HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-12-16, Page 17- 71-111.1.11- -11`11'71-w 1. 1. . � I -- Tv -- 7 �- - - ­­- . ','r­7;"RT1-- �T, 1 �,7­ ­jW,1eW,I1I1I11pWlllW 7U."'. �11111111�1.11117111911!" . I— I - 7 - ; 1FWT-11-t"!"Trfflr" - 4"NIFT"Wrl", -- ­.-"R?­rvr . . . , _7019Rr1w -1 1 7",""" 1 . 19 (� . . 1 `---4r-719`z"­ - 7W1T--7-,,,7­ !'9" � . REM" . �� I . I I . 11 ,� " 0 I -. � I I I � " - . 4 , ., , I". , ". . . I I I I � , . � � . I � I ./ . I I . I # . , 11 I I - I . I ` !� . I I " . , I . � () � . ,� t I � I � I I I I - I . ;1 � . - , �, - r � I I . I " - � I i I . 11 � ­ .. I. I I I I . I . I . . I . I . VY � . I . � 1 ,' �, - - - � - I , , . . - . . � " —; 1 " t ­ 1, 1: I - � I 1, � . I , ,� t . I � I I . i? I k" I � I . . . I I I . . I . �� I . . . � . . I , , - . I � I N . . I . I I �11 � � I 11� . * I. . .., . . I " , � . I I . . . . I 1 I � I I I I 11 I : . I I . . , , ( 1. D , . I I I �11 I I " I . . I . , ­ I I 1, . I � I . - I I . . . 11 . . . ... . . I 1, I I ,� 11 I el - 0 . I .1 � � ,� � . � , I , , I . I � . , - .1 � . . . . I # I ­ , I I . I � , I I .. . . � - ­- ,� -- . I .. � , . , : . I - ­­ I I 11 I 4"" �: t;,: �,,�:., ",:I .. .... ��!, - ,� I - - ! 71, Z-1 � .--. -1,11, � � I I I ­ ­­ , W'.. 1, I I I I Z., 1:11: 11 I III , - - A, .1 !!!! I I . I '. I 1-1 � I I � I . . ., ., - '. 1'�' -­ I ­ I . - . '. - � - -1 ! I - = ­ I 11 - T.-- , ," ­� .1-11111 I � - . ---"­1"""r�---­ - , I F I I i , , " ­::� I "��,:,­=-- - ­­ � 7�-� - , � � , , -1- ­ , ­ ,, , ­­,­ - , , . W , 4 1 1. . !I � !� � . . � I . �. , . I � -1 . ..". I . � . I . . , I � � I � . ­­­­ ­ - I . .. ::,�::;.,,,:,,:1,* I=, I I . . I � � I � I 0. , "T041to )a 0. " -1 I . I I I :4 . ,. I ... . . . t 110ke" OVA LIAO ad h - V"4 1wr "*r 04 A* ill-"-#-*-� ,7 - 11 - . . prowim'' " How slialt wo **Uso tite --- w- LQ1 � I , —11W UTA � , �0.1 — 8TR , I I . — I- , , 4 " � � , I '.. I 1,", � beels, ovoking 794 III lamp, I � NO -- . , T . I 0#1 V, - " � , 14*UM44- 4so . . I � . 't , I . � ,%Art" g" , r . figh '44 are tw ow tq)t, cw4lo - - fl- IQ# i , . ,., , . " I "Metter I � � 'I I I I I ­ ­.. ­ �­­- .. aw " 441—ft lk,olalti salt, L "'n't get otit-ou Tr a 3*4 .0 . ; ; , '. 1.0 . . 1 4S t .�'Toe ,, 4,- . . I . illw #0 1''t i * - - 11 Fd' ks.. I , . -UP or sitoro, 194.dy ­ .y.A -O."p , ,O . , , . .1 1. . , 'I W, X0JMI*­ I" ,%.� A "4 Y., . �.,, ­ " .-, li� ik* sl;r* , , " Yotw F01 , lcft - sts I I I ­. , W�4 � *a 0'' till... I qr , :kpartmc . I *r"" � . . �' , 04 ,AM 0 blirilli. and: X'm, ft,0,01114 t the beg � I , , I � � t , , , i I,, , I ,.. 4 � V . .1 i ­ -9 , gu� k ,4* "Kt � � � mhi,*.� tolw'wi" surgw,lulilm I , �1 I � , - I . � I . : r. , 0 . 0 I ...411 I � . liatirre 41' , 'ALT, li . a very . 0-11111� 0 � koopi.w - 4, . . 901WAS MOO SOY TO A Uglk ' . I P. , .. - llibkck OJOW0.1,44-AaarrowP On onkly i* ; 11 . % w like a faw, ­ , I I - V� , P 1, I . , I �� I I if , . Vt1 , I " 1 X,4 to flioiso wip , ouil , , � -4 I . , , - , , I . 1, WW I soon put th4ta I- F , TA , �, 0 M XXAIA� . � � I I - .1. I I I . .1 I lht, 4ad", said bai pgpo"M - (AAN MtVO� . , . � . . , , ,,I. , * ,7.1 � " . "I . . . ­ :.. � , L I I - 10 Work t , -1 � DOROTHV .4 � ,,�. , C$1VtISTIK41lS- r " I I -,ke*4W",#"W-W*1%"""W 0011* , � -1 'L -1 ;,- , - ­ '- I ­­ , , . I;, Als. "WW. ", . : . . . I . I olliq,*j�*�**F"$%, '"cloo-Akka , I iis " tloilll YOU4XiIaX1,:Ob44.rtU IT,, a.144 in a "ex , .. I � "Oft - I % I. 11 I L , �. tbA, were reith Before ths AM 44 41 4 A to uAgno., you 0"I'm to b'90mg What A#lt W*. 4 liar the bligii oy I . . L I ' 4aalt *A4 X , , , 4.r�,jW �,f M - ­ V* darlp—", I L -gass 0ar. . � L , t "llices' ­ - ,I ." wilii"""�WOPO4"",** . � ,=W414 "Om , I .. r I I 11 ". . I z4ek Ifilt,*,may bituot'Lla - Imoment )i% 'w",,dqV,M:.,9lX bliq kn� loiWit * $06 fro tbo, ;03ilor.A - . ­*- I I I . In I , ,,g St"N 0 , ir, '44, Ile'" =1 "= - � �' rli�* the liagtober& $sgil ,. ,. 4, tbA too I d,WW 4,1,0 � I L I � � L *%tov em" I 04 iqil # , 11 . . I I �' J1 L' ' - 1 . I *-"% 'Otirriog nn4.coA-i-VhQ.ObstI;13t* 11M tha (it wto, and gloastilit I . , Uallktod with . () �4L .# *(,~-,T*# I , , , . I I - , , I . � A$ "Ork"11.111, PO" � . , - '. I I . I L I ...,,r og--hq camo"�Qti �, t ' .4 . , , . ' # of a#4 presking Up t oakail opal'till 1. i� fat=.`ywa�;. In a, p=41 h4w"'r, Trpou the V,wam, ru or; I*M ot...Ur #u"44'rachocil class ,of grow. 06"-Watif J4, ra.lix for the ib ' 114; 0. falgJa 4W" is- Ilielifeill L , I the, foggy OjJ44'r ,, , C, 14 , tb$ gri )iarn , - . *0 , if' Of Xggrr#.� � , � , ' r 11 r - tiq - st' ­;r(l6nd, rjUw0,0** 41WA thkNow,UP & bright, dancing hold. X ., The firelight oinging to AIP ot girls . . sariatit IlIliio swasi,ii. o �, I 1. L� . I . , Vq�'th _ J �. , , . . otboi diliAlt'Lvaiattior'sop. 141,494 I I . i . IIAMA. 'Vome, thIlhi bottir. isn't It$ She bAd x p,los � I . I , I Rld �W I , ,';ybU -cannot 49 better * I ... . �# in e, I - sigat habit of, a I � , all Pago, 00� iiip� t . - 1. I .Ar In the lifted belaviino-, I A I asluAk . .. , V I , , qUgJ y %,( I Ar. W, . $ tune, bright hair, 4 ­ 4 .C -h � � . qgy gtirieet ce I0 -L ,, OCI, _ OOL" 8 I , L " �, L -� 0-"" - 0 IS, I A"' " asteep In bar " i4vile itligin to spend a 1*6�m*lsi MY4 06,16W it * , "t the � '004h 11AU'leir r . .L ,� .1.1, . . ,d­� , ` � ,00lll� 0OP30 , sy,cheir end tQ40If While o'er her sweet tacit a at*itI94 jig, .;; . I vvqi "M yea L L , : �A ,,cold -December oftorne6n, It wii 411 I *Wft or aftsirpoqx4 at your home. of t 0 day I* given, 444arl 00& of *go# V*V4.*,ra1lng'40i � ,:, . . �. .. . .1 I- � L I ,#� 1'1'X,* Jac . I L r 0 * - there's. one for you- 4 rest, because o� solsdqly, , ing ­ ,V9 *40'a,vo, 0 tr*a�r­l 1 4, , I ,. � . . 1. 84turciv -40t�om 8� irk ,To ir-, , , =or# r a surprise, � N* %t%4! Jill �t # r midnight sk I I i 4.k.ga 0. Pill tl,U 4 Is Au, pbrist MAA� lvbrixtmao�. it, , r ," father retuincid *bout 4 ef'olo.ok, al*d (hiapt frorm the dos]p changing bino of '40, .. . I I - I loom , . Y94r gpiiist* enter the porter, np, aftoAtuve, h*4 lild him to aboadigo *I# . ' cod ; � da'k 7—As. Qn- To Ityi,;ond a - Jack "hie room and found she alwai 11m. and had hot , her eyl'a, . �, HL ._W I L I L1!RXq,Ml� , * 09. . I . ­ . I L L - p, th t ­ ' want to, I . L � ye oat Ix IN, . I _ . *nor*, l%* ­ . L' . . 'LL UneA )("�'- ' J ­ , L AV_ a 04 them with "q pads an'& P0116t1h TU, bUr4*0,44 said weary, the gick anil P4" 40 arrmil bw. 10 tuo *VQ"q I I . 1� I I ... . � . M-01'.. * 11&4:r 0 him "tore A, 0. yes, uo�v r as who Seats. Claus its, 1. % � ­ L' � lera -& (;O� Apkio ,WpIcyersj U44 the tOltir bad kept his word and coffee *44 tc4at . I L 044 a.