HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-12-30, Page 1- , 1 ."'. . - I -:, ; I `_ __ 'I P, 'Ir- '1_7 1. r/ I Is jwwoowvovwo viv­Awm 'IEFW— 11 . I k . - — , _ "W"r I 11 " 11 --- I : . ,:4t,4, '1141, r , , . I .1 . - " F -W - . - 11 I , ,, '.1, -1 1, , !j,,, , - - _- __ . , I . . . 1. . 14i. GODERICH, QItio FRIDAY, DEC. 3o, 1898 I _. ,;; -4 1 1. _ I I k, .. . ­ I . 1 I I I , I . __ I ___._ 7-- -1 - — I _, I 1Wf1UkWZ019% 41m, '­­ *I .11 I " " . . .__­­­... ­ ._­ I =:===== ­ I : . ­_ .. - ,,,, , i . . — . . .1 . I 1. I , . 11 I . I., 1 .. .. 1. - I ­ — _­ 4 - I . , " , ]PIP049A , -.,i Couut5r .Elootion Cards, I ' 'T NOT RimBRO.-It. haying be . ­­­ ­ _ . :.I . — ,%-Ad, .% _Prufu 'Topirg; en to- C)RRISTMA§ " -_ 'i .1 ,. - I . !. ,, '.. -111r. .1-1 I EXAMINATIONS. The MUnicipal Elibroglio. Mr. Cautelon Speaks. Town cleric VXp W" — , , 111 . , '),% . 001. odglroate,X 11 ,, — Presented that several electors have .1 . TUB alns ,, ,,", Ft, 24*4 - . otoote, - t am ()OUNJOYTIC;C U?011, ELEOTION.-VIW read the list cif nominations for Difitrict A serimiek question, which is not .1 I I . 11 . .- . J, inne'lio, . , 1) I .&QBIiAT E'"NT.-Tit, annual ".4scull, Results at the PublIc Schoo EDITOR STAII.-I wittle to add a few T* 110 FAltoral Tax BrAs. .1 %; -._1 I I . , . 'efe"Welftle, I ; No. 1, In last week's STAR. its meaning 13 Of without Its amusing side. has arisen , , , I , - , . , L4 v,I I , A in !, O'conte To TIM ZXoeoarolos: — ondopp 4he auspices of the Kennel club. the Town of Goderich. more remark% to these I made at the you kindif fellow Ai :th* 1- 1 14 . i - I . 1 I 'It boi -bold oil the Square at an early BIB. -Will , 0 'to . no, _ "' r . .. ittim, . I tl", 0 1 , n 1; I we that Me-. Alex Young bad witietiplow", in connection with the present intent- train latioll meeting. In reply to Mr. , I ft W'.][104foot _ i on t 1, 0 ; 9 I .- . . DNS AND GotiviTe m.wq.-4 belt to irety,that LA, ,. Watch for the bills. he wishes to correct that Impression. . OPPOrtieultY of addre" q #4 1 OIL" t'l ': ' : , 0- I :, I I Ji m a Candidate (a represent, YQR at the C06 , NAMES ARE GI elpal contest in Goderich. It is chat -g- Carl% bell. H9 complained that Air. to Ule electurn in explo . I I quaci uma and I re.9poutfullY a for AN, ArrAox OF TypaoID.-Ito -IF and asks THE STAR to say that he to in YEN IN ORDER OF MERIT. U41tion . W - , ,,*. yen . . - ' corupwrit, wade by rilevier. can 'L I' - . .1 . '- .) w , # ' , . , fit I t1l3for it, j,f ' , I L . 04W , I'* , , I - 11 do his best to - 18W. apd also fe. U, thes town solicitor %vais not put. the nomination meo , *r 11 00 a Thweighip area , coodottylag, ,ttis walink Is. we are sorry to have to he else that of " Ili passing #4 I)v-la%v to but he for cits to t I 411grzLioxora Or %as TOWN or - t have LOOR40 IU.aroia criceretAr of JR the field to stay. and W! ed that the Council of 00OX8 motion to send tire question of ' L. I To IR " , . , ted. Mr. Young makes his 0tv .0 , z` , , ..4WV1.]%,, - high . lopeltioll. and forth yorits & pleforbor 9 from an attack ST. ANDR11W's WARD. sy hilt after is tn,b to fees In coitimectl 10",,, tor r ,, , , L I , . , , I ol", d it, _ It6 the g b I't 'r , . I . I . VQQ . _ ro o Of atinouncemeno in another column. borrow SM.OW to meet current ex. tion ter ad , Uri) hit 11 Plot thiscollid don of hirths. malTneges litted % .:'-L LADIES AND 04UTM - of the only Council. I aret a life team rest- Mortfil, 11al,ft'l. Fromi-Jaillor toSenlor Division. penditures, exceeded their powers to flat Come efore tLho C 0 L . , , , I 011-i - ,,. The gentleman, who miss Y, _ . . . _ qUrX rt Mande a. D township and ,can f%j4ly sale tb a ill some ten days, is now re- - Mr. Catistebell, acpvoa triop 19 - A Ing 109 , thor dent, of III I" be, To CROl3S THE Lm. -Rob. Marton. P,irsons'­ Ernest Bell, urinsiesair; E outiell. I des not , i! t ,T ,wils'lligninatod fir tion 0 boartyr go rt of rity brotbeit farmors. as one bo, j: I k, , Ono lit t 0 013veoul n Of 1). L a (A , of: ; , I .. 11 41 0 representing them a 9 . X , 40y, nellifiro for the tow .t the CountT ported as doing well. who had been on the Signal staff. and Chrissie Cantelon, Maud Dunlop. an extent that Intrure the disqUalifica. so a until tit the Unt%nail would $01 ow fees for such list) -iii 9! neliforpsyoeirl w 1 e p _ U e I L it lie I; 0 wn In e Imiaw H An` my 'record way 40 Ouch go o" - A BAD ACCIDENT. -The other day as more recently in the offi e of the Gods. die Johnston, Catharine Lewis, Willie tion for two years ob Tet ,O this reference of the quest.lou, cam IWO and 1107. n, #, r capaciTY PC second De,g0ty, vo for the pas t c at each enan v f t, , Adkpowlidg#,t, ... two-yaorif a6ix trust t %t no so I your sliproval, I truW,ou will do Me tire Ot,109 at f the Clerk ham too right t4w the fees III recelVis these feWAIRIJ, I , go..". ,r, I . with et i V a that he would try tit retain them. Mr. tie y were paid to ioril 'r of 5>r L I lor Marwick, Havold Brophy. Eddie Me- therefor. bangerintlinsdirectiouwa 3 . If so I respectful Sol of cat , your at in my favor Meet; Lexie Sutherlund was skating, rich Hilt bar Mill arid Lumber Co., left Lean. Dan McLeod. %%f " YOU "ll I tell, Wishing you appy Now Year. Nours very she fell, fracturing one of her legs. Monday for Toronto, 11, he Canipbell was it four less (1) defender of Tho, 0 .t Pd -day of Jame oln truly. V lit, . ti , the rights of the rattioaveps what) Its authorizing the rlymcfeb- SaW You t,,,.,,,.,F,,,,,",,"r,,Q,,,,,.. . k, - 1he break was rather a bad one. but liescitio, where he hasten t-oule t4l Mill' From Senior Division to Grade I Council Ineathe on Octobor7th. e iork , , I I pointed out by Reeve Campbell t I tile Ontario government. #; w I DUDLEY ALEY_ YOUNG accepted a post. Central. .M183 Watson's - Dolphins . A and at U , , r" :. , 1, - . I EO -L -Me '1`k Carlow 00. the young lady is doing remaikably a bfif lumber firm. Rob. leaves tilde a motion Ire- Couribil to raltme the they SHALL be p , - ' , - I wel under the circumstances. I tI9 11! at to the deputy 1 0 TO #t CTOHWOF 01 0*W ;A, ,COUNTY COUNC ELECTION. , 1 O.N.ch with the best wishes of a host NAirn, Chester McDonald, John Mae- the nomination mecothil last Monday proportion traid by tire tower of 25 par iOtrar of eat -h municipality, as ea 1.0 I I , wick, Burt McDonald. Willie Arm- evening he repeatea th s, reading * cent. to 40 per cent far the grancellthic. - ; T . , ., I , or . ANNu&L MHIMNG.