HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-01-20, Page 5y ,6 q * A,t Ll T.. rr 1. . �....A "., Alt s r d u rio Opusty'ftust PAY 0I Arrftm aW yeetr In a4vameion ot �'131169% �oo... th I -Met ; 11'w'I11I,1 AC1Y4 me t :+uv E%8QQ . " �ueelbgi' yobA. ' cnpas t1. ri L• tt t,; * ksetaL Tr. f1. A.udersolt, �ud*srs �G}eo. eft ,yOW;h�acottnpt�t were preid 4r; Porter, Yell 4110%; Rk EMMet'i011;- 1 n anal MUtG �' up tuiturpr'a rapf>r1R, Q� E e ; ►' + + • ` hitt, Xravel. SS; olectlort 4'xMgs4al wit Nabi ilial Wgricl far iliee of tnunctl, CRItla6; n guy $0e pthat you.[ ttu, : T , get • , r Elibba rit,lle3 $2,At3 ; cleric1 tx>¢t+tgd, j for�ORd� $11: i, co ector, postage ani{ ptsttloRtnry. r , .. $3 ,- schttgI cliggae, $&, Ddre. Hlck$,, 44 ill,tleW soil 1lttpui;@tc �tuslG,Rl71.d Iletnit flue,[ ;(or atr<ie runntni3 :at larire, tolios, vocal and Instrumental, refunded, Alljournod to-tdeet on,41r0t Monday in February. NAxos sw uf1Y, Elver re's $IGIIG�G Moli; slid Clerk. £ IT, ,. #jpp�e, 4 nEt'#11ix, .' r The newly elertad• c0neil metat ltenresegttnic The Nordheitner Pismo '- Crediton, members 411 pivsent viz.: and Musts Co., Tproatp. - ; Jgho Sherritt, reeve • Rich" Hicks, s �a' FC ��s :r t► al�Jr`i' Samuel 8ch►Fettzort reeve; t m Yearly, j Henry NXI'lltert,. councl}ldre, Dioved gb R: Hi :ka, seconded by m. peliwetmirr ! that 0. Prouty by Clerk.. e4rt tett: • At �i�twe ( N tt this. stagtl ikTr. Prouty bt4n in bis re- siguation to constequence, of fa'►htra TELsPI10" CALL 71 ;eyeslght, hut, to wali''laid im the table for fnturo Consideration. C. drown 1 - -� will ba treasurer at $90. Mrd Joseph FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 11309 Gainan dasessor at $80. Suggestions, , by auditols read and filed. their report – accepted and they receive each $8. ToWut3hlg 11301111011eeve will deal with C. Charke's case s he deems hest, Phe Exeter Advo - Cato was given the printing, being the WEST WAWANOSH. lowest tender. Council to meet again Council met according to statute, first Monday in March at 1 p.m. C. inenibers took their seats as follows: 1, PROUTY, Clerk. Reeve, Jus. Gibson ; epuneillo'a Wm.! 0 — McQuillan, P. O'Connor, Jan. Thomp- An End to Bilious Heallaohe.—Bi Li- son, Chas. Taylor. Bylaw appointing nnsness, which is caused by excessive officers and salaries wits read a third bile in the stomach, has a marked effet-t time and passed frit follows; Clerk, upon the nerves, and often manifests W ea. S. UcOrostie ; treasut•er, Jos: 0. itselfby sovere headache. This is the Wcard;assessor, W. A. Wilson; AtI0 most stressing headache one can tore, B. J. Crawford and Win. McAr- have. There are headaches front cold, thur. Treasurer's statement tol-Decant; from fever, and from other causes, but her was received and filed, sbowing the most excruciating of all is the bih- balatim on hand to Jan. 1 of $99.41• ous headache. Parmelee's Vetrelable Messrs. Whitley and Gurdon asked for Pills will euro it—care it almost im- grant to public library, St. Helena, mediately, It will disappear' as soon and on motion of O'Connor and Thomp- as; the pills operate. There is nothing son, $20 was graanted. The following surer in the treatment of bilious head- c•heeks were issued: St, Helena' pub- ache. lie library, $20; B. O'Connor. 23 yards ` .gravel at 7c.. $1.01; Jas. Gibson, 1 day The anniversary services in eotnee- un tinxncial statement, $2; registration tion with St. Andrews church, Biyyth, of bu•ths, marriages and deaths, $15: will be held oil Sunday, Januaty 22nd, election expenses, $39 ; Jos, G- Ward, Rev, Thomas Wilson, of London, will 7 copies of Municipal World. $5.75. preach both morning and evening, and Council adjourned tm rnent on Tuesday, on the following Monday evening will the 14th day of February at 10 o'clock. lecture on •'Thirty, Years Among the W. S. MCURosTIE, Clerk. Cannibals."