HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-12-16, Page 4:, - 11 " I I n � . . . I , . L, � . . I � :j". 00;-1 .1 � - December 16,1898. 1 0 - ­ __ - , - -'IN . I . . . I 11 . � I I � . . - NW- '' ._., - '"', __7rTt­_30P1RFPWWR m . 7 ___ - _wk � -_ - -' " I 1, . � ,_ �, . WINNOMP" 7 - . � I �Wwrw" � WFPWW" 77MTW - - � _ _, .. . - . . I I I � -1w, 'I' 10- � ilv, �. ­ � I .� ­. . � I � . 1. �: I � ­ .. � � _ _­­­ ­ - - I 1. � . -,- - ____ . ­ - � �. . I THE GOLDEN AGE. bad bliferk rambling outside the house - ` ,. __ waiting for him father's departure. His 9M D 3WW& 1 mother felt It her duly I .. ..... lit him, : . There are no days like bygone dsYs� � . . 8. thinko the e,nile hoarL . 15� No ways the- om like ancient way*. but She had not the heart ill Itu it- It I . . had two such a long time �jtjci, she had � .� . Nono now tiurb bit" impart; -_ .� , For when the v"on back to clod seen hint. So sho embraced 1) I Art I ustead. I .1 I I ­ , � � It sl� a golden age. I Then be gave ber such guod reaso'lis I'll, 1W ly That heart the- 6ighs for all the Past for hie return. Ile hati-d the conutry . I . And deents the action aagc� ., , , Where he had liceiii. It grit-ved hint to . . C - The brightest days am coming dAY16 be 60 far away from 1101,10, and file Votu- - ,,: . Afflrms the youth in 61be, fades called him a Prussian heCoUllb Of I .; � , And on the tutu" is his Base ... , . �­ " While pre -sent moulentii fice. his Alsatian accent, He I'lld bOr Oil IV The guidon age ill yet to bee - I this. and sbe believell It, Bile Only hall 4'\ C,Tj)tMAji 5tor) I z . Betom Ido eager mind. to look at him to believe allYtbilig. , � Amd thus his thoughts with lusLar sit%= , � , AD they their vlowa nriblud. Talking baotteflantly, they entered the 0 t t We tat Wt jit � L L. house. " � r L I But to tho itintrual epicure I The youngsters awoke arid ran in in M. quAr) - I . Q The olden age is now. their nightgowns, bareft)(ited, to am - I " With plenty near his Joy to aura, ,ritcy wanted ­Ccirporal, bring in the prisoner I" . ,, I And pluasp­o cmwns his brow. brace tbOir big brother. . Within the tit days be trios hill) to cat sometbifig, but Ile was not It Is a June day at Fort Davis, on .. . I . To taste K.ThIlefodt good. � hungry, only thirsty -oh, Ito thirsty I the little Missouri river, and a court- �. I Asserting that, the rich and wise ; SO he drank pints of water Ili place of martial has,assembled to try Private " " I Are those supplied with tood. HRIAlue Wh to oil I lie charge of one 1 the wine arid beer to which lie had been of the gravest crimes a soldier can � j 11 � Who true philosophy ill found treating himself oil day at the inn. be guilty of In time of peacc-strtking 1: .I In looking up arid an hie superior officer. Private White , Away from sordid, earthly ground A atop was heard in the COUrt. A Ian, Came to Company B. 11th Infanir_y, I 11 Toward everlasting dawm It Was the fro, Jefferson bArrael" a yei&r be- " blacksmith returuiligl ) � I Thu better life beyond us litsk, 11(jiijildian, there is your fu I One' day' lt� � walked into a re. t DeLlarem the sacred page. , � And those who look with faith lit 'Dyes Ride yourself quickly until I have time crulting office in St. Louis and offered ,� Discern tit* golden ago. to speak to hiln to explain all I" cried hl mself for medical examination. The I � sergeant was Burpritted-the cap&in I I �Rev. W. B. Bancroft in Philadelphia Lediter. the mother, pushing her son halliud the In charge was purprised-the medical I , groat earthenware stove, while she start- examiner was Burpriaed. Here was a , : ed to sawing ovice more with trombling man 26 years of age -sound as At del- ..".. THE ZOUAVE. fingers. UnforttlikatelY the zonave-8 cap lar -a. gei;tleman in speech and de- � t was tile first meanour and evidently used to the .1� rested on a chair, and i� good things of life, who was anxious I . . OD the evening of my story George thing Lory paty when be entered. This, to go soldiering In time of peace. He i: �� Lory, the first blatokomith of Sniute- then, explained his wife's pallor, her ivas altogether dIffere t from the 7 . n OU '' Marie-aux-M1110S. Was in an Unhappy embarroflainout. lie understood It all, average materlal-so much t of his "', I frame of itilind. . led furious- ]I", that' the recruiting officer looked I _ "Cliri8tiun is here I" be or him over and growled out that he'd " ... ,.� It had always been his babit as soon ly, and, taking down his saber, with a bet )its boots "the dude " would be I ," , : so the forge fire was extinct arid tile gesture of rage rushed behind the stove, posted as a deserter within ten days. . 