HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-12-16, Page 167" 71" --- Irm'- - - I pvw� , t V"<L--V"rr" WW- 'T'�l -I' '17 � 7-�17,�. I . � . I ,­ V7; " ­ 1 11-1 111111111� 1, ,,, -17.1 ._� .­Ilwo�� -1,911V ., -11-1 -- - �­,r - I I I � I . - I � . q - . -i�,' � - - ­ , IRIP1111111 . !IF___ " - I , : - . - I : . � I I - . ,� I � _. 'n' . . , .: 11 _�, _ . , wl�r.-,7111.k , 7`*_ 1T*7w1"1,*'n`-,,V �_ , Ill. . . I I I . I � � � I , . .1 I I I � . � . - , , .1 � 1, `� . I I I . I I � , . I . I I �, � I : . . I .. I , ,, I . . . . , ... � -, �. . . I . 1. � I I I . I I � 11 . . �, . I . f. I �.. . I . t . " 1: '_1 '' ", . I . I % , � I I . . I . I I I . I 1. I . , . I . I 1��,�I,q-k-,,* , . , I I ,� I I I I � I 1. " '. I I � �� . I " � � I . . I ., � � , . . . � I I - . . . I I - , . ., . � I 11" � I .. . " . :� ., .. I � 1. I r . 01 I., � .. . I , . :. ,. .. .. . I � I I _ �,� I ,:. I , - � 1. -1 _:1D . I ..: I � I . . I t - " . 'L I . . I !. � � . � I � ,.: _ . . I ­ . I-, -.-- . I I I - I I I I . - . i I - � ; I I _... - I ­ .,, . I � . I I lw , I . 4, I- ".. I ­ -, I ,. � ., I .. .. . . I I I ! . . � � . - . . . 'I.Ir � I �, - � 11 . �� 0 1 1 - , � ., , �­ I 11 � . . .1 . . I ­ .. � I .1� .., � �. � -Ill, - - .� ". � . . � . I ­ ­ " % . . - ': I- - - 11 I I 1 14 1 - � . . � �, I � - . , . I.: . - � ., .- I.. I .''. .1 1 . di I I I I . ,� - . ,,,, ! ­ . . .. . I , ­ . I I I I I ::.:1j,:,,:i11. 'jj.:'l'I!1:'..W.W, ­� I ­ - ­ I I 1. I . ­ - . I I - . 11 - .. , I- . -­ �. � I � , III 1; 61"I ­ I . - ". ­ 1-1.1 -i-- I 11011- ­ ­ I ...- - 11 .1-1--.." ""'." I - ,.,-- .;, It'; � i0i IWA: ': 141 I 11 .. -1.1 . ! T!!��M� I ­_ . :�,;,.,mil: . ..4 , , , . �� 1!:,:::::�:,�,tli"�."10",��-,I,: I: . I I I .1 I r ­ . - "�. . , , I , . , - -1 I I . - r . I i � I mes.ol-334rtlett ft c�QWOWIM far t%aj troor Olt .$$* A%ft4o:: 4 up ,I . Alff. fwo�$lx . I . - Or S I 1 , . "I I ., ,a , Z�4%14 , ug, , ,9 tic , I . __ � . . I -M ATIP I : i 2DO, WES ".QX - , " , g -3: O'. 4r4L , . , ,, _ . , , ,- � : � I -v. "I .�� I - f I � L��* iffili �� � , � I - rug. .. JAM. I # Xmpoter jo -M 14"f . 'Or '01,019. I I I i lightim'Jif ,6my 1 111, . � 3 FELL w 1 : � � - I I., elect,,. . . 11, I'll 11 ., -11 � ­ -`P� , , 1. I �. M ' , I . � of 3%#,.r- 'WU 4 .Ilt g I $4 LLL ", I � , . 1 � i , VA 44 t t . - VivTokka - , 11 , � " :1 4$040 § " I. , AN A-111111 `0,NLVN0Pk%3K40*n0- "#*�A%,, I in � I , '1110, . General Lard r0tChAlAsir _. 9ITO; X0,10; Julies - � � 011 144 Oftfw''110", . . I 4, I'll 40, , � , ,#I"*, OW j � . "' toum. girder at the- 144 grlcoop * V"4,4 � R ' 0.44 - � . '' ; � � i �_. r:" , '04#14_� Owe, &M -0 ­ "' - I` L I". I AT I 11 0 1 1 1 ; * � � X * , ,"o" 11 TF I , "I ,*,03.61il I no b aft tip I , , , IN t4 -, � 1, , , a ,11 , &W, VK 4 raim' A WONA11"S .,R , W', 0 . . , . I rt U4o . rooml to,,%X.#, gog�jjfgtox or tub , 101#9 DUTA AT , � , . * : � iiava " ,� - I ft . A deap;tt-Ok �',OM --A 4tipqto ,P 0 "t" k. I , I ., I � 14.. 11 �� . I ,__ - . � I a 910 Rzm _9 _ � ax 9.1 , I I *to ad on his rotura Q the _4 on I I 1, ql I " ,; � �, M rm J� 01 _ . y N , 0% t t , , "A . *"* � A despatch 1you A*Uotli*� olayo -11.1 , -SIR � I I , I -t* J* , be, Plitt- � ot m , � A TOROIRT9.71", I � , ! AM A ' � Crowd of friends b040 KWU-* kvk�14, 9 slo'lor t . � , 2 1 - � ; . I _P - � . , , , 1 2 - I � . . � ... MA'arty-al'at the railway ststiO4. 4#01nso; .� . I � I ,I,.,,,, � I . W41 Paper at VA001i" �t#A *Ftwig, . , , .-ir- - 1. say-Aimoing; J*900 populatilou' A , lad �. �:� 0 1. . - , I , i .. f.. 1�, a . tA I - I I .. -1 111 ' . I I � T MOO gri 404, M 0404 of, *hat, totaken k I I 11 . . 'W ' _ at -Wboat , out0do 2.800 : . _CA � : � tj�: Dec, , #,, U , . . I . . *4 ­,X#joto,,`OJ TWO 01bera wen C. A. , 4_,' to 0WIL'Offt ,1111*0 . . , The British Foreign Offica bell to* ' 000, , *a 10*41T 1"" OV , , ww�,* f - I I I I � , _ _ Xty =a gad , "It .week , - :JX%-, mor kraf4� lowor *r . xpa 0 bel,i0agi4a vX*l)R_,0*,­, TAI*'4'O0tAgWA 19rom � * I'll, I . .� I I �. �Oym. Calved am$ that Lieut$. licatlag 604 fqrty,,wpm44, V, etimfortatile Were Isavri"Red Iso 0.41 rvow "Ot'. , ; t4.tt,j news t4t W 9 I "I , 4AP09- � ­ pla, ,A ortoXv is said t 0110sq. IOWA W04 1 � , I � I , . . � _III g . jiql�: � , -Am" N ran , � X, t. p e. 0. ,.!' I j,kqi4;,:*Ad.r gq#)ro , � a I . j � � . .. rappoak, V444 W W, *44. WbXtA W U104 0440rit *am, Mar- -1 I . � M, ".. I ` I Gals and twelve* native voldlerg. WAO A00.0, !4. W 4W ItAtitUtIm'" In Mitan A despatch frorA ToroutqI sayig`�;,­ *; Satt, gad )Nlauca. ,sAct, 4101i 4 , ' beat. aIar­i45,:..CQA4X , . or a'. � , I . I h' ' '"L�'� W, 4 COffereA ,�L ,. . I 11 . I I - � I � I ft ' - -_b` 'nqj4pt fire broke of X49041 tire Pr . "I .. 11 .. ! i- t, 1 9A Wofte4!4i . 11 *u] t *1 - were Massacred in October last, were *10,'Ab.,�Vot4(..-Ii'ftli�ll,iit.',Orktt4 for dosti- ;Wt '4.W4 ,W". ..1. "gly to, tw 11, -1 . _"�� 41040 Off VW4 Ce9tts" killed while parlering with tribesmea tialto *.a#,d* aus, out in the roar' � . U480 -n , , _, .4 b0J4QV6 . ­ '44 I rf"''Will bo rr �11' �'; �: � , .k � � *tf ., I I . . , , , A lial 04*404r V " , - - . I of tb I , f , .13" IK A '' , , 'A . �: ". -,VP_*i-_WbO# aqw4axly W. time thore, -quAtInue 6. .: 1. , . , .! I �, ,,, Vm"._ Th7, X%Pj*j,4. 0 __ , .4 4A � 11141010-n8it, P10,94 � � I � . I 1 I I I " ::_ - . .1 I I i. __ __ .� . Ous", "d ... a Niger terr taFs. X0131roy's tailor ebo� I' It wain and rmssw; VQ111VA, *P4 ;A000 ow 00, ad conic I all , at' W_ 010904% at li . , I, �, � . __ I-_ I.: " , 1 I I . . -� �� - ­ 1, , � 4W - . " 0060MA, -$so _ , nadalestill romling in and - I , *440,00,44; x4-1' I b . C11. 1- 1� ==_, -_ �� '� . I , , "d, , TXonto pm A . 4hf.iIk.!V.11y,§i a , - , . _ _00p,44 ' ", 2barol and NO." I town, '-Pr. _4f�l 'K�14,sp, tm Two 00-4*101is� . I . London Truth annoances that ParIs,Aji0I,,@tt,6W , ptltu,te W% . .%461%1 ,Ad in _4" it - Xreaw ve OC rr .rAo. Lebrettal. stroet west, shortly after 10 9!4rlqOJK, 04 officoio b I, . I - I I . I ,� . . - -, It sprei � I 11 . � .. - )$p . . I Q= mother of the Nothfirlando tageg, 4, WAIlt,erapy, afternoon on the Wednesday night. Lif to#*(� wrq� for of 04,',W0#,' `M; $9, . condition, W_ P Atkipoii, , , '';;��,-: ", -f �. " .'' : " 1,roamiW bqpi�,o!,,W�Joh , , _ . , - #P. I I .1, . "10.0 WZ Ilea privat to Queen Voto I IsIrneo.of ,the. TUIIIOTI44 without at- a ,wp"'# Stan A,,, I ortbom V*qto ,O4,, west. 700. PhilRdeipblak 'to I ,,, f* , , ,,, I �, - . I . � ''. I . � 1 I or 7�sty of the bOt$0 tra tely to the stairways, an,it'lix4i ' .. �Xllflllstot -in. Oqmsiq � '-fA6 $tale-' . � I , . . 1 CAVAPA. 0 _ 00AW any..�Ootlos. ,.A '04 I , , , . `�,` , - %. I WOrMlAg H I . ,, I, �'Viotttqt. , � Ffol _,qo', t. S�rjtgbt .roller in Board of- Heattlisapeal" 0 Ar Rok" jror I � B - ­ , ,. � up - Ljotwo! 41ir 4 bsr4'�Vo*%;*eZVL# UW4031te". 9"..- I ­ . I ' - I who lived In the tlata above wotft*�Cjtp'� against r' O' , A,ki� 10, on Thur4 . .g 0 sr6ui J" -­ L '� . '. . -1 I _ .''