HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-03, Page 1•'•rr -" X`1:1'•'9•_` q,T-,y �vrr.- r . . - h, .. - - - .� . . _r _ +" _ rc t -+ "`+ 17ho Poo le ew made- Uo ' t r a iia* , ' , M . . ..o , _.. •. �, �:._ ". - -- - _ .-_.� _.. , . �.... m. -- . 4 p f) alt' Qi1' a. • . �. +., ;yrp� l4't�•i " d p. .P r M1 ': i,,� .I�. _, 4 i!5>.. f f•..,-,' .` .r- t7 1 d,..4 r.. r:°+ _ r i 1 -lt �.[''Y , 7 J �� 41 r,...,I M. , r: _ k r �{y' ��'■LM S'T'. n r,f� ,., Y t ..ru. ,>N..... ,. 0.'a.. PH,r :)r� ``,7, r:Yh 'Y� } + ��!^^' �. jai� t r� +4 l,, E t i �N OttrrltY QQ7a �1a,. 1 raYU ti!. ,1 ,. _ ,�,1 , Sk ros.�. 0-1 �.. g i. i . -� 'AdVArt1s.er.; ,- E - a ,: . . •ate , , - - \1 .. ---- - - - -_ _._._. _, ._ ._Xf1A T IN�ttDVANCt11:R(3 �G(�pER1N ONT.CtILAY, M RA CHS 191 �� ";`� - 4 p VOL. XXXVIt - Q r ) _ R' W HOLE No. 1680 ti' . - _ _ ' I -- s + _ - Ctlons• DtVtSIONQOIIRT.�-Tile tuontltl}f BiE VOTEQF( NvOLENcB.-At the lust GooD WORDS VoItOUR NEW UITI $�1@���t�Ttt TOp103: Why was It peeesq.2ry t0 aeUd dop��'�qp Q�i+gp4• by �'t}ptOpf•ftttx�]@ " $ttra N 4ant ttV dve1 tise is •i ting of Ne, 1 Dividing court took Pl ce regular meeting of L,lvetpool Lodge zxNa--The' Hensall Observer says : March cattle SKk like n latah. fio9v ury shoriR W. Quadry t{er dvpuGy rr • NOTICE TO ADVI+1RTI$BR3• VICTORIA OPERA HQU$E-SI¢ItCB oth. i on Wednesday,. but iia there were but No. 140 S, O. E., a vote of condolence flip. stud Mrs. W. A. UcKitn lemve thts will it go o11C8 ; , turning officor for No. tit subdivislan Ip �d 1 adv@rtising oath@ fexv cr)ses. (inch .thele of little im ort All ehanl{ca at edacrtlxeman ■for the car• isp ay A. 7.. 8cumrlTo4'a pt asterpiepe, P to Bro. A. B. Cornell on the deaath of . week for Uciderich, where Mr, Uclliln Regial- meeting of the town council Godericti tOwnshtpp ? pre thetas na rent ["no of 'Cox BrAn must QG to Lite ban a of Y1 of Th@ Star pleat 4V IiOWN."- ance, q� Interest wars manifested in the his son Augustus, was unautt"OuslY roes roto business. B thelt•de arture, this Iehtdity evdit�tlR+ Ltlx+rals in tb ttdfvlslon Cit .. fro pet`' the printer not later than TVKSOAV LVOGN of `0 rst pdge 1>3F LjEAL WIDO B . roc(Se hi a sed, noel t pit be ft age o Cuts and Will b@ I P t secrettary dilcotes to eusull loaeN five eakunable citizens, Robert Q1eLaflkl'Aitipped acur Inas of forinblq the duNaa P Att1,{4 from the each wusk. Advcrtlwra will please ttovera e 0 C@ntS &]R Noxt Attrnetlon-WSrtB $EAT" CO]tPANY `1+HIL TE4M.-The team that will meet t?nnsmlt u c y to the bereaved broth• (still the Inranv f feuds the toad" dor• hogs to G}uelphs Qn,Monday• bullying of certain Cansehfk Live allow• ;i ' charged for 3t 2 week of Marsh 18th. Y o! Yuhllo School ed at •.hat poll, this npp(bitmAuE woo hemraolvoa aacnnlluR}y. 1 m@Itsure, each IStratford an Mol]liafv,evenioq will be err Inq LhHir real enoe hole wish them Re�L]l�r wee 1, uueeem) attd }ndefem; ,. But Is a ncG, running __ nx allows: ooh Glen. Allan, oiat, Jnn, To OuR SII880RIHFRB.-Dario Lha every pruaperlty lit their new home. board next Mon ltd evening. p g p R part of the machines war :fit Carlow, fLnd every insertion. LIST OF SALES Willianis; cover pnint, D. Thompanm past few weeks a targe Dun)her of still 1'he newspaper men oft Gloderich are to Wheels, sob • bipYcle open, ware _ Ise con ratulated on the addition oP �� �Porwards, Uappt. Wm, McUarthy, F. scribers Lo. THS STAx have settled around Luton t►Rai►aap Saturday. 00541KENTINti on Lias con nation QIIvtTCH.-Rev. Mr. hlenderxon, of By John KnOSr, the Popular Broden, F. bh+ynpotl noel A. Mo1am, AIr, Mc lm to the list Qt advertiaere.- Tho dust waxliJiNingg on many of Heuaull, tilled the pulpit of skew Free �: - AUCtlOn@er. their indebtedness, and the pubhshere Messrs. Dever and McRlae, who have our sN este op F,ahi ttt►e 28th, 1800, of the gang of politica} c which byterlau chutch hero last Sunday. HB THE SECOND RRAW.-The play In been Pn a od with Mr. McKim, left Y Reward. --- desire to sincerely thank them. In qq R n eared Ip Tt3e f3TAtt hteplbk, Cho reached from Pltil. 8 and i'!. -Thv " Snturdav Mareh 4th. -Sale at farm property, the second draw fi)r the Curling Esso• many casae the Old date appear% on Glc this week for Goderich, whrre they Andrews Brox,ra t ; ,tea, ell ed n car pp Iwr 4I, lath rch 4top. Lapis f f -at roperty, -- pppp Ptroab terlap choir has Hoe" re-oraap- m — ecup o'clock noon. station trophy wua ria follows: M..'ttibet; huE opr-l,q(air]u utJa xnbsrio Aon will continue to hit* t(tiloring de art. mixed stock Eo lQrQllto on Tueadny, Btrutltnd Hvtald eayni Y 1 REWARp.-_he Town at Goderlo4 Hotel Godarlab, x612 p iced e a d i ion of a mistier f ia:T f1 a ok tis Amnber heat Dr. Hunlrr 0 to 0, W list writ le .thoroughly corrected Lase} uleut. lhvy Lire good ritlzens cif Hon- nit, mod Maw..�E.-' LaRap htut n The member elect, Itolx+rt Holmes, Is by rho uddttwn of n purutlee of bltutrt t l) ll and Otti p'a Committca will pity Tuesday, March 7th. -Salo of farm to q Hall and till rr ret thee[ a ar lure, y H a most estimatilf man ersonally and till young wurhlrre, wHlut] adds grv+tb , hat ,mploments at Buxton x 'Hotel GTxlerich, at Sttults beat J. BropheY 1St to 14, F. revJsed next week. klatrons avho have R N charming DArt Otte p(g t ilia week. p Twenty Dollars reward for Intormatflon t t aclock. hex file solid peeped of hie jonruu�leEtt will Inns daov and conalction of Humber beat Jus. O Donnell 14 to 0, J. not responded oro reminded that our A MnxeH WEDDING. -The residence Smith, rho eeattle l}flyer, ehJppcxl two Iv to the musical puwere of rho epureh. ''. 