HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-01-13, Page 5' I l County
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tyo trio flow nt[tli1 puce a �lavr m0A13VXV to Utpe 242,4=442 tt ar�wgit
i Stpar. It qpu #re caettewpl,ttu,$ hurirtq c tqo utltco �t
,. ! to ta.:ry r ,nary. tusks euro Wo conuu.4 avoid, x1hQm, 'lint i! ton ao pleas�aF I
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v., PrmiO,.psi„;,. ..,.., - -- _7 +aw.:^n. P i'Ya°.eti„'A.: Jfr� • .f .,.,„�. -+r. Z-ry- -' s'4;'rn
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It+)iiri, � i
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tt�t' 1,y
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rai,it; Mad laleed aurialups; !Mr ����4r� . Presents
aSltanATlt*tQisttia lsioat
�t+r, twdRid�t the same tiwe �
1QH44a 3Uo st�aAAhima e Q * O 0 0
[[r, 9 menQtpy lur4ritapg#[iTliblziEST Q S a cure by. uwnK 1%; 034 tl,tlt�l-
r G+.t)n�uutpttytt Sgpup„.the medtcinQ tl�t
7PFuti ti�rt: _
e bHe never been,knotVn to fail in curtl►u
014harmer r coughs, cptds, hronchitte. and all,affec-
Samuel Pnrbes, of i,estdllurp was
relieved of 05 by a burglar last week.
HE accompanyingout it a
tions of ttie threat, lunge anti 0hest.
Whpevt r the thief Is he la not one of
The INAAAO of which it may be --- -+---
the worst type, as Ill= was left In the
very good illustration of the
4 raid, i'Zts enemies catln96 stop Mr. Bowles,ot Belfast, teaches in the
it.,; ptogrcas . school Mr. McDonald left 180A. --lila.
CIS Marten is reeugagod in St, Helen's
q pe Never tLaUinst medicine, Rollo-
school.—Miss Clark received a permit
�NBrson s �tl;Uete and Musin in
way'* Corn Cure, removes all kinds of
Coupe. eta; even the fiscal dif-
had only from Fmentosa & Rus,
and will continue to teach this year
t How, the same school on the 10th coo. -Mr.
o rem,
nit to remove cannot withstand this
nveoN. They have been well
West tea CjODERICII• Beckett, who taught at Benmiller, w1U
wonderful remedy.
tried, proved, and aaknowledgtld
N teach at Belfast during 1898.
(' r Po -
ReRresendnR The Nordhelme ian
Wroxeter beat Fordwich at hockey
by the public to stand fire, bake
saki Mesio Co.. Toronto. !+New lite for a quarter. Miller's Oom-
la9t we ek, the score being 7 to 8.
better, and radiate more beat
pound Iron Pills.-+
le aicklp children should use
� , ,�� �. � than common oast iron.
Thos. Walker. Howick, is preparing
Mother brave's Worm Exterminator,
worms are one of the principal causes
Beware of counterfeit jmita•
for the erection of a handsome new
�Ylts l�klY Q�47ri1{ lfi` a brick residence.
of suffering in children and should be
tion and jealous rivals. These
TBI irrnONs CALL 7l
expelled ft oro the system.
justly celebrated Stoves are pare.
- -- some pills which have no other put-
"Home Department” has been
ly on their own merita,�ind aro
FRIDAY• JANUARY 13, 1899 pose evidently than to be et ptinful
interna[ disturbances in the patient,
instituted In connection with the
Methodist Sahhath school at Walton,
guaranteed not to warp or crack,
adding to his troubles and
the territory being divided Into four
districts following the concession lines.
while the prices are as low as
rather then diminishing therm. One
Colborne. might as well swallow some r orroaiIle
District No. 1, con, 17, bray, -Mies
_ inferior Stoves.
