Avouton, for `� t u' the sum of $1,600, The ninial is a THE NEW TREATDIENT. roof that the Will thrive ,�''ei„ R;, {"+uy�`",?', beautttulepecime of tart ilglish care Hundreds ofpooplowhollavegonetherounds p y SPRING N p of physicians and tent medicines havn found on this emulsion when other bolas, weighing 21,Q30lbs. a cure In Merrilla System Tonto. This now •, medicine cures disease by toning all the food fails to nourish them, Vie (.y 0 Crich ft v nature throne fr the body, thut-Ithi enabling !r Jia a b A i`+;aD Manv yqung ,ladies who were sup• eat purifierhknown the Prilce 5M Idle tan great. It is the same with larger To make room for Spring Goods wa are offering our Copped to be oing Into decline have Dunhsm's Drug Store. per bottle, at TELEPHONE Overs 71 risen sestcrreci to health iandpo vigor by LARGE ��� the use of Mdler's•'Uoalpound Iron children that are delicate. Llf'11 � OftTM�NT 0� til P� " Pills. llominion cattle. 'Sheep and Scott's Emulsion seems to be FRIDAY. MARCR S, 1809. --+-- Swine Breeders' Association Fund receipts are $0,600 less than up to Fob, 1 last The Home alis- Winahaw N considering favorably the granting of a loan of $3,1300 to an uppholatertng factory Very Once a Eful meetings of the Dominion Cattle, Sheep and Swine the element Iicking in their food. ,Da not fail to try it if at prices tGmiE will astonish you. — tAlDorlg the Chllrehes. which was start- edm that town a year ago. ... Breeders' Associations were held to Tomato from February 7th to 10 inelu- your children do not thrive. Cali and examine Goods and be your awn judge. children im• The public should bear in mind that sive. The memberships of the Associ- It is as useful for them in work will, it is feared, be a necessity'posing A Numbsr of Interesting Items as to Their Work, is Oil has nothing Dr. Thornes' with to common with Lae Impure, Lee, ora' Orions rutl at ]suet twenty -flee per cent greater than at tut previous, I riod. The efforts. of the Associatio y summer as in winter. LF..t i' 8c SHEPH�.R17. use of pills not so carefully prepared. Liao close of so-called medicinal ods. anal It is eminently pure and efficacious-- during the past year have been along Ark your doctor if this is not fru,, �.��_ PRIESBTTECRIAN VUNDS. hey, Dr. Warden is tasting this relieving pain and lameness. stiffness of the pints and muscles, ,end sores or the line Of cheaper l ctransportation. poi At present between local points in Ont - i $COSI & 8( yNE f�lemlaTt, gbronto, _ i ntxwtttiat surt�p�a�OWe statement of the Presbyterian Church funds from April 1 to ebruary 1, 18418 hurts, elides being run ext ellent apect- Ae for rheuaaatisnt, coughs and bron- g ario, thoroughbred stock in less than car load lata is shipped at one-half the do all kiI�dS of and 1809: chial complaints, tariff rate. Between Ontario Made this year is comparatively small. Schemes. 7806 1809 tario Agricultural Gazette the implies M• and Olid Manitoba and British Columbia a well Rev. Dr. Warden, treasurer of the Home Missions ..$4(1,882 00 $34.201 � Augmentation... 8,3x9 48 0.90406 __._ The two Wingham furniture f $72 and the rates are now to Win to Now Westminster, $194, w. wh here far- Ma ep O." M p L + L DI G Foreign Mlesions. 48,031 70 60,628 81 tories have enjoyed exemption from for ten eters but have paid merly they were to Winnipeg, $130, and New bee) Westminster, i The 4 College tequires for the present year $3,000 in excess of the amount it re- French E..... .i- zation....... .. 8,727 07 u 16,732 70 O school t school taxes. The tern, of exemption expires this year and they made appli- le privilege has beet) grunted uP allowing gr all thoroughbrbd calves, sheep or stems, �NDAPO TttY QaBIT A1� I� REPAIR Pointe-aux-Tremb- les ............. 