HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-09-09, Page 5nu
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, e� ),hlb, treatment. cure and car
Tbe fact thsttho XCBTjAX.4y,,- Ing I;) U&ptj4U*jjjUcQ W totAlled 74 'cattle, -0
P J,,*,t,, ML8W, alld KdUIM AIAW-
jM; anippIlls, hot9m MUM
?OEL woti first pla�e Ifory The Contriry, � be, Idisr, hugf, and, polotry-by Dr
Is cfum. There 10. h1h 46, Cannot Afford
'ill the kd TWO 4, only 0130 "Xnr*�* Its tl X -4
,W,.au(1barIAIs. dAiKm Humphroyo, art "Aoo.wle4ge.. *MthoC-
fw I sull t, the
of t4.. I many stralax WhIellshow k1bitit clay, , piOr" pr, ity oil tile
ebe-4 than IR OA� -at total q
.. f utinisteTS and pro di4covelt*1 ot
dil �it ry regent A" tile 14�1( the P1:49yinco 44 Q0 IV4 Spec
Aber 2.M. Saven hundred and 1jurriphreys' eterivary ba otlHICwtok 0XIII
1194T ON'TRIt, A'Ity,41r. tairio, and Abis, will 40 orintItMelt I); batlOperq.. ad- with w
,(I_ Will tA 4,VPj tbrQogll tu probationers were hich more aulmkIq are trO.4
I Oar awk apyope w oVinceis, Of plittfo during the qHwireaulurn, altillcuredaud "vo. thR4 by any other Welfl)ressOd
Illicit" ly growing srasiler., W ri �Alsttjcts of both pr of.th% 'nitte Ped, 5 known SySter fmodIcinii,
t St^te% the citlei ist 44 were drop 110
-sent free on request, bv addreas aft
rsaillp loft. vourd�. Mr. Tbibea will likely, vote were exr)cll - is
ed. M bocceeded in cow
113 all of the province4i pleting t1reir studtge, and are already the Humphreys' Homeo,
nathic, Meat- -to-wear -loan
a, No ready
INDSATV5, Against the measure. 'How9ver. 'ed, and ='rqpain on probation. clue Companv, Cor. Wit Am 4161 J011,10,
OLEVELI on vote a a "k Ill favor of piobibl, oldititi
L�aiaw or Gouts,. are, good, enougit Ton ministers were 1*6ived from other Sm. New York. Possibly fit rilithe p"411*41164
a great 4,er's co tied of man. Our prlqeq, oonste-
value for most poplav otherm4liew tion", churches, The deathe of ordal McCready
!Or lose mope�, Ing rem r. . And bevouchsated the ministers totalled 90. tent with work done, a"
bitionista Blvth-�-A quiet weddlig took place
rule that the prolill ens, 2.= ;I I
EMEMON"S PI I Organizing in the cautex1i Number of local lfireach at tile residence of Mr. . McOopne)l, equally on *hasp a* 1114
0 a, exhOrters, 1.01; clam leaders. 7, ; Mill street Blyth. on Wednesday afttr, Ready-to-wear
B19YOLE A14D '911010 ROXISS. WRIAMS.T. stewards. 9,071 ; Society repres nt&l noon. HIS third daRghter, 14199 Llly� maile by slop tallow,
tives, ejo7l. was united In the holy bonds pf., m1k, Common'Sense. AND
THE METHODIST CONFERH NM. . Number of Sunday scho6la, 3,M. an trimony to Mr. Blanchard Herrinitori�r
lne�ea$e.rof 180,
OffleeEs and teachers a Prominent Young farmer of Hulett;
MAT- We have out Spring and Summer Meek
IMPORTANT Ntituber of churches, 3 -Mg. all . in- 6 d SINGLE FIE
t toj1dyertlSerg NOTES OFTHE JKOST iniber U018, and,sebolars. 270,82D hyRev. A. McLean, to the oEs We do business an honor and,ou
gf�ouly the immedi,%te relatives An 9t SUITINGS an
IM-Portarl TERS COMMO BEFORE IT.' Pareonages, 1.133 -, bur- friends MigsTommir. ot Londesbo ready for your Inspection Ana itivils YOU 40 merit of the goods we
creage of 130.
