HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-10-07, Page 3� ", .- —, . 2� � -, r, - � k i�i "I 11�-. ... .. � dLiwL_* - d , . -i;�t,.' � .
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, J W-hou A*q,w4K bovin't'd alutoitnis surot, lq,ono tqXtI: AAA, 44=9 watch is t4ted V Christmas . , N " 0 ,A�_- � ., I
; - . . . I �Vl � ., ' -4 W PC � dye IN lazarrit. *4 ,X anul`04 , � . I
. � . " I I , 0 Wall" Ut It tip -. me'lagry of Wt A413, Or= 1W mon WRA molhufui ,
I X a -10p; I rkqp '!�_Jvxl. 11. V. wr"I'Mo ilrA 7 I'll .. L vlol,r."r.. 11 I .. . L'' " 1, . I I : -
I 4424011 ;a* -49 W115;V 7 vulm, mlpiva I .1
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� J t 9 = 0410 - , 4 i�
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I , I r , I ." - " to to W ISTRO All 1`0 -1 -I-,- � I I � .1
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,Ing, W]b T I# Ovzon's ale, .4, CftUAd It OftQU . In"... 5 - Tollwipl;�XVWMATAC_ . I . I I L
-0. 1.4, X001!0,0.004,414109, i g 'A ot vanr* I ip first QOS
" I , fro* " Ulpt's tevotu W 40190 I . I �.��
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::, I 1 Upilolro Dtopa;* 14 . F.'a tq - I , $ t Via ,,,, ...... .... - I . 0� I � , I r.
I , _, . i lla oti, 16 )Mpft ALIV4004004. ,
. qk , 404 � - ' a V441A Q , ,4 0; 1, 'AM, I . 14 the, lost 4D4 most tot, I , Orion" . - 1�
r, tU,Xo:V4X,o1P;) , ", . _ 01$101411 Of tM , Ud owar I "I . I . , I i I 17.� , I I . r I f, -
- ',� the' tll.fi.�Ak I , to shine It. aqd mailn-� van. n to 46 to '. 6 L)l __S tus. be, (11. 11% l. 6*06 .. 11 � � I , . � ___ I I
IPI?i4m mididiabi I AIL 400p Of 3#100ttlk I �- �"ioL . - ' 1. ,,
. .- - -*UOW=6'tlX6 904,'00004, , - It, M, A � ad , TI I � !=is "i R;�� llhilm=�,�RPM,- .. ,I � . . 1 ,,7 __�
I . 4', them of"TOOVA, By gomn�on .proverb we ake�p and 070TY it a I &rAQO go Ill 11 .1 , sit � . , 0000.4; � , : . . I
I �xa, is notblaot ou'll gotta to ut,14ho and put, 4 �Wro .
W J � to 1.14,0011 &a 40 ODA I , and t1lo,108111008, 0A W of -
I , . 1-MVI-1-90ST S 1 Mtors , � -1 - I . +,
� , , , - IF " am 4600 SM. 'tem 004 W 1*16 Pt 1, `*A& I . I . 1� I : ,
I , "qu .b - 0 tti ballsvv� that t1l, Ili day 00 Alght. 404 and tbt ., flits iteal" .. I so . � . . r� . I � , , .
W_ - "
'P - � !,'in 0 ns,mex "a so, Pero' cqth and heaven iiiep - 4,abp in fV11 after all tbet city WA# wra. .6", , S aveow boar Im other t 140 of, : . . I
. I 11 � . I . ?, I : 1. I
ti�l - � � 7"'. r . _) , � . I �
1+ , W4. In ., . soett . AD 4", to'. . I �
� �' �' ",�," � 100' � , to somotIM40, ,Wn and, . 'COO �-160 - .Lln C, _1
_j.tba'$QId6U ea.,boll . I
L I , _ , , lorlous DAMP fit conflagration, aad t 6I 'lot, . I 1, � I . bs4 on OV0110400A J 1- ary , t", I _ IV � �l' _4 11 ____ . Ir -I
I mad 012 tile r. I Ithold" - , I LLL . . . . . . — I , '< �_,:,� ,,�
.11 I 'Tub quolont,1�11p,014, In' the. dark. present the Ior baptism To" ebA40t'A "Itleage(l 110 HIS 1114-00% ,-�-Ml I I I I A ti, . N't I , � 7, . i � I I
. - , � I., I , it,tibil4ml - I ..
r , Co. mow"Woldor I . .. . if . � I .
. I I I.,
, 11, a mo*_s,0�`tbll hou'lly wdlemit 9,t, it* two 017ren them, %Ud for ever. , Tile , Akt is titinve 0414% out and go � of WIM 1 . � 1 .
1. -�, I � � thou. fboy'wooloi bear that 94=6 .19, 444.ou mw look up 1.4to. the See Moll, r"# Itaimea �
, _ rQ4 .94. I at- � � �-," � � I
, L hloh able, to Aiixsalf Is tho X0.11 . b, f . 1�0 I -,41 _ � �
�itli'as' is th I to t �
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,; � I . . � - .. 11
, " ,�- 1. . . . . tb� thunder of 9 Cll�* &ad iisj: " I* ou. art . I 0 . ., 01. I . so, - ** Ot7,(* -0 . ,� ,
I . I . AA04wol; 'p -L _ .40. � ' I I L L, � !, .1, I
� - - - � �, I r(4, . I I—- _� � :,' ,
, : . X.4 1; '01,331duir that that partioalo� ovory nAp ailling lower and 00, � 4 Th a IL
I I . e 7. 'And A W. r I I. ,, iii4esuj, tile name high over *31. i ing wall. An4 saaL IV ter atar _."Wat Star - ,* �i � ,toonuote'Ji Mr. � I I . I.,
4 S' . r!U be, 4100 A biDdranoe or A crash of GrUM011 11094 Ho SUBUMM. to , I T 'A , 664s attlK .
. I - !Jctim titto '" ., .and earth, v,ud sky.*' . a flying natmers, of, ever.. aidarw , "I A I 1� I .1111. ;
,,�, 1X1WAA*,4";y . mnl4t, 0 to in the, 8 . You have, In heaven. inwrought In tb "I Lot to o4ipo, to an agree. is "I
:_ t . .take . . . � � 11. .. '
I - *-* To tho z :� NVA,Udertuir,som t I . : - ,,. r. , I
2 vpenting soul. to the ex- fisme andil the redeemed of tAO I � ' kinj and put it In black I . I r% .
. XJkV4*4r 4 ivk beforei JIM or' -41a holp.. Stpp" Lord � to day amid 00 tPun- "� ._ r
I , , ,, ..,WQ. F ki . - tot XOGRO-1 ".s NY*
I �, , P, Irlsopo 1# tho.491r-osw lud, child a Daniel h4usted in _ � high Would meat, of G=V know. "" I I ,. I 1, , I . .
.:, 'iu�i�b DO might to give Yo , yaft tq t t he sunlight , I � � I 11 � I �
I., ej. :.liangs.rg otw N1,101 the Sunday-Bobool on M DOW Yet, 141%�Vzy tS1n%1,f life that toes In t I � OU40, Pu .1 . . , , . -':� I .1. .
*.� , � I � , 'Ry, , Ilk atiphony. or. gaces and the to 11 i;�I-1 .
