HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-02-24, Page 3_ • _-
fj�jpijj D j [��t� l�i(j T�itft (i(�jj {heat trumpet, ahall be blown, and Arraygd agaiat •#bx Gills[ to -night, ftJhgZdara ivithtmt fn
sUU 1'�,j t1<uJ7 they eliall coma whioh are ready to art thorn rfla$y ptgrgn food trample akin$ 4,q Material )fAR1kiRD IN THE RUIlvB, t NO TEA so fragrant And comforting iia
perish. This Gas p ~]111�ple
reduction- lD Its retiervo tuAd. A detaXminud bridal party at Stroh,
-PQ trumpet is act, them dowAi l #j. *to lineI Ittdn Bt1taBRM of>financisl statements- near Itacllwtter, England. m its malarial, like otbe trumpets. IC t%u t The;. tram t ricaunda, and down gland, on reach -
REV, DIt, TALIKAGE PREACHES on is not made from hgra of ram or oz go the malltld a b#ting the duet. j (��"Total iuoonle • • • 9 1,472,11ill 0 Iyl: the alttlmb too that the build- '
AN IMPORTAIRT SOB"CT, nor has it been shaped an earthly tiros of the heat aiaa of the life, sine Labor'
Total expet►dltura in- Ing ws.* * lira. It waited around t0i
-- foundry God fklrniehed rho material of the tongue sins t thy youth, sine forclu
appropriation t � the fire was put out and made the
for this -Tum q for lessee to -elft ad just- the
,imams Can Net we Rept Mat, Nor seats pet, twiated it, attuned of maturity a#aa t1Lold:.a$a -sae black, pastor pst�'+4>;'l�t the -axem
it, bestowed it, ii'o,made two Crum, infernal army of tranagression; they Rl]�C }{apt 1,{x,{1869 raj .y�Q _ �devarywaa+a- Oeeta+srywkaxs.
<L U *D,E L LA
�:,.- j -ata 4 the Carom of All Yat real, Trouble 1J u J ! j(�In load wk%vo- y 3w,, W. y{■.sd( ..
. Now -Tae Cespe7 Tnyspet t. areal to Pets -cue for heaven, and John heard; must go down under thne`, or thou Balance g 261.89# ,
Its Power -Tim Pn plates a etrosA its blast about Patmos. He matte the; shalt go down tlltile,tr them. Hearken dividends declared. - 5;9,60000 asoltNtW4 Igig,yaflea>tarstkesor11 _
Appeal to tae efalii. other for the earth, and liePeter hang ib in w the trumpet of assaulty,an "Let the l4MIN . A &%"i�t.�t460 rd L.e1. C NPS ��� ��� � ��the pet oh. ,SimonPeterpub that wicked forsakehitt way, and the un- ('Total ea�ta }1,61816418 •MMM. ~ .lawelatH Wkcul JtA despatch Lrom Washington saga:- trumpet to his lips. and all the docks righteous man °#tis' thoughts, and let Sweetest Total liabilities 188,168.90 4_►Nt1- tp, E PEOPLE
Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from the I and shipping of Galilee heard it. Luke; bfm return unto the Lard, and he ,
following text : took it, and, forgetting the medicine of will have mercy upon him; and to our Surplus to policyholders . $1,981011.88, itisrultIfto fit ops wtsK gdison Graphophone You oma t a Grspkopka■e, a Tatktsg MalcUae,a
bis apothecary shop, he went every- God, for be will abundantly pardon." following �s watt{ geed' ihutts. attfte, Poutt Newric Conal on stove a a crescent Bicycle.
"And it shall Dome to ea in that The fano n$ gentlemen were ejected Ship to wti toil-, fa will iter ,our cdriy' o . V.
Want t latrptn III,IN trial box" of
Pa where h blow it. Paul tock i, and' "Thoseei.fela upon ye the rawer But for insomnia tO serve aatllreotora for the ensuing westceras,andiM Wilk1Nti�cnDPROh, a Ppr, HammotI�t�liattt'rNervo-NfarlPtita
dap, that the great•trumpet shall be made Phllippian dungeoae ring, and of Siloam fail-tltlnk ye that they year --Aon. fisc. A. Cozy J. J. Kenny, C0.,ldslhxylki3{, t1 i feta as teary }nmesltitrafaaotR caBaia ?hes
blown, and they shall cones which are Corinthian palaces echo, and Christen- were sinners, s va a#1 men that dwelt Hess, and that unweak- Hon• 8 q, �V------- ... �•oo� ahq oat whioh you want and we'll help you
read to rich in the land of A dom resound with rho harmonies of. In Jet ustZe t I teIi y ; but cod, 8, F. McKinnon, 'Phos. i s.e.y wattmay. get ie
Y Pe eyrie, I the resurrection. A trumpet, God- except ye repent, ye shall all likewise ness and wearin, L,o�tg, John Hoskin, Q.C., LL.D.; H. M. em.. an will calk u TM "Improved" Roll on ItrRflho-
and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, toads, heaven -manufactured, yet lead- perish," V,,itt, Rr ,Jaffray, F. A. Myers. $ a�1�,�,.A1��8,k�,r��rS toe,1 .ilzia end ohop t wUllysseatirewtocac t and everI• r
body, nerve anAt a eaeatip� of the board, held nub ih t►"rarysttd'tii'%ats'rta °°thts'�1`11t, 109 abit son w!w salts 4 b"ca of Nervv,laeart Pill andand shall worship the Lord in the --holy ing no giants to use it, but suited to This Gospel trumpet is also one of oa�aas{a►ltst?, rp t apk w, K RATS. Inawaatotut awo•st Bodo. or It Toa wishfaint lis reliable tonic is needed .aeQtkently, Hoa. Goo. A. Cox was elect- kt, wIwoSt-lbyooto the Grnpauptwaa at Dace seat '. f If Doty,
mount of Jerusalem." -Isaiah axvil. 18 p , and trembling band and retreat. It ]d oily fora hundred mea , ed Prem$eat and hit. J. J. Kenny with your ordtr, and we velli Alp you las ors lta
feeble lungs; so that sick Ed to attack ten oft nd. It its the part Hood's Sarsaparilla, which 'Plea -President. a yyyr,t.ttrtn,., Phone and sa.40worth ofnedkinebosaMaael
As when the front and back doors of B h '-
ward Payson leaning a atilst the of good a Do ! m rt tt,hio a ire give rho aeaierti0 ts1
a barn are n, a 8 B B generalship, sometimes, to t rri+m�rers wgoha.ota„r fa.warder missth Deck give the pad*of 1.1
ops gust of wind scut- p¢lpit, might hold it, and Frederick blow the trumpet of retreat, There gives sweet, refreshing sleep a t-o6'°u,aadd, . Gra tao■gs band .sic, etc.