H urson.
Aljohnages of advertiBementR for the clur- xjJ grounds, 1,231: colleges and schools, �vas hAtiearriald, and Mr. Webb c o call. handle.
10. Total value of; all church Proper- Connell, brother of the bride, auto I . GH DENLop
tent issue of THE STARmust be tit the hands of The General Conference of the Meth- tv Total indebtedness, the groom. Tire bride was the
haprintornot later than TuttsuAyNoox of o4pt Church of Canada opened in To- jZ402,280. Amount of Insurance, $.7,- cipient of many useful and btautift) HU
I each week. Advertisers will please govern presents. I You put yodIr surplus money in a Bank
themselves accordingly. rdiato on Thursdav ill the Metropolitan Epwortb The old and i6liable Bootle.
church, tinder the presidency of the Total membership of that you know to be SAFE.
Leagues and other voi�ng Copie's SO -
General Superintendent, Dr. Carman. cleties in connection with tte Church, The victories of Rood's Then put your nioney in W HE E L that
Dr. Carman delivered a strongaddre5s. 91,035, as a-zainat 47,175 in IW4, show- Sarsaparilla over all
POINTS TO ADVEATISERS. Forms of disease we know and guarantee to be SAFE.
-emeudous qtladreniiial Ill- rANADIAN
He commenced by dwelling on tire Ing the It Conclusively prove
Success dopends upon a liberal patronage of onths of the civil law givers and the crease of 31,760. Totail contributions
of these or izations for the year end. That it is an unegualled
-PAC] 1C
advortislint.—J. J. A8110R. sacred duties of the delegates in atten- were $62J310-59.- Blood purifier. It conquers Ry Pianos. Organs and Sewing Machines --the very best in the land. The name is a
The denion, Scrofula,
Frequeno and constant advorti"Ing brought rue dance, and prayed that they would re- abb�t'h school work, the regulation ning of DIR'UOT VAR' guarantee—The Wormwi ay -
Relieves the itching and bur th Piano. The Goderich Organ. The White, Williams. and R
all I own.—A. T. STIMART. member their obligations, contorm to of Medical Missionaries. and the repoi Bait rbeurn, cures running sorce. ulcem� IS THE
Merchants who do not advertise irTHE STAU, ALL . OANADIAN Mond Sewing Machines—the best Makes the world can produce.
the discipline of the church, and lay ut the western section of the Book boils, pimples. and every other form of
lose more money than we (to. personal ends aside for its general committee, having been discussed. the hurnor or diseme originatinir in inIp*are ON
-ence adjourned. LY7 LTNE. . . . -arti.46 malies in all these lines, and all we ask is an honest inspection,
Confej blood. The cures by Hood's Sarsap, We are headquarters for guaranteed high
e,00d He said that the Methodist The afternoon session was devoted (4--A. -111 A� th. _.t.
I arLLls are CUreS-a 80 U et perman it TO T&ICE FOR MAIRITORA,
clitirell was hot- of and lived by re" to reports crn education. educations perfectcures. rhevarebasednpon-its. NORTMVXIT. BRITISH C014UMBIA
9he (60 vival, and was born: of the will of God. finances, Victoria University, colleges t et-topurify and enrich the- A" THE
i church, home and grea pow
ngly denying moral evolu- connected with the blood.
Japan domestic in e
After stro issiong, and an in KLONDIKE AND YUKON G a. W. Thomson,
SEPT. 9. IMS. tion, Dr. Carman reviewed the found- surance fund. In the evening the ses-
FRIDAY n took Up its sion was taken up with a debate on a Morris--Wlll Turvey threshed o1v Bicycle and Music Agent.
ers of the church and the oposai to revise the - discipline and Monday of last week lit prairie Style. 5 COLD FIELDS The' Squa - re. Goderich.
growth. with the threshing mill workin in LOWEST RATES FASTEST TIME
REV. J. C. FARTHING ON PRO- The superintendent said the increase the decisions of the Appeal Court.
