HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-01-13, Page 2rr M -R
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o Adr1 . urltll Ana, bast! niotisd nadar a fold . dellvered, ,fists, wrap btttlitt abm tF x lF , -
,p, .: ,. a t r jj, ,n in �, n"I�i iusk�1lg' y �'C1ixCH, 5 0 Au s7�i� rr' DANSD 'T$IBTESN S ATI9 S,
h Magor- 1 of the3ptiatn tt mT. I#+gI:.ha'4iv.d4tTaPa• +11Malt to Eo.t dettlaxa note tzaiq_ b to 7a]Pa?, e.ct•t
it .
-,'. Ik!Ite at ConnauQhC sad h4i rearll.r f -lb. -finer apIt IA egnIb
Tiw Thos Kisly, of Paua, 111,, 'whilaf lb,..f 10 to err
c atm;' Prfussq Arthur. leave 8loreuge for Iwakiri rra elltenta lot the b4trlsl o! at ritrougd $18it tp DE.IiQ y9y dosetn liot>� nOw Ilia !y tgt tI>i4(lgtg Ytr)t11M1 tltet .>Fstl!eti .711Rar taw; ias11!<aYMI� 1►)►11 1}g qula _ R,t!►a le. fikity l9aye ReattrMteti' Matas•
�',i��!. p`; r Egypt and Kpartoulm next week. R ► { la"00 At GrA,ioo Csttt90 �Ne/FRC ttq�l: F
. a4' ��rf�� ��1� his glMtsf, heti killed on s orossinq *tDil1l,+M,,, 11k,1Rv*tl�t�4Mta-WIt►,Ir>l�►+ tNa,Nrulwrtfvtu �.
Rudyard KI li ]1[re. I{ipllnq and agar the burial ground, and the T r -
p ng t" in'the LA&tllnR l![�Ltti. listed U%,V .xhltl and 'gaily. Strictly A 11142 Sols , fi01 � C910u.-tts, aaylt,,,. :A BOOP ✓4 from London„ eaTilltt•, The ' .ler despatch from Rothe, 84YA. •,Des -
M +-+• his family will sail from Liverpool for were bulrled together. y,, _ ahalae iq p8r lAta, Ia q>;iiited at $d•GQ t+prd Cturzory o! V:Pdle9kog, tormallr impre±f<eia}1 trtoyVa in wall-imtgrined: ctx- patches promo Messina, Sicily, Say that
New York on the steaaaer Majestic on L,sWIgi 3)gane, twenty-two years old, to $7.50 per tori; And No. 2, at $d• assumed the vIce•roralty 9f' India on. olas that >sqw tbat'litranao is i)ecgming rioting has bens renewed there because
' NORIp' EY$pTt Ot iMTEREfT January 26. died in iayogts, N.Y on eaturday from LIVE 6TOCH MAIET. Straw-tlluolaaaged. Car lots age ,ray A ISIgO gathering •at Govnra- moxa rvaAon3tDle ovep the Frnnclt ahozn oP the attempt ut over-tazatdon. A
>i'"N"IGLED 1N til nT "Div. The London Chronicle says a cordial convulsions produced by a fright he was Toronto, Jan. 9. -We had a market q Epp at is to $4,50, on track.
p y g here ta-d1 01 rather ttae ted pro- Haps -Outside holders s Uttleeaeier meat hones witnetlsed the ooremany. question, and aught comsat to be mob e,1 several thousand people sur-
+ ,- -- welcome will bo extended to Mr. Jose h given b art alle ed "ghost' ata Hal- y zpet In their ids" owing to the fallin oft �At p,30 am„ the naw Vieera , pre- boo ht out b mope con nsation, pal offices and
Hodgen Choate, as 'United States Am- loween Marty. tions'; y g y y Pn rounded the munioi
latstAatieZ t►prpesingr of R■aeat Dsa-Tits pea there were, all told, 30 loads of the demand. Dealers here sell at ceded b his aidescile-c g
',' i,a;siit t+fewtef OarOwaCssal-Delags tsawaadcr to Great Britain• Tiiv Tgwn e,1 Pullman (a to be an- i soap, arrived Canntis would bei wise to seize the op. k smash d the windows, itoutin Down
Ira ttie filet►te frac -W6aE Gt Ootss oa to 8 vt utter hare, and mast vt it sold In l e, and outside holders are ask- I
Landon is dell bled witD the novelty Cozad to ill .ago, and the Puilcaan lags ing 180, Por ahotoe. at Governrpent house, and proceeded to portuatty to ac0tunpiisb at Cho earns with the man[0ians a I"
ttteUalted epta-NmesP (a fM naris of having some of its fire ladders Company will sail all their property in At fairly steady prices Thirteen ha eons ut which taxes are
t the throne room, where fin shook t[In. th0 halt oP Newfoundland into
t over drawn by horses Instead of by hand. the place not required Por the r busif We had " export cattle worth Spe- DAIRY PRODUCE. bands with the Earl of E1 in, the re- the Dominion, possibly by Sharing in ' aOilected hove bw n drenched hath
These are called "heraed fire este a nods to the b' beet bidder. elailsl g kerosene and burned. The troops hove
,,< __ pe :' )R ng hero, and prices are nominal, Butter-Nok twtive• Receipts trot. tiring Viceroy, wfth the letter's tam- a guarantee of the ne.eeaary payment not been able to ocetrol the mob. Two
CANADA The Landon, Eng•, hospital bas 3rlahlneiJ oLl+�ew York city have or- at from $4 to $4.60 per owt. The and composed mainly of large dairy to France or otDnrwiae. A loading
asked 865 wealthy parsons to send ganized the United States Indepen- MAA and Em ire a rolls. Cr e y iiy, with his aides de -Damp, the mon- ian Go have toren as oall d 'Phe ein-
F�', . Httxsilton'a death rale orae only 2D $1,000 each to that lnst[tutlon on Choir dent League. A Canadian branch is P pe0inl cable Quotes afloat are al follows HtDairy, Qtub, public man d0elared that nob Cana- stn Government hos ,;ailed for rein-
ber'e of -,the Council, and with the dfan statesmen have a ma nificent " Purcenients for the arnsun.
per .thimsland. birthdays. proposed• All opposed to Anglo -Sax- Battle tiaohangeal and steady at there poor to medium, it to 120; choice. 1a Lieut, -Governor and others. opportunity to round off the Dominion B __
0' � There is a move to eetablish a tour of Bfrmin on alliance are invited to Joir)1 the cent alight edvan "l- to 141-20; large rolle, 14 to 15o; small with eclat.
