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The Goderich Star, 1899-01-27, Page 3
. _ - .,. ... «, _v }. ! �Af F(�F+Af, i', i■..�F+•.rd•1WAfA w+? A•r!119}l .., MUM �!R1'!'I '7l h.r �- lbt # {ver lljtg '' , , ell? 2Tk, � ' of a t ,lair. of �� .. A 1p; D101., `l'141,N�d}t►lttt' QN t l texria lanai tht� arms at Dltlbe, Mr., m 'Btoaad Kava d ' 1[AN, 0 the eabsta>iaete'txt- R ket?e14t ititervllPR t Tri, the'Q><s' wotioll + of Ictoroafi not $lF �. - ilia -,aM t .►e�t�►>tL.� t here Ip. (but one ivay of enatu+� 0 tam i/'Iua Oat- IIlow �*�t«k only as. Attestil� abet S*44rity Qi aha t Id -##aha pit 19 wilmil ,1 is •�' - Ilwwa.ft1�e a r move ah' at D t ar Ta aFi:, he o , , ... +l 0114 ; , r,to a w� i r a tapir loo fpr' Peau, 111tr.,llp .,0 �91�tR beingi on the spat, � a rrvala#oar, of tb ;moo; hlaMseif. It ,� 000A#1�11.t'a4O'l-*�la11,11"A+. I r # • 9 to � o #1 a 1>e has bean uF ed by ta.Qaad,t>aabt aDrcwd Bow do ' u w 7a Xaana� . t aucli deltcicius >e44f'i e+a�ICsd d14IFQ?#t+e d4!Eo�l frQl'ra!+hlS►EtaI! iIJITe:-^. abservera that ill •#IIs ltrttgo"14 tor' v fir', 'I/*0 preached tics, the .i keeper' of another`, peace the Czar is btlalg; used by eadviw- "'We11, I ael4gt a good honest bAtch* tollowlnrt'taait»w;: f era tar mora, Rptut4. hal himself, that or, and their stand by him." � �� a1 ""Nt?YP tb,+tre:wake at Joppa a certain Rapala, htlgi .X',* )e, 'in- tha, `Val You menu tbaE Sou BLvPt hIm 1 dls*ip1*. iiramecl Tsbltha, which by in• t East avexChfai alba eek► utilisb for your frena# RtP Boars, mast it g sh manila insure her• No; 1 ,neAla 'that I stand by ham tar tilitloa' is cituad P.gFCae•"-•Aot4 t while ha !s: auttlait the meat " fiat S.. j "If' against exterlial compliaatipAs upi" �+, + `'T": is. IIi oToppa, a aear post town I til her position is. Solidified. The `de+ `- • NO,V$TTY IN -SOFA CUSHIONS q yit�gbla with, her p9odla embroider- 1 manna of her fighti,lpg departments and The Oft cuahlon'bas become ae much: ing hal' name" ineffacesb Jr Into the t of the Siberian railway baba exhaust- a part of the bottle tYatrdr9 ,ia. alta cholf6s .of tlio world• I see• her sEt- i ed her treasury,, ;famine is devastating shirk'• waltit tR of the personal dlutfit, tinlg ;iv thq vill�p home, In the door•.• � whole districts, &A. esplQslon in Maes- grad . every 4easqu, paw styles of euah- way and, around about : the building, I do$fa ie poasibla at easy tipset,'in tvhlvh lana s,xi exliibi,Ced,'putting the seal of slid in the room where she site, era the t event her,army must move,' ind at- disapproval on those we have and, p�i1v faces of the poor. She listeueto 4 tempts to raise the great external loan tempting us to ,replace the worn out thou. plaint, she pities their woe, she I abolutely easaential to her needs, have ones with' those on which La§bion makefi garments for 'them, she adjuatb , thus far ended in failure. However smites. thg+ Manufactured articles to suit the lofty, therefore, the Czar's personal The newest cushion to -slay ie Elie one bent form of thla invalid woman, and convictions, may be, hie advipers are whose *over is Made of the famous cat - tc} the cripple that comes crawling an _' using hie love of peace and Propagate vas woak in cross stitch. The beaut his hands grid knees• She gives a coal, for disarmament fol• a different end• of this cross stitch work is In KH, Pea' td this ons, she gives sandals to that are, Indeed, in furthering the agitation sibilities of infinite gradations of tw1- one. With the gifts she mingles pray - for a conference on peace, making a ox; with an intricate design one cap virtue of neoeesity. use ten or fifteen shades of the worst- are and tears and Christian encourage- eds. The pillow is finished with a rut- stent. Then she ,goes out to 'be ---- fle combiningg two or three rows of grouted *n the street oorners by those inch wide, ribbon of the shades employ - All thio may be trap enough, but ed in tete otrnvae work, stitahad tie twh°m ahs has blessed, and ail through even if eo, it does not affect the ansa gather or embroidered with herring- tbo street the pry Domes, "Dorcas ie lute genuineness of the Czar's labors bone or buttonhole. coming l" Tho tacit look up gratefully for peace, or the fact that in centering One beautiful pillow seen at an ter 1n her face ens she puts her hand on the attention, of men upon a proposal hibition recently was of different shades the burnin brow and the loaf and the which has ace for its object and end of blue st o white background, ed bD g Pe J was moat completely hid, finished bq ¢bandoned stsrtt up with hope ae they he is doing a great good to mankind. a ruffle of three shades o1 blue ribbon; hear her gentle voice, as though an In his interview the Czar says that an another of brown, ranging from the angel had addressed them ; and as she the result of the jealousies and rival- dark brown, fo a delicate cream, and out the tone eyes half ut out ries born of the scramble for territo finished f the soma style, and etlll B V ry1 another of dark violet, shading to hallo• wiith sin think they Sea s halo of light the armies and navies are more and trope. about hrar brow, and a trtlil of glory more absorbing the means which The canvas work is a 'pleasant pas In hrar pathway. That night a half- time. One .can do the endless croases eliould be need for the welfare end ad- without paying much attention, and it paid ahhpwrtght climbs the hill and vancement of the people. On the toll is presumed that if it becomes as popu- reaches home, and sees hie Little 'boy are a very few rich, at bottom tho lar as it now promises we shall nee will clad, and says, "Where did these great masses of the poor,,ground down the revival of the halt hoJding coquet- clothes come from f" And they tell ripe of our grandmothers, and the by the increasing taxation for arms- him, "Dorcas hue been here." In an - young man who comes to call will be went, while the best manhood 0 the asked to hdld the skein of worsted other place a woman is trimming a nations is so drawn upon by the arm+ while Phyllis coyly entangles it around Lamp; Dorcas brought the oil. in an - Ica that no mobilization in European his hands and incidentally around hie other place, a family that had not countries ie heart. possible without dieloout- neon at table for many n week are ing the whole social fabric. The @x� A KITCHEN HELP. gath3red now, for Dorcas has brought Dense of war has become so great that Every housekeeper knows Dow next bread. any nation engaging in it must Btnre But tiierq is a sudden pause In that bankruptcy in the face,, and the mod- to impossible it is to prevent the ens plies in the kitchen from running low, woman's ministry. They say, "Where ern machinery of war is so destructive is Doroae # We haven't seen her Por that no army can take the field with- and not to find, at the last moment, many a day. Wbsre is Dorcas a And out losin so lar e a ro ortion of its that something indispensable is lack - B g P P one of these poor people goes up and officers as to inflict irreparable lose Lala. A cake is tt, be mode, and there ie no fiRvoring ; Monday morning comes; knocks at the door and finds the mys- upoa the country. This is n sombre tory solved. All through the haunts picture, but one the reality of which the bluing bottle is empty; Saturday of Wretchedness the newscomes "Dorcas cannot be denied, and presented by the afternoon: ' ,Plsoso ma'am, there isn't any coal," sad so on to the end of rho is sick 1" No bulletin flashing from monarch who controls the greatest chapter. The kitchen slate, with pen- the palace gate, telling the stages of a fighting machine in the world, should oil attached, on ,which the cook to told king's diaeaae is more anxiously awaited give weight- to any proposals he may to note down whatever is wanting, is for than the news fro this nick ene- .. , tto .: �.