HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-01-13, Page 7_..- -:', •V7:t '. . :' �',,+ * 'a `7!-,; ":.IW, �,. fr-7, ..,. r-11*'( pew • • Li, - r c - - : - ..- - - - . i - - . , .. + rt.. . nit', , ,. ?-C- E.077t ' Pi : ,' t` { .• 'S ., .r p , _ '# . n - , -,_ - ro - y am t ... ,.w , t , Y A* 0 1 A ' . � - ,, ... ... ,.., �.... ... .... � - .. .,� .... .. ,..:.. ,.!+T•�•SlMf+4Mf7!`:y';"!!y'»"x_,F-?n.%-q,+n,MF'a:K4^e.>r+e^,e,n .. .- "ty gk4t' tRtase fife' ''frit, 1 04 d40r it li"til4psd tbre4' marea 'only, '411, of W � � tt �t l �' .' � :,, ,-. . i'D+Ad{.;1} . ret' , 'thean. rth A tAPlt. _.._..... _. ... 3 >'* _,., ., _. +r'M.F+P+ J o, -re, , �Rentle,>ae� " tit r. ltd .. of . ,I i K4 . «, '4lli . p, pw tae�'ti .. rani his wen IQ^- * . � tat rr�atair intii� i +k� �` .:, ei� .r ptlaa ,p in dig . t>X a rr toe. avlt a r. e ' .1raN�,rtnr. +� +I + lr « It l r,r tf. •- y ur: " "tthew" Ds 0A � a fie- thsr chair sled his own wrik-14 kabU W lA ` �Ri � 1r� ; Atll4r fl ►'ICti'1 . ., Ilar,wrtt,,.; s ►tlr+eta�»- ph43F,'QoffisyDo", 4ion i;eMalabar of ihell6.. titch. rex A aaoill. or nisi asld ' y� sf �n -r sui stores! 1 t IJ ttrll4 ix . . its aaa+ti ela9eti. t9 4►a for Salidttly onRs nllart a l,�l thtto►tgh a Rlqu ` finlshI is th. tatteai�s land of 4 4 pateyt tr +1i'llaalp�t as�I:-At,. '�" !!! `I QAItS t?P` TBE l4YEHIkOVF , OR, t?1 tba I4 Ito?t,'" + door to raathtr raoru li0yoad. This w# s the psrtaral at. it b juaet as important h�ieltrM let** pt tlr3at eityi, wfii Ika� 0. I her. I7litheria A al's smalLoir fi>3d dingier than pilcher at the �M Plki Poets find arttska may coatIA40 to. cyan hied wtClst2e cg) avKa7 aver the titres- others. Dut wan pt in#relicts Breaker to Rtaa IMt t4 LLt 3aN.es tlf'k Draper Dart ;stt4rlpld Lin Aa►a[RA>wy Wit:' #411 pA . ROUT oP TRE SOW. ortal the oxpr"ALTO beauty of the doll. left that plate, rrltik fire ti>•9 wr baxett Into the #ttetii• Now, with a Importance. belag, in fact, the private There ie No doubt that there La better and disariallistloin should it tat" let &S, r suddtA fiAals, kh4y fixed thamselvaa rktorn qt lYr. Daae himself, ttad beteg Draft frorai plate ptrshad trots the .tart wlootiatft. It is oamaloa kaawledgs cAtely penciled eyoDrow, but eke Aver- h§id to iibsildgss ski lewlvlf atttft 1Wtllti w t ansa #oi , father's face. They looked iA ago Woman pays little bled to It, gad to tiler sonatas of the a1/Uw; ' ataee,gatnoa reverted with a cat'- And marketed fit rift to coven months that so1'tein descriptions at bullocks a r4' . ° wide Awit,ke and full of attention. taro mysterious solemnity, not uurnlx- old than If kept to a ter figs R beyond an occasional smoothing With river eras open at i$lxty�7l[iile, • ; ' "I daresay you will moat him vera ed with awls Lia the minds of ail the Rrai wW ihrirs batter than others By fig her fingees teavta t4aeamd for one at they had Co iraw{ fits the bAaka, lt` ottt>a at his scale's " a naked to vt resrtone £or thus, sayer q ptitelble In man CHAP�rE �T.-TConkipuad, o! hearing. "Thera is somathkng 7 ung mens both oommoa sad ealeot. 1lAot it k alta the aioest and most ticular rttoas �_ "she has always ,got some vagary or wrong, Angell What has l e. been say- Shall we. Papa f" who eat without. Waldo Brown, I should say: First, that cases to at ones determine, the like P� Po I,+Ike Hewlett it was enClcply free itr as other," he said; and, tjten he took up Ing to you. to worry your" . ,r very often• Did you, like what you To Be Continued. au man can do this without ivin his brood of the cattle be Of her facial toilet. Like all other g g ing whltt-to teat a tae, sad Lhay sailed actRlw Lt ,is 'a ,, the "Qlroaealan slave'' tram Venetia's Nokhing," answered Angel emtl- sew of him, my love f ' late of 1laaut t pea ge. 7 v0rlc-tabu, and began twisting bar ing. This tune Amgel paused just long pigs RuaIl Dare aswtti keep them thrltty general term -Dan ba dtitor{bed as Hata vnrtea nent�ttl�Ith the ►nw of work amt Aawson, and the oqt l • t about into every sort of attitude. ,But Duloie knew Instinctively that enough tq count ten. QUEER NOTION OF BEAUTY. ant growing oil the tithe, and so the "good doerr' or otherwtae, se the Dene g Y lmt The Circassian damsel had the uepal it wan a s tau smile. She .tam Then she answerett somewhat Blow- very fact that be attempts It calls f -or may be. Then again, it Is most esgta- dividual. but, to a usual thing, one is IM Ls expected to double tbst of 1608" . 1 paF pad It is ourioua to note the neer ideas ly q endowed with sat about the rlghk No mail has Dasa rcaelvod til Dawstlgstl :• »' pink-and-wbito oheeka, round b us her foot in her usual Impatient lash- y." of beaut which characterize different O6� and skill, which goes tar towalid till that the animals selected should j dio later thank , cy%A and long two -like hair; a pair of ion. " I think I liked him, deoidedl y full striped at* trousers adorned her "Men are all fools!" she cried frrit- " I am glad of that, my child, because nations. In Fiji the native women securing &n was& Second, Lt conte less be ole a build likely t0 produce when brow to harmonize with the teatnrea. ai[�• It its# hell, that makes ever thin eas and plea- to -eke 800 and a little udicious care is all that is despatched from Vaaaouver all rli hi * lower llmba, sad there WaB the besuti- ably. "I haus really no patience With y 8 y paint hefr faces with red and white pounds weight to neuron tat the largost wtlgDt of boat on the j but there are two tons at t e Altitll;pte t sant. Welt, my dear, you must under mouths on an animal than tot it more valuable parts of the earoasa• F.v necessary to enhance thin touch which t pollee gtaClona beyond t summif tut simplicity of unadorned nature Horace Leealteri" stri an an ornament. The women scout the remainder. o[ Der tailat. "Don't be angry with him, Duiale.'