I t ", tu� - goilies 0 . . huo,rr 101,00, . , J.5 , + . I
: oit Ouf� low the, pi __ �� . .; 1� �� n,
,'� "L , - t tW'115 I"Xiou 4110m., -18 mploo, fill of pearl and atat- - . . q., t. 'N"s -114500411.14. . , , I 1_
r, alou4s W4_',% oo 04906 ly irl, to, the snow-white 900960,; 64% leilsed *Ad�.� II in or$ _*eoji_�Ttis. b4t ON: U, expeA01TO-_
''4" .,�.' The, . k5i f, have Jesus Will' . . M a golden and crYlatallina,q=2 I . . I . .. . � , 1 ''
. I
- . , V,, D -PT, � � her n=&I.me&ning. It is a min for you t Ia beautual. The old MILO 001110641P burn We Nooks, What do You M8444 . . : I I r
I pp. us .. tTembIIzg1$r be His,ilorious name for ever and a!o4);- 'W -bomseed I , , �
i . ; . I I :: I I - I , ,� ,; �,,,
I ___ -,--. - - - all your child .yehoikim or TisItith- 'from g� to"Ag walk, and 44 ,,_tou wandeir up the round � . .. 1-1-111- . � 1
.; 11061", I� A � _ 1 wpoka.-I lot a drop of it scatter ovo; 11 I . .1 I �,� - I
L � . lo,agoakt. 06 0 . , lea Its � ....... 11 L, I , . �: I �
� ,'' J . a big hat ilm Thei name that is above every name, , - first I tips 1, I . � � . _. . . I �� I I
. , i4 � on a rock, d out Of the Chill- I . 11 I ' L I . , � :1 .,
.1 . ,(,� ,, , "'it Qt I " 1 .6 Up your where It ,
�t 1�i 6 , , I � I , a I � lu a Xku . . A Las Yo.0 $,ourself tally npons the doors. and hang the back of a firland's note about 4 YOO . ' !it ' � . I . ,I :1 "
. . . , I , ,
`�', " � ,Wt . have exasperating llama to 110, AW lies down on' - by what. ot love you d to bonour and - !'' I , , ,
k � 'o as*..- '. . , . PlIqmar. Boost � the Q14 nail. mud sets tile Qaus In the *vs you ever made ago and I,ut still making payments, . I
.i � I 101s, I . usuat carper. and &1up J"O Will 00,11 at � I I I . ' I li
. . I � I , , .
4 , � . on on It.
" ,��o.�!;,,, - - 11 -.0.0'.0.* . . ik up Into 1 I � : �r':� .11
, �.��-� �-. , �:.t , I wbX ydia should,sve it to tho" Says to big children axld wboxi on Meet Him in 40-- - ting you, &Day . loc Lord,' I I I I 6 L 11 I .
, '. :-, SOVS Woo ARS. WANTED�, - .4 00311hallen: "MY dears, 1 am go- know go b" Malay names. Wilk you of 0 list and say: "MY . � L, . I ::, 1, �
� . The WON 01M 141, 0% a ,
- �- Tv ""as "
a - :: I�P�E
yotu Bat bow often Sr -O Lft,Z� 664 1 Q ,,,,4 E - � �
�, �" L',, `;�", . ' . who come after the AUUO1fttAd lrountain ot 'Living T = R,%A , I. 0 � . . ��'.
�; '� 'I": 1,�_: � May say .' "Why- call him J rt the "J'$ILD IN ON" PAY, 11 VMS, WOO* VA . - ; . , . � � �,,
I I . rp I '" 1 , `�"` " , .. �
�,�I�', L kouDo, (16orge, Wiplo bad come. to.. =X or will YOU tAkP I . I: il I
" , � � "��` we hove seen so%u,o 44.1ne, filled witl1i tug to leave you odfatber I" 0#6, or the or... 'b'Alad A'%"-,.,__ " at'si,ou I . �1, � �
� � gra I . I .
I � I I
� . �
- ; '01USIOA, that tbera are JAWO i jargon, rattling down trom'Pn( 'Ir am -going to isaus." Apd so ills some ottlia symbolical names- ..'a L:
t I , ".. I tho cOA hiratitia where Are you going, which � ,;,!, — , �
,,',!',��,7 , ' ,- Biblet. "a day Wondering amid 016 lumbis ' .011W L 1 1 � . I I I L ', "
, , .
1:. '.%:�;!!�� 'L , :boys. IA 06 World thSU,S_re_*antad'. At, to ggo,�Vmtlou, simply becalass 130=6 cum old Man faints away into heaven. The, On eaj;tb you learneti from You] iii0's'lleep In the heavenly pastures, AN IDOL SHATTMD. Farms for SIX -10 ,. I . I ". :.�"' .,
� .,'� "! j" gar6io; , elsia�
',,,,::�,�_.,_ welooste, of the third 4i'* Unsuccess- little '041", comes In from play. and, lWandeiring some day In the I 144.ng by the rook, rejoicing In the The ]poet - mathinkst Ob. yell Tbnw Forms flat sale, oft I . . I � :: . 1. � ,
. I a lo + ,he place a�bloom with � $1, Irt �
; I .% ,,� � happened to be At- , , I
. � ��, .1; , , ,us while ago and says,*- of God an high, t pt� 8 be 62- :t '. ,, � ,
: .. 11 , ,fiA a: pDr. thro5wsT&erAaIf , �oa of him Who brought YOU Out hakespeare frequently uses t Pro N , � L::'., t
� ;, �, �:,f ,... �', sasr6b. far work. is, oat too$ Infinite luxuril,, , _ �Ofty situated Convoillont 0 . ,1 � I .
j;',!,,-�".��,,�t-�, , too full of flicted with it., IlMaukmd�V mn so sick, I am so, Sick.? 'eternal springtide, � - tod (or Stock . 4111111 4
,� Jualottintioluis .W'* itilway, !$pq�ully Sligo 8"t L, I
,�,_ . 441wather. the World. h . a withou. sut4; and, anlaranvh�� 14. , ho woliffab wilderness to the 131166P p 44 ' ',, . `� - �' 11
r 11", _:,.',11,� �. terprises have sometime. . And you 'Vut her to bed, and the once of rose, and illy, $k, i'llove. you ilay look up Into His =01VI.t., (pretty', but riot Intel- raisin , For further posoculairs 8,01ply I � . 016 �. � 'L, _) 11
1 �, �11-., I . I L
L, 15,
, -, 1, :, " bb3po Theta sire more Ot� as than are 11 in you me$ look up into his face and sd,y*- E. I �. I
i ,�', ��f,,�;,., - .. I Ifilolent deliberation taken that ll -faver is worgs and wokse, out -I *1' hfU eye. find any -t "my jectua,l) - Me t hinkst Goodnesal I S".QIW L . 00 1N,%VJC5;' L SW Wo . , x,�
I . I t the no" of Shat- a vs the never dreamed be ' a such mistakes. a ;MOMAOA "tso** I : �,
� , -
I ', "',""L,j.'jj�,._�L W" I lea 12""ZL4r Th atret the Shepherd 0 mad I . . ". I I s"Wo" - ��
f', 'r�, �, ta4.0�. merkoleitu;e, . Mighty, dostin Dome Midnight she looks up into your 4 -My Lord, Thou 1.11 the Valley:' . , . � ..'twider,1144 .1 It , 0 *04 I -'j!L, 1)
" �, ��,,. �: �,; and says- "Mamma� 1xiss "Its. ad and the Lily a . . I 1* I 11
, �.,, "There a;e More of some kiA45 than - - __ I I "
�,`,_LL�Ji, ' p, train py.4.1"tini'Hills", - plossol . .. ., I I . L .
, . I I ,�,� I'll
at to,(* � * = o I �
. j, ,,, .
