HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-11-11, Page 11W . I _,r_ - , — . - , - .": , - ., - , � — ..r., , — � _V, f �,, - -�.'­qw � I . I ._111111mWilor, � Ir. _ .-,W- � - -- -- ­ -qm,q-.�, �- �--- - ­ - I , , _. - 7"W", -41-T171107911 1 -, � ___ --_Pvr�-., - � �--; - -�- --�- -.- - v I - - 1. '! . .. r . qwwqa% !-- lls� 7`sf "-"w - "­`­ , 11 - ., � I I . '1110 W. I � i I � . � � � ID I ,. I _1� � I . I I . I , . I- � __ . R_. � 1 I � � I . � V , . "I - I . -_ _ ­ - - -_ - � ­ _____'.____ ... PI ��- � I I . - I I . . , . - I �.�._, . . I . . - I -_ . I 1. � I., .1 .. , '. I �, . . I � . . 1, I I . I I . I I . � . . �� .. I � � � I 1. , I I" . I. I . � �. I � 11 I I 'r ., I �. � .. . . I I ., . . . I. .. . � I . I 1, .� . . . I I .1, .. - . I � I _11- I 1�,, . *,p - . . I " . 1 .1 I .. . ,:�, . , , .. .. 11 I... 1.11, . I � , . � I � Th.e.star'lo.o.'Newspa ratidstaod 0,011 . *04 ; IQ I � � :� ­ �-, 14, I � , ,$ . .. � .1 i I . . � � . I ,; - I.. � --11. � Pe I.- . . O.M a's suc ]h " .h. , , - I ­__ . __ I I I I I � I i , - " , - 4 _4 " I . _: . _1i:,,---_ .1 . I "I —, ­ � .. , . I ,, , g "t n–,3 I ­ .1 " ; 11; I ".. 1. _­_ - ��! � . ; � I 'O" ty, ,04 10��Viil�watlo .1 . - ,,, ** . I., � I � . I - _:,��­,�­:j.pff�,­ �-� ss��-,. - ;* - .. I ­ � . I I ��! -�� "I I . .. 1. , . 1. I 1. . - _'.1 1, '�, ­. I I I.. . ­ - ­­ ,i. . �,:.... - - - ��,;.*# ­ ­ I Points to , 11 I - -1 � .. I ­ . ­ - _4--__ - - . . 11 I ­ , 1.111. ­,;, . I ­ � I—— I __ - I I I �1; �_Izl ­­­­ 're'.11 — I "I I ____..,__­_ -1 ,", -_ 1, . , , 1:��, . , I - I r r6440S and adverthser$ to., , bet I 11 I � ­'. ­ - , ____­ ffi�@___ \ . . 1� � � � 1� I F=* "I em . I I �� �, I - " , . � � , - , , "' I - , , "� � - � , _ , .., ... �� ... . I � K . � � I � 1. Adllllllllhk�L�,, i . ­ . ­ , � �., � I . � . ,� . 411=940sm-10 M, t � I � I � I . I � i �; , I.. , .1 11 ­ .. . � . I , . , .�,� . � , -_ 001., is- - �, I - he, I � - I . . .1. I I , - , � , . : , - . � 'Isir � i., j, j loglool , I " T � St . 1, "I . � ­ i � -1; I . Ajr, g!v04:,tbe ,' . . . . ­ �,'� r .. I * ,. ,N. I - a � .� " " -_ I , I , . _0- � � - ...j . I I .. I . , ­ iso I .11 . � I , I . I.,. , , . 11M I . , � I I _�, ... , I I- &-*,..&- . � ,_ , � ." I . . � I � . —_ .11, I I .: -t I . . r . � T ' ­ �. ,­ 11 I .. 4 , I .. . . I '— �­_­_ , ., & I , I ­ X,,,odyer.vpo,� , I � I . I I . 1: '' . - I , - ? . �: The, - $ .1 I .111for , I I "I . ... 11 � I 11: I ,;� I ter I " � �, I . I I � I I 1, , f r, 1. . . . I I—', 1. I ." . . .. � I , I : - . � I 1� , I , ' " 1 I" .. �,_ , _ Oeetriset-... I . . . , k , , " , . . - you; on . _ _" �� , I , , _ � ­ � � - . . I . .1 .. I � .. , I . , 11 I . I ly� f S, Ce 6% 1- . '' I I 1 _ , to , . 4 � rc � Its for" . . . i � , � '' . I ,& r,� ., ,or, . Januar' '. 11 � , ; ` � � t , - I �, I %, , ... I � ­ ­ I � I I—. � . . 1. dw! - - . I , , . . .. � - I I I � I ­ . - ­ ­ 1. 1. I'll _====_ - . I . . r � I . I . . . yis t6,90 I � �� V I f ­_­ . ­ t '. �, � , . . , , - I iniq ,,! . 11 "I ". � I I I I I ,�V­sp,4 111 If . � ". I T" L X0 I I I I � 11 I ,. I VMOW Q.Ilv� , - .� I . I I . I , . - — ---------- Z�=!;;;:1�4 . . , I I . - . . ! !!! I - - I ��, 4 � �� r' 11 ,� . � ­ - I I ,.--. I � GOD�RIICH,r '(?t�T; FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1 * I ­ IV—— I . I" I L -1 I ­ � $98 �� . I �� .. ... ,� , , �, � I � . - " ===;:� I . � ''I WITOM , . . , . 11 � ' � I 1. 0 N-019,TRU10 WMI RAVE NO OTHER , - ertisemqnts. NEW a , 1. -11 .4 vrlktizpltD;o�kDp,tvllxz,pcxnxn* . � . � . I 1, 14,ew Adv '' . I I Wr , ��, � :::::!::::::!:::!!:::::�::::::::�!::::::!:�:!!!������!!!!!!���::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::������:::������::::::::: I 1�1 � I I I . I . I , I ... I — PITISI,NXNT�, -,. � . . � - -_ 11 "" , , . I 14 Abe TO�01011`4�1.lih�tboso Who bokyo. sjrittt]l� tbq I. Don't Buy a P14004�1 ,. '4311i WEBB-HODarlom-Theallend ,On Saturday rifirlit a vessel's Wbfgtle . . I . . I I . � I , , I I ,, . I I 1 . ... I � _ .. - Does Orson, ... _­.�;�... 4 the cOnqOrt, by these artis "fica aill 1) ew, sit TAIII; 1DRAL8. I 11 � ­­ � I I . . 11 . . 11 11 - Advertising pay - ' 'to 1, d, notwithstanding the gtgja - Patrons Of Victoria ' -firier 11 . - . I . , , I 1. . !Me .9 11 . 41%11-4��441'.­ I �_ , . Spot Cash ]?ld, It--X)o f__3L G' NichoUeff", 4 street Methodist church wag 11 North th blOw"Ift a number or our 0004410ulle Who appreciate good clean Ta Town Topim . I . I in, CO ... ....... -L., 'on mr tile harbor, to I I ­_ ,�4),.k A I ado' X KTAR IfA full, (if local.1jewit and � , . I '. cliev rourici t 0 whistle bad been 'egfh'� Boston Ideals the beat Popul d In tile 601110 ver� inter0liting flissitier Will ho I . L - - " � . - In 11 � � , �: P4 1 '. ,;kM&."%1 Insurance and X-0 oftlec-cums. ic. , - the Program w,, :1 V ry I .- roe in, bo up-0-44tia Attractions will fin I , R -a v:7 ,,, rewille -, L)OgFouud-jo$tf,njeyeL.,......., Isu colve(l. Miss Webb hits it platuil, ;';Ob'i'U"th0 -k � ar pricea round In t 0 Nul)PletnenL . 11 i". " tlt�- J "."'Ner, Oil, When the I . 1111f -n . ,�, ems , I I 11. &I N sound, .. Baiar VIVI 0 tt . , t.t - Wood Wopsted-THIC STATt 0f1!lM,.:.'1,-,,s,,;, . 11 J11,1 presence and a graceful aurfer. ed by attmCUOn over seen here. The Its & PAY to Oft people burnio I I I " � .... � . .Star Concert Courao.up4ori '. ..:: ,!,, m . The dredge fop asabi core, I I. , U I: "", An was heartily aXplaudeein each vessel had b 4V-10 one Pf tile hu'Reat An( recentlL fallen- jejkv�4 he I I llci_� ': lot ......... I__ .'...._...., HZ48 On Was accorded roken &WAY A-0111 its moor. I beat .. I I ey I � .. ... ., 1. . I ­ � . I Out Canada and the might -Used for Z.�Itfle Istdalug, oi- I I l I , r , . I I � a. Min Mildred Campbell ' (InIted StAte,ii. Crowded houses greet Placed 113 ^ Pilo to mt. I t p r " ' � when liV I . Equalin every detail'to any 25cYPattern, in Fit, in Style, and soon �J, .... c ,3r puro'bin a ( rM L I , MAY ..1 � V -ral 0 Ingo. . Own through I material. - I I The, Little Trociper-Beliton , !! say' . I , ... ,--,o,*, L. . APP1011, Wanted -D. F. Hatiallit ...... .. . I Me4b varied the Program, with two THE 3- H, JONUS.