HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-12-30, Page 3GtEOH, ;C1I�it r. OSAOIE 8Q, a.13O8. Among tato Oirnrc hes,. The Ptesbvtery of Hurn will meet ' lin Cronin on Jatut:arV47t1, The Prestiyterlan apiestenaries Of West Africa have discovered Som@ new rases Of horrible e.uperxttttion .abating the natives, One of the -hrutal prac- tices conaiste in the sacrifice of all twin Children. .. llfpoday evening, Deo. 28th, a Ohrist- Vaa'tree entertainment was 'held in ictoria $t, e tbodist ()burgh. The programme Wasp the forth of a can- tata, consisting of reritatiops,dialagues duets and 'choruses. Although It wds a stormy night there was a large crowd present. The fourth annual convention of Gotterich District of Epwottt1 League acid Sunday School Association will be held in North St. Methodist church, Godericti. on January 17th and 18th. Rev.' . O. Stephenson, secretary of the Ontario Students' Forward Movement. will he present, together with all local workers of the district. ,,al�,ithough the subscription list to the fund of 1,000,0001 guineas, which the Wesleyan Methodists are desirons of raising next year. will not be formally open until January, a fifth part of the total has already been gutirantqed. Ventral ipeettrIga'have been held in fi of the 8;4 administrative distaicts , into which Wesleyan England is divided. Three London divisions guaranteed '£70;000 ; Birmingham guaranteed £60.000 t Leeds, £8(,(100 ; and Manches- ter, £30,000. 28 districts have not yet been heard from. The annual l lorireeMiesion circular bf tate Presbyterial Church, of (Jimmie,. _ itat8. been issued, This.. year it cornet; 1 the pen of Rev. Dr. War- den, in consequence of the sudden data h of Rev, Dr. Cochrane, whose name had been appended to it for many years pest. The estimated amount i•e- quired' for home tniesione this year is $82;1300. Last year the subscript ions received ainounted to $58,100, in ad- dition to whtoh $12.000 came from he - nests, and S11.80(1 from Great Britain. This year the total contributions trona Great Britain so far are only $4,130. It is, therefore, expected that $75,000 will have to he subscribed hy the Can- adian church this flnancinl year, which Moshe on March 81. a r. G$rO1it(il$'s Oxguta:'.-Ogitst111ak Jtty lit St, Geofige's vim celebrated with.threoservice , an(t as i3 usual than edill,e was prettily decorated' for the. occasion. Evergreens, bathe in rape forint were the prineclpat decorations, and the tasty arrangertteet of the cord into pariahs and Witty designs nn frames were much admired. We understand the decoratioua Were de- yise3, and •Caviled out by the Church Gluli a, and the members interested In the wrack are to tie congratulated on the success of their . efforts. There was an early cele ration of linty Cout- muniou, and the usual II a. In. and7.80 p. in. services. but on account of the day, Sunday echo"I was not held. in the evening the service was full choral, and was made mote than usually musi- cal by the additit n of three pretty car- ols after the regular service closed. The music at each, service was ill that could he desired,,tlio choir giving each nninher mosteteditabiy. Mr, Cuff, as usual, presided at the organ, and never did the instrument in St theorge's give .forth sweeter music that it did in honor of our Savlop! s hirth. The rector, Rev. Mark Tnrnhnll, delivered sermons ap prupriate to the day, his morning dis. _. course being paeticulariy so. Good collecttous were taken unit t each of the services, and the plates held more gifts than they had for many years past. KNOB CHItIsTMAS ENTERTAINMENT. —Knox Church annum! Sabbath School Christmas entertainment was held in the lecture roofs on Tutted -kW evening. and. notwithstanding the severe storm, then raging, drew an audience of over 800. The entertain- ment committee presented an excel- lent programme and as each number of it was given cre.iitaldy everybody was pleased. The programme includ- ed several pretty novelties, one of which. a Mr•s. Santa Claus, not only made a deep impresstou on the tittle ones. but added a new Idea for our Christmas festivities, for it seeins more natural to expert a pretty doll from a Mrs. than from a Mr. Els Oarnpai ne was an excellent Santa Obtus, and Jas. ' Thorn@nn made him a pretty fair partner. The. farmer cams down one chimney and the latter another. and their entry in this way delighted the children. Santa found that ho had bot his candy and while he was mourn- ing