HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-01-20, Page 1to A 4 ~ Gta�lntl4 � ; s� Foit A Naw $TATtow,-•-•Tbe A. T. R. N$w DusiNues RIRM.•- Messrs. It. P Q /� 1 ,A,not<her E lection Alt. if In ao doing tk4e1f' trifid �tfii"410l��t00 , �: survey party was In town last week Smith da Co„ of London, have purchae- CIXl Rtcar� 4Zy f1 Zgetat Lin. Tlid presence ]n town of Grit Orgcµl, of the Le , Ute vervIglic ll hveky tC omlIrsr of the Lei ue hottaotten(t tt�o + liiw taLk[ng Gho bearings of the present un- ed :he grdcet v stock of t3turdy Bt'nq.. Iger 8ult4h, and tha preparations lie- Imk4itCC) i rte el3ttilt yaeptfu N T� W�I,>t Ur Irl LAw.-At the recent 61 btly (depot, with the view, It Is, said, and Mr, s"littb is now in charge. the g .it t� r, Iftwexaminatiouat,Os oodHRII.Toron• of 1N WHILY INTE R1 T IS DhEP dun at ilio head lion str ettIndic of Ch CCE to Clip rnletY111ktrs trltf] th >, I g putting up a new building in the tfrst sale dav being taworaow.- Satur- h "to, Chas. Darrow successtullY passed spring. Let hs hope the surmise Is day. Mr, Smitll comes to Goderich LY INTERESTED. tits party oa Hnniitton street, itldicate c arch. The (}revery and Crockery 8tgck ofMMESSRS. STURDY RROS. the thitdyear teat. and Geo. Fraser and true and that before we end the nine• lite-hly recommended as au experienced trash the writ far the hpaelectiun to fill A very intereatiP, dispurisloo,f'ollow, Use Ueen urchasad by tta• at a rate on the $ and Will he bold for GeO, $t►channa the second. The last teentb ceatuey 13oderlch will have a and shrewd husinesA man xnd miap re- A, speech delivered by Hon. Mr. the Dominion vacancy In Weet Huron an the utethodst of ltanttfltting th* p named gentleman ha�d the honor of railway station that will be a credit to aide here permanently. The that an clase-meetin'' arA getUrig ilia *allrix Tarte Mialrter of Public �Vorke, to Is all ready, xnd the Plecaora uta ex• CseU at' he+Lding ,Lhe'list of fila class. Huron and the Grand Trunk 1l',gllWay nuincement of the firm will 1>e t(Dund a Y ptlgpla to ahead moiPe t'e�ulArly'. t Company. ►n out• advertising columns today. Montreal recently. somewhat outlining pect the call to arms any day. Mr. Einberson. of 'Toront4y r,(tptrt4RG• GREATi.Y REDUCED PRIES DeGtlrolgortav NorthatreetaeemA , HURON PoIILraY Saow.-Tas 3TAn I.oaT ANn FaaND.-Last week x lady Ula pixlne tOr a through grain route Both the reApectiwe candldarea xre eti an o n pxrlYxrilenh uq `C1(tq- to be cin unfortunate thoroughfare for 1'�'To every purchaser of $1.00 Worth Of Goods we Will give 7 b 66th dogs, for within the last three weeks h'ts been favored with a prize list of lost a valuable boa+ but It wee found from the lake ca the tiexbottd via To- sow fairly fa the Held and lite tnanv mlttee � ark." Iraur 1, Agaegrteptirt+rr� �'i„ the Hur(lu, Poult and Pet Stock Shortly afterwards by Allan McIia , ronto and Montreal, has atlrred up friends of Mie. ROBERT MaLisAN should that they were working thtt flvtC-,d,t EaLirs>s 25 cents three et canines have Veep olsoned. yy partisan iu conneaHan vi+ltk4 tha)ix . Bars of ConrFoarwSwtsE'r Roars, , or ELEcxalo $nAra foe pp p and promptly returned to rho fair uite an a itation tie to which Is the lose xo time iu pre aria to elect bu tneetin a The Forward Zvslig Cljstic ���xe>1•do�xOST es BEt� 143 z>nann The fi►•oL to frill tit the hands of the Association, from Secretary George owner. This same week another lady q g P` R R ' ;'+', poisoner was G. N. Davis' spaniel, as Swallow. to held to Clinton on Mon- last a flue dollar hdl is Lha nelghbur best lake port, and Owen Sound• olid- as the representative of this riaing. Movement la taken tip by four�atiX0,ov, -��-�+ yuie.t a dog as ever tgllowed a matster ; day. I'I,esdedv and Wednesday next. hood of Ease street-, but Ilko ilio owner hLnd, 3leaford and Uollingwond are all No mon in active buvlonsa life in th[s I+iterary xnd eoelat work was fuliy.tl1�� R_ ��.de�.l.� C 0 _ then tastweek OountyUoancillu Holt's aehcire is a quad strap nt prizes In Query of the two, she had the pleasure of advocattng Choir charms sod advan- rldin¢fetwtter or merefavo bl khawn ous6ed. ' In thtlae departmeate tl(rthiriaa �c011de toss dose w death+ xnd IaWr, partment, some five hundred derives calving It back again. These two in- toe with commendnhle vi or and ahuuld bo under,»ken that t1CaU1+f h1ay.Ar OPEN SATURDAY, 2IST JANUARY, l Miea PPuey'a pug almost destroyed. It Itemq effete d. Entries ate gotnR in g s R thaw RODIiRT M(+LrAx. Ho town a tendency to lower thea ]rlptu�Fti 6ts}CtSI ' ra idl stances of uprightness make one feel y would seem that Goderich hale a dog P v and success is now assured, aP proud of living at. the end of the nine- zeal. A despatch was published in the up from boyhood to a pros Ga atoll Lttg of the LLngue. Mission ia.4nd4 KW., toisoner who doses uiet animals, but unrhh sa that the third annual promisee dadv rese Uringlu Goderich into the Juulut LexguOs wetro explain xla !! 9 teenth century. P R actlyo position its n busine s Hain ; ho (}(3 Yor what reason few cxu understand, us io be the treat eve► held in Chu county aronau v meuthlgs •should, where rJH ; Public Notice, AN OLD FRIEND -Mr, Ben. Wilson, competitive tl•)Id, and Incidentally has re eatedl and successfully tilled p the three canines poisoned were re- of Huron. Wm- Warnock, U. A. Wells, P Y sihle, tie held once u mouth, NOTICE TO AD'VE]RTISERS. ROOM AT THE ST. LAWRENCE I8 matrkably quiet animals. At the in- J, H. Fisher and Wm. McLean, of of Mugford, Dakota, is back in Huron pointing out that n connection with n/unidl al seats, hoth In town find The Executive committee for Hilo: th A now vacant Apply et ancq to 11lns3 • stance of the aggi ieved owners the Goderich. ate among the officers and paying a visit to his old time friends. Hamilton would give rL short connect- eount ud with his wet! known tie- year 18110 is as foltowa t Iron, r4ttttL E All display advertising ori a ANDREW BECK. SL Lawrence Hall. Citizen's Committee will ay a reward directors of the Association. At present he is the quest of Mr. W. p ing link on the through route pot ear tivity n d business a Lgacity, he would Rey, W, Rigsby, 111vth ; pr,es.e r I(i% first page of The Star must i of $10 for the conviction of the iris• Commirrim MEETING.