-As stated roe to fiuppl rich . � :1. I.. "; I ."', I I I , .. , I AUZUOU Side-Tholt Gundrx .... ... , Organ $elections. nee wao - A report comes from Callforrin, ens. � I J, I 'g Jo entl.v thinil "YOrYwhore. find their audiences Full range in Stock. Price, only loc each., . I , it ZII relltred In THE STAR. the Str. J. H, arlsor the most rellned Pe9ple wherever food for flower and vegetable ga� —_ I I . I � �. tic, POrtOr.__.','.',',' ,i THE GRANOLITHIC WA Ica. -The Italsed. froul bet, boa in Hagawong, Bay car. Thai;- plays #Ire all new A, son I , �� ,:"-, x 14 r: .. . . � �L , �� � � ,. This Wook's Sl)oclab--G . coev ap . � � I — NOW Spociml-Stultli Bros ................. . � , , A ,g � � , . , and of C'C olost pleasing character, no about to t . . J . .. .. ra"Olittile walks ordered ' I Of Jamesgilmoustoue. whoiast' . I I by the town and- Placed, In dock at Owen Sound, hoive play, no vulgarity, nove to California, was mur, I I I , I - 1% o - --'- ______________Z1__ **-"* council, finished this week. are a great Since then . she has been surveyed b and they will (11teredin that *state some ten daya since. Is so Examination Of the Sight by the .1 I- I � ."ey'd b If , I .- "', . PareChance. . ., I : , , 14-� Improvement to tile British and Me Captain Thos.Taylot., of I " I be found ajargo, refined todipany, not , likely that Ilia relativoij Will see, �'r, , , .1 , most raodern methods. West fluronPonurvatIV48.1d - .�ingstono an Oxcelled. Thov , I I " I 1171� . Glusseil accur I I �Leltll blocks. The work was anyle, no " scenery fund sectile eftects, and no, ex- 11 , 1 ��\, - /I " carry [%I[ th-fir own that tile murderer is punished. - ,,�, ,�& Al � . W. D. Andrews Of Collinxivood. ,toil . I— I .. ral Conservative I 1. I A chance that don't often come 011&�Iq . .Ately fitted. e der the greatest difliculties, as it raln- for the amount of Quin) batil been spared In costurning. few - (51., it 'a suPPinied that she Ono he repaired MUCOY. the great humorist Who a �:1 � - �414,� I I -1,1 Satisfatition guaranteed., -convention 41; Smithis Hllf�,rl; ' cu every, second day while the work tie company plays here all next week, - . ' , � go early in the LeAdon came our way 11 ,_ . , I the risk on bull, �, "lights ago delighted & Toronto � ��,, . - - . e�:P Friday, kTor. Itir,n, at I..W 11."'" Was"in progress. find a few People and 37.000. When the Jones 'vent down Plan or seats opens tit Portevs oil sat. allcuence for two 11041", will be here on . �'.. to,buy , 1�. I , T -RX W. T. WELSH. tonominate �arfdidates fort P. M 4 'in loers went out of their way to art -or the collision it was was supposed Monday. Nov. 21st. ,.rhij is the ill, t I " -1. no, X urday morning a , " I 1, � - - ,� -, OPUCIan. And 90111' - 40mt 10AVO an Im . Oftbefloriesofflve entertainments to r rr . I ell, I The 894are, Goderich. friend of ullon - Hourie g�e% resRion on the cement be. that she was 01117 slightly damaged, . 100 Jackets ot about ,n 1`�'"r -� 11 .11 . . __ � -dja y I 11 Jo servatige ca y! fore Iti Dart t me W seL In isome cases, hilt the survey shows thst froln the -------- I-6— be given by tile (loiderich Musl I ''I � attend. , ­�. , . 'a � . I . t 0 $if the contractor informs us, People threw � Sovietv during the winter. rLa e . I I If - Coll 11 nVieted ,r ' sternaftfully twelvefeet have been :�! r ' '4Pwn the guards to make a short cut cut awat tram It few pf like a bove the Brief Town TOI)ICS.. ' Thiscou �'., 11 Half,Price, . A JOSEVIr BEOX. Pro a will cost you 1. it von I I I I i . , RXER8 bring in your Cali Apple.s. I ,, � ��' ,0-ve"tbe u0wIV laid walk. ftcul- I it deck ticket, Itilfacol ct a, season ", � V211 � �, Tile fu xvl)lmtlo sci-enqdod the town ard th public 81, nmendab eitutetin-Ine, . I , I r:.' I � ,,,r the whoel�house badly ould help it Along. ., . And 'we are going to give you the I F Want thorn at the evaporator JAS. ?41TCHRU, ". A13HPIRLD ASSAULT -reeked and houses -tre badly yestordn, 9 0 �, , ', � I I No very highest Prices. -D. F, HA td Is. at OASH.IThe Y. ­ . ..� " ' . � , 1 . , , :,�, benefit. �, — lylicic, __� S� � ecorched Inside. the latter, it is sup. The town blind had a good practic I 1) I tu report of a successful concert � I ,�­ �Ountyle;ralallthoritles have receivoll. � .., . 1� 'FA �T being caused h e hold by - �� , . . t ED -W. �,,,..t 1��_._rj _y a ramp explo. 01. 1­13-18.1ty evening, the spbed Canoe Club fit th;tt L I P, IfflOD, - wilerich 60118611`000 R886GIQ,t"tL iiClOticcOfftu appeal agaiast the dects- -P,(-)8-6iL- too vessel sank. The steamer 7' 11 4 'i of 5 ct�rds lic t --`111-3 (30rdwood rie. - 1tv, the UtlelPh Herald 04 - ­Tbo 11 W��Ojs�,`l­ "" . I � I � I ,� I Apply at THE STAR The Liberal Conservatives Of GO40004 'Asliffeld. on an assault cA.qo, been fill,)d w1th waterj to which wel�o local. WO exc,optionst" w ,� I 17 c f,,�.',­* , Jackets worth $9 and $10 lil� so - ,19n of MA11011911 arid Harrison J.P�S of -­. .111acu ov, scows (which had just Robert McLean abip load talent. with but t . yis, , , �_ ­, 4 P 'Of ,ied a car . ,�'. — " . ,� I , . Those front it dlptant!e were Niss "I � I F I "' . we will 5ell for $5 and $6. , ; -1 2 fire requestiCA to meet in the ro6a,jft All. attached chains that had be(.,, Placed lambil to ,utiffitio on' tresday P t 1"'aller and Mist; Alildred Uodwin. , L " , ea Va. _ �',�. OU I I ) -A pretty livered colored lacLearl'a The case Was tried at the re. W. J.;Xdrrow made a large all Copha "I . L ": I spaniel is Opera House ,BIOqk,,4dh 41dence of J. P. Harrison. and Hall was under- the ship by divers. Tile 8cows Of . it "" 1;'..('.'.d'.',','('.','-.