HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-02-24, Page 4postage tax, Subscribers will help the Sta�r.t f�'►rae by payngn advance. Pa yourself Q>lx a Bash s ossible.
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�, n,.T-.- -—�--_ .,_
- Ayadviser of the Liberal party in Quebec, THE FATE OF THE ROSES. f `•It isn't too ls._'lr?ie lusiated.
ukscHbers rn Arrears vas largely inLetented. The railway f Cipid's work Ia done when the btLb
"Too late?" y CANTEtf ONIS
--T cost S1,t1l1U.W(1 iu privratr capital, nna) I*' My Lor• is like seed, red nttu."1 „ comes. The soft, little, clinging, helpless
the government p^oposed to pay $2,� AwIlhoroto, shaandaradrwe, ha ( Joao' he whiffMild, sad he co mite is the Crown of love. Its corning gra........
Dear Subscriber. per- OBi.OW for tl. Mr. 1'ut de's tatluuace in Wsr. anmmcrtug to w gallas. turod the hand which bold this trcwek marks tate com9jiletion of Cupid's Mor.
-1.•}1 - rC
THE the f•abinel N'aw St
ern a❑nt it lar over !tile bn;rthed his love; she amil.d end bltuthod. of prit-ara/as. "Dearest, West! qR 'Lhe abject. Cupid bsiaga two {Sr, Pastruf cis&ter-1?attleS TarY17
wnit THE t)TAR t o remind g g Thea ho solely ti•Qgsd lase paellas. parting +, loving souls together --the (• a �,rt . )
you thatall auhscriptiona come rite Rrclllt�'d Cart ca,tght's ol,j w. Pa g of the ways, baby holds them together. Short Bru4 and AAream Roi,18S•
3 A. a tion to this deal, 'Lit(] 1110 atfair went A cloud La Lilo sky, a sigh in the wind. "Oh, please don't be tragic, Reggie r' A woman is never so Minnie Pleb IHi Q
• --arreara itnd advance- through, with the utlder•sLapd+ng, how- A buttarily aomee and goes, " We can go together, or we Call—wg womanly, so beautiful r 6.0 a A..,1,1 FU Dr's
trtuBG 6o paid not Inlf t ever. that it Mt • B:rtlr helped it slow:, RalnWly t isetu the pass white lips, can do the other Lhtng." be as when she tea 1((Fseri• Macer
titan next week. We cin Mr. Parte would het Mr. Blait with lgnoring cf)e jealous rod rose. „ mother. Yet motherhood oM,Maranaues•
A "I don't think I can, Bbe Bald is denied to some women BrandU snaps• etc..
the Canada Eastern later nt). Thu deal ltsam the cast, from the west, ni ht's ahadowe " Wb not?' he wblg red. anal feured b others.
, !tot want to stop arty p Iver, of r g y Pe y Are as good as the best made in at
for the parch+ase of the Canadago'Lantern full, "J -I m just a little afraid-" Tile fear of Lbing hood o rapidly passing R
,.'t � A: i'esOPE to legal proceedings., but Look shape 1 cvu muotlta +age,• Thu Eft- The stare shins !Orth in glary away and nothing has dont $D much to (i1tY in Ct>,itade,
You knots tare whole III, is " itter•son govi+rnnaent, which is under Neath the moon's pale light tho roses kis "HDL 1 shall be there, dear. A rather d)ivc it away an the record of Dr. pierce
thu >-otecLurate of Mr. Blair, deterui. Tls vtily Gho oltj old story l tough road -perhaps --at firgt, bnL to Favorite Prescri tion.
itt YQUC hands. A great Haut- i P
c sued that lu view of the oariouB char'KeN 6ether, you know." Dr. Pierce has held that danger and pain U+tntxtun leads Lhe trade to
x 11eC have erre )Liv responded, Bo the sell rose, d sap the whet. roe., 1111•, at the time of parturition were really r
p 1 p brought against it in counecuou with "All my people"- P y un WEUllIN�; ` t•1�I1Fi�
Cling closer and closer I together. necessary 4hd unnatural and that if ave t
but encu more vti'e rLUBL 1'Hntlrld brillg�e buil tug, it would III' tc rli, before Tlll aide by side at haat t'•oy aro no Reginald aeteufehed her by the 61nnt► woman were healthy aual strong as Natu we s
those tvho have not paid that the fru is were too genereally kuucvu, to In aanahenv and trtorm wruthou per.