1 al leaun or theao is who ave boon pmdontn wednerlday, March 8th, -Sale of farm stook H• Pedder beat F. Holmes 14 to S. purse strings are still long enough to f Mrs, 'Thomas Sowerh Goderich Ont' loatd" of cattle to Toronto on "arfreres, but how he call prvavrve p ' gg 4 Y• himself immaculate and uncoutumin• Tax Stats,-Glrip is very prevalent doge L' the •old Town. By order of rhocouneB. nna Implements on yet 21, Mattlnnd entices- receive every dolls due the ofce. Wednesday. In title nei hhorhood at resent t wp1. MITCHELL, Town Clerk, cion, Colborne, at I oclock. Oliver Grigg, Fota THF WEsT.-Itichard Cattle left y� township, eontLlnrd u Itarge noel happy Itled while In ouch dlarepulable oliti• g p proprietor. Fridu Yor Toronto for a few days, CARMONA WtEE RUIN.--Klucanlinv A Hpe(tk o@ aG 'filo hrHnkwnter� joff Cal Com an V, must he (► muttet of con• among those who hove leen loos up s. Thuisda . March 9th -Salo of terra stook y cotap+u)y oli N'ednvsduv Suet, to wit' followed the offiolat Count of the Wjaat p aro t hit. Thus. Sallows, of Aheaple and implements on Lot 41,M IWaadconcossfon, and from thence may qo west to etnrt Reporter : " W, J. Brown, nwuer of at the m arri+age Of her Vou'gest corn tri his l!r(vndm, Pub11C NoL1C@. Huron election. ROW Farm" I Mrs, Ca t. Young, o! Gudertch eownshlpe at 10.000$ p. ill• P. J• in businHse. The avenin prpvtous to the Windsor, Detroit and Son line of dxi'i-ghter, Mlss Hanna, to I11t. Thonlud lltd Brvr Holmes realize the truth of ,•Urav Gables" ; Air. Andrew Johnston. > r ' ,'(Y —___-- - - - Evans, proprietor: Amo u RuccesNful voun former of It Is rumored that F. T. Hamitic, of t r ro er- his de acture the Jubi ee club and boals, hits written H. T. Hurdon, con- y• R Lhr wurminq glvrn hit" by �e of his of '•Gowrie Farm" ; Mr. John Levy. ;; A GENERAL MEETING of the ebarohold• .aturdayy, Maroh lith -Sale of amp p that township. The bride was gqiver l.ondnn, hila pulcha�fed the Kensington t•tisi {cton of the aro Manu- t 1 [ 28 Mnftl•and conaesston. Colborne urany riends Pntertaitied Dick tit An trad(cting the statement that the +Eaux h her uncle• Mr. VVtn. VV+tke• Futniluro factory. nava correspondents attm• hilnomina- Miss M. Buchanan, Hurry O+ailaR ._r, (. ,', �� .'� � 1 Ord of The K R y. ¢ hao�uring Compar)yy. •.t (lodorfoh, L,mlu+d, wlh IaaYrtshlp. at 12 o'clock, noprh at Buxcou's n�(ster supper at Tilt d, noel many were alteamer Ourmona has been Withdrawn tleklyxnd was owned with bry+wo milk Uon that '•ih is huts to he honest amen A.Y. Johustnn +uul Mr. Peter $imsett, bo hold uL the cities of rho oonpatia tic their Hotel, Goderleh. the heaarty 9hAkeN,tnd NlaheN fur pros from the Windsor -Sao route for next Our well known limit dialer, Jus. R who retprned a ahut•t limo aqa fr�tn 1' fnrl.o,y in the Town of Godorleh, on WEINxe• Saturday, March 18th. -Sale of town property perity he received before the Rather- season. The Carniona will ruske her ,rod c•nrsaRe Il cream silk, and wreath Ct•uigie, had u box Of exeelleu[ white thieves"? - - St. ThonaAs. N.D. DaY, Tna 16Tt1 DAY Olr MAaom, 1899, aL the In the town of Oodoric LLf Buxteti'tl hotel, +Enol htidal veil. Her maid. Miss Alney, fish on sale this week• hour o[ t g I&rll Su Lite afternoon, ,tor the cur. intr broke up. first trip Lite second week in June, call- `; Goderich, at 12 o'clock, non. p misteC Ot the room, WOw a cream col- . . p yo ofnbtainil,r Lite Han•t'oe of Lha con tribe- in tat Kincardine nn Satuldav, June Umne (End see "The heal Wldoav DESPITE thecornbinnttonof the Vol• ORITUARY.--McNRts. Gmelin Young, FOR PARIS. -Mr. James G. Jardine. SC' oared silk, tins the roornsman avas Mr. Alex Young and Alex Olanti avrrH .ale- Iorlw of the said Company to rho sale by On __ - _ - 17th. So fttt•, so nod. The 0armun+L R Brown." Ton thou3and people saw silent forces of two Go veru monis, In- r •'- l', hi urdA Lir of the assow of•such Company en ene of t•he Canadian Built•d of Commis- R Gleorge Sowet•hy, hrothvr oP Lho hrlde. ed to Lucknoav u« :nth Feb. Lo nitros NEw ADVERTISEDiFNTS. IN at p:rsyenger boat only and dues ant her In Toronto. chiditl the threshing Inechlpe gang the funeral of the lute Mrs. John Ryan. bloc. PAGE stoners for the Paris Exhibition of 1000, Kev. Mr. Tnrnhull, of St•. George's, of- R - HORACE NEWTON, '- a q i r• Carty Freight. ICincrardwr, nnode',ch P A pieceloP the ceiltpR wait afore IL p R n 'ay It His- ' fieinted, and ILev. Jas er Wilaun and that natal elated FV ext ISI In noel West The t•a+mal n9 erre inu•rrvct iu liiuelar <:. Liquidator. Open Friday, March 3rd-McKlm's Ka h was in town on Tuesday la t, me and Other poin4% want a t t avlfr, of North etrret church, NHre House rbc old be Calton do dine crmrtery. Mss, Rya tr Store......_. 8 caarries both assenvvrs :and frei ht, }iuron, Clulliardy•RnNsnduilnistt•utiun 'J Dow this 2nd day of Mornh, 185)8. McCremd and Crescent W heels -Geo. W. viewing our local mannPncturerR with P R ,anuing the guests. The glorious bill,_ Pulls and hurls somehladY' sur of Mr. Gurdon Y ouuq, 9t•., of ills y . ............ 8 a view to their nlakinq iln exhibit tat •and the committee [appointed by the Nhine of the lstdayOf Mauch sit gented tt is maid thatgrrolitld hits he aur- received tt black eye in South Porth un place, who Is Lheouly rrwaiuing m(+111- U'1'A'E. -Wo wont 1,tIW Ibx, butter In 2 -Ib. Thomson &Son.... •... Nnw a+m+h Goods Smith Bros Co ..... 8 situ bi show. While the aD,tce allot• Boatel of Trade Is wurklnq to ttttalu " ,elle For A t bno0Dr wo will pa the R tilt, a ro t iate nrin e, 'lila p R is the veVed its thn mtntlon'!Or the ro Osod Tuva civ brat. Mr. Mio wts the Con• her of the tatgo settle ut s tit It of . N y New S rinKG oda-J. H. Pedder.... ..... A servncive member, who Waa unseated that nnule Whu NetGrd shout it mile hi(rhost cash price, also aresh aQgs, at the p ted to Cilnnda is rob abl Yor ton th+Lt end." g Bicycles -8. B. & M. H ......... •• s P V bride tlhni ohm sun whines call' yA Ren- .teW G. T. R. buildings. P `- Hamllion St. Pro�uoe tore. W. J. Moaaow. Murguerite Citcur-Tuokett's . 