HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-11-11, Page 70 U �lv oull(l try 10 "toy cempeo( U-0 rroelood,,l on L1+* VIED. 000'. Bull a Plano tj Toroato,,,oll, op. Those wlio 1414 In 31"Ir ]COAX. 14 =6 *XA0rI"* ;rd. Lie us r t4 Zv-*Z MONTQ049ar. 34444ond, It. g q 1*11 far ahead of 411 at altya,lo title Imurtotelimpowl IJ01 1PL."tr, reM1114f 0 0. kesuix s ofTored ata, bar. P� vaptalm A, T. ot ,r V .16 VA 6 uplfwa you know it A as a Ile g6.4 94 1 . i it Op tiquetIded for Aldo, on th* O"k of the -VIYVAI# G=0940,1, A C c I little folks like - A 4rim f olltl;.� xr1latul At 14 is as 1 Apt syrup. ot taken. b roVorturt The, Daiwa, Bandrupt Stock Coi u y I to *W14, A QVIOX SUCCESS. Olt the 8 4AW roll 0 t frty ff. The Nordhelmor Everybody who has seen the, picture, IA 4 "The Thin Red Line." the great Intl The season of burning leaves in fit by- tin Always qln'tlie'alort for SNAPS, has bought the Ad F. r t Ill Is the piano OJ the otilturol. Ingrid, This is it "riaelens iorld offensive flld�!, . Ir For has beer) on picture of the century, given with now raCtIce,. Take the leaves into your Ir, hie 0. anodian market end late always and'renewal stibodriptions to the Pam- I .. 1 11 Hamilton, Stock of the J eil r$ and YQU is I I- srd Or tvard-In cover them lurh.- ., _*#� given the very r).Ob eatisfacgon, ily Herald and NVeekl;y Star, Moptreal, 1 9- 1 � 7"", TugSTARfOR neWslt%cr lind lizrin Call ?*, gives in fit any limit and sou'our at) X predicted rdmary succeed fOr1IV,#JQI e d let them 0ecompose �atl qxtrap tilt andquality. T rato jtrm�it a oroloth- It a, art go a atal * or any. e w n er. oil w a you may wa t. ruluntafo we, It, but we 40 not believe anyhod if yebuld- ve a f1iii 1h an enornicIiij, Oe�L� 16019. have dreamQ4 o, 0.1U1'.1`i11 of� the richest soil ar compost ill i vervo won to your entire rrr� 4 In U ' 3 for It within 4 W the spring,_ dv T% . V w o oubb" he Thin , R'S 0 N'S i I avo the distinction bringing 1* 1 need Who continua,lv tued, now I REMOVA I BIVYCLIC X11010 HPUSN, WXRT-ST quicker sticceps, and cres, I a greater arristrongand well-Miller'sVompound MI I demand than, ovy premi 1, ctuim of Tron Pills did it. w6h a T. Of r4hohnor Plano I ! RUM, two o., oron , I . modern times. STRONO ENOUGH FOR CANCERS. Tho Gogorl6h selloolles WHY RREUMATI61181aKECFATARATI. cionoorslerocausel tv poisonous humors in -a I III III I mallill I I Q blood. - The on nonsurgical treatinittit inflamittlons. The former Of the cao It to P I 11yetem Tonle. This Is a WORS the muaoou% Mem. we III b uritler and at the woo time bra on ob 0 Have been remetited So the oto3* ott 111;16 ,y a 00 buildo , Lour Scrofula Eczema and t hou A thirty da a and bohn And plan next door to KnIghtle ry, no he �d to cure either Is, n a doe p a 50c. Sold by On. 8111:1- o ur�le a boed 18ug and blood I In i 0 tit w Wi roVod secommodall-00' we T y wr 0 t oatmeal 11 I IT & fl he , her. h 6 rl IIIT ral - al. ro. Ith Idwspof TErxPI1OXIC CALL 71 he _..L ra a _.X,. r._.di line can do &I kht pie t. V te 4..e. let �. at .be Drug Store Prevent Disorder. -At the first symIi. Cleaning, Dyeing. FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1898. - tomsof Internal disorder, Parmelee's and Remirlilig, TO CURE CATARRH VegetablePills should be reaorted to untriedilutely. Two or three. of these Pants pressed while you wait, Do not depend upon snuffs. inhalants All Worls: Gualroantood. West Wawanosh. or other local Applications. Catarrhis salutat pellets, taktn before going to be , '61 by doses o o e or we BRinra.