,!:.��..�'_ L.. aja - Its L see 11, � �Iif�� , , �.� I = � L . ; �LL '
I ... :!,',,� _,L, , ' pf , P �. L,; L, ",
1. I I .� '' I
. - * .
I ,
�, , L, � �'Lj �,_, You W ` , a , r , � L, ., ' �
- .. live . to get over I yo,li gologjto 1'....And she says: ment"Ond shine as a 31A
. . " ,�, ,s"ted,11 replied, Mrs- WHIIS �UlLllilib. hare Man h in the firmP, 0" 4t there is a .ju .
beeni decided by the Significance, Of' 1good-loye. I am going swil-Y from YOU." Sams day, as EL Emil comes u :11,�,,._i L my tnwiwtz '�, ��:, �
I _ T ,to w 0 all their, And you Say: "My 4ear. who' earbb to take � WA MIMI
111� �q*i_,K . , - I '
'L� loll Over thQUIalht� how Many star for ever antl� Oiill",�'Qt I will imagine � that heaven 'a I .1 -_ Ao"Mov Pill? . I& *0 I !'L�
, _ "' a 0 I=, WMV � .,
.. .. .. 1". 111'.. , I J oaP Every tbrous has Its kin E
... ,d " ,
, , . and WbO kind life losiff toil end tusele go Us to auik . Intwo I.,
, - 11 I Ic"Ttlaul . ,�
, 0 kluils.of boys there WM. I illflueOce of, -some unfortuAstli And. the red ever. and the lusteir of a useful lif 7a ',I, harp has its harper. Real 111IM-1 I I .
I .L"�-'� . which you thou f and beauti- , W ,-� __ ... be 41 *440, 110 )it .sA=lt1i;NA7 1% � .. W . 11"Ift"11% . ', " �;
, the , wd�rvt,.-
"� ) ,;�,,, M, y business - gbt was the Do - - � ,
,,�,,,4," ,&rk o $hall boom forth tremulous ' _;q_� 7,0,%%I'kl*ttffsrw . .1 I'll
, . . .
__ is likely to be "Ated h - - JAWlItired. up everything that It go W;olt RMOC I � '22
_", name. While -we may, through riklit the fever, e . � , utio f�d b$ . '12
�,_.. L ., , ' ,'' _ _ Most . . "I'll L 4611", . I �
,L;"-"- �
'.... �, I + . . . DO. The treasures of th; WL616. thaw, ..J.
, ,;, . . .. .1 I IMpROVED MATI&,NATICS. '110, =F31. . am -Sy I �il., I
11 _ 'George T' � .. istilim demeanors " ' or I I �
" �11 ,;�t��:- , man, " belavious, az�d CbT carnation bloom of heaveril 'O, You, . P we have 01 11 he Song What an yon working on now I was Ch 16 1 � I : �,� ,
�. "',,�LAJ14 r ' . all � I L I
. ,
.1 11 ', . .. _ I , 1. I va� The ranks full, The man 1. I SUMMER, I r LL
" , Id tho lips , , ' ' ourett into It along miBilidlitAldsAt. ..T'sionto.
�, '�,", Lr��'� j' I know two k1404; D10ther"! an t Outlive tpe fact that We 'were baptiged It Is 0, sweet no , - to 40 s . . .
���,4"4.Nl,,,_. Oadirse, "and now i kUOW` what P`K , or an infidel, 0 childhood, spoken by the olld man. "I asked of the man who to always Invent -1.1 � -',L'� I
., �� �i, ", 1, by the' Ot6me of a despot name. Ah Afflicted Mother -1. . Heaven fall. The sun Shall met a-' lug but never invents. � . . 1,
, a 4 ' do, Still further: It is a Mighty . . 11. 11 I *mea of the as"N M, I I � 11
t .When be atid to. gas one Y,. � 6, With splendor the* d can � 1� I
*, *�;L�'�,�LA'L +m 0 . L I Or apheat, bow much better It woald . Rothschild is a potent name In the . 1+ �' �� L I Nothing very big just at present. I'm , Sol CRIAP t'.." I CLAB B A AA :7,A= ' , L '
6,hewed, hick;,'Gearigo. be . — . 41 p so, and burnish the I t. Oil
'�";"",��, , .�v*l on bon-% . ,It r sides , gir,so I
�,?--',,�'Wi [den streets about completing a method for calcul-
" ,-4 '11, 1, , mdroial world -*; A"t6-a blaxe. and be ratio* 4 1:1 I
- , I have bee# if we , could have 00M , Ouvter In the No�d back from, dintzrast with arubbor old %hols tootii 0 - - - - - - - - *l_ L Sa,loii ,
1 11!�7, L '. vboil,ces fare, DYINeCHILD HEW YI siting compoun - . , � 4,
,,;'.I',.,, * werful -to d of bu In
I ;r "'I ,go, used 23
'.1, 1: 7,,r,,11�:,, t, tatt*ql, hp It - scientific world, irving 4 4NURSING HER �' ha;�aolld pearl of the twelve 99 I I to. Age; r % , I
� . r r .Y, and top staxted life withquit any so A PAINT ,,:L '
_. � . - WU �gro* -Up into ft. Success- I When L I world, Waiting- � lour dealer .
r 'r I , , - Me I , I
- � I ,.;,I _01, .y6u . "'; '
", �jj,,r_,��J�?. that - I I I. poo- name In the literary HEALTH GAVE WAY.. Inch a t1l alamp- :_ � I
. I l III 1
� " , I . A - a Itionlik Ivea rJultv .
. I e-, I cumbranc6- find th , " i" , "h is Deep In heaven, 4 ,R_ I for it. TKS ]FOR -
name ID the militaxy .., I `M, Alt I , ,
X;�', , ful kill for honesty pays even in dol- a of ton a mighty � ,% n on the hills. noon in all this $70 0 4^ As. 11 11
I �
� ,�, ,�` ; ,,; *Ori non, f" L' ". � '�
',-�'�'.��;, L�, . in ... .11 other ;.�t � � There is we rh in this *action Of the 461111111ANY. " .
eats. I US, In My! text" and in L world; but tell me any llama in* all Neuraftle ftfthl * on. Then the. 50111 may 4 getter, - - oiama . I 11,
'OPya.-biglo no, -2 Cesar,
�L ,�, �� f,','i ""t i,'b, - - lavit and ci reeking out in as" and lUt. Auseftlas lrollowed by , Itself wantry tuaft other diseases Put tOcaod to �-�
-'L,7"'- hia Writing, b the earth so potent to swe, 'wer systema- Her Minds Fe&rs,Jj0 : ,
"'. necked ,* u% gradually accustoming %ad until th6liall tow years was suvo 11�, ,
-.11., � 1.1, - ,, � � ' �
.1 � � ,.I Will try' again WinorrAOW'for Who d to ' 6 d thrill, and rouse, asid agitate, and ed Tikat sh " ; , I "I � Shading the be Itiourabla. Vor a rest many Toars doctors I Sun ' , �: �� �, 1 1
.1, ir..1-"t tions of admiration in, regard to Could Not KlPc&v& t 0 Vision. renounced 16 a toes dissolie. %no prescribed L �,;" ,
I L" " raiftg for me, if less, as this name of Jesus. That one i'.�; f WANTrOD. � I
11 � 'A- I
,. knowN what many be v; , the RIMOst
�� , from ally Wittif to I;.
I :� � -]i's . ,� I � . 4 by riousts . ,i'
, ti ' 0" stu'� on stlaa.t. pronautord .�!
