HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-03, Page 4�
v4ppotolpliplow'T 911s .
'11111POWTV1111111IF111111--Tw , 7 -1
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I- �. , I I � I . ,,� 100,11pp"r I I � I I . - -1 I- -� - - . _ , I
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I I I I I ,. � , I . . I , . - � , , I . , . . . .1 11 11 P I .
, ,
. rIMIL . . `,
*1 e po,stage tax, Subscribers will help the Star to forth I . I I
'With. A ether *M�, provie, by payingin ad' " ' ' I �
I "I . Vance. Place,e- I', 0 4z Is as - ea -
y rself � ' ' - �s
- 00 ,. o - a , , lly as
I , ft a$jj . . r
� .. ba possible
111111111"'IMIt'.1 I.,... I., ____ T-191 - , . I. I I
TJEEV _[L"�-_ -_ � .
!! _P11jQQVR%1,OFTHF, I TiM W- OT T#AT M� " . I 1.
. j)4tj.tb,f , I _ ._� 1_-DQ-,yoa,-k*9W_. .. rpm 901041k, "
.� , � :, I r, � .�M - -: '- "', :. ;-Z " JV � __ k Cherr
thin a le for the D in- . . , U . - . __ Im. -1--v " -7L , ,'-' I -
$p6isMUts- ia Arwars ,,j.ogt.,"t,.','::,,,w.'if.'w.,'�'.�,L'�f,n,'X,,.','."It . IL - . .- wiltit - -,ap'pa'lls - . r :__ J1,11 � Our Blac y
�A it, fn
- _ I I . .I , 11 , ,� ." L � � � . ...
,Nfr Subwriber.-Per- I --I*o Mg,101% 1, I , , '. ,
I I W;o;-4 7nd-Vi wtLo has . big IV, a ,
, e�40, an oUon deals. F411- A Former Ae�f_j�ejd Boy .
ure again. Become Rich and Famouls. I 5b;! Is �Otrikc�s a . littl4wl _'. � .�I. , I � � I
'alit T01@ STAIg to remind In Opposittoln I'm democritt to) too . � . forafica0Q7 k it I I , 1, � .1 � I . A.NRW qT0ciK,QVt,4yjWjM
1 -0 is Partly 0, 40d ow .., 1 . .1 qoiiinsw Cough Balsam
, R ata"sabscriptions hilt." In powbr it cannot he denied Th l) bew of tile following �ket ell has Its foun&tIo4g, . 1. _. I , � 0 I I . ,. $1 . '. .
. .
I I - K0,1t. .lid ,advance- that he wears a *Ohi pat" title. a "tin many zietti relatives-In4he town -hip Of LLLL - L This+;thc-mad. - - I �L , . . � . . I . . .
pot" decoration train (1611`01`01911 GOverIA- Ashfield. this -county, where he spent - I I .. . I / trip
titan AL DEPARTMENTS are being daily ad4ed -to With WatpjrBag.5, ,
11 I I Must he wild not later meat, the "till prit" medrill of is Mori- Me years of his early boy It, -, id; t hell - -1. (loss right
k, , -than next week. We do hund cloill, and a --tin pot!' cocked liat "a ,-a .) -% icing every n4uee - - _
I not want to stop any PIA Pei-, ill- with considerable gator. But, Irom a. -%fterwards the family went t,� Kansas -of pqWcrLAjt4 ell,•
- - , . to the seat of trouble
msort,to legal proceedings, but. democrat s � . - I ergy into one tie- nges, and ourer rapidly.
Is O's 0 - "int- I
11 - town of Foritanna, where they _W , , . t, ble blow that i
. in your blinds. A great nu Is there, then, no great achievement by the ,� ply annihilates
atter Is not Lois Man At fat tire? land bot(lering oil the Osage i i i vu. at !-;g\ . li mendouts irresinti- - Sp ` * -,G "' ,:I fs,y-,ri ;
[a demago tie point, of clow, and purchased it large trite, of farm . 047 , ' "
you know tile whole in 111- t (i � 4) New ring ods pleasant to take.
I for which the historian cars give Sir It - I)PI .1%; opt .
I still reside, with the exci,pLimi Of the Pt
0.9ition. This Ice B69sit, etc.
. L
ter have promptly responded, , sietercredit? Unfortunate- , ,*40� ,tilt emethod that fj L, Try it next time.
. Wilfred , .
prevented this British Gov- now tamstit's "Jacle'. means success.
f - ,:", hilt anct more we must remind I y, y e t; I kle, � It is just tthe New Dress, Goods, New'Art, lins,
those who have not paid that erument from granting preferential Nineteen vears ago "Johnov" Dalton I . � us .
treatment to Canada; a measure that left his father's home, it few i 1, i les from . same in the war. . �
the law and consequent el- was as much Ili the military inwresta Forstmann. Kan., and star (,,it out to - fare against dis-
feet areb? it very serious nature. of the Etispire its in the economic In- snake his fortune, He Icturned tell . . east. While all New Sateen EXCELLENT VALUE. 25C. .5 for $i.00.
tet of the 0ahadiun faimer. We days age (Itlexpectedly, wish bugs of sorts uf,'half. I I
I Now, gentleman, do vour duty. way cwnpr
leave it to the historian to decide gold dust In his Vallee, nuicgi-ts of gold inising mM
� * 1 �'.. , I MITCHELL & TODD ( 1. il� New Gloves and S 1111110 BLOCK.