-The season was to close at it constitutional disease, and can be for r three nigbts in succes- the Nile cheese factory on oLr about successfully treated only by, means of a Pills a it k A. SMITH9 ProP. Nov. Oth, but cheese w[II st,111 be made constitutional remedy liye Hood's Sar. slon,wil rvettsaprovent.ivoof tt c a fortwoorthree weeks. -Mrs. Joseph saparilla, which thoroughly purifies of yap sin and tilt the discomforts Washington is recover! in her re- the blood and removes the scrofulous which follow in the train of the fell drq- cent severe illnem-E. =has leas taints which cause catart-h. The great order. Tile mleans are simple when ed W. Leddy's farm for five years at- nutuber of testimonials from those who the way is known. A $200 a y ear. -The- -friends of Wm. have been cured of catarrh by Hood's Plunkett presented him with. an easy Sarsaparilla. prove the unequalled Those who do not wish to have t be it, chair. and he wits ofcourse'surpr this medicine to conq.qr this lettem sent to the dead letter- office C I 8110111(t have their names find addresses d",('swit's'e0f It troubled with catarrh, give Lao Stephen Medd has erected d silo Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial at once. printed on tile tipper left hand corner Ensilage for winter feed is highly spok: of the envelopes. On o . Bought *0me Council met on Nov. I according to The Liberals of West Hurob will bold My daughter- ha improved so much obo3p adjournment. Members all present. a convention in Dungannon on Friday. that you would ectIrcely know her- b a tgain cilitro, She afterwillrdii.0aw Minutes of last liseeting road and ap. the Ilth inst., at which candidates will Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it. our Stock �;,And froved. TreAsurer's state me n t show Pd ;. cruninated for the Dominitto Parlia- found tb%1.',','sbe alance on hand of $497.27. John ment, and Provincial Lpgialature. Flieker waited an council about drain Those who olive seen a woodchuck, could buy kbaIlp. "T )site his lot, con. 2. -The boarA of- say that. he is beavily coated, and that cat -Soap at lioiily hNe'd Mr. Fluker $2 as their share of When your business becomes Irk- is it sure sign of heavy frost. Parly in the some price, outlet to drain, on motion of Plunkett some and distasteful you are not well. January - It Messrs. Munro, and ? and Cat eron., Miller's Collipound irorr Pills will make J. WILSON1 Drug tokq. Young waited on council about drain it a pleasure to.attend to business, and One of the greatest blessings to TERMS CASH -NO CREDIT. In Manchester. The board agreed to greater profit will result. parents is Mother vraves'Worm Exter- Telephone service at your dfoposat all Tqkht. send on the township engineer. Initiator. It effectually expels worms' Messrs. Munro and Young asked for Exeter Advoeate:-Mr. B. V. Elliott, and gives health in it marvellous man- charltv for Samuel Clark. $10 was who bits not enjoyed the best of health nor to the little one. granted, on motion of Medd and Plunk- for the past few years, left last week for Warning I ett The following checks were issued : New York, where hp