HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-01-13, Page 1- ., �. �, . ixGlilJ +L th:�t'If 0% bol l 7 , VOL. xxx�zr , . GOMRICH, ONT.t FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 'x899 � 1 x� 1-66" F el���i>�t�. AY$ , s,l,la,dll , 4 - -- ,�- T= +, " .. '�" jj (�(j �jQ jp auditor, tut oulrtciiloreampbell_polnt,- tl'N Xon(la a 714q)?C13' asaiies. ' ` 1x o�triel TH$ QRGe4x CnatPaNY.--Ti[ilea are . Ar Tile iIul.at AalAirl.-Iitanager ll h U a�[U T111) t�Uw - F it t (tkt tlrltarsl nil`, • brislt at the Goderleb organ factory the tiatludete, of ('rhe Goderich Ortrau UO„ a dO 4614 fa)r him* -alt thee th e,8 G u!y t r t irl f� tf, " ir�l. • II inure �le+i irlutlnptiu.tt NOT'XC3F_,'TO.,EI;IMIX!TISBIR& TH 111tH COURT OS Jus, w establishment being full handed anti ie again at the Co's. office. havin� rea uninten conal 01i> 4kes i)ad been made tI zi p, 11Er, ���!� �= ii, l�lfltps>L A11 dl6�la, attys t in .Onthel 4 SORRo\y MQLTIPLIHD.-Crown At. Ceyeted from a severe attack df la AN a!\P'�Illt'Iw1TI11TCi AI+TTi MXtiMOIL- slid his helie�*.aciEiltldiscr(7papcies anti! electyct'tnetubcx(tttt[itt aritil , �rtj L TIO Orkingg on orders: This week tvvd PIIt3E tlgi3 Qf Thi, St14?' 1IftQSI% M .CQRy11C vs, MaCQRVIB• tarpey Lewis deserves the svoliPlithive ar loatia of organs leave folr the old grippe, a fact hitt many friends will be ABLE t,OEiNE. app Ct writhe lie complained • Uf lair tit pp(aia the petittnillwt, 4 of his many fr[Grids In the death dur• ountry. and latae shipments of organs touch pleasgd to bear. • _,� could be expulued. theris to tta risk iii i#s0A.1r{� Lilo [iso N,1rEI9HQIY! p1tLa R:f wli1C?b-Pareclant .-t this jqd meet herein. I{t:arim; In}� the iinst week of life sister, MIS. and Other manufactures of the cont• .: A sucoviRL-•The Cathul[o Young �y 0 csbo,rge+X >;'tpr' �� 2C1 teats an data: the. 2314 day of�ipvcrglk r. A.R. 18aB, Adams, o[ FrOntehac, and Of his niece. an have been din bed td varloutt The Ntt� j3QpITd TrtY64 XiOld LO Then dNt ts+ ifJtdchlfe and apt)'s \VIII Cit+ attCce•sEul cn' 9huNi7olf yt�> lilt. ' theca will be otToivd iQt sale IS pubHa auction t P Y � EteOple's Lltasraty Society bald A very Improve Town AtTa11'e. W Ilgttu t�flat�tr lte(1pRolt}ted an tghll rd hit ttltopil insane h►itiCik'liaVet $ e{I Ci71)p inel;,r rannlxlg 17188f311PB, 8fl4h by John Knox Aaottoneer, with t a a ba• „ t he dtaughter Of his eldest son. These parte Of Che Domip $ntertain[ng maotlhg last Tuesday of t4xyt .,4tt7ti till llowin mOttan 9 aAd evA 3t 1f erGiQn. tion oT the Master, io ewir, w qIs Haag o the two. deaths coming so soon after the FoR Testi T$RctIT0lsi$8 ANU B. U,- carried t time prevented blif re,10i r tbll , tl oll rawo of Ifodact4b, at tho hour a[ two Qoloaklu detath of his partner for over 60 years, evening in the Separate firhtwl. Par Tho fat meetlhR of the council of bdov�fi h Catxlpla,ll, secnndeti b won honor of re the a[tOrnoea. on and Sall f hl dJi being sudden and uoex Yesterday the traveller who takes titular mautiou should be made of the 1808 wits held last Friday eventh ,cite y firwetntlnt kin tW 9iattttdt4Y, th•t 89tta DaY ttf Jttrat;larYr petted, Works it particularly hard fur Pd+anitoba.the Territotiea and British Darktuwn Swells, who caused e,0 g HoltifMt.lht►Q ttteandttars write at once oh. Th a rs atfitholt hltltL' qqf!*+ N �"_ - V►F>l _ tom' those remain►ng. Uolumhla, [or the Henderson Bicycle end of amusement. The committee 00twel mTweedl help absents to eve lrpeison Navin( atone bor}aw' + � qq f� y prontltle n the proceiedlprl{s ••sirit 04 CounoillarS Twecdle, blcLe4tn, Col• till frottlt ilia town, glvlp Hach u elute Optptuttlo and just pintail a b. i f _ the ftiliowing property : ILL IN DAKOTA. -Mie. James Thom- Co., started for the most distant art intend to heive as Interestioct a program well, Oa pbell and Nicholson. R h 1 [ _ T e Northwesterly. art at tot number Dffoe, P every Tuesday evenin las was given a4 meat (tf the prassut standing a[ ilio die anorable ptex Otrence with tilt . TOR 8A%E•. A 8oad Ta roc oambination h son, wife of our one lima town clerk. of his route, and will do buiness hams- d [ire cholco of the alectOrs. 1 sate. s3 pP}y to S li. pglor cit In the Third aoDceassfon W D•, of tin Town• tvarci hound. The antteman took a 1aNt Ic10L4iltg, and all the yuunR ut up- Tho gtlnutea of soverul meetlupri mnrtRpQe, tut tequeatinR an tmmeti- �� + ship of Colborne, In thoCaunty of Ourou- re oiled to he seriousl ill at her g married eu le era !nvltad to attend. were read and after sone wrestling as late reply as to its correctpnse, �xRVANT IyANTED•-wanted, agenaial The Raid land* oomprise slxc six sores of . P Y toll line of samples of 611th extollent P P to theircorrectuess, were passed. Holmes and Cam het['utOved to In- Legislature hits beefs �er A for A.NT I .-W ed, a genera good slay Loam doll. , .whtoh abyo 1, faiir, - ve Ome• Itheresmont, North Dakota. It quality, that he should have no trouble Home AGAIN. -Miss Chute, the one P THe Onturto sores are rchaed and otos ed• and a nadelstood Lhxt Mra. Thomson will• {n Nling his Order book. [n answer to an enquiry by Reeve atruct the tvitvp Solicitor to take the Summoned to tweet ou Fehrua 144 office. thus wolf known organist of North tit. Uam ll, (loupcillor Dun10 us chair• ueeeeaaty,,ste far secu -i Ft an act to t Pa hatrl+NO, d bush, 000e dd it culled as n a fete weak*, leave for Oallforma to t ' - (frown np in part with aeound arOtrLh. At, NEW WINDMILL. -The Goderich Methodist church, Lias returned to her main of tba Coutt of Rev iatotl, wild the consolidate th ±floating dfl t. and also It mot last August to correct btritt� 44 ".t Publlo Notice. The property is ,situated aboub (our and rolleys her trouble, rind the many Brewery Co put up a large windmill home, Luke View, in OntAario. We un- committee bad decided tit remit the to borrow %MW Por the purpose of int- legislation, and the plea