3,768 SO 4,603 16 Widows and Or- cations for renewals. Some opposttton was offered in the town, the citizens claiming that the mtdtistandin was in less than car load tote of over three, to be ginned off in ant end of the car p without being crated. For a long HIMDOO REMEDY e0j, PEO °$, tae seO°a H D RituntPt. 3odrty.. ()area a 1l Nervoue Disawits. Felin Memory tN , MACHINERY gthwns.......... 2.174 67 8,004 62 that' no further assistance' wood be time this has been Parsers Bl 1" uepu; nary tip receive about $3,b00 more than Aged and Infirm Ministers....... 2,740 86 4,131 09 asked than the ten years' exemption. Messrs, Bell & Co. and Button & Fes- u standing sties- encs of the live stock men throughout Ontario. aon.,eiq 3 e°°y°piaabb�a& daornnAaze c ehranken o one and unioklr bat �tyreatorOeLosEManrwod noldozsouna. lb in stet rwoket. tyles gl.00 a Of any �a8aripEion aE ylcorE rLoEz'ao and for ZiEtle money Assemblyfund .. 2841 i14 2.9432 31 Knox College.... 2,872 02 It 3.647 00 ill O santhave, therefore, withdrawn their applications and will pay fol[ taxes in anter rovincinl trade in ort bred P stock from Ontario westward to Mani- A, 700".4, paokpAe �or$d.00,WtA •.orattun fruato Dura or ".t- err ra/unded. DONT acY ax IrrTArtps, bat �e1�on havina rrrr..}}nrtAa'O. Ijt roar ara4sia ha. 1 sionary in the Y 4 hn, n",settee., i QUetln'B College.. 1,38645 1,022L l37 Montreal College. 628 33 1.(19j 60 Manitoba College 1,528 86 1,54 67 future. --�-- - Mild in Their Action.-Parmelee's tohumbi the Northward and British Columbia, and eastward U, the mart. apt ft, we will rnd'lt areDald. no0 R Sold in God ric try J Ck. wiltv..r 'a•+� Sold hr Goderlch by Jamey Nilson, druggts a' , �� �IPntlPf s0l1 B1G�GlP G0. L(ml��d C�Ode�iGh (s This includes; $6,688 of legacies. Vegetable time provinces and Newfoundland has g n y f (b; This includes a legacy of $1,000. Pills are very mild in their action. They do not cause griping in been veru large. This trade line been greatly assisted by the Associations, The Presbyterian home Mission the stomach or cause disturbances as both by reduced rates and also by mak- Try Fund receipts are $0,600 less than up to Fob, 1 last The Home alis- so many pills do. Therefore, the most delicate can take them without fear of Ing up car loads of shipments alrwul - seat. Bion Committee will meet in rorronto unpleasant results. They can, too, he administered to without sold, taus obtaining for the small shipper n car lend rate. It is esUmnt TUCKETT'S any of whl.•h are nlwnyn handy about tan on March 21, and a contraction of the children im• ed by those who are In a position to ho P. tt'e nfre, rou three and anrthin alae g moderate, and no catMrg;R. Glove ve OeA.ing a specialty. JOHN CURIAE, Pro- work will, it is feared, be a necessity'posing the penalties which follow the speak atdvisedly that the uiterprovin- priet-or. _ - _ _ _ _ GODF,RICiT, Most, of the Presbyterian funds show to Y use of pills not so carefully prepared. caul trade in pure brad stock has in - s MARGUERITE healthy advance. One reason' for the warning t creased live fold during the past ear. shortage in the Home Mission Fund is Daddy's GOOCI Night, For the past two years the Associa- Rxrvrnnl or Inter Mnntlrt tnthe inantryof theO�rlentertmpawith Agbinnido. on thp, thatthe amouht received from Britain CANCERS tions have been advertising in the On - good material and plumbing work. ant, permsnentty this year is comparatively small. Two blue eyes that are halt asleep, tario Agricultural Gazette the implies 10 Cent; Cigar. — Rev. Dr. Warden, treasurer of the Two loving arms that round him creep, of the members of t he Live Stock Asso- Presbyterian Church, states that Knox Two little feet that naked peep, Under a night-gown white. ciations. giving