HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-11-18, Page 5r is a Newspaper an $ands on it r • merits Q such. ' it.ti*es.QuOty,4Quantitya Circulation 3 points for: a+jeri' end adveitise>rs OTIY Ii: aiibetC�nirL.ine. . Rte have pnrcbasgd toocopies of Qagade'g patipoaat eonlc The Maple Leat forever; to go on sale Sstnrday 45c. Der Gem Ca1l eatly anti some sitebe ;O16 they are all gone. -ftenceniber •Saturday, Noy, ember 19th, only 5o. each. EIVI SOWS; Inatome ec MrIBIo 114118E. weettiD. ItepreseatitigTheNatdbelmerPlano • and Mush, Uo,rof Toronto, • TeternoNa Ceti, 71 DAY, NOV. 18, 1:,t: a . 'Qoilerich Township.' • Prier ENT,s;TIotrr,-The residence of Mullholland, l3olutesvike was the scene of a Very pleasing.gatbe:ing on Thursday evening fast. Represent- atives fromthecongregations of Mid- dlleton,,,,llohftesville and Summerhill, Waited Y.a their clergyman, Rev. E. B. Smith, and presented himpith the following address, accompanied by the 'munificent gilts ntentioued therein: Dear •Mr. Smith. It gives us great( pleasure to have you .with us to -night, ,,anti we are glad to. leew that you manifest at keen and,kint interest in our social welfare. Though yens have been with us but IL comparatively short time, we have learned to love you and appreciate your services. Your gen- •eral sculls, your right hand, vour'hs- sistanee, and your sympathy are ever ready for all. They indeed express w parent's warmth. and none there are of ns who have not felt. them. • Ae a. alight .token of our esteem and un- bounded good will toward you, .we, the '." members of the congrevations of Sum• merlri1l, Holmesvilie and- Middleton churches, beg of you to accept this robe and whip, this chair and purse of money, and as you look upon or use thein in the future rimy your refiec- -tlons be as pleasant -as are ours -of our association with you. May your future work for the Master he one of joy, and wav your own, heart and that of others continue to be blessed ..s a result of your labors. Signed on behalf of the congrega- tions. Miss D. WATKINS, Mise. BIx M GHA)tt, MRS, MULLHOLLAND, FRED BURNETT. JOHN'MIDDLETON, JR.. The address was read by Mr. A. E. , 7e jheral, and Mr. Smith, though t( le tiurprise, made a.suitabie.and.. feeling .reply. It is these tangible ex- pressions rf goodwill and sympathy that cheer the pastor on his way. OouNou.-Counal met Nov. 7th. Mem- bers all present. Moved by Jas. Johnston, emended by Chas. W. Williame, that the nomination for reeve and four councillors be held in Wilson's hall, Holmesvilie, at 12 o'olook (noon) and the election (if any) be held in the following places, and the following persons as Deputy Returning Officers: No. 1, Orange hall, 4th non., .Chas. Johnston, D. R. (J.; No 2, house of Nixon Sturdy, 7th con., John Sturdy; No. 8, hoose of Thos. Harrison, also to be D. R. O.; No. 4, house of H. W. Elliott, Bayfield con., John Miff No. b. house o` R. Baker, 15th con., also to be D. R. O.; No. 0, house of W. Crooks, lith con.. also to be D. R. O. Moved by Chau. W. Wil- liams, seconded by Jae. Johnetou, that the. following accounts be paid :-S. W. Miller, repairing pound 81.60; A. Wilson, use of ball for the year& '97 and '98 for Court of Revision 87; selectors of jurors, 810. Mov- ed by John Woods, seconded by Time Churchill, that communication from John Salkeld in regards to Swafiield side road be laid over till next meeting. Adjourned to meet op first Monday in December. NIKON STORM, Clerk. Bayfield. PffDLIO MEETiiro.