-I-11-ti--Wtll, Bottithesse , �, I I tiollig taken care of for he Owner a, 10 'L We have tbolargest range of �­ . I "L , " � . _vry F'"en P buttal, to Montreal this wee I � �, i " . �, 1.4.18[ street. Tba owner Is requested to pay unified out And the vessel 'Patvick O'Connor, Of Ashilold * I , . , 2 . . � � , P I for tb 9 ad vartisoment and exports his . Posses" ill'" talent and I , I . the Inst tr � - 'afla G011ftn'S L ,� � ;ap caused latLst arrival At tile House Of Refuge. ill, ., "I ��* = o or Reeping rose; the 141 I PA- Spaniel. o th by t,110 collision "' tile created a good impression on this their � NO% Y" �,, ;tll 7 e as- ,., _ wilts thelit 0 WICS .. -_ ItOOMS TO RENt -Tro 'flrat ta boarded tip, the boat Ijurep- I . _ I !�, . . ,otass riumi .t:q= Pd by a steam Will, Hutson has had hit; lot oil West onst tPliourance before lit Guelill, audi. 11 , , I I , ��,�.-.q Pump. taken irt tow and stroot, f d wit cu. L I ... _Ppty ar THE the YVOSeL GOOICed. I 1:11 ,'' T-.- , . , � ST. "WfthRdF.­­­- . but W4 h It Pretty Ili Pit fen �, ,� .... . .. n"", ce The "rally night" at the Royl, . , 4 . � - , .4 1 #- ", . L r= Rplondid allow of 'Loin ,`:� I ,, , .1 , — THE SEGUIN. -t I� chrys- � L.:, . .1 a command- I a n his window yeat I - :1- ... ��� ja6kets in this vicinity. , 1,11lated -This boat, ' al ,frif I 'Arstast Monday, was not so arger, .1 LLL"' , ARNING.-This, Is to give Duties that I - ­ ­­ .1. - a refrain ed by Capt. Setuntes, the first steAluel. 0 rom n erday. attended its file social gatherings ;­ .. L ... I..., I ��:,, I Childerns' Ulsters IWh.FI win allow no one to shoot or It t _ I � - �­ .1 ­4VFjl giving ex -parte statements. RjeliLt. lasting of Hum ur,eka Council psnalIv ars,' ()their ple of ;�_,� . -��,� ot- ,,!, t I 11., 'Ings In town ilit"rforing, Those . �, 1 pre- , , is. Islands, or any part of my prouperlon ,Z,"L CHARGED WITH LuNACY.-On Tues- at the big building on Tuesday morn- kidwellin on Wit sent- however, ellj(,yrd a pleasant . " . . one dbinj, so will be y�ose . T0WU,T0Vt,CS "" L , pass. #a for tres- , j�,� " "'F , . Any 'led ftrk. %,,.-f�,,`-, UY Stewart McDougall was 0 to arrive at the new olovittor, tied tip I NOi. E,, R.A.;,,,, next Tuesday 2,. nR.* '' I � MRS. -RATTRIL ,94-w-odlo , 4 Dane , R. . reet is 0 �, I fit barged Olt terloo two ;! 11 c :1 � �.. "I . � at )se fit arid rcill�y for PI hilliVs. Rovs. &14,6�1.. derson arid , I Ladies' Capes, Cloth iLnd Fur. ,_��-=i�i�F_ -_ - 1. 11 11 Ing. after it run of rearly four days Ing. . list -. 1% . :�� 6" ' 'before the Police magistrate with be- f"Orn Fort William. Part of which time ""' Godwill. gavt" sljort tuldresse.i. and ,, L' ­ - - `� , , I I �1� - , , , _R, __ THE ORGAN Co. -The Orga ,, , ,� 11 111 ­ f n . "!If 11 9 a lunatic, and at the conclusion of "he spent at Datour. The captain.sav'i orstribut ", 1. : I ; , ad vocal I'll, --I Cow chear). Thoronghbr d shipped ten Organs to the V therIft"' 4- " "v""013ce colutuitted to the county he crossed the lake twice to -bont the Of Huron Encautput untental selectloria. Itaff ­ .11L .. � F1 ill I 1 1E Monday Is the r VAI lay iflember-El c -, HaT1dk&G"l6f6" AppijersoMe.l.g.roo' c` ealve in Decombe , 0 % elzillar Illeetin ril7lit .110-71 instr . . vat r. , . __ on Tuemday, and will shipflfte)ll -� pi -incl- a e, and) a Allied Almost �� �, Nice col.;W�'$I�: L ' I Bovs, � , 0 LET­�tor i Ix and it half acres same destination to -day, I * ., "4� Jall. Elizabeth Smith was the All around I"- ent No. 2& F u. %j was mllch In evidence, if) Life refrogK_ , I , . � �� _'_� LL � - . land In the vivaset, � .: 041 witness find bar evirlence, clearly ke' U a for the same Purpose, and � 1110"t Part. (if tot, progi-art). ,­ , Handker.1b i day. I only ..... . ,tt : .Ties from bode handa were added to the a ff %our rOvedthechargc. McDougalra mania when t a a uln Arrived off the plers ,arldre.we Brim. & Cis. ship -ar I,; � "A� � 1, i . Clothing. .. gannon, and six fr n, -even ,from Dun- week, and the brick 8(rfoot . I lo Of hogti W CollingwooTed it c -_ � f I N111.0 Faribrold - I It. oil t c main road � !,it ! not Of & violent type, but hits so far the sea b In - - ! ,,;�,�- . , . Wf,Decernber. I -0 � � . - . tolCiticardino. Pis e it thollrat -11 94 !-olle still POugh, the wav oil Wed . � , ., i��. . n For r scle von ".11.1,; _' , , styles to spit the es llesicfay' �', 1�_ and Lace H --- was started on Wednesday. Piveloped that he 1-11 not rest, and,,. -11 ) er deck arid she passed Warden MeRwall, Of Housall, kerchiefs ... 6c esoh r Amolig t,be ClIurChe2?. 1'�, ;. I I ya tit grICOS to FIUJ& ry Otway. 8be CU rs apply t1D FELL WHILE STILTI A6 keeps on his feet night and day. Ilia in t e In rhor with a foot of water on town ell was in Holy Cornioullion wits �1; � 1_ � �' , LD 11 �Ipi .. NG. - a ,,4 T I at extremiti- her deck. celebrated sit OU,11 er- . .1, � es have swollen to surb 14 soon u If MOlitilly, and signod the equal , 1: �-, I re .Laae to 0 O_ , A degree tho it trieunlon Ing I I .... 100 each HE QUEEN TOP DRAFT STOVE _ , &.Hrindk a canal, OrS, and they ���___ Craig was walking on stilts th 10 VOssel tied St. George'*; at tile close of Morning 1�1 1� � . wear. monthly orders. _ . ­ is almost impossible " eg4r, In the yesence ��,%'. ; �als. 6 � �",-.11)11 � . - 0 alar e number of Citizens. The S6�Au drew took her laist carto The regular IneetIng of the W. C. ,,,;, �, , I 1. 11 , � T is the day he stumbled and in ; got tiocks or boots large enough tot set'v;ce on Sunday. . Boys 2-ptlece an th A - - - ­­­ -­ Wt, quickes falling foll"Ok , r ep - I . �'; Torket. " . Everything in the SM Call and see it and t."iI him ma- troul FO , suits, � . G= one of his arms,, the result beiniT a Im. chinery a W11111"t, to Kingston, or U. will ho held In the � 1� 1-k 1, 1, . . I rm. Ino,jquare, Goderich. t med to wouk onatil . but wits I , , . lateet patterns ,r ,� TnE BICYCLE FAcToRy.-The, o Kolng run and So u *anc(o Hitl � and fL , t Boys' 18-146de, break. Breaking a b I ,,Put t4) Its full tefjt� not Richardatin Tempel T. L �i:.tl, rPO3148 GUN One is no no* .# . I ,.�_� I Ladies' I— n off Mond alcermqn at 11 O'clock, A I --. , ..s . ,- Ciiild- I suits. oral Auct DRY- 1:;���. thing to See, and appearances are t 4'; 414f ;it more than half speed, The reatum - Tne Boston Ideals will open f 11 11 I ,,� , roWaTeilinge, Laces. 