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The Blyth Standard, 1955-10-05, Page 1
VOLUME 61 • NO. 45. MINIM MAN .Mw•,-wYYw.Yw.01M, W. A. MEETING The monthly meeting of Blyth Uni- ted Church W,A. met on Sept, 271h, at the hour of 2;30, In the church hall. The meeting opencll by singing the theme song and with Mrs, Luella' Mr• Gowan, president, in the chair. Toe Lord's prayer was repented In unison and rill joined in singing a hymn. Prayer was offered by Mrs, McGow- nn and a poem was also real entitled, "bard main mo n channel of peace," The scripture reading was given by Mrs. IIcsselwood, Sr; A reading, "The Truth," by 111rs, Norman Garrett, and prayer by Nlrs, Cecil Wheeler. Mrs, Sadie Cuniing, assistant secre- tary, rend the minutes in the absence of the Secretary, Mrs, Leslie John- ston, Roll ;Ind correspondence attend- ed to. The motion that the W. A. buy flowers for the anniversary service car- ried, The annual bazaar and hot supper will be held as usual early in Novem- her. On Oct, 22nd the annual Presby- terial Rally will be held in North St. :United Church, Goderich, at 1;30 p.m. W. A. members are urged to bring own lunch and attend the Rally. The treasurer's report was given, al- so the flower report and the collection was taken. , Group two has charge of the flow- ers for the month of October and Group four in charge of regular W.A.' meet= ing. The London Conference Women's Association delegate Mrs. Clayton Ladd, gave her report of the conference held in St, Thomas on Nlarch 20th, This repont was held over ciuc to Mrs, Ladd being 311, At the conference meeting which was attended by 108 registered delegates, the Dominion Conference Women's Association president, Mrs. Sturt- ridge of Toronto, was the guest Speak- er for the morning.' -Rev. Walker, the London conference president, was the speaker at the afternoon session, Rev. Oaten of Five Oaks 'J'raining School, was present and was presented with a cheque for $1.000 from the Conference W.A. Communion was served before retiring to the church hall for the noon meal. Ats the afternoon session the of- ficers for the •new year were installed and the Blyth delegate, Mrs. Ladd, gave the afternoon prayer, These ere a few of the hign1ights of the conference meeting. The local W.A. meeting closed' by use of hymn 388 and lunch was served by Group Three, IN CLINTON HOSPITAL - Mrs. George Charter „is • a patient- in the Clinton hospital, Mr; Reg. Ilesselwood is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. We hope for n -speedy, recovery for both of them. WALTON SOCIAL HONOURS NEWLYWEDS A large crowd attended a dance in Walton community hall in honor of Mr, and Mrs. William Humphries who were recently married. During luch- eon Mr, and Mrs. Humphries were presented with a purse of money, An -address was read by Barry" Marshall and the presentation was made by Ronald,Bennett. A lunch was supplied by the ladies of the community and music was supplied by Willits' orches- tra, . AMONG THE CIIURCIIES Sunday, October 0, 1055, ST, ANDREW'S ORESBYTERIA.N CIIURCII Sunday School -3 p,n,' Church Service -3.30 p.m. Rev. D. J. Lane, Minister, ANGLICAN CIIURCII Trinity; Blyth -10:30; Holy Commun- ion. St, Mark's, Auburn -12 noon; Holy Communion, Trinity, Belgrave-3 p,m.; Holy Com- munion, The Rev. 11. M: "P.,Bulteel, of St Paul's Church, Clinton, Celebrant for the day. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Blyth, Ontario. Rev, A, W, Watson, Minister, ANNIVERSARY SERVICES • 10;15 n,tn,—Sunday School; 11;15 a.m.—Morning Worship, 0:30 p,m.-Evening .Worship;" Ret', A. G. Epgle, of C1lntol,, Anni- .versary Speaker, CHURCH' OF GOD McConnell Street, Blyth, Rev, H. Stewart, Pastor, 10 nom—Sunday School, ami,—Morning Worship. • 7;30 pan, --Evening Worship; - Wednesday, 8 pall. -Prayer -and Bible Study, Friday, 8 p.m, -Youth Fe)lowship, ....1111111MD1...,/IM. W01101•.1iM. PAoustth aDs av;a BLI'TII, ONTARIO, WEDNESDt1Y, OCT, 5, 1955 WEDDINGS SOMERS • MaeARTilUR Baskets of white gladioli decorated Duff's United Church', Walton, for the wedding Saturday of Margaret Louise MacArthur to Mr, Paul Maxwell Som• ers. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs., George MacArthur, Walton; and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Somers, Brussels, Rev, 1,1. '1.'homes officiated, Mrs, Ifarvey Brown, Walton, played the organ, and the soloist was Mrs. Herbert 'Travis, Walton, ' Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor -length gown of white Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over satin. Tile lace bodice was fram- ed at the neckline by a nylon tulle yoke scalloped In lace and outlined in seed pearls <vith a Peter Pan collar and lily point sleeves. The skirt ex- tended into a short trrain. A double crown fritnnled with seed pearls and iridescent sequins held her fingertip French •illusion net veil, She carried a crescent bouquet of white carnations and pink reses with silvered ivy. The matron of honor, Mrs. Leona Arm- strong, Brussels, wore a ballerina - length strapless gown of morning glory pink net with a lace bolero. Iter headdress was a matching net band, and she carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, 11lis3 Barbara Pat- terson, Stratford, wore a Lotus -blue gown styled similarly to that of the matron of honor. She curled a bou• quet of yellow chrysanthemums. Miss Karen llenderron, Seaforth, was flow- er -girl, She 'wore a short chess of pink nylon and carried . a nosegay of 'chrysanthemums. Mr. Archie Holmes, Brantford, was best elan for his broth- er. Ushers were Mr. Glenn Oliver, London, cousin of the pride, and Mr. Gerald Cardiff, Brussels; Receiving guests in the church par- lors, the bride's mother wore 0 dress of medium -blue crepe with navy blue accessories and 0 corsage of pink car- nations. Assisting her, the bride- groom's mother wore an American Beauty crepe dress with black