N 'L' " ; : whether that was a success or a failure. In hits packets, and with biv,jijess inter- cities In the bands foul. artially ex• h irtin,w-A-- - DRUCO18r, �
, - Publisher" Of course iuur.b E 1 45,,,i;ss* . W. 0. GOODE
depends upon eats In the Klondike all,[ lit Alaska I andadoctoth make a e le, ■"amall. . I
� �., . , , I I I ,. , I __ - - Sir Wilfrid wasa aluting at. As fail- worth butidrede of thousands of doll- calibre art of resistance to the evenly. - - -
ure history must pronounce our Pve- ars. His narne aLs the owner Of the Dr. PipTce'a magn,ificent "Golden Medical Hosiery, Cottonades, etc. .
� . Discovery,"wi its splendid blood -purify . . I
i;, ''��"�! Of Goderieb ffar. - ter it marked success. Dalton trail to the triterjor of Alaska, Ing, Ilver.toning, airength_creating•
power, . .
L - and life fame as the best ji,,sted olisin Oil hurls the farVess of disease from its v .
... Alaska In the world. had vane before foundations, and searches and driven very
Tavapnotint CALL 71 .at Our Carpets are all New, .40 are our GODER,ICH BARGAIN )
MODEST AND SINCBRE. him. lint neither thisnor his riches had the larking symptoms of weakness and de- . - - -
Among the "many Wegrams and turned his head. writes Alfred C. And- bility from every secret biding place in the L .
L !; FRIDAY, MARCH 3. IBM. erson In the Kansas City %Vorld. "He entire Physical %Item of mankind. Gents' Furnishings, .
1'�111w�..1111 It CENTRE
, .. - congratulations received." the Clinton is Let the saMe boy as It,- used to be," The work of this grand " Discovery I I is 0.
----,--------- -
------' � NowEtapablishou telae following dell. gab his grak-hiitreW mol her, ** only, of thorough; it gives- the .health that to all ` Iii - ' '
Cate tributes: course. he hin3growu ol'it.l." health- the strength that is olid and sub. These goods are up to date and prices within the reach of all.
1z stantial and lasting; not flabby fat; not false . ...
CIOVOF GFitiOiSM From Ed. T. Holmes. Worthington -And thing" round hviA' in Mittin I stimulus; but genuine, complete, renewed
I ,
I :
Minn. -Hurrah fur West Huron. county have notoliangell twi -h either,"vitality and life-force.
I , Pitted Daltors. "Kansit.s is always the " ,had been a sufferer for fifteen years n
Of 81r Wilfrid 'Laurier -Remark- Bro. Ed. is a Government official I -i4 ,�ilr,f
same." Relatlyos and friends whil, had pat the time.,, says Mrs. Sarah F_ Sto .
able Career of Public Failures with it salary at $1200 a year and ex- known him In his boyllood davit were iturekiL.dreenwoodCa..XanS-.IUAfrieD lylCttC49 NEW
g to Dr. Pierce.. " 11 luru.11ylir ';,,,,,h, �Ileu with
).,. n �
I e . .
. It gall -atones. Ke re- __ No wonder lie jubillatea at�the At tile DAILo"n 1301110 till'"' he" ni lit t sic Th. dri,�.penses,i, -the utorvof hiti ad,ent " READY-MADE CLD�INThe most ssirpi isiog thing about the family success. I beat iwes an t"O"oherelZig"it'.". due I. OURG
success. Unlike a good immy returned lieved we for a short time, arid then there was a
failure of the Dominion GOVel-nnient'S From Hon. J. T. Garrow-Uongiatu- Klandikers, Jack Dalitin (lot., not tell hard lump about the sire of u goose egg formed ,
8 , by dint Pomp- Ili my right side. It became so more I coria Department will be largely increased with the newest styles. See our Spring
. , - u great victory, well deserved. much• and it was only scarcely walk about the house. and I had no up•
L: �111 atteliltit to negotiate at treaty with the lationn. . oc rs n a Overcoats before parchasing.
'� United Stitt," IN that none of the ardent Mr. Oarrow remembers the wotk voilanceitifitiestioiiingilitttLtiiytioi-tof petite. I consulted the bristd. to intow, not I SPRING
inecotint of his life could lie secured, they said medicine would do Use no good, I
L, �'. I " -9 of the Government process done by the same gang for his "great The fallilly gave it lip d. gave up all hope of ever getting well again, ., I
,� supporter *
., We call therefore asstune , 4. JILIV and talked - You advised me to take your * Oolden Medical I
41�Tpritted sit it. From the coin- vlo3tOt Y." -'s hoine, Discovery' and 'Pleasant Pellets.' which-] did
to ate Ott thout his icturn to his father
ments made by theta, one would iota- that he approves of this method of en- Jack hits kept tip 11,01-4. (It. less Of Lt cor- according to directions. I began to feel better.
arid my appetite ensue back. Now it tit a little
gi[10 that the .Government has not, so dor',ling " Liberal principlea." respondence daring )its nineteen years over a year since I began to do my own wort. I The Goods are RIGHT, the Prices are RIGHT, and you
L r
From C. Sessiaer, Goderich-Heart of absence, and tece,vIt- lie wrote• sav- a- irmitwer than I have been ( A--- " Will be RIGH,r in it if you buy at ' GOODS
4 , much failed Ili succeeding, a" it hat, -0141.bly (I I ---------
, congratulations on your splendid ,1,- df%&,thAt 110 Would P[ lie owl
-411, .. succeeded In falling. tot -v. largely the result of Von(. own South" along In JUI)kotry. The fatally MERRILL CHALLENGES THE WORLD.