in fancy deafgninR, and ornatnentl[
v, i y Hees of h1s retort. meant her to be this function would be
hold a pruvluci J genertal «dt•rLlot. Air. -hosts. Trunscrl formed painlessly
the law and consequent HP- � "You oughtn't to speak like that of P y and safely. The abuse
3 Shur and Mr. Gret•nshioldb. ,-f Elie of centuries of coracts-of Health destro and almond laing. Give him an or•d
is f - fact uteof n very serious 1)runuuond, at that period appent it them, ,she said reproachfully. Dlly. e. and our Butlsfaetion will be assure
l i tug inactivit -of de- y
Now• gentlewen, do vourduty. un Lhu s�0t.e. Greenshields, who +s A BUNCH OF ROSES. N°' 1 oughtn't," he aaialtte(1. bilitatingartificiallife
' M1T011ELL & TODD, mider,itood W he inteivsted in the road, "But what I Bay doesn't matter. The have made it fmpos- Do � I� �
't W'" fresh front Waahingion, where Ire word is with you." , Bible fur some women N
,Tan. 12 1800. Puhl)ahers •• to fully return to the
heal been haying the particulars nP Che Tho first I have seen this year, he "How .iron lyse I /aid ill" abs pi! perfect healthfulness WEST -ST. GODER1CH.
dual Ixdonv Sir �Vllttid Laurier. lie said a■ Joan took a small bunch of cried. s of a natural state but
brought with hien a letter frena fin' primroses from the table. "But this time there seems a kind of every woman may be
� C Isyderypiy +flit f Wilfrid agreeing that the railway Heagtilnl, aren't they?" she Dried >lnality about it," he said rne1n11 helped to a large de The Star Drintsquick, g00d,Chea
AV S bbYY 44 rfk' . should be purchased. At with this y• y' gree. The organa dl-
Tetaraoxe Car L 71 missive hit•. Blair and Mr. Greenshields "Very," said Reginnld, looking fall and as he spoke a hansom drove ap t0
g V rc rcc-Uvolved may
the door.
.. -. _ _ _ , - entered into negotiations for the buy• tato her eyes / strengthened, pu•
Ing of the Canada Eastrorn, our of Lho . "That is Lord Roper," she exclaim• rifiedp invigorated for
FRIDAY FEBRUARY L1, 18110 cooditionH of which wits that the prov- ,. "Nonsense, Beeldes " Joan added, g r the time of trial and
ad, darting to the window.
_--___ __ __- _- _ _ - ineial government should have the you oughtn't to may ao." "Am I to go?" be asked. for this purpose Dr,
-- - support of the principal owner of tine "why not?' he demanded, coming ` Piercer's Favorite Pre.
�' �- P "Oh, please"- sr �; scription has been
A COSTLY BUNGLE. railway in the elections. 'rhe aun of nearer. "Good by, Joan." he said mad took c used with success
i MR, wSIFTON, MIllkWr of tile. Intertnr, this capitJalist. Mr. Grbsod, Noun after "It isn't expedient." ter - I by hundreds of thou '
(.,tine ant as the candidate in York of "I wish it were lawful, '• be said. bee hot again' ; sands of women. It
in his desire to Hecure more I)ouk the lsnunersnn rarlininistratiun. tibleu "You will meet him on the aWrs," is the
Jona sighed am she looked down at a product ri the
yy++ hobcrs. (fttilioiana and GCIIHr' (nlNlgn Lhru Air. Hlatr, in t► uhliu "pe•ech, bus eho cried an Reginald stepped toward _f � skill and experience
if.` pp the priniroees,
huruigi+ants, Conceiyed the idea of h,tv, ucknua'ledged [hat tris deal is on. He the door. --� of n regularly gradn-
s,ays he approached Mr. GibAnn "u the ` I wonder' wdether you will think - sled hysieian-a
Ing a descriptive atlae of Canada, for i I "I will stay if you like, " be offered,
t R P me ver shabb skilled s
�; matter '• bec•,ause hH hrlirved Lhu par- Y yP" she murmured. coming to u Btandetill. for over thi a specialist wlio
a! circulation abroad, A large edition chase uP this Canada Eneu•rn would hH "why?" try y ars has successfully
1."1 don't think"- treated the diseases of women.