access sories and a white gardenia corsage. For a trip to points east and north, the bride wore a charcoal -block suit with a dusty rose hat and black ac= cesssories and n corsage of yellow chrysanthemums,\ On their return they will reside in Seaforth, Meeting At Belgrave The executive of the North Huron Council of Christian Education met at the home of the president, Mr. Earl Hamilton of Wingham, After the min-' tiles and routine business, plans were laid for the' Annual, Convention'. This interdenominational gathering is"to be held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Auburn on Wed., Oct. 12. The special speaker for the day is Rev, Allan Duf- field of Lambeth, who•is a specialist in the field of Christian Education. The executive also chose as the convention theme "Communicating the Gospel: Operation How '1'o", Discussion groups will be led by Rev, S, H. Finley, God crick, Rev, G. A. Muklejohn, Lucknow; Rev. Geo. Watt, Dungannon: Mrs. F,. Powell, .Clinton; Mrs. Keith Webster, Blyth; Lieu. Goodridge, Wingham; Mr, Bren deVaies, Blyth, and Rev, J. W. Stinson, Seuforth,_ The afternoon ses- sion begins "at 1;45 p.m., with supper ;served at 6 o'clock , and the evening session following at 7;30 p.m. Sunday School ,workers of all denominations are urged to attend, bringing their problems for discussion C.W.L. Hear Guest Speaker Eleven members of the St. Michael's sub -division were guests of St, Joseph's sub -division, Clinton, at their month- ly meeting with Mrs. Managhan, league president, presiding;. The fall 'bazaar will be hcict at Clinton the middle of Nove)nber, Miss Lucy Levy rendered a beautiful solo. In introducing the guest sprat er, Mrs,' Joseph McConnell of Seaforth, Provincial; Past President, Fr," Gralinm °gave an. outline of the League..offlces that Mrs. McConnell' has held and of her activity in .her many other pleases `of church, work, Mrs, 'McConnell gave it glowing nc- count. of the highlights 'of the vnrlotis Dickenson Conventions shut . site at— tended in 'Northern and 'Eastern On- tario, She told, of the beautyof the new towns, the zeal of the 'women of now sub -divisions, and of incidents of each convention that made it a tnem- orable event for sonic time to come,. Mrs; John Hnllahah thanked Mrs. McConnell and presented her with • a gift on behalf -of both groups; Mrs, Vloke, Miss . Brenner; and Miss Levy entertafuued with several lovely_ num= bees after which tea was served'frona a daintily laid tea table, FARM SOLD Mr, Wilmer Cuthill' has sold his fnrnt on the 10111concession of Morris, to Mr. Emerson Mitchell, of Grey town- ship, W ESTFIELD Mr, and Mrs, Peter (k Groot were Eden Grove visitors on Sunday, We are sorry to report that .Miss Ruth IJownit hos n very sore hand; having got it badly cut in ct meat one - 0r, Mies Doreen Nowell won first. prise , in the girls' bicycle race at Brussels fah' last Friday. Congratulations Dor- 1 cep, , Mr, and Mrs, Harold Vincent and I family of Bel;grave visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Alva McDowell ani) Loyd, 11Ir. and Mrs. Bert Vodden of Clinton are visiting for a few. drys with Mr. and Mrs, Alva McDowell. 11T:es )leather McDowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Murray McDowell, hail her tonsils and ndenoids removed at Wingham hospital on Friday and is do- ing fine, • Mr. and Mrs, Drew and Mrs, Jasper McBrien of Godcrich were Friday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Snell and Jcanetta. t • Miss Marlene asom of Auburn vis? E lied over the week -end with hers friend, Miss Donna Walden, " Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Redmond were London visitors on Friday. Ray; mond attended the teachNrs' conven- tion and renewed old acquaintances with those In the teaching profession. Friends will be sorry to hear Mr, Joe Bell of Clareshohn, Alta.. had the phis.: fortune to have his arm broken in 4 recent accident. Mr. and Mrs, Forest McKellar and boys of Midland, Mich., visited Saturn day with the former's uncle, Mr. anci Mrs, Earl Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger and family visited with Miss Chris McCiir- ten of Gocktrich on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Douglas ,Campbell vis: sled Monday with her sister, Mrs. El- mer Mcl)ougell and Mr. McDougall, oi, Brampton, ss Mr. and Mrs. Ste. Marie of Si. Augl ustinc visited Sunday with Mr, ane' Mrs. Raymond Redmond, ''•'� Mr, Gerard Richard of Morris visited on Sunday with his brother; Mr. Ald-'' erlc Richard. Mr, and Mrs. Albert McKeller of Freeland, MIch., spent lest.sveck visit -1 Ing her brother, Earl and Ws, Wight - men. .••••••••.• Subscription Rates $2.00 in Advance; $3,00 in the U'S,A, Local Scrap Paper Can Be Lett At Howson's Mill Next Tuesday evening, Oct. 1 1th, the Lions Club will make their drive for waste paper throughout this commun- ity. Arrangement:r have been made so that people from. the country In the Blyth area can leave their contribution at Howson & Hnvn.on's Mill, or if this 13 not. convenient they may phone 170 Blyth, and arrangements will lla made to get it to town. Arrangements have been made for those In One Auburn community to leave their' piper at the Huron County garage. The Lions Club member's are ;'nxious to secure as much bulk as possible in this drive as in this way only can they hope to derive surf eicnt financial gain to make the effort worth while, -Jtls n grand chance to get the old papers and magazines cleaned up, and to make room for winter reading mat- erial. Be sure to have bundles se- curely tied and not too bulky so that theywon't come apart through hand- ling. ,:',Residents in the village are ask ed to have their contribution placed in a convenient place for quick collec- tion Tuesday evening. Thanks in ad• wince for your co-operation from the members of your Lions Club. Friendship Circle Met The October meeting of the Friend- ship