-- A tneetin T. Marney, find will visit torn time in Af. Elliott, Goderich ; 1,96 vied r + be Pree Pr0ffi Cuts and will be Mort & t9 Sales, cream. R the neighborhood of Dungannon he• passed, 1t equalled, ny anything yet make a most cnpnble rupresentativs In p ,'' g B - of the JVater find Light committee was fore returniu Mr. Wilson looks pro osed. This, of course, h,as been vie S. T. Wlias re, hes ne6vtlle t n --_-.... g. P public nifaha fit Ottaaavn• vice rus., Atisa Acheson, Glxierlc. charged for at 20 Cents aII ELL OHAIRED, - Landon Free held on Monday avenin¢ ; present, roc arcus, and SIL s about all the old P+ N THA: HIGH COURT OF JUS- pp P Y Sneered at [)y some of the Toronto Here's to ROnraT McLEAN, M P. 3rd urea pies., Air. E. Wunles. ,'V at nit,• Inch, running measure, each JL ess : •'On Monday evening last o Nrm. Cam bell, chairman, D. olmes• Huronites In his section of the state 4th vice r•es., Mr. W. Taman. Il] di t TIUE. pnpera, who loom to tnko it fur grunt- for Went listen i P Y t and busty SD88rtiOn, veru enjovuhle time was spent at the J. C. Marta and the mayor. n Ons- are doing well. It ie 18 yenta since Mr. ed Ghat, come what ilia remote fe __ 6th vice prep.. Miss M. Salkeld, iii od0l. MOCORVIE vs. MCCORVIE residence of Mr. Philip Rundle• when wet to an application, the clerk was di- Wilson left Goderleb, and he is pleas- y• " -� iien ; sec., At r. A. P. Sheppard, N11,'t 1 ,, y� Pursuant to the jud ment herein, bearing the members of the Presbyterian rected to write Sheriff Reynolds and iu• ed to see utility signs of improvement in it for sure." The World, howe ver, A GOOD CON VH1NrION b•eus,• Niss M. Latimer, Senforth t; f - - - I date, the 23rd day of November. A.D. tri church assembled w bid farewell. I form him chat apt present there is riot here. He Lays Tats STAR is ever a takes care to avoid offence to tiny of presentatttve of dist••Ict on Conterenf(3 Wants. there will be oftored for sate by pnttlto settles I Aftw r all had arrived, Mr. and Mr•s. power to furnish additional lights. most welcome visitor w his home, and thu rival lake orts, and a os that a Or E worth League anti Sunda exoeo(Ivu, Rev. E. F. Armatix ])I2, _ __ _ I by Jonn Knox, Auctioneer, with the approba- K,tlndle were called forward, and wt Eh loser Kell was directed to have the • reall could note are it, P p y URSE l OUND.-On dloadny last a Puree tion of the \1 aster, at Buxton's f3otol hr the Y y Y p R Grrdet tch. Thu appointing of the tt11A to+vn oL he 'Ilph, at rho hour of twot crook Ie address being rend by Mies Dolly Cole. bili er No. 1 repaired. It was agreed to FurryTant3E CHANOEH.--luring the bt meeting should be held in Toronto, School Workers, find tiliwe of the next meeting wits lef6 P waR lett fit too residence of Jas Stewart the afternoon, on they were tmade the recipients of two report that the water and light by-law ear 1808 there were fib c•han es in the Lo which "a general Invitaat.ion should --- to the saw Exec•ut Ive+ couunittee. � c•ornerof South and E1Rin .treets. Owner can y R " " have Rame by calling tie TnE STAN office and Saturday, the 26th Day of Jtanuary, handsome chairs. They were GLkefl he amended, (n make the nuruber of Leashing ataH in West Huron, Inspec- be extended to all who feel interested The fourth annual ronventlot nF the runti:)e wits carried endorsing the ttG+ nayfng expentos of aaverLtsing. 18119, completely by surprise, but Mr. Rundle members Purming the cotmnittee three for Joo. E. Toni's division. The main in the rojeet, and in purticulur to the Goderich Uietric•t ICpwurLit Lengue tion of the Rxeculiv,+ in agreeing'ti♦' -_ .__ -_ ___ - - -__. _ I the following property: managed to reply briefly. Refresh• instead of five, its at present. After cause of the likige number of teachers P and Sunday School Assocl atiou tort, "olloort: a Inissiun,try, Ali-. Some. o . Public Not Ce. The Nortb•westerlypartoflot number Nine, merits were then served by the laches, supplies hrad been ordered ter t.ne water was the third class certificates ex• Boards of Trttide and municipal coon• held in North street Alothodist• church cht-ouw•, V,urru,tvul island, British 1 in the Third coneessadon w D., of the Town- (and the relnfLutder of the evening was xnd light departments, the committee irin thou h there fire reasons, Stich ells of all the upper lake ports." on 'Tuescla ,and Wed ie•+da Januar ship of Colborne, fn the County of Huron. a ent ]n music and ameq. Mr. Rundle ud o trued. P q' K Y Y. Y l:uluwbin. CORDON MEMORIA(, COLLEGE FUND. x crea at P R ] its promotion t) higher positions, I011w• A well informed writer ut the Han)- 17th unci l8th. The first session wits Reports %Vere given by Lha vice 111e&h The said lands comprise vizi si a g MEETING. -There was a ood in to attend the Normal .alleges, or c dcvutu( to Sunda School work• and `Vf -The Bank of Montreal will receive sub- and fumdv cru removin to Goderich, X Ilton 3 ettater, dealin with the whole acyl tions for the above fund and remit them 8 clay loam doll, of which a uL forty•five R R 