HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-12-16, Page 23-
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.7 �? 'PH R16TMA0 10AROL. 113101111. that don't makeAUitur,dWer:. door bed,40. a limpof "itipa' leave5 . I I I :
. I once, It", VIlrisitmas je#0 tbu iiamoi, and Pieces of matting, 01% Which lay it I I I ,..
I �i I I I ., * .
41", . , To ationnal viplamast whether they know it 9r, no , b 4 i,ww, togging, tumiii,g and bab- - . r -
�Ragohx boor tbo 14Qry- I ckl - , " "" it W I , I I , I . I I I
e - 1 0,07 I" " rodoonistd, . es val us much to get pnsea%, tillug vith delirlum. tn the ffill grip of I . . I I , , Lof 60/rar� . �
: give It= And rQ . )�It.
'i , '�S,
. I. Illuilp 40" Wilk Qkrid IA olorzt, and we to , XQ jent$lo fovez-,& young man evident- . I I 11
- ' TOUVO . ��
�� Vring outtkii @it" -he tbegatut"Jethu, YPu-I[A(W1y9U J,y,'hjg, 4DUtie, powerful tramei fearfully , . I , �
�, , - ,k lj*, , .) .
: k ;_ A ad tt4wthem all anew. $.Well I don't know, but what Ill% "" b�illiaw4uilQoulluerpeut. cov- 0 OR . 1". p � .... 11 I I
� , ,, . ,
'' try jilassa- I 'Muia". I irt d I 11
5, , , %haaablB Mr 14 1 1
. . �e . - A sayoueo I - otgo a - acknowledged the epiptain, and eroii by thp ragged -0 94MY all an I . I I � . �
': , . they went on to tell of Oteir queer ex� I ironF4X.s,ofa_s0lQr, He became quieter . -41.,
� A f1cestrual Riteartuat perierices wbile,�cbristmol � " in ont cd, as U , ralsed big head and drunk 4 I
, -
I allephtr"14A the, story- the way Chinese and African ports with the -
� � � . 11*08 .44 . QQrw
. iltiedicittegiyonhim. but began mut- -,
. I I The star had Ip4 s,ito.Way chuckles"aud peale of latl4liter that r.et teritig . agatiri as the doctor laid him � -1
" To It MAU*W Allied W.41 -k -0-0-
:�, :: � I - t I � 6 0, a. t, 7 0 C U r 41 *-as, ru ".1 I . . , I'— - .. __ 1. -
I � i � _ Ped- grinning by form of example, dowr,L . . KiI;_ "_ �� �A i -
'', D alb"Ap9werboth'Taw'dAkway, though he couldn't understand a word. `,He wasia wee bit more rational this �
I 'Ath, tbl* gW $beat* - -1
� And heaven rings w I - I .,��
. I . iolla0 6 .- *'And speakirt of that, Mr. B., " said af teruclout " said McGregor, "and told 11 4 ...... � ... "..." - I I I.. Y, I
. , ....... I
: � Ilan to redeemed '. . III -7
. . I It '. le :t,..
. 4 Mrs Hale, "I thotigtw�=Mybe-1 ... could, me a bit of his story, but he eouldu .. .. .. "? �, �� te!
r I, �,.-,�.
��, - I ::Isl'; I, - S
.i�: . 1.1 %Am � Elosavarnil--Hrilatimat I 7make it a little moralike, Chrlstmas�W - or'wouldn't tell his nama I found him , .�_ - . - :" , ..
�, z� Let heaven and earth repeat. � I C
- you and them other young wen here ju,st outside on the grass and brought "I ..... . i�t
, 11 Join seraphim "(fetterub I , 11 4 . ="'
I, ,4 , Away from their own folks. so I made him In here for want of a better lit 1. .."I.... ____ - N. ...
, . In Imulage at tit* test. Me. - .. - it
, , I .... 1,
� � 1� Let sells of ssvimIr,4"o% You this. " And with that she extraqted "Was there nothing tn his pockets?- `_ � ..:%
� - "' ,
, ,:! Vk ith angel Is sathettr vl%, from her basket the very Murifuther of I asked. � �..- . -, ZI .
,Z� Per unto God thi sweetest auterld - - I .
.,.�") I Is a redeemed qua's orrIl all Ultristmas plum puddings -the first "Nought but thew," showirIgafew .... �, L - I.. - , I I I I J �
, 11 � 4. � ..
I �. �, one I bad seen for three year4 "Maybe oeutimes. at which the old woman i I .-!,-�-,� o. -.- I - 1. . I .--'.1_E-.-
�: � ,,, Bring roses, twpe,ii rowal I Lim t jest what yop'd gel at home, " glared greedily "He may come to his _:I.1:1:1; .... I I . . . . , -t,
,� 4. I For unto you tagivep I 11 i _0 - , I
, 1 , A ranscol from that "To. she said, 4olding it out with both hands senses a bit soon. Ye'd better btdo I TJWJ I I 12 =914011
1 " b.�. . -
,I.- I A pam"port into beaten. while the captain lowered beside her, awhile. " lines -
.1, �t - � � 1, I . - . I I I i
(I " "', Stving wide, ye pearty, settled sis feet of genuine delight at my sar. *Ils he past hope. Mae?" I asked. .
"I I` i 31�� � Let anthems have full swity. prise, " 'cause I didn't have just the -Can't we do au]ything�-take him to a . WH EN TNE -5-TOCKINGS �
11 �- " Tile King of Glory loft his throne �
: Upon that L"artatmas day. right fixta's. but I guess it'll go down better houpe. I meau?" .
� I 1. 0 .. -IN THE FAIRY TALE5 AN t,
'.I i, '.I -William It Shelfteldin, Brooklyn Magle pretty well There, take it and don't The doctor shook his head. "If we -ROM SEVEN MEE I
1��, I
f I ". buther to say one word. " And I knew ,i N E7 ASH E 5 F
I . could get him up north now, I'd say
�I r %, 1%r__W__%1 � ,11� %, ,.,, ,I,,, W W the kind old soul saw that for the mo he'd get well with the constitution he . T 0 Iff� V E: R #I AVE7 7A'KEN' G 1!
. I InOut I could as easily have floWn as has It's the beat of the place that keeps � WVY. THC YOUTH WAS IN' A RA .