� L ''r!;�" , When we come to think of it. 1110,�t good work and sperit. . heard no more from Iiiiii. Morrill. tho Dolaggist, of Brantford, offers '
j'�':, � of Sir Wilfrid IRturier's ittlect'.4sert art' The Police Magistrate find Division THE WANDERK11 )tKTURNS. $1000 reward to anyone ,% tic will make a botter
1. of consuvatlan than lillarrill'a System ARRIVING
T � of this negative order. the ttittivehlit- Court Clerk modestly refrains from re- .Charlie Dalton was out Ili the yard 11tricia. This medicine it not it simplocathartle. J. His PEDDER'S9 -
when a man drove till from the road to but a positive and iii.mmant to take care for
� torlan of Canada tvill find 111411 It li(IZZ- fewring to his own *6 gond work " in the psola,. He dismounted and Charlie habitual constipation. in this way it stares
, that by content Orsi publicorrinion it pt.lvatelv IaLer on. to the new M. p. .. Arlie." 5j rico 50c. at Otin haul's Druggildt. ___M!=n=T=MrM* . _1EK
-� ling subject, to ristal with. lie will liud vicinity of Auburn. He may mention went u dy opsLoi, impure blood and nervous trouble. Is , % Culborne Bros. Old Stand
to Vesel; the hl,rnnger, !?Dsoa P I
.. ella.R - --*.- - - - EVERY WE--- ____
Laurier occupied a big place Ili the How d d - ?" .
I 1, - )-ou've got here. A SUCCESSFUL CCM� .
thoughts of lite fellow -countrymen; - - "'Pretty 0. r.0.0 P111111coll I 1* PjiNy. .
Toronto Telegram I "it wall thought Say, are the talks ill?" ,
., . " 43fift L -Ile led the P %o, ity Into the house, - . 1z
: L.0- L
that he was by comajors consent A man _ 1\TR0`18._
I �,`� . that Robert McLean's experience 49 11, W Is.the West Wawanosh M-..-., � . L It pA,V
tic brilliant Parts. "I'llt when the his- hover of cattle would enable him to Ilsite the family hitJ gathered Ili the for Fire Insurance. pays to buy your Dry -Goods at
.",�" '' lot fall comes Wwrito hN chapter Parlor on sieeing I he stranger arrive. Seasonable Goods in every variety, such as
t "t, 11 "Poll beat the Laurier Government in West The motherand foiir,,isters were in the Tile following fuels and figure's, taken
the g
I 11, reat things ist-complishoul I)v ,Sir Moron, hilt at hye-election time the. 110OUt, The tatter llilllg back bashfully I
. With ad. he will find that for ver luck so froilithe reports presented atthe au- f I
, ,.,� �, rtofenitthi whotite for salein tint and wera surprised it) see their mother
tit ninterial lie hatt ill make it, its short . throg tial meeting of thio company, hail In Men's, Women's and Ctildren's bnderelot' 4ing, .
,I hat, tirms around the Rt,ritviger n
constituency have votes instead of and titstintotears, Uungatmon :t few weeks ago. show a James Robi nson s.
�� ." !;, &is the celebrated essay ot, -rhe Snakes
L . ).,�, horns." "Wil R. Its yoijr brother Joint gratifying degree Lot Prosperity and
':', • of I,lTIA,Rd;" And V01W 11111011 11) 1,110 Mosiery and Gloves - .
" 'j ", � . - - - - - from All"At" I I " 11 h(,exclaitri. speak well for the inanagenjent. Is .
.",�.,I�,, - manse purpocut. 04regseq fill , all of which will be sold at greatly reduced prices before stock taking
If will find no sitch dityletiltv in
rite: Mitchell Advocate says conn- t Us.( till I fo lower]. and The directors' report points to the to
0 hen the girls beirtitt to cgft), At I
dently : "We have it, on the most re- t p I (
lenittig with thn achievements of Rome . his paint old Joe Dniton. ,lend of past, year ixq the most sat-isfactory and
ther distinguished Canadian qlales- lintile8tuthoritv that Mr. McLean. of VIselmnily,canittin. Speakipiglaterof prosperous since the forwi'%ii the . Next Bargain Days, March 2 and 3.