- A1sH>3IEI D. Miller's Compound on Pills, only 25 cents for 50 doses. Council met as per statute on Jan. 9th, all the [members present and Wm, Gordon's barn on the 12th con., qualifying., All the old officers were Grey, wa'i burned on Sunday night. re -appointed at the sumo salaries, ex- The*Are was caused by the explosion of ce,pt Donald T. McKenzie, one of the S lantern while Mr. Gordon was feed - auditors for several years past• owing ing the stock in the evening. The to sickness was not re -appointed. On building wits net a large one, and is motion of Dalton and Barkly, A. R. partly covered by insurance. Finlayson was. :appointed auditor for ----------- the rthe year 1899• The following cheques You teed not cough all night and were issued : W. Misner, re airing and deepening ditch, S. R. 3 and 4, disturb your friends; there is no occas - $'„3,35 ; NV Clare, rcpiai^ing culvert, S. ion for you running the risk of contract - R. 3 ,and 4, 50c. ; L. O. Fay, repairing tug inflammation of the lungs or con drain, L. R., $1 -,John Stevenson, anal ption, while you can get Bickle's plank at Pott Albert. $1 ; W. Thomp- Anti -Consumptive Syrup. This medi- son. repairing scraper. $1 ; F. McDou- cine cures Coughs, colds, inflammation aid, file drain, $l ; John Jamison, of the lungs and all throat and chest two days ;hovellin� gravel, $1.50; A, troubles. it promotes [[,free and easy McLennan, gravellinv L. R., $7.75 - expectoration, which immedlately I John Hamilton, repairing hill, con. 4, lievea the throat, and fangs from viscid ,SUc. ; W. Stothers, to pity expenses of phlegm. County council election, $70.80; James Marshall, engineer. $24.50, for drain F W. Gladman, of Exeter, received award for Samue: Brown and others. a letter from his brother, whp has Next council meeting Feb. 11th. W. spent thepast two years in the Klon- STOTHERS, Clerk. dike. He enclosed a laundry hSt. It costs 50 Ceuta to have a collar la.un- dried, and $1 for a 'shirt. Other COLBORNE. articles in DPOpottion. The newly elected council met ac- ------ cording to statute, and after signing RUBY LIPS AND A CLEAR SKIN . th-i prescribed declarations the reeve are guaranteed to an woman who takes Merr and four councillors took their Seats. ill's dysteM Tonic. This marvellous medicine on motion of James Taylor and flex. is specially adapted for women, because it supplies iron for the blood, curet constipation. Robertson, all the old officers were re- strengthens the nerves, and by Its blond purify Wm. Young at same s;alftries. Capt, ing and muscle toningg propettlet gqrit �i' cures W m. Young moved, seconded by Ricb. all tamale ills- 50 plea3ant.tatako 410608 5W - Sold at Du sham's Drug Store. Jeayelt:what Raby W111inms be audit- _ or. Carried. Alex. Robertson moved, The wedding of Mise Edith White *wcouded b James Tavlor, that James g Jenkins he the other auditor. Curried. and Wm. Westrott, both of Exeter. The following dog taxes wits struck off was solemnized by Rev. Dr. Willough- the roll, the collector not being able to by, at the residence of Thomas Hazel - collect them : W.W. Fisher, Fred Hit- wood, on Wednesday evening. will, Levy Houltzhausen and Dan Mc They Are Not Violent in Action.— Mc- Leod. The following accounts were ordered to heaid: Municipal World, Some persons, when they wish to election papers, $5.150; subscription '$I' cleanse the stomach, resort to Epsom election' expenses, $33; Lee & ship and other purgative salts. These are hard, stove pipes, $2.60; lock for town- speedy in their action, but serve no ship hall door, 80c : Jacob Mozer, permanent good. Their use produces breakin road, $1. It was moved by incipient chills, and if persisted in they }� i.i ure the stomach. Nor do they act Richard Jewell, seconded hp Alex. j Robertson, that this council grant the upon the intestines in a beneficial way. Pum of $6 in aid of the Sick Children's Parmelee's Vegetable Pills answer all Hospital, Toronto. Carried Adjourn- purposes in this respect, and have no ed to meet again on Februnry 25th at superior, 10 o'clock a. m. F. W. MCDONAGH, Clerk. The