HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-02-24, Page 741
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back anon hien and acnfflas'away I "Did yon not nettle tleoltrey, toot'• i "(( f �n�(>71 a �j�1Qj (j�jtjl A t3jo t f conneotio# wltkiroato. D[r. Agdelr ! SOTS ARMS WERE 1[llA(iLRD. f
nimbly roto Lha art!, farthest aornhr aha asked AJ1]! lqj {F�tL t1J TI 1J11J111�I+j son the Gov i tltih Lt world' e p ilia �n� �f c ��� � A�. � if
of the routµ updernssth the "I certainly lnpitsd kite,' sntwerad Lor the Govel Aa�sst to raise the tics lip' 'Wr. iN) �, cane's Teertpte stllhW"P Wilda As
Diamond Cut Diamond thiel- of a table watt a lops cloth, ��• HTn s owmilag, Y under good, To t �0 of land R 09111111 fifty ream to ons teaw.ttns W ale: fitfwTrttla
f y _ �.
OR. he Lorna 11rid aitit at bay $e does not he will, as doubt be era prwsnti �iNTRX IS RICE IN FARM dollar Par td4%.W4U the added fifty _ °
7� dart to give &o. much sit a growl, but Contin l• LANK TIMBER AND itIINES• cents to tva increased aid to the first A despatch frollep Tgronto s{ya:-Fred
l RQ OF '� his upper- lip .keeps >ilsitYg quiiveringiy — eighty wil$,It t�F line." s11 MS OF INTEREST ABOUT THE ' ..w
• over his little tooth, sad a sort a taon, a rock about 9S years rdd livers
sloe•;1� Fleraq Rt At4trts,>: 4aa+ aaA e't�tq at PLRN't,`X` iS},1: 13'AR,hL LAND. BUSY YANKEE. I at 18`P Hraok Ave.. tact with ■very
of smootherod niool a Iika ' that of a THE COTTON INDUSTRY IN INDIA• 11E►lsaet i .' The" Nur Aartculilmrsl In eoneludtag, Mr. Aadersoa says ! serious accident on the C. P. W as
oryittg child, is bregthad Earth at la- slut is Ont111wio there are at I4ast , Frids sltarAooa about 8 o'alomk.
And then she turned end left him child's play compared to the deladly tervals, like a sigh.. from out of the �?F!� 11,800,000 acro, of good land at present utterly Internal to tis paUtp--Mattan y
swiftly, without another word, and animosity with with Trousers ver de t6a orf bill is ural bei 1111• Hrewth am thea tuportaseo to ureal "Th! Newer Districts of Ontario" i. t Gunn and a eom
�egard� y p j rig• •vailaWtl for MM Clement-aaoa�h to •1 M•aert sad iltrt► Oaltnrnd tri M� penton had bean look -
the women went awn out of the the whole of the female sex. Ev4Wy Ohl that � shbulil "have lived to nes Krltata •flits Ptresent Yeveletimeal, the tita i 4ti a pamphlet just published absorb our• #Arplus agricultural popu- I Itrlty Recent. sag for work in the Junction, and were
desolate house, away down the lane petticoat in his eyes' the nuoicuis of this dayl The history of the growth of the by the -044, &Xao Government. It treats llttion for many Vests. The land Is
again together. Neither of them no- possible mischief. The landlady, whom The ladies,rnanslAir jile, Mrs. Dana and cotton industry in India is a very in-' of the Its „y River, Wabigoon, Algoma cheap' it is eattY of access; the climate I Pomona, Cal., ptmisetses 1110 varleliea oo a (relight trait tloand (or the city.
tired how, close under• the shelter of he grudgingly sufferp to live only be- the Halliday s14taks, are making the � is healthy , pmosl6y can be earned at of olive treat. when a IitUe past Boyce Ave,, Gunn , r
a dark elm tree In the hedge opposite, cause ha eonceivee that, in some faith- tout' of �,attlkner'sfapartment. It is tereating one, and, is view of the corn- lilpd' T aoamipgue distrlota, and is the lumber camps, the -loss and on The H(ghlagders of Now York are I attempted to get off, but in doing so
a man stood motionless watching them ion beyond his powers of compreben- extraordjpary wha 'p never -tailing de- petition with which its development I ('till of Valuable information for pros the colon at'OP Fcutda; as that the to form a regiment. slipped, and both his arms were run
come out of the door in thoe high aeon, she ie o1 tree Co hies master, light anti i ehuggs,� examination Ofa threaten& the importation oL Lan- d amily will be main -
t paotljA: taettttt#a. >kir. DUnC0.A Ander- settler ttr� 1}l+t. Cornell students slid not use wine over by this van of the train.