was tllertt _ half miles from Gedartch and about one mile friends of the family in town and vicl- from Banrtriller PwnOffice, Wilyy will hope that the journey tn,ty fit their establishment at the harbor dersCland the lady covered her conoec- taxes o[ Atex Johnston and Dan. bIc• proving the town oleatrio fight system, 1t}ndo that as that and the contig{ .' . ORDON MEMORIAL. COLLEGE 'FUND. p-eetore the invalid to health. IaaL week. The wind wheel is a me• Clock with church and colla a In Caro- Lend, lint they had no re art prepared, Untried. �7� -The Bsnk Ot Montreal will reoafv0 au b• There are also erectrd u on the premises a meeting would he only One Seelliit).w..., R,rl Lions [or the above tend and repot thorn two story fraena dwollinxx �house with k+tohen A IIAL MRUTIVG. -The annus} tullir one and works tSSke a thannr [t line, on tlocount of financial dilticulties, because the clerk thought tho commit• Moved b' Conuwllor C+uut!tball, neo - to OltawO tr a of phattre• cf and ceilarr trema barn SBxsa, stable 30x8U and a is used W grind milli, pump liq nor the eungrPge,tfun pat being shun ie tea 4aviug poawir to act, did hot used onded by Uuunalllor Nt►[Cal, that tilt"re would he prrwtirstlly no addiFi411* $' cow stable, s6 feet long, adjoining the barn. meeting of Clio Goderich Knitting Cu. fl ptPat its eu agements. bliss Chi is to make a rap wherciLs. accotdlu to the finaurial al coat kh rho country. Tha adjogfil. , , .k j�� IUETIN(� U THPI HU N COUNTY There. is a well and pump at the house. Tho troll vitt to vat and Prom oor fI j�� COUN CJ The Comloil of aha Cnrpor tauten era fn lair cae�+• tt uk place un Monday evening, and to 6nut, and it to the gt(Ratest labor doliRhted to return tp tete old land i ae Thta tulipsa waS not ut cept,+d by soy- aG►tunent of Dea. b, lSD7E rD1381.03 is iuent then wap Pound to Ixt 6f1}OCIIt"p actual f the 0•'udtys of Hnrun wilt meet in tho she believes It a healthier winter pt tc eral councillors and tha uta or•, and re ported as the cash on hand attd ,in TERMs os' sALz. rumours,tith th+Lt the report of the actving Riate of m•tchinary on the pro• Y 1 hunglH, anti vie are now to baveanT: council obamber ()1) arich. on Tueedas, the of residence than the southern state. the clerk at once set to work to draw atateniont of IM8 showing receipts and 211b Just., at 3 o'clock p.m. Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the years Lranr+tcdond was it favorable one. perty. U other and entirely distinct sQaAiOtl. _ w. ILANE, Clerk. daY Of sale. t LaWOae to ha pntd iotoCOurt OarL+LiD alteratiohe Lo Lt/e bllllding A yVRPRIBID PARTY. ' Latst Friday A TnR$H MILE $KATH.-On Wed- up as report, which was adopted. exprenditures from Dec. IS to ec 81. Dated January 10.189D. wlthln thirty days thereafter without intertest, tverP considered, :and it wits agreed + nesday evenin there was a fair atten• Ati enquiry Rs to what the Y. W, 1131P1, life balance catrlPd uvea la unlV wiUt all the extre, ca»t tri rho 11u1t1fC. when posse e. in will be given, n all orhor eveuinR shout forty young people sur R 1 3t.ti`d, a disctr+ ancv of g4R.b0 : sad tea acts rho forma of suis wail be ChD standing that Buehaulana tad Httyn,as be request• , dunce tit the �Jkathtg Rlnk, when the ornundttee had done !n wfurenw tO 8 P Thu cuhtnPt Ot I+awyers h:aa been ver PYLICATION TO PARLIAMENT a John Salkeld s Clain, brought the t enly Y ' R condlttona of the HlahOourc of Joatice. There ed t•o do then, at once. Dame rumour pt ised Mr. and Mrd. �� rit. Rhynas, and + whereas, there a1v discrepancies hl tlw IlklN fat• Soule muntba hnain earn ' A will be a reserve bid. also says that the outlook fur 1899 is a took poysession of their dwelling on start in the three hill" mice was made. front Chairman Ountelon that being original statement fur Dec. 15. Itn"U8, Other t.hrou h ovary bye•oloctiori, aid I r Notice is hereby given that a plication will Further pariloulars may be had from Messrs: bright oi,e. Nowg,tto street. The evening was Tltere were some wx entries, but on1Y very busy he lled not called the corn- and Llte (upended and currectt+d udrL` `P we, may loo for aurae more bnhgllptp ; c,., i :,,,, ,, ' ho made by the Corporation of rho Town of SCOTT bt McKzNztg, Barristers, Clinton, the three who t ok Hrat second and God¢riCh, in the County Of Huron, to the Mesatrr. CAMERON, MOLT& HOLMES, and M. G. THEY ARE BaNCHFRA.—At a recent pleasantly spent at progressive euchre C 1[1i1 L00 tngetbeC. aOVPCaI ptay[[lenta anterail lin Irl r IU ilia CUr111Ug Aesal�U�—+ ' �; Legislature et the Provineo of Ontario at inn CAMERON, BarrletAers. Goderioh,or the under o .he North \Vest Territories (and social intercourse, and wound up third prizes rem ained to the arid. The Then the reeve offered the followin head cif' puntping lititista expendlturvo Hexa soRRWn, for an Act to authorize the eald signed, meeting f t with an excellent repast. Those pros- theta was a Pairlq frwt one, told the gg oP some t$RU9.48 a the nu itAn•a are here• corporation to issuedelioudares to theOmount Law $ocietY, the first election of winner, who crossed the line two ur motion its it Woe dea[rable that If by re nested to re of ;lo this couucll, PHK rPgretG►Lk• rleolh r;P fie+gistrad oP -26,010.00 for aha urpoRo of pa tea oif>i GARROW ffi PFIOU FOOT- ant ware pleueuraUly surprised fit their q P pp YY Plaintiff'' solicitors. k titre and *mon those kmdl welonme and the night's enttir• three leaps ahead, was loudly chiured ndoptec� the necessary advertleomett n+ (hair very anlii t ctRtveoience, A. L. Olb-uu ante unnr makes fain floating debt of�g 0,000.00 in4urnd !n 000nea- henries Loo p R Y he mssrted le, Lhe Uanada Oazett0 :lila which of th"e ataternouts is curl ect. carry hl char, t,tllce, ,,tilt alrea kli It `• ! � Lion with the Wator and Licht Plant and 14 L. DOYL$, MastaracGodar[oh, elected were Cwo Of our ane time well tainment. nn hie success. The lvhtnera lysis Dated Januar M, 1899. known ros',dents. Cayley Hamilton Q. C. week t That the mayor, (runphell, nod Lihoc ith the VI works owned by the enbi t (}UILTY O ` BURGLARY. -On 8atur• John Wrlliatus first, John Wiggins Holmes be a t�m ayor. C mpbel wltd Sod what {8planatiou the treasurer n tillhcl• td c'andctiaten it : ht tIla 0014f <• - � , Cor ora•iou, and t0 provide a further,um of and Linda* Elwood, the 4orruer rept"- secotd, Wm. Hyslop third. ha» to give [Or thPSP dlscta ,,uclrs. A g5,0�'o.0u to eniarga and cornptete the same, ORTGAGE $ALE OF VALU• Y, da the laT $heill• n ed 17, of West the town solicitor res ectingg obutinin p working fur Zhu appuinunatt.' witiir and, If necessary, to eoesoltdato the a1LJd prn M ABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY sentingg Regina, and the latter• who is Y R ONE ON ALLAN.