HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-12-16, Page 15GODERi :l 7• e 1' E. PEOPLE , Bayo taken, advantage of oar cgfr Pr fie, sate of Pianos. " We. gave some left. It is still your opportunity, Gail: .and see us or drop a card and we will ,,ell. 11011118 'AT HALF PRICER 't�T4 ):leer t% large s oak of Violins we will otter theta at leas, then Wholesale x--. BUY THE BELL ORGAN FROM US • It has a, v pptation. We sell everything m Music, and it will pay' you to see us before p;ilrchhasingyoyour ggnni X;as goods. .�1�1. EI�IVti,�i ? . Bicycle and Music House. West Street. Representing the Nord - helmet. Piano and Music Co., of "Toronto. i►" ; I60i The Railway Problem \ of Goderich. History of the Efforts Made to Secure Its Solution.—Stean4 and Itlectric Lines Which Have Been Protected. As stated in another column, Goder- ich has urgent need of better railway facilities, and although the efforts made for several years past to secure this relief have not keen successful, there is reason, to expect that in thenear future we shall realize the much desired end. Some years ago when teeG,gelph Junc tion line was built, giving that city connection with the 0. P. R., the char- ter included the rightto'•extend the line westward via Stratford"to Goder- ich, and negotiations had do far pro• gressen that it looked as though the work would be commenced a; an early date. This would certainly have been a_great step citysvards tor Uoderich, but various causes, particularly the great business depressiou then prevalent, thwarted the lief i . eta time;_hut. the scheme is yet held feasible, and it may ere long be taken up again with renewed vigor. Then a charter was obtained for the Goderich and Wingham Railway, con- necting at the latter point with the C. P. R, This, too, although the charter desirable terminus. This was to pass through large sections of the northern counties ot the province which have very poor (if any) railway connection. and the Huron and Ontario, as the proposed line yeas called, was cal- culated to develop local traffic and local trade to a most desirable, degree. The town of Goderich, in common with several other points to be benefitted, gave 6500 towards the preliminary ex- penseta-of the scheme, but, while the charter Is still alive, the scheme bas failed to reaclrthat stage where build- ing operations can he commenced, al' though the president, Mr. McNamara, of Walkerton, and the provisional directors—among whom are Dr. J. R. Shannon, of town, and Mr. J. Al. Robes ts,ot-Dmaganuon, pare -stilt -hope- ful of seeing the project realized. In 1895 a proposal was mooted and discussed to build a belt line electric road around this county, taking Gode- rich as the starting point and running through Nile, Dungannon, Lncknow, Wingbam, Brussels, Seaforth,, Eg- was renewed, has failed to materialize up to the present time. The distance is huk some 20 mild, and it would be a decidedly good road fur Goderich. About three years ago A: C. Pew, the well known Promoter, worked up a scheme for nn electric railway from Port. Perry to a point on Lake Huron, Goderich being considered the most mondville, Brueefleld. Varna, and thence returning via Bayfield to Gode- rich, a total distance of from eighty -6 re to ninety miles. To make the matter clearer we give herewith a map of the county showing the proposed line. Speaking of the scheme, the Cana- dian Engineer for October. 