1111'ers. For inslance, lAke Sir Wilrrid'n till, 4-eatouth Expositor, has been ap- the acene which followed he said : company twenty vears ago. yl.hows A •few Fancy Travelling Ruga will be sold at cost and under. As usual a
gt"tt. O . 11PI'llent, Sir Chariots Tuppel-- "I saw thi's flne 1(,okiiag yminir mars that !tilt more policies were issued in 1898 �
pointed registrar of Hui on, in room of I . large stock of Yarns and Fine Wools. Ask to tier. our Peerless Cotton Bat.
tile h6torian cars find plenty or inter- %titudintas there with his now Clothes than per
previou-3 year; that the - - -.-
0 material in the records showing M r. Hinson, bson, deceauRed, ond that the an - nil., I outirlit at tirst it was Bates tea )e tliotisitli,d,,,,,(r,,,,g,r,,,vwl,,,� less, ting. Small wares complete in every line. Your patronage kindly solicited.
vs; tIR the assessment not _ -
fill%%* the heroic energy, the pluck, the nouncement ivill 4hoptly appear Ili the Groeb's brother -in law front Vkitola, and . �. n $1.50 pet .
�. , unrtellish pattiotisin of D". T11PPol' Ontarks, Utizette." Till,, will not please thirb I noticed the W01ned crying, and $1.(XIO, and that the cost of ivanage- New Year, Fruits I
I.. I looked again, illid-well, it was to assent was very Innell lets than the liver- A. MUNRIO. Draper. I
� HAVed the forlol't, hope (if Confedera- Ulintou'-i William. who It&@ been do- I -
�&s'�. -tioll 4 how lie. with his groat.chleful'it). boy John." . age throuirhout the Province. The -_ . •. I
d�,6'%v!'1Mj*0)ln MitoDonald, __ I petriding on the recomrnond&t,J--,,_nC I 9 and Groceries.
, - 4N.'st ,, �,b -
11 I ; ,§ fitm* immelliAtely sent a tele- directors also stated that. great care
N'tv,."", I ft, . - � k�hvr,f n1ttlon was exerci-ea in.the -relec-
I ,1:11^1904 F1 4-i ill*, rotection agaftlit. fr&t tvi�aa MintritepwithotttT_... , e� -7 1 �_4. O'Donnell. of n.nd t, . -
. . Lt -tle,Oime
�" - . L W_ F1 i fofinciations of the Ilidus. . . down to n1pet Lion Of Applications, a fact clearly (lo- , 410 41, I - -----.7,
p :3 a *t w it y4w 6 * 0
I , r " . 1.41.',j�. - - ,r- , c, - - � -- - - -%
- J."j - �ltn
N�,,- ,-*rtrjxI ri-mverlty of the peveral colcallen t sa we, fatter.. I l0ionj he biltil be4rli monist rated by the I,— .te charged for I . - Year Ffuits�o:od- Gro-
,., , I e I taenial "Cap" Sullivan left fat, home 'A 1111kc . instirairce, it . rid the, ,,,, ;'Sitioncluded-ast Th0'_SLtaL,._f0r Superior P latir, I
, .. *1 -Y told welded into it nation ; how t . . A; L 'a . - � '11, 6 4 �
follftsi "Your Company hits In t.he . . L . I I C.I.- -..-- , will Commend
L 411 the fac', of tilt- bitter opposition of On Wednesday last, after Quev'Jiftg vs-- -- DAL -TON'S 1MVENT HISTORY. . I Cerfe.), all , , __r3,:prices
., past done fititliftil service in the coon'
.7,.that W
. t ie L n, . 1.
I I Liberal party he succeeded Ili unit catkon in Ooderich and vicinity. He Jack Dalton Is thirtv-.qix YeArs Old. ties Of Huron and Bristle, and now the, L - __ __
�,U,. ing the Atlantic atid Pacific shores of 4ays that this section (if the biniftna Hill hail, is ghol.t. cl.j � M==t!=� them to every thoui�tiu I economical housekeeper.
"-.% 8 Ind black, while Cotripany's claim for consideration as .-- . NINETY 9 ,
P�i�--!�,;, Can"da by hands of steel, He can belt. Is a great place tai enjoy holidays his flo Is triore golden to patronage is not*ba 8
. moustache T A trial order universally secures to this store a per -
show He prefers It to FI I ,,, sed upon hope Ot the people are affliited with some
, ,,� s't�, - show how 111ac0anald and Tupper unit. Ill Wltlt&r tIilIP or'- in litie .
"�11. Vnakn tile nuggets he arteries. A alone, but upon tile . L
.q ed tile HOLIsh North American prov da. -Tile Signal. CceFl9ful expert- form of humor. and this causes a vs-- ., . manen
sturdy frame k. marked by horrianse ellee of the vast twenty years.41 t customer. Come and see us. .
Inco$ Political by 0onfederation ; in- WHY doesn't the Signal fut an expo. shoulders and st trioniondons cheat, and , riety of diseases. The reason why
, I The pot iclesa in force on Dec. 31, 9. Hood'a Saritaparilla-enres when all
(Instria)1v innT coin mercial Iy I)v the ISO I'd3VU, OUSUr MOOS, Tarts
.. , National Policy , and geographically 3 M0_ __U_A_M3ffl-Y`
,e, " nent of the . 11 1,11lapal principle " thAt now arid then, when talking, lie. The