• stand that it is very possible that Pe+ two or three months longer for the pertenoe, fief course, is an easbntlal aeed goes so far to make or to mar the on- waiting fns Lake Bennett to ft"' , "Pray don't," remonstrated Angel. Her soft fingers were bast' untaeten- Geoffrey Dane gray baa very rich man of Greenland Dover their laoea with same reaalt Third, the risk of lose to suaaeaafal 000upatlone of all kinds, flet facial azpremalon. When, how- ova, smiling; "you will certainly pull her Ing the buttons of her sister's jacket, some day," blue and yellow, while Arabian beau - arms otfl She to to have a gold tis- her lovely face, with •its inscrutable How interesting," murmured An- tie stain their lips blue and their fin- from dd®ease Ie, reduced, not only be- and ooasKa6utly, it is of Interest to aver, the formation of the eyebrow la �+ sue vest; and a acariet yashmak. We smile, close to here; there was no sor- gel," with a faint sarcasm, which her cause the time of feeding Ls shortened, all to have brought before them the decidedly at fault we have recourse to TO CONSUMPTIVESII • Pather was far from erceivin Bars and toes red. copy ail the dresses out of a book row in the dark eyes, no linea of pain P 8• but elan because pigs kept thrllty and ezptsrisaoe which, In soma form or artiPiot to help out the dafiolnnoy or Th. gadsral ted bavinR b++a ivstorsd t4 ` They are quite correct, I assure you." about the reposeful lips, for when we „ Very rich, indeed," he repeated im- The pearly teeth of the poet and nov- grow Y somehow they had both drawn near suffer for those we love ver much it preasively. " It is hie uncle's purpose elist would not be valued by some of ►tom Are lei 11aDle to dleeane than other, All engaged In thte swoupatlon obliterate its homeliness. The a e- orahh ►y.tmp1h meaa.,atlu spllttrl&#, mi .rel .are lin a atvert luau aq�Ntloiti•.aad yy to hake Dim into the business as part- those that are not wisely fed- It is poo- lave trout time to time gained. The brow should extend alightly beyond the that3rmaddvimeam+Cda7sesption,uanaleittto , • the window again, and the scent of the is an easier matter to school the face the Eastern and Polynesian nations. In ner-as junior partner -in which case, sable to ro foliow Hake k.acwa to his Pis de Ire lt. bo tliamWlt mignonette in the balcony outside was thin the heart. "Horace Lassiter has g w pigs to a µretght of a lug rest' be Laken m a general tukftoe of rho eye at olthar end, should ut our.. To Cha+ w e dsvl» i4 h+wll oh+t+r at his uncle's death and m own, be Macassar the women paint their teetD qp S wetted sweet and strong into the room. only been talking to ma about you. y pound Por each day o[ thou .age, that way as beteg useful aide is asslsWng tarminata in a mere !fan toward the tallylosd Itro+ot ebarKNa eoD7 ott� putt• All her life lop Angel remembered He told me bow much he loves will inherit the whole ofthe me in red and yellow, in such a way that a icrfptiotused.which ywltlRadaartecurt that pink-oheekegd doll, with its Pied doter." you' cent business of Dane and Triohet." red tootD follows a allow ane, and al- m a pl8 moven months old will weigh In the proper selection of cattle for temple and be nUghtly Drcuder toward fQr Cansarn��ion, ,lst�Mo. Catarr Rr" As Mr. Hallida a ke these last y 210 Pounds, but Lt will never be done taro ahoy must ba well -brad, of the nose. Upon the breadth, the arch CAltieand III throat sad lung Alalrt [em. Ht glass a ee and its silly amlle, and aL I "He -told - you - De -loved mei" y pO ternately. TDe, teeth oP the Tonquin- a bloc tratne, wLtD stout build on nonan a t wrhr.re will try hU r.tatd3, at,}s M . words, he swept out his arms with a by a careless feeder. The man who and the shade depend much. Delicate lovaluable• The" deslrinQ els+ ptwcrlpuoq ways M. scent of mignonette brought repeated Duloie slowly, with a pause e>se are as blank fie art can make them. short, Straight hags, wide, level back whlah will.wEth+maot6lsgaadmaJpravaa wide snairaling gesture, fie though to starts to do this will need ood stook, and loin, well features tshonld not be re nderutad book those ,momenta with a horrible ,between every word, and there was g sprung ribs, level se, at P p° which well st tf a fide bei express the vast magnitude of the idea The dyeing occupies three or four days, 8 8 the back of the shoulder, and to the b p Rev, EDsanD A. Wn&Wt vividness to bar memory. ;something akin to absolute horror In and must ive it ood oars from start y broad brow wale those which are he wap embodying, and is done to both bo s and girls flanks both fore and hind, prominent "I ¢m aro glad t4 find you alone," be 'Der eyes. Then, with a little cry, she y Hte.klrw $l:L i said to her sudden! in an odd! seri- I flue her aromas about An el's neck, " Lucky Mr. Geoffre Dane,' tsald An- to finish TDe arra should begin before large and strong In nllhra e t need the Y y 8 8 Il y when they are about twelve years of a brisJtdt Pull neck vein, wide ohoat, thio nus voice, and he did not look at her covering her face with kisses. Bat, coo y fixing her quiet eyes sol- age the pigaAre born, for a Bow,,{jiat is tad being mast important and easential, for cordae brush to uenentuate thele Lorne. " as he said it, only at the 'Circassian Oh, my Angell" she Dried; "how dare etnnly upon Der father's face. an s Drooling and loosening diet will bo If mean and narrow at this point, It The brow Is always to be carefully GORDON YEIdORLAL COLLStiS 3 slave, whom he was endeavouring to he se, it -how dare he tell ou thial Perha she was lm reseed, perha s During the whole operation, they , like! to ma be almost a y smooth, lose and order! . At a re - y y pa p p y produce htsalthiar pigs and Y i ken as a oertalnt g y y balance upon the Dandle of Lady Les- It is false -De doesn'ti lova me; it ie she was roar aeoretl tau bin at Dim. never taken any nourishment, for fear that the animal will never thrive and cent visit to a dermutotoglat a society �e r.aauatlea alone Laid by Titegaulk �;` aiter'a work -basket. "I wanted so y y e e auokle bettor than one that has been only a foolish intattiation, nothing Joseph Halliday did not exactly know. oP being poisoned by the pigment it fed on corn, which is too heratin and da dl ahonld ba the Dano. 