1, I , sun had not to seat himself on a beach where the zounve, pule aDd sobered, The captain of Company R was a , before his door,, and, while enjoying was crouching, leaning against the wall married rnan and had his wife at the , which hard work oil 41 fort. lie was till old school officer. that lassitude for four of falling. and me thorough At. martinet that he I ��. warm day leaves behind it, drink sevet The mother threw berHolf between was cordially hated by every man Ili ,,�� - I- a] puts of bear with his apprentices -be- the,,i I hill company. He appeared to take a :10 '_ fore sending them away. "Lory, Lory, do not kill him I" she 'llslike to Private White on eight, and ,� � But on thin particular evening the I wasn'e a week before trouble came. k'. I , cried. "It wits I who wrote him to re- ,t , " , good man remained at the forgo until turn-thnt you needed him at the rho new recruits for Conipany-B had 1. scarcely time to get the points of the �, . L , , it was time to go to the supper table, forge. I' compass before they were doing double , �', and then went reluctantly into the She clung to her huhband'n arin, and, dutY. carrying a log on the shoulder or I bonso. sobbing, dragged hint back, arid in their clinking lit tile gitard-house. Ili each , , "What can be the matterwith him?" ond evory citse, as all the officers , , "" room the weeping children could hear knew rind remarked among them- ' , _� �� I thought his wife. "Perhaps he till re. their parents, voices -one full of tours, pelves, the punishment was Inflicted 11 " oeived some bad news from the re imen, the other of anger, so changed that they for some trifling Infraction, due to 11 � Ignorance more than CareleFl9neil& .1 that he does not Wish to tell me. Per� could hardly recognize them. Samuel 'White was tile first victill, 8 v, - - , , c ,,', le,ted. His -musket was the ill u- " haps our sou is ill." The bluoksmith stood still a rnoment ''I :, But as she dared not ask she occu- and looked tit his wife. salidth part of an Inch out of plumb 11, � pied herself in trying to quiet bar three "Ali, It was you, won it, that made as he came to a. " Present " to the � 111; flicer of the (lay, NvIlo was Capt. I , 1i I - flaxen headed youngsters, whose laugh- him return? Velly well. HO "lay 90 to 0 ' � , 1.1�1 %�:a rey himself, arid away he went tb , Ing faces appeared around the board, bed. I shall red what I will Alo In the the guard -house at; a punishment. , �61' where they were mduching a salad o morning. " . That %%ap the beginning, but It was 'T I ,:1 j I � , black radishes and cream. not -thf-end. In the course of a .11 I The next- day Christian awoke after onth/It began to be talked ,tround �­- At last tile blacksmith pushod away Sloop full of nightmaro and terror to find to v. the captain was down on Prl- , �-, I , �'.. his plate, exclaiming augrlly-. himself in the room Where lie had slept 11% .� """ "Oh, the cowardal 0h, the aconn- little lead ve to White," and something opeurred I when a child. Across the each weak to give rise to more god- Yil��, dreial" trained panes grow a hop vine in flow- I'll). One night, when he was �,galn .- . 11 , .. I 11 What in the walitter, Lary? I ao�ed or, and the no was already high Ill the 011icer of the day, three of hig meo ;t - deserted, Private White %%as onte of � . I his wife. heavens. 1,3olow the hammers pounded the sentinels that night. Indeed ' he . 4 �, Then the root of the whole matter an the anvil. . was the one who gave the alert 1. Ili ;I came to light. I . . His mother Was at bilt bedside. She the first e.xciternent the mptaln charg- i �' � "I am speaking; of those five or six bad uW left him during th I bt b ed hint With conspiring ,arid ordere,l �71­1_ h under arrest. Pr vate White �'t �...' scoundrels whor uebau(N -rage 'in a any onto could ��Ikve coupe she fearod her h protested and struck back witti r­ �,77 - . seen this morning rambling round the might rettili.n. Her butibund also had his flat - hence the court -mar - I ,��,�� village in the uniforms of French col- not sougq ,�,�411 - his coach, for Until it was tia.l. No officer has the right �, dierik arm in arm with the Bavarians dawn he had walked about thO howe, to strike a private soldier, but F�41.'C it in excused in hint on the plea of j�, . Yes, It In such an these -what shall I " �, ,,,�, weeping, sighing. opening and shutting ., kknpu�se-" No such plea cau. be en - call tb,om-%vbo have chosen to become the -tlrnwVrs of the presses, and now tef0d for the private. It he strilcts P"Z'. Fi�likllatksl -And to think we Will have that it wits tiny had Quietly entered his his superfor officer he must be tried "'. . . , I.S.4. �k;'!',�Ili,,'�.W,, t :�1560 thoisti'lalso AlEatlatil; coming bact son's room, dressed as for a journey, and -pPunished. and no excuse he can ,,I�'�.-,� ,,�r I.P. . . KX74oky,from Africa. I what magle po- with high gaiters, I% large hat a urge will save him. Capt. Car" pro- , ��,,­ nd car- voked the return blow and was re- f�ii-�� -, ___ _ tigin have they drunk to make then, rying ail iron forruled moull a ill 8 JoIced whed it was delivered. ­,,,,� . _, , I t I car' :�, -, ­ � ­ ,� 5 this way?" staff. He came up to the bed, saying ­ Corporal. bring in the prisoner ! " 11� I .. W wife, motlitifike, immediately only, "Get upf" .. it was Private Samuel White who , , , , ,; , ,:, I I attempted the defense of the'shuged. The boy, At trille confused, started to 'a" escorted Into tile room to tuake -I " I "What would you havoottierwiso, put on his zounve uniform. his plea arid stand trial. He had been �,, 11 Oor�bm,tttpj and Alights In which . :�� - ­ - MY p _�W�l laid q),,, 14T[%t,1'-'S1D,5� ILN.ot-,that,!, er;a "A­".