* tbom to rather abi a tobi , Nut. , 0 , OsAthome the new overcoat for his fa- be went ba had. I 0 eltoge Lr'bb!4*tIVO.Lyi�l#rffj,i,jXtb*OQ,OA- 4 1 , LL L. ­ lolls 1.q*k**l%h,Hoo*P vv*** ranged to vIaW,�',�,*�-Qffiqe#,;Uu­ Why. nothing ty of &%TA4N� O*d to r . � - , I �., " � I . L' til the - ead he L in plainer,tti m6 tbaA III*> I I L, .. .1 I tberi� 'go put It away In tidrawer, in 150 mother do in t bi ruichair on which. Tott havii pla"d a bula W110 inuou cut their despair vro". fl;s, birood, I I f,Qllqwll . I , this, r , dreti T111,04.4111 air puts" with their cow- ,&tjIlAtio, lond4d ill . . - , I �­,'.," � f "!L 7� 'm- Ig Tbor'si4r,", t4ading"to, present it on Christmas and the oat doxed on tbavlarthirtle T?iat it,a papa, Mamma, Begato 1,A4.1014 little triflon frov­x your bur"u, deak 'i, plaint" 14w"Yoxilt 4 tbA 'L I I I 1, . I � _ 4.1fl"L . L ..Took Ratunway-A handWsaw yo . . � V I I I , ., , Ung 1:116rilinqt' and then came back, lit his and Jack and Rth�.J ,nat oA the, Ma ttncla, and guntle gad granding. I work-heaket and what -not. Give two 'Aid the '"AS of unheeded prayer. Orly part ot 1147, When Riplig, Willialls, I I ­ follow of to - i;pa :a4d set 4w , y his "to and hold asch 4therve =do. They know, ­ - � I . I 1 � 1 .", , ,, I "044wentr-4 10 Ilia- L _ A In a chair b li , minutes for t was still oti the, thronotlif Ragland. and 11 , , � LARftOVr*P O I I . IgR8 gored (in tb 'p#go of tbo 'pavement flitheVis side. � Yfould probably be hurodrom, middlit- The people. &to Seats Claus -Cliriatmall his miscellaneous colleci sweet . , . F, O- IST . clbo6 of God at the Christ � , �111 . 11 I ,&ttoraa , 11 L ', o'. Godorlitti. J, 'A ,He QRoned hie paper and began to aged folks before they could hope to Day, tIon to be examined, and tUpia cover in" Viotorta, had not yet gu0000"d to tbel I . , I I for- 4, MOMV ay paragraphs of merry. ttdp ­ � 1, ... I A , , At. "E 14 ihIought'Wali. mil.the bright. new so I will be Sa,Atw Made, Tight awaT." tbo table with a cloth and ask the girls Sing tint your song again, Crown. Oa Wellnesida,y losit Ole. ex- � " wo �. ; 10%. 'UDT , , . , r, " i , I L � . .11 the recipient of many ,an admiring the AaW jQ111rifts,141130, this little Odds slid It wee quite understood In Ote, takn- SO, 11 her I's - errand bey I r . I L . " -- 'end L ying t 10, Up from i hatertililtu she to write cu t*eIr twitio; under the head In 016 Christ child born I has I-- cents rtitn tied to Now yor " Li ., C n S,'LAj Isitir, Solid glance from t4o bright eyes. of t _ f�rmatjo I I " I tM No ,ho ,, a of I,n . n that In the old Ily that there would be no talk of that I Ir on I I : , "I L. ' rq " the names of as many at. to &bide I b -rd the Teutonic. AL peer of. the, Uri. ., . "4; !;.bl1'1,'*o, - Mrs--fornarr 1q, Uug days belonged rather to the back pages while Jack had his father and himself And I:pft t:9"bright room. Then through of " light. . I I- 1. I - as car It 10. , . yo w9men Do#* It mean "good will to men I" �" RerthlIl., P .,...t�'tr. 4 0 i0cb. . wbQ passed Win, hur� Of the Family'Rerald and kindred pub- to kee I tish- realm, as, High Commissioner of I �' ,, � ':­ . Vl.!4'P ."ya %, &Z 98 4, weak, and was in A the hall rang tioloo as, they can remember wing on " L ' I I L'' ., rivitte-fitud _ east AL �4, rying home rd, through the cold mist licatiolis, but without which in -the ploo city o from which he could- At Her bright little laugh an straight she the table. , Shine out. 0 star, on their darkened Canada, accredited to the Imperial . I , ��­-­— , wai L ; . '""' L , ' that was. gradually wrapping Uri,don twat day no luto.vapaper is considered any time be ditsinboad at a week's no- fled, when all here done thlf% a saucer way Government (a Livadon� and with a to- I , 1 2 - -� Ton 4TON, Barrigtor. l$o . 11 I - , 0. L .4'. �,O ok grey veil. I To her own pretty room where sto( Whose ales with tears are dim. only the Wealtb L . . I � I N09laT;r*Q- "ta)'Halnil a 114,101r," in a thi, � complete. Mixed up with information tics, )d � _ . " . . 06 a . . ,� L ruing the doinge of the crown- Mr. Merrick was very tond of Jack her small bed. I I should be passed around containing It n lo� L " �'. ,�'* -,—­... 11 . I But Jack did not even see them, 4nd canco - The Christ child livetfi somewhere to. last Man and the moot mulatficeat phil- . ''I I � �, , I � . 11 I if he ha � heads of Europe and headlined po and had consented to the engagement. All hanging with curtains, fluffy and mixture of sugar, salt, chocolate, pop- day .. 11 : -, IF � � fi,AMVI�S, Q. C., Barrister. Solicitor, d it wouldn't have made any lice reports, were such items an "How but on the strict understanding that .. white.- . per, cinnamon. gingor, pappermtritand Make, clear the road to him. InthrOPLat of t1as Dominion, but like- . . �� , �:., � c �c, Ofilce-OverDai Drug difference to the rat arUficial eyQs are made," "The Gen&- . I I ' L � , L' , 0. � there was to be tio Idea of marriagO 'an- A ship that went sailing to Drioam;7 , . � 11 Irlolk. Xcilier to loan. her qnelancholy I ground coffee, and every one invited wift tbO, ciao personage of all others . .11 - , I I � ,,, ,, ., L traill,of thouilit into which he bad fall- �Ia of Hopscotch," " The six tallest men tit Jack had a It altion land each night, to (sole the concoction. and write CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR INVAUMM to whom EnglAnd's vast North AmerI,, L ' I L 11 . ! - I I I a the world," " Hpw to clean bone and suffici 'l .We ..& "I'll take my beat dollie, sweet Res- down the names of all the ingredients " I ," I ANE5T HMATON, Barrister,Soll0tor,&o. ea. Re bad cpmo from ths ,�,clt I "A recipe for ca L . . I ': �"L ] Q$Aco-ork the Square, i1ext door to Bank y knife handles," If's family it) ordinary comfort. sic Gray. they can recognize. The mixture will A visitor *to an invalid home was can empire in more indebted than to L ' an ru L I I .5 a . I through a crowd Of high-spirited, lisp- foot ' it 11 d "Our -paper patte ,To Be Continued. rve it, so nice all the time not be unpleasant to the trati and no one* told by one of the patients.- "We guy one P11" for its development *ad ,- ,�;�,�l, lumerce. I I . "' r . . ` , I I -... . — of obf1dreit's nightgowns." There was 1, 'L � � , OIFTUS Z. VANOE) also half columns devoted to the ad- - 'u�t fty. ne need be afraid of it. ' -iliden v Te its prosperity. . Py people" most of them pa'feel - r tol, have a happy home, have many 1� , � ,, Ber'9116r.' Solicitor, and all of them with au unmistakably She never has-spoileff her pretty ailk 0 . i�:; " I:r h.,�i:" R &a. 