. -M%t L - �,��,z
, � " Woovere and Ilones T. I are.sume of the characteri ton on bls,face on ship's desk, auddo- X. S. ,slon can endure It, Bure looft t,4p be a . . , -
, of Jesus, I want to inquire what - 'From � t zuterprise. Bri I a the C I Ili- ma RTAVANT .
" , _ . I I . X041falitulaily name sties of that word unhorsed Saul. and flung Now rable splendour of noonday woman in *very town, to do bon to bon" Is' IN. STU
�i,". �!_, ; thing th%t I updert�kke Ill 11 fiij%ip 'I tb ulree shad medicine. � "I ��, - I J:
, .- do every t. appellation. And 0, that the SavlOw day holds a hundred million of ths Mr. and Mrs. Jamea A. Diehl. who!, h .t, unit 6 vil that cufAble. Balance hat proven astal,mth to " ,
,, L.. constitutional disease and thittffl 'r r well asTAbil I '
� Ia. LL jig out, -Thou. art the Sun _Noalcr; canva"Ing tot a " ,�
� - '11;---
! . . -AnG lirose noxtmortling it was 9 . That live A%cut one and a half miles fro "' ' - No security BLOW FAN .,
� J - Wag , himself, while I .-, Zpi�y matter. 10-ral mmint"Itin .,-,� (�,,i ,
,,;, - . ___ I _gpeako, might, fill MP raze with onantDotent 40811 . constitutional treatment I
,,�. ,;,� -?� " . �- with'the diiieimfirl� - At-�', _ OF Itumpet X010 Bridgewater, are big esteemed by r metal" ihAl..; & - - _ To ;Co. I
,,, "C"'.. moinut-aWrodby F. J. C , , '.11 I
. 1.111 �,`
tloi:foi . , he - 1 name n � , " Ltl I . I in., 0000.4*3 ft#e7s ,. . , . I—- 1-
-i I - iii,t6a4d. with His own vr4onco, for we "ver I England t fty- " " if V11 Mrs. V Ia IhAk " ptaggered with '0 - - he only, conatitu 1, I a on On, ,crIpy6graffitrottuireii. Address. .. ",, L I
1, �n'y .."LM, this Pof"t I am Ing all tP6 .1'kelt. it ts tak I --- �11'
,��,,,;; a. G rma. ,;l in , I N. A. Spnolfoi Hamiltoni OUN
+.t,he't Which We have than , I :ft�n Is I frion a.
'' L _L" ''�", I tor ireakfast he again started put to r , ,,It a, -lit notwithatand ,�,
. , � . . 'so t#II to other Victori ; In a Is " a ' 1% Or* directly .. I I ,
-, 1� L"", more than King William; U '"S' � trying. illness. Me , 4 thoug ant 1. ...� . :.4 I
� �,fl'0_, . 8 I ased, it - ** , 1 1 ,10dropetos teas of 0 my& To. 'L, ,. I
� "n , employment. His mother,gaver him r ill.r. of 0119, ave, 11 - ,
lz-,- seek I.. L . Victor pa,. In. 'hilft G09d 90 NOW- ChOSP � ,
r" �11 . . - means more than Garibaldi or rt .. he recently 9 to in the name of Jesus, and the _1e blood and rude s a r 6 F.
,v, 'e.., ?. - M& bo 12 as fOl` 1 , and -_ tore for 7 as 0 It I � I ;1.
, din she re c 8 so 49 *-'� �` '
�,,,,,,4�,_ the name of EL grocer wh I not aursel7o felt porter of the Enterptise. t that it is so easy a name 4 Tiler oftr one h L, COME A CO I OW -06 I � `�
I First, this'name of Jesus is an easy Emanuel. I have seen a n u d a r ith, . jiful a liame, and ad potent falls to cum at circ mud ti. . . �,
`11'��- , an an honest, upright man, Iowa -.-,.,In the 131 , ". I
I . . membered name. Sometimes we axe introduced hand and foot in sin, 61 � LL Davig, there Montals. A4dWAs I ,,, .
I_N`�i! . %tan, his hard pring otI896 myhea - J, C ZA ,
i� . ordi-6, iduring a : OWN k1lin commission Al- " ,
,� 4.1. li", A,. e from which ave Way. , Ia addition to my a, and so aid F, Co.. Toledo. 0. i I ,�V
� I'l,"Pi", � who lived in another part of the, city. task -master, In s.b 9 Q, 'I I this house who ft n I , �� ��, L .�
.� " . � I .1 " I I
= deliver �� , pe o.d n . The . I i W - . -
'� - -�,4 to people Whose name is -80 IOD9 and 11,1111. nary household duties I had the non, � to Sold bi Drux1r, 7ft, . , lolillc"AN"$ WDsoaft0ug so ��,,:1411,1'�
'N �',`, 'k ar I Op"Iethose two syllables. , i 6 Hall's smily are he beat 1. . , -1 I I . 11C, �,��, ..
, am
., �4"��,",.. , When George arrived at the place the, no hums. md night of a sick 0 ok ,c I . I. . "�','�; �, � .
n that stant care day I 40001", I L , I
� �4',jv�! uqpronouticeable that we have Sharp- and Fet �t tCwpr*uuuciatIOU 0 r t . 1�� ,11.,l
. I - lid , whiather t or to 0 .' 0004", willis ".6400 � L I � 'W"- I '1_�� , I '��'
I �al� proprietor. MT. Cameron. was Just an. ,ving my littlei, oday a see whiat . 1� L;. 1. " , " . . .. " , 1,
.. 'dished dow1k his obaind child. 14 the hope of as A, ,. 1�_,W!,!,�-!!� 94 1J,rJ# 10^.4ift . � 41044ft$U
1. . it to Iiiften, andto bear tha name gLy- one word he L ' 101? . I - . � , 1: �
;"?*,� "I I I lo uy *iw. , 'og k ' . L . . . " �1- . "', , ��
� �0 , XedIA, I clill, 16096 -thOod" '16 1
1,.,�, F 4 -. wring, his stprim. , 3jors, we s,nd ma;falteid out for ever'free I lisvp one, it .414 not, occur to Dip . � - I- I.- � 11 ".." . LW - . �%. ''
, I I �'. ��
�L,",!" �_4 on loud tWo or three timaq - ; Is...110r.-traft God to � I'll, ir . . :: " ,
I ., - -ftd , , o be - ' rl'"Mkir-14089 .-I.r Z . A. � . . SAUSkalf4A!ilkot-84*�006i,til�as trisif rimm" 'I aw teawym
"�,' � - I U Me Whet* -'l-aw - , ,seen & maD overwhalzned� I . 074 ,rn, '40 1 . 6 at 1~ I
� " p, "Can you is, . I " %r 8, all , a, a -ad test I
1�111 J, , . ''r, , , .011, - -at ,.' '01, , th, ,.thia�l i my . �YODK . - . atibollead Almovican Var Ine-ralls it #1 I I I 1, i i
- ' �4 . bi - ,& I r
� ,' (1, OOTL4 , ., __ at " _ f , MEM i� aw A On wi It'llne whether " VA I : 11 L 1 '4
'V��`�'%�"""�'�; . ur 0, , � , - t* to, ilpost it - L., m � a 1, ; ernauslAuS 6 is good, and FWht irriam PAYJ4 JR"U&O VMT, -A ,
�, ;_.,�l ".4e, . 12ame . pri .-...1--_-_ I I Sties rem
� �-q,14'�. . I . . . N.T, O' 11 . I d -a clan I glealized my physical condition. Chrilti, gracious, glad the Holy Spirit -1 - __ ------- , .. I . I., . I
'f, , ' J."� ; - ", L be';ZiW; Wis;li4A tib" on 6, firk two years-flio -4r W 5nounced In S, my child passed
. Coiiiev4ili 1.11 *Jga . little owral!0IS0,05 ouj,o , �j - , ay. , and
. .. . - 'L locks up, and Says: heartaiii. the sea dropips , to , ,� 1
;�4,41?411 " I xAd I Sh6rtly ...... Mfter.+,". Wag ... L . p,ttaeked to 11 , - I I . - � �. . � . + - I.. .- . I _.,_,�
��4�"""tA";**I-=WhW;'�,"�'�'-".."-."�"---"�-.-.L.� .. ..... . "._bmdih_it ' . ..... fi _ - I "
,," Jj@1" 161l'ttliffiNd," tiffil --- A� AtUlbutst-Olf- star 'to-, tjmulpotent� I challenge YOU' 1M.1m , -11,
, I I
�';'��'_,JJPT't,�'�" ' I . the f, . ! � ,,�,
'. - -�il, ,,, 7A.& straightforward, manly' way *-Jesus,,, C" it be, mid a , , gladness poured into If's soul- I ha with neuralgia pains. in tba� shoulder come and kneel down with Me at the. , . . �
-,�,��:�,, ".I'� � � . lies in this Church, there'IB ono'hOuse,; seen a man, hardened in Infidelity. . which shifted to, my -right side after altar, Of Meray. I will kneel on oil 1'031� 1 _`�'.i
� . � , a I
; � �,,F,W.. - , nd you'kneal 41. tht., I
11" ',."C,.`�, � GoOrge, toid Mr. Caulailon that big fath. sk of scoff and 'leer. there weeks and settled there. The side 61f the altar, a AMIOINIL'Itt= ,�'
-1 1
1'% X5�, fia.at of G , Will : 1
, AN., 9d full of other side o t, ----���_-__
, , ,
e', � �� " , _, , , was da,14., and his mother had to hold yvilore thelittle OueG,sVe settl6d there. The f I and neither of u
., :,".P I L ..