-There being A of friends, find THE STAR hopes that I A -( In Tun STA it's report N I .11 ; I . ' "', ,, r — , . - . the Young journalist may have he the att-ong. Jeqsie Sitting, Emorson Evans, fO low f ) Of wulka. If he lend carried that Point I seven by Anytime who will take tra I lie LAD1%s,AW0'dk, * , L large amount cof business on hand at forewep R. Todd, Alice Love. May Oct, l4th : to look at the titatuto, I 'ne ,,.: ol IL *rt'goolifele, %vivi boon n (lot It would Oavt, Added to the rate- Mr. Vablupbell cheltnal, there fire 00 , I - a oil" Art) THE EI,ZQTORg up IETWOT NO, 1. . new home, plea-unt times and pros. Cornell, Kitts MoGitheoddy. "A communication front ' 11ated on. 1 4y lov 0 0, ftl,fl. T it candidate Ili,, Tregielar meeting of L.O.L. No. 182. perity. I , " ' , I " I , I 11 "' E I 11 ' -TI : for tile ,V _ , _ LADtw AN QxXT N-I am a candidate - *41.100. when tire work Foroillisites [it conlietAllan with tow of- !"11.1 ?tP , 0 21 tl 'or Pet it. Hank of payers rival ill, A04,0 otiouot%for of W9 'Own 01 d 1. * , I,,,,_ Gode;[P,bj ', _hAe .00 1 I day evening, theolectionof Montiveal, reporting ttio Amount at would he done (in the business Streets cc and that lie lie ,' ti year 'in for County amino r for Dlhtrlot No. 1. ST. DAVID'S WAUIX .$Lgogfi Y'LI d, , . '_ , A'a paSiGn 0, se MONEY FOUND. -A load of wheat was I , , the T4*61 ., 44QQ ovn4amL tj t - comj- ng the Town eo Goderich, Townslili)'Of officers was postponed until Friday credit, of to% if Ott se 1. 30th AS sMi.60, verretelved a nvwhen , , I 0 Von G 1, _,',,'_-r . dor go, r. Sortioet 0,41oorii,e and Tow hliZ f AshAeld - evening, 'chased some three weeks since by of the towir. This Ill the man who adyo- he was towel r1fork, It beiVid not re- _ , : .. 4' 4 tire electors sector If 1 MY mutil January et.h. when the Put Front Junior to Soniot-Division, Miss Amount of notes Uri of- dimetritint, 827, cities the strictest econonly. I calve theme directly ber did indiroloctly - , , .i cover th look after 1,409 eipal experience has extended and varied. 9 ­ . , tk'fi' presence of every member- IS requested. Collicorne & Burrows front Mrs. John MclvOr'8--Ettl% Vanstane. Bruce Reid. 000: elevator account, $25,(XX). I :.. vvry, host aterovess,inid promise to exert %. having boon a Month the Township and J ack Proudfoot 01 d H arth. D. VANTELON. 11" tile following UlAnDeP, by hia he ;", k rictest eaphinly Ili eyery departnutp :k TuRKEy 8HOOT.-A turkev shoot Willis, and the Suite of $31 06 paid ,,Tire reeve reminded the Council that , I. . .t, yours Couat3e Councils for a numb6or of years. It Will I - I I illy, , I , . be impossible to prosecute a Ihorou roonal Harold Robinson: Rus8'keIT`6ke.a1W Ill. - - - . I the free use of the clork'a office, "Nof P . 111, , e ER canvass. and I take this tneandpt so c ting the took place last Thursday afternoon. therefor to her boy. The lad lost tile Burlev. Vera Elliott, Ernest Headet 11 . ". 'r . " I r ,,, * . 0. A. R#,KB ap, et e tile by-law Authorized discounts Only d light, for the transaction of his " 11 ­­ , ;. .1. --'t" '?Ii . 6 ­ , J Own Pr1VtLtO husinew. viz.. insurance . . , ­ , 4. unrt of every oleetot in the distrieL The under the ItusPices of the Off Hand 1) to $M,000, arid ,&fly member con. A Further Statement, by Reeve Ine, '' '. I if aloney between (14PtIlln Baxter's rest- -on. Nettie Price. . '. ! '01. OTORS OF bee Interests of Goderlob and the Townships '. ": 0 T09, , THET6WN OF are closely identified, and it elected MY earliest Rifle Club. at the eluh'm range, lower donee and the P.O., and this week, two From Senior denting to the viceeeding that nillount Campbell. And saft, thereby savituir the Cost of I L. L 6 Y, T, PDBAICH. Division to Grade I wild liable to disqualification for two re,rit, fuel and light, ILL tilt- Vat , '. ` endeavor will be to ifrornoto the welf Ep and town. The number of birds fint up weekH. afterwal,ds, it was found by Contra], Miss Wiggins. -Maitland - epaverat , : . ; I . , L , "," ;'iztp — te - , 1, prosperity of both tQwtk and county. Wint were-, ten. Harry Rutson taking three, Arthur Cantelon mid ban ed to the Dunn, Mary Miller Lit or. J". IIITON. STAR, -- , ,' 'L I %' , . , : ,T MeVica Alarmed, and a statement 11. I ad solicit rightful owner, Mrs. Willis is deeply MeVicar, At I hur W, h ite v, Lo from Huron and Bruce coutp I should not have troubled von %rith I All this Is the oniv Tucans I brovel of I ._ 1 1, LAip* It tip.puen'-I am a a can. ,,, Worenerfuls support, I have the h6norto Ito H. R. Watson three, 0. Pennington d years. No one, however-, seetned expense, and this without any auEhor- . - "; Mu9n of Coupcillorr, wits read Ity from the council. , didare fertho P E port. Ili the inist, I %%ereporesenteid ladies arid gentlemen. rue Chrv- "` * y-2r,O10'...., '419(al"TU Chas. Washington, Captain Donnell thankful to the finder for tile return 6f stal, Gladys, Whitel Ethel Rogarth, showing $5458.48 At tile towil'a elanyt this coninion Ical it oil. bil(I I ,be _1:1 `11 hex lost money. Stating my tilde of tilt, question to tile ', my abilityiian it itifivin stoat, , , . ed will cPli lquo (4) do so In t 6 future. If you Election, January 2nd, 1899. and John Newcombe one each. Mary Mevical., Ida. ROMAH, Bert, Duff, 11 , " P - t -1 degirc it - 6 1112billOr wall will continue to guard ELECTION OF OFFICERS. -At the Beatrice Harrison. lit that bank , torolty at the tionlination to llrxylo ra epayerm, I rust Vote will give tile , 1 ng t 1. , your bestltitoresvts -onri WhOLWPI look after the OUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. - Legal opinions in town to some of tile 8POAkt-1-9, 'III,, tills to Lbe lieoreissw'space. yours truly, I Z"' L ` 41 public WS11-b2 "I he Would C . , No. 140 ST. PATRIVIC'S WARD. "a now have diset e , , , , 1, Ifa .614 prl.vato host- meetine (if Lodge Liverpool . I , ,, nLAAR-L aiaettl a your swice, and sol,cit - - . quoted to tire effect that the n arbors doings (it tossed to at greater extent tile . Will. MeTeniti.t, , , ,'.e ., , Youry0ea and Influene C S.O.E., held on the 22nd, the followin Front Junior- Division to Senior Di- of both to he council during the pre,40 Town Clerk. . , . . rl-T I I ,o art ego Inca. Vote To Ties EmoTons air DxawmoT So I * . Subso-Miers in Arrears , Councils -those of ISM and ent year. , 1, early on ours truly, were elected officers for the year 1899 : imon. Miss LeToozel's.