fere the duet and chaff, so the Jews Robertson, worn out with ulcers and #s as need of our tri to face car- a rtf•��ae n• awr,ea Rena Rra. , phopkoe records t1�_
y trying and overcomes that tired feel. 0X-,0Xzz Dr. Arsons Befits. W"wia wn..tce ym. Ga can Dun 1 fres. lb the sender of tae second �a ea order
had been swept every whither -some spinal complaints, might breathe. taro temptations. You are foolhardy we receive each tnoraleg d records fron, and to
wandering in Assyria, and some exiled through it, until the fashionable hear to try It. Your only safety is in tn$• It has the endorsement �� thereadet0th,,third P.m order wereaelveeach
ars at Brighton watering -place tram- flight. It is as fifty against Live thou- of millions as the best medicine King Menelik of Abyssinia, employs Baldnea$” 'IVmnaour' k'p, Hcquo : d raotai lgtacrGr:r`Q . so irYen are smart yon fill set as high as $4,80 worth straurda
CU CfI p phea. free of any ace
in Egypt; but their ogming back, ns bled and believed. smmid. If you be given to appetite, ea- a Swiss women doctor, who lives in his New stair Greeks ow, Wittre., sad Ohltaga
by the call of a trumpet is here pre This Gos of t t i th L. T It 1 1 d -- -
p rumps a great to its oapo a presence of decanter and money can uy. a e on Y Pa No0 ag sate as medical ►dv{ear to
dicbed. ' Power. On a still night you may hear demijohn. If you are given to pride, r his large household.
the call of a brazen tram et Hoods. IF".a..s any AtPl1% svrran, loos r r'stLTrt
The passage is strongly descriptive three miles; but this is so mighty that gourmproeolitthiingsty behato last unclean- + What 19 It? heskl),ehtptkeathe The U.5 .Talking Machine
of the exiled and perishing condition' it is not only heard from heaven to ness, like Job, make a covenant with �we�7J The QawN11 Canifnission Co., Llrglted, second only to the Oraphophoae in reprodusr
of sinful men, and of their return at earth, but it is to arrest the atten- your eyes, Haat Catarrhoxone is a liquid, fragrant' and 9L'ss9o•osaoa•. Ing dever ,tor e., mn`e, band and wlom..ic The
y you took not upon a _ oleansing, which rapidly volaliliaee I record. for fhb machlue are made of vulcanised
the trumpet call of the Gus
tion d' all nations. Men with physical maid. You know bow the cit of At rubber. ones ghth of an inch thick and ,eves
hearingall y Iamb from the whiteat, flock that ever when inhaled. What is it for? It is POULTRYKEEPERR— dflionPouitry0rit inchesindiameter and are practical) ladeatruct•
Need 1 stop to prove that out of God' Bone catch the first attain was taken. Joshua's forces want up an absolute, never -failing Ibis. It is enclosed to a beautiful polished kard-
ol it, Men buried hall a century in to capture it, but was miserably out I pastured on the eternal hula to tmm- � g note Par rho bear Ulgsater to thn mnrk� L .. ,t ^ant.,- w�liTi-a:
y catarrh of ibe throat oC ¢seal ,bre of 1r n, Ltmaao t Maytr.w en„ ,,,all u,.a wood case slid will last a lifelianc
we are sale B Who here East home crimes have heard it. Ii is the power to pieces. The next time Thep bit Plate the v[ande, and Christ Por the Pasaagas. rop
chief ban Is this truef We aro so sure that it "'rr'.o ennh ai k antierodupd-,,.. ., r,ovt, This ntacbine will be ►ant free to each sad
In his sin? Does he not wander about? of God unto salvation. Amidst the rush upon this atrat em: The host was to queter. and ten t housand I LAITRE TI AN BAND a I+r,,vI1, t wary person who sells 12 bo:e■ of Nervo-Heart
of a cavalry ag kings, and princes, and Doll will cure you that a We will send Is ae. a,d- 'd -St N .tr..l Mlle and returns to u, the amount $4.20, or U
Within the walla of this house, dose i troop, going perhaps smile advance to the pity, and when the as- conquerors for Prepaid, a free sample of Caturrhozone -"--" You wast the Talkfal Alachlun at oacS seed lie
in three minutes, Saul hoard it, braced Sault was made -upon theta, the were gueata' and an inhaler Ll M4.0Q only with our order. and we will ship it
he fit>ei entire rest for his spirit ; No; himaelP in the stirrups, and reined in to fly, And savthey did, Until the Well, our bodies can afford to lie a you nand your nd- aad34»worekofiat.oeMeart Pilblsaaedlate7,.
ho sees those walls are crumbling. Hist his charger on the road to Damasoas. people of'Ai came ou6'to follow them, little while in the tent of the rave, erase within n week. � Write lie. QTAMMERERS,
familymust, b the nature of thin e, In a custom -house, amid the -ch#nk of and thea, at }he holding -up of Joa- g N. C. Polson Co„ H[ngston, Ont.
