The Goderich Star, 1898-12-02, Page 6�
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IMOrts, one and one halt cupfuls Of vast r0oy An, .4.'d' , t tart .1 Uall th �
_�., _W. - - " arr"'t Nin "",4*, "T ,4ral BRIT -Mn lw 0, -W ...,!it cVw,r,si,e4g!ac4ourt and Alexilia- .1 . �. s
11 . * - I - - �� t, unijer"M rlotu,y "nit" Cl,
� . ec too sugar. tw� eggs, one and -me , , r � I
, " ru re
r,h in
"I 1: ' Constipation . � � I sh , "I.,, � d ra. Pam Nif luiilol 10 o � I
be ' * + I
Ian flags *ly at . broke are It
I . I hope, A h . - 4
� I pit to THE �VIESSELS Tat . at ' '' - � I
. I u MIMI%, half cuV;ils boiling water. Roll crack- - to '&A
� f III W We olclitictis In ths worW It tin place in bowl; pour on boil- rHE FULL TEXT ' J �Jp . ztovel!� n RE SCATTERED ALL c
I e me ers OF 69K -ri,142D 'batiled down- . , li�j tlioship, Ilelabow is at Geen- ppinem , -
, ,
� . I I= the digested fund too l0ag to the bowtils I IL I 11 Ing water; cover with Plate; when KITCHENER'$ SPkEP,& '- RE GATS -AN OVATION, I OVER THE WORLD. I - s it . ce and The native women Of the Plitil
I , . &14 produces biliousness, torpid liver. ludi, 4111,4111,11111 01116011111 Old add eggs, beaten, sugar, graLed - i::, I. : � , i During a visit - ock. Ths battle xcessively pretty andi '. ....''
� 4 I , ,4, � �, to the Gillet,
� , L . y Thoxtre Howe ilirp, 4t Queenstown, The cruilew are. us a rule, a li, I
� I Y - POINTERS ON SHOES. i T144 of one and juice of both lemons- tacitly to the Toes$ As 01to OVA wortief mold x9cation Or the PlIffer"O' er Brltofx� is, at Inverriess. The om's- reatures, with elippae fig- �
. with paste; add prepare. . [1115, other evening Lord, Kitchener Was os"&9* . engaging c IL I "I
. ; Line pit plate Banquet -TrinVAPb Of the 404 11 i the xroolp Or Clyde is at Aberdecu, the cruiser tuq.t,,d by the thirtatiall Ot - , , .
! In speaking of shoes the following tion; wet edges,; cover, lie &be Soudan. " I0111, of an ovation ftqz� the "Nadroms-A #Forluldiltblt Force for Bak I
- Str4in ,ukbp #� Caledonia at Queenberr I I I
"pavers, "by Dr. Samuel Appleton, May with milk, bake In quick oven 23 min- Crowded 41114111e,1100, gely eno _aemy to Ams AAgalinst. y, the Cialwana .
� � , Hoods . At the recent Lord May0es,"., 'Zon- his Lordship wall not Jro&6gnlze . Ili g_ their garments, beautiful, languish V9 , 11 �
, . 4 till British warships are scattered all at Holyhead. the battleship 00 a 11
be of Interest* I utex. I Miss Grace Palatte, wait Biagi this, do- wood at Bantry, the Daellalli-i at Brie- eyes. shaded with long Ltshos� SIA I .
bad taste, coated quBt in London, Englando to Hit- ."Kilartouria" verse In the il III, a d the admiralty tot, the Durham at Leith. the Ragle Lit luxuriant biuc-black hair. This last I
.1 . ri� opicill, over the wor ,n I
. L
not allow the great too to lie in a 1 jiil,ir - I
IlIck beadacho, It at, Neve;6wear a Shoe that Will G Id Cilkis-Three, quarter& of a cup- � ; 11 I the I
scialsts, am Hood's Pit Cut If butter. two cupfuls sugar, olks chener replied to the toast' 13)il R Park,,, 'wlicit partmisfit. has announced that the a vy Liverpool, th at Hutt, is the chief glory of the Philippine# ., ,
. ,
. . , trg, "Soldiers in the . Is Galata%
, � l� pills str'U'l,ght I Inc. � of 10 eggs, one and one half pints flour, favour, speaking ail followa;_�,� � . 0 audience ,rose to their feet and is prepared for war. In view Of the Medea at Southamptim, the Severn at )044�? 7
. = y
. I- cure constipation and all Its Second, Never wear a shoe with a , �clr4 - B%rwIoh and the Unicorn at Dundee. beauty- / I
� results, eatillyaud thoroughly. Mo. All druggists. tie of the two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one "My Lord Mayor, your Rtay�,,, iiigh., entliql4atically cheered tbeber*.L strained relations between Great Bri thick, made glossy -, �
� I Prepared by 0. 1. Hood a On.. Lowell, Mass. le narrower than the outline aspoonful nestles, my Lord uLd geutlerl4w-14 Kitchener acknowledged the' demon- France it is interesting to Then there are vessels at Bermuda, It is long, rich, �ud 1. I
I toot, tritced with a pencil class under cupful thin cream, one to 6 18 Stratton by coming forward arid bow- tillu and are Jamaica .Hong Hong, Malta, GIbraltAr, both by the cart bestowed on It
l, I � The Gab P111111 to, ULU with flood'& da"Per" the rounding edge, I each extract lemon and nutmeg. Rub not easy for me to find words.�b ex- Lug. note where the British warships Bombay: Coquimbo find other ports In its frequent anuinLings with C000ABut .
I I - I Third. Never wear a shoe that pineb- the buttertiand Sugar to a whiLe cream; I press the gratitude I feel at 't�hi xaao� i An amusing incident. which was aP- and the Strength of the different addition to the -Equildriana. oil. Often, too, it is cleaned and washed . . I �
''I LEGAL. es the beet. add the yolks, three at a time, beating ner in which the toast proposs'4'6iLard Pareatly unnoticed by iery many pre4- oquadrons. I - � - � with lemon juice and oil, which has .
11 . Fourth. Never wear a shoe or boot cream and the extiacts; mix into & Salisbury has been received 'W�.,, this ant. occurred at the Waverley ata- This most powerful fleet it, that in
footiq pretty firm batter; bake in a paper- tion, Edinburgh, as,the Sirdar was on SOME PRINCELY INCOMES. been made fragrant by infusions of
L ARROW& PROUD1r,OOT,8A t ST So large In the heel that the oven, 50 magnificent audience, nor for ,tUkind the Mediterranean, which is command% . I
Attorwisplikilleltors, ftc.. 0 dortch. J. tined coke tin, in a steady 1, � 1tho point of resuming �Jala journey - odoriferous flowers. Some of the wo-i - I
I I 1 not kept In place. and too flattering terms in Whah he eouth after his visit to Balmorill. The ad by Admiral Sir J. 0. Hopkins,whose . I 11 I
I I I . Aft"W. .. W. PROUDY00T. Fifth. Never wear a shoe or boot minutes' 'i, � full di tingutsbied Soldier bad shaken hands flagship is the battleship Ramillies- Big Solarles ]Paid to the British ROYA men wear it hangicigilown t&t-ir baoka I I
*� �
I � I � - --- Oyster Omelet -Stow one dozen has alluded to myself. I ling , v, � we Farelty. 6 entirely unadorned, while others, ;
'"' ,� . � 0. HAYS Barrister. Solicitor, Notary tight anywhere. shoe or boot oysters in their own liquor, if possible; well that it Is not in my In , 41viduat Ith the Lord Provost, with whom. he There are altogether thirty-four ves- When the Duke of Edinburgh at matrons, build it up is " 1 1. �
publio. ic, Officeeorner of Square sitiLh. Never wear a had been in conversation, and re -en- So especially the I -
I I ffice, Goderich. that hits depressions in any par Ot fared his carriage, having Ignored the oil of col I or knot, bL Id by u golden I ,
� i � Rk t of the it pot, use a very little water; roll two capacity, but as the represtlut4tile, Is in this fleet, of which ten are tained his majority in 1866 he was at- �', '' -1
. a ki I I
.1, I ;M,1.11b.11.L.n.c11r 111=911n-woeat rates. Bole to drop any joint or bearing be- or three lumps of butter, size of but- the Anglo-Egyptian army, that'. this attentions. of a newsboy who was of- first-tilass battleships, These are the lowed f 15,000 LL yeax, increased to Z25.- comb and ornamented L)y pills. or very I ''I j ".