�__ ­­ givon many days � - 1�1.... :111ank bid case over_ There wils 11 y tllie-faiIi t 6f,dhis'a -�_6 I I - "'But be has no- oth -I"- - ­�' ", . turn is hardl ers -jil-ki mother not a private wTIo healtateFif to an- � ._�� dren. Algiers, where they were sent, iq interposed. hounce his sympathy for the prisoner :,I '' not an officer who did not feel that I �,L' so far away that they ,were homesick, "Give him wine, then. I Shall not - ." , Capt. Carey,had degraded himself lit . , ,�, and it must have boon thoh it tempta- Beed them any more. " thus hounding a man past all endur- , i : " � � � tion for them to Came back, auch a While Ili" soft was dressing, Lary ance. Private White was motioned to I �­ temptation not to.. have to be soldiers carefully folded the uniform, and, mak. a seat as he entered. but he did not , � � The ir no had been taken , 11 1, longer 11 I it by its strap tnkc I Itiogs for tie in �. Ing a ptkckng6 of it. hung off h a '��_ P,- struck too table with his fist over the.end of his stick. arrest. It wits al� first ti e since his -� ,�� � _ warm, balmy day, _tl " - __ :".., J1. -, I ,"Now come down stairs, " he said at arid the windows of the roorns were � , ash, motherl Youlwornen never lost, and the three went down Open. One of them looked out on the - t�,� � , to the g,te, and just outside the .gate was ��, � � * ... ratund anything. Living for your forgo without, speaking. The bellows hitched the horse of the mail -carder. , .1 111dien and with your children makes joltred, the men were at walk. 'The " � who had just Come in. Privdte White I "A ion lower your mind to the level of tbP eight of the open shed door rotaillded drew a long breath, flung,the men Ile - I 1, 11 , An for me, the y A � . Intellect of the yatingstars. ,OUQVe of his childhood, haw,)j#,h%d tilde him away with a twi t of his �1�q'l , I gay to you again tbRt these men tire played there so long between ths'�O*kmk ,,.'bows, and, before any 'one could "I I . I 1. . I atop him, he was out of the window. " 7,,, drels, the worst kind of �', � beggars, Mean road and the door wbere thO.80.040-0 T1,11, was a sentinel at,the gate, and. ,,��-�,"�: Ockwards, and, if Ill lack should make tile forgo rhono Ili the blitok,fibittAt9to crick; of "atop him I" were shouted lit -z.,., " ".., 11 out Christian capable of each Infamy III; A feeling of tenderness canto oVjr filtnt hint, He was it Cornp%ny " 43 imi, I I 1��".�,�, liblifirs, Big true as my namele George of desire to have his father a Pill 011, I . t And tecognized White in an Instaw. ,� ; . ,:,. , ... I I ""I, X�Oryatkdl that I have served seven Yeats when he lifted his eyes he can Ve brought or, big musket and fired, I I otor0d but he purposely fired wild and had � .�� sis: �jk French soldier I would ran hint ''Ill' an inexorable glance, At In t a blai*- a word of encouragement to the fugl- , �:, &faith spoke: ;. i %., �� . tbk6tigh with my swbr&" Aad.With a . Ove as he passeA him. In anothijir .. I tertl1ble look, half Aging. the' block. "My son," said he, "here are the moment White was in the Saddle and ,� 'I I galloping away. and it hundred irlLn I ", ,:�... - =kith pointed to big- long saber banging stivil and the tools; all are YOUrit. And -I.- hirn out of eight. He was . - I ��w I oil the wall boucath hill Soule picture- all tbiA, too,- added be, pointing tothe 1, recorded as a deserter, and Capt. i 11 I . : portrait taken In Africa, of a soldier Ill little garden, full of the sunlight, and CaXey was not only at great - ousivio uniform. but,Vith such on boo the bumming of been, framed in the be- spread thet..,howe among scouts, hunt- � , I - opt Alsatian face, Untied by the silo. smokeddodrway. "The hivet, the vines, . I , �__ � 1�. I .1 that the�sjRht sud44iUi$.a%Irued theta the house, till ,belong to Y-011. AS You . - .11 - . ;�4 1 �, ther, and he said IW$ I hidglyt have sacrificed your honof for those - -1 - _� - . I �. I "It was well I .16464 at the picture things It lit only right that yoh should I I=z_-_ "I As if our Christian could1beocime a Pros take care of them. You. are waster over -Z:.-- I =e__ 14 1 slan W I all bore. As for me, I am going away, - , I I I Pat flato-0, better hilmor by thin W4 You owe five years to Francs, and I 40 _:EEE� I t 0 � . ­' the good man gayly Aulabed his dinner, going to pay thom for you. 11 . .- 40"t" I ��i ,� . I %� - � 0 "I I -1 I and soon followed it UP with a Couple I'Lory. LAory, where are you going?" - ji I - - I , I : . of plate of betir at the Ville de Strals, cried his poor wife, _� 1, I , bourg IUD. I � I i , "Fatherl" wept his son, � , I At last his *Ito 41`1118,111114116 I But the blacksmith had gone, walk- . � ­ � � 1. , After putting the 110181111liken h6lidt, Ing away With great strides without I I �� to bed sifid listenI100 to 11110137 Prilittle it, tarnifig Once, I . - �1� I fl, the next room. which sounded like a At SIddi-bol-Abbes. at the garrison I . �.__ � I ­ I 11 meatful of birdi going to sleep, she took of the Third zollaves. not many days I � 11'', , hot work and stit down to knit before later there was Carolled among those I . I "-� the door Jilt the garden aide of the houts.' Who had enlisted as VOInDtt)QTB OYAO - � ftcha time to Ohio she sighed as she whose age had paned halt a century by � '. . thought, "Yee. I ittli it well. they jIV6 yearn. -From the French of 'Al- . ,)) , � : k-.. � - des; but what phouse Daudet For Short Stories. I � I I does J4,matitIst, Their mothers Will be I (-_ I I 11 -11 1 olskill t6 W them back 0000 too" all the . Birds, watilit"Will. . 