HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-03, Page 2.. - . -,,,_ X:-�• - - �
-..-.-...._-».__.__...____ ___ _..-. _.. _ . . ...._ - H S DURffiAN.
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O titvaet ttpga bar--ot course, that altars kot sellia from bourns to bon" trom } ,��j MARC E ON OM
the case, aatl I.bave no dtt>Tua to maks car}y eta ker rwagniiptg nerd jl he, bok, About • B u UI.: Ol tin• �� m; ��� ��. Tae lwaltu 111111r„y`rICW 1ee city �Yu>M
you jealattw" ii1NTS Foil and agotpsr wagon bsiaglttg thv ba>~ [[�� ��u `J
Diamond Gut Diamond — ries ltaai the patpbt Thea: fgllpw Lha -~
"Look batt:'. said M11atri ntrated THE FARMER. same 1 Ths young Cotutteila of )ndltty fa pan
Dim short in, a voice of ooaosntrsted g art is gagkhar past of,ths tgwn �-- A despatch from Cairo, says: -Thr
OR, anger. "I'lt have no lady's asnLs In the afternoon, beginailta at $ p -m" of the most besuti$ltl woman la Rut` iTHMB OP RVTEREST ABOUT THE Khalifa has left Sher Keila, and is
brought is hers, 1 forbid you to as a large trade for tea call be worked tips. she hu just celebrated Der twen-
THE ROUT OF THE ENEMY. speak of a lady in thio matter." POULTRY NOTES. up; I always aotto° that4u tb , three ty elghth birthday, Seven years age she BUSY -YANKEE. moving northwards with a considerable
You forbid me 1 Bu, ha 1" hours Defaxp tea tsonearaesa are.gaasr force. He has been fiercely raiding
"Faulkner to quite right, Trjohet," A &ash �g has a lime -Ills sYsiaas ally atlzlnua to gQt frsgb 11er;Ias• au►triad one pt file woalthieak earls to rho Arabs along the route De le fol -
here said Geottrsy, "it is very bad forte to its shell, 5. ,Do not depend oil ODO . varlst7 England, She has been called the Clu- tistghborly lotanat is fila pelags_•tatttva
CHAPTER %VII. -Continued. state, lowered his voice, and bout down to mention a lady,& name in a row be- Too much soft cooked food is not alone, Soma customers like an acid deral}a of her family. which had once lowing, and the tatter cavo become
Die face aro that the olhen, who Dad of Motatmt sad CtIrW aasa.rea treat K's anis-etrickeo. Maur Macdonald, khm � <
tween mail; ou must dro all that,' berry. while others will tot have any- P
"Is there not a dog In the roost" here y p good Lor howls. The need atmte sm- begs wealth and wail laced, but when Dd1x'>jsuta head of the 1311List, expedition whicD
dropped into conversation, worm un- "Ess! t ! T thing but rite d the kinds and
y 4 ;
asked Angel looking about. "Oh, Yoa able to hear him -"our worth host is P li d than dons' Whoa the ploymeat for the gizzard. t Haveriand. I find the Wartield sad the /rigjtell at Ch#trlea Gurney disep- blassaof all s Ls caring for 500 epi- luring East Africa, has
. thare be in, urdder the table. What in y Impudent little girl was at the bot -
a he timid, Mr. Faulkner." a deal fellow, an wq all know -but he tout of the whole business, Ot course, Overtetading la sxpeasive• It not If YOU h the best sellers toe et aria- pasted r l led ve of his youngest le The of all ages from 4 to th bas been exp 6
!is namsf I is rough; wants lish, dont you know
>~ ��!' jam afraid not, Miae $alllday." rw p° a 1 p (L Dulote Halltdsy iB sgoons oa Faulk- only ousts more for tDe Load, but the It you have the tart and awaet untie- daughter looked very dark indeed. Bo The Llent--Governor o1 6outh Caro- started fur Um idem a en lydappoiut-
� lied Milos wlkh a grim smile. "Iwiab --nover Been any good society talk nor-•• hens et too fat. and la no ties, there is no reason why Yoa ebould line wears a purple robe otoffice when General Bunter,
pp s uk oP-that always tolls, don't its" g y kgs' not hold your customers' trade when marked wOp toe girl's cleveraees and presiding over the Senate. ed Governor of Uendurman, and other h
he was. His name is Trousers, Bags to De "11 you don't stop, this very Minute It your a is limited, toe onl oa ob- beaut however, that after the father
' his intimate friends. He la rather Tbat ts, uo doubt, why we get pa I'll put you out of the window" sale pie p Y you oiloe Dave it, providing Y, ho averse month wa a of male g
with him," answered Dulcie, with a few fowls and let the few be ver g g British officers un furiuu h, nevi been
,S• rush -tempered, I think you hod bet- Miles. And. anybody who had �tnowa 7 servo the golden rule in Fdealtag with went to &curb America to seek Sprtuae teachers to Illinois in 1898 was ;60.87, ,i
flame -angered cheeks. "You sea, we him well, Would have seen, by the Blit- tmae ones, as it costa ao more to Lsdd them• \ anew and tier brave mother decided and of female teachers 851.84, recalled.
ter not notice him." I have never seen any good society, eith- ter la tba last's eye, that hs meant 0. Neatness of one's clothes and gen- ADV ANC}NG aily OMDUR lishe
$ere a distant growl wan audible, er. Now, the aoolet ou Dava moved g a prize winner than tt does a scrub. oral aBPear•noe, sa vaa11 as a neat r to open a dressmaking eatabllshmeat Russell Sage Das Dad over 200 ahil- y
i and ]Shea. Iht�to remarked apprehonaiva- Y Y the threat in its literal s°nw. It ou wish to be successful witD ig dren named for him, and to eaoD child Tho Lunda❑ llu l Sews publishes
lY that she• hopetL ha would not get In (must impart quite • a superior "That is mere biusWrtl }'ve as much 9 and swell-gsoomnd horse, Delp to ae11 in London, rho DuoDeas of $aamrd, a despatch truai Cairo: -
t' h d h t b le. o ed, h oho was m�ot I amount of varnish, I ima ine---•-" right to speak of the girl as you have. poultry, do not undertake too much at berries as well as anything else. first cousin o! Mrs. Gurney.'. tor- has given between 825 and ;, S the following
y g Ry a Yote of the California, Senate •The Khalifs is advancing upon en.