. 0. JOHNSTON. Barristeirf,O Solicitor, low the level plane. ternuts, In flour, put in and let come lionour has been done me to-lalijit. It foringbto sell him a volume bound in Ciaosar and Illustrious, each of 14.900 000 on his marriage in 1874 when X5,- J L,y a bright, fra- LL � !
If �, , M. Notary &c. Omco. Ham n street, Stivorti.h. Never wear it shoe with a to a boil, season well with pepper and istothodevoted Services of ths, . V,'Army light lueo cloth. rid of tons, and carrying four 12 -inch guns' 583 was granted to defray t �e axpouses frequijutly udornf, I I . �", I
I ,
-, 1. bole turning up veiy Luu,,h tit the ioes, The urchin was not to be got I grant flowe I I
I- ,,%
. . - GoderIch, ' .of the in that way, however. He raised him it aving a good speed of i7_5 knot' of his marriage. A further sum of,E3,- . , "
; SO - nd h - I
1 as this causes iho vords on the upper salt. Take out the oysters and chop In the Soudan that the 6ucc* They scorn bonnets or hate, but!
,�J I ., ,)t]4 CAMPION, Q, C- DArriliter- 801101te", part of the foot to contract. them, and If necessary to thicken, add campaign was due. Any geucif�,( who self to the full height of bladintioutive an hour; the Empress of India, Hood, 500 waa voted when he visited AuBtra- - ,.� I
I I I # Not& , ke. Offloo-Over Davis? Drag Eighth. Never wear u shoe that a little flour to the sance. Put back failed to lead such men as I had the ,Stature, and with the upper edge of RoYal Ouk, and lia. The Indian Government bore the often throw a handkerchief over their I - 1 ,
'' ,
a] 07
� ter*. Goder 81), money to loan, � the book tapped the Sirdar on the low- Ramillies, Revenge, . . heads, and, if the heat Of 016 sun is I'': �, �
le toot. the oysters and set on the back part honour to command to victory, ,would i Royal 14.100 too- visit. These I , .1 I �L.
� 1, , .1 - - - Invests up into the hollow of 0 sovereign each of perisas of his, Indian I I 1, ,
. I ',�''." . T NZATON. BarrIster,Solleltor.&C. Ninth. Never have the top of the of the Stove. Beat tour eggs very light have been incapable indeed. cat button of biavraistooat. Such buol- rad carrying four 13.5 -inch guns, Ox ,a wife, daugh- ve_ry intense carry a parasol for pro,- , �, . I I
.- gaggs 1 longer be page, a amounted to E10000. 91
I.," �, ,.-On the 8quaro, next door to Bank bass enterprise could no a, Speed of 17.5 knots ,in otion.
�ooqm6roa. boots tight., as it Interferes with the and add two tablespoonfuls of milk or SOLDIER -LIKE spinl�,� ignored. Interrupted in his converim- and having ter of the ,Into Em�eror of te ature nearlyall � � 1,
. "L. 1� action of the calf Muscles, makes one cream. Fry in a well-buttared flying . A.- Ition, Lord Kitchener glanced down at hour, and the Aw:caa and Camperdown, . Russia' Another admirab'e foL �,� I
'�_ 0 us 11L, CRY, BnrriAter, Solicitor, walk badly and iipoils the shape Of the pan. When done remove to a hot plat- The endurance and soldierliko brought ashor marriage portioa ZBOO.- the woman posboss'art, )iquid and Ian- I .
,, I'll - , "'Lispirit the outer cover pf the book, read the and carryllag :L I
: � � ir the. oyster I 000 and (In annuity of 211,250. which guishing eyes, which are used with I ,
, l�, ,�' �s I He arit,fiintiO rt, c. &a. ter or deep plate. and pox each of 10,600 tonnage. I ,
,� 0. too I I ankle. �c re,
1: �; 11 -. with which they bore the loill(,,delay title, and. with an amused smil . . .
"" I t r . lot
'i 1, � on a & a to C I Never come from high heels Banco over them. Serve hot. `�' iriage. four having a speed 11 �
... sumed his seat inthis railway 6a -averts to the children, on her death. :
, "I 'L�', , roo 0 . .renth. Mincemeat - Two pounds curra w - knots an hour. , I , it
. :., a I A .1. 8 r . to L_ beelt; at One jurnp. un which ,an tie ,What he read was- "With Kitchener of 16.9 Tho cruisers Thei,Duke of Edinburgh, before he telling effect, and (boil, third vanity I L I ,.
F� 0. CAMEIZON (formerly at Cameron, five pounds pealed and cored apples, oessary between the battle of 4Atbara is their finely shaped feet, which never I . � I I ��
. I I Rieventli, Never wear one pair of � , to Khartoum. and gunboats in this fleet are Ardent- utocaded. to the duchy of Saxe -Coburg, know a stocking, but which are thrust �,
� �.�', Afle Halt & CA aroo), Barrister and 8oltol- it beef. one and the advance on Omdurman ,V�dra an . 8 is said. " . ,
' -_
�,� ,� ,� L' L ' , " Office-Harall'tort, street, second door shoes all the Lime, unless obliged to do two pounds. loan. bollo, ____ __;�'D I_NL Astraea, Cockatrice, CruiEer, Fearless' worth 430,00D &year, besides. it , ,t
9;. tatest of the dicipline xxnll� effl- GOLF S ME IC Into slippers. without heels. tast0fullY j L L 1!
� thoSquarti.60orlob. Be. - Two pairs of boots worn a day at pound beef suet, three quarters of a gr" , Forte, Gibraltar. Haloyone, Hawke ' in ready money enjoyed ' � 11�
-, ;;-,,, I . - - over ZX00,000 I and elaborately embroidered with goid L' I ,
'I, �, I - time alternately give More 80FVLCO pound citron, two and one half pou!hda cloacY of the army as the endurance . a Game as Harrier, Hazard, Hussah, HebO, Ime . I I
.1 I arofies or A Eiialticus AuthartO Praises th an allowance of 41,800 a year from his �-L'� ,
-, two exhibited during the long m � 11 14
i I I DENTAL. and arb much more healthful, coffee sugar, two pounds raisins, gone, Melita. Nymph, PolY or silver thread. , , I
1, "' , L' � a flygonle Factor. Phemin" uncle. the late Duke. The acceptance . � � � ,1
��., , I __ Twelfth. Never want, leather sole tablespoonfuls cinnamon, one nutmeg, the courage they showed 1 at the . Scant, Scylla, Sarprise. Thetis, Tyne; of these fresh responsibilities tkascom- The willk of the %%omen is graceful ,�, , ln� -!