9 g y dorttn cf the! sow l t H t hit•tl soil ufth the p t acres are fenced and cleared, and the baalanee and will be gre,tt.ly missed, especially attendance at the ten meeting held at trustees wonting bettor teachers. Tho av's pre Bided over by Air. A.T. 4t+aper'• p,ii•Lnapurw, by the secr,rbu y and by'tl)o. to Ottnwo free of oharfto. f 1s hardwood bush, considerably culled and h the Presbyterian church, in which c•han es were to Goderich town 1, through route question. says : of Clinton, who is district president_ ,, . own up 1n part with (wound growth. I� the Point Farm on Wednesdav even• K treasurer' EETING OF ' E HURON COUNTY (rt r, Randle OLA choir leaader and Mra. Exeter 1, Hensall 1, Goderich tp. 2, It [aelafined thrat rho den ening of Rev. A. L. Russell Introduced the+ rg p F 9 nR Ubtnorne 3 Shanle 4, (7olbornu 4, the St. LiLtvreoce canals, ran 'Puruuta fiixt sob act, "'Phu relation of rho purr Aftor,a fete words o[ thanks the Cttn• "' A; COUN•CIL-Tho,Coun(:tl.ot tlin -o •por The .urn eM 1a-nituatnd about four Altd _ Rundiwas.nr anist-have for some •blow narnnder tlt(� sus{{)lees: of -the ou d ,urea of the C++untyy of Huron will meet in the halt miles from Goderich and. about one mite taken nn active port." Mr. Rundle, purple of Leehurn Church. AS is usual West Wawanosh 6, East Wnwanosh 6, harbor+ will revolutionize the carrying cuts to the Sunda Sc•hool." 7+fila i -e- vi'ntioi ws rlused with Llte Fwnedtc• ,,, 1, eounoil chamber Godedolf. on Tuesday, the from Bonmiiler PostOffice. y tion. 21 ch lost., ata o'clock p.m. who hots [)ought the Matrehall farm on with the mem bees of the L.eehurn con- Ha 0, Ashfleld 10, StP hen 11. trade, +and that a large transhipment lat.ion should nut he that fit indifYet•- A Y Su EPPARD Mill. Sec. W. LANE Clerk. There aro oleo erpotatd upon rho promisee a Y _ P two story frame dwelling houeo with kltses the Huron Ro,ul, will evidently make gregattion, an excellent supper woe ----t _— business will be done on Lake Ontario. once ; parents cannot atfmil to hu in• Dated January 10, L'?;i9, and cellar, frame barn 36XM. stable 3ox00and a ra good citizen for this section. provided for al] comers, and after it df so, must this necessarily be fit To• diffetent, ns tite school touches the i Obltuar . -- cow suable. 30 fent long, adjoh) ng rho burn• had. been heartil en o ud, n nice ro- y rgn.o ?' Same of the shote mentioned huruu ; the me Lhoae wha ahuul¢ le OTICE.-We want 1,000 lbs. butter in 2•lh LEGAti NtY.ToroJudgment of given Y j y P y Winter 8 Iolls. For A I butler we will pay rho There is a well and pgmu at the hopso. Tho Lratmme avaLs presented, Rev. Mt. MCUaUOALL.-Stewart R. S1cDongg• ❑pper lake ports rare assort 'Toronto. uuost IntereSLod in the+ future of the, pO! LS, fences ara la fair repair. last w(;ek at Toronto by Chief Juat(ce K� all, for Suite sista caretaker of the nighoat cash pride, also trash o at tbo H+unilton being chairman of the even- v others neLrer Hnmiltpn, the nvernge children. Thu rulntiun should not be In IhP Itnron ,and Btuco Hackey Hanailion St. Pro..uee -store.-W. J, MORROW. TRRMa OF SALE. - Meredith to Blake vs. Jai is. tt'Ied ]lore in In rtddition to an x ro rials rad- Central School here, and a lung time of t•hu tvhote bein a few n)11Ps to favor of ()iLsela'e, bort. rather of warns+st. active - - Too r cent- of ilio purohase money on the g' PP p g Lt+ague Inst. Friday night Winghiam T pe at last Assizes. This wits ran ,action for dress from the chairman, there was an resident of Goderich, died on Fridav of Hramilton. Hamilton harbor IS cat and co -o er,Ltive interest. i al•eeta iAACY DRESS CARNIVAL. day of sale• the balance,w be paid into Court ,Ln account of Lhe rent due under n last +Lt. the asylum of L soden, whither P P c roasert Xtick� avith KinCrudioo, rosultr ' within thirty days thereafter without Interest, excellent speech by Rev. Mr. HRII, of b o able of improv©meat and nln{ntunntce con ,assist Lhe sc•haol by geeing Lhat the' lug iu a store uP five go:Lis to nuc fit ;.^.' when possession will be given. In all other lease of a brewery with plant and Dungannon• and ,as.Wm. Stoddart, of he had eeu rem void a short time ago at n leas coat than Toronto• rand could children have Lhe S. S, lessons pre Paver of lbs Litter. Despite the &')ft The First Grand Fancy Dross Carnival of the respects the terms of sale will be the standing utensils, and fur payment of the sunt town• gave two solos, and there was ex- owing to some men Gal trouble. Du- rovide fur the re uirements of nn season will be held in Chu Curling Rink• on P g y pored fit home through the week ; hy' ay cytl tier, Lberl' was a uud sheet: of Ice copditions of the High Court of Justice. There found due, and for a return of certain cellent local talent. those wife attend. ceased wets an industrious #arid honor• 1tossibfe expansion of ship ing trade. praa in with and fur the c•hlldive : by R , •r ,,.,,; Thursday, January 28th• will be a reserve bid. [ Y R nod Lhe g,uue t hroufXhoUt was islet and barrels, caves, and bottles. Counter- ed the annual tea Pf Chu "'Leebnru table citizan, esteemed by all who knew notice that Goderich is oidia out seein to it that thev are ,at school when over $35.00 will be awarded fn prizes for Further particulars may be had from Messrs. R R in t areal i ng. Fano Dress, Comic and other Costumer. The SCOTT & MOKstrzirrr Barristers, Clinton ; Claim for drLmages for -eviction. Judg- church haul a moat enjoyable evening. him. The remains were brought hot..e her hands to HxmilLOfl, and ,i ravels- punctually and ,regulu•ly by visiliuu Grand MARINE BAND will be in attendance. Messre. eAmERaN, HOLT& HoLmEs, and M. G. Ment is flaw given for plaintiffs far w Goderich and interred On Sundiay Llan Carried at al citizens' ❑Ieeting the School ; by assisting the lilt I. It'(•a l!ARNn-AI-.