a list of the stock each CAP,. W►f. BARB, rnugtha, nr ransfn¢ hula. write for rook on College tequires for the present year $3,000 in excess of the amount it re- A tumbled cloud o4 tangled hair, has for sale. These lists have been placed in the hands of bleeders If you Can get a better Godericb, Rept. 4th, 199s. 111 h Y. n rtnt rnln 1876y i ceived from the congregations last year. The receipts have been $840 less Climbing into the big arm chair- baAidy is reading his paper there- throughout all Canada, and it hits been to a great extent ow,ng to these One for the money ;tn linnet Moulds rat. „• earl, than last year, so that it will be neces- That is Daddy's good -night I lists of stock for sale that the intel•- 111V Nitolierl ( 1ntlleq lta,l(g _ 3.1r• nary tip receive about $3,b00 more than one soft month like a rosebud red, provincial trade has been so large. if DON'T TRY AG A I K. :,Uri only 'tined Ment II ,,,k `--w }�S*ahalf.waytU, bed to Mother ussib)tduring the coming year year these p these to will be so exr.' — a—` - - -- 1 sionary in the Y 4 hn, n",settee., i yer said, vy up list are w@akj quite; be ubli hew cel and throughout Manitou,,. abet .A6 C -14111-o l�h�re I I doiPn lir l(erq flflteher f\nlveR, ;-Inrh •.--n cour,tgrng I0pot o is mtaston ttave is I e Leon ever so good to -flay, in that reg on. He Hada a general Low in his ear the soft] way- Nortbwest.- The Associations have al- It and that the miners listen Then kisses three on hie li s the la of transportation done good work along the linea -�•--� A T p y y' of tr,anaportsttion And by advertising —nRrxo ME IN Rover— with rapt attention its he preaches in I That is Caddy's good -night. , their largest cabins to the settlers of-Olifton Bingham, the Ontario stock throughout Canad t, It is felt that considerably more work 7 .the vicinity. _ � BREAD _ In announcing to the public his resumption of aDeioese at the old along this line can vet he done which stand, bege leave to state that the new stock is daily being added to, and will Ladies ! If you would he strong and will result in the ultimate benefit to That is the cry that comes from the careful heels writ as HALF'S BREAD WAnOV phis- soon be complete in everything usual] kept in a first class Drug Store. M&THODI$T MI86ION6. heAltlty and have good Complexions, this Province. es through the streets ever morning. Thcy p g y p g In advocacy of the work being done take illet's Compound Iron Pills. The Provincial Winter Show held in know that The Best is The Cheapest. by the Methodists for the Canadian---- Brantford in 1$98 was the most site- • Indiana in co,operation with the Do- cesRful yet held. In 1801 there were 81 The Dispensing Department always receives the most ]Human skin is note being used in , minion Government, Dr. Stephenson, g entries, In 18M 760 entries. The Pro- HALES HOME MODE BREAD Loudon to make card cases and netts, careful attention. of the -Young People's Forward Move. vincinl Winter Show is not held int l8 THE EST. or they notions and u deintanners Are line• meat says: "We have iifl missions, the others of paying money UI prize -- ingquits a large trade in this line. F. JORDAN with 6,407 church members, The sloe It is the intention that this The skts ie ppurchased principally from Two pounds In , S.