watsordered, 2000)0 copies --Mr, Pres It good thing Put- tl.e [nterrolouial," "If I ask you not to stay very long?" "Oh, very welll" he said, turning Unlike many moderd medicines Dr.
ton, -the new European drun)mer fur He'added that "deals" Weretfuiteright. "Oh, of aourae, if you want to get pi Favorite augur,
contains nr XX3MZX4�
I-` the Department, was to take over 2.5,- ..Are there no deals," he asked at Fred- rid of me"- bo exclaimed, taking his away whiskyy, alcohol, sugar, syrup, .pram or
fricton. "in Dominion olitics? It "Perhaps you !tall better," She ez- narcotieof any kind and its use aloes not
t P bat and atloL-. therefore, create a craving for stimulants
000 of them -and with :110 prevailing d0AIS urs to he avoided, you nnist go Reggie
I coming toward him. "And, Ca
tendency oP the Goct•rnmeut to get { P "Don't be.bbanrd, RegglOt" gg Mea. AnnieHteckegof6 therineSt.,S ra
in nolltica deng.that. nr nr hate Re 1St" y THE OLD RELIABZE
,� ,a noLlter of deals." 'rho purchase "You don't, then?' avx, N. Y., writes: "Your medicines have done
everything done tither by l'. S. fit ills 1 , "Yes," be said, meeting her hal! wondereforrae. Porycars myheaithwnevcry
of this railcvxy does not add a reale. "Tres, I do,' she insisted, and she poor; I had four miscs"istys, but since takin
_, or h U. 4, utet•hnnic•s, the order cc ram way. Dr. Pierce's Golden Mediw'L Disco end't+a
h , r y of rood to the rnilw•n Pncilittes of dung the primoseB carelessly on the to- Y P vodte Presse! ate
Y "If you care for the primroses"- Prescription r have much better health,
y'' placed with hand, McNally Co.. of i.he Do pinion. ' It simply forces bee. "Ido," he returned. 'ad l now have a a lie healthv baby."
Ch[cetgo, iVhen the goods cc ore de. the public treasury U, beat the. "If you've finlehed with them"- (3hri1! I"- -T C L
cost of construetion and to court, " Well?" she asked, with a challea Miller's Worm Powders make the
livered ttud sample copies begun to g" i- She drew alto .logo, and standing children health
the expense• of n H+l'll Li rig it Illlf' of rail- q g Y.
out it w,ts found that the bu„h was sit tv,ty already iul existence. It I+ the lag glance. on tipped twee (she was a small person) —
"They will do for mo,” be said, tak-
full of stupid and ignorant blunders Drntnrnonrl over again, but on a larger deftly placed the bunch in the button• 60 YEAR
a .'s Neale. 'file nvernment. is to ask tag them up,
t.hnt avoutd cto more h,u m tluui good g pat' hole of Reginald's (rook coat. Suddenly $
,`$ f lutn)ent to vote the. two tuillioos for "Oertainlyaot," ,loan cried, holding EXPERIENCE
t to Cautulu. 'f le Of town Uiticen 'r,tv'N thi:, deal at its next session, and the for
a hand. loan sprung away and the door opened.
some of these bhuulers as follows : Lord Roper entered but with the air o1 •
On.cpi -(I to tale "'ho have already "Mayn't I keep them?" be pleaded, eucceesfnl wooer, but Boeing Reginald ,
Hon. blr. Nifton has gut out a nf•w Nnbacribed to Glu N33(i3O(1U of subsidy, "C}Ive them to me, "she said, and be
Het of snaps, entitled It Descriptive At will have to pay that subsidy over put them in bet hand. Then Reginald he uppeared ludicrously astonished. He i 0ALG
.11111 I of Western C'au,awt, Por d+,trihu- again in order to enjoy the privilege nY stroked his dyed mustache with one 9LwAY8 ON HAhL.
replaced his bat on the table. "Ob l"
„' tion :ahro,Lu to euabie Illiterate foreign rtuuring the riatlway Its it Rovernunent hand while he held his stat in the other.