'Ptactor in Marltimo,Qourt. ft, ko. ventures of a comic singer, the early Next comes the test of smell. For people come to &so us and make ales The first time that he crossed the I" 1, -, � ,�, ".", ulot to loan at lowest ratan. Ofdc�-ffor- Christmassy air, about them. Of dreas, :", , 1 - �,,t-,,�j.L�`, t"ZoAlock, Hamilton straist. Goderfolk But ca:reer a.football player, and the GEN. KITCHENER TO WED. Poor sick Nancy WI, will love her I this all the girls should be blindfold- times for us, everything to as pleasant Atlantic he travelled to the sti5tIrvats .1 11 ,:, " though howanted to look Christmossy views of a 'theatrical manager con- ad. In turn, and bottles containing vio- "" . ,:�L,�,4,�V4, . , I � I , . �., � 1. I I ybody L guesill let extract, heliotrope, sachet, turpen- an possible except on holidays. and Of 'I sailing ship, the voyage Occupy- ... 11 � ,, .. � "'.1". M" 0. CAMeRONLJ�Ormcrl like ever else, he couldn't man- meraing the forthcoming pantomime. . — d tog thirty-six (lays, and he here the 11 I � ;'-�`�l."L I Barriltof Cameron. And this little cup and saucer an tine, vinegar, oil of wintergreen, cold Christmas is the dreariest day of the ,� it I Hoh & Amero ), or and 801ial- age it. Be- had triad in the crowded Jack, hoping to interest and amuse HIS ENGAGEMENT JUST ANNOUNC- tea camphor. alcohol and oarbolin L. , 7, � - , �, � � `�., � ter, Officq.-Hismiltou stroo4 second door name of I I I , . . I . . �. I his 1A ED IN ENGLAND. prpeototny red top that sings a sweet aoiA passed under their noees. Again year." I � I ;, � " , �"­' ,_ from theSquAre, Godettlob. I third-olass tu"oarriage in which he bad . ther read the paper nearly . Aul 11 The visitor heard and pondered ' 1� , I . L "'J"', through, but the old gentleman took — tune. the pads are called into use. that the and resolved that henceforth no suo� I DONALD SWTH. ,� . , 1. � " : -,ri� — to Gow- . , , A i d,1�1,�,I, - . � I traveled from Noorgate, street very little notice of anything until T So saying, a basket phe filled with , �. I � .';'L;�' me names of the different odor* may be ban should rest upon Christmas Day. This quit, with r.' L � 1.�11 L DENTAL. or street, to imitate the smiling ooun- Jack ,began to read of a grand dinner he fferoof Omdurman Will Become I his staff of secretaries - I " � I �,;! L.;;, " great care jutted down. So when the merry Yulo-tide came I and his ratinue of servants, he occu- �� ** � , I I 1� L ' - - tenahcea of bia.follow-travelers, and party to which Mr. Solomon Epstein Inted to ,Tilled ranailles and May Not From out ter play -house of treasures �� 1, ' �.. Although the sense of feeling is tied again ilia visitor gathered some friends' ' � � %L":­,�'�,�. NICHOLSON, L, D. S., Dental Surgeon. � . bad invited all his friends and admir- Beturn. to Egypt. j pied the finest cabins on board the . �, .� �,:: . � I had signally ftlilad,. 'to rare; ally acute, it is surprising how many ' r 4�, �,,' * Roatreoppoidto, the PG84 Offloo., Go era in the city, and the cost of which Lord Kitchoner, who during the last persons may be baffled by tying up 00-11 9-Yhound Teutonic, crowd the . L N L � �, I I 91 Porcelain and gold CrQwn'L4nd brldl The fact was that Jack, with ,the Then wrapped in her warm little cloak together and they spent Christmas �.'�, I - . w �irokg' had been calculated at X12 a head. week has received the Grand Croes of and head , I � .1.1, a specialty. iIhirty-ilve years exper- - several familiar objects sepalrately in morning at Mule. A few simple gifts Atlantic in six days, and beers no long L' ; - T . ­., - ., " L ;� lance. . Christmas holiday iii front of him,fwas " It's wicked -wicked, Jack I" green- the Order of the Bath, which Is the Our Dorothy asked her papa so good paper and passing -ere cariied to thuso� of the patients. or the uAme of Donald Smith. but is IL :'. ,,,,, , L� � — - --I . them about so that �" � L, I .11 ".1111 . worried by certain difficulties which od the old man. " I don't know what I Out into the night through the drift- all �;ay have a chance to hold each who had no friends of their own maryt 11 , #,­ , highest order conferred for naval or . . ,� " �. . � 'L . � � �,'', . � B, D. D. S., L. D. S,. Don I or. the world's coming to. These million- Ing snow known 4A "the Right Honorable Lord L , , 'i i, , ­� ,L,�� L sts.red him in the face in connection . article and try to guem what It is songs were sung, and is Coal g0a)vIsit. I I'll I''! � to me to fling, their money military services, has just become en- With . �, , -� " - 4 with its due and proper celebration, I ,. , I. � for 4 L ` ' . titles seem her oia this Christmas errand to from [to shape, and feeling through Ing time was Inaugurated, with the Strathcoi and Blount Royal of Glen- ,, .�;,, , " .11 - operations, . Preservation of 1 ;� .1.1 I :i"Ik.,�. no^Ltur I t in the face Of Providence." gaged. and it is asserted that the we* go. the paper covering, A simple ball of result that the Invalids voted 'it the cue, 0. 0. M. G.." them mystic letters ,r . �, 0111co-Over James ­ , '1,'0� said '�L k'j -­ � , '�� ­� 1. - RON so '31$ael tore. He had for many days previously con- "And their fellow-creaturea," ding will take place shortly. cord makes a most deceptive package. "best Christmas thaybad overknown," indicating that be is a Knight Grand � I I I ''Z, z"� 4.7'LL Is goodsoil,ty So together they walked to Naney's . ­­P�t4"' . I I :1 — stituted himself a committee of Jadk 'quietly, " The papers -are filled door, A glove -darner, picture frame, fan and tba visitors felt that It came near- , , ways . � � ,',� r ":,, ;��;"" �.! , � .T RNR D.D. . U. D. S.. Dental with thew -these --outrages . in gold- Tills .tuture Lady Kitchener i Is iii And left the basket upon the poroh� Cruise Of Queen Victoria's Order of St. �, - u wit r. And sensed not only of a -more than ordinary 11101 I a and means, and as chairman he was basket, candle, and a worsted, slIppis or to being a root Christmas than any � :'; n ,at a,! a%oft a to- quite unable to put the -matter to the ',twelve pounds a'head for dinner I floor. pe a oo "all mak6 good parcels for this com- other of their lives. From that time Michael and St. Gcorge, . I . ,: f ". P .�, ;V.l L � I .1, f )n practiced. cludlia p rc I this Epstein seems one of the worst share of good looks, but is likewise " To -morrow she'll o n th d r and I .� I � 1� .. an 'a, meeting on a sound financial basis. He offenders. I can't pick up a pi� r pot tion. through many yearn the pleasant cue- When Donald Smith landed in Am- , .11 1. I). "d bridge stork. a to "D 5 Pe on heLr,,s, the latter a fortunate cir- find Last of all oomas the sense of hear- tom has been maintained, and fba�" erifift sixty years aigo. be worke"Is ., ,-A!... 4 L�,%4 . i'l '-'t Is T 10h(if BuaturalteDth. mast give his dear old father EiChrist- without reading of hi ostentatious What Dortohy Santa Claus left be- Ing. Request all .