6 mmall for all the desirable exhihitN, it ie W, C. '1. U. WORK. -The W. C. 'T. U. erous dinner was served to all, and fe. The Uounty auditors have completed because Of t.hH blundvrinQQ of rho Ia+Uun- cost It ills Viso[ In Ira32.-Dvuth's -.-__-_-'---- - - The til Widow Brown-Optra House .. 8 much to be hoped thatGuderi(h will be me.•.tin held nn Alonday afternoon licitmly Np Peches of congrmtulatiop and Lhr audit of the treatsurer'e books and Inq eflleer ut the general Pleettam ahs hand tuts tested heavily II the McPhee ,I' \T01,109 TO CREDITORS. Ansbach-C. I. Cadet Corps .. •...";. 9 represented there. R 1� eneral a+eotingg-Horace Newton.... . t was one of interest. In the iahsence of Rood wiI, em Were made by the rover- returned W their home9. the u9 issu d, s n numiec of the yolli g tit I ll% r+el({htbol all 1vou a Cowsfo9nle-N'idwnrd Jenkins... .... 1 HORTICULTURAL $OCIFTY.-Meetinge end genLlPltaen Outlies. AlllslC• told b+allotN 1NNued, wnPi again elected h}• 11 yoiu)g life awn" cul utf lit all iia youth the resident, Mrs. Duff resided. Mrs. Secure vour tickets early for the ma crit at tarot given nN 110, hal nu) noel pttauise of noun girlhood, In the in the matter of the Estate of Eliza- I'tanoWnntea YTAROIHce.. ..L............ I son followed until tunes for Lho 30 j Y R :'+ Cecil Ranxe for Sale -Chas. Burns 1 Its fullnW8 Will conclude the winter P P R •'Widow Drown," ae•Chel•0 will by nose �• beth Hennesse , late Of the T(,wn• Warnoclt re,ul Iyn mmtructive paper nn ora ln, rni which the haPPY a'nup'a lett, , Wednuaduy reported reON o 0 1� va+ar old dao week's of Cbus. ext ;i' Y Suppo e' "are -W ikon ........ 8 left the nitiht of the chow. ;•,' ••••'• series of lectures n.nd tutdressys given •. ,u•rotics,' in which she nee+ 1 de• Tle fact that ho Ot corn tills our uric 1 lee• aftrt• ane week's illnrss,--AeXt tQiip of Ashfield, in Cho Guunty of Suppose-.,amoe Nllsnn 8 n Y W spend the honeymoon at Burford, R J Y _ nv eceitsed Financial Statement -9p. of Colborne . 8 fly the members of the Goderich Hot- alored the growth of the cigarette viniting relatives of the groom• Oruln seems to havO ettlod to nr+>d with the fnrreR'nnd infivancme a}fItinsr the jfSuu"K' wife i+f hyunY,an McPhee Huron, wide , d ! al , ticultural Societ The meetings +are Habit. The subject was discussed, (and vat prices, us there hit¢ 1)Deq oto chanRu hint Is n toytimnny t•n the worth ut Mr. wttN Lake,, oil' lit the pilau• of ItfP, with Notico Is hereby given khat t pmt ane to y A TILEAT IN AJAGIc'.-The ('. I. (cadet inn tar 129 of lite KerlAad Stahttes otOnG.rio, ,t held in Count Clerk Lahr,'s office in it wit% decided t.o atudv thiN Matter of mornent the past tout' yireeke. M/ntelth, and to the Neuse of Justu•e lir you" family ,uuund her, who ut , 189TPthul all pnrvoutl having any ela,m aq,dnsl OXU1h. Q .t.C$ - houye : March S)th "Poul more closely, treliev inR that thH law in Unl'Ps htwe engngrd theut Put magician The h•nst Sq still for][ or flYe Peot deep crud Lair la on the uu•c ut the ulrcto- µµ Lbe court P Y { l bis pol iod of Ilse so match need her the F. tato of Kllzaboth Hennessey late of the hs Garden " C. Wells : Alarch legard to the stale of eigaretts to nlinors and illusionist, Angbach, fo.' next TueN• in the ground to those parts of the rate. At the siatne Litre It is ti con• guidanty rand watchful rare, fur who Township of Asihdeld, in the county of Huron, Ir•y trod t w' w d on or about the twent , 10th "Cultivation of Celery )and To. hits becou e. alvnost is death letter fn our dnv evening, tit,tlie Opera House. You town where there was but little Pillow, dernnation Of the Government lt'hich call till the plat's• OY Inntbrr•? Oyer it ,� ' fele wBo die y THF ORGAN FACTORY. -The Or an lover rm day of December, 1898, LLre.ryquired R matoes," Geo. Stewart ; Mn'rch •23rd, town, and that Lhe parents of sm+ail will bel the ho s and en a Ito evenin t hry are IlkelV to take into their seri• vent• ago she Pull ti victim tl [fort, re- t.,, to srnd by post, prepmid. or o•herwige 10 ,liver P Y .� Y R A. F.. I'rt•te, polo teas ill tGWn MMi Co. commenced Match with a big ship--'CTannin and Preservin Fruit," S, hays would he nmmzed were they oY deli fitful Nut' rises h attend(" II's consideration- INIILIemN dINH+INe, ronsuutf.>Uarn. 'Cho to Messrs. Garrow tC Proudfoot of the Town R R R P Y R: drty ,End Tuesday, is, We undetstind,---_--��-.- _. funeral took lace Feb, 2ttit to Uul- aware of the hold sec evil and soul- uo loo er in the em loy, of the Or an of G,xlerlch, 8olioftors for the Executors of the went of ,tth furniture Eo 8 doe Mornin star. and ,(mnUnee that afternoon will nllnav P + •� . sold dncensed, nn or before the 11rh da • of 1) Y y' g deatruvinq habit fs secretly gaining on the children an r ual o ortunity. Of S , P R bm•ne ceuietet y. kvv. }Lobi. Hrudrr• r Australia, and twenty Or ans to the A MUNICIPAL SUiT.--When the 4 pP Co. AI11011¢ the Churches. March, 1899. Ihefr names, addresses, and R their boys, leadi ng them into hs hits of his perfor•miance fn London recently the sun u8lciuted --Thou ng+ii[r un LhP ,'. , descri tion, anddull particulars of theirelaous Motherland. During February over Lucas, Tanner & Co. bank fu Blyth deception. A crusade for new mem- y said:_ Goderich Oounell No. 1670. O. C. F., Holy Communion At ,-Ione of stanr•n• Looming of the 20th, the aged wife of and of Lite nature oftdlesecurity,ifan ,hold by ane hundred Of• ans were uhf ed ftonl Nrl-e Prce holds its regular session in Horton's ingbervice, in St. George's next Suudav • (Nom. And further take notion that atter Lho R PP o auapended payment, over four years hers was Organ ized, Mrs. Warnock and ••Anabltch was nt Nita host, noel to say the Irate Dunraan McPhet+. Sr.. was cnll- the factory, seventy of Which went t Mrs, Acheson bola a )olntad IHxdvra, hall, North street, nextThlusduyeven• Sewlnq Aesnion of hlau St. GtlOI' e'a ed haute nYlrr it short illuesm to swill said Itch day of March, 1899, the said hxecutors a o• the village lost a sinkin fund. of R PS that he greatly mystified him audien(r will proceed to distribute the assets of the the OW Land. R R The next meeting will be held on Would he expresming It very mildly; he Ing' Auxibuy in the school (aunt uu a on- the number who have gone before. said docoased amonK Lho pparties entitled 1100, which with interest now amounts The one Lime Patron leather, Mr. Joe day afternoon. 