; �,��;" Ic QL89 . 1. liningi, to stand upon. White cotton mace, cloves trenches of Atbara or on the plains The�rs. are, it appears, as potent sh, and when the ,,��,, - ,�
, :,.%�, I'll ',),a n a 'n a a In no tablespoonful each, - but rather coquetti I
1. cents 0 poill I ."P. Oftlea 04 drilling or linen is much better and O Venus and Vulcan. polled the Duke to relinquish a par
'k: ,��, I U. or A Id crown and, fir dgd and allspice, one pint each wine and of Omdurman. A man may woll be, drugs hidden in the handle of the golf clog is donned on wet days they MOVO ��' , I
�"_;i . more healthful. L�
�, '.1 ", 'W r octal , rty-llva years oxiter, short brandy. Wash uurrauLs, iLry, pink proud AO is PIJLced in a poaLtlbn to stick its in that of the tennis bat call, The China fleet is composed Of tion of his pension of E25,000 a year ith a very peculiar swing. which is I " _
,i6 p ill - I I � I
1 11 I Thirteenth, Never wenr a , twenty-foux vessels, and is commanded and the X3,130 Its., which was the Sure wl I , , , ��
,.�,.",.,",�, , . - � , i them, stonq the raisins remove skin command ;roop.4 capable of auchi,,ilgeds brated In "The Arabian Nights," Dr. dist inct. from the Japanese �.
I , .. �� stockiug or one which after being and Sinews from the best, chop each in- - I by Vice Admiral Sir E. H. Seymour, he drew last as admiral in command quite I % �
, : " 114 r, ItAnvollillt. D. S.. L. D.S.. DontalSur. as these. I Irving C. Bosse. in a paper read before � �,
� � , 6 soon. mest and approvatt methods washed is not -half Inch gredient separately, very fine; place as I ,,�:
,�, "`,� . at least one whose flagship is the battleship C811- of Davenport, with allowa.noes. The totter.
i" �%�, b.r all dental opdrations. Proservatoll of I allude not only to the ,.Oriiish, the Americari Nearologioul Associa- on, Bear Admiral C, Fitz Gerald Duke of Edinburgh's income Is about , The thumb nail of the right hand is r "
I -, i , jetties longer than the foot. Bear lit mind soon as done in large pan, finally add- turi :'1:11.` I
- I
k, i, .".'.. natural Mdeira and brandy; mix army, but to tho4Egyptain uVrdy its' tion, praiseds the game as an aid in
� " ��.,iA An b I a a slate(J dai;t is; DG04 91:Al ttori* 0 ill a 9 -0 v 0 r that stockings Shrink. I has command of the second division, Duke of Can- allowed to grow very long, ,%hich as- :,
IS sure that Ing spices' I i,_
I ;.I -_ thoroughly ;_ pack In jars; keep in cold well; and, proud its I well may ,be of psychic, mechanical and hygienic treat- 1120,000 a year. rhe he r ,,�
I I and he flies his flag on the first-class sists Lhem in playing the guitar. t I �,iL
�, illow your toes to Spread out place. having commanded tile British ��,,'47`mY I ment. "The game can be played all naught, In addition to his pension Of .. ,,�'�\�'i ,
1,� _J�-'. W. TURNBULL. D.D.S., LL D. S,, Dental they will I - I,,'
, '5 . b,�,;,;�,,,
� , �,,T . Bar . X25,000, drew , il��,,_.,
. ,'�, !,gorij tarmojr astotelated with Dr. at the extreme ends, as this keeps the i r Giatten. In this fleet there
J, " � I - oruiso last year us general of favOfits instrument. ,
�. �� - , "�L, ' . lkols, of, an real. � I branches at the KO- Jointi, in place and makes a strong and . in the Soudan, I am no less pro4', that, the year, independent of atmospheric The dress of the, Tagal women can- ,I
�J- "I'll, I ' are three first-class battleships and tb,, southern districts, with allowances, ,,�;,��,,,
1. faindeant practiced. including I'd and Porte ab" attractive foot. As to Shape 'of stock- SOME LOVELY LAMP SHADES, as Sirdar, I was able to lead theRgyp, I vicissitudes, during all the seven ages � �. , I
' 7,
'i �- ;�,4'� � - % four first-clas - lkt� The - _"�,;�
L. _"��L crown 4 I bridge work. pacial attentJou - I a armored cruisers and sista of a little skirt ruade of the tam �, , �,,:,
M tat or "one too tian and Soudaneso troops to fjotory , of man, by delicate young girls as well pity amounting to ;V2,822 2s I L 1,'�,;�
�� �; ,1��,, , ve I to f 6 preservation of the natural toeth, ings. -the single digi -ovided with Duchess brought him on her m4r tage olls liftVing wide, short I _',",' . ".,
,�,�; ,-3,;- Every lamp should be pi iaw�lt L r plea cloth, , ,
t�, V11,11. In MaLean's Now Block. stocking" is the best. one first-class cruiser. sleevos. This is worn loose, quite un- .. ,� , ',!�
, 1��', I
�'. ,, _ 'Never think that the a shade not . I. 11��, ,
-_ q�- only for decorative purpos- Side by side with men of my race I as by strong athletes. and even by do ,�.
, P", � � Fourteent.b. I TELL BATTLESHIPS . E15,000, the Duke on his Part settling hound. to the figure, anti reactles 0 11 . 1� �.�
41-1111 d blood. Cheers. � crepit old men, whose declining powers . ,�,
I I I �,,J`;:-,
,,, ",'�'K,! - � 1 as Lut to &often the light and to pro- an I
�� 1 -,ll I �,��,"
4� 1,; MONEY-INSURANOS. fact will grow large from wearing It is In the name those at th a ; do not 'a# It are the Victorious, of 14,9& tonnage, on hLs wife an annuity of Sr.506 a year. the wabtt,� Around it is girt a Pett-1-
�1� :. ,i�4, . - propel shoett. pinching anti dist.0'rting tent the Oyes from the direct rays 0 ,mit of severe exertion. aepaLrtment of woods and forests I coat called naya, made of silk, either ", :'I.i_,�
� �` ,$'rv, ===;======= combined, forces thatkre absent, as! combines exercise, pleasure and fresh carrying four 12 -inch guns, and having The , of gaY � �,�� "
. , ;!L_�,, go, but when one is reading or working its the built him at the time of hismarriage striped or checked, but always .
... . 014EY TO LOAN-PrIvato funds, five make* them grow not only lar I ' 1','��.,
1.� �ti`l vatroent,j orost,atraixtitioan Atow well as of those who are present, that ' air without that risk of injury to a speed of 17.5 knots an hour, und Lhe also of pina �,��L''
, M IU4 11 Unsight.1y. A propqir natural use of all case may be. Mgshot. mansion at a ve.ry great cost. colaurs. ,Sometimes it Is . '�'�� �
� �:.-,�,,, if fiiiirut anil to is pitopertioll for its a and to . I beg to thank you f oi- the great ban- ! ,'� ,�,j�
,�,, ��.Z � l the muscles makes them compact and There is nothing that gives a mor . heart, lungs or nervous System, as is Barflear and Centurion, each of 10,- Tho Duke and Duchess have a suite of cloth; the quality anti colouring fre- I r �,�,*,,,
� I _ Wir 9 N. LEWIS, Barrister and solicitor. _ a been contended that. the matttk.141 ,,, .: "
I � ".4 .. 1. - - - - ---.---.,I I—- _ ..- .., quentIv very bcalltilti� awl sunieLimes
�_�! - _.: ;-- . lob. ttractive. I of�t in ;,`:� ''
r� a charming affect to a room than a wa i'm he as exercises in 500 tounage, and carrying four 10- rooms at Buckinglati, Palace. �,
- .