intends under - Municipal Word, supplies. $3 66 ; 3 no. going an operatiou. He wits accolli. There was a large vote tagi,in tb 0 Mole, refund of std6ite labor. $1.50; D. village of Formosa. Bruce county. and Any person or persons cutting or raov- nanied,sby hi's con, Retinald, I of the Kennedy. gravel account, $3.50 Thos. Molson 13ank. Norwic . It s to be 1 was unanimous against prohibition. Ing any Logo or Timber now casbodthe Agnew, gravel account, $1.89 Joint hoped that ttio operation Will prove abores of Lake Huron, will be progiscoad Tavior, culverts on S. B., $1.50 Win. ancepsgfa) and that our esteetned towns- Miller's Worm Powders are a vmn- to the full extent of the Law. Fluket. ditch or% S. B,, $2 ; Jan. Mole. man may goor, be restored to his form- derful medicine for ailments of child - 2 culverts in Manchester. $Z and drain er state of good health. ren. CAPT. -WM. BABB. oil S. B., $2,50 ; P. Watson, balance of Agent for the 00hers gravel account and shovelling. $13.76 HERE RESTS YOUR HOPE. We are offering TaE STAR from now Goderich, Sept. 6th. 1898. until January. 1000. for one dollar. Clerk. stelecting -jui-ors, $4 . Assessor. New reinedies etune, and ne-w reme- This is on condition that the dollar fie selecting juroi-8, $4 ; Reeve. selecting dies go; but Scott's Emulsion is the furor.4, $4 ; Thos. Hamilton. gravel ac. great rock foundation ou, which paid before the end of this year. It You Want the Best*�,' Count, $2,10. Jno. -Ing, you.canuot brin in your dollars. issind &nI by Mail, Ostvk1,pqtes are handy orich man '7 A g4dy, , i:eVah Aill 000&, �Reud what a well-known GGdorich manu I 'M - - �j 'r .". 1 4, quite safe. 1, I,_ y '97 Ing, Sk Is 'unhappily ati -This Con. 10. $0.241 gr0iilli epticism. GzNTLruEr;,-One of your No. 18 Relse culves,t-con, I All -a meeting_Qf. the _dIr&fors o6bo- age of -skepticism, but, there­Liq -06-0 Generators wan put Jolley fionte Ifteb.-fall on' $4; Geo. Mowbray, culvert E.B., .75; South Huron Agricultural $o�letv held point upon whinh persons acjfiain�tt the express condition that It it shoo d not Tay, drain, con. S. $3 ; Thee. at Hensall, It was d6cided tp bold a fat with the subject agree, name v, t prove satisfactory an exchange for another 11. Mar stock show on the Agracultural Dr. Thomtu' Eclectric Oil is u medicine furnace was to be effected. Now that the win - Nicholson. gravel ni-.connt, $12.27 ; Jno grounds in Exeter. on Frid D.?!cem- which eon be relied it to 'cur ter Is over and the Kelsey bas been mted. I McLean. gravel account. $27.40 J. 11 a have no desire to change as I have found it her 16th. Liberal prizes wil)%e olfered cough, remove pain, C"al soreseof both efficient and economical. The heated air Miller, lumber itnd 11.08, and Coveriniz ); A. Johnston, for fat stock of all kinda, also for various kindR, and benefit any inflarn- Oof excellent quahLy and free from dust and bridge con. 12, $3( d rai n dressed meat& and poultry. ed portion of the body to w I'm, gas. While the radlatloar power of the con, 9. $33.49; graditur and gravelling. hich it is X-olse cept 6,1,.In the furnace cellar is scarcely per con. 6, $44.0; grading and culvert, E. applied. , there is no difficulty In keeping the B.. $48.94; J. Kirpat-Euk. cutting hill, WATER, CRACKERS AND GRUEL temperature oil the first; and seeond storoya even, t 