Circle was held Monday evening in the basement of the church with Londesboro Mission Circle as gueste Mrs Vodden presided in the,.absence of the. president, Mrs, McDougall. The theme I of the worship period was Thanksgiv- ing. NIrs. Ken McDonald read the scripture and Mrs. Fred lIowson led in prayer. The Londesboro ladies con- tributed a reading by Mrs, Lloyd Pipe, and a'duet by Mrs. Clare Vincent and Mrs, Allan Shaddick• Miss Lois Gras - by presided at the piano for the meet- ing. Mr. Bren deVries, our guest speaker- told of h! ; experiences in his homeland, The Netherlands, during the war years with all their persecu- tion, hunger and danger of life at ev- ery move. He reminded. us of count- less blessings we have to be thankful for in Canada. This was greatly ap- preciated by all present, During the social hour the quartet, Mrs. (Rev.) A, W, -Watson, Mrs. Bert Gray, Mrs. Garfield Doherty and Mrs. ,Harold Cciniipbell sling e number. • Mrs. -Chas, Smith, Mrs. 1Mhrvin Mc- I Dowell mid Mrs. Howard "'Campbell, tittended'the West Sectional Convention of the W.M.S. at Hohnesville,_Fniday. ,Mr..and Mrs. "Raymond'Redlnoiid•ttt+' tended the funeral on Saturdny 'of the Into Miss Mary Weir of Wingham. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. J, Wattnm of Grand Bend visited on Sunday with with Mr. and Mrs; Douglas Campbell. ' Mrs, Raymond Redmond, Mrs, John Buchanan and Mrs. Walter Cook at-. tended the horticultural flower ar- rangeuhent show Thursday held in Auburn United Church, and enjoyed tile talk given and flower arrangements shown by Mrs. Epps, Clinton, Two table centres and two living room bas- kets of flowers were entered from Westfield. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Snell entertained Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Snell and Jean- ette and Mr, and Mrs, Walter Cook on Friday evening, Sept. 30th, when a fowl dinner: was served on the occas- ion of their 161.11 wedding anniversary, The water situation is still a very serious platter here, People are still drawing tenter for their household needs and stock. One doesn't realize the need of water until the well goes ch'y, We hope those showers soon come our way, Sorry to have to report that Mrs. Clarence Cox was taken to Clinton Hospital Friday, Latest reports arc that she- is somewhat improved. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr, Cecil Campbell, Exeter, spent Sunday at his home here, There Was n0' school I11" SS, No. 6, East Wawanosh Friday as the teacher, Mr. Robt, Ferris, attended the teach- ers' convention in London. Mr, and' Mrs, Raymond Redmond en- tertained Miss Isabell Fox and Miss Olive McGill, Blyth, and Mr. cold Mrs. Robert Phillips, Auburn, on Wednes- day, in honor of Mr, and Mrs. 'Phillips' 21o.t wedding anniversary,' Mr.' and Mrs. John Bu.chatfan, Bill Buchanan, Mrs, Fred Cook and Arnold enjoyed n motor -trip as fpr north as Tobernory on Sunday and remarked. or the beauty of the _ scenery at this time of year, The beauty of the Autumn is very hard to _ catch, That exquisit ,art of color, brush and canvas cannot -match, Men and women, old and weary, plain- ly• snow,. the mark -of years, But a tree in October, in it's finest robe appears; - Every lovely thing In nature-sct.ms de- llghtetl old to grow That it's ftudc has been ace,nnplished it, Is very proud to shots', Wind andstempest may have scarred it, 'but the time has come to. rest, For the last few days permitted, hi it's finest it is' dressed.'s Cd11 r'ntulatlons to Mr, and Mrs. Ro- bert Riley of Londesboro who will celebrate their l3tH wedding anniver- sary on Monday, Oct, 10th, HarvestlThanksgiving Ser- vice Held At Trinity Church* The annual Harvest • Thanksgiving services were held in 'Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth, on Sunday, October 2, The church was appropriatley decorat- ed for this festival and large congre- gations were present at both services. The rector, Mr. Bren de Vries, was preacher at the morning service and gave a very impressive message on Har- vest Thanksgiving. Ile atated that while the harvest reminds us of the gratitude due to God for all blessings and speaks of human toil, we must re- member that it is the Divine toil which helps, us accomplish things, We ought to consider "the harvesting of souls for time and eternity" for which our Loi'd preached and taught, prayed mid suf- fered, gave and blessed, The Rev, R. A. C. Mills of St, Paul's Kirkton, was guest preacher nt the ev- ening service. In Ills nessnge, he stres- sed the need for thanksgiving in our lives and pointed out the church's teaching of this as it highlights the ser- vices of Holy Baptism and Holy Euch- arist, The junior choir sang very effective- ly two -anthems in tine morning, "Praise ye the Lord " and "Thanks be to God" and the evening service "We will praise our Father." Mrs, Willis Van Egmond, of Clinton, was a much appreciated guest soloist, singing "0 Breath of God" ahct "I walked today where Jesus walk- ed." A,Y.P.A, MEETING The annual meeting of the Belgravo- Blyth A.Y.P.A. was held at the Rectory, Tuesday evening, Mrs. George Ives, President, was in charge, - and after completing the year's busiess. turned the 'fleeting over to Mr. deVries, who conducted the election of officers for the coming year with the following re- sult}s: President -Miss Claire Taylor, Vice-President—Miss Joan Brydges, • Treasurer—Miss Mary I, Nethery, Secretary—Toni Brydges, • The. meeting closed with prayer and a lovely' lunch was served by the hos- tess,. Mrs, cleVfics. • The next meeting will be held at the home of the President, Miss. Claire Taylor, s - Last Monday evening. A,Y,P.A, mem- bers from the Deanery of Huron met in St, George's Church, Gnderich, Miss Joan Bi'ydgeas and "Mary 1. Nethery, G'eor'ge Bacon, Murray Bradburn and Barry Brydges were In attendance. 