-t-zaurce. but epee thio fails. at k make for a d' �k,, oltaoranda ,are realm factreas. , Alae for Joppa I there is -= __ dC b'yLtA. oident, and very often wralling, wraiting. That voice which • Tha{ tbess proposals,, which., ars that that excuse is made when something has uttered so man cheerful words is the'-pationts shall -bind themselves not is forgotten. To avoid this, have a small. y to increase existing armaments until tablet ; a pad of writing paper six by hushed ; that hand which had made so three inches. Bore a hole in the center many garments for the poor is cold further aotice,-and shall determine in of the upper edge and put a string and still ; that star which had poured advance what they will do when men- through to bang it up by. Attach a light into the midnight of wretched - aced by war, that is, provide for arbit- short lead pencil, well sharpened, and ration, are adequate, we •sennet bring suspend the ,sad over the kitchen table, class is dimmed by the blinding mists just where it will be in plain sigbt that go up from the river of death. In ourselves to believe. That they would, while the cook is at liar work. On this every God -forsaken place in that however, prevent the muItipli ation of let her write her memoranda, impress- town ; wlisrever there is a sick child armaments, and give time r Bober ing it upon her that she iS not to and no balm ; wherever there is bun - wait until a thing' is actually out be - second thought, an interval f which fore ordering it, Then, on our morn- Ser and no bread ; wherever there is to count the coat, and so tend gen al- lag visit to lhb kitnhen, the lana can• guilt and no commiseration; wherever ly toward pease, there is no doubt; n torn off, and given you, and you there is a broken heart and no com- for this reason, if for no other, the have the written list wit ready to give fort, there are despairing looks, and your orders to "butcher and baker and streaming eyes, and frantic fresticula- projeet of a conference to discuss them candlestick -maker." tions as th•;.y cry, "Doroae is dead t" cannot be without value. But there Thiy send for the apostle Peter. He aro other reasons -the facts that the urges his way through the crowd nations after sharing in a conference TD BEAUTIFY YOUR WINDOW. around the door, and stands in Of on peace can hardly be so disposed to No one has any idea bow artistic a presence of the dead. What expostu- the jealousies which make for war, and window can be made until she has tried Lotion and grief all about him I. Herr that the sovereign of a nation having stand some of the poor people, whr the following plea. Curtain the win- show the arments that this or wo the Largest army and the greatest op- g P° portunities for war, has by calling a dow with rather a coarse mesh of net man had made for them. Their grief conference, shown himself to be a -the fish net is just the thing. Then oan not be appeared. The Apostle dreamer and a philanthropist, slid so invest in an asparagus fern and ai- Peter wants to ,perform. a Miracle. Hr (ndispoeed to use Iiia opportuaitlelt. low it to travel upward on the curtain, will not dw It amidst the excited crowd so bra kindly orders that the whole weaving itself in and out and all over room fila cleared. The door is shut A FINE SPECULATION. at its own sweet will. It will eroes over against the populace. The apostil to the over curtain, reach a tendril stands now with the dead. Ob, it is t over to a picture cord or wire, climb serious moment, you know; when yet A FarBceling Maw Drought the Tithes or a over the picture hook, down on the ate alone with a lifeless body 1 Thr t;oaelon QArim111• other Bids,. or along the moulding, or apostle gets down on his knees am One of the finest speculations ever both. prays, and then he comes to the Life made in the "cure of souls" was the In fact, there. is nothing so beauti- Less form of this one all ready for thi purchase from a hard -up parson, about ful as a white lace curtain of which wpulchro, and in the strength of bin two oenturhes a o, of that tithes of the such a feathery mass of green is the who is the+ resurrection, he exclaims g most important part. Of course, eith- "Tabitha, arise I" There is a stir it parish.of. St. Botolph, Aldgates, for a er the curtain must remain up until the fountains of life; the heart flut few pouilds, says the London Tele- it falls to pieces or the fern must be Lora; the nerves thrill; the cheel graph. Whether that unworthy aler[a sacrificed. ITS* acurtain which need flushes; the eye opens; she sits upf not be of such value as to make it Wa,see in this subject Dorcas the ever hadt he right to mall them is necessary to destroy the fern. disciple ; Dorcas the benefaetrese not clear; the fact remains that be coin- The festoons of this beautiful vine Dorcas the lamented ; Dorcas the recur plated the bargain; pocketed the money cannot be equalled by any other style rooted. sad want no one knows where The of decoration, and being natural and If I had not seen that word discipt tithes, whish were supposed to exist growing rapidly adds greatly to its in my text, I would have known thi for the s irituel supposed of the charm' i woman was a Chtristian. Such muni P ---' as that never came from a heart whin; parlshonere, were turned Into luxuries for the purchaser, and meanwhile the A DRY 9$AMPOO. its not *horded and ow yo th Devin church was allowed to struggle on in Many women who have luxurious gra k But before I show you the nshot poverty, or semi -starvation. work of thin woman, I want to shot This eoolealagt[cal anomaly Dae now tresses and who take cold easily are you bar regeaeratad heart, the sour* nape going oa for gena, the lsynow obliged to forego washing them ae of a pure fife and of all Christian char propriators, or present holders of the often as they would like, because uP itiee, I wish that the wives and moil purchkabd tithes, drawing out of the the difficulty of getting them dried ere and daughters and slaters of thi unfortunate rich about £8000 ann- congregation would imitate Dorcas i. pa quickly. For Suoh, a dry shampoo Is her disciple9bip_ Before you sit wit nally Several . attempts have ]teen the next best thing, and if carefully the Slabbsth-class, before you arose th madde to remedy this state of affairs, 4f the hospital, before yo' but always unsuccessfully, and a final and thoroughly done it removes the no- threshold effort will ba tried in the next session cumuliaed duet and dandruff almost carry a pack of tracts dawn the mires, at Parliament to end the incongruous as wail as wasthaing. The hair should before you enter upon the temptation transa'otion for ever -but at a tre- be shaken Ioosely out over the eiboul- and trials ,of to -morrow, I charge yo mendous coat. It is proposed to pay dere, and the bead manipulated With in the naW of God, and by the tui the preabfit owners of the tithe a lump the fingers till all foreign matter le moil and tumult off the Judgment -dal cam jot 4126,Obb,•to be, raised by a loan. well loosened and scattered through ah, wolmen I that you attend to th The ,Inly sum required to liquidate the hair, which should thea be parte first, haat rind greatest duty a you pria5 pa and [ntaraat would even at ad In different• places all over the 1iPe—tlw aaeking for God end bring n k the beginning, be somewhat leas than head. sad the parts olaanead with a panne with >Titm. Naw, bq the courts, the oI5ftsent rate produces, would gra- stiff, little brush, atter which the en- its of Society, you are deferred to, nn JUa111' get less alld b the end of fifty tire heard anti hair Should be *dry that-- he were leas than a man who woul yearn would the e0liagnlabed alto. oughly brushed in dfeotions till the not obitigb yau• with kind attentions Seth dandruff .ls brushed out as much as but when tLa trumpet shall souni It Ttl ai-h"*y price to pay for the possible, when some good Scalp tonic there will be sn Uproar, and a wree disafetlon of a temporary embarrassed, or WAlp cleanser My be rub on, of mountain 'end continent, and no lit gentl,tbaoiab of the olden time, but an and the Snarls engendered by the man arm can het"p you, Amidst the r[. eCillll>Qa 6ht does not , abem inclined by whole pr B tttl mbed ant, and Ing of the dead, and amidst the boi Otekgtbtttitej tiotlon ttf di*aft fltti'tltltds thti nada eliVW ^9hle sbonld altrays fag of the heti. 'aAd anlldest the liv tc the r 'brtgilitil nb eat, the propols41 be done OU60 tl ihftth to promote the leaping thunders et the tlyinq ban• 6"Ibti that belit way of getting out of growth S1ld fine glossy Wnditlon of ens, them will Lie no chanes far sou si bad biwjfilitd. the hair. tee lea. Dat eta that day, calm end plea . d - °'r�y` :.r, .r W its -:4v"► ° '- ealir 0 a , . 