� �, i��,�* . - - ur you have done u.., to -night. It. has' - cheap and common. . . . . . . . �
. " .
,`,�.! , 0 1 1 which there Is high blood pressure and ,moh guns, and having a speed of 18.5 A LUCKY PRINCESS out or doors another artiele of dress - - . ,.L4.1 .1
, d ?.!�'� " "
., . 11 � Hard mellow, rosy light such as a red aba e w - 1'_�,.�
,, . LIFFE. Qenerail. Insurance hich the Egyptian arilly wits formed- I arterial tension. There I b ol tely, kno her Air
, �, � . . to and money Loaning Aaent� Only % A USEFUL STOCKING BAG. a a 8 u ts on hour. The first-class cruiser a tapiz. or Shawl, is wrapped Lightly �'. �!.,�i,,,
, . R. Irtac .Princess Christian, who on _' aroun . . 'I. .
;,�.",": f-�,� , '. will make. It beauti,fies everything from which it was re,cruited-wasnoL 1 no danger attached to the game an Powerful, of 14,200 tonnage, is one of riagis wati presented with a dowry 0 d the loirks and waist ,above Ills, '.
" rA 010618 00111P9,21164 raPf'oAtintild, Alo-,ay to �
�'�,�_ leed all AtTalght blenti. at- oweet rate of inter- In every household the stockings that round while it green lighL makes every- c X30,000, besides the pension of 46,01)(1,, snya and generally it is black or dark , . il:� L�!� �-
,� , �, �. i
�, , �L capable of producing good �oldiers. We � onsequently no accidents ensue, Un-
�� , - �. �., "�L"
�� .,,� Olt golug,in any.&Mcatat 'to Six% the bortilwer. -a mending, accumulate very fast- thing look'ghastly. One Should give like the bicyclis, it is doubtful if such the most Modern of the BriLisb vessels lives in rural retirement at Cumber- blue with na.rroxv white Stripes. A , �11
� ' , , � - requil in the Egyptian army did not " a9tee, v, thing as an accident insurance wait She carries two 9.2 -inch guns, and land lodge, M'ifillsor, Park of which " : , .
-1- " *; . -laam� A sfockin this some thought when aelsoLing the w profusion of bracelets and"'chains and
�1, .,Ft,,; " g bag in which to keep ELI] � , ;`�
. ith that view. We bad confidence in , ever paid for an injury incurred at . 1. I ,,!�
`� �,` L' . I sat the rate of 22 knots an hour. domain her husband is ranger with a earringsall of neautifully wolkedgold 11 _ L�'i,
1'� I, . MARRIAGE LICENSES. those that need attention is a very color for their Shades. I , if Nor IS the game C011trailadicated t'ravol salary of XZ03 a year, besides the graz- toilot 11 - ,.-,,,
! "i, I I our men, and that confidence halsbeen or silver usually complete tbo, . I .. �1
.. �' " I,— I ful thing for every housewife to For- a Parlor lamp where a daint y 9� heart losioli'o arterial calcification, The first-class armored cruisers are Ing profits pertaining to the of f'c'e, of a Tagal beauty. The MOTO opulent � .., I
� I use - .1 .
.n e� . I , justified. We tested them at Gemei- - and ,
� `� . � Albumixturla, old age, childhood, or car- CKafton, Narcissus, Immortalite, Prince Claristi"'a salary as ranger of I'll
,�; I * take ,shade I's desired them Olin be nothing .. 4n. posts as very valuable je,."Isand often � ".4,
I", , j'' 'A � eh - , a ,. 11.1 11� I
, W* trll),, 16SVER OP MARRIAGE . h, Tokar. Toski, Firket and'411a' Extim hysterical conditions which Would Un&CuiiatiC - .�eY are of 5,600 ton- th,.t great park and forest Is not kno I es and bracelets . ,
i c "'.., �!�,',�'
, g�,�, '. f such a bag in t - I
,., ,M"'.l � I
. , I to so. Oaderich, Ouk, ,, following descriptiolix 0 ore exquisite, than one made from Is- . are seen with neckifte
0" .", I I Hamed, and %Vd never found oursel*es , be aggravated by such exercise as bi� .1 I � I �,,,��,s
_i,�,, - a 9.2-ineh gun�. and Princess Louise, who married the Mar- of diamonds and pearls. . ., ic, � �A
., .11. ,4,-:,% ; I - . =�_ that is very easily made: - vender colored silk embroidered with 4�8 1 y- nags, carry tw � 1. 4. 1�
, - and Pri i 1*1i
I - � ' have a speed of IS kn ,3 ,',,;`.,'-,',�!
:, ,��, ;.�' . ' citing, swimming, horseback riding or noose Beatrice, � � �1-
��,�i�, - disappointed. Rone d cheers. oug. The cruisers quis of Lorne, Over hot- neatly folded neckerchief . I.,
TONSORIAL. Tako a yard of pretty orstonne, with Asiatic Moselle, EL design of feathery w by Mourltain cl-imbing. , who espoused Pr
- g ,Henry of Batten- the.Tagal wtlr--- -f.,Wcruoifix. or . - -��Jg,:-
" , 1, .
��,, , ��_ I think, under the circumstances, the In all affections marked by slowing i and gunboatg in this fleet ,are . V14, 4;
- 'k,', . 11*0 I _. jl� "D,000,gs dowries and S �.,,,*�,'R
". ". . - it s1nall. 0,111 i-4ree xavlo. -, -` W i .. I 11 � 'i -I . _., , . g,�-�4. -ewdh little bag of I .4;.
* ; . br*sowthamunis 1eing used. A _ . I ,erfe,;, guspanded tt� a
11 ,,. �� __ I - - I I I .1 . best critics were the dervishes - the Of Oxid0tiOl-k Or in those, ciMsenil""t, "q-,AMV"t� kl-A-4*A, _� . lAr6.*' I �The lonnee- lives -�
� �.. on Wi lawinir'dtion ny rim prac=" . � - 1 4"', - ,;C -Z, a. I _2bain. Sometimes she will hive, a - ,,�,�,, -
� �10 -TONSORIAL ROOMS. I best, peihaps, that , 4.1 I , titttrr,'with -1 _4 V 4, �
P, "'I
, -
:1-1 - ,,, rosary of coral or pearlu, an_�. medals ,,, ,��
.� !, _�', , __ I - b an incir - � Z- io, 9�fttqfi fbb � '60- I f - tgq;�_nn k - , , , , #91aba, tb*- ,
1 ,!1Va7%-.-Z '. �� - T 8T.: . .- S�Jfy doilth is -0ivon to the edge of the ever valued 11 ,,.�11-5 mlfi,4�.
' intri.eany tonne i S�11 , � -0 .3 "-tt, I - - m of Cambridge, I I �_
7, ,,_�, T'MaAltmy. pro Motor. Mod . a eillo., - . _ , 4 of a doubilk� box pleat-'. I ganic disassimilation, the- game ,,� phtgonia, Lallc4l4 . -.I--- - . -, I Queen, -i-TIrs, Dulc - il_,��
..; � -1 of copper or gold, bearing the figure -
- - d and'- tc ' 1�1
ng and Shatrivoolng. , - �'�-_Zjt;L,L,,
, , L . ,i flannet, [jig 664Y�,_ 4,4m, This has fighting capacities of the Egyptian Sol best �' Pique, Clover, Rattler 11A 11. 1111�
, ean a avo. hair out I stiff pasteboar - as the Pigmy, the Queen's cousin has & pension of of Our Lady of Mexico or of Ganda �% �,
� ,
� 11, - I - . lt� some silk. Its edge pink- 9 t be recommended 7
"I I altars sharpened and boned. . .