11Ir, MurraYl3radburr5 \Vas elected President for Huron Deanery for the coming year. HURON COUNTY HOG PRODUCERS TO MEET AT WINGHAM TO -NIGHT (THURSDAY) The Huron County Hog Producers are holding a meeting in the Wingham High School nt 8 p.m., Thursday, October 6111. Chas McGinnis, President of the Ontario Hog Producers Association, will be the principal speaker, He will be augmented by Eldrid Aiken, zone re- presentative for zone ti, prises Bruce, Grey and Kroler, manager of Sales Agency, Jake ative which 0001- Illl►'on, and the Co-oper- Meeting AL Exeter Addressing a meeting of more than 70(1 hog producers at Exeter last Wed- nesday night, Charles W, McInnis, of the Ontario Hog Producers' Association .aid, "Ontario hog producers do not have the freedom of bargaining on the open market because processors are spending millions of dollars to keep hogs going direct to the factories." W. R. Lobb, president of the Huron association, said the meeting was a progress report on the co-operative since it came into being June 1st, , Seek Knowledge "The purpose is lo•get a better know- ledge of what is going on," he said. "We have a good class of hog in Huron County and we want to know what's being clone with them." He cold the producers that a ques- tion and answer period would follow the main speeches, Mr, McInnis said that the Ontario association want freedom of the mar- ket "and that's the program we are working on." • "We have not had the freedom be- cause the processors have teen spend- ing millions to keep hogs from going to the market—to keep hogs going di- rect to them," he said, Propose Direction "It is good business and we cannot blame them, but we must stop them. We want all hogs in a position so our marketing agencies can direct them to the packer who is willing to pay the highest price. "Often the agency can't get the high- est price because of the direct delivery. There are some influences trying to stop producers getting into this bar- gaining position. "There is a struggle us to whether we are going to control the industry or -whether itis going to be controlled by the trade," Mr. McInnis said, -- "We are facing this issue—we have on the one side your organization, demoncratic, under your control, and wilt experienced salesmen. On the other side we have some advocating we do away . with this kind of thing and leave ourselves to the mercy of the spectators id the trade, Operating Cost Low Earlier Mr. McInnis said that in the Canadian economy there is a certain amount of money to be divided and ag- riculture's share of the national income "depends on the strength to which we can organize." Mr. McInnis said that the co-opera- tive has done an effective job. The operation . costs the hog producer less than one-fifth of a cent a pound and is completely under the producer's con- trol. However, the association still does not feel itis in as strong a bargaining position as it should be. Eldred Aiken, Bruce County zone di- rector, told' the producers "'Our main program is for the, producer to get the main share of the consumer's dollar. At the moment we are getting our share, but I thiink we, could get more." General manager of the co•operativc, Jake Kohler,. said it is planned to open assembly points at Windsor, London, Stratford, Barrie, Peterboro, Ottawa and to utilize the Montreal stock yards, Direct Deliveries - "These points - will be staffed so we can direct truckers to take the hogs they are carrying direct to the factory if we have them sold," -he said. "The hogs Will not' necessarily be unloaded there (at the assembly point). The sel- ling will be done from our head of- fice in Toronto. The men at the assem bly point will act more or less as des- patchers. Following Kohler's address Mr. Lobb introduced Huntley McKay, public re- latons branch of the Ontario Fedora- tion of Agriculture. Mr. McKay did? not speak. Theodore Parker, Ellice Township, near Stratford, opened the question and answer period by .telling the pro- ducers the was well known for his "so- called opposition to all this," Mr. Parker• earlier this year opened a campaign against the Producers' As- sociation and United Livestock Sales Ltd.; which was then the marketing ag- ency for the association, 'The ULS'con• tract expired May 31, Mr, Parker: "How much money dud the Hog Producers Association have to pay for ULS and is it registered with the Farm Products Marketing Board?" Mr. McInnis: "We foundit to our ad- vantage to buy out ULS."• He out- lined tine expenditures which included $8,000 for co operation and goodwill, $10,0(10 for rental of the building, and $18,000 for office machinery, He said he did not believe it was registered with the Farm Products Marketing Board, Mr. Parker; "Who were the truckers who received $3 a hog, and who were the packers who paid it?" (Earlier this month Mr. McInnis said some truckers were understood to be paid from 50 cents to $3 a hog to take them direct to plants; rather than through the open market. Ninety per cent of all hogs were handled this way).. Mr. McInnis: "Since the beginning of this operation we have never dragged individuals into this and we won't start now." There was some good-natured cross- fire between Mr. Parker and Mr. Koh- ler during the question -answer per- iod, A few other producers spoke briefly from the floor. Following the meeting, Mr. Kohler said that it is thought the pr' ,sed assembly point in London will be at Roberts sales barn on Highway ave- nue, about three miles north of Dun - dos street, but this is not definite. SUNDAY BAPTISMS Rev. A, W. Watson baptised the fol- lowing children at the morning ser- vice in Blyth United Church: Patricia Jean, blighter of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Badley; Kevin Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Tasker; Curtis Lee, son of FO. Vern and Mrs. Spelran; Kenneth Molgaard, son of Mr, and Mrs. Nlads Christensen. ERROR IN FALL FAIR PRIZE LIST In reporting the prize list for the Fall Fair in last •week's issue, a mis- take was made in several places where the name Ivan Wightman appeared. The name should have been Ivan' ITowatt. Most notable was In the Hog section where Ivan Howatt should have been credited as winning the Canadian Bank et Commerce trophy for the best pair of bacon gilts. WINS BURSARY Mr. - Robert Yungblut, sol) of Mrs, 'Myrtle. 