HIBITION The third day. Saturday, was not a the middle of niS pea, field. Anyt In ACCOMMODATION UNSURPASSED.
in 1he membet-thip of the church for busy one, as tile Conference, after a odd is attractive and it was quite ACH WEEK
f jubilee to the boys. 3TOURIST CARS E
the quadrennium had been 10,581. short Begsion for the organization o TO THE PACIFIC COAST- HAY ea WANTED. Remodelling Oup Ppennsess
R FOR" During the first quadrenuium aftbP the committees adjourned. and on tile in. Full Information and pamphlet *1 Klondike
Doirs NOT BELIEVE WINE I and Yukon Gold Fields. troa. App to it,
itation of President Withrow attend- Unequallvd.-Mr. Thos. Brunt, Tye�-
BIDDEN 13Y THE SCRIPTURE& formation of the Geiteral Conference v di RADCLIFFE. Cann4l&u Pacific
ed the exhittition as guests of the I- dinaga, Out., writes: I have to tbarik I. Goderich. Cut Rate Tickets for to FARMER139 LOOK HERE compois us to dispose of some of oar Goods as quickly as possible. Such
Wind points Dow 01) sale.
the increaqe Was 280,537 members . rectors.. for recommending Dr. Tholpas! 0491, 1 want W Tons,of Good Timothy HV Goods as
Preachlnj� ill new St. Paul's Chtirc b. during the second, 86.3DO ; during the On Sunday abou�, eighty of the mill- W.fectric Oil for bleeding piles. I %Yea this years' eut, In exchan e for Apple
isterial delegates preached in city & 40XL43P4039C3I33EL"W, 403EKXMWAL
Woodstock. bit the subject of probibi - third, 27,ffi& This year's was, there- churches, Rev. Jasper Wilson o�ct�PY- troubled wiLh them for nearly fifteen LE and CATSUP Barrels. Barrels to delivered
its ago, the Rev. Mr. fore, the smallest showing yet. Was yelk,rq, and tried almost everything I PICK during J ' and August. Bay to be
it, arid Rev. J. Living- could bear or think of. So o4t-tbem H' and 43I3CeJL0="VV.AL3M33
tion two wee ing Zion's ptil� "Vief. Zt, p re ... e d Iltyring the fall and winter
it because the ground was fully acell- I
Farthing said: 'In the abhorrence of pied? Had some other chill -CA more stone that of vestmoreland avenue, would give me temporary ... SPICES... months. Partner@ In the vicinity of
drunkenness we are all jLgreed, Drunk- revival power? Were fewer children none -%�ould effect a cure. I have now Goderich. now is the time for you to 'Rate up so much room we want to reduce tire Clock. There is no time of the year
enneBs is a terrible stin and I would not being barn and brought into the FALL PAIRS. l3een free from the illutreasing cow- speculate, Barrels this fall will be to when you need each Goods more than in the Spring and Summer.
Ind re- church? Wtwthetide o1worldliness western, 1,ondon, Sept 8 to 17. plaint for nearly eighteen months. you as good as gol(i.
attempt to brighten its dark v and un4 rising and fiqoding out their fires, or Northern, Walkerton. September 11. 15. 1 hope Von will continue to recommend CLOVES, whole or ground. As' this to a snap offer it will only be Come and See Our Bargains
paleive nature. 11, is a hideous ungee tnen. train- Southern. Brantford. BoAL 17 to 22. it." CINNAMON,
was it because theyo HortionlLUral. Preston, ept.20.21.22. held o tuittl the let of August, so WE WOULD LIKE to fill you a sampIle order of GROCERIES.
