HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-12-16, Page 19wigs - ,i ''-OHRT011A$ NTS: Btte VOL. XXXVIlt WHOLE NO. On GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 1898 litlxttBT�1+1 4k.1`0112'ti. t llfll-- ALL THE YEAR ROUND Carry the largest and best assorted stock of Dry Goods and House Furnishings TUE GODERIOIu ORGAN FACTORY IN 1802. Facts and figures. GO DERICH. Apart from the unimportant factor of mere quantity, this establishment oanios a stock of as High Class Goode as many of the largest and most pro. gressive city stores. Careful attention and discrimination used in selecting Reliable, Dependable and Up.To Date Goods for each season. Prices as low as any other store considerate with quality. The Holidays are at hand, Our best efforts will be shown in Prices and Assortments. CHRISTMAS DRESS GOODS In handsome blank Crepon Broclies 55o to $1.75. Taffetta Waist or Dress Silks In plain Reds, Cerise, Greens, Pinks and Bluer. JAMMET'S, TREFOTJSSE'S, and PERRIN'S KID GLOVES. Browns, bines, and new holiday ebedes, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. MEN'S LINED KID GLOVES. Christmas stook at f►5o, $1.24 $1.50, and $2.25. LADIES' "'AND MEN'S SILK. UM- BRELLAS, . Sterling silver trimmed handles at $1.85, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $4.00. HANDKERCHIEFS. Our Handkerchief Holdiday Trade assumes every season immense proportions. likely be- cauee we always show just a little newer and daintier novelties than ordinary stores. This season eclipses all former for variety and quantity. Otevernl hundred dozen is our new stook and certainly one of the handsomest choices it is in Canada. Men's, Ladies'. Misses and Children's, every prleo from Cotton at lo each to finest quality In Irish Linen. PRACTICAL PRESENTS. Ladies' Fur Capes of No. 1 Astrachan, guaranteed finest qsndullweeplengh28inche special at 516 00 Ladles' Astrachan Coats, 30 Maw s long, guava ntoed No. t quality, special at 525.00 and $27.00. Ladies' Beaver and Carl Cloth Coats, nearly 100 still to choose from stud all are this season's styles. Silk Taffetta lined New York Coats, $16,00 for $9.00. Men's Walluby, and Wombat Coate $10 to $20. Men's Coon Coats, $27 to $86. Saskatchewan Robes now beaming Many silk lined stylish New York so favorably known as almost in. Coats. all at Sale Price of destt•notable. Dozens to choose from i to i off. from at Cut Holiday Prices. All wool Frieze Coate, good style • CARPET DEPARTMENT. and well faced, $4.00 for $2.76. Entire second floor reflecting the Heaver Beaver Coats, velvet collar, etrbpped sleeves and jauntily trimmed, regular $5.50 for $8.75. English heavy all wool Kersey Cloth and Curl Cloth Jackets, $10.00 for $7.00. . INSPECTION INVITED.' tl bright colors of all that is beauti- ful in Velvet Rage, Brussels. Axmiustar, Tapestry Carpets, iu prises 25o, 40o, 50o, 750, $1.00, and 1.15 per yard. Carpets made, lined and laid at closest price. TXT A l t'Iq, & SOT& Building and Manufacturing Continued from page 1. THE GODERICH ORGAN FACTORY. The Qoderich Organ Co., a cnt of whose factory is given on this page. is one of our leading industries. The pur- chase of this institution by the present firni marked an era in the progress of the town, and was largely the Ineansof bringing other industries here. Situ- ated as we are in the midst of mut-h valuable timber. no better point can be found in Canada for the establishment of wood working and kindred manu- factories, and we invite the attention of parties looking tor a favorable lora- tion, recommending that they visit Uo(lerich and interview our leading manufacturers before deciding on it location elsewhere. The Godetich Or - co. was started in 1889 by the citi• zens of Life town. arid employed 18 men, but. the company, after running for nearly three years at a loss, decided to sell out, and the present conpany. com- posed of James Clark, James A. McKay and Aleck Saanders, purchased at, and have since grown steadily, until today they have a factory second -to none an Canada, selling their products all over the world. A glance at the smaller picture of the Company's building, as it appeared in 1892, and a comparison with that of their present factory, tells* of the progress they have made. They now employ over 80 hands, and are adding to the factory, as the orders are ahead of its present •cspacity. They make a specialty of high grade organs, piano and organ stools and chairs, and are practically the only firm in Canada making a specialty of bathroom wood- work. Their Tines of closet seats, tanks, etc.. are handled by every wholesale jobber in plutnbers'supplies in Canada. The Company have recently trade large purchases of ]anther, and their yard is completely filled. They have also instilled the McEehran system of heatine-in their new dry kiln, which is capable of drying 5,9710 feet of lumber per day; and lookmg forward to further increase they have just •tinished a new brick smoke stack with draught for additional boiler power. This Company have always aimed at making, high class goods, and never reach their ideal, so that constant inn. movement is --lade. Their export trade is growing, and if business keeps ex pending as it has done in the last six months, further additions will he neces- sary to overtake it. OUR FISHING INDUSTRY. The season of 1808 has been the least successful, as far to Gnderich fish- erman are concerned, of any for many years. The small catch is not caused by the scan city in these waters, of trout and whitefish, though t.hey ate not as plentiful as they were four or live ytars since, but through our fisher- men not being allowed to cast a net south of a line drawn across the lake due west from Qodertch. The licenses issued by the Dominion Government th4past few