-- Alanager Flurtther fit• Competent Judges. -iaover 10,00Dfeetofice. CAMERON. Barristers• Goderich, or the under- +�62.50iind $19 due to them for rent. THE HARBOR IMPROVEMENT• -The last, -- there hits been sent to tlio secretary of the School and teaching the children furors TBE STAR that there Will hes Plenty of room. Everybody come. signed. Reference to the local master at Ggde- resolution aadopbed by the Board of ROBERTSON. -The Senforth Exposi- of the Board of Trade. The subject to help pay fcli the expenses of the grand varnFVid in the curling and skirt - Admission 16 Cent& OARROW & $ROUDFOOT, rich to enquire and State which (if any) Trade at its meetin last week was ter thus refers to the death of a former Seems well worth the attention of the School. Parents should realize the fill- in rink on Thumdaay, Januar 211th. Plafntilre Solicitors. R 7 K Y ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. ufthearticlesdescribed in the schedules resident of this town : "The death of board." o h H. L, DOYLE, Masts at Goderteh. thio weak engrossed and forwarded to p rtwce of Sunday School work. w en a sod aunt her of prizes will {ie n — to the lease were not delivered to the Mr Matthew linbertsoe reroovea one , Children ore n t to learn mare when tom etad for. Comic and fancy ahs- Ivotico Is horebp Riven that the Paztuorehip Dated January 0th, 1898. Hon. Mr. Trane, as Minister of YuhliC The Stratford herald, in n referehce P p defendants, and the value of them• of th foneer business men of Sen- associated with others than the would I, Imes will be un Lhe -list, find the heretofore existing under the firm name and and also w e❑ vire and eta.te which of works. It reads as follows : Whereas, ` to the agitaticnT, said ; v style of Fllainger&Robinson, doing busfoeas ;�� ORIGAU`E BALE OF VALU q the port of Godertch is the beat diaGl. forth. The deceased has been in poor fit home. Marine Band will ire in rattendanen. ' in the Town of Goderich, as Plumbers, Tin• LYl ABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY the articles mentioned ua the Schedules bating point for Manitoba grain to Lhe health for a couple of years, and fur •+This,(theGoderieh•Harnilton route,) Rev. J. Wilson introduced the stib. For full particulars see bills and adyt. smiths and Stove Dealers, has been this day were not returned by defendants• and Ontario millers. and the roue to this the past few months had been bed, rid- is certainly at route that should not he in another column. . i.I diasoived ho om+•ttw ,•ralts94%t,Mc. Robinson re• the valve of them, regard being had to , d P jeer, "Qunlificiations of a.l,eacz ter•" ,_t . i1s8i lyhtch wiH +6a con- Uodernnd bpvirtuo stn Powerot Sale con- harbor, thrqupK,,% "^� 14IaTiz,,a•fihe en, so that death was a relief to hint Yerlookt+d, fol it haaa kwon praying ire tout(•]_%-'. _%l '' 4CRC6Pra THE TROPHY Htiorrr.-The, sivend tniood in a certain Mortgage thade to the Such of the values as Arai fixed by the &alf+.a. at front thb sufferin of this world. Mr. usefulness right along, the ere•h(•• •" ,+ o Orta shall bo payabb Voodoo, and which will bo produced of Lh• lease. No coats to and including the ' ,� tt sI an8; where- R ti eoches. id Hen F(]- lye t,Dav,. 3Uder ch, e' `, '.�`'v Robertson was born iri ,London, Onwt- fa barge, modern elevate _ thatch for the trophy of the"OfP'ITtt7iil o „erirjv 'and the ea ry time., Sale there will bo.ofiored by puhl(c Lrial hay'_' Auaditectione ,and drto4� [[, g _ hearts In �,,,, gpa f 1 f't a Oavp. . f&at •odd other capftafisa5;`H,atf ,cPa-tttY. elo,* (17'years ago. His father, Alex. having furnished that handsome Lovett t.ht+ work nn should hu in earnest in LtiHe (`luh tttuk pinto an rho club rne:ge singer arss.mS 4 t1% jl bit t es e h nuetion, on tfau premlaea, on �µ i AA quant costs reserved. COLInter-claim Robertson, av»s born In Scotland, and with the re•eded conveniences• while un FrnLny afternoon, The tut.oavtnq Dated at l}odenohthisl4LhdayorJanuary. Wednesday, Lhe 26thDityofJanuary, Dismissed without costs. GartRnw, a joint atock company and erecteda impressing 6he truths of rho lassoo, 1800. Q' modern rain elevator, with as ca sell at the time of the McKenzie rebellion the Grand Trunk has co -o aerated with shows .the umembet Drusent and the HENRY FIL3:NGER• 1889, R P y Thuy Xhould be generous In their C., 4or plamtitfa. Campion (Goderich) was ca thin of are nuent of verso as live Freight service. he distance acarex oasis IIENRY ROBINSUN. at2 o'clock In the attornoon, Lhe following fpr defendants. of 600,000 bushels• at a cost of $110,000, P R n,eLurn. A knowlstl a oY the Bible. Wttnos-i: GEO. SHILPPARA. voluo'co property namely;- exrtusive of bonuses ; and, whereats. at Leers; awhile his mother's father met from Goderich to Hamilton is less than q Ion. 200, ►Total from Owun Sound to Toronto• and the a love to God, love fur children and tv. (•alit. 18 20 38 Alt that certain ppanroot or tract of land and FROM DAWSON CITY. -Under date the inception of this work we hand the his death at the battle of Lundy's apUte.as lu teach ore qualities essenLinl IV (,s Andrews .. _. I IS 53 ' PPLICATION TU PARLIAMENT promises situate, lytng and'being to rho Town October 26th, Mr. Henry Sillib, hags re- nesdrances that the harbor would be l.ano. In 1844 his Pathor moved to distance even fe out Goderich to Toren• ship of Colborne• In the County of Huron and Goderich, where be wxe contectajd to would ePm are well with that of to sueceXsful t<•nching. H. . sail z L4 49 Province of uotarlo. bpinR tom osed of a dred ed to a do th sufficient to float p '•The O en Parliament on Sundaav r. Ponnhntton.. .. . 