HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-01-20, Page 2,r ]. , - - .- .-,w my -1r, v. %.. _ _ ,�,,. a'._-.,T.r .�,•e•, :y�..�. a:�meq: r, ' , •. !. r ,.__� .. - -.., , .. - - ( - - ' - _ ,�-y .. .,.t .:... oxo -.- •..r,r _,. q.. r,•. .x.. .. _ ... - __ .,. -. - a � p,. x "i\ .. h .� b, . , . 1 .. n .. ... . ea i to lrsl Fs. t fztas+A ,be. �slJitiic�tt oR* ,stn w—ardat ,whit* the : THF , > 'IairA -^1k-TM■.e�...M-t► • trpm. Tstt1 fit Stxwt spl d d P+41�A,-. '.:..� 4ii R 4eerdk i?a�I t +Itlf, - tb ltd ulbha ,>xi "- , f ; !'� ' ttuathes , will b! * 1Pl . �) �*+ r=od ►utero Ililiy's prayert" erottld not tae ltwktedlP?1 lindt F tibo>Kt. .apt' 1r1Sel to tarat`lC t►a if' dread fq; Lha opexrap iMab, Ile Felt .aft IIenerxd MP• -" ="" ` e I i�uri p• [ ��kJ' . '•�I tzzoistara in MY eye@ did& t sob- (>}� ��P. a , • ten yesrok letting; the troy .draw t� $ha �j • ordinary w�7- When dryh 3b4 ldathar 1LabItA� watcttni t b e aide one bpi. aft i wid. y + 1k . A i a lk �� s 1 "I Want yi* to do me a fAvor, Gar- Ordinary w -ay. 'when thts� Ps ognaia- � should be tabbed wrth neat'e-fopt oil. ..� catrsse; • said the retired barn - t t'a, lmy . 0 "���1'llt� —•--�-�-*-�+Ar-� ►-o .-1,♦ truda. t sup livadzeds of oilier away ^���M� ecatt, tpgethar with the tlwdght that man to ml bun nessA oloatot f A QUESTION. trout tha pl@ve where I live, and I BU•ILDId'TG UP TSI; DAIRY. after all the fruit may be worthless, it PAINTY MODERATE DISHES- oar�the lookout for traps, m WattsMwrtitl�tMie$tertytiie�sl'tlit, flstall b lease, can't carry this plant around with is no wonder that but few ot-our fsmr • la and Custard In- , <, ,rRq�� Alcott teen If ou will kindly tali me, p SOTIIRi $towed APP s Esm he can oiraumvent without mush What animal I ant Would it be too much trouble What waaro to andezatand by Cha ons traits ase the result o! lanRixi radiants $even good-sized apples, o to a tot 0llron- I shall be ver thankful- for you to keap it for met" oft -r° ted T1reFe jgn land., of @ver land the pride. B trouble. But man g y pea phriie, "buildlpg up e p 7 e a r` � I'm rapdma's "bieotsed lamb.' "What, do you want ma to take production. Takr among apples .Lha Betoved'by Heaven. o'er alt the world tour alovea, or the rind oL half a to lay trnp ., ad ; g dairy t" Properly interpreted and fol- ble and expense care of It for youP" Baldwin, Spy. 6mokelrouee add Smith's basjde lemoD, one-half !b. anger, three quart- something that ag AIy brother Archie says "that kid" yes, my dear, it it will not be too lowed, chapter fir @t C&n mean nothing scptetipeea they get up 4 Whore bri titer sun4 die ase aereaer is naw and atlsctive. I supe Uprate our whole big hours, mush trouble also but grafting new, vlgoroue sciune CLder, and among the pears Howell, lights er4of a pint of water, half a Pint o1 os@ that antis *Yrlt fteri!>Mot+7ele And when I tease my 6rand�ra "O you lepdid man, goal I'll ba Becket, Lawrence and Sheldon, and we ARd atilder moons eAnparading, the custard. Pare and take out the cora¢ any man' going into n dwelling house I'm list his "llttlr mouse.' onto the old stock• Or, in cattle par- lravrtakaas iMq, Uk■ 9 ■ j glad to do rt, and I'll take just as good have a list altogether composed of so- night; of the apples without dividing them' would be sure to look over the bur e of it as I did when It wad mine." Lance, it is infusing fresh blood into i tables in the Bleep- - '*-""l, ilier•t1111)1 fla�* � ,' � par otdental seedli We find Ip peach Aland' qt bpant , virtue, valor, truth. taus and dressing toaytal:! I give my aunt Bess a letter, and I carried the plant, while she oar the dairy through milk breed airea, and y and, if pons ble, leave the stalks on. ea mare incentive to ez riment, for Time-tntair'd age, and lova exalted Bgrl the su ar and Nater together for She says, "thank you, my dear." rigid the crutch, algd atter reaching then eatubliabing as an inexorable rule' youth. ten mfantea, thou But in toe upples' ing rooms; it was this well-known pro- ilktl ,iiM4tlai111tert►it2i HoedYCarutrestila And then I'm papa's "monkey," the house, Billy was called in to see two reasons, one being thnt it takes The W&ndxfng marines, whose eye ex- with the Lemon -rind or alovea, w ioh teseional habit, no doubt, that had t Ln the heifer Deli department, aury vel trop i came Which oartainiy is queer. ma, while Ger rode smuggled the but two Or three years for a peach to piores @ver flavor may be preferred. and stow- g sted the idea of a of the fittest on . Invest or breed And Uaole Charlie says I'm stubborn arntoh into hie room and came bank bear the other, hat it is rare that The wealthiest feles, the moat enchant- mer genu until the are tender, tak- ' �' • with a (Los as happy as a Lace could into the beat strains of cows attain- seedl[nga are not�ot some good and inti @ °• !ng care not to let them break. Dian across once, which " man had had Asa "good sized mule;" be, but never betraying to Billy, by able lead Lhem on the most perfect Views'now a realm ao bountiful and ratio- built with a view to catching anybody , nihil W-&LPRGUD1rGQT•DAORRIBTICRS �y mamma Dells mo hur "sweetheart" word or look, that she had been an- very Often they are eery good. In rant, them neatly on a Glass dish+ . Attarar pottelters. Ito, RRIBh. J. mak-producing food you can raise; fair, the syrup by letting it boil quickly for that might stand in frOnl of the bur - 'j �:1!