. - . I I *41;,, union If employed lifori; or . of the botrot - . ' � tw,04` wov 4.4 V oxnag� , - , 1. 014 I" ­ JiMup 1�jll be 0140 Prince Wlslilsonar. oldest son 01 , L I I , 44y, X0 b ratura"bovi I , I . � I , he MI - -a ��', I � I 'a works I*- Ott4wa 0"O year- a[ of Queen Willis Z11 to laco I , I peror ad up like ratsin a trap. One okt�041-j gling, scrop the :frontier, Tbo Wrlin, bble, Aortj,� slid West, *,aa at 4 Bedford, Whets, lie span eso � . dis iolil . , , rum a, � . .. ­ ­ " '. , I it Wed_ Ry. In A tol� 46iii 440=01,�G, 17, � ,, r. I , � � I the now lism of Whid. Miss Mary Power, fall from a tj dr, t P 02.00. diagnosing t##. dlssaIi - 4�4"� .. . , ,.- X Or's 13 TO was ently attack- . . .a that PrAvalig ght-poeurrAd, PJACog. 00,49 J.__.�'., "" , L I Work haa cpmpt�acad on ilif � , I 000 paper; at first �0. Qvod, tlxo IdOW4 wittii 1�4, ' R,411.,ed asts, in bags. on from on ead Of the tOW,A to tbO­Qtbgr,h. � � - I . TrI " &"- f Oat. 4 is to 04 When oak" what kind of a mau bo� ,_ laft At I �tmoj - I I 1 . I . CIA SLoar . , . � out troqble, and a atorey wWow to the concrete "Is- inareftlity; but Prildoy!A leatieI at M I 11 11. The Be p;Kd p I . 1. hall at Iriapt I . � � ... 11 a . iolatiA df.. at" vitlaolIto'. at 04,14 Springs, On t,110 r0a,4 I 11 L"� '' ' 'L_ � 43ko". wanted to take over the finan 40- on fol''Oper, mont, and died from her InjurIca A � ." * 1prOi, PAO per bbl; and in bbl,6 tby4 As, . - , ft tL.1, � . Id- partment.91 the SoWlea, Lord Kitche tthe Abluel paper reltor.a I " betw.ean.)i , I I � , , I I � tox Ito olaw"A . , , proluounobig tjIi be ob,10,60 I - ' erwaa4,)Urk6rvI4ej-I$@,iur L.;r � I I, �... I . UP Deserouto Car Works are but The rr0Acb,,,,qabIo repair ship Contra Eniorgene, ho 1 , 'XA :, � . . 'A �Pqac.,. - � ,:­ ' - � i - I So. box care for the Intgragloutal or rovlLe(L- U*R* 7 W early next MO - and f*atates. new -1. -, Dr. AtkiAson�.�:'­ after g, thie'ra, ireault1p; Ilk, the, death. at thrleo Chfu;;� I I 111 want a man thoro , sp I ,, dotallo, . � . I , �, . . A it - . ... . � , - I .1 ly up in All finance problems, and not 0 I, 0 a workin on Ing. Another, MW - X � _d 1yer It i's gentAllio All " Pica, t 644 : , 01way. .* Kate lRarbler. Was It ig�oac;#3M,i t�at the layeatlae � �1111" - $agree. Car lots of bran, aminatioi ..a 11. t a uudl:t for . , ,tflm� ),,rhj h, . 11 0 tho T ' men, #rq via- � I I I - � . over 25 years old." Gen. Kitchenot,14 , - carried out by - 1414410K eiafght*, 4W;,'apd shorts. $14. He counted, 130 O&ACO in t! to, �� A . no Offtt otla , a howgpq Vomit 11 , '' - - It is amid at W-lualpeg't _ t, we eman tiveAty:W11 has boo 'oat th , .. t4ry - I t - - It 1. a in a aging the po a fir , xg ". : '' la.b the 0 a , iolrough'beltwoog Rol C, � r in 'atill waiting for big financial, Prodigy. attic f tie French transatlantic Cites later, badly burned and 4,",� y langoa,,gad Linau, Russia. � � P"Ol-&arce, a4d higher. Car lots, believes thexq axa-fully �il . 11. C � 1.0, : potorsyli, W40 1690'.0A .. I � " _�a � P. XL will erect 4 1,000 too ameltAl . , r The polke, I Women, .aAnS C41.1 , a I � it I I A ta, laveatates, 445 rO* . , � I i . I ., I the Boundary, Creak district, is -11). mitted to the fjoyal Institute of Brl- IPA a. I aaffocated. Her istjorles are 80406, have a" 0ortu, Agir W"..t, (Joe, andseast, 040- omallp or., �� 0 t ,,� � 11 .�. I , L" �, - �� � , robod' elvory bongo oloni; the Ill k 0 Klilig with h ig ,the bo ,4 - : The first woman architect to be ad- . . .. I . I I . _41e '4� ' I i �, o . . .. ; . . . . . � . , �, � - has - A negro soldier of the United States hat she may recover. --r y, White ostal face$, ve .. oil � ,a X . 0.4 wpo. woro infifool 'up . �'..' �, ! The Council of Potorboro � I Oets About qwaa, - I . ,. , . " 11 I � , 11 - tiall, Architects is Miss Ethel Mary Army has beau arrested, at Havana, . frontior and have. made -a number ,at ht'and, Bill � "I , 44,wo �. ,,�, - "I 1, � , �� pointed a cquitaittee, to can ider aud;� -he final examination the charged with shooting two Spanish sol- The fire was first seen by Jo- arrestw -Att. N - north 444 "at, 4old to -day, at 270, and day an a* li� vAknd, , , I I �� 0 IM, i,l InAKIqupvt I % it, bold. . . '­'­:, cb��-mo ,of municipal iYABUr- Charles. At I, poph, _ �Jemel. The Prussian 40 � . . I � . � - . . � � �1.1i, ,I,:,.. I � port upon a a: candidate to require - - 1. � .- . - �1_ � . - - , ; 1l, .4 to deaig% It dlers. Ile will bodealt with bythe Lindsay, of 00 King street west %u4)L thoriti4s. bilro, o jDarit-04 'With 001 JAIX�d. At 970, W14to,iold Cast at 280. ,- � " .. ­ .. , . ; -,-,:., - ­ . ­­ I i :1 I ". ,',"',�! , "A I :. I *491-4UIOC Car lots at No. 1. out- ,' �-1 �!��4'?': ,,��. . . 'a, - 1. . "I �7 . �-�, �, I Y118 'I . �, I It, , a change In train service, thot M can ., F �,��.! . . . . . . . .� 1� ��.",;,;� % - By actor show a complete knowlOdge, prisoner, the Americans having refus- ,Red gl tremendous sensation in t 01 aide., I , . I � I ­ 11, I B �, , I . 11 ­ -or quoted nominally at 480 1 .:I �l I . liopes toptake the trip train . � . . ,� , '. ­ , I .. . , 1.1;1 C. P. X from the corner of King an tt, -ro'll- Kh, - once, .. I is Runsign pollees Rea their activity bas building of an Important. ptxhlio 0 'Ar- 81),katob Courti the samoe(as any other Waddell, and they rang in an I . a , of style, Construction, Planning, f0itl ad to take ob%rge of him. ol, "Day sume district sljong both. atilas Q9, , I " ...'..., . 1.4 1 Montreal to Winitt In 40 hours. In- dationi, eta. This Miss Charles 8110. streets at 10.15. The reels were qujbkly, 00 I ATC-lbout sta4d.v. Cpr. lots, we." - I . . . A ..:� ­. � .­­. . " .�;o ,_1 ­, � ­. - � , 11 ,. � . . , '. � - ai * at i � 1, I; 1. I 1 L " �.. atead of. the OZOICA ".Me Pf r4 bOUX2* ce" Santlap do Cuba experienced a sov- 12 11 are quoted gt,!510 a9d east at 51 1-2c. SkIn 41#oIgook fropt the W ink - two Mo Obstinate 401mo*0 � . I . . I'M MAY, HAVE OUCOEUDED. , _ I ., : �,� 11 The report that W. C. X , . kil"CoampshO4, are earthquake sbgok Tuspolay night on hand, but the ladders, which were 8u.okwb,,t_.S,A,rZ Exporters quote ,. 10 I., lently I � I I t. ., scaousid' Th. Dritlah -Admiralty has recomo frightening many and destroying a the most needed apparatus, seemed, to M- 40 It0soutil, It Russian 001ic* GOFR- 45 W460 for tar lots, Outside. cured by Dr. Asits, Is 01stme0it-3 imqts. , � . . I., 1. . the millionaire tobacco ma4tifutitlarer, , � fro ter r in W .4 . -'1-7 . .. .tl -,� I , mended, upon the report of a 4POOIAI Wp Ity of crockery. Same of the gathering crowd holplositly wi,tub- missioner, came across the 001`11�4ulot, and rather Casio I I � 0 semi.off I � I :-z 111� . I , , %,.,,, . � L: ; is to 00 ligightled, has a Univer- commill"Jon. of 'en4juoera appointed the Amorlpaus not understanding what , - - t0u6i. Americau. yellow, track, Torou- Who does.n It ft I t nips qqtil past middle life, and Dr. , .1 . . ji Tuesday for the final sogrob Ili = ,at apvy a baby :I s so vo yq y PA, . , - , " .1 . , � " I., 1i . How many suffer ftm diotre W.pg � AgIR speocilly-and , ­. ., cially C156 ir;�"# at , vaill to our I 9 the frenzied women at the I A skin? aw'sbintlnont I= curbil , ; j . � .. . vay the plctoo,, that Few nota had happened were considerably alarm- meroatt. Up to tA t time the, bomba to, solit to -day at 41 1�20. and mixed I - 144be late 0 a dows, time in coming. had p , , .