- loaf and a delivered In m membership has Increased 03 during students, tvho secure it from the bodies Show shall he educational in its natui e. time for dinner, P, S. -I wish horn to Inform � the last year. of indigent persons brought into meth- from beginning to end. In all depart• the pooplo of Godertch that I do not stand in Corner Colhorne St. and S(lurtre meats this object is being catered to. the RAICERW RING of the town, but Intend W "The General Board spent Inst year cal schools for dissection. The akin, Exhibits in all de 41vo you good broad rat rho right price, accord - in the Indian work $86,044.64 ; of this being scarce. brings a high price, and departments are judged Ing to the price of flour. Plem(o give me a call V p amount $33,46(1.88 was received from the trade -is growing. from the consumets' standpoint. Two and I can assure you yon will be well paid for E BY DG ES COAL the Indian Department for educational years ago in the swine department It- J. E. , / i work exclusively. - prizes were offered for export bacon T. HALE ©ODf:RICH, ONT. "The Women's Missionary Society RECENT FARM SALIc6.-Mrs. Pen- hogs, lodges being representatives • CHARCOAL Inst year spent $7.349.4(3 in the Indian nington, of St. MarvR, has sold her from the pork packing establishments. No. 5, Huron Road work, of which ffi1,1t34.W was a grant farm, lot 1i6, con. 10, East Nissour i, to Last year in addition to this a block from the Government for the (:rola H. Cooper who has had it rented for a Last was inan urated, the above nam - y terns of years. The farm contains 100 ed gentlemen doing the judging. This GODERIGH STEAM BOLER WORKS OOD andrGirls' Home at Port Simpson. There acres and was sold fot $4.500, which is wits the first block test in Canada. At - - were 40 pupils in the Cr(sby Girls' considered a good price. -David Cob- the Show to be held in 18941 prizes will �-_ .S_ C713RYSTA L 'KINDLING. Home last year, bledick. of Btddulphhas sold his form also he offered in the sheep depart- Manufacturer of all kinds of R "ev. Mr.Ra)ev was able last year to E, Mara, of LucXn, for the sum of ment for dressed carcasses, the judges -- W eare for 30 Indian children in his $6,500. this ie considered cheap, beingof which will be ra,tical men f ex- BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, 1, rtre still it theold stand, Nelson jtome, through the rant mauls b the pp' p Sheet Iran works, etc., etc., tl w P r fit., where we halve h.tea supply B Y one of the best farina in Middlesex. perience in this line of work. A spe- Dealer in Engines, Maohinory Castings, ote. � ins (]llr' ('IIRtOtllet'R fora number upply- Women's Missionary Society, Mr. Cobbledick had been offered over eirtl lecture hall will be provided at the All sizes of Pipes and Pipe Fittings, Seam MANUF•ACTURKII ol,• c years. \Ve know th•I furl that snit- • We hava some 35 schools, 20 of $7.000 for the farm some time since.- Show where dressed carcasses of both and water Gauges Globo Valves. Check FINE E ^ARR I A yon. them day schools, and 4 boarding Joseph Bushfleld has sold his farm in sheep and swine will be on exhibition, valves, I-virutore, hJeotors nna Igfootors con- CARRIAGES schools and Industrial Institutes." McKillop to John O'Rourke, price paid and ectures will he delivered by the atantly on hand at Lowest Prinas. v �^ �+ Orders left, with oar deliviory rigs A epecfat line of Steel Water and Hog OF ALLSTYLF'R. of al. Wor•Rell's stove and tin shop and being $8,600. The farm contains 100 judges, pointing out the meats and de- acres but hits no barn on it, although merits of the various carcasses. In all Troughs int Ree of tly attearme�nded and othbre• at olir office Will receive prompt III - The LAUGH P H AI -O sell nr o w M IN JAPAN. litepairing tin rom tl n o f t n work bl Rn IrK (•n r s m P tlonded ,o. g r I there is a good house. Mr, Bushfleld departments of the Shots run additional g p p y t and Lvmbef Wagons. Rn aliK u,g, rel rlm o- tendon. hr work of r re it T Mrs I'c r o intends d,!v ti his t g o n s atfsnti t prize will he given a t't ' o •v s on et the t rat eel i rat t sup- In o s R , LOPS. u -area &c. All work warranted. II real wri et r, p g p A. S. CHRYSTAL g vA gh I n mark et scale- rs bra Japan, far nuutV y@ars as anPerin- cattle buying huainess.