Tile Kynobo Company, 00 lea tie AN IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY. Law has got the bet ter of theology
1St asaoeiattoa tar quebeo. ham, Eng., 'hSs n 0ontrnat for 10,000,000 g Butcher settle are gnatnd at from dairy, !b prints, about t6 to 180; cream -
Who estate of the late F. S. Rath- cartridges for the United States The railroad bill and the bill taxing ai-2 toaa-4 to 4e, ery, tubs and boxes, 19 to We; lbs, 20 General Sir William Lockhart, the for the first time, at the University of
per ectad; of course An imperial edict has been issued in , Hare, the number of students enroll -
bun, Deeeronto, amountls to $89,000, Government, 1,C00,000 weekly, Inauranee oompanIes 2 per cent. vn the latter fee Ls for choice seleetlous• to 210, Commander-ia-Chle1 of the British Pekin commandin the Immediate in- y exceeding
1 q ed 1n the Former tacult
i their groes premiums, ue paeaed by the Cheese. Market firm, but quiet; forces In India, then formed stitatiou of the reforms (n the methods that in the latter. Liver since the re-
xoaa)as by fire (n IAndnA, t7at., dor Grant Britain's revenue for the near- extra session of the Kausna Legiala- median and common etnlf sells down ohoEca stook sella at from 10 to 101,20. Lord Curzon's prooeaeioq, and the of training troops, in agriculture, in naval of the university from Wittem-
ing the papt year amounted to $95,000. ter ending Doo, 81, was $148,001,670, tune, have been signed by Governor' to 3e, per pound•
an Increase of $4,318,000 over the car- whole party proceeded to the Council- manataetare, and in everything likely I berg, Halle has been the chief thao..
The Oatarlo Legislature has been Leedy. The market bas act P g @
Called for Feb. let for the dee atch of responding quarter of last year. The aiticens of E le Cit Aladka, yet rad ,, be Buffalo, Jan haxd tin wheat- . 75 room, where the anon ur royal war- pi coaduoa to the prosperity oP the em- fessio l school Por the Lutheran coo_
p y y' I Ltam its holldn character, and na18a steady ' No. 1 ha,rrd, , I- No. 1, er rant appointing Baron Curzon ol, Ked- etre. feealon in Germany.
6usineas, It is rumoured lJi theatrical circles waited onJnok Jolly and hie gang of y 18-40; No. 2 Northern, 75 1-40. Wistar leaton Vicero of India, was read. The _ __
to London that Sir Henr Irvin h
During the pnNt six menthe London ors in to rllnetss, ma retire from the g"castors' and toughs, gluing t em 48' aro mostly Lu small ,mixed lots. Hare wheat-Nom[aal ; No. 2, red, 74 1-'l0 ; ! ceremony, though formal, was moat �— — - -
' bee had' 294 births, 169 marriages and g y boors to leave the city. Jolly refused are some of the larger transaetiona to- I No. 1 white 74 1-20. Corn -Demand ac- i Striking, the brilliant uniforms of the
" 196 dteatt.hs. stage and sell the Lyceum Theatre. tog°. sad was hanged by a vigilance day ;- Uva ; strong ; No. 8 yellow, 890 ; No. 4, officials and the foreign Consuls lend- for E E P BEA
I Che Donrd of 'lrpde returns of Grant commlbtee. yellow, o 1-Ao to 88 1-20; No. a corn in
Individual communion cups were in- A load of 22 cattle, averaging 1,060 g much nol0ur to the scene. Lady
traduced in Centenar Church, Hamil-: Britain's foreign trade for the month Thd Atanbet Manulnoturing Com- 88 1►4 to 38 1-2c; No. 4 corn, t`klo. Curzon was amon those resent. �,�
y oP December show inareusea over 1697 the., sold at $4 par owt. g p t
ton last night, pony, of Boston, with woollen cattle at Oats -.Fair enquiry; firm, No. 2 white, EARL OF ELGIN DEPARTS. 4i��+ �E3 �"t a'l
of £8,008,100 in imports and £1,058,800 Mu rd has made an anal went for I Sixteen rattle, averaging 1,150 lbs 930 ; No, 9 white 820 ; No. 4 white, 81 ` -_ _/ L
T. J, MoNumara reports at Vatican- I in exports. thyy nn it of its areditors� TDe iia- I sold at 32 each. y -2o; N Rye -Nom- I A royal tealute was fired, and the Handsome is that hand -
ver, the Pfadin of a akolaton of u nae- $ to 31 1-2o. Barle g.