�,, 81tv. . , I I I , I � , 11 . � . f 0 ran tie gvido with ad, The shook'lasted several seconds. along . -at boon found, sod it was thought at 41c. . � : i, t., . I I bY the police that the Plot to staturgle, skin discases-Do you suffer? Havj you pervion-putij. it, Is q, boon to mothars f", i., � , :,� . , '. .'L '::�-- In a apewlt on'T6qr1AAY Mr. Chain- . �P6� harbor, Major Marchand, of Faahoda fame. &make was pouring from every Win ' I DAIRY PRODUCE. tetter -salt thourn-scald head -ring wom 641isait. to A loon tm babyland;;W514 ­').',,� _ �, b6rlain bald he hoped )a it, few years tic t of oat,# will oefortb caltbrated his thirty-sixth birthday and one woman, to got � , ontier In all Prob- '.�,,�. 4 . I ­� I ,�' It.., air, crawl Buttmr-Tho market to without core-blotclic4 an thkakin--i.- hand mod Its I�itotloaol , -_;�, to see a tooloration a the empire, cal a' ' acco ability has been -successful Ithough It Chang; Ili aa -3P lins.1 Movement is gen- .--eczema-al . Which aroaccom- , . � � I ,;� ,,i, �� thoi last 14ouday. He ,began life as a out In the cornice. Overcome, b ' d that part of'the Infernal chronic erysipbW-Hver spots and to the teething pe;Q,aro �,.,"� 1 "! �, �, with coluniAl V*prewntativea In the inPirest war a a and the Yt 0 was believe I 11`1,�:4 , r , , ,,�,: l; , clerk In France. 11,. has been am eral. a4eipteample. Quotations are as *114t pantme4t, quickly , . 1"... I" 14 �". British Parliament. . str gest out to of Gr t Bri In In 9VIhn"Ithe French army andi marine Oka, Miss Power fell headlongfrom machines might be still on Prussian fall I ou"s ptsm a I � ��'�,�4�1 �;�?:,. - OWs:_rftIry,'%u a, poor to medium, not else of these dlstastefuIan444Wr%vxft.�.. v rWI , , , fkw y- 1��i V1, , ��I�i,: . lej her window to the pavement befo . large ;'L� � , � � ' _ftoft off and * . 4�,�,;;'. 1. Thi Farmers! Mader TwiteCompAny a Vat. but has spent the greater portion a re the "Oil. I , , ., *,.,�,.,; " I -d has ji I It was a Russian. Mechanic named , 10 to 116; blicitce, t4' to 14 1-2c; disorders which disfigure and ,- ��,: "' � - ' ' - � ' andwhal tortulm reigned with �N,,,',,. , , , � � � wo I .1�00i, I W I , ,a I 4#1 a cy V . 14 ther, - =Wva #40 �!03 , !AV4 A W, It eA 4 Ott, t "Ill. bow. V The dow 40111 ed mmodatin becotoo h . OR. ta '- .. .,: � . Bralatto. I rolls. 18 to 140�. imall dairy, lb prints, 1, 1666._.� , I andwi tight rest . P ,�Ci­ I 11, - islit 0 Pat cent. o* it's purposes. I discourage? Dr. Agnew's .� . - �., I :,,�'­�. of tat pAidthe aeton- 'UNITED STATES. his Itto In exploring for geographical ladders arrived. - � Palzoff-a resident of Krp#ingea� who � wmb�is,,. baby " balm brQ I . �, I us dividend Olt 6 about 14 1-2o- creamery.' tubs and � 1. 0,��,�'�A" - 1;, , e� I Two 011diren were badly mangled by FAINTED AND FELL. revealeff the plot to tho.-VOlioe. I I I � �:;.,,:.j ': �:,�,:�� P wo boxes, X9,to g$v.1,1ho .1 . ... .. 2,"'.. �, - capital stock for theyear ending Oo­ One of the hangmen of Alaotro'lls, miss , r was In bad and �, 20 to 21o. s. 1��' ,1,-�:-,;,-j ". labor 10th Itiat. a mad doa -blob ran arokick IrA Phtiv,- Ointment Alleys 49 7dls,, , a imro-It affords lar � a4ary, asleep ECONOMICAL S.MbtfilERVICE. Choose " )?A669"Jiold firm. Early buru,� I stout relief from the I ­,' - �'.. .:._,�� � d tressiag itching, I " ,':'-, " L % , �, lz!.�:��.,,,.j . . The pArmaxlent 61fentry whools, Of elphla. Want an strike for increased a :�"_ The business portion of Wayeawaga, after having learned that the chief ex- When the fire started. When she was In the milit'a' budget' now before makes are AiAllipg at .0 to 9 1-4o; and - ��' itching-Aistre", . . . .. � 11_.'�.,� , ,�i.�­, Toron Paris received an annual In- awakened by the smoke and nmsn� she the Imperial- R thstag there In tin late makes at 9 1-2 to 10c. , �,­ il, �� 1, ", , � , . � London. . to, St. John's and Fred- 11 Ing. stinging seriani, -� . . 1,�,�,. , . Ocular . , �­ ,�... at Ottawa Wia-, hits been burned. Twenty sub. tic= which aame Piaq-:� � - A I . Do ypn jouffifir from ..�;"-;�,,,', 1 .4 erloton,1011 bip c9acantrated : . cothe Q 1500 a year, nearly three times rushed, in her night clothes, to the i'tem of 84AN marks charged to the PRODUCE. � .. 4' 1 -n- ;,%.�,� � - " e ,,�' , . " etaiRIAL bUildin o. , Parcel of oacb,',, I'll , - piles,-Itching.blind. I L -, -, � ��4j ':'� . uniler'V6mumad of Lietivol. . Otter . . WA are in ruin . of !ye A allan man -butcher's Income. stairs, only to find them in fla secret fund,`," whereby to meant the and . � . .�:""�, ; �.",,­,,. . sVitotion. no lly convinced that his dutPs was. She service' W ga-,N0 pvtIoular feature in the - _:�,h � �, for a course at In . John McCullagh, former chief a I . 6% �blootiis$" or alcer- ., - . � , . officers. of . t, o Seventh FusIlloro p Olt Now, York, has taken charge wore a a ardudus than then fought her way to the frouttIfthe upon ., jjj"�ict I .1%, 1 I . ',�t'! � ..-_-;t" �- , 01106 blob, matnta'aa- 'OsPlonagel ma at. Demand fair and prices troubles, and fa A!j, I . � , T 0 those of his ad porgbn�i�'!_ domatitio %.- I.T A .1 4-wo romedy -�'��,,,'�' �., .�"­ .0t,A ., . �.. , �_- 4, - k i;`-;:,. . . � �, " "";; � .., ,;.,��;'- . . : � "���'..�, L A��,!:yt ! "v��v, I I �7��.L�,�' .,�!, , ,q,, , , � , ��; �1. 1, ,�_!" � , �,.`. �,:� , 1.�,-.L, � : .. , �,, �,), . - � ­j�, . . . 'L, �, �� , _ 1. I . " ,,,� �,�i ,,,!-, ;,� "L". � .,-�i " , , . , I , I , , I I 11 , , :,� ", , I � ,�, ,� L '� ' � . � ,'-o , � 11��,' I" , , � � ,,, '.�, . 1, -, , ,��,� , , . , . , A'If., - I , ,�. . � V!�%,�j � , I . . :. r ", �; � - I � "", I L I ,l I ,,�.,�:," .''.4,�i"' L � I ),),�Z� ,, -1, __ ", I �27__ 11 _ , , , ."�";: I 1'. � I , I 1, � 'I'll.., � I : I , 1, I , "�!� ,. 11 : 1-1 �11 � � . ,,,��,�, , �kl, "e- , :�!�,:,?., , '. - �t -S", .11, , ".�­ � :, �1 � " �,,��, �,� , I I � I r I . I I I I . , � � � , � , I .. � . -0 affed. WILOWLTAOIRS are: - ow suousIL12 ca.4&-. INI,�tl � $�4'L,14 �� �' I tit London , _ II'doolded to rowan of t p011ob tons In Havana. Parisian contemporary, and be Is now building, and reached a wiudov�i, after O*d agents of. -foreign F ��. 11 I I ­6',�%'L�' 14 ,. laid. 00 to 22c; held fresh, 17 to l8o; ,. . . . " his -W I Its a rotest'll all t Gon. fluttou's an. Frank, 'Fa Govern vitare to , , , J�i , :o �. w.t, . . light so quiclo ., , us. 