�' ",��L J�".J . "I ,.�LLL,� -�" . a 00 . cumstance. in more senses than one, - the guests to be ever It may be to the patients. the viiii- ­ 1 �.' r , � 's way into Canads, and eventually cu- ". " � . , , , � . � . .: 1*1 11 �r I mas present, however ,m�jl. Th ... splendors and extravagances." hind " seated, with paper and pencil in read- torik find that the beat part of Christ- 11 - ., ,� � , ,�� - , ,,,, ;­� ��L!� . the since it will enable the newly created Cried the' little maid, whose happy lueai% and then play the first two lines man Is that morning vial t"t the service of the Hudson Bay �,-,,,�i,,�,- were many things the old gentlems, " Epstein -Epstein," murmured t, and feel that !�,. �,,,,'-, , � n . , , I lq�,:,,�11 ,,,���­,­ - old man. - I remember your reading peer, who is without personal fortune, face, Company, then at the climax of its .,i."�":i;� �­,'I�;,�l MONEY-WSURAME. number ,tf popu- they receive far more than they can .�­,�'-' , I f .-. � ". -�'�, -� , , , not luxu power and pres a. BeginnInVat the , ­�, � , . , wanted badly-ni�cesaitics, Was smiling with biiautiful charity'a 'L I ­�, ..'�W, — �, r- to me about him before. Who is beg to maintain with befitting spientiour lar and patriotic airs; 'allow one min- Poasiblei give In the loosens Of Patience v I .kl�,�, ,�. " �,-f , , - - . . , , ­, 1�­L' ies,-and one was's new winter over, 1, Ob, there are all,. manner of tales grace. ary bottom 0 r4,11% ladder he worked �: ,� I 1,�w '. - �,,, n uto to elapse between each tune to and cheerfulness and courags that �., I . '�` -, I -,Private funda, 11 ve d dignity his new rank. I � �,*. L.1 'i I ,;t,J Some people say that he 4 e o Is * 4, * a �, ", 1:11��.Lj - east. Then there was the -sweet girl about biln, permit its name to be written. It Is they learn, his w y UP to the very top step by "&],I,L� I I per cenL interest, straight loan. Afew � �, , � . r ­-,�,,, ' L 111, ', , ­ ,. 11 I � �. , , , ,11ONEY TO LOAN farm � F!',,.Ilk i ka,oW u and to to whom he had been engaged for over Went to South Africa with the money She is Miss Marie Evelyn Moreton, She had solved the problem of Christ- surprising how tantalizingly the airs 18 there tint suggestion In this of the 9telli undergoing all morts of hard- I R � �: �1, 41 ;, i.;�V�.;,­ -i - "something left undone" by many of, chips while In charge of the outlying , ';'4Z` . qyroperties for sale ", . t,,,��,L,.�.'k rant. E. . Barrister and solicitor, he'd collected for a goose club; oth daughter of the Hon. Mrs. Richard mas cheer. slip away as one tries to recall them. , �� ­��­'!,L,_ . 1, , . " 'j, �L.1,'T, Godorldil. � two years, and whom he was going to ers that he was a broken down gamb- Moreton car, or us? Are we not too apt to forget Posts Of the COMP ny, At one, timis � 'j" it:�?' , , whois lady-in-waiting to the Which an old hook teaches In char- The musician should play b,y. w a , .: . �'.N;� � �4 � , ',.�,. �, ­]� jL",�,,, o I , �,�,� , - � , : . - jf�� " . — marry "come day,". a distant day it ter and -started as barman in a drink acters clear, memory, so that the notes will not be that Christmas may be the "dreariest hen In charge of a station to a most 11 � ;.'��."4� , L ,�,I)�,,"z.,;­'. -" RADCLIFFE, General Insurance, Real - Royal Duchess of Albany. Miss More- distant and d 14,z".,01 " : ,?" � �. " It is far more blessed,': if you will Been. day in the year" for those shut in to . owlate Urtion of Labra- 'J, - 7A, - must be, they both of them knew, but saloon there. He declares that his fa �.­ I.. I , ��!,43�. 1 �`L'­ �, �� � JLV* Estate and money Loaning Agent. Only I �, � ,�`7, ,%,;., 11 t -class companies repreFOrited. mono I ,sob ther won a wealthy man, and he went ton's father was private secretary to believe, I When all the papers have been col- themselves, $tint out trum the life and dow he wita amitten tb snow blind- �;;,i�, Az - t -, `t'? ­­%,LgI , y to they were sure that they love( .,. " �. � � i��-,%w . lazid on straight loans. 1108 Of a fam- the Marquis of Lorne, and tothe Prin- " To give to the poor than it is to re- lected and compared, a prize should be brightness that we take so easily as a now and threatened with the loss of ,-."� �� , , vl,��,� at lowest rateof Inter- home in conseque, �,,, z ;"",, I . "I -4 . y .. bC The nearest doctor was '7�,,,Nll 11. , �`! .f7,� '�, , 11 � 91'�;,, 1. I y., , . ast going.in any amount to suit the borrower. other so well that they i By quarrel; but the one thing that stay in 111i.2421 E'4�,l ". -, � - . would wait in "rom ceive." given to the one who proved most suc- matter of course? Should It not be - LL - I- 'N�' "no, � ,�7, �,,R, of ful in rightly using all five senses. one of our eblefests concerns an this ds Of miles distant. But the -."; �., . ­A�, . faith and hope for the fulfillment there in no doubt about it that after cess Louise throughout their I ;-;,� .,�, � � �,.,. , . cess auffera ei . , .,.. , . tM., . 1 X1,14 I their dre&mL% e'ven if it was until they many years' -twenty, he says--absenoo Canada, and as such is no st,rangor In Another interesting game consists in day of all days in the year, to bring to 0',�.,5. �, ;�'-)," L . ,�,,- ,,��` L --L" 4, .. MARRIAGE LICENSES. were sedate middle-aged fogies. And from England, he cami back with fab- this country, while at the present SOME DUTCH CUSTOMS. cutting from magazines the *all- Such livea soma reflection of the glad 'Company with two half-breed guides , "L,." I' . --1 '­;I,�'L� - '" ` , �, �,,�` I �, L: `,�', L , i`111,�L-r.'I%'�,r .; ulous wealth. He has a wonderful re- moment he holds the office of Marshal A Dutch Wedding is a portentous known advertisements and mounting tidings of great joy in our shining he successfully accomplished the joul, ,,4.4'�, �� - -- - " - - 1", , Jack's salary was just 98 aweek, and n and obtained 1�.1'1,1'1�. , , he goodwill 11 ,�, , 11,11-v� I -, 11�' LANE. ISSUER'Or MARRIAGE -out putation in the city." man of the Ceremonies to her Majesty. He business. Sinart Holland does its de- them on cardboard. Care should be faces, some touch of t the needed medical I -.:�.�,j, - I-, �..'..L.�,f,.�,� I I �. 0,1,�-��t,­ � W. of that he had to keep himself and - I* WJack," exclaimed the old taken that all words giving any cl amon n In our warm hand clastil ff On his return ilia weather be. I ',.-4 k't��, . "­I,;.e�L, I iT ��, 1��,z;:i � Licenfoa, Goderichi3Ont. is a son of the late Earl of Duels, and votions in baria-Like French PrQ�flt- to the source of 1he advertisom6u" Or. to not possible perso came so bad that both gu�aki W-- � I - ., � - �111, � v,, 111.11 -1, . ! J.,*'ilg,i7 his father, dresa like it'gentleman in sorrowfully, - wealth's a h I gif te, to nally to � .ey'X". :; - ­ - t t I I bed W the cold. ,4 �­­ . 