other day while Jas, Bradshaw, son of Wm. Bradshaw, Stephen, was G}ODit'IiICH. working in the barnyard, he wap kicked on the leg by a horse, which Council met as per ata t ate, the fol- aimed the blow at a calf. He has been towing persons made the necessary contlned to his bed Since the accident, declarations: Thos. Churchill, reeve s —--�---- Coimciliors John Middleton, fits. John- To be strong you must have Q0011 Williams Ston, C. W. and J.U. Woods. appetite• good digestion, and good as Moved by Jas, Johnston, seconded by similation. Miller's Compound Iror C W. Williams. that the aalaries of the Pills bring all these. officers be ns follows. Clef k, $105; Treasurer, $70; Assessor, $(30: Collect- The Kincardine council is made up a or, $70 ; Auditors, $10 : and members two bachelors and Ove henedicts jthree of council board to receive $2 for eao.h Episcopa,ians, three P)•eshyt inns and every day's sitting; road commis and one Methodist ; five Conservativei sioners, $25 each. Moved by John and two Reformers. They are all goo( Middleton, seconded by J. C. Woods, looking men. that road commissioners he m follows: Na 1 James Johnston, No. 2 Thoa. Churchill, No. 3 J. C. Woods. Nos. 4 Miller's Compound Iron Pills wil and 8. John Middleton, No. 5 C. W. build you up. That nervousness am Williams. J. U. Woods wits appointed sleeplessness will disappear, the colon •on Board of Health for three years, will return to those pale cheeks, am The various pothmaatet s, fence view- good spirits and energy will he yours 560001 Books and 56hool Supplies YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES FROM IIS. Ito page *Scribblers, to each or 10o a dozen. Faber's H. B. Lead Pencils, to each, be '200 page Soriblers, 20 snob. ter grade Ito each or 2 for Go. 2extra large 200 page Scribblers, ac each or Faber's H. B. Polygrade, (artist penall) 5 2 for Go. l each or 608 a dozen. 60(f page Scribblers. the greatest Scribbler 4 Pen Pointe, (282) for to. on eartb, 'do each. 6 abarpene•1 Slate Penchi for to. Felt muAll^Slates, So, loc. 12e, & 150 eaeh. S'ORTER'S BOOK STORE, (2 d; wrest of old stand.) Call Telephone No, 100. Court House Square, GODERIC r ii 3� IS �g r s re its •u at n IV 30 n rr F at h h t P b it T iy w n s s N ti 0 0 t t I f i 6 g (i tFCP '!li rye, numbor of oountioliv silver '" followgy q born' Uur•e to a spectfla the retuoigl, dl. corns and warts, 3 have never heard of its failing to aovo even the worst kind. Virile comin[��out of a doorway at t roaitienc.a of dames Stewart, Huron eet, Exeter, Mr's, Slee slipped on the and Kroft a one of her legs [tear the t. fracturing the thigh, and also caking one of her arms, She Wats t'e- 'vett to het daughter's Mrs. T, wird. Usbdrne. and is'doiGR as well can be expected, considering her old if your children are troubled with Vo give them Mother Graves' VV ortt>,Exterminatort sate, sure, and ffectual. Try it, and mark the im- ovoment in your child. This item will he of interest.—St. I atrick's Day, March 17th, Good Fri. V. March 31st; St.ValQntine's Day, ebruary 14th ; Ash Wednesday, Feb• cry loth ; Ascension Day, 1tLav lith leen s Birthdav, May 'Lith : bomin- nDay, July 1st; Labor Day, Septem- r4th; St.Andrew's Dav, November th. YOU CAN'T TELL. Yon don't know when the cough will op. The cough of consumption has st such a beginning. Take Scott's mulsion now while the cough is easily anaged. The following shipments were made om the Blyth station during 1808;— lour, 1570 barrelsi grain, 163,500 bush - a ; apples, 7100 barrels; cattle, 10(36 he : hogs, 1646 head. sheep, 1990 he ; hay. 587 tons; total tonnage for he year, 7713 tons. • Always 0n Hand.