111! . , I I I _ _ . - " , . � � � � III . *UIC-0, � Birds have separate notes Of Warning 11 - , - � , I , � . A04.4-00011,911toi-thilitiftitR bit(Wif to ludiento Whether daligot to Ill, the I I � 1 44 sold blad,gona With the *rM*. how at taft ,fif a hawk Of a Oat Orot sk fudjfk� It a Oro. and ranchmen, but privately of- , � farad $100 reward for hie capture, � � I this, fialat (it. this day _)isk iiII4 to devote b&Wk, cat or owl Is On the 11111018o the The scene changed algalft, tit is De. . hfulooltla flidosilbot the garden. Inher bit" especially blackbirds. alWkYli* Ut- camber and a ndsgd lcqaeh drives In. . . lillid the coodd 00 filib Wad in bloniel. ter it clattering "Ott. constantly repeat- to Harptir City efttlopto in a, cloud , � � I , of snow, and its driver nud passengers ,, ,bit balf jotfg'� big I*Uth;I hair whiob 6d. and ChIcketta have, A 8"Cl0k) sound &Irnost froxen. When the almost be. ., � I thily. blid but 00 *,hork his beCAU14511k to indlellito tile protieuch Of it hawk. nut 11mbld stage driver dtbV45 bit mutoin , . f. hig his *lkteitlog to *it the when dIsturbed by Man the blultbirdif into the bar" and �Vaas helped Off big 1. tu(A*10011 . Ii. - �1� *6114illor 4� bet, . � k a differcut wound of 'Alarm, Beat he heaved & ifigh of satisfaction I I 1 , I have qato. I the Idea of It long rest before him, I I 16 me 0 be 11 " . I I . 8U4d4bJY4h6R9AtWk Thb, I, 016*4 slid tile obielf0ii alit , Alth I �0 It M #%,.. ­­_, ­-, ----,.,--- ­ ., 1. 1. ,� . I ,. 4 th# 00d of Ilia , I I � � I I ols, *s, Itoldt **,I .,L ,, . 01t. IN04A. 001 . � I � I I I wk 0, *# �buks 1A , �+ ­ I I .., . . 1" w *0%lf at . . �� ,� '"t 1110111folkit tb* bet I I , . I . 44 �� P., - . I 11 , , , � 1, go OWW" I I I . � .1 � , oslwiml st" thA . I I- , , 4001111111, 1111111 � � - � I 1. - I . 11 . I � I I I I 1� . I . " 11 *', , _, -i � All ,.f . ,, . W. � am - lot boil are I* � pd" Ill "d , *�* I ­_ ,-.,e ,tv VIA kne ArIp" -,Vney . ''t'"'Itly,611010illkwordo", � taken tlkelr ChAllefte That thIshi , A � , � � - �. I.— . ___Z_4"�,� UWAO I., thrOugh'by atkg,) ti'04. lfbjW I ')� , ftifitiftitt botwifir zi Arfuld". . rUf*ht, _ one of the fout was A, wovoian OA befto wo III oved, $500 tbli,$*,Vjot 01611119. " Officer's wife ba,tifid (0, Wtlyr�, ot . . . . " 19 W104alk"Alok ,,($Mj*r11otfft11I I � . I she could kg�lt thr6bgh, I -1 0 , fth 4 toosf;, ,4144**144.1 ,,No. *'Inua thot'litly,1000 10AN tm winter Afloat i4owfi tb,etfi,,ab* jfpW, , . I lit Harper (:It$, OrL ftjj�jjjo alatit'; . NA 10*h*4 tit* log to 001(lfegh * wif VOM34&, III We to. TWif da�" Aft4t �**�#tkgaaw, ' - 4, f � **tkjs40,1aWebjo0k'I" , �, � " I _.�­�:f,';­. . I ". -1 -­ -:7 4.-, � , , ­ �',: 5�n 0"Oi,, " . � .. I � I I i L., I , � I � . � ­ . 11 � I I . d 4 , 4 1 1 : 41 � .. ". I I �". I . , �,l . .. �. .� 1� I I , .1 � , , 1, � I , � � � , I I I . . , I I I � I . . L . I � I I , 1( I I .,� 1, I � � . . .". I L . '�, . �. . ­ I I , . .� I I � k � I 11 I . - . I I . , ` , I I 1. I �, 1 .1 �, I I 1 i .11 I . � .1 ly I . I I I . � , , , L' . I ; . 11 :It � I I - . :, I ,1� I* + . , _ I I I � I , � . , � I 11 �, L I 1. I _111d9_1 . ) I I I I IL I I . � I , I ii,"� ' ' THE GODIr , ,RICH STAR. . POPIN""', I . , I - - 't''.1T, ­., - , .. i.l."'. L LL I .I; ,.4 V� I- 0 � . I . . I I . . � .., I . , . I . . �! - I il � � :1, I .: pp: -,i,:A - - - � ., � � I � "I . -_ - . � � . . ­ . . - ­ �,;, - I -the man fell forward raised and fired- . .1 V A SOX -ok.C9.0v*ING. � .,j 0)141147N laid up, and with two feet '�g snow ineur way through the deep . driftm-he those who care for You," ithe Per" lot- with & bullet in hie hrort 4=4 w" _4 , I 1. , I on the ground and more 0,11larx the landlord of the Eagle hotel 06�'-'U*n4r breilking the way and lisvifuir oftqn to tort) aside to avoid & drift which ed. " A wrong has been done You, arid I Ithall not resit until It is right- dead before her Wild shriek had cskkW_ to "he on the evening ail% � � , � i I olkirlatralas FIuAAu,r;t44I!2X� , I Cit,v Bald to the dozen men CQpgra. yould not he pen."tqd­ He had seen , ad- When we gtit to the fort your That w&2 &AI ­&U except a Woman Pick and wed very car9tullY Quo Posaill 6ated around the big stove In t,49, har, to it before starting that the woman case I . ,. who grieved, & man who over after- , and a quarter of the best I4Y@r raikit"v, i room :- , was protected against the cold with 1,1 I, . . l- & - , v I shall not entqr the fort with on " he interruped and hastily rising wal-do walked In the ahadow-,anothiar I es, tons]- ba -Ing- which put In a large bowl With *its pound � ' Boya, I in feeling mighty Berry Wr ! ell & an 0 0. an a It nee an Ii . v o I I KoIIWs*hqutV_r1kq"k%AqpIQkolI; the officer's wife. I can't unk19% her hour he halted to lot her pip from the tip a disappeared In the darkness. ground on the 11.149149. of cUrri:auts. I - - one pound of kidney suott9boppAd not too comfortable hdrti, do the beo.� ;.( can g no- - ---------- t__ fine 1, two ounces each ot. kiandlied Israeli, � . , bottle of whiskey which the landlord Per an hour the captalu's wife swult Ird It [nay be a fortnight before. o6oy- had provided. Ile was respectful but ed his return, and thou hearin LVE At� CHBIWJVMAA. peel, AIM quincesofthe . 'hing g,ies over the road in either thing from him -she fell asleep. Three YOUR W orange and eltron t1trection. She's got the pluck to putsh , or four times during the night s6o - best flour, half lit pound of fine bread on to the Fort. if she had helf a . - - - woo 41mly conscious that he replenish- 1. 