3. Yungblul, 'of 'B1yth has won the $100 Maple Leaf Chapter I.O.D.E. bursary; I•Ie is now attending Teachers' College in Stratford. Strawberries and Raspberries In Bloom Freaks of nature include raspberries from the vines in Miss Josephine Woodcock's garden, and strawberries from the garden of Mr. George Bailie. In each instance the fruit was well formed and looked appetizing. II03IE AFTER WESTERN TRW Mr, and Mrs, Harry Bolger and Mr. and Mrs. John Bruce have returned home aver an enjoyable visit with friends in Western Canada. PURCHASED VALUABLE SOW Mr. Jack .Haggitt informs The Stand- ard that he has purchased from Car- man Wood a 7 -months -old Berkshire sow which was judged the Grand Champion in her class at the Western Fair and then went on to win the red ribbon hl the year-old class. Mr. Hag- gilt- will use the sow for breeding pur- poses. - Crop Report , -- Due to extremely dry conditions fall wheat is slow In sprouting and is com- ing up very uneven. Silo filling is now practically all completed in the County and some grain corn has been picked. Yields of corn for silage and for grain will be down considerably be- low other years, 13 4-H Acihievement Day programs were held at 5 Fall Fairs in the County this week. The survival of some of the Fall Fairs depends ora how quickly they can build up thein sponsorship of 4-H programs, Over 700 farmers attended a n "Information Meeting" held by the County Hog Pro- ducers' Association hi Exeter on Wed. nesday, Sept, 28th, Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs, J. H, Leith, of Hamilton, celebrated their 50th wedding anniver- sary at the home of their son, J. George Leith, of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs, Leith were married at Clinton. Two yea's after their =triage they moved to Blyth, remaining here 20 years before going to Lucknow. In 1041 they took up residence in Hamil- ton, Attending from Blyth were Mr, and Mrs. Jack Fairservice, Mrs. Clara Brown. and Mr, Sam Keehnie, .J [At)! vf. mai "Dear Anne Hirst: My hus- band and I have been divorced over three years, and we have two children nearly of school age. I am only in my early 20's now, and he is a few years older . , . We never did get along,' we fought over everything . , . The children were awarded to me at the time of divorce, and a short while afterward my husband was sent to a mental hospital. "Now he is back again, and is coming to his senses; we see each other often. He is wonder- ful with the children; we all get along fine and love each other very much. He has asked me to remarry him. We realize that we were too young to marry be- fore, and that he was sick be- sides. "Both our families oppose our having anything to do with each Other, and the things my par- ents predict scare me. "I do want to make a real home for my husband and the children, and now I don't know what to do, Please help me de- cide. A, J." • PROFESSIONAL ADVICE * From all you tell me, I find * myself on the side of you and * your husband. It seems to me * that neither your family nor * his with all their affection and * good intentions, can judge his * condition as well as his wife. * Don't resent their attitude, * however. They are acting in * good faith according to what * they feel are the best inter - NOT TRUE—That's what Van- essa Brown, above, is saying about reports of backstage bickering on the set of TV's "My Favorite Husband." Van- essa costars with Barry Nelson in the • show, and they and their spouses have been mak- ing a gay foursome lately. Barry didn't get along so well with Vanessa's predecessor, Joan Caulfield, * ests of you, your husband and * the children. * You are, of course, eager to * take your husband back. To * make as sure as you can that * he is ready to assume respon- * sibilities, I suggest that you * both consult the physician * who committed him to the * hospital. * I am informed that such in- * stitutions are usually over- * crowded, and it could be your * husband was released before * he is sufficiently cured to * make a succecss of remar- * riage, His doctor, through ex- tensive examinations a n d analyses, will have an opinion which can guide you both. His conclusion may corroborate your own — or he may ad- vise waiting for a longer per- iod • and further consultations before planning a second mar- riage, * For all your sakes, I hope * with you that remarriage is * not far off, If you must wait * for it, wait patiently and with * faith, knowing that it is safer * to accept a professional opin- * ion on such a monumental * problem. t. * DOUBTING WIFE WORRIES Dear Anne Hirst: I am very much in love with my husband and have always trusted him. Lately, though, once a month he stays out late; he has joined a men's club and he says they all gamble. I know he gambles sometimes, but I believe now he is interested in some woman. "Several years ago I saw him with a girl, who turned out to be a friend of his brother's. He explained things, but I didn't like it, so now I think he's see- ing somebody else. "Every time the club meets I get so uneasy I can hardly stand it! What do you think? WORRIED" * I think you are hunting for * trouble that does not exist. * You certainly have gone far * into the past in your search, * and dug up an incident which * was innocent of any meaning, * If you persist in such non- * sense your husband will rebel, * and who could blame him? * On the evenings his club * meets, why don't you and a * woman friend visit together * or go to the movies? That is * the practical answer to your -* problem, and I hope you are * smart enough t accept it. e * * In any crisis, tell Anne Hirst your situation and ask her opin- ion. If she cannot advise you herself, she will recommend a source of help which the situa- tion seems to require. Address her at Box 1, 123. Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. He Added the Monroe Shape to Jet Planes - RICHARD WIIITCOMB AND Longley Field — Richard T Witcomb is the first inventor in history to give the aircraft in- dustry "Marilyn Monroe" sex appeal, But you'd never know it. When he leaves . the roaring wind tunnels of the Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, Whit- comb enjoys nothing more than to go home to his workshop, There he experiments in another field of engineering — internal combustion, He has even ap- plied for patents on several in- ventions as a result of his hob- by. 'This is one example of the ever inquisitive mind that be. longs to the 34 -year-old scien- tist on the research staff of the for Aeronautics, And it also helps t0 explain why Whitcomb "THE SHAPE:" Also Internal, is hailed as one , of America's brightest aircraft designers. He is the man responsible • for the recently announced disciv- ery of the new concept . in air- craft design leading to a great reduction of drag rise which oc- curs at transonic speeds, It has already applied to two super- sonic aircraft resulting in speed gains up to 25 per cent. "Marilyn Monroe" is the name that has been given to the spec- ially designed fuselage Whit- comb has devised, It's also re- ferred to as "Coke bottle" and "wasp waist." Up until now the shape cf the "Marilyn Monroe" fuselage has been kept under careful secur- ity wraps. It was first made available to the aircraft indus- try in September, 1952; however. Modest M!ss America — MODEST MISS AMERICA—"There is nothing queenly about cheesecake pictures," says Sharon Kay Ritchie, Miss America of 1956. The Den ver coed is shown, at left, in the modest, one- piece bathing suit which she wore at Atlantic City, site of the annual beauty contest. At right, Sharon, Who says that shell not permit any more cheesecake pictures to be taken of. her during her reign as the nation's beauty q ueen, poses in conventional street garb on the roof of a New York City hotel, •r,e-tsre.f,,/moi%`///6.•1 HRONICLES !kiINGERFARM The busy fall season is still with us, On most farms thresh- ing is over but there are other. jobs to do — pullets to house, cattle to change from pasture to stubble, fall wheatto sow, apples, to pick and 'the other hundred and one jobs that have to be done before the leaves turn crimson and gold. In the For Half -Sizers Especially for the shorter, fuller figure -- this slimming step-in' accented by a new and dramatic collar detail, Picture this in crepe faille, or cotton - you'll gather compliments galore wherever you go! Pro- portioned to fit — you won't have. a single alteration worry! Pattern 4629r Half Sizes 14%, 16%, 181, 20%, 22%, 24%, Size 16% takes 4 yards 39 -inch fabric, This pattern easy to use, sin ple to sew, is tested for fit, Has' complete illustrated instructions.' Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35¢)in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern, Print plainly SIZE„ NAME, ADDRESS, U1TLYE NUMBER, Send: order to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St,, New Toronto, Ont. ISSUE 40 — 1958 CIE house canning and pickling is -still :the order of the day; the aroma of pickling spices is wafted abroad and mother sur-, veys with satisfaction rows of green nine -day pickles; rich red beets and the deep yellow of mustard pickles.• In fact a row of pickles can be a pleasing study in colour contrast, The children, of course, are back to school and mother must now do her own fetching and carrying surprising the number of parental steps that can be saved when the children are around. On many farms the above pic- ture holds true; on other farms, as with Partner and myself, children have grown up and moved away. So now we do our own fetching and carrying — or in many • ways fetch and carry for each other.' But on a farm where active - farming is still carried on modern machin-• , ery has taken the place of wiII- ing hands. • Taken the place, did,I say? I - wonder! A combine and a hay baler speeds up threshing and ' haying tremendously provid- ing - there is no mechanical breakdown. Less manual work ,is now required for many other jobs but it seems to me the . work involved is taking more out of the older farmer than it ever did, Not physically per- haps — with a milking. machine a man can milk fifteen . cows as easily as he milked five years ago. But the tension is greater; the output of nervous energy is increased tremendously from the days when 'Dad and ' the boys loaded loose hay on the hayrack and milked the cows by ` hand, Agriculture science has progressed, by leaps ` and baunds during the last twenty- ,.. five years but I have yet to be convinced that the average older farmer is leading an easier life. Shorter hours, yes, daily chores lessened considerably — as long as everything' goes all right, But a breakdown with the milking - machine, combine o r baler — or a power failure — can take more out of a man in nervous tension than would the physical energy used for the same job the old-fashioned way. However, there is nothing that can be done about it ,—'manual farm labour being practically non-existent, As a result pro- gress' and invention go hand in hand and it is probably only to the older farmer that adjust- ment comes a little difficult. The younger. generation natur- ally accepts modern methods of farming in its stride . just as it accepts jet planes and fast mov- ing automobiles. ' Mechanized farming is .also an attraction to the middle-aged businessman with a yen for the wide open spaces. To