g Accordin to official fi uro Great bilitiea, accordin .to the Jul state-� in !1 610 in °tore for No. 2. Flour- national anthem was aged. Directly - some does,"istheoldthoorsd-
Codon oq his claim ip Alneka. g g " g y A Land oL 20 settle, averaging 1,076 t} t, after the warrant ha been read the t k
Ilr[tuln exl)ends $90,000,COU n year op went, amounted to $, inelud- Quiet, Dut steady. � I I �„� + � I .I � _ ca! adage. bat cher all it's the
' � . Six cases oP smallpox have broken the support of the poor, and Germanyy ing $1,000,000 capital stook. lbs., sold at 4o per pound. Toledo, Jan. 9. -Wheat -No. 2 cash, j Earl of Elgin and Lady Elgin and x akin-deepbeautythat'sattra0-
i sat a abort distance from Montreal, In $20,000000, This dose not include pri- At Crnaiannti, Ohio, Judge Hol(ater A Lot of ten cattle, averaging 976 701=20; Mny, 730, Corn -No. 2 mixed, their immediate party left Gavern-
the vicinity oP Coteauvdu Lao, mens house. Lord Curzon aceom anied tive. It would take a big lot
�_ I vote absr(ties. Dna reveTaed the pollee court ruling in lbs•, sold of 3 1 4e, per pound. �0• Oats -13o. 2 mized,LBo. Rya- I p s
Archbishop Bruolesi, in a pastoral I Aubrey Beardsley's original draw- the Christian Science case of Harriet 1 Seventeen cattle, avers in 1,060 lbs., Dull; No. 2 cash, 560. Cloverseed- the Earl oP Elgin to the river side, and of handsome doing to com-
letter to the clargy of the Diocese of ' Lugs have made thein• n arance In Evans and treed her. The court holds g g Prime °ash, $4.90; March, $4.621-2. Oil i then returned to Government house, to for a skis that is
�� Pp” Bald at $865 par cwt. escorted b a full hod
D?l0ntreal, intardicts church bazaars. ' London auctions. The first lot sold that the rites she performed were re- I -Unchanged. .I Y yguard of the '�-- f ed and whose appear -
x There are now three law suits pend- 1 since the artist's death, brou ht from Ii sous and not medical, and therefore I Milkers are Quiet, Pew coming In. and 'Milwaukee, Jan. 9. -Wheat -No. 1 I Calcutta Light Horse. The route was
8 g lined by troops, another royal salute t i ante is distasteful to all who
„ap lag agaiaet London in aonneotton hath $30.b0 to 98.60 a Leon. not within the urisdletion of the law any demand; but a few choice Northern, 6flo; No. 2 Northern, 67 to'
ata Ctty $all disaster oP a aur $ P J 67 1-4o. e- 1, b4 &4 to fisc. Nae Lirod, and the squadron of vee sw it, and rho torment of the
y ago' guide -book makes the under which she was prosecuted. 0awa will tall at Prom $40 to $b0 each. 11y sale in the Hoo hl die ]a ed all their
The uCatl English Barley -No. 2, bl to bl 1-20; sample. g y P y atient whose dais burden it
q ty of lumber imported in- I Perr Jones, cashier of the First Na- Shi I P Y
otirious uaeortirsn that u large proper- y PPings stilts are worth from $9.90 42 1-2 to 610. bunting. e' H to bear it about. Dk.
s t0 Mhnitolw during the past year was, tion of thosa who have made the ascent tional Bank of Pillipsbury, Pa Dae of tp 4 The Earl of El t embarked on
over 000,000 feet, all from t)nited' of Mont Bluno have been rsttns the moat extensive coal operators rn $ par cwt. �Mi�eu�c'Ita Jan. 9.-Wheat-Janu-'' g Q
States. initis. I that section, and lar el interested in StookeltS are worth Prom $8.7b to y, y, 67 3-4 to 677-8c; July, ' board a launch, which took him to the AGNHW'9 DterrYYNT isa woa-
of unsound mind. g y 683-$0, on track; No. 1 hard, 083-i1°; steamer Clive, at Diamond harbour, on derful cur• for all sorts of
During the past pear [he Cuthol{o Sir Henry Hawkins, the English mnnufnotur[ng enterpriaea in that vie- i $3 40 per cwt. No. 1 Northern, 679-8°; No. 2 Northern, his way to England, Skin Diseases --itching, baro-
parishes of liebec cit have had 362, inity, committed suicide at his real- Sheep axe unchanged; lambs are 653•.80. Flour and bran-Unahanged. ing, stinging sensations which
Warr[° Q y jud a who resigned latest week, hue pre
ges, 4235 baptisms and 1,541 gg dente on' Friday night. It is supposed Pittner at 4 to 41-40
s seated Cardinal Vaughan a k, s pro0 per pound. Duluth, Jan. 9. -Wheat -No. 1 hard, NEW TORPEDO BOAT.
'1 �� � aro accompanimentsa tetter,
deaths, that recent hard work and anxiety , cosh, 68 7-8c; January, 680; May, 69 7-8c; salt rheum, scald head, ricg
edral ds u naw Roman Catholla oath- were the aeueea. A few t)hoiae weals will sell' No. 1 Northern, ottsh, 60c bid; January,
," !Harry Cola of Ottawa, oho accident- edrnl ut Westminster. Niue hundred b a y
ally shot Wm. Hubbell of Havelock Whea Mr. Calvin 6. Brice of New og came in, and 68e bid; Ma 687-8e tt G Ctltar shaped sed Pouted at tact!
The Rev. Mr, Grundy has been vicar y e worm, eczema itch, ulurs,
sear Dauphin last week, has been Dom- York died, it wase said De had Lett n [or- Prlaes aro a Ishnda better- For Cha Detroit, Tan. 9,-WDeat closed: -No. bads -A Itarveuoaa Perrormnaa. �i� UT
witted for trial. 0f Hoy, in Lnnoaehiro, for sixty years. 1 white, °ash, ?lo; No. 2 red, cash, and A despataD from Vancouver, S, C.,
V f� erysipelas, liver spots, and all
I Ha is 0t yenta of age, and road ernyars tune of $10,000,f100. A petition for let- I very beat aeleotlam 4 1-2e, was paid to- �
It is reported In Wranlpaeg that the I before the Princess Victoria En William tors e,1 ndministrution filed in the 1 duy ; Light hogs retch 41-8o; and I January, 70 1-l0; May TL 7-Bo.Y eaye:-A former British naval officer, etvptions eftheskin-one ap
g I Surrogate's office declares he left no' New York, Jan. 9,-Coffes-OPt[ona HAUTI fIr� plication allays the irritation
Aoeal Lc ielnture will moll on Nehru -I V's lime, pro- thick fat bogs are dull at 33-40 per close steady; unchanged to five pointe'' Lieut. Innes, Dae for some time been
ery Bad, and that a redietributlon 6111 rani oatate„ and that hie personal and tseverance in its use
will be fattodu0ed. Tho Duke of Bnautort is one of the party ie valued ae $600,000. It Ia said Fouad. 6tore hogs will not sell. higher; sales, B,b00 ba s, inaludin eeoretly at work in Australia on a
few leo le in En land who have 0arri- results in a speedy cure. For
I P g Mr. Arias lived at the rate e,0 $20D,- Following is the range of prices to- March, 5.60 to 5.656; May, 5.75 to5.80o new submarine torpedo boat. A trial ��� �� blind, bleeding, itchlag, and
tar E'rotxliiiga hhvo been taken to ez ed on extensive experiments in the 1000 a ycey, �; Jnly, 5,90°; August, 6.96°; September, of the invention hue just taken place
%. . Mr nratnae ag.atRolliaso , thhe Otttaw ' breeding of the targge males used in GENERAL. CATTLE. ' 6,60C; October, 6.050; December, 0.16°; ulcerating piles it's a magical
Flanders and B ain for li ht road before rho commandor-in ahieP, Adtnir
rg'ery• work. P g Sarah Bernhardt is learning to play Shippin spot coffee, Rio steady ; mild •coffee
alfa B. per cwt. ....... .$ 4.00 $4.50 'steady, al Pearson, in Sydney harbour. There balm • one application gives comfort and relief in an instant, and in from thra to
1t is reported that aha Government A oar o of errata that nrr ved is g Butcher, choice, do . 3.50 4,00 ga g persons at the trial. An eye five nights the trouble disappears.' Price, 3g cts.