-Tac 100 ncrP plying data, viving foil inform+ttion its Itrpniring promptly nttondrd to. Hronnrt ilnlevq otherwise nldrrrd, kendent of the Camtd tan 141ethod Ist farm ltnown as the Leckie property, to huts the stock exhihitwi by them - -_ ___ P. O. Nox 37, G rderieh ' hand rigs o nearly all lit nris for sale rhea p. ladv missionaries there, her re(all to situated on the 12th (,on. , Grayy, i,as was bred, what they were fod and the We run several drays in eonnec- ,Canada. its exciting effect on the home heeu purchased by Councillor Mc[�on- method of caring for then,. This data boitrds calininatitig to the resignation aid, of that township, for one of his will be published. of the president of the Woman's Mis. sons, for the sum of $4,0(10. Uarnuchan During the summer of 1890 co -opera - MOO Board and her return with Mrs. Bros. were the owners. tine experiments in swine feeding will J,arge to engage independently hr mis- he carried on with farmers throughout slonary efforts in Japan, are revived Worms cause feverishness, moaning the Province. The pork packers and by a new effort to her behalf. and restlessness during sleep. Mother railway companieR will assist the plan. As announced some months ago, Graves' Worm Exterminator is plea- The Associationi in their work Milli. Large waa appointed by Lady sant, sure and effectual. ifyour drug- should receive the hearty co-operation henry Somerset as World's W, C. T. gist has none in stock, get him to pro of all who have at heart the welfare of U. missionary to Japan, It is now cove it for you, proposed that the Canadian members agricultu-P and the live [tock indoRtry of the W. C. T. N. should suppor t Mrs. If the children req uire pfiyaic, none in Ontario. Large. The annual cost is $600. One acts so nice as M111er'a Worm Pow- F. W. HODSON, SeCy. Canadian member has promised $100 ders ; very pleasant to take. --- — -- Hood'R Sarsaparilla never di.ap- - points. it may he taken for Impnte and Irrpovertshed blond with erfec•t DOMINION CARRIACE WORKS titin' OI'11oSfTECOLBORNEHOTEL 1'litixvM CARTAGE AND FUEL CO. ,NWE have just received john S. Platin another car of Flour _MA 1`PAIL C•F FI R. from Keewatin, made — - by file Lake of the A Midwinter Woods Milling Com- pany. The best Patent an,-] Sale.r-.no— Strong Baker's Flour matte in WIwr, ane fln,k hl.. lark tan large to carry the world. ever to Hprinv. Ih,• wia,•.t -u-p I. io entdow'n Drill'. rn .u.•h a nnt,•h ,w wall make the goorl. gn oft live, Wr urn in that fl. new-korr CLEARANCE SALE p -- . -- - --- ' Choice Groceries °rill inn ni win'rr gaud. or on them. No confidence th %tit will CUTP, wear, nnA w., w,nr m gar rid at them. No AFTER STOCK TAKING. i�YICENG AND (•LEANING.- Why should doubt yon want ,mint of U,n..• good. r• anyone in Godorich go out of town to T t t o (r't1,.eft®�/irf�{f�L�l�iY.tS�O.t�Ar'Kt6ff hnvodyt,ing or nienninq done when they ran E) In order b couetderably, reduce several lines, I have decided to offer the follow- ing Inducements: 325 Cloth Bound BookS, 2OG a vol., or 3 v016. tOr BOG. These books are by'the following popular authors: 9oolik Dtokens, Thaokery, Cooper, Msrryat. kingaton, Doyle, Kingsley, E. P. ]toe, Charlotte Brenta sad others, j A line of Paper Novels st less than American publishers' wbolessle price, 6o. each. At the abo*6 prices these books should all be Mold in a felt days. PORTER'S BOCK STORE, � Our Telephone No. fit 100, Court Ronna Rgnare, OODERiCH ' { 7 Examination of the SIGHT'Y� By the most modern methods. GllaRses accurately fitted. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. T. WELSH, Optician. The 4gnsre, Goderioh, trot the bent work and most satisfaction rat an I VlslOns. An Overcoat, A Pair of Pants Carry's olnnnitmsdorr,ch. I.dooducltlmen'a garments - A Buslnes,5 Suit. R Wateroroot• dyy•ed any calor required, and tat clneaos a, then cleaned In first-class -tyle. Everv�piece turned la M.G. NICNOLSON. any of whl.•h are nlwnyn handy about tan eof of work out annrantood. Pr1 . detivPl'y lAtll ho P. tt'e nfre, rou three and anrthin alae g moderate, and no catMrg;R. Glove ve OeA.ing a specialty. JOHN CURIAE, Pro- 11 a✓ ., �.,....� in Por tine rat re 11y BA BnA IN PItICF8. Come priet-or. _ - _ _ _ _ GODF,RICiT, In and .ee _ ACTVF.R0 T WANTED EVENY for "The Story of the Mnr•st I r - I Y, + HUVUUNLoFWHEE pinna" by Halstip"A. commissioned by the . Government ate O letal Historian m the Wer I warning t ' Departmebt. The book was writton In armq San Franclsco, Next itnor to Bank of Montreal, Goderioh camps at on the Pacler with General Merritt, In the hoaplWit nt fionoluln. In Hong Rona, In the American trenches at Any person or persons cutting or remoo- ins' 'rimb°r Rxrvrnnl or Inter Mnntlrt tnthe inantryof theO�rlentertmpawith Agbinnido. on thp, any Logs or now cast on the CANCERS good material and plumbing work. ant, permsnentty therofteofbatteatthefallofMannilla. lionansr shores of Lake Huron, will heproaeontedl w,st side (ir Square, next. Sturdy Bros., Goderlc-h, Ont. — onrorlalt.hoallor top. ag°nta Brimful of orleiaal pictures taken to the full extent of the Law. sial operation or by government photographers an the got Inrg.book. FA -prices. 141g FrofRbt CAP,. W►f. BARB, rnugtha, nr ransfn¢ hula. write for rook on pmAta, pal Cre.dUpriven, Droppalltranhr unofteI&I war bookR. Oot11t froa. Addre,at, F. T. Barber. Agent for Lhe Owners, enri p- nnrl tnmora. Vnmerons teattmonlals. lilt K611TFt. (•nnr.rr Wprelallat, Portboron,, Rory , Star Tnertrance nl44.. Chleagn. Godericb, Rept. 4th, 199s. 111 h Y. n rtnt rnln 1876y i \\•e havo on hand an EXTRA ]'INE LINE of WORSTED TW E -D— S, ,te , for --S` -tiiING- — ng'tho 1*,1A\'AlW S1,:116 ;S in ltlno nod itlack, which are warranted to stand their color for two i cars ]live us a call for your S111UNG Sl'I'r. \\•e will guarantee satisfaction. A. P. McLEAN■■ tt), Art Tailor, Natty Hatter and (ienLS' 1%urnisher, Godorich. PEUNT I' c, yj PLUU.p 11 a✓ ., �.,....� a. t I r - I Y, + `� IS r\ Pot feet ]lath Itnuul moans a great i de¢I to ¢ fuiely furnished house. Inferior i I \J % 11111Dtbu,g wily last for a year or so in other <61 �. '1 �. B• �' j ''„� '- parte of din house, and -'do pat as well" for that length of title. fiat i'lumbit g Is elwcnpest when it is perfect. We bave done plumbing in eomo of the bt•et rpsidenceR in Goderioh, and do uoth Ing but fii-t class work. Call at Cattle fla'os. for estimates of r - etc., for good material and plumbing work. CATTLE BROS, w,st side (ir Square, next. Sturdy Bros., Goderlc-h, Ont. — i • V"T I aV'r BOG - d 1 g �dlco \\'r• ! it J'1�1 ILul.)Jerl taking, stot"k and find the to lw%m;, o,!,l lots llardlt'are, which wn ",III 911crific- for sit .(nl) lair hoose ,Joint halts of '.. .w. n pair 1nse,rt i 2.2'! 2. 3 1. 1 ? :1, 2, 1 11 l:ni'mnd Lauterng..• ',Dull barge "]rout ffonks at 1,7e. ver lou 6�. h ;tn linnet Moulds rat. „• earl, f 1 rmly liall I'mbrella `hands 25c 111V Nitolierl ( 1ntlleq lta,l(g _ 3.1r• I ,nly Carl)( sero, r :,uc 1 nt,iv Steak founders :,Uri only 'tined Ment II ,,,k li r,n1v liv Suckvc Chi -els. frac fi II( tiles Crockery )fonder, at Ino WO lbs. \flea Cr%+trtl for Chickens, per Ib ?r I., aha. for 2.lr. I doiPn lir l(erq flflteher f\nlveR, ;-Inrh •.--n ;llo linnn \Ingtard Spoons a for .,n LS packages hitz l'asto Silver Poligh, per package ;r 'i by above fire all (.,),)d G >„ h an 1 ivy rrh fully doable the monel•. 1). RO U ('I V I I,". - Gode�iGh The Star Guara tees Good Work