70' Fab, I regard the Generator as E. B., "..50; Ed. McLean, gravel and to the usual dyspeptic bill btfore. There axe no There are some curious facts about drii,."IL.. S. P HAX,14, M A damage. $7.30; Jac. l3aroer, gravel and Aftusa5e8k 'to banquets. no little su?pors and no tile calendar. No century can begin PrIn, of ilodel and NR(c Schoolm. fun. ra oWerrill's Systom Toill ti and g,et a damage, $19.01: JaH. Young-, lumber A on Wedneoday, Friday or Sunday. We are Role agentir for them and will be glad 4 of * tomach. lots at Vic and then cat mince, pie Account, $27.92; D. McDonald, Job and callebal t , to have you call and onquire. o with t c rest of us. system 'ionic The same calendar can be used every on N. B. $25.00; Jas. Foster, gravel and Is Par exec lorce the most perfect tonic oath. twenty years. October always In Ing urn- artic known, 60 DpItasant-to-toko dImeq damage, $5.6(); Wul. McAllister, I I we' on thrl Same day Of the week asef.n- J. 11. WORSELL, ber for drain, 50c .: Samuel Clark, char- SoldatDiinham'a rug8iore. uarv; Avril as 3 uly; September as De- ity, $10.ft Council adjourned to meet An exchange warns farmers agarnst cember. February, Marchand Novem- Stoves and Plumbing. on Dec. 15 at 10 o'clock. a sLick fellow. driving It. dandy team, bet begin on the same days, ay. W. S. MCCROSTIO, Clerk. whc sells oats that bear 60 bushels to the June and August always begin ordif. alere. If STAR readers are intervi",ed ferent days from each other and every Recent Farm Sales. b%, him, we warn them to be very caxe- other month in the year. Tbeffistand COAL jas. W. Wilson sold his farm in Step- fill in their business dealings.- last days of the �ear are always the hen, lot 17, conceseion 22. to.Jos, Ger- same. These ru es do not apply to mett, and hought, the 100 acre farm leap vear, when comparison is made CHARCOAL Five more of the MuRsulmans con- between days before and after Febru- known tie tho ,Woodrow farm," from victed of taking part In the massacre ary ?8tb. gram, for $4,00. Will. it, Donald Stewart ling disposed of his of British soldiers al� Crete on Septem- WOOD and bar 6, have been hanged. two 50 acre tArrus in Stephen. beinr YOUR BEST INTERESTS half of lot 12, concession 13. and half of ---------- 4- Will be served by making sure of KINDLING. lot 14. concession 12. to Jos. Ziler. The You think I look so mucli better: yes, health. It will he a loss of time atid )rice paid was$4,2(0- Mr.8tewartbAs and I feel hetter-Mi4ler's 'Compound money to be stricken with serious ill - not here he will reside. Iron Pills did it ness. "Take flood's S%rsaparillu and yet decided vir A correspondent at Kippen writes purify your blood. In tbis wity E atr.e still at the old stand, Nelson Farm property it earns A rear -end collision took where we have been supply n this locality a I I ek anglace at germs of disease will be expelled, E t cattle ties@ and suffering will be avoided, and y Ing our customers for n. number .o be changing hands rapidly. Isaac Paris, between a freight 'Wears. We know the fuel that suits Jarroft has sold his 50 nore farm in train. Driver Bothwell was seri sly- your health will be presetTed. THn't 0 you. ther-in-law, Gilbert hurt, and a number of, oil cars were this A wise course? StinleY to Ilia fit r. Orders left with our delivery rigs McDonald, for