his loss a number of pretty Ba own lea tumbled out of the chutney sea rr,, .,,t,tid-x•�x The music at St.Peter's church on Christmas des OYfhs given in a Manner that confers the greatest•eredit on Mr. Nicholls, the choir greeter. The sev- eral solos at • High mass and Vespers, were sung in a style worthy of the higbestaermise. The sglo jt, the '•Vena f"'";•.organist, vnas fully equal to the. ocrna- ston, his solos being far above the aveyage, and we regret that he had nit a larger instrument to play upon. Mr. Nicholls', songs "O Sal aerie." end "Qnatn Delecta," were sung in an artts• -tic tuantter. He possesses it rich, culti- vated voice, and will prove a great acquisition to our musical clroiee.. This musical programme will he repeated on the 8th and 8th of Jtinuary. The children took part in the first mass, and sang their (7hristuuts hymns Most, beautifully. Sister Angelical pre- sided at the organ --Corn. The Saltford S.H. had a very success- fnl Ohriett has entertainment last Fri- day evening. the room being crowded to the door. _ A vera twice program was rendered hy the children in a most, creditablemanner, and Mr, George Stewilrt assisted with some well ren- -tiered autoharp selections. A large evergreen arch was heavily laden with prizes and a read Santa Claus handed oat the gifts to the great delight of the youngsters. The superintendent. Mr. Mitchell, was the recipient of a. hand- some easy, chairs a most kindly re- nientltrttnce from the echoer. The other teachers and officers v -ere all generous ly rememhered, in a way that apelike well for the harmony and goodwill of the school, The parents and friends of the school deserve praise for the hearty way in whtch`they stand by the school. WEEK OF PRATER. Union services will be held in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches during the week of prayer : On Monday, Jan. 2nd. the services will beheld: in North street Methodist church, riubject 1'Confesston - and Thanksgiving ' Speaker, Rev. Jas. A. Anderson. Tuesday. San. 8rd, In Knox Church, subject, ''Tire (March Universal." Speakera,ILev. Jasper Wilertn. Wedneadae. Jan. 4th, regular prayer meeting in all the edurehes. Thursday, Jan, 3th. subject, "Fami- lies and schools" in VietoiIn street church. Speaker. Rev. Jasper Wilson. Friday, ran.--8t,h. in Knox church subject, "Foreign Missions," Speaker Rev. Wm. Godwin. The services will commence at 80.m. vasin att".La'end j' d -n r t+ . T4sttiieiirc# Uilere fielightnd: An'rttii(=r innovation was the delivery of tele- grams by the C. P. R. messenger. showing the advaanee of Santa Claus and his better halt from the North Pole, . Elswond Campsigne, who is said to have invented the new things in she plvagr•/tome, .deserves special mention, particularly for his taking unto himself a partner for life. !toy. James A. Anderson was an excellent chairman, and themembers of the committee that prepared the scenes, drevses, etc., should be honorably mentioned. theppardton, SOHooL NOTES.—The school exami- nation of S. 8 No. 11, Ashfield. wars ,,held on Wednesday atternonn of last week. There WAS a large tern nut of visitors, principally the people of the 'section, besides Mr. Elliott and Misses .Hawkins and Stevenson. teachers. The scholars answered well. and are well up in their work too, for Mr. Brownell hard taken at great dead of trouble with thein. After the exam. there was a very interesting program, consisting of recitations and singing, given by the pupils, followed by an af- fectionate address and presentation to Mr, Brownell, the retiring teacher. Ashfield. A WORD FOR MR. CRA MBERs.—Mr. Editor. will you allow me., RS an Ash- field farmer who knows what is needed at the OuOnty Council hoard, to say at word, particularly to the electors in the lower end of District No. I regard- ing our township's norhinee, Mr. Hugh Chambers. I have known hien fair ninny years. as have most of the r•ate- paayers of this township ; he is one off war hest formers, and. has been sulll• ciently prominent at our township council and in our municipal affairs, to watraant us in s tying that he possesses every qualification for a sent, at the county hosed. Hugh Oha,ihere is no "hay seed," but an intelligent. capable and up-to-date farmer, -and quite as capable ,ef looking at questions from the tnwij/ standpoittt as any one named at this elm tion. Without any desire to set :own against county, or create sectional prejudice. 