1, �ol,B — though the philosophers visit our Invalids on Christmas Day, cum ,��," L "I. ,��-,Z'J',",�--.,., . the city,, and gily.:etfi,ishillings a sit =r atiult:'l consequently Lord KitchenCr' will be, ant churches. The wedding service is be destroyed. When every one has stri .1 "ButyOurigarnitia, L ,`�,.�,N,`L� � , , ­�,)"J"�­.,� ­ - , 4, L .1 Will, I've �', ` %­ ­wgiw; 41rVj", �vk., .1 I ... . I , I _ .1 .T . . And it's awful to be poor when YOL tsid ,&JIled L on alone. arriving kt his . I M.". ,9,N�..S9%]1XL card, and . guesit av , L ading to d 1.111. - , - I -1 -1 to the old lady who came in to do the been well off. I never thought I I come by marriage a nep4eW of the pre, mournful to a degree, and lasts two seen each - -, live. I � �V­1,111-. . . � . , _,_ xz, - ­-�� L �6 6 the,sew Im I , . lj-'�–'—­' . I I I . ' _k ­ to - k ism 7 --�441 � " . - - - "A to nearly h"rs. The bridegroom, ii. :-�, - - . 01,�!� . I :- , . , ,. �Mffss . .. 1. �, , e, and allied - " -waa the knowledge of the cai . . �, .. 11 ­- ' , ­ Tl� � � I I cocking for the old widower and the should come in -t- . - . - 404 It I .- ­ � ""' ­ I I - , b . "'., -1,1,�', A4-UN-FA,A,�', . .1� I ,---- � . . - , , '1106 landlady, -the thiagdrit,�­ ­ I I /iPoerago. - I ing (liess, and the bride, in orthodO3� on'to the one ;A,ho' has -gueis'otr .tha. -tie -,' I, -ado &D envelope ilftles of Canada which he obtained i � � A t. _ ­ - ' , g- q you ,, gor i. � , i-.0,4,,,1- ---I. , 1� . ,- , . and "There, there, da(ii , ­�-*r,—, I &IF&�4 I r1s.fortune comes tq whit�e satin, sit be ca ary or t ought what pleasure While acting as an officer 'of the Hud. �, I � ". — , 4111� �,,4 - I , . -- 1,, . shaves" , 'I'; " - -t- - -- o --i�k­ .111A, -servant in the ,house where Nbout —7. ,.i upon chairs in front grea test num r rrectly. such a I thing might bring to some love. 801, . . I I I.- - I - ftle�L -a ,�et ,.� ne�ii.i;i oi . " kindly; - we're not going to talk A game which always occasions con- Bay Company, and subsequend �..11� �­. �� ,, ,!, Borers eried and hone her through hei,r- mot her's--fathermc -Thes� of the black�robed minister. He do- y � , .. " iL. . , , � sharp - ­ . I Jack -bad taken three unfurnish-d that now. What's done can't be on- iderable amusement is that of -Art.' ly Invitlid I fta its governor, that enabled him to 1-�,, �:­. .-i? .i we are, y A number of large squares of paper An4 Envelope Library. -These are no am the value of the country an a field I � - �,�'�­ Ralli, at whose house in Belgrave livers an extempore address fairl , � rourns at a moderate rental could nut done; and, thank God, poor as I , � 0 KNOX, OWgaC.0 Ktreet Goderich. � � ;�,, F:�,, �1 0 bristling with I for settlement and to lay the founda. I . ,Q11-, t�', - 13Posite bux,ton"8 Hotel Licensed Aunt, be trusted. The old gentleman fared we have a root over our heads, and we square Lord Kitchener is making his personalities. Mean- are provided and pinned one at a time very difficult or expensive to make . the tiona of I ;1 "., i 1, ,, �', ;��,�, - .. j":;�!� t orcer and Ap:ent for i he Noxon Brea. Agn, manage to be happy now and then." home while in'London. Tho Rallis; as while relativeg sob in pews. until fin- on the wall. Every would-be artist In � "M � %� ­ ;IC4� � I cultural Implemen R. Pa,is; the colebra , tod badly left to their tender mercies, and tblnw most necessary to their prepara- HIS IMMENSE FORTUNE, ,.; L� �", , , . - " Yes Jack, thanks to you, my good; ever -� 1� ��;t,, "N � dam�' arronA! %u y one knows, are the oldest, most ally every one who can prove the re- Fiven a small slip of paper on which I , x , - -1�1­�.;'� � '�­"'!' ' lin Carrktire Coai- so Jack went to the expense of specl- brave �ay I J wanted you to be a gre is written the name or an animal. tion- being a little loving thought. in fact, he may be said to have be � ', .' I 11 L" �',I�jt�", hey Ombawa - tho Ca � at I 'i"�L , �,!,t�,'�'L outt ciow Ca,Tipany, espected, and'weafthiest of tbe, Green moteat connection with the bride kiss- I " .� . ally engaging old Biddy McGuire, the man, Jack. You were to have gone in- r Without mentioning the name of her Then take several large strong the creator of the Canadian Pil= 3,�il� -L, , �-.1,11MV;'L raWtford, and all iii It es P nal ng to the onvo. ,�j 1:;,� 1­� ,1�,,��A* . farTing trade. ,charwoman. to come in daily and see to the army, and -ah I thank God, your colony of merchants and bankers estab- oH her. subject each girl, In turn, must step lopes and put into une, two or three Rallroad,which first topped the riches I . "L �� I:* �..�, �­""';��a-,,­ died before the blow came. lished in London, and are connected Next follows a tremendous breakfast forward and draw the aniniftl whose good short stories, Into another, Poems, Of this great Cans U '3'1,;- �:, , IN, "'.4 �, � . poor mother '' 1. -:� ­�i.-,4,:'11 110MAS GUNDRY-Live StockandGon- to bed -making, fires, and the cocking I at I a t ilia Northwest. At I %vl,�� . ­ � T Attetionoer, Golerit.h. Ont, Sole. of was e 8 able to make her life name has been given her. The other into ix third, sermons, Into Others, a moment when the tire e i . ­ - %` ,�, with the leading clubs and also with in Frenen style. It Is "de riguour" on tit r trise ,, ,-i, �-)f"',�' � �, era) the frugal meals. Old Mr. Hath- . .1 . !,�:,V - tuadeovery .here niad %It efrorte made to happy." lit girls must try to guess what the sketch sketches, essayN and so on. This will seemed in ,oanger owing to thoo e I �q, ,, 1; , YouiiariFfactton. Chargboreasonable. Cilindo - -, -1, � � �L�­�L,-'� 0 , " � ,if " Five , away liked thc ari;augement. He had Jack put the paper away and turn- many of the houses of the aristocracy, for all the friends of the hr a to send is intended to represent. No artistic be worth more than a book to one whose talion of capitalists and of the 1) mi" �t", - "; n- 1'.`M! J." .� � ; more bui-Iness and sm*aqer IL-TUOMAS grown quite tie,spondent under the con- ed the eon versation. He knew well, if MAY NOT i bar In the morning a bouquet or has- skill is required, as the more rldicu- hands are too weak to hold any but the ion Government to con'ribute t ward .� , , ;�� ","­' RETURN TO EGYPT. L . � �...4 GUNDRY'Auctioneer, Godaitch. , 0 1 1�01 ... . . . I , ,,,, ­ , ,.,�', , , . his father's mind began t,u dwell on 1"� 1`il.