1, crumbs, bait a pliand of Vrowg sugar, tile , show." te-OLZ .. I ed the tire. but she did not know that gmted rind of a lomork, a Bait - BPOOII of Bait " What from 7 o'clock to daylight, with a halt she finds nil buslnesa,fts now, 11,191stell the whole d'ye call half a A ".. :1� . and a grated nutmeg. allow ?" � P, ,.= I tf��rled,ono of the men. 1. now and then to catch his breath and To her Mo- I Ith eight eggs, the yolks and whites Wel , a man your site and M_ . . . . . . . 11 see that her fire did not burn too low. fln'tur bill or I; , w about qer tbrPugh." 1�__ 1. I he wait engaged In digging a way A I, undred-111011 613� beaten sepArately, and enough milk to , . Do lea would help , .=_�_X_ 1. I I which could not She calls I In . form a very stiff batter. When all these I 1�� Not"this will t er ! It's twentyt, I through a great drift eight miles to David, and with this . r 1� , 'be ftanked. When morning came he ... ingredients are thoroughly mixed, till snow on that means two day's travel. '.. I aroused her, prepared breakfast, arid Each day the tile it er is on time toperatiriawbich will take thotimeand It .. 4 I. e4o Say, men, before this storm let# Up - . an he placed her in the saddle e No word she answers vilea paltieWe Or tmvQrAI perso.,no, po r a ii a. ­ ' 4uletly said :- . we'll have snow up to your chl,n I I . .1 she shows that she call act 11111111, 0 chitti, which should be well buttered and " L Ponies I Why the drifts will bo� too i .. i I To -night von will see yQur children To get a sealskin sacque. fi6i2rid. The beat pndillog* cloths tire big for an elephant to break through I I If they are still alive." tbQm made oatofthlu unbleactiodmuslin; No, vir-e-e-e ! I wouldn5t set out . L on " Living or dead," she answered, "I M. thay should always be scalded with boiling -r han Although bar t"te yonyd not deny, that jaunt and agree to pull a man I.O.- ,,, - shall owe you a greater debt t . through. let alone EL woman Who I can ever pay, Won't you promise You must admit it mare water and wrung dry as poitsiblo before couldn't turn a hand If I got Into me to go into the fort and have your The season Is Joy to have her buy using. 16 to always well t4i lay the Ciotti, � cas brought up again T' 11 fter It bits been preparbO, In a large trouble." , lt the captain Your eckties and cigars. wl, and pouring the pudding Vatterinto " She's got two kids." resumed the was settled when put a price on my bead !" he calmlY IV. t cloth,and, holding the corners -tiubti y landlord, "and at Bennington, before ,�_ replied an be,led the way. 0.0 She makes you drink of sorrow's cup t , ­ or, tie firmly with a piece of strong, the wires went down, she got a ois- . .. 11 High noon -2 o'clock 3 lock -4. To gain the kld's applause ; whi cord. If desired. this pikildingulay Patch that both were down with the I Tolling through the deep 8now-break- "' smallpox. Oat It bad at the Fort. I Ing through drifts-zig-zagging 'till For now she likes to rig you up be be ed in a plain or ornainautul putt- , ti,er say, and lots of men are 41ying ill To look like Santa Clan". ding uld I well butter the interior, pour off. . the trail left behind them seemed to have marked the passage of a monster V. the mix re Into it, cover with a street of The men about the stolye made D I ______ I mlirpent. A weary horse -a man ready good whi note paper. tie the mould Ili u The Z Ij f ' - U . answer. question of pay did i Though ready for t.he yearly strike, I 11__"� .',;Vth,wp', e It In a kettle of boiling wat er not enter into it. They knew -.1the I- , 2 - �___ -tr to lay down and dle-a woman with it hivi you rather funny; and let I 11 quite fast forfourhours A I 11".'r- , -aria - t - 4 1 ','�, to freezing on her cheeks. Now She wituts to know first what you'd like an Al trail. and they alco knew what a win _� I and Al ba ""O _1h the fort is only a mile away. When I f. Of course, some allowAnce ter aterm meant as the snow fell and _. for the money. must be while or the pudding to swell. I f the gales piled It up here and there. they turn the eastern edge of this Then asks you The mail -carrier would not start un- silent. grove, each tree to-afless and oeeming- -James Jav O'Connell. boiled in a clotl have on the range a large ecause she IV dead and Its naked branches wav- til he could travel on snow-shoeB. realized that her husband had wrong- pot, thre"uarte a full of briskly boiling Ing In the north wind, they will sight P.t.rby*. Stormy Christinaill. water, into which t ourpudding move " Who'a the woman ?" naked one Of ad the man who was ready to face' the fort. The deserter leaves her, I' y 7 tile men at last -a youngish man .Who danger and death to place her by the for a, look ahead to see whether he I,.t year the Peterby family had A itaipputinthowat fora second o�two ; appeared the day before. coming from Ledside of her sick and suffering shall cut through the grove or turn Cbrillm" tree. ad admit. Mrs. Poterhy Is thistilay easily be one by keeping the no ,one knew ",here nor inquired, ,.hildren. - _____ __ __, a very clever woman, hence tile expense corners of the cloth ree of the boiling _____ _�___ -_ - for the tree was very light, Of course, water -for the time re aired, then cover - I __ � , I I 11 . she did not Also the same tree that had the pot closely. and at w your pudding . �� done duty on previous Christmases, but to boil steadily for four o five hours, be- . all the ornaments were the same ones that Ing c3reful not t N it stop boiling o allow I ­ had gladdened the bearts of all the child, even for a Anomm, pind w I your labor I . . ren from the oldest down. As soon tie the have been to valu. 11 is wall ep your ' that yo_4 ke . . 