8 Moats , � I lancer, Godericti, onL �. I' � ,, aT while at the bicycle factory we for Monday " "ttol.r.11ce is "fl"Clithr requested,. _',,�e, to give I Z 4,�',�. 1 . 0 ove foods everywhere ind all efforts made Sales he will make as quick a recolrery all �'­ # nilitury success, "Praise the Lord," a Thiulksj&fog ­­ _,.� . . . YOU 11111CIPfacclon, ' former occasions. P , I . " . I charges reasonable. Can do ("J"�� I 'ili; . me .as and am Of lli_� ' keep it going at f . meotin � . "Icets. I . oticed a design of it gebt,s wheel for ho tested. And the fdlOv-lIeN could not The Little Trooper Ribbons. eto. Mt%. If I - this wate that the Machinery had to night with that great I , buldno I. �, _00. It Is a beauty. hits the I.ttent it"- till speed. It is to lie Will he t,he text for y,noy , i I ­ 6.ei "Pr - . _.-t, . ­ -, . . - I and 1�. I " GV forty. Auctionce ter IL-TeOWAS DICED WHILE PR,&yIN . rs. T4 Ovements and patents, will be run At full Power as soon as,U10 sWam re , Men's- Clothing. - ,,, Millinery, - ,r, Goiterich. The stearn ham Sequi _� - . __­r11_1_ii-;%�' . I "' . . - ]Keyes. of Parr line, 8 * ns ­­ � 'etL_nf , f�orsly drew i3 church P- 8- V- ,P1 ,� PPxt - Tue9d � .. .,: '41,7� - I , , . .. . I �� I M90 conifortalo nadert , _" I � " I - -.1 1 � �­ ", I I 1, _� L .' Iii dive led a ­hn�,o,f.&g -Ady"so will be a ".. I I . , �- ,.� . V. , ­%­;,q�,z4ii;��_, , - ,I--, - �., , �� USALM-A � Its, I Ift.6 .... ­ W#Afac,tured under -the t -,0T* wk, aucu*w" a . . �. . , I _� .1 - personal all- . tf.,4.,�­, o ­j 11, , , 41A�1' -1- - - - & � I - 1� no to , - h I'm , . "dj I - - , . _ , till * - _ _A*06 ��,`, �., 1'. . , �, I _ - , - .�,Ztc 'I "i 1, , zCrk ; M�4 A�, -, - I j,# � � 'A' Lo 0:1.4-4-doulpels,%fit- . � 7 �p ��g�� -��e­, -j-'4- �, - I - ­ts ­_,� �_­ ii __ _- ,� _ �,, lo ___ - ,." . . 1 _",R:�7 1. , _ 11 -.0- . Z " _.. - � ... " , � ; 1, . _,�' . I 11 1, -, -At"I'vi - ctoila; - . w il , - '' , '. - - I � .1 A a "kien R11 -'I, � � " 1101. ""F�loin -the, .�`�l ii,,,,,�,, I '. I "I, '41don I _ , ,� & W_ ff , - 1 , �, 11 � .1 ., 'i ; . t I ��­V,Vtggni win tic 1. 01, ricer , ,. !,� � . ~ � Pq-Ar91,_,LUWkp1 tile, " � 4 li , Wo axtu Wt `lll,�w� , it iffIll -1 1 T7 �_`, - " 1%1.: , - ,',�,,�,�'i_�,,,:,, ,.��'. �', . It '� or ,4 o, A �`, �, 11 I 1. 'n "so tit, , � � � ,­�Ti4eoag . ., !!, ,,,,, . � U , , !1. . .. � 1 `,�: . , '10 I -to", , " , I Ote an there M �� ,�, ron -4 U" I; ��%,",�, �:, . A h �t, I I , 2F re F436 Iff fires. I, 2 4"413 og.� rat " :,, uch caTic6onable atT T WW Ith of i,S.11� . I . d fall Item , - I .. t In Z2 bit. Wi . I 11117 51 c .. I -L we excel, something ittecial - �, I leve t at It lay In to nd t 0 Pres ent the � And in Beaver 6verisoats N e. a It �v � , ry il 11 .. I Q_ E " it could not wn. ,leader. . ,... . .. . ­ I . - ­ . . . �� Z. ""' , - I � , . I at . - r6m 0 Inatic nn- ( I HAS. E. SHAW'. General Insurance Beat iing argued I -_ I ,, I .1 ery. It that . ,` Estate and Loan Agent ave to pay 1. 1, . th far Propery lnsura;ce on - . , o a e � Ofiristlanity P, 111. I ­� : n. cat pretty Ir at jow j�tce. CORIPAred with Other I � �d�;p P an ructive I Houses rented 1 $$.50 . altd . L find rente cot ected arid re T e town emPlovees grant th Religious." will be the topl,o*,at the . ,�) , ' low IV) . act van to all business. oface township, who was committed to the week V astring the old ( rain one Pd"t, Tnes,d � . I" L Prompt attention gi Para attentlett to. MRS. -The , evening . Overcoats from $8 � In MeLean'p Blook n 1101111 ktreetiz llleetil)g of North .1 up. pupa I pups I rich. Office hojl�wf car market square, G,ode. I ierel Ann is Aid; Thur-silay was county Jail a few weeks since, as a junic. end of 7.11ter-loo street. L of c. r. 31 l9s Acheson will � I , ­ , Jackets, Caperlops, was excellent shooting. notbing but Ili as tic. wits brought before Judge Musson The 131dinonstono family .eader. - �' � , �.. - root 10 to 12 and 2 to A. �0,;".`1vs`:_ irj!; be the I' .,.. �, l' " Conarettes, R u Co. --- � central bull's eye winning a . bicycle race, halt mile. ny old Special or I ", � -1 I I'll , � 11, I ­� Muffs. Cape, a" - followiniz were the winners, O. Penn S. Draper, J.,Uasson; v reside. fOl"liA b Ing concluet-d in Victoria 11 �_ . , :� VESTS C xt Week for Cali 0 ,,angelistic services are now .. ,4tre,t � , I- , 11 I 1, . ington 4 birds. W- McCaughan 2, J .11. Mausors, W. Hackett;. Tuir-of-wal, ,non The Boston Meals, a great hig up -to. ellu-11. each evening lit 7.30 o'clock. "I � , , — Half -mile race, cc) pel'illan"Dif - The M. E. Tom, M. Olivant; Obstacle race, bar of 'witnesses were examined and PANTS - -�-OuiT or ,Ppn.,,,. -bird. charged with being insant. A large num. Road. leave no I B fI , , - . � -1 "! - — auto And refined coutplilly. at p Church -orkermand thogelloral public � 11 ,- TOwN Op 9OIAERICH. Newi ombe 4 T. Swartz 2, Jas. Andrews io011egi4te Institut,e vs. Model School): have had tier freeclorn. Thedeforidant T arecordially invited. ;:,; PEA JACKETS. Gloves and Ho"slerv. had it not been for the doct,ot,g �esti- � , , " " - ETC. fie A- - Notice 113 hereby Vven that a Court win be 1, J. Laithwait 1, N. D. Rougvle 1. v Mi4s B0wI0r would most likely OPUlUr �� . our specialty is Children's and held 8 Ocillegiate Institute, to two straight I Prices,IL!,(rr ,,,.Wee .. . ....... on,j � bj Ac is not lit, all it had looking ng l4th. Arinavi�rsapv alld :, -, � � I I ,Vrsuant to t e OntArIo voters' Liate A SERIOUS ACCIDENT.-Mra. WM. �,llls; Hurdle race. S. Pritchard. S_ t,11oll woman. h, 0 Thnfik9gi,ying, Net'. �,., . g:n . : - . Hose. Every bize. Every . the kionor the Judge of the pounty opr� Stewat-t, while leaving Knox chnrob r4 ; Consolation I., I t, beside Mrs. Tonf'R pro- vices will he lis.1d in � " , 1 , BLANKETS Boys rOusstY of Huron, at the Court HouflO oil Sunday eveninv, miscal( Lee, 100 vards, woul if "Utht"' st,out. arid her exPreaglon P"rty on Maitland street, wita vict'ol-la "itl."s, 11 , I price. Oil the 15th day of November, IM, at 10 o'olooi - The senior Itev. B. (,,, fliq Mouth. " I , I.. a evera com3bdats ofer-rors and omiggion�11a .,% E".", A. I bl'okell Church On Pinent, of t1j, 011tarl() St, , , . the X . r -,let 1�1 . in the forenoon, to bear and detormint, the depth Of one of the ate she was pass. . I Tile facts of the case a f church, , . � , MeTaggart. 