M. and were for S3M,- others fail, is found in the fact that it and RoI18.
. = it deep breath, like a man does Short Bread C-=-
..., by, the Uatindia,11 Pacille Railway. government officials should not take =,. The losqes oidd since 1897 am- effectually expels the litimor. - I i 3
who Is about to maks A dive. Piercing ounted to $48,071 and the assets On In, Balt rheum, bolls and all eruptions I GODERICH, ONT
!., part in elect-losts, tell its readers h ,�. Scrofu Mince Pl@s and lad Fificerg HAMILTON STREET,
I Of Laurier -lint ran the historian ow It blueleyes abol it determined extUre-tilon hand ,in Dec- 31 were $139,353,- Forty ate permanently cured by this great KIM& Worm
. . ,�-,-
' ". Write
rt , �,�, , - ? He will have it) say that. [Akjr� is that "Cap" Rallivan's vacations. tire 9ho%v the cooravo tit the in -in, which ,jalms top joills,s, $2160.12. which were medicine- . 4,Mara*es,
`ter win L
;'_'�" r -i the aceldent of an accident t it alwnys timea for the localities of bye- has stood trumv it test, satisfactorl y proven, were ptomptly __ Brandu &
. ,��' ,man by courtesy. whose - . papAt .&.#
"I StAt011 Dalton settled in Alaska fifteen years I h se wets caused by light- NEW YORK TRIBUNE. Are Ike 9004 " the,heat grade in any
,, - elections, both Loc,J and Federal He, . . paid; 27 of t e SHOESAN EVERY STYLE -'"v-
- llt,!, �, - craft' consistool chiefly of, It silver ' It was till unknown country.
"-. j r. , ago, When
got in soine of lit.! -good work" 111119, some of them being for very .
Gni ns- and a sunny smile; who rould In b8' After leaving FontAL1111, five Years e: City in (�load& � .
r. 1- � " - PF small amountal 8 were bj defective - . . __Qfi At one price to ,Lit alike. There are Shoe
.:�", I
speak Mrsquently and ambiguously In half of J. T. harrow, and,oafended It viously he had gone CoT then chimney% 2 by 4toves, and eitch'by it RecogxiJze(I as a Leader of Re, -
, gals, in
,,-,. , . LUKU)
r , ," i �.. I t r, es, and hold his tongue In by saying. "ll --n it, wall, it's my to Arizona and New Melelco.
, �,.
- Central Stores which keep one or two of the
'_L' eith&. That incendiary, sparks from .1 publican Opiniort. Oautelon leads the trade in
_ I III 11,11 A .wave of ritee preju. bread and butter I" L his attention, I' pipes, sparks and a lamp . .
. tura ( T America next attracted ,f3a1g,-,:, 1.-tt.t . � '
, I
, .
)I .'"Incififfig with an era of . - . . Shoes we have, but there is none thisse
and then he till ned sailor and whaler, exploding. . ..
(11 nifloal, arid disaster' lit the ranks of _ ___ I WIRDDING: CAKES, .
laud away into the Far Eastand is it, The Now York Tvib to I
'T W-11110blEn i In fancy'designing. and stijualme lintir . makes our establishment the Mecca
r The board of directops fair 11ft newal owl to the . . . 0a keeps the variety in Footwear which
�,r Wit opponantst, placed him in Power, Into the Baht Sen. .Tile United follows: mister whi 1. b.
-Ir 11A,r, L We •wt:l let our renders into a aeopet. President, John Bsilatityne, =16. of the bost. oft? 4
TbaV in power its an opposition Ill.. L A 01 � , and almond icing, Owe him an. ardeit
. , he managers of the estimpallifn for the OtAtses Gavel nrnent was trying W find Pine Riverl vice president, Fintar 11. party on, &l1IgF,kqons%j lr4,t it is digistri I
In 8 (
trting.compog,andpa, rilts,
succeeded only in consistently falling Rusuarvativeli, were ky.nxious that alit what it had got from Russia, In the dorson. Belgrave, sec.-treas., John M. and your satisfaction will be ,__, for all who are looking for fit and ex -
That, lint one gre it measure o7 r0f0rM Clarke Wallace should be Irk tile riding, plivIthase of Alitska, and government The Dot��y T assured.
1� men Roberts Dun annon; t1ir . lisibuno 14 $19 a year. The
ectors-Alex. .
Of nktidnal adimneement stamols to but were afraid his preAence ,would he geodetic arid surveytil, 'Fliditions � , V but (an be ob calladoei of quality and workmanship.
- . Stilart, St. He 0 tattled, In oonj also. I .
. ,1, e � .ens, vy'".-Wot, era, BA- I ttlevarlouWal ft i
.' - to the croditothiaad ( . I aldv 10111111
I Illit, or M" tails
q ,
- dettimet,tal Ju Aslifield, Then I)r, wereboinKatarted. Dalton opt 4 f i 194110 11 (I - il I 0 411111=1-94=0% 11
hll$ -1 Ion. That he - clung Wit"* Montague appeared, on the scene, It is triptlibet, ,of several of these, an 'I-- W, ` Ringo LA. Run ri- vus' rlu� . , .0 T LOtvp "I
"' i .
"I L d (I y r. a PA N FE
r , .
I jj$Iy % offie"' for I& few years by amid uninvtted. Mani tie. and Wal. Ick . richeitsts. - A NewsDAper fi,no Magagnllll W.JMT.BT. 0.0DER10H. . You make no mistake '
pI0,V..e,4,8Aeh pl d d tab lity to Goderich township, J. X Ranke Kin-
... r' lie I 4,111c, at I . .