wall, ost as be had watched them go comes in for nothing better, evert to- man d room oettges o women. There cashire cotton manufaattrtea, it may hs Boit.°(1LAais�y. 44tt•. prepared the pat- tained in oomtokt during the first and
into i� help -an -hour ago; and neither wards the dinner -hour, than suppres- Is nothing that gives . them so mach second yearn until' Cha fart produces at their last banquet. i His companion Immediately jumped
of them, in the soft sighing of the sed growls; the timid little servant- P1esaPra. as �bas Qt polttiaal iprportaaaa At present Ohlett 1tt}tlelt rho instruotione of Lha
tt eci to tea by a enough to aukJot, his family: Su for l A fence seventy miles is length, t& oft, and summoning help. bad the io-
summer night breezes, and in the maid lives in terror of her life, by b iebelor. 'Cltey, w V leave their own cotton Sarna and cotton threads cam Witilsttr of"Akrtoulture• Mr. Ander the strug Una maohanic, day worker,' being built to protect herds of cattle jured man taken into the waiting -
murmur of their own vo(cem and the reason of him ; this laundrea®, leaves luxtrlong drawing-09cod, their satin ing igto India„l rpm abroad •are exempt son styrtld Q14 on Maty 10th, and was ` and all those who are putting their ,n Dakota.
labour on the market, there is a bet- I room at the terminus of the Toronto
beating of tbgir hearts, haurd how the Miles' linen tremblingly at fire street couches and alYq eethjlirs, their velrete �� dutY abd thief on othet cotton away oath July 1iffid. Ia this lima he ter oiranoa las homes n the anloeated Nearly a mlllion poraone make tbelr r hallway Company. Phyaloiaa& were
stealthy footsteps crept catlike in door and taken to her heels and lfpa Pitt carpets and siWthe flower-acauted
thio ebadw behind them, at the distant thunder of hie vogp; atmosphere which surrounds them at hood+ iablSpar vent. Aemoat of the txgY}eihd g,4tip tulles by tall, 6a8 by lead of Ontario than staying in the living ib the Unitad States by electricIimmediately telephoned for, and in a
Rose, now that ell wait over, tram- whilst, as to the occasional oharwogan, home, with eagerness and alacrity, If cotton imports of India are from Eag- boAt,,416 miles on toot, and 110 miles overcrowded Industrial centres, where Industries' Whorl time Dr. Ctearlenan had the ga-
bled in every limb• "fine murmur a double Lea is necessary to intivae they Can only get a chance of going land, this arrangement 0 the dutiai driving. I the cry for work is becoming yearly I Admiral Dewey had (banked the Bos
ed broken words of atfeCtion and con- her to venture with her bucket qnd out to tea with a young man, however wan almost entirely to rho advantage tp the post Arthur eeotlon Mt• more sante, for evewled euo I larm(n t too City Council for naming a square I �� bandnger al�arau m TLe r shit arta
solation to the mistress whom she her brooms into the chamber, where simply he may live, or however poor a rudimentary kayo 8 1 that city atter him.
loved. "that there wild beast” is to be met and mean may a hie abode. Et af- of Lancashire. Anderton found good crops of hay, � they will be able to learn (ram their ' was &o severely crushed it will hairs to
"You should give him money and with. There were no distinctions in fords them a ohanee, no doubt, of ex- Cotton manufacturing by modern barley, oats, spring wheat, potatoes, neighbors. Alexander Graham Bell, upon his re- 11x, taken off above the ,allow. The
get rid o4' him; lei him go away to this sweeping condemnation. IP amining that most interesting an ,ss turn to Washington, will build a Jap- left arm (e alto In rtbTtrible condition.
tea(, machinery was first begun in Indio to turnips, and vegetables. ll it wa11 une,o garden at his reeldenoe. Tho young mea had also bean ntstrok a
America, as he wanted long ago;' she 1'rouaera had his way every womatrOn Man, at large Ln hie own diggings, of FAIT$FUL ENGLISH SERVANTS. ieso women are employed us teak were blow n Cha face, and oa (IIs
need. the face of the earth would be ex- studying the queer Ways and habits of 1881, at B rnbay, sad by 187?, theta wattstell, •ad there is a fair growth
She shook her head. It is impossible. terminated. In short, with the an- the creature in its tree and natural ware forty-seven mills in all India. At of poplar, spruce, jack pine, white back of Cha head, where •number o!