{ll�lr�t , L;_11cit rs. AH , When I've been good ab school. swering Billy's prayer. many a small gard= in our large cit- Nor breathes the spirit of &purer air, a few minutes; let it cool a little, then 1` Now, dila is all confuning To sum it all up, Billy got a new try the bueltnesd a year or long enough tee contains a tree raised from stones In ev'r clime, t o ms net of big aoul, les. Have readY eau [n hie room. itil]K$ 'YarH•ter Solicitor Notary arutah and ha is the happiest cripple to give it a farir trial, and [f you [Ind y g pour It over the app �1 To a man who [s fro wee, ail puroheead fruit, bear' fruit au- Touch'd by *membran°e, trembles to quite half a pint of custard; pour !t I "I imn ine that this ma° must have :R'1WF' oto, ` c4doe-rorner of Square !n the big city. Gertrude helped an- you are losing money, beat a graceful n8 that pole, 11tcrtbbt,saalftckletry o4toe,Goderiah I call myself just "Teddy;" seer bis pP ailI pm Fot is this larnd of Heaven's peculiar rornd bat pot over the apples when been vie ed betore and been very prayer and aha ier retreat and invest in aomethtng else. Wo tong °f the kinds in aultivw they are quite cold, and the dish is much irritated by it, because he never h: it4 t'lKeitet.444tolcanatlowestrates. Pray, what would you call met doesn't live. I own the handsomest tion. But it was my ohfel purpose in grace, If, however, ou are thoroughl in ready for table. A tow almonds blanch- could havet gone co all the trouble b. JblI1�8COly. Battistat•, 8o11e1Lor, geranium bush I ever saw and the one y y I these notes to point out a way to those The heritage of Nature's noblest race, I ed and cut into strips and stuck in the , -$047 kc. ofce, Hamtltoo street, BILLY'S CRUTCH. who takes care o1 it Lor me is as proud earneat and conscientious about de- i There to a spot of Aartb, supremely a le t Pur mere ro- "\V 111 ou lease bu my gernulum, tails. the obabilities are that ouwill who may wish to follow it by which pp s would improve their appearance. and expanse be did jus P y p y as I am of that plant. pt y bleat, stay right with dairying and find it seeiLLuLg trve9 may be brought t &haw A dearer, sweeter spot than all the Charlotte Rneata Two tablespoonfuls in it.n-there was clearly soma feeling f3A. 11KON, Q. O" Barrister. Soliotror, nir•t" their fruit in a few yeaxe. This can rest, of getatiae, Live tablespoonfuls o1 rug -I in it. It was a haadaome room, pro- ,�l dcc. ORt°•--Over Davis' Drug If a musical vol abri ht Lace and PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR GIRL$. a Profitable and pleasant lite work. Where man, creation's tyrant, cants ar, three taoiespoonfuls of cherry, mining looking from its richnt e,' and trrr, t#= i[oney to loan. °e g be aacompliehed by grafting. Blwuld a a beautiful lant, all belon in to a The need of the day is for a hi her Chapter second bids you, Bays Mr. aside threw quarters of n pint of cream very' when 1 turned my light on the bur- p g g B seedling tree epring up a nt yoRr X{pflCktt' IleikyON, Barrtster,eotloltor,Ro. ypg air 1 with dimpled aheeke sad h stoat davelo meat o[ tris and young Newell, not to be discouraged if you i � His awosd and sceptre, pageantry and cold, and whites of two eggs, Add the! eau, where I went, naturally enough, RRST-gayheSgnare, ater,8 �r w Bank p y p g place, out a few scions from it during pride, think the soil on your farm is not I beaten whiten of the e e to the whip to be in, I wan not disappointed, p�¢ieesrrreer Laughing blue eyes, will not brings women. The world has moved along, the winter season, keep them buried While in his softened looks benignly gB B nun los standatlll, then it must bo add the LaLr sex to a aertata eatept, &da'Pted to successful dairying. It is I blend, pad cream, then the brandy and sugar, There was a glitter of glass and silver 011iiifilii.DANOEY.BarriAter, Belieitnr, ru coil Ip a cool cellar till spring, and I'tsniorld ►rltlmsRter, &a Qt". thnk he is htrrrying through the world have gone with it, so says an exchange. pluck and not muck that forma the then graft them on a lar a bearin The sire, the son, the husband, brother, When the gelatine is lukewarm beat, in Lha bull's eye, and as I swept the Aa nMy!�'-tp'apatt ft lowest eauv Ot7lces-tsar• tco tact and wunte nottii g to come in- bent foundation to build upon. Some tree in your orchard. 8hougld you not friend, it light, then add gradually oreaon and light ¢long it struck a pocketbook that ters7itiwrlf,Haratltoattrast.0oaerleh. 1S But it has bean rather an intellectual have a tree, ask year me hbor to Let Here woman reigns; the mother, dough- eggs. but that looked to his life Chat will ladder hta heart of the very beat dairy farms that i iB Toasted Change with Eggs - Beat didn't glitter much, g development than a physical one. The ou raft a branch of one o1 his trees. ter, wits, have observed in this country have y 6 Stye with fresh flowers, the narrow three tabl s onfuls of bread -crumbs - (f.'