I Ing talisshly In Rome of the foot� rill jrrtrla�jof 4*13 hie "I rho 0 t 10138. iltigh QIrviu, since deceased, wits . .
lace are deadly enemies --the dolilt
r � 4 gliesp
An, of Vli6 men whom lie had tie- 49 4 Were ontrosted to him, W-0 was he r I 3DOtb. . when Vott gat your foot wear from
LL , ilk as they pass lisy-and silatiar eq .
e ,katning member of the btia.M.• ..
Alto mail to penotra M auditors are John Wilson. Hulls t, T44M516 prinw
n1infignsad during his whole Zr:n work with Montague, a stioutiIii of t The Star DrintS qUiek,90W, Cheap
e t white The 8ainil-Weeklitir
u C ThAt'a cruel fate made the the Conservad -a "id to 8 1P O' r lit r Tuesdays and Frl,40 I , I . .
, .
' vaorganizersat nand MOrga-n Dalton, Kingsbridge. genstral newsprlitets IIA low -11r; f-ADWbid-61 . .
jprofoitelqqdl put lit of the Old Liberal have left the riding. -Clinton Now t' Ill, known *skil, ,Is the Plats - analk •
,. (INTI(torlk - anal man"rX,rchisitut. CTIVR WANTEDSVI
school, tile bo,ttd,sof tho'grentest atrgire. Ere, WRWjhj.0rI7b_`e"`sSl,0ry of tie Putti- a
I OrI.&Or attle. 10lissivas Orleans -
1) Wits R M '
"4�� ltb 6 ertlj�nij mo%p i��04h`k DPW. 41, Ilcm,y Qiiilial�, W41 am, it." by Murat
.L, r�ttlqjjkif J)PIlittsca' .. d the ceou , ' Jr,,
( lite. 0111y P4 Irectiorils, And lie 1, . W
ry, WIP - I Illy Iffebt0ad 6dirt(whisfonotid by a. Sarman
, Jdjiish.Qtljored . �he 1 h"Polatem that over TITR only thing wro'nir with this "'go- �Wj;W; "I iii,;is In North, alfto iu;mt I Ah.. I I
-1- Wjudeor uniform. out 11 these ex to topria he was C "N" A 1=,.rxy"z 6ZA"84041,11., Government an offlotWIllittotlan to the
�'',. hat, f 'hg his adtilin(Stplition the re
'L. , IT , ihji�j 0 C t" Is that It was never proposed to qatic tO see t lie bualmosli chan Uax- 4nd I took ii,hattle ai North- q1= one. War Departmakit. The book was written in the oldest House In the Trade
A, """', e It �, _ L aseq, and
, ' , it J414414's VeR.0ts,111 Tell Yesr, army camps at glan ftanal
ruis 'gaTictiltund ptilits will contain thtq .
10 cot6rate Qf Oktitda Was delvauched have Mr. Wallace come into the riding; he was soon able to Inalte More mono t I I 8 in Goderich . . . . .
�,hh ,=rp"W as it b4d never beell be. F 0 W"QV9VT with General Morrin', I% aT&0n U10 PA01110
I a, ,M In it tilt on to reirm ar testurtiso. a weather m t the -
V�r it 4 V, U is Vitalast Ratio
that. Dr. Montaltne came at the unatitil- for hjulsolf thil,tj the 0overrinilent "itid , a, 48 1 , - . Ens w p one of the aintnal voisulta lul in Hong Kong. n t a A -me dim trenches -
. 1 4' , , M"ill W 41d aot re sate wl -_
I , �463ee.. . 0 0 it at Mila. In this Insurgent Wills with gain -
,0 , . u'. It, While there on small Willits, and other matters of a
I., � ... - pay hire, 4 lady friend tiouil A
,L " 40 JOlyinida with Dewey.
- . WAS AN INDIAN TIL,11,11PUR, � or Ar Ilse to ortlessem fruit -growers. and a the war at b
Asit atated lit the beginning at this ar
moue req - ldl) a,% the dcc%c of aha , oast of the Vonservative 19to wit- ,sulforin with Inillgedclou, 41111- ritki.mers. tin Omen &Ijd.Ij*e.atUak rillsom attisi at the fall of Manila.
tjcle. the Iliture historian of Canada costive Committee and that not, a . Headache. I r000m- BonattItts, for agsuriM Brimful of bra nal
He altd, ted In its a trader on a small n,(%jdcd the Vegetable Ills3.)-oity to Plqtoral':-upplement. ' platurestaken ill gov, thetphotoamphers 66691" a
bUsttlind Ahe principal material fop single Conservative organixer ettlissr, scale, giving the Indian tr With FrId%% numbar thole is an ribla 1 t. 1U. I 'Mnlk w prides. Ilif
"laur, Profits. Cigh dit, rAvon. D nir Buyers.
,aiisid, -C.