him farming with modern machinery appears de- ceptively easy. So he takes up , farming, as a sideline, or goes out of business altogether, buys a hundred acres in an unknown territory; ,spends • several thous- and 'dollars modernizing the house and barn, and another few thousand on pedigreed cat- tle, In a great many cases a few years finds the business -man - farmer an older and a wiser man , , as a result the farm is again on the market, the busi- nessman having discovered by bitter experinece, that, • to the uninitiated, modern farm ma- chinery merely substitutes one headache for another. Ironically eonugh if it were not for mod - 4111 ' MERRY MENAGERIE , "0h, oh, x'm afraid you're not colorfast, dear!" - ern machinery there would be fewer businessmen -farmers, If the would-be farmer thought he alight have to milk cows by hand, clean out stables with a wheelbarrow and take hay and crop off the field the old- fashioned way he might not be quite so keen on buying a farm. But of course there are many successful businessmen -farmers. There is the executive type who can afford a farm manager and other help and thus indulge his hobby, Such farms are the show -windows of agriculture — a very different proposition from the businessman who seta out to run a farm by himself, even if he has every piece of modern machinery he can get. Well, I guess this is where 1 turn grandmother and leave farmers and farming methods, good, bad and indifferent, to take care of themselves. Dee, Arthur, David and Honey have just come in and I imagine I shall be required to do a spot of baby-sitting — and dog -sit- ting — while they go hunting tomatoes. Looks to me as if Dave has grown about two inches since we last saw him, and that was only about two weeks ago, How children vary. One wee niece,, two and a half years old, weighs only about twenty-five pounds and' yet is as healthy and -active as a child could be. Excuse me, 1'must res- cue the cats and dogs, Dave has already made a bee -line in their direction. He is liable to love them to death. The so-called Silver eel is just a common Green eel with a date! When they are six to eight years old, eels stop feeding and change to a silvery color for their long trip out into the ocean to spawn and die. Faces Are Pockets! 752 SIZES 2-1D SQ4tlltd wall& J'un to wear! Perfect torr back to school. Make this ver- satile jumper and blouse from remnants, She'll lovethe pock- ets — they're smiling faces! Sew -easy, . thrifty! Pattern 752: Child Sizes 2, 4, Q, 8, 10, Tissue pattern, face transfers, directions. State size. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS .in coins (stamps cannot beeo- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor- onto, Print : plainly PATTERN NUMBER and . SIZE; your NAME and ADDRESS. LOOK FOR smartest ideas in Needlecraft in our �,L a u r a Wheeler Catalog. for 1955. Cro.. chet, knitting, embroidery and lovely things to wear, , Iron -ons, quilts, aprons, novelties — easy, funto make! Send 25 cents for your, copy of this book NOW! You will want to order every, new design in it, FORRESTA! TRIES AGAIN—Her sea trials post poned a number of thnes by hurrican3s, the USS Forrestal moves out to sea, • �NECalVert SPORTS COLUMN 4 Eemsa &1-9udwc • There has hardly been a world series in which a whole batch of new records didn't go Into the book. HIere's a thumb• nail collection of general records and oddities: The longest game went 14 innings, Thatwas in 1916, and Babe Ruth, thbn pitching for iioston won over Brooklyn, 2.1, Last year marked only the .second occasion the National League (New York Giants) took four straight. Boston Braves did it in 1914. Longest:nine-inning game by time went 3 hours, 19 nun, utes (1947, New. York Yankees vs, Brooklyn), Shortest game by time went 1 hour, 25 minutes, Chicago N.L, 2, Detroit A.L, 0 at Detroit, Oct, 14, 1908. Smallest attendance, game, 6210 at Detroit, Oct 14, 1908 Largest attendance, game, 86,288 at Cleveland, 1948. Largest share, winning player —r $11,147 Giants vs, Cleveland, 1954 Largest share, losing player — $6,712.50 to Cleveland, 1954. Smallest share, winning player — $1,108.45 — Boston. A.L. vs. Chicago, N.L. 1918. Smallest share, losing player — $382• — Philadelphia, A.L. vs. New York, N.L,, 1905, Oldest pitcher to start a World Series game — John P. Quinn, A's, 1929 — 44 years, 2 months. Oldest pitcher to finish a Series game — Quinn, 54 years, 2 months — 1930. Youngest pitcher to win complete . World Series game — Leslie A. Bush, A's, 1913 — 20 years, 11, months Winning Series after winning one game and losing three — Boston, Al., vs. Pittsburgh, 1903: Pittsburgh, N.L , vs Washington, 1925. Winning Series after losing first three games — never accomplished The New York Yanks played through a flve•game Series, 1937 (Giants) without making an error. Fewest errors both clubs in a seven -game Series — 6. Triple pitching feats; Old Ross Radbourne for Provi- dence, N,L,, 1884; Bill Dineen for Red Sox, 1963; Christy Matthewson for Giants, 1905; Babe Adams for Pittsburgh, 1909; Jack Coombs for Philadelphia Athletics, 1910; Smokey Joe 'Wood for Boston, 1912; Harry (The. Cat) Brecheen for St, Louis Cards In 1946, Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge 51,, Toronto, Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO NAVY PETS A party of officers from the naval survey ship Vidal were stretching their legs ashore in British Honduras recently, when a mangy little pup began frisk- ing around their legs. "Poor little devil!" exclaimed one of the officers. "He looks half starved. Let's see if we can buy him and take him aboard." "Sure, boss," grinned the an- imal's owner, a native labourer, "dat dawg ain't no good to me. You can hey him fer nuthin'," And so "Heinz" became one 11.the crew. Since he joined the Navy he has put on weight, is bright-eyed and' glossy -coated. Ne knows every man