� afraid and. !or her sit, wa always I "All...retty well for that, no doubt!' I su pose she doesn't bele to You, first. Ln with a Lew fowls and 7. I Lind courtcay to customers goes ward with the otter of a home and an durmur with 15,000 or LO,r(l0 men.
p ii p t►8 lig no wine, beer, or other spirituous
thought dogs were best kept in the,Pullmitp b m collar with a mock -mod- docs she r' study their habits and wants and thea a great way; if a man will not be • education for rett Rachel, Mrs• Gur- li u Preparations are urgently proceeding
stables eat nlr. I certainly know my Loadon, "Put him out, Miles I" erled Geoffrey, gentleman Ln bualnesm, he cannot hold P y q or, was served at the inaugural
Thane remarks wore not at all well I ae they any -and, no doubt, a familiar tl ing to Lha casement which ha tlnng gradually inoreaea their .timber. all his ouatomers nay wan not long is deciding what ball• to meet him."
It with London drawling -rooms -does II your hens do ant lay. nr-lay dog- 8, If ou grow berries that ou are
,- received by the individual fpr whom Y w dolt' open. y y wall beat for the child, and so, amid During the past twelve months there foot note to tee despntc Bays:
they ware intended; he ruined his up eivs to the mannose a certain indescrlb- Now the window 1� vtted Into a small, ble-yolked or soft-shelled eggs, they pleased to Lege people look at. ptsae a the moot laviaD wealtD, tDe girl grew Das been a marked improvement in "Tc t ca are uch lith he h alifa,
par lig and glnd d vioirai.. hi the able something, which is lacking in small advertisement in the leading roved n business throughout the Southern soouts camspreached wanthl6; 00 en,
our good honest friend-eht Ahl I see damp, stone -Ragged aonrC, aontatn- are too tat. and more wheat and oats, local papers during berry season. it up to womanhood. The duchess p States strongly
spanker. chat dirt lug nothing of more interest than a and no corn, should be ted; also re-
Angel held out a bIt of sugar, and y, ill -conditioned our of hit$ coal-oellar and an empty bottle•raek, does not coat much. and besides, the noble friend, and Raohal Gurney was The merchant obi s now building in and the B -.he officer hneces only o
tried to decoy him out of his teat hue got up on your lap. He Ln, reIally, into which there opened a door from quire them to scratch Lor all the grain editor may even take his pay in bar- brought out La London society with P small force, he found it ❑aceasary to
] Aeriaan sblpyarda Por the America❑ retire on Omdurman. This retirement
nese. hard y suited to such a favoured pool- the back portion of the kitchen prom- they eat. tion all the splendors that the duchess merchant marine are at the value of the Khalifa regarded as a sign of
"Poor Trousers, come here, good tion -an ugly, lung -legged mongrel less The window of the olerks' office A small Book which receives the 9. The grower ehanld always would have lavished on a child of her 919,716,900, w•eahness, and it hats led him to rally
q do with a ewaet little kissing noise like that) Now, if you are fond o1 read to make an mistake on bis
g• do s, wan about Dight Leet oft the scrape from the table produces eggs Y y Senator Mason, of Illinois, tae es
of her red lips, which should have till- g I've got u little Yorkshire ter ground. part perteatly right before be leaves own. Alter Der presentation at court pouasd Lha casae oP the postal clerks fila Lorces to the advance ;.q _
ed the soul of any wall-lntenti°ued'� tier, ab olutely pure bred -weighs four when larger flocks are unprofitable. the customer. It doesn't pay to be Rachel Gurney's beautiful [nee and Kitchener fins 8,000 me❑ at Omdur-
dog we rapture, but 7-insere only Pounds three ounoes-that I shall be In the twinkling oL an eye, the whole The fact !s plain that the smaller flock too close in dealing; better give a and wants to see them grunted fifteen man."
most happy to resent Co ou ft Yo business was done, Miles seised nn to a customer In makin Chan gracious manners made her a favorite days vacation.
snarled at her. will °ace t him P es send him round' Trlobet firmly by the nape of bis ooat- receives better feeding. Table scrape y ear ds it oa wanted in the highest society, and after two The capitol in Hartford Ls to be
"I am afraid it's no good, Miss Hall[- P collar, lifted him like • situ ling are not ratan The contain a varlet rather than app y TJ CONSUMPTIVES.
day," Luogbed Milos TrouBore is the to Cromwell Road to -night. He'a n gg g y y to squeeze the penny too hard. seasons she accepted the offer of mar closed at night, it order to prevent
moat unapproachable nnimnh ho is air regular little beauty good enough for rabbit from the ground, Shoved him not found In the rations of a large riage made by the young Earl oP Dud- the clerks from tuing the offices as bed
solntely inaeneible to binndiebmont; the Princess of Wales, Much more bodily through the oppeen window, and flock. Bread, meat, potatoes cooked _ ahembers. Ths uaderefgnad saving been restored to
dropped Dim, not articularl earl ley. Mrs. Gurney could hardly have health by aim le means, �t er autPeri°g for sov
whoa he is Iry ono of hie bad tempera, fit for your lap -dog• than that brute P y g y- vegetables of several kinds as well am A SUBSTITUTE FOR RUBBER. Frederick R. Coudert, the New York oral aero with a severe lung atfootlon. and
p the only plan is to let him alone, and of Faulkner's—" with a little &bake, just enough to the sour milk, and even cake and pie, _ looked and chosen higher in the matrt- financier, got his title of "'Phe Lion chat read n to kis • fu,iow ,ufrer, is the map to
I am sort to Bn be Dae ono dread- During this a eech, Trousers had warm him and not enough to injure are included, to sa nothin of peas monial market, for, saving the Duke of Wall Street" because of his ex res- make known to bt* rc.iow .utreroro rho moans
P Y B New Peseesa Gr Oxldtstu• Ve•etablo Otle P of cure. To those who Aesira u, he will cheer•
g boon re him -Into the little square yard be- mica and whiskers.