4r, .. - � Jo3ous season was over, Mm Peterby tea kettle boiling ify have .1 � , stripped the tree and packed the orua- water to add to the pot "' * t':�'3 , i . " luentS away for future use. pudding In boiling, as under a- 3'Vider , oil Christmas Eve the entire family wits tion must it be allowed to run dry. '2!bre(n I - � . , .. I " �� a - excluded from the parlor until the pres- you a ready to serve the pudd. I ,_ , 4'�,l ar 'I �/* ��, , 1� on . ents were all arrmiged oil the tree, then move it carefully intp a large colander, . ,)­% % - A, . silo called the family Into the parlor with uutte the cloth, and turn the pudding dZil, -, "I -.,/ �­ I .­ ­ ­ .. a grand flourish. on a hot dish. It should be perfect ,�It 1 1 , , I ,.-,*,./, The eldest Boil. Frank, got a magnift- and rich and dark in color.�, I I � 1. ,�; . cently bound book, Milton's Paradise "in"pe, ith a little powdered sugar, stick , . * I Lost. Tile boy was delighted. There were .�Sv,lkl- - 1- . "i I . .pr.. of belly In the center, and send to , I fl, I'll -11 I - tears of grati t; ado I it It Is eyes its lie thanked the table with either a hard or a soft 14 11 his kind me tier forlier beautiful present, sauce. -4 %sit- T/I ,avw*r,l ", I'llis Is the very thing I have been A Good Soft Sauce. I " "%amia walting for for years," lie exclaim6d. Cream together a teacupful of pulveriz- � I "What magnificent Illustrations I How ed sugar and half a cupful of fresh butter, 44, , , , ­ true it is thata, boy has got no friend like add a well -beaten egg and the juice and I ,,-,L ,�:,�� hN mother W I j,ei". , ...... ...... t� grated peel of a lemon. Have ready in a � I I � ..0 1, Kj 6. Ile was about, to examine the Pictures double saucepan some boiling water which . i I (161 ­ " niore critically, whet) Mrs. Peterby has been thickened with a scant teaspoon - I ! ..11;. �1� .. .. . - wreuched the book from his hand, asking ful of corn-stairch; when thoroughly boiled . I with amazement, add to this your other ingredients, and I - ::gy son, have you lost your senses I'll stir slowly until the sauce is very hot, be- il , 11 goess not, mother; what On you, logVery careful not to allow It toboli. � "I meall ?" in Add a little grated nutmeg. 11 I I I ., What d'you, mean by trying to ru Boast Turkey -Oyster Striding. il I .. . .... . that. costly book by looking at It?" - k, .. ��_ , 'W hy, mother, don't you expect rue to Select a young hen turkey for the Christ 1� . I read it ?" nias dinner, an the most of these is more , 11, I'll : ILExpectyou to readlil"' replied Mrs. tender and juicy titan taut Of the gobble r�. ,� � Peterby, with a wildsoort of ainazement, Sitige, draw and clean, rinsing the interior I j R LL "Ofcoursanot. Itremainson tbecenter- ofthe carcass with cold water soverni .11 - ,a � ,,If I I table,andifany of you childreu dureto times. Dry tile turkey thoroughly with a � *v !��, - I ; ft towel, and stuff, being careful not to I .. lay a flugerou It I'll skin you alive. D'ye so � I - T � .. .1 �� .: . hear? The bindlugufthe book Matches pack too closely. with the following: I I ourwall paperse nicely. That' -i whyI Mince a dozen large oysters finely ; add t . .- I botightit. 1,xvira,where are yeagoing themtwocupfuls of fine bread crumbs, . � with your no%% Christmas present I" suida tablespoonful of ebo�pedparsle.v, � I "I wits going over to Uncle Torn's house thyme or sweet marjoram, anit and peppe r I , ,� to taste, and moisten with a table8poonfitl I � 'I 1; to show his folh,i what a beautiful present of butter. Fill the space from which tile , ' L I've got." I I I I . �, � I , 11#"Aklf�* I b crop has been taken, and 6?-- - -- ­ - ",,- ,� j�,qy*?- said Mrs. Peter y, in the skin. Then fill the b-, . I . ,-U4, 'Pffig'heK 165"kin � abd Ott th0'unfort.mite I . �, , , ,, " .1 � , I ... L � _ �, � , . � , . I �� - � turkey, sawing In the same way to prevent - (U�.VtlIA"_-- I I � 4jrjl,W,gW4,1kfiZ her fiend and come, ed - the escape of the stuffing. Put two sliceq , � I I ,. . � LLL "I fore thididpendipg storm, "tire you going of bacon In your dripping pan, lay t tie li� * I to saeikk�out of the house with that beau- turkey .U"r *�-- &I,4AV-t1Ag proviourilv . . I dful_dollar.ar_,� -�-V*arter timbrella,and rubbed the breast T, oroughly wuh butter, 1, 1 . I - _,- I ,. . - - expose It to the elements?" and roast in a hot even, allowing froni . . ��� d "But, mamma, It's raining." _.! L .! I . .. . "Of course it's raining. Istliatthekind twelve to fifteen minutes to the pound, .�( .. . theextent and length'of time depend, , .: I I V�, ,, V ,of weather to which you would expoge a upon the age and size of your bird. Baste - . 11 .- costly new umbrella that had been given f1equently. Garnish- with parsley, and . 