HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-02-24, Page 6i
- . I I
eI "N.;ws Su rel m a ry
ed the nomination" ti he published and read
at the nominations is unci at kbo one
now leaned by the Council.
', • 6
an Act be passed empowering the By -
nod to suspend or remove nn inoum-
to the Local
�' Brower -To aatelad the public
� .
�i ; Recent Haprpenings Briefly Thud.
Notes of Proceedings
schools Act to prevent gz sating
of district to
firm will be converted into a limited
permits and oertificates
teachers by inspector*.
Mr. German -To prpllibit the prso-
K,.. ,,
The Bank of Hamilton has o ned
liability company, with a capital of
The bill which the Government In-
ry sure b anyone
floe of veLarina g sJ y one
A erialm has arrived in the Austrian
as office at Vancouver.
tends to introduce amending the Hlgb
not registered as a member of the Vet -
c ole trade, sod il over
Y y production.
e The spring rush of immigration has
Only one of Queen Victoria's twelve
She Is
Behcet Act is toan muni-
p Y
arinary College under a penalty o1 125,
n a
Germany is in °similar elate.
France is seeking o
g palace sufficient-
already begun at Winnipeg.
bridesmaids is still living the
cipality withdrawing its support
Mr. German -To amend the Assess -
ly magnificent to entertain her ex-
d syrup Laotory is to be started in
Duchess of Cleveland- She had the
double honor of asalating as trainbear-
the Hl gb school In the dlatrlat. nY
cases have to the province
menu Act to enable Councils in lieu of
Pectod iopnl guests in. 1900,
Vancouver by eu .ern capitalists.
The Manitoba Legislature in
cr at the coronation an well as at the
where the whole support of the school
taxing personal property of merchants
to impose a turnover tax, based upon
Special police on petroleum cycles are
not ex-
to meet until the second week
has been left to lha village In which
the buelnets of the preceding year.
to be told off in future to' cope with
is March.
A gentleman who dices not wish Dte
it le sltuatsil.
Mr. Brower -To intend the Dduniai-
the excessive speed of auto care in
which provides for the mendment of
Oame made known has presented the
pal Act, to provide for security in
Citizens of Stockholm have
TM C. P. R. annual meeting is
Royal National Mission to Deep sea
Hon. John Dryden introduced the bill
oases where actions are brought
scribed i20,00o towards fitting out an
gazetted to take place at Montreal on
Fishermen with a Steam hospital mus
amend the Sam Jose noels The
municipalities for lion -sepals
expedition to s carob for Andres, the
Arctic traveller.
April 5,
cion trawler, at a coat not to exceed
bill has three importantagr
of hugagainst highways, the municipality Shows
of highways,
The French army has made such so-
The Central Canada Exhibition at
first of these provides e that any
by affidavit that it has
h good da.Leaoq
Ottawa will hereafter be of two weeks'he
One of the largest balls o1 the Lou -Loa-
nursery where the acme la discovered
or that the action to frivolous.
with the German arm y•
donderry, Ireland, City Hall clock
the Department of Agriculture must
Mr. Brower -To amend the Aoselfe-
French officials Boast that they will
A dining -car chef named Cornell,
chime fell almost to the basement from
be notified. After this notification
meat Act.*
sweep the British Heart from the ;♦Tedi-
terrnnean. and troops aro tying pour-
whose home is in Quabsis, aulcided at
Its fitting in the tower, crashing
has been sent to the Department o1
I. By removing exegiptions on lands
ad into tunic, Corsica and Algeria,
Revelstoke. B.C.
through the eeilln of the Education
Agriculture the nurseryman cannot
held by universities and colleges, but
King Humbert of Italyhas sent his
It is reported at Halifax that a field
Boards roost, Fortunately no one
dispose of an of his stook until the
not in actual use by them; on church
thanks to the Sultan of Turkey for
choosing an Italian dock -yard to
of too 800 miles long lies off the New-
wag injured,
authority of the department has been
sites and ground used in connection
pair the broken-down Turkish war-
foufidland coast.
some colliers out on strike near
received, The second clause givesthe
therewith; on the sitps of Incorporated
new Knapp roller boat will pro-
Burnley, Lancashire, have been flood
Government a greater scope than
seminaries of learning.
at perthat an nS rtaSin aa'ae des-
patched to Jnpnn, to take the life of
belly be constructed In Toronto dor-
for intimidating a non -striker. They
they had In the previous act. It Says
2. In Toronto, by varying the assess-
the Emperor of JapaA. A thorough
Lug the coming Season.
met him as he was returning from
that a Clump of trees clay be destroy-
meat roll by inserting in second col-
investigation has been ordered.
li is Stated t there are from 8,-
aoclhem re fr m
work with a band, three o1 defendants
having a drum, bagpipes and kettle-
ed in an orchard where the pest is dis-
covered. Formerly only the infected
umn the names of the occupant, of if
vacant, the words v.l. and other par -
Many fishing Croats and coastere
000 In
000 to 10,000 un
drum, and ptayd him homb.
tree could be dent Toyed. The third
tioulars in the roll,
have been lost along the French
to cit at
y present'
J. Swift MacNeill, M. P. for Done-
clause of the bill provides for the tum-
3. To declare the ways, rails, poles,
coast, contiguous to Brest. Twenty-
The Grund Trunk ticket offices In
gg, has ci,eated a sensation by mov-
Igation of all nursery stock by bit-
wires, gas and other pipes, substruo-
five fishermen belonging to Audierne„
Toronto amd Hamilton aro about to be
(pg an amendment to the address to
drocyanio sold where the stook hoe
turise, superstructures, and other
b droer, on the Bay of Aude, have
moved to new quarters.
the Throne, in which he argues that
been grown in the province or im-
plants and appliances belonging to
been drowned.
