HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-12-02, Page 5, " � I 4 :' .� - __ , ,,, � � . ­ - I -, - - - _ , , . I . I,- - I :­ - - " ? I - _7W - I � I t7_ � -IM-11-low-.11-7- -- - �49.� , I ­ -rF7v'w%7Jw � - - . . . . . . ,0lq0FT7__ - I , - - - C ­ - �._'. - , . I re"I", - � I I . I - o ?. . . � ,(?! 11 . . , ;- 1, , " - , I � � � . . � � � . . � . 'I � . I � . - I . . � . I I - I . I , - - 1; I I . . . . I I . I ,.. �� , . . . . .. I � 0 . . I I I I - . . �'. �, 1. , I I � . .1 I 1 I � I . . 11 . ,. . .1 , , : -1 1- � . I 9 - , 1. �, . I" � : I � I . � . I 1�� - . .. ,` ,�, I . 6� - � . I I . I . . I I . - . I I 11 .1 I - . I I I � I . . . 1:1, . I lq I .1 I . I . , . . . � I I te, _ , . � , � , . , . . .. 1, . - - 1, I . �� I .1 � . .1 � . . i � 1, � I . .. - I . - - � , � � �� � 1. I I .: ". I - . I I .1 . I . I , � � I I . 1, ­ I I . � � � . . . . . I I � I , � . . . .1 . I � .� I I . . ' t I . . .- , . . I _� I . � ,. I I I I . . I . . . . . .1 , ; . I . . . The starisa. N,ew� aper and stands on -its, merits as su* ch.' -it I I , .: I I . ip - ' i " , I . givi�s OU4,11ty, Quantity,, Q ' * 14tion-3 points for I ' - I I __,__==_-_-r�_ - - 1� I . ,. rco ___ J� ,i��, 't f , _. I :..., ­­.- .- .. __ I i , . .1 readers and advertiser - .1, . 1. "" - , __�_ - - . � I . s to remem, . . I . . ___,_,, L , I - be , -1 . I � I , . , , . :. I -11% -i "___��_ -_ - I r . I I FrIG 1, 1V9VTtI;V6 . - I I - Zvl_­_ _ :!_ W . I � � , VU.&TISU 18WICEO&TAIlRa. . M , � I _1 ., . . " ' I 1'� , I . at,6 , Xxtertral at Inter I . =:OMII�Z," , , , I . . . I i to =1111 t,li."O.,.,.�tfil�l,.,,,,.Il�lt,,,,n,,,,�t; Tth,, .t-.;.w:P.-t tbo Left. P. le nal, vermairoutIr Cum, OUY11% YOUR .... . .. I ".. I I , 'd .'Z'M o"MMip"u le"i; ro.$t '' �� . - CANCERS I � `0 TDA 1611 _ . oney . MOOS, A Lo . R 0 �r IN WY Tlfyir!;tQ 44drqba=)� caticbritz . Oured withunibAur , :.­.- -­, . , I ThO 0170,q syste Tonto is the must, � MCA[ om.atfor or - I . .. ... � . . I I � A Piano Daruaina ever Offered la', Gyaqada- I r , u, ,,, n "" N the K'Allio thire W0404 AnO Run CqWn, Wl ' iz* tit. Write for book on or, 8 - ­_ . � 1. I tfi� --oWi-p�d_�0�4­nt th lifo _�a` , . f,f . - _� . .. � . I %, i%14MAthu., anrat _ao . . . . I - 60 ,� Voctly known, 'tuniom Numemile tt#U " �: :. . c7.at�t d if at Dunharn's no I '00, 1% -L . cA40em arid- IT .., , , rrr , . ... , I . . � .. OZ and Kldngy.0 In Iglao Q6 , monikIlk W 11.1 .. I 0 ll,g t'. � * , Ou. SMITIL Ca"Por epeclilliall, port Unroll, , . 't . t1l i 11, , 11 .. I . Any of the following SPlendId Square, Planoz - . Re S,avoed__..� , "4 � . -1 I � , . StOrOd by Hoq.ct'* ;Arqfp&,rfflJt`, C4 J, O. no* tom =;Ir . " - I A $%G�o�r�e`,7. �!fk "11Y19, 11 -MY041 11.1W.lidCase. pn��,,, , ,,,,, $ . -------- l"p- , , , , . . � � , I f wlotu ovel"Go � .. I -� . . � I I I A V4, 8 adds � . ... 7 ��I;�Wi; ii4� . . � I . RlWay, Ireland, In w(akirig a "l was V -Y 14110 Zan down,,blavill y buying your ClIrfirtarill, and NrA � . ... I I I I I . , I . 'r. - 9try is about to he Opened b"a sJok for " 1 D L" � , ., - .. � !".. . W . U . . , , � . bri Illan ,�,tin-e %,,,,,Y�r�.�!-u� . ), 6��Q. octwl . I legs, -50 I nl6c�, ! WCi i ii a tl' Tavel months! I balk bsepr y"r, Vretierils .1 just take one look at our goods, Our Clothing, I � A . ;�; 16,wr;�� . cw;6, . ;i;- 75 ., l4tgo bed.of very line granite quarries. trylu W which Idid'In WE Ila e just received ' -Ill I � ­ I . I M Boal d r Piano. 7 Octaves. Ir I g difforeat repillid r for tile quality ____.aoa,si, it Che ), . I latil It ...... Wqrullow '1�c'�, *­' ­­ ........ - but thoy have never been praperl no good. v I r . l'k , 1. to, . 8o y I would biate itilyare, apell ,e another,car of Flour I �� ", to coughing that would leave Pao pros , J -9 I . I 1, r.P ...... Not been examined by air ei . �tr,llW. from Keewatin ry,ade . . ' ­ ... ... ' � � A W-Nir o6top Piano, 7 �1:i4i;iW-Jiii;ti��;ood if4o,"octi�igol-i'll�i;'R'.'scond � wQrk,ed. A specluren of the grani , ,avg I !'I : A44I)OHein(znl(ttj,t��AiWJ?14'nW,*i'��i4�V,,.'it�""��*', - ,­ - - 90 ninent I Wall told that my lungs was & ' VATES, eo our Special Line of pRIEZL ULf$TER5 ­ . Ai,JqIl,1oc,,,,J1,o% sew Case, octitgon legs, , 15 exp i.t�who,,pronQaticed it tile ;11,1clod, si . " sig . � , B . '. .., ..... :­... it k r $7.50 Zee and all shades. � 1, a � best (if ...... . ........... ........ t b4 It d ever seen. The opening 4 b*4 of t � , - mind my heart itud kldzle�a were . by f fie Lake ' For o1r, 0 i, , , - -q*.* *1,t,0_sowoW case. Octagon lem , he I I � )r, A beautiful tone, Cc �i..!!ula.o, ...,!!.t-o I 1 3co of theize workS will afford etu oyarent condition. In fact, it seemed as ttroqS4 Woods Milling Com. , U50 Dunham. Now YQric Piano. 