-Stnithkv MAS- ___ ---D- - Y.* .., sinmrr 2nd, and tote for Ladles and Qantlemen:-On the 19th InIALI , 1808-a i a dient notified it older the Statute. Mr. Unntelon, chairman of Public . . I ­ D. CA TELON. w -esideril, R.Warrington ; vice-presi- - sort. Melville Rhytiato, Artie Runciman And that not Brief To %v it Toples, k, I -ill . '. . _.., as nominated ter the position of Clounti, Pi U0 r it gnoilto for tile above district, comprising tlfb TILECTORS OP'THE TOWN OF Is and Ina Hamlin equal, Harry Reid, ()no of those who Are Worto Stated that t ilk, pxproditul-p tit, I . " dent. W. Erwin : see., W. J. Dowding; The new law requiring nominated for 1899 can legally take Public work4 was $:0)(1 te.a thall total. LS' Toq0PERICH. townships of Asbfleld and Colborne and treas., J.' P. Walters , surgeon, J. B. Olive Smith And Albert Kn .eshaw 1)[41114,11HY tills been pl-01-1dimeol a pnb- . . . — 1 the town of Gilderich. Two y0ars ago, fair WhiLely : chaplain, A. B. Cornell ; the Payment Of postage equal, Adelle Robinson, Lizzie Taylor. 0 ffice. 7 d me roil - rqc; one of thir County,pounell Ora - ,r ' find clainjing credit for. marne. lie holiday by tile Ontioirio wovornment. I h 11"I". LAPUtS ANIO GENTIaritzx.-On Monday even- fblerel%to diet cL It my coume during the laet comiti-J. Richards. Perey Cornell ; in- on newsp It Is hu" I 0" In - apers comes fit- Frogn Senior Diviqlon to Central t fall- to gay here that Reeve H "tal-ollient, f4challengod. #told on - Next Monday 14 regular. monthly . 11 It last, I was nom,uated as's candidate for' two years In reforstuie to county aftirs has sidaguard. rhos. Kneeshaw; auditors, Grade 1, Mig-o Burritt's.-Ecta Satilt Campbell, who fit anothet co coniparing tilt- unilcial Stitt pilletits it 'of I , , rueont,firstillp in the town council for IM. and met, with yourapprovall, may I now ask Fall to J. B. Whitely. W. Sharman, jr. to force next week, find 1111011 I if-eting night ille Public SchOQI .1 , . arn stand1by for.the pealtion. You saw fit to renew the ang John Worgioll. Myrtle Howell, Grac"e' gives an emphatic dental to a State- and PxpPtidittive titi(let. iien, of pul%v n lard , 9 ` * I., elect , 0,Ahot counuffl,by acclamation for th in January 1 7. Martin, Bella Bissett. Gladys Platt, -sonal dif-clualifl- W'u. I i, I- lill ,ort von go generously gave me ANA seriously affects Pub- orient regarding him pot ks, it looked its if M ,. Cantelore Wits %_. 0 AWAY UP NORTH.-CoUuty Clerk ca The, will he tho nsunl weekly shoob rearom and IM, for which I thfinkgou. and The election will be hold on the 2ud of I&- Lane and fandly made the usual jout.- f lishers everywhere they Malcolm Grithain, don for anot,her reAson. asks THE right. , Ifyou comilder thatinytiervices to ir town Milton McIntyre, STAR to $fly in this connect lon that. he attlecOff Hand Rifle cloh rangetlelve . have beer) resoftel. J trust that you will a ary. I=, must in their own interest take Cecil Farr, Fred Eirener, Harry Me- c I have examined lodav tire State- %steraloon. , ., fav-rsnam.4 ggafn Yours, very tru ney to the old hotels in the north to Credth. George Yole. ontands as firinly that there IN tit) tnents of 1897 anAl 1998 more closely. ' - h yoursuppoct at the cirminfe a,!- 'ArILIP BOLT. steps to enforce the "PAY -IN- Tire allow plowS were out Wednes- _ 111 . , . tion. .Wfirldnifyou-ilhappy'noew yoll still- facnily Christmas, truth Ili the charge of veneral diNquall- find I was corret., I- " you will sea Ivy lid Thursday uitwh to the convonlem.,st t I . . I In I gat hering tit I . fully yorem , I . Goderioll. 21at, December, 18M 18tti.th'Mr. ,tof Mrs. Lane have made ple. There CENTRAL SCHOOL. flention, and that all are ohigible for stitLetuont. I v ow : a 1 .1. I . , . . J. 0. MARTIN. __ . , I of pedestrians, , the',tiorthern Journey ever * I - — I- .. rotten rs at the regki I I I L 11 , 1--IOUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. since\t.be ge ran was aippointed -Ret.si Jordan. Jean Tom, Isabel The facts, so far as We have been =07 90 ineet Ing of Huron ,.., : - I - I -adeltoGrade 11, MissStewart,s. Office. , IW8-16t,at(ifueut shows expand Itut P Inst,allation'of office , y Christmas is no reason why John Smith, Go 1'741C ELECTORS OF THE T OWN 010 %_J — who lives any in the Western Prondforit, NonA Craig, Anna Me Ivor, able to gather them. anti wir I * , . lodge, NO. (M", 1. 1. . . clerk, apd he says that the recent tr States or Canadian Northwost, the 1897 ­ ,, $29713 11) n no ,,, G,QDERICIL Ip , I TO THE ELECTORS OF No. I DIVISION. was thodi oniv one in ei lit .6 I.Lf A 1i .: I . 'all. LA.Diss I 1% ., ears It amig 0 owt e. . ocin Irethevwa find assurance that the figilres gi 'A tov Derelt)(2t, from this iterns . .1 lie nrHUny ,tt-valling. ." N that ANJ GICNTLE=N, - Havin should got THE STAR and be JohnGaltectu 8usie 0 rierson. Lrich been verified by tile tteas so charged Cemetery a6. x will" tgl been he was able to travel oil runners, ; v It e W -1 f or the nominated as County Councillor for &Dlot- Uror 4 liloo The reply telephone offiti-a - n f pro vour support, To CHrIsTMAs At THE: JAIL. -Governor ItLean, Edith Loonard, see as fullowa: , r Which trlct 'I respectfully. dolicit . allowed to go one, two, or even Knox. Harry , noore years in arrears, when Annie Lawson, Lewis Elliott,. Ella In 1897 the alone nanled in i I" ., 0 —_ S oshortlyofteeNe,wyetwo. A I it ri t 13COV r - until the electors of Goderict, 1 may may 1 am one of Griffin's WV ell',, cOuntili Above.. . . ... 