Major-Genogtl Hutton has issued an
it Is inaomdatent with the dignity of
street railway+, telegraph, telephone,
Eighteen Singing societies, represeW-
order recommending the acquirement
public life, that Ministers of the
gas, electric tight, watdr, and other
Ing 2,780 singers, have already re-
of the French language by the military
Crown should hold directorships In
The City of Eingeu,n asks that mun-
similar corporations, taxable in the
mponded to the Kaiser's call for ,it
Companies. Forty-one directorships
Ieipalities be given the power to ex-
(municipality in which they are aitu-
congress of singers of the Fatherland
to convene in Cassel n,xt May. His
That peach grocers the Niagara
nro now held amore twenty-five Min-
B Y-
,store at the Crown. He urges the
omni grain elevators from
4 Remove the exemptions on the re-
Majesty will distribute several band-
diStriet an, statin ooncormod the
y nc
safer of their orchards, owing to the
Y g
Liberal party to go to the country on
just as they are given the power
exempt manufacturers.
sent property of companies, such as
gas, water,
memo prizes.
Ft• h trop are being oz
c14P PS con
recent severe weather.
ibis cry o guinea pigs in Govern-
N in
men t.rboure
plank, or gravel roads,
Humllton will appeal from the deet-
sion of the Board of Judges reducing
The report on the Tavern and Shop
Licenses Act has dust been issued by
other works requiring the investment
of the capital of the company In real
voila in the naval yards at Toulon,
f anticipation
n ant on that France will be
the asseasment of the Canada Life
Prof. George 11. Stephens has plead-
the License Department. It gives a
$pat et
,war wltb Great Britain within two
from $800,000 to $500,000.
ted guilty to setting fire to Lafayette
Collcge, Pennaylvania.
great deal of infurmation as to the 11-
years, this idea being persistently
Parliament has been formally pro-
life lett for him. iVDe¢ l get ao that
eensey granted, and Shows the decrease
The Niasdian SI,j*D Commissioner in
reaolted in official
p circles.
rogued until April 3 next. This dues
Smallpox is raging among the ne-
in the past year. In 1898 there were
Theme petitions were presented: -
One of the best and most efficient
not mean that the spasion may nu( be
groes and Indians of the Creek Nation
8,123 licensee issued in the province;
From the Town of Seaforth, to borrow
laden of the detective force of Yitst'ana
bed earlier than that date.
district, Indian Territory.
2,672 were ordinary yearly licenses, 317
137,000; from Ed. S. Jenison, re the
was phot and killed Saturdity nigDt
The construction of a now science
The United States Senate has pass-
shepyeand 22 whulesalo; 46 were for 6
water works of Kaministiquia river;
while attempting to arrbat "a negro.
building in connection with the llui-
ed u bill creating the office of admiral
months, and 13 beer and wine licenses
from the Toronto General Trusts Co.,
The deteetiva•b companion (filled the
veraity of Ottaava will be commenced
of the navy for RAsur Admiral Dewey,
wam for hal[ it year. In 1896-7 the
and the Trusts Corporation of Ontario.
negro after a violent Affray, In which
as soon as the spring opens.Lord
ell, the British, comis-
total number isvurd was 3,160, and the
asking leave t omalgamate; from the
several persons Were wounded.
The Hamilton Board of Trade will
Isioner at prosent its Washington, will
year previous the total was 4,191. In
both these years 26 wholesales did busi-
Brantford Gas Company, to Increase
their powers under th,ir charter: from
3eavy hogs, per owt.. 375 8871-2
memorialize the Privy Council, pro-
testing against railway ditionminatiun
be laid up four weeks with a Iran-
tuned hip bone.
aces. Twenty-five ordinary licenses
W. Russell, and others, of Pembroke.,
successful in the dififcul[ and delicate
favoring the Standard Oil 'frust.
John A. McMurtrio, the millionaire
were out off during the past year.
The revenue deriver) by the province
to incorporate the Toronto, Lindsay,
and Pembroke railway; from H. W.
A large colony of aettlere from Akra,
suite xld Contractor, is dead at his Dqm°
from these licenses amounted to dur-
Evenden, to incorporate the Worth -
piles in a to 5 night& 35C• y
North Dakota, propose moving their ef-
in heaver of blood poisoning induced
Ing the past year, $268,247.40, as
ington and Onaping railway; from Geo.
feats to Manitoba, to take up land
by an abscess.
against 270,906 in 1896-97, and $273,-
g0. $
M. Gardner, of Toronto, to practise am
csee, He had sometimea been accused,
near the east aide of Lake Mani-
A Chippewa Falun despatch aaye Sev-
212.44 in 1895 tib ,
a solicitor; from A. B. Burrows, and
Poultry- ltecelpta light and a good
ter horc•ter, 100 years of age and the
The total collections from licensee
others, to incorporate the Bruce Mines
s e 0 -
Mayor Payment, of Ottawa, refuses
�ioneer settler of Northern Wisconsin,
and fines, including the Some imposed
and Algoma railway: from the Cana -
... ,
Sy. direct w� M. ,
to ratify the purchase of the old
s dead. He was born in Montreal,
by municipal by -laves was as follows:
than Electric and Water Power Com -
Rideau rifle ranges for a park, upon
At Sneedville, Ark., on Monday
-1895-6, $615,29038; 1896-7,y41608,067.14;
pany, to confirm an agreement for put -
the ground that it would be a waste
I night, the home o9 Charles Bannister,
1897-8, $602,8AA�y 5.1
ting in a system of water works in the
of public money.
farmer, was destroyed by fire. 'Three
The paymNits to the municipalities
town of Perth; and from the corpor-
Mr. James Common, M.L.A., for West
children, aged 7, 9 and 12, were burn-
were -189r". $'287,072.40; 1890-7, $263,-
of Blyth, Simcoo, and Smith's
Algoma is endeavoring to secure the
led to death in the flames.
330,48; 1897-8, E&59,873.34. The fines ear-
Falls to consolidate their debts.
settlement of the third party of Douk-
T'he Niagara Falls and Lewiston
lected during the past year amounted
Five different titions were resent-
r' oughtto know its hidden materials
Dobors, expected in Canada in April,
Railroad Co., tknpwn as the Gorge
to $1b,000 54 as compared with 14,-
P $
ad from the township and ristP a etre
P P y
and could not afford to mis- d
for the Kaministi uia (list riot.