fat fall[n Y - } am almost ashamed to garding him attentively, with sad banns. This variety not only pro- rata to Re daeeee*hal. of Portland, no euah elf ibis, amiatlle tuts send (tree or cnargel a copy of Lha pia
fixed and t low. Then he shut down the w ndow.
mention It, but the fact is, he has the g lttering oyes that should 1 video the conn with the elements need- and nobl born a young bachelor could E• 6towe, known help a century ago forlpWon used, wnioh that' will rind a sure Dore
have warned him. No doubt Trousers "I don't. think we'll Dear as more o1 ed Lor y for Conon, tion, -%nd lu, QMalah, BrHe
most unaoaountable prejudice against the nation m friend tglkaol bringing a66 Produotton, but It promotes Anew Lndtlstrp which tae jurat bean as "Lige" Stowe, is dead. He owned chuixand el�thruat and lun Matad2u, Hs
mho taU sex•" understood erfectl what was being n almot me 1'y remarked Miles, with a digestion and revents disease, Thie be Pound in England. one of the first travellin circuses in
p y P oetablished upon an apparently firm 8 hopes sit aniferers win cry n� remedy. u I�1s
"Rair s " °red Dulooll, here joining , talked about, for he had raised him B kind of food would be costly it It were basis in En land uses for its raw ma- At first, however, the course of true the United States. Invaluable• Tho„e desiri„g the prescription,
salt, slowl , Into a sittin sture, short laugh of setiataotion. not the waste of the table, for it re- g which will cost them nothing and may prove a
in for the first time. "How exceed- yy t po lendid, my dear bo I” cried Geof- love did not run very smoothly with Addison C, sides ,the new Minister blessing wW please address
" ingiy amusingl How much I respect WDeo Triohet spoke In contemptuous SP y quires labor to prepare it. But ae the serial linseed oil or any of the other
,: . terms of his master's lack of polish, [reY. excitedly, slapping hie friend result of teed' sora s is a produo- ve etable oils of similar ro rties- It Rachel Gurney and the Earl of Dudley. to Austria, besides many other accand ftav, IiDwxRD B WILSON.
an animal of mo much character and wg lishments, !a uite a musician, and Brooklyn N.Y,
eooentrioity. But do all women alike Trousers rowled softly somewhere aPPravingly on his broad bank It tion o1 eggs It to safe to say that If romises to become of wi a importance TDougD the earl was deeply in love and P q
I down.ln cls throat; when ho mention- was beautifully done, so neat find the same food labor and Dare eDould P the Duchess of Bedford read to bestow a violinist of considerable ability.
came in for this sweeping oondemna- ad btu own mon rel extraction and ready 1 Let me congratulate You be bestowed on a thousand hone as a beoaldse its product partake of many o1 y Senator Proctor, who has taken hie
tion/ Are there ao exoeptlona in fila g filar►ea the a magnificent trousseau u on the bride,
'" 1 w,`. celled him a oar, he elevated bis I[p, heartilyy on your victory stash Plock receives the profits would rho qualltiee oP iadia rubber and gutta P LamilY to Cuba, Saye he believes the COURTED AN AWFUL DEATH.
mindf' cad showed ever cad oll woll r[ ht for daring to P p y rger. pP maternal disc proval frowned upon the _
"None, I r ret to any. Young and y tooth W him head. meattonys lady's name• I wish Trou- be ro orttonatel k roha, the eu lima of which shown P climate of tided country in perfectly
old, fair eg lain, all that wens n But when hes oke of a rival, of that constant tendency to fall below the affair. The Dowager Countess of Dud- healthy, provided one lives regularly titan Elle• Byers Threw nrrnctt Reform •
s e fin P arra had bitten Die head oft l•' And
petticoat fa equally detestable in cls Yorkablre terrier of aurpasaing Lovell• rowin demands, That otle o1 this ley rebelled agninet the marriage of and quietly.
nese, who was to supplant him in Dill- then the friends eat down in the beat REGARDING TRE18 CULTURE, g B ttavmQ Tra1LL.
eyes." of s frit chucklin and laughing to- sort have in them qualities o4 high her only moa to the daughter bP a per Geronimo, the Yamous Apabhe, ie Itv- A despatch from Toronto, says: -Miss
"What a delightful animall" laugh- tie's favour- to lie upon the lapp that p B. B very one likes good fruit, and but usefulness was discovered a es a o,
was so soft a couch for himself -to be getber over the itndignitied tont o! Pew g g eon who kept adressmaker's establish- ing on the Wichita, Knneae, reserve- Ellen Byers, who lives at 357 King
ed Dulcie merrily. "But Ohl how much aarosaod h the enemy, with a great and unebrle, gardens, however small, are when they were first used for paints, tion. His mind Lsgraduall failin but
I should love to eonquor Din canine y her hand, and, in abort, to tianllks glee. Bnt there are some thought complete without it. Bnt sat- and the new Industry takes advanta a sent in Regent street. TDe dowager y B' street west, woe killed by a train near
oust him Prom fila new-born honors-- of the same tY oP hardenin b countess who was and yet is consider- it is feared he will be more danger- dgee on Freda
heart. What a triumph it would be trtnm be that are dead ha a too withstandin quali g y oua mad than sane, the Dundas street bre y
to be tba one woman who Dad power to Bien 'Trousers beoame•euddenlY lost to P y. peT P g the appreoiatton for good ozidiaatlon. ad one of the handsomest women in
gain his unapproachable a[tentional" all sense of decorum; the anger in his dearly purohamad. 'Albert Triohet- frntt, it la seldom [Quad perfect is Linseed oil has been used Lor paints Satoh f�soliety came cone ofithe eiz Mrs. George P. Greeley, of Vermont, morning. TDe engineer of the Norkh-
She bent down till her sweet face was canine soul biased up in a rush of who Dad bean -forced to hammer small rdens or orohards. The fault and varnishes for generations. It ie Y• to a sister oP Admiral Dewey, from ern train on the U".T.R., due at 10.10,
almost on n level with the quivering, blood to fila brain, and all the dutmea sgaine. the door In the courtyard un- well known that when the oil to spread famous Monoreiti siatere, who, Like the whom she has received, during the let- saw the woman wnik;ng near the track,
,£= of Dost 11 he wqs admitted by the porter's Ilea in too much de ndenoe on the
angry little form in its shadowy Dor p•tality to the stranger within t g plops oL out in a thin 1 er ez sed to the air Gum. the from Ireland, came down
x niece, who was sorubbla the trees, or rather a lack of interest in � � from their hi hlattd homes and took tar's entire service, a letter writes at and pulled the whistle string to warn
i" �` 0, ,`j,` nor, his doors became as nought unto him,. y y each est at which ha touched.