�ightly sin which degnides a man -fed In college Itafis. do not wield stv Owen Sound, Owen Sound, 8upt. 20-22. GINGER Pon
Rita See or write at once and
keen a Gospel Made ? Centre wellington. Foritus. Sept- 2-2, 23. Londeshoro:-A circumstance agrarq ALLSPICE come sur� Let us try if we can suit you.
The'object of the Christian, must Al- North Perth. Stratford SeKt. 22, 23 and unusual as to cause a little talk at MACE thereby secure a market for your
ways Ito to Save the drunkard. If we Church-edifleeg had beet) increased Con tre Bruce. Paisley, ben plus Hay.
'18, giving now 3,32D ; college and peel, Branrn, Septembor 28. 29. the time occurred at the home ofThop.i NUTMEGS
pass a law forbidding the sale of in by I � rl evenings Since. SHOP AND RESIDENCE. TIPLING & C0.9
chool pertv had increased to value N.rthwe %,Wimrham,SeVt,r2& Crisp a few Mrs.' CHILLIES
Huron T*wns t1).RlP10V,!jtAinI)or%*Z�o oris�p was entertaining at few lady' CORIANDER Near 0. T. R. Btatioil,
toxicating liquors, there must be a s the debt thereon by $Ill.- y,.,,twrbwanogh.Bolwmve.,optember FAMILY GROCERS, BEDFORD BLOCK.
$21308 urch pert bad friends. and atuong , those present OARROWAY Opposite Furniture Faotory.
penaltv attached to,the violation Of libo.' The debt on ch Culross. Teeswawr, September 22,23.
tj id the South Huron Exeter. September 19, 20. happened to be seven ladies. eaeb of MUSTARD
take it it crime for a in all been diminish0d by $284N. an
e law. Ton Kincardine. ?Jotober 4 and 5. whom was the only daughter of the PEPPER
a, glass of intoxicants is a total value of ebuich property now is
to buy or sell � as Tiverton. Oct. 7. family, and all were related. A CIE. CHAS. BATESI
When we $15,30204. In IW it w Bruce. Underwood, October 11. Try our own mixture. 2 oz. for 5c.
very extreme position.
churchmen are toll & thing is a crime The Superintendent then gave uh ac- Huron centrat, Clinton, Sept- 20 21. curustance.like this is exceedinglv r.
we ask -What saith the Scripturell?" -plint, of- four vears' Of4prol. joll ruey 149 Tackersinith Seafokth, Sept. 22. it% I Ire —Tun— F J PRIDHAM,
1� tA, WILRCIN 9=�"!Ptttou
In the 0114 n,rid wenV 016 to Spowltv aw 016biop i on"k-s"u, 'Oct. 6. 7. NOT A QUACK DOCTOR-
.restarriont &)I know wine Is
I , - 0`t" �6t
which bb strongly cciijNorth- r t ops not emanst, Telephone 48. Goderich P18109 11111S
ily xmrndeerfiiA� e -M , 0tcrn."odorIo1-,ScPt- 27,28,29.
,lot Iniobtlifted.' The or hivor64!,�' J! ly: Wttehoij,'Mitcholl. Sellt. 27. 23, Merrill's System Tonto d
from quackery, but 1B 1% scientifically prepared
P& tit el 4AW tly-
Person, God, the Crelit
'&V6 A' - I - *, a d weak
t hilpian "ouring all d1so-weg
be(s 1ho
TV 7 -dol he --6- I. the ate,
re, - I family, the st 11.�--tlpatiork an
Vou Wdnt th
TiF,7w; U the blood. builds e -hn�nnir%S& Rhynas
man, racee=Ompas� I. ilt-1 U 6--m stronkthens the nerves and
Rivic The, flifl-61APS 610thiflPla- -
wels, �old in &kL bottles eon- Read what a well-known Gilderich man say@
AVO Dunham's Drint Store. of Kelseyn Generators.