'Titre adds another name Lu Lhr lung . ,.,; `.' i, . thrrotu, having regard the to the claims of ONE MONTH EACH. -During Tuesday $ March 13th. is all and m good deal mote than hits ,- whish Lhoy shat) 'hen have ro'+.dved notice, ni nt Chief Thomas gathered in two W $1,100. While engaged ss few day" AN OPEN MEETING. -The G. C. I, been said of him. He exhibited mar- Hinck• was in tgwn on Saturday, NPwing Neaaion uF Lho Young GuIN' Its( OY purnrerN who hue• Bled In the 41 and the Natd Exooctors shall not be liable for R ago In looking over the minute, by-law velo(im dexterityand skill• and certain. 'and left for Clinton by the afternoon Auxiliary in 4t. Georg 's mehuol room foot decao,e. 'rhe funeral took place Ihenssete of the „aid Eeta+e or tiny part thereof young men, who gave their names as and dphenture books of Blyth, re the Literary a.ud Scientific Society hold its train. aayy+1 `'I to any person or Dersons of whose claim they Thos. Mort•ison and Chas. Graham, aand ly outdid anything seen bele before Ill tomorrow (SaturdlayI afternoon. front the I'rNfdYnl'e trP her son. D. Mc ,� , shau not. have received n tree attile Limo o[ consolidation of the sevrral village regular meeting in the assembly hall magic. A very remarkable feature of One of Robt, Mc�Lean's strongest The FortV Hours Devotion•will he Phee, to t' 4boruP cemetery oii Tues- 7 ;; Q cAlaimed to belong to Sarnia• and on debts• E. L, Dtckinaoo, hart ister, die- on Friday eveniu Feh. `Lith. There dnv at ane o'clock. distribution. R. the entertainment wait the absence supporters is in hi -i 031d year, but he In this vvar at alt. Peter's on Sunday. GARROW & PROVDFOOT. I Wednesday they were taken before P. covered that the monies lost to the cur- d �Qt --- - Solicltorstor Lho xecutors. M. Seager, and sent to Castle Griffin porution h the late treasurer, U, E, was nut so Barge au attendance tLN from the stage of the pxrxphermaliti di not Hoed u car crags to take him to Mni•ch 12th. There will bo throe ur - r Slated at Goderloh Lha 27th da of Janna fur cue month. y ani ht be ex acted, for these eVeni n usually employed by magicians, and the poll. four prleRte Ut lasxiet. Thv devotions Dungannon. r y ry. Tanner, could be recovered it lrgal R P R which, until we -saw Ansbaac•h, we had Bros. ' Jas. -'Tart; ' Win. ' McUreath, will consist of prraver and proax•Iting. - - - A,,D., 1899. I SPRING AealzE.-Tho spring ses8ion procvedmgs were instituted ugaipmt pmgrnmmes are not only enter tafnlnq BUBINFBR OIANdif. - bir. 1'etnDla , 1 o en (•he ,treasurer and itis sureties, F. W. but they ury also very inytructi ve. Ax co°sideied indispvnsihle to a slight of Thos. Burrows and •las. Daniels, of Lhe Thyro Was no serVlce m St. Peter's ('lark, a prractical taGlur, has honght ( '* of the High) Court of Justice wi I p hand performance. Madame Ansbach C. O. F. visited Benmiller Court ole all Sundae on account of the illness of fllius7 � Tanner and Dougal McKellar. The the president could not he present• the �_ oil Monday the 13th Inst., Chief Jus-• very ably and gr,aeeftdhy UrMisted her Monde ni ht. Y Int the business oP Mr. duct I clash• w 4 i council lass therefore issued writs 1st vice•president presided, and ut the Y B Hev. Father Weat. As Lhr rvveren(1 inK house, and will conduel It here- iP Lice Armour presiding. Up to date a ainst these arsons for the recovery beginning of the programme 1)H clover ails nccompllyd husband." Goderich Co�ir4, 51.: Qarm W la hold gentlettuan .hptdgpelCYey� in'Clintsltr• 2im r, :.0 ISS-EMMA ANDREWS. TEACHER OF R P (r)tar•h h,r - - �"� aa,t'` r- ]Iii[ ®erVlCCt/ beta. In need ulo+IXC i�de nend Air. Cleat tu,all `� . Platub, tic pit ;Sheory..131Kt t Roadin there ar'e ❑n serious caeca for the court. J" )r # tv oft., Q.- -.. (}• .Ulttverop left Monday for of the money. amused the a,,dieuce very �. tgeekipti A a". �t�,! tr •.� hiELA-TIPSS $+[ns . -The Hamittott �1llogauIrfahstory. Alcor r,..!rrfrsr 1} n ff„ d-cltil�lOtdi] rtl'lnr...n .re..( nUth THtp 9H f{. -'Mr._ Wt' s}9 a( ,,yr,. JR react yl'fgaflrlras - t W`eilkerton where Ire will conducE tna net's had been dispensPti n ith the f�)t- 4• _ T ORD Vs, 6ODF(alcH. - ss u'ndame Is rdqueste Rev. Mr, Park, of Cllnfon. prvnr•HPd y�y IJt ( IN hPluq cat Pd for icy dfrm. Glarler an 4 - ,, - was. rFmuso'atgtorum •A,�... It' i( ernwn' business at the spring _assize Spectator. of Monday had_ this_ (tem - '": a may be need b!, p6p11A. Also Ttlndergartin, - - - lowing proAT.1,1ml]1e witaxeiside,ed : fit- Rune between Godev)elrlrnd Stratford Don't forget that McCulloch _Lhe morningg and evening In HL George's Johnston, the tr'ai6ed n1119,e.- Mr. Dom .Method for yp unsr children. students will court now in session fn that town. which may have a local'Intereat here : struroentnl deet, AlPesrs. Tve enc! lecke ituN in till- Nest street r l,,k ch%ill fun skater of lite world, will ivo on Hun3it 'Chp reverend rnLlrmun, - purtuo the rnront.) ConNarvn(ory Course. THE ICE FissrNG.