7 o'et���'s'*ft���;��4,6�W,,-,�,*t�� * n'l , - I .1 , I . , go egs, t 6 to it la -Re nurnbev of the F., I I I I I V full Mellow tone. for ...... ... bourlug Gv�)!Y Or94n was out of order, I folk i4it BOOK STORE. gany. The best Patent and ., , "" - � A $5W Mathushek, New Haven PI"6',"7"o����,�'no���;66il"U��: �ctngcn � 1 '4. claw in the district who are b,tdiy off. something must be done and my,bro . thog, See our Job ill Boys' Cape Overcoats- NY ere $5.00 � legs, orobcAtral tonic. for. .... 145 advised me to try Boudoir ftrsap&rj . Us, 1p I trong Baker's Flour made For $2.,50 and $6.00, . I � I �. A JW Oblakoring. Boston Plano, V,(�;�V*e;:,J�alloi ii;,S, ­(ioa, 6a­se*.*c,arv'ed' in I : . ,,,ngwoel, clear Lane. (or ....... i .......... � .. ew . 165 All forms of scrofula, sores. bolls, I � I A I . . procured a bottle and beg" taking It, � _x the world. 11 .. I � n way, Now York Piano, ootltves.uosow''ood"C'"a'**e'.'c"a'r*v"e"jiegti, Before it w" half gone I felt that it was � � . I Steinway tone, for ........ ... � ........ . . . .. _. I pimples and eruptions, aro quickly and IL V ;, I . I . .......... I.....-....- 175 . ently cured by Hood's Sarsa- holpinirme. Pcontinuild Its use ii�ad Jk NSEW 8%ruCK OF. . . . . Choice Groceries I'll . i , The abrive-tuentioned planos are in sound an, , A, P. MOLEA - I condition I !a periec t = I ha's made me a now woman. I crunto IV , I �� order. Every instrunient, fully gu%r,Lnteed. I I . I I � � plllyi�t miss this opportunity. prabs It too highly.?' MR& a �, t, I Write oz- telegraph your older at once. Do. 9 , - UXWM* I and Provisions. Art Tailor. NattY Hatter and Gental Furnisher, GOdarlob. I I., �L . . 01 The deposits in the Post Office Sav- vuzu, 217 Ossington Aven ';L � , . I ue, Toron' �" � � 1 2 ilIgs Banks throughout the Dominion Ontario. Got only Hood's, beeal* 0HRUSTMAS - __ ___ � � "I � __ 38nW3031MEM)�lVall . during October were $ODI.001, and ----' ___ _- __ ___.!_%=__� 11 - L'� '4 , . I I �, r',� I I Dicycle and I'dusic House. West Street. Representing tho NordheirrerPiabo withdrawals, $7D3.747. In October last Hood's Sarsaparilla GOODS No Go NICHOLSON. Y-4 1� . .year the deposits were $857,012 and .11�,'�' I , " and Music Co., of Toronto. . � Widrawals $705,498. 18 the best -in faqt the One Trite Blood 1-arrillor. . - 11 w .111. � - , . , , " 11 ,; � i . I I Sold by all drugglats. $1, six for to. GODERICH. �J House Furnishing Things ,�, ___ ' __ - � ,- !, I --­�------======r_- SOON LEFT HER. are purely 'alretallio, roi, Now being openedAut. Call - - , I " -11 was Wken with a swelling . H60d's Pills "ble. beneficial. Ac. t I '11'.1 I � Marlpe Matters. in my 11 ___ _____1 and see our display before I I �1 F i Have arrived. Whattloyonneed? . "L, "I Nie (60drVirb 5tar. feetandlitubs. Iwasnotublet 11 Is your kitchen lacking I � I , ' o W lk . ­` Sarnia Canadian: -Capt. Hugh Me. L Ila ally . �, .., for foul, tnooths. I read ahout Hoorl REMOVALI useful article ? When you ­�'; [ TELEPnowit CA" 71 Kinnou. of the schooner sephie, owned d's HOW To HnLp YovR TowN.-poell purchasing. I to - '' .'� .1. _L____-___-______ by tile Ontario Luirther Co., left last Before I had t.aken it all Lbe swellin ,� $arsapai-ilia and procured a bottle. it ; talk about it ; �Peak well of it ; . I I bake bread, cako, or 90 I . / Cook Other �', I . week for his home fit Tiverton, Ont., ,9 help to improve it, beautify the Ntrects -. filings. do you sigh for sonle certain I I �� , FRIDAY, DEC. 2. ISD8. after a successfqI season. left ine. I took three bottles of Howl s , Tho Gown i . , I � ; " , Tile captain arid have not been troubled with swell. PkytrOnize the merchants , advertise in . utensils which would lighten your I : 11 I brought down 4ighteen car - . I �- .- ,�,oes of hun ing since." Rebecca Seevers, Chat. its newspapers - I JAMES YMS. I ' ,�', , . . I I � , � � t 11 I I [lei- to Point Pdward front speak well of enter. 4- � 1 ____�!- labor ? If so. rejoice - we are sell- r � � I I � I 'T-�iit,nd tOok rench Riv- JInlo, ont. - priging inen. if you can't think of a .ANN1N._DUc Works * I - Ing House Furnishing Goods f6r , ,. ,r �, A Sharp Protest " 8 8 L gE`eP11ttew1OIet`rrT�gJbie1s 0off snapiplies' , good thing to say keep silent. if you. Have been removed to tile store on the I I I 1, 1, � if goes Hookl's Pillu cure all liver ills, En,sy are I ich inveXin sornethitur ; employ - - - I � , 11 ,�, L -atc; reliabie, sure. -90niebody ; Ile ahustler. Everbodu IS Talkina I . � I I I vessel has ever carried to take easy to opet ����� 8 .. astonishingly low Prices. Call thil I ' *a .T.iare, next door to XniRI)Vw grocery. I , ' " ' ' My `R rl,'." g r iiice for yoursqlf at I - - fron, or I I Becourteong o with improved accommodation we , .