/ire eapoetulated. _
ers to find their way to Ibis country. road tit is loss. '1'110 !oral ��averunu'nt Joan's face grew red as a peony, and tTrvpic M/utlta
Appruent.ly there wire uo Canadian gave $lm,OIN) to the lint-. •iG wants this 'Yon want me to go." Reginald looked down at the bunch of .LCWIGNa
k ' time qualified to prepare Lhe plrtteN, .sun) reiu)bursed when the Dominion "Lord 40,Pear is coming," she ex. g The best Scranton Ha: d Coal
,;, . primroses in his buttonhole. Hill ntti• COPYRIGHT; AC-
Anyo etch and d'NtufOtion may v and Ill ennpS ore pe•inted front plate, takes over the railway. Hut. the plained, with a fine blush. qutoki In the market for
t tude seemed to arrest Lord Roper'/ at• invent on n opinioo' iAee whet np
by IL,Lnd Mc N,tll tY Co.,f !'hies , ni ne is r h • i ,
y 1 t Ieitn ,arse u'
, ' )uL t 1110 "B
K Dt e
ti h a one
just � t
+ - On O. 1
9 1 I met W n
g y tables core _
6 ren
ten 1
s ton. Then b
u•• +1 •�,• h be t
n.nd + e f t I tit rr n i i A',m instance, frder,al I revtNury, and not deducted front him"— Led a sharp glanot t Ana etHotty oongdenttal boot on P b
I., :, 79.n� n. about file room. cont 6•eeek.s.n t•riQegay fates n &9 trate. `moi Ask d= .+`.tG
t the. bouud+uy between .1ba:+k,uuul (',ui- the pric•H to he paid fur thin r•nnlivav: "B:e'B Doming book,"amid Joan, a lit- +,. Patents taten roup6 Miran A q�p`tecetw
«i ...
'' 111 tom• _--oda is it. Claimed l,v Ibe Clilted `duces, This wits the Ntstem pursued ht• the l3tillatitl Those are the first primroses I have meeiatnetlee,wit utehwas. inthe - —
+a and its Ilse puhfivatimi boarei the iu= hr•Onlnflond. CZui+list give $L3fSnw to p y' Been thtAyear," he Baid. -' ����� �jNA�le�� All eoel'weighed-on the 'market scales
r "Anyhow I've often been in the same J gsu`
r ,)\+ arrnptinn, la uetl I,v ,tulhurity uY Nun. tile road, C:anarlu lundertuuk to pas "harbingers of spring," remarked • where you get 10001be, for a Lon.
it:, ('lit rd Nittou, minister ,• room with Roper before," Reginald, Ahandsomely Illustrated weekly. 7
f the n,trr- that.Nuwlnt.hel)roprretorNa,np+u'tot P araescclry
/D e6 Joan, with n smile. .Matronofanyeeleweau earn" Terme, era t-sn�w�g CC
+' t s'j'.. i"rt)' it has been necrssnry to invert ,t the mrehasH unnney, null (tiiuebec, see $g fed, with an anxious sun attach a groat signi9oanae to a ourmoutheltldD7 owed tats -• 1lti TEs
+ nuts iu very Nuutll Ly )e un t hr Tai ing Mutt the rout! i" a guverunienL n o,u1, "Yee, bot"- ? f' u gilBroartrray,. w go rk Orders left at Lee dt She ard's store
thorn, then, Mise Joan?" eoirtinuedu�l, �t CQ �s
"T+ i page explaining that t�te howindiu'v is now w,wlB the r3t10,(HN) refundeo to the "Of coarse, if you really want me to Roper coolly. Hranoh taoe,ab FVt.washingfon,D C, will erosive prompt attention Pp
f ,r,t its claimed 11Y l'nited Htiates., The local u'e ,iorv. Tho d(al will tans cont go," enld Reginald.
boundary u1' felbr;uiui is not. correct, us i'?„dN),1NN) in Hound flgurea. "Ob, I dna't know what I want l” "Oh, yes; I am not like Peter Hell,"
.- running away &w%vn toWIMIS tits South __ silo answered.