thestim of $2,803. M' smashed. Jarrott has since bought the farm Of HOOD'S PILLS are the only pills to or 'it Worsell'o stove and tin shop and of the London road - office will receive prompt at - Mrs. John Roes, If the child is restless at night, hw-; takewith Hood's Sarsaparilla. Price at out $t3.00). As this is one of the tention. for rest forms In this locality, all coated tongue, sallow complexion. a 25 cents. choi � co All coal weighed on marhot scales i hin n9idered, Mr. jarl.ott has got dose of Miller's Worm Powders is what rooTvahie for his money. Alex. Me- is required; very pleasant and perfectly Mr.H.Salter, of, Oshawa, was assault- unless otherwise ordered. �PJVI,, of Stanley. has also been ex- harmless. ed aml robbed in broad daylight by We run several drays In connec- tending his borders, and has bought three men at Cedardale. The police tion. t h, fA rtn of M rq. AlcDougall. of the 3r4 RUBY LrPS AND A CLEAR STCIN have made three arrests in connection C. Mt -.inn or stanlpv. This fine pro are guaranteed to ajr w a witli the case. PHONE 62 I his uatrv,� * v adjoins Mt.. Mcf3eath's, which iirm dyatom To Ile. lii,�Iei, 1crr ,vill give hilll Mir excellent. farm of 20D Is sp7cially adapted for women. lirmrae�ilgiolalot- Do Not Delay. -When. through de- CARTAGE AND FUEL CO. acileq. The price is in the neighbor- ,Ppl ,,, iro" for the blood, cures conialp�,tlaa. hilitAteddigesiiv4p.oigano,poigon finds strengthens the norveR. And by Ila blood purify- its way into the blood, the prime con - hood of $5,500. inf and muscle topin Prdxcit�es qxlickly cures OF fit fornale Ills. 60 es, it- 0 tolk doise� Oft sideration is to get the poison o it its idn S. Flatty One More Unfortunate. Sold at Dunham's Drug Store. rapidly titind as thoroughly as possible. Del,, may mean disaster. Parmelee's VOgI A Toronto despatch of Wednesday to,) last week said: --Edna Leslie, it young There never wa- an anaver will be. Ij Pilli; will he found a most valuableand effeetiverriedicine to aspell woomin of 21, of doubtful reputation. a universal panacea. in one remedy, the intruder wit.h. They never fail. went, into IL restaurant on Xing street for all Ilia to which flesh lie heir -the XK30 Xm3Cm C310 -&-its west about, tell O'clock, sat dowu and very nature of Ma" Curatlyest being They go at once to tbe acat of the (Iran k half an Ounce of- earbolle heid. such that wera the gertins of other troubleand work a permanent cure. A (Joetor was Instantly summoned and differentLv seated ditleasell root - hut 1,11c unfortunate woulan diod in fif- ed In the System of the p4tiont-what Ore shipments from Rossland THE OLD RELIABLE teen minutes. The body was remov would relieve out 111, In turil would amounted to 4,415 tons last week, ex - to the morgue, where it was Identifle aggravate the other. We have, how. , ceeding all previous records. bv it man who said the WOMAII�0 �resl ever, In Quinine Wine, *b6n obtaln­j name is Makgl� Kennedy. and that she able In a sound thadult Ated state. Good health It; Ivorth inore than r a r6rhed.Y for WIW3� and J906voun Ills. anythins arql every twttle tormerly lived in Seatorth Ont. '17he coilonei-s� P* wbichsat wi be' tiabeeVoy4emis are 16d Into'corivill-7 Of H ond a Sarsitpar Ila contains good case retmed a verXet of suicide, and egeance and strength; by fhe Inn nencep