- Tha other day an act of LP islature consolidating lige Lite of tits reCarri o . to Ile g►veu to poe+od obligation with the existing debenture a resldeut of Muosothirrftrr Ez-t As- Wawanoshl was brought before P. M. some wa removed a curd ai n from n R the au(titon4. Cttrrird, n,cre cowing. Amuugst rho ngiues ,�'. debt at the said Corporndon, R R floating Indebtedness tit the town, and ruentton"d ns IPnde•t•s 1n the rifts cue siniboia. We congrlttulste our old Sengen on charg"NoP butglarious�ntry dry goods state nttnchPd to a hundla rPpurt+at Nrat tussling n[ new council. The council titin fidjourne•d to neat Dared fit Goderlab, this 11th 7anuary. I80D. Under and by vtrtua of a Power Of rials con• townsmen on their election, and trust and chef '. and pleading guilty Co the un fitr+b and thlirl Friday of wte h 1V. PI Ouctfoot, cf Godvrieh t 1V. GaatcwJ GARROVP & PROLtDFOOT. tat. edln a Certain Mortgage mado to the of knittin arn, and laced it in the This was seconded by L'. Holmes and 16113-0 Spitettorntor rho ADPllcante vebdor, and whioh will bo ptrodur-oit Ot the before tuany Years they play br on the ehat•gea tt, s committed fur ft•ial. Ot B Y P carried month- _ of Clinton. 3[. 1-. Hicl.aau and 'liths: d window of A. McD. Allnti a *lore. Wmo of Sale theca will bo offarod by pubUo bench. bion ay th(+ prisoner wan nrrainged WhPll Mn A• canto ie, fn)m cm flog, or Thla seemed to oOnclude rho bnslnosa (3ihson, Px•M. P. Y.'t. Apy a[ thtrsa NNUAL MEETING. auction, on the premises, an ROUND THE JAIL. -For some time fore Judge a Sson and pleaded guilty Otsitluary. A __ Wednesda,v, the 25th AaY of January, to the charges. The crown prosecutor, attending a citizens' cotmntttee meat- aha old conn al cared to deal with, and MCCAl01--Mr•A Win. McCaig, daugh- RPntdemt•n would to duttht Nil lite y,• •'; wano h 1999, past the tramps co.+flned in the county county attorney Lewis, having asked ing• Ila read the inscription, Pleu•e in a solemn pause haat followed Ilia , The annual mooting at the West Wa a ) at work levelin the office Pfflctently, but if 'PttF .g'tAlt [tNtp r r co Com an will be hold at 2 o'oloek in the afternoon, the following j+ail havo ,beet K, for n lenient sentence ou account of exnluttte aur varus," and than he soPLly teevP asked Hia Worship It it would tete Lit le es alta late IV a McCaig, a Mutual L t a Insurnn P Y VeutUre aUt n )fniun, ave tntlleAllntln S },,. in the Court Room• Dunggannon, on wIUDNES• valuable property namely;- land around the outside walls is great- the youth of the p1 ironer and the re- laughed unto himself its he sa'v the not he fitting LO arty n (ovv purling one abuo realdint wlio died rrcontly in } R y . DAY, JAAUARY i8tb, 181iD, fit t o'oloak D• m All thateorLatn gqaravl or tract of land and ,O of the ca.atle. R ectablfity of s Barents, His Honor joke. Now he is remarking With a words to the battle scarred and war Thasvnlun, passed ta\vuv a few da •a assert that front the standpoint of �« ii: for recen•flig the dlreatoit;;annual reporte and premises situate, lyingand being ie, the Town• ly impruvmG the 1/ k Pu Iced $Neill to e1 ht da sten rienn- bland and Childlike stir,"Wh+tt c•,tnthey worn votarans of 1808 wlto were hoot•(.- eiuue ie, Bntiulu, a ed til years. 'f h" Pttrt.y aE•rt'irE•s and spcctal f1t•nasw turthu _ the auditors' reports or receipts and expendi ship of Colborne• In the County of Huron and $o far, the ground hits been evened for se Lel R Y P p� tiresdurin the astyear. And also for the TMovinoe of Ontario, being composed of a man feet round the hutldin•�, and ou tuent with hard Labor on each of two mean? -1 aPll hardware only, out knit- Forth t.0 fest uptcn their laurels. His deceased 101WON a husband and four dutk, up the offlc•e. Mr. Proudfoot [st' eleoDon of iourdleatore to all the vacaecfes of portlon of the North Rest Corner of Lot nuu - the coldest dray the hi -colored dressed charges of bur•giftiouR entry that were ling guoda" Worship cterareA iia throat, and lit it + the Board incurred by the retirement of Meseta borSeventoen, Laka Road West, in the i �- brief but kindly tvorda expressed his children to mourn flet IORN' bead add shruldols above all po9sjb1d, , p '„ Hugh Glrvin, IRRAO Fisher, PYnlay Andonton pownahipotColbonie,havingatronotuoofone prisoners may be seen Cutting down tried. the sentence to runconcurlentlyy. ap 1t+ciation o! the ael'yicaaOthiscul- SHAW. The recent death of Airs. aid Wm. atothers, wh AO term of ofRre will hundred1a nd thirty feet, commoncing at a knolls• and filling up hollows. The Where harglarlous entries were InAcle W inter Sports. P canalkhttea, Hucta ran appolntuettfl. ex iro all of whom are ellglbIs for re-election. point on Lhe west Ride of the Lake Road tit,, oiler save that b the opening of the prisoner did not steal anything, leagues In carrylug on aha off tics of Jamas llhaw, which occurred at the wP h"li"vr, would Lo moat nocaptnblq ,t,'!,- D J. M. ROBHuTS. Seo• . taut two and one half chains in i aouLlaer!y j y yy aid R tlnrf, poo le will boahle to dnye tO xncl it seems ilial his breaking awn THIcRE WAs No BARK. -The dQg the town. He expressed a doubt that residence of her sgn•ta•law, Mt•. E. N. to the public, and open to fearer Ohjew Dungannon. Dob. 27th, 1898. 