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The Goderich Star, 1899-02-24, Page 5
- No Paper In Huron has ever advanced so rapidly or permanently in all departments , p is as The "...tar. The People have read ti .. ---�- — e Theta a, f 0OWN B. KIES AND REVERS13 t E». E3. �` PRIDE t�o�s, ETCr• BARGAINS a]ao•eei>, rr:.•xt>i. w. lalxl�rlr.Re�t n the chit- When a Crain is discovered rum� 2rC TEIt to s frightful collision it is u thrwlliug a 7'seitT >t[atttea. r enthiSsummerP st+llas I �]j� 1 instancy us th© enginebr whistles "Down PhO bad 410=11Y become engaged and re the doing 4 for 5 as. d brake>. abo wtalcd to Jm A1Lh,.l, h 6hie rlotd nlwa . rvpB the ver beet va'uo in Cha market, " and reverses his liter. Brakrs AriM-� future hennae well �O the r S .. ,• an a, b dr.• y aluue are not enough: the who r0 ell> with het 1faA,ao)slfglr plorreloe, ho when he Y y g P P came to ticks baron( ftllegther evening gt 2lf the benefit the billu r bre Q•tua 'h n ' for n ,w Await Van on eo,•,,unt. of h. disc Iu- f c attghtly ahoy yl, vale w° tb ing power of the engine must be reveryctl g should from their food rt ¢uhtriy r•. „ ! o. to 75e. g plead, I nto••k of ' tri A ew v'. d us •ad loutb Ur and made to and praised the pr(ltl�littla hat she wore t+on •'t patio r�hrp Of I•161n er & $ gltit30ll. The a `%% gaga t•, a it ,'e) low erre a. work in the she flushed all up with plaagpneas she w- Are t.11eir cheeks and lips ve-, "rale 'i! y 1•10, •un.t Ito +t are-atIv re fuo,•d un°.s. No beer. / u lowered: "Thank you. I rade It m / opposite i t a Aftortihe ro 7 Ysalt." of good color? And are tri ct Di"J war+ rver II&I-rd for lrtlertniue B,.rrtnin - e N�X�, I��k f�� r direction. P Wsurprfg and tatifloa liargn u„ to Illlf' P� ea beim Ox g they hearty and robust in wl, I you ertliv nP. tion ou 61e h a y d. S eves, Tutwa"Ita, gawp tic.. n6 B+rRnio A Thal is hove a Pwased In toe every wa P Prierm. PPrcPrJata way Choy started off re Como ,tart• for tour C al 041. . Plumbiug, heatiug and y Wu ..,L ,t a; to tree about I It to some- jOJOIag. if not, X ri,cy f-, ,t ..i• b this .pa.•e. I� r�i a o l'9 times with Cha feather in Esq IitEl hat btbbing rep r then give them Tinstntth,ng at the lowest pnawibie priceq• .� ;r�i-'• disease.and down over tJre b1i'm Cost and happleht ''.of faces and all want as m wA !moi (� �� v , \ r I C EmvSO ' l: �(n There are Ma ill �y as o mar. S00 V Emulsion . H V 1� I j / Z j� R , '1 s t3ic isle end Mu�lc , ! ;fes l times when � t°Or1p un �•7 reached the °erase J " 110Us t )1 the system is of the egpara IO was windy there -v \ ] ' - S sg along She bad to brace against the gusts wit � of cod Itrver oil griih hypo- Reprovenrin 'I'i,e ♦urdh0 tour t'i uo the frac][ dl her strength' and of oourse she pat phosphlleS. P fJdYUbr �' et•13t, and tiynat.. � P, and Mu,ic co..'rorosto. I tows her head t1e hotter to withatamd of disease tbgm. Unl.uckymovhf It never falls to build f/. a3'\'°� X \ �.t t\•\v •� at such a --------- - '\ f r i g h t f u I Her fingers had bass weak or her thread yp delicate boys and girls. �, pace that no scarce, for barely had the Brs1 blast gone It gives chem more Mesh � sweeping by before another came -the and better blood. A S P R U N G SNAP, r. �(� j, G/ ordinaryy (1 11 r lv.r7 •1 11 cart r'h ~ h r• method. will Pretty [gather, bent and strained, lay Bat 1, prevent dis_ I against the mown as if trying its best to It is lust SO with the Tai.t•.enoxis CALL 71 I aster. There I be good, and then with a