�� �,� - :- ket of white flowers plentifully rib- Ions the representation the mere mirth lightest we ght, and whose eyes will the undertaking, he came forward - , ... I, '';,�,�. whether Lord - I with bin cousin Lord MQunt Stephen,- -12`q I . � , ­,�,, '0 . -- tintial grumbKiags ot the landlady, and their altered circumstances, he would It remains to be seen v it oconaions Two prizes may be offer not permit long continued reading. N I .. �.' I&M3.A."M boned. With numbel-4 of thes or "... Y, i � the negleet of the i3latternly-Eckaid-of be miserable and despondent for the Kitchener will return to Egypt as y ed if the , ,­ , ,I ,'I , ", ��.,: McLean's 1&.A.1=Z3K:Rlrr- . gay effect is produced, tbouegah th hostess so desires, one for Letter Writing. -Then there are a)- an ax-eirrand i;�y like himself, and. to- I -! ­ J 2 �', "."';' L all -work, who - dratted" everybody rest Of the evening, It was an old commander,in-ch;ef of the Egyptian ' the best sketch and one for the girt ways letters that one may send full 911thar with a few friends guaranteed . J21 J �i� .'­,�.��:�,� L s . , 1;', , L " 1. , . , " who rang a bell and looked upon the Wealth and luxury, then I L neither fortune nor t -pictures of the bright, outside wor h .".� . � L" "'. " �11 , CORNER EASiT-ST. AND SQUARE. tory, the fate of the Hathaways. axmy, now tha Dutch are lamentably behind the times who guesses the greater number oor- Id t e whole of the capital required for --­� . � -11-1'. - k . . _1-1 ".-I, 8P'e rank is any longer much object to him, in table decorations and Posey raiii rectlY. o thO line, thus assuring its creation and � . 1.1, I , 1, . . �i , L,, - " I ;, * "I ,,�14,9 �. FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. lodgers as her Personal enamiest leagu- culation, and an old businueslas"'p1sreactic and that all proopect of active service With the advent of the "bora d'oeuvre': Picking up balls of cotton wadding that the invalld can only know hy its success. - I 11.� - ally ruined by old-fashioned ways, and ' a tea- proxy, the blessed letters that may e e � � , ;,� � ,.�' ��'P,.�,, ed together to make her life a perpet from off a polished table with A ". ", "'.",i;"�-,, , Everything in Session and prices always right. in Egypt is at an end for some con- come speeches, Th,3 bride'm brother or spoon is its exciting as a potato race, mean sn much to a ,. .f; L' `ff­� ual treadmill of stairs. the competition of younger rivals. Then . j ,;"�,� 4",�,L aiderable time to some. lonely life. It conclusion that it would be only fit I � , � ,�,. " His salary, which he bad just re- a financial crisis, and at last every- He made a strict rule while in com- o ther delegate first rings a small without the unoomfortableness of seema't, pily that this graceful and tbag and appropriate to signalize t he :, `�, �,',,_'r," . 01111 ,, j� ;,",-."".� calved, was all he had in the world, thing swept away, and a man too old mand of the Eg.yptian army that none handbell. Thev, amid a silence brok- bending down to the floor. gracious accomplishment of letter anniversary of the sixtieth year of hot � !" L "� � 1� �� i , ! �.��,:, he had been quite unable to save to start life again left almost penqi- en by The cheerful clicking of knives, while enjoying such games as these, to ill() throne by rewarding `,� - I ""'..'', Funeral Notice'. ' " of the English officers serving under Writing. should be relegated Lo a place accession L : - ,,,,, more than the money for his dear old less, too proud,to ask assistance- of his . 'he and forks, a health is proposed. Then! the time will pass very rapidly, nind among the lost arts, lat us at least in some special manner the services of ��,, I. . . I I :", . ' hi,sorders should bernarried men. I comes a 11 'L- . The proper furnishing end conducting c which be had paid old friends, only eager to bide himself quaint postcript to this very Nah girls and teacher will become bet- keep enough of It alive to make some that Donald Smith whose career in ,13 4 � Ir' ��,�`..l � moment one of his officers got married ', r� � 1,11,_1 for, and it had been promised home from those who had known him itt h ordinary ceremonial. Ladies and gen- ter acquainted and more at easewith on(, happier ibelLeby tit Christmas. Canada dated from about the same time �, . , I 'r of FUNBRALS at a coall which does is he insisted on his resigning his com- tlemen must alike rise" from their each other. The Best Gi(t.-But better ilia as her own advent to the Crown, and �,.,, � L' I 1 4� 1 ,�'­ I not make, Itsburdes, an art with as. that afternoon. But he had been com- prosperous days, and be forgotten. Mr. in Lssion in the Egyptian service, the sic II all _ �4,, -.i I � being this mere giving to invalids will it he if . ni­r in '. � I - "�­ -- - -- polled to spend a sovereign upbbta ii - Hathaway was a widower with one son solitary except ion to this rule person toasted, touch his glass with TOO MANY OF THEM. t Of age. So she intimated to him . ,1 ., , �, �" """":� 'ats,.and solemnly filling up to the who is but a, few months her in - - , I . I .11.1.10, I J. BROPIalcy & SON. Us odds and ends which he wasbound when the orash'Oftme. He managed Colonel "Conky" Maxwell of the Black their own. After a score of speeches o can give them the chance to help Cle Intention of conferring a pee , ", ii ,,,�i,,,, �;. I ,, the leading Undertakerettid Embalm. to have for his own wardrobe. That with the little money he saved from Watch, who commanded one of the w r. 1, , ,:, I I ,� . . . era. left him X2 to pay the rent and living the w-reck to live for a. time and lot the thing gets monotonous, but it in A crack cavalry corp; had as adjut- age upon him. and inquired ustoLl i L"Ll iie L " , . , L . kind go through the holidays. Egyptian brigades at. the battle of carried out to the bitter and. Any per- ant an enthusiastic Scotsman us in our giving to others. If we can as d , �Vl �,, "L 1, GODKII110141,0111T Out of his sop remain at a commercial school Omdurman, and who is married to an whose bring our plan for putting a hit of such cases what title he would, like to -tl�', *, ... , � �11 -1 , , , L I i . I . that he feared it would be the height until he wao able to enter a city at- I American girl, daughter oil Mr. and ",in emitted would feel tiggi-loved, In groom ,a,, a cockney, but a. habore Christmas ,!beer Into ..me darkened or "I'llulaill, fla�lng recently at ,h,, 0m. .?� 1� I � � � � , , of imprudence to give 5 shillings foll fice; but by the time Jack waR 21 the � Rolland it is the family before every- the Gaelic cognomen of McLeod he had 1� "'t ,. , I purchased in Sc(,Eland an e8tat" rom- , ill L I Mrs. Bonynge of San Francisco. limited life to the quiet room, and let .,.""', � �, I 1, I : - - i that pretty little purse Which lie had whole of the capital had gone, and Lord Kitchener, having mado this thing. A leading barrister wns re- been appointed to.the office. tha invalid bel to make t the rl%b prising the historic pass of (,Ierlcoe, "I , . �, L" "I I seen in a ghop window, and which he from that time Jack's salary was all ralf, about married men can hardly set re n tly compeller] to throw up an im- The regiment having b o ordered to kind of a plan, her feel hat she a., -here he has now constructed a su- ��I,r ., 'I',, � fe t 11 � , ��i��.