4.., f1 �I ' 'r� `t I6 M�'*!'6A''?0 '�r`RS ext' BA TF S '..' • ' - 0 '.?i. - ;1 _ 9 t ... p e usk�tb#'ce 'T'Ablti Pouid God tint +►valcy Ddsr t>a�l evPry ..»s .,• .i .., , - -_ _ _ _, , _ fist _ vap" ,I,tttaR„ ..t L......M Tt r r would thio alt dawn at Was& .Its, 44 rant allarit la + roe t4 fila; era. arid. tl/are, ado then• ails: ,dies t a tlra daB ra 41Dae ahw went awe tW 11 iA144oAt `igr , pdotllirlr' aoaatratdgt rropartiaa I►nd is fiftesal y ha. foot ;oE Jesua.l is arw aelea d : oltf tla/r . , ria of Clod deaoetldq; ` p� • • r ,tronas, tel insa1edl+ea t1. N i?a t _ . b u tilers we se Diocese the _beget i4t- l' . a It a e1` laalbtrwt/► to w1S#Nwti . r set *a and the t oho bu dyed of awul Mali YMMMrfs s wttla tit4 to gtwtt rs alta ie a or of t e d it M. est{., of kiln t . , ; , ., ; . _ � kart' ba k T te«e+ a. n tAo tslth ai Cri r d an ed ar the , p d r41Y,t i th0:'1Wi4 spat bars sun¢ of til4 semi ,g it prasa lid , a h T4 p , . 4d1i ; ttehwaw colt slltll e.•.a tewtp.d lir eat 'su rvisloll of edt►a t•d p itI . Has ahs! Qltrlati*n wvanl>r who l,,avt t H wt'�'� a{tawt t word', the D+latotal t't with baa r• .I ++ lrrt ava0"ua ppeoee arses full o! that rtdoletlGli ut player maai+tte' tyke originated It. Yon away theid Olt Years a o, lee' he II to dq t -, dt•tttii►twia .c xk � " . . h th M?y tska. pod's Sarsaparilla trit>t wltlt thenar thli>Ataf I Mea 'lltst flowo#'- . w ka�r•tx: ` i«a. - lt,e»i,v�t•rtr ops, and a rustle with t,,e allk Of e 1tN+rf lw r ee that it will 40, au I out qt her vobte heart. I hear ,t , . r tants a MlawMa� OR tt ttra, baaattng,theIWAlsonu the PLO h. 1o. faAl-tHpt.,#al► los. a tt 7 is}l pu the:prsita,ti of the ueatlle, s°4 d' R6000!tar the aalFCr A ktu toatatepr is all abase �,w•aru+la• dna�ltrsa*,y ,,lw yy (lvaila ' gYelp ala forgiven, in• all the Mane lt" lop a A l- 11 . of rl.tl•��attl.a. . 'ram, the fig -last robe prepared In,'the ' 1. '; p T1ae w. 11 DnMA� Mar f ad arden oft strap, t e lent alit*h take!, ,�; tl g r", � ' prosparlt,y at the church, The soon CAM � eta ,, h, :, "'00'* � 0 .0 utak .weaned to be burled has cam# up T ".A test a the garmGeat dor the - shur darf� �>* .tui a Bt�aieH x Nn -t,>► 'ilii again, Dorcas Is resurrected. .; b .I� , he needle bas wrought n tratlltla• %lkia•� After ;a• while all thew, womeally --- indn9as, generosity sad 7tpAgtaot[ae. I o -Hattie-Wollld aria Ig"pn,�.m,.Iootttttd trlend;o art Chrlat will put down kltolr Felntnlns A lotaa y t adorned the pirdl i of the high, �Od » ��8 tan lw tllltot, fila plalatr ,1 p 100 ��Q T �1 : ries • i s th o rtR ns t e needle," for atter. (Atter t llikin gar ou a¢Ii Nall a beauty t EIIa — 1pwrtr i -its t , t to Dloned ® u I l�l h y Ta1Mt to aeww (I.Tr, ll"+le. noient taberaaole ; It ouahlgned abs i meGata, for' otht►ra, some oni will woke VaJI, that dapsone, tiutttn--Ilapeada t ,. ! m h a arrty#At for them , the (Rat robe we I on what I Ella, --Whether I was con- ,ilia. ,. harlots ai Sing Solomon ; it ppro*1d� I wall. put Dae serene! Christ an rl s d the -robes of Queen Eliaabpth I sad hard working,,againat tied thousand t,*er weaz—the robe los the grave. voraing with her or name one else. TINs/FlitiispE0fA4lY,{i mere theerirte'on the! sub t of char- You twill' have beard this igilt pry of RtM1T1IRe t a high plaoea and in tow places, bye ha. .fire L the loneera' basic.los and 1ty There are mann who have titre pain, Tou'will have witneasad'tbe Inst same Msin Q11tNtltlntt. Te11wHatMlihwelavigtty ' La er the fhiah' of the *hand liar, ev- ideas about church architecture tubo: orphanage• You will hR*a Come is Have you catarrh # Have you often- � ' � r ti' d rb ,rywhere, It ham clothed nakednesa, It never in their life belpod+ to build a worn out Brom your last round of elvc breath I Have you breachitis P q ►as preached the Gospel, It has •over- church. There are men who can _give mercy. I d9 hot know where you will Have you alight symptoms Ut consump- omn hosts oP enur and wants with yoq the history of Buddhism and Moh- sleep, nor what your epita h will be; I ioa f Then Head for a tree sample of D Y ATArw • he waror oP ' C•titch, atltoh, atitah l" aagimedanism, who never sant a Inrth- hat 'abets will are a lump ouraing ¢t ntnrrhosone. IVhut is catarrhoioga f Che operatives have touttd a livqllhaod lag for their evangelization. Thara that tomb and an angel of God guard- Not o watt, wash, nor ointment, but as sad NAY P8VAR PeWWaatatl CR `, t, q are women who talk beautiful! about In It, and through all the long night g y Y vir•1 ,4]+' ty it, and through it rho mans{ong of y g 1 odorous ae Which 1a anrrtcd 4 air dir• Rt.rttat•aaay. I■aalte •taltvNl.,ett ,he em Lo er have hepn conitrtilottpd, the suffering of the world, who never no redo that wit disturb the dust. ectly to the deceased parts. It pens t tetlayavirlAl�ir•'re. Banda foreikfrrw+ok P Y t� p�W�e Midst the ertlat trlamplta in ail ages lied courage tike Dwroaa to take the Sleep, on, alaep on I Soft bed, pleasant ; trates wherever air can go, and never Dr R F��fw� saxif resie,Mt: and lands, 1 set down the conquests needle and assault it. shadows, undisturbed repose t bleep y 'AatlOoattladlabRPitlt 1w ,v'. foils to aura. IVa do not eek au to ( Lo.d:e.�ae, N•lbsar,W Aw. Pi'oisi„ if the needle. I admit its crimse. I I am glad that there is not a page on i believe this until you have tested It 'A tdmit its cruelties. It hha had more of the world's history which in not a "Asleep In Jesual Blessed Sleep, I for Jourself. bend for a trial bottle nartyrs than rho Plre, t it ban hatcher- record of female banevoltmve, God From which none ever wake co weep." gratia to N. C. Polson & Co„ Kingston, TltE 1[OET NUTRITIt?#1s. & *' sd more Souls than the Llnqufsition; it says to all lands and! people, come now Then one day there will be a sky- (Oat. . t has punctured the eye ; it has pierced and hear'the widow's mite rattle down reading, and a •whirl of wheels, and the - the side ; it has struck weakness into Into the ,poor -box. The+ Princess of flash of pageant ; armisd' marching, UNDERSTANDING HEREAFTER, the lun s ; it hag sent madness into Conti sold all ber jewels that ehe might chains clanking, banners waving, PI-ofoesor what do ou consider the a P P S - r o en. en d at C ristian I y the brit h IC hoe tilled the potter's help the .lamina f i k Qua womanra ll arise iso Cb h I moat potvertul force In nature# GRATEFUL --COMFORTING. (field; it hue pitched whole armies of Blanche, the wife of Louis VIII. o! woman will arise from the duet, and WeI all things taken into account, the suffering into crime and wretoh- France, hearing that there were some she will be suddenly surrounded -sur- I i ahotlEd sa gravity, although I Date adaws and woe. But now that I am persons unjustly inearcernted in the rounded bye' the wanderers of the street not Mabe Nuoln Ttsol¢'e ough pros- a ', talking of Dorcas and bar ministeries prieoue, went out amongst the rabble whom she reclaimed, surrounded by the I pectus. O O O O A to the poor, I Shall speak only of the qnd took a stick and struck the door wounded souls to whom she administer- _ __ charities of the neadle. as a signal that they might all strike ad 1 Daughter of God, Bo Strangely aRSAKlAST--sUrt%igt This woman was a representative of It,, and down went the prison door, surrounded. what moans thin P it THINKS THOMAS -PHOSPHATE BEST _-_ _ - .._.__,__��. all of those women wtho snake garments and out came the prisoners. Queen means that .reward has come, that the I David Popplewell In " The Chamber E BOOK T far the destitute, who knit Hooks for Maud, the wife of Henry I., went victory Is won, that the crown is rehd FRE s. the barefooted, who prepare bandages down amidst the poor and washed that the ban uet is spread. Shout it of A rs wee re;" ea B: -I read roar pa- v i' ( g y Gu[OB TO HEAL , r for the lacerated, who fix up boxes of eorea, and administered to themeor- through all t�e crumbling earth. Sing Per chis week with much a essure. " Re- _ alothillg for Western mieaionaries, who dia18. Mre. Renton, at Matagorda, it through all aha flying heavens. Dox sidual Palue of Phomphatos" le mast ht.yr ani Eatae]aa tai ;� go into the asylums of the suffering appeared on rho battleileld while the oas is resurrected. intoreatitpg. In my opinion both sup- AC Id aurltt°al7Ttatttl - and destitute bearin that Gospel tniaeilee of death were (lying around, In 1858, when some of the soldiers orppho�ppbate uqd 't homae-Phosphate are I Niagara vapor Willi g valuable manures-- Thomas -Phos hate whish is eight Por the blind, and Dear- dad oared for tht( wounded. 