sudden,'Cwietipg baby 2180- A little Scott's are plenty of skipping awe r twirl off It new And went ski in Emulsion, three or four To make rooni .or Spring (foods wa are offering oar F y �a medicines along the Pavement.times a day, will make R •,: FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 24, IN99. which act ked hsrlie,ntized MY aider feather and the thin baby l fill merely as breaks to "slow u shrieked the agogtzod maidaa. and Ohar ' Y P ump and LARGE G� fl�tJOftrMt7N� V �( IMPV p the die iia, takln in the situation aE aIWO __ ease and put off disaster for a Itttle while; g glance, + prosperous. I t FRIDAY AND THIRTEEN. but that isn't enough. what is needed gave chase right mAnfully, But to no furnishes the is a medicine that will instantly reverse avail. The wicked thing had got a good soon bed al pt Ides that will ablonish you. Oh. Friday fa my rusks day; of all dare I the entire wasting, degenerating process, start and kept It. The night was dark and y with nr- 'tln the beat, When ppeople are losing flesh, strength delusive paddles plenty, an somewhere lllt�it 1% material When other yolks are scared to work and and vitality they need Dr. Pierce'sG°Id. °; other that feather sank from view, and I necessary for Call and examine Goods and be your own jUdge. •� iQ 1 °' scared to take a rest en Medical Discovery, which acts directly, the Young men was forced Eoreturn empty jtrOwing bones '-�' For teary game dire confusion Or microbe upon the vital forces, completely trans- h&Dded to n moat d airing young woman, cfasten on ome to town forming the entire nutritiveorga tsnend who clutched frantically at the gaping and nerves. yp�- Wnl aide sown mew pmt' or tura 'em up- totally reversing the wresting, debilitating woand in her headgear and dsmanded All Druggteta, c. and `., LEE Y% SHE P Ei.RD t! process which is at the root of all diseases. loudly to be taken h°too• The lash seen of eCpTT a Bowxe, hem eta, Toronto i �.o ` On Frldayq at the race track I always bet I It enables the digestive and blood- thaw they were climbing aboard a return • r.tt,a t,. �� tti tba tt6ewatl and win, making organs to stl ply the circulation heir, the Young moa bra smothering a --- -. _ __ �e� ttil,]et�ttla p �t OttB YAM ••Aa e*tl (rota st+edMi ll For than I back the favorite with my ret• with an abundance of pure, healthy, red desire to laugh, the senna woman evt► � 111 ah�'C'� a��y Awa SCM 51te�by tie pot of tin. + blood, It sines the wasti deafly having just ao hard a time bo keep There is so many rough medicines in c� �+ t, " Tis then I rind the talent and the roo:;rs builds up solid, musculargflesh sand flack Ger taLl9, the market, that it is sometimes diolMre do U all kind S U1 �tqy� q tf s M� (ASS ��• t"a'anlwa ��+te all agreed i healthy nerve -force. But It's )none then likely that the ne>N cult Lo tell which to huy• but if we had EMS That Cha wlnnl ng of a favorite on Friday g Vt" QN.CQ Pf•� Q•edne L\et�'ta a\iw�d a* tea batyt ain't decreed. "About fouryears a o I had an attack of time she'll tech her sewing in the winds It c uugh, a cold or Any atiiiction of the •r+ rw which lett niy throat and lungs in a g4 bar back yard threat or hw s we would try Biekle's \Wr atAw tva7 �jet yurpt�tt L10h A oEls p tout wander throe g MOULDING • And then the number thlrtden, tabooed I td condition," writes Mrs. Maly Hartman, before she boasts Cob loudly of her handl_ A°tt"('o°attwptive $yrtll), Those who ,•)�,pu}adst•r since time began, i of 30u Harker