, 1�'1,11� it dier, and when we were allowed .to ' Lcto It The Redpole. E12,00 a yimr, his Salary as ranger loupe. This is not to be wondered ilk. __ _�L4
,� _�__ . - . � -1, . - - q"- 1, 1. , . t. - . . - � - . ,Wool of bilk. Cut four circular pieces ad and as the silk is eut on the bills ra hod of bringing about* - I
_!!t! ��,,,,J�i, ,
liv, ,;! . __ -, __� -- j- t h - - - - ch iiie-i-;i�V6ii-Tnqr.7- fWfs out quite prettily. change oui- role from the defousivato obesity and degeneration of_�tle age. I The Channel, fleet is now off the of St. James Green, Hyde and Rich- � when it is remembered that the Philip- 11,1,,�
, 41, 0 a pasteboard, Ott �,.,�, .
I J,. , ';, 0 1 owgal,ti a eat, adorich, ut A red ',sthade may 'be embroidered the offensive they soon learned the.t � when tile biceps has diminished and , north coast of Spain, having been tnond parks i� only XIIO a' year, but pine Islands, -discovered by Magellan �h i�'.' �
�_ ,i� � ay be helped cruising for'§ovorab weeks. It is core- the annual value of the residences at- I
. " , . or sitte Bux *R 0 1. 00-4R Ace. es in diameter. You i ' noY Out them 0 with white mayflowers in Roman flog's respect for the Egyptian troops that one's energy is failing, ra� Ili 1521. vlore controlled by the monks . '1_�,I;,'��', L'
) I ,,�� . . �,;�,,�
, )'' 'rho further ten-,manded by Vice -Admiral Sir H. F. X.2,000. The and frlarR, who literially tacit posses- ,11;�',,
, on rand eat for 1 he . axon Dr , . 'A by a large Saucer or a broad and butter and would on charming. a ev engenders In the I by devotion to golf. toched to the office is I , � �.
I 11'1r� � ,.%L� ,��'��,71 I
� 1�' It I pit, en . aria: the co The 'crege paper makes v ry pretty .cry good tioldier dency of the exercise is to eliminate the 1 Stephenson, and him flagship i,i the Duk - I ,st y, at, as Commander -in -Chief 'I.,
I ,. � I � I � plal.e. Cover these pieces smoothly with sion of the ishild and Wanders and I ,N�.116�:""'
I ", V A agaral � Me u lilln C rl a Coto. -a quickly. and easily minds of his adversaries. so-called diatheses and tnus do away battleFhip Majestic. The Second in 1 r . .,;'�. "
, "t I it - Rhal they at ,,rid o'onel of the Grenadier Guards, c� for
I "
. I � ), It" . AWN tho ocualutti'l w air Any. cretonne nod overhand them two to * This paper comes in so many IT WAS HARI) WORK with gout, lithaerrila, headache and dys- command is Rear Admiral J. W. drow ,k, pay X(ifial 14s. 2d. The Duke have find an ennrniou, influen I , ":,"",t:,�!,
I I , - � , . 0 an � I �-,
� ---, . latharlin pisr ining othe made. more than thteo centuiies. Th ,�
�.�ill ", goLiter, as it for a pocket. Pincuallictil, - Brackenbury, an ,�, 1,it
" . farminij 6. b7.autlful colors,that delightful corn- I had to give the Egyptian army ' pepsi.m; while its hygenic and there ,it ffis flag flies on tile ,hi,4 ai�o an esLati, near Wimbledon of 1 in�portocl lhki inquisiti,il from Spain ,,""XI�"O. ,,
L'� �`, ,,.: .b . poutic consequences are admissable in battleship Magnificent. This sSuadron 1,355 acre,t. wiLh a rental of ;C4,088 with other ,plit-acies ,if the same at- ... 11�,,,,.'
I with the sawing silk. tions and designs rany be carried very arduous and hard work. They , efs, (A lk'�;'l I
� "'14' rpHOWAS GUNDRY-Live Stock tied Go The puff should be a Straight piece out, For insfaure, a soft green shade had to coni,itruct Lhe, railways they Juad ra�diac and pulmonary affections. Al- is composed of thirteen vess a y�,ai. For hi,; town residencesGiou- traetive ll'ItUrP.. . i,',,,�,;5:
l .1111, 'I', n_
I �,��,� ,� L oral Atic,lonear, OaAerl,-h. Ont, Solon 01- though Moderation is advisable under which eight tire first-class battleships co,ster lit)uae, Piecidilly-forrherly the Tbe Phi i- ine v% -, Of all age �, ,'4 �,t.v"
. - Six Invites long and twelve may have sprr,ys f apple Wossoma, to haul bho gunboats and Sailing craft ' � .- � .1 ,� I "I
'.�,1114,�, made ever7whera oltd. all offorta made to give of cretonne Opapor and upon rub- over the daugeiciu; cataracts, theyl8uc -Olass cruiser. The bill- hildre", it n! -i N, as well 6 �� 1, "! ,,�,
'.,�'; I - e so made -from MO b oLreurnstances, there can be no and one a first resident,e of the Queen's uncle, the c
� i�� ."': yousatitifactkis. 0 isrge3 reasonable, Cando �
ifacb�a wide. Turn in the edges on th doubt of the benefit derived in some tieships are the Hannibal, Jupit".r. Duke of Gloucester, and worth X3,090 . I [I, -smoke lonago ,;,,��.�� �,
�i��'L " more but,inalis and alp alter it. - TatimAs bernsto s, gracefully draped over it; were incessantly on fat gue duty, iqov-; young Vil I -D I ""
,. , V, GuNnity, Autationctiar, Goderich. sides of this aLriP and gather to fit the m ve More- . 5 f cough, nervous asthma and In Prince George, each of 14,900 Ions, , year -he pays no rent. T D"e �,
;-": '.��, I
"IT, �;,-, ,, - Sly blue ffectLons of the bladder ; but ieis pre- URrs, , Magnificent, Majestic and of Cambridge's income be he cigars, oliew thii h-- nut, dunce, 1�:,;;
or delicate pink one may ha Ing stores and cutting wood tot- the! case 0 fore ret 'I, I
,'' . . ____.._ circular pieces, to which the atuiPulust, ing glory vines with the lov "'
�. t mers, and I think it may be Wit `- swim and ride; but the great ambition . '�,�',
��,�� ,',,"�!� 1Tn.&l= n tin artistic man- 8 ell I y eminently in functional nervous dis- carrying each four 12 -inch guns, and mant was about 9W,000 a year. of every w-oman is to possess a dress. lit,'�Z,
,- ""', be neatly overhauled. Leave the ends, flowers, festooned I Said that the 13 I Li h troop3 could never ease that our great Anglo-Saxon game hitving a __ - I a scarf, or st least a handkerchief . 14 "�'!,"
, , nor ovei Its adg 9. have reached Orinduimnin without is to be recommended both as prophy- iI the Mt u so and Resolut ion of 14,500 _11
'i 1%:�. McLean's M_&.M1C=-X_ open for the mouth of your bag, which The sh,ided line ,speed oi over 17 knots; and of the famous pi :t% , ,, �
, 7%11 I ts also make beautiful . � ��'. ,
�- ! 1, p na cloth. There is no I
�� C01ttiElt EAST -ST. AND SQVARR, greater loss of life had it not been for lactic and curative. No exercise or ! guns and having a speed of 17.5 knot a. AN OLD FASHIONED REMEDY. -, ",
I ,: "NI: is a f u I I ruf t, wi I It a cl 1,cular disk In I he t,thades nod may be 4bapad to suit tile the services of tile Egyptian army. . � ;"!. ��
I ...