I should not dare to set him free ire 'oom limentar It (s probable that women have al- walkers (n a motion oP the Central '
p y poet of a bygone gen- state. It is a voyage of discovery into the be innin ,of 1808 there were 164 birch, cedar and tamarack• The mar- y g -I Paolflo Railroad oast of Wolle Nnv. stitches had to be put in.
8 li wits been included amon the em- When Gunn recovered cousaioulmeas
would d(nder ue again," I oration, Trouaera might have ez- unknown, or eilg dimly gueeaud at mills dlatributad according to press- kelt at Fott William and Port ployeea aI Cha pont-office, mays a writer I Durng the eleven months ended he Called his eoui Rion to blur and
"Not under another name?, claimed- latitudes- There was nothing much tq Arthur are ood, and the prices paid ,
"No man with that Inas, eaatred "What mighty lits have not boon be sten in j+Iiles' room t° be aura, save denoies and dletriate as Lollowa: Bea- g in Chamber a Journal. The writer can . `!Ilk November, 646,88 persona visited , mold :-•'Don't tell mother till the
and Beamed as it le, could escape do -I done b womanI Miles himself, who looked so much too gal, 0; Madras, 10. Bombay, 100; Pun- era high• I the Congressional Library at Waith-, mornin
remember when the head of the post- g
Y ngton. Sh,ortl -after 8 o'olonk tIIe amba-
telieon by So poor 19a vet ho Oh, Destructive, dagtnable,-deceitful wo- large in it, and you the ladies made jab 18; central provnoea� 1!, and THE WABIGOON DIBTHICT. I office is the great town of Sheffield I The work o[ construoting a bagel lance arrived and he was taken to the
believe me, Martine, 1 have thought of man I" the moat minute tops of napection [n- French India, 2. The advantages of the Wabigooa die- was a woman, and when there wits a I General hospital.
everything—everything —have theught Now- this is why Trousers sits To- to every corns of it. The two of three
till m head was on fire, and m Bat this number does nota pear to raft, which fa to en b 4,000,000 Icer
y garding his master on, thee particular sporuug prints upon the walls, the p trent are summed up ae follows: -1. cttmlgtreae' oL Gibraltar. Tho t At a late hour Friday nlgbt the pa -
heart sick with thinking, and there'ia Saturday afternoon, slowly and disap- photogra hs tpalnly of his mother and suffice for the Indian demand and the p pO. o[ lumber, has boon begun lin Port- tient was restia well at the tal.
nothing alae to be dope, no other proven I lickin hie ahopa, whilst a oP P l Oheap land and easily cleared, fifty office sometimes "suns In Pamiliee," land, Ora g
g y g prize fighters, and champion rowers expert trade, chiefly to China and cents r acre on easy terms. 2. The 011e al tae do do bald that while this
plan." And then a long, shivering puzzled enquiry in his eyes, and a and,sWimmero, this pipe -rack above hie and cases are not infrequent whero It in Bald tart the rocent advaaae man would no doubt recover it wonit
sigh broke from her ale li s. "Here Eaat and 6outh Africa, for there are man hoe of the Canadian PaoiLio Rail- a oatmaeter is euooeeded by hila widow n eecurdl be necessar to am tate both arms,
P P quiver of uneasiness fast vibrates manteiphelf, Che lbw well-worn hooka P y market values hoe addod y Dor
—there I—on one aide of the world or through hie whole body denotes his —"Sponge'& Sporting Tour," "Pick- actually under construction way passes right through the agrieul- or daughter, or other female relativo, cot leas than $96,000,OIN1 to the person- —
on the other I it makes no difference; evident disgnietude of mind. with*,' two odd vplumes on Natural NINE NEW MILLS tural belt. 8. The beat of local mar- For the moat part, such cases would in- al fortune of William K. Vanderbilt. JOHN COON TO RE'1'IHE
nothing can set me free of him. Al- I What, asks Trousers of himself,, do Histbry.together with Gundry strange- leets 4. Butticienl timber for build Among saleawomep n New York
most, my dear Martine, I envy those' those strange and abnormal prooeed- at Bombay, eleven at Ahmedabad, and i dicate a desire oa the part of the au -
women of another teeth than our own, n s (v hluatratcd tteatiaea oa athletic ng, fencin and fuel. 5. The country
g portend 4 Why these curious and sporta,•and their uses, and methods of one at each of eleven other plaoea. g thoritiea to reward long and falthfut Mrs. Russell Sage is said to hear the Famous T•vtat Agent Coves E9 Ager M
who are able to profit by the latus of unaccustomed re arationsI What trainin whi lay in a confused hen is well watered with rivers, creeks eervlce or to ezeroiae nom assign Co- roputation of been the kinded and Ycan TtsvIltag
P P g+ 411 P Others are n conte- lation, of which P
this country, and Pree themselves convulsion ie to rand tae peaceful ani upon a aide table --all came in for a p and.wells. 6. The soil and climate are ,,yards de y pper in the city.