Y B I if for them at last is to sound such Oabl la.1c'eft,
, rasa for t►e aunty
after a while be scattered. Sickness l corn, and the shuff[a of teat, and the bus. a spear, the retreating. host ral- a glorious reveille. Tell it to all tbo srad.f..s taab1"1:.d
i dispute of merchants at the b' T�iea�■tomcan not be kept out, nor death. How igh tar- lied, and took the city. So sometimes graveyards of the land. Speak it to The Empress Frederick is noted forgsOas�t?lfrlrtirg. The Neotrlo Oat tStovt
fife. Matthew answered ire mighty it is as neoeasary tp Ily, ae at others I all the bone strewn aeverna of the ibe plainness of hex costumes, while a 1$L, Taranto, sasasa The Neotric
many mea have lived in the same house call. Men have tut their fingers in it is to advance. 1 blow the trumpet I deep: "The trumpet shall sound, and distinction of the present Empress of The "tsHOTEIC" at o.a `saseattto he
Por twenty years P Nol many, Your their Bare, to keep out rho sound, but of retreat for rho of the dead shall be raised incorruptihlq, Germany is just the opposite. •ws say from ordhtary scat oil. It Dane
office or store makes a or home, Are have been compel led to hear [t. At tempted. Load you who are with •blue dame of tie moat infests Dat
Po P a;e not into tempt- and we shall be changed; for this mor- --� Vis® Hands. First •c i as s , Gas StOVe A two barocr stove at full power tyata bat
its blast walls fall, and thrones upset, ation,"' he your morning and evening I tal must put on immortality, and this BRITISH AMERICA ASti1TRANCE one-kalfmat per boar to operate with coal
things all right at the store? Doi nations* leapiron, barbarism to civ- oil at is tents per gailoo. gnu win do=
prayer- No need Ot Your trying with corruption must put on inoorruptio a COMPANY. steady employment, warm shop, work on It that ns be dose byeod o*
things go on there as if they might go 'lilization. Thera I9 no force to the one round of buckshot to meet an and then shall be brought to pees the Attention In directed to the report store. it
or stabius It hat no cog illi
on for ever ? Would you be satisfied) shock of musketry, or in the boom of enemy With ammnniUon wagons of saying that was Written: "O death 1 heat . F wash holler o7 winter and Wiwitll
to spend 10 eternity amidst that hard_; cannonade, as compared with the peal- grape and canister. The lion -tamer where in the sti ? O which appears elsewhere of the sixty- all modern Conveniences. even attached will baketo perfection. TT1
y ng gravol where filth annual meeting of the British will boll •kettleot water orb%U o s (ti
ware erre those ribbons, and Ing forth oP this great Gospel from- puts ilia head [oto the monster's mouth is they vldtory?" America Assurance Company, which WATER0116a Rranitford, Canada. ty mllatea, It {{aawort4twlce tae pr�a for
yonderIpet. Ohl that the Eternal God might and the 'people applaud; but it is a If this be so, what Is the use of took place on the 18th inst. The fire I the�ickroom■Iose,.sttlst7erfectl ort
kegs and hogsheads? Your pleasures speak through it now I That all these foolish thing to do. The shaggy mon- and dna, Italaot be asplodedya
a making each a Pusa about death9 It branch eb0tvs a moderate margin of a nae
aro not lasting. You get tired of P ople might rise up into the freedom ater after a while forgets his placidity, will Only be a pleasant sleep for us. profit, despite serious fires entailing
laughing, and tired of card -playing, of the Gospel 1 and the lion -tamer puts in his head If thin be so, whybe inconsolable about considerable amounts which occurred The "Necktie" stove will be sent eo ease
This trumpet is great in its sweet- once too often. CATARRH and every osteon who Belle I D have ee
and tired of fast riding ; and all the ❑ens. In some musical instruments This Gospel trumpet the graves of the dead? They only during the year. The financial aur � Ner.o Hc■n rale and mane to wt the
umpt le one of vlo sleep. When they were here and' you plus shows a balance of $29,894.52 and smountla5.25. of If you want he stove
peace you ever had was not very deep -hero is noise, and crash, and power, tory. Such a trumpet was sounded) went into their bedrooms at night, a surplus to i ,sad HAY FEIV6R Peraaaasst Cured k deNvereedd to you at once send us��,tp0
nor very lasting. You wander about, but no fineneaa of sound. Others can when Gideon scattered the Amale B P polios -holders of 11,881,- : it' y -sly With our orderaad we wUl� ■ t e
and [halt eyes were closed, and the 011.88. Madinat" topor toiataooba-aolraats of sue-_ ■to.a and 1I8.96 worth of a wit nn
and wander about -exiled. That is not only thunder, but -weep and whir- kites; when Kin David's troops over- Y tooa,aTrtalF V111•dl/e.fo►axp,sesonousdk • iearfpUL
Per and woo Like that is the Gospel came Absalo g P aPake not a word; you were not wor- — t— pit sa��yy•gy
the suggestive idea of the text. You m; when Napoleon rode on ried• You said, 'Poor thingl she le Russia's nom nt4, by sea hsa grown Lames 'g'A'a� 0106 Du ,1 .It wq�w,Mtt
trumpet I In all tenderness and sweet- the field of Austerlitz; when Sebae- tired, and I am glad she [a asleep." so much that a cti "a Ytdhovr•4AUIt Torontgoea
have been expatriated. You are in nese, and sympathy, it excels. topol fell; whoa Paris surrendered. mpanY for the classi- Crescent Bloyolet
F'or a whilewhe din of battle is root; 8o now, as you go by their resting fication of ebipe hag been formed on _
worse than Siberian exile. The chains " How sweet the name of Jesus sounds B places, worry not booauaet the . answer the model or the British Liyods and we are String frac, witheat any cwt
aro harder. The mine is harder. The in a believer's ear; the frenzied shriek; the revengeful you not. They are tired. yy. Metalllo Telephone whate.er[ont,ide nr freight and crate to
It soothes his sorrows, heals his cry ; the dying groan; the shouting of They are the French Bureau Veritas. y] l gets to out
B 11 ne deliver Gene Crescent bl
climate is colder. The gloom is Sheet- the captains; very tired. They only sleep. The -----•.ate-- _ aartenaate. ore. wewtlt
wounds, plains; the neighing of the war- Tablet dlwara tlesdr' Jo{ p p.bibh .flat
Ifar. "Coat in the land of Assyria l" morning cometh, and the reveille of - plowntow.' Pricey dawardaofX..rpremiumseveryawceka
Y A¢d drives away his fears." chargers; the howling shells; the rain the resurrection. I can not think of 1 11.00.