Route, went into the hands of a re-
1897-8, $fi02,ttt8.51.
of Fenelon against the incorporation of
g Po
represent them. Goodyear
Dr. Leduc, veterinary surgeon for
Iceiver on the npplieation of the disc-
The average yearly commitments for
Baal, period of five years from 1876 to
Sturgeon Point, a summer resort, as
a village.
lira Ilealth Department at Montreal,
-been diem sled from the oily's aer-
tors. rood made no money last
year, and ons weakened by damage
189E inclusive are as follows: -From
A score of mnnloiplltties have pPtf-
viaq�e'for offering a bribe of $600 toIsuits.
8010, a3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 \
1876 to 1880, inclusive, 8,812; from 1881,
tioned for an amendment of tb- Muni-
Ald Roy to obtain the position
�' The oelobrntion o[ the Chlneao New
to 188, inclusive, 4,0'6; from 1886 to
cipal Act tin its relation to local im-
Straw -Demand nil. Care lots are
at to $4M. on tract.
01 Milk Inspector.
Year in San Fianeisco on Friday re-
1890, inclusive. 4,311; from 1891, to 1895,
ineluaive, 2,703.
provements, so that n-ral corporate
ge rp rate
At (4,uebeo all the men of the Royal
Canadian, Artillery are undergoing
I suited in , a tragedy. A fire which
started from the explosion of fire
In 1898 the sum of $63,595.78 was paid
funds shall he char cable with not leas
than one-third, and not more than half,
vaccination, and It is .expected that
'crackers canoed the death of one
to inopectors as salaries and license
the coat of such local improvements.
!; "
-_ the women ¢lid ohlldren on the
Chinaman, who was in n❑ opium
oommiS9ionrrS' eapensem.
It ie probable that never before at'
etre th of the permanent force will
stupor. Three others were so badly
any one session were so many amenl-
menta to the `Municipal
- Eacoinat -_:-'.
& `
)sego. , y
tb4tthoy may _nqt rAoovor,
Andrew Pattullo, M.P.Y., for orth
Act submit-
ted. "
14 to 150; largo rolls, 15 to 160; email
t " l� `•--' '♦
. A .settlement ( bas been - reached
Oxford, hn.r imexented a bill to the
M. Faure's death that one of th �
pretenders to the l rejlch throne, who
��, a . fir. „-, ,,
dim., jy►�. f antral L'a0iiia Railroad
Legislature that provides for the do-
ung away with votes by ballot in m�n-
�? ;t e.. lit Olt' I a aifita debt o[ 581)00000 to
r tY" 0-4 - p T $ ,.
that fir. At. I;
ieipal councils. Councils at present
These petitions were read :-From the
of onnol1. of uebec.
Y, Q
the United States Government in semi-
,+emu. I had the teeth extracted, but a at-
,oke r-utinned. I had seen advart laemants Of
Township Council of Etobicoke, pray,
^hoice stock sella at from 9 8•-4, to 10
was accepted. The price par pound is
annual 3 per cont. notes, the last ex-
are electing wardens and voting oc
Ing, that the York County Council be
against the Republic while the Presi-
higher than that received last
piring 10 years from . date. These
money by-laws secretly, Mr. Pattullo
not given Control of the street railways
I year.
The Wentworth County Council
'dotes will be secured by a deposit of
'Central Pacific 4 bonds,
Point"'" He believes that when the
councils are dealing with things tbnt
within the county; from King Bros.
Wbitby, leather
Tabudenrorblm. ne, reel. some betterbut It will
take some ttmo, he hoe teen sick an long. You
-. Hamilton Markets Committee have at--
per cent.
1 Senate[ Sullivan has introduced a
belong to the public it should be done
Company, of manufaa-
turera, capitalized at $40,000, asking for
tagged to reduce the fees for weigh-
;bill in the New York Legislature
n Another Mr. Pattullo
legalization of a 10 years' loan of $10;
the Republic than he who died on
Thursday night.
Ing bay from 25 to 150, weighing
Dories and cattle Be instead of lOc,
amending the penal code by abolishing
the death sentence for miirdor and
will a,k to have passed is toprohibit000
Prom the municipality; from the
London Y. M. C. A., seeking Pncorpora-
i .rant to Inform you,
and hogs and farm produce 15c in-
providing -that n person convicted of
the locoing o[ manufacturing in -
duatriee altogether. The member for
tion; from the Cobourg Council, asking
#� #*a>1`L`A pine wl,hnr,t Tri,I 'it
hra.l.,h: a A ,irk ut n r
stead o 250.
I murder in the first degree shall 'be
North Oxford also asks that the law
permission to encourage by exemptions
President Graves, of the White Pass
and Yukon Railway, states emphati-
imprisoned for life, and that the, sen-
tence for murder in the second degree
passed in 1897 reducing the size of
summer hotels, and that season licenses
bo granted such betels; from the Synod
Dally that the road will be built to
shall be thirty years.
town counolls of 5,000 population or
I- o 1 to all towns
o[ the Diocese of Toronto, asking that
Fort Selkirk, Yukon, and also to At-
lin. He emphatically dentes the re-
an Act be passed empowering the By -
nod to suspend or remove nn inoum-
port had its origin io Seattle
A serious riot ham occurred between
Christiane and Mohammedans in Ser-
Donald Macoduc M.R.P., for West
both of sectary, pariah, if th
iateresi'�of the
that operations would be abandoned.
Elgin, has inu•oduosd a which pro-
of the ChurcD when the es
Toronto, Feb. 21. -At the western
John Alexander Gilmour of Parry
vides for the amendment of the
Church required such removal and for
don, collided with a train which was broken and twisted ,-n"111
Sound, who was arrested at the Cron-
A erialm has arrived in the Austrian
Assessment Act, raising the exemp-
other purposes.
11; Faire, sWh'Preoidejtt of the third
Boo, but escaped by jumping
c ole trade, sod il over
Y y production.
tion from income tax from 700 to
Trade was Islet; tits market was
m the train near Sudburya and was
eq tly captured by the Ameri-
n a
Germany is in °similar elate.