�'_L,l,I "', - or -mother." and "bioth- Jocose of the judgMent. reckless ot an three we Stan are forgiven. Mill I I I I , ,,,,� .
7::.w .,4 if ,1f&thelj,ll and - so and after ir I*, ahme a "mee � - I
. ''
I Va name unending eternity, I the BaWatars.eM.renow L ' L kL
A,.,,, !,',1,",' work jilard to make a living for horme at the mere pro- pain in my side grow wor , to rise tip antil Ot
. , !, " I 11 , L
, ��, -, and we ascribe, IV all
. N , " and "sister lot and a few days I became Unable to leave in the words of ,@�
_�J Lf. alod for a ark , I ch. an . a to the name of Jesus to eslov on.,
,,J�Iff`,. and not of . , "..
N, "W,, ,, L'. � -
I him; that be was looking hadil, LAW .,
,;'.;"1 � I I , textt #ill bonour Mond sto .. oroato. ,;,' 1,
p. w,hleb is above every name I- Some' cower, and quake. and pray, and sob, my bs& is Ing it . I
4L .": �Nj , ,4 '
,.i,�'*-�4,% place an errand boy' to he might be times we f . 6rget the titles of, our'very and groan, and believe, and rejoice, 0, trouble I I came melancholy and Wag -you pronouncing it, I prononno + . �� il �
...;;-,�i;�,:,%' Mae. help to bar. , it is -e, migh Lty name I At its lit- very much reduced in flesh. My -the name that is above every ll---- 11
... L .
� �,; l'.2, -
f :;�400 "Coo you keep a secret 11" asked Mr, bast,friends, and we have to, pause and Dondition as dan- ,19ht worth if 9611 .the nations knew. IF on want to either buy or sell Apple* a reach Leadl a able am "00 ist,wWww'"emiam"tattop l Si0io'24 I L., �' �
......... , �v:�, . I j��;oe the last wall of sin will friends regarded my 4 C car lots, writsus- 1"'60 to III. 11 III !C I . .�
., i I '. �. L"' . 'Comeron. 'ISO many b4 bed several , h b a earth would Inv$ -1 Bits 0 T ro ;:� ywhanile I
'i �ym come tiere t coAl recall'the name. fall, the last temple of superstition serous I remained in t�"- "M an .;
, i J __
. �,, L think before wi suite t a W
... .... 1, , . , �,,� �, Weeks i to Me it seemed ages. It is Im_ .-Vm too� The plawsall Commission Co., Unmilted, . . sn"o and 8 - A.: it. `a,,_O� � ,
I..: -��, ima. � in- or - W" I - -'l- ". "
", , "d ask for work and agree to stay S, gii� any ft"V,�f Tiliggernaut of cruel _
- .
�9� � . - . -for-lict Inuoh - a -But 130.4 Y.PU. . .. ___ - � I .utublp, the last . . - ++ I pos - si . b I to - t the, the o9mli0s I W& 0, that God this morning. by, the woomilesma*4R. a 16 L, :li", :
.,�'OMV I -aft"-filath -of tbw -fori7et the III ,o desor Skilful phy- rlt. roll W=Nsaclloo .0 4=!=kt;MW%T.t& ,
., �""61` I , I gain- talleet -in which you could ty crash to piems* That name wi I
" � � - � I
1, :.1'e'lA � . we After they have I Irs me a a - power'of His' Hot, f that ble ad Cb ----,...- - I
� ,., � _.�� , , A or month. That word d F Spi would roll ____ . �
� "', IV , - f t k I I the earth tremble, an fered during that time. A
.�;�;,VLe,'�V I a little knowledge of thd work it Savioux's designation I tio.us sing. siolan was in constant attendance up overyou a vision C� as rist. -_ _. - _____ TTE
, , . ed � IzL every then it will make all the no - �,
i " 1�� ,-,',Z,Z� �, t eX6 offered batter w&96S 50016-, jeans seems to fit the tongue on me. ale said mine was the worst and you would begin to weep, and pray, im FED. T
'��:j� I My It is to be the password at every gets ION Is I -
� L ",'�"_Q�L ' without s. i and general neural- and -believo. and rejoice, You have CANADIAN PRODUCE OORP 11 ,�,;
, lfjll�,'��-': where oleo. off tb2r go theinsignis, on every flag, 0460 of annemll 0 I ��
0 dialect. When the ;voice to Old ass of honour. w I
�-:�',�,'I,.`, n or any Obligation r seen. After sonia heard 61 the arrior who want Ut tO .