� �' I . . Bay to Sarnia or Point 2orc to strangers that CO I i . "' Edward in one season, t�aihng both . trio among Von, so ABOUT call do all kinds of - I I - � f �', , - that they will go itiva withagoodim. 11.1 "., � BY THE GODERICH CHILD- ways. �,!� ­, ,11 trust, sir, that You ha,ve not been Pf'ef'91011- Always 1eer up the men Cleaning, Dyeing, - I ,!" _1� -1. . I . REN'S AID SOCIETY The old passenger ateamer Ontatic, indiscreet enough to spenk to aly that go in for improvements. Your, - �-__ - CATTLE BROS, _:I:i:,� . of the N. W. T. 0o's line, was sold last and Renairing. � "I" daughter ,about marriage," portion of thee Do GdR6100"S' floUr. I I �� I said tile t will be only what:iV p - I PLUBIBURS AND TINintiTtim, 1 L 1; I week to Capt. Cornwall. foinierly of stern parent to the youth who h 'Fill t. Do 't k'i'csk about an a 'I 4� , ad 8 n ntm pressed while you wall. . 1, �� I - y needed Ile hasJuNt received another car load from I I 1 � I �, I Against Outside Interference Port Hilt -On. 'low of Sombre, and the asked for his daughtet's hand. public irriproverr-ent, because it is not at lAftnitolla. llo has now on hard t�vo ef tile All Work Guaranteed. Next Sturdy Bros.-_...., . " J. ,t�;� porchase wits toade oil behalf of hire. "I have not, sit,," replied t fie youth , your own doo r for fear your taxes be.t, brands of flour that the world ,. :11 ll With Their Charges. self and other Parties. The intention "but I was strongly tempted to do s IIJAY be raised i%fteen cents. I'�,�'�. 0 ducc-Lakoof tile wood" and Oallvic'.", f rp.r.0; A. S M I T H, P - o p, -- - ­ ---- -- -- ---­=---,_ , ; is to rebuild the vessel into it st Winnipeg Mills, made from No. I hard wheat �-'q ! earn last evening when she kissed ate good- I - He also keeps the i�1111� �,-_,, . barge and use her In tile lumber carry. night on the steps." "I , ��!� .. ing trade. Tn6 sale included the vessel STRONG KNOUGH FOR CANCERS. ' 11 .1 .,.; �, The Children's Aid Society of the Cancers fire caused by poiatmous humors In -BEST BRANDS , 'If I'-, 1i ,tnd all iLs contents. The Ontario was , the blood. The only nonsur ical treatment DEGARBON STEEL STOVES -,�� . -�,) �,g �Or__ �, ,,�, �', County of Huron has taken a some- towed down to Sontbra on Thursday -Mrs. '� System Ionia. This Is a _ - - --- --- - I I ", Sore Feet. E, J. Neill. New known is Merrill , : whattlovelcourme as a practical pro- and will be rebuilt at that Port during ,�rinagh, P. Q., writes: -For nearlv gowerf ul blood p,uriflor and at the Baltic time ONTARIO FLOUR. J. E. BRYDGES - . ­il , I uLsid- the winter. . load builder. 6 . ­ test againat the interference of o six I'lonths I was troubled with burn- Salt Rhouln In ,b,cures Scrofula Eczema and' " . rtydaysandbolig. d I I T'r`000 baring flour would do well byrallitil GODER101-1. ONT. 0 WE have a full range of them, arid 1his is �11V"'I� I ing acheff and Pains in my feet to such inaweek, 50doses, prtce&)c. Soin as oil 1) CANTELON -tile Practical bakerv. all I .1 I ersintheworkof the society. Four - d bpy" 119. I 1, ,�, " I I . Miller's Worni Powders are the best Ill extent that I could not, sleep at hatn's Drug swro. n' he "ill tell yon li�w to blend tha Mallitab d6`0 the season of the year when it will - 1.1h . ��­ child -en, Nellie, Lot -tie. Luhi and Flos- laxative inedicine for children; aq nice ... kht, and as'iny feet, were badly swolPI __ I with Ontario to make it beautiful family flour pay I ,�! 010 Duruion, lately residing in the town as sugar. erl I could not wear my hoots for weeks. a t a � purchasers to look into their superior 11,�,411 , ." During last year there was an in.. 6"-�REASONABLZ PRICE I I 11 . of Goderich, were committed to the 'i :1, I . guardianship of che society with, it' - At last, I got a I-ottlo of Dr. Thomas' crease ill the expoi t of butter froul the Merits. I ; ". � . , " LOGAN vs. McKILLOP.-In the Court Eclectric Oil and resolved to try it arid port of Cork I o the amount, of 839. Lolls, Orders will be promptly attended to in � Call and flee them at 11 I," t , claimed, the full consent of -the inother, to Illy astonishinlint, I got almost ill- while of eggs, fr.4lrn h t FILiLNGER & RODINso.,;'s. The 4 , � and placed in hontes where they were of Appeal at Osgoode Hall, on Novern t 0 saille Port, the - - A Decarbon 8tOOl Stovos aiVCanadiau in make and have been ­�,,t �� �;­_ - - stAnt relief, and the one bottle acconi- inere4we wits 72 tons. , There is no PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS well tried, nroved, find . � _" well vared for. The mother of the ber 15, before Burton, O.J.O., Ogler. plished a perfect cure. cioubt but that Irish butter IS again I -OR- . acknowtodsted. by tho public to atnad ,�: .;,! 