1895„ said : "The total population of the Villages Opening Xmas Sale AT PORTER'S NEW STORE COMMENCING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 98' SAME EXTRAORDINARY VALl71it3: Crokinolo 8oe 0b, r,°Go each. "Sheba;" the newest game out, "Snap," "The House That Jack Built," "Nu* Coddles," and all the other gimes froth 5 lip. ' Dolls fruLa'6, up tv $Y:OO. A • Bibles, 26' per cent, mil. Prayer 13b40, ovoid' discounts. Fall tied of nntnt+tr 'Catholio Proper Books. , t. Poets, Booklets, Presentation Books, Calendars and Cards,, nothing like them ever shown. Leather 'Goode and Onyx Goods, new and , artistio. Sterling Silver 'Goods, Haviland, Elite atad other French Chinas. BOOK STOR[. vWitt of old itat}sl.) Oonrt Hoagie Stoat*, (10DEItI01I tributary to such +.lino *40d heabout SOA and the populattou of the Monty itself abowt, iiJ lith T�u llui would give cuw sled) 'u tyith the OJ?',1.' at Wingha nk and the 0.T. R. at the paints indicated Ott the map. .By three oonnectienit cansideketite bueinesa lit freight and, express .geode would be to o u lured to du (d palms, with the parritge a)f the snails along the saute: inf the ' neat itt}elf.' The regular local. freight and paseen fir traffic touch and ootee herBvsilh atg�es not new on any line of raj lway.wouldbeera item in the traf In return*: while the light freight from Uoderich to the tributary towns in fruits eggs, butter andprodlteu in such a fertile district would be large, basing calculations. on what has been done in the case of similar roads in other parts Of Canada. Thi' organ factory, the bleVele factory and other industries of Goderich Will contribute their quota,. The summer excursion traffic in a niece like Goderich is an important item, TUn this subject one of the members of the coatmittee says: County excursions to Goderich during the summer months would be very large and of daily occurrence, and from all points the Saturday.passenger trafflc to Goderich, to remain over to Monday, would be specially heavy. We are providing for accomanodatioh tit a large extent over former years for Americans and others frequenting our town as a summer resort, as we find the demand far such is increasing enormously. Speaking moderately, such a road as we contemplate would need to run trains both ways out of Goderich lit least every hour during summer, and it would require two pas- senger coaches and one freight at least upon every train to carry the traffic." "Steamers on Lake Huron would feed the road, especially in passenger traffic, and hundreds of visitors would take daily advantage of the 'round trip,' which would pass through the finest agricultural county in Ontario. Goderich being the county town, there would, be aasteady traffic to and from it the year over tor jiusiness purposes. and the connections would easily be such with all points that people could come, transact their business and re - .turn home the same day, which can now only be done from two or three points. only regard to fruits, in a good season we can easily ship basket fruits by the car load, and now that the young orchard area coming into fruit is larger than in almost any other county, it is reasonable to calculate upon largely increased trade. Besides all this, the fact that Goderich is a solid town and one of the few growing rapidly. with an assurance of yearly in- sedtroputatrou-mrd accorifnbdatiod for summer visitors, and fast becoming Stn unportant manufacturing point, prospects ot increasing trade are assured." Yet another and more recent project is now being considered. and data gathered, for an electric line from Goderich to Dungannon and thence to Wingham. .Mr. .i. J. Wright, the energetic proprietor of the Point Farm, and Mr. Alex. McD. Allan, the well- known Goderich promoter, are in cor- respondence with Toronto parties, builders of electric carriages. etc., who think that with a little assistance from the municipalities, provided the traffic and engineering infgrmation be found satisfactory, the—tt'ne can readily be .mas Display MEATS, POULTRY; &O., BEFORE BUYING. fludruws Bros.