France is seeking o
g palace sufficient-
H" has also a bill asking for a
On Tuesday Dr. Barr will ask the
Government if it is the intention of
n1ghC•e h14d bean gligbtly indiapoe
been plk
can authorities on the way to Duluth, I
ly magnificent to entertain her ex-
clear -r interpretation of the Muni-
the Government to sell the output of
The train lent o'clock
pleaded guilty to two chargee of tor-
Pectod iopnl guests in. 1900,
Cipal Act, in solation to the qualifl-
Cation of aldermen and councillors for
the binder twine manufactured in
-A dwelling-hou,e ai I ,rush Ran, 35
gory at Parry Sound and was senteno-
Special police on petroleum cycles are
the Central prison in the year 1899 by
Changed, weaker, ranging from 4 to
ed to one year is the Central Prison
to be told off in future to' cope with
W M. German, M;P.P., has a bill
tender, or may the ParmeYs obtain the
4s impaaeible to dgeoribe the first ef-
on Saturday.
the excessive speed of auto care in
which provides for the mendment of
Same direct, or .will they be suppplied
" "
Citizens of Stockholm have
th, Ontario Judioatur4l Act, wherebyg
through the Farmers' lnstitutesv
Mr. Morrison will oak the Govern -
Hens Jon Cavendish the n -
° I
thorlty oat whist, is dead of London.
scribed i20,00o towards fitting out an
no official in O_Foode Hill may sot
as a Special examiner. There is °
meat on Tuesday for the names of all
if Tuesday nominally prevailed, but
Emperor William will visit the
expedition to s carob for Andres, the
Arctic traveller.
provision in the amendment which
hotel -keepers, and bow
the, BellevilleP 0.
many times any of Such hotel -keepers
received with general incredulity. Con-
Queen at Cowes, Isle of Wi ht, fora
week, from July 29.
The French army has made such so-
says that thoss who are in office schen
the change is made, may continue to
were fined during the five years end -
The coat of building in London has
grass that it is re 'r
po ted in Write
mtlltory circles to be on the same level
have the power, but none mfton
ing 81A May, 1698, and what was the
amount for each Offence.
1 11
iaoreaaed frnm a0 to 40 per Dont. with-
with the German arm y•
On Tuesday afternoon Mr. Charlton
In ten years. I
In the dame of. Camberwell, Lon-
French officials Boast that they will
The Committee on StandingOrders
will tion, cosduce to the fSpluton Government a de -
potation, consisting o, Stapleton Caand
don, a place was found where seven-
sweep the British Heart from the ;♦Tedi-
terrnnean. and troops aro tying pour-
passed on the petitions of Hon. Geo.
A Cox and others for an not to incor-
Cott, Robert Kia,gour, Jae, Scott, and
Mr. Harvey.,. the civil engineer, who
teen persons lived in one room.
The Queen has accepted a Sample
ad into tunic, Corsica and Algeria,
porate the Hallburton, Whitney and
will present far the Government's can-
of Nytasaland coffee grown by the
King Humbert of Italyhas sent his
Mattawan Railwny Compan of Joseph
Sideration •the claims of the projected
Zambesi Industrial Mission in British
thanks to the Sultan of Turkey for
choosing an Italian dock -yard to
•f Follet and others, of to
inoor rate tum MutualityLife Insur-
railway to Jamt>,s' bay.
Central Atriea
A report is current in London that
pair the broken-down Turkish war-
"rice Company; of the ton council of
Prescott to kgnilre and confirm n
It is possible that The Government
it is possible
Sir William Van Horne is about to re-
sign the Presidency of the Canadian
A re rl hue ranched offioinl circ
by -Ino for the construction of the
water -works and sewerage system.
inait Beek n further source of revenue
in a tax on the products of the, mine.
PaeiPio Railway.
at perthat an nS rtaSin aa'ae des-
patched to Jnpnn, to take the life of
British Calumbin put such n tat to
forcein May, 1890 and during 1897 the
• '
Two thousand bales of cotton dia-
the Emperor of JapaA. A thorough
The Provincial 'treasurer replied in
receipts from it amounted to $29,78861.
charged at Genoa by the steamer Bar-
investigation has been ordered.
the affirmative to the question of Mr.
in 1898 they had increased to $36,001.3,5.
bar&, off West Hartlepool, have been
Many fishing Croats and coastere
Barr as to whether the Revised Sta-
•- --
, ,a
destroyed by fire ,
have been lost along the French
tutes of 1897 had been distributed to
Paderewaki having dispelled stories
coast, contiguous to Brest. Twenty-
the clerks of the municipalities, mail
of his ill -health, will appear again at
five fishermen belonging to Audierne„
said he would be glad to have the
a musical festival at Queen's Hall,
b droer, on the Bay of Aude, have
hnmes of any who did not receive
vgw Tar111-Haltistr&tA Btartiea 16e cssvt
London, is May.
been drowned.
The engagement is announced of
Eighteen Singing societies, represeW-
A despatch from NoW'York say$.-
thim Earl of Crewe to Lady Margaret
Ing 2,780 singers, have already re-
The following bilis berm read a first
When a 16 -year-old bay, charged with
. ,
Etienne Hannah, youngest daughter of
the Earl
mponded to the Kaiser's call for ,it
attempting to take his own life. was
][r. G. B. Butt, managing director
congress of singers of the Fatherland
to convene in Cassel n,xt May. His
Mr. Brower -To amend the Educa-
tion Department Act by providing
arraigned beforQ Magiatratei Weat-
ienced and eminent noscand throat
specialists of the day, and having n
and president 'of the Millwall Dock
Majesty will distribute several band-
t hat throe members of the Educational
worth in Harlem Police Court on Tues -
Following is the range of current
Ca., London. Eng., Dae -disappeared.
His boons show a shortage of $1,200,000.
memo prizes.