t a west inNtead'of following the height of { she cried, leaning back in bar chair.
g "I atm afraid I can't stay to see your fl �,� STOGK
y i) land, and the divisions of the North- Mn. lloi.1INS is oue of the "iudepett• "Let me offer my advice, Joan," be
a s people after all," said Lord Roper. "1
Territories are as they existo.d dent" Liberals who would abolish the urged, with o hand on the back of her __ ,
zz .hair, am likc� the Irisbman," he continued,
. d� several yfvuaago, Honitte altogether, its unuccessitiy and with a smile; "I am here only to may I
On the tear{t u) of t ho- m,ips there iS a Site raised her chin, looking up into
u hnuh-ance to legiNlatlon lit the public couldn't otliue." LARGE
t IDL cut' In+Scell,tneous intornuuiu❑ bI his face "I stn torr " ',vhnch it is ,L,tl.ed Ihat the copilal of Ii leresL. lint another good Liberal, "I'm nfrafd"- y, Lord l;oper. // S�RE fl�
yr'W t' Oubirio is Ottawa. In one )ltce the Air. Jnn)eson, M.P., tubo speaks from "Well?" be said a/ she hesitated, "Oh, well, it is the fortune, of war," _
)b )+. I p.yrulution of Winnipegi, is Nlnbed Lu hs observation wand experienceon the spot, "It might not be unprejudiced, Reg- to .aid, "sad the spoils go to the vie- - .
_'I nINN), and to another 315JM). The list, le.,. tor."
null not front the sanctum of the NHcv g
' of princt )al cities of Canada invlude8 "Bat a battle tbay be drawn," She
hluntretL�, (�luehec. Trn'oniO, \Viunipfg, h.ra, ter lured it, a speech to his von. His band obanoed to touch Ger fair y ARO-E
j �i,5;1 rti t V,aocoliver and Victoria, but Ottawa. Ntitueuts nt \Vinnipe¢ the other day, brown hair- `4riltd.witharat:br a `terve.... y i `f n 't' the ca petl esti; Iiauiilton and London „Ha9 R b,�inala. 4 Ii+eR:r.lYk I [hat 'after` two years experience to ,� __-.Q BOr• _. 'e;'are not u)enr.ianrd. On t he margin of "Yes,' she Bifid quickly. ,
Ott«tva he felt that it. would be n mis- , With that she b nF4d1Nr.-tffintl; iLnd
•ter tlu.intapsif the-Northivest fierriLtiries ",And you healtatedl" AT -
therearethe nnniesofabunt 251) laces, Lal e le. 1e,ice ).hta ie islwttiotr of the '•j �� he pressed It alightly. Thaw be nodded
t'ty2ct , p g promised to decide In as lore, to Reginald wall wont away. a
yyw under (lie heading "Chief Cities," in- country In the hands at one lagielative aheadmltted.
,a t)luding such urban centers of popula• body." And then he gives these reason "Joan," he iraid, bending forward He bears it well," said Reginald as
tion its Pinches -Creek, eLoon Ureek. the door closed. 'rr ":' Hntoche, Bull's Head and Gull Lake. for the faith that is in hill): over the back of bar chair, "you're Boar/ robot?" Joan asked with a •Ho PEDDER'S
yyI The same on the mapp of Manitoba, "fh0 effect of our ay sten) was to not"-• ,
4�t ',; which stir prospective Galic ia.n, Doak- p1ncH n Rood do al of power in 1110 hands "Yee," she murmured, "I think I sigh, R
hohorsti and oLher kinds of fellow Citi• of one roan, the head of such govern- am, Reggie." "Why, his defeat," answered Reg-
zens g ill be pleased W le+)rn numbers 'Haul do long as he had the confidence After a short ethanes, daring which gie, "though I don't see how be
C; ` within its not extensive hmitN 12L of this House he avas practically wt die- Bhe stared very bard at the bunch of knew" -
1 . , "Ch)ef Cities." 'rhe provinces appear tatot. If hr, were not it strong than, "I Suppose It was the We are now comfortably settled in our
on Ilse map not as divisions of the primroses. Reggie whispered:
then one or two of ilia cabinet control• , said demure!