That is, you do not know how you got A patient may be so weak that the ing artillery; but as these subside to it with any calmness or composure. I I ► 1 i 0 TIMOFFIOia'IOJALTYYF0.00. Request. woutdypu please send
in, and you cannot find your way out. Pall of a door -late or the rattle of a the defeat of one army, a musician break down under the avalanche of uMlTab vt a natse ■o address o1 every person oy1es'v saasgwm
leaps on the wall, flourishes his tram- TaewU sti Nawssrwt, OK wko gets our medicine from you.
If a man has made his way, the more Spoon in the tea -cup disturbs; but this t Joy. Ob, for some pen plucked from
sound quiets the nerves and still$ tine and sounds victory over the the win of an archangel, that I might The workable area of coal bade in
be walks the more he is lost. He starta , fears. 'Phe plains. This shall be thy case, O s(nnerl g B B
gentlest step that ever en- y write the ladnesel Ob, for some hat Colorado Is 18,11X1 All our pretnluma are me nufactumd b arms ,whose names are known is every home as
off and goes tea miles fn the wrong tered a sick -room, is that of the Great when under Christ thou dost get the g P square miles. the beat to their line. T
direction. Nor can you find victory. Not always in the night or in of heaven. that I might strike the Boiler Makers
y your way ;Physician. Take some favourite word B joy 1 We have exerobed Basset Dare to make our often plain to under -
and utter it anion retreat thou shall get be more than !a Toaoana R1+CTOR g CIGAR stand so that no correspondence Is necessary to explain a single detali
out of this spiritual confusion. Lost, g the rocks, and conqueror. The brightest hour that And now my address In to those ip v tR0' FACTORY, Montreal. First-class, .toady employment, We tefer,ou tothe Imperial Bank of Canada, or'the mercantile agencies of a, o. Dun i
there comes back half -a -dozen echoes. B this audience who are ready to perish, Co. and Bndstreeb oto our reU.DUlty.
and without food. Lost, and without ever dawns on a human soul is that pe There are about 200,000 Mormons In warm shop, all modern con -
6o there Is one word that, uttered here ask them to hear this Gospel
water. SL. Bernard dogs pick up the to -night, wilf echo back from five in which its sins are pardoned. and trumpet and live. They have come Utah and the contiguous States and veniences. List of awards for the one day, Thursday, Feb. I e. Pull list on application
worn traveller from Alpine gulches; I hundr d wounded but comforted hearts. Christ says, "Oh, long -imprisoned spirit; Terri cries. Geo. H. Baldwin, Aurora. Ont., Graphophoea
g o free. I e ihto this Tabarnacle-somefor one
but.nothing has picked The word is Jesus. That [a the` name g m shy Saviour and thy God. .,,■ W victor et B ulna •'
B p- you out from 'i i purpose, and some for another. Per- ----+-- — WATEROUB Brantford, � a V. S. Tatting 9lachlhes
taht makes you wee The mountains shall depart, and the r Daa+y CanSdfl. W. H Blyth. Bel wood.