-The east wind of •,Late Saturdai evenin death reliev- Cam bell ; debate, "Resolved t.hxt r.he p p R y R Won. fm hinnuag from Lhr grip to rerme on appBoacSon ac the residence, 367 y R P next MoncLty corning, will le the an exl)ibrtian in the West street rink who fm a HurnautP• is an uhlP preacher. Wnl. A1rWI11r1r1Py alma hnA a sevPte,+ Britannia Rond. Thursdav and•Friday, combined with Pd the suffering of Miss Elizabeth Negro avas worse treated than the match of the Beason, as each team next Friday evening, him delivery being good unci Lho Nuh- attack of intlriwO,,a.--Mr- Www. L'zzie $ ' Indian, irffirmxtive, Mtsees (nlhorne clainre to be the hent NPAt Oi Tn,nnty), Prt, Ir1liLteP Of hie dixcouraos deo I UeG'AL INSTRUCTOR. -Lf r. Frederick the blow of the last named day broke Barr, the elderly lady avho wax found Aa THE 9TAtt wont to prose lost j P Y Pal k, Mi,+. )ohndton, hips. Walker, and Gregory ; negative• Messrs. J. It will lie'L rattler from start to finish, evenm the ra ces Pu ti b lessee thuughr nut. JI r. RA)berrs, Jo,tny (•lull, MINK diary M G. Simpson. or anise Nortn•St. N,otho• the ice just oft the shore, and carried in a Very weak condition in her home, Masson and $. Lane : ingt•umental R p Y 4', dint Church, late of Notional Conservator). and pork will do t.hP Na•if,est rubber Humber etartred in s akutio rink. This (Friss Pvenin the Rrrvke Drnney, Mr. Dr•uney, Mlm. McCtu'u)ack, .a',.,. New York. will receive upils lelementary and it. northwest, and with it went several 210 Jackson street east, by the police, solo, Miss G. Whitel c uestion draw• R Y) R 1 -" p Y � P dance Pver 8PP11 in (}ucfPrich. 1'he Full r•e ort next week. prep,irmhn•y to (•nmrnunlon will hP and Mn Gro. Smit, a ort• ,thio tI he up ,.., advanced In Piano. Organ and Harmony. hundred front hooks that were set about a week (ago. The cause of r)eath er, Mr. Strang ; inslrumeotal solo,• P kamr w,ll he mtarted Its So'c•lurk, rand as hP14 in K.iox.c•hurch, when Rev. Peter ,and nnuu)d xg)tin +aftyr Aeve•re inners"`' (;o&o, �ha 9L Lawrence. Monaroal Street, some fnur or flue mHes Ont. 011e well was pneumonia. The remains were Miss Roberts ; scientific address• - Mr. A pan• ut rt blow were enp.kingg things ,�i! .' Goderich. known winter fisherman lost nearly taken to Green's undert:lsingestablish- LherP is sure to hr +a Rrr,Lt rash u' s pin tike in St. P+ttrick's ward ester hfuNgtnve, oP MclCillnp, will prvtich. Prom grip. Grant; uncal solo. Miss Tye ; jontnfil, would he Weil to rall mt Rougvie's and P R Y At the close of the sor'vizt+ new np Is, PERSOnA[. GOxs1P.--.11isv Dura John- `a'fj',; ----- three hundred, but had gathered in ment and will be burned from there to MI. Munro. Mr. Moore• who aacted ax day morning. Were the bltds ready n �,, urn• yourself with an vntrnncv coupon, roots will he received. and Conni union atop wills end the next two week% in For Sale or 'TO Let. over fifty fish, the largest, 1S lbs.+ be- morrow ,afternoon. While Miss Barr ud e; then g.we him decision. HP for :alt. Patrick's Day? n' fore the storm came. was not rich she ens not in avant. R Ens'r AND AV FST.-Un'1'hurydxy Lhr ceryls dl trihutrd In Intending con.- Wingban). - Atimm Snowily, who hay "_ --- - --- wear over the points made by both The scrapers la ed hocke with a ET. -The teach- She owned the hawse site lived in and v in a teas rem,u'ks where v(,ung hoc•kov plavers of till- I:,amt. P Y Y nnulirnn to Thv sru•rnment oP the horn vixit.ing u) Dunlop, hiss tet urned ` ,�.. 'LOWS FOR SALE. -One just calved and TFACHF.RP WILL Mfi ides, mak g I,exui oY the (:ollrgixte inehiLato Oil had some inane About five years ) the slaved the ,jnniorN of the Rest, ,End 1Y ednPsdav afternoon noel defeated iend's Supprr hill br dispense(1 at the hnuH+ Lignin. --John Suiilev wax Lhr+ , ; f Lho other deo Mnroh 13th. Both Kood Y nec•essar R l ers(if Inspector Tow's division n the y, After somalv ) ii After a hard ton ht unf, the wig[ n.ornln servrre next. Sabbath. The uest of Adana Thorn )you on Setnda nnlmalA. Will be hold cheap. Ap plq to ED- ago qhe gnu a $800 to the Simone street ,point% he gave a dec•isionxin livor of R R the students by G to 4. K R i y _ :�' wA HD JENKINS, Lot 4, Con. 6, Colborne, county, will meet in Exeter on Aurs- chapel, the conditfnns hem that she buys from the avast downed the wbst. collection will he on behalf of the pour•. afternoon.-ProtA'hurd Milligan in home ,'.''y'r't,,t ___ R the aflfr•ruative. Both sides spoke well On Sunday as people were passing ANTED TO ILENT. a Piano for use in day Friday sand Saturdav of next week, would draw 5 per cent. on the money and their s eeches showed they had erners by 2 to (1. file Laulich Aid of " a So i Meth• After An exit+asps vfsft t.o Tornntu, t- Wv)tss Du it's dancin claism. p t to HN tun as she lived. She hits no rel- to c•hnrch the wind GLrried awnv' 11 parr c�•. g K pp y conAP nenll mostuf the Public echo�l R Ntudied the a ihjrct, The meeting then }('ftAPFR4 WiN.- -Un Thnrmdny even- tion of one of A. M. P011e IM, .tie ('`list. church will Klvr u Piocinl this Ju,ues Robinmon, AianiLOi,:e, is visit• I NTAa otfloo. 9 will hive a holiday Thursda atives living here, but is sup osed to closed with the National Anthem. The Ing the scrlapers played the shoal Kang yy Y (F'ridnv) (+vrning. .,frPehrnen(m will In wane of his Old friend% 1'I this lit• _ pupil Y p 1'he bricks fell with s crxxh Lhatcaused gg 11osr, of the eels O nes have friends living near Ooderich." next mpehin will he hold nn Fridxq ut hoc•key in the West street rink. NPvoial church Oelx to rI 1 one al- ml-rved at R ncloc•k, IA, be. folli, cality. -ltilfaryrA Katie and S -L• Y)vens 1 OR SALE, a good second hand Coal Range. and Friday. P R R R rtnt.istnetory reason KKoven for sellingx. tom this end of the distoct will IeavP THF. KING'4 DAUGHTEttA.-A IArge Pvenin M%.rc•h 10th, A debate, •• Re The puck sums st,ut.ed tit, 7.80, and n K In, )utDo ly )til interesting prOgrunnu•, can%1%L- returned to their lamp In tloderich. .'.