health. a o, &dded a rider commending the action which Qldlnlli6 exorts on oature,R Own Of the Morality Department, the restoratives. It ralleves tile droop- ALL, KINDS OF Prisoners' AK'Society. the House of Ing spirits of tbo" With, whom in, providence And many lading for their chronic state of Mdrbld disspolidenc3r CHEWING TOBACCO. C care of the Kenn6dv girl during her and lack of Interlbist In Ilia is a dls- ninny Illnesses. ease, and by tranquilizing the nerves. OALN ill connection with the evidence dispoores oi sound sud retk6shing steep Two Kinds. staff Inspector Archibald I)r-.tdueLld a letter from the girl's mother. It read ;,"parts vlgor to the Adtlb" of the TWO Sizes. 2LLWAYS ON BANt. dod# *bIch, blillue Stlitntl6ted, conr- as follows, see thvougbout the'veltis, strengthen- .-Seaforth, Ont- Aug. 16-Dslar MRX' gle., I don't vrant you fit holne- When Ing tae boalthr Adjurall ttlentions oll MAHOGANY The best Scranton Ha -d Coal 'you were here Yon did not kno"r hOW thet6by Inakink "tivity ta'aporeelath youp ndvantAges, find I tMtAt, 0itrIvakthentrig the 'told you to- jyjany, t,irne. llglOot life tO the diges- In the marhat for it, you abused me in libtlitril. therefore yet' fnANr StAY the "ttem" demand 4 nec a,, frIme, anir tivie 0 Iratit *WU bAthtall$ wherd y6AI M*4 I really don't Want Itict6666d BLACK. C3.AL99":1 ood.byn kor ever. appetite. Not�tbiroo A Vyvaslo, of To - you hem , S64 All coal weighed On A6 111fitket scalfs tolititit, ha*6 t'h6'#ikbIIc their Try Themoo� where you got �W lblo, for 6 11ft- tht tAteiWA&l1f1tnk t6 lt+�qg�kb dtperloil 4419AA01 'Will" it tite usual 6t gitis, kAtts, t6d �'*t*t*dAq0 4U 001rdon of TM ("o t,,rt,,.,,",,.,,,,,,,,,,. near. 9-TWETT R SM GO-, WM LEE. ffloh44 W Mali #006d., &hWbhte& iof"04 -WitliVIA, botUd-44 1�ftfbftf" ot-Mij It, tX4 mmarket orders left at 1*o & l5hqPrd"6 ItIfIrli mww* 'Ali 1,00 .4t Will rVotilre Prompt MWIA04. sit, - Mens' and Youths"Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Shirts and Drawleir, ers, Top :.Shirts, Flannels, Blanklets, Ladleg' and Mlsse�l W6ol Skirts, Ladies"'Vests and Drawers, AT 50cts ON THE $0 This Stock along with the balance of the Colborne Bros.' Stock of Dry Goods, Mantles and Millinery. bought by us af 44c on the $- IUST BE SOLD IN 40 DAYS. as we close up the business in that time. YOU CAN BUY 03 worth of Staple Goods for Ill, and $io worth of Fancy Goods for $i, HERE DURING TH18,8ALE. You will not got such a chance again, so don't miss it. DOMINION BANKRUPT STOCK GO. C01,11ORNE BROS. OLD STAND. GODERICH APE f= iThef=1mm-el and Harrison J. E. BRYDGES BUSINESSAND *..-SHORTHAND College.'Or-'�orn.','.On'to'oO'llletgests- Is a first-class Commercial School. En. larged premises, increaR a Ir of touch ore. All comess of otu under c most capable qualified Instr otore, who give instrqqtton wbIqh -n-W tf-t- . . . . . . . Doe., JAN9 the. to -o, ONT 11D rat or -4 , _h on ukkaiunsit or 11 ZraVflyd=t9yMr "-'emirdrigio4ha lUjuOdne,1. -, P 0,91. FINE-OARRIAO of P.8 TkI OFAUSTYLFS. AlRo sell factory work In ntigles, Carriages anti Lumbef Wagong. , no ylafin.tl�g, ratrimm. Ing. tops. onshlona, &c A w warranted. Repatil It to. Second- hand A�jromtaly attended F. BARLOW HOLMES, nearly all kinds for We cheap. Dealer in - DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS LEHIGH OPPO,41TE COLBORNE