�pAUXILON tformerly of Cameron. itnd roaew hie youth. women have stepped into the Plnaes A soien of a seedling tree grafted on ^��" a PO FAT AND COMFORTABLE �'"8414 inereal, Barrister and solicit- been built up from& poor beginnings a tree attend Of a fruitin a e be- Path of Ilia ; soaked fn milk with two eggs, thea add 4tpeamlltOn etroak eeoond door ! same to n full stop and would not formerly coupled by man, and taken Y g B Ip the clear heaven of her delightful two t¢blespooninla of m&de mustard, and n watch that did shine and, take , V6thspgaar4.0 orloh. posaoeBing but Law natural advantage° commas at anca a part of the tree, and have missed that sight for a great deal. all in all have held their own very well. oyn salt and pepper to tante, and lastly it altogether, it made me chinkr tAat .� ^- As the Irl stood theta on that bri ht But in this they have shown only their the start. Open your eyes and look erten will Ilowar and fruit in a little An an pound of g B over a ear from the raft r guard of loves and graoea half n grated cheese, Beat ' DENTAL, mental capabilities. There can be lit -I at rich, productive, tile -drained mead -I y g �' I° thle lie;� all together lightly. spread evenly os. here was the home oP a man that October morning, it w"as difficulty to way there, is ono need, to keep the seed- ��� _ _-. tie dcabt but that phyeionlly women that a gemoratioa ago were ming tree if It be in the way, the b, ea Around he knee8 domestic duties allose oP toast, and place in Lha oven to didn't have to work nights to make ICHRLSON, L. A. S., Dsntat Surgeon, tell where the funshine left off and have been nom rativel at a stand- L . meet, \ brown quickl Before sending to both ends moat. And eo I seb my 'Robes, poette th• Yost Oture. Gold whet@ the girl began. They seemed still. There is,pto be sure, n move fn matio swamps; see fertile green pas- I said, a year or two more will show the. Y• rated cheese t alirt lltYwrl@in sad fold crows Dna brtdae nada for oaoh other; it was aper-' the right dtreotion, but it wilt take tures covering what were once sterile, character of its fruit as protduced on And fireside pleaenres gambol at her table, strew a little dry g lamp dow,p rn one end of the bureau- wsrk a apeolaalty. 7alrtyAve genre' ex per the graft. Should the aeedlimg be de- Leat. over it. it made ma laugh, actually, to think a long time to effect a permanent or Stony hillsides, and thou tell me what Where shall that land, that spot of Baked A Le Charlotte-Plaoe a lay- fsgo4..` feet match, with the dividing line stroyed the graft will afford the mater- PP that there was so much good stuff .- Lar -reaching result. has wrought the change -nature or the iaL foe ro aE ! earth be found P or of bretad-cr•ambs in an earthenware hard to ditoarn. p gag rag t should it Us. x'W)VIC ,D, A. t.. L D. e, Dental aur• Girls do not eaorifioe eibher maiden- thrift and Industry of mem P A dairy good, and, iP it be good for nothing, the Art then g man P• A patriot t Look pudding dish. Lay sliced apples over there that I had to above something • Kana. Ulost and approved methods "Have you any objection to tell �me ly modesty or refinement by Indulging rafted around; this, s rinkli with ea ar and amaa- one side to make room for it -and put sU ^dental operations. Preservulion of farm that is or has been swam should B postiatl can be out away, P ng B tiaturtll'.ts�tharpe tally. Office -Over Jaines your nnmeP" in athletics and the tcndenoy should Py i There is much pIsasure in watching Oh, thou shalt find, oWe'er they foot- mon, than apples, until the dish is fall• my bag down on a chair that was Itobigabp'sdryttoods Ston. "Q no, girl My name's Gertrude be to encourage exercise that will de- have asetwerage, system as thorough as an unknown fruit or flower, and a de steps roam, Cover and bake slowly, tis velop a more ru ged constitution. In that of a city. I mean that by tiles' sire to see the product keeps up a per- That land thy Corontry and that spot Fried Bananas. -A `delicacy which there, and began cleaning the thin W I loon." g D4;TURNHULL D.D.G., L, D, e., Denca+ this way girls will find themealves dos- ' r a a'ltrrtroa fULU ase.. L. d ., D Ur. tV hal a beautLPul geranium you have reseed not only of Lha increased and open drains ample facilities should petual interest in Vit. , thy Home` makes a pleading change for breakfast off• ettro; sa6 3, A�I branches of the aro• gtsepgth neceeeary to support them be provided for draining all aurplua is fried bannnae. Choose the fruit not "I'd just put the silver hair brushes i icrtlbt titssd iaoluding gold and Perotlain therm" CARE OF BOOT$ AN SHOES. over ripe, slice it lengthwise ; melt a ip the bag and had turned around to �'•""4€ i liridg�"work, SYreelnt atcencioe _, during tthe days when they are called water from the soil. If not, the menace RESTORATION OF HUMUS. little batter in the dieli, sad when bub- � 1 ;. "I"en't fY CoVeIyt" ' ' The woman who allows he boots and the bureaus in to pick up the pocket- ,: , lit a�ptrservatlonof chonaturalteath. ttl biSeinene aooapnttona, bat they will oP tainted milk ma hen canstantl int Ba 1� ttdbiltn oLean't New Stook. "indeed it is and the finest Inter have the etrongth to sustain the bur- y g y While humus may. ha islet by pro- alien pat la the baq¢nae. Fry anttl a +'- over the farm. Why is tainted milk shoes to take °are o1 themseL fro to dsnoute brown bo r. Serve either book and the watch when I heard, or 4L ' ;,i' saw. Where did you get ILP" dens a.nd trials of wifehood and mater- per methods of oultivatian, yet [t may a ak, [s b ao means, a rare nvie. Is. nit and oP all the res nsibiutiea of more dangerous than sour milk P Tbare PC y with or without bacon. it seemed an though I telt, a littlr 7,i. �dONSY-IIJBUIiANaS. "About three years ago &lady left y, po be mtstorad by making the soil condi- sharp contrast to her Parisian sister, Beets a 1s Cecil-Waah the beets.olick, and just the faintest touch ofa p' .t` home making when that important time is notlting unhealthy about sour milk tions favorable. Humus, like ever 3 a allp lying on rho seat in a horse oar. Y- who makes a point of bean bion a alio- oaretull 1)o not break off the ends y v , — Shall arrive. unless it has been praviousl tainted.' B 1! y jarring or yielding undnr my feet, and .,, g Therefore, iris o in for all the y thing else, coats something, and if its or they will bleed and become color - f � I took it home, of the richest dirt I {jNZY TO LOAN-Wrlveto Lands ave B g Tainted milk, t r rl apeakln see, dhe often spoils the ePieat of a legs. Boll them an hour and a half;l the next instant, a long time 6 ore I 'd'. z at LNloeflt luterest euMght loco. A Lew could find, put it in thin old paint ann training qou nap etnnd, and if there s, P °P° y g' cast exceeds the value of the annual dainty costume by appearing in fo t- take them out of the t and wash it � could jump or do anything whatever, ' i, tl e'; lite +tar��qq and Lawn properties for sale and to are enou h, club t ether and have poisoned milk, and much of the polls i PC t, di. LFYPiS earrteter and sollottor, and then set the Blip in it, and it henna g °g orae, t Ls, of oour9e, uselase to the } the reverse of tea table, out o clean ; then slice the beets, return them ) a iece of that floor under m feet v � rtatw; ':��. meetings at each other's homes and oned ice cream, poisoned cheese, eta., 6s. Pao p y n,• i 0etleripb growing right away. I've given it farmer. It is matntuined that the to the r study and practice home athletics, and come from it. By turning detective, I shape, down at heel, and often, when pot, with salt, peppe , half a about three feet equate dropped out .. ',- plenty of water to drink and kept it whenever nn opportunity affords take any oP lie in Et go to some unwhole best eubstanoe for inareaeing humus in pat of r[oh drawn butter, and two des ,, ° AlUOLI41rID, Qeaeral Inearaaoe, Renl of patent leather, disfigured by sever from under me, and down 1 went. rc t t'� in Lhe sunshine as much ae ossible." it! out doors, for that is the moat valu- some, stagnant slough hole in the cow the soil is stable manure, but how t epoontuls of vinegar. $e;oe them �1';rS 4 •. q�treadmoney Lo►ning Aeenc. Only P al arnoka Nothing could be in worse ho , "But I didn't give up, by along shot. e ty brat@ dghtt►iiitMlee rgpre,ented. Mo"er to ty 1 should think ou would love able. pitsture, and either there, or in n die , many farmers are there who can ae- IN ,. gqtltap�' htlosnw, pt lowest rato of inter• ' Y eased animal t' uo, Or in a dirty milk- taste, and these glaring defeote could g ambled Mutton -TWO cupfuls of I was as able-bodied man, and my v xl 1' jylC,teintf,itl any amotrot to salt the borrower. it dearly." stable, find h° real cause far nun cure suffioleat manure for n large area have been pp d mutton, two tables ooa- t "Lova itl I area I do love It. it Lng y I prevented, in nine oases out cold, oho e P hands ware free - my lump being r41 ' e ,, • --T- g a den Brans an etari°ua illness that >aad every year P IP they procure fats o hot water, sada lace oL bat- e iT t'-1 e rr; neemn just like u part of myself." IMPROVISED BALL RINGS. eftectgs people aPtar eating of such milk I it frown soma source outside of the thou h b ouhtlae and disoziminatlonr¢ ter aa{ arge ae a walnut. P When Lila meaba ton thenchn3r, t and u 1 awaen dt 4'' t t'' AlAIiR1AGE L)CENSES. "Wall, my dear, if you lova It tw product. Dairyman, be not wise in g y meat Is of break into it three eggs, 7 B I % +tip'" much, °pray tell me why you want to Dangrreue Maheshtetrs ea a nnters Villages Parm, and haul It a mild or two, ro- ,x �+ p yotu own aonaeit, Por unaonscioualy uiri the -lobar of a man and team, It IB by far the beat plan to have acv- and cook ntll the eggs begin to stiffen going to give it .up yet, if 1 was go- t 7 gall itP" to Evade the Law. perhaps you may be harboring unsani- q oral pelta oL bOotd and shoes in 'Wear atirriag o oonetantly, aeaaon with inn down a crap. Tho trapdoor woe i' ; ,� ,.. 4i r,4 LAN19. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE '•O, 1 wouldn't let it go it I did not tary conditions of this class that form and spread it over the field, the moat er sad trait. V "4 L)anir+, Ooderloh, Out NotWithetanding the effects OL the at one timp. A boot which will fit pepP ' hung on hinges on the side furthest want to help God answer Billy's stumblLng blocks to yh.ur aomdlete quo- will sometimes exceed the value of the +-� pfuyor, llon't you think it splendid to Madrid authorities to regulate Gail-` Do not think lout because Preez- the Loot comfortably om a cold day ori Plum Cake-Three-gnarterg of n from the bureau, and I laughed to _ manure, and as a ton of manure will pound of batter, beat to a cream., add help answer somebody's prayereP" fighting, "fearing tAiat••c = xvehther is close at hand it ons con- early in the day will feel much too tight I Dae gonad bf nit r add size s be¢t-' myself as I put up my hands and it TOtc sOR L, seldoin be worth over two dollars, so po ' t -.. -14 ti( ,r• .. "How do you know 1 believe in pray- naLlonnl pristimq might bring on n r0 Bear 821 gottr mistakes and disarepan- when the foot is cetera@d nom@what en eery light ; then add two pounds of thought how a^- - •ir ' ^r OrP" Les indefinite Filth and st nation far as its lant Load value Ss. concern- lloapd''af candied action, the common people of Spain �' °$ P by heat or exercise. Easy ones should currants, halt n peel, the e e OL ...., tihTTREAL $T, TONSORIAL ROOMS, ' O, 1 am sura you do. you have such may freeze up now, but woe cometh in ed, it will depend laggely upon the lo- one nutme and ne and of ftonr; dB `' ! ; Bnopitav, proprietor. Modern, catty, a prayerful look." have succeeded so far in dodging ev-.I the r' Build on a firm foundation cation of the farm as to the advise- be at hand to suit the wearer's recjairer g' P° alon sat is front of the bureau and �;',MltaceP nMr mt�2cin sad ehnmpooinar• sP ng• stir carefully. is., ae to leave no g j rtitsos It arpenel and gonod, Bhe broke out into a, merry laugh, cry law yet made to restrict their fav-' iu building up a dairy, tar your dairy- bility of purohrie[ng manure, wh[lo menta, and wul a meiet of those which lumpa; half a teaspoonful of baking' baul myself up, Truly it seemed like x h „ 1 �_ and 1 joined her in it as I said orite sport. The rgeult has been any house, like a e"tractate of blboks, will much of Lha manure 'produced Prom Gave air@ady assn some service. Boot- powder. Bake five honra in a Blow ! a waste of money, all. the expense this Olikit, RNOX, Newgott.e atrcor, dodertoh, "Yea, 1 do beLove in prayOr, NOw surely topple down. Even where the stables consieta more largely of straw oven. Tlds !e a deucl ns. cake. . Appo�tte )luxton'e lieu Llocnson aux• tell me who Billy ist' number of aooidenta-due to poor bar trees are also n eine qua non with the man had been to to pal in the trap ;; "tlaneer,utCN ant for the hi xon Bros Agn- I Aa I made this rc uaet a o ons look rieadin and, inaz rlenoed toreadors. �°t of care ie eaeraised there are two and other absorbent materials than of B q q j y g pe times in the pear when we should .tn- manure, which Lessens [ts value pro woman who destrea her footgear to re without guarding against the chance y�� ;, tititnzillImpleinents. Paris: rho oatobrnted came into her face, and her Int eblue AUNT JEMIMA'S OBS RVATIONS. oP escape trom it by just. this means, ti' A dint' t4Rgonp \faLunghllo Oar colel Co„- j 8 I In and about Madrid the government I dolga ih a thorough dairy -house clean- prntionately. twin its pristine ehspe during' the and I already imagined myself climb - pt% aOnitValra.; , Motiakshurt PtawCg Cc,,- cyan shone with delight; and as the I has some control over the sport, but' Ing, and that is fan and spring. This Every farmer carp restore fertility to whole oP its existence. They are!to be Do not borrow an egg t be repaid Ing out, a@ L threw up my hands, Brantford, and at, other lines pertaining to the l aimples deepened in her cheeks I be- I should include the whole farm, and par-' the soil by the use of fertilizers, and' furrhtulf, 'tide. 1 held a picture that was worth going a is the more distant villages Lhe au- tieutarly the stable and Its surround- I hie expenses for hauling and spreading I had at very low prions is these 'days when the bene lay. T>ie hens may die. which I did before I'd dropped much ,t a long wuy to sae. thoritfes are openly defied. I Ings To put cows Into a stable this i will be reduced to a minimum. It is I and will anon repay one Lor the oat- A pie that ie burned in the oven ann more'n hall of my length below the r IIt1IlbAl A OUNear. Go is'e Stook and G les What, Bill t Ob, be's the nicest and level 01 the door, grippioi that titin ' er+iil .Aar+ toncor Go erb•h Onu 8alen Y There hna boon a law in force Pori Pall that has not been properly prepared 'naw known that the soil should be cow- I ►ay. When boots and shoes are Rot in not be reStored by slatamiag th0 oven Maido avarywhoro asid;sll odbrtw made to give I best little fellow in the eityl Why he I for their rete tion, ma mean the `+tom arad in winter with a rowin cru edgy very tightly, I going to make r. ynusarf+fa tion- Ohetgoereaaonsp.e, Cando