Ft• h trop are being oz
c14P PS con
Council shall be teachers,
Mr. Kidd -To amend the Municipal
day. the magiatrate startled, the
court attendants And the" teiv 01413ta-
Hoyt. oni al CDamhpr was at
g ntlaro.
at Tunis. and i ed activity ern
Act so that the provision that where
tors by deolarldg: hlmeelf in fav'out of
suicide. Magistrate,, Wentworth said*
the Colonial Office Thnraday for the
ly ! several weeks, mi
fit t tin* in ate nee his
voila in the naval yards at Toulon,
f anticipation
n ant on that France will be
n aouaty oonstruoted m aoitrt-
house, gaol, ete., prior to 1873, the
" This is a said came, 1 believe in sul-
is, asthma and all simi-
ins diseases. Itis delightful to use.
ltli>aot,, was attstieted out of his car-
$pat et
,war wltb Great Britain within two
Council of an of or separated town
mhall to the county five per cent,
everyone Dan ori ht
aide,"and I thick ever g
to shuttle oft wwheri he bM vothifig In
Yjttde kith diffiou -y.
years, this idea being persistently
pa y
°nntl2tlly tin aha cant of the building
life lett for him. iVDe¢ l get ao that
The Niasdian SI,j*D Commissioner in
reaolted in official
p circles.
and alto shall apply to Ottawa and the
there is nothing. hitt .in life for me, I
'• Jklittit�tr Is now rerativiag from 100 to
One of the best and most efficient
Couut� of CAltleton.
think that Is, what I shot i ,do,';.. The '
1, 0.1 Iodate dozily inquiring as to the
laden of the detective force of Yitst'ana
Col. Mutrin-Tu amend the Alftiei 1
dIs#i(Aatfat8 their tuf rteYi'EheW b'Cbt, to
bo11d1#Itildit ttbtxintng in Canada and its
was phot and killed Saturdity nigDt
Aot to proctde that the mnnioipal
hie eietet who tu01f Dina hOtne dtIth $e;.
'l he French people did not regard M.
,j l(tttiiilCt kat a field for emigration.
while attempting to arrbat "a negro.
tranohtae year shall oloae on thin !int of
When naked later it hn thtttiltLt aAf-
13rtriitti4 i aiieycolicaswill sot re-.
The deteetiva•b companion (filled the
December..Ad the audit be 'made ap
eide juatitiable, Magiatmte Wentworth,
• +ntrf11.to : thisl thafted States, but will
negro after a violent Affray, In which
to that Bate before the 10th. the An-
esld r- That is not the question. I
IWtMU�t(l'yil;t'1$it*4Atly in England. That
several persons Were wounded.
ditots' abottadt ofaecousts end &tall,
believe in suicide. TIAt is ail'' '
I �, ) I � -
' . .
a:.rt,.i ,
utero or Law Inji mt1. roofs of the three reds"I"" ,�err,a et of
in the LeadlnirUK&
A despatch from Brussels, says:- the train from T,,urua, ti cranked
� -"
we ftetl. l4t'Rar Ap At ACU of Apoplexy-
Toronto, Feb. 21. -At the western
I '' �
1. . - I ". I .
I . d
� , Ills
i I'll, . �
- .-.-
BELGIAN $A1LFi0AA HO$$0@ ,Thane sera were ,,a 11 tPieces.
The of the r, k pi esented a
a:.rt,.i ,
terrible iet ore. [then be lucumutive
Twenty-one Poople Qlttetl toad • YPRi1ed p
of the expreee tea a e., ped on g the
a Of Grata, fl;Ltlor Clleaae, i�e.
utero or Law Inji mt1. roofs of the three reds"I"" ,�err,a et of
in the LeadlnirUK&
A despatch from Brussels, says:- the train from T,,urua, ti cranked
� -"
we ftetl. l4t'Rar Ap At ACU of Apoplexy-
The express train trom Calais for this through them and'gl,,ul,d ' be ra i ridges
: and thew occupantsmas , n , u l mime in-
lace, woad,
Toronto, Feb. 21. -At the western
Caaseo conoorsattoa at Pada-affect
p y g patlSengere from Lon -;extricable mass of splintered
It "❑d man -
yards lode we had abopt a5
)attle y
Peri. �
ea tMtttchf
don, collided with a train which was broken and twisted ,-n"111
oatie lu, all told, including 1,800 hogs.
A despatchltolinParla, says: -M. Fa
led humanity Sia „! ,tie i.,dr.s of
at a standstill at Forst, near this sit B, y
found ,nie,(wlned in the
60 Sheep and lambs, a few calves, and
11; Faire, sWh'Preoidejtt of the third
victims were
on Saturday. Twenty-one passengers wheels of the e.vl__ I._)WW 1ve. The
can than a dozen milkers.
French I;epgpiiG, died suddenly from
were killed outright, and one hundred
8 terrible diefigur,rnrui or Ihr dead one
Trade was Islet; tits market was
apople at tea on Thursday
others were more or less severely in-
sengers was appalling.
Lull, and prices were weaker; there
n1ghC•e h14d bean gligbtly indiapoe
been plk
J ured.
-.- - --
vas considerable of the staff bar* no-
ed flu' a day qr two[ but he did not
The train lent o'clock
Very little export cattle came In,
cons;ide�' hilaself as really 111•
Saturday morning, and reached Forst
g, and a he
at 8.14 o'clock. Immediately afterwards
-A dwelling-hou,e ai I ,rush Ran, 35
tad prices were, while sot uotabl
p q y
The naava 01 the death of the Prean-
dent did not reach Ila public for more
t p
the Mons express dashed, at full speed
miles east of lluh„, a. i,i rifting to a
I,,,n, wdv burn -
Changed, weaker, ranging from 4 to
than to Ilour'atter. had occurred. It
Iatot he station, and ran Into the Tour-
w°odsman named ('al
Carison was
15 Bo, and for oholoc 43-4o per ptlpnd.
4s impaaeible to dgeoribe the first ef-
nal train, which was standing at the
ed on Friday m„ic ug.
nine to
Like shipping stuff butcher oattle
feet of the intaolligenae aeon the pub
platform It to said that owing to the
P e
away. His wits hid iu.i
the baby and IC�i,p tram a sear
Yes Sas and sales were few at111
llo mind. Tlie Ann whish
fog the engineer the consent train
th snow.
no Sense representative. That gtices.
flew tlirotlgD tbtj paul0varda was trim-
did not sea the signals
one storey window min
She was thea Cbl Heil i„ stand and
if Tuesday nominally prevailed, but
Ply that M. Faure was dead. It was
The collision was appallin The ex-
press locomotive mounted on top of
witness the burning to death of her
xadiD was slow and altogether, un-
g °�
received with general incredulity. Con-
the last of the carriageelof the Tournai
four other little ones, ,,ged 1"-, 7, 5
firmatiou of the news followed swift-
train, which was filled with passengers.