'I Gould, youngest son 91 doing business at the old stand. a terrible struggle through the flumes mentq. Everybody is ,surprised toll, storage, 16 to 14o, and limed, 14 �� I'll 11 �i , : � .. � .,j.,��,�'7�, , " - . , at the outallInd6b of the aniclunt. asked, to j, ments ba ellor, sp"�Psluful - . 1 _4�1,,,, .- Ito rl . Ing battalion reorganiza- the late J:ay voUld, Is now, Of 696 RAd City Marshal A. D. Bryant, of M- and smoke. I _p . =;o , , I .; X I . . As soon as she reached ., . " !� .. - ,,,N�,��,�,�: . tion with the oRlsous before Consulting beir to *10,000,006 under his father's Kano* Tenn., was shot in the back of the window she was seen, and, 4 cry for to this sokvice stood Franco \ sorgica oporations an ­',:�,,.l1,,,, . . . _,o ,_,l, , ­ ,�, i:1,7, 1, I 1. I devotes millions,of frvLacs. iijp ', Plitmeal "�W'�­, thil oft,04a. ` 'Will. ­ the each liar PlItAtale*-Steady. Demand good, and beal and mudIC4610 ,110 I , . head three times an 'Wednesday, went up from the crowd. They ea- 5111tell notboa,vy. Car lots sold on them ft his wcrksd,?� , '. 10jr: Agnew ..,. ,1 � . I Y�.�,,!,!��,,� The 47tlx Battalion . will commence There to ak,,projeot. on foot to build and almost stantly Illed, while seat- couraged her by shouta to hold on until . tree . Deals ' .. I . ,�Il),,�,,,, . ra 13013111191.-�­ . - � I � I . . - '� I . " "_ I . I ,';,. "I h, , -UI44 was T,H TREA* lift .-=_d Ito Alh ., , r I. �,��,� ,,'A their Annual drill at Fort Henry, an P,Ico palace, *6 Niagara Falls, N.Y., ad in th6 toly-phond oves. The Vur- the ladder arrived, but tho,wo ai=slotit of store at M to '65o lKfarmers' Wonderful and i -It has.proveiJ Itself an Wngstoll, on derer Was a boy , atutuist, I HIS. ant C absolute cum rp piles 11. - . the'- 3rd Of January, usiho ard;JbIal. Joe. Made in Hamilton. namil Hughey M- -overcolao-by tlit- smoke, �ad, notvnth-' I sold,tol-day, at around 65c. , I I ���";�,t�'i when two_.9f the Companies will enter Oat. for thd,,PArpofia, 001' *ho, Cold to his home, and cam- tan TO1201' " Itit all fortas aAd at 11 -stages- ", ",,�,'T-` ,, r ,1!_ I standing the fact that ,61te was cam- very Bitter #ter I Poultri-$"Irts liberal ; sales free, ease, no maitir'of bow I'll, LLLLLL ----- .... ... I �,,TT � a `�!�i ,'...-, �! I � A W-PtIl-7 the tor�, the other compauleA going mWed suicide by taking morphine. / alvedi 10% � . I ;� The relletif of the Greater Now York paratively safe where she waa,she ond prices ateady., Choice dry picked. stAtoling, has baffled Its curative q e�l Id ,�""�jA�'.:r,j L Ill, In thoir rn. 0 charter.,,tib, -oatore rooklyn. X. Y.. The Canso alleged far the murder was it. She A do atob from Parts, says: -The StM . ' oft's Hestion ,will reHave the itc rig. . I ,_ �,­, " j . � I I 0_�,, . L fainted, and fell to the groun . JiL hrlaj6 top quotations. Quotations in cases of chronic eczema it bai i Wp . - . , . L dos in an nAtent-and 1. I" ,� , 'k , '4� - , . 4 , �A that McCall was arrested by Bryant was at once picked up by eagbr hands aro'.-Oblokene, per pair, 25 to 40o; I disappear after from . , -,,,,"1.j1 I the, Ottawa Waterworks Da- to its forlAor' status San independent ' Unit�dltates and Span" Peace cam Its great worth, and cam am a to i INI�_ � , � city, Ii being, advocated, 11 Saturday for drunkenness and city and carried Into Lindoity's gro.bery - 0 40 to 60o 1. geese, par lb. 4 1,2 to ere this drea affection hass I I his, ment-thapain and ­,, "t".. � 9 'A' clerk, has been found guilt* I L 114 A ,wh � :�4t,v�il:;�,,A 16 VIDIAtiOuS. missialasrs concluded their work on 6 It.; turkeM per lb. 7 to 8 1-2c. birthright of Its pa0ent and coustant .". , ," , �j�t"',noat . go.:grovt of embezzleme The tr store across the, stpet. I . norenotis quit you and the tumors vanish r , r ., I Ofadg, Altool $t%tos buttleabi :goa- L - _ Thursday, and ft -picked has . , "ll �, " At , 0 N4 , � 11 . . � , !;, A`��., frid tunds, find sentenced t two r, husetts"lo, mobro4 tit lirooklyn �Ulba U1qCoNSCiOt4 �, n&lly" settled tbo Bean"hoim hand us sell , Z`k,.!�J, _D_ A lady living in %'northern Count Thebaby o1ratiother lad& bvft on Pielfie Ave. 1,4 _�L­ DERVISKSK By HER OF e e. They at $1 to 01.10, and Common at 70 to _y town writas that _ �,l -I roam In th,6" pealtentiary atoKing. damufad bull, caused by running on a: ELSTONS ilEST, Mi. Harbor, who is employed at 75o, -per bush. - for seventeen-yeateshowas troubled with salt than='. at ct*,d with scald -bead " ,­',�,��?;"-­ . , Toronto, was terribly I ,", , , 11; "i . don. ,rook n' New York bnil6or. - , ,Lindsay' grocery. was hardly More will Meet once more 14 formal session, Dried apples -Demand limited, but , She took docloW treatments and used many lotions eczerna-sho tried washes ­,�, � �, , proscribed by her physi q,�,,,l�­, . without any*rManeintrelleE Reading ofthwcur6s ,andso.a glivertisediorsucti * tit . - ..��1111 ,­1�� � t .11i�i .­� I Ausoall A. I I Or, Jr., ;oifi ofConaral Th' UnitodStates Na.7 :, as she remaine on:0aturday or Monday n4to when tho market .holds steady. Dealers P37 joade by Dr. Agnew's Oiament, decided to i dis e r. even 0 MCI k w his . . � �, ,�' " f ?8&yttealit TIM Arlp the Fine*& Ever Put Volvo the fortunat d In the build- I 33 Warj: recommends Senator M a's I for, a, Nona Market. ing until the fire was almost extin- , ,c re . Alger, ry ited3fitos'$eciretary Of the Spanish commisslopers sorrowful-' CtO 4 I�Zu,foi dried otodk, deliver. t. The first applicifloh allayaAgla Irritation an on ; nalf A X on th If d cureo ,"A,T',�,, - iall I dbe e bans; .1"i �1­ , wen sar 16uAlyt1i titod la monument In Haftna, t th ished, and received terrible burns, I el - I* PlOmory A despatch from Lonoon says: -The gu ly, and the Americans with feelings of oil here, and smalfloto resell at 4 I- ate continued using It --the disaaw �, ­,0,,�,V,,,;,,A0 , _�L " , --- -_ 4� .ppeared and now for two yam there I ly t mrs foft loso 0 Ile$ 7 ,�,­,'.! ,., on accident of the Victims at the gains allasater, She was discovered lying insensible -be- . Wabeen of In baby's. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . whilti do;Mt!'IiI'j,t'fi�%r Otand" Mer 4 to 50. , Eva- 8 1-2e, for aign oft ret= ofit. I ­_ . ", ,,,,, I . . 61 no, - battle of Ouidurmenj has strangely af- side hdr bed by Fireman WLIliatnioraw- roliet, will write their signatures, upon pbrated,. 8 to , .1 , .. S�,,,. IPS WOMAN ki�.ottbs;Laureatlde Pulp An tb& terms of enlistment of about . . small lots. . I '. . . , , " I I'll, : "; �­�-,'i ,�, 7. _'Amorldau I VAMU of breath and ... I �� ,v.,..k',-, , li Co4ift"y tbuft 6.60 a4ijoia ', o fected a peculiar trade. Dervish ii�ele- ford. They picked her up and carried the document 'which embodies tht're- � Hohby�Ndt much doing; price DR. AGNEM'S CUR13 FOR THE HEART -Cures palpitatian, fluttering, 1120 �, � .;, �.,�. xpir6 In the a dif- . �40v!"�: ,,, . .,,',,� 11 �- , hris manths, tilia. authorities its tons are now a special high-class jine her down the ladder after the fire was ' all heart dlididera-011of in 3o al . .. L',­.Z`!