. . e I - .
� UNDER THE utter d tire thanks I felt. him down. The poor lad's made like
. "Trust the old lady to know what ()tie of our ain collie dogii--strong and � F W -WERE: OW I _r -AND I fvEVER- �
.11 � S01,P)THERN CR OSS boys like. ' said the captain "We had well in the cold, but when taken by fie. i TO ENTICE UNCLE: IT PLAY
I ?.O% ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^, ^ a boy once ourselve He'd be jest about ver in this climate--whiah I burns up j,i F OWN THff ARTICLE BUT C0( g
, . .1 Your age [low. , I'ise added in a lower like gunpowder. " IF- ANY 5 HOULD E� V E7 N H Elp
It was about 4 o'clock on Christmas tone, glancing at his wife. It was terrible to gee one of my own .
I eve and business was over as I closed -We've got him now, John, as I've race dying thus in the lowest degrada- ,,, D PI AVE F LA6UED F� 0,Vff R TIC k
my desk and rose with a wory yawn. always said and always will, " said tion, like a wretch9d savage, nursed by 0 LE T_ TH E PARROT G ET - I NTO
There was little tit my surroundings to Mrs Hale quietly. rearranging her bas- an ignorant old barbarian only for the
� remind we of the day. no frost on the ket sake of the money she know we would Iff- F`I`?0VtfD TO Off T'"05 E 5AME i
. I windows, no snow on the ground out- The captain went oil in answer to my ONE HAD A SMALL PA I? TY o F P
, give bar, more terrible as time went on I
i side and no sharp bracing cold in the wondering look: You see, our boy run and the poor parched lips never cca.z :, IGH -r 5EF-OFFE CHF?15TMAS AND
off when he wa'u't more'la 15 He'd I '
! air The windowti were as wide open as their childish, unintelligible . ...... I - "' , L
4 been Lind of wild, as boys be, and I'm
V�!, /_11 _I--- "_ - ____� �_ - A-,%., 4* -ag�� M2�� 1`AA7Nio.1.;f
� they could be, and the steady Swinging On, for a bit of Ice or anything to cool
A� of tire "pun4ah" overhead wasi all that Rhald I was a little harsh to him Any. that burning forehead I But nothing is
i , kept the room from being stifling) ,3 hot Way he Went Off vN itbout a word, and 000l there, nothing but death. HOLIDAY PUZZLE.
I and close, for the office was situated we ain't never heard of him since. I So we sat in silence, I with my hol Pat a piece of thin paper over the turkey In the platter, tracing the outline of the
I somewhere aboot latitude 14 north, in feel pretty sure he's dead. but mother met tanning the Hushed face, so drawn turkey, then crittinst It out with sclesors.
i the faraway Philippimi islands, where here sticks to it he ain't. " and haggard, which must have been There are two positions In which tile turkey can be placed over the lottere of the
, the great� beautiful flowers have noper- "And I'm goin ,to stick to it, 3 Ohm, strong and handsoille in health, and the tablet---etich po�ition with the neck uti,permost--and, when property placed, two
, seasonable greetli,gs may be found, by taking the letters along tile border of th
I fume and the wonderful birds never till I know for surs5' And then with 8 doctor ever and anon raised the heavy turkey, commencing at top of neck each time, reading along the right edge, ArOlitis
, L.
� �'�. sing. where the southern cross glitters cheery t3ruilO at me: " It kind of does me head with the gentleness of a,woman the tall, -and back to starting letter.
I ; '� good to keep lopkin forward to seein The first greeting contains twenty-two letters; the second, twenty.
� , over the land at night and the great tend gave medicine, while the old hag
, ,1,'� dipper is upside down and the sun sets RtLfe again some day Now, come along, crouched in a corner and mumbled to Q40
L `!r within two minutes of a quarter after 6 John - it's g0ttill late. " herself, wondering if when the man was
11, �,, FIRST GUERTING.-PIACC tile neck of turkey over the letter "RII In the word
�,,,",�', all the year around. . I slipped on my jacket, whereupon dead she would get a whcle silver pe- "GREAT " fourth line from tog, and the tall over letter "R" Ili "PARTY," next to
t" �", -
, ,
",, So I had before me about two hcrurs Pedro vanished, and accompanied the so or not Outside the brown people bottom Ge, obtailling-"MER �y CHRISTMAS. GREETING."
'. �_
, � - 1�f, - ;; and a half of daylight and I was try. worthy couple down to the door of the ebattered and laughed in their freedom SFCOND L' GREETING.-PIACe neck over letter 'IT" in "TORY," iiext to top line, the
building On the stairs Mrs, Hale turn- from care, now and then peering in with tail over letter "L" lit "PLAGUED " fifth line from bottoull you will receive--
, r" ,i, ing to decide whether to utilize it by YEA It. I - I
� ��,'�,,ir,';,,'��'111 riding out to the teinnis club and hay. oil unit whispered to me: "John talks curious faces and running away with " W 18H YOU A H-I.PPY NEW
, fresh abouts. Their turn ,might come
�,,r ing afternoon ten, or walking to the as if he didn't* 's __ __
. 11 �,��,',
U-Oti, park w bear the band play and see the goin off, but now he really does, Mr. next, but little they cared. The present "Santa Times, runs , 'a' dot our letter.
14X.�'; Thd native clerks B. If he could flud our boy,,'twould was theirs for enjoyment of life. Never A LET1 ER TO 8 .4NTA CLAUS. bruvver. Don'toos'poseliedid?"
I , �,7 . - Spanish dignitaries. "You bet tie did III And over Sammy's
I 911311 � - in the outer room had dusted up and' take ten years off his age and mine too, " mind tomorrow
. R's. Saminy Withers* Clever Scheme and Its face spread a look of tender retros ct- I
. , I did riot doubt it, and I refrained
, 7t - ow came gliding in with bare, splay Suddenly the tumult seemed to in-
. tt,Qf , 11 Admirable Result.. lookas wo Kee oil the chubby fS.1-081
I .M."