2t direction from the North East corner of a p P y Lot eavenloeu. Lake Road west ooncession, the jail trust all aides without fear of from honest rules wa4 caused by read• rttcea advertised ton Wednesday din ,.he reduction fn nntnbora Lvuuld he up Lewis, onElgln sliest, thungh Riucire_ duns tlt,u1 might be urged ragaingt EST HURON AGRICULTURAL thence. southerly along the went side of road upsetting. and visitors on foot will ing penny dreadfuls, and improper not cone off, because sleighing was improvement, but that could duly he e,1 h"r niunos n,Plltinned _ - ��/7��/� $O(7IETY. one hundred and thirty feet to as angle, thden0 certainly appreciate aha improved con- personal conduct. not Ruod. There ware a few canines deelded by a trial, and in saying good• ly t agretted by a ittrge dicta of ft iendN. }';, • r westerly atrlght angios with road one hu r feet to an angle t ogle northerly paralloI with dition,uf the foot paths around it. NEXT ENTERTAINMENT OF THE MUS• in harness about four O clock, but there I)Ye affidally CA the retiring Council- tuns not ill so e t 1n viPvv of her pour '1'Hk nate council cannot da a beLCer ' + Tho annual meating of Lhle Snoioty will be Reid road One hundred and thirty rest to an waif pO fanc trotting, aur *van n flght, fur- he hoped all irritation and hard health int some lima past, and her t` held at tbo Towu all. Goderich, On Wedrtea- sa l td on indeed. anon the setLtr n A JAM DN THE RIvFR.-The thaw MAL ..SOCIETY. -It had been e8 ectsd Y would be forg otten and that havi R trocar}y „teltched t le Cilias aCVre *ICC to begin wi4h—and we nnderstgnll e - day, January I3, 1g�, oommonalnb fit 1 O'oloak g a g P thteh'onetintlnal ereatad quite a stir PePl�ng t1a +, w w boon lacy of pMpo,t7 sold to ane Jo�nl;too as a last week ceased aha river to break up• that the next of this excellent series of each would the the other credit for a +arid soh Years of Iffe a journey. Tba they era e,ll in favor of 11 -than move *' p. m.. for receiving the annual report, electing houn stand, to tba Lake Ro»d aha Pince of oh East street by getLltlft twisted up iD g ofAcoratmdttnnanaLinganygenerattntstnese. tavern stand. tothn by admeaauramnnt ons aid slush ice camedOwn in largafteldS. PntertatnmentS would hwve been the ((ahppneas, sine"ta desire to do tris beat for the decataaad Indy, whoLvlth h"r hutbnnd• th(: c1Prk'a otflcPe doavn stAiiN in the ',. c Tho attention of membors !a anIltid is the ynnrGrr of an pere ot�nnd, more or leas town, t h late Janles $hnvv, wax Put la yesr- )resent Town Haa.l, which i winter ardtn a .unto a oamtortnble Along he flats the ice Amnled, causing Harjtard Quartette, hut, through sick- HOCKEY. -Yesterday afternoon a 1 , " following h) the A. & A. Act. reg g On this prifperty i si r to r se an on Monde OP Hess of two oP the number it hcoame H{r \Vorahlp then InGlcnated thuL the re silent of (iodorirh, wale furulerly t•f 1 11 chap es in the by-laws and regulatdens,: tramo h0nso a(Jout 1a x 24• taitk kttaben ahouL tba ri�e 1 y hockey team left for $eaforth to )la g y K �; g + oho ache 18 z 24 this eek it had near Dred the necesaar either to ctancel this or ost 1 Y reeve nti ht an "n few tvorda," ant} Bridtot, En Innd. Hie u'us; a ntemhof tluP fa more flt fur it Cold lding(f ware• 5. ; 13. Tho mombarP of each aooiety ma at an 16x18, aframe blacksm th p 1y S house titan a public bufldingn[or alta d a small frame stable; also$ number of fruit ,A.,. _ .t- -- - - • - -- p s 1 .moaay r n an Rill} and nous tt until March. Thesociety, haw- a game with a strong tenor ie, thn� that Rsntlerya�li rept)e®at R rho emy. of the well known Hna•nrd 0unr y. of Snnuol meoting or at .a pvda ._„ R t-- ••La• 3 _" _-''hhI-^ayes ut awtti;It trPlnt{v a of NtbeOtkmOt (+nl'tleL, TFi�1 STAR a tali^twit walks. ptovtoue noilgea, ata, n tie • (. tdh+ it'll- tb t►fe soar, has bran far4urrate ensu h to se- town. The mamherA of the 6upsw ell trunRiuuon of bustnc•sa, - �. 7 hie property i9liltuate'at .,.,,r _ , y"7W1r8gttSbgmenr aa,ia sed tiJtvlq. ), ar the CatT u on (cr .. ow r w ,NR marry feet, cover-• cure aha net vices uP aha Le B lige t on • who made a� the t fo,, ,llpthll tn}I spa eaogpent rPrnarka uP P v`�.5r^ Vied wAhtfli` ]ntiona• itrtd h(w ovary MvanUattO t yf g .1. . thv t»,.- f%ged, So f4a us his pat. Eliznhittt 1'honlpSOn. 'painter• of `•1'Fr(- 1` : �afepPatadly- urged Cit'+ for years „;r 1.�t c N t o Gist enccosarul buslnoRa Sn blaoksmithtng waRan • wg a}1 the islands: It was thou ht at tact Co, for the January entertain- J, W; W illiarfv , =4 � �hath $1 h D yy rs [fir m Io - K iia is a ver hi h dune or ani- dint; Geo. UoubiP, cover `Norrtft Jfis. (via modPAty arid't.-mrsion •to public tt011 l%'all•" +and also uP rho inrnurtal pasC, fisc we are glad thaat it is now Angier». --w ,.m.«r :N4 a;regti llQpn,Itf .. m%kfug, carpentering orothe imp a D_ Y one time that a part (tt Lie break- meet T y R g p author, Clhtirles Dickens. It was In b and of direatorsah�"nYi6avO ail power to aci Mont• 'W ter was in dap er, but the water nation, which cones with the strongest Vivian. F. tir•eedon, Alex McIver and %peaking would allow, the kindly tee• urupuaud to uu►ku Lhe armory Hitt e p 0 for and is t)analt of Chu aooiety. and ell grana+ TzRa�e.-Ten nercentdcwn and the balance +a K Lir L Ott this recommendations, They furnish an W. McCarthv forwards, the Last mauled witionv tit Hca Worshi Eapecinlly, Mr. Slunv'a residence, fit M( Ilne, council chnwher, and ilio fitvtneta's r funds of rho society ehnll ba rocaived within 30 days thereafter without Jntere, lowerin dispelled all a h and othe o0 of g in evenin oP mandolin, violin and i»nn being capGein, P. Wralton, spare man; he acid would all ruins the kindly, Ken- dols, Chat ('nut. Dickins• anon uP t hP and expanded under their direction. I4 8 U•. Title deeds may be inspected at the otH point. The river is still very high. R P 4 , rho vondore tlo,iottor• f t much ii her than it 6tts been for music, with siogiog and impersonation, F. 96ephard, manager; U. Me[var, ial and over nbliQing Sat vicPa of the ex• Suthur, dird. illi. anti Mty. Yhaw room the clPrk'a office. 