'Then the womtan was greatly amused when the t r+wcr a lie name +( the seats. much to speak to you alone." but a delusion, and a mistake and He only felt rather unoomfortahle- they awalfowed what required masti- 8. bundle, fir tauoh, for no matter Dow so -culled artist, after carefully treat - "I think you must have seen howl it you know that I don't aura Lor him; " Ahsm-yeses lucky as you say, m fattening to keep an animal in good poor an animal may be, the touch is in her skin for real and imaginary A despatch frost Cairo stye:-•'�.hdi y option. Every person, high and low, , there all the game, must be soft and 8 a with me, have you note I .uppose.',I think, in tact, that I hate him -I love. But all this is upon one condi- health. it is ¢oritianl time when Che blemishes, apparently scrutinizing ev- British diplomatic agent in Egypt, vben one is is love, it is not hard'do, indeed) Why did he say this thing tion, mind;" pointing his fat forefing- rich and poor, is obliged to undergo mellow, and the akin supple and oov- er lust with n mieroeao e, eomPlet• ler an one to uess. And though • P Pigs ere born, and many littera are Y t D s t ne at Cramer, laid the foundatlalt► Y 8 to youl It was a joke, a blind, he er at his daughter's face , " and that this somewhat objectionable operation, ered with Piae silly hale, giving what ad his work iQ u booty brush over the stone at Khartoum on Tburaday, of the know f am such an ass that I can- doesn't love me.' one condition, m love, is that Geof- as it is all ed that it would be a rttinad by overfeeding the sow, oauaing may be called a thick, massy coat, ., Y eg much -disturbed oyabrows, with n Gordon Memorial Coll In the nEmd " not bide my awn feelings yet it seems I Angel only shook her bead softly; trey Dane marries one of my dough- disgrace to numan nature to have teeth milk fever and drying up the milk, wihout harah or hard touch, A strong camel's hair brush, and stepped back fie' strange to say that I haven't the I she had dreamt a foolish dream, but tare•" whit. like those of dogs or elephants. sometimes causing the lose of the en- vigorous, natural appoaranoa with to announce his work of beentityin® °f gunner Vlotorla and (n the preianob faintest idea wheher I am loved she was awake now; there could be It was his coup d'etat I He ezpeoted In Japan fashion compete married fire litter, and if not, stitnti the 1 a head not coarse, but strong, having its was complete. "Now." she said, with of the Sirdar, General Lord Kitchener again or no; and I literally haven't no mor :dace tloQ Lor her, that it would hove a great effect upon women to blacken their teeth, not, how- ng P g features °lean out with prominent and a smile, I'll show you something. Look t tt ' R) P and stopping their towth. This clear e I of Khartoum, the British otflosrs, and «;,; the pluck to risk everything by speak- her, that she would start sensational- ever, as an ornament, but to make 8 ye, and filet temperament aro al me wall, and thon notice the difter- "Hush, Dulcie," she, said, pushing the native sharia ing too soon. That is why I am so her a little away. "Why need you ly, exclaim dramatically, or, at the very them more ugly and save them from trouble can always he avoided by care- wnsentbat. Avo d °oareoneaa in every eaeb." Selecting a stiff little brush glad to see tyorm alone for a minute. ' be so upaet9 I have told him how least, blush vtvidly with maidenly temptation. fill feeding of the sow fur the first ten t�pOOt, but more PartiouLarly so in re- from among his numerous parapher- The British agent to a ep.eoD out- r Angel, dear nge11 can you give me surprise. Angel did neither the one The Sunda Islanders sometimes black• gird to the head and horns as well as nails, she brushed the hair of both aye- lined the aims of the college, announe- much I sympathise with him o how drays after her pigs are born, attar in bone. A cmr ei animal, it critic -all any hope!" much I should like to see ou Die nor the other -she smiled. en all the teen but two with burned y brows straight up toward the forehead, ed t it wotild bo wholly aadepom- She rained her eyes, anfl met hie, y " Is thio as offer oP marria e, aY" c000nnat, covering the two ezoepted which she will eat all you can give examined, will enerall be found to then carefully brushod them down Ina oast, sad that the instruction, e,0 wit.." g pap g y They were fixed upon her earnestly "And I will never, never be his she enquired tranquilly. teeth with thin plates of gold or till- her without danger. The next thing have evory indi >ation of producing lee from above. This lett an extremely', far possible, would be aoadnoted in and pleadingly; there was even an wife!" cried Dulcie, ssionatel "un- - Tut, tut -my dear. How you do run ver. The same tribe is in the habit of to be attended to is to teach the i s flesh upon the more undesirable parte delicate shadin , every hair Cleary de- the Arabic Ian�ungo, He added that eager tocsins in them, but there was less," she added hall -a hie �unlesa away with things, you girls. Nothing employing their old woman to dress to cant srs earl fie p g of its caroarm. besides having a far fined and distinotiy