­ y knowywqs just what Ethel Wanted. the two had to live upon. The old city i t, portant case in order to attend the India, the man had embaeraked on board perb country goat, he rpspondect tt) the 11 I �J , h.e example of its infraction, and it is some share in the actual giving to and � "I " I , , , , 1, � And et -well, It was dreadful to be firm of Hathaway hirthday party of an aged father who a troopship. 'As the forage was effect that it would Pli�ttse him to take (" �' i , EPPS S- COCOA was completely � this that, leads people to believe that being for others, that when the happy day I �i r ennof � 1: I ,� COMFORTING in the world and not even able to , The Dutch are excellent husbands, Scotland's national emblem - thietties the namoof"Lord Glenc,w,* The patent � I t . �, � ,� 'L � � engaged to the dearest little woman forgotten. On the spot where once it � he will not return to Egypt, where lived tb ec hours distant by rail. distributed,two genuine spi�cim comes she m!iy know that she had his "at In tho flount, of Lords under � " stood a great block of ugly warehouses his position has. always b,en one of her,part. in making i(n smiles brighter. ,! I I .L ,�, I . .1 3 . Distinguished 0�verywhere for - . spend 5 shillings on a Christmas pres- hmt been built, and a new generation but quite preposterously jealous. An to wit - disclosed themselves among �f � '? extreme difficulty, owing to the un- its sba,down less, then we shall have waa about to Iw made oul In accordance �. 1�: , � ": �� Delicacy of Flavour, Superior ant for her. of traders, Manchester warehousemen disguised animosity of the Englishman who found himself In a the hay. brought to the sick room the beat of with his desire wh.-n the lairds and I , , , , I ,...L I . He almost hated the people who look- and furriers, most foreigners and young party consisting almost entirely of as- McLeod, with an outburst of cockney (,,bristroas na c, L,,nd of Cak,-s" arose ,�i . ,: t Khediv6, who alone has ne,glec gifts, the opportunity for ch"'itai f I he - "I N �; � . . Quality, and Nutritive Pro. ed like two -legged Pickford's vahs, s v he old ,stree . ted to sorted couples, ventured to pay a few wit, uralware, that his master was jtint a.4 a single man t.o Vii in I li,e moat I I I congratulate him on his victory a t em. the giving of oneself to others. L I "' i", perties, Specialty grateful heavily were they laden with ca Jack bad tea with his father, and durman, or to recognize his services rnmpliments and mild attentions to a behind him, exclaimed. and not aotto And the joy of thin gift will not die vehement and angry frishion at the Ir � . and comforting to the nervou board boxes,and brown paper parcels. then, telling the old gentleman that . , harming young married woman. He voica: with the (lay, but will shot] a boarn of Idea of an f,x-.,rrnn4 boy, � �, .� s He felt Inc ined ,to look upon the he would only be gone a little timb and In any way. even haft the assurance to include her Two more blooming Scotsman-olitick A MERE SFLFli.M,iD1-', MA,N, 1�1, �'� and dyspeptic. Sold only in i The Khodive cannot forgive Or for- light along the (lull path far ahead - � Christmas displays, in the shot) win- would return to supper, went out as in a general offering of roses made to 'am overboardl bringing unto vision unexpected ancl nsmunitag that historic name of Glen- - 1. P L I I �, lb. tins, labelled JAMES Oows, labeled Fill over "Useful Christ- was his custom on Saturday evening, get . that he was on one memorable oo.- the company. The husband was fur- The adjutant is now In want of co�, which recalls one of the most san- I ,� ,,�;,., -: I EPPS & CO,, Lm) Homco� mas presents," as immoral exhibitions to spend a couple of hours with his ""on compcll�d t,) publicly apologize lone. Ile cancelled a previously given groom. & undreamel of Iwitilies. guinary massacres and ti dieeds�oi I . 1� calculated to arouse an -Christian sweetheart, Ethel Merrick be lived in Arabic and in English for a gross i'� � � linner invitation, and there were nw- A V01 1) rotT(', H I NO ,, treachery in the annnhii of Scotland. � ; 1� , I I , � 1. 1011 e'r in ful rumors that. though dupis are now A DAINTY SACHET. A phyKirian who is connected with in Ultimately the dispute was settled t)y J , I , , I �, ; ,. 4" 1 opathfc Chemists, London, feelings In the hearts of her M,ftjesty's with her father and moihiv the and public prrkonal affront which he ' I I I , I England. poor Hagen. He thought it cruel that Hempstead road . . . . placed Upon the 4irdar. very rare, ho desired to challenge the cans of a comprointsin, this now peer . � . 1 1 . . , I , t� !, � , . L: I SUPpE.ft � the well-to-do should flaunt their The quiet evenings he was able to offender, who wisely placed the sea An excellent perfume for perfurning an inst it u, ion in " hieb th�re are many ki n th d stYl- of Lord . � � , I'll, .1 purchasing power so insolently in the spend now and then with his sweet- between himself and his would-be op- clothes that are packed away, tind cliPtirpin, says . Tiji i� nwhing Strat9eirria and Mount R�jyal, moroly . ��!:'� I I public highway, and he wondered whe- heart were the 4appitist of Jack Bath- RST OF IT. irritabi4� to ;i rough Ilinn rough- tacking on the word Gloncf)a at the ene �, r', , , I � '' ponent. which will retain its properties for a more , � .111, I ,,� th4jr Tantalus would not have been far away'n hard-working, self denying life. Babies have a comfortable time ing. For Ronle, t i riiii I ha (I 1i"n so fu I- by way of a rornindier that his r�un . 