1, �',L " children, according to members Of the ---.*--- con-liog to the front. firc, bake be I I . McLennan. Moss. J..F.A., the following it certainly does t - :.� � sf , t "has persuaded 'certain les- . ttor�, and radiate more treat than cornmort cast , t�; �', * * lad i I d ' JOYSTER PATTIES ". �' t i',',.',' , ble es' n Toronto that she bas in gn,ent was rendered in the case of Aforival protest has heeo received not bring such a good Price all round irou. Boware of 00trulgrfeit i0litAtiobs tAud jealoua jiv is. I , I,, I by the Dominion GOVel-Dinent, throtigli as the Danish, Swedish, etc., bot the � Or any other thing in the Calce lines. MANUIPACTURER OF a ill f,�_ a grievaiiee. and the Honourable the the township of Logan Vs- t0woshiP Of the Imperial atithorines against. tile improved manufacture which now goes - - Every Stove fully guaranteed, SOJ&-o'U_)y by 1'� ��,' . Provincial Secretary of Ontario, yield McKillop ; ., , ��, ... 11 I I � Ing to the pressure brought, to bear Judgment on appall by net pasqed by the British Columbia Oil over it great extent of the (4reen a Weddingr Cakes with Almond FINE OARRIAGES - ,��.. I z plaintiffs from Judgment of Armour, C. I ocialty. Icing a , � ,� I I I �'�'-. upon hini Iry these ladies and their Leg stature in the early part of the Isle will not lie long in bringing lip the P OFALLSTYLFS. FILSINGER & KROBIN�ON. - ,,�!. �,`,�' lmwvers and certAill sensation -hunting J., tit the trial,at. Goder tell. digunisakna, year, prohiiiii,ingJapanese from work- price. I �' . , . � , , � ,�'r, - �': - reporters of the Toronto press, has ex- the acl.ion. which was brought to re- ng tit mines or in public woi ks. or, in I I . Also moll fartn" Work it) lluf,gios, Carrisgas Tinouliths, Plumbers, Steaul Fitters, and Steve Dilalers, , . � d Lumbef Wagons. Re � � 1, �'�:;, cover front defendan O a in connection with any undertak. How, to Cleanse the System__P me it ya uting, retrim - "I I , �,:,,,r" . pres-3ed a desire that One of the said ts the guru whet hei- public or private, carried lee's Vegetable pills Ing, tom oughIPTIR. &o. A I work warm ed Qr . I � obildren be .veturmad to her rnother,�-' r ii'mandantus opon dp- jllg- . ttended to. Second. ­ 11 �4 on by the authority of any act, passed scientilic so,41v -1 - -,- nearly (Lila . � - I - , fendants to levy that surn and interest , ,, ," h11 end, I Irrll;,R. ? ro, n D t I y i, $37,8,$3, and fo ar()� the A�tkl,4:t�q� . .t In, Cc net W014 Stt"t Wle tile Squire, I I GODERICH � ,�": , , I'- _ , kinds for sale cheep. I I - ` I )uipliance vvith the request of the front lands and owners liable ther�fcw, try the Legi8lattue of 13ritisbil.,I­ - , I ­ .I-",- ": I ,�,, 1;o- ming L "' "' I- . � I �­' 14"%c i 1�1 �� vineial Secretary. and witbout t - - 0 ;bs _dp .1. .. - . " " � . -1. 1� -pro, lie 1114' -4," I I - I �� - , . L14NAI;�­4' , , pursuant to an award road -­? � ,�f`A , , . . , I - - , a ­ . -1 11 i__ ,�,� � 1.1 ,,,�,� ­ - -knowledge of the society. one of the o under th� . ) 1, - use h W , . ,.­ , .1 :, , Ditch (4=-onsfrated in wany �txi Is'a DATES AT BOTTOM) DOMIN ION CARRIAGE WORKS .0-M I , -71 ",­ . . . . . . �-,�, -ell eq all , . I � ­­ ,�;­ , . chilth hits been rvturned to the 0 d Watercoursea-Act, jtk�corr. There aT e -cases of consumption so, fftz. ric" tfiat' L' I . - 1� - I � in_ __:�4 � '' - I " . . .--' ­ - r, o . �j�., I se(tuene f roceeditiRs taken -by a advanced tLat Bickle's Anti-Consump- the . ­ -_ I I tuot her by the foster Parent# and she OTEL. � . , � is aiso, said to, ha,ve-ettp �7-2-_44*we,%Jon sident000f t9. intiff township for tive SYrop will not, cure, but none go a he Kidneys, Purif v the blood, and � - ilk 1,_ V, re nitregulate the action of the Liver OPPONI!fE, COLBORNE R ., 'X'Ve__.d'o'_a11 kW -d-% ( ,__ . .. I . -_ Irl- V, � - i� �'. - era carry off all . ,� - ,r I I Of two others. the making of a ain which bpriefitted had �aiat if will not give relief. For morbid accumulations 'A '. I I , .. sorne of the residents and lands in hoth coughs. colds and all affections of the .'rom the f -stein. They tire easy to I I "Ill .:L�vl TOMARE MR. DAVIS GUARDIAN. COAL ..V. Xt', , townships. The qtiestions raitled were tbrcat, lungs and chest, it is it sp-!cific take and thlir action is mild and bone. I ­ �;. " 11 *1,11.