-There will he a puhlic meeting in Bayfield on Friday *ening of this week, to consider the prepose" of the new owner of the elect- Pil;.lip;ht plant, Mr. Coniine. At pre - Ain't We have ten street lights, which ieti'et the village $180, but the statement le.nbw Made that the plant cannot he iin at a profit with less than twenty at .fable the present expense, or in all 1100. It is not likely the extra expense r+'ti9411 he incurred at the present time Every newspaper in Canada, and thinly across the border, nee congrata• little the "FAMILY HERALD and 'WEEKLY STAR," of Montreal, on their excellent premium, "THE THIN LINE." Canadians an rnany Americans too are red hot or any- ,thing ny,thing at the present time avouring f British sentiment. "THE THiN RE r LINE" fills the 1,111 to perfection. a t a the publishers of ::'the "FAMILY 11 r ALD and WEEK- LY STAR" we.% eserve the congratu• Ilttions th "t heaped upon them. The •'F LY HERALD and ,'WEEKLY 'TAR" this week we no- tice is 24 pages. One of the wonders Of the age 1 Such a paper and each a picture for one ddllar 1 Can our read- ers understand it? 'ProhibtIt6onists in Canada will he in- terested .&observe that the other day. "When Messrs. Lipton- (limited), applied In the numerous towns in Scotland Where they have branch grocery es- • ablisbments for spirit, licenses for these -establiehnottits, they were in very ease refged. In Edinburgh, lasgow, Dundee and elsewhere, the .%iitensing jnstiees d(4Elared they would be no parties to the derner'alisation of "their working follehy" tbe••t+tholeaaierin- tt'bdnctinn of the Itgdoir trade to the grocery husiness Of a powerful co m t WITTY RHEUMATISM tLInn CATARRR. Both orb InBemathitie, '11ie f'brifder of the Moselle theme, the lettettofthe tndecoue meta - Mime, The ecu way' tee Mire either to by a ,bonrveofblood .1tray ire' Watt blood enirlchtnit teeatment,,• DAtrtfiu nests a the meet theNttnetbb'kied,tog, tkll Mine, tiriiti• Mem, fid' A Letter 'From ' an Outside Tanner. THE OAST IRON AFk'IDAVIT T11A' fl.A.S TO 331 SIGNED -HOW SMALL. 'TANNERS 11tI:% ,AFFECTED. - iTo the Edtteref the -Glebe.) thirteen. but four of these are branch Bir, I read with' great interest the byeinesses awned and operated by the .'sport .published in your paper of the fill [et 2,Oth of November' Of the interview be= .ween the tariff caroms-slonereand the sole leather combine.' If: you will kind' ly allow me. space T will' endeavor to correct the misleading statement made by the•Messrs. Beardrnote and otherti composing tilts combine, when con- fronted by Sir Ricbard Cartwright with, the printed declaration to he signed by tbe buyers of sole leather. The reply was that the document was called into existence on aecotittt of the action of certain Atnericap'•iirina iii ingterfeering with their ettpe1tattiol1o,of Stile leather, and the:securing of theho a market by offering a rebate to all those inter- ested, who have not imported any sole leather, except oak sole leather. Now, tbis sounds all very plausible and fair, but let me tell you,, sir, that this is not the only objept,these gentlemen have in view. Their " object is two -fold.; First, by trying t.o get the tariff on sole, leather increased s9 eie to prevent com- petition with foreign countries, acid, second, to prevent -competition at home by combining together and issuing cir- culars to the buyers of sole leather al- lowing rebates to such bnyers, upon their consenting to certain conditions contained therein. I have before me the affidavit, which has to he signed and sworn to by the buyers of sole leather before they are alluived the re - hate. If you will kindly allow me I w ill give to the public souse extracts from this precious document, which goes on to say: "I do solemnly declare, first. that I ant a member of the firm of , carrying on the business of in the— of , and as such have a full and intimate knowl- edge of all transactions ohm/ said firm or business, and know that the statements herein contained are abso• lutely correct, . • "Second, that since the day of up- to the tiwe of the making this de- clatration, I have neither purchased nor used in env way . whatever, nor con- tracted to buy, directly