r� lr,:I` Pi.11 tholdolit of beingu gets feeble, and tremilloudl and In- the battle shout In every conflict. All g -La he had eve I Incorporated under the Company's Acts, 15AS to 1893- � �
� ,, 4�4�i in smploy� ded in getting me out lrAgn OR WILL 81 PAID VOIL ,-;,
t� ,� ��,', - _ to the XOPA Who gave It a th are to know eeks. he succee fight against Christ. He knew.be was - NO UNDERWRITING OF $MARKS HAS I
, 11 . w fter a tow . OrIptlon In ,
,,� .1"'"l." xd no Mowledge of distinct, still this reg4v w6tIfshOS PO- the millions of the a r an In more weeks I In the wrong. and while wagin this No FOUNDER% PREFERENCE OR DEFERRED SHARES Canada, �
�!'_,;�,;�,'�,,�',',,,f ': ment wh6n they bi I I teut attereace, .When On ,s, d man it. The red horne 'of carnage Be of bed and a -light househc;ld war agetnAt the Kingdom of CIrlst. SHARE WITAL, 4200,000, of whiah 950.000, Is reserved for lubs , ,
11� 1 f,zj ,,,,, , the kind of work. theywate to do." oealyptic vision, dO4 the black bores was able to do some , . joeS.004:31 3E1sA6CI138K. �� �
, .", ,,,Won,t you 'play* try Mail' zilked'was dying. and he bad, S. mem- alf dow of MY and he fell. It 3EXIL 00,01aa 03IXA6_V.t3EI0 40;C as and When � - I I
V" �.,:,�j�,�. . to &LIj back on their work. But I was only a alla an arrow struck him, I
k�,L , �.R #�!' , ' George. iespeotful,17- death, are Allotment, and the llaftw* I
_ - cry of everything else one of his chil- very poor him in the heart., and lying
�,,&� _ bite borse, of vlc-� former self; MY appetite was eirced PAVASLB AS FOLLOWS : $1.00 per $hare on Application, 61 00 per Share on , lose Man a month. . I I
, �
, "; I.J." ,;,V.,. , Mr 4n Sal, - -still clung 1 are -blood �� ,
- , prat or, do Jrou, know hroAnobes, and the wl
�i.1,11,�,r:.�� ,, Cgulat,60 did not really Dead a I ,di d to him: ,, ii y HIM and that maddening pain ptb . hiR face to the sun his life required by Call* of not more than Si.to pw share at Interval* of not
� , I �� � - thought George me V Ito replied. "No. I don't know Cory will go forth, mounted b d to my aide and also spread to the re- runtililg away. he caught a handful of . I
.s, , 1�,..�, boy just then, Wit he and who hatb the Milan under His feet. RD 3BERT F4RQUHAR- %�'
,,, IIII-11- - And another child came heart and IuUT,9,,dartIng the blood that was rusbing.out in his Directors :-Colonel 3. HARRIS, Fellow Royal Colonial Ins-Itute F.R G.s., etc., Chairman I Dr. R( ,.��,
1.4.��,� . g,,,r�, I , looked like all honest lid so'be said to you,, the the stairs of heaven for his tiara. Other Sion of the Director of the Now Civil Service co-operation, .1 11
lo",�,;:,�, to: .,I will glv,aybit tj S, weak, "d aSW the,same question, and lot siting out; this through slid abo lances right bannot. and held It uR before the SON. M.P., Director of Bovrll, Limited I HENRY HEAVkN. Esq., ESQ.,
A ' . Ill F eem to be ILSObr.SMITH, ",..�.
�j' !"'�fr��,)",�" . and another, and anotb- dominions m n a. Every few do a I Thou ny, Limited I R. W I"
., U an to be hato, lijeolhlotl� at I 610IO& a to be enlarging Spill bad bat, cutting the flea] Ely tlia. sun and" cried out: "O Jesus, Limited; R. S. GLADSTONE, Esq., Director of the Belgravia Dairy COMPIL - : ";
I ,
-, �
. , , �:, � : � �".',�'.FS� , C . in ;� minister of Christ came seem dt" And if te,day the I 'r
",�:,1:,", ; to give up much Of Rtmomini.n. Aus- had to apply croton oil and i Stapdard Life Buildings, Montreal. ( Cam- .
" li � ., � the morning and remain till I the dying man - "Father- it, and had a bad balk conquers of the Montreal Union Abbatchr Co., & Union Cold Storage , �1�
, --W. MANN, Esq President OULD �
, , ,_,,�;, I I in Spirit, piercing your . Advlsor� Board in CAnada. IRA
. 'ti4� , . the'ivening for three lnolithL ly depleted in tare to mY arrow of God's
&1-1 .. ..... ad! I'No. I trio, has been wonderful ilea larove Creameries Lancaster, Ontarlb; 0. M. GOULD, Esq., 1
4 . George gladly accepted ther offer, and do you kAPYX fiaj�, In Re ropli �ends gave up, think- ,truth of what I have I pany I D. M. MACPHERSON, Esq.. Allan adiand XarnshlP CO-- �
,,�.J",.,�,,`,,_l,1V.;. paid the min- power. France hurt to surrender some coagb. Mw 1 � I soul, you felt the , ':1
. "., ge�aentg to begin work on don't kno��, i mption. 1, too, really would ON. -1 .� �
,, .�J"r " Most of Ing I bad fearing I been trying to .proclaint. YOU are' Association i E. J. WOOLVERT r
W.4't' Malle arts, " Then oonsu I & SONS, Warehousemen, etc.), Montreal 9 S. M. BROOKFIELD, Esq., Prea. Cwtada and Newfoui "
I ` v? 6U. of her favourite provinces.
, 11
r � , I is follow ag-monday, morning. !Star - "Do you. know JOSUS I" "O. Yes," nd was near, -4 �
, :,I� �. ''.1 , as were not so gnat lag Isatil'the old man. "I know J08110. 'Chief the thrones of tb@ world are being low- tb4onght MY a about my I surrender now a d for ever to t he Lord , Halifax; J. W. BIGELOW, Esq., President of the Nova Scotia Fruit Grow 1-
I � ored, most of the seeptres of the world mostly that the Pains I wbo'bought You. glorious name I I
�- .ill -�. _ While the wo; gvg, q,GrImsby. Pres, Niagara District Fruit Growers'Co qaZfax, N.'i., Director of the Canadian Atlantic Cold Storage
� , i ,� . I be had hoped% rea _ydt Jos ,W" ,niong ton thioutiand znA the 0326 &I- y Bible heart might take me offany day. Dur- � kno1w, not whether ybu -All accept It a Caqada:-Major WILLIAM CLARK'" I
.1 11
I :i,j� . - I .; -1 I glad to be abid to ear ornothing. HIS together lovely."' , yes in, &11 ages, are being shortened; but ever every itig till my illness I had never thought of rill tell you 6ne thingi (loner!; anager I - . I 1, .
% .. 11.
- ,
I � I�N the moijutog. in all languages, and & world over, grinted, every trAct distributed, or D,dt ; but T v
� I doe- i -gencia of angels company. 23 King street West, Toronto. ,,��,�
� ". 71 to., r work Was to weep work is it is do easy nams. . I uriday-school. claaa taught, every any medicine other than what my I hare and now, In tbA pre General Agent for Ontario: -JAMES McGREGOR, Esq, sk-THE BANK OF , �
. . , lioxei. and Snail other - it happened, however. BANK, Limited, Bartholomew Lane, London, E.C., and Branches 1 Cound ,
" r' �'� !'� unpack I school founded, every church establish- tor prescribed and men, r take Him to be my Lord, rs :-London- - P ARR'S 1, �
11 -,,� I I -Josus, I laire Thy charming name, life, Baukei otto, And Branches. . I � �
I ,
. �, ��,_ any bright. healthy and onerg6tittboy, ad, is extending the power of Christ's that In glancing over the Enterprise ray God., my pardon, MY Pence, My H AMERICA, Tom Old Broad St., London, E.C. and Stock Exchan ; Canada- Messrs.
. 11 t, of twelve years of age Is catilafild, Ot ello' - 'Tis music to MY 6W - name- That naine has already been one day my eye fell upon the statement, mv joy. my anivntion, my heaven I BRITISH NORT IAM H. HART& CO.,26 Messrs. R. WiLSON-SMITH, VELDRUM & CO., I " 11
�44�",� ",
, I
I , I "''.� � In . VitIn, would I Pound ij out so loud and in Dr. Williams' Pirild ., 13104sed he His glorloniq narne for ever. Brokers - London- Messrs. WILL hange, Toronto; Canada- . " . �
., � ,, ': ,�, , ' of & care made by JARVIS & Co., Stock Exc , , ""
� 1 After George had been at work J50MO That heaven and earth might bear." spoken under the Chinese wall, I mine In some, -Y name" . ,&ILIV , i�
I �j, Siberian snow -castle, and In Brazilian Pills. The cameresemblec'. The, name that Is above ever . Stock Exchange, Montreal- vAMPBELL & JARVIS, Tri-ronto i Messrs. SCOTT, SCOTT & CURLE, ..