�& - toed feet, like black beaded ghosts in from saying that I thought it would crease and concentrate farther down the
Z!-�, proLably add ten years to Rufe's if he road. Then it began to approach, the Oil the L%Neuty fourth day of December, Raphael'R cherul-a-as tie added : "You
. . , . Y17 their white clothes. to bid me "buonsts a tue, of bet he got it I I put It Ili one of his own
"" d��`�V, �Aboer Withers, the sonior par
, � M,`,`i,' ' upohes" and a happy Christmas, and in- could realize the sort of mother and fa- screams and happy laughter of children envelopes a purpose. `-William Henry
I Witherf &Co., picked up the mail that
. 14 �-
. ,4, '&,; ther he had left so many years ago. SIvIter, lit Puck.
�, . cidentally to receive each his holiday mingled with the clearer tones of a for- ftl%,aym awalted his arrival at the office, an
I r .
..�t ... , ,� .. . So I bade them good night, promisin iguer's tonguo, and as tile crowd reach - tinstaroped ,letter on the top of the pile at
. , _ gift of one or perhaps five big silver dol- 9 e
� .1 ... "P... to see thorn in the morning and with ad the but I suddenly heard a familiar atic,z caught his eye. I Hints for Christmas.
. . f ,.1! lars, according to his station, from.lose, .
I I " I the half breed chief clerk, who on the hearty thanks for their thoughtful kind- voice saying: "There, little boy, don't It had been marked: "Returned to Don't ask your child what he wants un-
. . . . . �
. . . . . ! I
���. "
�� ... . less you Intend giving it to him.
� . . � strength of,his dignity and of his speak. ness, and watched them as they trudged you be so greedy Let that little girl %%rit er for prepayment of poatAgg" above
'.1 Z�'�'.� A , t lie address . and tire firm's business cL rd Though money makes the retire go, iL
.. B,,t, ing a little English kept his shirt tuck- away toward the native quarters, their have some. Ain't it nice, John. to see
., �v�`41�', - sturdy figures lowering above the mot- how they enjoy it?" in tile tipper left,hand corner of the makes Santa Claus come.
..: . "', � 3 oil inside It is trousers and wore ern broid- envelope showed where the post -office Don't buy your lit -A girl a present on
..., , 4, � . "' .� 11 end sandals, down to little Nito. the ley crowd ot natives and Chinamen , McGregor looked up in wonder, and had obtAined tile information that enabled the insta4lineut plan, its site might jilt you
, I !;, 1Z - who thronged the narr . ow street and
'. ii, IM.,�, - errand boy, hardly wore than a savage return tile letter. tefore you have ularte all the payments.
, 6 I rose and went to the door There I them to
I ��,.,!� -
V.- I
"...... -,�. , 1.�'. � of the wilderness., They had the filled the air with their uncouth gabble. found Captain Hale and his wife, sur- "The boy hits evidently been careless," Rut) the price mark off tile present tin-
- r.. -
1� _'. " - _- "Christmas feeling" anyway, and asso- I sent my groom home with th,3 pro- rounded by. a perfect horde of deliubte,d th�2uvhl,� 'IHe hits dropped
1.1.4 "W" _..Withers.
. 1" ;1' ciated it NVith the mercury's -rqm!yi-- e4-. _,JA�._ � - - __ ___ - �' "It. - - I �- 1�r � - ' ,��Abe Ui;�.- without tftr� I less it is an expensLve one, .
It,, - , - � � , fifig -ppei4 du-- _, - I II In ir dhnkpiring your girl never
O... " ..."', - tbreuaeu 1".1 -j- -- - - I . -4 ft til�, - n. Lkt' 'U%'e'uo doulit'it's all olveslao -ti, � � - -
11 . "I �' �. from 90 to 105 degrees, as we Now Eng -_ _ - - - Alit would like for Christ
. I club. There I found MbGrogor, -I,'-XA, �IlAg r . 0,�Yft',Jk - - � Mb-whfals this ?11 mas
I'll .1 , .- . 1- - I --a: - , X's Mr. ;nhers had taken t I � -v IsUef to ' .
. I , , , . - � landers do its rambling from zero to Idy, Y W.histli,�o:-Atl.q..Px�mpxii�i"oddi3 I I
. l - _ I- , .
.. .. I , .
- , I Scotch doctor, standing in the doorway and ends from her huge basket, both � At Christmas time it is well enough to
. I ., � '11, fl-tozinp - r5pub - W - 1.
�. I , hand, and the break lit him - --' a
L 11.1 "I and amusing himself by tossing coppers their faces perfect pictures- of the -honest Its the English as far its the plum pudding
.. I The last "ninchas gracrins, sez;6r I�ad been caused by the address it bore,
. 1� .. _. 11 had been said, and the last clerk glided one at a time to a crowd of lame, halt pleasure which changed to such pro- which was simply, "Santa Claus, E�q. " -is concerned-
��,.�";.i: .- . and blind beggars, whons each coin fell found. amazement at the sight of me "Ilutilsome to' y of tile office boy"
o�'f�',, out, and the gray beaded old "prinka Infooler Some persons never wish you a merry
, �, ill",
�V-17, appalling tangle of that for a moment a combined assault I suppose," lie Lontinued. He Is always
, I cooly" was stealthily watching to we instantly became all Christmas unlest, tile)- think they will get
_0 �
:�;�%r',' ' by the native infantry On their basis of .
"! . me take up my. jacket, the signal for skirmy arms and legs. wastingmytinie. Let'ssec." something for doin g so.
:,�.Q ,'� I
" _ .
,`�Pie�. his departure, when the tramping of "Hellol" said lie as I drew up- "I supplies was filillost successful, only The letter read thu% : Tile bachelor who puts his thumb Into
'.111v . was just coiffing round after you. "Su- prevented by a vigorous use of the c "IMAR SANTA, -We are affraid you have the boarding-house Curistmas pie is apt to
�! t I unmistakable and evidently stout boots ap- forgotea. where we Live. you dident bring pull out a col lar button. -Judge.
1�:�,, lul" (get away) to the beggars. who tain's bamboo stick and Mrs Halo"i ine or bertle Any thing Last cristmas Like
0 .,.�,t sounded without, and with a prodigious
...'��. were plucking at various portions of hie a. we dout want you to forget Her Present.
�,�.,`P_ . crash of the screen door there entered gingham umbrell you use to.