or indirectly, nor contracted for the production or manufacture of any sole leather of any kind or description whatever (except oak sole leather) save front the follow- ing firms.' (Here are printed the names of the firms composing the com- bine.) "Third, that my Hrw has not, n tb- er has any partner of mine, nomas anyone acting as my agent, nor hes anyone acting as the agent .of mv' fired, nor has anyone acting 'urs., the agent of arm partner .ol. nine, .pill llaZi anyor .....,htgcas bbe agent.of,thie,bud- nese deecrke:. ._" F ::. employed'by me, or by any rilti Tei o mine, or employed in connection with the business described above, nor has anyone connected with me, or with any partner of mine in any way"what- soever in the bus nese referred to above, nor has any one connected with my firm, or with the business described above. either purchased or used irt ahy way whits, ever, or contracted to buy, directly or indirectly. or contracted for the production or manufacture of ay sole leather of any kind or description whatsoever (except oak sole leather) save from She above mentioned ,firms. "Fourth, that all who are in any way connected with the business described above have in no act that would diet entitle the said business to the rebate otfered upon certain conditions by the firms above mentioned, in two circu- lars dated December 31, 1395, and Janu- ary 81, 1890, hut on the contrary, we have faithfully fulfilled, both in letter and spirit, all conditions contained in said two circulars." Now as this combine is composed of nine different firms (the circulars give n e fir a whittle names are given in the oirotdars). and the bit -wire of sole leather Must buy from them exclusive- ly or forfeit the rebate, how is it going to affect thedoxens of other sole leath-, Oe tanners throughout the country B b. bUt tbe question is asked, Oan'trthe other tat:mer'8 allow a rebate on the, same tetras as the combine. and so be on an evert footing with them ? The anbwer rs that this combine I9 composed of the only firths in Canada who manufacture !girth sole leather, and they pcaoticafl control that branch a the trade. They also manu- faeture saaughter sole leather as web, and in this line tlfey come in competi- tion with the small manufacturer out - eine of the combine, anti now here comes the point aimed at by the com- bines. They say to the buyers and dealers in sole leather, who have to have both kinds, viz., slaughter and Spanish sole leather, as both are nec- essary' in their 'business, You must buy from us exclusively or we will not give you the rebate ; that is, you have got to buy your Spanish from us, for you can get it nowhere else ; no one else makes it. You will also have to buy your slaughter sole leather from us as well, or you will lose the rebate. Now, I think I have made this point pretty dear, and you can see at once the position the small manufacturer of sole leather is placed in. The ques- tion might also he asked, Why do not .the smwll manufacturers of sole leather -go into the manufacture of Spanish sole? To this I would say that the hides necessary for the manufacture of this line have to be imported, and the small tanner lacks the capital neces- sary to do this. Ile has to confine himself to the purchase of what hides he can buy in his own locality, and is unable to manufacture Spanish sole leather on that account. I nave as many as a dozen letters from different firms stating that they are unable to buy from me on account of this com- bine ;' that theMould prefer buying in an open ntarket,, but from the exist- ing statti of things' it is against their interests to do so, and I have no doubt but that other tanners outside of the combine are in the same position as myself.' Now if this isnot a conihine, and if they do not exert an undue influence to prevent competition, what