HOTEL. VALLEY COALS. Grate RIZg Stove Nut BITUMINOUS COALS. Select Lunip Swam Nut Nut Slook BLACKSMITHING COAL. -AIAO- FOR SALE A HORSES and CATTLE. -0- 1 heavy drought more, black, 9 years old, registered. I spring colt, dam by Ranelagh, sired by Woodlown. A beauty. I five-year-old cow, will calve in oboat a Tnonth� I cow, 5 year-old. Farrow. FURS Vat, iduter wiU always be the fashion. Thore "a M&DY ways of cutting ow, 9 -year-old. will calve ir. Ality. I dry cow, 4 -year-old. Our g4rillents however, anti the otyles this year inerit your atten. tion on aftount uf flicir beauty 041 t"tefulness. Theftin no place like ours to become I good light willigon. Mquaintod with this class of soda. I Rood double waligon. THE PALACE "llia alone, A. P. M1 LEAN cLsT Calcined Plaster. mower Pipe. I good second-hand out box, ohoa It. I large out box and carriers, good as now. Do ,n ID60, flouseFurnishl- gTh � ft You Hunt? Prompt Delivery F Storehouses and Yards: AT THE HARBOR AT THE STATIOm Hava arived. Wbat do yoll tioted? If so, the following prices on a few lines of OMco--at Mr. Campbell's Office, CORNER WEST HT. AND SQUARE Hamilton St., Cloderioh. BREECH 6UNS nYXING AND CIXANTNO, -Why Ah I I 11,y nnyone in Goderich go out of tow 0"!� linvedyeing or cleanince done when tbe)�-- ARMSTRONG BROS. Is your kitchen 11461bg i�n any got the O"t work And most Fmd-faction at Will interest you CZo DyIngdan.d (Icaning Works. %'est-mt., n orich. a it, find Ofint1cm(n)'9 garments PUMP useful urticle ? W'hen you go to d ed an 1,11a required. and all vinp�ea of c.rd Ialie. (g c tlf�t4,lasii.tylc. Evaryiplece ot FRNNING MILL WORKS, bakiii broad. cake, or 69k lothor of work 0irned out IR guaranteed. I. OCR mod,rnte, -"done dolivez chame.g. r0love I t Cleaning a Ape talty. JO N C RRI . Pro. NELSON -ST.. GODE RICH. tijings. do you sigh for sorao osrWn I PUMP DEPARTMElff. utensils whioh *ould lighten your Lverbodu Is Talk1no labor? If ISO, rejoice, -we arg aell- Creener Crossbolt, $15-00 styles and sizes; ing House Furnishing Ooods for A BOUT No.'s I and 2, suitable for house clotornit. D. Gantolon's flour. astonisbingly low prices. C&H and ace for yourself at GATTL[,�,,BROS., PLUUBICI113 AND Tissurillits. arlecled quititoml Algoma pitte, 9phnish, le0ho, ti,irnmingo. iron cap ValVes guaran- Next Sturdy Bros. PF!dhaM the Tal;lorlt STILL IN THE LEAD. We know we muqt be giving satisfaction otberwise we would not be doing one of the largest tailoriog businesses in western On- pario ; our trade extending from Atlantic to Pacific. Our main study has been die Tailoring business. From the day we left school we started -to learn it. We know how the Gcods ar3 made, and learning how every part of the Rument is pur, to- gether. Our cutter is an artist and designer, and we employ only oxperi- encod tailors. We have made a special effort this fall to place before tile 1110 the nicest stock of Goods it is possible for tho looms to tarn out, afl . thil differ6t grades to suit evervilody. Me- - um the. same care im making --and cutting all of thour, Bim -ply 0,, difference in quality -to SUIT the prico to your pocketbook. _x PRIDHAM. The Tailor. e do all killds o MOULDING AND REPAIR MACHINERY of any desoriplion at 84 -ort notioet and for lieth nzvne!l CEMENTS ow, 9 -year-old. will calve ir. Ality. I dry cow, 4 -year-old. The