The Goderich Star, 1898-10-28, Page 6f Io4ab., 72c; No. 2 jgydi THItl Q)U N A. 0 TO 11 ry fOr War. to succem Up aw "."" been living-iat 4 I)* OXIMO. 71 3-46, D cembi.r, 70 7-.,80; Asy to To k . #a , P 10v ftwi 1*6 'been a servant CA caritoo, str"J� weir X Jim luht'n leahave been -tiblicyit JXA bllq� Wvmukoot, Oct. tei * � 0, 8rIAXt;AbWl3e,%)PoI4t*d Under W,940NTO NOTH94VURVERS HER was 19 year$ I r r,.ForsIgu Affairs, for-, house. Tbq,'Womay I A _4I ita - ,,O I > do., (06 Sy to pe_roft,� XVI 0; : 41 't�70, � NN, Northern .70 ' 1-0o; No, THRUS CHILPREN. 4 was Tiger i0181ancliolla, *.blo 11 )At*' =647 be d.,by Lord Curzon, the abivr 9,11 6:51 1.9c. Brly-g,, T Troroiato, opt aaOM J 11 I "" A 4t4oa AUT901 11 TOnpli; lhd. They ere in tic' V1"V97 tO &van Now. I tinged with rai oumplo, a to 470, 100 ayx-r Us"! peenill coM T '!Ar 444, 0 -t,' glii_ WtAisn. OMCAO ftiou 4# -Apo this is tie tqgrb r 4 014a firm Toledo, c Wheat No, 2. deep glto h ,Adop jotilloo have discover"d at 1h root whiob the Sq so 0.40 1 *ill $a Vnt% Them Soon Mrs. Burxell; Isit movo"'At M goo 4494, Qotobox� Arid Decem. hqtre an establishea 0 4 for,alt No. Q9ru­N. 9 , eir, 71 8-4o. takcs WhIO4 84ppliliA professional be 111010 AN the AWPITrallody. good woman. his gr 2 or wo 04� while Aslitlip's tbo aotia� cash, used by tttrmo A despatch from Toronto *aYai.--0ae vout. 80., ;0 - S. to 91d, bid. Clover so _prlme, Omsh, $4.50 ; try'a bAttlep , will ;W.xk again bo,49� Itir th %t"4 *ft ; now 14 to A59; a 1110115tr0li-A. Aa own 0 all 4h aflxi� u,t9caoy of their 41W Of tile Most terrible "IM04 ever rIMOV4 �eid qv;r,#, :L4 to ii W04r.'$4 00 011-1? aeh oWound'aa. Who 020 troll* UPOA.tho loUbllo. A large sport- 64 113 Tar are on their home 08 TO aosed onto$ W�B committed On Friday .0o,d iler aw'A".41"r Moat Of W" 0t loes and arms, oath,' 1013 FA Ro'. Oct. ff you cover know Irou r frola, th" I tilt It 14 ill, tSounhebeep, MAtle, AA r#Kilin and fiddles, wig mbar, 66 1-1c; BUY, is]; an a pit A litter][10011, when Mrs. Burrell. of 569 san N *.44 be' LONan OVentle. . strangled bet three ad 00 tO 0074o, No, I bar( : 1-4o; Aai� 'A moilimant Is, 4&14 to be on foot .0, Ohl ran. Although the woman me, W911440PA to, Orq�p;lbp -)a ad Intg..'Not lay lipabital. bar 1"j"ty ovor, 1, 250i 9. L 90,04 a Co., I _142, Ill Northern 67' 1.4c; No, 2 North to Wera drama WILL FRANC bra, 66 1 -go, - �Iour_At the present will Visit them In Ord or Lowell. mass. t;rt a AaW back iy� Ottawa. COME T 0_1IX 164 0A track '46,11 o, 40, to 01�. r&te le or tha-1; b 0*00 STATES. ha been flaeane at the time of the rladl;g thars, 14 only four Majesty mfky be,$para the f tig 6f To IfINO OWY Villa W. Wks with U00410 #AW0 111mrolihs; t9414#11ty, Pq Ito W)nuoii JS�a barri.4% of Alq -EnglIall t eyallicate is about to triple mur(lor, she oon recovered bar a , to this city; sales makilit % couplio Of, journi*8 sloon,''O.Q. 'bite been appointed 014 Put44409 all the breweries in Cincla- The 5ituatiog ever city t ever,, '04 194 to Not. Qt otoro!Ai�,7 on hand to 011004. and calmly discussed the &title 00" rmore' 104". 0 to 7,OQ' were lulde thl weak to Austria. Italy" toy, A.A. ittho.cas who Muml,oldner -14 the TiIkOvi- Aid. aus,than'Now-Ttio, Oritlob 144 arift Constantinople- I the ob LEGAL. rod Par bogv -04, street. a deelped With her borrifld husband, and the to be Iteady, which showt 'the now Vattlas Wing. of % Kin 11- wVrity eiplIs of a Public school 1,4 tar tb; proacat wide demand for flour; to a a to 6110�1 bar sympathy 'to T tive P lacighbours. j Poultr cot pat nt the Wound- An Price t4ar. 3.70 to 43.80, 04 from ton 04")AI Hospital wag forma ly In Scranton. VFA" h ve died -within the A despatch from aditini.�t a to(�Laloe. Qqot $8.00 to 04, ocand do,, the Ridlau froutter,-the t RRQW&PROU ;A RRISTER-4 W4 cleirs clplrOnT. 