Y p. 'l hat is 1 ha name Pa hap some only to bear what "this TO OUR! 4 COLD IN OiVI DAY' P D. Pepla, Algoma Milia. " 1' O. A. Ball Wsrkwortb. Ont11 .,
�• freezing aAhaualfon. 6trbIIg- I t hills be removed, but I will ro�a raft I r eaith. "Bat God will hold ever Tak. La7atire Brnmo tjuluine Tablets. All Urue A%i H. DuYou114, HRmlj}gp." H. Wllllam. Wlarton
1. d'raired sailors .have hat makes you smile. That is the Haute thee." Ohl. Dov' y sutarefund the moue _
put nut from a that arouses your courage. That is the �g rule tau. w .,lie. Sao. 1� - „„..,r., J „
steamer and saved a chi wrerked crew; name that iodise t ransPls;1, _ . oil T•eagotia]ble for -the fact CYllnde► ”" ° r qp��pp �T- 5%- Hlchaet Brady Brockville
rvp, [i�!Utl• vkroy, Itlhet Co.ert, )�ath-
P h your faith. That !s you would no loo t - nut _4 halts heard Cfrrifat set forth 1' L (bet qwn, , hat Belleville,
but no craft has borne down. fnc pnt>r the came that bolos you to live. That 8e +�lP as a fiaviour for all who would come to Cardinal Vaughan hue addressed a �ii�l�lr rt(ty_.' n J Nee, to�e»ot1, its Pelton, awtG Dower. `
Is the name that will het your seat, but, like, man I heard fast ppppQ
rescue. "Read to p you to die. him and live. This Sabbath hour letter to lite Roman Catholic clergy I MQb111po MCQISIOt A. White, Alton., a•'Tr. Smith, Chatham,
y perish]" says the I gut 1 make amore determined ad Sunday night in Charleston. you would in London; In which he emphasizes the f O. Ph li , Ir., Drousham, " T. B. Barber, aoramore,
seems s to you like all other Sabbath W. 8olp 'x lrkflel Chester Drlerly, Port Doter "
text. Not floating on down into peril, i vance into m subject and say that rise up in the midst of the sermon, neeessit for agitating for a Catholic n tt ttoa Q /
Y J and- cr hours, but to some of you It may be DYaullloUIL GQOlot W. Lacey, Dunbarton, '' Oto, H, Fawcett, Und■sy,
but in the last stages of it -the work I the Gospel trumpet is a trumpet es Y. out, "Give me Christi Give the most stupendous university In Ireland.ont. ,. •, -
alarm. The sentinel on the wall saes me Christi" pen ty, sour in all K. Nlicholeon. Whitechureh,"
of sin almost completed - the dap of Oh, your life of twenty, forty, or sixty - " ` "`- Germania Oil Co., tat Bay at., Toronto "
I the enemy coming, and pule the tram- ye forgivtln onset Did Christ years. beoaux now you may r4fusu 3'rATt or OHIO, CITY Or ToLsna, We send you Our regular Soca boxes t0 be sold at 35e. a9 trial
grace almost gone -your feat on the pet to his lips; and rhe soldier'1rasps °lake you a slate? Has he trampled se.
crumbling brink. Perhaps the last I his musket, and the trooper springs P your last call of mercy. - Loeae Oov vry THH HOST NUTRITIOUS.
You down ? 71n �pu Lind the sup he FaANx J. CfIBNBT mattes oath a at he to the
call made. Ready to perish[ Ready to I into his saddle, and the gatea ajar shut your lips all wormwood and - • pArtner of Lbe firm of F. J. CuENkY Sc boxes. All OUC premiums are free.
Presses to o nnutor p
gall? Do you not rather feel likes Co, doing buslneee In she City of Toledo
perish! Not the first symptoms of dis- I at the cry " Beware. f" Listening not pend- The new Duke of Northumberland is Count, and State, afort id, and that said arm E p p ' S I To eewaro safe delivery send all money by Postal Note, P. O, flossy Or.
ease, but the ninth da has to trumpet call the palace is taken, Ing Your life in praising the fres grace a very quiet man of 6L, a familiar fig_ wlilppa,the sum or ONtt HUNDRED D04 daror Ro$istorod Lotter, addressed r
Y passed; all despoiled, the cit burn- nP the Gospel, waving the palm branch, hARB for each end every case of CATARnn
remedies have fatted; and t ere has ,d. treasures des y ore in society, tall, thin, with red UA ed. So 1 he Con el is u trumpet of shouting the hosanna, clapping the that cannot be oared b, the uu Of H.LL's GRATEFUL-COMPoR PORTING. BRITISH CHEMISTS C O.
been u relapse. What a dim pros act P P PP B dish hair and aide whiskers. The CATARRH Coast.
P alarm. s nays, " Be armed, or die I" cymbals, and blowing file trumpet.. of Duchess is s daughter of the Duke of FRANK J. CHENaY. OOCOA
of recovery) Almost perialsai Ready Satan assaults. The world tempts. vlolory4 Argyle. Swornto before me and subscribed In m,
firstperish) Ready to perialit Not the Death advances. Judgment bursts up- We, who are the soldiers of Christ, prosenoe, this 0th day of ueoember A. D. IBM _
first reefing of the Bail, and "the Mak- on thea .
d [ can not alwa a be h' d • r� A. W. QLNA9ofi7
Ing of tht❑ s gnu
B g;" but Lha mast
shivered, the helm gone., the leak
an an otern ty from wbich
I thou shalt not escape. One strain of
p marc Ing an fight-
Ing. The evening will comp. Tho
British American As8uranee Co.
Notary Publta
sprung, the timbers parting a the
crash c omei Read t erishl
Ready a Rea t
P d o
the! trumpet is Chia, - It is appoint-
ed unto men once to die, and after
death the
shadows will gather, and we must go
to the white tents of the grave.
Ther o we will
and r er
Property. Asaconatsquenre all
tr. CatarrhAaretakenIntarna111 end--__-
of th e
e e slam. o fort o 1 s
8e d tlm ata tree.
-._-. _ '-
judgment." Another strain,
Who of us can dwell amidst devour-
Bleep soundly. But the
night will pass along, and the first
sold stOH8 N1ZY 6s CO., Toledo. O
Am I right in supposing that there)
two thouapnd
ing flames 'B M'bo of lie can lie tjown
thing we will hear will be the from
on the transactions of the year, and in
t Drugs
Hatl'e amU,Pill@arethebee/.