Nv&o that It did her so much; good thle p&ears full of do - .... V.6,hy r waw books. Outfit TO Holiod
- "
--;Ah' L sCarfPr0- lit, and she trIed It, and rue result tlad on - the
u the , , I ,
"Wilfrid's fitihares, and this need not be They were till local men and trey did ottet-, mink, Itear and fox. His business tuts: _ livetle F. "04-111,111 -47
a 'aurier section In the record tit Sir shirked his work or, loft the riding.' vialons in exchange for the I D Supplament, . to 24 - rI-W ..
mim."..., . Hatber, Sec'y., Star lusitiance C _.slassso
�11%0 hirikitpreating chailoWr- A chapter I I had to 10ave the ballmnqe -it the with from thirty t tonu at 0 dare , T,
4, ' d'j'dWe"v? Iti,swarthycef their work heartily re,if. atid lie established outlying trod- a% fifty halt. 'dg Vh I . .
% volatile, y suit stjecessfully.: - Itictil with her." tilatures. Every rea cradmita that this u BI - ,[eergo. L
, I I Itifft9ts. The radilally .L - . pleatent is t in Ike In It's cont6n . . I YOU win wish to know what to boy, where to bay, and
, better 01419 4 I, 8 U bit a or -
'01ir (Vielaa, the historian, will have to The whole Barn Is the usual fabr`lba� %,a I (oil tip more or less. andThe posts � ould that I I., a where your dollar or dime wffl go the farthest.
to lfty titf9ste fisis L =
, IF YOU DESERVE S. , eat dfsi-
. tion of the New 1tr*'V'$4eCr0W" ji"sir4' bpeme centres of supplies tor the cusidons or maktarn to area ting at- 3W .T.aMmilo''AL I .
, 11 -t Mr, Wilfrid spent most of his hir the Conservative partly . , vollier& '40vie'eame up there with /�,,� lit I I . .
. Tha
.1 I I tanttish. sampto oppi of Irriday,
I L:'Oloblie I fo In advocating fro* trade lor OiAllar, sAll 'Ilialtson undertook the be sent free (on aispli. on. � . L . -
I , 1.4
, , Qmt&17
EN ,E 1�
""' "'
e- Is'
- ll
. ,
�thhome .
�,. I
tI �w -qA
I ta RQ11
tdfj qut
at "t, I h
V40add. Afid'fidled to get It, - 40. � Of t4prp *8 tas I . .1 . . .
I 1411611listAortatlarl' and their bar- Cluba. . You Will Find Stnith's Bazaar
That for it few yseara he fought fat, They are a Powerful Xerjftft._o There wp j,qW W 11 V I this
- ,h r Any readsr who mity 19 Lt 9Mvelilent to the Right Place.
"fifir"tridto real (ftity with the Unit- popsin causters derangemen't, of Mtge) a 0 1 1P
� , " Lf# Si*1i#A,jLudfaI#d to $let it, '0 Rise- , came WIM wok )$V!W1,1�FS, .i RELIABLE
� , V,*.
- ! 1. L �l 6161"M I .
I ; _ vous system. a Vot"t, ,-,_� fn11 ) Oso,sind it
"I - lid neZVOUll debllikt M,W&. Ilk, Dalton and his loan haill , AT 611ilt'll almost for I I
ThsitAr ,tatwherAlled atthe Con. once engendered is di cult to deltil He therl lit UPI" the Ilan of YOU ARE LIKELY TO Glif IT I to Ilample poples, em .
'j,�*"Atft#s, w*roulepts of Canada, lie. with. There rilre many tastlitto I is, s I flovitilt the mail r I � Nowhere in town Will you find an great an assortment
! . I W( n it X ffif 'mart thoroulhfar . TRIO VMBU*z., . ls.-
I 1, .. . �
. *A1F0C,t, VAIdnobsecuretretatiermatatta, to the efficavy of PArniele#1,q Veget4ble titled the Dalton till, 1. and he spent Central Business Conege I of now and beautiful goods to select from. iMglx class
t I Ifthill, 2160 liattiral .market to the 111116 in Ovating this disorder, .tiliovit. thousands of dollars llsitjlaqthI?�jjoff STRATFORD ONT. New life for it quatker. Millees ANO -f goods ittl
I Sts 1.0'tlnittbe did luiii�bfttto orsavehit, Ing that they.never fail to prodlIcs, ttio V nil 0()N,T WAIT for something to turn sits. gat, Compound Iron PtIls. L .
I ui I L I , ugliest edges." 09 1W calla - I . . . Fine China In anew rN.... ,4 A I
- ,
'Nits, �Olpfibntsi ftin stiiativing t"loft"I stood relsitilts. By giving proper . (011lif buil Ing bri s. Then he put In toll
� , , 4
1 .. . Vlfth "t. hyrraistentIftirepanding to thb (110stMe sotgabs, thety t*A61t tOlIbetars, anti today Who asehis
" , Wft 9 weredlispoilied to offer equilibriuni to this, net system. road pay for, it, ter lite impin Im.
I �N of . , 0.