separate, and a the object of th+ college was not to no passion in their ea erness. In- g' of the sort-nochiro oP the sort. Only [be t.ath of the uthe and maid- y possible, and to do Larger weight of offal when read for ,, stinctivel elle knew that what ah. I see you happily married first your- a rip Yo this it is aecwsaar to fix a t y shear dark lino along the oentar. $he areato a rano a An indAtui Soudanene, y self, then I shan't mind who I you will understand it is a scheme be- ens at wooing time. The canine teeth y p coo Por the shambles. Another point to 6e sD,rpsd the loner line toward the nose but to train their minds had ezpeoted to meet in them was marry!" tween Matthew Dane and myself, are filed to a fine, smooth edge, and the Piga that the sow can not enter, I remembered is that a coarse or rough with a cautious touob of the brush, The+ speech which waa translated Into wanting. Something, she scarcely Angel said nothing - oni her the- Why, Geoffrey himself, lucky dog, the body of the tooth, made concave, or and here they should be ted three I appearance, especially in the casos t hen turned to the manipulator for ban Arabic was well reoelved by the natht understood what, struck her with that I tic a es looked at her sadly like tho knows nothing of it, yet." they will notch the edge of the teeth tames a "Y. Begin with a little ' where,such indications are to be noted opinion, and he was forced to audience. The ceremony concluded cold chill of vn ue mistrust which y y' "Perhu his uncle: in brakin it like a fine saw as an additional means µ'arm milk, acid never give more titan in reference to head, horn or bone, wiL 8 gaze of a dumb animal that Dan- 8 ndmlt that, when rho brow was in a with "God Save the Queen." smites us when our life's hardest to him at this ver moment " su they will eat clean, for pigs will not I general! be found to result to the ro- not speak its pain. S 88eet- of beautifying. Long kaon healthy that have soiled duction of n ostoses of beet not of so healthy condition, he had never taken blow s are about to be dealt to us. iter .•Come u stairs to ed Angel, coolly. It's always nice to This mutilation of the teeth is ob much Palos about its dressing. „ ros colour, which his o nip words' P your, room,' she think that eo 1 are well Peed by them, and they should be eat- I high a quality Oreo fine in the groin said presently; "we will se, no more P P q grounded in served by many of the savage or un- Nover pull the hale out, evon !t it EIGHT KILLED, FORTY INJURiID. had brought in a flame to her face, y the parts they are ezpeoted to perform.' civilized races in various parte of the in8 sU much that at vve Hing time they as will be Potind to be the oaao with grown too close over the brows; ogre- � died away and lett her pale and cold, some day things will be all different Again Mr. Halliday experienced that world. In rho Malay Archipelago tba will not mine the motaer's milk at all:, � animals whose appearance denotes bet- fol brnshing well In time ahupe it with us both, no doubt " The feed for the next three months ! ter and more 'careful breads with A Banutirg Boller is a 9Y1D iOM 11fraaAs ` "I do not understand you," sbe fal- vague sensation of discomfort and be- natives file their teeth into points like nicely, and to certain features Close Drati sad Deura.etts. tared; and the anent of the mignonette But her sister's words sunk deeply wilderment, thoso of s enw or ierae them with holes should not have much corn Ln it, and quality and fine character. Avoid by P brown are a devided necessity. [f yon came in once more in a heavy whifY down in Der heart. " Yes, quite on. love. Ahem, well, into which they insert etude. The Ma- the mora bran you can get them to 'eat all moons animate that are narrow Had will take rho lima same day to comb A dbepaloh from London, England. 8 "Duloie has guessed my miserable you to understand is that eassar le sometimes ull out two the better, but to make bran slop pa la mew, that show In their store condi- u a the [lutterin breeze, and L.s all I want poop p your brows in various abnd[age yon .nye:-A big boiler, while being test- zltar twisted the [uirhaired doll round se°rat," she said to herself, "though, I have romised Mr, Dane that no sill front teeth, in order to su 1 their table so hat they will eat enough of it I tion unevenness in build, or want of ,. �: P y PP y will soon discover which style-wheth- ed in Hewitt's ship -building, yard at , and round b' the arm ust as n vont thank God, he never found it out. sentimental objections to so admirable you should use about six quarts of proper development. Remember that Y J J place wish t.eth of our. gold or ail- er high or low arch, rather flat or to his nervousness. The two things ,They shall no[ suffer from my [oily, a plan for the future of two young ver. Some African trioe. knock out wheat middlings and twoquarta o[ oil he rob1•eot is to produce mint o[ the Barking, a town shout seven mllea either oP them. When I am married moat toeaoh bushel oP bran,' and ahuuld highest quulit and value nt rho flan and delicate istyle-is most beaom- were somehow jumbled up together persons, who in station and age are their front teeth, on the ground that y Ing, and, once learned, adhere strictly from Der. buret on Friday and the then and for ever after in Der mitld. then it will come right she sett}; that admirabl suited to one another, shall the do not wish to look like beasts. always salt it about nn the Doak salts smallest possible coat. Some poeslbly superintending engineer and eight "Oh, you must understand, Angell" is what i have to do then. It will arise from you. Do ou fellow met, An- Onthe U per Nile four front teeth are the food for the table. If you have may