� ;��.. The societv held a meeting at Gode- (1) whether the Person who initiated whieb has never been 4nown to fail, ficilti- ', � . . , .... , , ---------- 4� AL . . rich on the 25th itist., and passed it re- the proceedings was an owner w7lithor It Promotes a free and easy expeetora- "OULIDIEN G "I'Vi., 1�.; ,- Isadore Bacoul. who wt. at -rested at I . ,�: .. .by removing the phlegm. and I 1, ,�: I. so) a tiou i n wh ich t he a bove facts w ere #,he irreaning Of the act; (2) W!kther tion. tber V ,(* ' :. recited. It wa,;thereupon resolved:- the defendants were estopped-nN ,tc- gives the diseased parts Ft chance to Montreal for drunkerineqs, got into it I ( _,.J�� I . ­ I '. �� ;i :,.:� . - ­Th,%t the officers of this society k�e quiPscence front raising the firstques- heal. fig.ht in the poli. -P cells with soule other ,5';' 'I, AN') REPAIR , i, ,�J�, ins(ructed to take all necessary steps tion ; I and (3) whether proper nwice Prisoners, and received such injuries WOOD anct 11"�,' I',- - that lie died in a few hours. � I j, , i`e� to Ixanster the guardianship Of the was g ven to %oroo of the persons whoqe It is iinderst-) d that'Lord Mount- ' _____ _�, �1 1�41� ",tid.ebildren to the said the Honour. lands are charged by the award. It ' I !,�� � I I _� ;�," � r 0 stopbon hits give'll the suill of $2.81A),000 ]KINDLING. . . MA CHIN""'RY -1 _ 'ble the Provincial Secretarv, or to majority of the court hold that tb d - to it numbe � r of relatives it) Canada . �, e e Not it Nauseating Pill. -The excip- AIJ , , stay per -on narned by hini, seeing that fenditn64 were estopped. Appeal ill- arid England that they inight, onjov it ient of a pill is the substance which en- I . __ 1".1 . _ . , . be is responsible for the present statp. lowed with costs. of any deacr ' lion. at ,Y/1 -0)'l noh*vo and for litelo nio"ey .1 "'..� i'�,� ' are Ntill tit theold stand, `P . � I fi� Ids tile ingredients nd makes tip Lhe 14, .1 - while fie is vet living. NeNon . I ,-, I of affairs. and presumably has acted ---.O--. ---o- - - - - . pill mass. That of ll%arnlClee's Vege- 8t.. where we have beer, supply. -_ 1;1. �� ., '. upon information which is not in the WATER, CRACKERS AND GRUEL M , table Pills is No compoonded )is to jwe- Ing our comtomers foi. it illoilbel, �,;� ..." I l'," ­ . .11 1� � ,.. - ille, sCornpound Iron Pilla increase 'I ossession (if this society.,, ".1.14 . '� p s Lho card dyspeptic billoffore. There am no the po%ver of assimilation thus increas. serve their inoist,ore. and they can be . . � wpalii, We know tiv� fuel that silits "'._", 1 , - I 11. A PIECE OF ADVICE. sallsa4vAllo lanqlletq, no little suppers anrl tie od weight and stret4gth. , carried into any latittldt3 wi�hoot Im- I yoll. .� ,."',f. I - ,, . fun. o Morrill'8 Sysiont Tonic and got a palting their strength. Many pills, it, The flondcrson MUGIc GO., LIMR69t GodcriGh . 11.� I �', ",� 'I lie society also expressed .tire - 4, . n" stomach. lots of %-Igor and then eat mince pie Orders left, with oor (Jelivt-ry rigm �.�',�'; z �' , , ion that the usefulness of Cbild%.!Vq andcabbale with the restorn-. sYstonaTm,ic Canadinn chee%e shipmentsfor the order to keep thero from adhering, are t� Worsell's Ft,ovi, itnil tid shop and - I!,- --- �­­­­ - �� , I Vs EGAN or it - -_ ,; 1: Aid Societies would be greatlWimpair- IN par exec fence tile most perfect tonic cmb* past sensoll arnouirted rolled in powderp, which prove n,tus- At 0111- Office Will le ' . . " ' ' ceive prompt at. V11 .1 ardo known, 50 plewant-to-tako dos" L1,0a, t,o l.0G0JW , - ___ 1� . f';"�, �', ed if thevwere not given creditfov the bo eiltill4tottletaflt.e. Parnielee's Vege- 326 West Richmond Sit. tent'o". - -_ �,,,,� � Hold at Danham', Drug Store. x e's, at a cost value of $12,0&5,OOU. as table Pills are so prepared that they al -c ,� , I 11 � ./ I I � use of due d iscred6it in Lheir actions, . - compared with 2.102,935 boxes at ngreenble to the tuost delicate. All coal weighed ()it nin ri, ot seal(. IN J,'�, � , ". t " and if their rights and responsibilities cost valtie of $14, l9i.000 in 1897, a det Toronto Unless otherwise oideved. ,N C 1� , , 1� o., :� , were riot ptoperly 'recognized. and Charlie Mason, the veteran horse crease of 13i Per cent. __q___ - , i , , i �., I � -ecothrupirding trian of Brneefteld, hits The Count-Ahl ze English (ongoe. tion. i " ; ,,, closed by respectfully i arrived horne We rtin several drays It) r, � I ,� I ,ladies, reporters, and othtn-s to exer- with three fine Clyi1esdale stallions. how eet ces drolel ,,W'en The My Ruptre Spocj& h rossoo-Cut ,­ 4rise it.' little corortion sense by not giv. They tire till five vearg old. The first, It your child is pale. Pee llel�s tiL zo man � �:, h v i9h, and weesh to prove )ve for 7A! lady, ___ fl,�.,;�! , , ing any evicouragenient in matters of 1,Flktqh Not," if; an inuirense aninia.l. doesnot� rive,A doseof Mill Worin r 11. ,� �, , I el's he swear to her. Ze fl st Vitro of rultr- Pifoxic 02. ,�'i,�, , 1� � Powders occasionaliv will core. 1%0 Domwon , , I ,this nature bo ,people who may profess He weighs 2,200 poonds. and was � rill e lie 8%venr by her-Und Aft,101-C, I � �1,"',� �1� , to, have It mce until they have bought front Arthor Bennet, (if File- PaiTleul be swear at her. Long recognized by the public and CARTAGE AND FUEL U0, � I st &l.leva : ifir taken e trouble to submit to the shire, lie wits sired by "Top Not" and Sir George Kirkp-itrick has bsen ression Saws % 0 r:� � -- ____ of the Dominion. �, � I �, rdian Socletv such his grand darn was Iry "Darriley." Al. setiously ill for the pa9t. week tit his There never wa- an (Inever will be, THE LEADING, � ��'�, � l', I reasons its may Ile urge(] for a recon. thotigh so large he is well proportioned honie ill Toronto, owing to the rettirl) ''I I , : I � . . 0 'I'' I I .. oideration of the case, and have ascer- and of gelod sukqtance. and 9hollid of his old trouble. but Monday night he a universal pana ea. in one remedy, . THE MOST SKILLFUL, " John So FIM, �:,'� 1: i I I tained front them w,hat the real facts make a most, vetVilable s.ock hot -we, Wits reStlog Cnsier. for all Ilia to which flesh la heir -the THE MOST PROGRESSIVE, ANN-- _AC_A_tqA.(��JM'Ft I have just opened LIP a large C0115ignnient of the celebrated . I � are." The second, "Union Bank." is hay and __ very nature of many curatives being THE MOST SUCCESSFUL ------- -_ � ',"� " 1 1 . I � �1� such that were the germs of other Authority in the treatment of Rupture. 1�1,, I , - weighs about 2,000 Pounds z ,ho was TO PREVFNT CONSU,MPTTON. different1v seated diseases roote �." .� . i I and , � I , Some WISe sayIngs. hought from Robert Uni-diner, Obevwt, Hilt.(Itoctire-,eitsytopt-event. S(-otVA oil In the system of the patient-whal Call and lnt�erview Him .� -, , �� L')� I � ''I Farin, Perthshire. - 1. �' i"" w"A sired ";v En'tilsion nourishes the body, keeps ;ill would relieve one Ill, In turn would V 3r thus kno r free corslitlaw. Ateol I � I" li Don't Put Off fire boldness bristle "Loid Askin"; darn from ,,M G A Leadet- � = r, � L' I ,% - "� ,r) ; tbat should begin now. I 9,rand darn by c I'M` ; the organs Itild tissues he' Ithv. and aggravate the other. We have, how. W. .t"the"h4a.de .f a M In his prafeo.;on. . ' , Beited Kit ht." This l,ileclonsuir.ptioligertilt;caii;,ti(-t ;!ot a ever, In Quinine Wine, when obtain. If ypur ca" is one that needs atimrim he ,,l, -1 The extent Ofjour share Of business Is n, (I Lndy ltn� many gooirludgeq R: � �, * IL I .e of I , -e by yourene -,h I - . r' iothold. able In a sound unadulterated state 4e,WY J -t what you cood and -ftill. woort ,.%... � ��, I �, wilt an measal ,tgV in go In t1file pick tile three. Th. ,,,,I,v, t I'll P k, I i lig ltftkr i L, -Olander Prince." is a dark broWT1 , -------- - ____ -_ - - a remedy for many and grievous Ill N ' ' '- ' � I Lady Lance . :,�','� i�l I I . LL � �!,� ", � ,; ighs 1,800 pounds. and wits be frallest systems are led Into conval* Examination and Advice � 11011411t some And .1 �, I - No elToft is eollrely lost which escence and strength, by tile inrillence I r ,� I I 11 .. I llwakeno the Interest of tile buvi front James Drummond, Dili �W General Debilit Free chosp Soap ak a ,`� , � nfornlig,�1,1!' ... I 1 ng 0 feshire. lie vv-tR sired front "Olan- which Quinine exerta on nature's own Mr. Egan Is the Pooreftslor of the largest anxi b a i esin centro. . � �­ ,, ", .. politic, and this is one roason for the " 1 . y I e � '�, ,", . der." and is from 4 wf*rrior mare. ,e,tor,tiv,,, It r,ll,,es the dro / � I .i� ... big InvreaNe in tile circulation of TtrE I wc Oil- mastsuccessfulpr icoofanyonalphfoli.a­being . '. She afterwards naw IL I . tr .t , ., JSTAR. Ing spirits of those with whom 11 the drill -peciallat n this &lmrtmmt jo the Dominium J-, I ;�, , I our Stark ond � I.."! I P", alld Loss of Flesh cy His pa ients my they have not w to exp,eool Buffalo I", I � A d(,se of Miller's Worm Powd chronic state of morbid deRponden Or& the[, 11 .