'lot, lead lookers on to believe off t"10 feet fro n the root by last w0ek,s tile Will ,)f t ,."� , , Nice Heavy White Blankets, the Needles 111Y to & Paper. 9 1 ,ulated t�o c ampiorWhip was won by W L. Back- that shQ bad even it taint (if insanity. storm . � _, L. usual $2.50 line for $ 1 .90. spools. 2 for 6c. vote"'a "at of the Municipallt f the Ing down, ett, and the Junior chavispionstilp b Pear to tie that Clinton. Ivill pl.,.'s,cf, 11101,111ticr � j , -tnd'fell to e ground with Reg. Harrito y front her vouch lip tllr solne I, Jamieson Reid has boon aw,aidt,41 &e and evening. and 11 plalforol ., � .. I ­ town Of-GQd rich for Im. considerable force. The lady fell on these is a Mnl'l. The Frize for each or Cal.6 Contract to build the new 80 fo, tr chint- ill be, bell] ,,,, Fueet,l,g I I "I � t � ,: .11 3 for 25c. vc, set o Dickens, Filrice she had been snbJect to on, is I works. apt eptic ney lit tile Organ w ;1� 11 Large Rolls Batting. reorular 12c, our Price All persons having business or lef`5 arm, breaking it jUF,t above p life. and that recently she had factory, for the Godc ' the 'NI'lodaY evenin �� .. ' Comforters, QUilts, Curtains, etc. required to attend at said Clot at th.j..-,t are b i � � L I I . UILDING OPECLATIONS.-Btichanans table its all alt used it rich Olgat, C;o. 1� I �: I Black Rustle Lining, Only So a Yard. 6 arid ace. the t. Though the break -vas a - - foll'swilig when I)ejor a(idreAses wia 'F� I � ��L , ... ' , I I � Clerk Of the t(vVii of Goderich ar, arid had got lip I,, be delivererl i,v x,svds, U , Millyard. of ", , ii �, WM. MITCHELL 6d one and exceedingly painful, Mm. and Rhvnus will have the church at St. the night and moved about The eiriplovees ,it. the Knittiniz file- clitit,on; W. iiiasby r Blvth, pr,.,,i. L _ I ""."n'�. Date Stewart. we are pleased to report, is flelons 'co I ith burning Instills and cat, the house Ofly are still worki 9 Overtime be " .,�� j d this 31st day of October. 189& doltric' nicely. week. and th w dies. dent of tile 1,ondon ' " " , r !Ni'.- � _. 673-2t. t 1 ('111,11441 son Conference. i tvll. �1' - first it f the flornial North St.. and J A And- . �"',� , � - 134rgain Table of Dress Goods at 25C. 1 BACK AT a Pleted this The t he orders keep fiend . B.A., of 1;1 "' '�, �1, &fia . I. 'of 11 n1w), t I he defendant. except f oul o 'I'son, B A. of K nox church.' .4perial 4� �� li�lt See this line very cheap. 11 Methodist churen At. Londesboro. ic ,two witnesses called knew "othirig output ot tile . 'Q�—CASEK AND ONE piR100. --_~ that Rev. Donald McGillivray Ow Day. The firm has Mm. sallows, cot- iott and Mitchell choir arid others, �'.,�,��, - . ONAN.-It is expected time for its operd c.t, It �1�1� (dieen mi�n- ng on Thanksgiving 11111shalelit. ( " ; ,, � . hearsAy. Jas. Griftirs was pl-es r Ell � I — one occasion . " 0 our houses of rat,e and mice. walked over 019vell thousand barrels, of I The North St ,V, _ . plastering, and the dwelling tile Into the kiteber ��, .8 I ! I � 'hina, as he anti ated being there a man to got to the old land this Re4son..andiTplito ;"lexdav evening. The �;� �� Tame anakes are used in Morocco to safe at his old mission Is n street, ready for � and told o nt on 11111"Ic fly tit 'M"thodist Quarterly � � 1 C in Honan, Lit -to on Trafalgar ,hen defendant havP allipped Board "let on , Artificial limbs are usually made a two weekis irince. C a last letter was erecting for Goo. y are lip froin a chair. And wit down in it Ali Orally ready fel. allipluent. � M. Andrewis-on the Bay. financial roport, wits very (,ntour�F.In.. L i", �. I �',,:_ - w"low, On account Of its lightnesm dated the "Red Sea." And while in the field road, is exp ted to when the Man got up. Dj. Casidda 1"or Want Of A quoruni ther-e n -U,, no The Board clected by ballot the follow. " ,'i- ,�� SMITH BROS. & C - oc be handed said he had utter (led the family ��,:, �. In the Production of the human v,;16 Suez can over in three w lit for Zo meeting , I �,­ I �, I I d. he saw Mounts ILworiah and eeks. B. and R. Are years ; that she of Public school Triviteeq on P Halls, R. W. McKenzie, janliesell , �� I !�m__ "-=�� ad "Onvulsiong tip till Monday ev,ning : ,0 . k Bats in the Philippine Isla n yea . 1`hnqo prese,it werti, R' '.. — Sinal- 0 the overland jourdoy he church, Dungannon. and renovating since her"Pa"'90: that five or six year" Mes Colborne. craigie, Blichallmn Hold. J. Stokes. J,,*Vh Whitely, W. � I � of " forty-four muscles are exercise putting a newchancel in the Methodist t_- Ing St,ewitrils for the ensuing vea,.: L4, " - �1 71"* .1 � �­ -==_-�_— ndn ar Made A R ort stay In ROMe and In. theedifice and turn fall ing tile tlxt,irem r rents told bin, that Lite do- and Bull. . . ��,:, L . Robertson And . .1 Sbrewd Business -Men Advertise SS MILDRED C&MpSEL14 Vnp, as big an cute, and with the wing 1p,,t,d the sacred inanuscripta there, for the stlir fend t %vas, d I - Pridlistin, %,,,, us, c. toliclud M r. �,_, I , I of 0 in gerous, and that she Jl�tlls was unalijinously elec,,,d ,, I � .11 'It anciand Theory CtingervatorY Nlctb�' fill ) w octor had given bar stitime debAW in lass I � TotontAiConserv.toryof m 1 spro d measure three feet from tip and intended to tunike a 8 e in file Rome (-bat said aarLuckno 7I ( In the report of the CollL, tn the .1 QOLrD BRI,;r, HOUSE FOR SALE. -That � tip. a A bite from one of them ig sai I dia before proceeding hot' "tav ill is being fitted P I V Mrvf0111atgy7Ior giate In. offleo of record IngHte ward. Thefi,a,d . �;�- � k -Y Jar it. used, and course taujht T to be poisonous. e 11 a Poison in her medicine Tbat Wilen he 1, IfIles issue. W. i lie solid brick house Bituala on Let licatI.1- Ouse. to his Honan hardwar Merchant. t week's 1)"', Iowa of Gtiderlob, with fiveorten acres " residence. 