'I'ha +artrtt!•and :;i' 1887, 0 3D. se 48121.9 aC R B o 39. ss ChD board. Fair [urtboC pnrtioalary aPPpp__1y rc tits time of the Par. and we believe will give all who have seGy. The Loam is aha bent ever sant Minister of Fimutco Pridham, whom wPro great mlmlreir•s of GOderich, ant} ,u•couu-enients in the armory carr efts- 1, 1. y JAy. MITCHELL, 9ee'y. M. O. JOHNSTON many years at Y on the formers retuPwent P1v)ni huoi• ho stored in the tuvver room n , D a 30 1898. Vendors Soitoltor, and a large stream of water is passing the privilege of attending, a moat en- lust from (ioderichr so vve expect GI all Pie Mi is ter o h! hili. In rk., C nR fly p !ti Godorich, a Goderioh, Ont. dyable evenin s entertainment. HJ h hear of an exeiting contest. out oP the riper. J g' g ;o the Minister ut nh to Works, Cao• Wena ItPe, they dict&+d to `lits. theh' re•- AtnirR, and the big cornu lvhich is YiOw r HEproaramm0fornserleROtmeetingsot Dataedthis3rddayofJanuary,WIS. _ se satin sate be class, refined aid fnstrnctive enter• pgEStDENT Vs. VICE-PRESIDENT. _ taloa. and othoiS wham he had "run nutining dnvA hire. Tile surviving ;: " the Oodortch Hortiaulairal 9ooiety for W. C. T. U. The to R tainroents of this kind should he en• up a{�ninat," he dP.sired to withdrnvy melnlasw of the Ptuuilpp ace Alrs- !;. N. n nleuuPP to the health of all who clavi• 18D9. Evorybody welcome. PUb1lC Notice. coming mote interesting in character On Tuesday, the annual match of the ,utv%)n he might have said ofA'nsiv. [.owls, Alfred, of Butf,alo, and Charles to spend tinte there, can lie used. (or _ 1, Jan. 6, FraitR-how to prepare far market co ped t by he citizens, nod a is to be K J —_ _-__ _ — _ . _ __otic and curse nein Lha attendance is er ho sd that the O arn Hnd i will be Goderici Curling Club betwein xldPs ly Or harahtl, and hoped tint at the ++f town, who wera all present. when public gatherings of lar•ite dituenslowl. ". and where to sell. -A. MCD. ALLAN, y y p p Par. Date will chosen h the resident and vice- naw hnnrd for [899 the cho%eu fety the Hnrtl Auuinwna came. 'PNP tum•1 cal •• 12. Pa er on the San Jose Scale. -8, OTICE.-We want 1,000 lbs, butter in 2 -Ib. P colla For A 1 butter we will pa the creasing. Through illness the president, ac ked when they app Y p y, waaconiukeoced took lace Lu Malt Land crnn•ter flay. Mlderly ueople rryl,irinR to call at t�7fAr a p � j� resident reapectivel would work hurmoniausty and happily P )�• � - " ��' IRORSnNOSTAR. Qa' heat cash price, ai4o fresh o at tho Mra. McG illicudd was absent on lair, ;be. about Jan. 20th. pp Mark Turnbull offic•intin and tit• )all clerk'v office, fir anyone 0180 for tilat § , 4; I9. Cattivatton of House and Bed ng gge y, In theOut-ling rink, Cht+following Hoke for the best InterPst9 of fie town. K• I Plant». --J. P.teRA::Ds. Hamilton 8t. Produce 8toro.—W. J. MOR[;ow. flLi. but MPs. $meeth AbIY presided SHF WILL BE A GOOD OvE.-The naktn tie Start• and tnuctt interest twat -ra welo (!Ant.. M(dlrt• fit'. (>rtVAld ntatlPr, xhnuld not ba competterl tb Fob. 2. Cultivation of Vine Fruits, such fie i le-resdin Uwen Sound Times thus refers to the g At thw pninL Councillor erco fife, K P kin ('Ilion, Melons, and conducted the B b R wits shown in the new members, a who had been success[ully overcnnl{ng Carey, ,ludgP 1)nyle, Hich,u'd tLiulclitir, ctinlir stairs whin +a little busi ess on squash. umP Dyeing and Cleaning. , 1 Cuoumbpre, and Egg Plant. -W- which wars based on the suhje(t of new tug• which is t:o tie built there this large number of yours¢ nu+n h,avinR ,DI aLGick of insmm�ita, prunouncPd the Chum,LN NvfG•I, Jnrnes lluchnn,ut, meat inn floor the public hustnaw nn wARNobrc. '•Conaecratium" ••The Cur•fPw Bell 'Dined the aesocintton thio aHItN011' 1'Ptlr+n henedlatiun Of the 17th Haler( i),utiel Mri)onsld, Clerk of thP('mavu, ilii• lowir Hoor, Du it right nwap, 9. Chomical Fer[ilizore roc Frnit Treoa. YICING AND CLEANING. -Waw should winter under the Rupervision of our �rasident Dr. J. R. $hanm)rt; Vice- j -J, GALT, D anyono inGodorloh go owl oI town to and iia benefit," was the educational (}oderich builder, Mr. Wm. Marlton : and oat Noble Decree, whin" the +old Ur. Huln1.•s, County 'Cie+wurPr. Alt•RsieutS CNP cnuncll. -^ 1r " 16. Prorting, Budding and Grafting. -W. have dyeing or cleaning done when they can subject, the digcuRsion being led by '•The boat will he it thoroughly model president. R. W. Logan c•lork stood with bowed head rind rev IlltisuN,-,VexnndPr Lanham Oih- -`+ \yARNDarr. ¢DL the beet wOCk Illld IIIORL PaLlAfncllon LLL Alrs, Duff. Busine-s Cel„L1yP t0 LI1P f:, tihanl,On, erPnL�ll Intact ; the street, Ina e(t(11' A HPKCIAL AIFRT7NG of the Board oP ,"1i1 low to seloat Fruit for an Exhibition, Curry's Dyeing and Cleaning W+rkA, West-st„ tug Rdsptad fur tie large nmoutet of Wm. Wn neer P van, i egixl rnr oP Lie cunni y oP f(uron, •:,:, �, I 8 Inid away aha irav0l +►fid osier enrrPd 1 t -A. MCU. ALLAN. RodorlCh. Ladies and tionttomon'e ggnrmenta nuprovrwent Of t.ha concussed' of the work whici is within re,u•h on the ShHumh r, F. M. Dunham' (11(•,1 at Lis rexidencP, Nurlh sUeet, Tr•ndP was ht•1,1 ie, the Court, aider h Mar. 2, Baas and the Garden. -T. NArTE1- dyed tinyy color required, and all Mammas of Ten tlrance Hall was discussed. and it Sheriff Reynolds, Il. L. Watson, emblems of the past year In cho town -C. WELLS, clothes cleaned in first -class -tyle. Evory piece q deculed to slatrL a RUb,Ecri tion list Georgian BAy. $he will he 90 feet '� Itr, Shannon, sklD••.In i[. W, hoaan, aklp...21 TuesdsV evrnin leaf., to COnBider the 9. Poultry and the Garden. wa D len th, with nn 18 feet heath and rump. and Chet turned ant the lightR, (ludrrich, early on riunday rturning K •• 16., Cultivation o+ Celery and'fomatool - pf.work turned out is guarno%. Glove to raise the f,tnds for thio tar ose. AL R A. J. gold, F. Holme"• i after n very lung illness. The dPcens- nicessity of AuulO action Ro ensure aha ,, G.STRWART, Odlerate. and no delivery charg R. Glove P P feet draft.. The hull will he of oak and W, W. Movicar, H, F. M•,aerR, while all Pmcco po each other an( Px• •' xt. Cnonin and Proaervhla Frutts.