, are o
" raiment, and, like metamorphosed Oil- ugth�s time. Pleas bring me A f "I know what I am going to give pa this
11, , into my sanctum stalwart Captain HaIq I started to explain why I was there
, -�',', ver Twists, asking for more. "Aren't but before I finished Mrs Hale with an Skatcs and A big; drum and A Sit t find Christmas," sald Arabella.
1. . 11 of the good.ship Moubegan, arrayed in � -choo car tit r, will go "What, my dear �" asked her mother.
�Ii: bertie wants A choo-choo, car tit
"',:,311 snowy linen and crowned with a broad you acting Ameri-an consul just now?" exclamation of, "Why, the poor fel- well vert wind it up, Arid you till t whig "A nice woollen comforter. IL will be
� 1'1� ,' he inquired. lowl" gave her basket a whirl which hi 71 4ome pict,cher books too, All t of
,_V,X1 pith helmet, accompanied by stout and
, , I During the temporary absence of the hilding blocks. Dout forget tOl, dear lovely to wear when Ned comes to take me
,,!',,., jolly Mrs. Hale, carrying a big basket sent its contents flying in eve6 direc.
V:a�*- consul I had undertaken his not very . Santa Claus. tobogganing."
.'1,�,,� and a brown gingham umbrella, with tion, thereby creating a scene of riot "Your friend, SAMMY WITHFUrq. I
I VI..,
I _�Nlk'_, he ardnous duties, being the only other which those peaceful tropic shades had As Abner read the letter he grew
I her cheerful face beaming from t
,,�,,��,, %11
�.;r'�f depths of a rea I old fashioned surbonnet American resident tit the place. never witnessed the like of, and then thoughtful. The hard lines of his face re-
,"rj, continued tile "me'lico," trotted straight into the hut, followed laxe(l. When he reached tile signature It
'11''I '.. . "Good evening, sir," they both call- " Well. ''
'O"(,_"�,L ,11 have a follow countryman by her husband, who bent his tail form molsture had gathered Ili tits eyes.
��._" ed ont, and Mrs Hale added: "Wish of yourp
� I �, ;',�, I ,111111
,. . 1.
�'X�, , you a merry Christmas, Mr. R My very bad with fever down Ili Malacanan nearly double to enter the door "Poor Sammy and Bottle," lie murtiour- 'L�;'�'a,ft�,
11�1�_"_ I
,11. ,". ain't it hot I" subsiding into the barn- (native quarter), a sailorman, only just The dor,,or rose and bowed with cour- ed; "my own motherless little ol-I . 'T M11 it I
11�6,'.,, . her out of the Spanish jail for thumping a te'sy of 60 years ago as the motherly old Bleil%Lheirheart,sl I have neglecte-d the tit -
`���!Ili! boo obairwhich I hadplacedfor -
�," ,-A , - shamefully. To think they bad to appeal 0
, .. ; :��, � � I under the punkah, with a "pies, hom- guardia (policeman) last year. I have lady bent down by tile sufferer's side, to Santa Claus for Christmas presents .
, bre" (faster, trian), to old Pedro, the my doubts of his lasting long, and you'd crying: "Oh, the poor, poor fellowl w lien their own father Is so able and will- 0
` _� cooly, who redoubled ebis efforts with a better come down if you will. " Just see him, Jobn I" . lug to got them I Indeed, they shall have 0
` disapproving grant. . Of course I would come, consul or I moved in from the doorway, and what they want, 'safety,"choo-choo cars,' I
- . "Good granious, Mr. R," exclaimed not, In these hidden corners of the the light of thd setting sun fell on the and n1l."
Mrs. Hale, " don't. for pity's sake, make world any one in trouble, vagabond, invalid I n face, and suddenly a cry went As soon &a the business of the morning
�., , :1 that poor old feller work so this hot day sailor, "beach comber" or unlucky clerk up that rang through the tiny hovel was disposed of, Mr. Withers went to the 411�
�,� �-r - atfuly,count. Stop it,"' shaking her um- Inmis-
," out of employment, is assure of help and far above the noisy clamor outside toy stores and caruruliy filled the cc
�L I , k from more fortunate fellow countrymen -a cry from the depths of a mother's "tons which had been entrusted to Santa OT 45a
, `
I .11 brolla vigorously at Pedro, who too Chills Ity Sammy, and the work gave him .
� �� I as if lie were Ili hi� native land -surer heart: "Jobul Iludiert It's our Rnfe, . ,J
I this for a signal to go faster still and greater pleasure than he had known In a
y � "I the big frin flapping maidly brick and lim,rhaps, miless it,, hal,pell to be a Chi- our own boy I Oh, Rufy, Rufy, after all I,og time. I
� , I ' " �' , Z.rth till I called, "Despacio" (gently) nallum, in which case his friends let these yearal" lie ordered the things to be delivered . 1� ell
I I hint die numolested and then pay the 4 . 0 . IF * .
� I Tile Montlegan bad been in the bay that night at nine.
�� � L' for a month past under cha'rter to me expenses of burying him in China. a Step out softly, kind old doctor Mr Withers was unusually accessible to A CHRISTMAS SHOOTING -MATCH FOR A
, , , backhanded sort of philanthropy, very C big boysthat night. He told them stories, TlfRR R V.
i � *, , for Boston, and was now cleared and orne with me slid watell the snn go
�� , , characteristic in John Chinaman. and he romped with them until Sammy --- ---. - ---
14� I ,� ready to Bail the next day I had spent Ing down in all its tropical glory be cried, gleefully: ObTletta.0 Buitit-Saws.
� -11__ . thatry a pleasant hour on board with the So the doctor jumped into a public hind the great volcanic range, it you "Why, papp, this in just like the good The Christmas tree bears qxieer fruit
� � Inge and rattled away toward Ma- "
i I captain and big wife,, rejoicing in the OR" can see it, for I canllctL It is all a blur old Lime, we used to have. The bad boy often fares bett-or than he
1� - I homelike feeling it.,gave we to hear lacanan, while I followed on my pony, to me But I can see this --a noble ship But Abner could not help smiling to deserves.