3 1. — Godorich. May 7th. MI Contractors and Builders
Hugh Cole, a former resident Of GENTLEMEN,-OnC Of Your No- 18 KelseY Manufacturarsof and dealers
I Goderich townsh it) and Clinton, and Generators ww put inmy home last (Alon in all kind@ of Building Milterial
§on of Henry Cole, one of the pioneers the express condition that If it should not
vo satisfactory an exchange for another sauh as Lumber, Doors, Saab: Standard Summer Goods to Order
Loth, Shingles. &o.. &a.
of the to-Aruship, was killed by a train V.'rri. was to he iiftoted. New that the win.
o in Flint, Mich., on the 13th inst. ter Is ever and the Kaiser has been tested. I
have no doidre to change as I have round it Dli. at Big Reductions- -from $3 to
both efficient and economical. The heated air Plans and Estimates furnished an apj
Sure -Mandrake and [kor excellent %u&lity and free from dust and cation.
Regulators. coal gas Wh 0 the radlittla6r power of the $8 less than regular ri
• Dandelion are known to exert a power. ezilsey in the furnace cellar 14 scarcelir "" i8istablitshiod 185&)
• ful influence oil the liver and kidneys. colittble. there is no difficulty in keeping the
i, restoring them to healthful act 'on, In- temperature on the first find Reeond storey" BUChanans& Rhynas
Ir ducing a regular flow of the secretions oVealy at Ill* Fall. I rCrd tig Generator an
fl"t,class. S. P LLS A
I- and imparting to the organs complete : PrIn. of Model and Public Schools. KING13TON
1. Vwer vto perform theiv We are sole twents for them and will be glad
hese aluable ingrediel ', eunctr=to bare you call and enquire. STREET S The People know we carry the Goods, that
M the composition of Parmelee's Vege- DYE WORK Make-up is Perfect and' that there is no
mbl. Pills, and serve to render the
. tbpT J. H. WORSELL9
the agreeable and salutat niedicin . GODERICH-
theyare. Therearefewpirlssileffectel Stoves and Plumbing. question about the fit
lve as they in their action. We are overstocked with Summer Goods and
e. GES 8- SMITH, Froorlotor, 'rhe prices will surprise
The Woman's Bible hits been Various -J. E. BRYD must reduce every line.
re ly received by the Anterii-an press. lit
kg uarterB it has evoked only ridi- GODER10H NT. CLOTHES CLEANEI)l DYED you.
many ci
le cuts, and in others serious criticism.and MANUFACTURER. OF AND REPAIRED. F. J. PRIDHAM, The Tailor.
tit as far as we have observed its c6ndem-
ST nation has been general. The Sooth- RRIAGES lit tile most modern at 9: and Gathilacton
�5- Western Pres teriau plays with the FINE OA guaran 1.
IY sub*ect thus- Ve so-called Woman's OFALLSTYLFS. old olothet, made to look an good as now.
,e- BibieigastillborninfanL Itisfolltu-
'Abe sell facto% work in Bugglies, CafrrItagas Ponitively money saving to you.
nate that it tit born dead f4 It Is it ng ro Amin- Pare a MOUNHATIt. CATTLE @ BROS.
it tuoDster. and not a Bible at, all, but an k �varmntod.
-e. to. second.
Of' infidel trestiSO assailing Holy Scriptin male cheap. A. Smith.
`,I, The feminine redactor. with some
a smattering (if critical lore, recon triletb.
0' for rebels agitinst, the PetticOlkt-e P UMBERS
r0 t,ut-o which elirn:nates all that both OPPOSITE COLBORNE HOTrIl. ARMSTRONG BROS.
it'- Testaments have to Bay on woman's
19- subordinate position, and substitutei PUMP AND
kly tile new Revelation of the Now Wom- Eiverbodu Is TalkIna STEAM FITTERS
in. it not.to see the Box cling- fANNING MILL WORKS,
nit, ing to goin; rag of I evelation. teltictant
�k to it is old on something Stable, ABOUT NELSON -ST.. GODE RIC"-
Tot,n I ts folly cut.ting the supell TINSMITHS,
vill natoral frout heneith ite feetl The next PUMP DEPARTMENT.