� , � I - abboulme. L" Its of the war, and the preparation Changed'. Round lots of choice, deliv- DR. AGNI,W$S 4�AT�ffitRHAL POWDER -Has . cured casnofcatwThof5o Ye 'sLa di rellev . �, I , I - I I ars n ng- 48 . I ­.A,,.,.�,,�'l - driati, wife, of, the, fixte next t graotically over, and took bar directly an . . � . 11 ­y�. "'. I . __wi3dkb, al � I , . 'Tasellh UM16.4i who wits killw At 00- at "Ose to Had ths ii6668110Y tat* -tar in *e, skeleton market of Europe, There at .which h4s cousamed eleven I __jL evOd,her&,-*iII bring about 5 1,2 to 60; 00ldfilthill lia411126-311141HOL - I 1_�­ to, -f6iIot their ships. I . a the Emergency hospital. liar face %Rlieta, quote from 6 to lo per Ili for DR. AONEW"S 11VOR PILLS -Stop sick headliche--clin'Constipation, biliousness and liver troubles I :­,.`� 16A 4dins weeks A66, has iB- aft already. about 200 an the London and ifeck were burned, and slie had evi� a longer tlm�6 than. tb� war Itself. Ift 4 . Lt I --sq . , '1"'� L .' 0 t * 040-1b 1 -4 1 L�j sued It W W ' i t the -Canada At- , The American - Stortitary of Agri- ' ' ins, and In comb at around --osmant luile do -P in it box - . " , ,on IL , ligatlill . . L. I - I J�. . market ,ohlefly purchased from one dently inhaled some of. the flames the moantime, 'the' treaty will be on. ,��,-'%.�,­I,,, - � _ C A rt'U fl 6 'T Utorinat%an that 1, , ,, liar . 4LO to $1.50 per dozen sections. - W ANP .F. M, DU"AX, GODERICA. I � , -,'r , � dO L. t �&K *;6i*I*6d' SOLD, VV` T4� 'GOOOR , . ­_ ­ ��7",j, ,, �, do ­ _'t I" . recovery Is doubtful. � � ,g,..�,,k, ., i0filges &i4w foot and-MOVII diso OnO Of, the Baled Hay�4-1)ull and easy. Stri6tly , I - bor� litts . .meet of the bie, -hospital*, . . .Crossed under the supervision of the ---A I . ,, j 1, jj�.., .. . . . .1 I fdoodof (in SLI'malli log, III riging In Out of Chei principal London dealers 'CREPT OUT ON TUB CORXICN.1� I tive cominis- Choice. � in car, lots;� is quoted at 86.50 ___ - . TU, I rn I -secretaries Si the. respeol - 11 . -, -, - 1.41� . . , . . . _ ­�4,� '. '.�; ,415C;�, . L ", , :��_ _ I ­ ' . � ,) . . I kq t7.% per ton, No. 2,LAJ $6. . . . . . . . . _ ..) _.,_,_ fl, _ �, ��­: . L , ' . - Old L. to Ask the Ontaild Legislature to . '. , '66�1 ,e , Ottawe City Council, has deold- the 'r'oVinoo *fL Hainotto ApIalum' _ says that the -fine othletic dervishes Mrs. Pierce, a aurse, was the othef' ,I . ­ . t.', , , I -Kt " . - ". _.�,*, '' . , , ,,'�.'Jjj�� I seriously injuredwoman. Like her two, '_" " . I __ . ;a*4, U,'� � _ !" ,,� fr4olip"­& � ,03;-,�� L" ' 1. L W -li"A 11 assistant NaVal Constructor Utillson divike t.b.a. ti�qf Rawto, ". 0)O , N . � L 11, - � t... Will go tbj.�nt* to gnoar �� �. .. , I 1. . A thin lolly ,fopd fluid, which. - - --' -,".-�,r-,r- . abile . I -� 7,'�, - I apteatl the, Icipal Aot w an to pro- " - - � ok� put caplpanlon4 in misfortune, she was In ' --: -,- - to- , ,( I � I I . "r,, vido that a -000 inhabitants or . 0 , . - I �� r��, b �koxlela. __ , -- _2_lP__" " , f6rd, _ I,, -- - - . lrds=4 61110 100serwfig 't 'i 0 117 � g6voriMA. . 41 - � bed when the fire broke out. She Made' ter over tile ta 40-voulm '. ift 41 __ � . ­­qL .... L L ' r.4.1. '0 Of . - "" , �, 11 . sinlo -into- the, Ores leAving a 0 �'�L�� . � , " here quote choi - - - - H64t N-l"�&i;& " - I'll � . . mar tan, . Xk,;!,,,.,-. M , . _.�­j I �, t jj��C , _ _ , � , � _ % , . , 4y. to the, front of the building, the f6rms of friendliness and coprtesy , Controt, tfi was carr 41111,type, her w . .r , � ,,-_P�lre by 1b, O,t,- oili -.0, AT..,.-,:1"1V-jC,W .,twpv. � .. 900 I , , L" !!�� , I I . _.. ­ - 9,j��,%Q�,,,-,X - ""-_V!.=__y_­U1,�_%­ at 16 to 186. while holders, will take _1kV111A1N1;.11 , awled out on � L - - , A.L. .1 OWU a vomniandil . I to t oiact�xieuw, LRY " , ,_ � A,, the Pago SLA016 waose nothing -joss -than 2ft. -- � ­ 11 I -,J" L __ . __ _- , ­ - L. , px, �� - -, , t g� , . Mr. ,f:L'jy� . cornice, The spectators below fesr,o- �,.� . velvety bur, ' filng film outside. I . g .1keloo,' SUporittibbilant_ dr - terrific " lodon caustak the a. price auffloIamt-t*-cav,er­tbIkt* Ox' ad a repotitJoA of the previous oatas.; strong and peridiieW struggle to sav6 DUMSED -IXOGS AND PROVISIONS. �_ 11, g", ,this frjc� L �, 09 VX I K . Cbitdr . ftaths-of tour ..Idlera occurred at Ces. ponse, but Berlin, Vienna, and Parts t 0 ri a of , 4 hogs it no � , . L ]Rub lon Coat . . � 40 �,�` 1�714 Aid Society for Oitario, does trophs, and shouted to- her to hold 9pok for his country every possible owe 98 ug dresse con n a We I &�Cuilfavr - Lft jUt day afternoon. The man Were engaged (;a I Rit h . r of Mrs. Pierce sat calFuly down on th6 &am the Wreck of 'her Colonial emp#O. verteliberal, land outwile4lders seem c '. '� ., ' , , . -1$ .11,1',,�� , . I 1�0 so&. in Ww' to de- U6141RAd In Boston Harbour on Tues� havA secured the greatest numbs the prices. . I I - - I `-.611* , jF.:!V�,� Clow that the I rig I it . " narrow ledge, and waited till a-ladoldr. buts commanded. the respect and admir� Market is edaY. Westeien hogs "to . T 1. . � . ""4,4�-:'?"�L , I In -practice t4c. law fies been a fahviro la.unloading Government minm T'; ra k. , oneal : r 0. ay, so tlbuast' a f t a r tbO had been hastiLly erected. She then spr!P ; . little. atld lo I- a brilliant, .. ,4 . nl :. , L I ar the skeleton mar a, Went from the ' . , I . -, - . ­,R.1.111K j"I", sold on track to -day, car lots, at $5.10 4 .,�� , � in the, faj'k$,L't'cwnjj �Jft Ontario Where . Tho,court at Pontiac, Mich., hits 40- F) - rendered herself tothe In. -, lasting, lustre di w*-,- ,) ,". 1, . . , usoular ariat ation Of his Opponent .1 ns -,Dg 10, . I., It lias beeA!kxio4,, � aided that. silver Coin Is good money k F vdil,tookad, dealers having to Of Fireman -Billy" Smith, and-wapi ! 11, '� �`L_,"�!:'1­ij b 'e C the surplot -Council ohimber Thursday to his bed.in to $3.90i mixed weight; and Northern . , L -, ,�,�, - , 6. to PAY Ott a mortgage on any other , at . . ��J­�, The Two ,4 :. noT.41 . P old RdL it In drolov to keep awn on the pavement, She - taken. � state of complete collapsi .tie the re- S5.W to , #15M. On the streets I throug-1- ft. ... % t Trusts 00 dsh1j,AdT a . rl. p Orman skate- was � gn �i�3t,','�"­L,-, .. � I 0 . Not . '10 to the National Club, where Dr. Garrett, - . .x�A-J�j..'- PaTir AM;, �6. r. ate e4poration of dom li -holder of a mortgage had, gle G farmers Ideal sold at $6.95 to 165.50, "I " . Ontario aio,*6 1 "a 10610. His suit full*. ton camo -On Suit of the long strain and Mi obagrin according to quality. Pork product . .�jOW_'. - riged Into one. Tht� I thtl,mutk(it- It 18 always attended her, and shortly afterwards I I ,%­,�,� 1�0 ui� � Neither varnbN turpentine, 10 ly,� �: she was remove 0 " the vanquished *bo come to thin ana- it to the Emorgeney. 4over the small fruits of his efforts, steady ithol unchange& . . . 1. 'J"'�"'!