Dominion of Canada. but of "Brit.Ish ted the situation, utade up their mind "You'll be awfully miserable." "Did he" p. new quarters and feel ure that with
as to what should he done, and (hen "Oh, I don't know t" she said. "He 4rought them from Roper Park ~
� America," .and in ivory respect the Hie )olicy was forced on the members, "So shall 1."
production hears every evidence of I this morning," she said, and Joan BRIGtIT STORE and
having been ' Hard. in uhic+age,," tubo moat either accept it ur Lake the "Just for an hour, perhaps," she re- sighed again. U" V„ V
odium of differing with I heir party. turned, "pond if "Roper Is not a bad sort of fellow,"
A despatch from OLt:►wu the other Members would generally follow, in "Weil?t' be said. T C �`
day sand that since t -he exposuiv the mutters they might be unceitaul about "If I weren't'a wise woman, he remarked.1 \ BRiGt i 1 VTOVK
luckless coo iler of the atlas has din- r'+at.her than vote against• the Govern• yea"" .1
OGen.h; I respect tmmengelyW cried
P we- might be miserable longer, you J
appeared, and none will father the gtcnt. Vader such eircutnetances nn know."
upper chamber was necessary." "And you respect his diotmA," Regi.
fondling. Mr. Sifton has ordeied that "I should like to take the risk, ' be aald suggested.
I I , all copies already sent out to be recall- Miller's Com ound Iron Pills, one 2r) mattored, "Of coarse, I haven't got "what do we can supply your wants ill
ed as far its possible, and the, ent(ro ed)• cents for 50doses. Y (010,000 a year"- you mean?,, elle asked
I. Poor old Re iel N quickly.
,' tion of 200,000 will he destroyed. M t-, ___ � _ 68 0, you haven't. " "The spoils to the victor, you know, " DRV GOODS,
) , ,' Sifton hits a great head ! "And I can't pretend to bo old enough said Reggie, and be took her hands
LEOAl. No'f•r-Int.he Court of Appeal, to be year grandfather, he Said.
----'•►-- Monday lust: Dalton v. Township of "Oh, that's a libel!" the cried, sits "Aro they worth havingP" she Whig. �+ t
ANOTHER RAILWAY DEAL. Avhlleld, Judgment cot Hypes! by Ling upright "Besides, one can't al•pered READY-MADE CLOTHING,
pplaintiff fiom jndgt»ant of Fergguson. Darling" --
J., lisntissin the notion, whet' twits wq a lease onoaelL" y , . ,
The Utatmnu)nrf rnilwn•y deal avers at ( R ; P And et
„ brought. by Michael Dalton, Gua owner ` I don't see why --if It world pleaw "YeeP" be said, as she stopped CARPETS,
pretty st, ikipg illustrattmi of the par- of the ea.t plait of Mt fi, in the Lake fou. "
,"I' It and econnnty of the present Liberal road concession west, in the township "It wouldn't please my people, an "I -I hesitated, Reggie, dear," she
ggvEtrniDeut. It is not likely to be for g., +' P y' marmnred, drooping her eyelids. OIL CLOTHS,
of Ashfield, to recover dame t s from how, eho retorted.
F )'?''' got -ten, but it will be eclipsed in snag• the tuulticipality and for an injunction "The greatest naisanee in the world "Still, you were not lost," he mor• '
a rittuda* glaring and acaud,►1°us sae it restiaining defendants from mtuntntn- o mored, drawing her closer, C FURNISHINGS,
are one's rolatie al Dried Reggie "It was a rather Hoar thing," she DOUSE h V RNIS� INGs7, etas
ing a culvert on the highway and cep, ++Now if you were an orphan".
Wats„i)t' one ftutn New Brunswick, the (atm ditches leading thereto, and from •'I'm ha aid. "If you bad not come"—
foltata'ing particulars of which have enusinR water to flow on plaintitY's land PPY to say I'm not,,
'•Wel!?” I
+ , 'Just been made public in the tovinchtl an (I for dam es for injury to his !antl "Still, one eau t marry only t0 leads e
j p p b flooding. ,Che trial ud a held that p "I might have been tempted'•_ at prices that will please you.