is it? It must either he a combine or a conspir- acy, and such 11 one as no Government that has the interest of the people at heart should allow to exist fora mo- ment. This association also asks file Gov- ernatent for an increase of protection, ere' it Will he impossible for them to carry on their business on account of foreign coinpetition. Why, sir, they are 'sending their surplus to Europe and competing with them there. What is to hinder them from corn pet ing with us at house? The fact of the matter is. they do not want competi- tion of any kind. Give them increas- ed Protection to shut foreign competi- tion, and they have things in such a shape that they can soon crush out competition at borne. Now, Mr. Edttor, if the Government cannot frame a law strict enough to do away with this combine (or any com- bine) the only way that I can see is so put Spanish sole leather on the free list, so' that consumers can buy their supplies where they like, and not he compelled, as is now the case, to buy from this com- bine. For my part I would sooner face open competition with the whole world than compete with this combine (.led.ars I now have to do) with 'my bands A TANNER (OUTSIDE OF THE COMBINE). December 15. The shove unrighteous combine was horn in sin about five years ago, and bas since -become so'htron g, that they threaten the very existence of the Gov- erurfient if they dare to interfere With them; and just here we ask leather cut- ters, what have you gained by your exclusive deal with the cambine, or what do you expert to gain if they succeed In driving all the slaughter sole leather tanners out of business, or what could you do then if they put up the price of sole leather higher? They have been simply chaiginq you about ten per cent. ,too high, and giving you a repate of five per cent., that is all. The above letter was published two years ago in the Globe. and we think it should be republished and kept before the public press 1111 just- ice is done. Sir Richard Cartwright stated distinctly on the floor of the House of Commons, that on proof of any combine he would open the market, and now they have got all the proof that any sane man requires, and we simply call up- on him to do justice in this natter. These are questions that the Government will he called upon to answer on the hustings. and on the floor of the House of Commons bext session, if justice is not done sooner. Oct. 20th, 1898. W. G. SMITH. Tanner. SOLKIITORShitgheelelt ltir]R1tSP WREIIK for 'Tee' Of ta-Pklri° pnea,o by Muret Hen + q tmiwlMned PF the uoyetzuwott Its o Wer Derartmeat. The boost ±gaw nr item! army oapmeat ;Ips Freneleeer, oo ili,. with d, 0 Merr'tt, n the•hoapitatga 1111%1n Hon. KOOK:III the Amerlosn Ixenostatl: etmange.f the .Inse utrunptWith. ,e gwpui. a,.;; an l0n eareOatrafwh Bong** forage 3hn%. f platurastaken byarnment pltotogra en the pot. book. Low"pdbes. Preflta, Fret ht all. CradiiRlyen. Dropp, traeby unufpclal w hooka, .Twit.. iree,i Address, F. T. Barbet, bao'T, filar IWinran94 Blag., Chicago. el i 14 Tina Brants a newspaper and .1wt s ,;cues qant}t andquty -Three ntontbr1ornotila � &l tnag• yy$lite%% mRnth4,former a dellgi: " .. .... ... 11 he Dominion BaHknipt Stock Co. Always on the alert for SNAPS, has bought the .Hamilton Stock of Tho GOdortGl oOrl Entre been removed td the store on.tb, Square; next door to Knight's grooery, where with improve.' accommodation We can do air kinds of Cleaning, Dyeing. - and Repairing, Pants pressed while you watt All Work Guaranteed. A. SMITH, Prop. 'Bros: Stock of Dry Goods, Mantles and Millinery, bought Mens' and Youths' Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Shirts,and Draw,. ers, Top Shirts, Flannels, Blankets Ladies' and Misses' Wool Skirts, Ladies' Vests and Drawers, . , AT 50crs ON THE S. Winter OVCr6oat OF •ai1t hot take one look at our goods. Oar Clothing is1: MeV t"or the quality,—.maw — For . 