31 3t1 ,(a p calved a letter Iron his son, Johu who P with the Canada Cont an There• ,at Owen Sound ti the same place. 'Phe P tv. ttutren .. 38 i Noticels hereby�ftluso chatspplication will portion of the North East Corner of Lot num• for t•he aLat seven sate lead been a the atgesG vessels upon these Inkes, P Y• School," led by G. M. ] lliot', was pain- Janie. t..uhwalt .. ..,. . 2;1 2ti f" be mad, by the Corporation of the Town of berseventeen, Lake Road Welt, in the said p y thea a of 10 ears• Mr. Robertson em- perfecting a[ the Collntgwood testa) y resident of Manitoba, but had latter) which is absolutely necessary Por the R Y tipsily devoted to the nnethPde r,f keep- ('up ante Douneuy. 2D ran 1 Goderich, In the County of Huron, to the Township of Colborne, havinga frontage of one v successful workin of the elevator and baarked in the cabinet and undertaking involves great expense on the railway NP .^ " ` legislature of tte Provineo of Ontario At its hundred {and thirty feet, commencing at a gone to Lhe Yukon gold field to see R fine as well As ill the improvement of 'og rho young mea in Lhu S+abhnth N. Ip. ltougwo ..... 2d i 110 next session, for•an Act to authorize the said point on the west gldo of the Lake Road dis- what Fortune had in store for him, He for the re uirements of the rowin husinese for hunselt. In 1880 he came u e Hnn- q R B Schaol, nn 1 ilii cvttecbisni i th " , .orporatlon to issuodebentarua to the amount ,ant two and onp half chains in a souNert rain tr- ,, ; and, whereas, this ele- to Seafoi•th and started in Chu faro'• (,ollingavood harbor. IL is evidant that O• I'canl„gtou ... 2rt 2l 52 a of e2b,O ro.00 for ilio purpaRo of pit ire qty a direction from the North lmast corner o, Raid says : YI got here about six weeks ago, R dav Schnul raid how f t should be yy Lure and underWaking Mna(neas, ivht ) nR between the Sarniu,God(+rich, Owen P:. tt wnwid 36 dG 06 tioatfpg debt of 000,00 inpurred in connec• Lot sovpnts.u, Lesko Road west concoesion and enjoyed the Li•i I havodt, done orator, which is designed largely For o w he Wats and Ltght Plant and thence southorl cion Lho wont Rldo of roars `' the use of Ontario millers in the he continued until n few yo:ti'a a ,. Sound, Coliio��wood and Prarry Sound UunghL, ('harles }cold. 3d 10 51 ; ",, tt n tth t y R anything since I art ved, only built a routes, there 1s to he no Inek of corn )( A norrinating and elec Ling couuni(_ "Che third shout fur the trophy wr 4 other pormanont works ownsa b tbo eidH ono hundred and thirty toot to ananglo, thopce Citbtn with another Pelle from Barker- Supplyiflg of Manitoba grain for grind- He leaves a widow, four eons�Jo n, l Cor orn,ton, and to provide n hrrther lout of westerly at r! htaogl.awfth road onehundroa in was eoropluted and read act d0 Herbert• Charles and Alhort-and,ine tition thaat will ensure cheap Irrspor- tee w,s npPo+ot+'4i t)y tavliut• take+ place this nfta rosea at rho range pp g ville. We bought some rovisionsfind K talion for Northwest products (u the rv'EN+Nu HEseu)N. (fIInEKI('H WtNH. -1'be Bink toils $5,t100.0u to entarko and complete the same, feet to an angle thoncu northerly parallel with P ala a business earl in the full of Inst daughter• Arxbellaa, w siesta his de- nnd, [f necesearp, to eonsolldato the said pro- said road one lmndred and thirty feet to an put them in the cithin and so are living r'R Y east~'' osed obligation with the existing debenture angle thence crsterty along the southerly together. Groh is ret.ty high priced yeaar, but Was unaable to obtain caargoes, mise•" The evening session was ( pear I with crowded an Wednesday a-. -Hing by dobt of the said Corporation. boundary of property sold to one Johnston as a naw for instance.l+utter $1.60 er Ib ; excepting from a feiv of the smaller HOLT.-Philip Terence. youngest Son The Senforth Expoattor also even• a gang service. d;ev. li. Jl{Ilyard, .,f l(,vers Pf hockey to witne•x• t!..• contest tavern sound, to the Lake Road and place (rt R y eludes an editorial oh a matter Lima: R between Pill- ho and a L -tin fron) Dated at Galorfch, this 11th January. 1&1D. P bonta, owin to the unfinished state of of Count Councillor Holt., died m) ('linuolc, awe nn nddreva on "Infiuenc P { beRinnioR• contnining by admoaauremont one sugar, $1 ; fruit, 40 to 60 cents per Ili : tt�...,, ya GAttRuvl & PKOUDFOOT. qunrterotnnecrootlandtmoroorless. flour, $10 per 100 lbs. All provisions the dredging, thus entailing ar heavy Sunday morning after Ht illneaX of Thee fenodoubtlyaa5'theGodrrich "fid ionpurtanre of Liu•1, Things." Clinton. Those present wire dehght• 1&13-0 Solicitors for the Applicanta On this property ►a -situate n eomtortable will he chew er n nin next year. loss. And wherens, we beheva there three weeks, from heart failure follow- We need Ga he reminded of Pur• little- old with the ann+ oat ti b the huana frame house about•18 x 24, with kitchen about P R people hive got. decidedly tits hest of K 1 P Y lox IK a frame blacksmith shop about 18 x 24 There are thousands of people here is stilt an .omaunt unexpended of the lag an attack Pf hrunchual pneunionia. Y y togs a power and oP sur unWe '.