'OPP Attorneys, Sollot ore. &a. Uodartoti, X -!Wfill b.% 'defered until All the W_. ain 44` "Ace ,tloq 'lox PROU11FOOT. 4od with weptigi, ,past two v* 11 , a. 1, ;I it". 4 a a. Do active sewer pipe THE DBAD. Never since Grast Brit pe-r,pa.ir.25 W %a w , I The siam;KA vita mouisla tar the CAUA� W, 1 04, a. at D4111th, Mt. 26.- 4ea x1leray of Clinton, IPW Burrell, Stanley. aged 6 ears. began to dispute over No. I SOucI1A Invalids have aFrIved, d1sq. vris,orittia will, t to expected. be FIIAt is wife 440a. 50 t& 60o; gtosa per lb., rk 1-2 to Worth .4c; October, 69 34a V16h,, 04 �ubsday shot cash, 119 1 liqu About May d"d Burrell, Harold. aged 2 1-2 yeam Lug the most acuki stagi of the 0.4er 6 1-2o.; turkeys, per - lb., 9 to 10o, bid,: Deectaber. 66 3-4o bid. Receipts Tbe,Xtrst Of those have already ar- 0 lit, 14 etunA 0!8 . 4strister, sollel,ar, 7,;g -t ry 4124 tholk committed quiet a. Both rive a6f Solvaii Were undgr troutment for insanity. Bartell, Ethel, aged 15 months. differences between' those, t* B�Oaas-Xarkot rather slow, tholpe -487.400 bnabels. dt 444; 6a . remander will follow an Ir Ii slt.� near Registry dlm,. Godartoll, 1V0adIIY As possible. The hospital fk,,d, to lea, at, lowest V%tei. A achoodier load of flour i4i'to bei -picked bst�as It at QQ to 5 Dr. Willitla R. Brooks, ]Director of The first to discover the crime was tries, has the situation lookea in- hand )a arrs. N. As , n.46menta for their reception ard abIPPed by he 44aboo Government o the Smithb4arvaitory at Geneva, the husband of the murderess and Qua as now. a*d qqM'MOU At to 'WO bush 00-PlPti-� har or. hundred at 'ORNMN., Barii% r un amply. biods Ill tp ,h.,Id NA Ito. dor Coast. ro�.od and Opp toar IN RN TORTIRE, he- wards, and od, otary the dastltutr fi�bermon� of the Ubra. has idlactiverad e new comet, wbic fathr of the little ones, Charles E. In 'spite of the hop' the lirloid ltib­About- a Y. D6,1eir, described as large, T 'W� A. E. Obarron of Montreal has bright. Ba marble cutter at Gibson's Bober journals of = COU404oi--�ihat Paz, 81-2o. far driod sto�ck delivered it b6QOme. necessary to provide move odairlob. I — 8600mModAtion, ordinary cases will be anatnt @ chalplotc Q. V... Barrister. Sollalt9t, entered action o recover trom Was The United States Shipping Register marble works on Parli Street. the Matter could be here. an& =111 lot$ V48811 here it 4 TIED HIS WIFE TO A STAKEDVER romoVed to other military hospitals, in Mt rate $10 a Notary, &e Offloe-Over Davis' I., Drug, . �070 for breach of Pro. ou June 30, showed =1.705 vessels. of Mr. Burrell quit work about half-Pftst rd, It i's a fact that the Feb' 4'; 4xval to 4 Evaporated, 8 1-2 to Ro. for order that all the.-Sbudan invalids may store, Goderjoh; koney to loan. aand rcuoh6d his home and military aut ritles ara� IABA,;ing small lots. 4.740,788 gross tons. The total steam five O'clock A SLOW FIRE. be under treatmput together. toArkags amounts to 6,712 vesaels� of 2j- Several men who -tiont home RX &0�' sov6 09 t N- -0 b -on the Square. next door to lGis iTT HEATON, Barristo bigaintat, sektqucad to $71,023 tons, wi and UQUoy-Unchanged; Round lots Of A Horrible Russian Practlee-The VIctims wounded from the fildi campaign are Lauricillot Utatilaton, thi Woodat k About five minutes past six HIS wife feverish prepar a for Were n years i tile Kitigat6in at t tentlary N beau It is reported from Columbus, Ohio, Was engaged in the kLichea, but came though 0alm Choice, delivered bere.'will biring about Shrieks War* Unheeded Rccapse They a atley still, but thev aroB all ran- a gigantic trust, In -about to be to, Meet him, -and arrange dockyard at Portsmouth, Chkthl%i )a quote from a to 10. --ThalDevil." Valeace4t. an w pat to work In t a Stone a d his tea On ,ii,and 5 14 to 06. J alar Came