&Go. West St., Goderich,' "IF SHE WERE." A smart and etylieh girl said the other dsy : "If I were s elan I would wear a Brown Derby in the new winter shapes." They aro fetching and we show all the good. shades. The soft Fedoras are equally popular, and to Many men far more becoming. We have a beautiful line of them. Our stook through and through will please' yon. There's no better on the market, and the prices aro right. J. A. HALPANY, The Square, McLean's Block, GODERICH. carried out. - 1 AIFih is regarded by o".st' ' ( place with a future, and its growing trade will ere long see the realization of some of these projects. at _ Hundreds of citizens have been at- tracted by the beautiful picture..in the windows of J. Butler and G. Porter. It is the favorite battle picture of Great Britain, entitled "The Thin Red Line," a scene at the battle of Balaclava. This picture is given absolutely free to all who become subscribers to that world renowned paper "The Family Herald and Weekly Star," of Montreal, ack- nowledged to be the greatest family paper in existence. No wonder that orders are pouring in by thousands. It is the greatest dollar's worth offered. Our reader. should have a look at paper and picture. They are magnifi- cent. WHY RHEUMATISM 1SLIKACATARRH. Both are Inflamatione. Tho former of the muscle tissue. the latter of the museou, mem- brane. The only way to euro either is by a course of bleed entitling and blood enriching treatmenMorrill's System Tonle is the most thorough blood purifier, and at the same time the most rapid blood making remedy known. 80 pleasant -to -take doses for 50c. at bunham's Drug store. The Star gives THE NEWS. WORSELL'S The cheapest place in the county to get Stoves Furnaces Tinware and Household Furnishings *IS AT— WO tiaL'S Cheap Stove House. GODERICH,' 'egjse. You Can Defy Fall Rams If yon have one of those warm, com- fortable and really WATERPROOF OVE,RGORTS I am selling. They can't wear out, or look shabby. Winter bias Ne Terrors For those who get their CLOTHING from my stook. Oar goods and workmansliip have stood the teat of many years now in Goderich and we are atilt to the front. Call and see the now stook for Fall and Winter wear. HUGH DUNLOP; Next Door to Bank of Montreal, Goderich The Star prints quick, good, cheap REMOVAL Pic MHO — Die Works Have been removed to the store on the Square, next door to Knight's grocery, where with improved accommodation we cart do all kinds of Cleaning, Dyeing, and Repairing. Pants pressed while you wait. AU Work Guaranteed. A. SMITH, Prop. J. E. BRIDGES tiODERICH. ONT. MANUFACTURER OF' FINE CARRIAGES OR ALL svvteS. Also Bell factory work in Baggies, Carrie/MS and Lumbef Wagons. Iteipainting, retriavm- ing. tops, cushion/, lac. A I work warranted. Repairing promptly amended to. Second- hand rigs of nearly all kinds for oak) ebosp. DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS OPPOsiTE COLBO1RNE fin L. . Doo'# shoat for ►be reale Iar4 befor+t41411e. Tba teadaapy iq Holiday le • lcrAwe Ilk* soot of It talc the weak bailors t hristress. Thebes* lita It 10 Were abs Welt* Ve ltt'eloar Uttrd i TATOc sit+ earl! conatalakti W tb In the let* ilk sailor foe Phrbitntall Plaattel. fibs) t1 s a'htte seggliat (t t. 81.34t 1/10341444..S. ` ' NEW NEAE.WitEAfl. 8Uf 1 U N»I EEClUU#, BILE Mur ' +Ei1s. FIZ E O4313EIiE, SQQKS. - FiNE BRA.CE8. IiEINDEEt 014QVE$4 " NQVELTLES IN RATA„ OAPS, KID GLOVES. SHIRTS, COLLARS, Ac. A.. P. 'IVI°LEAN, Art Ts,ltore Natty Hatter and Gants' Fttrnieher, Goderloh. HOLIDAY C1FTS. Have eomethipg that is useful as well as ornamental. We have them t ---SKATES from 86o. to $1.86. —LAMPS at all prices. ---CARVING SETS, never equalled in town before in quality end price. -- Lateet in TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY. ---STOVES, we never had a better assortment and prides. LEE & SHEPHARD. We wish one and all A Merry Xmas and Happy New Year fldDVll ThoHOht--'. For This fldDfltj S6don. A LITTLE XMAS FURNITURE TALK J. BROPHEY & SON Are the oldest Furniture Dealers in Goderiob, the senior member being about a quarter of a century in this business. Many a Christmas has 'Although tbi, ti '40t t e tllit tttlt l► tit lhatithtitfl 000140 to dlt spin order to atssx out, ogritookot RfiDYTOWtJ1.::OVEKc:+ Eeraru moving to Our NOw tore NeXt Door tltiaty .00004 by Geo, Porter. Not haviog toe rootrtpre �. euti flora .00 Handle these goods, and also;lrtitI intltud o«nl�.