I and 2 years, reslwcitvely.
8tookers were dull at from IL40 to
ly and disbelief Dave place to ex -
1 per cwt
oltent, Almost terror,, for nobody be
Bu a were worth, for export, from
lleved the statement that his death had
114 to 4o per pound
resulted from natural causes. The pub -
Feeders are worth It m a 1-4 to 40
lie quickly y lea ped to the conbttlaion
A few choice milkers are wanted at
that another President had fallen the
Tom $40 to 150 each; [Orae here said
victim of an assassiu, and a majority
its: upon
believed that the coup d'etat which for
r .
has fastened rdentiess gap
rom 126 to $40 each.
Sheep were quiet at from S to 3 LAO
we ks htta beeA dee&dad had fallen•
some membof nearly every family
in the land. Competent awlionnes
It is no exaggeration ter say that
estimate that from eighty to ninety
ler pound.
Lambs are unchanged at from ! to
for an hour Pirie believed thgt Fri -
• '
percent of ;he entire population of
this continent suffer from sumc(orm of
day's sun would rise upon some form
this repulsive and dangerous malady.
Cal per pound.
Calves ore wanted at about 6 1-2o per
of dictatorship in France preliminary
you or an c our (emit suffer
7 Y Y f
either from reg catarrh or
found for any good veal.
to the restoration Of a monarchical
from the lingering colds whh mark
*a received 1,8W no s, and prices
Government. The official news that
the head of the State had been etrick-
its early stages -don't V,Cc with h.
It is that precursor of consumption
vere unchanged, but it Is only Lair to
en with apoplexy finally -gained ured--
and death.
lay that much dissatisfaction is being
ones and then the alarm, which was
Dr. Agnew's
apressed at the grading of bogs. Prao-
lata in pat`
leanly a monis
at most a Panic, eubaided, and thu
Catarrhal Powder
he trade; it is not necessary to -day
Crowds, which had been momentarily
.o mention the name of the firm ex-
if let-up
expecting the trampling of the horses
. ,
never falls It is the remedy of all
Ircising the monopoly, but a
of the cavalry, and the
remedies, endorsed by the most ex -
our some ver lain
lout nut at once occur y p
ruths can be told. Prices are un-
ienced and eminent noscand throat
specialists of the day, and having n
began to discuss the effect of the sud-
record of a multitude of radical, er.
Following is the range of current
den tragedy in the midst of the great
manent cures of chronic cases which
national oriels.
had been declared incurable It also
I cures cold in the head, influentt, hay
It must be admitted that the per-
fever• loss of smell, deafness, sore
$hipping, per owt, .$
3uteher, choice, do. 9 6U 4121-2
sonal feature of the calamity is sub-
is, asthma and all simi-
ins diseases. Itis delightful to use.
3uteher, mad. good. 8 1
$ 121-2
o: dinated in moat minds, according to
the comments everywhere beard on
"flu had chrome catarrh ever
war satys C. Taylor, aao
io 275
3utcher, inferior. 2 7b
the boulevards, which were still
n I
N. Clinton Ave.,eTrenton, N. J. •• t had
N. C Tui
thronged at midnight to -night, to the
d% -red of ever being cured. I used
'swes, per owt. . 825 885
po ideal situation, which it terriblycorse
bottles of Dr. A new's cote shat
Powder and my catarrh has entirely left
I ambs, per Cwt. .. 4 00 450
complicates. Ibis argues no lack of
me." Rev. C. E. whitcombe rector of St.
Church, Ramuton,
3ucka per cwt. 225 250
sympathy or respect for the dead
Matthew's Episcopal
Ont., was a great sufferer. He used Dr.
A 1111 Catarrhal Powder, and naw pro -
`ows, each. 2500 4500
'l he French people did not regard M.
Claims It a safe, simple and -nun cure.
:elves, aSOh. 200 800
Faure as a u e in their na-
great fig }
tional hldtory. He was no
The Lord Bishop of Toronto, Can., re.
commends the remedy over his own
hero Perhaps he wad not appreciated at
signature. Sold by druggists.
.sholoe hogs, per cwt... 425 450
his true worth, but he .commanded the
Dr. Agnew's Care for the Heart
relieves heart in
ighl hogs, par owt. . 400 425
confidence and re.,pect of all parties
- c. for 4.
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills -zoo. for do
3eavy hogs, per owt.. 375 8871-2
and all classes. He was remarkably
doses -arc the best Dr. Agnew*s
successful in the dififcul[ and delicate
t)mtment relieves in a day ecttma,
Eggs -Markat steady and unebang-
task of keeping clear of all the compli-
letter and all skin diseases. Cures
A. Choice boiling stook sells at 20 to
eatrohs of the terrible soaadal which
piles in a to 5 night& 35C• y
lle ; hdld fresh and 'limed, 14 to 150.
Potatoea-Ample in for the demand
now blights the national life, al-
though it was well. known that his
`ar lots, on track, are quoted at
sympathies were on the side of those
who op'poae a revision .of the Dreyfus
' "' ' ' r ^
bout 6410 per bag; dealers salt out
tore at to 700 farmers' loads rill
csee, He had sometimea been accused,
around 6J to 700.
in a value way, of aspiring to greater
- --
Poultry- ltecelpta light and a good
Power than attaches to the cities of
lema,cld^ Pqr turkeys. Quotations are:
- u .,;.c.
President, under the present consti-
# ar 12 ,. _. RQ 3[ +Lo�t9us% 1�. it
s e 0 -
�' to tNo, ria.
a" •E: - ^ - :i
- . ♦, +t,
•. t iliJl�r .. �. w,,p
Or.4 � .aiWtt
IL ..Y"". ,lf
cepa per ' $,- - • ri T• . .tC ^ •..