1 came back from the Crimean war to p aaae t• aeT 4446" se Ing for the deaf, and which makes the I now come to speak of Dorcas the , London, the Queen of England distri- much the morn valuable ¢a producinngg I mMtttattMd►*. lame man leap like It bart, and brings lamented. When death struck down buted among them beautiful medals, (pod of a much superior quality, attd I T�ar01=1 14411 M•e the dead to life, immortal health bound'- that good woman, oh, how much ser. called Crimean medals. I think of it being u first -rale turnip manure, when t[a M+aplot ing in their lees. 1Vhat n aontraef low these was in Jo al I au uat now, ae I teoentl bud a book Properly need, produr;ng a Bound, heal- dif•••• for cwt satins between the Pp1]]�taatioal benevoieace of pp PPoae j y Aaerla P>! there were women with larger tor- presented me respecting that beauti- shy turnip. Oa the contrary,' super- pp��'}� this woman and a great deal of the tunes. women, rhe with; handeom- ful Crimean medal, Galleries were phosphate is the great enoourager of �� i NtNJ�iQ 'charity of this day l Thin woman did or tncea; but therd Pyne no grief at I eronted for the two Houaea of Parliu- finger and too, and should never go , aT vow* tate Tortnts not spend her timle idly planning how t heir departum like this at the death meut and the royal family to sit in. into the turnip field ; consequentlT tur- the poor of Joppa, were to be relieved; of Dorcas. There was not more tur- I There was a great audience to witness nips being a principal farm crop, Thom- • she took her needle and relieved them. moil and upturning in the Mediterran- the distribution of the medals. A as -I hosphate is th'e much superior farm LADAS She was not like those persona who can sea, dashing against the wharves � colonel who had lost both foot In the manure, and, wbere judiciously used, o decidedly the moat economical and pro- �`" r= '' sympathies with imaginary sorrows, of that seaport, than there were surg- I battle of Inkermann was pulled in a and go out in the street and laugh ingoto and fro of grief in Joppa be- u wheel -chair' others Game in limping filable of all manures at present [n ti •• et the boy who hue upset hie basket cause Dorcas was dead. There are a on their •rutches. Then the Queen of the market. As a pasture Improving t of cold victuals, or like that charity great many+who go out of life and are England arose before them in the name manure it has no equal. On some Bell IM ptRs, -, tvhioh makes srouaing Hpeeoh oa the unmtseed. There muy,be a very large o4 her Governmoat, and uttered words Polssh muy bo required. If Dr. W.:, t benevolent latform and goes out to Somerville eradientes ahuriook without titans. a form rflt:alii� j..'• P ba Digh sounding eulogiuma; the bell of oommendndon to the ofllnere and kick the bggar from the step, crying, riagee and a plumed hearse; there may the men, and distributed these medals, injury to the grain crop, be will de- ;v/Tants. 1-t " H'ush our miserable bawling I" The serve the thanks of the country. Y funaral; there may be it great many car- inscribed with the four great battle- - The [toqo Jas. Chamberlain's rep**p apltw sufferers of the world want not He may toll at the cemetery gate; there fields, Alma, Balaklava, Inkcrmdnn, - + W de eloi h pabltoin {ctionsptethil, in th mush theory ad praotice ; not eo much ed dovelopmo ! of latwtteu+ Aisw11e Iw the may be n fine marble shaft reared over and Sebastopol, Aa the Queen gave An elletrie contrivance, for turn- holoalea pam� d to th• aarkstingetS"'s "' tears as dollars; not eo much kind the restin place; but the whole thing , these to the wounded men and the ing the aboetsof music on a piano ruck, osLasltATns►esecattrriew.th•sawonlyr --•, wishes as loaves of bread ; not so may be a 'falsebood and a shd� The Wounded officers, the bands of music is a recent invent ion.. it is operated misted germ do+troyer and pr♦vaalativtatatetY lt, much smiles as Shoes; not So much Church of'God has lost nothin the , struck up he national •fir, and ibo eco- by rho performer'■ toot. D.vl ro the C P•an Asio aalatei[Ci>►e , g; mallad hem the Canadine h, sts a• 'Gad bless yowl" as jackets and frocks; w Id has lost nothing. It is pie with • reaming eyes joined in the W. P. C. Bae The hOLo PHARMAOAL CO.r TergNb. _. •'- - _ oq y a nuisance abated; its to only a I song : 1 t �_. gurmbler ceasing t.- n A ��_,.. ) Wi (, re'O r aklytl t�titlyi5�f, c j' p� wa�n�.r - e mealy an idleqs' ,nap fa hi l - vd J p�i3e.-> ` ', ' .. � AV E Rrr .S ` H RESTORE: nrv, ,..ti only a disei..Pated fee *nab a pgrted -trod .~-Zo ..,.xs;,-_. 1=' Carbeilo Disinfectants. scene. oint- HEALT �-- . Partial Paralysis• from his wane -collar; while, on the I h And then ahoy shouted, "Hunan t want, TestA rewrap, •tis. have seen n,..t dtwrA,r.d su,a,0a. Luisjje, Nar•.a [dr.r, titan#. g,.dder, Ctd•q-, vela ■nd tlr,ata 611 other band, no useful Chrietin❑ leaves - huzzal" Oh, it wars a proud day for awarded loo medals sort diplomas for superior f, ` �' t his world 'without being missed. The I hose returned warriorst But a !,right- axcallen**. Th„Ir regular ane prertas iorocti• 9 Itevalenta A SEVERE COLD BP.INGS A WIFE Church at God cries, cul like the pro ! Des diaassaa Ae� our dtat•r to obtain . pu Bar■Yfrf s er, better, and g adder day will corn ,upply. Lista ma'1•d fr” on applltutb•. ' + ArnMIQA VOW, AND MOTHER LOW. phut: "Howl, fir -tree, for t be ceder ,,.hon Christ shell gather t home who .ni,h e.•.. tu••ua. ane caudw•. •nd.Iq Re•riwt+ hap fallen." .Widowhood' names and F. C. CALVERT dt CO.y ."-"ma7 Iurtsotr .b... A uaOat..•d n.hatty have rt �-. harp toiled in hie eesvi0a, good soldiers MANONaetalt - eNOLAN0. p.e.d.liothan•.taoe.. itdtprt,.b,a aunt#er ,"._, F Parnel Paralysim Accoinpaniel by Ratan 'howl the garments which the depart- of .T esus Christ. He Shall riese beforr YodDrelsated,a....80enern..sAlaM44101 a. t tat PIM Rellews-Doears Ra11 t. Rrla ed hue made. Orphans are lifted up to them, and in the prasea'as of all Ih/ f in.•rl.bl, surae», lOteOa • f e look into the calm fnca of the gleep- 0lTaCAI 60 Years Aa•uA Uttr« of 6bont(ow °' Relief -Dr. Wililtams' Pink P111a lie, ;ng benefnat-tans. ReclnimPd vis gra nor glorified of Deaven ho will any. "Well tr U tape, llurlseor, nysOeplM. ` Ths Balmoral Free Buo Am 1`lw , done, good and falLhtul servant I" and • ft.'06u iadl11e.gno Oou.umptian n+.b,ts+. 13M.'iltle, 1eat store Health• comes and kisses the cold brow ofA her (hen hr will dlatribiYte rho m dais of ° ,a,., d•u h. A.ehm,, d.t.,rb. 1`6101101, tnatrflmt, t , '' Brookhotm, n suburb of Owen Sound, ,oho charmed it awe from Bin, and al I I N.M.- nobility, sie,pi.84-W D..posdeacr, i Y etPrnnl victory, not Inscribed with ro.,nr..nd Dao Gtrit•1 afnirl vibralin with interest in the throu b the alreeta of Jot n there CUTTING SCHOOL �/ i�7 Uftwa r .I -~ Y B g 1 P works of righleonenesa which we hnv" .+oaue. 6. h D. 6CHUUL CO�feMoatii u•4 Du Bar K �� street wonderful cures effected in that lace is mourning -mourning because Dor- done, hat with those four great battle- I •� • " '- t �' Lannon. W , .Im +o N..iw 14 Ru. d. QaaU11nose, 48A ' .. by aha nae of Dr. Williams' link ills. cue ie dead. fields, dear to earth and dear to A aAateA•lana-RewtarortNhaua.n.EnphaI et.nUr,.a.•,.,uh.wn„t..ndow,.....r.here,Isat� t A newspaper man of Toronto, spend- 1 suppose you havC read o[ /he fast hrnven, Bsthlrh•ml Nuanrathl Geth-I ��" •a rg tc Tao pp.t�np-roti.bi,too4ar 11x., a.,gA,e,.,s,h I4. s•ato iar.lr.e. Als*Du ^v . ing some time in the vicinity, was that when•Iosephine, was carried out semanel Calvaryl M�•ta ��att I�1J0EW�LLa00.,Tarwts. I n.rry.ao•Lnbit,wmtal•u■. fa &inane• s,i4, ?, directed to a Douro on a hill overlook- o her grave therm were a groat many —.�-- .r --- } aNa�a Tp t -UN. 6u ing Owen Sound's beautiful bay, and man and women of pomp and pride and Stammerers -,-,'n •�'..d .t ■.t was told that there he would learn M'19-ter.ah. Nr,r wcr•eub. e.+a Il..e.