is goodnaes, sunahino, and nitric ail in 8O time that no village should be P y g g P, use, they should be carefully fitted i>n door. sure oP that. And I of it all ri ht, plate failure of winter dairying profits, i such as rye os.' crimson clover, in order ' g g .,, mbra 'bit+inane and em atter le - TuortAs on , lump. Somebody let him drop whoa allowed to give bull f[ghte unletss it Warmth ventilation, and cleanliness to prevent lose of fertility, through their r@apeetive boot -trees. Do not ba so euro that the w rid bnua iI about a millionth part of a sec - e >” OUNmitrtt Au° loneer, Goderlah, he wan uito ounit and broke big h! could boant of a suitabl ur _ q y p, y Oq ' Ped moat be assured as primary Paotore, or leaahiag, and that when green m¢ter- When boots are to be cleaned, all coming to an end in August that y u O banana oonsotou� of Lha fact 4r t- D��..3'I - and ever rinse he has been s cripple. •'Ply dal Toro." no enceeav can be hoped for. For the ial is Igrovn upon the land and plough- rough dirt should be brushed off with refuse to plant potatoes in May. 7 that i wasn't stopping m, at all; 1 was (,� � S �,LARKBI'S- but, his Log is the only crooked thing In Lha smaller vuingea, horvvevar�the I,� r¢gc dairyman, with the average i ed under it adds the vegetable matter the dirt -brush, after the worst of It It ou would ba erect atydy the moon carrying it down with me. It wa& the '✓ about him. My mother says that Billy's =`` table, this means that he has yet to do ;'so necessary in the formation of y front edge of another trap, cut in the R CohNsit EAST -ST. AND SQUARE. mother was rho beat Christianshesver inhabitants dodge the law by MIOK'jJN�thng at once in the way of re-; humus, even the largo mass of roots hoe been removed by means of apieoe� in the sky rather Lhaa in the lake. floor under, the bureau, hinged nt Lha knew, Wall, whcn she died• last year Ing up the streets with barricades, thuh pains or alteration, to set his business left over after a crop of clover is bar- of soft wood, and not an old knife, If you can not' now and then take l ba k, and held up in place by a sprang rr PARItY QROIN[l A SPECIAVY. everybody in our tenement -house forming an improvised " plaza," that I Ln order for winter. Now, in the bet vested bein sufficient to rovide the jus strong enough to keep it in post- Everythifft ip Benson and prioae always right. wanted to adopt illy so, ou sag,. he can harril be recommended Por tiro $ p ag sometime@ recommended, for this will I home a pansy or a rosebud to your tion. I held on as hard as I could, but i3 y y ginning of the seueon of good prioea, Supply of humus. Another point is scratch and out the leather. A bleak- I wife do sat hen her rave with belongs to all of us. fie pays his way safety afforded the spectators. production to Teap the benefit of those' in the unci of lime, which should always p g if I h d had iron fingers and steel by salting Dowapnpore, and ngoaewith The scene is unique" The entire vii- prices can Only bo obtained through I acanmipany Lire turning under of any trig mixture is then applied, and this them. muscles I couldn't have held an after good Logs can get around livelier than [age lolly about on' the barriers, happy eomaoientious dairy work. green manurial crop, as it promotes an is followed by the use of the polishing- Batter to gb along diligently where the trap had Swung down et:aight. I Billy can with a crutch. But yeater- in its defiance of the low, and applauds ,_ alkaline condition of the soil and in- brash, which mndt be axed li htl sad it ia'level than be ctimbin imn pant went do F'tt�tl+r$1 NOrr1C6• da his orutah ca ht in a hole !n the the alaald y a venorable mea duces •rapid chemical changes. It may B y I hills- g B y L A TON OF LEAD, ' y ug a ganorn(l PRESERVING SEEDLING FRUITS. rapidly, so as to avoid the premature TbalrropurturaishlnRandconducting siuew°Ik, broke in two and let him fall. who gives the,eignal for encounter af- ba stated that shading the aoit both The lung face worn to attract eympa- and Lha pe t minute L found myself i •of FUNy1RAl.8ata cost which doea He managed to get Into the houseand ter encounter, While it is quite true that in many' In winter and summer, assists in the drying of Nice blacking, It the boot be thy does not enhance your beauty. sliding thro b a smooth board tun- tlbC>naksitt►burden nnnrtwlthuI,, was not hurt. Well, last night, just Notwithstanding the fact that only ce of irult there are already sualt formation °f humus. and it is believed placed on the -tree, a very high polish They "w'bo pine for the joys of the net, nob much biggo'n enough to let J• > i4PSNY t3ohT. as I was Being to hod, I heard Billy " novillus "-young bulla of medium far- that the derma Shading of the soil by con thus be obtained and ie lar re- next world will never be satiafied until me elide comfo abl and the nets. praytiDg His room is noxt ,to mine ocity-are ,used in these improvised a great variety that it seems almost taettmiaous plppts) much to do with ferable to man of the abea losgea y pP y the leading Undertakrrtand Lmbnlm• and only a board partition