-t"hnioe � $�.' Over
... ,
Sy. direct w� M. ,
Beaus=Rather duff.' usfi$L^
beans sell at $1.10 to $1.25; and
each other witb enbanced anxiety
at 60 to 750. per bush.
what is going to happen. The goes
Every pair of •' Slater Shoes"
Dried apples Dealers pay 5 to 51-9
tion most frequently asked i0. "Who
boars a descriptive tag which tells whit
or dried stock, delivered here, and
53-4; evmp-
will be the next Pre3identl" and the
name most often suggested by the
ev shoe wearer wants to know before
[mall lots resell at r, 1-2 to
8 to 90 tat' small lots,
questioners themselves is that , of
he buys. He thus gets the information
' Honey -Round lots of choice, deliv-
Senator Waldeck -Rousseau.
but another question, ominous in its
�,� "by direct wire" from the makers who
ured here. will bring about 51-2 to 60.;
from 6 to 7c. per lb. for
importance Is asked many times to-
r' oughtto know its hidden materials
sealers quote
III to 60 -lb. tine and In comb at
night, It in, "Will there be another
and could not afford to mis- d
►round $1.25 to $1.50 per dozen see.
Presidentl" None but hopelesa pesaim-
represent them. Goodyear
hay -Dull and easy. Strictly
lets give a negative answer to t11ie
query, and thLew in number.
ey are
Welted. Stamped on the
'holes ,car lots is quoted -at $6.50 to
Even assuming that there exists
8010, a3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 \
B7.50 per ton; and No. 2 at $6•
per pair.
Straw -Demand nil. Care lots are
at to $4M. on tract.
to overthrow the Republic, it is diffi-
cult to see how td -night's tragedy will
C&rataatla is "
;noted .$4
Hops -Unchanged. Dealers here sell
do otherwise than embarrass it. The
I •
it 16 to No. and are paying holders,
constitutional machinery for dealing-_-
°uteide, about 14 to 115C.
with as emergency, like the present
a n Q a
fortunately acts quickly. The National
Butter -Demand active and market
cleaned up. Prices steady t2firm.
Assembly, comprising the Senate and.
Chamber of Deputies, will meet at
Wm Sharman, Jr., Sole Agent for Goderieh.
1 ho quotations are as follo Ec- niry,
Varanillca Saturday or Monday, and
tub, poor to medium. 11 to 12c; choice,
-ill sit until the Presidency is filled.
14 to 150; largo rolls, 15 to 160; email
It was learned only an hour before
/aays used Etpaas Talmtee with no much sats• t have bees a great saaeror from eonettpattoa
fairy, lb. prints, about 16e; creamery,
M. Faure's death that one of th �
pretenders to the l rejlch throne, who
rastion that I can chm-rally rseom mend them,
lava been trourblad for about three year, .ate¢
for beer dye years. Notning nave me ens reaef.
try teat an4 legs and ebdomea were bloated to
tubs and boxes, 19 to 200; lbs., 20 to Luc,
With an occasional 22o, for select pack-
is credited with activity n ainat the
y g
'n.41 billets attacks oommr on regularly
nue a week. a Was told bi diQeren t phystclans
I could not wearshoNon my teat and only. lona.
dmsa *I saw Rlpans Tabule, adrenised In our
Government ,has decided not to make
,at it was caused by bad teeth, of which) had
dauy paper. bonghtsome and took them m direct
Cheese. -Prices well maintained.
4 move until Dreyfus should bb
re y
brought back t0rFrance. it is tm-
,+emu. I had the teeth extracted, but a at-
,oke r-utinned. I had seen advart laemants Of
ed. Have taken tbem about three week. and there
issucnechnntel lamnotcie+,M or anymore
^hoice stock sella at from 9 8•-4, to 10
possible that he will-ill-ilh solea Dia hand
Tabules to all thepapers bat had no talth
them, but about six sreeka since a Mend in
and I owe It all to Rlpans Tabuir * ram thirty -
seven years old, here no nccupatinn, onty my
1 -2a
against the Republic while the Presi-
:ucedmeto UTthem, Have taken bit t twoot the
household duties and nursing my sick h,uband.
dent is lying unburied. In the mean
,wall scent Dozes of the Tabules an d have had
He teas had the dropsy and I am trying Rlpsns
Lima, another man will be instaltyd it
,otecurrence, of the attacks. Haren•fverewena
stimosisl for aaythink berme. bre' tte great
Tabudenrorblm. ne, reel. some betterbut It will
take some ttmo, he hoe teen sick an long. You
Not much change in the market for
the palace of Elysoe, who,
P parbap .,
nouns of good which I be0sva bm b sen done me
may we W letter and name ea yin, aka
tressed hogs. Prices steady. On the
will be, even a atronger defender of
/ atpsns Tabules nadnoes me to add mine to the
tesumontah You douletten have to your
Mrs. Misr ooae.s ouags.
street farmers' loads were quoted to-
lay at $5.25 for choice lots. A
the Republic than he who died on
Thursday night.
.•assessfdn now. A. T. DzWrrr.
I have been suffering from hendaehrs ever
since I was a little i r wd
few car lots changed hands, do track
i .rant to Inform you,
gtri. never ride in a
I" r g ,n oat erowde
it $5, mixed weights,'deliverpd, and
M Loubet has Leen elected Presi-
rt words of highest
#� #*a>1`L`A pine wl,hnr,t Tri,I 'it
hra.l.,h: a A ,irk ut n r
'bout $3,10 for selis°'ts, . No c tinge in
dent of the Fr°pott 'Republic by 483
raise, of the
, nave derived tram
R meth. I hen d.bnns
e n an
rn nw
Quotations, are ad folltnvtfi-bey Galt-
votes against 270 votes Cent for M. MB-
2tpatu Tabules tam •
nurse and
.11. ofarvi
wrho -
ad shoulderb, 70; long oleos bacon, car
line, and President Loubet'e selection
n thlepalways
tating them Tor roma!
lotto, 7a; to lots and Cass Lots, 7 1-4 to
has been officially announced.
116t O&
acnes always do ft It.
In parD Tabules does ft. '�
etomnrh. _'.. „"A
tonaA .m h relh r from
71-20; and backs, 8to 81 -Ac.