flenaerson BIGUGIC 60.9 LIMItcall Godcriclh 1'2"good pigs, 2 moilths old. Portland Cement. I good light willigon. Canadian Cement, I Rood double waligon. Calcined Plaster. mower Pipe. I good second-hand out box, ohoa It. I large out box and carriers, good as now. Do Fire Brick, etc.. etc. The Very Lowest Prices for Cash. The Stack is all good and in first. claBe condition. You Hunt? Prompt Delivery Storehouses and Yards: AT THE HARBOR AT THE STATIOm A. MCKINNON. If so, the following prices on a few lines of OMco--at Mr. Campbell's Office, CORNER WEST HT. AND SQUARE Hamilton St., Cloderioh. BREECH 6UNS nYXING AND CIXANTNO, -Why Ah I I 11,y nnyone in Goderich go out of tow 0"!� linvedyeing or cleanince done when tbe)�-- ARMSTRONG BROS. -LOADING got the O"t work And most Fmd-faction at Will interest you CZo DyIngdan.d (Icaning Works. %'est-mt., n orich. a it, find Ofint1cm(n)'9 garments PUMP d ed an 1,11a required. and all vinp�ea of c.rd Ialie. (g c tlf�t4,lasii.tylc. Evaryiplece ot FRNNING MILL WORKS, A good 12 bore Double Barrel for $7.75 of work 0irned out IR guaranteed. I. OCR mod,rnte, -"done dolivez chame.g. r0love I t Cleaning a Ape talty. JO N C RRI . Pro. NELSON -ST.. GODE RICH. A Damascus Steel 12 bore Double Barrel for $12.00 PUMP DEPARTMElff. A Damascus Steel I � bore Double Barrel with Lverbodu Is Talk1no W"OLE"Ll; &ND RETAIL. 7;ooden p. raps In a number of different Creener Crossbolt, $15-00 styles and sizes; A BOUT No.'s I and 2, suitable for house clotornit. D. Gantolon's flour. No.'s 2. 8, 4, 5, 6, -1 .. wells. N O.'s 6, G, I I . 1. stock wells. Also i full line of the Winchester Arnis Compan) 's These pumps are manufactured from Ile liftw1upt rlsA ved mduthm, 0�v �oad ftom Manflobp- now On h.11;d lwft -1 'be best briinds of . h , ,,, ld eAn pro- arlecled quititoml Algoma pitte, 9phnish, le0ho, ti,irnmingo. iron cap ValVes guaran- E ILOAD " 1) i S II 14�j L L S duce-lAke of the Wood. and Oallvles fron, tee d not to sentron check. lCome Winnipeg N1111h. made from No. I hard wheat He edge kecPR the No.'s 5, 6 find 7. closed irod capped tops with iron bearings. in and examine the Stock No trouble to show goods. BEST BRANDS No.'s 5 and 6 guaranteed to work with -OF- ease by women or children in vefls fony ONTARIO F OUR. People blqitjg flour woold tic well by callinj on D. CAN l4fAN. the pirnotical bftkerv. an ad fifty feet deep. ' Sinkft, Water Tanks. Wood and Iron piping. etc. ROURIUS ��ARDWRRE STORE. he voill tell you how to hiend Ills Manitob with OnLirlo to make a beautiful family flour Orders by Irtf-11 promptly attended to. When ordering Ri vo depth of well from at a Aosft_,m__REA8ONAl3LZ PRICE platform. AS A NEWS]D6AAJLPER__,o. RINFTAL nOOD AGENra W)JItTrp. Orders will be WOMPLIT attelded to in FAMNING MILL DEPUTMENT. -THF STAR IN A LEADER. PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS Arinstrong'a Improved Grain and S#ea THIr STAR HAS CIRCULATION. -on- MEN PATTIES Cleaners fit An v Fanning Mill, THF HTAR OIVES RESULTS TO ADVVIXTISERS. " Or any other thing In the Caka linea, Panning Mill Screens and gives for tiny woke of mill. THILVE SIONTHS FOR NOTHIN0. 15 NO$T118 SUTRILAL 0001) &OIMTS WJXT%b. -EVERYBODY READS THR STAR,'. I WIMInit Calres with Abriotid feft a fill. ty, ARMSTRONG BROS. PEOPLE AIMUTM Of 19HE StARic i 'I I llzwl lli_41�_�'A