I i 'it � I I -10 I . ilk I
'MWARA betftr Ultnis thati,ry for
, he "
I A tea of Into the coCot
.thiS',�,troYi�ietVf4t,tvft,- abd, that,wheii 0 --fie thht enurta 4714 r1i1w A*iwy ef. Others paid $$%r ever
t IM -0 06*0'r Wter flutallillagUlatithsl1k. A) 111ye to'court arlothar 4syll., fihe rE. ., stock takerl over the troll, anx
� th#atxotoo�*;,#hiogthtt.•hc-*-Mustlat�, 81111, tie th'At eparN 414d does tin this fat the owner In a 0031tion of ad.
r.b.,,,..,,,,.,.,t,,,,,..,,,,,t,.,,,..... lilkyfttidititneettitte6tirbinste 1, *�4 vilnv". On obt6bilptileat lie bleated
L 6 I ,
P.W00will V�*� lib. 010aftl flifill. � "60 *W,W_
t , 1 I I 1 fx"11 itlitis Iff Are Van ft Out �l
, * % 4"06 IWO � I Mire %I 84" *of• oi-
R � _ cornef If tai IlAt or
,. I V,
4 ,toter with
ro A�,*Mlhs - %th sthlialt �wtll""
,W Atist *It tiltur,
: P:� ,%l6b Vk%%�#f 6Mft not �totk sir;ft a, bottle of Hollo"O 166t of a st�odllhs
. lim ,4 , 0611 '1011 O'l Rob .1
-t. Irlatwl o bolar
ft- t"TAI;,1146, I tw,r W.lhutm live.
I laftoilitts0d1ho� 4XI . I ; bu 06M Care. It Stas never h can kbown: dustlike it jqfn� Ittle )lint lf like .
. f 4"Jabout to 'AIL , es ate, Wor W Ir In
__ --- 1 80*M11 plop .t,h, w
0, O.. I'll -_-.& I 11 I his ilioeket* witili ,% Adt, Otto I
I It =1' ""Illis '4061AIVA, sigaini0t 011i"hy are brides milways Iftl to t - hit!,. lit eArtleii-sotoss�j1ho tl PIZ' 1'
I 6
. I Aitphtotv I IL � 0,011tot. L. h 10 I � , $ 110 quie
Aw itso4 040,1414; vwo 0440" 1%B4sftu*& th6ir vir . 61*06 and ktiisslit *e1glic Alull does
N 4.44t )b ItT, 66 bust"I .
, 1064ing vit 016ir 1AW141 fix bxa tbat'o , 7t
46" am "Otr0w, *#'A" - luttvtm�ft It fly I r% tail how � tl�tll tbij bkmolsts, Arilt
, � . I � , . , Uver-
40" u0m. 06V*b,4ii106tI)#4 , (lilsy 'kit whors tile' ArI4 j�bl , e , 1b. hilt t�g *11#6* f#
. . '
" 116 Umv lie, 'Oelibuin"4 , 1. mOr does.
,ft , ", - 6'' _____;61�i� . 1#1o(t 0"Idilpial
, .,
I I I loqllt; know ,a**p%lS,. OW 100M., It ii; to
�m k?'*h .
10 - =1 , 'dkj
, a #It �Ijiftijil t,b 4 I" , %j 41% the b(*
I '0 N , - - It I I ki A fill
- I 1 1117 Mbfttig it; lint Nh6tm , be about half
. 403:41s, ariN IIV*.r tonic, ,al!"'An, .0
*,� I 0 Wlssd iiii hrile title, ilettiablo.amilifoodoll4m On this 0offitDA1.
W Z= 16 00wor. Isom.
tab lot idbilit W.
. I
. . �.
I .
. I
I .
. I
11 � �, - I . 1. L 11.11 I
fililli"A ............ ' I ,,,, .
............ F .& 4 AL .. I
lit an) time. %Vrlt,o for draritalm
W. J.'BLLIOTT. Principal.
- -
1100dos P11110
Are prepared fronj Nails.
ture`4 mild lax, Wo A "
I whilO entIg � jj 0) 44
and eacientst hey I
Avon" 00, &*or
Cur,6 siok HoidA66-133.
iouaaer�I, $0,ut stoml-4eh
, �
and Cmdp4donsi Sola,,
everywhe", -qse. per box
rAM"tj,CL1,1rQ"&"A#*4*A ,I
�C 0,A L a,
41,ft'ra ON'talM, .
1_rlol . .
The best Scmntdn - fla,. d Coal '
. to the m4mit foi -
� I .
All oftV *61dega, ott 'I
. ili#,rdittletil; sesi1eq I
*haft too g I bf tw.
. �
1. . 7
. . I
L, M " � �
oft4rd 11411fil ,4" . allorii,
will robl" =01, I
11 r wa all rt U000s,
English German and Austrian Goods,
. Toys, and Novelties,
"d Games of every desint"Pt'lin, at PriC99 90 suit all pockets.
0011)(116 itt and M otic grand display of Holtailly, Gowa whether
ydif or bu' not. '" ODIY by eyeing 61111114 YOU :Dan form any idea
y -
Of *119t W6106 t6lIeWd (rain all quarters Of the globe to please
Out 006WWAVI. W6 wo 6onfidalit *if a4b 1`1611188 YOU in Variety,
Routy and psi", lookew"s to 16"t idl tsetse and requirements.
0100 f 444'1110006, Towlaxon,
. -1 . . � I
I I � -111
� " ,l0,.,L,i_ .
�olki,t'Aiitlt*A4*4""Ai�'000,ikili�i�AhAAA&N#4vA"AOA �4#�t."�.,.�,,,;�t.-,�,�� A&,".L�,jk.A_,�.:Llk*�A-w,,:,,&,:r,.-,t.l;Ywoa-". .- ... . -.