,. - " . '4 weeks a M&U, whoee bual"oss VMS just Still further: I remark it is a been- d - That respects. I read and re -re d the article, 1"HallolujAhl untn Him thrit sitletti . � : , 'I.
S � �' r ", Mr. Colmoton's. grove,, and in eastern pago a tit days not- upoo thsi throno "nd unto the I,Rmh for iSoncitoret I-Messm McpHERSON, CLARK. toreet, London, E.C. ," '"ol
. ,, across the street from ttful name, You have noticA tbat it name a to avvullo.,v up all other names. it haunted me far sever Ottawa I Messrs. I,.. F., & H. LANDON, SINcw Broad S , and Toronto, Chartered
. � . j"I stopped him just as he was oomin# is impossible to dissociate a Dome f'rom. That crown is to cover up all other Withstanding Itried todismiss it(TOM i evar still eve,r. Amen and Awn and Itorsli-Messro. SELLARS, DICKSEE & CO., 49 Copthall Avenue, London. E.C., GIa%9Ow � 'i I � 'r � "' I
I . �,,C', � ..;. down the street and inade Q.e0ri;a,:aA who has the name. so i. At last I asked the doctor Ambb." " And . rect, London, F -C. I
. _
. '� - itit 164, llim. I tW person crowns. That empire is to absorb all my minol � I
offer of 48 IL W66k,tO. Wt there are nam toss pills would - Acicountafltl- g9j, s Union Court, Old Broad St ,v le i�
:4 �,�;, as tb&t'iltra to we re- d whether he thought ti -):- -HERBERT SI M PS04, ! "�:�,i I
� 11 mAn'"a ilizood of a boy, laulk 61 ' 6-�-I do not Weidt't0-hWX them d ancient help me. He looked at me a moment MEMC ICE MACHINE. . secret offices in Canada (pro ttm.)t- �� I
.1 I , ,, I " � The i - , a's Inv Cher rlmnination$: ly :dry and Offic" (Pro tem TORONTO and MO, TREAL . , ,
.11 I totly 0 � . I � I
�", I .1torge � ad I hit those very names are at- "All crime$ shot, Mesa, an s6nd then remafted wallperhaps You DO central .
, � � . ", had noticed how Prot[ - t 11 I believe no London of �land for C,ftnAdlan Agricultural. � "
" , ,W,
1� . - , T"fol - , Why the difference I frauds shall fail - scale_ it 1ption comes fro an NInrchants and an F and to astall- ":,�,
, ��; appeared Ovary mo ir, and ow 04oll, I HIZ to ;On. - bad be er cases I 0, A desor r the pnrpoRa of dealing ,ancral Acents In End , .
" � getically lit waitti aboilt We Work. Now 1 because I haPP611 to kudw'-Ve'rarins Returning justice Ifft aloft bar scale, they do work woriders insome This Cbmarlattli'm has been formed to, Re rojimble pirod"00 : . 4
1 came thet test, Goo , �nted the oiz� the world bar olive Wand -driven fee machine which makes � open eAtabltshinentll in Anitablo locations or the whotos�ia and r�t,lil sale th-Of
I :,: �, mire you they will hand Nortioultural. Fishery find nstryroduolo - , ' .�t,, For the iattev, pur - pa, These -xr.rtA will . I
I u rnnoeo inade ad 11tre,31 00'stin'"' ,
I , I , 6 those names wild are Cross, stlfl 90ur, Peace O'er a,nd if they do not cl 8. stcraqa fariliting axis . - " "I
, :. a tit the ('4 a and the exeruttva I 1,
tra. $1 v6r much. oodot reef. 4140 r6theAls, 1 4 1 blooks of ice for domestic us ifth depots in asnoLdo, whore Pro nee 03; 0 bon itit or ad
I ,
line at the ionA at rocolvina.voints in C%nada where 00 in 'Ondon
-1 to bad snappish, and queer, while the extend, ' 6rtainly do no h&rm.,, That rem rk. scaml imports wlil repressi OT alrarapti � Ith the manmement In I anad , I
'' . rom or had a lump a be In constant touch 7 t to &ad r.tall
bared What Mt. Iftdidr6ft �Ilkd 81611a abed Innocence J hea- ' with it any one can turn out produce, martets an, uentm to ,.Oasuroot and operate und-ir skilful monsiteni,0131, a large ournbor of whol
I I ,n;6rk., pargcua you used to know by Chase And white -i opened tomethO (160t Oflits- f Atond thaginCiPAI I C23 . .
hould not have used about I. . .up), 49 d.1ry prollu,is, fe"I t, bacon flab. man goods- flmr- I I
, him the MOTISIPi be lisks for I "Ailoos, were I pleasant and stittactive. von descend. he said "no" r 8 I of tee Weighing 114 pounds in . a' I a' t an a glv@ly in ()oaaftodla _ I , loud or hit:%oroalri4i equigiled with rnerha- 1, � I I ;
. ' will me'
1�ly So he told the ati. Oat life time was � . oatsb?1M.h..='T'- dd-a-WdIFtj�.1di1d' "Ota r.r the different classes Of to 'In. I
As we annot Air The only other vl4ed into davartina,, iretnents or 11001lorstive alsaciftrians. army
orlato it n4ttual from - the Ville. When I bad used two boxes (ontrac .