From I d Ill'be, discharged very 0_#T6 0,% Nor, Ftarrintar, Sol let a limbs- have L " Procter in Marldnia tor OrMad of flio different collar and shirt th table. Mr. Burrell did not notice P"OuPOrt, it is Only the calb soon. when their artificial A laborsr4r�OdXongean we Pro, par lb.. -for 10 to W1b fts, and in 'A d;Mpatob from Odessa says: -The been to oeo by r eirttvid 0 140-tw'tries of the United States, to the children playing about the house Pardness, and significant o;CA�oi fitted, for Wait Of them suffered Nip w 19an at lowest ral �001mr`c.Atdor- dynamite 'have OOMb at arourd $L25 to fl.50 per dog- Vladikaykaa circuit judge had recint- amputation of Wbxtia aboldo tall oxp�ode while have a capaal of $100,000,000. one limb. Until just tojilk look, Hamilton stree;, G working In i dtAlu k Xi5n mi. .0. kotltOu, a prominent coal man. as was their custom, and asked his h" arriving there from an sections. IY a case before him in which a Mullah. reoetitlY a large, seetion (if the hospital O. cAgnuoX iformarly of Gotirrt Ito was h4ld,u'p Ili Chicago. Saturday ev- oh, they ate alt indicating the belief tb*t' 100at Baled hay --Sales tow and hard to AkIlluat'Ramasanoff. was accused of Was crowded with Invalids from the 14.1 � mundtir Wakeliam ro orts that wife here, they were. 1i Holt k-Camerou), Barrister nndS Salis6ury -plain manossivres. Thes tar. 011100 -Ha ilton straet� second (loop Britain and France are on '11i Ink make� Strictly obodo Poured in.so thickly* that extra bad: from thp8quare, oderl.oh. tbb%ritimi6 V, oineek MATeral fisb� Aegroo are i6 ailing b tUrq a. He was beat- all 'right,-- she answered. 1 -Them torturing, a Caucasian woman named Asenvitility And robbed at Of war. 0, Ila car lots Is Ing,. which hss�, unt closed, bus proved An Into 400- upstairs.- jG-fool at $6.50 t, $7.50 per ton,. `s�.d Kouffa Naroberetavoi, with the con- had to, be put up. Mcst.of these pati, gr4tly Above; V16 Aorago, %Vat$ �Jheu Put Into a closet and Oak- As Mr.' DoBlowitz, the QOrr- No. 2 at q6. been discharged, and DB Why did you put them to bed so niv 1100 of her husband, -It appears she enta have now The P ople of 00W Wtiatminstor Ate In. I OPOUdOut ofthe London TIM A w.tites: NTJLL� Goession "I'IY I" his inquired. Straw demand n% Car lots are quat,­ AUffered 401a fite, will -the W"as thy occupied are reqdy for ch aaccording th t K644 19,� During 't Subtlas -"Novekr before has' there Wit- ii� sick and wounded from the Soudan. parta by a a f. sho 'eallg0ti at Oh�(mgo. here Mi To this the returned no an—or. but nessed such a state ever al*,� j" ad at 94 to $4.50 on track. to th views of �tbs Mullah, were oau&- HOLSON. L A S.. Dental Surgeor uld itiv was 4 tarr bit oruala '' 9 now Quail,- &TRoomeoppamitetboPosLofflice. Go a 0 th 0001 r f t They -Ili find their, now Suer a B it I of the 14to 0141ast DUO tkr�,, 14 volkfoh IbOlice, mArlues, and ipectar bade him take his food. No," said prevailing In Great r aia,,:uor to Elops-Mar"t steady to firmer out- ad by the devils In her. Ings.vory cool.and pleasant. The fam. ng, porceighi and gold crown and bridge 'a d4 TbcLIndIaA$ in th ttlQt' L of0aft tora, Were. al!. mixill. up togother. For- Durrall, rather alarmed, I want to great an exaltation Of PiLlill'' ti!a0ling 41 hnAs d not name the' ous hospital is situited in one of the wo t a specialty. 