the basement and who looked is absorbs oz n and becomes ver eocfet b
y".,v r; "Ohl Trousers, won't you come to With one shrill all of rage, he dash- + cultural methods. Trees are planted hard. When the oil is left in bulk Y y storm. All oP these girls p Der. When the train was within a
ad at the offenders ince-so heaven[- �rfeotlY YlabDeQgasted at Pind- out is fin s the most careful man- exposed to the air it raduall bo- married riaD and well -bora mea, and Admiral Downy fine a nnmDer of few Peet of where she was walking
;,'; met I do so wish you wouldl" B Y
And thea a miracle took place, yea, ontly bent toward& him -and pinioned ng "one of the gentlemen" shut Into FST P becomes "fart as it is called faecal- the countess at first vigorously pro- autograph letters from Aguinaldo, all she ate ed deliberaltel in front of the
bis tooth firml and [tzedl into fila the untrequenCad Yard -was at this ser, atter which they are expected to call or of a y�timmy consisteno Ex- tested against her son's matrimonial worded in the moat elaborate !a&hion PP y
y a very miraelel Trousers, who had somewhat le ty Y very moment making hie Wy tboaght Dare for themselves and produce good aures of di Brant rinds will eve venture. Soweve>., in time, the coon- engine and was struck by the cow-
snnrlad at the roflored atlgar, vo cot- ne by none Po Pe B and referri to the American as ' m
c P j And theta a hu fully and slowly up the atone steps fruit abundantl The fact Ia, they an
[ng the advaneea of Dor fairer slant + 4 ng' that led from the kltohene to the T• Y grade of hardness between these teas was brought' around, graced the n6 y catcher. WDeo the train stopped na
with scorn and eontttmel now, Soreami+ of agony from his victim, need contLnual attention just as much two. Other vegetable oils act in the wedding with Der presence, and to fond honourable and illustrious friend." backed up, Conductor Waterhouse
y. ground floor. same we and many strata is have a °ugh of her little "ear -old grand- ;Henry G, Hilton, who was a mem- found the woman's body lying by the
trnoted pgrDttpe by -tomo trick of voice. °ries of dfamny Lrom the ladies, blows p y' e� y her o1 the bankru
:., or possibly by a affil greater refine -''f' los' F teak upon Dia book -all It is uncertain whether Albert as we da. Thie need not develo into been made to take commer°ia advan- the Viscount Ednam. The Dung ptl house o[ 'Hilton,
1t:7`" wont of I'nedinot, totvarde the Irl were, for soma minutes,'in vain. Triohet would over itt atyy airduut- a burden it regularly and properly at- q oounteas has ever remained popular to HWghes & Co., New York, thou h ho aide of the track, Dorribly mangled,
g atanoea have made a '' cod friend"- to of thane ualitiee. Some, like
y !n evident deli p p g tended to. the manufacture of oil -cloths and lino- moiety. She enjo s the friendship o4 g but n faint breathing allowed that life
whom Mlles loved, at the ver first I gbt at his roud oat- but most aesurildly he would make a the Princess of ales, and altbougb owes $2,589,907, nays his only s&aets
l a % ° word that aLe s ke to h(m, came tion, he °lung on lute grim Death- Now, one of the moat important con- Isom, Dave been very eaweasftil. TDe are his clothes and $M in money. still ea;ated. She was taken up and
_' :aijuk na, a eia"diy out'of his cor' regardlosa alike of the howls Qf the v Ie .bad an dangerous thing to make ditionh to ensure thrift is a soil mel- diftiaulty experienced heretofore in at- hen mother etiila oBiftzl he p�ospero ,W Mra. Frances S. Lee,- a mem- placed in the train, but died before
iitaarx_ ,,, v i + t wretched Triohet, and oL the an r tempting to use the oxidized oils tnr eat 'n'^^' i vl. '0
p,:w�nt , . Ilse bogy and wagging g y an enemy of Albert Triohet, a t ein6 low and cool in hot and dr weather, - - - - a 1 'ot -fhb Colorado Legislature, pro- reaching the Unign station.