be apparently cheaper -i. e., cost to al TDe hair will, n th own accord, Y P finally shape (taelt In that dlrectloo. men were k'lle<t. Atsont tort eraone he said, with a short, uQeaay laugh. !not hurt me much -it will not signify gel 1.. always knoakeg out, but further mouth °silk• healf the quantity of the mid- I less per head when bought, but this is 7 P "You and she are so much to ether, aro -nothing can matter much, and to yes, L think Ido, dlings and. oil meal will answer, or if i only one item in the ez nditar., and wero lnjure�, eon. lntnlly. The 6odiea R them it will brio hu mess,", PAP.," she Bald only the Iwo upper incieore are dispena- Un 1 - __� �! t ..t. 1,kmot d to each other; surely it cannot 8 Pp •' un you cin Boit q 4 r, , s, rce�• a greater ex- OLD TIME. WRINKLE RECIPE. of ttuy dead were Irightfullp mutllat- i That, was y �- s w _r - gpii •t lgfy„ wS 'Men^- tl?ttl wbe r. ed with. , , `s ' ed. T'ho whole phi bulldin works w B :. ,-- a as:•o-I 1b . "�. at, _ awlJ1 P©t_ itlrer 6he pro P 0. a...� a .„ In some, pada of tDa world, the ahapo Any women who 1►uve read the Vicar to marry firm, '[ am fro aoobpt him of the bead is o[ great importance. µiD eve tdeai tot7d b sec - „ n. p Y..n, hllttien of flee wreaked. A led wan faun denrd�3W y ? :' _ _ _ fi uCFt .Hier t$r nes think as it will run r®edit in _i :s_ r• e v Waief101d �?�ulti'giva much to know A yards tram tha w me ne- tt d �i( , to her9�i Y� " v. bye - <z Dlamon Cut Diamond iLTnnY American Indians admire n hand! --- c ha _ i tfiht,r before I naw u�i$�d �taa anti>9rpafed• dutifuli sad gratefully. Ie that itP'' so extremely flattened na to appear to trough cwd give s maul as they w..r ^- - --- _ b.7 ani. roan jI nt�µhnt 6erbe and ntmpl.e were fie A numrtier b, _ __ 3 k,"„yy,, Be came to call u on his irls in jt' I eat clean, but never more. Never lot I must look to this, Hence, there can ed ie the fade tveab that 114rm. Prim- !The windows iq houeea half a ml e ,, s t;°• Der, I would try and find you alone, Yont street before they wens son to Wel ,you needn't Dave put [t quite ue idiotic. The natives o[ the north the sl et sour; n sl' Dt Permantation y great Hoed se, awe were ehatterod. �+ I;`: and ask you to help me. Sometimea, so plaint op g i8 not b[s an doubt of the 9 sea at his senior y, Perhnpa, but still -well, yea- ,west const compress the !tend into u stated at the ,wmmenoement that roe. sod her bonny daughters were at , indeed, I can't help fancying that y partner's in Crom- that's about the upshot oP it, I�uppo�e. pointed con., while the inhabitnnla of `vill do no harm, but in warm weather — well Road, and by Lady Lessiter's invi- Will ou romise me thin, ngel P^ I it will be necessar to em t the slo grant discrimination and care should such pnina to mnko over the fir.. IIoth , so an has guessed my love, ung is not Y P F° Arakhnn, admire n broad, smooth fore- Y P 9- P 8 y gA. ration he ata ed to luncheon. Mr. promise," she an- head, and in order to produce it they liaarrel ever da tokeepitsweet. Have' be ezeroLsed in the neleatlon of oat[le dumas and demoiselles of those times RUSSIA'S BIG BUDGET. ;i,;:' so an r with me; and [ben a in, ut Y "Yea, papa. I will y y [°r the ur o other times, she re ulses me at ever Halliday was at the very bottom okhin swered uietl a sepnrute trough in which to give pure p p se of either rearing in the were famous for heir fine complexions, P Y 9 y fasten a plate of lead on the heads winter's straw- ard, or for rnzln word, that I begin to wonder iP beret n lull. bit .fraid of Dia dough- It was the quietness of utter de- of the new born children. water all that they can drink. A mod -I y g g end It la well worth while making s t4alertr. et Ofnrsab Alone Iactr aM RT se tars; since hie wife's death the had cratecorn Peed -un ear or two for each' out Ln the summer pasture. she does not actually hate me." lived s Y spair. In some couhiring the feminine head- study of their means to this desirable aa,00s.tt+, Dulcie! You love Dtilice, t}Lenl" good deal away from him with Mr. Halliday gave secret thanks to ear is carried to sin alar extravfi Pig twice a day -is all that they should ____ TDe wordy acme out somewhat slowly their mother's relations in Canada; he I the Almighty, in hat be had been eo gate. The Chinese Indy carries nn her heave until they have reached a weight ' cad. Here is a recipe straight from A despatch from Moscow says: -ID -they were a little bit harsh, too, had been glad enough to be rid of i singularly blessed in the possession of ! head the figure of a bird, which is I °f one hundred pounds each, and then TO BLOT OUT ENGLAND. old England that sounds as Lf it might' times of peace propositions and diil- beeause her throat was dry and parch- them when hey war. children, but by n daughter aro dutiful and so fully alive imposed of copper or gold, according' gradually increase the corn, giving. be a compound like the famous "Prim- armament reeeripta the Emperor is i ed; otherwise there was no sign o[ °pd bye, when they came nom. co live to the responeibilitiea of her position.'to the quality of the owner. The My-,h.m all that they will eat [or tw sow nu.Ab aboard Prel.nre For the au• I rose Wash." [t is far more delicate ` win Dim, ho found himself out oP monhts bofore aellin but keg u preparing for emergenoiea The emotion in the quiet words. -- antse women carry on their heads ai 8 p P tb preme Suttle. sympathy wi,h Ih,•m. the haarts of bran Pood to the and, unless oa have than rnld arena, cocoa buttor or any military budget this your will be stn- c "Love her/ -o[ course I Love heel" children am Basil c¢ ht and entwin- CHAPTER %R. thin bon rd, about n foot Inns and era �� other bulk feed. I am more fir: of t hs emollients now aro murh to voguy lwndous, to jud b the increase in he cried, with a s dden enthusiasm,' y fig The Cit offices of he y cover their y TDe St. Peterab "Grnehdanln" ( y p y great Douse inches brofid. �VLl6 this the gg.e which no doubt, at the time, he really'' ed to those with whom their daily of inane and Triehet were by Dome... Darr and seal it with wax. $pLeased with sorghum stalks as hog recently published an artiole in which and when used over night all truces the salaries o o[Pinere Just announced , f and truly felt from his heart. "There' lives are Spent, but when all that of nn imposing nglure. 