7.50 For $ I.5o s. A. P. M°LEAN,Art Tailor, Natty Hatter and Genta' Furrilaller, omenol. See our Special Line of FRIEZE U128T'E1t81 all eiaea and all tlhades. See our Job In Boys' Caps, Overcoat., and 5100, • Were $ti'.00 House Furnishing Things This Stock along with the balance of the Colborne by us at 44c on the $. Lady' Bought some cheap Soap at 1U b a rgain centre, She afterwards saw our Stook and found that ob. could buy tbe tin - est Soap at nearly the same pride, J WILSONDre..e.tion , Drug Ston. TERMS CASH -NO CREDIT. Telephone Heretoe at your dispoiala6-night. Warning ! __ Any person or persona cutting or remov. lag any Loge or Timber now cast oa tha shores of Lake Huron, will_ be proseonteal to the fall extent of the Law. CAPT. WM. BABB, Agent for the Owners Goderioh, Sept. 6th, 189e. You Want the Best. Read what.a well-known Godorlet of Kelsey's Generators. - Godericb, May 7th, 1898. . •Gnwrtstnne-one-est your No. 18' Raiser(Generators was put in my ome last fall old the express, condition that if it shquld_p,p prove satisfactory an exchange for ahethet urnace was to be effected. Now that tt}}�,ewin• ter is over and the Kelsey has been tdeted, have no desire to change as I have Lound 11 both efficient and economioaL The heated air is of excellent quality and free from dust and coal gas. While the radiating power of the Kelsey in the funiace collar is scarcely per. ceptible, there is no difficulty in keeping the temperature on the Bret and second storeys evenly at 70' Fab. I regard the Generator as first-class, S. P. Halts, M. A. Prin. of Model and Public Schools, We aro solo agents for them and will be glad to have you call and enquire. J. H. WORSELL, Stoves and Plumbing. MUST BE SOLD IN 40 DAYS. as we close up the business in that time. YOU CAN BUY $3 worth of Staple Goods for $I, and $io worth of Fancy Goods fol' $li, HERE DURING TE'IB SALE. Yon will not get such a chance again, so don't miss it. Have arrived. What do you need? Is your kitchen hulking in any useful article 4 When yon go to bake bread, cake, or cuok other things, do you sigh for same certain utensils which would lighten your labor ? If so, rejoice - we are sell- ing House Furnishing Goods for astonishingly low prices. Call and see for yourself at CATTLE BROS., PLUMBERS AND TINSMITHS. Next Sturdy Bros• DOMINION. BANKRUPT - STOCK CO. COLBORNE BROS. OLD STAND. snaps for BargainflUDt6ri Now that we are almost drove to death in our Famoge Order Department, we want to specially call the attention of the many people who like GODERIOH The Nlmmoo and Harrison BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND College, llege,, Cor.Y7oronoe, Vier SW. Ig. a first-class Commercial School. En- 1trged promisee, increased staff of tench 4 ere. All oounea of studs under the most capable qualified Instructors, who give instruction which enabiee its students to see the best salaried positions and to a Malt searching public examina. �ersau . Writelor new prospectus trete. 6't T'Z D-"tlitz`. t^" pca nesteod Phones Iraas to Tor. _ .r an.. of P.8o, Under graduate Tor. bnty. & 8. of P.S., Prin',. F. BARLOW HOLMES, -Dealer in-- LEHIGH VALLEY CIODERIOH, ONT. MANUFACTURER OF FINE, ,CARKIAGES OF ALL STYLFS. Also sell factory work in Dngglea, Carringes and Lumbef Wagons. Repainting, rotrrllmm- tng, tops, cushions, /to. All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended to. Second- hand riga of nearly all kindit for sale cheap. DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS OPPOnITE COLBORNE HOTEL. Ready10-oar Overooats. We have some excellent linoe in the celebrated Shot'o), Rigby Water- proof Ulsters, thorough guarantee in each pooket, ueually sold at $8 and $10, Our price Is only $6.60. A line of fine Beavers in Bine and Black, at $8 and $9, regular prices $10 and $12. These are big snaps for Bargain Hunters, but they will not last long, because they will go quick. x We are leaders in the Order Depal tment. If you want something medium( or high grade. tome and see us, ..:We are busy, but we can supply your wants much better if you call early. PR[D[iAM, The Tailor. y e do all kinds of MOULDIN G AND REPAIR MACHINERY GALS. COAL CHARCOAL WOOD and KINDLING.. . Grate Egg Stove BITUMINOUS COALS. Nut Seleot Lump Steam Nut Nut BLACKSMITHINC COAL. E are still at the old stand, Nelsons St.. where we have been supply- ing our customers fol• a number of years. We know the fuel that suits you. Orders left with our delivery rigs or at Worsell's stove and tin shop and at our office will receive prompt at- tention. A11 coal weighed on market scales unless otherwise ordered. We run several drays in connec- tion. 'PHONE 02. ,rtApld'._ t'Wlti.i A moat remarkable convent is to be fund in the catacombs of the Rnssinti eat hedral at Kiev. Deep down beneath the magnificent cathedral are miles of suhterranenn corridors, lined with cella in which 1,500 ascetics perform their daily devotion and duties, live, eat and sleep, in the grim company of their dead predecessors. Signals of Danger. -Have you Wet your appetite? Have you a coated tongue? Have you an unpleasant taste in the mouth? Does your head ache and have ydii.dizzineas? If so, your stomach is out of order and you need medicine. But you do not like medi- cine. He that prefers sickness to medi- cine must suffer, but underthe circum - Stances the wise man Would procurer et box of Parmelee's 'Vegetable Pills and speedily get himself in health, and strive to. keep SO. At a meeting of army chaplains in. Stvitzerland, held recently to discuts the best methods of petfontnin their duties, there were nineteen rotest- ants and eleven Roman Cethol ea pre- sent. A, joint -committee: -consisting of three Protestants and two Oatholies was organized to promite the work. The preceedings throdghonb were har- mdnioUs. WATER, CRACKERS AND ORIJICIJ '0 e the nmaddYllnentio bill offerit. T ere'ire no .fahea�� nems no tittle ow pitied no fdn. ,T eMeni nein Tori Paget a etoniiiClt.Iotaairf.VI atkt ten fat titnaar p� atlitWittet V et 11s+,1Jl Onto Tto 4dt'iWtr itird+lle1.ee thea moat:5lilllfatitr le mak, Oak ;iiipWie Nuccese comes to those who perse vet e. If you take Hood's Sarsaparilla faith- fully and persistently, you will surely be benefited. in this country best year the numher of milch cows increased about 25 per cent, and the numher of other cattle over 80 per cent. while the numher of sheep and swine slightly decreased. Miller's Worm Powder; cure fits in children. CARTAGE AND FUEL CO. John S. PIaAA, Trouble is in store for the monks of Roush►. There are 43.000 of them in '742 monasteries in the empire. The Government is inquiring what good they do. They are supposed to help the poor, care for the destitute, sick, and teach the children. Th'e result of the inquiry, so far, is that the beds for the sick do not average three to a mon- estery; no schools exist in connection with any of the monasteries, and se-areely any relief is given to the des- titute. Miller's Compound Iron Pills have such virtue that,every One should try t hem. Tho effort being tnttde ill Australia to unite Methodists of the 'Wesleyan variety, Primitinee arid others in one strong church Is �1►tettngwith snccees. Union has been alreaid'y ter riized in Queensland. In Uthant1 Went Aus- tralia it ie to be accothplfehed finesd year, when the flrtt conferent:'e Or the united bodies elite be field tttr,6,dr5141dein Marcb.1 miter's. 