►,as 40 y.ra! something about a cure effected by posilton that went oaf niter her; Sul an �tiigld. LMnauh51 t aInn•a.nttnneh.ro,it.fu,.A b.your. Cana,,rnts DARN A HOLE In Three Minutes. ,, Dr. R'illlama' Pink Piffle. Tho hill was I am most affected by the story of W. V OATH, &v. W1.t, sYSColl.e•St.,Toroato I fi ', history that on that day there were rr uAm earn T ea Dora w1Ta TrIR climbed and. it, is to Mr. J. F. Goodfal- ten thousand of the poor of France Violins and larger stringed inwtru- Itsmti,,,.ut• A Maes I 1� 'acs ' ` low, the genial owner and occupant of followed her coffin, weP in and wail- menta urs now made of aluminum by to wo,l.y tv.,remolob Swiss Darner. . ego, that Lgnsaat home, that he is indebt- p g Some of the French artisans, They LA`IV to W°'toy Bidlr,.. Rloh I Att•r . Inti. p,Aa• V ing until the air rang .,grin. because, mond NL W..laronta u•...s•y laic.. file ed for the following facts: -"My wife when th,y lost Jna•phine, they lost are aild to possess a rich and charm- w.Pe-w1.,y who owes her good measure nfheaith lo- ,heir last earthly friend. Oh, who ing lone. r.. ,.y.ay th• I e••r ,,.%, o4 to b. day to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," said - i n•„ r., .., cm.n .u,aw,enuy t . would not rather have such obscquice Stammerers ,a,� - '-',, ^ a.•••..t a. ata Mr. Goodfellow. "Un the l�lhof .lain, then all rho tears lhnt wire Pvrr - 1896, Mrs. Goodfellow went on an ex- .n «rn. ,. aw.. fns anw»c► catalpa to CollingWood by bons and poured in the lachryinds That have h I' ` 1 L.Ara.u,it.n+..,-ua.,ueon•;ac.rm.n...,or"' u,t,ureob�n,w•i+o+i been exhumed from ancient eitieB. e t I...lit, W.. ...- t name Dome with a severe cold, which aha."n. d...r .. r r � develo d into a There may be no mnxn [or lhP dyad; TORONTO CUTTING SCH©©1L., datmaa.ra..,n,I,,,nt- pe partial or slight at- there' m, be no cost! sarco,ha us; . ,,.,d .tri. ad Gtak of para cis in"the 'left side nnrl y y 1 g — Wrlta [or nVact ai trrm+ durtnp Jnnua y sad wen,«a.i. hn •. Tnt lY t here ma be no elaborate mausoleum; I . troltruary. e. CORK10,1N, 113 yo.ge eo. s,r, y D„ ,.n '. k?':' limb. In addition, al times she would y THOSE GIRLS. _ but In tho damp cellurf of rho city, •'fir"' ,.•mT',`" ba seized with, a dizziness which and hrou h the lone) hut.w of the Kitty arra aha Dried Por help whee' eooeb+nding, a«nn aurin.�«a,w...b.. m.r,uoo'r Ct'°•t; 11,' ' i+irpt' ofMa rt iulted in Budden and severe 4 g y hP kl ,rx+d her. 1 sal Ile.dw at..«.w...t., L.tt.+ • `' mountain len, there will ba mourn- 1`f1e"n bo..•. Ram p. �I,.,"en .al falls. Th aral sic made her 1. s' It..a-,S rd« , ...r.,,•,a• rA.. e..a i V y ng, mourning, mourning bcenuso lior_ She d1..n'r do any such thing; she Aoot soeba�+, .-, ,p"" "',.4pn..,u.,w,d.ybo.tt e„ ,«.nn••�ore.0 unable to lift any weight with orfs la dead. 'Blessed are the 6Pad cried for joy. q,u ,i,op.ae.rm . II L+a p In K, t tt..nittos , •'' p { "aa • - u tuat.,.,,,;f tnrnd, I'. h,>r left band. She called in medical _- .___— , - ,,h.o,o,h..eurtolo who die In the Lord; they r•et iroro ,,' " aid and fnr some months followed n....nsrrtcS,HUTTER,OGII0orr00tTat: udrr.rnr and wit their labours, and ,hair works rlo fol- l Deafnress f llanot be Cured � 1F r"° r ,abrca. ,n, t41 IDs advice and took the meds- t .6,o..mp's•a. �• low t hem." h) 'oral a Icatione A• • he pines prescribed. But it was only pD yThere ranch rhe r ;�n't �. c>lie tt p, 4 money wasted ae she did not net 1 speak to you o[ Dorene th rrau r- Alneaaud portion or rho oar. There In pair onP Ths DaWaoq Comrn erica Co., hrgited, .. A..e, .. a ttc.a rected. The apostle came to where mite wwy to mire destnew,. and that to b mn.t ,n z•e,roa 4'o. Tar Y.ro• y .,: a any better. As Mrs. Goodfellow has t.,onllremaBrs, Doafno.slsctoirppd h sn to I _ �t,,,..n,n..Ely4o.- , three children and her husband to cora tU F1 R, and said, "Arise ; and she ant up." ttwmed o• ndition of the ma0au+ limina at the • 1 ..I „p et. wall hal in what a short com ase t he rrnt • r `u.u, ....tr.tfmo„ t (or it woe a deep trobble to the family V 8 East4chtnn'1'ube. Whm, thin tuba t• anal „nod I I i 1.11 -tis, . 11% to .nr Por her to he He afflicted. For a ht writer put that -"Shp sat up I" Uh, , ou have a rumbling .uumd or lrnperrect bear a, err.. on seats, ot fig what n ([mo there must have hPPO tea, sad when it lA ontlrelyy aaoaed Destao.+i. I t Fr"- rlim t, - ...... n,....,, n. •.nt..'I'lidwe.1. months these dizzy spalls and thr - n,• rowuK and unless the inftemmktion can la The •rb, Dvner 00 , r0 Ada •lee tt W.. ToronU pa r.:lyaie oonlinu d. Then some frirnd when thn apaslle brought her nut t,kern out and rhl+tube resu•red to it+ 6•,rrn.i nm, ng her old friends I How thr IP„rn - -_-- _ --- - — - - ___. ., naked her to try n box of Dr. Wil- rnndlWm homing will lie deuroyed fOrovor ; llama' Pink Pills- To plrneP the frirnd of jny must: bnve started 1 What clap- .too cases ontof ten are can.* by Cau,rrh, - i-. in? of hands there moat have barn I which to ahthinR but an indatned oondlrlon W she consented to urchase n few Ute mncaus .br area. n f boxes./ When thesephad been taken t b'1 singing( �Vhal anu l er I Sound w'awill rireOne Ttundred Dollars for no• , TAS ERERS r P she Pelt docidedlq batter, The faint- it nil through that InnPl Shnut it •woof D mrneos Iran+edbrcaterrhlthnt • , i d • l g y .. down th'it dark nlley I T.PI nal Jnppa „ot bo ourod bT HA11's Catarri, Care. send ,$.if1a 1, .um� •n nw.d. f,,.,%., r 4 'q �Y;,t I r ,- t ing spells cams less frequent, hurl rorclrou`s";If a, ye...- r !+ XPi ,i j C- henr it I Dorcas ie resarreot ed I •••• r I . •wI. 10 t r.,t.1.i,.e. + I strenggth returned to her Side and arm, you ani i hnvr seen the s•tmo thing J, ellE17MY SeC(X.Tole'!o,0 r -....t., aw, nor.•u•r»a1..,1 .y t _ and sive was deli hted with the resu i M d b�Drasgt.b.. 75e Uatiauu w +1'TU Y„(C {.4.T ITCTr. y ! + g ninny a time ; not a dead body res us- Hairs afr.uy Pills are the best. 0 ►.mbr-ks Ot, Toronts, Oanaes ';.� _ , After taking about six, boxes, and - ---- I feeling quite well again, she dlseon- I ROYAL NAZI _ tinned the uBe of the pills for �/ Deminlon Line lIT6AMSMIP8 9 a time, but later felt some of dy s ... r It., I... •• I•,,,,,. ., y a -'1 J ,. J the old e m tome returnih She "' i.h"' " i y P 8 • �r ,�. A dand.•ry t • . p. �>ti' O 'I C� .. again procured a Supply and reeom- (r�'`�W i:+'e1` L,n„A.•On' v., n, ,as.' •e acwr ,.uv dj � mended their use, and was overjoyed I 4^e er LomjVfffLLL"'e�� , g rip, .••••.�n",n, ar Ptr.r' I r -•a t•' to find that theme vnlunble little el- (nMn s,.t ” af.K•' ew.•en,t^•- j P r ....,E s nr.t rani,. 0ss no , o••d ,'ahto r fats again,�rne relief. She continued I e 11 tsa, -110.1 etr•71 :r „d •,ow*• tis rd1„+cc Hundreds i inking .tht,.Rt-%ntil she felt th•,t ebP • ,ern».nd bw.th ver .11 "t......I.., .pN, must certainly bo over ihB ef[eote oI , Loe•1 Arran•. ar Ir.vu, Toas,n . S ro. i t bA tTOab10 when mhe again canner{ to 4 Unn1 AWnre I7 �e. 9a,•rarnent B[ t10n•r Gi abate o10.er wro In neo. 111 vlog en,tr0 i take the pills. That Ie over a rant and I • .V.ra-'ton /.�'+ �j� �! �'f% Yartle.n inn,h m,rntduothawl,h• n half ago, and only ones or twice since I�G',�7V ♦ r I�;I es/a�eV I'y� 6 -'-aa tt , one bhem ror,w 4r A1.11 coos they rnm I, ban she hnd any slight symptoms of I �.. GOFFEarE ate �i0'►aaaa be 1...y Io r•el ar, - Lb or D nth leo r k rho Otd trouble, and then a fPw drtePe . CllAiti AMtI COMMlsllloll ohlmnov Brace whAro tbetY M • (too OT of t d Aills n der ggive full relict Ilio 1 - f/ YEBGNAMTB Fern regnlrad "nry ono• to tw o w, ata aI Goodfellow ie denldedly of aha opinion • ror nu catty wad pTPro wrue I that shot owes her present health to esassatesta sera tf Trane smaawtf, ,, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and Is moat iDE ODORLESS CRINAIORY C10Al CJ., enthusiastic in her recommendation 1�ia1fTM GJatut L Oira� Hamilton, Ont. of them to her friends and sequaln- 0 I �Ta=A d tan*as. onswoNAWRe.r. 3 3frz ` 9- g- _ -- �� ti b- . . ,< .•:. ...., ..r -,.r, n a” .::: ., ,akk9d,4N'+k .'iiu'yiait•'#Y M , ,. ' AmAA.,yv..r.a1+�'��� _. - ....., ai. ,.,:,o�..W .a -._.-.. w•c.aw,u+•r «-#i•.. .. . _ r . -"�•• --W .. Jrra .-r,Mtw �Y�'Y!'�{ii;,all a,Ne�YLMaiY.Wt...'�Yr-L •'::•,""-:•�'��'i%•9Yt'tilYaIrrtg�!'�TlP2']��I , 4,., TO �Me�a1���a#�11�IIMy y',••a,�.rat•aTa,/�l T�2* 9^^TiA• , .