Street, Alanshrld, Ohio. work, have used it think it Is far ahead of nil Por some idiotic reason, by some prehis- The doctor said I had tliseave of the throat other pr•epat•rtt inns recouimrnded for torf0 mea. I and broncthe tubes. I continued to grow such complaints. The Lttle folks like A ll RI�� AIR I count my lacks'number, and'twas never +f vYO al] the time unfit I had pain in the Miller's Worm Powders cure fever in iC all it Is Rv n1eAAAnt aA syrup. J known to lose, upper Pan of my chest and severe cough, children. For It counts the letter o my name and I fah, with worse expectoration. pectaation. and in themorn' -- -- �— T 'I'll ua\;e on 11,14(1 an EXTRA FINE iANE the number of a>,Y shone. 1 wog, with h ilp what ,cell Quite often I Y The Owen Hound Times says: Mr, MACHINERY 1 N, D �7 01 would cough up ,what seems to be matters The right hand, which is more serest- �1 ■ '� 11V One of thirteen at a dinner, regardless of I scabs' after which I world to be a tiye to the testes than the left, fa less 0. M. Bovd, M. P. P•, has arranged the sign burning and smarting sensation in my sensitive Chan [he latter t.o the effect with Mr, McKinnon• the owns of the of any delMrirvtion• 2E &Aeorg n•otioo 2rr[Lt for laddie money W � � � T � � TWEEDS I'll sit me down and stuff me on the ter- throat. I took the doctor's prescriptions of the hent And cold. sir. (`wry of Wtndsut, as to the pfopoaed ��® i1 E rapin and wine. without number, but all did not seem to do improvements whirb will be mala tet tj� YissP� What matter if the bucket sono other fel- me any real good. At last he told me to try --�--' the steamer this winter. and which In - low kicks, cod liver Oil. I took sixteen bottles of the Known To ThousandR.-Parmelee's elude new cahwne throughout• new hdil- P P � _ 90 I am tat and hearty an s -taking of the oil; this seemed to help me for a while and Vegetable Pills regulate the action of out ThV �V��UrVo� B�U ��� CO.,LINK --- trfckef then I would be as bad at ever. Next I the seraetiutis, er end Other chapgeaLyhich ,} IIII��V�} Gotlur(uh and not crir:ictof m�t I took five bottles, keep '-he stotrntchtfind b( $4(M. will This will olve an expenditurefltheves el in very b T �T Good friends, when everybody else 1a and no[ deriving a ea"C benefit from the malt, dplrter•inns matter. Taken according good shape for hpr next season's woek 1' I� 1 1 \ / r r T ecargd to make a deal (1 was feeling so weak 1 could hardly ge: _ .l ` Is when I find an opening to score on for around 1 I n, -luded I would write to pour to du ec•tion they will overcomedyapep_ t3oo-Owen BOpnd route. - ` 1 jr tune's wheel, Tnsutute foradeicc. Abouteighteen montba sia, eradicate hiliollanpa$, and leave the -- • S. And if ever luck shall ride me In her atry aft" I wrote describing my sympto on I dfgestive. organs healthy and strong tit A, - palanquln immediately received an answeradvisin a prrfortit their fuo(-tfons. Their merits Miller's Worm Powders for sallow = 1 inolutiing the Ill':I,�1'A1tP (;1:11(:1?S iu ]Lor nn[) Jllw I shall owe It all to Frldaq and the virtue course elf iTratmM, which T be - w� - { s- to stand thrir color f.,r two wit -el) We warranted of thirteen. I hon ht five bottles of Dr. Pierces Golden by expler encu how henewn to ruuly who know akin ;old or young.