L. O. L. -Enniskillen L. O. L. held material. Paimlee's Vegetable fills
Mitggie Williamson, visitor : Ivo. 2,
Boundary, in charge of Mrs. Berry ;
when you buy one you do
its annual acted o when the follow- have not this dThey eahte and iniur
tug were elected officers for the cusp_ foes property. They are easy to take•
No. 3, 14th con., McKUIop Wut, Pol-
lord; No. 4, 12th coo. McKillop, Mra.q
i ik ':4 Ma" 'ib
' `' fP4'•'-. not need to buys second time,
ing vear:- N.M., Audrew Millian; D. are not unpleasant to the taste. and
Chle. I
" lit
+ t° because these Stoves are as last.
x e �'
M., Edward Millinn; Chap., Henry S. their action is wild ted soothing.A
Fisher; Fin. Sec., W. Fisher ; Treas., trial of thew will' prove this. They
DIFFtInlcvcE OF OPINION regarding
I t1
flu.', ing as life.
Win. Millian • Ree. Sec., R. H. Mew; offer peace to the dyspeptic.
1). of U.. Win. Vanstone ; Lecturer, .�
the popul.tr internal and external rem-
ed v, not,
tThric Oil
+h` y
b 1�'a � We are headquarters for
Peter Fisher; Inside Tyler. W.Fow.I Robert Lane, of Belmore, has pur-
ler; Outside Tyler, A. Fisher. chased 100 acres, mostly bush land, on
an Par as known, exist. The testimony
asr. known. exist.
9 d.Ma. , .
SNS , Tinsmithing, Plumbiou, Lamp
the ninth of orphan from Mrs.
is positive and concurrent that the
article relieves physical pain, cures
�lri l -.V' , Goode, Coal Oil &o•, dee.
Turtle, of London, for the sum of
Goderich Township. Turd. Mr. Lane has a gong of mon
lameness, checks a cou•zh, is an excel -
lent tamed}- for pains and rheumatic
SURPRISE PARTY. -On Friday even. working in the bush, also it number
complaints, and it has no nauseating
ing of last week a goodly number drawing loge to the Belmti:e mill,
or other unpleasant effect when taken
Bethel congiegatino and choir as -s-
inter pally.
selaibad at the hnnie of Mr. John Cox, We knew of a uumher of cases of
whete they spent a very pleasant even- that have been
supposed coller's
The anniversary collections of the
ing together. During the evening his
daughter Am who has been organist cured by Miller's Compound Iron Pills.
Methtmas church, Brussels, taken on
West Street and the Square, Goderich,
R R �--
of the Bethel church for wens yy�ar�, During January and February the
Christmas Sabbath awounted to $112..
was presented with a very haodeonte business men of Clinton will close their
-- - - - ----
- ----- - - - - - - -- --
writing desk and it flattering address,
Mr. Cox made a short reply on bebalf
stores at 0 p.m., except on Sat urdave.
Miller's Worm Powders are a won -
dei ful tuedicine for ailments of child-
on his daughter.
— —
GRow.-It tak s very little to derange
J t' t:Yv a.t. --- nr,..,.4- t.
Kingsbridge. the stomach. The cause may he slight, amus at
n cold, something eaten or drunk, anx- a rd for Orth
THE VERY LATEST. -It meat have cord for her•si
been a cery agreeable surprise tothe tety, worry, or some other simple19 young pig5
congregation of St. Joseph's Catholic cause. But if precautions tae not taken,
church who assisted at Divine service this simple cause may have most ser- BUSY LII
on the 0th inst., the feast of the tons consequences. Many a chronical-
ly debilitated constitution today owes are guaranteed
Epiphany, to find amongst their fire dysioTv
number so distinguhhed a
visitor as its distpuWan-&a Ample, causes• not- Is stiectalf°)y, e I
the Rev. Mr. Holmes, editor of the dealt with in time. Keep the diger- supplies iron tot
five apparatus in healthy condition ecr.+egthene the
Clinton New Era the reform Dominion and all will be well. Parwlee's Ve e- in and muscle
candidate for West Huron. He came table pills are bettor than an other for ell
remain cls.
from the East, and must have been y, sold at Duahai
guided by a star. It is rumored the purpose. -
among the hoys that he ,is coming James Mi
again !n a few weeks to get baptised- The Hnron Poultry anal L'et Stock house and lot
not with water ; it will be Ore. Association will hold their winter to Mrs. Evan
•A VISITOR. Show in two weeks, Jan. 24-25-20, in siole'., .$000 is
- the Town Hall. Clinton. The business -
Varn& men and citizens of the town have YOUR WEAK SPOT.