� . I , If businesq is woi ill having it is well Utude, "d never baere kad instruments to pr� foil I)d that othe . I " , I ., and lack of Interest In life Is a d1p. - , Could I'lly tile flu. :A , . b Iverbising and goinq after by OcraslOrially will keep the children J1Z. such ,rlo�lotuv challmn wucb short time. - , �� ,, .1 evort, A( __ ease, and by tranquilizing the nerves, Thio fact alme Vi�m ample encourago,ril"i ,,�_f� Pot Soap at r-oarly " ". ,;z - ithe legitimate rise of printer s ink. healthy. � Scott's Emulsion has been the disposes or sound and refreshing sleep that his antiripathms 1�re "t mare fande. a th. . � 0 �%;- ­ . I 11, sta rvWW4 which is inlre �o J the same price. Bil a �.",�,'Ii��. L Ril"'. ability to d1a.- , " �X " ph ,_ PhysicianS blood. which, being stimulate , i r Rupture . f= 403M4:3.QS;,S -C:*,Xy4W -Eg -%;W. , :. I I L, Sbrewd readersand advertisers are Thomas M I of McKillop, cot- ndard femedv for nearly a -imparts vigor to the action of the (Im% .r,4110% - : . ." - .�,� j- MIe best cut,Wwers of Tun STAPL I -eels the stAL12 it, I hn t the Man P10 quarter of a Century, d co I . ,A*os. one of the .ecre TVR.Ikl,A CAV14 NO CREDIT. _,a. " I . , I in Ilia blacksmith shop at Detroit. Was . I 1- rick ,Murphy. 1, /%wd to dtath recently readily admit that they obtain re RCR throughout the veins, strengthen- "' Tak�hrinc -or% foe at Your dimffwal all m lit 4:3 . , ,.. 11 ,� . �,, RUDY LIPS AWD A Ohl�Alt SKIN Hugh, tv 1'. , Ing tne healthy animal fuentions of Over 3o Vears Experien CC ir EvetV Saw fully warraut6d. _ I �� ,� his brother Michael -- - - �, '. �; areguaranteedton lor-ndaliw4ofake M Vs. Is a repillent of Sault. Ste le sults from it that they Cannot get the system, thereby making activity hi. tftg fttabr.h.d buil". i. Ter,�to J. Proof ill, re . . . , . , 1.1; 1, 1111N eymem Tonic. big rharre) ' . , �1, Is specialty adlOted for Woman, b-4 ' nevpr resided in Detroit, and nruz 4tore. ,:, I . . "T 1.4 �,.'col,.,Ij.t -h-.R There are many other prepara- frame, and g1ving life to tire dlgeG_ His flest-mt i . parva^nent ArA P ,rr1p,1( ... Also a full Jitlo (,f . , � ha�r! 114 from anv other flesh-fofrning food. a necessary result, FttrengthenIng tile Ille lives up to every Agreement J WILSON, , , I supplies Iran fat the blood, cura )14 40� still Jr) the oil ill it,,- flons on the market thAt pretend tive organs, which naturally demand prntecto hi ,%yqu" . d he I flesh and doing w a t�'t. taw � .1 , strengthens the ne"e& and by i4'b'JZWptr1fy, ,go I . Plack Di,lMond Files. Axcs. Axe Handlesi, &c. ; . 0, wQr4 llaving lie n eived froM lnereaswd 0111)RtanCe-remult, I&, I . q ng only Uuw ca.*. onto ��---� I I , I I I wt a I .11 f I IEML I A I "" mi " � � I "' I .1 11 I " I 11 I o , I , 1, I I �_ I I �,'�', � � . IV ftnd trilloolo Whitt I quickly allras hi � to do what proved " be I "I (71 V V, QOLICI TTO ICS %VA VT Xfl it V Fill- , - t4c) tak t4 It Is pffect sip , port, vVit appetite. Northrop & Lyman, el To- PROOF o POSITIVE WRVVEfor ­io 9tory af tie philir, __:71�0=_Zr�_ Ti ,� 910fernale I f1pro"eVe' ,e d...M. Ul .,O.t �� . ,,A 0 1111� 51 riil,,. 3. 7 CK 0111A% TOM tonto. have given to the pnbile their b)r Wr-t HAt�tead, ao.am1_je,,,d ,,, .. � . at Dunh..!. M., a L publisbe . � , W to hold tb. , 11 � 1 IWM7 , 2 rt1,nVpt2"*' wben othem even " " , � L, L superior Quinine Wine at I he 0overnment " Offh-1-11 Itimtorlan to th, � " frorm"MM-_ ....''.1 11 I I __ __ u Does the foilowing lattotr not oo� � ej, 15100 I - rate, ant]. guaged by the opinion of vim* You I It represeett; oce of bu,A \%'or IMp,-UmAnt. Th,- b ­k ,,a% %vrltA�a 1,, No Do ROUGVIE. � � . 1��, qowewo� '" '" ou" arinY campm at A— Vr..,i.r,n, ot. Me Vacifla I I L .. D.S , EMULSION selentlpta, this wine approachen near. %vith General Merrlit,.,b) ibe hmpital. at llono- Nort it sille of .4qtll;j, #� . � I ,. : N MAT XMAS GOO , 40 est perfection of Play In the market T11111CAT, Sm.- The ln%t_"1MeT0 Yon 11tted on 1,1111, in Floag K-V. 1!w American trenches ,�, �, � 11 V V* . All drugglacp orell It. ;ce for my double, rupture doiring Year violi to at Mean", In I bf, 1a­1V0.t ,.rnt)s -fill ,turlin. 00 DERN'll - 1, � I dOC4 but thV7 fid tO perform IL Ineardine. I era ldcawul'to may is trio heol I 11,10, a- th,d-k of the Olympt,, %vltb )away, -- - - . .. eve, W.'r and has given rrl� twrfcat aec, , rit and in ill() ramr a hau le , t u- fall . , IN NEW STORE. I The pure NorwiteJan C6d-lJVer Oil e _.. - . - _ - - - ____ __� , I Of 11anna, ,., I I I . v#llh nomfort. I would advl%� I lll.