g P du r - Raw irre ular; fair refin- , were few _
tivill shortly order an invcati anion in- Leith, 600tlund, tuna bought up nt once The bethrothal oPQueen Welhelmina Butcher, medium to good ... 3.25 3-b0
gg ing, 8 13-160; centrifugal, '96 teat, 4 5- 1 witness of the ex badly, her 4�ioe an�taa•k were ��o d gt�rad ebe Road, apepLta nmalll fortune tn6 reatmentsa and
Co the eondnot of afksira sit St. Paul's, by a firm of whiskey manufacturers, of Holland is denied. Butcher, interior. 3.00 3.25 16c; molusaea eu nr, 8 9160; repined' periment said: -"TDs
itian., Indian Elohool, The birds were taught to cry ",Drink Emperor- William is ill. Hie old, ear Sheep and Lambs. g shape of the boat is like that oP the went into a It& of seclusion, and the stinging remadtes for pllosin their very wont form, was
Binnk's whieke troubles boa returned. p Quiet. pain of It was to intense that. to use bar own treated b elestrtcifiy with temporary relief only
"Indian Jim," who ked aChin-i y," and were then dis- Ewes, er cwt. . . . . ... 8.00 3.60 torpedo itself. It Ee oignr�haped and ,tor alts'wkntne:tthtn to mad" SIIetrled sndhad�ecidedtogoonthoopernung fastened
- era alorekeoper to death with an two tributed in gilt cages to Liverpool Tho German weavers' strike ie Bucks, per owt. . .. .. . 2.50 2.75 .,s Pointed at both ends. The modes was many ointments, salves, and sashes -was treated have a inrttcal operation performed, but was
:s �: and was sentenced to life imprison- Bliltwn keePSCs• spreading and 0,000 mea are out. Lambs per aorta. 4.00 4.25 A BABY SIiI INCHES LONG. made in seven different engine shops by s�actattaa oa akindtaeasea wtLbout p:u■g reeomneadedtotry Ds. Acnawb OotTYs.T-
any stir benellt. Sha bon ht a las of Da. he did to. Tho first application of it relieved
,, ment, will have anew trial nt Na-; At n Ixin net in 600tlund recentl Milkers and Calves. �._ to insure eeoreay, The performance of Ad■aw'a IYTYsaT�one • tt
t , .� q Y, It it re, sed to make Rome a cos- the crept Wet marvellous. The drivin eppi aaetoa ga.• her dta lnteasadisueas—he p.rabtad in Its use and
a3 ti ; • aeim0,- Lord Roeetx+ry iOst n ruby out Of u Cows, each. .26.00 60,00 gpfaat to • Near Yotll Hospital Healthy g oomfon, and to-daI�, aRar astng ebrw bolas batt to -day he's r•wacded wish n care after yeah vt
port. attmatod cost $12,000,000, . Calves, each . 2.00 6.00 Despite His alae. power was electricity, and compressed skin fa as Clear and pink ae a baby's. sta8srlag.
" tt, IA guest at the \Vindttor Hotel, L+avorlte tin He fuse vary much ever
t cg' tied niw t tg Berlin police are meaeuring and pho- Hoge. air orae supplied Por the ocoupante. The DR. AGIYBR"S CURB FOR 7118 HEART-Rslievu emvfberin nova and dunenng. A
Montreal, r istered as Frank Lang -i , % he loss, and when after dil- tographing all known Anarchists. Choice bogs, per owt....... 4.25 4.bd A despatch from New York says:- boat was only fifteen feel tong, but regulullfanavertocass"of organic heart troubles.
} don, Brooklyn is missing Since Dec.Iigent search one of D Scotob friends
4. Iiia Delon in s, loft behind indi-' icund t ha The chief ennueh oP the Sultan of 1 Light bogs, per cwt. . . 4.00 4.1`21-2 Installed in a stadia little larger than now that its success [s assured a model DR• AGNBtY'S CATARRHAL POwDBR-Relievea cold In the head In io minutes. Cures hay
( jewel, be gave n handsome $env do., per cwt. 0.00 9.76 I to hold s x men will be built at once. fever ■ad catarrh.
oats 'i mita Gf means. I cheque ie, rho finder. Turkgy 1s dead, ire wsa worth $100,- y, 1 a Derby hat at Gouverneur hospital, i DR. AGNEW'S LIVER PILLS—Re at•the bowels Tone the system. Never grip•. pleasant
the man in the connin t ��nn11
a..e,w; + Mr. J. ObVistie, of Greenwood, has A Landon plumber Is under arrest 000. I DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS, i New York, las one of the smallest It ower ann Lunn- litdedosaa a010 • vvi; 20 eta H
tendiored h{a resignation ae Dominion for Stooling two houses, $ia was test A congress for -the annihilation of tu- I With the lapse orf the holidn s and laced a the vessel, ore can be ine wa-
y babies in ezlatence. Thia mite of luted from below. The submarine war BOLD BY W
r Dernuloals will convene in Berlin on i the rtmewal oP colder weather, the of- y C. GOODE AND F, M. DUNHAM, GODERICH.