� �, ,� , � � recreation ill better fitted for the -on- I The hrrit-class cruiser is the Blake, of - more beautifulfabrie manufneturLdin �. "0i, �,
. .,� __'
�__, L the out- fancy. � Cheers. tally overworked, the hysterical, the, 9,vell tons, carrying two 9.2 -inch guns, One Old Boy Whe Was Cured By a MCA any,. part of the world than this, "�,
." � FAMILY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. center of each Side. Make for �, I
I , "' L __ on�ar whi h is made from the fit or of. the . �_. .
, .A: L'�� `!_ . aide of one of these disks a piece of IBUL it was not. only in these, pi 1, � �,,�i
- Everything tit Season and prices ad ways right. melancholic; none helps to preserve the nod having a speed of 2.15 knots. The of Pepperinalm candy. pineapple leaf. and is quite exppnsive; " 1.
z ._ the same size and shape. Cut from the SHIPBUILDING IN GREAT BRITAIN. duties that thtl showed their power. concerted action of eye, brain and muis,- other vessels in this squidron aro ,the I ". I 'I', � � ,
1�, 11 ,� �
i �. I i:, , ,,"I'll � . When they met. i his ow�my thfy showed They were two old boya with' scan- a common skirt costs from $4 to $10. "
, i" , flannei Several leaves of the same etc known as the psychological moment; I At gonaut, Diallern, Furious and Pelor- osta at least , I , I
��' ,,, Ilor by an inch in dia- I .."" coltrugo, discipline and steadines,, At none, perhaps with tb 6 t* f ty silver locks. and they had many otb- 06 whole dress c $20, , ;','. " I
., -, shape, but sma of 0411, nuadred and Ninety vetiminiq No" tuder 1,,irket ,Led Abu Hamed the Soud:iriono swimming, gives (We ' 1 $15 has been paid .11�r. .
�6', I "', . �
,,,, conatrartion in the Vnirlint ngle garment. A good aver- I- ,,��, 1
. - - ir I �,,
40wi I -
., � vop, to. nei I h , derylishes out of tiv, -t a more sovereign I manded by Vice Admiral -Sir J. A. , hOSt of chostnutty old stories, from age, scarf or handkerchief bri ngs �
_ , Funeral Notice. O leep' of' s. - er things in common, me, for a at
� � ��. Y. I motor, buttonhole Stitch the edge .. good an a� I OUF'he North American squadron, com nories Find a no less a sum than
i.�, , 06,01i leaf with ng silk and fasten 1% ShIlity"Vilm- -ti I petite ; there is do T, - 4, ,
� ��, "'. . Tbaptop*rturnishinWaUdeonductinFt them to the circle on the bail. They If we may judge from the abipbulld- I)Oiitieug; ,it Atbara they were not "be- romedy for dysttepsia and as to insom-, Fisher, is tit Halifax, It is compo'led . � ,,;�� ," �'
, �:, ���,,�. darning Ing returns for the past quarter, the I hind their British couirad"; at Out- e mold when- from $20 to $50. When embroidered a -
� lj.-� I of PrUNBRALS, at a cost which does are to form it needle book for nia, such it thing scarcely exists among ' of twelve - vessels, the best of �';`L'i'i
k, ; �', I., scarf of pina sometimes costs as much �"", t,
%_ L set milk* It a burden, tin art with us. needles. engineering trades in Great Britain durman, when Macdonald's brigade the devotees of golf.,, I which is the battleship Renown, ever they met. 'r
1.1 � Fasten the embroidered cover* over broke, thi ough ,the lines of the unk-my-, I as 0150. �,�,:' _-
I a. aptoplazy & SON. t e fully recovered from ill I the flagship. This vessel is of 14,- Their jokes also had an ancient flav- The least important industry that , 1�1 I i
� %�, this and sew a bow of ribbon where it hilv i cheer,�-J think I am right in saying I ,��,,,.-�.; � 1. i
J ' L east as LOSSES BY FIRE tonnages, carries four 13.5 -inch or, but they never wearied of telling' the women of the Philippines are ell- I 1 ,�
_ the loadiog Undert,%kors and Embalm- is fastened. foots of the great strike, at I that the thought which wa,i* in , I too each carrying four 13.5-ineb � I ,., I � I
4. ": , - 'While there were 9 �
L'�L 06 few things gaged in is toba in the makin �1,1
I �, 11 � re. � On this opposite iside, of the bag a far aq the volume of trade is concerned. the mind of every British soldier 6r, - them. . 7.01 M- ".1. � , I.,
. I , . , "Dit"o R set for a pocket-, Canad" (br I l -._n,;% and can travel at the rate of 17.5
,,� I I., . 40K ONT piece of cretonne I h, va Hans yards had under construe- officer *&is, ,"Wo could UOL have done'in%urance anti Fire 1,094cm In knots an hour.' The crusiers Slid gula& they acknowledged as superior to the of cheroots none t women are c 1, � L'� 'L: L
I � -e_ . - and there arc no tess than - ., --1 I I I
11 . - .- .1 _D� book, gathered at tile top by an elastic , 0 for the ployed, I
. ,J - tion no less than 598 merchant vesselsi, Shy better, though we might bavedone 1100 wl"t We 111"ItItknof latIlit. 1 bo -its in this squadt6h are the Alert, inventions; of the olden tire . 4,000 busy in the factories f Mailils ',��":' i
"... ;1 I run in a casing, and at the bottom by as wall." FIr9t losses in Canada for the first Columbine, Cordelia, Indefatigable, . 0 0 'I; �,' �
, I -1 . a.
� � i linage of 1,361,250 ton At part they belvailed the decadence alone. Men make the cigarillog, or . I.
I � we shirrings. This pockat in to hold with a gross to - And how wag this result accomplish- - ra 'L��il'l"
I :' %, 143 vessels and eill By good trnining, good discipline ten months of the present year total- , Intrepid, P.tila,k, Pearl. Partridge, Pelt of the. world and human nature. small cigars, which are sm " � A
1. darning calico. Horn t . � � .
L ;'L', puff tot, a casing and run two pieces confidence as betwton led $8,097 Then one of them became ill. And natives: but women only . :*
, 1 of ribbon in for Strings to draw tile officers and man. Those principles Ing the corresponding period A squadron of twelve vessels is in I .
'GOA' " 1 turns for the Sod Mutual .520, against $1,718,210 dur-'ean, Rambler, and Talbot. are allowed
.L, . no ends of the' This is an increase of
, .
of 1897 nothing pleased him -not even the best to prepare and roll the cigars. It is :�',� ��i , ',
I ,
11'11:.,- EPPS's, C 0 a- date last year. Of these ships, IAN WATERS. � to I estimated that 21,000 women find ore- L . ,e ,
jL , The Interior is the receptacle slim were laid down when the army *as ba-urance. losses amounted to $4,213,- AUSTR.Al, doctor in the country when he cam( :,-�,, "
� , . 4 911ATEPUL . COMFORTING 'bag UP- '572 were steamers and only 26 Salting formed and organized by Sir Evelyn 2ib% against 44.793,690 during the T]he first-class cruiser Royal Arthur is see him. He wanted old-fashioned I ployment In this business and only I,- .�
� ''.
