HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-12-16, Page 21e otL f ,# HOW FAR YOUR t Da Apps oO Oe 9, .0 DQPO 9Ctsd OgoO DOLLAR A1MI 940 9,Oa? Ate Adbe VapO PapO T#1 ., •i.O 1 RICH STAR. Is a question many ask themselves at this seasonof the year. It will stretch a long way if you buy your �ttttrrai • Dry Goods and Clothin H. PEDDER'S "Yon are on the lookout" For-..r..�►:. Sensible Presents... . Our Table Linens " Napkins " Cloths Linen Towels Blankets Underwear Linen Handkerchiefs Silk Handkerchiefs Neck Scarfs Ladies' Ties 1len's Ties Ladies' Belts Dress Goods Ready -to -Wear Clothing. t4 4t 4� 64 CODERICH. These Goods at our Prices make good Presents at small Cost to the Buyer. • • i It chanced within tho Peterhov When darkness loft tho skies. About rho hour when ter Ids milk Tho bottle bablr cries, The czar to aturt or fluted steal Was dreatntag dreams Ot peace -- Of days when he will own the earth And cruel war will cease, FAVOR US AND )(OURSELVES BY DEALING AT . J. H. PEDDER'S, TAKEEPINCH WITH UsTw Table Salt. Butter Salt. Cheese Salt. Farm Salt. Reid's Old Stand. 011 Do„O ..r ATT A PINCH WITH US"—it won't hurt—its all Salt—guaranteed so. Its been on the market for over 20 years. Taken over 60 awards at World's leading Expositions for its purity and excellence. YOU WANT IT I Pro- gressive housekeepers always insist on having it—they know what's what. This ie the brand, tyke no other: AZri ,Q15, RICE'S PURE SALT. Sold by Progressive Grocers everywhere. �'L-.SOLE MAKERS�7 THE NORTH AMERICAN CHEMICAL CO,, Limited, GODERICH, Ont. 00 $otiv THIS BANK OF MONTREAL. HE ta1nk. of Montreal allows interest on depoeite, and issues Money Orders, to ail parte of Canada, at great advantage to the farmers of Huron, and r]epoeitorn generally. This Dank has a paid op capital of $12,00,000 ana a rest of $6,000,000 as serenity for its depositors, thus giving solid (courtly toils patrons. W. L. ELIOT, Manager, GODFJRtOR BRANCB. THE WELL KNOWN HAMILTON -ST ROGER, —Ie still to the front with the largeet Stock of---- 6hrlstfas rruIis a�tl 6i1E1E1I6S we ever carried. WE HAVE --Oranges, 2 dozen for 25c. —Others 20e, 80c, 40o, and np to hoc a dozen. —A men Cream Candy for 10c a Ib. — A good Mixed Candy, 4 lbs. for 26o. —Mixt:Nnte, 2 lbs. for 2iic. -- .Cbololittes, Datee, Figs, (co, We can't begin to tell von alt we have for Christmas. We ask yon to come to our store and we *ilt.lietld iron away happy. 1f yon want a Set of Dishes or a nice Parlor Lamp, Or anything in China Ware, we can supply you at 2.600 Sheets of Mask, 650 at half price, 10 cent editions, Mario and , Vocal lowest price. or Instrumental. Any song not in stock will be ordered,, aand receive our prompt and careful attention. Call and see the "VIRGIL PRACTICE CLAVIER, ' rho first and only one in Qoderich, • HOW TOMMY CAUGHT SANTA CLAUS. FOR MANY YLRRS We have led the market in our annual display of Christfnas Meats and Poultry. All Huron County contributes to our stook, and the public know that when a good Roast or Cut in either Flesh or Fowl is wanted McLean's Meat Market is the place to get it. We have a lot of dandy carcases for your inspection next week, and you'll be bard to please if you don't find JUST IV FIAT YOU WANT in our stook. Come and see tie anyway. We want to show you what this good County of Huron can produce. ROBT. MCL i'AN, EAST SIDE OF SQUARE, . ODDER ICH, ONT MERRY GHRISTMfS, NIIIBOK ! find Manu Ham Returns of the Season. You may have the sometimes difficult taek of selecting a Christmas Present. or pro- viding for the Christmas table. Do von know that we can make it easy for you in either line? China Ware is always acceptable. even to to the crusty bachelor, and we can suit you to a dot either old or young, rich or poor, cranky or eaev going. Bealitlrul Imported Goods to single pieces or largest cote, and the latest fan- cies in the most exeoting city circles. Christmas Fruits and Table Deli- cacies, as well as the staple necessaries of the household, the beet goods that money and skill can produce. You WANT THEM -we 'oat rutin% Isn't that enough to bring you to our store 7 T. G TIPLINOs BEDFORI) BLOCK FAMILY GROCERS THE UNION HOTEL, BEN. J SAULTS, Prop. ARMERS for many wiles distant and the general travelling public know of the Union Hotel, eitllate on ilamilton Street, under try present management for seven years. On the past and present reputation I am at the old stand to do business, and gnaranteo the beet poss'hle for man and beast. The shoemaker declares "There's nothing like good leather I " Our motto is "7'116 best goods and the best accommodation that's going I" The Cuion i8 electric