34 Quebec 9 orma oft 4Pg I should have 1) ti. Achimon N e rreot� doacria , * Led �, ;, . . suggested treatment f. een named as the �111�lo 11 I 1� . as Purchaser might reqnlro Thorelsa t, J. A ""'row' .�', - flrst,cl,;P,o cellar under,tho house, Tb& is a ISSI A ANDREWS TEACIFER 0 Rev. id "No, let it stay th 1. J. P. Brown* uo ,.� - ,,';I - very desirable property for gardoulngliand fruit plaz W Pi 11 Rogers. ve, Instead of All.. represent . � ,�: 11 e, Or � " y of the I 11 n,t, and Theor - ��',. Rrowitig. Good orchard on f Mee at ts.,� r ': e I rs ot ths : I Wealay BI of The regular Triecting oft a co defendant said that Dr. Uor la Ing Oomin sul)(11ty ,;eIjoi,j � . ,,, r," Va., hit. lake, of ]Keystone. W,'The Municipal Clerks of the eounty h Ilegiate ler It r it' Miss Bow� leader o tile negati " �io "d Marla '_ :17;wd During a minis L�ry of 85 years, thi� OLFURS WILL MEET IN COUNCIL.- COLLEGIATE INSTITUTIc BoARD. - t ' he. �., fourried 1,817 , 41A it ' T.'"b". , cirs, , ,rernfi,&. as cc Clavier ,itho& riot examined he�r�rl bad she c C_ (4- INI- FIliott, Hamilt.on street hit 41 . �1 � T,,y an,d suitable for the anion actors of brick nde artin oth ,;, "" _ � ,ms o son, d fe 10�111jrolflldmn. Institute Board was hold InAtThuraday, d him for five y rs. I A ld w- Lt- Itollerkson arid it %V N �. D,Fodt.PUr.0IlAacr. Ipply on promisaii age I couples- His Huron will Ineet, in the council chamber members all pr , timt re(elvi-d Ill. " I I tt:l -1 ch,, - a 107 yeark. and ,he has 1,081 "v- 01int,on, next Wednesday Nov loth. ement. Tile minutt, The doctor I)OUlt fit] z t 1.v�.,: to i� .a. A M .. to en wit PuranothatTaron .a of ` . f - ,r, , , I . .1 , or to WM. CAMPIML. It.- u a. Ter son a Pit Excutors, NotiG ' ' - lw� J apful tells (firpl.1 froln tile c,"Pply o "eft ' () alldit the church accounts for I � — P that the e I growth. (j. Al. 1�, vitry of ' I �, we tIon a I , noter*aiciry C to hie impression its it Medical ")air was Y%11. suranco Agent, a sidence. Gred1tors. to discusq Matt,crs in contloctio� last r lar meeting were read arid the , st street. I rl not a . __ with adopI7 - Moved by Dr. Taylor, se pay will Produce Mania, to it direct impotter ,� I __ their offilial duties. It, 'A said lodefendant, inig and only fritroducog tile purest test - �� . In the Estate of IjoN. Al. C. CAMERON, clot ks will consider the question to the conded by Sheriff Reynolds, that the and that tZ, t, injuro R. 'I'be alcalrofSt P'tt"'S c I'll i -ch was , Merchants who d, f the insurance of building he renewed witIl herself. Continuing. the doe The If oje.o, of _ P11,ttily decornte4 last Slinday. the oc- I I.;� � The Star 9IV8S THE NEW lose .at �.d In Trin STAR late of tile Town of (ioderich. in the preparation of the, Voter'R Lists, and Mr t, r said ,I,,,, D vin,tj.. : ,", � , more monev than Ire do. . �,; - County Of Huron, Lieu benars t-Gover. aPPOint it cons . Horton. (Carried fie had examin Refuge ('0131tilittee of cat"101) being the uecond nriniVer4ary of ,;,�,, � , I I OTICE. -We want 1:000 thq. butter In 2 — the coun Will ineet, in (,,Illltoll (it the opening of the ellurch. ,,,)velv, A. -lb. I CTIVE SOLIOT_ mittee to solicit e . -) Moved Pa her that mo,rning t � lolls For A I butter we will pny the ;�-T('jij� �WANTEV�,Cy- nor of the North-West Territorteit. clerk in very Jans. Shophard, seconded by by and found b to he improving. R,)I,t. Tue ov. 16til it, pas� . , I'' , WHERE for "Tire Story or the Pi,ilip. Petitioning the',Legistiatu join them of Gers, Porter end traflSaCt the u I inial ecors- � 11 r , 3 gbest calth Price. also fresh ofgs at ill" Pines" by in non, that the account " � . Efty- decea94 the province to Dr. Shari . Henderson, till nkey said be had seen W, 4 account's f'""'er" w0rl' lived for the i usidr.'d . . Mumt Holstead- cGramilloiloned by the — If M-- 1. � anditonst-Prolocosstore.-W. . re and Par a- I Iss Howler rovery day for business con. t"o'- and it Itunibi.l. ,)f ­ ":;. , - - Mr. St, to d 11"Las wery ,:, ORROW. client to amend the statues in this con for stationetv. $15. he vaild. Currie four or tive nected with the Institution. I � , - a GDoepvtoLrrtntmneen'ttabTohofflbclaI Hl"t6l1ro" to the " a r OTICE Is berrill nection. weeks. a ,(I that when j4he (,time In she Place(] 111) In th, I. .r ; � ��11 � 8 FOR SALE.- TH eampossitslus, Francisco, on tile pactflic wit tend fe Otit door grow, " � owpr to qlRtlalIzp the, '' jjo d o r1a ri 'I Persona having cl ' 'O -r "The me 'n as 4 It very frinc-11 atinoym ill Novern )or 1, ,� r I rVOWN LOT Link wgg written In arm NTruntee Act," IT, �vcn t1nibunder - ranted eave t,ont , �Fo . Pting of wUnivKersity S-rissr, I VVIL'i (vlole-at,d at, ch. &0.�Vj S n Fit). 129, that A Fonmsn 1`08OR day If liffithru ts� %propertlai for safe in 0encrai Merritt, in t e I n To I at helog pla,ed are opi-teiril 10 10 it. I is. 1. � I . hospitals at 11 Iiiiii, wige arminst the & &Ims as reditors or other- 111YRONITE BURN9G.-A ronto, on Nov. 11, 11) JUjIr Mr. Henderson also 9t,aled ,wilt MI.,, hilt frerillout hereaboilts el'(' wAl2 I"w Ilia six lots oil BrIttanta-st.. on lake front. No. 114nairtofing Keel- In - t 10 American tre= at CAMtRoN, of the late of tile late RON. M. C. Detroit despatch se, oard then ad' a.,n., r, _- _', at 7.31) ­:_ I lit 110. 14 150.151. IS2, well fenee,j, in on t ,,%In the �l 11 Town Of Goderich. In tile Th. h T, fity v"1413i'" ,it 7 P on. Stfrillong �� h% . , n Dec oustri-st, a glass. k , lots the r of bat th I I "', , , f Huron, Liouten4lit-9overnor of I Qhael Bowler de. her gulden Yest,orday rooruing. t(OV- rUthel X"eidl. (If Ningill" panel. � ,.,�. I of the olyrnplA with Dotvoy. and in County a Patrick Murphy of Monday id:- Journed. that she had very mliell jolprove, * ' a(ol) 81"kew bonded TFI� #� nAuro'clite'up0swithAguinaldo, Nor h last tvIso weeks. All .I the STAR a he�llll'f'41 R"InPIP pick(,d fr,)n; were j)re;l,jl,,d nt, all ,� lXpo%ite the market, oat befoutifManils. _W�st Territories, who died or, the26th apred 40, who lived DESTITUTE CANADIANS IN DETnorr. fendan Vs father, said Ellen carr fe, It"' oervicus hy No. PL 66, Ofsa an Oils, with comfortable for on Bonatiza day of comber. 