-B. cleaning a specialty. JOHN CUKUIE, Pro- the next meeting, to be hold on Jan. rock elm and will he staunchl built• Dr Hauler. Jas. Clark, ch•tn ad toLacca pouches or cigars in ed had, xince his np}sttotalPnt to the rnrly conuneucement this Rpring Li cho *' MoRiNGSTAR. praetor. 23rd, the educational subject will be yy C, A. Bomber, akip..13 D. Holme•,• "kip• 18 the cTer•k's office. work OP dr•edgin the harbor, and the '«f "'' MPxsrs. Jahn Inglis Rt $nn of Toron(A> oR1re he held fit depth, been In prPrari R All mootings oommonco at 7.39 sharp. --- '•$cirntific Tempperance in the Schools." nava cha contract for the hoile^, whic•h A HANDICAP Snoo-r -On Friday after• FIRST MEETING UB THE NOW BOARD. W. LANE. W, WARNOCIi. NEW ADVERTIBEMENTB. Mre. R• W. McKenzie will conduct Cha Gus health, tics thgh o,i Litsis s1P vva- cnrrymg un uP cha work to such n de- . " rCstdent. PAaE 1 - t will he about a third larger than that noon the first of the series of ton shootR for On Monday Our enoon the now Gunn abl.. t„ rand pct the huginr%>, Of his ,+f• Oreo na will Pnsur•e the safe landing 'e. .''. Secretary, P Bit le readlt v. taken from the harnid Ainslie. Tie ! ,_ -_-_� Groat Removal suis -J. R. Peddor,.......... 6 n Monca $Ona. Limited, n slab trophq was commencod at the range c i11OrS and ilii. mayor pct+4PnLed floc, hui hittrrly Le h e,1 hewn ronllnrrl hPr•• of the larger grain carrying yrs- ' special BArRsina-Jna. Robinson. ..... 1 THEY $IIRPRISED HIAI•-O y i�ilhxm [{PnnPcy & of the Off -Hand Ritio Club. Pio mntah to t opulAelves to the town clerk anti furan- IE, I,Is bonne and s fmv ,Lays Aince hi. ' ` 11�t1siCaL 6 evenin the members of the Victoria have the contract fol the mnchinerv. _ Yoa May Nevor-WHeonRDrCgBtore.... K divtdad into Lml cOntastR, ton Rhotn to bo ally tnuk the dic larntion uP Gaits. „n,llti„n +v,lv se, Aern,ns that „ Illltll ReI4. II i4 n w','ll known and tegrett- ----- --- - - and in tits srttculnr the host will he M. Denham.......... 8 •l CCh CLOY Ii1PL AL the residence Hied at 0.011, and the One mal(inR alis Hie Worship Msyor 'Photnpxun Then brr of nlr<lirnl Wien run.ulted, the out• aLle f.ut flint the inrnmplelr st+lte O[ ”-' cold Waves -F. St. c to p ..., �ISS EMMA ANDREWS. TEACHER OF J Pridbnm.......... :, up-to•datP, having bPslde other Petctli larftest eeore to be the winner, The score nlnunted LhP dais and cha honr,l of ,.,,rn,• of their t onfctPnrP beim sen ��(' Everything ntCoet-F. of the castor, Rev. W. God{vnp, to en aPs. a steam atpstan for handling rhP Ihr dlydging InAt. Ynll previnted tbP ,,, Lal Piano. Organ, Theory, Sight Reaa�d1ng P 4e given hereafter is the totals mode b 1809 n•ocE•edrd le, ol•gnnizP. HohurA ,,, t,alnm. Thr re+alt, huwrve•r•, arn- _ cud Ear Trainln . \ specials of the Vfrgfl Special Prices -N. D. Rouavie............... 5 •n a social evenin tnd to honor Che1r f ,-•nnulg h.•r.• nF R(tvrntl l+argP c•tu•goes - - "" QQ �pp y R' Imes. flet power will ha nhuut. dmihlr the contestants, but the marks to count and Knux moved that colme•ilhn+ 161,tt ,1e(•,•,tsed rrmlinue,l to sink tell Practice Clavier Method. The Virgil PritatS,le palter Works -A. S. ChrysGiJ................ t ) nAmusicam orinm leadir, Mr.J. W. Broderick. Theentlp that of the AunsiuP. Tba ottk which are in several onRee lower, as many of the (/mnphell, Martin anti Holmes he n ,i,.,llb r,lnl,•, 1hP LNo A 1.. (iihson which were (catty couotPI ut e,trlief to =t%:' t'invlor at G. W. Thomeo 3hakespoarRnnd T. ffi B ............... tea he naed by upas. #,iso Kindergarth, 6 part of fheev"hung wsespent in (Tame-, goes Into Lie vessel will ale brought ehootere are handioa od by being dopriv Rl r'king ronon{tte" N, nornlnate stat,d ,,;w burn u, IfC,•)7 in the Innd of the hen ,�, ..' \(Dihad for ov p oils. c- Htudonte wail Sato for Salo -J. H Paddar...... 1 music atnging end recitat.uina, after frnrn Detroit. while the elan will be cut t 11.• Ar.i-on. ,utd it would 11.• (ally on the g ed of shote below s opetain value, The I ,Ing Cnlnnlitt.t•PA for the year. Cantel,.n ihrr, lits 1,11h,'r, '['llnuuaq (lih4on, b.-otg 1„art M our rllizen-i to quietly allow I,nnuu the Pnronto Uonservatoryry Courea. in High Court of Jnstiae--Garrow A: Proud- vahich Mc Godwin was CnI1Pd on for a u LhP flrrn'e mill. The Pstlnaied cost ;. nntivr uF I►erwu•xshire. lie left th. - lerme on ntipliontion at the residonce, 36T g ' four leadere on the first day'# aboot ere in ,old Martin re, guwl that• the whole 400L ................... few temurkS, in which releivnrP vva- of ilio vessel 19 13fH10. Thu huddina 1R t his At +t.• of i hing- to oc,ntinuP, I'tter•e ,' Britannia Rond. , $ order of merit, 1�]. R. 1Vnwon, O. YDnning I council wrtR not. Loo large CO sPlert f IIP „Id Ltnd fur ChM oonl inonl in IK,:J, and Huron County Council -Wm. Lane... 1 made to the high esteem in which Mr. living done by Mr. William Marlton of l n }r J. T. Neftel and O. Pennington : rnmmit,rrs, And ulnvrd an arnendrnent g 1 p ' INBCRUCTOR.—C+!r. Frederick Gordon Memorial Fund—Bank of Monttroal. l groderirk is held, and their tinea of nfi,•1 r „sirlin ul diti•,•'ni l+all+ fur •Ix 1s yrs unix ,Pndr.1 a runsidernhte nit tt USI AL Goder•ich, and the vessel IA to he Ian nebh a blit the (notion r,wri PEI, IMf '910 Total l+, thaL Frill•/'1, {','Yr4, ill• Htl+dl{' Ne111P11 ,11 \t'11,x1•r/•r, ( til,• lippl•„prllll inn gntntetl hast yerar MG. Simpson. a m_�im Nortn•St. N,Dtho Rose 1)lycerino Lotion -S. E. Ifiok._.. ..... 