* nese Caicos, for Goderich never heRrra tin i Chu solutaon if the can onl mfikP IL f ) FOr Sale Or 'PO LeL. andnemall tremeatablo;alsoenumboroftrult without work. 1 have meCqute a few Sum placed in last yearar estimates fol Terence, who bad just passed hie fifth operative. The route by way of GPde• t, do ntything fur Gnd. We iralrzc' suvh hockey (.r ever ttad its good as c crops. fellows from Barkerville that I'm well this dredging which could be used year. wits known w trivet of our cite rich and Hamilton, if not shorter than °Oar uuaaur ,h;nesq whin ave mnaid `r Leaam nn the ice. Froth start to finish -- This property is situate at Sheppardton P.O. ac sainted with, and I think 1'll et towards completing a channel from zens,to whom We bright eyes and wilt- what we were, what ave are, and 1, v our bovs rayed as a team, riot to show I,.. OR SALE. -A good Tay]or combination and has every advantage for thtne carrying on of 4 R the Georgian Bay, Uollingwood and pp Rate. A 1 tb J, H. PICDDEB Rnccossful bustneag to bbwk,A,altht0 weR o. area here all ri ht after n while. Its rho hnrhor entrance to the elevuLor of Hing smile were always nttrutive, ave do Chu wok God cn11X ue to par uta individtual devur Hess, and rho te- r pp v g• g g Toronto rout,, iA certainty vas sham m.kio Carpantprin or othereimtlar employ- nota hit colder than MnniLobn, the sufficient width and depth to iadmit The da previous to has depth n num- form. Angels In heaven who never atilt w Ls that the ame ended in faavoi q " g, R and is much more direct, qnd it shoul� R RGAN FOR SA;ftO.-An Idpaal Plano Ceao mons. climate is floe. There ie quite n bit of the Inrge vessels refer red to, and with her of P. s held at consultation fist be cheaper, while the cost of making srnn,d envy rain Lb, privilege of work- Pf GPderich by tPn goals w nothiatg. �� Ur�gran, manufnctur,d bp Tho Godpdeh 1ERMe--Ton perea)ntdcwn and the balance which .he elevntar tom nnv ie davit• the disease find tatken Snch n attong ing Por (iod. Nn avnrk luwrry Pr dis- Whun the ba Or tip Co A➢ply to Mlt9. R. WARRING• within 3DdapH thoronftor wlth.ut Interest. gold moving about. I have seen Rout® rr it ef8c•I of would not Flo near ly qo p y h h fairly attached, and Title deeds mayre fns ecttad at the office of nice fit els, n fellow from Baaricerville ous of closing contracts fur gran t.pon hold of the boy's syst.f+trf. that hope lar ( It Hn g Y Marta+ra n owe , if God iR honored +,her(. it tons ween that ilii hone club• (vas x r" rO .07 Ifapier atrcet. P gR K "• ytsh le a do h the the Vondorsktod.itor. gave me one for n preseut. Don't Lhe opening of nnvigntiun, but cannot did t.ot come froth their gal fitting, by ; the rawest work fur Jraus honors combination, not a gist of Siu le la vra, p Government It should he dons for the R P Y FO1I SAI$ OR RENT. W. oL W. i Lot23, Forturtherpartieularsa BIy to believe all ou see in tile, newspapers, do ao unless such dredging is tom• Tne funeral took pious ni, Tuesdnp route that is Mast direct and Ilkcl to ti's' wurkea ;small services done for ,a grntlenuut looking onloh.erved, ••Our Coma W', Wawanosb >Ittyacres. Ex- M.O. �OIiNt3TON, y feted. And whereLq, the owners of afternoon, and• fie was ext)ected. the y (`hrisLare• :•n the best, expiesgion 1)o s wrll win every cal, fur• they afro cellent soil. DIo waste fanal. Thoioughl VoodofsSolicitor. for they are trying to bafoin this P be C o c heapest and most efi3cieot, and Y K os of ,ail Avheat. Godertch. Ont country all the can. Thare iebchnnre the dredve tww lying in Pur h,frhor, retnains of the son of n present chmch" any ersun ant aloin law Chu Sitnatiurt „fir lace to hind• ,sod Christ is nlwayS playing real hockey". The Goderich ` ®nderdrained, Ten nor t Y P i R bra nn. An l 'toWM.PHAL qn romiaes Dated this 3rd day ofJannarv,1890. here for a man to maks something if xre prepared to have it ready for work waar•den rand randson of n late arch- stilling to accept these suanll Hervicra. Leant w,aw a,,,tcle a )of the followin rR i y R can miserly see that ht ,these reaperta t or M. p. Jgtij100 i BarITAT •etc :C,adorfch luck favors him, but all can't expect w at any time, and to proceed with such deaacon. passed w God's Acre through 0(,derleh hits the advantaage• and In 1Ve Xhuuld be wilting to do soul hing hlHy'f•r :.I. tVlili:unH, goal; tiny Ehvead• LLOW Musical. make monev. Don't think I will o work as soon as •weather perinata, if the portrals of the church of which tris for• (Imifit ; we ora tai he (hrlst. s fepre- „ilii; (leu. D.ibie, cover hint; Alex q Spenkin for• Goderich ave epeaik fP•' P I O�VN IATA kOR 9AI,E. TI;R �Q _�____-_.. _ _ --_— the Government will ive them orders grandfather was the first rector. The sentatives in the world. lmr oropertlo3 for sale in rho Towp of - - - any farther north, for I'm far enough to Lhat effect. And wh,reLR, as uefore h mile, 'Rosh. BleasPd nrP the Dead'' the who a (•Panty oP Haron and thlP , lr'I VI'r. N IYYI Bredr n. Fred !3hnnnon Godertch: ISS EMMA ANDREWS• TEACHER OF from Goderich floe•. Hundreds of y distract generally." Mr. Edmonston gav,• an interesting, and W m. Mc( nrfhv forwards, the haat six lots on Brioanla•st,. cn lake front• No. y��T1 Piano. Organ. Thoory, Siuht Readin letters oa�stray on this route." stated. Goderich harbor opens earlier• and '•Safe in Lhe Arms of Jesus," were Poth .srn,eic atilt P,strnetiveadrlr-ss un n,arned being ,also the captain. ; lid 11Q140 15u, 151, 162 wallfoncod, In grass. 3 Eqr TmininR A specialty of the Virg q to the springg than anv other harbor sung ny the choir and ninny of the ]n view of all this TIIE $TAR feels ,.N,ming I'4,I,jtic, g Fr„r ward Muvrruent -_ _.-� - __ i3n Upgtliousp-st..opposiW rho market. Iota Practice clavier Method. Tho'trirtdl Practice YVHLIC BOHOPL BOARD. -The stats• at poll the Inkes, find dred to can he con re ation oined in the pathette re- that the eo le of Goderich are riot No. pt. 0b 60, Gin sodgg,t), with comfortable Claalor fit G. W.Thomson'smuelaem orium R K R R j P P f.