A- {�^`r-y„y,,,tr +---. -�htq tatl,;titl�e.depom}tetl himself hum- remonstranoos of Die master. And T other purpoeae has pee^
SL Jp oris in l a alnsn her Bktrts. only a grip of iron upon cls tail inion dnngaroue as to oaUse the ob� o yet how frequently may trees be seen it was mechanically app. ,* 4 Ifo- , lied over tDnt House recently, aha A slip of paper found near the wo-
1, t8` , i g B Y g of hie enmity to regret, their loo Eah- Dom liah the perfect and raded bout - --� �iFnllia ons 'o "tf�d' gr@.test
��r , t:<;.. °-UalbZ-patted fiat kaon LnvltiriglS, cad od him at last to forego the blood- a� for the romalader oL their liven, gtowirig in sod or together witD some p g Indies °f smart ]3rtttali society. wan variously addressed ae "Mr, man when she was picked up, bear-
' ;e'" straightway Trousers reported Dim of thirst} jaws of the oonquerer, and to And that t* what our two friends, Drop that does not require cultivation, binatiockof the oaygen with tha oil, ae 8 akar" "Mrs. 6 eaker," and ':Mme. in y,'
a I ."` . all the evil tD t he Dad laid C° the relinquish hie hold of his -ene might bb needed for the different pur- . The Priade bP Wales Is certainly tDe Speaker." p B tDa words, "Forgive ma, Ma '
r p my'e chuckling together over his women- Such trees uickl outlive their use- chain ion odfather of Great Britain. Pe and "357 gin street west," would in-
oharge of Der much -maligned sez, and, nose tar discomfiture, had done. TDe q y poses. The general method adopted P g g
a,att,,"' But what made the most awful tea- b y fulness, and their stunted branches was to allow the oil to drlp from the He bas officiated seventy -live times in G. Clttniea Rosa, as Amerionn who dicata that she had committed deliber-
yet;. springing boldly up upon Dor lap,de- tura oP that fateful nPternoon to the Dad made a deadl enemy of him. man onl redone under aired and im- top to the hot tom of a wide; suspend- that capacity. He alto holds attother -owns and practically rules the Keel- ate snoido. Her relatives, however,
t,a posited the lick of amity upon her Triohet never forgot an enemy, never y P od sheet of ecrlm, as o n meshed fez- Ctaique record In this respect In having i coos Ielandd, near Java. ie in baa era ata foes for any motive Por the
i t • nose. I unfortunate Trichet, teas, that when Pe -
k,,1 ;,;; blsedin a Sava np a grudge+ never raiinquishod mature Lruit. fila Pabrlo, while a current of air was stood ns godfather to the Duke oP
.+,,, it is Impossible tit say which was g nd dishovelled, yelling &lout a scheme oP revenge. When he made TDen old trees arae ted to live g g Francisco. He says hie poeeessione, deed. The deceased lived witD Der
�:A= the most delighted at thio tr�ty os- with pain and nngufa6, baxusbod frau- 'tPoc driven upon Lt. By thio method the Marlborou h19 infant heir -that is od- motDer at 381 ging- atr� t wast,' and
- y Mile tioally into Faulknor'a bedroom, slam- up hie mind to do a thing, be worked on a small allowance oL food. It is surface of the oil was solidified, , but father to both the father and the son• tbongh thickly populated, have no woe well known and re�ectably con -
r � ..az.., traordinar turn of events. a, it out to the bitter e1nd. T P P
''1"vl.. whoaS saUafaation was mingled witD ming the door upon bim-the last ,out a tDeit both out Por tDis in- forgotten that the roots o! a tree have the notion did not extend all througD he ceremony in coaaoetion with the risona nor olive and crime is almost neebed. The address on the paper, 857
'''x , unbounded astonlahmeut, or Dulcie, vision that he beheld was Duleia, in p y it and there was, therefore, a portion baPtitsm of the son took place at -the unknown. King. street west, is the residence of
�tiT;,,r'', convulsions of leu suit," h. was saying to himself as he to get chair Pood from nearly the same of unntPeoted cit held within, which chapel 'royal, St. James' place, is 1897, William M. Chase, the successful ar-
who tune ae triumphant ae sDo wua ghtor, patting Lha [n- oamt, up the kitchen atairs-for Get- roll ear atter ear, and in the case of was fatal to man of the uses which it when the Prince of Wales, who had Der sister, Mre. Harper.
.»,,.g p eased, s to the hero of the hour, he furiated dog's head, as he was Deld, y y Y flet, was nt one time eo poor as to be
1 Prot' wuB na muaD Ln it in his mEad na was known mi ht be made of a more bean one of the godfathers at the duke's
s7, comported himself with much dignified atrpggling and breathless, and bark- Mile. and he wab lad to be abie to sod land, even thin food must be
•e!!- a asiou--coiled him3ol( tenni. Ing himac+l! nearly Into a Pit, to bla �' g perfect product. christening, twenty-five years earlier, able to eat only bread and choana.
po include his natural rival En hie pians divided. Bir. Charles Great o[ E land Dae in the same chapel, sated fn a aim(lar "liven my canvas and aoloure " be oat's JAPS LIHELY TO RETALIATE
at ease• upon the lad B la and nest- master's arms. nS _
9' P of revowge. To Dave good fruit, health and vigor perteotad a system by which it ie ae- capacity for the duke's heir, the other "were aupglisd by my fellow-etudenta"
led his nose confiding) upon bar arm, - - Then when ha of to the door of the
g moat be enootiraged-not rank growth, sorted that tDis trouble ie entirely eponaere been the 114arohioadsa of
Sut yet morn dietinotton lay that of ion -on the other aide of vvhioh be B $ A plan ie on foot to consolidate ale- Eaect of the Rrltlnb Colnmbta E=rinslsa
CHAPTER XVIII. f which mi ht be induced b overfeed- overcome, and a large factory has been Blandford and WLiliam . Vanderbilt. van of the national banks of Pittsburg Act.
day, in store for Trousers. I could hear the two friends laughing B Y built where man articles are mann- The Emperor of Germany stands god -
Here domes Gaotfre uo doubt " cz- Albert Triohet did sat appear in y
y' his iace at the office for several da s together, at his expense oL course, hq Lng, Lor this is opposed to fruit bear featured from the oils solidified by hie father to all seventh sons in Prussia. into one moderately large institution. A despatch from Ottawa Bays: -Mr.