�tTliititl fF. :wyJ' Tial:, akellioitle It lyes Lltc� ill is ldaodre tlillt. , -tills toot 0 tibia, era tr - °'r�y` :.r, .r W its -:4v"► ° '- ealir 0 a , . 4.., f1 �I ' 'r� `t I6 M�'*!'6A''?0 '�r`RS ext' BA TF S '..' • ' - 0 '.?i. - ;1 _ 9 t ... p e usk�tb#'ce 'T'Ablti Pouid God tint +►valcy Ddsr t>a�l evPry ..»s .,• .i .., , - -_ _ _ _, , _ fist _ vap" ,I,tttaR„ ..t L......M Tt r r would thio alt dawn at Was& .Its, 44 rant allarit la + roe t4 fila; era. arid. tl/are, ado then• ails: ,dies t a tlra daB ra 41Dae ahw went awe tW 11 iA144oAt `igr , pdotllirlr' aoaatratdgt rropartiaa I►nd is fiftesal y ha. foot ;oE Jesua.l is arw aelea d : oltf tla/r . , ria of Clod deaoetldq; ` p� • • r ,tronas, tel insa1edl+ea t1. N i?a t _ . b u tilers we se Diocese the _beget i4t- l' . a It a e1` laalbtrwt/► to w1S#Nwti . r set *a and the t oho bu dyed of awul Mali YMMMrfs s wttla tit4 to gtwtt rs alta ie a or of t e d it M. est{., of kiln t . , ; , ., ; . _ � kart' ba k T te«e+ a. n tAo tslth ai Cri r d an ed ar the , p d r41Y,t i th0:'1Wi4 spat bars sun¢ of til4 semi ,g it prasa lid , a h T4 p , . 4d1i ; ttehwaw colt slltll e.•.a tewtp.d lir eat 'su rvisloll of edt►a t•d p itI . Has ahs! Qltrlati*n wvanl>r who l,,avt t H wt'�'� a{tawt t word', the D+latotal t't with baa r• .I ++ lrrt ava0"ua ppeoee arses full o! that rtdoletlGli ut player maai+tte' tyke originated It. Yon away theid Olt Years a o, lee' he II to dq t -, dt•tttii►twia .c xk � " . . h th M?y tska. pod's Sarsaparilla trit>t wltlt thenar thli>Ataf I Mea 'lltst flowo#'- . w ka�r•tx: ` i«a. - lt,e»i,v�t•rtr ops, and a rustle with t,,e allk Of e 1tN+rf lw r ee that it will 40, au I out qt her vobte heart. I hear ,t , . r tants a MlawMa� OR tt ttra, baaattng,theIWAlsonu the PLO h. 1o. faAl-tHpt.,#al► los. a tt 7 is}l pu the:prsita,ti of the ueatlle, s°4 d' R6000!tar the aalFCr A ktu toatatepr is all abase �,w•aru+la• dna�ltrsa*,y ,,lw yy (lvaila ' gYelp ala forgiven, in• all the Mane lt" lop a A l- 11 . of rl.tl•��attl.a. . 'ram, the fig -last robe prepared In,'the ' 1. '; p T1ae w. 11 DnMA� Mar f ad arden oft strap, t e lent alit*h take!, ,�; tl g r", � ' prosparlt,y at the church, The soon CAM � eta ,, h, :, "'00'* � 0 .0 utak .weaned to be burled has cam# up T ".A test a the garmGeat dor the - shur darf� �>* .tui a Bt�aieH x Nn -t,>► 'ilii again, Dorcas Is resurrected. .; b .I� , he needle bas wrought n tratlltla• %lkia•� After ;a• while all thew, womeally --- indn9as, generosity sad 7tpAgtaot[ae. I o -Hattie-Wollld aria Ig"pn,�.m,.Iootttttd trlend;o art Chrlat will put down kltolr Felntnlns A lotaa y t adorned the pirdl i of the high, �Od » ��8 tan lw tllltot, fila plalatr ,1 p 100 ��Q T �1 : ries • i s th o rtR ns t e needle," for atter. (Atter t llikin gar ou a¢Ii Nall a beauty t EIIa — 1pwrtr i -its t , t to Dloned ® u I l�l h y Ta1Mt to aeww (I.Tr, ll"+le. noient taberaaole ; It ouahlgned abs i meGata, for' otht►ra, some oni will woke VaJI, that dapsone, tiutttn--Ilapeada t ,. ! m h a arrty#At for them , the (Rat robe we I on what I Ella, --Whether I was con- ,ilia. ,. harlots ai Sing Solomon ; it ppro*1d� I wall. put Dae serene! Christ an rl s d the -robes of Queen Eliaabpth I sad hard working,,againat tied thousand t,*er weaz—the robe los the grave. voraing with her or name one else. TINs/FlitiispE0fA4lY,{i mere theerirte'on the! sub t of char- You twill' have beard this igilt pry of RtM1T1IRe t a high plaoea and in tow places, bye ha. .fire L the loneera' basic.los and 1ty There are mann who have titre pain, Tou'will have witneasad'tbe Inst same Msin Q11tNtltlntt. Te11wHatMlihwelavigtty ' La er the fhiah' of the *hand liar, ev- ideas about church architecture tubo: orphanage• You will hR*a Come is Have you catarrh # Have you often- � ' � r ti' d rb ,rywhere, It ham clothed nakednesa, It never in their life belpod+ to build a worn out Brom your last round of elvc breath I Have you breachitis P q ►as preached the Gospel, It has •over- church. There are men who can _give mercy. I d9 hot know where you will Have you alight symptoms Ut consump- omn hosts oP enur and wants with yoq the history of Buddhism and Moh- sleep, nor what your epita h will be; I ioa f Then Head for a tree sample of D Y ATArw • he waror oP ' C•titch, atltoh, atitah l" aagimedanism, who never sant a Inrth- hat 'abets will are a lump ouraing ¢t ntnrrhosone. IVhut is catarrhoioga f Che operatives have touttd a livqllhaod lag for their evangelization. Thara that tomb and an angel of God guard- Not o watt, wash, nor ointment, but as sad NAY P8VAR PeWWaatatl CR `, t, q are women who talk beautiful! about In It, and through all the long night g y Y vir•1 ,4]+' ty it, and through it rho mans{ong of y g 1 odorous ae Which 1a anrrtcd 4 air dir• Rt.rttat•aaay. I■aalte •taltvNl.,ett ,he em Lo er have hepn conitrtilottpd, the suffering of the world, who never no redo that wit disturb the dust. ectly to the deceased parts. It pens t tetlayavirlAl�ir•'re. Banda foreikfrrw+ok P Y t� p�W�e Midst the ertlat trlamplta in ail ages lied courage tike Dwroaa to take the Sleep, on, alaep on I Soft bed, pleasant ; trates wherever air can go, and never Dr R F��fw� saxif resie,Mt: and lands, 1 set down the conquests needle and assault it. shadows, undisturbed repose t bleep y 'AatlOoattladlabRPitlt 1w ,v'. foils to aura. IVa do not eek au to ( Lo.d:e.�ae, N•lbsar,W Aw. Pi'oisi„ if the needle. I admit its crimse. I I am glad that there is not a page on i believe this until you have tested It 'A tdmit its cruelties. It hha had more of the world's history which in not a "Asleep In Jesual Blessed Sleep, I for Jourself. bend for a trial bottle nartyrs than rho Plre, t it ban hatcher- record of female banevoltmve, God From which none ever wake co weep." gratia to N. C. Polson & Co„ Kingston, TltE 1[OET NUTRITIt?#1s. & *' sd more Souls than the Llnqufsition; it says to all lands and! people, come now Then one day there will be a sky- (Oat. . t has punctured the eye ; it has pierced and hear'the widow's mite rattle down reading, and a •whirl of wheels, and the - the side ; it has struck weakness into Into the ,poor -box. The+ Princess of flash of pageant ; armisd' marching, UNDERSTANDING HEREAFTER, the lun s ; it hag sent madness into Conti sold all ber jewels that ehe might chains clanking, banners waving, PI-ofoesor what do ou consider the a P P S - r o en. en d at C ristian I y the brit h IC hoe tilled the potter's help the .lamina f i k Qua womanra ll arise iso Cb h I moat potvertul force In nature# GRATEFUL --COMFORTING. (field; it hue pitched whole armies of Blanche, the wife of Louis VIII. o! woman will arise from the duet, and WeI all things taken into account, the suffering into crime and wretoh- France, hearing that there were some she will be suddenly surrounded -sur- I i ahotlEd sa gravity, although I Date adaws and woe. But now that I am persons unjustly inearcernted in the rounded bye' the wanderers of the street not Mabe Nuoln Ttsol¢'e ough pros- a ', talking of Dorcas and bar ministeries prieoue, went out amongst the rabble whom she reclaimed, surrounded by the I pectus. O O O O A to the poor, I Shall speak only of the qnd took a stick and struck the door wounded souls to whom she administer- _ __ charities of the neadle. as a signal that they might all strike ad 1 Daughter of God, Bo Strangely aRSAKlAST--sUrt%igt This woman was a representative of It,, and down went the prison door, surrounded. what moans thin P it THINKS THOMAS -PHOSPHATE BEST _-_ _ - .._.__,__��. all of those women wtho snake garments and out came the prisoners. Queen means that .reward has come, that the I David Popplewell In " The Chamber E BOOK T far the destitute, who knit Hooks for Maud, the wife of Henry I., went victory Is won, that the crown is rehd FRE s. the barefooted, who prepare bandages down amidst the poor and washed that the ban uet is spread. Shout it of A rs wee re;" ea B: -I read roar pa- v i' ( g y Gu[OB TO HEAL , r for the lacerated, who fix up boxes of eorea, and administered to themeor- through all t�e crumbling earth. Sing Per chis week with much a essure. " Re- _ alothillg for Western mieaionaries, who dia18. Mre. Renton, at Matagorda, it through all aha flying heavens. Dox sidual Palue of Phomphatos" le mast ht.yr ani Eatae]aa tai ;� go into the asylums of the suffering appeared on rho battleileld while the oas is resurrected. intoreatitpg. In my opinion both sup- AC Id aurltt°al7Ttatttl - and destitute bearin that Gospel tniaeilee of death were (lying around, In 1858, when some of the soldiers orppho�ppbate uqd 't homae-Phosphate are I Niagara vapor Willi g valuable manures-- Thomas -Phos hate whish is eight Por the blind, and Dear- dad oared for tht( wounded. 