�lle things after it baby's death tire hurial D . GaotolOR'S FIOUF.0 W1101,11RALE AND RETAIL -
and IrTavP stones. We %uggest this
hv. a, West Uide of Square GODERIGH
ine ept(aph:--W. B., infant Roll of Eliza- He haRjumtreactved anottinr car load from Wooden pumps in a number of differe,
its both Cady RtiviintAm. born June lM8. Manitoba. Hn ban now on ha.d two of the styles and sizes:
Sm died June 1898. -Mother'" aring are best brands of flour that the world cAn pro. am cieurns.
ayi empt now, baby's gotte eway: God duce-Lakeof the Woods sod Owllvle� from No.'s I and 2. suitable for he
lyinutpog M11N. made from No. I hard wheat. No.1g1j.8,4,6.0. " .1 wells
gave Lim (2) to its yesterday. and call- 0 h1go kcep� tile No.'s 6. 6, 7 " stock 1006K
Pit h1in honle W-'day.'-Preshyterlan Cauge to be Ppoud.
Review. BEST BRANDS These pumps Ora manufactured from
I I Q -&-h
'eel- —OF-- selectedt nar"red in ROMAL 1) nil� PIL
ad- Impurities in the blood. -When Ilic ONTARIO FLOUR. leather r7mminRit. ran cap valves guaran-
Ills t"d not to season check. There is alwayi; n feeling of Bilks -
action (if tho kidneysbIleenliles 1111pair, people buj In 6 and 7. closed iron Capped toill fa2tion if not of pride in being
Oil No.'s 5,
z fl?ur would do well by CJLIIln
ed. inipuritleii In the 0 are alinciA rat D CAN' F. ON. the practical bakerT. &ill W dreesed in good form. This iss
ce - Ith iron bezrings.
14YR sure to follow. and general derange- w, Will tell you how to blend the Manitob
. Parmelees th Ontario to make a beautiful family flour No.'s 5 and 6 guaranteed to work with feeling that comes to our patrons.
lood merit of the system ensues at it by women or childron in wells forty
Vegetable Pills will regulate the kid- PRICE ea" Your pride in being wit dreesei
�ice, neVR, go that they will maintain healthy and noy feet deep. is shared by His in our pleasure at
fiction And prevent the complications Sinks, Water Tanks, Wood and Iron
which epetainly come when there IB Or&ern will be promptly mttetidod to in Piping. etc. knowing that we have the honor
Lake derangement of these delicate Orders by mail Promptly attended to. of serving so many well-drellsed
0' "� PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS people.
to I An a rPsWelitive these "Ills' are lng#Lt-h When ordering Milo depth of well from
firat rank. —OR— platform.
lave Where CMI I get some of Hollovray'ti Or any other thing lit the Cake lineil.
�nts, Corn (lure? I waq efitirely Cured of
Fttie. My Colms by this remedy ind I wish FANNINC MILL DEPARTMENT.
Con- some more of it tor tuy friends. 941, � Weddinst Cakes with Almond Iciniff ArtnLtronR,w improved Grain and Seed
less. writes Mr. J. W- 13VOW0, ChICA90- avocialty. Cleaners 611 any Fanning Mill. An P. MILEAN,
Farming Mill Screens and Sivas for any I
make of Inill. The Up -To -Date Men's
ator NV jCL0pFS._%e the 13 ON business cuTc- X A Cox, Family Bute4er V
'tual �&Irl to peop4a who
IojwsblTRASTARWItIA0*- 17110TWilli"I 89 ILRAI, 0001) AGOIT15 WANTED.
ated and 0old lit & barg ffslrftut".Gt� Goider4elb. ROS.1 Furnisher.
order Ick. No better rmxtii or values can be ARMSTRONG
F had.-141TCHELL k TODD. I We gum to plesim Arid always **Meed.