�L' ' for the stockings. . ;_,i%, �
. ,
I � �, . b1stinguitbed everywhere for ship& The list of customers Is of in- Wood 'Ina Sir Francis Grenfell, Spill tho flagship of Rear Admiral H. L. remedies that had not been heard of 1 500 men. ESch room in the enormous ,�� L i , I ,. .1, . . 1 4 1
11, % , with tho assistance of the first tea income of M117. � 11
. L I D�Iicaey of Plavour, Superior CHOICE RECIPES. terfist. It shows that -192 of the ves- have Only Lust month Pearson, the other vessols are the In two generationa, and lamented the , factories icotntillps If Men 800 Lo I ,NO I �', "I
I I 11
. or ,
� nerf� a t, Goldfinch. Karrakutta, KatOom- good old practice of Phil men. all of whom are seated,
. ,�, _� , wh�le 6 very best body of officers that the the fire lo,ma in Canada amounted to D r obotomy and we -
Quality, and Nutritive Pro- � . Ili 1��111
Corn Fittlitirg-One pint gritted corn, sets were for British ow ' British army can produce, carriedollt $615,000, again -it $2,W211.200 In October; bat Allidura, Mohax�,Jk. Ringdove,Foyal- other passed away specifies of materin rather Squatted, on the floor. . �,,,',� "i, - � I
", .. ''I parties. Specially grateful were to go ,,a the Colonies. Germany thill- views and tried to follow in their, 184. The in-urance losses last month, Tore)), Wallaroo. and Water Modica. At intervals little round tables are I . 6..,
, one linit teacup milk. one halt teacup had orldered 19 61 thii ships, agl9regat- foot, compared with $I,- Witch. - placed, and tit every one of tbeqo an I I ,�,
flour. one slocill teasIpWIlfut 10-kilig Ing 47.700 tons, and Russia 11 vessels; Dint which last year. tr n is I
. , "' I . I � and comforting to like nervous ; steps. Ch�isrs. There is one ct�her . were $24160, as When he was at his lowe I _", . f,;.,., ,
� �� , , I I should like to klluoe I &110,7l,0, dUi4ing that Month k �' I A
I I 11 Sold only in I er, ace tablespoonful malted but- of 26,490 tons. The,, in their order In East Indian water is a sclundren chum called, bringing a small, myater-' elderty Me 0 stationed to keep I *11"
and dyspeptic. 0 ' I �:,-
I I 1, . powd to if this speech bits not been alraddy " compiled by the Xontreal Insur- of ten vessels commanded by Rear Ad- ions looking package, which the sick � watch .over I be dozen or so younger � �, I -1
7 4' � ''I lb. tint, labelled JAMES ter. two eggs. one teaspoonful, salt; a, 00me Japan, 11 ships-, Norway. 9 ships; ton. long, Ri6nowall ofiecra. In this - anco find Fintince Chronicle, the 10 &�a . ralral A. t. Douglas on the ruis r man put under his pillow. ! women and girls. The noise is abact- "[-�`, ,,, ,
I Holland 0, Denmark, 8, and Au,Aria- 0 "'a "Whefe did you find it?" he a 1,'', ,
I."� � , � -, � EPPS Al CO., LTD,, Ilatrice. little pepptr. Pry It hot lard. - ' otammorclal contra It may bo'6f iptor-� th6 yetair and I,ist cornpare as f01- Eelipsb'. The othora in this squadron Lsked I tritely maddening, as stories are tined : ,I
� 1� I opathic Chemists, London, Bouillon -Six pounds of � be f e, Nndtgi, 6 shio. ,.File vessel of Itirge - I apwing, Marathon, I feebly. for beating out the leaf. A eigiar. I �
, d, io,st to say, som(thing on the fit1t6vatint lows: are the Cossack, L, 1, -
I", I - 01 ,p,, c Is growing in (aver, for I mix Or earns from $0 to $10 a m III "I I
�,'_, Zk 11. ,he t,b,,t,nt pit:rt of Olt, vampaign. During the last ISO, Melpomene, Pigron, Plassy, Siphinx. "In a little old-fashioned place on a I it ant " , .
� England. bone. out up tho mast and b3 ,,, Include 0 V4188616 tit Over to,. two and a half pars, thouTh the lxo� Total Laza. Ina. Loss. Ra,-oon and Redbrettat. I back street, where some nice people which Is quite sufficient to provide � 1�1 , �i
�1, .,�. DRUM= SUPPER bonell; � add two quarts ot cold water I 000 tons; 2 of from 6,000 to 10,000; . 89 counts have not boon absolutely set- Janu&ly. . . $434,00, 4*2.160 Tho Pacific Fquadron in commanded have a little shop. It,a the very same her with necessary comforts. and �, ,
11 � I . I , '� .,4
11. ,
L , � I mev slowly five hours. Strain' of from 0 W to 8,000 and 57 from 4;9W tied up, wo may say with Cousid4rahlo'February. . . W A40 831,40 by Rear Admiral H. St. L, EL Palliser. %ve used to buy when we were bays. leavea a balance for dress. 1 4
. . Rod $$in slim, removing every to ll,qoo. itiorb are 12A steamers, chief . - acturticy that we have speint two, Mid M,�,I.OL I soon's The, married women. wbo-tobusbands L �", I
through a fine . . 568,ouo M2,700 His flagship is the armored cruiser Im- I felt that it would cure you as
. I I',, I . . EPPS'S 0000A particle of tat. Selisoll only With papt. ly of the 11trittholl blitils, of ,a tonnage a half million,.4 hS Special milltilrY ex- April. . . : 411,90 05,089 rricu a. a vess,I of 8,463 tons. armed ever I saw it." earn their living for them in the field ".., � � I I
, , var$lng of b . $ 7- I ' "I've got istacks of things I don't or factory. keep hougli in a primitive 11,
, ' ', per and salt. � ,oho. 00o to 4.000. pbudit'do on this Soudan. " y. . . . . 310,10 011 0 thO.2-inch guns, and bavingaspeed � 11
. I L s binst be addeil those 894LISH A99nTS. of nothi , faLoblon. The patriarrhial custom of 11 I
I 11 Lobster S00 -000k, A lObStOt Weillh' To them "Oure THE J%inis, . 851,480 243,2146 16.7 knots, 'rho othors in thissqua- want," Said the sick man, "but a ng �
I IL I I . . -W*i*- for warshilit tonatradtido which shows I ild 'hb makingthe lover se'�voin The house Of � I
� I :,� I , I � And out Into 6hall of ltill viggr t , : : $14.280 dron tire the Amphion, RWIa, learuq. , that'll adt me up like this," : hlq intended -bride's father is univAr I � " I � I �.
I . ,6 [fig tour pounds. �egnt,� displace, But we havo certain assets 0 put Jill$. . .400,020 . .
L . ti us , tbnt 58 ahl 6, - - . 678.400 $18,060 Leander, Phaeton, and Pheasant. Ala- i froo,dils I
I , a boWl six arsck6r% ment, of 2 ,WO ions are, bell -6- Wis hav or AuAu3t I" 1p! mumbled something between
. , pieces, Place In , 91 .* built against this 6xPenditut r. sat in the Philippintiq When the re Ir- � 0 ,
1� t, I, U110h Thtre. a L . - i I
, Nor! ang fkl8o shall have. 70 miles at railway. 1. fit peptembe . 3,07"160 1.254.480 -itlitAt fleet off I be west coast of Africa not forgetting to say: ,*Havis
", I . 1-1 .s rolletl fine* One euP bUttiblro Mlti, Itna I for tlit, B'ritIM na;�t With en N - . I a bite, too. Maybe you heed it as riage takes plocS there is usually a �, ,
� . � , 1 6 1 � I .