318 40 MI, 71) ofe I -a next Porterti a I not in a poduou five tried, to do what family of - il I An! ell tn thelatot our ratepayers and somewhat large iv . er exp. in IFM , I It this o r. Next If, the subscribers in Huron coun. Manger, Hattie Smith Gabriel S tv 11 11 , SHA 01 PA a real good time D pr,!n,r Ctllol could tojifilp the town. The electorsof county boarders le I _ . .wd .. anthorizingaloan(orcurr, texplltkgm. , ' to Dec. 13 The sidewalks were, slippery fitt rect 8 0 so that olborne know me well. and I Leed any but R)hert Wilson, B rtha Ing. it $25.000. The tot -al afro-unt borrow , ,'6d I lepleettainhythe (-nil of this Ill , find during thee mornill foo' a to run as a can Idate. I At 0. p -t not resi. on Christmas Day, thanks w his ty pity up more promptly. Claude Murray. 10'', dent, a 801100ritlJO)eu _ I ed front the bnrik was M25,W0. inClud- when all accounts Are pigil, t.hul.p re torter mil,tv save - of thanking m$ friends Al to U fla."Moir.to!AO TIN, 10 0 Of t'he thoughtful care, it assis- Grade I I to G rade I I 1. I W a 1*1 1%, FAIV "-, . boy behalf. and trust that eleeto of Ashfield 3 to r. but to .and the kin AN'Hereafter EVERY SLTBSCDI- -Albert, Me- Inv a floating debt carried over front W pfile an over expenditure tit ISUS of "nising the heatt of Wtist stm AVa it be able to give me many am as wof, 6N.-noreve. I tance of several citizens. ,,Billy" Intyre. OsearClifp-n, Alex, Colhol-ne 18M. &mounting to $17.6M. .. $1 _­ one ricentsicill t-vo ladles tell , ( ' "': Ishfallall thit conitill. trust I may be deemed worthy a trial of the Murney donated it wyal roatit of beef BER MUST PAY IN Z find Owen McGillicuddy equal. Allis The total amm t I 11 )JIected rhe u ter 4 they P I . Workm committee (it Im8 . L-tes . I , "' , , ' ' 'Ire I",g.-Iiia I title I I remain yours very truly, polooddence of those who as fIdt deAnOttoOTAMe. and with a genero-.ts udding. the two , VANCE. and those who have Andergon, May McLean it.nd ,Wn..r;;-;a, ., Includ ,,,, red I - ,,, 1 , US, WILSON. and ill t, our acquaintative a this relation -may Maggio for taxes in 18M were not economical IF, the ex . ,1 S, . ..."i- - 1. I . - -, great essentials of t e midday fpaqt not settled all arrearages by MeNevin e -eston Strang, Dottle UK$ " , "I Qq . , , _qual, Pi tolfe of the public- funds. I coad ,av A, ii winti" 1, -,-- ---77- ---- r - , _ beiiiq*1 wish were provided. For Supper Miss Gr January 15th and it, year in ad- Nort-Ity, 1011a Tw_-k " ­ , , , WA7 collected rotli Tion-resillent, Spent Another hourjt l'i-tibl- a . A 'i ,,' . . , - I.AIrl, . ,,Wd,.. - HQ J, staat6 .t I 11 ail;rs I . I). " , fill had made ample provision in pt t4 . : , . I ._Wr_`1-Q1.: ­, . . - obed as vance. will have the Paper die- " . in 1899 thestion named in the hvistw the time, in tAxposing the illega fili-AURS _! Ou* * - I - 1. . - _Q , 1 - '. , . . . . . . :::,12 . - "'IT"' and cakes, and "the bova" fared stimp- i ,A;., nwa I of tile Council. tigpeciallir ilk thaL.-falw- -1 . 11 7di- no4wismilt , V. _&gg " - Avb! '. le .- 'Jr. . , . .'V , i l ,T .i ' t' hinstilit, - r, I z% D , I , R- -it - -- 13 bb. Fla ' 1 1 w5aii- a a;, . ,41; OLD SORPE. e , ate -t I . A - tuousIr. Mr. Tipling fiad sent ago gA,Wr%J i 4 w ­­,;. . . ,Mt;b6t1iz1n;ra)(lanfOI-curr0 Ve :=- A - 61104MC11; Sotfg., , .. - N_ I I . ad I I ... -1 I rry'riblated-r. " , '-- find t he * a4 fl.(,Io ons trip to Ottawa, 111141 the bringing 111 or, me t, — supply of candies, t)uts and fruit, and total atimulli b=,?.4; - ofer. '17o"li", Grade Ito Grade 11 , Miss Frank's. it . in Pl*tlA The ,O- I -4a- -, All arrearages n - UT It bogies 8tatenlent of expens ,tied L .1 , I at settled by the bank, was the maine,p Id 11307, V,E 21- 723 ' ,' t, ow iinol cifGi; dij mm. Holland, oranges and candies, be- Rose Atkins, Ivy Newlin .0 fiven , it- "" ,a moans of soliciting Wants. . 1. Nifty Wyatt, $25.(MX). I legal oxpendit,ureshould not linieva p take PIA , 443 - , ' mo; 'Mr past reected IS — __ - ____ - sides a quantity of good reading. At- Jan -iary.10th, 1899, will be plac-. Mahle Pollock, Ethel Platt And Donald [')()I'(' thAn $50. ,told $M wits takeii out ,tRedicurrolier-M.- Va of ' " " e. ;ral lien Wgether the day was a pleasant one . ' ' k I'FLppea for your active ANTED -A woman for gen so . ed in other- hands tor collection. The total amount Actually ell' !,,I ' one of the most Import, work. 'Apply at this office. for those "in durance vile, ' llected of the towi) treaRtity for- it, without Thintitent lei victi,. 12 " " W , McKay equal, Bessie McLeod. Lount fortaxes in 1807 was $23,41(157, includ- anthol-itv (vf t he (,()Intel,. I ,kill ,,Ali, $6 ire hitting of Goderich. ' Snell, Jennie Pmuctfoot, ( yt-il Cat-l-ip, ing $715.57 collected trom non -r i-vening. by St. :1 r, hild. - "dent Of tills iuorie - Was spent in eigars tit School. This is Alwav" I lie requ red to serve the S-1HILDREN" FOR ADOPnON.-The S. 0. S. OFFICERS. -At their regular Do not blame Jim if you find Aggio Dunlop, Olive Robertson, Ben. ` A very best interests of We U ren's Aid Society of the County of ifuron. meeting last Friday evening, Inverness trouble. We have becin as pa- ")f-oPil and Walter Stitindera equnl, lands. 10 cents ench. popuber event. [%lid tills Tuarded. Hoping for a have for adoption, two ovivicalverl"s bg.g. George MeGuireand R(;(I(Iie McDonald Now here is the law : wishing All the compli- years old, (twinst. Apply to MR. two Camp. No. 54, Sons of Scotland. elect- tient its Jot) Iii,iiself, but with a There was Also the f1ro Investi-ration. found up to the higbost n :fr,-. Tf)N, e %fill " - ", - I too ii to 81 Vear I ell, take for I 11011111111 - . __ __ .M. - ". ._ .- _ 'I., , merits*; refe, season. I am, yours truly -, , resident, or MR. M. I,Axs, Secretary. 4 I Ili 0 par a, lieOrge Uarrick. SPCti0lI 43.5 of the Municipid Act which bot for- life w( told have cost th, program to a very attrac-tive A I - 1 :; ad the following officers fot-1899:-P. big circuliLtion, and knowing It" ."""". F. J. PRIbHAM. -- (il"tile It to Grnde Ill. -6rai-co readsartoliows: "Thecouncilof any town $I(N). The -vhole itivestigatiot, will he fiettin by the notivertisve ,,,.'Ali , Rhy- I 11. ,i RESTOS LIDS made from Incembustihis C', Bon' James J. McMath ; chief, that it takes money, and lots nits, Pearl Hilher And Nettie 1111.1116 municipality may by bylaw lititil(yrize Wits Illegal. anothoo columei. Admi,i4ion 10 And 15 yi,' — di I 1'z 7 ,-; , 0 113116 EL90TORS OF UODERICH. mineral 111bre. ahead of anythinif In the Win. MeCreath ; chieftain, Thos. Me- of it to keep tip THg STAR We I al, Josephire McIntyre. Lv a Lh h d r acting head with the ttv.ts- There wits ill 4o t he lielonse char ged '. ,,. . I — coo Ing department tn prevent actire Ing or Lean ; Chaplain, Rev. James A. Ande -- , . 