•.y: Auuly to CHAS. BATED, near O. '1•. IC f R •vas halt. h the early train In the first named P e reefed Mrs. Title in the volved that Cmsat Augustu% did more fairly well contested gnme followed, hug of texdu)gN, recitrL(rrnx and nutsir, after »pendia n rOuply of ww•ks v1aIL- ra "' y(„linn. The hockP snitch lite µµ ay audi tic R of Knox church eta Fti- fur the wplfaro of Rome and her rho• halt the home rink scraped ahead of (limon pinky Saturd+vyP het weep the slims ISvn Achrmon Wifl ming ml.'I xuloN Ing in Lite villaage.-1IINN Debbie Hen• TANTTOBA LA -NDS NOR SALR, noel else pftxlNO.-Lest ween at the lecture rn m minions than Julius ('TP�aar," is bring Lho Nhnrtl boos noel won ly i to I1. ore expected ficin MINAPa Aus+ nuke Ilton Pipont Monday rat the• rPSH1en(•P of ,%. l�T N loose close to markets. E, acids all TAKE W da avenin when she a eared under home tear) and Seaforth, ended in said Brown, MIN% Gl+ul m lib h,,... is Mr -s. Horne --Miss Willson visited l y R• PP preplared by four of the more advanced Lucknow Sent incl : Smarting tinder Y around. Term. easy. Might take other M- reading room of the Mechanics' In the Alla errs of the Goderich Uircle of lolls. Mr. Grant will tie Lite ser- favor of tho visitora h 7 to 4. Tho s' Dp { p R their (•Tenn (1,4ent, here nn last Fri- Y rxppelyd t, give at violin mein, nail At r, GuAPrich ilio work. perry In part payment. -r. A. HAUGHTON, game had no connection with the }r, (i. Sin, )Nun it )fano Instrumeutaal, (;�' w,l fm d. stitute, two leaves were cot Out of the I and of his talks utl Bti s," and sev- da ni ht, the Wirl hnln hockey I f LucnL HAI'PTCge sto. (if h Yount; _ ___ I{inq'A Daughters. Mrs. Tillry, who R Y K R ch(unpfouship aeries. ThP Dnhlic ore rordfnll invited. Ad - I t ho estate of Ladies Home Journal• and a picture is tin excellent speaker, held rho At- oral eirellent niusicni pieces will he Irani has split ,1 '•chnlleuve" to thr Y is gettmq ill n largo stuck of bontPi and s[" fir, iIoR SALE. -Al the mn ter o t I loon. Lucknow (•huh tI play for $ilio ,L wisp, The Witter pipes that serve the Court inissfon 111 rents. Rhues• which is a new Inlr fes hin/. B� 1 he. lase Rev, Jaq. Pritchard. Lots num- out of the front page of the Scottish tention of her audience while she pre- R i he, 662 and 676 on Wolfe street and Cambria American. Other acts of vandalism rented facts in connection with the THR WRLL8-HP:ATH DRAMATic Co. oil Irtirral ire. Thi% is mnly a lig House are still Hazen, maid several of Mr%, 'filly, of London, representing the little he addm dry goods he wi t • hIuPP, hot wr undrnylntrtl Lhr I,ncknow the ofNcutlR ore louping for ,a return of lite ICin % DFw htery, ntta•nded 'hP hour evrrylhing ills rusLoniergtPquirr. Iteral, iti tnoTown of Ooderiah. Goon frame have alNn bran noted, tinct thedireeaorm it'Stitutl n of lite Noctety, find the -Ttw leadin Ind of the Wells•Heath house and nand orchard. Apply to n n l limited since R y hays inlPnd ,u rr(Nino Lill- rhxllrnirr, old days when a Journey to Kingston ruePt.,ng of the Girls' Anxilbiry In St. -John It. Mallough will yell hV xnction CAMEltON, HOU[ &HOLME91. have determinpd to Rend the first one great work ft hod cc r 1p Drarnatc• Company is n lady of strik- , ,l "ill end a will hlkl-1 t,alte )ll"n ut Ntr'Pet and n nickle furnished the whole Oeor e's school room on SattIctl,a ,if- mt him farm, on the 51 h roncessu,n of Solicitors forExecurer. detected to such disgraceful conduct its formation. Many instrinces score yy hated Feb. 7th• 1899. re the o1icP mn i%trntr. We may loon of Lhr nod done by the Order. Ing leatiLy aN well as the posmesser of l,i,towvl or (:oderic•h. Y t staff with a drink of buttermilk• t•rl)"on. 111141 dl-)iver Pit a short raddrega ANhfiehl, on Marl aid, hi, %tock ,and Iic bete P R R R - uud sic ie sus acted.- nd thea esker for•cibl im ressed on rear. dramatic talent. Miss 'it.. Jobn felOIITtr 4HtnoT. - The eighth shnot Wnl. Wnlliwe has Just finished him nn the work of Lite Anxillar•fes anti the +nlil-l-il %. �ilyg }Illy% loft Tnl-y.bv v)It SALE. -Part of Lot No. 904, on St, An- aaV a young y ( 1 P A P y p R i. h M. h/•r hearers the nevesCit. of CeaaP1PNN n Ilie APl-ie% for tip Off hand Rifle Iwenty foot. boat• which will be, it is Clitirrh Gudden. 'There wnN n lirgt•,lt. Inc T„1', .fl t(, tm 1„11 t'1nl N" teat afll'In0 SI 1 [ draws Street, in the Town of Goderic , (,O y has henefittd Rrently by the expert f ,.Inrrl oecepfod b the late Charles Payne• Activit. Yor God. anti human it . Dur ('huh trophy took place on t.hoaltib'g yupno,oed, thefamuestmailerroundthese tendanev,tlo--niorAuxlliarrLmndhoth nulllnerv, Kite will hxVe oar oP Lhr AN OLD TIMER Go iz. In another V y IPncP grainpd Its it aronliment memll-1 1 �i-w,. perfect. Apppplyyyto the event" excellent mugio was- I range nu irrid,ay afternonn. and Ili• OArts, Ocl• citizen• when he launches diviyiorls of the ('bur _h (l,llldN being leshi.rnnitle uulln,er, iron, Lurkno 4, CAMEILON. HOLT&HOLMEt9, column is annourdced the death titling R,i Ir sire loon• was •)Y Lhr cnn)pany tit Augustin Dnlv's yanl(•y Innde In,akeMessr•s. O. Penni" . Ili flyer, will have A big ohristenlnp, pt1w11f. MIs. Tilly, who fx thPrnothrr ,asslyt hrr (Illy srning, l2uitl-a Hunt 1 Solloltors for Exoau tors. provided• ,and t le ct y[; Ya ncotiver, B. (i., of W. E. Gra ce one P%T.nnI1Pd fIr 1heI,CCaRlnn. The Li1PAt1'P. New }�(,rk l'I; a', WhrrP for four I ���• ('. 1'.'n II rIKI..n, ir., }{. �Y ALNnn, 1', ,a, its Maine, Muggings• will attract a of t.•II,•r' t'lll.•y, reuentIv of the Ifxllk frI 11 (l(' a'Ih h,+Yt'.allrtl,lelt (h•• trr1111.•el 1)aled Feb. 7.1899. nicely f old residents and ioneer mer- ffted ludo addressed tilt• vnnnger years she met with nnbonnde(1 Aur ,1,'1'. N.tft.•1 noel Jnn. Gait tit+• lenders, large cvnavd. of �tnntr.•nl, If•ft by tit(• nftenwun Ing mn Alondraa' t•r.'nu,glasl,Vt Atll)t.