'Veterinary inspotor, for the•southern' months at work tearia them down machine ie built of brass, and la thick- -
t , " g Muy 48. ferings of dresses hogs have lactase i humanity, when he stretches himself
portloa of Yale District, B.C. 1 and tnkipg away the mnterin] rthout The Vatleaa will not bo re teaseled pe Y n Ias heavy linea, West -I his full length, which he very seldom er on the undera[de than on top to give
' r ` ed, es oiall i
Hataiiton Board of trade has ap any one interfering with"him. t was p it trim. The engines are placed amid-
e. inted a cornmitteo to topsider what I only when rho owner wont to look at I at tits forthcoming disarmament con- ern hogs ware quoted, cn track• un does preferring to curl np and etiok ehipa. They drive a shaft which turns _ s to O
��, ,- ference. oar lots, at about $5 to'$5.1;�, mixed I his toe [n Dia mouth, measures only
W; _ggvdmrJtta ann bo ennd'b in the un- hie huusoe himself t.Dat he found they the stern sheet, In addition to this
welghte; and Northern nt about $5.10 about six lashes ia: length.
r� 4, oatlafac3ory assessment rn that city. were gone. 6pain Duslost about cS00 war-vetsselel ate_ _... propeller is another which works at A talkative to •
to $5.1b for select lot.= f)n � ,.'.4kth; tWiao moatha.ago, .the in- g
# t rt t"auardS is ,lf[n ton enitentitsry are 'I'bomas Tottnsbend Buoknill, by battle and wreck since the six- far{nera' i ~ ` e . � th{3lioti l6' dtindes but Das the end of v vertical shaft directly un -
being subjected tb a rigid examina- Queen's Counsel and member of Per- teenth century. 525 to $G 4v, ., o". - der the centre of the craft, and nausea
$ , til now• he tfps the beam, at
tion as fo physical condition. Those liament in the Conservative interest New silver, hardly yet, in eirouletion ps tee dieappetvaucrr ,`ted"reappearance oP
Market for provistona dull. j aga9t 9iuticear The. diminutive yodilg- the boat.' The eye -witness, who is The tag on every pair of "Slater Shoes"
A ' considered unfit for service will be fat Kid -Surrey, Epsom, has been in Paris, hna already been coon- Quotations are as follows: -Dry salt-; stet is in excellent basila, utd ie per- close to Admiral Pearson, and ie su
dismissed ruined to the Bench of Cha Hi h Court terfeited. ed -shoulders, 7 i-2 ; los clear bacon,' feet formed. His 1 P fella the leather, its wear, service
g iy taiga are in splen- sed to voice his o unions, added ?- a'
,At the opening of rho British Colum- °i Judlouturo, in suc0epsion to Mr Jus- ,1•,`mporor William, has conferred the � car loth, 7 1-20.; ton lots and case lots did order, and are used oonaidorably. pO p ty}Uj adapted to, DowtDe stioeis made, Low
title Henr Hawkins, t The submarine invention is the most$
t - bis Legieluturo rho LioutanantGovor' Y ,�Do reoantty re-lordcsr oL Cha Blnok Engle upon Herr 7 3-40; or bathe, 8 1-2 to 83-40. The child is kept snugly tucked away remarkable of modern times. The P{maxn to care for it and the factorynumber,by
nor sunouneod that a bill .would be tired. Adol h Menzel, the noted German. Smoked Meats -Hams, hes p model was not fitted with torpedo SHM IS whicL any fatilts may be traexd to We
._ p v9. 9 1-2 to I between flannels during this gri e
Y Droughk in toT rho exaluaion of aliens Jnne, Dowager Lady Carew, ha& just Floods int Chinese provisoes have de- 190; medium, 10 to f0 1-20; light, 110; 1 LVeather, and hot water bottles era tubes, as this was n matter of detail. E o five This is cod for five
+•,. in Atlin district. entered upon her IOlet year, She strayed the crops and famine has re• breakfast bacon, 10 1-2 to Ile; picnic Placed'in between the layers of flan- The trial was to attest the efficacy of or r S
The Crow's Neat. Railway is now In danced at the Duchetss of Richmond's suited in many parts oL the Empire, hams, 7 9-4 to 8c. All meats out of i nel to keep the temperature up. the central screw in submerging and cents on a bottle of Slater Shoe Polish,
working order, and throe passenger ball at Brussels on the night before tEm rot \\'illiam himself deaigaed' pickle lc letss than prices quoted forI This vest-pocket edition o1 mankind Good car Wilted and stamped on
p raising the vessel. The experiment y
trains aro sent ovac'it oaoh ora aver Waterloo. Two other Indies, Still iiv- smoked menta. -tie lwrn ie the hospital and was left
r week. Tho re ular frei ht traffic to i ing at a very advanced n were tae arrayeds an which the Em rests' y the mother, Mary Albert, 26 was eminently sucoesaful." the sole by tDe makers, =3.00, fq,oa
g g go, pre- i Lard -Tierces, ?a ; tuba, 7 1-2 Co 7 there b
e pr,"' steadily increasing, I sent at the W11, Lady Louisa Tighe tins arrayed <iuring ser visit in P les- 3_%, pails, 7 8-4 to Fo ; °ompouatd• 6 years old. The mother left the hospital card $5•oo Per p�-
Bridget Bl odoll of L adt>aa Dae Dora and her mater, Ludl Sophin.Cocil. The t tl 1,2x. i ten days after the bubR was born, say-
` S hitter, a child of aux, find Deen put to i'raaco i9 Durdeaed wits 400,000pub- !! BREADSTUFFS ETC. ing ache would return for it ]afar. 6he Cavatows "The Slater a►7hoe f1f
released from tae penitentiary at $ing- sari, but stole out is her ai at otiv lie officials, costing the state 01b,ObOf has not been seen since. The hospital wilt snvlte a rorctsa ahtphatider to rasa. e
Ston• She hied been sentenced for life, Wheat -The Chicago market opened
1000 francs a - ear, accordin to the esti- officials have tried ever means to to-
but after airieteen years' imprisonment and watched the ball from o e 8 the Y g atropg, but closed sl about la, decline y ILoeate mere
r t% pardba Ives granted Dor. banisters. She fuss u daughter of the i mute of .Le Temps. Cate her, but in vain. So next week _ - _ _
I from best prices. Local trade was quiet. Even progressive Japan is consider- e
Duehoss. Since 1875 Hambarg has added to, its' the baby will t)e sent to Randall's Io- r
`' At 13afdur, Mon., two men entered Rod wheat sold at 69c, north and west, land. The doctors say 'the child will [ng a scheme for making the 8
Populutioo twine as man tache ae
the office oP Mr, Jobb Hanover, Tress- had white u e tat Doan -hent, out- grow into s normal size with proper armament of her fleet no longer
Boston, and Leipsic has overtaken St, aide orae quoted at 70 to 710 Mani- trr
aulror of Aigylo municipality, covered Tharo are nlioul 400,(100 Dlormons in Louis, lobos were easier, at 80x, sere da ndent on Poral h doc W m. Sharman Jr. Sole A ent for 4oderieh,
aim with revolvers °tad teak $700 from LJlnh and tae onntiquuue 6tatea and asked for No. Pe g I�vards and s , g
taw safe and made their eacape. I Territories. The Queen oL Greece hna bestowed 1 hard, and 770, asked for No. 2 bard arsenals as it is now. The Clew propo- _
Hamilton cit council has rho Modal of Valour on 100 women ;and No. 1 Northern, Toronto and sition is that of inviting a foreign pane Tabules with sv mach $site. I bav beenagrat suSerer Ttom eoutsupenoa
b -law y Pa lead a Ica dealers nt 6yraouso N. Y., have evho arrved na suttee in the lute ever' -Pet. firm rePernbl from the United Staten than °sadm
y granting the T., H. S B. Rail-' formed a combine with a capital of between Turkey and Greece. Flour -Dull; stra�' ht roller is hold at Germany Prepared to Place It ea tae to to ate in Japan, and give a big sub- Sea ens ebn trrovwea fm abboout threemyenars wi d tMy fe a aux iese"sana abidom vw re hie" to
way a retinal of:$1,000 n year on its $600,000.