1� I their good old Yankiii forms of speech. leaving the beggars to philosophically
�: I r, , I , squat down around tile club doorway at anchor in the bay with all sails bent, himself tit the uneasiness the children Around Christmas time the turkey has
!-�' , -.*, The very sight of t1i6ir healthy facm I ready to sail tomorrow and bear away evidently felt. Once Bertle even went so a regular roast, always
- ') browned by the from In many seas, did and resume their evorlasting wail of from this burning land one fever strick far as to ask Sammy in a loud whisper if The biggest stocking doesn't
1� I � rue good in my I weaq exile, and their "Charity, for love of heaven. charity I" ell to the cool breezes of the open sea he supposed Santa haft their letter yet . have the ulogt put Into it.
' ' ' Poor old McGrpgor'a story was a and the father Inv] to turn his back to tilde .8 are forgot�
.4 . I , , presence seemed to,diffuselan Atmos- 69A and sure recovery under his own moth a laugh, as Sammy pinched the little fel- The bad boy'm shortcoming
l , , "', ,, phere of the breezy -pinea And wind one, Long years before, as a young inan, or's cam low anti whispered energetically: ten tit Christnerta.
� swept sbores of Maine. And how good he had come to the Philippines on a And hark to the belle of vespers this "llumh up, quick I Next thing papa Ill Santa Claus turns a deaf ear to tile
, I ; I their primitive, fthili�.661,dl food wan Aft- pleasure trip with his wife, and here Christmas eve as they ring the warning bear you I* greedy boy'R requests.
iIII ' . thr months of awful i3jNiltlish 000koll din. the died suddenly of cholera. that ter- from church and gray cathedral. of the But the children were sent to bed It is the free lunch flend who knocks tile
� I I . ., serb on shore I rible scourge of the, east, which then was gloriotta word they will tell tomorrow promptly at half pmt eight. anti the pa,ok- atuffing out of the turkey.
�4" I And now the ,pula thbir hearty claiming its viettmit by thousand% and Tile old wornall who keeps her hoodl
r til of to nien of every faith and cirvedI "Glory ages arrived soon after- Abner received
.I� , � I voices seemed to give the earthquake for 20 years the doctor had Rover left to God in the highest, find on earth them himsel f, ,,ad then noiselessly enter- In her stocking never thinks of hanging I
41 rent, dingy walls ofthe oldi oilloat build- the island where she Iny, atpong the c. good will toward men I Charleh ed the laiy�' lwdroorn, and disposed about 11 li� 0 hangs up the biggest pleat
. I tall Palms tn tile little English cemetery pefte the chamber the articles be had purchas- The girl wit
11 I i , ing a pleasanter op;�,P't i -you me, Mr Bryant Howard to Short 6borielt of mistletoe doesn't get kissed the most
If , tk, Field the tApisiln, "we hinder on Santa Ann hill But ninny others ed When Mr. Withers went to bed hessid -_ - -_
�, � I " thought we'd dvop,lin and give Ye the bed reason to bless the cause that kept .
I Dr McGregor aniong them Front the virlioi,re the Rarth to Dead. to h1rn.elf : nobby'. Imhem..
� good wishes of Oki Wilson 'tore goin Flow cheariew in the wind that sweeps " I (to hope I'll wake in time to bear Finall Bobby was so much tift-tild
tl . . round to do our, 0A KII proudest Spanish Official tn his palace them got tht-Ir prpsent�" That Santa would forget to leave
l� . 01itutnimin. r The hills of Gaillee,
� -,- I I lie added, smiling, �Ithdt,old lAdy can't to the humblest Knvnge in tits bamboo Where. mormurless, that Jordan creeps But there was nodanger of his not hear- The many thlogs he'd asked him for
I . but the doctor's time and skill we -re al. Down to the deep Dead "at ing thelo. for their cries of delight at day- He hang no stocking Chri,itmas Evs.
l I I � got oil Without celeGtin ObVigtimia, ways at their service And ninny a O'er barren rocks the dead vines trial break orould have awakened Rip Van ,,Bemuse," said he. "MI other boys
*� so matter where shi h4 and Aho's &I- ter fresh from home had been And by dead tendrils cling, Winkle himself. Will hang their utockingm tip, and be,
, ways bound to give Wmaprimenth to Youngs tie tiptoed to the door, however, and
-,�, � folks. if we're tit sisiA, ihe givets IM to saved from going wrong tn that land of And on the hill and in the vale peeped through the keyhole. Sammywas If minels not there, caunot help
" wild pnd lawless life by his kindly There is no breath of Wring. But notice It, it wern. to me."
. I my crew, find if we're In, "a like thi mon it red on his bicycle, and leaned against -
,. she hunts tip Poor folu and . gi,ifes lem, wordsk of counsel and advice. The dying glance of Christ the King tiot, wall for support while he tried on his Piensin 0( the C111114.
1 � to lem, heathonsma�4L Aurt that I*, We Atopried at Inst before a miserable Reerns to have staid and stilled big skates. MM Coddl"Alariey, (10 yet' want t,
- I I wn, and The voice of every living thing "Al Wt they just basis to' the boy exclaim. make our little Robert very happy thl
." I hut on the outskirts of the to Where Christ the Iting was,pile&
I 'L mother?" ed. Ch rim, runs P
I;' Mrat yjala u6ddA,' ,iThAi#ti 1, facti giving the puttly it, chilige Of a (iftieting -Oh -h It I ain't dey dust boom f" squealed , Mr. Coddle -Why, certainly, my dear I
I .,. . father, " she AM11 41W I 4tw�nldntt native I followed tile doctor in The tn- Who brooks. the birds that this witti their.
. :. 1, 01 tutivelycool. gave long since passed away. B,rtle, watching his choo-ohoo OW Mrs, Coddle -Well, JuAt lot him bar
_: terlor was dark rind conipa
". " 1. lietsm the )east m1f*,Jijj ()hVIgtIb" it I Atilt all about Jerwislets, careering over the floor. Then his great #0 to bet me that lovely pin lie wishes
� 1 '01 . wuldn't tirliethibi I be I I An old native woman, like a gtoteaflue Mw earth to dead todity, blue eyom filled with -ptsf-tion As he give me for a Christmas present.
.1 , give V*01hut, I
, I �, I ttug on the ballibm _4Qr Warman to YWW Turk fta
I I 11141111A tn " 0 �"' As for be& UUP' WNA squat murmured t
I 1. , . I I I ' - I
I � I .