Bend 0260 for s Dome SOLD% OpiLesRS. the
are porsons r❑ this house
unprepared to meet God? If a fishing'
in everlasting burning. B" " Bewaro,
pet call eounding t.ho reveiPe of the
The sixty-fifth annual meeting of the
_.� a
now oni recognized giysattsi�g Rogatabr ane
ne.dTan�i, and we w11t mrtl,tin'a gnarneeee
smack, with three or four persons on
board, goes to pieces on Newfoundland
beware I"
The Gospel trumpet is one of, re
resurrection; and we will come up and
Rill into a long line of light, the sword
shareholders of this company was held
at its offices in this cit at noon os
y Y
In 1888 Wisconsin had n population
of 2,988. To -da t in about 2,000,b00.
to refund the money for a� case of General
(ability n„tcuredatter rekinir{the taedicine.
Thou.aods of avtferere are daft recovering
banks, we say, "Poon fellows. what a
sad thing it is thatl
croft. During ring the late war you heard
the trumpet calling from the recruit-
o Christian conflidt gleaming to the
unsetting sun. The roll shall be called,
tarda y
The President, Hon. Geo. A. Cox, oe-
We P. C. 900
font heal Lh by MIA Mast&ngliah Pre.o,tp•l on.
therefore we make you this unbiased guaran•
they were lost!”
but if r ocean steamer goes down
with three hundred
ins stations; and nl its call the peo-
I ole fl,10knd to the standard of the
and we shall answer to our names; and
then oma will go to the morning repast
oupied the chair, and Mr. P. H. Sims,
who was a po[aited to sat as 6ecrotarY,
_ _
dole's e1tl0d aOMand D In
, ri Butl'dors,
pnesengers, the
cyte is more overwhe linin B [f
Government, and went out to bat tie.
in a spiritual
of heaven -manna for
r the bread, and
Rine from
read t e P lIo '
h o lowing.
C ,a f
Care a forme of wonknees In a then sax art.
ing from Impure blood, Qhteaxe� bone, Im• '
I thought in this house there were
only two or three osteons inet;
sense war is declared.
is on the Lord's side? Are yon
pressed the ripest olust ere
of heave❑ Yor the beverage, and a
The directors beg to submit the
OarboUo oter Mwoftanu. toape, Olnt•
resent tooth Powree.w •tq, here been
I or
p We sl oo t&ketthle o ortunl I
�pp t7 thanking
peril, I would bemoan the fact; but
ready to answer the call of the Brum-
P here is
•sixty-fifth annual report of the com-
awarded 100 models and diplomas for superior
excellence. Their regular
egoist Deo proreee
the man doctors whohavek oken so favor.
y p
when perhaps they may be counted b Y
pet no neutral round. You
of B
are for God ru
- -
pang, embracing the -December for
ova dbeaees. Ask Tour de►ler to obb►te a
obtain a
•Gtr r.f the medicine.
thousands, shall I note shrink out the
horror -Ready to Ready
or Satan, for light or
i for darkness, for heaven or for hell.
the year ending f Mat December a last,
and a stntame¢t of the assets and Iia-
supply Lists matl.d free on application.
perish) to
Some theologians take four or Ci vs vol-
bilities at the close of the year.
168 King St., West, Toronto
Ingenious little children sometimes
lime in which to alate their religious
belief; 1 tell all theology
tticposare While at Rea Brought
�'t "' ""
In the fire branch, while there has
— _ _ ____
__ __
tell you how, with a few letters, the y
can spell a very large word. With
one sentence -Jesus Christ -take, him
hr m
Atwetc er Sciatica Rktch d7lesed tk,
Beat Rzereclattat Atony,
been a slight reduction in the Prem-
tum income, the results as a whole
rho it Raimorai," Free Rug Ae•rtn
HEAtTN RESTORED without salla).. I
three letters I can spell bereavement,
With three lettere 1 can spell disap
pointment With th
and live, refuse nim and die.
Sometimes, lig mismanagement, are-
gimenl will got in bPLWPRn the two
Geo. W. Shaw, offSandford,fiche N.S.,
follows the occupation of a fisherman
have been fairlyin oftaotory, showing
s moderate margin oP profit, outwith-'
etandin the, [act that -hero
raunr..na ora,
eurrlNc scHoo�--
of saps.- to in.
awnlw. J(laeagtomach,Lae,, Ih e. Lira, Bl d,
R..dda, Kidae7a arab pd f}r.sek br
$35,000 0 $28.00o O $25,000 O $284000
ocean and on the great lakes, which
resulted unprecedented loss of
00 TTI H beet advertisement for any
,rrmu Uetdlar, straylruI— L.,yo.deedy,
Du Barry & Coey nvl:,t
and thud extend the distemper,
-.ken the nmed, and ►- been R£NK
42510001 m.dltineuoneooruraittram•parse..ho
and r er
Property. Asaconatsquenre all
circle of stone waft built all round
about the city, beyond which no
AS an introduction we wish to die-
CASH GIVEN AWAY Whole L%rdnehnut Varied. 904000 peek•
}a•.�r R .ga of Dr ar.-Ii. fiotih 83>.11.. To, �
• comYya.A th4 .e Gnrn d.°tA.d to approprf►b
- RtS,[1t1D dollar. w be df.trtb.ted amotg.t oar
several months without Betting �o-
Mr. Shaw
on the transactions of the year, and in
AS to the efficiency of the Specific we could write pages laudatory of its
t"- y . as' s. s.i, 14. x.^t .,a...„e f.ee Ai- u.
Barry. R'..1.." hiwult.. ,. tine, 1. td sad S.
cine or food to bring, brought it and
threw it over the stone wall, fled
ell„ uaht.a.When
Q were dope �oa .cold knot on more of It these rondo now. an .e
.Wrd it
with V. -tip. n Indlgwtioa, Ll,ar or Kidoe, trouhl., nr n7 HL
,napir i if , ar disordered
Trom a Alwrdered take
..et .titles .