+' " fazes, the oamptitzq to extend nbranoDl 1'he f(rety narrow guago railway $x20, middle freiglita and $9.10 is stnrket. tidy. Thus Japan would derive tae whet Ioaned hatoua attacks oomtng oa retulatly IcoWa not wear shoes an myfsel and only° loch
tkNes. northern y to a to rho ort Shipments of iron o ore from Lake � train run b electricity in Europe was bid. A despatch from Berlin tea s :-Coal benefit, capital and experience, and at once a week. s was told by dlfrerou t ph7siclaus drags DI saw R(pa■s TabWna advertiaed in one
y that It was caused by bad tooth, of which I had dally Paper• bought Rome and took them as direct,
, y• Superior are about 1,-00,000 tons great- , given a triis,i on a short road between I Illrilfeed-Continuos scarce; demand the same time make her no longer several I had the teeth eYtnctad, but the at• ed. Sara takes thio°Rani three waeke and she»
er than is 1897. 1 r has yet another conquest to record.
Fred. W, Johnson, the colored •man I Dusseldorf and Krefeld Germany, is gfwd; ton lots ,of bran at the leeal wholly dependent on foreigners. The tacks continued. I had seen adver, isemeuts of V each achangeI Ian not constipated arty more
who, with his colored lady con ion, The resent ulation of New Mex- I lul is bring. $14, and of shorts $10; der I threatens to supplant the indigo Fi i a rominent vernacular a r, Ili— Tabule■ to as the papers but had no faith end I owe n all rupans Tabuieatg Iam thirty.
inn ` P PoP Of the thirty-eight Sultana w^ho Dave egad Java, b tits 1 to sa,& n P them, but ■twat six weeks #ince a friend seven roan old, Dave no oesepnuon, only oy
wm refused orchestra seats at the I iso is estim tted tit 289,DW, including I reigned over the Ottoman EmDire eines iota middle ft aigata, aro giotod at $19 t of India y pp y' g y •- sated mato «ry them tla,s taken bnttwo of the nousehola dau4e and auraing my alek hasbsad
Academy OP Music, Montreal, and sued about 2(1,000 Indiana. the conquest of Constantinople, thirty- for bran, and $1b for shorts. indigo chemically, identical witD In the past for receiving and im- ansa 6cont boxes of the Tabulee an 4 have hW ne has heal the dropsy and I am trying lapses
Spaxrotw 6t Jacobs for damages, hasI New York Superior Court judges four have died violent deaths, Oatmeal -Firm. Car lots of rolled a infinitely purer than that hither- proving our naval resources after the norevurvenca ar the attacks. nava n avergiveha Tabules for him. He feel tome better hat It wm
heap awarded $60 damages and aB appenrod in binak silk gowns on Gonernl Lord 8it0hnner, tae Birder, oats, In bags, on track here, axis quot- to�Qa the market. late war, our Government had barely ,sumo motoi 1or an thingL for be •en Gondme take some tame, he has been stat solong, You
owtA ed at $3.40 per bbl., o d in bills., at 1. ti a to devise an rmanent deal n �°Dd may nae wy tetter aha nameuyon aka
kt ;{, Thursday for the first time, has dooided t0 eead s strongg exppedi- 850, P Aa Len o Pi y g by Rlpana abnies Induces me to add mane to the ars YaaT Gammas abaats,
Soft Dae been entered at Viotorin, Rnffnell lingorro, at ChlOago on his tion against iTihalifa Aaduilah,^wito to $ g ag as 1882 aGermnn ahem- for tae building nt some obnll tae war many eeatmonhaL you do¢buaas na. is your _
B.C., inst D, A. Stoddart, ex-Dd .P' I Pena -Firm. Cin lots, noretD albd let, Dr. A. von Baeyere, discovorod acv- Ships that the needs of our navy ran- sos.•astannow. A T. 1awlrn I have base anfrerang from beadaebes e.#r
aaggxx aI' way to Bt. Clond, B.C., was re, ad of now is Darfur witD a larg force of west are uoted at 66e, and east 0677 g g de d more and more ur ent. There- - since I wu a utas
Por Eaot Ulooct., En the British Colum-, $506 by a bogus police officer. Dervishes, q pt o. oral methods of obta[nin intii o blue g girl t could peer Cao to a
bis T,rglelature, for $ 60,000, being Oatef- Firm tone. White oats, north from cinnamic Old and bitter -almond fore, all orders were given in foreign t want to Inform you, W or go Into a Crowded
..y the pptlalty at $500 a day for having, I George F. Bielmaier, a Buffalo man, Forty harbour engineers comm°ls. anti went, in car lots, sold at •190, and oil, which themselves areaproduet of firms. It is not yet too late to offer m word$ of highest tb place without getting,
as a egad, ant during the last session has been found wandering in the Sioned 1� the Russian Government ,there is firm bidding at 290, for large east tar, but all were too costly for some firm a percents a aubsi on bi or Cha benefit bemaoh. andsmkat,mr
tvfthattt streets of San Francisco, insatne. have left St, Petersbur for Talien- quantities, commercial g g i ba.e nen.ad tort■ stomach I►#ard.twnt
gtlalfPination. g Ptu pies• capital" to operate works for building hupansTabwaa. t am w R 1 •p j�•�(•� 8tpaasTabntee from an