1 4 p. I � ,
. I . . I �
I . , I
I . I I ,� ,T . I ; ": I . L ,, I . . I I . . I I
I " :� ' ' ' , I. I . I 1, I I I
. - I � r '. f , - A- I J, I I . I I � I I . 1. "I . . 11 1 . I I . I., I . 11 . . , I _t"-', . I � A _ - - I I
-V."Ilpllllllll!ll�� I ;;; I -_ * III
41 '7�M�1. 1111WW1 -A.L I www,;-. - 111
.1 , I - ;,,f.w4,ipkollppqlk,orlpl,�1%,�Iv- r N� ;f
I , ,�� I, .
I I . ...
7- � ,�
Noomber 16, 1898.
I .1� �,
. ,�
P"flu'u"N"i Vw 4"I's "" open, "a
br9thiws Oks4iin and UIv ontiered.
Ulv bao Too,"41y,boaq refumil by the
*9WA; and JWds Move A rXISM1601st gi&AW
bri4e. aq4 M was out for revenge, An
11 4 0irktanas Lsim .
OF THE VIKING& pittIiAwaitprisdo,
, 'Alzewomealluddied
I no "y of the hunting of thiii WM
* together,
while tbo men tried to rally.
in the la�* of Man every ClIxistasits is
otatimewstitkiesel PARSirdlas Susan. the saaa�
The brothe-N b,mif Wked the bridegrOOM,
well kilown, She Is known ssOur 1A.
, and
41navlaw spatis clavi* -4.0"O" of the
_ *WTIV to pluugc� his dag-
Ulv wag
Into hl* tirvat, Then a taribli*f
dy,s lien. GQdts chicken, obrist,it bird,
"t"4 Most-Laitead of fte brothers crash
ger L
was 44wd. and it seemed As
because shir was present at Viltrist's
V1T4Wd Grialiam.
I 0, 000 demous Wqe on the outside. The
birth. brought mom and feathers to
brothers stood as if transfixed. They
cover the Holy Babe and mados, nest In
The peasantry of Norway and Sweden
know it wa � a Aagaardarclen. and they
lit" crAffle'-
generally build their homes as near each faltered.
The doors flow open. and UIv
In F'rancia the cuckoo was beltived to
other as copventent, Often five to seven
wus seized by the threat and drugged
have flown from a Christmas tog.
families live adjoining. constituting a
on the outside. Then the people gather-
A LAtint poem of the middle ages tells
tnittiature village. After(tho first day
, _
a big
ed in the house heard a ahri w I as
that the crosabill batches her eggs at
bagposm'd the enjoyment commences.
of something flying through the air,
Christmas and her young birds fly off in
Dauctilg to the principal enjoyment for
and then all was quiet, but Ulv was
their full plumage at Easter.
theyouth. while the old people and the
never wen Again. His brother Grimm
The Moliammodairis have muny leg-
children stay at home and relletu-se
was badly hurt, but recovorod, and on
ands of lea, or Jc=& One tells that
tales that an replete, with orgies and
Christmas evenings tn years thereafter
"Nissan," or "Torategubbell," as he
he told to the children the wedding few,
when 110 WAS 7 Years old he and his
also to calls& The latter in a miniature
tival that was visited by Aggsard�reiea
OQUIP11411(mv made birds and bealita of
being that ouxTesponds in many respects
-Minneapolis Tribuuc�
clay, and ta proved his superiority by
to the Elootch bVwuic, but is quite
making hie BY and walk as he com-
13suts Clauslike in general Appearance.
The tales that an told have been handed
- -
In the Tyrol they lay the ravens oiled
down from generation to generation,
A Beautiful 4ousloui Which Comes to Us
to have allow white plumage, but one
and wen at one time believed, and even
From the Boulame.
day Jesus wanted to drink at a stream,
in some districts considerable credence
The fashion of docking the house with
and they splashed and so bofouled the
is still given to what to stated about
greens no we do at Christmas dates
water that he could not, so* be saiC.
these unnatural beirigs.
back into old Roman times, when a
Ungrateful bird% you are proud of
I ffiewn to the being that is of the
feast in honor of Saturu was celebrated
your snow white feathers, but they
greatest interest to the young. HO is
and the temples of the dwellings were.
shall become black and remain so until
not a bad follow at d1l. it he can only
dressed with green bougha--possibly a,
-the judgment itay."
have his way Where he lives no one
rommint of that tree worship which,
A Russian legend tells that the horse
knows. It is supposed that he spends
"in itself," says Ruskin, "I believe
flesh to considt-red Rueloun because when,
%he'days sleeping in some of the hills
was always healthy, " when "the flow-
Christ lay in Ill., niatiger the hom ate,
or under the ground- Although he is
ers and trees are themselves behold and
tile hay from Ruder his bed, but tile ox
small, he is possessed with supor
beloved with a half worshiping delight,
would not and brought back oil his
tpral power and can do much to
which it; always noble and lillithful. ,I
horns to replace what the horse sto.
shape the fate of a person, either good
The plants most Ili demand for church
The Britons believe that the ox and
or bad. Great cam is therefore oitor-
decoration at Quicistimits time tn Eug-
the ass talk together between I I and 12
cised to do what is known will please
land as well as in this count" am hol.
O, clock every Christums eve.
N1 . Special attention lit ust be 91' '(I"
ly, bay and laurel. English holly is
tn Germany the cattle kneel tn their
him Christmas eve. Should he (1101110
sometimes Imported, but the American
stalh; at that hour. Another version
Around after midnight mud his favorite
holly, which comes from Virginia and
says they stand up,
dish, rornegrod, has not been placed
other sections of the south, is a very
The ass anti tile cow am sacred be -
outside near the door, trouble will to-
good substitute for it, ' The bay is the
canoe they breathed upou the Holy Babe
rarest plant of the three in this country,
in his stall.