'I'airty-tive yeant' exper. d but locally thorg in littit the woman wool a dispersed with- over a matter at foreign poligyj�,Ittbilo I lanee. tit T411 �a 111�Dll Lake, and Oxfo h,;Keo toustali 20 crowd ws, 40 the 'Children." hops. No. 1, are hold at 18c. and devils of bar own free will she was prettiest corner$ of Picturesque Ramp- sbirq. Around it lie charmingly wood. wakto" am .110 A, cndillan, -.00t DAY 16".Of life, Tile abilaren 112 On the Other side France jo, is bid. Some transactions at l6o. tied to a stake over a slow fire and 111ABSE, D. D. B.. L, D. S., Dental Sur. Ate ivingL�tcst and appror JUO goon. Oct methods the for all dom operations. Preservation f It s A tub speciaty. onto r Power provokin, h olk ' 14 T1. a -Over James colly. or backward, preparing to 189 4briekA, which came, as the Mullah leaves. These now make a delightful Gamete source, suit out W Xgl�agkr V-4it0d $tatT� "VIBUI at turud the worAgra 116"014" r' and rapidly, without lookinl�, forWard aroi,­3�6und I t '* de- ad little valloys6 with the faint ti;;Lts T AW4o4 i0lt�- rqur.ta to ashingtou litr='ndto ?.rr,�3.t kept there, in spite lif bar heartrending of early auturan just allowing upon on heart is father rushed iod, IU Are. where th . 9 or, Tg A �,A We dry -goods darc. 5,will 154 no scarcity. at food' UP21 terrible sight met oboll:6, 13 156 14d.. No. 1. 1.2 nvOrred flat from her, but from the Picture when,viewed from tha bosultal. Intoo. Prioas of provisions bill ey,8. On theIr little cot lay the hope that the DRESS134P HOGS AND PROVI wh:t�oroli of Uaultoba,bgs oft this *4 statesmen, ho"ver, still at neJo,-the but b6tel prices Marquis of ,O_At�bur it her, for over eight hours, un- The hospital grounds, too are lo@ring M. TURNBUM D.D.&. L. D. S� Dental age...or doakra oil by thei r�Oftt raws, 4rd fAlliog tilt SIONS, devils I' I three children, quite dead. Stanley, a will offer some xchanges WbI4� will Some offlots,odleaLag Won track and til she fell Into a state ok unconscious- their 'best. Brbad, well-Jighted cot- Sur Ptlobs bar" eclly�, upwurd r6main high. It 6V #42 &.day. tA,an a ruir formaV asse1wil with ft rom" very faces, rido OL 'On eal. bra 0 fill"eIr-old boy, and S OrIPPle, With -enable them to !retire t ahoda streat deliveries of dressoolhogs to FA along each division of the Ixou. of f the uro. 06 v4fa of, side panalysed, lay besid- without car W fe"Jon practiced, lucluding gold and poret ladu %to Prof. Board, who his right apparent sacrifice ot�. ignity. fair., P4chara here are'purchaws and brIdge work. Sveatal attenclon at hen questioned by the udge as to hospital, and from these the men Will A Juar P! -14011 his or want tWAlaikk I*.tI taw. Pa6kera urftasora of- car his reason for subjecting 1he woman be able to an cy aplen _w Interests of the RO01d, Aged 2 1-2 years. and across This hope la based on A, cQUINOWtign to t=rvation of the natural teath. 4% td -be alit Notth"Sto Minin COMPalay Of Phits- their feet was Met, the baby, who tween Lord 8 bomatra did views of 'IlAi be phJ; tupon. thei V , a -4� tiforsloot, - alisbury and ,S lots on trick at §5.,%P, an a fraction tO'sueh inbuinnift torture, the Mullah Southampton Value and thei Now For. Oflica in 310 #8 New Block. 0 A They lay as r 16no. Heavy fat t a tr higher hogs, -14 be did it for her good� and ltwas oat. tCd 'ay t IoUt 15 months, old. Courcal ( 'a French Ambaspallo at to-, ''t af�bp;e trob nd J We% Out 43100p, and the only algi of which figures In too, t fo)r mesa porki. are acarcoand 'in rd tile TAsual-praditice with (hem in Such Allit III, lost hill life in K the traged Was a. couple rings par 1443 in dad GREATER EVIL:k THAN EVEN WAR 'a 1)Uet ot'tho. h in the ook Farmersk loads sold At same, 0 vernm , eq� -h#s is- 'the Ohio of all p,stoady. ONICYTO LOAN-Privato funds. e'quad si It' slight Wit the French Go to 05.60. Ali to quality. Pork peo- The pact woman lay on bar atom"lo A ha 4 awas murolpr� ;it he Sir t4waAh, 806i'litity at4171hilQUA of the akin under its fo"_Ikft' OtQnta� in �ISM. hiks �ooa 'Oa tb rNts free for nine, Months Continually before the Exchequer it"Oem 111tCrOSt.