'They were .it- With he Tahitnn. to be called "long i Pend than any other green feed I have it asked whether Russia would not be of It Rho�y�d disappear Ur.Pore morn The Lncra¢ny will amount to not far is no one in the whole world like ; early time is over, and grown-up sone 1 uated at the end of a narrow cul de none " is considered an insult rind t hey ever tried, and Later 1 will give my ea- ` I Iron 11,000,000, rnblea j5,890000. and do hters, with fixed c iniunsand perienae with it the noting wisely In renouncing the poeaee ing. herl Tell me, Angel - do you think tug P sac, leading out of Cbeapside, which I compress the noses and forehands of past fall sod the Cucumbers will be plentiful for some' �---' feelings of their own, come back like present whiter, Por I Dave eevornl lona cion o[ Port Arthur and Talisa-wuo. TRE KHALIFA AGAIN. tbero ie any Dope for reef" strungers to their faher's house, then !terminated Ln a small, aqunre atone- their children for the snko of beauty. :I of it stored in the barn now, and am 'this renunciation would have the ful-'time yet, and ns they enter Intgely to- ,.' He flung away the doll, so that it it is not easy to awaken that [ilial de paved court, round which dingy four- The same custom ie prevalent among Pending it evory day to bon hr,ga find o the comPoat, ion of lh,s pruventutive ,. tell on to t.he• ground. TDe wooden I storeyed houses of smut -begrimed brick I the Malays and the natives of Brazil. lowing effects: - Firmly, to give It would be well to preps re enough just bead struck with a shar re, votion that has been allowedto lapse had (rownod dismall at one another' In some arts of the world the nose' catUs, and shall nearly the entire win- ltlichener'+ Brother asarai Out Mw P, P P Y p her a free hand; second to rid 6or enw to Inst the winter. ainat the fir set floor. Even at :i rind become as oohing in their livor. (or u wards of a oentar The a care is farted, ria a, sticks, feathers and ter. 1 am decidedly in favor of raising �' p„ maks, ut n cup of ood cram! Khartoa.n with Reinroreemenrr. ++'- °g p q IAagel and Dtilcie wero devoted to e.ch p Y q p g two litters a yeas from the tows, but oP harbors where to the event of war p g that moment it went through herd consisted of about a dozen houses, in other ornaments, being inserted in the' inn small Raurepan over the fire and' A despatch from Khartoum naye:- other, and they were very deferential to do this they must have the beat of with Great Britain, her ships would be In until a boils; allow to cool end; mind, with that sort of comic I to their Paher. They never rebelled the °entre one oP which, facing the' Doles. cure. Never sal a Piret Dines brood Col. Kitchener, broths o[ the Sirdar, realiaution of little things that is: streeC that led to it, the great mer- The ancient F.gyptianA And Assyrians ca ght like rats Ina tray; and, third- rrhP:,t U', 16ig th•ee lima. W'h,lo always present with ue even nt the against his authority, or questioned caiatile house anrried on iia eaiatence. ueyd nine to make thyir eyebrowA seem HOW as long as she µ'ill produce good Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, hnaeco t , any of his denreen, but they belongsd P Litters and save them and suckle well. ly, to spurn nor the Dost of enormous but RILL to Ih^ tutee of two lemons nod >+;••_, very crisis of our lives, that Lady to such usher mora than they belong- It could not be distinguished by any wider ; the Arabians of the present day [ sometimes keep a sow until she ie defenoea. Bytwoupying herself chiefly two tntdesponn,tul of cucumber juice. ma alto( the fexped tion organizing at ' Lassiter would be in despair it that, outward evidences of wealth and pros go a step further in the use of paint. this m,y Pnstiy be pressed from this i. doll was brukv,n; and then she forgot ed to him. � felt it, and yet he parity from Its poorer neighbours, nor Theyendeavor to produce the impression five or sixyewri3old, and again Ahe will with affairs in Northern China, came- srgetnbl°, by cul ting in bits the size Dulim to opvnte ngninmt the lihnllfa, r it again, because is bra earnestne.s he',c0 fit DA complain oP it, ,Angc1 wrte wore its windows one whit brighter at their eyebrows grow down to the fail t'° produce good litters at three ;ally that part of Chinn which borders „f h',lf A lemon and pressing in the who has been raiding Arab settlements coldly submissive to him, buliee cgldly'or its stone window mouldin s o iddle of the nose and meet there, or tour years old, and whoa this hap in that vtolnit had °aught bold of her hands, and was, g on Russia's own pussesslons, and with wlut•ezer in the same way as lemons.) y' looking into her face with ¢ c»rious contomptuous. They were quite pro- atom less broken down and ditnpidated Persian women paint a black line Pens we fatten her. I prefer to let the railway in Manchuria, Russia will Stir in, also, two tnlrlespoonsful of party and dutifully affectionate, but the noting littera have the run of a mixture of love for the absent Dulcie than those of its fellows on either aide around their eyes and ornament their ev a "warning signal tithe British, glycerin• and na( ed honey. oes (or r;", and of admiration for herself. they lived lives that were apart from of it, that ware in an altogether lows faces with A anriety of figures. Tho Rmnll lot, but keep the PnII pigs shut even Ln the aoutS of China. Bussu ❑,,,, rn,y br nuiittwt if a does oat: "Give me a scrap of hope, Angell"he big, They were out of sympathy with sphere of existence, s:, to speak, to it -i Indians of Paraguay eradicale their tutu ho house all winter, but syr hal could thsQ proceed," snye Ino j, urunl, ❑Beer wi'h the ;kin At the Inst add erred. And then An el, who, all him. t s.l(. IP the tied is changed regularly, so as tc g you went in through the door-' eyehrowa and eyelashes, say,ng that I>s alwfi s dr earl frog from dust "to develop her territory In he direct- „ few drops of any nice scent. The ��® * :.,, nnknown to beraelf, was of. 