After one of m3rCMOs 1
The modern Stand-
thmrnveuhn it ,dma
meats -Hams, heavy, 91-2 to
fnnnd myself Comptetely
1* to anko thorn too, areal
medium, 10 to 101=2a; light, Ile;
-nn down. Acting on the
,)sten of 1111 Oen. Bow-
and Family Medi- I+ tat 0 'u do.ng•,l aline
I4 I..t or,^he . d win
breakfast, bacon 101-'l to 110; picnic
-- a
eq Pe. a., 499 Newark
a�9 ,cry' n.,, a eo pia ..
hams, 71-2 to 7 3-40; roll bacon, 8 1-4
tttactird It to a Birth is dlpen n ¢Ink
ave„ Jersey Cny, I took
cine: Cures the `} ly carr 1 r,y hra ,arta,,
to 8 1-2a. All meats out at pickle In,
Ripans Tabules with
I am r,e ar aura ,rn.-a
awmaim sat !7d ala. inn r •.,,,
legs tban prices quoted for smoked
A despatch from Oherltn, O.; says:-
grsnA frnrtU•
Common every-day}t' to can th,. t "r , ..
Lard -Tierces, 7e; tubs, 71-4 to 71-2o;
Craksmen gained hh,,.Rntranoe to the
Pyr - k
ill of humanity.
Aln I B. A, via
pails 71-2 to 7S do; compound, 51-2 to
vault of the Oboclin fan&ing Company
Mother was troubled
T -
between midnight a'j`a 3 O Clod ibis
with heartburn and
deeplemaess. eMmed by �'
xr .e.an year rl�l h -y
Milwaukee, Feb. 21,-Wheat;No. l
l etween midnight ,iniad o'cfack, an
:ndlgastion, for a good *
tuiff .d t.� p ,„ n
Northern, 72o; No. 2, do., 701-1°. Rye
-No. 1, 5:;8-4c. Barley+ -No, 2, !91- to
friday • morning. 7,h0 robberq con-
many -ears. One day
lie Sas a testimonial �
m. read, r„e.lil.,,, n
'. .114 ""plume.! ,,, .
510; semp!e, 48 to 60c.
nested the trolly ware Of the Cleve-
'n the paper Indorsing I
'it pass TeDales she +
� h. Re could s
• obnd,r,n of :a
Minneapolis, Feb. 2L -Wheat -Fel)-
69340; May, 76 [-8o ; Jul, 70
land. Berea. Elyria ind Ohio Electri••
dotermin to give thea
tr,r e greatly L-jrx�
���, J4�4�4
. cad wyat o
'; 'rd r e: e
ruary, y
C So ; on trao�; Nn. t bard, 70580; N°. 1
road, which rites directly peat the bank
flared by their use
jVJ no,. m
lir ',
Northern, 693.40; No. 2 do., 673-80.
to a drill machine t0 operate on the
„ d now takes the
abates rcgirlatlq. ItDokeeyxatow ed+mnelUtxins
r aaIn t r r.
IinaAing soma of the teat .. a to rr � ,t
Flout-•�Fir&t patents, $3.70 to $3.90C;
; outside door of the VAUIt. After fore-
,abulcs tikule house and t,011 6110 will nut bD WILIP
asnea bavb
Rlpsus Tabul.k I trte.I th.- it i. -.1 Tnnu . of
only "lteved but
second patents, $3.50 to $3.60' first
2.6U $3.$11. '
ing the door, the robbers inserted a big
":t them. The heartuere fwd eleeple
tlsippear,ed wfth the inatg"no. whleb waa
setnally u 1 n17 ) .- ,,
the hmd.tcha have It r ,mr, I b,wrla a -r ;n
clears, $ t0
1 charge of powder and blew the inter-
rmarly so Brenta burden troy bei. whale
good ounditlen and bin t lir a,me1.'u. of '•U
Dull and strang,; No. I hard. 83 5-$o'
for of the vault into a thousand picees,
amity take the Tabule■ raanlarly, otpectnuy attef
stOnWh. Eelsnowan•,) rh, ,b,rnrMhr , hi,
No 1 Nortbern, 79 f -8e. 'timer wheat
76 1-2c bid' far No. 2
TbC walla on all sides were partly sue.-
lecrty mast• xy mother is nrey y®ra of saa
'elb"143ringgthebeatothestthendtpttltatA Ud
wonderful eluinge I e,• -,h „a to Ripttns T,,,.. na.
1amasU,iAv 1 that tb,, a ri asaMftanione ' nm
-No offerings;
red. C°rn.-DU11 Und lower; No. 2 yet-
tared, ptastariA was torn oft, and th
vault Boars were blown ORor t,aVe my
its hearty mesas, as 11npootbility bstnre "
int Rlpass TatnilsS hs-1'og H. Sum�rt
the cradle to old &&) it taken aca,rdubl b, • o,
trona E W. Pmca,
low, Auto 1qo..3yt�lltywt 373-4o; No. 1
feet out of the fittifig, However, no
yellow, 3l t fo: No. 3 earn, 37'to 37
money was secured, as the, 'robbers
- - - -^
1-40 ; No. 4 corn, 36 1-2. Oats-ERSy ;
faTled to got [ata ih6 big site, d:'id-
a ,rw ^tyle I r s� coma Rear tax aaaxe rx"C"As peeked fn a paper torten mitt-, r aa•, rat 1 .• r, . • r.
No, 9 white, 34 1•2c • No. 3 white, 33
ently for las of time. The paper&
,n3 .meas-eaa lira Ckxrs ,dsy-w-p"eod cert ti tm.nred to tb. poor am the a„_n a rat
0 ate.0"t esr:ons tint taDr'eJ can bid had br saen by seadlna na i,TIrht I—" ,
3-4c ; No. 4 white, ;32 3-40. Bart ��
Dull. Rye -Quiet , No. 2. in store, 64o,
and books inside .thd"VaU1t RbTe .dam-
boptid tebbgnitinb. The
m .19
. 0o__o,Avv.ge. to avra etreer, vew York --&r a lenity- earTA-frax tiara lir-it,..,. -r r ,. ;a
"Dsbad atoms gr«+eM gauvtu t+erareeprg's news AV -u -A
spa perp*-
,ca Tasnxaax ss at s.a,o b,_„r „.r e
rue o"e
Flour -Quiet.
, tratbra ti`Ce unk'Adwa.
. ,,d tofu ditto, nmI M&Ub D" Ialae+ $'W sal Vt•.toar etas saner
, i I .
.# •
a 'It
P. .
., -.
11 I