When the people awake in the morn-
but ground laurel is commonly sold and
Tile ass is the most sure footed of an, -
Jug, they can expect to find their cattle
is one ,if the most effective of the Christ-
'Hale because lie carried tire holy faurd-
in a terrible condition, Nissen general'
mas greens.
ly to Egypt by night Ho has had a
ly VORIS big VellgeAllCe On tile animals
In decorating n room with Christmas
cross on his back ever since.
of the farm. They will be tired the
greens it should be remembered that a
Old women used to sprinkle holy wa.
next day, showing that Nissen has been
very Blight touch of color should be used
ter din the ass and the cow to drive awav
playing some prank with them, thereby
with green and that the most objec,
keeping sloop from them Articles in
ti,nablo of all things is too profuse doo-
Bees are said to buzz in their, hives
the barn will be found topsy turvy,
oration. Christmas greens are usually
at the exact hour of our Suviour's birth.
while the horses have been turned
kept till after Twelfth Night, which
In north Germany tire version of the
Around in their stall, but if the dish
occurs oil jail. 6, and thqy should cor-
I Ilan in the moon is thus told: One
has been placed out for him he is hap-
tainly be cleared awny by the 2d of
Christmas eve, IL Peasant greatly desired
py. He shows hisgratefulnems in deed8,
February, or Ciindlemas day, or other-
cabbage, but an lie had none Ili his own
When the hired mail ill that Case goes
wise, as tradition says, a goblill will
garden lie stole front his neighbor.
out cc the barn Christirfas morning. he
may expect to find all his chores done,
appear for every green leaf left behind.
It must have been a slovenly
Just its lie tilled his baskot the Christ
Child rodo by on tits white horse anA
The horses have been curried so th"y
litonst,wife who would lemo her Gbrist-
said. "Because then Ilan stolen on
. I
look fine as ailk, while the cows give ,
mas greens up for so many weeks, and
Christmas eve thou shalt sit in tho
twice their 060al amount of milk. In ,
g,,i lins of discontent anti uncleanliness
moon With thy VabbagV bitIkUt. Aed,
many cases the wood has been split,
%v,,tild be sure to invik,lo much a house.-
thor's he still ldtH-_Pll'lud�.1I)h'a I,edv-
Many SUPOrstitiOus POOP10 On this Oc-
Philad,4pbiat Times.
or. __ ______
casion bar the door with a piece of steel.
They am afraid of him, and steel is
the only thing that Nimen hits no pi,wer
Christmas In Denmark.
-_ .
over He has often been known to have
The tree is always lighted on Christ.
A Oustoun That Conies From the Throo
entered the house and stolen food. Many
nias eve Ili Denmark. and the faujily all
Wise Men Who F.11 -d th. star.
a hired girl can vouch for the fact that
lllr_�ot togetiwr their. The older people
Of courso you nood riot be told of the
she has heard him ClilllbiLlg 1111013t OU
get their presents oil a plate at their
origin of presenting gifts at. this season
the shelves of the larder, and even in a
Places at the table, and the childron'ti
of the year. Thu three wise men who
tow ewes he has been seen.
gifts are oil tire tree. Roast goose im al-
followed tile star until It remained stat.
The youth still in a manner retain
ways the chief featuro of our Christmas
tionalry ov�r the stable Ili Bethlehem,
the habits of their ancestry. At eventide
eve dinnor and it dish of rice is eaten
and who, ont, ring the hovel wherein
they gather together from the small
oil Uhr�stma_ botoft"dinner is merv-
were the vOw , ud the ass, knelt down
villages and visit their neighbors. ":-
. `4 A,pple frittot;p.aro eatent instead (if
before tit,, lwnu iful Babe Ili the manger,
rule, the ground at this time of ytdr is,
'P,[T4t ----,Jtng. Chrijoinag (Inv it -V ko
Waveil Iw(,Lr-. 414 lwesontA of Wvr,,l, ,
heavilycovered with snow, and the trip
Observed strictly lim a religinfisfeativill,
rtallAlircoll- Ay"If4lu. ..i- ---
has to be made oil skis This is onot 4
,lot ,ho (Illy befint, atid the (lay after
1, ,ho oxam, ,,, that you follow t6day,
the most delightful features of tho'eelo-
Christmas are Li,)Ildays. Tile thoati-rA
I,hiiia years after the Magi nutdo oboi-
bration The ski is tho national article
are o1writ, and tit(, young pvoplo give
sance to the Child Jesus, and wh--ll you
of locomotion, and the boys and girls
danum Our little Danish children (to
place presents before the little ones who
are adepts in the art of standing on
"'It know alimit Santa, Clau& They
are made In tire image Of the Divine
them in the deep declines and ruggod
� have itimt-,ad what they call a Nissen,
Babe you art) doing what was done by
hills. The young people go from neigh.
I ln`alling it (1iristinas browuio in the
the eastern kings. but romembur that to
her to neighbor gathering more of them.
shape of it littlo old mail with n large
carry out their examplo to the fell tile
They have often no partirular destina-
91 -ay beard w1w is suillwmed to live oil-
babom in the mangt-rm, the little onus in
tion, but know they will end Home-
der tho gnmnd. Aimther Danish imper-
hovels, must not he forg,)ttell
where. When they collie to some partic-
stition is that tit midnight Chrimtnias
Most of our (1iristruas custonis ,,)me
ularly large farmhouse, they drop their
eve the (,(,ws in the stable rise and low
from the German Kris Kringle is a
skis and go inside. Here everything is
in w0utatiou, and oil Christmas eve
legendary myth wlom) urigit, is iuVOlV-
in readiness for them in tho wav of
young initiflens hAl their fortune� by
ed Ili much doubt F.,rincrly Ili tile
food, drink and musio ,rho fiddler
breaking thu whito Of till ogg itil,, a
small villages Of (;,-riwiny tho prewnts
atTikes up him nwrry itines, and th'ise
glass of wtiti,r air(] watf-hing tire mhapos
made by till tbo ltart�ntm wvri, sent to -1110
present are burled into a viirtox of nivr�
It "A"11111"s
one person, %%ho, In high bu.,kins, it
''Wagi-lig Jul!" Is the Danish gr(4-t
white robe, it imisk and air vivIrnmus
In most parts of the country this foll
leg f''r '' Ilappy ('hriNtlnus!-SvI�wtvd
flax wig, and hu,mi, as Kne,ht Rupert,
ture is in no way niarre-1, and tit(, danco
-.-- _____._
oplit fr,,Ili 1).,u,, t�, lioum. [I., was rti-
goes on until late tit tire morning, whou
Chriot,nsoi Is LIttalsind.
ceived by tit,, par,111,8 With wreat rover -
the young go holne, only to meet some-
I faney an English Christmas is too
ont�o, anti. calling for the children, pm -
where else the following night.
well known to noed inuch dow-ription.