contributed liberally, toward the ftnan- Perhaps it is your throat or your
PRESUNTATION.-The committee on cial interest of the Association, also in bronchial tubes. If you take cold GOOD Bft�,flD
behalf of the Loyal Orange Lodge No. the giving of special prizes for the' ea flyy, take Be-itt's Emulsion. It G
1,035, called, at the residence of Mrs. best exhibits i i the different �arietiea checlta vny tendency in ;sue system to
John Reid, Bayfleld Road, 6., 7 iday of fowls. Anyone wishing a prize list serious lung trouble.
evening last, and presented her with a can procure it by calling on or drop- _ Is a necessity in every household.
beautiful rocking chair, accompanied ping a card to the Secretary, Gleo, (;Nae. Ricknhy, late of Mount Hereat, You don't always get it even, when you
by a suitable address, as a slight tuck'. Swallow, Clinton. now of the Doherty Organ Factory, make it yoarst" fat
of respect for the kindness shown the + — Clinton, met with a very painful and -
brethren during the past three years in STRONG ENOUGH FOR CANCERS. serious accident, which rendered hire A TRIAL Of HALL'S
the celebration of the Gunpowder Plot Cancers are caused by poisonous humors in He a.• R ;.,,,lire, and ittHOME MADE BREAD .
Mra, hied ma ade suitable reply, the blood. The only nonsurgical treatment flreCv,ae ..ry Ttl:he.fatal. While
thanking the society -4, _ + kind- known )a Mor....-`SYstem Ta :da This is a
Hess and ma niftc�nt gift. and wish- pO werfal blood purifier and at the same time attendingto a saw, several large pieces will convince you that be makes a first-class
R R blood builder. It cures Scroful Eczema and of plank Hew up and struck him in the article that gives peace in the family and
Ing them every success in the future. Sall Rheum id thirty days and bolls and pimples pit of the stomach ; he will recover, soundness to the stomach. I deliver
MARRIED.—At the residence of the In a week. 50dasea, price 60c. Sold by Dun- although he will he laid u for some
ham's Drug Store. P every morning and this Is another ad -
bride's father, on Wednesday last, by time. vantage you will appreciate.
Rev. Mr. Muir, Mies Annie Reid, se-
cond daughter (if Mr. 4nnnuel Reid, Mrs. G. Howell, Dante, Ont., says :-
ryasmarried to Mr. Malcolm Me- You• • • I ftnd Miller's Worm Powders a good Your Order for a Ghristmas Gake
Naughton, a prosperous young fn:rmer a medicine. will ba earefally filled and prompt -
of .the Bavfleld Road. The presents - ly,delivered.
were both numerous and costly. "flow- May Hugh McBrien, of Clinton, won the Let es get acquainted with a trial oader.
ing the high esteem in which the watch given in the guessing competi- A postal card will bring my wagon to your
young couple are held. Their many tion at Jackson Bros. Every pure las•
friends join in wishing them a pros- ... Never er of a tie was entitled to one guess. dO°r. T HALE,
perous New Year. About a month ago Miss Kelly enclos- ,
be real sick, but you ought to keep ed a number between 4000 and 8000 No. 6, Huron Road
Iron in the blond is necessary. Mil- sometbing in the house. The general 3 , envelope, and on Tuesday, Jan.
ler's Compound Iron Pills contain that 3rd, it was opened by D. A. Forrester
element in the most assimilable form. idea is strongly in (poor of not keep- and awarded to High McBrien, who
- ing it in the house, but to run around guessed the exact number -7054. being
Down in Boston the refer to the the winner. Money
y the corner to the Drng Store ped get
grip as
,bronchial pneumonia." but GRATIFYING IMPROVEMENT.
that doesn't make it a bit easier. it when you want it. We don't say
that this theory is positively wrong in My face was covered with pimples
+ and blackheads when I began taking Saved--...,*.
WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, all instances, gut we endeavor to show Hood's Sarsaparilla, but atter the use
Or ought to know, is that health and that there are some appliances and of this medicine a ahor't time I was, en -
even laic itself depends upon the con- tirely cured. I cannot recommend it
ditien of the lilood. Feeding ae it does, appurtenances of good hygienic exis too highly since it has done so much By buying your Christmas and New
all the organs of the body, it must be fence that should invariably be found for irie. MAY RYAN, North Street, Years presents at
rich and pure in order to give properOu0gab. Ontario, `J
nourishment. Hrod's Sarsaparilla on the same shelf with0urHead- x ATESf
wakes the blood pure, Lich and nour- ache Poviders, Iron Pills, The improvements to the basement
Ishing, and in this wily strengthens the walla and ceiling of the Methodist
nerves, creates au appetite, tones the Balsam Of Wild Cherry church at Holmesville, as well as the
stomach and builds up the health. new chairs, add to the general appear- BOOK STORE.
Bark ped AntiBlllous Pills,
appear -
Hood's Sarsaparilla wards off cold", sure of the building._
pneumonia an* fevers, which are pre- and they are an Ice Cap, A Hot
itlent at this time. If the child is restless at night. has
y Water Bottle and s FOun- coatedton ie, sallow complexion, a x
It is said that one oyster will in a tai Syringe. Call at our store dose of Miller's Worm Powders is what
season produce fully a million young and see our complete new line of is required I pleasant, harmless. NEW STOCK; OF. .. .
ones. And yet the soup at the average these node, and get our prices. Don't -
church social continues tO he thin. g CHRISTMAS
forget to eek your Doctor to leave Warning 1
B. A. Fisher, Bridge Contractor, Mt. our prescription at our store and
Freund r says„ "I took Miller's Com- y p P GOODS
pound iron Pills for stomach trouble, have them properly dispensed by a Angi'por"on or persona cutting or remov•
from which I like
a e for two years, Qualified Graduate. No ing any Loge or Timber noir cast on the
and soon felt like a new pian." spores of Lake Huron, will be prosecuted
— unnecessary waiting or risk. Tale- -- Now being opened out. Call
Malcolm MacCorapone aervo° ag CAPT. WM, BABBc. of Galt. has hill night, No. 46. to the loll extent the Law.
been awarded the Gaelic scholar-thip, ,
for the endowment of which the late Agent for the Owners and SCC OUf display befoul
#ion. M. C. Cameron, lieutenant gov- WILSON, Goderieh, Sept. 6th, 1898. purchasing•
einor of the Northwest
left $1,000 to Queen's University. Prescription Drug Store. J. Territories• Q
s6hooi Books and s6hooi suppiles. - —
110 page Acribblers, le each or 10o a dozen. Faber's H. B. Lead Pencils, le each, bet- If living to -ley would
200 page Scriblere, 20 each. ter grade Be each or 2 for bo, f not have written
2extra large 200 page Scribblers, Be each or Faber's H. B Polygmae, (artist pencil) 60
2 for so. each dr 50o a dozen. MANUFACTURER OF
5W page Scribblers. the greatest Saribbler 4 Pon Points, (292) for lo. FINE CARRIAGES "T. & B. or not T. & B.
on earth, Boesch. i 6 sharpened Slate Pencils for le. That is the question."
Felt aotmd states, tie. IOc. 12e, A 150 each. OS work in
Also Bell fecalrrpp work In Hugggtnit, Cnrrl.gea
and Lumbof warrons. %V,, tlnting, retrlmm-
• Ing, tope, onahlons, die. work warranted. He would have said
PORTER'S BOOK STORE �a';i�°�n' ,Iy. ki storr0:Q. he pd � givz Ina
i2 door. wast of old xmn&) DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS T. & B. EVERY TIME.
Call Telephone No. 100, Court House Square, GODERICH OPPOSITE COLBORNE HOTBL.
more upon the littini
iea of the shirt than upon any othe
tiole of his raiment. By buy3ni
Shirts, Collars and Cuffs from A. P
in, the Art Tailor, Natty Harte
encs' Furnisher, you get the bog
Art Tailor, Natty Hatter and Gents' Furnisher, Goderich.
vise the paper
. .
At Pridba'z
--Fax the val4w -ot, to ugloh-��,.