`�'l W I . .. . . I �Lf 8310980ra Will "I'Ve 'a puld'up capital of oat' I'- 3L O'Re'lly, chief surgeon Of tomical end. I 0 6wyo'coutingeacy fund HE �, r $anor Ojeda :his been Orostrated since .''L, �. t $j%%.0 and Quotations are as follows: -Dry " ,�,�,,;, ft,� �"be'4ui . the United States. and Lieut. The dealer pointed oUt Ahe ourlo"O' Sallted-ahouldeft. 7 1 -go; Jana clear bac- nor wa*, to patch leather or -seal up its pores, In- � ill & � . slude. Under the Will start, In a ,day Weston . . � ,A �?i�,'Zl� . `­, ,.L"." I I 'I �,� - I . ; two &Om NOW (Rot that Frenchman's skeletons are ed- * The Emergency Ilospital, where lbo., Wednesday. and v�ws .unable to' attend lot I "-� ton lots andl case . . "%�m".1'. ,, , , I 11�11 I 1. � I .OAV I . I U Wo U014 105 W to as- rark for Kingston, tilmalba. to make - It joint session. I . .1 - 4 �� � ­ , Omitted Ways much whiter than the British. threee victims were conveyed, waq to* Mo: So; benka. 8 940 to go. . ­K4,��­­ ' '�i""' 1 ' ., Bri- The 4tdo ,4VW_eK.',,. . . . 11 . . I - at, $10.00 More; h investigation of ,the However artificially bleached, the lat- poll , , a a. and the ' I , �'�.,'Ilj � ��'. 'I - . - Ao. laotorlous 6 . ,=.an , a 4 , , I � . ad to Its utmost oilpapity.: Garrett Tha� 9pot I Smoked meat&-Mms, heav,� , '� King, Noble, M010rde; upo � It I , � I- ­� 21 kfl� % .1� , , i,i� 11 . 'tIltle. Matches," the ,U we ad of Carina for troolis in ter remain yellower. The huge influx .qnd-' Awart aiki4 _10 6 � ttro' u war It 1-90;­medlum, 10 1-2 to Ila., . .1� , 1, I three nurses workedl With the patients, UA1tb I I AY ._1_ r1r1ownfall. One light. �1 "' HOt FOUSH 1. ,, �rl " - . I �. OlvV008to bank bUragir *ind.,pioklii*kat. troPlail allmotes. � P ab�rge equal blay�e 10 to .i. .5 -, `�,_ ''I � :* 11 . of French skeletons after ,the Franco- Ila; breakfast baooj36, 11 to Igo; tolls, .$-i,�r-AXTM. I �t­ , ' 010000k WA -un I 4`10W days 90 � At the, 6 I� InUtfug Of the Brit- Prussian waf ctealed a'fashion , . 8 1-2 ti olonio , I �L,:. '. � I 11 � `14,� 'A I . I , Al Ath for It w ' I of tne 139- 1011211 c6limlesiontra. said, on . '�L' :` 11 , I � I , - 1. 6f � & r in �Uak I 1. av3, Veteran Associa- white bones. Consequently, a very white A 01trdakt,shnolbyUblaear PdrAkIr'les t 0 � - , "The laro ,0 9a; books 11 to 11 1-2o; 1", =; , , ,�, *i _K f sr� , ftefilh He wao . Ith A. and . � It d Zon . 1. ..i xhurmsyevening- POOP Ila, being, go. All, meast out of plekle,. lo I I .� .111� j � , I oliarge.bf'�Jkd Iftuort of I tion; IM, She was burned abou 6 gice tibus have made a groAt mistake in clo- 1. 11 4 0 N.Vi-A 1 it Sto 'M n y evening Lora skeleton alwnys folinhes from 15 to glo , loss t1imA litleen quoted for aninked -,',;�r,��::�� , *,04 � th ­ 0 � ­ . . . " 1 �V.it �O IV ' - 've. .us of brownish hue. Uug"'�-' , , V 1, ,',"� . '* Ci O, - . �, , �i­i I b ,�,Av ft SAVA 6 a allp, Wol - ,��),)�,­ I I . . 016 Agelkt ;,��,,! , I g hot bar wife b1boted honorary members, a 1. - atrqyod by the flames pb% A�'Ad li'o�' Laild-Witirces, 7o; tubeh 7 1-2 to 7 34c; . I _:�,,",- - , ''I _ . j - rd Mberts of ksada, abo arm., and .n,o of her I $0'Lj'*85. d sorting SP4in. and leat,log her to ipoli meats. . I 1��,;,,;, * ,016��06 6M WAS,Md1h; Aftdli� wtiiio ��* 'the � brute 46kod of u con� WM. 8bgMalt, Jr., 8 for Goderich. ' 11 , , -J6 bIi,fogn _. - ' , - , I -1 . � I , " � , Il " - 11 " �,,,, �. j: � �1, �­ _� 46.* I most Cordial 116tter being read from f0to o Miss Bar 61a burns . , r , 4, _ . ,, . doleodelest'gloot Th , 11 know that - E. I . - I t I . , pails T S4 toF 8o*, domoonsiA 6, to 6- I ,�.;_��. ", I ,��o � j -, , I j � . `7�i' 'a , Done* ; .. 'i ,� � j, 6 406 rol were coucep. rated th n I ;,., , � .L :, , i " , , - � roturns Just Pot, I I � . . � Wolseley. art ia� the Plilli ln�s, AU, ij " has taken M, I � I a torre need 111100 Vabutes w1fli go Much osgi- .1 hi" boaloo,sten saftrat train count I �� ., I .:, � I � = I ,, t % � jj , I. � of her body. Her � a,r.t,P,,,, 11 to tin, 0 . I 9offulo, No. 18�0priug wheat -Dull 'sell- mat I -4 ch wind theft for Oftil n0a yearg. Nothing t*r* bit A" rollat. :,­'. �_, '� - I L -, .. - beyond nal.guition, F or,,' - AM tOlY I the lal holk to England but , atpady,,, No. 1, hatil, spot IS 1-8o'. Ka)r4 been twobltll You# wish XF test and list mad Abdoffiso Were bloated to .�_ .1, 1, " I I � , .,A ­. .. � on . 11�_ � I" 1. I , j . O"tit 3 'Of 10- An In a 3 � _ - 'ItIlk, v6rt .tq;0AaadO fdr t o bdirbeld the growing ambition ,%a Man Steam IghtrAlkee -to. 1IkO Composed 0 Some alich stuff Ali barbi , .1 r , = the transfer calhod : RTO attselto ifiontifto On IrOadlarlY 10=14110�Wesrsh*"Oji i1bytOsSon4oulyal ! I � " , I== , M. Or The Washington Ruthoritle, . 8 havo . � rN . I t � � lihow"Ib, t tjkllaumbor OT . RAIDED THE BANK OF ENGLAND. Zt an ill . She, will � 14, � 11.�11 f, I -1 ­­­ .'_'�4_4.- ­.. rrr : ... I i99 * alrF% of Bu_tfo - . � 4 �, ma0h, 0 ovdin f 11 Ilk 11 a 1�_ �11 - -vir r-DO.Bli N&, - lrtl�orh, Ooot,_71.t4,_2T,o. 2. "' I - -­10�04�-na AS Mum I ervw-for-motwIthatawdill -4; it-vur-orodpitate VAZ � nuo"g- week. ,.a* t6ld-by 4MTiW-$.,ObY#tolsat drm&*l saw. PApans-24buttiAdraftlied Inour .. _ ­� kn'� '16..T - Northern,, dipoto 677 -go. Winter wheat thativeat cauted by bad teaft. of Which I had didly papere lit; sonio ghd Oblethoto at dlzeclt� �,�:,:`�, I - _ _ql 4o ,. I - . I 1"1411141116" . � . -- -03w- , i _ _ , b I I , � * , j I I f tbb Ale,;� C64, W . -0, no . "a I -rothlag doing. i,o ."� " __4 I =.t% , �, I 1 2411 Ahirlf . V g"PA'a""!tn' . coutereace A 6,patoh from Ot. 1-lin's, Nfld.. ttl.rost a oral , an strife. , � . I I I . ,01A46rh travellinj salbomea for 6, very part of her pair- ... . ore 84.1 Z -R. I "I Coin - offorlago eareral. I bid lhb,=fidjZ� frot 06 At- 44, 8 tegV*40at nin about tW" weeks laud thery r� r, .1 � � . *oa moatbo'.O411611-M fir� qs* I!Aho� %t oil. sook6hed, she slittia " a )is" refused to sell ey islands light; prita attoa0r; No. 2 :rallo*, tauss oftshated I I"in"its ot ism achangs,140tonostolutips any more I '' - , , says; -Rev. Sidney Cba�dry, a Oat,$ Ttbvjet1I�h1IthtjpiaV6rs bilt,'bad n0talth, Altll i. Owe It all to 1111" Took! am thirty. ''. � � , �� I , * . " -patient, , a- hisvot Agg Vbl � given yono'bld, bAve no coloration, only my " � ,'�, ,,- I ,44isn firmA may coms � and go a@ ., , I lit of , , , - I � I . 118�, ,,!C"i'�, , & r ov, _ V, , L I ;,_ . . , � 4 . , I li. , thq Please, . dirit minister riot led on the French shore chearfAl and In tug aarolia6s. 'W 3944%, 'No. 3 y6llo* , Noi 4 *vjIoW aftfleoli�btit About six We0k# thibe a friend In- ;� , , " . t , , � " I an ,;Axbik� WAK ". . � coustdorliff an Offox, `jpf hayi *s con- r ; -e,mly , ,,_ . -L � I , 9&; X6.3 6om, 815t;'W�.* 4corlh,� Ild 14 to In' laitt*00tha household dottit and atih1bg biy sick busbandj , � - I I . -0, .. 