1898 are to sand in a alone in resir of his blacksmith shop. -A dearsatell of Monday id:--Frod 11 light rovinvial of 1h,. ,t � ; frame cattago, outball4inf.8 and storehouse. B to oforlistinsdPlatures taken claims d8tepyprovers to ' itch corner of Chene street and Michiglult sa o N. If .. p � , Ill' government photographers on the or torg for John J1 W it, ridorsitened, soilul- a It, fie' hands front 11.1 i Two Iota on Harbor fla , tolia, joIL met of a It. 14w pricee, a u it W. Gray, 20 years ofage t roorn. foom to qUile rpadv filli, Bropbey , I . .It 1. I 'c"Al This -novs, ivntl,t 1114t, winter is not, M .... ; Or,der (if . � ll 131 PrOfItA, Fre ghi Cameron, the Ex Mon- M. D and Jessie ff. Central ltai�Avay, Was burned to death, . Here defendant assi(I she had a is alwayN v 'it ( "tile' '1ndhiAd­r�ur,,,w,,o � I g Min. � ftla to W it a law Rtuden I (1114-b ILI j)r,,rfuti-,I. "'O . 0 ditRiven. DropO tras af Toronto; Thoul vandle, roadY U, ninke y,,Ij happ Tbp rh,)ir p��4.14ent- � Lot 16, Con. C., containing ten acrea. in kol. usiolucial do rs Of the In Of the said nd the shop destroy d by fire at 2 ,,) A. Owen. 38 years And that bet' father knew It yvvith Ilia 1) , ,, Outtitfrft, Addrm, goel, ,twith ton arperitia,.ghtif-ii.fands o'clock yesterday e L rivalled ph,,to, Whether in - " i t1cial progritinin t.Zd Crags, and well fenced. With barb and wolf. F -.S ri FT.Barber. a n Id, exteacher I" ed atiqrs ' 1 nauranco Bldg.. ChIcisgo. Of Accril"A morning. Murphy Of the Parklifli'lligh Perfectiv well, bet, wan" to Put her ortraliq oI' f,,',,il singh. � 1) of empic. hov- rt%,11.0 Itssi-lalic" Of 3Ir if ,,;icjlo,jN. 'I'll The" Properties will be i a 68, If any, eld by them. wns a native of otchool. Parkhill. Oot.; and Edward away' JUdgf. M"Boll Asked witness aija tA) pje,L�4,. 1 Y groopm, lie sieves. 'of I rjId lit bargains, in or 'Apply to THOMAS C� 9 FTEL. 8ft before the 16T DAY OF DEORMUsta, A.D.. Huron County, Ontario, the Rize of Ili" f South.aL I The star —Drints quiCk, good, Cheap I whem hill parenta atill Flicklen. 20 Yeals old, an A - P, in. Tit,, In,st niijul-d , And further take x6rrcn Mat the flat live. He had to -gPrt. Toron I t be stnek on it, aentiounin � 1;:,� � ___�_ -_----� ...... Q4 onterit after the Mid IRt day of Decors, d Rxe. been In hoginess whole I Were In the citly on Fria ight, 'Ti,-, th., ti.a"n -'( LOn-lon Fie, pr,,,s: kuui a nice tonor voice. and �,lnw ho, I � "I � - "-------- her will burned out without " Id heve to p for SaIntaris"and "Aye Wtria-. ,,- , . �- 1. tlOc"dA Of th(l said ago tod tedlistribuM the P I'm Y". holli'll.r alit eed i I " . pein TI e wr oil (40rdon Farro%vi -- = since Corning from Onnada. live years we=or wits bet, If he sent b to an asyl,311). the little boy who.uj :r -los, r toste AmOXt the part es, entitled . . tin rely well. Cha�. (,I,w.n,tb. who � , 44 , �­ Ll it, lor's answer wits, "I,ft her out, then " t the fl.jrw�lj wato organist f � ( thrvatA-til.w lei t, a ro. ry eve (71 It off a " hAvIng resin thereto Mary's C ley went tx) St - anti defendant lnl�erjected ,,Itlq h',';,. gtf�PPI cr­vonn i ,- .h Only to the clot 'atholic church, intondiniz to che ort-a,,lon, Iterf.rm- � all then hire proT.O., ,.jIn,, of whf;,h thej A PARRNTS' AirrRRNOON Pe I i I nueli t(. improve. ,d t he duit hp. "' � �� n , .-Inapector "pond the night on tile seats 'I'll O ho there, no ably The q.-(,,jjd nnns- I T 8 WEEK'S SPECIALS it ,a not liable sport Executors �e . If thstt )Ught I I. alle " Ilis recover -yr, ('1111 , ,� ! I , 11 - 6�1 1 ` " � I r ", 6 .1 I&O"" � � ,1 .1, .41 1 .1. � ., 4 11,, Th!"$'l I Lyaonuja rny!*',' , . iVWW =====71___ .====�=�_��� I I li, I" lq�� . . oll for Ouch proceeds or tsev John Elgin TOM, wantinly to Interest wPl fotina howev In nor h is Ito . "I'll such terrible injimiem vOrpary was Tp�t ,tqtvefl attonded asi f )) 11 the""-( - dhit,lb-bitil to Any Person at 1. o er. and a; iselittrIT ,wer t,() JndK0 5f"son t vrit �' ,en i ernarkahl- A fp%v dav,, ago ClIP 0"t, hilt the e � ------- � t, claim tha 12,11 not hsv* had notice at Un in Capt. McDonnel ve do n "" parents in the Public , ' said Ilia dangli he School y . he Was rpm(�ved frole tile th�r vvq� ,i" ,,_ t 0 8 st,p t che dotecti Wr had never tbre tened � (jens��sfl trflu,IV di-,tgrepawhit"'that it j, a woe- i me of ill bill on thetftf, partment', wits firoprerRed with their on- is hurn the pla4r.e. o' "OMP't"i t�o his fatlinr'� h,,,,,,. deV so litrany W(�ru pro ­'ll. � . t London. this Slat day of octet"! router Inter t Dr. Sbannon sr.' lany of � � Da WK& I 'el ligence and honest appeamneo. and er three tirlies 'and A I d to t tilern to take R - A. .,I hildren's studies. got lip released them. found that Ole was inider the delusion have been qit t Ing tip at ,itrhtq , .." t he (I I -And T, tin k c in if yeeit - I . ....... 6 ots Palonta' afternoon" at the Exeter I VIrrijit �, ��, Tretty little 10op AWd Saueerg .............................................. r cst in Eir C lisid exalnined h y PpI)1ic school tile other day. There dOcWr had Riven her poison. In weak. coulluittin . Good Parses ............................................. ........ 6o lot 20 ArA 25 eta IM Solielth tho GOV. PArrensoNliq GKNR"UH GIPT. 11,13swor to illdqe 9 to Illefflory Oce, Holmesvine. ,Good Tooth Drushu .. ................. DAYLT& DAYL - that it I ....... .............................. EXftuiorx. waq Speoial line o(T66f.11 n,tiltshes ........ ....................... ............ 