The Midland Board of Trade endorses � During the eleven months ended with Ivan, Chinn, to marry out harbour Rye - Firm. Car lots, north and Other chemists took up the work naval and merchant vessels. The out>- professional nurse and « 0. ' aunt or mina who was
+r the roI)naition of constructin a ion November, 546,853 persons visited the works there, went, baa, and east, 640. *hem Baeyers had Left Lt, and Lifter aidy need not be continued after the tothuproreationaclear _ taklugthemforontarrh
f ' p 1�1 g p Buckwheat - Quiet, but firm. Car years of toil it teas announced e1 hteen head i always t o" Is. Ip of Cha a n h tai ane nae
htttt rut way from a point Epttveen Al- Congreso[onul Library at \Vash[ng Tho 6paniaD Off(ofal (casette nn- . B profits tench b par cent. This quest[an Itlpana Tabolet soar [a a. to¢na s¢Cn reser tram
ton. nouncea that on Januar tote, outside 48 fo 4A 1-2e,, moa sago twat tae 'Baden An[lina should receive more tom t ettenCian After one •t m eased The modern Stand-
iriitdale and-Wilingtvood air the North- I 7 1 Spaia'a P P y J theft ttas.neadvsea me
$9txI Itatlwtiy to Bradford on the same Six mtnere -ern killed by the tali fleeting debt was b84810,895 pesetas, Corn -Lower. CanAian yellow, Chat- and a Works," at Ludwigshafen, on than the Government ownership of foundmyaltoompletely to take them too, anal
1 as inoreaae of I1,B12,0Z5 a ham, is quoted at W. American allow the Raine, teem in a Position to supply railroads tvndowa Aottnsanche Ww and Famil Medi- tha�ii tioLoier�'��";;m
ins, ,and a resolution to that end was of a saga down a shaft five hundred pe ales over y advice of Yr. Deo. sow• i
Januar 1, 1898, old, on track here. At 450; and Same indigo obtained by as improvement of �. er, r a„ tea Newark
ordered to burs sent to the Board of I feet at the Lake Sup rior Iron Co.'s y anytbeynn.e#bmptete
trade of 'Toronto, I mine at Ishpemin psa now, at 4� 1-20. the pr tiisagver6d by Dr. Baeyers, a.e,siieer caty,I toot ane ; Cgt@t3 the V etin(, my head., bee.
g, 3llah. \\'arm suppers will be provided for ° CANADA HOST PR09PEROIIS,
Barley --Firm. Cnr lots of No. 1 ant- and tut a ow rice enough to forth to grand Tabs. wtm y I d- twenty-nine t can
The will of the late Robert Thomsen, the Gorman army after New Year'a F --- grandresaats tu H$eve
i The Chita Chief of Police has• in -I sidfs are noted of 48 to 600. with natural Ind` o cud th .t. wont a
ivalbel'tnan, has been filed far robate gO Da TDs faorease bL coat for q is Itia,.aram atana.a common every -day w ¢se int. ce,ttmoWaL
P atruoted Dia mon to "shoot to kilt" � pork The raw material for las new pro- �'tatervlow wttts ViOr•iPt•esideat shaagh, y
4it Hardtilton. Ont. The personal ee- ,when necesssary In dealing with high- "a sausngea for the Berlin garrison PRODUCE. duet is naphthaline, a constituent part sonny. Bribe r.. P, a. O - i[ea,J. n000rtrae,
Elite lay about 8100,000 and treat estate alone will be $200,000 a year. Hotber was troubled ill of humanity.
waymen or notorious thugs. Eggs -No special feature In th9 mar- of coal tar, known to the public as an A despatch from Montreal says:- with heartburn and
1,b0,Q9Q Aftt!r a legacy of 816,000 There was at one time in an office in ket. New -laid stock scarce, Choice excellent remedy 'tor moths, oto., and Vika President Shau ane deepteeeeaas, earned M aa■fir
a It is said that the repent advituoe in I g g q eYtbaHaat tame
... 1t'll th and X10,000 to a ae for of da Adelaide Auatralla, three entl0haota of boilia Stook sella t 20 to 290• held dy against moths, etc., 8 sty, of ,the bsdlkoeuve fora egad ar suQerea°mite v us °e
aeanrtty market values, baa" added sot Canadian Pacific Railwa Com hu nand, can"upsuo#
bt)+t the btaanee of the estate bora rho name of T?np. Oce was known as fresh or Cold stored of 18c, and limed sad which, by a aeries of oinbornte y p►ny many Ceara Dae der 2
;to Cha itrldow °Yid• the eon, J. J. Char leas than fj23,000,Ot10 to the perticaal Sua aha ne. a cesamvaaax aha cam
t.`' fortune of 1Vlllinm K. Vnntierbilt. Day, another as Pay Day. and th at 14 to 16c aperations, to converted into indigo speaking on Thursday of the general to Cha paper tedots Cal O picu''a o; I,r
. I Tht>tnpsoa third as Judgment Davy. Potatow-••Slee , and lent bare for bine' Tim factory has graduall In- honks. He cents "
QREAT B1tTTAIN. The friends qt Senator lctoIllfllan of the re, P y y condition of the DominiOD, expressed Rinaae TaDiitm ems sac r ca sane rn r; t4
y The Cologne V61kti `Leitaag lynn0nn- P aunt dt�aand. ChotOe sold to orpeated its producing powers, and eecermfaedwt9.•tbem aakr ago do and wha: b
Michigan Saye that wham Dia term as day oa track, car lot h his conviction that the country, as a a triel. was gr atls
ilatt►'let tvxitilig of hie flight fr8ma cos LDS! it has ttroceived newp of fhb s, at to 680. odea soon to be able to ezport to ata- -4* ; ata eat did n"t ,