- I -Atlanta Constitution. Illvdical Discovery, and one bottle of hie Aem. they are 'Favorite Prescription' and 'three of the 1R R+stag tope to the system. Mr. Samuel (}leer, n Prominent rest• - t tttt - `- Give us a pall for our , Pellets.' J began taking the medicines a's—•--�-- dent of Gorrie for the past forty-six y SI'RINI; SPIT. \\'p )stir Runrautr,e satiefrtctio°. ilvglaaed. I directed and immcdiately began to improve - P A London workhouse nurse recently an ill died On Sunday morning after iia y in every way. I have obtained more lasting refused tui a tpOinhuent hpcapsp the an illness of seven benclit from these medicines than from all Yeats. Mr. Greer MCLEAN otherscombined. Indeed Dr. Pierce's mod- Poot hLw eataoliahmrnt did not hoast was °rep Of Cho Qret st+ttlere in Chudone wonders for me. I enjoy I ice• tennis court for the use 0f the township of Howiek. and was widely �' g Pa te good health and have not taken any staff. known throughoutthe County of Hut•-■ medicine fbr over six months.'! on for his many alerlin 4ualides. He N J Miss Marg Whitman, of East Dickinson, A Art Taller, Natty H£etLgC fLD(j (}fafiLH' Furnisher, T131C NEW TREATytENT. leaves a widow And gig t children. h. lr (30derlch. Frankiiu Co„ N. Y., writes : ' For nearly Hundreds of people who have ggone the monde ten months I had 3 bad cough, and in- Of Physicians and Patent medla•lnea have lOnnd There can be a difference Of opinion stead of getting better, 3t grew worse anti( a ouro in MerrillR 8 • I was advist!d bq a frfenil to try pr. Pferiie's medicine cures disease b TO600nin Tull the on moat t;ubjects, but ,bore is only one t Golden Medical Discovc h y Discovery, I enlisted at nature u re t throne in the body thus r"abllcg opinion as tU the reliahtlity of Mother first for it seemed to me nothing mauler nature to throw otrthedl"OILRe. It we the mat• Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is PERfECIT give relief only death. My parents werle estpur(fler kaow_n, Price 50a. ye, atsafe, sure and etYeClual. + anxious shout me, slid I was said to have, Dunham'sDru Dor bocci r - g ., ...._.� • 1 celore Ilion. I mrd your medicines, and • _ , - - before 1 had tt3ken many Hosea there was a Henry Watkins, of $ttrtbrft' _ '�1h )s the. Way an excha'nRe xtrswet'il change. When the second bottle was. -lived, .�- b _ " f empty I had no cough and was a great deax •�t'aI subgbr`t ,pr, who asked.:"Xj0° rllstrfCtar,,, 11098 -Pay?" The editor replies 'WeV_L"ti1J..�it;� k.r -PLUMBING. . stronger,', y neva that his only brother J)1mpRP11Ad know a•Rood many ",bat don *.. They �� V �1 Dr. Pierce may he consulted b letter, 1 ���JJJ Ifee of cost, by addressing him at No, 663 Item IttlFed rm Jatr.-28 by A falling Ifnib take the paper Por yeaw, and then In announeing to the .public bis resumption of business at the old g _ ' Main Street, Uuffalo, N. Y, while working in the woods for a lar{�e when ibis get dunol tQr 1t they bave stand, begs leave to state that the new stock is daily being added to, and will _ N One copy of a good,.pro'ctical, medical lumber company. The deceased, who Che postmaster send the next number goon be complete in everything usually kept in a first class Drug Store. l I work n aro -k toffic i a home than a was about Hfty ypRlre of age and un• back marked 'refused." • .. -- thousand works 0f fiction. Dr, pjeret10 rcRrried, was A native of Goderich 1 anion heave Medical Adviser is the t.mvnship. He lett two yeal's ago for l Rainy River district. g The best wnv to avoid sickness is to :a ho:c4 r,1 -•es r,:. oak extant. It con- keep yourself healthy by taking Hood's The Dispensing Department always reCeiVeS the n10st tains r,or4 pages r: d three hundred illus- - -- 3areaparllla, the great blood purifier. 