11,W ­­ I �,kftoi serving 4slaven ,�dars tar a 'writes to the Sk-Jobuls papers datsil� 1110 POWBU-13 LIVE. ", lented to ii6ghtkite�u 'Auatidisuoirs 84 0.4t = I � "'�' L I �, � O'BlEAT ONTA Miss Power was between 35 i, 04"Ofat steady; , I _, No. 2 whitit q - I I Orhaq ho'n6vat rolawittod, Oeor,f.,O 0914 Ing the wretched condition . of the and 46 except those dlreotly� Involve In the 31 1-2c; No, 9whito io 1-26'. No. 4 *hits b t it Ili I . ;r , ' , WIW46 Vaok;: * lb -It WAS Mooned, from S�e 81118 or so as lout. Too I lll:�,, �1. � I I � . � I - the - novall I& 4ft4. 013 P06PIG llv�ft years of age, but looked older. Shp w prot6col signed tit'Washington." 29 1-2 to 80o; lqo. � mixed, W; No. 8 I ; ,,, ' � � �; �, ) 11 ..", ,t tIOLft. Be d0olares that botst In England, and came to this . - . : L � '-I;- I 'r .1 . .. � - . 'narley-SICM. Are -NO* I I ;� , I I , ,*4 '� ( , , I , �t.� ; � ';'," L , pxid kipliog. ixi a.00,pteit tbb Wedatogy, an the I overfibit's per on. t , L'I -� --- I I togMtOlAOM are 4-opidiAblo,, coqntlry it,number at , ft . .1 I I I - III " i6f Ij Navy Ugguo., rei agd. 'Par - I . - ,- Ww. 0 -� - HO-1wsO-khuVf6to4 fift 1686 Of stobbing_-a , 40N. . jol mlxad,�� N., I OP . � gleistail; , 6. 2, oil trAd v ft. Vloui ,­ . ,it �h lito in MCA dutWsf,a , it I �O ig the � so*� time she was a.aurso-la the ady. saux I I �;:' "I � . .1 � � �f'. - I �( tht4j- ii,fant A 0. - Ad (I . . Vat �r!. � Ojis . , OV that slarnilp; oleatitution prevails � . %Ikr ton � . IV.=, but latterly had lived oil asoijkli . ?#�NQA. OPFICIALS., z,ft-4ft, , � , . . � In'. Loadco tiolijo -whosti ta Incur 0 S.A. -, 41004 'tha'whlAo Coast An . . 61b , I I 402C."Oodi (fair =Z1111A 12 a- "Ad that Inootao 'from the Old Country. 1101: 11 I .. . 'DdtfaK Doo. Ill."Vfteat-Cloged.-No. or a do , - '! ­�, �_, '. I , �4��, "' . � I V a ca6w,de . , , 111; I I 1. ! 44144 � `­ � �­, , , I .1 "Obt meat '000%:r 1h4t ths 'llrol 4 Ist4noo lavalsessary t . . . .1 11 " call � t-96,1 No, 2, red, cash t setting a ­!: , I ..l:;; . , I 1, - . , ,r Q pre. O'lly folative, In this country is 0, sister, Itemotle(116,66, rtils., brit,*' ' Ago Ilialts- Xuar h 61 . . I . '' � O , tol, , . . I I . �, I I 'jAll'o Pis waSKIM86% I i "At who 0*6 siWivatton. Scores of, - . L It Ill a , V 68 846. ,10.412, . - k"dachsandsl9katray . . I " .1, � � Wib; i4it: lot WhI60 �gavo 110 cht�6 no livest In Detroit. . � � y ember, .07. 1-2- U pewse, Ot t .1 , 1. � . I I . � : , AomirskV Illottilk . . An Wit. 4LA d0b"ll, 1hogritaboub , ,.,�', I . . � Ito 44W�w 1, or 4 s.. itOOV64. : 16t. familles, M, 84 Ili. lAvo not mWo than Oulath, not. 115.'-*W4t-Yo. I hard. I haftt dortle4itcota R1rWLTj1bWb0j from an ! �,,­.� � I I mefttla I ,ft ar , .1 be I lloak_ Arth whiolt to .1 . . �f0a"iw*tj*.­ ,�, t atokeivibur". anio, , R'I-P'A-N-� . I I 11, I , �, , I I , ��,'.�,�. :­, L . I . .. 1 t r 6 % '06A Months- � I . I I C#jU_fttkft; 3jetonthele, 94 14o bid; atano.nitnil who was -9 ,� I li,,-�-Thb �Maj ... 9 . itf,t r6faislouddoo � �ttvdk thWor ottarrb " - I , " " r,, A 0411i , wilooko to the aal Ooomfikiy Alm . I �. �_ 10 14' , _'O, 0 as,tai"'ondl- t I I I I 1W tonn011 of't 0._$tj - Or' ti , av � V6jj,,j,,,j ,,ats. ,. & . t 111 1100t t - thit k oribil thkx 66"t STAIWATION 014 IFUUNCII Sflogl� Pail, ' , i ' J, ' t6 D ifi W , bid ; Do 6 t4o WAY, he I 0 1 . " I 4.4 the an , she had It, " , , I K � , tfc'Ai At Aaralitgo. 6 00airit. ac"y! dAtIdIft, for -W. A dqOpat4'0OM.tOp44 O", . j 0 44t, bid t No, 4 ii,ofthera. c sh W .14 - I I ` - � �16h Agtlolul ME tidij over teo k1h V , Wel ilys 06640d . I , -1 - .4ittas oCbvery kind ire it a NO 0 Ag !' L 0 � �' , I 11 Oil the rule to the As L . dorrebpoXidoA of o � .4 1 1 0 1 a * bond In blow . "I. � a bid, No. , , 01% , ,. I 01=24 11ONVIAOrka, -tolls, . I .� I � I tq itio'shliad,rfied ra , . ftlid-ifibli 11of ft - � to 66; PJAU TO510,00#61t! A r WIth too, tf(;S, as I r, I 4 lrotAl 0401 50 ; _ Tatmooi _* 04 I � -, I on bhC pl, `% Y ' my's that We 'Itegbtfations between *ftseono,o rAyclos"111- . The modern stand- t0t1k, -, "., ��- I 'A'etot4t of CA060 whoro, fit tilt$ ire. &404 dxlet' Many IF'OtlttA X40 roll ' No. 'I spriz W 6 -ft To a0Iv1e;!tXo, roundroyseltebooplattly I , 4604ts�000a �. k , , �% to . 0 them too. and - , , I oble" ey Ito 0 1464'an iuloafta "t&toJe4' h# I . . �. 1. , '' he,, 01 4 �� to, I 0#6 a to in on V tv. 41, lost- llhotfte France and broat arltaki ire, quite t 43 ard faWly, Med.14 harbbobtiolostigiosinft , I r � 4,101 . '01 � 0, AIR6�8vily "at. I awd. go 6 u j No 0Z.Northern, 62 5.8m n down, Anita$ ORA ", . , . L rht"'i 416 wf�* ttvltgesproft6tillif,to to 270,L =_ .a lost October, and wall , : , I I ooft-611 a bulto'hom-A I'd - . . I I I . L I ,. .1 =1 " C%sftuo � roonaftub . - Ph 0. M So * a corop - L,� li, . I I *1 4 at ,, I hung up, actlofth'itf"Au tic ow ac. &PIM-Xii 1111F 500. ftithw-1. ylopcxlrrw� , , I . , Is . All L ' CM04 SWOVIA1 0011 . 4 � Its to aV,Ort A dostwtchl from London, says: -A " , 61 1�4 � , �L 46. , ab - 11068 CUMAIgtion � Lat, VOIAW :1#� - Alept%(.0., -*.Ilo, W t6' fic, 11ax-41,11), W; December, Z;o.. 3*0N � CRY. I wit 2 Cine: 0 1 460 d I . " ur 144 Aotorima for her tt ' and b I . 414wilso.onoule. . 11�- . I I , 'y . L which waot 0 VtOtuh047, middle-aged. wild -looking 41,014 WY. 01.05 14. com It 140. pot, Tab", *till ­ 1110011111111W % 1, - As years 4ii 04b , . ulees the . I _ ter 14joy,ol, � ,­ .. aliarlbon thla *k4tW u'lho, Witlabod' o . I . I . .. . . I - . L. I I alednif 11 .. 1 4 koftrd � Ow * U . . L" i.' A �. �� . . . . 0 �,MX; olikovered at U o'clock Sj Tdlbdd� Dob. 18"Vbleet-No, 2, ,04ab, , ato , ­ .1 'U,, r 04fiv, t1do's tot L Ift hialliOl . 11. . . * j4 "b" : Mo - I , . . �,, __, Ohl gd how fig � it 4T, "A" �1_ . O' of the �J`Oa6h official *Ot,jdj and' rib.. ond Dcaoihii6r, sa ' . Lit iy A I a U6- I i: to �oe ''� I r r . I d , " 1:11011 16" *�Vow Irolux -90" I '* ' - " ' a jry 9 84 14'46" C& 11 .. ..'' , _ Ali , , tit " itt �C I ?** lit t 'a to enter 'he Bank firs a. a! th M44 'dibair S lativa to -No. " , W ­�­ - ill of hotha I _i�� . _Ako'L 41, 1�26 MAY IF." ."Wsgfia�f Common eve ay to ,, L . - at t0000h, ft , . t* I I , , , , , , 64, , jht a. It , . 1. I i , . ta , . � 'kia. , t . � 1��,,: :1 . I 611 I 4 WGUIAPPA. al 'M "I.,YL f"o"WO] Tagil 1, ­ Elh of .,'a W A al Cdr)ft-:,WO. - . . -1 -�:i . &M. y*, an pto I 0 *is 1) . - ,�. I , t1w. , ,of ,, tlig flift -VW, 3 I . I laud In some unknown Mitatior, Fau,rjaldr. it Toulon Tjjl A jtyO� It tp� , � _', I I �ftuc )WIll, 0, Z 416h 11* 6 t 0, Stott Aefmoy , 1 *444 a. �q at all an. 2. WMA. onlab ft -MY 276. - Jj(A* uiso nosa'bik 0 . - . , * I I I , , , ' d as On ftense- tar hi ,. NO'.'�* ClIpb# fjta bid. 4for - two 6 I 11, , , % . W"'Who-Alotik 406444 X NS1. 't H , fiftim'd 49AW 'be ZZIM"'Zo. '11,4krtoo, Is Xwos 4*1*0at Ift 1"), Pr+ jje�at4tifgu. ,� L . , , "", r 01 Ofiod IFIr 0 ith k#%rj'b%i** a ' L � � �, I I I I "': , . � I I . '� � $L'',#jt4�'WW. f1kily - '�. . *#, , � 113 � ' -, . ., . , � . . 