,ented the gifts to thein according to
In some of the primitivepartsof Nor-
English nov(,Im have dowribod it fully I
the accounts of their conduct received
way, as Guldbrajoisdalen and Voss,
and the rngliNh illuNtrated papers at
from the parents. It aptimirs as highly
lights were indulged in in years gone
Christmas tinio give a g(xA idea of the
Pr`l"bl` that this cu4t,,in gave rise to
by This custom has not entirely chaug-
festivities Every one who has a conn-
our present imilluieruhlo legends alsius
ed, but the fatalities that were so coin-
try place goes there for CbriNtinas.
Santa Claus.-Philadolphia, Time&
men then do not exist now Then when
There is generally it large house party,
- - - - ___._
a couple went to one of thogo datives
and dancing rind i4kating holp to pass
Chrt.trras W..th�r.
the girl would generally take hur Ifiv
the time The hou.-% and churches tire
In a note f,dl,ming s,mio quotati,mi;
or's funeral gown along, fully expeot-
decoratod with Ivdly and greens, and
r(�gair(tiiig('hristiit;ts;tiiiI %% ntvr W- 10hor
ing that he would wwd it before the
" tit istletoo hangs on the castle will 1. "
the author Of air ,,[d 1-11,1r,11 1,11�11,1iti()n
night had gone.
The tree is r0olOst am universal an imoti,
says. The,o� prtwii,mi tif -atlwr,
In the southern part of Sweden. Yul.
tution in England its tit Germany, and
or(- . I lw�k ul . � ,is Wi,,gI tlt--r tinoor
lotte, a custom that is very b4lUtItifIll, is
the evening is given over to aniuming
jain, and %�',J,, t 11..v Or JLIw IV ol-r-A
recognized by the peasantry The early
the children, who play blind nian's
would not (-fl-,n mims a- -1 B, -i
morning mass at 4 30 Christnuis (lay is
buff, snap dragon and hide and seek.
being quoted as al- 0- pm%orb is
attended by nearly every one The
The proverbial Fnghsh Christmas (Jilt.
varied as f,. I 1,, w a 'L. It 1� r \[fly tllak�s a
members of the congrogntimi have often
ner always invIn(li-s ronst boof and plum
fat churchyard" and \ green wito,ir
as far as seven miles to walk through
pudding Every wl f respecting Fngl Oih
makes a flit � barchyn"i To t1w intwir
the allow They collie from till diroo-
man goom to churvit on Christmam inorn-
proverb im a' Id:A tbi, -to, "Thii prov-
lien* in delegations, ench carrying a
ing, and in some country parish4,n the
orb was F411 Ili 11-oll, ,,oifutf.1 tit the
long pole upon which a piece of pitch
"waitA still sing their carolm front
year 166i ' w )_7 , I- winter was v--ry
in burning An the surroundings are
bome to house oil Christmas eve
mild, anti yot tit) O-ti.dity or el�idi,iu
still tn darknems, the Night Of those
In other respects it is kept very murb
ical disease vu�u� .1 � I— siinitus,r ()r au -
moving lights toward one centor is im-
as the Anivrican ChriStTlIns, -13ritigh
tuma following I'll I la(b.1 I'll lit Ledg-
polling The bimd nion tit this Iyarf of
Consul in Chicago Tribune.
thecountry have a rvlwr 1swuhar Joke
__ - -_ -
that they try to play upon each other
cho.t.- Roorig.
ch -t -
a Christmas mor-ulng It to to try to got
In the dark- ,,( t ho -ing
Romp on m,- -1
Tho wind � 'I.
t up early and go over to tile tv�ighl.ns,
Slo-ph,,rd. - th.- -t n pliti.
B.t, I.t is , �,tl� - It �lli, I
and perform the chor,m of the hirtA
Saw a tzlori I.rittion dawning,
Wo*kl k -p tmy Chri.fro- .tttL
mail there before he g,,ts up ( ;rvat ,to
Board a J,.vf,il --1 tmui
"(41- high -C
7-' 'r',"
- Wnhor i,k�tt,
light in taken tit tile liorpotratiOn of this
Pea, - . n' h I ,
Lo 1, now t- --- - )-ful'-t ro,aall
1,st .-try . 1�. J'Aly
In the early paIt of the century It
Then b.fo,. III— --toring, lia"ning,
F -h r-- - I h I v v 1- - is d-4
was a belief that on Chriotnian ove till
C.,.. thI, t--1-- a�[ tmim
Dano, in g-o-,. 1uh,ly gli.t.turig,
And .very I..t ,��th li�,Ily
- Witham
the unnatural beingp Joined rtigether in
Singing ,, nod ,, or ovain
For till). ohildrI,o "�h-
a grand carousal They were led by
1111,,ry OI ,ho high -ti
Pt� on enrth"
A loy-tis m-- -1111 --k-
Thor, the god of the elenwnta. and they
W. bring on, p---., trif, - - them
flow through the air, crt-iling a terrible
Tell to all t -l- ti- o-7
Fv.n for the d-, ,,h,ki I -1r.
0i� (hry-
noise and often dalmign J�A,an Wollia-
of the wo-1-i. �knvir*s hirtli.
ven a poem " Anganrd,rn�wu telliiflof 7
Tell of h- h� -- f,,,- 91-7
To be er:�l , h,. K I no of -OL
A]-. huglos of h. t t II,, t h. - h- I,f Pon- t
FAwt, w-t. north -1 -11th I -,t the i -it qc�
deed that was conialiti-I Iyv this ock.
Glory in th� higherill
ml �.,_- .
It waA CbriRtmas ov,-, alld a wedding
Peace .1? _'t h I
sing thv monit of li-t joy that the engols b&
a was being colebrattA 1 -he britic was of
Bin no more nhall el, o h -'s portalfi,
St., of glory to O.d and .f CrIod .ill to �
the fairest and the hrOvim-zo tile
opim far -I .1,1,, thI,3' -We,
- whtttior�
worthiest Many -had ko-n ii,f- d and
,-nlul". I�l by
For lli�iah ..t,, �,rt.l.
- ftil forrit n.- +,th bring.
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