1,. ,, 1 E., . cents. ,,,, WADints A" GlINTLamim-Havinpr Revived burning food, such as ma . tartoca. arro t. . . I must insist on this course. ' Cousins. Lorne V. Todd"LM. P. upeer tphiter(e)of to borrow from tiny ver. tile, of i1clis by the Mayor of only $25'(11. The.bretbren of Maitland If it N ; :;, ,, 'to wroo Pon; recording gecv, James Mitchell ; YI-t - 'vnn Allen, Pearl , , you iaIt.hf4ILv for 15 yeara I again solicit your rice. farena. corn stare . I rridge oys . Son Of- bank such Soma as the cmillell $35 in all. ite-loding use. of ground Itfid 3.9. A. F. arid A. M.. were 1o,uT;'., "A', '!:'1:L, In I orilk, po - ff"o',i MnY Contest, 11, , .-, l votes sirdirifitionchi orl899,anefeal oomildent ters. &a.; &c.. for making toast IN dauay. in financial secy, A. D. McLean : treas., MITCHELL & TODD. Craig, Ge;)I.ge Vivian. deptu necessary tAi meet the (.tll*r*pll 2 . . Any past.r000rd slid actions will merit your sup- fact anything that's worth 000kinne. James t water'. TIW t-vo shotild have had at merit with their firm(bren at Smith .4 , , ! `_. port. As chairman of the Water and.Ligh Heale. who sells them 7 times out o will be A. P. McLean ; matshall. James Tait ; Dec. 29, 1898. Publishers Grade Ili to Grade IV, Miss Ball, expenditure of tile corporation until ,,- comailiteof MY guties have been arduou t or! glad tairive you all particulprs. Catiliciused sUterdard hearer, John S. Howl-je; — R' least $I(X) for sistine ; under- I lit- bylaw flill on Tue.,idav evening tot. irI,t,l1l,1_ ;,. :! : T iper, (t.o furnish his own pipes), D. c -Alden Young, Mahel Trethewn su-.h time %4 the taxes levied I berefor the Mayor coold have charged 111:1k). tion. oll account of tile Stott]) t1len ,. "; Ing IM.Abd r ot many improvements under on any, kind of store. wood coal, fagoilive, or . v- can he collected. and the Counell shall , 4 Q kcb&tl ; senior guard, 51. G. Call ArthurMcLeau, Lea. Elliott, Annie I h bylaw regulate the ainountR tA) There Are many other matte raging. Paul- or the monthei-A "Ifly , , , "", =*ill have to be completed during the in- coaloil. RequirestelowatoRnitor oubt. 110 I- rs I , ns v ,ad Stoddart. Gpi-trude Mory-OW At it v 1v sue *, , " ,Vast-. Th Aectors are aware of the ___ - - __ ----- eron ; junior guard, Alex. Johnston : A SAD AFFLICTION. -A terrilil could dist-oviii, but It W.3old loake this could be fnUnd who, (hit act it) brave Ih' , , propos RJdetrio Light Extension. Whereby . Nicholson, Poarl Trethpway Archi Iettpr too long, bill I Wi drive. And tilev being per unoled th o' 11,;I he borrowed, and deflne tire notes, , T I V the town Ooksury will be enriched. Our water For Sale or To Let. representative to grand camp, M. G. accident happened at the Minneapolis McCaughan Lottia Robinso Lizzin rheques, covereanus (if- agi-eptuctit,; of* I , 11 repeat Whitt lost fit the drift-, g,i,vi , ___ 0 0 -hers to be given it, so(.uVI1,y , I lit tho nomination. that the thethWOUld lie 11 ` supplY09khterfit must be further ImprcAvM and Cameron ; trustees, Alex. YOuno1G M. depot, which bereft Mrs. Dorsey, of KneeqhavV. , an"'Ll a `11'1 1 '. - __ ther vou( Attempt. , " , : Increitsed, on an economical basis. and he G. Came n and A. Straiton ; munt Utkpri out ,If the towil tort-astiry to 0 'j_, gr atcA possible econ,.m prmotised during IDDIANCI FOR SALK-A ChIckering Grand, c T"Vs'- that city -who will be remembered hv Grade IV to Grade V. --it therefor, — .. - ,-, twill. It blected; I will as in the past. serve the A at a gr,st bargain. Got address at lans, Urs. Taylor and Hunter. begs " girie Tye, " The amount Ito borrowed anti for rewistration of i)ll-thq. olar-ling" ! :1 i,; l'UE STAR OFFTOR. officers will he duly installed Daisv Roberts, Max Wilmot) d deaths ,if $51 Khouid never navp , : ". . tpwrifafthfu,U,#.hrtviiiganeyoon tothevery At the many in Goderich as daughter of the Reginald outstanding Shall Ono; At It time Pit. All People We Know. I beqt Intordeo of ,the whole prople. Wishing meeting on Friday, January 13, and title Capt, McKay- of her lovely little Sinith, Willie Tows sey. Joitit McKitv, reed eighty per cent. of ,,,(A, Amount heol.tic.paid by the Treaminer to tile N, *IOALEn*OVEFOItSALE.-Willietitgo at the camp will hereafter meet on the 6 year* old son. He was coming front Peter Coutts, Fr' -ong Cle withoutfil-vithavingtht Sanction ;1,1 t no arid all the ofienollmonts of the saviesurt. I , Mrs. The& Fitickittelt ,volent Chn rvriit. ­tf ) IOU 03 ances Arrostr alri,VAAAA in Blyth 17k '' am, met bodleut servant C a big bargain. Apply RL Term: STAR. Latb Vivi4n, Nina Mitir. Norman Allan '01IM-ti'd as t-AXPII N) pay the ordinary r ,I R. NICHOLSON. . ..... second and fourth Friday's of each afhool and took a Short cut through current expendihire (if the inunivip-d- (if the Council. 11 tile Connell 9,Lld Y VISIttostioples. 1, Ifo0t­ itv in the pro- din ,unicipal vear. perquivite over nnd abl)(14) bore Captal, " . _1 Grace Rf)hprt,.R(,n. Maggie Pr,,n( " OTICE. -We want 1,000 Itim, butter in 24b.' th I 11ey Were willing 0 Allow tbet(II 9 P H'Alls. M- A.. left Wedri.iday ,,,, . f ­ i , Month. e depot and was literally crushed t.o "' cirk Al,,A's ' ,Vfl- ELECTORS -TOWN OF Go . If tten thim - - i alls. For A I butter we will pay It moving train. Only his May McDon Id, Annie Htichanan. 't ., 1" DERICIEL &1hest cash price. alomo fresh its at tt,e, A OLun SHOOT. -On Friday After- P"c"' by a And In Ant, eve'n A uncil author. V, Jag. Il.aP rgone returned h, -­, lot-, 1,,L.':.. amillon St. Produce ritore.-W."I (irade Ill tort Grade IV. Miss Tind. iziez;x the borrowing of a1.1v larger stint PARIS Y. that, would have ettled the fickfor"thdwint r.8 ,.' , H clothes were recognizable, which it r a T, - 190anow, noon the weekly.shootof the Off Hand neighbor picked % And brought to Von'K.