Senator expires, he wlll return to De- r+ vaReva by tbeIr nw
t :ahClla lmprlscnalent of German Gntholio min. Dealers Bell out of afore at 6) to 70.; er fndfgo tlatng countries whole, wsa in n moat prosperous state, sad now takes the ator elm rte , , , i
.'!atilt- vicar u st sent to goal trot! and engage in aot�vo business, farmers' loads sell at .around 69 to It m De mentioned that German and that develo ment was tiein ushed sad or a.nin T r .:o
jj etonaries bjf Chinese at Ilaiq, in Shan 4Y' y P g P Tabnlea re b. OAektaptatewcartomistpana seedtaa gyne of tw uacimontata in re- r
xds[t fd ry 2itt$ jubifahed a back en- The"enrollment at the Chiekasaw na- S:e, about Seventy miles south-weat Ok' already suppliros seventy per cent. of forward rapidly. Referring to the Tubules inth•houseaad""Kilawla lfa►Mwith• RlpahsTabtaes,Itriedthem, Milan-Ta'on ,-o,
'y alit " � t Ytat evil„ finite lues Dealt eonpleted by the 13orraa of Piag-1Tang. Pbultry-Very quiet. Quotations afro: the world's consumption of dys-ataff Trait industry particularly, Mr.ShatlgD- eett'Lalo. 'Che hearlbutnand al"pteentass bave only relieved bat aetuatly tutee my r,
IC,oahmfsefDn, and shows a total of 1J,, •'Chickens, per pair, 25 to 4bo; ducks, from 0-1 tar. nowy quoted some figures this morph , ,%
g 44appeardi with the Imditortioa which was the headaches have disappeared• b,t .:, , r 'e
°„ 1t 111411rlet4,t6ttlSluted that more thani In GOrnlilly 45,251 persons under 1d people e,1 �erly ;thWe%&ua; deny °„ � u whole c°adlWft sad he aster mmpta:n, '. h„
1'90, of whole 0,078 art Chiaknaatwa 40 to 60c; {Ieeee, per ]b., 5 1-2 to 6o; �►-- which indimte hew alive thq
,10"bltente of Landon are em'- , years of age were convicted of orilgsa qr b � fif y b stood eh. l chu tewat•d, ehnbbyraeea b. • , - ,u
', �'�' said 8,66E ChObtatvs., turkeys, per lb., 8 to On. Twa chHdren, Allred and Leen Jemot, flritiah Columbia arta to Eh'a poaai'bHf- a hearty meal. � maths' a tfty y ears of ■ga tronaesrtti bhrnre tattrtbnte m lapses T,t ,,.,,
plthytkd'w'k; ht work. Infifdemleangr lb 1897. Of thole 2il,1s44 Gems-Botter feel . Choice hani- .'tgad ei ht and tea ears res e.tivel . ties of the fruit trade in the Piheiffe had Isenleythgebebetterhsatu►anditpants;atoo lwa"tao.dahattheywintanaatanron, -„m
hi, Nuffald a lilauer ie lti operattoni were sentenced for theft, %V for vie+ g y p- y eras hearty meats as Impewibility irefora eh• theM6,216weldUs)Iftakesaeaordtnet,,, I -co-
1 Bir Al#tidd- rAt, Gbvarjaur of 8014th irhiah at a ail cut rteipotes a shat+in ilyttae to the pfajced beans sell It I,lb to $1J": trete ptokPd up in the streets at Paris. Province. For Instance, lit 1897, the C.
R person, and &07 for !rand, 7 took ktpaaarabeter Aaron 13 lb avYtcn4 . liars t w. rn-:L
" . �ltleh Wail testi i'rtxYl Lcrndoa for Cape is ll tWtIV6 Ylto ,wvldo from lwlid haat and nota>uSOYt at a0 .to 0a per bush, T,h v had tvalkod all. tae way, from P,R, oa 76 t s. L ya r 55, which � y
"• 6ft v a#t1111rj 8Alh, A seeious rav611stion is Ids* pr0d0d. Dried Ap luta•-�%r1r obttlieb and Yttm. n:ooin, l dtntaatie of elft loll weighed 75 trfYih. Last ear 55,000 ack-
i,tbn. ThentIC1 la tt�fvwts>sh t.tslrrii• and ltig is fIIe re, aorto cf Bolirtio a 1ih 3' p --
, ,}' �tlllym llbiPitia'e" Ilbr'oy', rooeat fhirtttatt iM' flstR' . 1?.. . ,• ileslefrei 1rAJ d 1-$ fd� dried Lttcak, de• lliiles, 'Tlieir fataesr, with lite avtdebf egos were,parried, whith weighed 8L6 Asawersla r.MWUMN10atrinnth"Meabedthaloyseonstea(wnivasClasuLnonroteste
tlplf' )kt yt attrd Yii iitfddon 4 � trh)kSlt tyradtl by Way of 1161leado, T'olilily ;1i etad ltex , °153 alditll lots teaell a! >S irite:ati0a of abnifdaain them had tont, and this Cyt only a beg[nninp�. In at -1e aresa�roatttvticwiaw rrwtar-perasarartutntwreatm ¢h.yssrgantkeaanowd,: •_,:e
brnn�ht hila Y,tlerbtla faith It wiitloNr," lert0 le iatolrrnptefl, Rouaddr oleo to pxuoy t d 1•'ila; a tads a to 8 1.80 • for ivcn them • A fictitious add rhe gear to dre the develr, )meiit of Chia seaatlW Wa d e.eaat "*$"a int t hitIto t-tb bo � by soma by sen ing tertyetgkt cents to the t: i.n
Ji ,Et, "i 01gx 1,1115 lots ( foW!>El,, heed 1A Ur horde ab distdibtid, but Peru it perfectly' ttaki..witall 1pts, a . Pariay Where he told them theyrwwould ;addittlky will assume, mors marked jar.t,_,oeAsr,r� �t`est.owbort-.ni•asing:aeatMastrust�ttibuowmtte,sasforsvaes,a.
.. tA";tM w..�r ltd at - tt'aset'+t„ atotekishae'Y, ti "it"* and Y"we at**ote tis
L Ali iiblri Wingirte + l+beh Bislxtsbtleid. Elia Thi ttdMi ioglld �tiil. :mulAwebeft tthwhis"wa.taaesswess�+la elde, diusti++swut.
H'o�ej�'--Siaatil'• IlA'tiind Eats fif ehoioe find him t1t waa'ki raetu3'tl►.
J ,
.,. , ,
„ 1(
. r ,'. , ,r
..,�. . • ..,.. , . , ... „ . c.. iE ::�:�:.� 11.,,...ae J4:.ae _.,:.::4:1.:�.;x ,.:..u, a.ti c• ....,. ,� .. /L.,....n1 .., ... . ,., w ,...s. . , ,,.._ , ... ..... _r,.--.. -