1 with many others feel that we in Ashfield can fairly Plaint that We deserve the help of our t8tetk Citizens .to elect MI'. Ull;ttwbiers. Tatalakipg you for the apace to state our Clase.1 815A. myself, AN Aeuslat.n Olxtsnrr. 1G01erlt;li Township. Sagobr; J, r *.—The annual Xmas Tree of S. S. No. 8 was held on Friday evening last and was a gratifying suc- cess. The usual examinations were held on the"lkat'part of the week, and were very largely attended by the rttepavera, who were more tban delight. ed with the proficiency shown and the exceedingly good order and general die- eipllne. Miss McCluaikev, our teacher, has -once more confirmed her reputation as a splendid teacher. At the enter- talntuent the roots was crowded to the door. Rey. Mr Hamilton acted as chair- man, and the program was so large end gond that it lasteda till a late hour. The efforts of the puerile were most creditable, and showed their teacher has to an unusual degree the faculty of imparting instruction and an intelli- gent ccnceptinn of the suhject. The trusteed have reason to be pi oud of the pie*pertty which has attended the school under their management, and the excellent choice they have made !n their engagement of MISS McCluskey Atnberley. SAID (loon BYE.—On luesday night of last week, the Canadian Foresters of Court Amberley banqueted Mr. S. A.. Blair, who intends leaving next week fr r Chicago. Over' OD Foresters and their friends surrounded the fes- tive board. After all heti enjoyed the excellent supper, the chairman. Mr. Will Murdock, proposed the usual toasts, and they were heartily drank and ably responded to - by the brethren and others. Songs, music an 1 recita- tions added to the enjoyment of the entertainment. Altogether a very en- joyable evening was spent., and Mr. Blair leaves our Court with the best wishes of all the brethren. PERSONAL. -=We are glad to see our old friend. Mr. Will Blair, among us avain. He is home from Chicago for his Ohr'istmas holidays,—Johnno• Mc- Lennan, is engaged as clerk in the store here, to assist daring the rash of Ohristm•.s trade. Om -.—Little Katie A. NCnhrtt. 11.411gh1er of Mr. Albert Nesbitt, died suddenly on Saturday. She was nuried «t-Mtittday at Pine River. '$aI1007 a'2fl $. A. Blair held his ofrnptng eltaa7trin Won in his school nn Ttrillsdap lia.t Alt.ho..,, -: ''lands `atriate bad and the weather wet., the school house was crowded with visit ors. The iatepayers of the section spoke very highly of Mr. Blair's work during his terror in the school, and ext -tressed regret ad, nig deem -titre. At the close of the entei•taainmen t• the pupils read a suitable. address and presented Mr. Blair with a valuable gold chain and locket. Dungannon. PERabNAt.s.—Mr. Thomas Young and wife, are home from Manitoba. It is several years since he left this place to reside there.—Mr. Holland spent Xmas in Goderich.—Mrs. and Miss Ross are spending their Xmas holidays with her son, David Rnss —Jas. Wilson ie at home in Fergus with his parents f n Xntas.--Wm. Matlongh. who has been engaged with the McCormick Manufactalring Co. for the past year, is home teat his father.—Mr. and Mrs Brvd' es, and family. were the guests of Mrs. Pentland for Xmas.—Mrs. Thompson has grana to Forest to spend the winter.—Miss Maud Whvard is home from Teeswater and has leen en- gaged for another year in the schnnl there, --Mr. and Mrs. Warren and Carl Little spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Will Little in Lucknow.—Mr. and Mrs. Wut Maltonatt entertained the uanal number of children, grand child- ren and other rehtti,es. They number nearly fifty in all.—Mr, and Mrs. Stt theta. a Uoderich, were in the vil- lage at Mrs Davidsou's for Christmas. ORITtARv.—Mrs. Wiggins, a highly respected resident of this neighbor- hood, died on Thursday evening, after a lingering iliness. She leaves two daughters and three sans to mourn her lose. The funeral took place on -Mon- day afternoon rand was largely attend - en. the service being eondnrt.ed by the Rev. Mr. Fairbairn —The funeral of Mrs. West, from Lucknow, took place •0n Saturday afternoon to Dungannon cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. ,Mr. Duthie, (3orti4ti HAPPaNixoe.—The Oin• dcreila ern), were entertained at Mrs. Willenn's on Tuesday evening.