1, I r * * "'3004 I I Xt a blraet-*604ld boy � L " I , '' . _ ,,- " $ * -itats avil 610016 t he WatttedLto t eitno, . . . ' � 1. . "i" I .. lw , oktloo,)� osali,IK, old, $4,10". new" atilgh ,ihol I)Obodiwt dPjtl"N'** ,ty LL 4 al I 'r 1. I 1. ''�� � �;'. , " I � I F. gotlobi rorai�­ I . . " . 1, I III 4 jj* L.1 'L,41t, "Into, I 11 . I?. 44mllrat J6*ftI" 4461"i. on , I I 900tod witik ptins JA I , I I it' L. that the' '44.4914 011-UnebAbIg6d. ' talk One lqx* i a I " 1, r� I 0# , 0"m �. 1� , .1 . � i u4k:af .", " . tAos a M_ j, , . ­ 11 11 aw 110446 ow, troAtIoll � I I . .. ,W. _11,# I I - . atid �tuadd adrAntio rOsist4obb who# PtUjoh. X6 t*jjtAboe#,., . LL , or, L �L � , . k t6d, 41*14t 'Antl*ft, ', jiahl;j piodt- , , r ll� � ,,,%0%11jW4l 4 $06 V*' 4& ,06;*A 4#06*" 11161AN hold 0 U14k ly' LAO � A 4,00 11. �, I � , t,*ji$ MITWOltakoo, Dec. Igi-Whtat-fft I N 0. I 04'":oWbod at his . _Woh "..'i 10011010, C�at,., , its , W *I thoubl*1 � 1 '- I I , I ., ; . . I � � jil `41� *4 L A ill soi�. b6iimif " �' - oa a L_ to Nortb6rn, 6%, 140.4 NOttkothi 04 1146, 46 *ftft � : I I Alifto , O ewd. hok . . 1. L ' I I . 'L " L. ,, _*,�dl , I , �" `22 she - I I .� . , , At 94941 - 44 -this " , 40* 6 U96" vjwloy�4rio 11 is, 4" , �� t ,�'. . wk . ,� 4 lot b I " a 'J&L�' X _ tit t0koh, Intd, 01111tody. Ili h14 pockotti to, fights slid wle$'itbli to ovtilt= .11, - it . OkU �4%�' 'a , ,:a 4 L Atobea P - : ; , I . ,, . tfttfj. . ,; '! jW110Sjo " .r .1 ik� %irom ftholi it loaded, revoly6r, a m ,*' oifiv�,aO that, 40MOA ' lb� nyo�-Xa. 1, 58 t . �: 444'iiw&,ik 4" 1. I ?" ,, P A '4'*�IftL'thilo,&Iit4���''jad"boIt X ii Up a. jtj to 48 1.204 sent � hm* %,6'N1**Wft, . . . .. I .* , � ., .t, __ � t _�:L-'*04 Illation . .#� 11 i" I I. , - 6 111,10 - I ,dj* �', . .� 'll .. Ift., 40 . ra Lo 612 t , � 1. ' L , *k . " Z '. . �7 11.91 ` I t", I . I 1 4�60)� ­ jj,jomd 4�� L . * tLo"buorlI � , ,60$1 - � . L I .. �� ­­_ , - I . ., V . I tbbir t4, M *_". , ­ i �� - 61, ioei " 11 I I � , towli � L, ., �:. ; Ab, , ',i� " 1 4, ' . d** tai wolt . ... , .1 f1i ", ' i ju'L,& , 1-16, 14'", *M goe"It I . VOVW�w 4W , ad, t Am", . ,,, . � I .... , tloj�L Mfia , Ott bt **:VZ6b'.10a** : 1) . il. ,� I - 41 1 , W � '. 't,g 1. left % i;� s( 1011, olid, 961 - 404 6010610164 . I &,41, to 48, , ..4 ; �, .1.1, �� . I 4 11 11 rt�w I 0A .. *111i h , ,: ,�., 4 1 , . . A *4 Wfinottoolh, No. 0 . blj�ll or . ,. I .1 'i ,.. jift"t")a #*jjWAfAA L',r,AVA" . 11 _. �,�,"�",.Io�'t'io'i. * Or. , " , . , , L " I . I , . -1 lfii..js�*Mtfila " , � 0 . L i,w .fIW -%44 �t �'NA IjbA.M! 'IK4,461M Itk#0 01f ,� 1, I . , � I r I tvA;mt. il.i. ?dV .;�. t t Otik, Ill - - & L�, � -� MO" 4 h**-P",T*ft I I 0 I :: As M*t I hit ftiol , I I I Yt A. vW . . . . . . I 11, . I . 6f M Ill, 4 0011 0014f 1 1 - , "L ',j, �, 1. , , to the' 1146 , ;, *** �, I 4a. from $0jfngL.t6 toj%on"In *O, 6*0161t. `A,a 6bulso-A"oll 0316" -,$ it 41106k a L . , riko'l, - , ".,*Ira*# 140'"hiblim r1glot., lwofi+�jr I _ - . r _LZRO 4#jgI.jLj*rb an I UAtollo eto � , . P"ji%46O"ga4ji"sadWm 10114wit$ " _. . .1 11a, ,;,, � ,:, ilL I I 1; In 91 abgiI0$fi0V , , r', r��Ioll I . I :1,4*41 tilt ii0ittIl"U61%. L '' t - wr* Wn"'row, 7� _aq . I R k tArident"W14, as 6 .1 L , , ,� �.. mo.4 itho,ii .. , ��', , , r . S"Wal; vloulaw, . I _0 . .1 I dh,i.jld.' I . i Zrfll toy yd Wfti 'L ", ' JIM. I A � , U, , I -,�, emal full *lAit *" Vat* ;, g4thom A 4, , t 1% !.� � Mo%; a .L ,, r ,a 6 bulat My TAIM . Wd 11,0"Al I - t, Ktir "T.4,11 tim, b, , , tAW ­ L I I , 8X,:**II' 4A ro hlghiio, tho'tt*� Crowd. (AUMA '11'a 4� 1 4 " k6o 0A, 11041 , billy "W, . I hit , wtio, ,Its UU, dotitis' tjjo��Ljkj L , kdl 00 wH# like j*dWessho* *III44, L . � 04 It 0606. UVO diftor . 'I, I btj'�_Oft4L " " trAt *01ift 1. Wft it '; ' L 4 to '. 'k, 4110 . � -g', I t . *r� 0 ft. ,xrauoe*,to the bkb �.' t i I W&'L I I'll Ill t" In I ,��' I ItA* 41 W00togt(up �**vttks . I I ;1 ttlox � 1. � . .. to" st 4b1XtWN1'b=4W M, ,. =,,,#d04ftft7.%u4=..v-# j*AV,jjjfi#6t . I, ,. �,IiTr A , ,& - , Itaii L , I . L I . , , I t' j�*"'r I � " � 1, . I )OmirA 0 - , -V '0 )**d &*`K' W1 'M s a" 'Me maiaL . 2 ;' � L I X . WrliAt 06111", I . . itfio = .. I . oy �, � "', . , �L, I , I � . 0. 11 % L ' - 1. � 'u, Is , ;; I , I i;604���;ii,w,xut�"ig,�!"L;,;(.,X. , ISA441641 . ,� �'Wif",'004%. *47 I roji.0'j, �;)"l . L : " * j __, 1 A.L, I Uf 510, " &AMI" - 1) L t�,­l ­" t"L :1� ' �OJ'41; AJaoatAr' br %1` RW* L fjea.!�Ip 4 III, I I I , I I M ' ";;*j%j�. " ­ ji�). ' � a tl �' . ,.7: j , . ,." k - *" � OAd tWUA :W_r4A0,k 69 b4AR, and *btA 1%. , " tPlItse. I 1-1,11.11. ­...,aa,..',,4l;_� :,� I. 1; " t I If - F, "I &7k', ii fit, � I 4.4;jt," � ItL $0, i I , I I . , % � ; , *04 , 61it.0 _ p 4166 " - L �,,­ � i , , , , Z*011w, L . i**.l �OV&roij, �t,nthad, *Ad g =��!�04"*40:44, oultor . At MI V-0*6119AIVII111114 'ot, I , IN I .... ft* �' - 0 iwolt:,�z , I t I , '. '.� 1 111 it ih 14, . Mi ; , ��% - ", j :. .'', , tow , ;!,.L . * 6 , . '14 dirbis, 1� . Ih .0 - at.'�,Lt . O, -, if, ... ,:�,4 ­� , I L'6* A . � "forowl, ,e 14i , , ca*� " , . I _�, 6M 10,90, I hor Int , I - tilt wtnwn w"ttli , � , ' � � �- ; , � , , 11 . 'L - # , L 11 1 ,j�14 L"t� "I 4A. - . I 1.� % � . , . �: T ITI �Tjw t �, �, 'L � � I � :.F� - L I . . t", , , � 1 � t'l L I I I __ - � t "t ftft III I , 0444", tUM � I ',,Lr I , " I I I ,j L , .,^, W. 1,0110A, ; " lZ� ,.� � L '6 , 6 �� � - , , I t*64100" ",tuw, V-01 ""', I #l6$r'L*Jj$jhJJI+ Lb "'OL � I - �, 1. % mY.", : L ­1,� l� ..:.._" � I -11, ­ � I , otb* - 1410j*tj _Apow*attilfal �, I .. ..-. ­ 1j. 1 ,11411 1 -1','.'--L 1. " I . t, b _b - -1 I �bq"OtN oldoK a , , ,* . ' . .3priond-Wh'th, V101 # *6 its- - g � IFi�� 'a � .... ,iial oat . 61 L , 6 ', r i or, kyo*fiat� 1100011 k ,%Vt ow,oZZION lit. . , ) , VA ­ � g-4 � ." ': I � I I I L , , , , , , i � �, � I . . . . . 'Ou-1 I 11 *'dt - " I -�� t ,j_'� .1 At h 2-60OW 4W " VULUT"Fum L Tr W*X` , . lot p. 1000,02.9 , _ � , - I I �­ .,. � 1. ;.r"rL , 11 11 , -��! I., " - "J� ., I ... I --; - . - , - 460 ft N. -5 "I I � �, r , , . , , L I I 1� 1,00 I . L . , �_ ­­'­ ...... L'­­�­ ­ " 0 , , , ' 1, � � I L , , r . '" - &W - I 1.11,11. .�' I ` J , , , . , ' - , 1� k . I ( , I �** 1 06' t is L rs% - ... � JU liklat 'ft ,104"t*0106 , , . : "It 4 W'" I"""ll" Pat , 7t�j ,tjoAl ts, '4*jVjb, ,f'h6 r ,. I I , . 46 0 1 1 , , . , � , , ! , �6 OtA � , ' L 414 AAal 611 t44 L I �. I - , � . , A1W I � , , . . � I- I I I ,-"�) � , I L � I, K_j% vocir waylo . "' 4!q tA , - YA', k0t, - W - . , i 1, 11 j) � i!i� .NW I * � .1 ZOW44. it . ilk Xs"L i , , ,,, " I. i k . i Ifft *",*v A 0�f OUd'rAa#' It "Jacin, it, iti #, ( Halt It , bAt dld'Y6* 4161: ilt , , , j _ _" " , Il � , k. _ . %s)*rjaa tbAt M* ... , ' , L 11 , . IWI . III4414! '*��" . � I , L q - ais 'a ba0loit � - ;M ordlired,14W WA;, Xor he ldo"rL�,LtbUkk OA 11 -tX#A 6*04 , *,�,� . . ... ­ ­­: , - ­_ , .1-4 .�� . -- � .�_4 It& ���, 11 ; � 4' I 1. 1. � �11 -A �_ix . . , - � , I I � , 41 I , *1".461) A'4". UA6d�*iil`161".� ___� ��,M� A�___' I" !tV iza � - � I 1^ ­ . . ­ " �=�­ ,--,., _. 'I.' lmr,i 1. I