-61rhightlogi. A The mob the mqrder a I bed ons 4" as follaws;-Dry salt- Wountls.'64, i'liaoic healed, and now collar oi tote alionodloa I * 1% The ftrulsll� Vitais olsld of the baby' WHAT FRANCE CLAIM quotati SO& 144 - laila. Will Not 011irlialk From slariteol taMbe 04'aa4i4la Parliament. IWAh &'thhfr04'bord 11ma -tb tie 61itlie- auhTa propertic4 for peal pN. LE M HarrLater andelle and to It Is learbid by The AsaboljtWd�lytie ad shoulolers. at*., So.; long clear ba� Anything That Is Coming. 4.11-brary at, OLtaiva, -At So-'Xtbot, tQ'her �hlg)i oba.Ix. A gloats was as col�, car lots slf��; 6n lots and case Another vo#ian, treated in the sepia Goderiqb. tolicitor. Or AOMb The a floqaAl't the lob ba;1.3, 9 to 9 140. WAY forgave her husband, and thus f their, riddled 04046,for the -atricken man, sp 63 _% go., A despatch from. London says: -.-Sir i R(inoWA. IInRA 0 - grief 4. that Baron de Courcel a. at"bl g4w's Igim as and summoned some duri Talbbt Bad ' ef%iig bla have prosout. with 4hpt, an eigtd. outai Patch says Lord Salisbury _p 0 the milita'-Rania, heavy, 1014c.; Obtained his rel6ase. HADCLIVIM, General Insuranee. Real Of ad the GarlsoiaL Ill t obee'vitb wound Ili b0 a olbared tilth ourk­Cillo%ot theie then ran for conversation referred to, aMichael Hicks -Beach, Chancellor of RO. Estate and money Leaning Agent. On light. 01-2c.; breakfast what were the at North flrst�claqa compimles rore"uted. MOLOY, a baudsp�ao clock. which has all tbe bv, the ounfesolon. a arol !to W, Snoath, 'on Broadview Avenue, and the desires of Fringe 14, bacon, 1 to, lie.; 9o.; '13acks, 11 to Exchequer.L apasking 01, �y L O , ifigar, I . london straight loans. at lowear, ratpof inter, l -borrower. "a it -6 After L tefephonlng Coroner Soudan. To whidia the Buag 8 burns. 81.4 to 8LS-4o. All ShioldB ;n Wednesday O'buinO au7 bit golint'la Any amount to suit the ell regulated time, w4O W44 attq�4t. 1 to' SOQUL hek, Powell, J3?a0e all beats tj attOV the did6vity,tt, as"Ca, itia. D the house. This wait, that 9P Wished for af HEAVY FIGATING IN AFRICA. j: OWN( On welds, oft of Pickle, leas tb0A nouhced that the Government had singer, says_,thaLt_.WX0_ girl but jilted tiout aAaartet to doo- thO' Upper Nile. Lord Sal sbuty, n quoted at Smoked moats. era �ft�ilon. M%nagoir jot the, him a8J,jh1k*. ovehed negotiations with the po�w -be bad -Al t" r a opinion, borl!6 out by woman: responded that d could nov1 70,; L-2 to 7 344o; 4b6 soers are HaVIA srious Trouble 'V;Ith MARRIAGE LICENSES. aI'lod hot. 0 it, csumul I I tP& s�, iad bwnL With a view of sect4ring to the sub- Abutc despite the ul *Grabla "athei. t anything. and 'to 1-2o. the Magato, Tribe. of t44-4411, Xallito stLlh, 'crop of -,w ..,'A alosipateh from Rtqtoria,� Jects Pf thQ various POWs's the "right lhegorAAAA that of last 5 Rrlsttotk� of F LANE, ISS OP MARRIAGE.. at dov#1oping, the' respective-ophares— W I#W G;4 r Iks, at I lan:tk the' tAltil N� ;, A -C410 -so on ,r m for v bottx aITwa 01 orewuor alxy, L VBMII: itimpir riv�i. The t i- TON$611IAL. aw 0 A a 1, Aar, D414136. bar lips Regfirding the Fashfida. quest on. he A ,tar*,, of the howeve I OX ly a is Via latter. Qlabtatiolasare us follows: aaitives�rezently v�ss sacred q, Lutheran it* IM at 60. orltaa $ our 8 6 'the postoffica -at Arm under'sils.*V6d an a a 0 a eit -.Dair tub'S pdot- to medium, 12 to. missionary, and his ty at the town rt la, pression, v I mid he Wished cordially to acitnow- U or J$"AXvAII0 y qUestj n t t h by, k rance not to lol;;, �A to 16o,; Small dairy, Ih. 0 ItIVOONVAlle a ate Alaaielc'in `&XISPIPORL 13 'builIg oatabllsb' ledge thw desire, evidenced in tlftr ONTIM ST.