—The prize fight took piece in this village on Monday at 1.30 p in. between the heavy and light weights, in the 14th round the heavy weight was knocked . Iota the middle of the week, Well done,, fight weight, ---'Mirk 'Wilson% teitsn got frightens on lndav during the tierviee at the Prnesbyterian church. anti created girlie a ,commotion among the congregation. They bad not ran far before nue af• the villagers man- aged to stop them. Ct'1DnotI Norgc.—•There was a very good congregation at St. Paul's church do (ihrtst.nets Day,—.Qttlte it ntuUher of young people drove to the tea -meeting at Auburn on Monday. and the Metho- die; choir were, invited to Hackett Town to sing for the teameeting there. —News of Erskine teruteeting in our next. Port Albert. PNRsONaL•—Wm, Gaulov returned home last week from the woods at the American Sun,—Ailnd Bowles, Belfast, spent Sunday lu the village. --J. B. Hawkins Ieaves'npat week for a trip to Philadelphia.—John Quaid, Ht. Thomas, is visiting his brother, Janes, at pre• sent.— Douglas McKenzie and George Peltow reached this village front Stur- geon Falls, where they had been work. ang in the woods, the former having cut his foot very hedly, with an axe— WIll inhale and family intend going to thk Soo• next week.—Will Peilnw, Gnder'IcUh, spent Xmas at home.—Miss Louie • unniugghenr, who has been teaching school near Grand Bend, is hone f0t her holidays,—Mrs. Richard DcLong la again able to leave her wenn. —Dave McConnell is haute aagaiu from Vienne, white he bas been for some tune. — Mies Mary Rtchardson. Godericb, spent Xrnes at home.— Harry Willis, Bismarck, Dakota, is home for a short tune at present on business. Harry left this section enure eleven years a'tu and now has a steady posit on on the Northern Pacific Rail- way, by which company he has been employed for nearly 11 years. Harry knows what a good thing is when It comes hie way.—Richard Kilpatrick, Michigan, formerly of Crewe, spent Sunday evening in the village. LooAG Ev8NTs.—On Tuesday next, our schools will open again for• '99 with Mr. L. Eiliutt, Principal, and Miss Tenn Hawkins, aseistmle—One day last week Mrs. John Willis received again the thirty odd .1 liars her'si n lust. sortie time age in (luderich. A gentleman hy the name of Mr. Crone - ion picked it up on the street near his residence. See •what it is to he an honest [nen! ''- fries. --Quite a mita- • . - -. ,sent at � at vire can vessing their way in"t'hikhurg for -count v•aud town- ship t . a -•Now, Ashfleld• you have a chance for yorir life. Stand ty your own man, Hugh Chambers, WEDDING. --The 'residence of Mr. and Mei. Jas. Crawford, of this section, was the scene of a pleasant event on Tuesday evening at seven. when their chaining daa.iighter, Ettie, was mauls the better halt of R. J. Dur•nin, a Dep- ute'. Venm to of W. Wawanosh town • ship. The Rev. Mr. Fairbairn, Dun- gannon: tied the knot. $Ihar•lie Dui u - in, student of inediciue, Trinity College, Toronto, saw the groom 1hruugh, while the bride was cheered by Miss Annie Tiger•t, Sheppardton. her cousin. The guests were only the relations of both parties. A handsdme arrav of presents were viewed by the assembles throng, after the ceremony, while merry making was the order of the evening The happy couple will reside in W. Wawan,sh, mod may their path throurxh life he one of happi- ness and prosperity.—Wodd ines ore all the go, one on Wednesday and one flu- next, ornext, week, which will appear duly re- corded in next week's issue, PaoPaR'ry CHANGES.—R. Miller has purchased the McArter 100 -acre farm, 6th line, Morris, for $8,80, including two stacks of hay and a hinder. Mc Anter boys are talaing of going to Manitoba in the wring. -,-The 130 erre farm of the late l K. McDonald. 'int 18. con. 12. Grey, has been purchased by Philip Ament, of Brussels, for the sumof $41.000. There are 8010080 acres of hush Coat the purchaser will utilize in his mills, and it will consequently suit hits better than it would a person only intending to follow farming.— Alexander Watt. of Hullett, has Nought from the execrative of the Wm. Murphy estate, the fifteen /eras of land on tri/� northern limit of Clinton, at. presenttin the nrrnpancy of Mrs. Murphy. The consideration is about 81800. Married. Ivens-con Err. --At the roaidencoof the b•idoafather, arms Itoad on ui Wedneayy,� Dec. 28th, by Rev. M. McKay, Mr. Anthony Wllaon !vers, of West Wawanoeh. to Allem Mary, aoeond daughter of Metre Ourwen, Goderleh Tp. Mnnssv—Caarnurt — to Tuesday. nee. 27, 189). at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Japer Wilson, R. A.. William T. Mornay. to Sncf G., daughter of Mr. Witham C aTpboli, all of the town of Goderteb.