Lighted. Bus to and flow all trains. ado all kiwis of MOULDING G AND REPAIR MACHINERY of any deecraption at short notice and for h'ttle tnoney The Henderson BIGUGie Go., LitIted, Ooder1Gh MUSiCAL iNSTRUCIENTS FOR CH RiSTCIAS AT TiIoNtsoN'N :Ul'Nl(' NTORh: The "WORMWORTIi" Plano, mnnnfnrturod by one of tile oldest piano firms in Canada. For beauty of finish, purity ( f tone and honesty of construction, has few equals and no superiors, The "CELEBRATED (;ODERI('lf OltfiA f," which now seta the pace for other maker., from $45.00 np. A largo stook of Violins, Guitars, Mandoline, Accordions, ko., to make a choice from. In Bewlnv Machines we have the Leaders. Canada's favorite, the •'NEWV WILLIAMS," manntaetared in Montreal. The ••WHITE," the Ktng of machines, manufactured in Cleveland, Ohio. Each with a 10 years' guarantee and an enviable reputati G. M. ELLIOTT, • THE HAMILTON -8T, GROOER G EO. W. TH OMSO N. WEST HIDE OF SQUARE, aODERtCfly xl Groat Tyan Aker. ohooskt rose, That chef of high nenown. Whose privilege it 1s to do The royal pan. cakes Grown. But when ho reached th., kitchen range To light the morning aro He saw a eight that made his skin An icy sweat perspire. For, to, upon the hearthaton0 lay A box of just tho alae Of those on whloh our tyrants soar To mansions to the rklee! Ho raked a eon. sonaotal Yen Of horrorand of tear Thlt tore the lin- ing from his lungs And split the welkin's ear. The sentinels and warders came— Oh, where wa Davie then? Tho scene was one that should be shown By his Immortal 4)en. They raped and chased In bal- lad style (So. Percy, Kip- ling, Scott). They banged the tocsin on the tower, The culvorin they ehot- t lkwr 10, ift48 1Nt BUSINESS AND *�.. SLIORTHt%NI College,c .Yr4LI da 1. x n Lint -class Commercial He haul. ire, 31-1I94Ali 0wurcr. iucrutsotl start of twit of oted) luster Ot.lket caiahio qualittod lc.lructur why aivs Instruction which cuahre ititot meet. to sntrurnthc bolt ralarltd l.le'i1 cue*Ad to Goy theWrIto me. tscare/dug em a/duw g ;ublta exanttna• It iZ Minn)°, k'CIlow lncoroortus tray, untolde`2"'toly andJlu,.Ittrrta� Under. Ifradu4te.7•nr. taus.. 81.. of 1y. 3.. Priuu Next Week We will have Cor ham/wino stook of Perfumery, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Combs Dressing Cases, Mani- cures, Silver Mounted Pipes, etc., etc., opened up and ready to seal. All fresh goods. No baruaio ooenter stuff. Call and ace our Ebony Goods. J WILSON, Prescription --------- LILY! LILY ! LILY ! If you don't know what 11 is your dealer will tell you It is the best 10 cont pill l „1' Smoking To-' b;tc:o on tl,e THE OLD RELIABLE ,ALL KINDS OF COAL. ALWAYS ON n82sL. The best Scranton Ha: J Coal In the marzet for CP S PIC All cost weighed on the market scales where you get 2000'\1bb�s. for a ton. C•.• ipmrig Now Tolstoi Resat i'- .� E• y -,w• &in Lee & hlrwppard'. store rt,.._.—AH-prompt attention Oh, may themulate have pity on 1:aeh nlhnletl. soul! Eft Boons a h. r- lookskl Holme. eokorr Unearthed Si awful clew— The mot here of Bt. Petersburg Will long that morning rue. 110 found within the p a 1 a walla A nihilistic plot Ten mon with high exploaly names Were on the In - at ant phot. They then 6rough forth a conylc' who To death was (1„ern ••,1 111• z t lay And promised him a pardon If Ilei 1 1.,111• the thing 114'01 Ito thought of sit his Little ones, 110 oorrowod for his wife. A frozen tear or two he •hod. Then bele fare- well to life. With trembling hands he car- ried It ne)un•1 the ett- er k.tte There on a dreary waste of snow 11 a F u r t h r tempted tat.. Ile severed all the .•r .r \\Ilk )1'1 h 111 h Iw heti n•i u And with it at,,ro of caramels This ht ".. lard be found •'With oensnnahlei rami+1 •rn�n1< Pel h Sa n 1 11 (•Iaunkl e 4 j This to h1. 1.ntl••i Father.kl With hsps.<thn'l ho may 11.5 Oh, then they all tomo offnkl quirk Anil to themselves they fell - Now, to not this a. quaint a tale As evbr bald did ten' 10 COAL CHARCOAL WOOD and KINDLING. Wt'. are 4t tit al th'old atntftl, ?Tont `ll.. when. 14'' 1)4154• 11.4'11 supply - 1111g our l'll4t11111'PN for a tllttnitt't' of ythtrs. %V' kn•,ty lh^ fuel thitt snit. you. Orders 1t with mir delivery rigs u1 at %Vutt;' \te,c,• /ltd in ship and ,tt our ,slue will t '(('114' pr"ulpt st lent Intl, Ail coal weighed 1111 marl. et Teal's mikes otlt'rtviw• otd'trd. We run scot'( tl drays in lon111' - tinn. I'In1Vr: Il'2 t';11tT \ W.: ,t N t) Ft' Er.co. John Si Platt, -MA r AO. la R. l�loney Saved it, Int my your (1l nstrnnx n'rl \ew 7eerx pre.entx at YATES' BOOK STORE. N'•:wt' ti(•t)( K OF. . CHRISTMAS GOODS Now being opened .out. Gall and see our display before purl h ai ng. JAMES YAMS. F