-Florence DiOtTich. Arthor than tho Said nial t vr. The qiipstiou of Salary is pri. Ell-Garrow.of`Toronto. ovvo;AL('bri.rt­. t ....... " _ LADIRS, AND 4kreTLEme;N -Under the M "tit. pereentage. tire ineinherg " - shooting show t.he poor mot er. I rely lit the hendm(,ri be coull,11. ,?" cSV Ameordmort Act of ihs. thd council for OWN LOTS FOR SALE.- THE PULLOW. Rifle Club took place at thei: tiger, Alma Dancey. C,.cil Citi-rie, of the coonvil who voted therefor &hnli 1, the familv residence. , . 2 I will loatoornowd of the Mayor and six Tinor roperties for main in the Town of box. lower town. Messt a. Walson and THE STAR PRINTS Quicig, Goon, Herhert. Stuilh, MAggie McEwnn. be dis(loalifled I he app"Int'll'.11t, olf ILI] 1114A Clerka., fit),- POrCY 8 a -, ; councillotWtoboolected general vote, thus GoderichfA front holding tiny 1110111- home on If ,V,of Toronto. wap ;v thi. iit.i dotrig,%warWith-the wai - ' Rutson being th" leaders. The reault Ifariv Babb, John McKintimi. N,-I:ii. cipal office for I lie Poriod (If (Wo . -1f il)(11111"d, it --dist, Octly neder = Day. . ! Six lots on Brittanin-sL, on lake f CHEAP. -Last Thursday afternoon tit . n. 7 6 . fsysteua and reduc rout. No VIlLr,. ., oli I ,,,.he ff.f,s wel,#, i )-ov. H. Valm of WIT14mor. WUA tl'l 0.1-. '' ., if ,! ;, Ing to m0aitiefship of the council from Six. ItS 110 149 160.151 162, wellfonced, in gma.. Was a tie as tire scote shows : McKay, . richided In ,rae-t of hi- brolhe 0, A. : '!L ' fifteen minut,es to four o'clock Trig lt is ('011tended on behall'of I heCO3'n nhtf V. 1: ,L '! Leon to 46voll. As the Position 6f native dn Ugilouao-si., opposite the mark.t. lots TOTA Grade IV to OrAde V. AIny [,n (it that the '1111oltnt. Ie(.riv..d I r, -if- - Hilton tfalmefo, Att Tor into. wam,%, le f k,, 11 10 to '10 Pt . NAME. 100. 200' L. STArt received An Order for Some hand- Chance. Thima I,e,viti. Flo­it- N;Iltf.l. Witter roilf-4 fill( whicill 7plu elected mo for IM, is now no 2 - .66, 61a and Gib, with comfortable I'lleIo %%.km ills.I it)(- [),tvtvl t reit, of ro-islaroo4gyrChrimim I _. . , trameecittago. outbuildings and storehou4c. E. R. Wutson .... 38 . ,, , awat with 4 boot to say that I am a candidate 17 55 lectric light A 141 fir t. 0 piniffloh of one of the six councillors to 0. Pennington .... 44 19 (13 t ,.(if I ,,1 Iii-ld, la. "vil - 'o) roi- i)og ,VL, Two Iota on Harbor flat, 1040, 1041, east bf some folders. requiring fifteen hundre.d " ugh Poll, -y I"it-d Craigi,% Ceplim, be itichid.-d in 1:10111%. l' ftlrld* 11- sort, ,4 $7 " Mr. and tilm Hobvrt'n n,lo,.,e,, . ,,nf % . ­"'; L be elecred,lootul shall be Ifleased to.haveyour St Mill impressions. The gotsis not. being ju Fisher. Fred Stoftiv. "itriv (;f-ama, taxes (0 pAv 11111 "ItInt) T;, L( - ,111.1 I Roil Odd Ile. CIA. %rith frionats at Winicham , I ordinary curront ex "k reveived ­ SuPPQt At.4h0,cOpnIn1C election, as I hope MY t 16. Con. C., containing ten acres, In H. W. Bail ........ 23 I) _112 . .1 ,-o[ $17 W fr"111 the 4111'. 1, . I W,vm 1114 13firesk the , Stofh­ ,rie ,,I .. 11 - - conduct at tho couroll board will have, root g sa. and well fenced, with barn and well. 3 its. Andrews. .. . , 26 5 31 8 i.ock we wired to Hamilton for t hern. May McAuley. perimem of the ninnicipality lit thept.. r .,%,Tie , Allul no ""' .. with lico'do! Alipfobal; all. For the IfiformIttlon bee propeqlem will be sold at bargains, C. Pennington .... 26 6 3 I ceeding yeal, nod, this being .(). (1), ,,,( a .111VI(, ,.,_,I t of 111.4 owl "'" T - A.,, , , , I They arr.ved here Thiirqdjty night At I I Grade Vert V1. Mi voeq Shart , k , "' y ,,).':- J .%I ". 11,,=n:.1,,a,g.,.!s . of those O'boulft %'be fir.) comparatively Apply THO MAS U. N`4 rrEL. Bait th-st. O'clock. were printed and expr,-sqed to) 111i" .411( I ,--t b. -en pnid iet" file tren.or tot ­ se , id 1 Atran orAiA I MaY Say I have always taker- ____ _ .- Rusk. -E te, Sivit.b. Jennie W,jis the legid Amount has TIM beeo ( I Y. p a ItnInnion.fnrol I.,11111,14. tiers. having - the. city of Halifax. Nova Scotia. wher ma I IV:v,­ (')..I k .-Isitil. I hf. IS"t (,,1111,.il ,tll(,W,.d ''n , I __ - rotal ...... ... I Alice rick drawn. As contrairy 1(, this, it i. s I 1', r".1111 of (11ind 1. as In , g , , , Aidord, 16 IdWrimolh muntal 212 thev Arrived Stindav Afternoon. Thi's I our And RalphaShepherd, " , hill. h. retaill it f"ot-111. It"Ilide, 1)[Itit'ne layonDrote.,Ioonibvin#m, ., repregooff(ut bt­Paft1ck'apIIIl T for uoverAl qual, Charlie Hinit,l). F(In Stratton, or,mitrient, itwinher, ,if tit,- i'mitivil ,oil flab, rtTAft, tl,ti.ow. wollkn ,,, I , . Warning. - I here van I -e it(, (I opst me otbont I lit. ri­ ; years , W. Rutqon ...... . 41 12 - N'3 is I-i'llick work, but THE STAR is tnoted 1,eirinard CWT, Jennie Lawson. Vpipt ff(,Ill electric light. for th,-y ,it-,, ­ ­ nPJt,*vyib( 1810 find 1880 and during 1881 ­ - - ­ N. D. Rnugvie ... 22 10 .1_r2 Svdne, .", " and Oas !Lt nis County Council board as - for printing quick, good, Anti cherip. 18W tells Ine th-f-, i no, ti,oh Ili if e wm4 at the (4d home F -r Chr1Av­,. - 11, . , otice that I of I In - - rnt( r. Ill allow no Ono to Antount, I A I ; ., DoplItli-R0116 tit front 1883 to 101 as Town WARNING. -This Is to Capt. Donnelly.... 40 18 INK lietcher. Alan Oarrow, Chit,lic s not ,,,,,,,, : that the vAniet -4 ill] 1814I tnatf, ' %fr. ,nil Ulm IL W. Logan im : - L "' ,4 Clerk, * "L'00od Of soven. ream so that there g1vo n Tom HOCKFCY LICAUTIN. -A ineeting ders. , 11 a cc IM 0 is Va. noull .11111rig.. . ., writer vWt tnih,, obt home, _., . , t or hunt an - Fl-it7le A to V.170.70. And tit kW t,, ., , , 1.11, Are very, fdl* -whoillave had the &Aune manici- tge'ri.twa Islands, or any part of my property. $3JMW 2 1. n ed ev,-e if f heiAor, rolild he , 1, it And ( W,.re Th,, 16111a,--, Prl,-e ro WIterl It,, ,, ­ " - ill ` '' 'pal Oxp Ly have the sup, Wm. Warialcle. ..... 24 27 .51 was held in Clinton on Thor4day of Oradf- VI (for-' -hinding ,,rily) "r his frielel.. at ("'unt'v Cokill. I - or! , ft, 'TrustIng I me Any one doin Ito will be prosecuted for tres. f 'it v , . . - If rhided. it is argued. it woilld Imt bell) : 11,: ove.l,,iV -in cnll lfn, r?; the ,, ,I, 1, , ]port of th' 61 till", 'find thanking you for rov. AIRS. F. ATTRIL4 Ridgewood Park. last, week for the purpose of fortning it M im9e- Shal Irmo and Rosk. Chrio4i lie r (I ers. -i I , 1 , , 6, . i ,lot r Mflt, vAfif toeing ,111,;"(WI to ,r 60 ter 198 by acclamation, 3-.8t Total .......... 