�t 'L ' Ot'KE TO RENT on Bruce streeL, next to (f Lhe P R ee%s in a large nurub,t, of pnr1A. 11nd train for• h,•r Imine. le)ndon. Mr. Glove:'+ gyms am,url, i w Contra) eebool, with 6 rooms• good chant% of Gudertch. Fmr some yratc People tit LhP some t-ootn daring thr from whirl crrnp:Lny site ham hof. I t ho Hrst luanled hn%Ing IL char IPsul of Toronto NPwm : GOderirh, o[ the , rnnixrd by the b .v,. lieorgr ,tlPmt- 14 �,0,1l , with ample accommodation on preml. he lived retired here. and then moved afternoon, and her remarks there will I rPLi ry•(l. Uur•Ing the ,Lmlllnal 11 point%: Huron noel Bram ixaguP, (lefPaked Ghe Knox pion rh j'n(Iaig F eopll-'a R,u o•ty l.,m,k now I Ni,- rl' H.atl'+ `:'` c ant y "r,'n ,i,•m se• :\DYIy to A4 O. JOHNSTO N, Barrister. he hi illy fea%urerl h thoyP whr) hod vt.rnn i on(Inn .I ll l'HpP% this weak. of f'hrlst Lu, f:ndr,v ar gnvr an " ,t1 . to the Pacific coast u) the earl loom R y tri p- of the Daly Compariv 1n London, F.\ntF 100 2iN1 TOTnL R nouyP. sits, Crawford had n In,(t bee i —`----- of the Northwest• The cause of death the privilege of hoing present 1'hP { _ (',a t,ain Thum son ha% a forward line Iinrllt In t h,• I,•cl lire r•norn on That s- aclvent n4 Maw. TilIP mhnllld I11'.r P)LN,• dllx9 ti L. .lohn has appeared at Sir C, i O'lI I'1 it P P oil 'r,,,•a(In y aft.•, Ooon, ,a,I.I It Waw til.- GODERICH �1ARKEITS. wL%fnfluenzn but ftwaerumoredsame y Henry Irvin s i.yreum theatre. platy- U• 1'ennfn ton .... ad {H H( In Mr('nrth}. Mrlvor• BrPden and duo In r•n. Mi 11 +vas n prnvrr,'ouP, In '-. !_ Lite Atren to of the Kin s Dau titer• R Shannon much above the avura etln• t vu )(pts. sial ulnnV ArnnAin in«t,u1rPN nende(1 by a inleje nunlher Chi mn•t•t• c,4, time ago that he intended returning to R R' R ing the lending partA after MIAs Ad,t .I:,s. Andrew•% 40 3 !a R 1' K ing of tilt• Irni l"erN' I".11tutr• nn Ant- Gndetich toend hie days. $e ownrd andsocietipgof liketlature. ILt-han its "Twelfeil Ni ht." - Ay You ("till Donnelly..... :i7 13 .,O attached chili. ar'n%e ov.•I the milting of rho- two. 'i,- (confiRCTED IIP TO NOON Or TRU ADAY) R 1 rlyd,av attPrTioon Irlo way unr hr,gPly weep,. standard.......... $11 69 Ie J0 r,9 Rome properly here, and wits in busi- A DtCLm11ITFVL ENTERTAINMENT. Like it." Ptc. One Ot her nmgt charm• [L XV. RAI lit W 4'2 (lir hockey bov% nre much putout The pl,ar, I(rll,,w,•d wits tI dlVid.' n Urr, f,. 4aI, wheat Ilitandard)..... a 68 ,O 068 Pas in tlnL•n11YP.C. Illi word reCPI VPd ' y Vrt 1, lilt"IWo flat ls, I„e Of Which wny 'If t'IHiPd. Imo 1111• ••+r,n.Ylg 1,1••,•1 big prinK n The Mngicn.l Society de%erve mare gen- Ing experiences was the ta,cing part in (. Pennington .iH .N ,- hernu%P Lite ar.• ,Ione out of their tri loin t., .r genllwn.ul and INP nth,•I t„ Pully Hadco tip for r• 1, I .rn, Lhr trinnr. Der 100 lbs., Patent 2 0 to 2 0 p ,.'. m' , 2 g here t.I 9 week says no will can be PI'nlla All ort thaw the ore r'PCPIViII tO open air perfnrmnnee of ” AN ti mI Vl'. ('nitl(•. 1 t is t , London by tit(• break 1p of Ihv lnHi R urtrP hall hPingo.•,nt.IPt.•I1 1111«•(1. Thry ' , n ailv... .. 2 t0 to PP Y R n tier toe .. I Oa to 13 00 tound amongst his tampers. hike it" he Aegugtln DAI 's ronlpanv E it. ll atson, .. 111 al 71 IPP club. I lit• (:(alerlrh tram is slope m ""''o hr•r ..f , he air f•x, nn( w en al lira , tot.hPlC effnits t.or•nrry out. ale seri" pp - wl-(ed.•Iri,•.ed il.• maRcutitle Porti,,,, weir rnrrPully n,ytrn.t.•rl n. Lite nd- '..,..;: rtnorts, per ton ... ..,...... 1 OD to t++ 00 BtLI1i PAARFn.--1 he bill intro nn the lawn in front of the Menr)riNl `. 11. kouKv,r .... ..Iff , Gi t<, hlmn.r, •ln •.Ince t hr silent (: the shortnwer per ton. ....... .. t 00 to I$ 0a of h) h clrsa entRrLainmentR which :,1 London tenni in thio Imwn, It has lost of the olwrt, tv.•rt• directed to find a'nningP% of tnr•nnng Int Well I•nh•r- j, Gars, ., 00 to 28 diced to the Lc:giNlature to allow the R Theatre at Stratford -on -Avon : nn .1. Newroufbr.. . . tl Il' R+ K nines c nn tiddlt Ionil only,, til and .. .. .. .. ..38 17 :):i revery match it played. the fa(r+•.i Irut If lbe proYer'h, .%. t h Harley ................. .. 36 to 3 town of Goderich tb withdraw their they inaugurated for the present srA A•nt•r•ican rnin Veiny prer•ent.mg Ia <:. Lnithwait. ... . Peas •, •• _.. 63 to n7 sun. The HoyMn Atnsical (`huh, which Shnkrsperian pbay in lite toavn where F•..1. T. Naftel a'2 'ifs fix literary ro rnmma. At. snnspt In Sundoy Lhim part Of in"j hr I,n,%%,-f l the smile look .I,ne• P R Itye • •• 36 to i subscription oP $W,C' stock in the n I ared on Monday evenfn Inst to the great pnet unlhor himself was .Ino. (frail ........ .. :iii 'Li til !inion sooty trent'd to ,t brilliant pyro Lina• noel grave rnnsidPrvthlf. {d,•.latnt• 10 `y linakwheat,petbnshel.......... 40 to 4th p - g those eng11ged in tilt, Nearrh who got, BUSICI•'SS N�,llc•P8. Ha , per ton ....... 4 d0 to 626 Goderich Elevator and Trnnait Co., 1 fill the dale tit fit•tit roL�naPll for flip horn. Mfsg St_ Jnhn is till• sttatPly, + trchnic dispin}• hr• U.,mP Nature, the ,tit )1, ."a &.1 t h,- )rnverh nsl • it IP.I to X { J \\'t•gt iluron Is rh.• 1,,nd'y nail turn 'ti.. Rimer, oer Ili .. .. .. 11 to 16 and lnsl+7ad to guarantee bonds or de- Harvard Quartette, presented a pro and n ppronounced brunette. Her ar- Thr eit honi(rro rrcenl1v urr•haxed whob- sky cit tinier, IwPinv m sheet of `i gems Dor dozen. .. . 18 to 20 bentureq of the elevator cow an to ranine which should have been itgtirc nrru Item inagrace of manner P p theirueedm Refr.•shnu•ntN,ciaou)"'K fnllueyy thrrw.f. 'Iic• tIrfuflney« oP P y IR by Lhr hand is of NaaPrt Ione. hn hal • firl•. Ay is msuAl. thunder followed { (irPPn', llargAin I1.' i-. - for thr people av•N,+o Derload 100 to 92fi K Y IV NnoOsI. 6,rnu•i ane nP Lhr ew(sn n'. 