8 indebtedness to hint for• his generous oil about the 1st of April, and be ready '' A ro of ,,enol ConaervnLur7, R R. Weteon......... .41 21 81 end +tflPr a half hour's ricisa the roar whPr+• his hrul hers, 1(uhrrt unci Th„ f„r Ibis work, lint mon• iv nePdPd di t Chrt hr sato Application to Parliament - Garrow ffi Naw York.wlllraoelvoP+lPil»lelemontwrynnd and Pf}iCient sirvicee. Mlsa Htalk(4, forservlCesPortnlghtlntei• .33 29 f,+l lulittie rPgPntedLhrPotlOwln fat: 11nrIalrP,ulvaPttled nnrlhvd built th„ advanced in Pinna, Organ and Harmony. PmudfGot ............................... .. 1 the , un hehAlf of the choir• prPaenLPd U. Panningtoa, ........ P' rum i1etP It ,w a sholdc h.. ; but unlaaq 1 dt MARRIED IN DAKOTA. -The follow• (;apt. Donnelly .........23 '•.1 27 HPBr'LAL -Tbo whole council with Ilr-t null, I'll' hist'”" had levo ul i advan d) 94 anwronce, MontroH moray Jaounry Bargain Dny Bnlo-JnokRoh Broil Mr. Broderick with a beautiful ebony v, rnnlent ,u -t- made stware oP (loderlch. Clinton .......................... 8 baton, besdng upon n Nilvir pI'LIP. the +ng from the Rapid CIt9 (g•D•1 Joat nal. tyro. Cattle. .... ......26 2 2A j ('antPlon res rh,llrman, i hP nelghlslr bond hu• s short 1 unP be the (ie, , . 'd ..: _--- - so areal i.+tit. Mr. Broderick, refers U, a Goderich boy, aonof Mr. Jne. Andrews 2i 1'l a3 htRF nvu AiARKtiT.- NaftPl, l'smp- fore they weir rnny,nt( on tni{Imsl a+Clic nrg,•nry, INP nark will p+ohahly OronY Romoral Salo -J. A, Halpnny........ B Initlah f th p } hPll nor) ICnox. . - h Aken Pni.irel by Ren rine, Haw ('•Ix, tit YAGcick RtrPPt : YeatPr t. W. hall, lt3 17 Jf . r art in vP,u tlllhri-aulrl'ncth' f i Ill4lm. ruuuXttl.,ll !,I,•t b.• rr.uner,i t ill a rouplP of nlonlhg ;:.»;' For Stile Or POLet. Card of TtRnks Hngh Chambers 1 a)thoug t y P _ replied 1n a neat and Pncowaging riny morning'a dPlnved piump Iger 1. Fritzlev. . 28 i 4 ( Ioes. .ttv .avn HnRn 1R M I (;. Pennin ton.. 20 'LS 4l I }},IlnieA. ('a11LPlnr1, 1'har•1[,r of Ili,• saw rn'll, nfler• which' n(trr nrivigatmn hrtA oprn.•d, To have 1 GODFRICA litARKETS. Ppeecb. Refreshinenta wire Rervud brought, in \4 r, and Mie. W. M. Cox R 5 FINANCE. -.Holmes, V%mpboll, N.tf• ....,t h,• had -,,I(' r•ollt"11. 11” 111lr 1"n chi. tial.• saved and get cite w•'rk done '\OR SALE OR RENT. -W. J of W. a Lot 23. and all departed feeling Ihat,t.hepasu)r [ruin Ltnhnln. Neh.. where the carr- N• . Laith vie......,... 8 6 t”' con.3 %.Wawneoah, Fiftyaorea• lux• N T AY. R L 1 iii RItC('eedPdltl It'llt tllOn occurredThursda,VrDPC'Prlbir29, Jew, i.eiahweit....... 3A li 44 �•.el. 11n1-."1 fl',.I11 hl- 1'I.IAr1V.•A Ihr•II'-h,11eI,14rornl,IPt.•ly n-pos4iilP, iq a tuattt•r .y lanL Roil. NO wMtD land. ThorOaghty (CORRNCTEa IIP TO NOO OY RIIRRD ) and hl fa m lq d R R ino. New�ombo........ ,t0 '1 l9 1'CRI.t< �:'r1RKR. l'anLPton, Knox, m i h„ pri,pertt' 1'',n ilii Hrat Jew .i ,lire) intPre-t to tit• people of GUdEv- ,Indordrafned. Ton acro- of fall wheat.. w Falr wboar. Standard.......... sA 07 co i(i s8 the choir a pleasant evening. what li ulrulP, the bunny couple nnv. - r h,• d.•1 ,•:1-,•,1 vv ,s t hat•��in. A•t1�1vtowhl.PHAI,ENotlDromi%oa d rlug whost t8tnndardt..... 061 ,a 068 The were mar'r'ied at the home of the Ches RoiA .........14 II t4 tinPiPl. vr�u• In Ili.• 41xi�,• Agin.JOHNt3 p n+ to the ('rind Tnnnk P or TON. Barrister, etc. Goderlch Floor, per too Wa., ratena ...., 2 40 to 2 40 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY.-ThP an- Y F. J. T. NnPtel.... .. _ .A7 2:4 1}e I \V' ATLiR ANn LIG tiT. — Cnm phPll, drpnt r recce t le ,i u• g hitt of 111.• ,- I I ud na will t •• Famllv...... 200 W 2110 Waal meeting of the Ooderich linrtl bride'- pnrenta, Rev. and Mra. 3. B. „s rntl'.n of tl,r ".1"Iefit t,111 xfir.t rind th.• "torkhonterA of thPnvwitfult- Brno, nor ao .... 13 Oe, to 13 00 Corns. Lha wedding occurrin with all Wm. RnLeon...... .Z0 17 46 }InlnceA, Martin. i " "-i. UtVNLOCSC•ORSALE.-THi�FOLLOW 6y � Jno.Galt..... . .24 2t1 44 I (•ol'RTopJiltvFstov.- Knox, Naftel, he+t`I-„Irotr•rlhy n•rhunntunlil- lirst',.r. \iter all rhe fnrrsh;ulhPPnfully It (ngg re erti0e [or Rale fn tin Town of Shorts, per ton ......_............... 11 00 to I4 00 cultural society wllll held in the county Lhe np-Cil da(e PP>Lt.urtss inctu(ling a wed- GodaelCllp P snrebniafCe, par ton............ Is 00 to 13011 s Gillen on WednPsrinv Pvenin ding collation. Neither party t.n LhP Dr. J. R. Channon . 28 iA 41 (•ant.•Inn, Cnniphe:l, Martin. ec,r, nn.t hr{d ih.• pov,tion for o 1„oft ,1,-, a+std, rhe pn•wrdrnl, setrPWnq and 84x�ig, �� 13rlttslnta-sU, on lake front. No Oatas, .. 28 to 29 CIPrk R -.0- HKt.IRp. Mayer, Knox. (bun pir.•11. p••r1,Al, nl.vnya hemi; re-Pi•ri rot %% 11 MI :\Ilan were nppolntPd aymm�+t LtPP 9 � w n o ns. Ra tier..............,...,,. _.... 36 co 37 After A. MCD. Allan h,ad been appoint• LransacLlon needs an introduction to }L. (1. 1(Pannlds was then ro-a o„int „fit ,t "I"It I. K.Arly in ISINS, the r. u'- Ilti`"T tllC'"'[11, 16I. 161, ell fo sed. 1 gra ,.-., 64 to 65 the eo le of Mipid City. The ¢room BuBfIIGes NOtiCBA. G to ,a spare ,Lad lot ava•.l Lo the g�vern- 6nLiggh�ihouatl•at•,opposite the market. Iotas POaa • •• •• ed sect' protein, the minutes of ip't P p tnE+ Of Uha ciL 7s best Pd to the C. I. Is)nnt for till'PP venr4. tmishl ,uf 11nr,nhem vnr,utt throe h No. pt„8S,d8 6(a and sib, with eomfortablo R h • • • 36 W 4p ) waif declared ndo ted, and is a member of ( Y ilgrgaina at Pedder'* removal sale, f g K n,Pnt t once nn nrgrnt rneilt thpl qit- wkwhaat. Der baapel ......... to to 4A mastic g p busines- HrmR and n flnP, hrnu+r+hiP ami the by-{sw to nppOint wudtuarA fl.