1 came back from the Crimean war to p aaae t• aeT 4446" se Ing for the deaf, and which makes the I now come to speak of Dorcas the , London, the Queen of England distri- much the morn valuable ¢a producinngg I mMtttattMd►*. lame man leap like It bart, and brings lamented. When death struck down buted among them beautiful medals, (pod of a much superior quality, attd I T�ar01=1 14411 M•e the dead to life, immortal health bound'- that good woman, oh, how much ser. called Crimean medals. I think of it being u first -rale turnip manure, when t[a M+aplot ing in their lees. 1Vhat n aontraef low these was in Jo al I au uat now, ae I teoentl bud a book Properly need, produr;ng a Bound, heal- dif•••• for cwt satins between the Pp1]]�taatioal benevoieace of pp PPoae j y Aaerla P>! there were women with larger tor- presented me respecting that beauti- shy turnip. Oa the contrary,' super- pp��'}� this woman and a great deal of the tunes. women, rhe with; handeom- ful Crimean medal, Galleries were phosphate is the great enoourager of �� i NtNJ�iQ 'charity of this day l Thin woman did or tncea; but therd Pyne no grief at I eronted for the two Houaea of Parliu- finger and too, and should never go , aT vow* tate Tortnts not spend her timle idly planning how t heir departum like this at the death meut and the royal family to sit in. into the turnip field ; consequentlT tur- the poor of Joppa, were to be relieved; of Dorcas. There was not more tur- I There was a great audience to witness nips being a principal farm crop, Thom- • she took her needle and relieved them. moil and upturning in the Mediterran- the distribution of the medals. A as -I hosphate is th'e much superior farm LADAS She was not like those persona who can sea, dashing against the wharves � colonel who had lost both foot In the manure, and, wbere judiciously used, o decidedly the moat economical and pro- �`" r= '' sympathies with imaginary sorrows, of that seaport, than there were surg- I battle of Inkermann was pulled in a and go out in the street and laugh ingoto and fro of grief in Joppa be- u wheel -chair' others Game in limping filable of all manures at present [n ti •• et the boy who hue upset hie basket cause Dorcas was dead. There are a on their •rutches. Then the Queen of the market. As a pasture Improving t of cold victuals, or like that charity great many+who go out of life and are England arose before them in the name manure it has no equal. On some Bell IM ptRs, -, tvhioh makes srouaing Hpeeoh oa the unmtseed. There muy,be a very large o4 her Governmoat, and uttered words Polssh muy bo required. If Dr. W.:, t benevolent latform and goes out to Somerville eradientes ahuriook without titans. a form rflt:alii� j..'• P ba Digh sounding eulogiuma; the bell of oommendndon to the ofllnere and kick the bggar from the step, crying, riagee and a plumed hearse; there may the men, and distributed these medals, injury to the grain crop, be will de- ;v/Tants. 1-t " H'ush our miserable bawling I" The serve the thanks of the country. Y funaral; there may be it great many car- inscribed with the four great battle- - The [toqo Jas. Chamberlain's rep**p apltw sufferers of the world want not He may toll at the cemetery gate; there fields, Alma, Balaklava, Inkcrmdnn, - + W de eloi h pabltoin {ctionsptethil, in th mush theory ad praotice ; not eo much ed dovelopmo ! of latwtteu+ Aisw11e Iw the may be n fine marble shaft reared over and Sebastopol, Aa the Queen gave An elletrie contrivance, for turn- holoalea pam� d to th• aarkstingetS"'s "' tears as dollars; not eo much kind the restin place; but the whole thing , these to the wounded men and the ing the aboetsof music on a piano ruck, osLasltATns►esecattrriew.th•sawonlyr --•, wishes as loaves of bread ; not so may be a 'falsebood and a shd� The Wounded officers, the bands of music is a recent invent ion.. it is operated misted germ do+troyer and pr♦vaalativtatatetY lt, much smiles as Shoes; not So much Church of'God has lost nothin the , struck up he national •fir, and ibo eco- by rho performer'■ toot. D.vl ro the C P•an Asio aalatei[Ci>►e , g; mallad hem the Canadine h, sts a• 'Gad bless yowl" as jackets and frocks; w Id has lost nothing. It is pie with • reaming eyes joined in the W. P. C. Bae The hOLo PHARMAOAL CO.r TergNb. _. •'- - _ oq y a nuisance abated; its to only a I song : 1 t �_. gurmbler ceasing t.- n A ��_,.. ) Wi (, re'O r aklytl t�titlyi5�f, c j' p� wa�n�.r - e mealy an idleqs' ,nap fa hi l - vd J p�i3e.-> ` ', ' .. � AV E Rrr .S ` H RESTORE: nrv, ,..ti only a disei..Pated fee *nab a pgrted -trod .~-Zo ..,.xs;,-_. 1=' Carbeilo Disinfectants. scene. oint- HEALT �-- . Partial Paralysis• from his wane -collar; while, on the I h And then ahoy shouted, "Hunan t want, TestA rewrap, •tis. have seen n,..t dtwrA,r.d su,a,0a. Luisjje, Nar•.a [dr.r, titan#. g,.dder, Ctd•q-, vela ■nd tlr,ata 611 other band, no useful Chrietin❑ leaves - huzzal" Oh, it wars a proud day for awarded loo medals sort diplomas for superior f, ` �' t his world 'without being missed. The I hose returned warriorst But a !,right- axcallen**. Th„Ir regular ane prertas iorocti• 9 Itevalenta A SEVERE COLD BP.INGS A WIFE Church at God cries, cul like the pro ! Des diaassaa Ae� our dtat•r to obtain . pu Bar■Yfrf s er, better, and g adder day will corn ,upply. Lista ma'1•d fr” on applltutb•. ' + ArnMIQA VOW, AND MOTHER LOW. phut: "Howl, fir -tree, for t be ceder ,,.hon Christ shell gather t home who .ni,h e.•.. tu••ua. ane caudw•. •nd.Iq Re•riwt+ hap fallen." .Widowhood' names and F. C. CALVERT dt CO.y ."-"ma7 Iurtsotr .b... A uaOat..•d n.hatty have rt �-. harp toiled in hie eesvi0a, good soldiers MANONaetalt - eNOLAN0. p.e.d.liothan•.taoe.. itdtprt,.b,a aunt#er ,"._, F Parnel Paralysim Accoinpaniel by Ratan 'howl the garments which the depart- of .T esus Christ. He Shall riese beforr YodDrelsated,a....80enern..sAlaM44101 a. t tat PIM Rellews-Doears Ra11 t. Rrla ed hue made. Orphans are lifted up to them, and in the prasea'as of all Ih/ f in.•rl.bl, surae», lOteOa • f e look into the calm fnca of the gleep- 0lTaCAI 60 Years Aa•uA Uttr« of 6bont(ow °' Relief -Dr. Wililtams' Pink P111a lie, ;ng benefnat-tans. ReclnimPd vis gra nor glorified of Deaven ho will any. "Well tr U tape, llurlseor, nysOeplM. ` Ths Balmoral Free Buo Am 1`lw , done, good and falLhtul servant I" and • ft.'06u iadl11e.gno Oou.umptian n+.b,ts+. 13M.'iltle, 1eat store Health• comes and kisses the cold brow ofA her (hen hr will dlatribiYte rho m dais of ° ,a,., d•u h. A.ehm,, d.t.,rb. 1`6101101, tnatrflmt, t , '' Brookhotm, n suburb of Owen Sound, ,oho charmed it awe from Bin, and al I I N.M.- nobility, sie,pi.84-W D..posdeacr, i Y etPrnnl victory, not Inscribed with ro.,nr..nd Dao Gtrit•1 afnirl vibralin with interest in the throu b the alreeta of Jot n there CUTTING SCHOOL �/ i�7 Uftwa r .I -~ Y B g 1 P works of righleonenesa which we hnv" .+oaue. 6. h D. 6CHUUL CO�feMoatii u•4 Du Bar K �� street wonderful cures effected in that lace is mourning -mourning because Dor- done, hat with those four great battle- I •� • " '- t �' Lannon. W , .Im +o N..iw 14 Ru. d. QaaU11nose, 48A ' .. by aha nae of Dr. Williams' link ills. cue ie dead. fields, dear to earth and dear to A aAateA•lana-RewtarortNhaua.n.EnphaI et.nUr,.a.•,.,uh.wn„t..ndow,.....r.here,Isat� t A newspaper man of Toronto, spend- 1 suppose you havC read o[ /he fast hrnven, Bsthlrh•ml Nuanrathl Geth-I ��" •a rg tc Tao pp.t�np-roti.bi,too4ar 11x., a.,gA,e,.,s,h I4. s•ato iar.lr.e. Als*Du ^v . ing some time in the vicinity, was that when•Iosephine, was carried out semanel Calvaryl M�•ta ��att I�1J0EW�LLa00.,Tarwts. I n.rry.ao•Lnbit,wmtal•u■. fa &inane• s,i4, ?, directed to a Douro on a hill overlook- o her grave therm were a groat many —.�-- .r --- } aNa�a Tp t -UN. 6u ing Owen Sound's beautiful bay, and man and women of pomp and pride and Stammerers -,-,'n •�'..d .t ■.t was told that there he would learn M'19-ter.ah. Nr,r wcr•eub. e.