21 County Hockey League. The towns (.t4 , pen k fit the timeointi,,il. to take Ad. -Pond I a .r th- h -I Way. at he, 1, ,, , ,- ,, ,,,11 I , : ' , % 2 Andeigon. GI-ACie Dymll, 11111nal(I NJ (-. Not— - cl,etlan- of ill, Ooll,, ,,,, -r Aq and WIFUUDACJ od Ali ther compliments _. .-- --. - — I.. Dr. J. R. Shannon. 19 31 - 1)(1-10d, Lium ShArhian, Rnfov This I lien is a st.,tibinent of I It,- fit vaninge of I his perini,AQ10o t4) Speak tit I 1611-, Ilar-a has rotorned I, -, ­t-th. i ;.. , f. - " 3 '' at I l, I.W. ;'() (if Clinton. Ooderich, Renforth find M` Its We hm.ve gathered them. And th.-v of ,h r I' A . . Lean. Spencer 0 twott, Mriggie Ni tit ray. I J.10 who, h " , , Yoters. N Muslical. Dr. Shannon was not io time it, be 1". , inaII4-m 11­tif whivii ht, knew mitering, ' w 14d bten vi.itift, t,-. . I L . . ,. , , 11 ; . Wingham were iepresented, and At the Harold Ti lot-, XV;k1tv-r Mcf)oristl(l arid A Ruffif-leni, we think, to ,irrivin, with t1w inf,entimi of,I,,ing III, A nri. %1, 13 Asia 1. oufj .one ,,in - ­, , 'e'", ", 1 1; . I WM. CAMPBELL. ­ - -- ==== chosen by the captaing it he fired I he r*1 ,is.$ It I I oor r,­rnnrku ,if lm%t . . n ill -401n Arts-1111trow bi- ho Maya I h I .1 . r I __ - - meeting held in the evening A county w t T U on,proor-Inen I ; -- I'livelt. who . A " ik , SUSIOAL INSTRUCTOR. -Mr. Frederick Vi,toria glack4t(ine, i-qual, Oritharn I Jill V Ito lily apre'd t., tilt- ,.1'.(.f, M %J , I , over the mriges. and. as will he Seen, ,-Pk, hs )r- boor ii". und'. , 1. 'r' , , to t OL t go I I, ,.,, t I I,. I., .11pts Art. it I n I A n cl ro r Ow i r A I _ Tv.... week. w0vo [able to) be U I, , , 0 -­ l , ill " 0, 1 . . 0. Simpson. ori%nist Nortri-St. N,etho, Robinson, (;rn( I(- Dickson, Annie And ,00,of the t"wT1 , .',,',h,,, ,? 1, . .1-1- .. . ", t Church. late or made the top Score at 200 vnrds. league WAS formed, the following well- 1,ewo,. ' lrnini tral It A A I'S IR , I , ,, . . I — ationdl Cornovervator3. . Wilhnr Guest, Andrew Slok­. '" . ,vi,.11, ,IN fnr ,ta lit- is A, to will . 'U Ain't Nfm. Ch-. E ' , . . '_ ;% pieg,nng opvp qif Y. W hat. if tally. 11k. ,of I ? .A*" . , , , ,. car York. will receive pupils (olemairry and A CHRISTMAS WEEK WfrCDI No. - known hockeyist4 being elected officer,; Altan TnM)rd, Beast, Hiiinar,mihp I- A h­'e­fAII;i. d"ing nv,l.. ioJ-1ry , 'Wit -I thA 144y's W, her. to.., it io 1, .1 . , Sol I lid rall me nil of the advanced) In Plar Organ Nord &rill -I Od I , , I A .6 gollb * Hipps I .", hot ottlol of I a Konalorg a Furni- St.udf% The St. rencit. Nforintischl a riderson )%vill lie ?,ilien io t % inalt#r we t., 1"ns,41' th.11 it will u,". .,t , 61 , Kilt'. %1, J)"Iln I Cho-fatm.., '44 6 ' - On Wednesday, at 11.30 a. no.. over r1o) Jackson. *11 A , Spitfort h ; tat vire t)rpR., Charlie Lane. (I if f k now. )tit we fi-,em it ,,,it ,I,if % I 10. R_ Omni oftlic ''' 4 for the v,ar IFM :-LPrepident.. J. A. Clarenre l(tivnit-, Wilhor A In ; , jN 19 ; t,',S o , 11 I Urto Ituilt 414"ofteturbi 4,0., will be hold at God -rich. guests assent bled at the tesidenct- of Dan MrIvor, Goderich 2nd vice-pres . of I 1-te a- -it, fit#- ,,riginn) finitricoal 1 "I pre L 1. I . Mal - Ootfvigiqt ,A., I ," 'I the obin MLmOog 1.1nei town of Godewith to, plAre this 0ni,nipot before ,mr ,, am -twodlnK the h.I1d,1,y. ,%, ,,_ L. , ­ _ , 4 gevv Ball, Philip Nfitrh,­11. A thin Dyk e 0,0-nlo flt w,t. 'I'llv 1­11f.d. 2110 (-P ­q ; 111full. At, ­%r ( tootthren. , , tf% , J 06i in i , 'I , ,%" . on Weddiri ., , , tft j Ath d - 180. ni IS$ EMMA ANDREWS. TEACHER OF Reeve Campbell. Quebec street.. to Wit- J. Hodgson. Wingham ; qee.-treaq., J. ' - rpaders, that, they may linve nil it, . ,! _ , the hittlf-Cif" , . _0. oflaoristl 6% clock in the rbtencion, to re- Plarip Ppe 0 an, HaLl in SlIoltst. . N%', -*I- M r [,(.Fit), printo-d Irmo foan­cript in live hati,14, Imp "M fle-'eii, aII4 ,%I,., ii " , , . and Theory A V. Dmirf:heity. Clinton. The members t--Iligent underlitanding tot the Jtli,t I I ToOle, IeA Chriiitt"Its In I 1­3 ­' %, t, cc Vill I I r, d s1r Rity of ho I% ractint, (lavior withad of the tnwn team hope onrcitizenf; *ill Snell. I . PIT lit w -mid I forn,ato .in Werinavl,ty. - '' i, 11, ' ',.' 'r &.3 *e G M rile Trodoo­,n, Willi.. Ate , War), I,. !" I I , M , A` roport! to real : I [Af-.irl f Ih,­ P'llit'.1 Thl I,t , , OR i A Ir VF ness the marriage of his datighter, Christina NirlwIttmi, " ` '. . .. , if :` a 84 tion. r, palvikt, oL any 69 at A. o Kindergartlif cithoil for young children. Miss Suvel to Mr. W. T. NIIITT)I Y- patronize (bern this Rev;tFoon by being y E havo worle 1. Ibe peblic liw) I J."t I I , .if I Flotifile MCUI-e kl 11. - - - __ k-hort 11-1d. fornit- 1-1- , .. I . I . , I ' thp games played fit ­ vil"'ni . f,. . I I :'L .1 L I , . he bare me of the pro- Students will pursue the Troronto, Conser%afory the popular find well known niet chant rrl spnt, at each of 11"lived Woo, 11­f ok,-. in it. I Al"wed I -I, ,.f 0 ,,I J 11 III 1"' ' . I " it t bf t.ha eviviffillsovir Or to take wares. Toralgoill application at the residence. I I I . , , r ! or dlslNA- W7. 13ritaturia. Road, and. capitallat Rev. J. Wilson, of Pnomforrinov VoNyvvttox, By ,it , t f,. NI, 11,11. Ito, ity.tr_.1i., %t I he (1M lipme he- I ' ' ? I b 61111116 conductin onie, particularlor as l.hey tire under a tirtinoloo, re -open im T,irstisiv, Jan. 3rd Iv cor- . ` ) : roftiff,liboultypany. tAt'dot -- - -- North street Methodist church, er- . _1_1 1h,- iw-tqko . ",,,I ii,t,", A tfevq,je ,,r P, d.v,qr %%,..., -, i . , . L Ap heavy expense by forming TI I rot 0 We lork. it t wh i I h I title till pupils rection of th, Kice.cutive cor;injitt,e .if I An- , t Iwo- t , ,.,,,il,, , . 11 ,: (" , , , I Ch,iv0,".vA.t1'I1 -, ­Ih ,­,, , I 'L' 11 , , : ,*,,-1L ItOBIMTSoN. sedy. Merchants who do not advartise in TIM Si, n formed the ceremony. an(] Nfiqq ld- mi(trecl bot oft -r the )en.,1ua--'hZa=1 Are eXPelzi,eff '­ I -P p-ecAt'lit.. 11 I"pl'.. 