between- rings, accidents are fre cant. an impassibility to improve on the the restoration of fertility. y p g the learn to a re rain this. minute I'd been hot onto a box or A Fieb ie said to ba brain food; siren a room abonq eeveeet ' S ':• so I could hour it all. Oh, I shall At Vioalvaro, a small villa near to be purchased for application with B square, i hrough WDiN10M, ONY 8e kinds, there is always room for some- +. that more ole do not lava on it. another tra never forget leis words a@ he said: Madrid and a notorious offender, the f a sponge, as these, unless of undent- p° p P, in th top, of o that Lear Lord, I've never complained young �rulla broke away recently, end thing better, hence those who find (}RY}AT DISCRi,'TION. ably quality, wi21 cause the leather to. IP your ahLldron can not play with closed flush after I one through. I h" 1 ,',, about my broken hip, and t am willing leaping the barriers, wounded twenty- seedlings coming up about their prem- i You r Sister -Why did you tell dry and crack ,A very good blacking the peigltbors' chil1�•e��s without quer- "Now, there was n a ku¢tion Por you. °° may be made by mixing Your ounces of rating see that therJ► are not eapostyd Me in a square hoz of '�ard pine, ap- - - to go through life with it, but I can't eight persona. In another country this face or who are thinking of endeavor-, Mr. Cai again how old I am P to the tem tation. arentl D ton without a crutch, f've no would hnvo been onlled a ontastrophe. Ivory -black, three ounces of coarse au- P P y im Lha collar of �a house, no gc inn to raise some, ehoald not be die- Ehler Sister -You're too young Por opening in it anywhere, a d m mono to el another, and I don't It wan morel an acOtdent, accord- I gar, a tablespoonful of sweet oil, and - _, y bag , A y g y oouraged. Many persona lose heart in that to make any difference. Now, It a int of small bear. Anotber a ually with all my tools in it up there on the •� know who to risk, so please, dear Lord. Ing to the aloalde, who. cried out with - would bet different if you were to tell p q HUMILIATING A RIVAL. °hair b the bureau, and too dew n send me another one. Mother always some satisfaction, " Happily the great- the raising oP ieodlipg Pruita because ! him my age good ane La made by mixing two tea- there with nothin not a blessed (ril��'j'hiliJl, QOMFORTiNG s nfule of dp!'lrmaaati oil, half apint It is not a mooted question in Parsin B, told me to go to you tvhdn Ywaa la er numberr of the wounded Gail from of the length of time it takes ¢ eeerl-I Well, I didn't. I enly told him you poo t6tn to work with. But while th'rr'a bltttinguishedeverytybere for trouble ind to 1 come naw. Please not htwurmg diatriote, our owe of vinegar, three ounces Of molaesee, whether women drasg for the a ea of g' g ling to bear, writes Joesph Meehan. o ware ten pears Older than I am. and four ounces of fithely-powdered y life there's hope.I never should b.tvp Delicacy of Flavour, Superior doer Lord, answer my prayer for pie are safe,' Olen or those of women, as there on o ` Quality, and Nutritive Pro• Jesus' sake. Amen,' ivtlry-black, adding th6 v[negur [ant: ly ifi light of Bach a thing ae giving u p "1 laid nwako a cod while thlnkin A good waterproof mixture is nom- 'women see women, at parties. In her it I could have had n chance; but i portion. Specially grateful g g VERY SIMPLE SET OF HARNESS. {nosed of one ounce oL beeswax, oat book, "Through.Perata °n a Side -$ad- didp't. I hadn't been is the box too of that prayer, and it was the first BEAUTIFUL EYES. canoe of tar Mine, a uarter at an minutes before there was a elide ush- r anti comforting to the nervous thin I cho ht op this morn pe q g ug inn, and t oanoe of 'Burgundy pit°h, melted over die," Mlsa Sykes, writing of the women ed back up near the top on one side And dyspeptic. Sold only in f I began wondering if I °ouldn E do rhrac wife Larne Pe)ltla svo Alt to s s a slow tire, with half a pint of oil. Be °f Teheran, the capital of Pbrsis, con- and a man looked in. It was the bo,s Ile, tics, labelled JAMES Eomething to help God endear liy'p r 1 pgayer. Well, while I was wondering t)tnttettve• • � •.. i oaPaten Watts the 'turpentine. fosses that aver ndohaEm n f isolation the p chanty. And i, five mien I - 9PPS tc CO., LTD., Hnmoe• I Slaw my geranium, and then I mid: A large pupil is one of the chief .• ' Patent leather require;i Daly i little dace not provent woman Prom being found the were there, nhi then 1 f" this Chetnia s, London, r < milk and a apcuge to #emove the dirt. envious of other, woman If the are y had a door to this boy biR tide Oh, maybe I can sell it, and' get enough beauties at the eye, and ao well is this +, , t' When not fn ttse it alibuld be kept is y enough to get n man out cit. S Land. to b another arutobl' dredeed better than themselves. She I have Been other tra s as a]&bore; e " �'' Now you know who Billy f@ and retsognlxed, that the atropin, which �- " . k a wsrri tenspeiature, cold causing the p It SAPPER why I want to sell geranium• dilates the pupil, hag been natned bel- ,, - y 6 Leather to ataek. A little' oottoo-wool writes: bat•aone more costly. He had to c,:r „ my stuffed in the tips of patent leather. I wads told that many of the fin. his carpet to begin with around th+i y�yT, Won't you please buy itY' ladanna Ybt a dilated pupil to a shoes will keep them from bot►diag and traps in 'ilia room; of couraa, t b,, si' A I wan greatly moved and inteleated very common symptom of defeative vfo- cracking. No leather should be exposed ladies wrould give large name in th did t cost anything much, but it B of i - ils M �Y/ YY r p and i`ll own up to s, As I l qulted- �M y r ' , . ..