\TONSORTA L ROOMS. t0610hOrs, but seemed to that aid led away be a illu ons f Zoutpansberg, and -the Transvaal J. bit p Ofletar. Modem easy, Worth P4 ad with tilt po4sible hoisto. obursIxad. who oat a rt I v olaria that the vacuad �f prints, about 16 17c., creomery �O speeches of ;Lora Aosebery and Mt. e ban - ave 0 r* ting and shampooing. vorhment seat an expedition to pun- !inter$ 8 A -wrtt4ot #um)4ous Us been Issued The recent gireat litario in Japan is J�httiftll* dated. throb a, I Herbb)rt Asquith.. to help the Govern- must Precede anything else, lis 4 boxea, IS to 19a.; pquids. jO Go a U t 'Ibrou ti, fitibber $414 to uFtva, Washed own lab thorn. The affair gas now -assumed y 6.000 houses! be a4t6moon, she laid she took the Pulach bit" off".the pu r foolin M fair fil'aft nc- and taoladftteil go.000 mots. Obeeso Markot unabixtiged, Etii* Mout in the, matter, -a matter whtch throe' th4drog up to their bedroom. this matter in a cartoon repre maker. are selling at 8.1-2 to 90, and serious proportions. fuM t 00 It is a lAged lid'. aea0asr herself ch the, (mt. COM- .J ll ei ate a might developtto the utmost gravity,.,, ` I a re4 The m3orlty of the Sp4nigh offidal% Chief Opefu, with 20.6m, followers, Or th In Porto . lea have decided to 6 a" lorgan-grinder a aidei -his door-$. that ha iOtl tias, v QMb` In �(A Playing With theM. 3thal she The. Organ 10, t late makes At 9 to 0 14o. "it Is imposdiblib," he continued. "for a factory to a Montreal, Oct. The fully armed, and with four cannon 1101 10 hot arms. and the oftifir young- belled "Fastitida -aut, to 'start I . 9;1 loclilgrath market continues firm And wapplied by whito,fTaderai has attacked- Fcance, to MAI.taia that she has poll�, titers ple,yad at�qt the bed. She tossfd 4 mOnk0y in French military. un'l tic%) rights at Pashoda. She bus DS.- ,a biQ Up iii, the air, eadthe Otar is sit at on 0 o� Agriculture' at T at seven hundred a pAtkese lubal- tp the fairly actiire; Peas are quoted at 68c, fo Laager,alleavy fighting to pro,, ti ofgan amounting � ,, The pro and oats tit so to 30 1-20, coeding. ultimatum com- turally and proper asked for time, Ipbtfuralsbinatin onducting on, uvideuQy enjoying or's "oeutly laaft At,litanoliali) 4ildreliL looked boating a tiny drum. The qrgan-gVe ofFUN311RALS at a cost ich does nt i T of the toot%., Lord 40,11 Marc 06 on t olo way. 4flo&t. There is a good demand for mandinst officer of the Transvaal to receive Major archand's report, -began floklingkii D92 or 'eakt. "What you give in bet and. W., F. a. Aim ampl9ye In the bhoterto 06 &me. Thbia she if r elogical little girl with the end of the co aikay I- John Bull, !I,lt # fe. 'flour, And' Prices ate steady; Winter troops, General Jobart 1. demanding an but until the contrary is peoved I do- not make Its, burden. an art tit Protessor X60U4961's wheat pateut% $WA to f4,IW, - otr4ight unconditional surrender, has been ig- alias to believe , that France will re- S to _W`111011 she IlWbrought up�talrs, And something It YOU don IShipWOUtO Of CA 6. #I.,65 to notried Also to withdraw. If she refused, the 68tAblislithob, Vienna Is. dead rollers, in bags by the triboam6n; and he has the IszdttX 10odartakors and Emba. d1in Produce, Of, '9600 11114116 child crowing voith do. The Frenalt'naval Preparation$ wo --$1.75, Stibitoba patents, 04AO to 4.60; 811MMOAad 3,000 burgheirs to reinforce atter would assume , an aspect an tile plasma. light, She' Ma at first declared to lie, more rautint%14N, am it J00P. 044 putting it jound the . a na0k. tightened, it rangementa, but they are now %ttong bakbis,' liest, $4 to $4.20. ead the 6,000 now In, the field. The Outfits 'grave as is possible between the two T6 J distioma tit L *.Iff. It hen ON?. Agilbuctuft t" I' 4 a dogatloo ou dal fiQually, whbJJ tedli &d Iia- fair 46MLO"; Itobas are paign promises to be prolonga& great nations. 