4 6p that nrnonnt, these bnpdA to form a greeted by n crowded house. There mod-uht.IP dptnil of nnperannatirnl polished, and of sa<•h ,L size Llai Col- rail flnmh, and for n Limp there ens est nunlls•rs on INP progrxmmp• wl,irt) Ih11t +v,u,t bn)i(aiu+u, all Im.•s..f -r,-ond +'ntlle, export . .............. 3 6f1 Lo flratchn a on the '`elevator ietnises, I aro five members In the club and th- which ratracits the aaclitor and holds Ihr hrnvie-t rxinfxll t:odrrirh hoe htul r cauln.n.•-Ib,oral+aro... to rq p Y Irrfnr RPt<I, ti•hn nvanipnlntrs Its inalndc•d the following nnwir,al nr.d Lamb., each ................ 2 60 to 3 60 has passed the committal Atage. As � combine enough inat.ruments. each of th. nit.Pntion riggidly when .ever slip fs valves, fs Inst hrhlml i1. iI coal for• ,,many years. h.nud hon•teholJ good%, ILondt„re Nt. �.�� 4hePD ••• •••••• ••�•- •• 4 oR to 6 there wau+no nit ect)on on either side, which to PRCPIIPntI IAved, to woke nn the Rt nlrP. She carries her gown- $'T3, is , Ift.•rnry r., lt•nl \Irm. I.ngnn noel Mi+s 1'hpre y „ blow ..f Rprfng m, tit+• at, Hwii, Ilia WOlght .... ». .... 4 00 to 4 OC j y P A. WPlghly Instrnnu•n1. and makes [hr 1>•,n t 1IlIa%the' }Lent \Vldow Flrnwn, ('m,i)l,n,gn.•. piano snot: Mss Hnnkrl)• ..rr.,y.„call+' now. Ih,al 1,•nnn.ly ny that Hoaar.drepaed .. ..... 603 6 00 aLnd the ppropoaecl gu�ranteo improves up a whole orcheNtra fn ndditinn In well land underrtnndm the AI's oP aPlPrr ,In er shine res Il-ndf•ntly, tiA It I% ,o-Itivel tbp heat. ;attraction Hams, par Ib ...... .... ..... t0 to 12 the pn%ition of the town as a credit(,? the instrumental, they give-everah Ing those roost suitable to her type S y p i Y of hl rotP.Ird, rr•a'tel Ion ; 11.'anti Rn (Sid 1\'Int.•[ rnilat %eon r-ptii r for a loaig narnn.longelear ... .. .. 9 to 10 of the cam n , instead of it stock -I vocal solos and choruses in acharming And Rtvle. As the dashing Widow in A g+Y'cat big rnmpany rnrnlnfr t) colli cern herr. `- chmnan. .oho; Mry. Ingnn nn41 Mtss "Idea .. .. .. ... .. 6 LO 07 pfi' SRPd wl ho11Ll manner. There rvere three descriptire ” Onr Barhptrn+a” Misa rut. .l oho )R mONt Goderfrh. A. l.I. 4cFOn c+on % IIIIagI Pr- ,W I(t Nnl,, plflm, d11P1 MILAN J, M(•iLi ry•n, I Imo' T kP adV a+1t A(r t• -„ Ili ' f phrrp 4kina . 44 to 46 holder• the bill was pa. l th.•s,• fine sous, ro rf'o u(,I„ Hr..phpv g �' ,.�' "' I n um hers l hat were clever and am nein chn-ming and it is also a part that piper, Thr }teal \i'blow Bn,w n." Trr rt Vrrrx. (hI n aepnryLtP sheeCs violin sol.,. lilyy Ma VlttiP, solo; At imsrr I a r 1 , TMI,o., rendered.._...._. ... 2 to 3 amendment. +mine and ton gomP f Lhr Int.P%t nuufry PavrrexDvruETAgr.irtt. Another hill• authonztnR the town him nateamboat, sePnP on the MlRslq- )vee her dregamaker Roo r, but 11 is Thev come 'o G(xterirh dirprt Prnrn 1Leynolds And ISurhnnnn, ,no tort : ,n fine Photos. R R q p that it nlny he more convenlPnt for rrdozen 211 to /0 toborroN 5?S,OODnnitm deketatnrea,to xfppi,t,he Olin pattofaminstrel%how, nrithrr bpnntp of face unr style in '1'nronty,. }i,c•nlhy the I.Pgt rnmpany Mlyy li \t'llklnrun, sola; ti•av M. 111[ - ornnzpy p ever Peen herr. Half A rnr of Acenery piegerviathm, ave give the of eizl flgur- Kenzo•. violin -ole: LaleR Rankin, rrai- Lernona 8o to 40 earnp late the waterworks and elector and is Day with a 'frons. Ip Parts of gowns that. r•oni risea her grPALPr EQZFMA IxA itLv Ct'Bcn. pp and xcpnir Pffer'tN, IIPAt,,1(111 c1rPgRpm i,ann solo. All the ., 2(1 to 20 hpr nl)ility tag nn actrpgq, T tannnnae I light planta, and to pay the float fug ill . the instrumenttil and vocal imi- charm. it i% rA ,n Lhr Inst etPrt nn. And elan t.ho+e In talion M.yd T cr, - l•n(atneq per bnah. ,. 40 to 611 debt already incurred on them• also and rets woman. Opera linuaes tan- numbers werD wP I rrceived, pmrt irn tTPrrtll'y q atrm Tnnlr nap r"•r%1 morn raaeq lotions erre capital and kept Lite noel that moat be licca to hP under- P Y I the Inst I c,rnl Ams Domimnn lye -Slee er hks,.t pod .kin ,nsoaaea .von a, bt anon 11 A'hirkenq perpa ir......... ... 80 to 4(0p f The in stood. Miss St. John will play Rix Inot aarrnmm(x1AtP the rmwds t.hnt tions. larly Lho•,(+ of Mixa }L,an kf n, +v hmar soMfnla. P+n+nL+a and •rphnttlPa r'cw, Loan -u :)"aka per pair t0 to 9 pas• -ed the committee. hnuPP in roars (+ lnmjfhter. rnme fo mPP Ihrm. The largest Kuarft"• + rerilntions avprp am well rerpvPd by oiler Mm-IhP rnmbinod. ttfs.(dPa haang n 'rn rkeyq, per lb ................ .. 7 ao e A b111 to consolidate the debvntnre atnlmontal goloa on the programme parts during the week of Mnrch 1Rth _ __.- - tndehtedness of the village tai $lyt.h, were each nrtiatiCAllq cowppfete noel at the Operas Hrn]Ee, Godvrirh, noel We 1ep given of any rampanv ever apppnr•) Aldlar a Wnrm Powders Are Ute toast the inennhem orf the Y. P. H. C R. of neat powrrfo' Mr oil Vapid r 1, iq .,n ex.mlleet awaked n tT 50,000 was also ut the whole programme 1)right and 1 will hAOP nn opportunity to see and Ing in Goderich. Al arch 11th Sa the laxative medicine for children ; me naJer they were by the metnher•a Of the. Y. ren to and'Pim. by aw••iating naclrn to Item. off thedtliui t A 91(tyy Cont Settle Iniad throe Morethantilwhodohot(advertiselr.TTMSTAn through, R p 'lean. ! Judge tar ourviolveo. (data+. Prices 7si, nTiand GOcrnf.R. l&P Austrir. IP. t}. n fPW WPPILB AIA<'P. wOOkR fats tit 1h,nhAm'p DitleNfore. yf _,� lo. P more money thin ase do. ` 1 -ia i ° • x 4. __ - P •,•:m r,-.a.(a .,--.--r.----.�,..-•..----.,....r. �.... a• r. r r r � r��aa��,.a:.ara.ruAtf[LII� ......rs,.r�r¢.�i:'a.•r,..,a:,...,,`.0 ,. i."�.. ..mat Hua „a.a,.y:Jia..is,:ar:,,:.:,:i,dc•.Yu,,,.a,.os.y a'. vi :�,L(:,J(.r „c ya,.+-,..c�.u�.n-•.r'x,...,:L1,'ur.e,�wi:t?ilia arr'aA,�.r.r unu...,.,::.m,.a'u.ar .r.�.� _.._ . >•^,. v r,.x „•r• i vrii,vA-:i :,I.•.ua.iil'(ilis,Y,urts`