1� Z I you as a token of esteem and affection r serve on a heated platter with giblet I : ,,, L 1. Is that the kind of a loving daughter )-on . I . � ) . .. tire ? It I hadn't seen it with my own -Ca. ' I - I I 4 V. . eyes I woulan't have believed you'cupable A Wild Mon. of such base ingratitude. Shams on yowl I 1, You are no longer a child of mine. Put I I I that new umbrella back in the corner. 4 i P � Why do you seek to ruar the happiness of A 1, tire joyous and solemn anniversary by 111� : . such diabolism ?" 1. 1 6 ; .11 � Jim Peterby, one of the younger sona, � . . I " I had been thrown into a spasm of delight I �'; . . I I athavIng captured a valuable notebook �11 I . .. I I I I arid pencil, but lie wits %oniewhat (is - I I ... pressed when Ilid 111-11tr explitined that I I 0 1 1. I 1, tile now note -book would make a very ap. 0-10 11 .1 . ; propriate present for one of his Constant I I I - t . whose birthday would occur at an early I 11 I ... 11 � day. She took the book from the boy "it . . 11 4' � � locked it up in a bureau drawer. - -.. I 0 1011 �_ I - _ii I .... 11 � - "Is there any relative of yours going to lll� 1<\ A __ do .1 11 I il � "'. have a birthday pretty soon ?" asked 1�1 - I . Judge Peterby. I ! .- pi"Why da.� , 11 you ask ?I, she snorted in re� I vill � . ' I Y. I ­� *'Captain Carey's wife," answered At noon they bad made but eight It to avoid the great drift which has 110, n4i ftlg ', excePt If this smoker's set . . ,- I the landlord. miles throle gb the heavy snow. but a piled up across the path. She does boldogil to me and it is not to be used as a " ill,, not know how n(Air the fort Is or all I :: Al � Tile Atranger half rose from his halt was made to build a fire, make wou I% blr4fiday present for any outsider, I'll 0 I , chair and uttered a curse, and the�, a Pot of coffee and permit the woman lit may to him :- my .. others looked at him in surprise. to Above about find restore the circula- "God bleFs and reward you makilt, useful," and he knocked the ashen - " She's crying and wringing her ,tion of her stiffened 11mbs. When brave man, and now you shalj�turn Ott,tbo end of his cigar into the receptacle Freddie -Mamma, when are we going hands and taking on, and IT put $20 night fell a cranp was made In a back V, Intolided for the ashes. to see the Indlans P I would really I ik� Lo on top of any sum the captain may grove on the bnnks of a creek. The Ther* are soldiers out from the 4. wild shriek of despair, a wail of sup� Roe it wild man once, aftell out. I've told my old woman soldier dug away the snow, bent the fort after fuel. There Is a captain pleased agony, startled the people passing Mamma -You would like to see ,I ,, ild to keep an eye on her fqr fear she'll tops of three or four bushes together out a.fter game to make soup for the on the street. man? Well, walt a few mInute4 111101 start out alone. I know It'll ,be & arkil (lung a blanket over them, and little ones fighting for life at the "Tbat'gtogoonthemantel-plece. YOU your papa comes In and sees those I)ii k for Close shave, but If I was ten years the half -frozen woman was lifted from Pont. An the deserter enters the slifenft ruin It with the ashes from your Cbristmas preftenta.-Demorest. younger I'd see her through to the the saddle. Then a fire was built nlyohears the sound of cigar while I am In this house and in my Fork.— horse turned loose to shift for blim- pmen-the shouts f men -he come'" usual health. The ashes will discolor the Hints for Christmas. The stranger said he would talk self, and presently the deserter had - i gliding. Do you think that I have got With the lady, and two minutes later prepared both food rind drink. There . ­ ;,==��_ Don't ask your child what, lie wantR till- -- _­�;� nothing W do every day of my life except less you intend giving It to him. L __ -_ was In her Presence. She recognized was anxiety In the eyes of the woman - - ._ --- - to clean up after yon ?I' pronounced its she watched him moving about. _., =- " Though money makes the mare wo IL him on the instant and ­�._- 11 ... __ �_-- .;- - - - - his name. lie calmly replied that I -Te Was rated an,l Imirgalrd and seem- - - � _­_ - , -;�� Judge Peterby subsided w1th calmness, makes Santa Clans come. he WU R&MUCI White, soldier and do- ed ten years older thkn, When the . 11 � At last he ventured to suggest that the, Aerter, and though silo was the wife start was made. It bxtd been a ter- � wine and cake be utilized in dispelling the Don't buy your Vast girl a prp,qnri t (in of the officer who had Ifounded him rible tMitnio, rind she Wondered that - --- - gloom that was becoming dense and Im. the installment plan, as site might Jilt y -a Into st breach of discipline and deser- he had not given out entirely. One podetrable every minute. beforayou, have made all the paymen t,. Iffort, he stood ready to j6fter her his camp -fire would at least prevent ?ter "Am I a matron, of a private insane Rub the price mark off the prosen t. it ti - beat services In the emeiooncy. She from freexing-a. liecollid, tWtantY feet I a,� ), - t it Lift an etitp6nslie one. V !