from a marriage yoke when it be- happy habits of the usual Saturday share of their careful attention and °even ase to be built in Bombay, six at pandoat relativee. Not onl I moat considerate oho A desp>atoh from Loddon &aye
comes insupportable." half -holiday I' For Saturday (e to scrutiny. particularly well adapted to the grow- are postmistresses fairly common In Rev. Dr. Hiram Hutchin t
a hough 88 Alter fifty years as a "personal con-
Ahmedabed, two at Pondicherry, two in tbase stays, but postwomeu—that is, � years old, is still able to take Ilia so-
"Ah, my dear lady. It is Heaven, Trousers tae day oP all other days, "What is this fort °ries one, at Madura and one at each of four 8 0( fall sad spring wheat, barley.' temate letter oarritrs--art by no means i doctor," John M. Coot anaounCea twat
not Latin, who will set you freeI It Saturday is the day when Miles comae oats, potatoes, turnips, and all kindb oirmLomed walks about the street,. of
is impoaeible fast thea miserable one Lome early from the City to his lodg- "Who le this ttreadful man in etrlp other, places At tail moment ($ere uncommon. he will rotlro from the bueneea ahost-
can live forever."( eBl are mills n Ahmedabad, Na ur sad °f vegetables sad small (roils. Cora There recently. reused from the Brio- Brooklyn, whom he aaa long have a
Ings is Hammersmith, changes his gP familiar figure. ly. This will no doubt be received
"Hush, Martne 1" she answered elo[heS to a tweed suit oY dittoes "Ohl husk at this odd little boil" gomba a ronin Port and otandaro apples don't seem to do i tol post -office a postwoinan who was
quickly, "do not put into words the amidst frantic boundings of Canine joy "Ie thee meant 'for tgba°co, Mr. Foul- y P g s sixty and •van
wickednesA oP my heart; twat is what which keep pace with hie toilet oyer- roar?' ei htp degrees erne from E yptian a° well, ualeaa it be the vory hardest born in 1826, a,ad woo teat have been The Duchess of Marlborough receiv- with regret by many, many thouattnds,
g y g varieties. 7. Grasses grow in great � delivering letters for the beet part of ed a Christman gift oP X500,000 from from the small. bays and little girls
There wag no end to their uestione y years• She was seventy-two years I her father, W. K. Vanderbilt. This 600 in number, whom he tifat guided
I daily struggle against. Why should &tions, sad teen pat hat on head and 9 cotton sad weaving fancy fabrioa that 13
Leon de Bretout die, since he fins not thick steak to Land, he sallies forth and to their curiosity. They pulled y antici ted will anti- luzurianae B. A very healthy slim- of a e when she retired tad it to emti-
hia fisbi tt ie oonfidentl pa g weft be de0oted towarede rho notchings qt an a pionlo exonralon in Leftx,ter dur-
ng-rods out of their oases and ata. 0. Good roads Por a new country, mAted that she must have walked a a London realdence. ng hig childhood, to Cha German Halo-
lived long enough for repentance? for a long walk. Trousers following I mately deprive Lancashire of the bulk 10• Plenty o[ winter work to the quarter of a million melte during hot
Every day Monsieur prays that hie meekly at his master's heels iso long tried O° his boziag-&loves, and attack
attitudes with his tenni Stick, and of its trade with India. It is estimat- I Judge Felton, of Georgia Su- er, whom he go recently "conducted"
son's life may be spared until he has air they are in the streets, but when °g- lumber tamps; also hauling and chop- long service. Although;mhe Servod a
repented and is pardoned, and every once in rural roads and lanae rusaiag really seemed to enjoy it all amazing- ad that India pays annually for Eng- very sparsely populated district, she, preme Court, recently adjourned court on a trip lbrougb Palestine and Syria.