� liptianvA t- rer.w. lk".'rul of nal 1, ,-,* We have bon oompoll6d to move two doora *eat, (in same block) owing to inittit"t made into a clelighthif cre=, skill - ii I . Ing continuous f0ts'plitt'he tervitte, This will giva the pnblic & grand chapas to partill.. fully bkn&d with the HVI poph,,- � 'A . �, I ,Christrnas Got1ddM1Wd66dPriee9. I t will be vour 6rivilega to visit our store 84 yon r , , phites of Lit" "d Soda, which 1 �, , . t -�',plea6nre and aampars Goods and I'deas with any shown in the city of Toronto or i I � are such valuAble tonic,s, 11; �. '0140whera. , , I , �rt e4w tuft 06 to I apbinelTudt4z4ft."IMI"i."U�pimas Cardk Alle ' ! l0b](m and Prayer Books # qtp#l# gAnced Prices. InAhZ& " OftPitlatfOrt an i&A 4itz and CheC6 the � rloge I Pdlonb,st'okW6'Wl'�r�6or-IM,#S��.1p.l.lprl,,In n . . (Iblkntitio,qot6hddft6iioo4v,ot*. Br,ysl Own Afibliki, (thilq6AH) P to and Pre.pultion llookg lis till tho)jnw .tb"Indings, nothing Meer for (Ittriatibriiii qljt� Child"On's TLY gookA by the fnmdrodoi� WAStIVUMCnOr, and the '_ 040t Ah - f , *A*;1ft10*di&te 1.6& � , 0 rl,41 " ­ . 1.4 ­ 11M , 104' ' ' " � rhatter BOX,rikik, ""M ' ly, ,peefitl illacount on Sunday "a I)qL IM11.1 PrS - " Boolks. . . I W-ft*110-44 *0 Put on Lh = gradea. Good Rajornp, 4 1bq. for, ­ ....... 1. . .. . I I L ; I I , I . PORTER'S BOOK'STORE, I I � A strengffi it= *!If& Wfoitits them. #4860, 'to le"'14c Warning I I Ot -4�dOtt'S 9" Oat the d 16" ". h Ar* 66 ow R014fOrth. Qllqdn'o Rabid. Nmrnber 8, . I.. ' '':. r 1. ' ' I I 0 dblim welert of old 0"IndO / , '", ` I . AW&OW, 56-^ 'a V-06, Of *Wsk*M 250 . i .�, I I - L Wk too' - . , 'L 66110 H60*6 Square, d0b,tJttCII : " 0'atl Tslepflbo . . r- . I I . �, I 11 rcon & NOVAM tI�eiteeg,T,...,e. I fricnilp to %ply tA you Immediawly rind 4 rcli�f, whic I have to the hillr,0, extent altor .oirering for rr�-er twenty ,-can with ,his ot"reli takr,n by 1r­­,,meql, photogra-PI 'In th" R�-t. i,,rjr,� V ­k l,ow Prices I c ",ill^. reigilk Y�1'1 4"alilt ViVen: D;c tl.aq )Nflne Fruits-.�. , I , , , I �� I I 11, menacing &MIction. .!y 11111111111- -R, h1l.k.. 0 till, rec. I , L I �, I I �11 WNI, 1100ARTH ' r(lucardine. Or.t. Addren kr. T ll.irb,r. m -'y.. Smr Insurn nee 111dil., Ch'CRO'L Our otock of Frnits is replete %if:, tne III&Ihost : .r." !,�: � -, , , � kL, , . , I it 1�, '-' '' Exeter. CoTumerefal Itale). December 5. GODEF110H, BVtlgb Xx�harjara Hotel ___ - - - ____ gradea. Good Rajornp, 4 1bq. for, ­ ....... 1. . .. : � - . I , , , �1, ., L 11 , I ternorm, Vednesda 1=1111! 11 'J till day and De"Flober dth an 7th. Warning I � - . ­­ The beat that is grown, 8 lbn. for ­­ 250 . " L ".: I R014fOrth. Qllqdn'o Rabid. Nmrnber 8, __ I ... ... .. . . I . . ............... Good Pigs, 4 I b.q. for . . 250 . i .�, I I nlytb. Queeil, a Hotal. Dmeeniner 0. *InWhIlm, Quean'p Hotel. December Ik Any portion or persons cutting or remov. i L . .... .. L . . . . . .. .. .. ............... ,r 25a , , . ,�� � '�";­�� lCiricardine, nova) ItateL December I I and 12. ing any Logs or Timber now cast on the I I Seedless Raisins, Tabie Raisins, Peels, Nuts, I etc., , - _Q_ .hor*o of Lake Horan, will be pr6Wnj#a to the full extent of Lhe,L& � At 1,0west Prices for good quality. . 11 . A It In not VOlat, Von pnt.. but What that llouriolle's. Mil a el" CAPT. WM. nAl3n. I IT PAY8 TO lWY TUE' BEST. , I I -'L � I"Ainlillates Com )undfron PillpeurefilultriLfAlml- rw � lGodarlah, ARenk for the Owners __0___ I �L � � . latiolil. Rops. "th. 1898. I I � , - I I I . ­ . 11 , 1, % 1 . . I I I I . REW. JIN - 3BXs3C&X4:b*JVW, The nalisfitfre 81.. 6rbft*,, ;' , '. � . I 11 � . � "I , I 4 ,� � �. I 11 � 11 I I . :" ( I I I I I 6 I I I 1� . 11 I . . � . I I . I I I . � . I . I , ; . . I'll, �� . . . . I � . . . . ,. ,� � � I � � � . � 'IV . . � $ 1. I I ', . , " . I I I , ,�-,�, E I . . I ,� . " , - .11 . I � . I "I i - I . - ; I I � ., , 1. , � ,� : ,, . I . :, - , I 11 I � I 1. . , ,�, I , , 1 � I I , " p . . 1. � ,,, I I ..el . , lQ% �, 11 � :" , , , I I - � I I I ,,, I , �Ii� . . I 11 , , " '' e _1 - ­ I . . � � ­'. �1, I I I , I I . " ��'% . - __ I , "I � I � - I , . I . I I � I I ­ I . ''. - �, 11 � , I I . , 11 . I I 11 I �,,�. ��,,�,' �.. ? � I ''� 1, I , "I ­ I 11 ­_ " . " � 1 It, " - - ". .; , "I � , I k,. - , � , I AL .�., . � - " �,_� �_��. _4�1.�­J_ -- ___ - ___ - - . ,.-,- -.,, ­_ Jd"AA0ai#A0d"4 � A* Qi��,*--'A4k*i#'"A,AAOAWk%�-,-,F� - w& AV10&&k,_ 1. � �, � , "I � 11�11_ I - I -­ I 1�&A.____­ '. � . - _7� 01 I 0- - ­ �** k**#;***4* , , "7`7 , 11 I . - :�Z_ 1: Ir , � 111;17" - ­-, :-_ � - -_-'3&--7- ' - - V --V - , I � , . -, " 191. I I . , . . ",,�,,t �,:�, �� � !­ �- - 11 141'� , I ,.'-ihw I aft .6wioii,�� � - l4i I, 4 I - 31111111111ft _1419� - I . -.-- , ___.!,�,, ,���..111­ �Wl . - " - 111 111 ����������� 1 I � � � , , mi 6i "' iIIIIIIII : Z, oft, i -