+a Il..e.►,as 40 y.ra! something about a cure effected by posilton that went oaf niter her; Sul an �tiigld. LMnauh51 t aInn•a.nttnneh.ro,it.fu,.A b.your. Cana,,rnts DARN A HOLE In Three Minutes. ,, Dr. R'illlama' Pink Piffle. Tho hill was I am most affected by the story of W. V OATH, &v. W1.t, sYSColl.e•St.,Toroato I fi ', history that on that day there were rr uAm earn T ea Dora w1Ta TrIR climbed and. it, is to Mr. J. F. Goodfal- ten thousand of the poor of France Violins and larger stringed inwtru- Itsmti,,,.ut• A Maes I 1� 'acs ' ` low, the genial owner and occupant of followed her coffin, weP in and wail- menta urs now made of aluminum by to wo,l.y tv.,remolob Swiss Darner. . ego, that Lgnsaat home, that he is indebt- p g Some of the French artisans, They LA`IV to W°'toy Bidlr,.. Rloh I Att•r . Inti. p,Aa• V ing until the air rang .,grin. because, mond NL W..laronta u•...s•y laic.. file ed for the following facts: -"My wife when th,y lost Jna•phine, they lost are aild to possess a rich and charm- w.Pe-w1.,y who owes her good measure nfheaith lo- ,heir last earthly friend. Oh, who ing lone. r.. ,.y.ay th• I e••r ,,.%, o4 to b. day to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," said - i n•„ r., .., cm.n .u,aw,enuy t . would not rather have such obscquice Stammerers ,a,� - '-',, ^ a.•••..t a. ata Mr. Goodfellow. "Un the l�lhof .lain, then all rho tears lhnt wire Pvrr - 1896, Mrs. Goodfellow went on an ex- .n «rn. ,. aw.. fns anw»c► catalpa to CollingWood by bons and poured in the lachryinds That have h I' ` 1 L.Ara.u,it.n+..,-ua.,ueon•;ac.rm.n...,or"' u,t,ureob�n,w•i+o+i been exhumed from ancient eitieB. e t I...lit, W.. ...- t name Dome with a severe cold, which aha."n. d...r .. r r � develo d into a There may be no mnxn [or lhP dyad; TORONTO CUTTING SCH©©1L., datmaa.ra..,n,I,,,nt- pe partial or slight at- there' m, be no cost! sarco,ha us; . ,,.,d .tri. ad Gtak of para cis in"the 'left side nnrl y y 1 g — Wrlta [or nVact ai trrm+ durtnp Jnnua y sad wen,«a.i. hn •. Tnt lY t here ma be no elaborate mausoleum; I . troltruary. e. CORK10,1N, 113 yo.ge eo. s,r, y D„ ,.n '. k?':' limb. In addition, al times she would y THOSE GIRLS. _ but In tho damp cellurf of rho city, •'fir"' ,.•mT',`" ba seized with, a dizziness which and hrou h the lone) hut.w of the Kitty arra aha Dried Por help whee' eooeb+nding, a«nn aurin.�«a,w...b.. m.r,uoo'r Ct'°•t; 11,' ' i+irpt' ofMa rt iulted in Budden and severe 4 g y hP kl ,rx+d her. 1 sal Ile.dw at..«.w...t., L.tt.+ • `' mountain len, there will ba mourn- 1`f1e"n bo..•. Ram p. �I,.,"en .al falls. Th aral sic made her 1. s' It..a-,S rd« , ...r.,,•,a• rA.. e..a i V y ng, mourning, mourning bcenuso lior_ She d1..n'r do any such thing; she Aoot soeba�+, .-, ,p"" "',.4pn..,u.,w,d.ybo.tt e„ ,«.nn••�ore.0 unable to lift any weight with orfs la dead. 'Blessed are the 6Pad cried for joy. q,u ,i,op.ae.rm . II L+a p In K, t tt..nittos , •'' p { "aa • - u tuat.,.,,,;f tnrnd, I'. h,>r left band. She called in medical _- .___— , - ,,h.o,o,h..eurtolo who die In the Lord; they r•et iroro ,,' " aid and fnr some months followed n....nsrrtcS,HUTTER,OGII0orr00tTat: udrr.rnr and wit their labours, and ,hair works rlo fol- l Deafnress f llanot be Cured � 1F r"° r ,abrca. ,n, t41 IDs advice and took the meds- t .6,o..mp's•a. �• low t hem." h) 'oral a Icatione A• • he pines prescribed. But it was only pD yThere ranch rhe r ;�n't �. c>lie tt p, 4 money wasted ae she did not net 1 speak to you o[ Dorene th rrau r- Alneaaud portion or rho oar. There In pair onP Ths DaWaoq Comrn erica Co., hrgited, .. A..e, .. a ttc.a rected. The apostle came to where mite wwy to mire destnew,. and that to b mn.t ,n z•e,roa 4'o. Tar Y.ro• y .,: a any better. As Mrs. Goodfellow has t.,onllremaBrs, Doafno.slsctoirppd h sn to I _ �t,,,..n,n..Ely4o.- , three children and her husband to cora tU F1 R, and said, "Arise ; and she ant up." ttwmed o• ndition of the ma0au+ limina at the • 1 ..I „p et. wall hal in what a short com ase t he rrnt • r `u.u, ....tr.tfmo„ t (or it woe a deep trobble to the family V 8 East4chtnn'1'ube. Whm, thin tuba t• anal „nod I I i 1.11 -tis, . 11% to .nr Por her to he He afflicted. For a ht writer put that -"Shp sat up I" Uh, , ou have a rumbling .uumd or lrnperrect bear a, err.. on seats, ot fig what n ([mo there must have hPPO tea, sad when it lA ontlrelyy aaoaed Destao.+i. I t Fr"- rlim t, - ...... n,....,, n. •.nt..'I'lidwe.1. months these dizzy spalls and thr - n,• rowuK and unless the inftemmktion can la The •rb, Dvner 00 , r0 Ada •lee tt W.. ToronU pa r.:lyaie oonlinu d. Then some frirnd when thn apaslle brought her nut t,kern out and rhl+tube resu•red to it+ 6•,rrn.i nm, ng her old friends I How thr IP„rn - -_-- _ --- - — - - ___. ., naked her to try n box of Dr. Wil- rnndlWm homing will lie deuroyed fOrovor ; llama' Pink Pills- To plrneP the frirnd of jny must: bnve started 1 What clap- .too cases ontof ten are can.* by Cau,rrh, - i-. in? of hands there moat have barn I which to ahthinR but an indatned oondlrlon W she consented to urchase n few Ute mncaus .br area. n f boxes./ When thesephad been taken t b'1 singing( �Vhal anu l er I Sound w'awill rireOne Ttundred Dollars for no• , TAS ERERS r P she Pelt docidedlq batter, The faint- it nil through that InnPl Shnut it •woof D mrneos Iran+edbrcaterrhlthnt • , i d • l g y .. down th'it dark nlley I T.PI nal Jnppa „ot bo ourod bT HA11's Catarri, Care. send ,$.if1a 1, .um� •n nw.d. f,,.,%., r 4 'q �Y;,t I r ,- t ing spells cams less frequent, hurl rorclrou`s";If a, ye...- r !+ XPi ,i j C- henr it I Dorcas ie resarreot ed I •••• r I . •wI. 10 t r.,t.1.i,.e. + I strenggth returned to her Side and arm, you ani i hnvr seen the s•tmo thing J, ellE17MY SeC(X.Tole'!o,0 r -....t., aw, nor.•u•r»a1..,1 .y t _ and sive was deli hted with the resu i M d b�Drasgt.b.. 75e Uatiauu w +1'TU Y„(C {.4.T ITCTr. y ! + g ninny a time ; not a dead body res us- Hairs afr.uy Pills are the best. 0 ►.mbr-ks Ot, Toronts, Oanaes ';.� _ , After taking about six, boxes, and - ---- I feeling quite well again, she dlseon- I ROYAL NAZI _ tinned the uBe of the pills for �/ Deminlon Line lIT6AMSMIP8 9 a time, but later felt some of dy s ... r It., I... •• I•,,,,,. ., y a -'1 J ,. J the old e m tome returnih She "' i.h"' " i y P 8 • �r ,�. A dand.•ry t • . p. �>ti' O 'I C� .. again procured a Supply and reeom- (r�'`�W i:+'e1` L,n„A.•On' v., n, ,as.' •e acwr ,.uv dj � mended their use, and was overjoyed I 4^e er LomjVfffLLL"'e�� , g rip, .••••.�n",n, ar Ptr.r' I r -•a t•' to find that theme vnlunble little el- (nMn s,.t ” af.K•' ew.•en,t^•- j P r ....,E s nr.t rani,. 0ss no , o••d ,'ahto r fats again,�rne relief. She continued I e 11 tsa, -110.1 etr•71 :r „d •,ow*• tis rd1„+cc Hundreds i inking .tht,.Rt-%ntil she felt th•,t ebP • ,ern».nd bw.th ver .11 "t......I.., .pN, must certainly bo over ihB ef[eote oI , Loe•1 Arran•. ar Ir.vu, Toas,n . S ro. i t bA tTOab10 when mhe again canner{ to 4 Unn1 AWnre I7 �e. 9a,•rarnent B[ t10n•r Gi abate o10.er wro In neo. 111 vlog en,tr0 i take the pills. That Ie over a rant and I • .V.ra-'ton /.�'+ �j� �! �'f% Yartle.n inn,h m,rntduothawl,h• n half ago, and only ones or twice since I�G',�7V ♦ r I�;I es/a�eV I'y� 6 -'-aa tt , one bhem ror,w 4r A1.11 coos they rnm I, ban she hnd any slight symptoms of I �.. GOFFEarE ate �i0'►aaaa be 1...y Io r•el ar, - Lb or D nth leo r k rho Otd trouble, and then a fPw drtePe . CllAiti AMtI COMMlsllloll ohlmnov Brace whAro tbetY M • (too OT of t d Aills n der ggive full relict Ilio 1 - f/ YEBGNAMTB Fern regnlrad "nry ono• to tw o w, ata aI Goodfellow ie denldedly of aha opinion • ror nu catty wad pTPro wrue I that shot owes her present health to esassatesta sera tf Trane smaawtf, ,, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and Is moat iDE ODORLESS CRINAIORY C10Al CJ., enthusiastic in her recommendation 1�ia1fTM GJatut L Oira� Hamilton, Ont. of them to her friends and sequaln- 0 I �Ta=A d tan*as. onswoNAWRe.r. 3 3frz ` 9- g- _ -- �� ti b- . . ,< .•:. ...., ..r -,.r, n a” .::: ., ,akk9d,4N'+k .'iiu'yiait•'#Y M , ,. ' AmAA.,yv..r.a1+�'��� _. - ....., ai. ,.,:,o�..W .a -._.-.. w•c.aw,u+•r «-#i•.. .. . _ r . -"�•• --W .. Jrra .-r,Mtw �Y�'Y!'�{ii;,all a,Ne�YLMaiY.Wt...'�Yr-L •'::•,""-:•�'��'i%•9Yt'tilYaIrrtg�!'�TlP2']��I ,