6 eta ftell Wdr — not such ful Attendance ^q Masson tire doctor rules and tiv. Itissi'lid TlIR0(�vyN)`yy`r?T"P1AyT-0Tl tbr,411t �, , ch. Ont . the -At the recent prize Presentation at said sinch ,t behof becurne a rnanfa6 that, fol'ee iihorl"'iflillf ions thf4t will Ns" 1 flair Brushes ............................................. .... 10 6in each _� ... I'll'' . __ enuse enerited, but it number of Ill- Upper Canuds, Collego. the dog,-norary advances, ,,a P that Lho el"" of Noverni,er. the UnniVPmqr L: ;, terlesbed parents vvere Present, and Lieut.- I 'I F con. bl@ms art, not all diffle'll Istst tile GUnrx,%v(lpr V of the . ,� � , OA -t- .. . .. 1VTORDAT I . fildirm,, by the I fn--.. . .. .. ........ 11 29 M Tua GALH or 8 Governor , tintless. that the -to, F!" t, rV Ar � P1.1t, xvw) %. 1, 5 � I .............................. ­ � N for UN. report in the 0 manito lit On t, o had 4 low Ch, 4 I 1016g-tted it, announced n PnihOO In her medicine might cernment to ,;ttell their tneanI%i`X)Ie (11 - ferldid . '� I DAY.-NoVern her r)th, IM" Will long sit. bad Ist,nnna in our donate On' ke ber dangerous. And that she - r was gerwill In tit(, b,,%Iiv I . I .............. I ....... 10 And 18 cts each paperq those pre Exeter pati,elt bit. Flon. J. C t,k it I-eq,dre (Nmaidpm giand Rtyl(.. bv I_ () �� .1 Side Combs ................................................................. . he that be woulA inap 8 ap rnjpp� "' NO' IM. A ; . . � a eta a pair rememberell by the ichoof work andpa'edelfivhtfill time Fren- to the College the Awqrd. Vie. The Anheville .N. (*, ) 110171' full)* IM ..t '.I 0�ftnd Trunk Elevat burning of the Wrist Cro" Kill! ot or Medall, of ch. OU(ght t- he In the rtsvium f _ 11 ? ��. I ernfly. As far ait can be learned from � Or 01azette, in a "' dawrt. One of the, , ''. We" 8, 0 find the gale the paper,s, intrents in. Dr, llunt,er con Protec- report of thaatjjj1�vf)t,,, tl;l lowe,ell con hr'st, qpr"dq 1-0t, kluxwn 1),inK Iti,en. " . curved In Dr, cart in tile collf.g, there. 9peaks th _ POr t he after P"W"unnuo at th o ell, Irell. �, PRICE& OrAt V1191ted the, I#LtO (Yal. Dunn )tome tiln" C t the Md illiannon',; evidence and thought the a lady well k till ja 4 , 00 WINDOW FOR SPECIAL that blew on that Oe4on. Tile e single class and -- to Regirrienk who'dind In Ahvitsfil no , ol ' . � Z%7, neher and I [a. An hance of d"fendant's recovery slight. Mee ('on"Wly I)CCUPlud Ah h^jj.. , li�� daur 6,10� is 16OL-Don't be ifftid to t1se I&. % w&,4 repeated oul No n IF] in Goderleb- . f � I I . AW the gift. The defendant. in answer tiotijejuali.e. Cbuw f,kvorpd her listenem w " Rev. % %yers delivered P. ,ti 0 L . I I Tdallikikii ember fith 1%4811 at wor k- aft,pr which the three fuMnir oil PA'nthl� he Warrfor;Lecorripatiles c ,I! I I I-OPI&CO the old 0 6. Im 3oL Durin Twive an old U. C *� And on the saft,le d%,' - the building �; rooms f�rnied r no clasts and the senior 1,111 I I ' . �1.1 ,, �,�. , Z " of t & 0'andlo Ing this I t I i .1 I 11 I — I , in closing said that Nile bad a lamp And I)eA"ti "if qongq; the last ,vaq Ro plpc'kq. . . . cavil . �,,` Ij m6 ,giw. three another, and in the rooms oc- 0- 110y- PrinciPAI Varkin, itl "O a tr-* - v� Olen. of fl, -4. "t"I"ra'- ., � Cottirletod. Ajt;hj)uitjj': cupied by these two. Programmes were the lioceedintt. rq!rnarked flint Ho.p. � ell tile occasion Mentioned, I I. it, ,& reisponse to the Pnc(44�, wa,s is ke. Ntik, (,,, le, Also, I ". I Of .­ Storril Ve presented ,her father [)all no reftoon tot*% .. t" 4 ,�' I I �, ' ed it tbd roe ne I M r. PAtt( And that I r()ttR' and Cox toolka Xeivirst. &Ilb, " , ,�, I ,I, .I .. 11 are PIOMOA consisting of 66 a and , �r%on ad paid $1.200 for these, During tile Colin r her. IOVObAlInd. Mji,,� �iijut,p,o Voice . - Wrillptuo anti r#ndev�4 vit bro- I 1 , T rlt*h "Pon- 'if'() Bite PAuA ,% pretty pkrt to the I . . (A6 the A%kilversour itilleecheR. AMOTRIZ those whol - elics In I I 1100720 conttaito once is W it I .1 I " I ­ Y. About too �oondo to it I , , . in. #,he by a nephew of Col. viewoffoycoLole. dortor%(�Akeaw n toile .! *&&.&. I T � 'em atlivet*Mt sit in one ed adsim,"ea were Inm eliver , be ston1d 8"'g" when t'hav Were Bowlersaid. '-Thew of tile trl^1 of ci-st)%idelablo Cjln�... R "a it e64016 of Indies fror,.,, I , , " ER'S BOOK ST . .. Arid the gooly Tuable n,",it- 'i"UR, , coal *41liIiis '�' I I W I pear h ' ' . Peetor To Arld cleAr'n— The duet ­QUIs e re(�Pipts vtore lar I�� . I . , .. Dtlnn. LClud C . ean to) 9 Home-, fly At I , ('at 114 to In, regretted thab froifte () nfio it, . � � . . 11 . NPAMM - . . . "001C " "0r6401f400t%t OVeMme the Reeve. Rev. Mr, Hart1n.,11d !�rft*M th a boys- 1Y." and sliud t trt W . ; . , . � . I I H. d Afe'"M !beer a ex ' . I . . I � 11 � . I I " **�awj � sin. Flurdon. Itim and Hdaton. ftPPtftiikttnn of Ll frut, 6 it in it Manner , `1V til Was one tot ths" (7b"to mild All- I.owrlo. pm,letlt Partook Ofa, b*A ­ �', . . �: . . . 11 .1 . `,I.,- , � I kincinw, v. Pattolm"'o Makeanybodybut,in .D, ie1i't 0 tbtf audie 0 fa—irlip n "flobem and KallY. and carried off ,Wb T ft"I IIW,, , . .1 —1 , .1 . � I I 1, � /, , I 1 I 11 ,�/r 1 -4 diRAPPointed if, ittilate , t . I Like, � I L I � , 4 I .1 � � . W" compoit mentri ncp IVIL . I I% K164 I r' -r _ 14,111tet. succeed in getting that belonged t ­ -4 - 11 I .,%,-� -� * I W 4t *,%'- I , � � . "I I I I , . , I , � . 0 O,t - I ­ � I " , another "" They should tie 011h6e4 Of * � " �'_­,, � 11 . I ." � ,� �, ,:, , . Ii. � , ,� ,. I . I � � �� - lc" li� —1 � � I I .,r . . 1. ". I I ., , � 11 . . I I r t4l r. � 11. ­. I � &I .% , , , , " � 1� .� N ,* " I . L 11 14 " _ .. � r r,", . r, . � , " - r . I �y, A� I I . �: r '� . t 11 1� . . ­ . "I �� L, `lj&djjjb&...,4;. L ,�,.j r � . ­� I ,� I " I ) ". . I I . I . � I I I . 11 �'*�" 1 r AVWJ�, L I 11 ,,, . ii ,_,, ' I I . s.,,i4", � 111111&�, , , ,�*s , I ,_,�l&_&A�.ji�,��,*L,���,—,�.,iL----,I��,� -_ . � "L_ � I _ " 'hg,f �, I i �,Q 't 0,-i�­ I , I .. I � I 11111 IQ , "'�' '%*.'��%'%"%­',tr`�� ,;' ;:; �r , 1^ 1, Oft, :, , , .1 , " . . , " , .4 , . I �� rjm*. , I'm - _ i�,& 'WIL -J , , ,4i L, ,tA - , .. I I L I