� tRof'Ctl Of the: basineas, I am prepaze(t to lak HMO ggpdg. go TOE BEST GOODS OFFERED FOR SALE itd OANAQA FOR THE MONEY, at WbmtltVIr tbry will brill t expect to move on Deo.. Otrh. They will all go in a faw days, so call early if you wish to sem** bargain. Line PRI DRAM, The Tailor, for that length of time. P[RFE6T PLUMBING_,... go A Perfect Bath Rnom means a great deal to a finely furnislieJ house. Inferior Plumbing may last for a year or so in other /L parte of the house, and "do just as well" But Plumbicg is cheapest when it is perfect. We have done plumbieg in some of tee beet residonoos in Goderich, and do noth- ing bat first olaas work. Call at Cattle Bros. for estimates of cost, etc., for good material and plumbing work. CATTLE BROS., West Side of Square. next Sturdy Bros, Goderich, Ont. Dome and gone, but never before have we been better prepared 1 DEGARBON STEEL STOVES --mob- in our line to eater to the many useful wants of the general pnblio. It does not matter whether enolr wants may be OUR PRICES ARE MONEY SAVERS Bedroom Suites, Parlor E7urniture, Easy Chairs, Tables, Upholstered Goods, or Natural Woods, —We can suit you in— ♦ QTJ"_ALITY 8z PRICE• Thio Festive Season is a time of PRESENT GIVING, and if you want to give something lasting and useful, do not fail to call and see what we have. UNDERTAKING. As venal, our Undertaking Department is replete with the beet on the market at the lowest prices. J. BROPHEY & SON, Leading Furniture Dealers, Undertakers and Embalmers. SOME I)EOPLE Say they never get good meat unless they pick it out themselves, but we always try to fill all orders with the beat of satisfaction, and guarantee to furnish the very beet on the market at the lowest living prices. Your ns Duey back if not satisfied. FOR CHRISTMAS Our Meats of all kinds and Poultry will bo as good as nasal. which means the best that's going, at Every day prices. If you want satisfaction come to as and we will gnat antee---oryour money back if not satisfied. 1t don't matter what your choice may be, our aim will bo to please every want. • e I derive to thank past and present patrons for their lib• eral patronage, and solicit a contiooance during 18941. The old stand is still on the Square, neat the Huron Howse. Call and see ne. Not in connection with any other heftiness. WWI. ANDREWS, 'WERT SIDE OF SQUARE, GODF.RICIi, ONT. • WE have a full range of them and. this is purchasers to k1ok _ merits. Call and Hee them at FILM/ WEE d: ROBINSON'S. The Docarbon Steel Stoves are Canadian in make and have been well tried, proved, sod acknowledged by the public to stand fire, bake better, and radiate more heat than common cast iron. Beware of counterfeit imitations and jealous rivals. Every stove fully guaranteed. Sold only by EILSINGER & ROBINSON. Tinsmiths, Plumbers, Steam Fitters, and Stove Dealers, Corner West Street and the Square, GODGRICH CROSS -Cut Saws 1 I have just opened up a large consignment of the celebrated And Leader Lance Buffalo Bill. Every Saw fully warranted. Also a full line of Black Diamond Files, Axes, Axe Handles. &c. N. D. ROUGVIEB North side of `['lura-,• GI)Dt?it 1(' ll dine Fruits -.8.., Our stock of Fruits is replete wits the highest grades. Good Raisins, 4 lbs. for . The beet that is grown, 8 lbs. for Good Figs, 4 Ibe. for . . ... .......... 25c 25o 25o Seedless Raisins, Table Raisins Peels, Nuts, ect. et Lowest Prices for good quality. IT PAYS TO BUY TiIE BEST. 31131.5.1141400113r. The riamilton 1t1, G rocer •