'I hue it was with Do email amount ''i way over he wall -worn etono neem -;they do Hol wish to Inok like hnrsea., bthile 1 ydo not . faun of Afghanistan, and prepare h�•r- g:uu•rp,n should ht• krP� in hot water, I that fabric of which the heroines of °f inward trepidation that, after lunch hold -worn by the footsteps of many. In Chinn And neighbouring rountrieA g t quite as great melf for the supr,•me combat w6io6 she un I, hr ingmd.rn s etc w II mireef, nt Lady Leasiter's was over, Mr. Hallo_ a', t at a given age u the fn 11 litter this world are made, Angel smiled at merchant princes, who had come Anrl the finger nails ars allowed to grow fig hr gain frn urntl the rice must inevtGably have, sooner or later, th•n n•move:l and thw cont nig Rtltn•d , him. day requested Dia eldest daughter to, gone Fmckwnrda .nd forwards soros. In n monstrous IPngth as n aymhol nt i g' 4 y P with Grant Binriin, profiting at rho er,•ry (nw minutes until p h•.• It' cold �4 givo him n few minutes' private con iA better nod hey hang fie mush nr "I am sure you need not despair. it -you came into a .mall outer ves- nobility, Indies wearing silver ca Res to same time by the latter having scat- It k n"w rrridy to be pnrheo to small purest and Best for TableartdDairy Why should not Dulice loveyoul ThereIveraation. Venetia and Dulcie went'tibule, where eat a respectable elder-' protect them. In some parts of Africa mors rennet'. IL has txen ubjrcted by tared h,•r forces in all directions --an pais, like those th t come with extrict No adulteration. Never cakes. upstairs, and Angel and her father' I some that it is too hard on the sows 9 must be every hope for you. I will' y nun in a livyry coat nod cense but- 9rllow or purple nat1R are rongidered error se wIn she wilt have wankel- „f the , i l rof ,int 9g b p^p•r dippPrt _ help you all I can," amara sept alone in the drain room porter, and wbo fashionnhlre, while the Turkish women fL re r swot tyre ay,nr, but [ a not ed heraeLf m ludita. It l afaght ib -- 8 tone, who acted nm y in the whttr of nr1 rue. to her roar' ,tr- ons theremaina oP the feast. had eat there for the last fife yearn. lin a their nails with n hlue color find ,troit thegare wall taken rnrro(• rsx•ntialthnt Hussin .houldfight thio ,l ht. The fare •hnu d hr wnnhedwi h "What a dear girl you .rel" be Juse.ph Halliday, had, after due de- y 8 and I cnn keep th'•m till five or six °rind, with a laugh; and then kissed Passing this individual, you came nt - ears old without (heir even r supreme bsittl: on land, and ant , o Asa, g,s>d soap and h w,ter, shuitng of( p H R E her hand -and taut we,. vary hard to liberation, fixed upon Angel as the sub once into the clerks' offices, two loft y g fling encounb•ring h•r adversary a multane- to ,o ,i, over ni,tht, ,n I ih,. u ntment 1 Jecl of hie dleaourse from several ire- y Poor or run down. •4'e always feed bear, harder, perhaps. than all the rooms, opening one out of the other, HE WON THE DAY. wnrmalo i❑ winter loth. s unt,l ou,Ly in the north of China and at the mt4gstge,l in'n 'hr sk n t. rent• Portant reasons. win hnndSomo etuccood �eilings and' P P g gates of Indin." The "Grusbdanin" Wh n g yeertlte i4 omitted use sweet CURES An el wee the eldest. An , An Trishman was foreman of a jury they are four months old, and i( wr ; Theathere, came a cab laden with 8 gel was heavy oaken panel tinge; the outer room raj cis all notion of u❑ eventual rap •ril instead decided) the handsomest. An p y youn men, of the who had to try a man for murder 6n°r unmrrnhanGible potatoe it pnyn prorhement with Great Britain, the in- _ g luggage, and both o! them knew that it Y g.l Dad ,was occu reef b six g to Ixtil n kat! left•1 of rhea nn i hr atovr No. L Fever, Con estlon. was Dulcie. And in the little contusion always been the most tractable and' usual type of City clerk, unremarkable Word was sent to him that he would to lw murnLn tc warm the sli vet"rate enemy of Russia, from wh m tt her arrival, An el once more re sin- docile. Buppoming all want wrong, An- in Dice or fenLura, ehabb entre! ns y g p µ'ib' the latter cnn look for an advantn No. Q Worms. g g y-$ be paid £2A0 if he, persuaded the jury as when mnabed hot th Rv FNt;l.l. H t:Oi.D ed her usual seLfcontrol, find Horkee 8111 would be less alarming in direct to clothing, and for the most part me- to return a verdict of manslau hter y not r my nn,l it advorntea, on the ocntrnry, nn No. 9 infants' DtseFasoa R warm but flavor it_ 1 practice t; its 1,e nllian" with Germany, In wh rh !Ivory i11 isaue4 th f,rst rn rrrn' antes onium to hie schssmes, than would dloore in abilittp. The worked, how- Thy verdict wins returned, and the pg, young, tend think it is test � downer Oouffs Dtm collar and pulled y hr i g France might be induced to join g„Id ruin to England ,n 1247 It w,ax No. 4 Dlnrrhen. down Itis ctdfa, and met Der fie °ore- her more iihpetuoue and verea[Lle