Clection held Imt, week: Y g• Ot1e'a another,' he insisted.
�r the plaintiff was aonffned under the "Not only Never mind the mlglt6 have been,
' Some years ago a railway known its Ditches and Wittet•conmes Act to the "Oh, 'well," be sold, and walking J "And yet be urged,
r' remedy proyided by sot, 83. Appeal glow aw from her .hair, Reginald "Yee?" .
the Canada Ytifst�orn was built from IY sy
a'redertatgn llortb Gllrppugh York coon- ulloaved with coats•and judRmentta be, took ilia hat from the table tt sin, H! •t Factor Cotton, 88 inches wide ....................•,.
;ikvn thpotlghXoht:hatlhiberlandeonnt °ntea(dfor plafnGiff for 030 di►mages g Oh, you knowt ebb aid, hidin y ..................... 40 per yd
P y and an in cacti( n with costs, Cameron, stood for some thin BtarJag into its lin• her fatia against his coat, g Regular 7e Cotton in 80 yard ends ...................
to the town of f fiathrkril. The rail end ing, and then he ei 60 " '•
Halt & l>�olines fo laintiff. (farrow g glad "Yon loved we all the time, dealr Regular 8e (Maes Towelling for............
;+tufts honuaed ata 1'il1low,a• ffi3jY3,000 from '
for defendants. p "I suppose I m •+ "
" "
F1. , .Lyle Dnmmiof� f{Z,VOrnitLent and SQW),000 ay u well �o, hs ..Of course"- �e
From the provingJgAI {tove7t'ntilent, or------�---- suggested. "That is all I wantl•' he cried. Regular 8o Hand Towelling for. ............................................. 8o " .t
$l�00,000 in tall, 10 capitad invested Jnhn Hill, Delaware. Hayti, "I Ivan :,+t in growing lat1i,1,Jtlanmurmure4. The,,,Oobbin Black and White. A heat Shirting, wortli 12 for...........................................100
Tsai! it million, so tliltt the cost of the iu a rundown condition, and took six Only just b -- Y B. �o " "
f'r'rtui was �i-SM-000, 'ItlifuPntial capit- fpoxea of Miller's Compound Iron Alts, "I thought It WAS half past," she Want >ae ttewns uea.t. A NO Print, wide, for....., ................................................... E0 .. ..
7t`I,tis.s residing fn the province were the I now, fee) better wird stronger than tsafd.
+ iwontotera of the undertaking, and now for years." "Not that I'm in the least hn to "I can hardly believe the statement Regular $G Men's Suite, for .................., . $8 00
pfd stock to it., When her, Blair be- he answered r '' - of that fellow vlfho said one trd]ley, car Regular $7 Men's Overcoats, for........... $4.60
�atrie ea of or vi R this s hie conceived - - ••I fariaied could not hold all the w
the idea of hnYing this railway from ,� yon were " #, omen hit has
But, thou. Roper ,f tarried.
tri b'ivilenit tot^MDO.ti0fl. Arid of knakin will M here, IN ' •I d . Theft
l Ili putt of the lntel�filon[al system. ihe aid lugubtionelg. Might be iooyR fog' '
.. them,,htltldon't think It oenld bola COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF.
Tire put Mato Would have given the rg often o wa> nine chat the aver .ts Yes ,— them when the
-f'lL'F !"16ttit'S it profit of A million, for torpid or Iahettve. Mora eellbut "Joan, I don't believe you've mad! Y bot etartrrd to dieonBa•
their investment was just a million• troubles may follow. Far a prompt, itp your mind yet " In g the situation. "-CIaotnnati JEn.
„ air1 tliC Itairttiet'of the ufortev had been Il a �r nblbe, hikHeadache and /dl .; "I alwayB like tolook before I lea " 0 tier. ��
' r(iutrlfyattx) 'try tlao Uttar' acid Nat 1>
the insisted. wNlas.