claimed Milan at this junctura, ae a attepr Milos 1 aulknur'e Loa- art ryje told himself with an angry scowl -he � process. His method of treating Lha Empress Eugenie in ono year noted as The tiaaka are not paying on account 6haw T. Nishimura, Yokohama, Japan,
knock was heard •C the street door. leaded severe india ositionp and re- did not go in, but 'stood meditating For the most moderate-sized or oil Is t° saturate d quantity of tow godmothof to 3;834 children who were of excessive expenses and ver low p p g Co -
But .few minutes later. j�at ae Mra, mniaed away. \V1wn he did come deeply for a Paw momenta; then with gardens it would be des[r with it, and then, In s centritu al ma- born in France on March 16, 1858, the rates for money. Y resident of the Ja an Tea F[r[n
Dane was braatblllg sighs of relief a auddoa briskaese, se though hie chards or g was in town on Friday. Speaking o[
over his arrival, and Angel — with a back, his nose was oddly plastered iup able to oommenoe cultivating by plow- shine, throw out every ltartfole o1 the same day B• the ptinea imperial, Cecil The distance fro t Philadelphia to
with strips of diaehylon, which gave ,mind wore tarda up. he walked Eng between the rows in late Lail; but oil except that which clings to minute Rbodee is godPdthor to about forty San Francisco is 3,179 miles; from San rho Aot passed by the British Coltrm-
p vague sense of twnsclouanes•, which, if to tDat or an of cis Paoe a ver our sunigct off to the door of Mr, Dane's
It was not lova, partook •t leant of g y room, and findIa tb t ha was dieen- Ln light sails eummor harrowing is globules to the fibre of the tow it- young scions oP the aristocracy. It is bin Legislature last year against the
l sous and ludicrous aspoot. Be scowled g ¢ snfPioient. ,ludgmant. must be exec self. The bunches of tow are then his custom t° transfer to each of the Francfaco to Honoluilu 2,080 miles Japanese, Mr. Nishimura said it was a
the nature of those soothed and grata- fiercely at his follow -clerks, when ha gag d, sent in- a message requesting °iced as to the exteas of cultivation, put on grids of metal In a chamber godchildreu fifty shares oL the De Beers from Honolulu to Hong Kong 4,961 moat nonsensical law, and will be met
fled sensations at the atentiona of an to r enk to him. miles; from Ho Kong to Manila
1 .e a d satimc than, and water women oft- saw how they bent over their writing p depending on the condition of the where warm air is forced through mines. ng
r g and strove to conceal their smiles at Mr• Dane laid down hie pea at hie trees. Experience must teach how far them and in twenty-four hours the oil Heirs to thrones seem inclined now- about 820 miles. with retaliatory manattros. TDe Jap
en mistake Por love, waa looking down entrance -but his reception of his from the tree trunk the roots fiztend, ie thoroughly oxidized. The material .days to prolong their bachelorhood, When the President of the United anew consider themselves the equal of
a his entrance.
hare�loteat here cnteredanottte upon Triubet laid'his-hands on the table, clerk was not sitogether encouragia�. ground u y B States sits at a dinner table, even as
p Y for at the ver first el ht of hie for caro must De taken not to disturb i* then p sized w b an instead n eta s s [n quest of the any oy to people, and �lieve esa-
Dane-but Albert Triohet, and bunt across it in Milos' direction. i Y g them during the summer or feeding desired coloring matter and "finally fairy princes . aeon a they are out destiny to be a great one. Such meas -
"1 ive wounded countenance, Mr. Dana buret rolled out Into sheet*, in which condi- of their teens. '1 he present czar, the the host, and there are ladies present, urea as enacted in British Columbia
"Salic, Tribhetl" Even Melee' cod- g fou notion, ilr. Faulkner, limo.
g that L i rand to brie stn notion out laughing. Good Stobie manure ma be s read flan it resembles iadia rubber and Prince of Naples, Prince Chrieiian of he La always served Lirst, as wttD all will only create il-tooling and prevent
nature wall scarcely equal to weloom- A B "Hallo, Trichot 1 what's the matter Y P
Lag this self -invited guest with much against you."i with your ngset" on the BurLaae of the soil atter the let- poasesaes many oP the qualities o! ruts Denmark, the late Dake of Clarence, other rulers. It is an old custom ob jhe expansion oytrnde, which vdipll tn-
I." of g shit "This ie, indeed, an hon- ndeed, 7r Chet 1" Miles slightly ter iii frozen, provided the ground la Der, and ggutta peroha. It Is ae realti- the Duke of York, ail lingered t the served in all countries. ore thio conntr ae much as Ja an.
Y• raised hie a ebrows, but not Dia a es. Albert had for the moment forgot- cora arative level so the fertilizin ant as rnblxir, bat not as elaatio, ie im- way as though something was cot quite Col. hoe, chief
curl" y Y ten his nose, and, orimsonia with An- p g quartermaster of the
Mrs. Dane ave him the tl of Der dad; what Por, mi ht Ian uiref" g conatltuente ma not be, washed avv pervious t� ahemioal nation, sad with- to their hinds. The Archduke Franz lakes, Das asked Por ro Deals [or the '- -
r g DS B q ger, he ole ped his hand over the in- y Y• buildin of a !nr rairip eratin I
hot koo t a terooiowa do In our p As the teedia roots ars rinoi II on and It heat up to 296 deg. Fahrenheit, Ferdinand a Austria ra Yet unwed.
fl Sts the young ladies bowed. rooms. P °g Y y jured testate. the outside, the manure need no� be and [t can be vuicanirad by the same Prince A1Pxed of Coburg sad Prince B 8e B B P eat Ask yoYt grout tov
�V y- at Manila Por the uao of the Commis-
elf you sea, Miles, Geoffrey is, a •'1 am n t away that U I chose to "I hope you haven't."been getting a road at the base of lar a trees, but proouw used Lor rubber and gutta Albert of Belgium, each In his twent
ourly soot of dog" -nobody made the 4 °- I into a street row, young man," non- p R robe. It bas h! h oleo tical insulat fourth yBer, are still bachelors, though nary Lepartmant of the United States
all Meet res h*e to this b iasis keep a hyena in my rooms, It could be In a circle several feet therefrom. Air pe l3 t �r
g pO a g^ aonsidored as illegal prooaeding " tinned his chief, mere seriously, other, bat more laborious method Is Ing qualities and can be used for cable fhb death of either might bring about army in the Philippines.