1 ' 1 Perfect Bath It ,"°1 mr reps n gnat trations alai i::,vritt,n in plain, everyday YOU SHOULD KNOW careful attention. i Iy' ' A t':i myonsnc. may understand What Hood's Sama arilla has deal to n finely furnished house, luferior '•:,r a million lin±:±c•s own copies it p Power 1899promisoetobeaprettygood year, I, P in do for those who have impure and and y R F. JORDAN, i G.`; ,r-;, of li:c:n paid IRr.so each for int o P you can make it better still by 1'lUmhu'I( may last far n year 0r so in other :r ,'' 1 new acid lar a edition P verfahed blood. It makes the judiciously employing the advertising g blood rich and pure• and curia scrofula, columna Of this paper. Never before 1 t't };..cu r r v absolutely FR88. If Salt rheum, dyapepSIR, catarrh, rheum- has THE STAR been in a bgttrr position Corner Colborne St. and 9gnnrr � Sl ✓ 1'nr f of Ilio house, ttttrl 'du just as well" c;n.r'. a c••; v in n paper cover, send atiam, nervousneRa• If You Aro Crouh- to serve you. What the husiness man - or that length of time. llut 1'! nu,bn i lv chs apes w L, i; rt is ,ri f• r 1 \� h -<,;,,• 0m•u n! St;t tit 5, to cover Coat e - -- _ P led with any ailment raused or pro- in wnv line should aim at is the creation j� M �+ ] 11,1, I ma1lin; nor/r, to the mated by impure blood, take Hood's of a fixed impression. That can be 1 IVSICAL i NSTRUI I ENTS - - have do°o pl°mbicg t° sou o of llim bat te.l,lct,r,•v to (i. ,l, ti, h, .,n f Jn un!II M�=•••"'� ri I It n :,i, dical Association, Sarsapnrtlla at once. Q., if Cvtl dewire n French done most effectively through continu �R• let.;, •.end fill stamps. — ape publicity in a good newspaper. FOR, THE i-IOLI DAYS___/l� ug but firvt class work. Call at ('Attlr liroA. f r e-IltLiitr•R Y P Hrxtd's Pills are Prompt and efficient, ■� 1 easy to take, easy to operate. • - good material and plumbing walk. %I EMU LLCHAI,1,RNGESTHE WORLD. — � LOOK OUT FOR THF. ENGINE. AT THOMSON'S MUSIC STORE �t We mean our heart. Kee it Morrill. the• arlyoniR,, of ill mmord, titers Lieut. W. A. I,Oggie. of the 13th Bat- t P x SI(kirl �r,v Hrl t., nnynne whc will m. koa hitter t,thon, created a mild sensation at. the sir rteg. Don't let it flutter or heat r.nrr oP rnnalirnr,nn than Merrll!'s system with it weak stroke. Scott's Emul- The "WURMWORTH" Piano, Inanufsetnred by one Of the oldest pinuo Tonic. 'I'hiamedi IncNnotn•implocathartic, ('anrtdiah Club bRngneG At fh0 WAI- V butnporiticd red plrtwnnt CO take care ror dorf, Hamilton, on hmadaV night in lot°° feeds the blood, it makes the firms ire Canada. For branl.y of 6uteh, purity of ,ono and honesty of CATTLE habltuRl rimno-A ionhl,, in this way L cures his response to the LURAL, the C,Loudfxn heart beat stronger, And greatly im B ' i • d3'sP„T,"tai impum blond and nervous trouble. proves the circulation. OOI1gIrno110n, has few PqualA and no superiors. 5., dome- price 50c. at Du chant's Dr°ggi..t. Militia. He Raid he regarded the mili- The "CELEBRATED 00DERI('II OBOAN," which now secs the pace for Rf"""S iia nR a faihire. He attributed the ~ tit n'tre, • failnreof Lhe Militia to three things; tothel makes, from $45 00 up. Wast -Ido of thin, pale, And nervous men and ] °•'xt f nr',ly $:••.v, (; , I,.r1,•li r,• Ile Qnite In no. Line, lack pt funds, lack of discipline, •end women are everywhere learning the A large stock of Violllis, Guitars, Mandolins, Accordions, tCo., to make a Agendeman advertised fora