'Worm 1 iltil mil! lr, thenatat lne for cs! —. M817.dc3-3131t MOB MIA 401.111. THE OLD RELIABLE Slack CEMENTS Portland Cement, Canadian Cement, Calcined Plaster, sewer Pipe. Piro Brick, etc., oto. The Very Lowest Prices for Cash. Prompt Delivery. Storehouses and Yards: AT THE HARBOR AT THE STATION Office -at Mr. Campbell's Office, CORNER WEST ST. AND SQUARE DYEING AND CLEANING. -Why should anyone In Godorleh go out of town to have dyeing or cleaning done when they can get the beet work and most satisfaction at Curry's Dyeing and ('leaning Works, West-st.. tioderleh. Lndics and Gontlemen'x garments dyed any color required, rind all classes of clothes cleaned In tlr.t-class style. Every pinee of work turned out Ie guaranteed. -1 rices moderate, end no delivery charges. Glove cleaning a specialty. JOHN CC U IE, Pro- prietor. Everbodu is Talking ALL, KINDS OF COAL. 4LWAYS ON BAN', The best Scranton Ha: d Coal In the market for CiadleSINE All coal weighed on the market scalps where you get 2000 )1.a fors ton. WM LEE. ABOUT FOR SALE. HORSES and CATTLE. --._a-- 1 heavy draught mare, blank, 9 years old, registered. 1 spring Dolt, dam by Ranelagh, sired by Woodlawn. A beauty. 1 five-year-old cow, will calve in about • month. 1 cow, 5 year-old, Farrow. 1 cow, 9 -year-old, will calve in May. 1 dry cow, 4 -year-old. 12 good pigs, 2 months old. 1 good light waggon. 1 Rood double waggon. 1 good second-hand cut box, cheap. 1 large cut box and carriers, good se new. The Stook is all good and in first- class condition. of any deaoription at ele.ort notice and for little money The Henderson BiGi6I6 Go., Limited, GoderiGh DO YouHunt? A. McKIN"JOiN. Hamilton Bt., Goderieh. If so, the following' prices on a few lines of BREECH -LOADING GIINS D. Gantielon's hour. Fe 'Inspirit received another ear load from Manitoba. Ile brig now en hand two of the bent bramdx of Aollr that the world can pro. duce—Lake of the Wools end Orrilvi.:s from Winnipeg Miiln, made from f. n. 1 bort wheat He alr.o keeps the BEST BRANDS —OF -- ONTARIO FLOUR. People buying flour would do well by calling on D CANTEWN, the practical bakery. and he will te11 you how to blendhe Mantuth with Ontario to make a beautiful family flour ata nEASONADI"E PRICE Orders will be promptly attended to in PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS --OR OYSTER PATTIES Or any other thing In the Cske lines. Orders left at Lee' it Shepparrl's store Wtddtiiit (7aftea with Almond I Will receive prompt attention. ti*oetatty utak a ARMSTRONG BROS PUMP AND • , , • FANNING MILL WORKS. NELSON -ST.. GODERICFI. PUMP DEPARTMENT. WHOLESALE AND UETAIL, Wooden pumps In a number of different styles and sizes: No.'s 1 and 2, suitable for honse cisterns. No.'s 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, " " " wells. No.', 5, 6, 7 " " stock wells. These pumps are manufactured from atnlected quartered Algoma pine, Spanish leather trimmings, iron cap valves goaran• teed not to season cheek. No.'s b, 6 and 7,closed iron ceppod tops with iron heariniti• No.'s 5 and 6 guaranteed to work with ease by women or children in wells forty and fifty feet deep. Sinks, Water Tanks, Wood and Iron Piping, Ste. Orders by mail promptly attended to. When ordering gite depth of well from platform. sawn. OOen ADPRTa weaTNp. FANNINC MILL DEPARTMENT. Armstrong's Improved Grain and Seed Cleaners fit any Fanning Mill. Fanning Mill Screens and Sivas for any make of mill. strum. HOOD &OaaT8 WAX*1.O, ARMSTRONG SROS Will interest you : A good 12 bore Double Barrel for $7.75 A Damascus Steel 12 bore Double Barrel for $12.00 A Damascus Steel 12 bore Double Barrel with Creener Crossbolt, - - - $Is.t;p Also a full line of the Winchester Arms Compan\ 's 140 MED SELLS Come. in and examine the Stock No trouble to show goods. ROU6Vft'S fifIRDWARE STORE AS A NEWSPAPER,..* -THE STAR IS A LEADER. -THE STAR HAS (IIR9UILATiON. -TiHE STAR GiVES it 1;IL'TS TO ADVERTISERS -THREE MONTHS POtliii0THINO, 13 MONTHS FOR 51. -EVERYBODY READS VIE .IUB, -SHREWD PEOPLE ADVERTE0 EN THE NULL xr t. u,i