.tomaeh, a wtlI one pwk.ge of or Gro... Health epecia
d and you are not delighted with ibe re.ult. tate the tecta to ttt. Company end we wits heorn-
fnlb refund your mouq Vied u. I ... $Ir li bee ne pee,, end when no- —.I will p .r be dl,
M far any other rem,d7. send yoar order dlrece eo uu, I.=Pany, l—in6 60 Dena (on
•,A w, .,II -11.1.11 one pack.go of he Swedes To the water the ant later
of re.e.,.d
Hol z., art, cant. far opack-/. or the remail w tit --it ten An""' to .ash, and In the
muster roil. aided
This trumpet one as- time
endrr o� e, r, 2:feth late,, thenslter, anolueln Blau .,Hell 900 ow calor Iettrr, -
.ei. i. •. will remit .n ►menta ...sing froa., of tt 000 Ob, tb. to'.l f Dor pre-nt. le 1GIn
the acme point behind the pulpit, thud
including all within this house. That
circle is marked
way •aar+e►tint 1'14,000.00, write sotnk .ad endo- th . ad,enieem..L Address
and he Ilse not since been
with any illness. Mr Shaw
The Sanford Ear Drum Co.,
guns. They march by platoons. The says
he occasionally taken a bot of
ratan and
bringing about
�,/,� rt_,
[,� e, "i ." �''
swords gleam. The guns are loaded. pills
Room E, Confederation life Building, Toronto.
$�g,000 Q $2s,000 O $35,000 0 $28,000 0
were some msken, ,std or
e.6 Du Bar $ Revalenta i _
ree lettere I can opposing hosts, and be out to pieces by and like all who putsue this arduous serious conflagrations during the year ,loans C. @ D. sGHGOL CO., Montreal- rt' --- __ _ _ - __ __
spell suffering. With three lettere I Barry Aretbtoalt Food, �e r' '+°' 1►67
both sides. right
tl you at halfway be- calling is ezpaeed frequently to facie- in which the company was involved for Rheumatism—a're'a"'rod in 94 bnare which See- [r.ail4.nd Ghnd.en, end also Rears we . New Tires',- can spell death. With three Lettere l tween the right Ride and the wrong Bide wont weather. Some years ago, an a coaeiderable amounts- not ably, the al- ne.epceiao ..ntby..it ai•fall)) I.f.a,..b- Al1w,.. s.4 D"kkyba,e re pr.
ego spell perdition. S -i -n -Sin. That and take Shot of both hosts, or will result of ea on rrcerptor0t DR. ROf/BV, p O, H..agO, 6lnntnet. ,"n•d all •th•• t'.at'neot. h Alye.,a wkee bl -% -1 i HlT lira AIS.:I,y. a0I'll 1.r 5
Is the cause of all our trouble now. come under our standard? You will y Sciatica, andf r mon hn New Westminster in Septemberthe Claet.iLy of >M�e os-e►tos-s - - _ reodi.r.i••t.d,.a.a•soba.e,t.< 6 Mat.lial.a M
That is the oauae of our trouble for finally wish you had, for we shall gala leaked b Y rt nr ,ia r •'•• I^n u.,ner am suffered intensely. $e Sae the MC01g pp sy��ip 50 Years' a . """ a•roc-s, l0o,mt � �, „% „`on'p•nr arA- �
the Putnre, this war. As n recruiting officer of Y Pain The closing months of the year were cATALOGUR tRR¢ A.norl 0e,e, of c.o.t,p..
he endured was -something agonizing, marked by a auccession of exception- o. a. BRIM, Mfg ae., Mentr•at ti"e. n.t.i.ey, I,,,.,ua I �i 13 t T f2 f I I .� �1 , - ToRITv rtr
In was in Derbyshire, -England, the great army of banners, � blow and he was not able to do any work ally disastrous storms, both on the pna�ro(7 �tootwh�ao(le`,.b•t'bi.g eeGui:,.hm.
there was a great plague. So many this blast -Choose thin day whom for some months $i h' 8A0aA09GAOFUGS-ifewleporyr R ea N
died, that it was decreed that nose of
the inhabitants should leave the alt-
will sprue. Why halt YR
y ye between two
opinions? I[ the Lord be God, then
a 1P was drawn
out of ails pe by the trouble, and the
doctor who attended him
ocean and on the great lakes, which
resulted unprecedented loss of
••' a Bowl .
u4 ♦ewiawH o. a-rsnest. ff.."14
ttln1 .a*A2t.7ILao'twELL:alo.,tereat•,
,rrmu Uetdlar, straylruI— L.,yo.deedy,
Du Barry & Coey nvl:,t
and thud extend the distemper,
follow him; if Baal, then follow Nina.
olid that It
had also affected the spine. After be-
and r er
Property. Asaconatsquenre all
circle of stone waft built all round
about the city, beyond which no
Come, for all things are now ready.
Ing under the care of a doctor for
companies engaged in the business of
marine insurance show a heavy loss
I. d n. w , .]e .. t..ru, 14 Ru. Ae CoetllI iooe. and
•• .n Grieeq vii -re- ,,,nd +`o••. e•.•y eovint .t t,..
could pees. Outsiders who had meth-
The banquet Is ready. The heart of
Christ is ready. The house lief,'
several months without Betting �o-
Mr. Shaw
on the transactions of the year, and in
write for sp ectal terms during January and
trebrnar,, e. CORILIGAN, 113 Yonge
t"- y . as' s. s.i, 14. x.^t .,a...„e f.ee Ai- u.
Barry. R'..1.." hiwult.. ,. tine, 1. td sad S.
cine or food to bring, brought it and
threw it over the stone wall, fled
of matt y
mansions is ready. The temple is
discontinued medical
treatment, and resorted to the use of
its comparatively limited operations in
tbix branch this company has bared
for their life.