• ilii ,Ie.ath +t .Lanr,•q Ih%he ” Mr 1;,+' tinct hnrh all fartA riPuur/� nn the ms4 I`. ;: trTwolotsa ll outbuildings and a 041. so. per ton ... t....... 150 to 6 25 the election of ofHcera wits proceeded W lint &) you think of the novrll its 1 I } ' Twototsbn Harbor fiat U40 1011, Onet'�t y _» Ing re,ul. ('nun. l'nm )hell notninnG 11 H, wan wit- n) )Lull.” t„ t hr oRtrr, and lr•r. This will le,• done this week. fitg Mil}: 9atter,per lb ................. la to 16 with, reauitmg as follow%,: PreR+dent. gentleman in addition Tho bride, as in Photographa we are Nhewmg ? r' Lot fti, Colt. Q contnining ton Waren, in E oor dozen... .. • ,. 16 to 17 Mtas DPssie ('ares, was a t.erich(r in the Have ou Peen them? If nut r•onle 1n \Y. [Gill and \V. R. RohPrtann. In held at. to h of -I 11 m e,1,• it "I illi 'I" � _ _._ aatgme as e' wl h b n end cr Wiiod, oar load.. ••• •..... .... A W to 326 A. McD. Allan ; vice preR., Thos. N,tf- Y dn{n•r so hP wild he was not alta Pthrr rant. In hl- nil nrlethtsn'huo,i lir dP _; arn ,and woill neod, t ar Il s to 1 6o tA1 aic'v liens„ Wtti. Lane i cirector-, Pubicarhonls here fit mpP time. null ix fit Genf --they nrP pretty, inti and . R I„ � TheRO rb lfon will it bold at bn ins Cnttic,exaort............._...... 60 n Gun Lad of man acP-of mend antiatird with their past servicrP,and rPnge,l look n IPtvhnir ur ul ronon,r I UTAIN. N P i e Ceeda. Ger 1b, ordlnnrv... .. 2 eo 3 (;, WPlls, Jno. Rtrharca, Win. Wai Y K Y Y SZ+ "nwfuly PWPPG." ThoaP fur broochra Applyta THOMAE4U. NAFTE nth t. and character. She willhPnn addition Inat"ncerf n nnrnher• of items wherein (W. P1111r,itllln111:11+11 r1I"n'PIIli1I tlnUtPIJ \\'1t.r, 1$�TustTAt�, \},•. Hoff 11r i..I. Lambs, each......... .. 2 to 8 6� fir huttonR me very ef[PclivP. T. H. Y., �w nock. Geo. Btxwart. J. W. HalkPl(I. K Y R - BhoeD •••• •••. -»•• ••••• 4 m to 6 Olt to every circle and will receive a wat•m hE• than ht the had dune wt nn nn,l wn- h,okrd fit, to by th,• 4li, cin \\'r ikhi ..f the Point Nnarn, have nvitr' HOae 1Me weight....._ ... 3 75 to 4 e,0 •Inn. Galt, Jag. Stewart, G. W. And- wPlcomP. Mr. and Mra. Cox hive the BpOP1�iY' I with a warning now he thought theae ,lents of Wrox"Ler and the adloining, ad the rch t •conic of LLP PrshytPr %`LARD OF THANK$. gaga, dressed ................ .. 6 00 5 do rows. W. C. Goode : auditors, Sheriff Our store has beep enlar ed WWII iv heaC wlRht'e of all for their future hap u would not. hP rPPenrPd, and he would town4hipq, B. a sound suiviper on aocim wan rhorch to conte wish their friends ,i C Hams. per Ib ...._ .... ...... to to 12 Reynolds and t3. P. Halls. The pr•val- now one of the beltftis•storea in town. , TO TII a• Recon, long olear ... .. ., 9 to t , inesa she pros (+rtty, in which T1)P expect the dirPrttuna of t.ha council, in and nN•iY'RI+t11H yaeAtionR, Oa i\-eEl• ,Gid other- on Wedtivsday Peening. ;., tEttrOkay�b Oa CovNrY CovNCn Dt RMes .. _ ..... 0 to 0 dent, sec v. tress, and Wm. Warnock p p In xtOck of ► % co plete and ready � Pvvro matp m e is v ca Tied o t, n Pohl r .-frog a' 7 a nl. the fon.* ai ! 18th, i int., fur . Tht- ro m ho ill e 'rST(rr Nis, �1. ``. .. Journal most hParf•fly juin*. 'fhPy a P P SheepRkloe,„.l`r:., . 2 to 5 were appointed a committee to draft, made clothing le, ectmpiPtP. WP have ,rp wmlL1 hP mens strictly carried Out, took phare (e and T rock t itt• carni ! rhe Point Farw. The• r 9 a wit} m '' lAcUds and (ie Haman t desire tit this• the " " have alreAaiv gone to houaekPPping rn Hesto p�yopppaorih rosy sincere and ralloar, rendered......__ .... 2 to the annual rcRortfor 1896, and the the place known as theCarnsresidence. PurchagPd fit n rate on the dollar a Crnmdllor Ai,,rt{n aPeonded fie norm- donor 1,. nhP Grund Trunk station, openedn 7 p. m. and fit 6 n pro t•era heartypcho4tu icy th Rnaedna�irs port ado BRVW AJgI) VMRTAnIJM. president *fid Secr•et,ary were IdatrtlCt- stock of dry goods -new got,da• We - nation, which wits carried. thr•nre to Wrvixeter. where the inter- will he given by local talent, and tv� ttyy p g1 where the will he at home to their mbin Lhe ttiteu'trpUnloiisal tlieotfOna and to Oratges pdr O"n .......... 20 to 40 ed to Sign the yam^ and forward it to Y want to c1rlRe thin lot ovt at nnre and I Cotmcillor Cantelon r•osle to s.'ay that, hleot took phwp. Rov. Jag. A. Ander• Preillinientn served by t.tle hthsst antic p omiea gtttl fhtaC during tmapp term or oftloe In LdmooA 30 iAi 40 4riPnda ,liter .innnnry 12 Thiq warp proceeds of the admiss • +1, t.h0U0unty i>o tfell,Iw111devota mveest of• a•Hanna Che government. The meeting wan wP will offer shim vP rhPap• WP to tnPPt RtntPnlPn1.R hPing Circulated sun rnodurled cvP P, at rt house and tlogtP4i The farts to favi hg sour intateaeR. 8lnceroiv Potntow ver•bush.• • • �� 76 to 40 aPrPnnded by the band, however. {a -t ry 1, - 40 to 6n then closed. Pvenin .Sven though Lhey cairn not fare here t.o at„y and Intend t.n RPII and a belief Chat Rome wrong doing .1. T 1larrow, M.P P , \Vin lYtnP, \V n), inn wilt he In said of life cbtuc•ha yours 7 ”" Chfekenaporp�(r......... _ ... 80 to 40 TttSf3TAir}aa ne,rspa rand always 91re pf thea all the time. J. W. BR0 DRRI('K• I ho,l occarred with the Hnancea. the Ili, it ,and fhrPP u,uanP thPdiceavPd t(aR(1A, $[latldul for hursn will b{}r Hi)Oif C17AMBER9, Duek» nor pair ..................... 16 to tS0 aamit and uallt . �he price ib only One oxpect{ng G/ hP at home tocallers until P p v R qq y q y after the CwPltth, Goods are down in rice at Peddeis, town Ahnold emplP n overnment) w.•re the pall henn•r- 1 provided. Adui[vion lis cantaa I/IIDn scan P.O. Turkeys, per nil) , , . , . .... 7 to ft DOlinr por year. I , \.•... . �_:i:.,.. -__•'-,.-!y,-...-.n-r.4L+vAAaJt•M..a;++r,`Y,,'.w•,.i.aw Jd �&. •%+,a-1�.w.w "w s, wra �. 'e ,. .�r. a: •,i Ka. y, ....�, .._...._ ....d.,:v ,.,,,..:...._.., ,.o ..,.,:,ac ,.n..,e,w.s.,. :can.,n,<,uu`,;,,3,t'.;:•.si.".a.,,.. W..,-.cu.,.::.a.�..e.,cue=ii:e 'e�'•aa-Si.lticr� i