—Mr. Thomas H. orter, Lower Irehand. P. Q., writes: My son, 18 months old, had croup so red that nothing gave hum relief until neighbor brought me some of Dr. homers' ECIeCtrlc 011, which 1 gave tit and in six hours he was cured. It the best medicine j ever used, and 1 ould bot be without :t bottle of it in iy house." Bystander. in the Farmers' Son, in peaking of the new imperial postage tamp, says our beloved sovereign, Queen Victoria,' has been dethroned, hen the Jubilee stamps were issued to public were kicking about the size f the stamp, and alio that they were bliged to lick two women. They lick he whole British Empire when using he new Stamp. WATER, CRACKERS AND GRUEL Is the ural dyspeptic bill of tarn. There aro no au ea no banquets, no little suppers and no un. Taise Merrill's System Tmdo and get a tomach, tote of vigor and t hen oat mince pie nd cabbagRe with t6o rest of ua. System Tonic t par excollencs the most perfect tanto cath• rt,(.knowh, 50 pleasuant-to-take doses 600 ole' Dunham's Drug $lire. A friend sends its the following bymes:— Early to bed, and early to rise, Nevcr get tight, But advertise. A ship will take the dip; A chicken will take the pip; A toyer will take the 11 - A sinner (or saint) will take the grippe. COAL CHARCOAL WOOD and KINDLING.. WE are still at theold Stand, Nelson SL. where we have been supply- ing our customers for a number of years. We know the fuel that suite you. Orders left with our delivery rigs or at Worsell's stove and tin shop and at our office will receive prompt at tention. All coal weighed on market scales unless otherwise ordered. We run several drays in connec tion. PHONE fit. CARTAGE AND FUEL CO. John S. Platt, Ann.— _MANAr�Hixi ;accompanying oat it a fery good illustration of the f lmoaa DEOAHBON BURL $lrQVEe AND RA BS, tel be had only from Futlxaxx A Rea- =son, They have been well tritldv proved, and acknowledged'. by the public to stand fire, bake better,, and radiate more beat Than common oast iron. Beware of counterfeit imita- tions end jealous rivals. These justly celebrated Stoves are pure- ly on their own merits, and are guaranteed not to wart or crack, while the prices are as low as inferior Stoves. Wben you buy once you do not need to buy a se3ond time, because these Stoves aro as lam- ing as life. 1S" We are headquarters for Tinsmithing, Plumbina, Lamp (foods, Coal Oil, &o,, aro. FILSINGER & ROBINSON, Corner West Street and the Square, Goderich. Miller's Worm Powders, the medicine I w d� ^ FURS for children. "'� �J Sold in oodorich by James Nilson, druggia J. E. BRYDGES GODERIGH, ONT. MANUFACTURER OF FINE CARRIAGES OF ALL STY LFS. Mansell factory work In Bitgins, Carriages p and Lumbef Wagons. Ron uting, retrimm- Ing, tops, cushions. &c. All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended to. Second- hand rigs of nearly all kinds for sale cheap. DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS OPP06ITE COLBORNE HOTEL. Money Saved --.o. By buying your Christmas and New Tears presents at VATESI BOOK STORE R AT COST. At, 1�Z MMr EVERY tH N T _05u, Before Stock Takins o4 To wekef'or SOUP TFOUSOFS v and 0V6rGoat81_.,...� Our semi-annual Trouser sats n¢w tfoiag on, Any pale ofr, in the store, made to order, for $4, Ooodlt by the ya:4 sal4Mtlttl.'al, cost and oat free of charge. The balance of our Rsadyta4*,', a'" Overcoats and Pants at less than cost to clear them out. c EV ERYTHING SPOT CASH.�,..,..a, ' PRI DRAM, The Tailor'.' FERFEGT _ A Peifest !lath l6li tt menne 4 great, deal to a finely fmnislied house. Inferior 7LIi - Plumbing may last for a year or so in other . parte of rho hoose, rend ' do just ere will'" Alit for that length of umo. But Plumbing is cheapest when it is perfect. We i have done plumbit:g in some of tho beet residences in Goderiob, and do noth- , We are selling all our Furs, 0r but first claps work. Call at Cattle Biros. for eatimates of cost, etc., for r d k. Cape, Capes, Boas, Jackets, Muffs, Caperines, &o. at and good material and plumbing work. below Cost. They must be i all cleared out this month. Ali P. MOLEAN, CATTLE BRCS e, Art Tailor, Natty Hatter and Gents' Furnisher, Goderich. West Side of Square, next Sturdy Bros, Goderich, Ont, HOLIDAY LIFTS: C. R. Humber &ions► .... _ R • :, .: - � 'EGIRLS