cis- Aver, Ilia mnchinea, coming tarty nnd' fri�nds of the prisoner cnmr and rendi- dnnr before weaning I never n. nsult „( I„„v geld, p,t and f ,r LO pt err, and No. 7 Crnighs t4 Colds, J", � posedly as if he had imparted no love- ter, and, moreover, Matthew Dane was staying late, eating their luncheons nut ly paid the money. the almanac to determine when it shall ` lora confidences to her sister before certain to like her the beet. Therefore of pnlier parcels, furtively pulled out I Did you have murh trouble in get- Ixsdone, and dnit at all seasonsof the KF,F,PING THE CHIMERA WAIi'INt: wag railed a gol.l t,cnny lh• ,tent Nom. U 1-Len`lacho. t".: Nr,, In ID >e sin, Tnr1i c'stion. y....r Der entraneo, it was to Angol that he addremayd him- of their pockyte„ and living from Mon-; hag that verdict f asked oar. year, but in eummrr picfri In do it in' lhr sands oP M trgntr aro indirrrtly rurrrnt geld r• to •a u.rl- the fir ren y, l P, 8 out as to Dulcie, she wasae alteedle. self, 'rhe conversation that took place dnq to Baturd.y mornings solely upon I Faith an' 'i had nn awful sirnRRle,', anal, wet wrnlh,r, and furnish a wal ..n isimoM by Edward Irl m 1311 Nn 1 1 Deln ed Pern-da She came flying in, full of life and ex- between them was as follows. the prospect and the retrospect ,if theiwsid the son of Erin. The rest of hr lowfor thepig R,atsit cools tbelever to responsible for this. Fnlher,m„th„r. Y ,u!{ , eltement, to throw her arms about her ” My dear, i wish to syy a few words blissful Saturday :,'ternoons and Sun -I jury wanted to acquit hl m, but, be- lie in the Witter, and Ln winter i and f;tmUy were about to be ph ito t” "n"as wore ,R,•u •d by t bat lea II ,o N, 12 Linuchorron. sinters neck, but when sibe maw Horace to you alone.'- days, when most of them "cycled " gorra, I wouldn't give way 1 choose mtld wee tber to rit. it fs uiet 68.1. and root nued to he c ren •d !t11 there she sto ped abort, looking from •Yoe, papa,• themselves away over the green border- a Aavin to breed two litters a q graphed by ons of the oinen,nt hatch No 1 2 t roup. p ” i would rather g year, ne' N17, whoa Lhry w,•ra wu prrar 1r 1 s•r N ” 1 4 Skin Dicenses one to the other with a certain mttepi- you did not men, K high roads of Hertfordshire and four sows will raiar na roan q am infect `°hen one of Ih. olive ine, ea cions nieknesn. Than she rested tion what I am about to say to you Kant, in mea rob of a et ache of health PREFER CONVICT LTFF,. y PR in fear it h-tnu d the mncht ne, fln,t rrvP reirrna. 7h• gr'1d soverrlgn wn q g to our sister. Kfndl a ht, if but one litter fe raised, and w t. 1' Angel q'Wetly, sad gave her hand y y promise me this, and fresh air, upon which to renew There •rent present several old ron- thlRatone ;squitet senvin . It also eft- i av, iy• ith mother in hot pursuit Thr rtrO ro,nrd by Hear Vi[ h"righ Nt, i 1 Rt.eumntism. very coldly to Ledsiter, not lookin at my dear.' the monotonous labours of the ensu- virtu in Fremantle, Wentralia, .Tail I � chase waxer) long, for the archin "i he ,oi oP m,ncy b, a -peril per N,• I,) Catarrh. �' g I will romise It to o a a.' in vid” the work, and hallo it ire in win- y 8 y. him in the least, and making it plain P y u, P P g week. No doubt hey were exceed- w•ho, though their time has long "I i ter• when the farmer ham more leisure! blessed wSth nturd le a, and mother ngntivv n the rr,:wn t the nnr rr: that she \vas surprised and not over- "You ere going this afternoon to ing useful, to their employer., and fill pired, live on there. They give as i than in summer, and it giventwogalra skiritA .impeded her At length eve, +neon i'rince r,•mmun ,�,t^d it t„ th No^.1 Kidney Dlserisea pleased, at his presence. So that, after stay with my talented and esteemed oil, each in his humble sphere. a nook their reasrm that all the penple they ingtead ofnno, nndarrasonable rhtneP father, who was Indulgent to a fain n,b,er•ts, inn -n u•h ih•,t n evt•ry a • No 34 Sure Throat a few catimon-p lace words respecting senior partner, Mr. Matthew Daae." in the construction of the Great house. knew i , the old country must 1- long l of better prie-s for one lot nt hclidny time, Inst parienae, or p,•. town there was nt Iraat nnr mn,t. ' No 77 Grip d'r Hay Fever her journey+ andthe weather, hefound " Yee, papa." from which the Great House could not since dead; se th-y prefer to remain baps he wan reminded by the phot ,t T,rrn4rot, there w, re e,obI , at C, T)r rn mphrryq IIcmoonatMo st 'iai d himself constrained to take u his "I trust yea will do all you can to easily have spared one of them where oo murh of their life has tseen ginphrr that thin delay would rnt,i trrbury four Por Ihr king, f P BF.i.RCTiON OF FTSF.DINt) CA TTL F, oa. n•r, .t year l7nragletx or 4tnurA F,•e a hat and to go. mak yourself thoroughly pleasant to TDe inner, or edwnd room -with apont. Tlxs old fehown era allnwrd N, an axpendit°rr of extra coppers. 't'rrr the Arrhhsghr,p; ane for the Abbot n ,oi•b ,,, drugtrs,r" soot onrrce:�e dgiots.. ;1, "What has happenedf" abs asked him and to hie invalid wiPo." which this tale Is more intimately con go Into town, but must he back in time I This ire an impnrtent matter tc all np with the nipper, hinrial 'Era's h. I tt inche-t.•r, n x at Rochester, and ,.., l n„ ., 61 lomphreys' Ved-Cw.tor.wwlt& iAng'el, t'julekly, as noon its hewasout "You may be sure of that, papa.' cerned-was smaller and more select. foe• lockup. concerned Ln agricultural nr pastoral bloke awaiting with the ehimernl .+t Haraiinlf (snar.pnsti.NawYort f, 4. •. sY::✓CSal,iW-.-went..._...r:.#.,.,.',.,L",-3--Ll-'�—. 11:'iw' ,a L,, u,Y,J,-,.el�.-.. e.elle:.rel.:r ,.Y--,-:,a.a•...—.,-,fir....,...a,,,.,[�y",.,—...—u..,...,..a,..--,—. �e.w.4:n��.----..ri.-:..,....rr.r.�----,—