+r hlisginns. Hl' briefly aketrhed the Brief Town Topics frame cottage, outbuildings and storehouse. may be used by pupils, Alae Kindergartin tory meeting of the Public School snore easily and expeditiously done fit (rain, '•Safe in the Artnm .)f JeSaq. ' Twoloteon Harbor ❑at., to1J, tAfl, east of Method for ouncr ehtldron. Students will 1poard wits held in the school library on that. season than fit tin other, unit tin- The casket was horns by MI(HLPffi Yuul Gushing thrix chime las zenlrnisly as orgnniznuon oP tit 4tudent's Volun y y the Rhoold. We cannot afford to sit teer Movefe"t'l, arnd how till' Forward Adds i"n..I lof•aI netas on page+ l sand & ')''> A'�( Mill, pnrsue the Toronto Consenatory Course. Wednesdaty evenin Y y Y Moveolf•nt few out of it. The led a "'rid Lut 10, Con. C., containing ten acres• In 'Terms on aWleatlon at the residence, 367 R ; ppresent, trustees less ilia season should mnterinlly vnr Turnbull, P. Kirly, Harr Cuff Hod Brass, and Well fenced, wiLh born and well. Britahnia Road. Wm. Acheson, H. W. B:LII. Chan. Prom those of the aSt here, the (lred a Walter McDonald• followed h Lh,• still satisfied with• the repre•ent.).tion R P R fte•guLar sleeting of ilia town cout- p R y tit ken by the orignnnt,rR of the nnove- (•il ibis Frl(I, : Veiling. These properties will be sold at bargains; Blake, A. S. 0brystal. J. H. Colborne could begin work hefnre Af,uch ex• mourners• Mot Holt, (iePtfrey Holt, N. mode in the press dispach relit red to aural (vas, •'We ars tv)Iling and dogir ];„ht. Mr{ann •+hit >nl n carload of ,,••+ Apply to THOMAS C. NAFTEL,Sonth•st. U0.Sim INSTRUCTOR ortn- Frederlek rand Jno. Crai ie. The seeretar lav pines, and could complete thu channel Elwood and n. Holmes. A Ion hna• Ithove. The run or should• we think, omR ((rod s-rimutin to nteconte rnls- 1 t �' "?`;'11 Tr _ G.Stmpgon. O anise Nortn-34 b,etho- R y f( y l RI de„uusd hugs to Gurl{ah un ,\lunday, at Church, lata ofrNational Conservatory, Ing reported that Messrs. Blake. Chry- referred to In time for the opening of c,arri ages formed the proveq-fon t„ sioniriov.' This nrovernont has rap GODERI011 1tAKKETs. N.wYork.willroeoive pu lie olemaataryand p (all a public meeting, In connection p ( Atnl, Colborne and Craigia hard been of nnvigntion upon the a per old Mnitl.nc), LhP Poe {mrnediate'Iy in idly Rlnrv•ad t.hroughou[ ('anad>a nail .\ndrews fdros. sand ('P. shipped n fin,« ,:, aAyanced fo Plano, Orgap and Harmonq. dnlp elected members of the beard for Ickes and the Georgian Bit v. front, of the hparse tieing loaded with with the Board of Trade, and every ilia I raft.•d Ka,atr•S, and acrPgs the ('nIIl,wl of stock to Boflalooil Monday. OOSRxOTCD IIP TO NOON or THURADAy Studio T1s St. Lawrence• Montreal StmeG , ( ) Goder[.h. the years 1890” and 19(]0, called Por Thu elevator co)mp:any, with a Nowera. Arrivingq fit the oemeLery Lhe bueineae mon and merchant shouNl nl� wltrr In P:ngSau)d. in Ontaario rJone Hvay stns freely t fTPred Por salla ilio Fall wl,eac.Standard.......... tin O8 to $0 88 I nominations for the position of chair. view to meet the requirements of the service was concluded by the re•c•tor, Lend .till cllecngs a plan of au•tion. Y 1 p Kp rtag Wheat {Standardl..... it63 to 0US T'---'--- -----`- Ihirt dist rirls haven taken n) the 1111 past week, but curd lysed suets sCir(Ce Floar„perest j8tPotent..... 240 to 240 NEW ADV.RRTISEMRNTS. pian foe 1890. Wilt. Acheson nonii- millers, as well ns to enlarge their Rev, Mark Turnbull, when the grater EwennAanadvPrtisamentforthet)wn, pmt of rnlgsicmirieR, and aarf• eilhor aucidtnr. •+ Famiir...... 2 011 to 200 PAGE ,,=d 0. H. Colborne• seconded hy.)no storage capacity find businass genPual- wits filled in, the covering next the a in tit( whole or n )fart of flie slit Bran, per ton- ....... 13 oD to f3 8 Or)i ue. J. H, Colborne nominattid 1 h:as erected,a lant and machiner casket bein the we,tlth of flowPrR nn artivo and cont plPte resentation of pv y K t Iia gapes• is the cause „f consider � 60e Axes -IL W. McKonzio .... ........ R Y• p y R 1 D Roe„ In LPodnn ounfel-rnce flue dig. ,able distrrss in hitwn and adjoining a'•• Shorts per ton........................ 11 00 to 14 Wm. Acheson, aero nded h H. W, of Sufficient power to operate another that had been sent by friends from far (Cur claimq will he a good investment, tr,r•t.s ore gn poll Ing niissicns. Ieg, I two tow nshi s. 8nrmpeo�ngs, per ton.. _ 19 "m9 o 13 000 Dlseola ins of Pn......hl.. ....singor & Y ""-"' ttobieson I B.atll. The vote resu]ted in a tiP, when Plevator oY aR large capacity as ,too and novo. Thu Hog of the county was n O ,. .- -, •, ••-••••••• •• ••••• and ave cnnnat nti'ord to p:aeaiv,ly take lay.• naked o, thrna Ihr rear, ,vara ,IHS. McVicar fins mired tttP brick Barley ......................_... §a to a Notice to Creditors-Darrow&Prondfoot... a the chairman voted in favor of Rrm. present building, and they desire to at. halt mast during the funeral as a one rxeeption, Hre renJy fur ill. w„rk. J eQe . .. .. .. .. . ..... 335 to 6403 N111e Found-STAROffim ................. t Acheson, and declared that gentleman proceed with its erection• but cannot mark of Sympathy front Mr. Ilolt',+ n hark sent nt- auoh n LhnP ns this. WFfil("DAY awnNINO. .„I, k hell lehndttinR tuctrn•p chimney ( Bu• • • O ao for Sate --Moe. WaMngton.......... 1 elected:-' On taking the chair Mr. do so unless positively assured not only brother county councillors. and the �- -- ckwheat.perbushel ......... 40 to 90 rR MR. PRouiwowr• while thanking The gmnlise peaypt-oweling was well Tite rain fail last Saturdat wov, the Hay, per ton ...._.,......._..... 4 50 to 5 25 An Open Letter -James... Wilson............ 