In WN lino. A` j' -- °`–ramental. rye a Ur ' 1l stvLts�tC/ have them : " —SKATES •,from 850. to $1.85. WATCHES At gt•oatly redhoed prices. —LAMPS at all prides. —CARVING- SETS, never equalled in town before in quality CLOCKS, China and other linea. and price. " — Latest in TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY. —STOVES, we never had a better assortment and prices. JEWELRY, Bracelets and Rings a specialty. STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES LEE & SHEPHARD. At special vale do all M0Ids of............AAAAA......g• T CE s �ZOLI LDI� G SPECIAL PRIFOR CASH. ANDREPAIR ` I Af A C H I N E RY ' 100 tine Gil Ter, former prise l ic, now now s` � 100 Tine Oillett's Lye, former price 15a, now 100. � SO tine Soft Oil Soap, former price 25c, now 20o. of any a?escriI)eion at ,Iw? e rroltoe and for little money 4 25 tine Alpha Stove Polish former price 108 now Be. ►i The Ndersoe BIGhGIe Go., Limited, GodcriGh The. Globe, NEW STOCK OF. . . - . TORONTO, CANADA CHRISTMAS The Leading Newspaper GOODS of the Dominion. Now being opened out. Call THE DAILY —Iiasover 12,000mese regular eirouta. and gee our display. before --t on ovary dray than it bad in 1847, and —nearly 4,000 more than one your ago, purchasing. ng• rr GROWS tir.OAUSE IT rLOASan. IT HAS ALL THE NEWS JAM YMS EVERY DAY. The Saturday Illustrated With Its 24 or 26 pages every Saturday, its ureg Shoo supplement, Its many apeelai fent SHAKESPEARE urea--$bort SWrteA and sketchy Articles-tio- aides having the current news of the day, hat become a strong rival to the best monthly magazines. IT IN CANADA'S If livingto-da would GTIEATEST NOWSPAPil:R* y You can have TBE GLOBE evert, day rend I not have written thO SATURDAY ILLUSTRATED for about the sante price Myou have to pay for many of the smaller dnillez "T & B. or not T. & B. The WEEKLY GLOBE Baa find several new features added, baa I That is the question." all the news of the week In concise form, and keeps its rcadore In 01016 touch with every part of the world, and moreespeolally our own coun• try. He Would have Said Subscription rates and full particulars can he giva me had at the Oillue of thispaper any newadealer or postmaster, or send direct io THE GLOBE, o,Cenedr« T. & B, EVERY TIME. 73 tins Sunlight Stove Polish, former price IOc, now 7c. 25 tins Reliable Stove Polish, former price 100, now 8o, 20 tine Denby Harness Polish, former price 25c, now 208 800 Round Eye Snaps, former price Nc, now 2c. 24 Daisy Axes, former price 60c, now 50c. 24 Highest Grade Axes, fornor price $1.25, now $1.00. 1000 Axe lfand!os from 100 to :t5c. 6 Kitchen Towel Racks, now Sfic. ' The small lots left over from last week's sale still at last week's prices. N, D. ROUGVIE. Not nide of Square f ODERiUR J"O1-UDlA:IT, FOR FALL AND II�TER. Has pleasure in annonneing to his old friends, and as many new ones as possible, that be has re -opened business at the old stand, with a --'- complete and entirely new stook of At M TTN R0 :!5. Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, -Kid acd C'aahmere Gloves, Mer's Underwear. Mitts, Bye' Underwear. Toilet Articles, -Booteries, Ladie' Underwear, Rootooe,--111i•eos' Underwear. -Boctakins and Gaiters, -Children's Underwear. And a large variety of Fancy Articles. The Dispensing Department, as of yore, will always be under his own supervision, or that of a thoroughly competent assistant. w Yl"" C r..,c....u:.�.w.a..ux,.riW,v4. yt' ',y Ic.la „c ..t - ,.. + ,.�.T�^ ♦ .+. 1�/.� v,.-.� t ..... .•ip, `y,,,,n, ratr4 .X+1.4 e,A..1.�a, ^a,,, �+. e!,n. .ra ✓+.1,., rY.. .. , .. ,. R .,..-. ,.r»x.. .,.i Yitkia•Ii6Ae1 �-a<r,., ars�t9.o+�.i.s��r..a-e'�..a....-.'�. _ ..�.ww.y.r•.m"�'a%w«uw, .. .•.. :..-...-w'v3r ,:.....•siv'�k'�;,r`..C.sI:'.uw•steel.w.•-J+,nF;r�.i�,u+:�+.r'erF'7�71K.11.EMrY�i Together with the bent Imported English, .... IF till Litres in all Sizes Scotch and Canadian Yarns, Fancy and Staple Dry Goode Well as sorted. RN A. M U N RO• Draper.