"and when I found he was too lazy to Do you mean to tell me that u man "No, air, certainly not. I am very to dig shallow trenches running to- ' wire coverings and other forms of elect- tiresome dynastio eomplientionm It is The estate of Paul Bauer, the Coney
come out and have tea with you and Is to be allowed to invite in 'oeent and sorry tb any tblkt it is In your service wards the base of the tree. and Lill In trreal insulators, and it is made Into possible that their highnesses enjoy
your charming guests, I said to my- unsuspecting persona into hit *Douse, that P hive met with tbts--tbis rough well -rotted or composted manure. w'heei tires, which ase said to be equal the attention they receive from the Island manager, has finally been set- alt
self -'By Jove, my boys it's too bad to treatment' to those of rubber. It can be dissolved mothers of marriageable princesses, tied filter a series of suits lasting five
lease throe level ladies with cal one sad then est violent sad "dangerous Root pre pro c make too vigprous
y y brutes upon them t" l tVd t I am sorry to hear it- sees mare prodnottve, and top pian- P T POrTablesmd Daley, Purist rind Bast
tuna between the lot of theml" nµI is ethereal s irtte of all kinds, and sad the anziet o4 their own fnmiliee years. Tho expeneea of the trial have
an a have been lot o t happy, Mr, l "Pardon me, Triohet," replied Milea, ' {tt down, 'Triohet, and tell me about Ing to thin oat old wood, letting light ee wathese soluti aoverin a for ppl i d a s to t Peir that man d oIt thaw rle_ widow 4jtts00 about t814 0008 left for the
Tricbet," amid Mrs. Dane, frigidly, edvelgauls ktxnlyes'' Then ,araettg hta Mr, Dane was all liteness,and aft.» sad air tdmongat the branches, are sY- of any sport. g g fuss to marry until thei debts are paid Senator Davis of Idinnoaota, owns
"And as I so not a 'lova la Y y +' dight I �° so good eubjeote for the amateur to
' I Inacouraoy In ur stateaftta. TO btltty. TrlOhet too the obalr he ing _ - __ and they are retained a handsome al- Dr: H 1lm�hreys
ya look Leto. p one of the beat private libraries is the
:,,, don't want to be oalledt one. Beaidas, begin with, I dial not Invit* ou tom � diDated to him with a wave of the lowanoe.
I assure you that Mr. Faulkner fa to ; T havel. REMARB ABLL CI.00B. - he inheritsHfrom his father,oa man niow 8 iflCg act direct( non the diseea
Q¢cad a Dost, that we have not pitted rectae, you Invited l auriliei! A#rd al- ; Nan till me at1 about li," said tDm A HODtE MAEtTfET FOR STRAW- " p� Y P
for a other masculine co low me to telikyon that your,00mpans• Wonderful ea many tamoue olooke —11 on in the ° Mies, who has writ-
nY nT at I reat Mttn, enoottrngittgly. WDeo BE ES, BALLOONS FOR THE DEAD. without e:oitiog disorder in other parte
all " was not only unaoliolted,' bolt tt wta Matthew Daae had lka oblast in viowv are is rsapeot to ]ngeniona meahnn- ten histories of England and Scot and.
•'AD, ttrel}I" replied Albert airily, � stj unwelcome to same of m7 Do could always afigrd to De ami- I find, writes C. C. Nash, that to get tam, they can hardly be compared in his °ttpae'rty of higD priest the of the system. They Cure the Sick.
J. Renrien Hogg, a Croatia of the
dtawia� achair upto the table, close #this. a good home market for strawberries with the unique cloak which has been Emperor S China baa d offer at leads PresbyterEnn Hos ital of Philndel hie, sa warn �°ta
• 1 Dame out Of kindness -•but of para P p 1 -Woo s, Con nFever, won colic... .g3
to Dulcie'e elbow-� 'I only know that "Ali In good time air.' I w[ttb first it is anoeaeary to observe the foltow�• Com leted at Brussels after five ear's fortY•ala eaorificea to different gads Ls to resent to the inst;tatton e �
tin extra malt n#tver Domes amiss to ( g o„od nature.'• to toll you dwhst I haus dons is your p Y P Sa-Worms. worm Fever, worm Colic... •96
young ladiraan dire* r Mies Dalin To iL° on with," rooaod� Miles, tortail Ing points:- uninterrupted work. This titan -re- in rho course o! a Y�r, and as to each building to be used as a home for a-Teethlnawua
Without heading the tafo,ouption, 1 eordel•, Which wee hs about 10,066 Caen or ddlte.aoas .25
Dillow uftsd_two cool, serious a es Mr. Dane bent his head approving- 1. Never sell any except fresh bar- tI saorlfina to dedicated one or more nurses. Tho gift ie to be made in mo- {-Diarrhea, orebndronoreddife...... .Ztl
upon Dim. t3hs hated Lha, mea, antiY It did not net ttry dog at. y4tt ,you lrrit- ly tie pounds, ie baht to represent a ohutbh, holidays, which must be passed by him mory of hie father, n Pormor trustee of 7-cDtrttis• Colin, arnnenitle.... ...... .2f1
.ted Dim by forcing �rouraaSt tit where and indicateb kj�a swoon s, minutes, the hospita►.