To-nlght I mark "the carate of a
plague. The circle begins bank+ of thio
Pulpit, goes along the
ready. The angels are ready. Every-
thing is ready, With such a Leader,
with such n flog with each a osabs,
with such a result, with snob a crown
plasters and lintmente, but with no I
better `results, lie was advised to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and finally
decided to do Bo. After using them
In the general unfavorable experienro
It is encouraging, however, in aonsider-
Ing the future prospects of this bust-
nese, to observe that the heavy losses
wall to the
right, along the wall in front, along
-tot-night put dm,n your names on for
a couple of 'weeks. h0 found A de-
incurred duringthe
I wall to the left, Doming bock to
muster roil. aided
This trumpet one as- time
relief, and In about two mon'th's
every trarjs of. the trouble had.
with the unprofitable results of
the acme point behind the pulpit, thud
including all within this house. That
circle is marked
he bel
vault. The besieging arm than
g g y prepares to disappeared,
y re
storm the wall. They wheel tonne the troubled
and he Ilse not since been
with any illness. Mr Shaw
preceding years, have ted to a general
movement among marine underwriters
for materially advancing
w �j/
withi these words:
"All have
guns. They march by platoons. The says
he occasionally taken a bot of
ratan and
bringing about
�,/,� rt_,
[,� e, "i ." �''
sinned, and come abort of
the g lore of God Th
swords gleam. The guns are loaded. pills
to ward off any possible recur-
other reforms which
the directors feel at. 11 i
I Nr
" Maltese
Cross "
T u baa. '
W pace /// �( ATTENs THE REST 'T--PA-yl
,Y stet is Wane that The men ase anxious for the affray. ranee of the trouble„ rho baafntlda on a aittch more na<ia(ao- l�/ / i�/�/ / `/er �g ,� aOTAI MAIL .
doeth b� - no, not one, By Then there comes the ruffle of the Those attacked tvt toiatina, rhea- for toot' years y,N�/g�'a /4h1.nW,,� " 4L e Dominion Line
one man sin entered into the world, drums, and all aro ready for the madam, and kindred troubles, will pat. m8 than toll several sTFANaNIPa, L,sattral
and death by sin." A Plaguel A charge. But they tan( --not moving ovoid much eutferiaq and save money The directors feel thsf there is a J.ka, v a.. t H.Lr,.. L--p-..l e'I •+ ���G!fa/ia;lLdb [._,��
Plaguel And hundreds read to +„d. , L ,„ .ed 0,
y periahl hand or toot, or chin, to right or IPft by taking Dr. Williams, pink Pills at cause for congratulation In the fact a,.s oR ' ♦.,. o. vsa.' ;,r".:,.n
But upon this dark baakgroand of -until the trumPet peals, when in- the ontaet of the trattble. Bold by all that the companyan �fter -w,n,. W. A,. nn or rtret r.hl. Teo-
the test &.light falls. Amidat the standts, the wave of valour dashes u dealers or sent has paRRPd through onitiatitw ♦nA tics+r al. eu.eneere Rate, of RrRarrsas, sit.
Rh discords of which I speak, there on the caseW-_'. At every naw roll or nl: ]aOzeS foroRtpaid est 60n. a boy a Yenr which, in many, respects, has yir�'`/pa pat���R rivet f'aht.,. sato, .rood �l.bin, •.elft Ware and Neeren prnove,ly port ...4 ro, w,.t
;'% w✓+7” w .1 A ani+raga "I 6e end are■ ..nmrAlna to ^... i.r. R.Aue,.s .,war, .n ieMr ." aak..,�
so nd the sweet and thrilling tone of of thn dram tbP coots 1 r by addreaeittg been a trying one t0 those engaged in .1 Ars_
sad hath rn, ail'ard.wansa in t, fame+- rr-A- ►nerA,... ate. ,. ., a•r .
t great trumpet. My text says, The the castle is taken. rises until vhill Dr, W[Ilir7¢s' Medicine Co., Brock- [ire and merino inanraneo huei¢etss, %�� aw'e Li/ a Ito ]cwt At•ets •r D..t• TOanA rt�R A Coo.. I •. on,. aRn sawamret.s taa..I In t.t� ' a
a + and paid its uannE dividensd to Rharo- Oas7 stomas H l�- assts,... as- osteo- w lie r- "tlr.l e.t.ttao a
a 'v W. J. RLUOTT. ►risetttel
, j' `1
.�c,a, ,gyp <
+R;^r'i'a°d'1`',u,Y, ap•,=.,,,3`.,F�>^�%i[k-P.11L1.r,..r ...',.X3le+x'.kik;',.+te,wliac..+t�u�-Ga,lr.21Y."1aTA.A1-Aa.:,a.&:th:�s`-•'>+ +t•. s.a-ttw.�: �c.�" wi�y.+g a w,
s �. a -.. s= a 4 e • e.,a.,r> A R . . <"=i-vhrd, .. s .... s w.t,a .•M , c . ,�{.t
• `�.. .; _ „. • .. - ... a .. d . • .. r ,. n e.. a+ ♦ ... st w r ..y .,.'u„•�i^'71r-..c''ti,.v-ti`GF,�ikY'gt-s�r:.r_'^..abrrvatu"Wt: �.A• r"e
I A01
. ,i
i. ,
A ,y,� t,,
a . a
!! �l:i - t Ia — L t... a s s a a e,. a r a a a a a a a a - ... r - a -.... . - .- w .. - - � -- _ -. _ a a a , a a.. �.. a ... �. -... _.. -.. u •n. - .., .-,...... r w i ... - ...,......