'roM Be a, the other, children acted Against Great 4MJY hold, Codo Italy announced. Wi I go in Marine, M. Lo6kroy 1 We qoata friendliest ApIrit toward France, tit woicaiji often on Jan art 1. The expoNt , too Ad OnL in surprise. Unitobs, bran. SCENE OF THE FIGHTING, "The Government to animated by from- tShe diverted The toter of a4411, r0904100b lotles W It be t4tiray abolished. httedi 169 ti�� endearing words, and despatching orders to all $1.91 oh6rks, $14; tiouillia. 010, per ton. 'The scene of the fighting between 20d does not wish to Inflict humills.- t Canadl4A stations Along thecoast, he4! nthe 11101,11thili, fterted heir strength and -he 1:1 to tit �.,foi6 to t �611 lvleludl4ig batil. Rolled oat#'are steady the Transvaal burghers, under General 8now bus Wien the tion. What we desire is fair treat- -quehout at $4.50 per, bl, apA at 011.10 per bag. Jotlbeft, and the tribesmen whofollow Met the card until the baby, whi dead, reaching reports sat uathk atla.vxbl. a their conditl Ob dookarde and Bei al&L 'd 140 on work in Egypt Is not btoTAhof DAV1%;t1ort of the: T lo.tiragodyinao , d, the ijaman, laid The Fren Rai Is aotivo, ari tead7l NO' 1 it 46-50; Chief OPefut is the extreme northern nt' r lrlto, Vn,,& . partial, a eqmPleted. Africa. IN big enough-fo t0404*ft SAY; but, the I Ito oat and took H&r_ working at full pressor A 9 at $6 to and clover, mixed, Scotian of Transvaal territory, West of in, dio little b0ay in t sieagseus b6th—for France in the wesE, and 'In _Oata "oa- oil, 014 In hot arms. Thia samts horrible warships and t Paola, "at *4 to .60, in oat lots. Ch�esb is Caas country, ttinhienguland. and ourselves in the awt, Barely wo HUMPHREYS , , A or ac� vie "rivide. - I utl, Weatpt" ara ombitsod at 8 M to 107 this t, iA Isouta, ,ba.. little PI&YO-Vith hardly a variation. was southeant tit the country. of the Mata,� �A, t t1ji ", " bit0thOus 8106utit St"lay Was An *and EAstorl. i6fteafty of RPAI)--r. 4� here ought to ba. able to agree to respect dolo no, at 8 $4 to 8 &RO. -� bole. It Is In the very heart of a dis- another's rights and claims. CURES t o damalo to the - is no Improvement In, blatter,- finMt trict In4abited by some. of the bra it, af4jumauaj to%(" L side. 8 ether vast one a t 131tITAt i 6' On the ritish tilde a teell GREAT= X VIW TH40 WAR., 6 will %. y0fut, the, bf"tauav fOorie 'trnuble ith him, she said. for g of lit� oroftmikty to quoted at 19 -1.8 to Ik In and Most Intractable of South African X0 I pber-, Congatiota. Ihe had r salute self-confidence lifiolay4l "I hope,trunt jand ba)ieve Lho qUes- t n 8 3-40, in triboativen Chief OPefix has been for a Ir Ahouhe WAS Partially uAral3tsed, "Ykarythitig ready�-' Is the b -ni& 41if, oftouation of' a Jo tdbds, WaStarn dairy lots ate, quoted at tiou Is capable Of a friendly solution; No. a wot Is "a urdew�0 long time a thorn in the - d& of the Iall the statements ftm A&VP but this country h&S put bar toot No. a the Tiaeltd2s, toWl , f feel Inces-ipsin, In le" An Ift. rovisiolas Ate IN -fair oltra" Transvaal Government "ifteral Jan. dowa� If. unhappily, another view hitante Diseases, J" In fact� the navy jj�4,ot to Old be, tit is Autliboln", of tr6&ftIgfi_:, 4 r of kul-&Ut. howavor.. fit r r Maudlin pork, In bbIO4 qla. t if -President a the South Af- aboulotbe taken by Franoe.Lthe Queen's Vice No. 4 Diarrhea. the fift lab SheAft bed' begun . the last aim h tb Island will be inoItnsad .30 &war tooting fot,*t Para Ciankolian lard, in ails, 8 1.44 to riban Republic, 1_10, fj.�% III; and Pound refined, at ih-thief of the - as well' as 66mraftedef- inisters know wbut their ditty do- No. 7 Coughe & Colds. 'to this offoot bag athree, little oil$$ was lying in irftAho 5, t* 6, 40, for lb. dmir, t�'1-21 to lao; fft laff"al army. this tot. dftiral biton o to w, Per i Eggs Are Ihapow at Mum bits I No. 9 Headache6 .4ut .4 0 "It would be a great calamity it" f the A *011664 moolltia 4�oo�' Thu unnatural moklitr than want 40 tiho. ft1ftd,PrlQ"L *to' steady, fter peace for upwards of eighty Il by the trill', No. 49,Dyepoptsla, Indigestion. far the at or sid to 10 I _26, 1 Yeato.our friendly relations should be P�lods. 116*nottira and began pttthghd* bus.