* to the eztrpme beat of a fire; as it is European Whops of Teheran for any tra an -p and then the coat of t he .x :,. tare about tang eyes, as I inelulred: inn. Tho iris ig& abutter to regulate ", ; ' 1.• .. "HOW tall is BLI t" 'the amount of light failing on the ret-- \ - - hereby deprived of its vitality. Creak- brocade of silk which struck their the time contrivance, what- �1jyr" , •'a' inn boots Yaay bO cured by ring a fancy, and would wear it at the nazi 'swot it wee that was attached to Lha 1 a i . "O, she quickly responded, I ve in&, and if the latter be defective it ria small hale tit Lhe sols, to admit air, or rty to which they invited their M414 trap, that let me stand ou it for .,, ( �� ' � got tiro mossure of his old crutch, If quires a larger atipply. Hence a dl- taking thelm to a shoemaker and get- friends, flaunting the now totirto os- a minute or two bnforn it dro yed; and AJt At • th&t is what you tuean." �w ,*i, , a ori,. , ting him to ineerL g little Fr'enoh olrulk ttliYtatiotr3lyr bsforo them to fir, `,-ir then the chute and lhs box and the fated pupil t4 often aesaoiated with a . ,;,. "lies that id aunt shat I maim; aro; if you Please, Gertrude, we'll go and feeble re"s, which, of collriut. Meant „ - e eS I sad Il jealiyusy: o wh b 'ne couldn't Gave coat e tween th .401 t for oil be the ole asp eta ... «. > rubbed into the Ieather about once k ilsually, however, ono of the guests Cent Iesa than four or five hundred dol- fru ' � � � � see about aorutnhJ' feeble +fbsron. pShort-sighted pe�pie ':" " -! fe► '� month, the wear of babts 'had shoes Would .pay bar hostels& out by buying tars. It cost me four years' a It did not take pa long tis find a ha•e of�en a greattr convexity of the .,. ;tea: --w time. stone . where such things. were to be front of the ,torttea, and thI 4 leads a ., ...; � - will gfasair'"prolon ed, and the will siame afore of the pains axe erial, and I ,. bn y " . 'i5, a lisp rteotly ' . eat with brrl'inary haven it ai4d s u for oris Itgt elite -"-'nitrRw:y ' a #>b a THE HYPNOTIST'S 4 ._+ , g, brightdesa tq this ey4'. Ate` r ;r, aaaking after ming this ail. Aa oN- w�om8n. slur 't en vrauld fnvlte a WiL);S. procured, nor a great whflei to tt"Hifi eertattt U-110�l±* kmebor of the'store M mach IatoiMted firaarr ee, ilnecha>l I&I cituAM theta li} � � . ; h' ►td tStl #eat mil a " the atirl&tb n lhtncaa fn boot or b tea i& cotta to tete' d Lha Tr&veli T „ .1v%aMt1�lCtttreiftt C;; its till :Itiiplia;'d � i r O xs_f @I+►ret Vitt "1111 nbt+t are said lir bet wi tiiSil * *kf*o ft� 1►yad Ottri it li�titili td, assn-' ry"i'sn the photo abarewra4 takertl the as •e e y •Mie ewr a cap R a oe n rg� �Ir. ,ori cups fig auk -2 w•as "&din' a piece ttv''etP 'ta, sotuo convenitnt hole lti the usually be vomedted 'by appltaaitioud of, :would be, ded .round b'• tt ne rase de kidder day a'liont a man h tielrtizin' atx irr,SS� faa titihip of Cranbronk, fn Yt'ritiah y k a falter an' m kin him e Wvith. 1* and tilled life bKok, Zile return.' cloths, di d In hot water, either awhile adorned .fix the riot► :iiilk with which yypp tnbpths old. fiha pee aonrmr't a crime. �saut i Calumbla, wall four ., r !ng he has throw* iit blah et oven' it to the 4hae ie 'ort 'Lite toot br pA fhe [mist. ttnt't >' ilgateais is 1►crby�, It teirLp mar pre i,teod ran iced vx4r arflet mined tc present to Our rued= pre�lent its . tfreexing. Not . the least Wl A boots kava bsoonxes thorouhhly %aateaf bid thb clave *b6ld d`dlhbe be, 1)tMm D. W'a�r-dittin partyfdgond ray diad 14 Aq iddt►, off what may ,be the ratarie araiisfng part about the do , rttsaa , troakall with•vtptelr, fill them With 1, , rfor* tbi► *uMts, The ytfMt•Is -, who all of a erittden, ain•t yef neo+ie►te of• wit f cuddly in ss. txtw a country.tla that hat,hsrtiess has hastier proi!iddd;' Warta,bialk, and laoa lir button thtlm iitrabli g t'iinnittbd, tobamdjtitfatl, would �`m'rnung Tank•-•Nti•, but it the kip *.%AsUes the waterworks donelgil luet'ely kf: x14 for .the sledj*- the.wtaterwocka tdCttis ap ti Tsf1 . tivapend thaenx in a wbtrtn :be both,l diltetppoltlted And hartiitated. do tb;wt'�' metre a feller commit a ) "stye", old. task, ilrt�ryn aloep� ou a eledgei bjF lit entire town being' dragged alohkfasi- pbaoe, ling too.near thb lire .�Le brake llid tatty+' irlyo bad'„ gtvttt the party Orttna, th y kin ffiaite hilin .tr d�crelstt adttts3e. qhs Supeilatanditat .+►1NIt' tb tl►a iMptc�tw'r:Prtl writ ab 411 all tllie wiatt)ro. avid ons *WWAi i*pleadtirlUtviixt7fktTrs•rivai. , A wboo aa,W nD t Leu , st,#,.Ae6 ?!, I LAAAJLtk i* #._