day, I, too, with m li s, ea Amen ly• ping cordwood. was never etc
Y P Y off with wild herrings and happy nap- 1(Sh mannPaotured cotton piece g000le DDed nor molested In nay be°auae one oP rho witneaeee preferred, In ooaneotlon with the Hnhentollern ,
to that prayer, though Heaven knows era in a ver madness of deli ht anfl "And now, Mr. Faulkner, you mtust RAT PORTAGE DISTRICT. way on her round, and it is needles, to I Instead of testifying, t keep an so-
how my sinful soul rabeln against the eestac y 8 just let ue have one a into our not far from $100,000,000, but conditions ea that ,ae pact of all a rmept to tea married. pilgrimage Mr. Cook tells many inter
y ; or sometimes the ro ream' bedroom " said Mrs. Dan and, blush- favorable to the diminution,, (f not ex- The Rat Porta district had much y gelned the tee g g 1
desire." p ge wits whom aIle came la contact. The eating nneodotom, among teem them
is varied, and Miles eta himself into itepreaantative B. b'. Marva, of ll -
"Ah, such goodness 1s too much for flannels and the o down to the ing like a maiden, Miles opened the tinction of this trade have recently mining land, and also farm land. The Lords of bar Majoety's Treasury, rarog- 0q,.:- ''"'
me, Madame I" cried Martine, impati- river Bide and charter a boat. And door of communication that led into come Into existence. One fact in con- conclusions reached ra ardin the Rat nWng the exceptional Circumstances of India, is en e: pert pool pinyor. 1'he "rho Emperor asked me why they
softy. "When T see you suffer So that is also ver deli a bo t. Trou- his extremely' s(mplei little sleeping» g g this woman's service, ranted hot half- other night ho started in a play at were making all twin fuse end apoll(pg
Yt g chamber. neotion with this is worts mentioning Portage diatriot aro given as below: g Willard's hotel, at 0.80, and did not Jerusalem with their wbitewstta a�d
muco, when I know how you have sera to sits erect and Immoveable in Mrs Dane walked• boldly (n, asking 6 P t nhabitants ofaher�nativeivillage took P g• colour, saying distinotl
sent away oe beau jeune homme woo the stern ae hie master yolk up ea shown the s ire o[ enterprise i. That there are whoole and ohurchea oto fill B.iO oea mornin y, "I wantadrto
loves you, I feel no compunctions in stream, possessing his soul [n patience questions concerning the due airing o1 with which native Indiana are under- in almost every part of the settled see- the occasion of bet retirement to pre- Major-General Ludlow, military and have seen the city n its naturai (iOn-
dasiring that tae Almighty will take until, according to a feint honored Our hie sheets and •th�r mending o1 hie lin- tarn the develo went of the re tin°& 2 That plant of em to went sent her wits a bandnoate teet[monoal. dition, and not got up like ttl[e."
that other wicked one awn to finish en, each as tae Ind ct an elderl lad g p y p y °tall Governor of Havana, has for years M, r L'ook's health has not been ood
9• tom, he shall pull up bib craft under e4 y y eouseee of their own countr can be had at any mammon of the year Another postwoman is the Bristol been considered ag one of the beat au -
his repentance in a world where they certain brown ooz banks and sed naturally runs upon ineonneetion with y' district has jtut succeeded her aunt an � at all during recent months, but it in
understand these fain a better than y BY a poor helpless o man, who has A Mr. J. N. Tata, a Bombay mill in the lumber camps; on the roads, and thorities o municipal sanitation and p
B corners, well known to bola master b y sub poatmlmtreea, tba Liter having now moth im raved. Ho has nndoubt-
here on this earth." no o9p bat a laadla y to—do for him," owner, is extensive! cultivatin E at the mines; anfl that wit es are ood, engineer,ng in thee ouuotry.
and dog, that are redolent oY water- I Y B gyp g g served for forty seven yearn, and roach- wily earnod hila retirement.
Madame de Bretour bad raised her rats, and riddled b their holes. Here; but the girls wire shy, and stood at h Havin no ail at Jerome, A. T., the
y lien aotton on Indian so[l, and has al. 8. The 11 len are bad on stook Lor • ed the aetonie ing age of plinoty-live. g j �
hand to silence the old woman, but Trrusere is allowed•to (founder out in the doorway, content only with a Par- The niece had served for forty-two I police handcuff the arms of the prison-
tive lance into thiel Hol o[ Holies. ready accomplished such results that l month and a half in mid -summer, ro- •
Martine was a person who would have se;treh of sport. He always sets out g y years as postwoman so that she must ere around telegraph poles. The law- TO CONSUMPTIVES.