8 Acheson made a short speech• thank• that the pr•esPnt channel toil] bH ant as plxemg of the largo numlwr of Hofnl y 7 d ger wreathe, etrogaeq• pillnw0. T•HE STAR for what he terms Its kind. at�eti(W. and those present enjut•r,l a heaviest known to Gfxlerich tiny Jahn - Butter, per ib ................. 11 to 1�5(I 1t109Prolspectue-Tho ti�o1)a................ 5 ing the board for the honora confer red, requests but that, the hnrhor tan n Otferin �ttRa per dozen... .. . :; 3 t8 9r'Y5. ltyOulk+rorve-Ccatral BualnewtCoBego. a H. W. Ball moved• seconded by .f. H. whole will be properly dredged to meet ancaors, etc., on the departod child's ly reference to him in connection with Sf)'riteAl feast in ,a pr,ay'er ,std teeth my dray the last. fifty year+. cele fie pert .-....... W Colborne, that Dr. J. R, Shannon ire the re uirements of this tragU.. There- raLsket by church organizations and many g••ra-ac(+• ` cattle, nitron,.,ollnurv.-....... 321 to d 60 JanuaThere• QaloeIfoine•ltndeBraise... 6 Lhe yarant. regn trarship, -iayS h, isnot The o ( mill hail hint P( -blip in nd cattle. oar b, or'dlnrirv...., 2} to Januar)CleaNtltf trait+--Emetenn......... 5 PahIIC School rnpreseritatt(+e nn the fore, t is hear(], in the intereutle of rho kindly friends, and the Inrge ,atta•nd Thf+ Poreno„a Regsu,n war Hua aP bast' Ro fan' this ntunth. c•hopa au(: ' lAtabs, eaC '......... ... ..... 2 60 to 3 58 I3aokrUDtytopk Sat1e--R, X Smith & Ca.. OollC iate Institute board. Carred. town of Goderich. and the eneral iii)• ante at the said CerPt)lon were R tr an applicant, .and doers not ever, want lar el itIended ata I hP evening Per voce R t profusion. a g P Y• Y R y' gi•ISW loin in tlentiful sheep ,,,, 4 00 to 5 OO Midwlpterr�atic--HugRh Dunlop...,........ The corrimittteca fart 1809 were fottrtsd lie. respeM.fnfly requests the govern- athetic tokens that the parents Pf the office. I+hr this lud]fferenee to hilt the disr•ussiuns +were animated and Hoge. lire wkight ............ 3 75 to 4 00 Furs ll C(Nt••'-A. P. McL(�� n .......... ..... 5 p The January session of the t'utnt Ro a,dreesoA .. ............... 5 1(0 5 3o Grand C&Mivnl-Goderfeh Curling end a s follows, the first named on each meritwgiveimmediateattentiontothie Philip Terence will ever remember. what is the sole aim and go.l of so Instructive. F rf Ib to 1k Nk tiA $ink ............. 1 committee to hC Chairman : Contin- matter, and to recommence dred in many pollLlclans, Al r, Prout�l400t do- Cnuncll (viii open fit 3 p m. next lilee- Harn . 0orlb, ,..... .... p R Rev..1. Ore,•n, of llrllnlegvillo, in a day. The election of a warlen will be Flacon.lonkdleAr,..... .. .. 9 to 07 ReolnLor tdor--SG Ira, renceIWI,.... 1 ent, $all, Colborne, Or4i re; finance, operations at the earliest thie date McDONALD.-Andrew McDonald, elf- serves still inure honorable mention. tt-u ti,it,ute arldregn introdured true soh Hides .. .. g g the fir. t order of finsinPs-i - t Cbrvstal, 131ake, Maiettn• schnel luso- in the c(uting spring. urther, we reaves n4 Hallett., died rtt, his home nrnr Therr is, we understautd a ntmng art, '•The relation of the Epworth r Shceptlkloa,,.-. m.. .... .-_.. 44t) to 43I , Condactor and A:tY} A! iP e+nlr•rtndn- $her . tendtlrtld...... _ .... 2 to 3 I7Ol4TORONiO.--On Batutdaav moth- agement. Colborne, Niehnlson, Me. beg to urge upon the government the Auburn stn Tuestlay Aftcu• a Meg and' pprotxability now thntanothaar William. ,.aa ue to Ilie class and {{prayer onset- R s 111 est -councillor R. Radclifi'e left for Lean. Che board's re ular meetin ab90Iuto necessity of placing m the painful illness. Tho interment of dP- I he fit the town clef k's office m Ulmlfrn, In � The IRs uo Is an intP rill ed n Iv a "Ing, a young people on PaID'1'P ANIy yLYrtt't'Attr.ttra if g R R• R R Part f g pordb lett 20 to 40 Tnr into, and [s expected to iia absent fit firs will tie trio first Monday of each estimates at the next senlsion of parka- eeareed ail! take place thin afternoon I -i tP tw ilii sacceesful appliratnt. Mr. of the char h. Sind de ends nn the Frldav evening. Progteagiwe ,ochre (i onion „"'.•.;;;.. 30 to 10 between three and four weeks. The month. The seeretary reported that merit, -inch amount ate may he aascer• in the village of Manchester, and as Coates claims to have the support of church for Its growth• Su47CM14 in wag tau amusement of the evenlog. Bananas 20 to 40� gentleman while in the Queen Olty the tender of J. T. Goldthorpe to sup• twined to be anffleient to complete the the funeral will lip under the Manonie Mr. Garrow• and can certainly pleul le,agtie work depends on Its relation to Chrystal halt replaced the Knitting ,, Ppnat p(rr brlah. t� ail) undergo alt operatie(n Por r{sfarxct, ply 76 cords df kreeh corrdwnod, at lir 86, harbor dredging to a uniform depth of ass tees, It is e: ted that n number that few have dnnP more Stalwart Iter no(1 ru opf talon toil h t liar chs rh : Lho fascist engine itv Pne of n)ot a tltttll. ( ick ttsperKip�r......... and his host of friends sincerel ho y • y p O wemhem of the League should keep in and t P g Ducks perpeft,a,................. 40 to OD Y p© ppreo cord, had btxn aecoptect. The twent feet inside and twent two at of Goderch brit ren will attend the vier fPr t.lto Grit CAnse In West Huron. twice its wer• the old one bein Six Turkeys, per]b,,,................. 7 to 6l that it may be entirely successful. j hoard then adjourned, int the Pntranre. 'ceremony. afar wrnrld make n r.psahlP otttrlal. itonrh with ilio prnver merPttng. Para' h n w Poe tourtPPn horsepotvet,: I X , , k 11ty"I., y', --, ,, yF,at ,X. u 0 4.%�., I.1'.'t i^ N _ % .,fit. • ,... .. ,\\Y.•.. �.,p a,, y'5+,4p 41ea„fit. a•a v•ue, e,-''', _