Before Stock Ta`iting snd to make groom for Sgrilogi iaa�
Solt& Troon
ani overGoats.,.as
.Our semi-annual Trouser sale now going on. Any pair of Ro�ti.tflt
in the store, made to order, for $4. (foods by the I'and.ttplt� ttL
coat and out free of charge. The balance of our Ready+.t f w4r'.
Overcoats and Pante at less than cost to clear them out. _
U _
PRI DHAM, The Tails
�., �t
- I
n Have something that is useful ad well as ornamental. We
have them :
—SKATES from 850. to $1.85.
—LAMPS at all prices.
—CARVING SETS, never equalled in town before in quality
and price.
—STOVES, we never had a better assortment and prices.
We,i,odo all kinds of
If any desoriplion at vhorl noli°e and for ZiWe money
IThc tluderison BiGUOc Go., Umltcd, Mulct
F_ tTO�ZDA1�tT, P
Has pleasure in announcing to his old friends, and as many nev
ones an possible, that he ha" re -opened business at the old stand, with i
complete and entirely new stock of
Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes,
Toilet Articles, 11%
And a large variety of Fancy Articles suitable for Holiday Present
The Dispensing Department, as of yoro, will always be under his owi
aaperviirion, or that of a thoroughly competent assistant.
.....,_,n �� a..,...w,. .; c• l.r ..i ... .�v....al:..,..,.ru.iso.,r�;:ac�a.-.���.�..aL",Aii•.o,!WAs.:-:sti,=�'a.,;,oJci�a,vim.�.a_,v�,urul�,v�st_+m,?.3<7::.vu: ���.,e� .un.rYn. �.n u.-�,.. y......-,..:..:�.�,+ssa'..u�.�,y,..�..,,�., _...,.. t .,�. u, �..v..�..,,,�.... ._.-.....�, r.�,_,., ,a...ueve.iaa_-.—...._.�...,.....1,...a....a,..,rv...�„raYer...,r...,r,_•�� �^.ucsfc.Lr,:�h,.•Y]e,�.a',c;:Y
I� A 1'eifrct, Bath 11,)oui means a graaft'.
deal to a finely foinished house. lslfexto�
g 1 t" i U' • � �- Pluwbing may last fotf a year or so in. otho
parts of 1110 [louse, and -do just as will's
for tbat length of time. But Plumbing is cheapest wh, a it IS perfect...,
have done plumbing in some of tue beet residences in Ooderich, and do .notb
jug but first class work. Call at Cattle 13ro0for estimates of cost, etc„
good material and plumbing work.
West Side of Square, next Sturdy Bros„ Goderich, Out.
C. A. Humber & Sons-,_ £i
Fo.r HOLiDAY SPEGIALS In evau ling.
At greatly reduced prices.
CLOCKS, China and ol11er lines. °
JEW ELRNY, 11racelel9 and Ring+it sp,eialty.
At special vplue,';s
100 tins Pine Tar, former price 15c, now 100.
100 Trus fhllett a Lye, former price l5c, now 10c.
50 tine Soft Oil Soap, former prico Die, now 20e.
26 tine Alpha Stove Polish, former price 10o, now hc.
75 tine Sunlight Stove I',.liaii, former price 10c, now 7c.
25 tine itelinble Slove 1'oh-h, G,rrner price 10c, cow 3c.
20 tins Derby llarne-s Puli.h, Llrw• r part. 2:,,•, now 20.-.
800 hound Eye Simps, former price a now 2%
24 Daisy Axes, former puce GO,% now 50:.
24 Highest Grade Axe -i fur for price $1 25, now $1.00.
1000 Axe Iland!es from 1111 to:liic.
6 Kitchen Towel Racics, now :t5
The small lots left over from last week's
sale still at last w'eek's prices.
North .ids n( 4ynnn• (A)DF.RiCH
At MUNLiO'�. —.-
- Kid and (cashmere Glove.,
Bootakins and Gaiters.
Together with the beat imported English.
scotch and Canadian Yarns, Fancy
and Staple Lary Goode Well fill
Afer'n (Jnderwear,
R•iyti Underwear,
Ladies' Underwear,
Aliases' Underwear,
-Children's Underwear.
Full Lines in all sizes
A. M U N RO. Draper.