I not out where T, and Us did not 6 her; it Ia an enduring name twenty minutes. These coital, 11411rdent4 sta, .to V00A Ing to rnoot the �;
�'�, 6 vmj i am Who Ito ds the naiti. that Still 'fart Wan to feel better. my&PPOtite im- = I
the r the fence of the I be tree retrimers, ton and all other ftoode,T improvement- - m %do for periodical auction sales �fC, ,I
, r' : think Ilat It would, be t to leavis e" you clamber Orio choulical used Is ordinary commercial I '+ t Great Britain. and PrOrt on will ii, ,�, �
.. 991" I a rd.ration makes Christ's '006me so sedi, proved and there were less Of those ad nary moo r-%ctors, hot,l� and Other arse conalun era I broached Mailing an4 regular
. I and pull aside the W in
� So softer is graveyan - The A single charge will at the Contra wholomal., We houses of the C,OTPG?ft so whereby the Corporation wili eacurem! Arst rosta" , ,i
I Mr. Vitiniattm Untiltut, 0. dris about theheart and cbeat sulphuric acid. llb?X, a with lending Canadian Producers
dlfSpoqks�ly beautiful. . faded Inscription on Pt too was less severn. IkePt 00 "venty-five to 100 blocks Armnirorfniintfl Roll "a made for two 11 �"� 4
, , 1. . Mr. Cameron dicl not kftow of thin eft ; than and you gas the make fr6m a moat "liable brand*. ,tA.d on tho regular Ftoard of 1),rectom., mvislon ha, bees I
,,, AtIon utiti, ,OmS thnj� sit&, it '0gotiounitil, in lour Pt Oceligem. the tombstone, 'That Wait the name -of cough were taken and to if fresh aroo"atm a %at ,%It inters -to may be rawy r"preson ly b"a "oninted and tbo second will be sominamd by C,�apwj Ian -haro- " - I
con"14. ; yon� think of Sethlills0w shot Ott till six boxes More and thA is very inev- saVp'%C1RrA"Ml 9 -in order i the DOMIni0o, (nl.- hsA Alteftd ivi.,01 board. all Pirinilly orvanizrd. to comPolled Of Pracdc'el 1� "J"i.'! ,
� 11 ;,� 1. Whed the min who allidoAh" 6ft6i to 1, the man who onos ruled all that town. make nf 190. pr,77.11, I cansdian reorf.gentatives, resident I'd in h 11
: ,�', L . 146�,, lid G619 lit iind you-sev the Inv- long story short. I was MY801f pp -naive In tra ,mantolstocichl boanspb�ribod. TheesnadianAg I- � ",
1, . , I and The Mightiest Aft ,lines of the world have a irits buoyant, - holders when the full X� -9 And on Piling busineol - ,., �, ,
, &ri& tei�&r i06, - s Ad". of Inh%b1tr.rot-,, r
Old v lito AWtit It a appetite good. F , �e in produce rafriffefuti, retall CAntiollan prtAnoe trtkde at West
. Goorgis t ' I . I - ge . gain. call d do my own v country, whorv, it and in,spon,ilol. ,nso. w a hava, had wide 021161`4604 , a 11ol&exists for a w olonswe and 6' ,calitso. around lAndon. ArO ,r,?, �
, .., � � ' "t I&II - I have holen wel I is OAIY 11% flixtried ovachanifi%l r'i;; ca ried a these cWd storage Warobou ., i�,�
,-,,-,,I gar 4 I., Ssucho of Sfaln, Caurad 1. p-Lins gone desired to In L-ondnn and Ito gabusIbiglith Itoo six mil warehouses. distributed to
', '. &461AI6,tofthl, � You ab Jesus, rind I frigerstioaf
,.: � " � ; gaing,nif the d4t baftift Wil " itherVperiabed or, are perighing. Ore f, bipboard, or in thco,ol wafor. milk or b citable It taloplicuo cam
, I On t4a st I , mus, and tbare will be
I ;"rd ( ' . ,
I . bras , qobv aiked 1. , &� I ttlpg with of En other bevi TO I &tree 'I In Oir . The��JPWAIIOUMAGTTGddt` lea �'.
I _ , '��"J h and, �rogrl, the machine can he Magnitude and Immatinn"POnsib will
. t I "Jin. t6 L"a *ho though, tiala work with comfort, h t1w lluor . .
� �
. ,�, , ,, his bbit)lo."Yot"1446,Ioi,giitilo* � taratil j6 come down to of ormany, ftivhavil , er since and have no doubt that Dr. - ,T�,fe . p a now era In ford ROPPI100- perishable prOol"els a'* ""! I ''
- don . . ,*noid a ''
� " 1. � , 1. ,I, h ,,cuts XVI. of V.jauea, Citthart of ev, y far that purpose ,riottoo Im
_ *
�, , 'look I Ntd;lftft�ii' ' IV*- tbitii, ' .1i do t all tut roi*h man T O."O.�.otui�.st,oduct-loi&atukechfni-181 "fniterstion has (T an and furgiollied in consumer" In 4"Wrilloint condltlan &I %he rear 4 6 �, 11 � ,
, , �., I bou d , A williants'Pluk Pills saved my life and Omit direntl Ay necessary to rouricallon ow,sathernan tbeCarvoirstioulAt" lie "lents' "tal's onn of ratriset"loTtfor its ptarage reqUirQUISIA8 I
had th,g 604t, q Ctfi;' . bill -r- �rd _ __ h961116d 64 16 11000, namit 01106, that made y. I am ever coal -writer It 114 stint cossfull, I I to ne" �
"I X, ,I !M,,r A,,UXt -mighty ty e.'r a , lroved .Yet
.1, I or restored Me tO eminileted with tne nave-% I .
'r I t t' Ga " ret ; Russia MY d in ;old 8 r crogs MOV6116" NON PrO arved with an t r t Lad rn.slt sPF
8, .. ,fit - 0010014' nead in be prodoce and refrt% "
. I "tL 'J*,.*n the world tremble-. but now, none so th-l!"P12111.11sam and inmy insert a rubber tube nnoblepreen. Tntacoroarittlosus I =LlInj h . predue 16. and to :,; I
1. "I IMt I � h tbo clouds rounli , t re - r4t GIVA Men Who ar. thom" inent of t .3 trs' friend. � L
Doll iW Y110 ready' to glopsk I 1 50of (013, elpf"'lle
I - it it 4 .1 -4 4
1061 , I 0 J M ast,, Walked rgoor gas I Dorintan and Provincial ovsm
and h a secured the sery c4 , fnents of (,.Dftda tsklic In the deTO10 BT their I
An 614. _ i the OAS WUO, thoill ople they mean a I -v anode an I
tu ;4 , to do them reverence, and to the machine In the neck of a botifle
I I �11 Mr. C=_ Iq �1: j�o, 40st �og is heart am ever invoking God's blesatig I ad bL9110 Impro'...'n o which stre bA plyttig be-
,. I IML , a reat mass'af � cuntalainit (be fluid and I hen rotate The Clot I terest which I 0 a . :�,
6,* i &Cotfat, Alta that G"JAawti., 1 , upon thpir discoverer. I 7 ad cansawar c opt: tomotbar -ran be ro,adily UnA@r*ttk ,,,, entioll sastatance, tolenty-throo at-ra""?," " t, :, I � I 11
I of tbi . 16,otdtiol to tDimaus. . & - I ,he ingin t oproducerft it fly C;ov .lL, ,. b.: 11�- . :,�,
f6i hlor on"fla.,*11if "'jijilfigly I MWOJ* 611 0 I =hin I itillar rairigernto,ir rof = I
11� �, mbs6lattlY -tOt'llittill .hay ,never board sciatica, nourall p r h:. c In from thr.. t. films 1 on and other f&rltltS*A to craid stalaso from the source
, L , r. ad hh&. , t XioL hIs - If f, the astub Is vtftouno� - ointents wit) be icy cold. onve4tviall In refri""t'an' tradoiPar - linechaninn.1 refrigerst in I .
� � r , , ,,,*� c twean Canada and Or:&2 L r
a we 3 *6 &a SOO& As 116A., yOU thiijk of how In rv- in , ped "ith first clot -
no = and a to
[AMR 'L cha witttildm-'J prog r, of them, gut the llama of Christ in locamator, stal.", thereby bA transport end Presomed
. ly 11 P ,mmA,,tb,1,s4lng(3au an,rallrW.s. j,ortmhabl� product- e� I , j I
� , " � . ie in and at loadhig fibITT109 1,
� : � � to I" 's witi, and wall 26W real * he Can_ to endure for a' a ductlon In Clanad& 400.0 leAdhWgmapor#s in areit Britain. � 1
=6 ad W 1,60 vo,r. It *ill be perpiat- it I T t the whole equi Mont Is fritAin &M 0011PI toed for the establishment of cold P',irftiza warshOUSON .
I .. ervouq prostratio or lyallow
I r � *Nes h- ___ _____ 111 th�,-Abllltbg Ott ,gavb biA It twel *111 be other t= . I Assistance "a suars'Iteem have mall bzen grain kc.w tradlins . 'j �
, to 1146ts* JUS * , , tif�&A'&'Ldaughttr, And, ho* fie help- usted 111 art' fo%�fl;e MAdnimit; there diwases depandingurn humarsin the . Government
L It. ..soss___ - and demsnd.:hr:�t tacuitt" affid applia" a 4
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