clerk who Political influence. He considered it weat heni-fit to he derived from the choice from. T ---- 2 could brnr confinement and who had been absol°t'iv necessary to remove the use of Miller's Compound Iron Pills. Lt Sewn” Maehinea we hAve the Lea'lere, Car)Ada's favorite, the "NEN' e✓ someye ns In his last place. He was an- Illilitta of Canada from political con- FN , swered by a person who had bean for a .,WILLIA.IIS," mannfaetnled I, Montreal• The "WHITE," the Kulg�numhorof years n prisoner to Newgate ofmachines,mautlfnctnred iu Cloveland, Ohio, Each with a 10 yearn' �tOU-Tdklng "What's Cho trouble, m little man P" prison, and who themtom MIllet'S Worm Powders for restless• RIIptWeBl 9 polo"eased shah nest' and eovishlleRs. larrilBtm gnarantpe and an enviably retutAtion.�9"I've lost 80 fanni el Boohon!" Of the required P �++ 1P g quallflontiona.-Comte 12.500 66eeta Of 11111R10, 850 at half page, 10 Cent edlttnns, 1insie i''olioB, Vo0Al"'Ob, don't aryl There's another 20 ;Cuts. - -� -- pfenhlg piece. Where did "Talking Abouteggw," said Mr. John- Made 8_lllfell or Instrumental. Any song not in stock will be ordered, and receive you lose the qrn, thy, Dominion Stati,•ticinn• '•I S o oar "'coney?" I A tinned titrnn,u h :11e,uly a (:fear f prompt and enrr'rnl Attention. "Plto4ingmP]ereP'-ingead. (1P,tw Thr• -ing tn,ilsi ier, o of e prevent, have •stat hien freaking tato the qui;- e: Call and see the "VILWIL P1tA('rICL CLAVIER, ' tht first and only one in 1 1"11,1-1 I I,t61 `, . t A d G• -1 r1 lite which h11RII1PRq Inpn of the present, flan of the lien aRr revenue piodueer, d,tv .ue convlr•ained to live notkes i Hnrl that !.here are about 14,(199,000 • In ClJderlch. ��/ (/ " A Berevlr Leeon't you vear 1 rouzbI- Upon then vitality highly li-nR in C,(nada. They yield about80,- � Q Q Or GEO. VV . T� IIOmSON til h %A,. %t1;l hilcrilw'. I" i 11 Husband—Why don't you wear your Idet.rinlenlAltotheirhpillh. if is „rely 0W.fWdozon eggs it year. At twelve s 7 new dress} by 111V 11-t, eltreful treatment HIM ("'ll" A dozen the value is close on $9,- HINDOO RE [DV • Wife-IEtsnnboeomina horror ible 1t i out they are ahle t„ kPeo thploselveA Alert fi9f1,(100. Tne revenole derived by the R�.�,,�-so�a,n. Oa WEST SIDE OF SQITA'ItE, (3(Jt)pRICH, "iuJ I Atr I, .n -t• .hour hn'ty ret •f style, or possibly ft In n horrible ml"fit. ,ln Active in 1 heir various, rollilI s, N Ba tin o �! -' H d Fe -dei C'overnment from taxation of li ezrove x't• not sure which, but I must look ilk• fancy of t hep, know the vaine Roo p qe1"•. � � ��' O COAL - ^�a� .•.• rt,,,l ? + '1 a t I I c irtirsis wines, beer, than t ' mAlt on' d o �t 'a n•°"' a'•a �a 1J. E BR�YDGES `•COAL].(rpt -rev A fright or.a aimploton fa ft. 1'urrUelPr'S �'evptathle Pills iU regal tt, ligUnry is $]•400,000 IpvK than the vAlli •asetq°r°°tea a •n.l sed ofttbt E. i "All yfrwhy sof oft hPn fruit. The yrrp roti I .type 'I nm1 H , ,I,v A' i mg the vtonutrh ,ind consequently yearlD expends 4 rrledta•e•titoekeRPrlwer.Oe•�•e I , r• 1 al All mj►frlende praise 1t." -New York I keeping Lhe head clear. torp 0n educatioli in 0111ada ill $1,399,- �w"niO1 jy„aed t,r'�e'I ��"'I TT,r nor yet GODERICH, 014T• CHARCOAL ''� /) Nr i v16 r t1 11 1 A' -_ 911,1 leas than the value of the product rel nst•on n"tS�bAM art llr•atr!•Lh•• Aet a -+HA COliL 1 mdy flail f n,6", 1'it �t I? de � of our noble hvn19." awe n dit repel I'll'y 1i11••I a•t� ( I-,tlo Rirlts _ _ �ai°tw. t�.,., tit..,., eri..r ..• .