, I. .., � �11 I ' '" '114" A -6a inest hlltl�t-6 16, 00tobor. . - 616,WO �a J,% compot,%el of the oruimrs and glan-
� � I I .11 I" 1, I � I it'vaq littia bayetio pgoat; wt well at *91rabipft 410ftitlidt 110.)OT ton% Is *bit equipp , * - I -I got some tot myself.!' mid Ill feast of several days. and the brifl,t) of I
I 1 41111111111 it . ,go X . TotAls. � �. . . 48 Ma Phtii-N Tarta I �
1. I , ,such SA 00 � I NOV40r%, � , Phtli�, hat JJj,tJ�,0"*Jf$Jut*�' 'rWV1* of, -4, ,__1o0nsgk1I the. �,#rbfit billmis t high Orion, ThfAt'-9 V" . X ,k,'O � 0,413,20 A160T, houqe which her busband h -le built � . " L
I , , , I , A"t'll'ate *JJrd&tcr foreign, Ing Apok. I do not tbluk J 1 23�006,' 10 ba,ttq Alactio BoLrraconta, Darogs,ii. Mix- much as I do.,' he old 116 years III then tak-n to the liftle � ,�,, ,
, r
.. 1 , . �, -. . Ifts-"s, ill'is 40 0116L Ot -*a it 1,14 I VAo � otili of Alilk lmitlg built 16 00 a - talillb" $ Eu lih xjli�d qjy�jt?;bj., In .. 6uth�' Am'.' 'hum,"'afid, it ,took me right, baek to ' , .
, 0yo � �l . I 't I Third. ee"
I . ; . :. 1� ! 12 L I is. two 6r tL�� 11 I ,Is* ('k yara� * od, ii� trubiet, tha "Al- 6 snin of two and a ituarttif _V I Total Lou. This, Loss, tridtin waters are the nasillsk, 06agle, when I Willa a boy and-.. with his own hands.
� L . Voutta'dom , 1141., boil libtnl�64, *dd thil hany'- '111 inew, o6,W,#I6t% , rals sent him &way, bat 0 �__ I., �
, � :�, I . I , 1.1'. , filt, OUC oUt of the J�66noy 61pandistif and for 4ft 1 ,02&,180 8VAM rilorn and Swallow. Off the Capo of Here the hbi , L, .
, � , - - , , ..
I . I vat lobster, ond boil 0016*6. , - . nun% - - 41 .
I L "L : , r , '' , �. I i�� 31)6* P bivAry. , ' � 417*ICO ,po)C. .
. I Suittlar _,.�,O�%* ovkh1bal, I buildifi J'Itit �J,tcn,, or tho, other q'4*00V of A, million WAW6
wilittientt 116 . Gileta Rol* are Ufa crulors Poris and from that hour the sick lnAn'r6viv6d ,;,
, , 1) L 11 " 10 Ce.zinberry j4e-4�'!�ilti'6 - goyt 9�00 0111M 4t'ti6legraiph 111m,01, - . 87000, FRETTING 19 TIME WASTED. ; L ,
L, 11 . . I V I . , more thrin Itifivull%M, .& Ring 016 totals t'.guaboitts, boldes,*111titi few (lays was up and"About.
L . 1,` 11 I , tiontio of mild, &'&W's � )'*6'AJJ4a'16A6$3'fitf cap-, for WsxrtbJf0$ to thiose for nieft'hitt "d ftl*tlo, . W'�lclf` ' ' ' 2 a i t thut other iTh6ra Are plenty of Illing.4 to fret �
L . . I ,, ,-a tielti, stititotd, With if 1�1'410 a 'a 003 Ili addition to the" 6quiidraiiii vem- " ,Ldn la�a to know *hA
: � I I - %riti, " tba, Soud4o. Lai*htof. Apt1l. , . - - ,ato View
. � Que Ott) 1 1,4M .,,'e I s tire stationed at MAny of tht tin- old ehap, brought him," the
. I I *Iiia* d, $411dih 41 (qlg ,of ll*;*r� Jna j(r"0-i,', vmkAla. Wo 4,kXI`re,A,tL "'Jk*#tt4*te, of craft. doctor said nbout. 'Even 11011 Writ. Says we are .
0, 1, I � '�l 'L' 't "I 1* 1% r6twitig the C31 , t 4o- W. Y. - . . BAS90
, 1, . -1 . � such o 14mbot., Crlo, , gto � , 1 600 v0i0lfl, tirinous W,6, Its, 1� *dr f I 31%fly ObAfk*S tot -is. 10 0 . in Vrigland, and tit dif- to the nurso, I ptob,46 to trouble as stiarkit fly upward, I I I , . .
. I 1� 01k%,"It4.j;t* I , voi I qAA14rwJkW I rpilem, th#,,t_�gAjj�� 1up . . . M400 08,0,, dfiant ports
. . . I . I *i8a,hLthiti sat 11 _f*�*' � total or 141140W tofist 012dOr ibob,struo4- like MK atlk' lind So I , 1.
11 L I 1 o4 i viiii it, 4 'Ali, empt ,
_ _J ., , __t.� 4 40,
11 I I uthx sbifigistilf ft. phe. . . I 1AX's -_ 4 ' )II a 4it parts ot the Britt Nothin - But even to the aptirks flying Up. - �
I L ; I 'lit - t ); '" ef oluf9p0- illkly . . . * # 621 fft k6l
1 L I 60, Ww*t- ot otowt "lot) 'rh6ftL Aft In siddIrlob tin'thotte th.,lit are f htfioko, tbbr,c%
�'L '" I , L - " I I itt'stI& "'llbov. Ukri* In ft OtMIt'*I%I'tl%Llg*tti,t,r6ttl�14%�I 04*1 lualtig, 4i0a* rt 0 1104* ,
� . ., : , A"t liiikkoi I in . . 1-`11 I 1� - . 1, '160 , 1 '4 , lat� , 1'�J& ldp`�Lirxi the 4dod4mTd*' �At Pfitts. dy-tb6y ,tclitildh"t b**6 I , filad the lass time �
I �
I I '�' ,�' . ' " " L , - ii(h" L I . ,1164141� � E I. I" , � _ 4fr*%g, any." rairohd6d,tb# AU110 Af- tW,' *Mte; 66 06 t6fid the wo"r
, 1, � A"r *b L r I I .; 114K ,
A ftw*, , I '�'L , � A*U10,441 �"U,,, 'i . , .4 t 1 .',� �,, tow. * 0 A *46 thoy *Ili- 01116h, if. L Ail 'fratto tu � 1")
1, , , #w* ithw litclro W 1m)r �J"*,,Am 9 , "I"', I iiiiidl ell , * sopwilbo. 4, . ` "" 6 'I Il'ut �Wffie oink wad wbite
I . I , `*4, 1 " k. ThI646his ticks, of 0 &441oned, lIMPOCtmillit cat%- W%rd- 10, the WcktAt 0
. ,
L . I 1� 1. , ill *1 It L ,,, , � Atwlbt� - 4 Jalped b1W. is &L,bJ06 ,ft aboit
. I osp#lil, I 611.0" *V Ilidell � , _
.* f6ftJA*,."rA*A4h* k 11 iA�,_ � t1kh
I : T - . � I ' . ' I � , 4 E,08:146(�O) tnoUth tris the rolphill. $Adbil, il stis"610.
. L I t I L. 11 " Uftli ' r' t It OU'Alio, WL tj#4 � ' I � " �UIAIO, Itt*srah, Tiftfill&t. bilittlill- fablY over Ut I a #
1. I . ., 1. s*%*WA, OWDOPY 11� A I I .I �, ... � - . �L M� usts, **iitlia, " %* "44" 11 ,)
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