'L �� ". I � ;1, EPPS!S COCOA At the coq.ntry house of a certain long t imA can be maAs In the following ly asnur-I t)f tbi� that I deteirroned try neat is at Glenroo, whero . L I , �: - 11 more aevarely tortured had he been Some day they hoped to be together popular baronet soma time ago the but enough in Holland, where the cramp- he hi- I ''�,,,' �, " , ,�", . turned loom in toondon on the eve of always, but that day was far ahead, oom earl; I ing swaddling pillow Is -replaced by wuY 7 Pound to powder one ounce for one minut-, 0 lva,o to lessen tho reirently been entertaining Queen Vic , L . I -d)1110*1111111111:3111111� tercame into his master's r English layettes. It is. however, ex- each of cloves, carraway needs, nut- numb�r of ,-ouah,i h-ar,l In it certain toria'A favorit,e fvm, the Diiko of Con ii�, � ; � - I " I Christmas with an old father and a and Jack. could not wish it nearer, for One Morning wearing a most woebegone! ;,u,�'­ I , cuuff sweetheart, and not a mbil- that would mean tfittt his father would expression. pensive to knovA. too many, for every meg, mace, cinnamon and Tonquin ward in a hostoffil of tho Insthilli,,ii naught. and the Ivuebons, � 1. . I I 111i" �, � h be dead. The old gentleman was an visits or is visited by beans. also an murh orrim root as By the rnniiw a( rewards iind punish- InaArnurh as [,�rd Stratheona han n, .1� � Goderich, Planin Mills Ing to . There's very bad news for you this, woman will , ", �,tt ' I 19 - What he had thought In the'eity, Invalid find querulous, very trying and morning. he said. anwho It F aurcoed4-d in in,luring thw-m son, but only % dang ,, � 1: nurse (I Infant fpr the first time equal the weight of all (he foregoing r1w I 8 , hter marriod in a '. I 1, � '�� 1�1 ' L , r I I � what he had thought in the train, he exigent at times, but there was noth- What ig it, John? inquired the bar -1 must give the former at least five shil-, Ingredignts. All that is needed is to simply to hold their hreath wht-n I London physician, Dr RIIR� Howard, I � 1, 1: � Was still thinking its he stood on the Ing to prevent hih living another ten 11 his peerage will become extin t at lit � , ,r, . I I .�', . L `14- � � . otleman in an adjacent , , 4, li, h ' Poor Air , mentii . very'ture and lay them among the Us , ,r onet. lings Ifill little bagsof Inumlin wilhilids mix- tempitodl to cough, in,l In a little while p 11 ,� . Buchanans &,RynaS edge of tibe curb at. 4 o'clock in the y6ara or even longer, Jack bad never oning the name Mourning IN very long and tr. I was snynelf surpTin-I to see howl death, though the daught-r will :n - 'L I . afternoon of the &turday before (Altered in his duty. When he was If a ge village, � strict. Even the poorest Iftn" off their ments. some of th,, childrin entirely recover- herit his wealth, sell may he relipd I � , I - - � I - . 10ontrActors; 0^4. � . -Tristraiiii. Presently- vith�� dAop Pld,enqngh to, rindcr~ i�ll th-1, )i's i , I . hung ,litiagelf gold mp pins and beadpleces for morei ad from the d1waw Constant cough upon to rontiftw� all thaso charitable '. � �� �, , ': s v heis been im fone an L� I . � guilaers s gh, he dismissed the Nub* -from father had loW, and how different the A ' n' that isn't, the worst by any -means, I th-311 a Year after The death of a par- SCIENTIFICALLY EXPLAINFI). Ing is 'pT(?CiKnlY lik,i, wratching a enterprL"s with which her father's L 4 1 . blo mind, pulled himself together,fold- closing yeltrb of his life must be, h ' ent. und on I he out side of I he hody : me name in ldientifi,ed as fmindpr QLd eroti- , V - I 8 !Sir William. that there fox has beau I %'a I � " ,,P." I Manuilectureis orakiii 401i6to; ad his evening paper eartfully, and had taken his father'l hand It his own; into the preserves again and killaill ere Is one thing in the complicated long an It iR done, I he wound %71 11 not t�T. chief among th*, )after being the ,4 �l, ­.. in .it kitt that I have; heal. Lot a perqon when tunipted to Montreal Hospital �hich he built and "AD , � ids ot BuIldlo Mr. put it in his mat pooket and aqrode and said, "Dad, as long tit you live i twenty of the young pheasantal GAMES FOR GROWING GIRLS. philosophy of our existence I L off sharply towards the tpista, your home 'awl be with me, find I solved and confirmed by long observe. con b draer a long hrPa!h nnd hold it endowed. . I I tarial stl�h gsitushb6t�.t , I Th ; r e " , C.i In which unfashionable lifars will be a qood son to You." And he I It top not an eany task to entertain, tion People who are quick to anger unif, it warms ond R�o,heq every air Thnt Lord Stratheona is not unknown '' , �'A Fash, Lath, Shifitt6iti & . his Engllshmap!s castle Was, alCuated, had kert his proullso manfully. PROOp ov IT. young girls ranging In ago from 12, are jest Its quick to got over It. call, and some hienoft, will soon hii, rei In the United Stai is Rhoi by the I I I ­', o""I'a i L I �. . I . . � 1, , , Plans and 901irtatot 14aro6lidd on Appl;. When he entirall the little sitting Rtbe� Morrick rail tb tha door of the I First Clerk-Wh,it makes you think to 16 years. The managara of clubs, I now do you account for It profeli. calved from ihi, p,orti4n- Tb- narogen fact that he has recoivvill binnnorary da. , . " lioam on the mcand floor, his father, little house in the tiddipatead road she Isn't rich? guilds, assDalat Ions, and Girls' Friendly' sor I I which In tbu� confined acts an an anc, gre.kq from Vale, Harvard and rither I , , I �, L cation - Mo I "Ws".0"It who ,w4m cowering In &n easy chs.ir over when 6he heard Ur ,lo,vovs ,killuck. It I So�;nd Clerk -Because %he alwnys I I 11"ve concluded I hat t-hPly FrAt 60 bOt, dy-ne to the muiou� membrane,, n1hy- American universities, and that hp in � I "', , ' I I , h . I it black fim lodkod round and quar- w" lucky It tivad AL'tdifty night and I tries to make believe she is by not Societies, often seek In vain for some that their wrath melts suddenly away, Ing the desire in N)uah �nd g�vtnlj the director of a numbftr of United Swee I 11, , � � �� - ' ­� . ' , � y"A& grusily began to upbraid him I 11,0body' Could 11" bt he took her'in counting her change. solution to the corintantly recurring In fe"Id beat. I throat and lungs a chance to heal.� railroad companian. �, 1� . " . .1 . . L I � ", , I , , � I . ,,, i" : . I . �, . , I I I I . � I 1. " " I ,. , 7- /"7"," - I , Vil. 4 -4111 to . - ^ , , I I I -59-1 � - - IFRIK 8�, BPI 'I.", , 0 , , I J L , 444 14 'I I � "I I I .1 i I I I I I . i I I 4 I . . � , I .1, � I " I I * I . I ":, L I � L I I � %N . I ", 1 . I i I . I v . . I ( 11 . I - I I . I., 11 � . � ", -, I . . I I I I L I . I � . I i , I , 1; � I I 0 , I I 1. , ... �!� . I I . , . .,� I r � I I . . I I I , . �., I I . . I L I I : ' L ,�, r , I I',, I � . ". I I I I I � L I 1, -.6illifidillisAg .11, , L' , , � I . I L I I L '* .. � L , , I I - I I., I 1. I � �, I - I I I . � �� I � � I I " " I , " I � � . q, ,; :: ". I 11 I I I I � -'Z I �,i­, 11� I " � - , 1 4 - I � 'L' ' I I - - . L - . I 11 I I ., .r. -,-. I I I I I I �p, �, " �� , , . I r ­. I . . . I � I �'. I L . ­ ., I , L -- -- 11 .."llis. - I "I � I 11 - �iL ', � _, I L 1 ,�% � , ,, - I . �i I AiL I L, 1, il-,k�,1- Q - I 1� ..'' 1. , . : , , , "', � "I ­A,�, "--" , ­&ji" ­-_�' .'� L � , ' S'e. ',% , � , - I 1-66-M -4, ".'"�"'Z-,& , � ' ��� ­',�"'�'­:�r "'��'-�;j' " i�--�,-�,,�,.,,, --4,,,,:--- - ­ ­ ­ - .-,&,A I- �a--,­;�, .­�,- I'lle'" " -4 �,li�:.-"LL��,�-uL,",:&;.,�.�,i� �. 1�-,L­oll ..., ­,zlikiia6l �:`� A.hl­�Aghiiii,,.Al