Than said Milos id Dnlbie, red ns a he hoe thrown out the challenge that quiriag the rattle to be put in rho be well on to ei:t m takla u her
her say, and even the allusion to the. with the same keen excitement. He 7 P breakers, can stand, sit or lie down, Th. undersigned having- been restored to
"beau jeune homme"' wrla allowed to' has never yet ca tured a water -rat, peO°y all over him big fair face: if.Laucashira should rslbt !n ...let_ stable during •the day time. 4. The new n pointmeut. The st-office °an- DI
p Pe p Po, but cannot euo au in the le. health by .Imp • means, *fur au aft• Qou. and
pass unreprimanded, although it made but hq brags wits him ever to the "Won't you jtrbt go int" It atom- in Chinn wits British oa (tel W tom- wtuters are bright and clear. 6. As not be an unhealthy occupation, or its gVe gg g ani erre w[tha ••ver• Ions aQS,otion. sad
Rose smile in site of her sadness. chase the same burning hopes and the ed to him that. he would sleep better g p em to ees would not live to much ab- I 7 iso famous Bowery In New York chatread dUeaa, eoaaumptforr, lig ea:lOtu to .
P tea ainat India in the coarser quali- a stock and dairy country It cannot be P Y was on (null mpke known to his fellow .utterer. the means
Aad the walked orlon fast in the same sen alae as9urance of Success that night if her sweet prPaenee -eget g norms) ague. But Caere are young g 1 tow road through tae of cure. To those who dedrs tt, he will cheer- ,rt
dark4esa pf the .L,p:ae, but not so fast and he is made as happy and as proud I bat for one inata3rt glorify that poor Lies of cotton goods India will go In-' surpassed. 6. Local markets are good pttatwomen ae wall ae old. We have Sean ! txiuwerio, or Purm, of hovernor Stuy- fatly eegd° (tree at charnel a copy Cf rh• Dt•
but that t[le man who followed teem as a king iP be do but catch nigh' ~ ' to the market with chis finer qualities I and likely to continue, as It ie closely the portrait of one who cannot be much vesaot of llw Uutcb colony of Amster- crlption awed, which th• will And a sure our, a
kept with them until they reached the a vanishing tail or sound of ._ `r�"t�&" •�-- +16ade onti step and so secure a large proportion of the, adjacent to Cha mining regions. 7. above thirty, and who, ittjred in the dam. It was the rhi Gond all thro da d lu Catalad Bron
station ; but hcra the bre bt li a Jntb the tin ro 100,000,000 she now a .to En land. official ovorcoat and tM post route to Ebatop. rAftr. sad ale throat sad lua Dfaladfae. Ile _ }
g gV pearing ,plash. y qm. Upon the bed, $ pay g 1 That one can have an easily cleared De, With a saucy Tho Isle Gen. Gareis, the C'ubnn, hopr. as suBererw will try hos ratti•dy. se-ttte
made him shrink away&into the Bha-; But on this Saturday- afternoon nn which took up two-thirds of the apace, At the same limo Jndlan aotton Lett eat and feataler,.lo(}l[4d ailcomatop- tavaluable• Tho.e eealrl8g tA• prbcr(DUan,
Sow, and aide himself until the train such joys either of land or water seem was n rather noticeable quilt oP ala- manufacturers admit twat so soon aS! farm by locating on ._the burned land,! ly -mart and btralnasallkm-Bhe la flat "a"__" �etl-�ea:'nran, euo t.an iu: s }9eatt,eexnorStnaandr . `fit...__,
came up, so that they got into a to be forthcoming. b r tte silk and wool crochet work. the Japanese and Chinese cotton in-' or if a timbered lot be chosen, the Bet- s bl•salag w11I please sddrw _
wearer of two good oaduat btidgea and poriloue eampuigpg managed to entry Rsv, KDWA,p A. WILSON. .'1�
front carriage, and their watcher m- Miles comes home exce tionall earl u oie's hand fell Softly upon the dustries have develo d be and the; (ler will have lenty of profitable win appears to take bar full round of duties'
p y y PC Y P about a few books with him, among Brooklyn. N.Y.
to ane at tae back oP the train. And and in a cab, bringing upstairs with j f nOhl what n loyal niltl" nae cried. °sada of their local markets, and that ter work at his own home as long an —rmking two rural dellvetiea n day, which was Invariably a volume of
when they got to Euston, there was him a small wooden box, which he pro- y q the Indian mills have done the same, r besides meeting the trains and attend- Caesar', Commentaries.