an� gBrad Dar that ,be should call Dar ('t'o be Contttttled.l to complete solitude, the miaernbl0 8-Nenraists, Toothache, Fnceaohe... Z5
•ugstr d her :' • t hen Dulcie" l her You wets not Wanted." _ _ _,_ - _ • ,. 8. (live tenant tlleaanrs. hours, days, weekq, months, ppeasotta — -- 6—lfesdoehe, Sieh tlesdacbe, vertfge.. .23
Oh i tried Trlohota with a. sneer b, Use good care In grading your and the year, Amon( the mehanicat woti arob•a time must be pretty well
1• slit 'could be very repelliu . She in las h, "It ou meati that x wan PLU'va?'m t:ll'SNlI`iiAM r 63T MOB' barioSitlee aye forty-six figures, which taken up. It is also a very strict ro- A CLOCK THAT DOST $200,ODO. to-Dyneepsta, tndlgestion,weakstomach.2b
moved #ler oDair just •n iso or ao g g Y berries TDe kind of plokirs yqn em- 11-suporeened or painful Periods . .'.bit
away, and acquired, with perfect gtarr- paying tory Much attantlenL to that Silike ']'lava yoq aejlo�ied a trade or rfdrrn various evolutions. .Every ligious rule that His Majesty shall of- In the fiat of artistic treasures oven-
• tt , attlok-a ittt}a Dussy, Dnteitil i#alli- +•�-- ploy will often decide whethet You our, Lor ekannbla tDe twalvq a flail tar itt the course of every ear many 1Z-Whltea,Toolroruneeeriode,.,,,, .. .ZD
P ofession tot. ytour boys gp podi?+mk fir meth of else balloon, y ore the e`t b the late BAren Rothschild men- 1g -Croup, LeWnews, noarsenera...... .ib
What is an extra mea, lCr. Tri- .nay""' Wlnkr«t abali make, It pialnbar of will keep or toes a ou&toxnbr, slake theCrC a earanoa, maroM hof y
.s "" obett" t Is her level azo id as 'eStash that l" ebautsd )itlltis, aprtng- Dim. 4. Get around early In the morning• and haw balpre a figure mpreaeuting tabletei of his ancestors, the unbroken tion !a made of a "Fitawilliam clock." 1"alt Rheum, Eryalmles, Eruptions.. ,2® ��
g " Ing to hie f ' t, and daebin his band Has he a lionC that wrlity.r the Biiribur`:there is jMsth +With his line of whom extends back before the 'Shia is the famous Louis XIV. cloak, 1a-Ikhenmau.m, anenmett0Palas..... .2s
} plainly Sts eyes cant speak, "it you are ya It . , 'Shia is quite necessary. •a other grow- its-+ltala.le. Chills, Fever and Ague,.... .28
$ alike a arab a:' down upon Lha table with 4C �thatt Ra a lxb`rtt; for It. To 1 him to do a t a e a +►at3 • to e�th*, a bell-ringer elaillug to *MpsrK lifetime of Jesus Christ, Th"a W- p h[nD far genorationa wan one of t1�d Y6..r,atarrb, influenza, cold to the x ed
tae. , i r, rh t ° made that venerable Bolt �tirnl- thin ''Jildiedltltely and s wort't think arm Wil} Of an t eta tb d alt Capuchin monks, who ente> the lobus are made of the rroheat bilk air o .2e
Sa, fief laughed fhb , tntgrlt►pir�• R genal
must valued beirlooma at' Milton Hnll, SIA-Whooplat-Gouah.................... ,Z6
"' tura unto I iti theft OjOW� too, Of it 31st toil ai Ihw►k. stet actio oL �tltir aulltot�IlYtl t ilia tGtst oDiXrcii: tfia saaetina a outilttyn, a shrill- tainsbla, std aaveral of cel Ira
t {rt' gtxft{i rr ,rt' .tical irldett e l An ix+ t, ,,;,,," man arnuitd s e beat aba** and tbrosted cock, a night w&tohmatl *tilt manufeetories, ar'e acau )W the near sold t o Bagh. It is said' b have 2t'1mervav mnealit .................... .26
' txa flitter of oquree► ought •to Ile oxtttt with alta kettn figDting 111uWiltOt ref a a 'n a d trnl throe h with the tabrica- been sold to Baron Rctbacblld by her. 4fl trerrou. Debnuv ................ .i.00
I1 � extra reeable. extra 156ti1« maxi wb+t ttoaf is a rout , ul►d dbeelt t S> ti1W tI.1EiI i+II' x9 Bit d IQO VICKI In Chet it M It�CgWtelt' `11049 Ili tba bahtt eoundiug a trumpet or be !t g . r whore Ytllil Pt
80 tlaely adjuAted IstLlt I'AfthdrI1 14 of tion of the niatertaf. G, C• W F[ttwiloo 9 the resent-Utinary lyeakaeas, Wetuagl)ed.. .25
dean fa ba lett taut of it; rxplis - RYI fila Y ewer kLleed. tS11 bla Ickititt►, ttiliitp„Miro >p
0,M6dtsrjr AnA bt'iio[Irt+a lie In altlt'eya ytlu s.#`a t34b first of not atalrtbw _ tilts oltlNS1iC that, mach Of thb. WdVomanti �,,. . - _ Sgaira of Ilii}ton, forj £40,OD0. Ani ex_ 7l-wlrtp. Rat Ferer ....,..
Axtrallitiptitiditww--w Leet, and iiisma rollAd Atftd #64 tit hill hs eatd, or �... �{�, lNinitas $s will dot facermlle bawever, which ie said �e.t#emphrey'MannsrotailDlManeeatvovr
r a l., la ell, trhe rSplk rale k6 to ft epi "til tit the it' intoa titiib find they i
. "OXAytd tt Yri�ndht elboWh 'Cott tit ►, . opo I vary tslear writer' sunlight MOY to bavb coat £},000, now Stands is Mill- It lots or flat ed Free.
ii '� a pfd thld lata ftt>4' attsalt A* +oftit t "it all„,be let 111 tigdtltNS rMk k1 1Y tY- tib a di M cru lrleta, or sen an reset t of rice.
' Iftw as ;#6 Out' wt"ottliy 1tonE finite �� dtar fellow yok b1't be eQ ditdxawtlr4 lit�rlett it tlf in- i►t'tF: Strata to a daptli oY aver 1,G60 tan Hall Ln khe lanai n wD re the ear rays t�ed.eo..00r.ttviw.m�'Jebnsee
Ao watalat, 73o Ansa irraloW t+1 fileted, a ltd. lett otter. ><nd ,ac gpttd paettt tfjtltttttt d[tttttrbrlS tib. wwarltitig ew ort.
aid, a #lie tuttortnnste li tti L slur raaulr had friar ittei foal were i 'i`i *10 to Iia r►ivlray� ltlaakilig '° JA to Ui#a ftJ+k$Xft'l* the mitt► of ilia Olbbk. feat. t5rigirlsi cloak aatrrotl. $b
• yi 'tu4*114jnfly o6li bte .ow'n blit ,wi
t . r
b I . '
e,f. . ,
,. ,., j a ,.:i
-.a - ,. _-•.... -, a ... .. ..c1. -, ',1.11..- - ,�.✓.�.n.�.,.,..,._.,...,..-
, ,
. .
, - It
m 0_,' '.i
ro,_.x,...,.,-,.v,u�.ri..£ksiiur�,WQY sL sou :,it ,s,..u.an. rt'. ttrsY-'4• M'� :Sa'. t� _ ., .. .. r IF rat, *a ,...,m,d