� L protafttiona CA ,;a. I 6RTURED IN A CHURCS VAULT. wbW ,thd flfti�# UtAtll)b� - and tol 'T the bkot tbut be Ou r-� bkhdA tea. Attbut, aaoth�r hot Of abimuel; be said- disturbed, tild we should be launched agreat war,but 140, doj 19 to 11�; PiE. btit a &Upson tit tbo *O_ Admiralty is coneorh6d ;thi or No. 10 Lauchorrea. Us"n Von, Itatophot4o the a W10, 'tome 14 GO X41 lsqq� 134 44d, Oullai go(, Par dozaa, A despatch from St. itarsburgi, "6n a, hors are great fth(101 kb()J��t 114 offlolirdp and general, Adzftlhlstrfitl�4; ft ei than war,ond w6shall notiebrink. No. tb Cro.up. .awedolu, ho, a katt It, dolitilitche Wpts4 t100 are lb. mys--According 'to long and detalled: tbA% A6* 8 "a no* read to MIS ie'y meet ad4o, okod, 95c, ythitirs that is coming, hme fair *66 the coulatrs.." dttOutl� alfi0i hu; Al'Chlosen to a64in stooica6;,#1 bash" primeA, al ok, Bust. reorts publialied by the zewspapers tag. Mat we dra, supported 1hy a unit: N 0, 1 4 Skin Diseasm Ilk a= is 4WI, tfto pflo wit are of St. Paterkurg the toWn of kova% Ad people.11 Nc� 16 Rhatimatliarn. Itiolowo *Iio ".1tQaAlX#' deolared (but 1�6, I t M 66016, In one- to Russian Poland, low lately been I 0 Catarrh. Aftt Abdilit at afts, of tt, 'd s thqu& laoliluit" u W4 ov" r"t bt� -97 Xiftey blsease& I`imii aeaticul�'7 t6�'l 1+06; 4ark, 5 I-$ _#X otat. ttsbilt,ftbis hhL I 44440 in hill3ts . , y, h allo. 94 Sbre sUi to t t 4 haenIT A % a 15; viktt*ot0d� 4 to a I'* iAtbihobf by the d1hoo6ty that 0,011 40k, a Throat- 6 o� 77 O;pl ot batram"al Od _,h oth , in b**' 41 son ifea,dy. iind dxii, [P litky frver ba �Jaf tralaet t t6roifbly chtrjool bif train their -At *]is InsAtt 'ri hbotox atM, h , ti, 6"T to y4finfil of t;y 'Melf, Freabb OQaat 11ft hold two boxft *9 94 X016d Not, aow % Dett" whou "kia t 'tboj�4k 'Weft .UtL ab* titw to th by servants, clothis taken, off., and Atigged and ftnfA t"tiblo far AOtA t6 S,Lr s. dr 3 of th6olineli ep 40 d, 40y'vNI a�* t ottJbisi no 166, it Is ead, V*,t Q101lakiWitob, tibio. dat*, [at#. ota to 10 ak(I o6ullt, hot d t "b" 670 the IT lin 'go to j,04 tio 049 addod' t 'It tb# Witish 'Abil*, J, 146 006st Ilk chit #L , %11 aL *;F onto '8 �-Jdw at Od 1'411 sotte of Ind aitl6s,� 644 g taste to I *ajt�z "to. �,:b otw oft lAdIft, And, R at OfJJ* Ire., V6 ta A t l� 01,t4li NOW ttao, to edm ties tbla't4V t IV. lAt y4th 60 4 Mid, r6b. 'A lln led to ftif,*"y 6'1* *A tho( 00, 'il finthtow tutbI4. Id u6toolt k 6 AlAouillt 'the I d" I d 16id - it tbib,d*61 the Wis. W U* BTRIah -4 It whbvik at the. tAdy W06 k1clo. t iIJMX* t bK L _0#uifilee bl ld 'f � III,,, the �;PtatiI4 � I_ . , . 4* *W 1641, "fo*, :It 141 it 00# It I $ -L :' r TI#S taut 10�646lfu, *4 tJ4 4%bt to at,ft "'. 1. *fibtl r aud' sionig wtt*t� IW4 V L, too _*I* 1 1 A& $1 L"' atkt06 ­aucIlg Ica aiidw�d tbtii4� mweh any, 140ts 100, 1W 0t btkt ntih- No I I, h WoreOf "o ftf i t �,tuws, or"bo ut, ft*U 0,1 n bot TIJ that sfit*" tbkt 41004, v totik X;4 tit Whilo Via Aca16; , AtifthOds, t a'OW 611010164� _00V Ito 107 lAft N& 4 1 teload. j6411 ILL r t6 3T 1*%', X6�, 2, 661*' Wet. a. IIA XW ait' Xt Mt "X*ftL Otbo tt A*160 #1ed. Va0k 'W" 170 a4WAt t*00. VL .$ 0 L . 1ift' to, *J*, 10 1* *ia� 4611tv'"tat a '1ja $V1% L ftia, 'ttt W Ift, n , a f0t Wd, 11 to" aftt ow . ' O�� ot X*r QK A at �WW 144" 644A, WWI ow -to a" t6, ST t6 ST ffib, -X bia XAA troaitom.'' no. thiattolf WOA- 4111,0401 'by 00t, 6,00"ililift" A�* 4K va_*40**�4 ^04. lot 60400tit SIR xww age wessit wow" re-sw1w ii totlh" 2 #40 41 PWU IT . A reigns adtauf lab ad anN24 ORW t A, -for uAIVA"01% AUG tftt tV.. IfAlft' VA .. Ji '1**, i aw vith:04 tkit *Wl)�, $"t l