a crowd upon tae platform, end &con- reeds to unpack upon the floor with'. "It ie my mother's work," answered outlets will have to be found for their rho limbar testa. 8. Good natural ing to the trnvelling poaGoffice ap $1b0,000 FOR RITCHENES.
fusion of porters and luggage, so extreme care. There is hay in the box M Iss, with that port of reverential gods. These they expect to find in drainage, and splendid spring and well paratus. A man could hardly do more, The Sires tore of the Galena Pnbllo
devotion in his lowered voice wits Librar have received a lift from ^
twat he lost eight oP the two women and 'Trousers sniffs about it wits South Africa and the border States of water. 0. The perserverance and in- end some men do a great deal lees. y B
be had so patiently followed, and saw sharpened wits, but no odour of crew- which he always alluded to that excel -I India. But they Say that go long as But thea this woman was Beotah i President McKinle In the she of tron.r or Coaimeas Atll be Asked to Make
them no more. tore, dead or alive, reels his little lent defunct lady. "It was the last the Indian im its of cotton ood• dustry will bnog yrs rawer in a good y' PO atm • Crest.
d(stcnded nostrils, and his excitement�Piece of work she did." continue they will be fully occupied; Comfortable farm home, and a work -'1 — n p,ortrnit of himself, which he sonde Y I ti'
CHAPTER %VII. dies away into dismay as ba wato5ee "It is beautiful," said Dulcie softly, moetiag the demands of their wn mar- in gman wits limited means whowuntg j HUMOR OF THE INSANE. in rommemoration of hie visit to lhie A deg tr.h from London ea a—Tar
res ectin the emotion in his voice, • city on occasion of the Grant ms ChnnreUor of the Exoboquer, Sir MI-
Up3on a hard -seated wooden arm- els master slowly rOmove from their p rot, for the sole control of which they I a home can get it bare. I _"
chair, Trousers sat lickin his li s. wrappings six teacups and saucers ofa.and bending a little over the bed ae intend to strive. moral cele brauon, April L7, 180g, op rhnrl Elickn-R, ac h, announced in the "'
B P 'she stroked the uilt admirin I ABOUT SAULT STE. MARJE. True t. Pfenty of u, mays tic &upx•rtn• wh,cb occasion he delivered the ad-
Teousers requires a whole paragraph dainty blue and watts Senega, wttb su- q 6 y — 1'he Bombay mill owners are nater- I undrnt or as Awylata. Commons on Frldny twat this Aonse
ar and sto bowl and Cream u to- now you mast value ill" all ver anxious to retain what ass Ia this 6t.e. illnne aeruun there is, drras.
I sad nearly said a whole chapter, to m P l g But Dulcie would have been ver py Y P y I su a ood n would he caked to hot° $15QOOD for
himself, in order twat hie many ver- match. Miles seta teem on tae Cable, 1 Y u to now teen a practical mono of � g gncultural land. There are "'I wax gifting io my office the Fpr,iker hued on a rocont cold night General Lord Kllahener o[ Khar- y,:
Lues and eculiarities ma be aecur- wipes each carefully out with a duster, , mucb surprised if she could have seen, of cotton manufaeLuriug in their own BLIA 4,tiflt1 acres not taken up un Kt. other day," said the superintendent of was riding ui n crowded Car, the front toum. ,+'hick sum would property be in-
atel set forth. Trousers sit, to begin and then turns tat packing -case and'at a latter period of the day, a bigihands, but they have been forced to Joseph'e Leland. un the Island farms an inn no asylum, "when cavi of Cha dour o[ wlurh Cha mornrma❑ persist- vented for his benefit.
with, an animal, concerning whose its bay out on the landing. What do's de gkm n upoitfihig react by ale bed- acknowledge ih,it there are advant- can he bought from $150 to $1,000, no-
breed and parentage Caere exists tae these gess-gauss torebodel "res not tide rho a of wit eo pkat safefinev '! ages in putting up mills in other parts cording to the soil and improvements. Patlenta, a harmless fellow who is nl- ent1Y kept open Mr Reed at Inst call- ____�___—
profoundest uncertainty. Consider aim the ugly old green and white breakfast P r R t g of India where the raw cotton is pro- I About, Goulais Bay tlreeuuutry isgome- lowed to have the freedom o[ the 1 ed to him nod asked why this was. "1
by ale Lead, and you migfit fairly cup and tae odd whito saucer endugh b d lainafter the ' duced where they are close to their I w•ho, broken and Ilie mind is general- - building and grounds, came In, pale want to keep warm," was the explana- UREA C FIRE AT MELBOURNE.
take him to boa foe-terrrar, did not for them bol hl thinks Trnaeers enoful- y had seen all that i markets and I ly in the valleys hammed io by rocky' with indignation, and said that he Iron ,So do the rest of us," said the
his ears, in defiance of all aural and ly' Then Miles shouts down the stairs: sane to be seen Gad admired everything LABOR CHEAP. 1 rid es. The best soil is a sanay loam, nearer "Nuppn,r yrni scut (tie door."