1"I'llp'l. lit thi. -(.,114 11.1k­dt .vilw­ 1-11111 1 I , .. "I ,. 04.1!! logo More money think Wa do. red Clenipbell. sister of tht- hrid(-, the West [Inroir Plebiqrite I'"i'lli , it 1 _ Ill I"'i I ?"It wod anol her --rrm 1 " " ,in'[ -%I-- J11A, It ,,,-r Lf _, . I .11 Ir ­­­ I " , t L "" r _ - t,;. ,rm ,'', "L I . :", I nall ship pennant, The home team, " will . S. P. IIALI.R, Principal. convention of thoiar in farorofthe pf­ ;,,I,k ,11.,, fb tl t h,- Olt"IlOnt had "ll'."' "It "t­­ As r -o , to, . . I I Mr. F. G Engle. of Toronto. ri.sqlsted be Seen, plit) the flmt game of the hibition (if the liquor traffle will I,,, 1 tj,)l th.. .1irol.,to fd­h f' **IrA, %vifelf'"), vvvv., f ", " r ',, , _; , 11 ... "I Ntlo",Afivivc; - wag chamirnon,ibiet, Reories Ili Spnforth on lie May(,r arid III, ,%lid %frov. H,siA;),-r. ,it 'r Ar.­,n, /: L ' L I ": L. , ' :. - NEW ADVE11TISEMENTS. ' the happy couple. The hridp ­ , 11, , I I , ': , k% . . I 1. -d - PA(19 gowned handsomely in whiN- -ilk with Soto the Military Drill at 8 ld In the Terntiera"re HILII, 0o4rich 'rr­t­,­r. % h, - if ion hail to be I w"Ol, vl-fttn a' tho r­I,1­i­ ,' ' '' 'L, , . : January 01h. The following in the I George'n 14.19, he , ,,,,, o.11 ,; Ir ,of the rero"I. ""h- 1) C. tmeha. , I ; . : 7 ­ A Air nail %Jr% ite.4 it- - V 11 I ;, I , L h Opp title o'clork p.ro. inw. th., tigor,-s appe, ;"111111 Ili- the,fl000t, oft-mri-ATU. ag; f old To the Mectors-0. (Ahtelon ........... ­ . I organdilif Pitch earrving bnnd,Aome rick at Heaforth of) Jan. 0 : Cli Fort Turi: Cot-VTV col-Kcii. Mr -il)RST, - Nightivivitrilerian .. ' ­ I I i & 10A. re , In , . a "t W *A 06111 StL GtOlVet'a fe, S.-Xiiiies Troo ............... a ftured crepon. And her maid ... pink gorb-dule for the season of IfW : -Gods (in Maturday, Oo 7th Jannary, 18M, if( wo I -,%fit , "'i r, 11 let le lo* ' th entertainnirnt tonight. print -1. aod, I V l"o. t let 'Compeeny will , . n tat , I I'll J I .11 108w , ntore at " I , ,.. I -116*1! . at Sea- ke re- rouvoi, of ", -,w N'ork ,i 11 , '. nhidol re 414 had to the Mectiors-0. A, "tabor ............. I BeAfol'th, Played the wedding march, torth oil Jan. 13 ; W ingbam tit G tm" - : anti' 4` , V 11 bouquets of roses. Miss Wil-t'o- Of Wingharn on Jan. 0; (11intrAn Heigh Chambpra. AShfield'" rppr",-eta- t ,,e I)I,A and ext­nditur,.. lancf`x) k .niva. Rotor M , I oil WEV :11 I . at W,elbek 0. tn. To the Elivieraft-Jeort. wilivore ............... I . HAn Am --k ­i tit, Ili ,oill.i. way. , I , I Wfivaildl- Tin the MmOtOM-P. S. Pddhoone ........... . I Aid the lobster; wag a very Pretty one. rich on Jan. 13: !4eaforth At Wingbarn I I ode- . rr(.". . . r , j YW­1 I Mr Lead met evit h anot her had me i I W '.1- ted 1,, the council I will rieln,thfl In 'Aw Verner k Itiffin r . ,. I I Ili*" Mil" L I live for the Counitv Council. wn,, in on Monday PvAlng. 11fe was wnclk('%?' losinni floor tit - I 64 huo, th t, tr,MqA I. , I ,0 ­ if if -M. Mclicleiti ............... I A ter*& tempting wedding hienkf"t Ing ,tit inventignimn. W.f. and , . , , a vm%n as I 11, it t, I Id fm Ciulth, I mof n(art-voll I "" r it. 6 ottIm6w. 1`6 the E166tcorol,-WhuCampliell ... t...:.. I. hadb0ohoinjoyedand congratr'llaflons 20 . M,aforfrh at Clinton on Jan. 27 : Mr. Chamben Is not no wA-11-kn(iwn in 1 icy walk. which was" he III Ipped on the Niv 1,Pis-1wrilm I Am 1,,I,l ,ire O'k-ornhil- I a- if lvoe4t,Ao r . " "' : , ,1% J 1- the, 0 -tor, on Jan. 20 ; Oode4-ieh at Clinton on Joup. town this week proglieuting hi,orptrivas. on Hotel h of rest w he I , I . 11 I LL L efienevold 'to ill,& 111116bwrotv­J O;Viorfttk. .. .......... I otho*M*4 en tie bridal pair. they took covered Vorithlnoqo M, QtV. 11 - L ­ : . I I .... rr le'Im" to the 91o&*6-Dbd*Va1#Wb% ........... A th rin for the honeymoon trip. Goder"ch at Wln2hAm Oil Joao- 27 I Oodefirich as thp other randidat,es, hut'l,now hreakln bit I , iev a Atim v, I hilt I "IT) 1). t b;d vodl ,,, CIA, t"Of , Vou Whighani itt, SeAffer-th on Pith. 3; clin c, Oft AVM lll(twnv wiph tx, voriv, it i. A. dehi,or .7, vff,V!a " - I . . . In tht rural tectiono; it; regmded as an 1 hptw;,,n Lie I; oulder and olhow, ft an(I 11 plect,,,1, I ...,." . , , 11 i ­ I 0"Utyrijilvoefteii gtocJ$aa­Aia*y*Unff..... I Therol ale emittly friends of noth parties ton lit Goderich Fell. 8 tortle at, obterprising find onwep,zeful far met will take nor t'at- lth th i . whd 111 ho ittily Otte in wishing them andench on letighoeftl at One who watild make a capal a r geld I Willi aniv OL few weeka since the Same 1 '046 Chambers I r. W6, 10. os' - " - Cbo city 00abdi hucariiii I b, L I ! . .1 , "' __ 11(Wift - I -1. 4 . ", , , I I _, 4' -A, owl 'J flff L I I 1 4 Aiiii'dill VMd"hCrI01*1 J­kAol I M , mid Pe Clinton. Pelt, 10, flAtetative of pit -bet town or couletv y Jn Much sytinpoelth 1-4 expres-led foi- Air. ! . . I l 1, 1. tug wedded life. k4lan re' I arm ittram henken near the shaulder. coutwil lxmr(l. 1'/1 j Al".rk"fiF . ...... ", , ;Z L ; Wei. (;,kMP8lgI.I_ V . . r I I I - I V*Oooyievi **$*r.,.,.4..-*.. S ,, "Ties CwAiw M!wanker I Victoria Go and beat the Irish #hII06bll#*1f'0 ,00 county bodr, having lived h6lipple Mef,eod and hv " 4 L I 11. I I . .. , r. ; k fi. 8 A -ti,,Xrooio:wot- " I 0 1 affliction. is sister in their severe -.0- - ,, .., , . . , I . 'JfT&*,z*0V"ltNL *6Kj..,.,A1 ,j ... I at Victoria Open 111cialle WAht, 1runficipal exper encrov. I , I , I I . I I . . r I I . . I r I . I . I I , 1, .. . I 'L 1Tbe Star DrInts qulck4goodi. Cheap) , r M I 1, I I., " 'L I I I L I . . I : ''. ; , . L , I , ; ii f . . ­'LLLL . V 4 I I I 11 I 11 , I ;* " , 11 _ I ,. , I : -1 rr !, '' L y I . L . I L I I& . 'III " t.- I L- , I LL' D I .1 , I I q, ;1 / I I . . I -, . I .. ­-,, I I I . . 'i,ii"J , . 'L ' " '': ,, r '%­, \, . , ­ ; 1 11 . " , " " _,. ', I I , " I I : , . ;,, " , r . '. . r . . I .1 r'(' 1. L,, -L L L , .,&.'.' " I., . i A, I 11)" r 1 ,i,. vot'r, ' 1 . P_11. ALA - , I '' I I ,"I'll" .. 1`l1q..11k_?c*41 1VV%1%% '4 ,- ­ L. ,- 1 V , _1 i 11 ,,.,/ - _,! 4 1 1 Tu , , ,,, ,, __. _" ­ , !. , "r , L (&., ,, t te, , , r 11 r & %-oft- k .,*, - L lv­.4 ,. ­' [W. 111- ra . ,.- _12 --.-- 'llool"Noo-', '_ - 7Ai ,_ I A ,. , el I