$rilits8*10lt 0ovetiltilents its the shape ••Yee it's as awful g!,
r>j' li(iill�,,, Thtt,qu+3stiou vas lttiid bap It Qli�i g,,�" ' plus "he awl "Don't You think that fellow Mho
ybit doltitd#I Itr'Dt1'awA, titid'Sir Ifiehard , *Ith a solemn sit. broke his engagemout Ucauee the girl r s �lie
Yt:a�rtwtf}¢ftt tfppf9ted its `Iliis''rst(i cti11e1 t action Mae the lint, rr "Yon see, Reggie, there's an applaud- went to the jeweler and iagnlred t1» fl
;ilhto #titnwo foi' alto tlilfd lwlng'. NV1ie►'t they db not gripe or lulus do slot `#ng Crowd watching to ren We take Jt.'" pries of the ring a little Bintitivet" G`u(bdrne > row. Old stand
fir.; _� fit# jAW t'hJtt 4%tf_.111a1r WA4 !tent frrltAle orinitrttiithe tnternIt er aflg; ' It would be an awful Bell for them. t thf lik- -ho wills *fke, ,& *#,ban ilk,
w>h;twljw fiI � ;llrttT7ttil tJI6i 41s Ad, lltltq`nk 'it �l aaibotr toal�t E t6li, I Wouldn't it P" he /agg(teted, potting that would be wanting. hwtbrrabani to
' whit'lrcf+Wirer►ftHIi�itrxixirah(I,ilwlllch.
11iA f't`fitlittd 'bis trl'i'krlllihl1q: •lds. 41 MIhscrlIt. . L sell it cd, idirefl, ag,> t►wn hfa hat . I ktiap as aeooulit of big jj IT&** oft• `1lb'ttt tbCi;t�.tn Al h tar d f4h'ff rho Jrti itf `11,I
What?' Jaau aeke�. "�.algwllatitliow Iwltr�, ITho Star for Superior Pri t
I u g ngt /
Vater Bags,
YJ Syringes,
$w !A was .... .. ' Ya karan '.•r,w k,j�,;;':;-ate..
Ice Bags, etc.
Our Black Cherry
Cough Balsam
(roe reg
to the seat of, oub
at d curse rapid,y.
P easaDt to eke.
Try 1t nest time.
EXCELLENT VALU£. I 25C. 5 for $i.00.
onuccisr, We Ca GOODEf BED ORD BLOCK.
titi �ti 11ti
• r �NEW
It pays to buy your Dry -Goods at
Next Bargain Days, March z and 3.
New Year Fruits
and Groceries.,.,now&..
0 1 have in Stock full lines of New Year Fruits and Gro -
Ir I -ceries, all this season's a,t prices that will commend
.,C -4 . rw ' - '
Ira.00b.-...,c r economical housekeeper.
�� A triarorder universally secures to this store a per-
manent customer. Come and see --ds. -
GE(D_ HA_TtEY', .
. -7 rt At one price to all alike. There are Shoe
1 • Stores which keep one or two of the
) Shoes we have, but there {e none that \_
keeps the variety in Footwear which
- t makes our establishment the Mecca
for all who are looking for fit and ex-
;,, cellenae of quality and workmanship.
- - You make no mistake
•i when you get your foot wear from
•,); ,•
: We Sharman
�•_.. , Jr.
11 the oldest House in the Trade
-� in Goderich ., . , , , •
Fj ToHoliday Buyers.
Yon will wieb to know what to buy, where to bay, and
t where your dollar or dime will go the farthest.
YOU Will Find Smith's Bazaar
the Right Place•
Nowhere in town will
of now and hesuldful goods to select ou fow. greatnd as Bgigit CIRO@a oosPnt
Fine China, Japanese Curios and Art Goods, In
English German and Austrian Goods,
Toys, and Novelties.
and Games of every description, at prices to suit all pocketa.
Come in and see our grand display of Holiday Goode wheilte► ill I
you buy or not. It is only by seeing that yon can form any idea
of what we have collected from all quarters of the globe to pb'te�
otic customers. . We are confident we can please you in Varitfy
Quality and i'rioe, something to meet Ill tastseand reggiromeqte•
f3mith"k Basest, next the Town Hall.
Ax MI 11
t& ;w fit. Jt,+fi a�+f�w��.(o�x'x�h�,nhpa ,t,f . A .a�( +t itJ.i.�A a >tl:n a ^ n -
tA3►.�c I.•ti .. 2.:r4,