„•t, WOOD - CLEARA(VCE SALE He Has Tried XL Mr. .lohn Ander- Bold in6odorlrh by James WllsoO, drvagiR and I arils i nrl,• 1 S,c„I On. Klnly. writes: I vpntlrlit to sae I KINDLING... "r Iv Sh sl I' 14,1• ry ' AFTER STOCK TAKING. �rw, if any,hnvttrpreivpdgl•pAferhene- :,nU only 'i'n �,l \lent H •ni,v fit fryc�," the use of Dr, Thomas' Keler• (' .,r,lv Iry ti.., 1 • . ('I,r r tric O 1, than I havo• I havo used it NOT - - ° 11 i,• in order tai tenefderably reduce iieveral lines, I have decided to ofjdr the follow- !'Pgalgrly for ore" ten yparR, and have err vtill lot t hrMd stand, Nelson t' fi` t'le" Cr ,•h, ry V1 d •r, ret Ing Indeoementa: recommended it to All a r OO�+C�� rAF St.. where wv hnve seen Anpply- Inn Ihv. \1wn C _v RtAl lar ('1.1, 6.•na. i,r Ib f Ulrpf•$rA I knew !., �7 !_* ing aur rnstornerR for n nurn hpr Of, And they (if vire it oP qreal vir- IItANGPAOTIiRRR OF rnrs. \ti's hn•,w tho fuel that snitA 1 ,lar n l{,iterq Ilutel., r h1 n.'R - 325 Gloth Bountl Books, I inrip,ent consumption, packed to make the package Look I�'!NE OARRiAGES I Y' �� ; .i "• Onlcry left. With nor delivery, rigs •)eft II Dnp \In -'nal SI, env 20G vol.,orl3 vols. tor 50G. _=-- OF ret \�nnyPn'q YtA1Tp L:. pnrknyt'•r I'ut✓ 1'itsG ,11th, 1',.,vl, r I t } Why gra rimping And whining About. big I OFA1.1,SryI,". and tin whop and f' C ''" ` Theca books are by the following popnlar authors: .Cott, Dickens, Thar.kprv. I }our corns, when 1 Zit cent bottle nP Also "e11 fastory work In lireg acre•, c aryl. ret "Ill "fllr•,• "-ill I-Pr•eive plompt at. 7 Rr+ tvntinri. Cooper, Marryat, Kingston, Doyle, Kingsley, E. P. Iles, Charhttp Ilronte and ethers. Flollowa R Dorn Care will remove BUT I and l nmhef )4ngnns iinpnlntsng, rnrrlmn, 7 hn rel„ t, are all t, , •d f; ,,.I. 4,1,1 a „rth fall, ,1 1 ,:, t1n" them? (live it. A teal, and you will not Ing, top"• onshlnna, tit. All A rk wnrrnnt-1 All ,v.Rl weighed on mart, et scalps i A line of Paper Novels at books than Amerit"n pnbliaher wholesale pride, 6c, rnRrpt It. Repel*fns pmmotly Attenrlcd to. r+e. onA unlPvv „1 hr, w ivy r,t rJprpd ` each. AL the above pylae" these books "hould All hH sold in a few days. ( - • _ CLOS ELY hand Mas of nenA sN ktndR for vAle rhenp. RX7.F.MA rtAp1LYC(II;iCp. I DOMINIONCARRiAGE WORKS "' ""I ReteeiLl (]rays in roanpc•� Dferrill's SYRtem Tondo has an red more oaaon rine. r 'a of blood end .kin dtso"esypht such ri ghanm tear kPd to retain the aroma andOPPOSITE ` / Gotlerioh i Hrmtula Pim ten and yphtlltieH raw. ,ben loll OPPOSITECOLBORNE HOTEI• r'novpRL - - 1 \ • �. r �T 1�J PORTER'S BOOK STORE, Other mmertlea co purift. Aesldee lrft a the mCi"tore. ( AHTAOF: AND Fl-rl,('O. mrhe ttrtwerfd ba•od pined r JI is an exdellont C r ` tonld non [tttm b Fifty ,•enttiere to throw Off Mrtmh•ntw who do not ad -It(•,• Ir TAR )Tin John \ Platt �`( ' Oar Telepfi9neXo to 100, (Dort Hcnar Agnars, OOhFRICH w"ka.eBol A IrInhan I nnW Je. throe T. & 0 MYRTLE CUT. CCCJJJ VVV ►h]�an j)�(I1, %1 ' ` � oepka. Hold At pare nm'a lh Inn Were. Irt•e mom mover than we an I `j l U ��(� I (� �� t eE�1, Good Work -- >�necwcsmn 9y f .1�!4t'�!'�5r`•"`*'C�%J�'�'�'�a,,,W+O-"�••;t�'kMkAhr!-rAM+,E.+e.a�,�,,jltw„e raa'�i,�i\t>�It.,r�.w.a ..a r•.rt';:'Lt.*ra�.,t,•5,- '' ". �y w,. 'kl�y?+EPs...f•d..,.... w u a� �4'•:..-i, �•. ,. Y . w T+. _...y.T _ ' 1' . - 2a .. , n ,r i - r • � • r N'9 ♦ r - r e. w.a v • e ... , I. a ka • ... r .... . W e...• . �... _... _ d,v"'[1`.-t'eir•L oc.:�'":'7rhw irx+wz+�vm.a..Yr,w.�- a-a7xo �.9eiR::-:i''at.1k+.+�,