years have :onflned our netters to the same limit- ed /ren, but though the licenses were so issued ourGnderich melt fished south of this poi t until some twenty months since, when three tug captions were each tined $20 for fishing outside their licensed district. This season thine tugs and three sail boats fished from this town, and the total catch was between 3(Lnnd 40 per cent. below the average of the past ten years, a fact a bat Looks bad for the fishing industry of Qoderich. The new Ontario Fishery Department should give our men a fair show, by allowing therm to flsh within a fair distance on either side of town, which would make the outlook considerably brighter for 1899. As Ontario fishermen are gener- ally allowed to fish on each side of the port they fish from. itis hoped our hien will be accorded this reasonable privi- lege. Anglers were not over successful dur- ing 1898, though some exceedingly good hags of black bass a:Id perch were made. The limited catch by anglers. however, was not caused by the de- t•rease of river and harbor fish, hut. through disturbed water caused by 1 dredging and work at the breakwater. Continued from page 1. The Star Flour and Gristing Mill. near the G. T. R. depot. built by N. Diedrich, and opened for business this year is always a scene of activity, as in addition to the flour made for the local and Montreal markets, it has a Targe gristing patronage and chops many tons of feed daily. The Star flout' mill is a real addition to the busi- ness interesta of the town, and the reputation its excellent brands of flour has made on the Montreal market will advertise Goderieb in that eastern city. The Big Mill was reopened this year, though not for milling purposes, by Richardson & Son, of Kingston, and many vessel- loads of wheat from Fort William have passed through its bins for various porta in Ontario. Wheat and peas have been purchased in I•trge quantities on the Qoderich market, causing- keener competition among our grain merchant and considerably increasing the offerings on the local market. Among labor saving improvements for 1898, the elevators put in the grain warehouses owned by Colborne & Burrows and S. Sloan, by Hy. J. Mar- ney, should not lie forgotten, os they enable the tirtns named to unload four wagons in less time than it used to take to -clear out one. The one owned by the first memtioned firm is t un by horse power, the other by gasoline, and both run easily and without fric- tion. The elevator of the Giodot•ich Elevator and Transit Co. may be said to be finished, the steam shovels having been placed in position since we gave a full report of the company's improvements a few weeks since. THY STAR would have been pleased to give a cut of the extensive property, hut unfortunately one could n,t he obtained in thine tor this issue. We have been told by the managers that the cost of the building, machinery, etc., was $150,000, Loftus E. Dnucey built -a handsome douhle house on Waterloo street, the main building containing 8 rooms and the other 3 rooms. The dwelling, pleasing to the eye and tastily finished, as a line addition to the north end of the town. It is said that the cost will be in the neighborhood of $1,000. A RELIC OF THE OLD DAYS,—In the minutes of the County Council for 1850 occurs the following unique item which had been referred to the Finance com- mittee. The item of "refreshments" appears several times on the record, but only in this instance had the de- tails been given Board of Education, To I. Rs•rTENIIutty. Doo. 0. 1850.—To Three glasses of hot 0, — " Four ddiners, includ-80 I 0 Ing beer 0 8 0 O. " — " Two battles brandy0 0 8 10, " — " ll'onr lunohatr Ted -0 2 0 , 10, " — Two bottles Porter, 10, " — •' Two grasses brandy, 0 8 0 one hot, do., aid two lunches 0 2 14 k1 1 7i The Finance nom.- - count to -rhe cteunrtii r proper one to tax the public with. 4 1 �1 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 -.r '1 4 4 4 4 r 4 r 4 4 4 4 4 4 r 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 w 4 1 4so, �• ,�Sci e��: •,,��•�,,r'�,.'�+._' f . tri GOOD CHEER, MERRY XMAS, HAPPY NEW YEAR. All this we wish to every one, and when you aro looking for XMAS, GOODS.... >14 Please call and see' if we have what y'Ou *ant. I1 is a pleasure to show them. Fine Perfumes. Cut glee, bottlee, Roger & Genet's, Seeley's, Pinned's, and other leading makes. Nothing is -more acceptable than a refined Perfume, pricee 100. to $8.00. Nino one at $1.00 to $2.00. Smoker's Goods. Fins gitt pipes, oigar cases, boxes of cigars —some choice ones, 10 in a box. --smokers' sole, cigarette cases, and other lines. Nice Bronze Ornaments. Only a few. Beautiful goods, et for a mils lionairo'shome. Hindi iu style now. Toilet Cases. In all styles of latest design:' 50c. up. Purses. Some nice gilt ones. Wallets, Mirrors, etc. Prises from ill Ebony Goods. With Silver Mountings, in Rair Brnsl.ee, Clothes Brushes, Nail Brindles, oto., eto. Otte of the latest tbiuge for Xmas gift goods. Ghoose Barlg. Some of the Nicest are Rireadu Going. W. G. 000DE, DRUGGIST. BEDFORD BLOCK. Patronage solicited for everything usually found in a first- alest Drng,Stgzq,... P eaerigtintt.work at all hours. r. r v • '• V CHRISTMAS u Is 'm" X, 1 COMINGI m I have a Large Stock of For the Christmas Trade at prices to suit everybody's pocket. HOCJSEllir Sgd.TEIES No. o Spring Skates, C. No. 7 Spring Skates, Nolo ming Skates, PK It PA IR. $ e35 1.00 1.50 Boys Favorite, Boker's Crescent, Boker's Perfection, Boker's Klondike, Boker's Ladies' (hem, Boker's Special Excelsior Boker's Ideal, l'grt Parn- $ 65 i.00 1.15 1.50 2.00 1.75 2.50 A LARGE LINE OF HOCKEY STICKS, PUCKS, ETC. A .y Tim GoQlitiCIT Onoare FA0'111 18011, Intorrr N. D. ROUGVJE., Side of %Square. 0 Qoderich, Ont. '5 ,• •