Vrre nao.dred Tboa.aed rounds •f Tea
"Have the cakes come, Mrs. Lanel" I that could by any stretch of fancy be whiich, when iutoili entl cultivated, had n complaint to make. H,• was obeyed r►ewtroyeA. :J p
canine laws, Stand erect in th'oe air considered worth of admiration, the That there are advant.a es in erectin g Y "'"'hat is it, our Hi hness,r' I
like the 'handles of a water jug. "Tea, air." y g g g[vos ire+ry profitable results. Two- Y 8 Crn htftPr owns a medal of honor A dPspalrh from S1ellxiurne, Aug
Again, taken by his body, which is "And the butter and Cream?" I ladies consented to sit round the table' mills in other parts of the country, thirds of the timber on the uplands, said, for of was the Prince o[ Wales l given hire "for moat distinguished gal- tralia, says —Five hundred thousand
broken -haired and brownish, our I , "Not yet, sir, but it's sure to be here , and begin tea. Mrs. Dane placed and very Solid ones, is shown by the is hard sugar maples, iron wood, and '
i d would dwell on the lurcher, or,in time," is Lha answer. ;herself behind the new cups, which ofI fact that Madras United Mill paid '21 black and yellow birch. Ilia low lands' `vas hulking to. uptry .,1 Dlalvern Vl,ll, Va., Alagust I p„upds of teat and n large quantity pr.
m n Cnkea, butler, cream) Trousers tiara course edmo in for n sante of praise.; per cent, last year, and that the mills hove, to ndditi n to ma le, and birch, I 'Are the rules of the palace to be 1;, Igr;Y, w hilt s•rvmg ns [Icer Ilruten-' op win. and spirits warp desiirbyAd here
Bedlington terrnara of your acquai°t Miles did not mention that the. bad at Nn iur�in the central province
itis coo s, nit what do of intelli p
ante. But iP, on tae other hand, you P 8 Bence Y BI hetet-, mprure and a few Tamarac. This obeorved or not ?' be demm�ded. 'I int, 1'umtsrny I, he+rnth Michigan In-� to-d.ip by the burping of a InrgP waro-
re and him from the point of view of would not? at the bare+ sound of the,been purchased for the occasion, at-, made $417,000 clear profit for the, maple land is ❑or as difficult to clear,I want to know• ,betber our rules can fanl'y. 'i"'"tnmind of pioneers, volun house.
a tail that is long, smooth, black and words; but he iB well swore of tae tact W1ebed hercouldshavelotbthemrkn waitt ofathenmiost Jcompe8tegnt men n fifths
as the timber is more easily burned. be broken wish ImpupitY.' Iaril•v t -k ng w nvr part in the battle I j
that suchen intee, sweet ound about' equast, she he nn 'lhecost ofelearin wouldtw from 12� and ,l -h ugh % unded, remaining on
tapering, tfloa of Dachshund eyesno- gut and, at her host's r g aotton industry in India is that there g $ "'Certain) not, ur Hi hneas,' 1 ,t,. f,,,l,l u, o . he , I ,a,• of the en a e- i
tion might float before your eyes, a y I to $15 an arra. tat es, dews well, and Y y g g g i ®�
theory, however, tont is knocked ❑t- to be set forth solely for lye own edi- � to poor out thio tea; because a man is is rocs- for scares morn mills yet in so do Date, potatoes, turnips and 'said , 'what is a 1' meat.' � r' e
fication. ever shy, even in ale own room, nt the country, wjiiob, if proporly and fruit.
fatly to tae ground by a further con- I I "'I was coming down tba cotridor —
terly to on of ro legs, which are very Then all at once tae murder in all meddling with a tea-pot when there is honestly managed, are certain to pay
a woma❑ resent. There was a ten -ILO r cent. AfIhLI01 AND A o,)l'ARTE;R ACRES. thin murnlpg, ha said, 'and to n rack �� <,
long, and dtscidedl of the greyhound Ike dire atrocity is out. P P" on rho wait I saw n dozen red pails, M'TTf:It EI E;I. fl[AV Ct)AI, ?