�ylwnk I'll she asked, "or the bead of a less at first declined his offe)r, realizing away. Nvould help him !)nil thirotigh &A 3F fablilyofrettionable humanbeingap Do If YOU i*ffih to surprise your girl n Pver how he must feel, but he insisted and tile long flight. The daptialia's Wife I --- you really want to gorge yourself with the ask hermbittli, she would like for Christ� the landlord told her that of all the Wantbd to talk to Private, Wtitte-Itti cake and guzzle the wine that in" dedicat. MRS. ' I , tuen about the town the deserter was thank hint --to speak words of ayft� ( ed to New Year's callers? Tommy, that At Christmas time It 18 well enough to the only one who dared face the P!tthy. and by-and-by she .snuatoretit L Ail ,I perils Of. the trip, BY and by, she UP courage to BaY :- I I 11 ...1V pair of sheen Is for Sunday when the apa the Rill;jIsh as far as the plum pudding Yield". *eepirkir and sobbing In her " I heard ovore tbhn, one at the tort . eather is fine. 'rake them CM I say.,s In Coucernal � &nXtetlellk, and lit Bald :- I'Ally you vvere 4riven to, do wbat you "I don't see why we celebrate Christmas Some persons never *lab you a merry " BY the day after to -morrow the did. I am morry-bittekily ;6ctty-that I at all, if the prehents are -ti said Judge Chrlotmas unless tilty, think they will get storm Will haVA! Owed .find We will nly ,husband should hilive A1kbUW his ' - I Peterby. nerat4thl' I I I fig for doing no. LLL make al, stillru,t authorlty.11 . I WITepause& Sbawriagailinggthim. All that do* land ail the next the 111 am ,It deserttr--iijillaost an Oat- . ThabMheldrwho puts his thlimblutit . 11-11 Ild "Did you say we haven't had a splendid the bOjrdhkW`hOqs6 Chrj,itla pie is a t t W10d ebbttrl,U�4, to, rage Affid the snow I%W." be r,spllisd, "but whilat roatttra 11 ow Christmas III' she asked. an p 4 - tIA ra% but, the morning of the third it ? If I Can jt6t yotj through to the , r I.% .^- . �� pull out a tollet, button' -3 Inige. Okwined bright 111,Ir "No; but -11 . and clear. PrIv&t6 fori I shall be *101.11 "D dult you want & smoker's not, and white 'Was not &ken again uritil Ito TL -11 me 3liour stoM.I1 the "td #A �,,;' I " % 40 basa! t Frank been worrying Me t I XtAir t'jitheintb Y#db Up on hit hOtft ready to Make she 10OUel at him across the olikta* I � .1 E) * OtAft. CILIA90n, Cartey's wife was fittil. 01 Evt.ry One i"a kOU kiari� 'a for Milton's Paradise Last. Rude death III know 'Wbali, tam. going to give pit thIx I hasult Christmas." said Arkbells, . I ready find waiting. The snow Was man at education and IL A*)Itltit"- I L Liturs been wishing for an umbrella, and "WbAtIrlay d011ift'i Alked 6r mother. kneb de#p Lon the level and this wind thlit 'YOU aireLtAlit 'above the rokkbk� $3101 I ,� havan't, yon all got what you, want t and "Arklife wO61164 cofilro"Isr. It will be 0Uttln91* eoldi aind.-ka I% start Avas file. YOU hisvis r#l*it*oK'Ih 041 t#- 1*04 to, tlilbo� With the officer who boo yet you tire kicking I A Dour woman can 10*41Y towtair *ben Xedcomes to tak. ma L I . , , , .' , th*de onts of the group at the door who aLre they,101, . 10II , U64 11, 6t * t46 .hn to, disgrace and dour- knoll arid toll and work liallf"If into her taboiggettlai'lo L . of the tfiv�rn shook life licklidt,,and Tile than bo*04�' ' * tion I . grave, and all the tbanks-she gotis is sneers I fttd_,�_ ment Isad 1hoin jnu)j6d[ do 'With & bitto -iitilvtte tolffit&-the, desertor-hat find growl& Yon are always 40(og,jolaki, I I �­ � L ... ...... , ,, � I �,!I`hftt'a the last of 'em, bOya-the Much and stilded ,- t4 or 4 fir* 111' thlou on Olitiallunkst to t On mode**, i*burft. . It the lots I' The past 1A OL, Wist, i4d it fit be ThoL triat Indy baoido.6se, LUO,kour stocking W of IBM, ,oh the sporig - bOrft had likic�l� followed. on. salidl ioniathrialk wish it fiiitt � - 1W46--thl y4wh614, L' , th * ter t t so� 1$*r* U - .-A, zio , ; It bodies bt found I 14to I? pnek, a lt%V6� 1, 44L *i's "a the wam" Ikk*' it OL, 'Amill, 44- 6 olfldel� , t'At ji!s th flit lift L W4 ' I 'I row _VLVrXy I", . q_ �ar#W'%0V­mik 10 , L _the whole'.party relopead Irkt6 We Christakoft f "., , , . . , . .� . 11 __ fgs"" fiiiiiii" " If tit fth__ltrtflA -4riam .?%,.I - HM46'A Aisllif� r�& i;k�g *.i.�- ,,I - to ilikillIta 4 . - -- -NVW ------ ...- "-.- vwtta--� I, . - ;W - _!" ,7"T!�. .,!!:Tw. ­Tn'"� , -- � " "L �� "�, - I-4', � �. 1­1�,�,.L­ ;�'.�f�f__ � - .. ?� �, 01 �,-,,,=.(�­ -, - - �1� , I I - ­ ­ - . .� � . I . I I �- I'' 1 .11 ­ I I -1-1 �­ � .,�*.�4� x�,,*_t. ,ii, � �� iA.c%� I I I I I I � 7 .1 I , � , � , , I I I , I , . ,4e, , I .. � .. 11� I , I . " , I , . . I ,� I 1 I 1. I .1 . -, � ; I � I , , I I � . I . I � I . I I . I . I , � . � I "I I , � I I I . I I ,.� . I . I I I I. I . � 1, ,� . � � , i � . . I ,I ­ 1 "I I , � I . � 1% ' L ,�� I . I L .1 I . . I I � I I �. � I I 1. I ,* '�'k ,'. ' ' .' " L . I ., I p, �,,�, I . .1 I I # I . . I I �, . � I 1, I (� � 2 'r . ��� I I I" . I .., . j 1 ., " , . 1. .. * ,� "fo,". -1 I . � .. � -1 11 . , . I I , � �1 . �. I I � 1-40 ".1 t, - ^ 101.0 � � I, . � , ,,, I I I , (' . I I I I , �Nlil . &_ 111. I,- � _. _ I - - _ . at � ..1 . -1 __ ARL .-Ad@6 ___ I .esssii�� . ­ � .. �.�;.,� . R a. a , ifill�yAlf watch. . I .1 .. I'� ,1 ;1 � I � I 1, I . � ", �. . I I . , . I I I I I I � I . " I . . �! � 3 , I , I , � 11 I ,�l- - : , I . � . I ,� I I I . 11. I I ,,,, � 0 , I I . 1. I I �_' " I I : - . ,., " , " I 11 . . � 11 1, �, . twillifil I liblill-'. I , . , . .. ,� - I - , . I . � Al� ..-' �� 4v 0* �w -4111, lt,., 1�;� 1-: , '. .1 lkl."' � li-i: "�K I.". ­� . P'%, ,;� .. ,,� �,,,',, . _ .1 �_ ;1�1 V '' ,�­ �t;,,. - ,%,,�� 4,,f,l R,,�;� f,,,;.;�.�. �1111'�11111�`_ . '-f i,� V: $;',% . , 1 I'm I -