in the ship's company, and growls at 'any stranger who comes aboard. Bulldogs, despite their tough appearance, are 'inclined to be too delicate for life at sea. But in one warship the captain was presented with a very young bull -pup he was determined to rear, Accordingly the dog • was placed in the personal charge Of his marine sentry, who had strict instructions to let no one touch the animal. A diet sheet and a "routine" were ' solemnly drawn up and formed part of the sentry's or- ders. Periodically the beefy marine ceased pacing his beat, took up a fountainpen filler full of milk and carefully fed the tiny animal as it sprawled lux- uriously in its cushioned basket. "Buster," wartime mascot of R.M.S. Stork, was a real sea dog, He was picked up towards the end of the war, a lonely pup floating on a raft in mid-Atlan- tic. Despite his . unpleasant ex- perience "Buster" preferred to remain at sea, and before the war ended was "in" at three U-boat kills. Then there was "Able Seaman Nuisance," a Great Dane who became the mascot of a naval shore establishment in South Africa. His certificate of service gave his civilian occupation as "bonecrusher," his religion as "scrounger," and stated that he had volunteered to serve for the period of the emergency. Alas, he did not last that long, and when he died was given a full naval funeral and a monument was erected over his grave. Ships' pets taken back to Bri- tain must be declared to the customs authorities. On one occasion a corvette had declared two cats which had joined the ship at Gibraltar, and the cus- toms officer demanded to see the animals before clearing the ship, But both cats had sneaked ashore and were nowhere to be found. The ,dockyard was hast- ily scoured and two indignant , strays from other shipswere grabbed, brought on board and duly presented as the new ar- rivals to Britain. 'v Cats and dogs are by no means the only animal pets carried in warships, The, ill-fated battle - cruiser Hood once had a walla- by, a destroyer boasted a full grown black bear, and during the war the cruiser H.M.S. Kent actually had a pet seal. DROOPING SPIRITS—With children back at school, there were fewer visitors to throw peanuts at the elephants in the Bronx Zoo. So this poor fellow had to drape his trunk over the wall. and hunt for tidbits that might have fallen'In busier days. His woebegone look Indicates the pickings were slim. le'�t�� .y9@6'k1E�i1°�.�ey iit A4C,�"�•�ai7, flits..;, °� <a Ax f➢(F t yy.t 4 9�.ri t ,. T� ; ; . ,.% 4• .', 0.4114 1, 41-1 • Y °' ?A' 4 "'R'Q%,kk916 •, w ){F' bre 'f/Atg d>s%%� ✓Yd , t ! /?fes .' .9 .s Y "d tot Y i y,Ra•t Y. • d{ •,. v• x' r£€i a, xrzr ss s Sr, i1 f �, •+' wd $P -wA°' • • :;";i:37 st s1 p .1. Aa ht 41 (i9�" .114 ii:**,1014,AMA( oto sus 7 r �r re'. Y.'t .. 4,1; 7 x'4'+ 'i ,10br P NET RESULT—VICTORY—Tony Trabert sprawls on the court after a fall while smashing a point past Australia's Ken Rosewell, in finals of National Tennis Singles Tournament. Do You Fear That Unlucky" Number? Would you worry if, upon arrival at a hotel, you found you had been allocated room unmber thirteen? Would you feel un- easy if you found yourself sit- ting thirteenth at table? Would you object to living in a house numbered thirteen? if your answer is "Yes" to each of these questions, then you are only one of many thou- sands of people who believe, without knowing exactly why that there is something .sinister about the number thirteen — that it brings i11 luck. In many of the big European cities the "thirteen" supersition still' flourishes. When .asked for room number thirteen at a. French seaside hotel, , the owner looked aghast. The very fact that anybody should want to sleep in a room bearing the dreaded number ob- viously. appalled him. He said his hotel had ,never had a Room 13 and never would while he re- mained its owner, He offered Room 12a. Even in Britain inquiries at a number of holiday hotels show- ed that many hoteliers in 1955 are still superstitious about the number thirteen. Some have no room thirteen. The proprietor of one hotel said that most visitors would rather sleep in a haunted room than in a room bearing that number. In some big hotels it is sometimes the practice to begin numbering the rooms at 14 or 15 in order to avoid 13 and its so-called evil associations. It is said that visitors rarely notice the ommission of 13 and the substitution of 12a, which as in some Continental hotels, sometimes takes place. But is number thirteen really unlucky? One of the happiest=' and prettiest—women of my ac- quaintance was born in 1903, the digrits of which, added up, make thirteen. She was the thir-. teen child of a couple who lived for years in. a London suburban house numbered thirteen. This woman married a Lon- doner, whose surname has thir- teen letters, on May 13th, and their first child was born on August 13th of the . following year. The husband has been his.- own is.own boss for just thirteen years and is very prosperous. Can you wonder that this con- tented couple scoff at any sug- gestion that the number which has so dominated their lives is unlucky? Or consider the case of 52 - year -old Mr, Roy Glynn, an Australian. No one specially noticed him when he arrived at Romford railway station one night in 1949. But a ' month earlier, when he had left Rom- ford for New York, he was con- spicuous with a white stick and a nurse to guide him. He arrived blind at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary and had two operations. The doctor removed his bandages and asked if he could see. "Yes, thank God, 1 can I" he shouted, • Said Mr, Glynn: "1 must be lucky, 1 am a thirteenth child, enlisted on the 13th in the 13th Battalion, passed thirteenth in my civil service examination, was In the 13th garrison in the second world war, and the New York hospital where 1 recover- ed my sight —as in 13th Street. Who said thirteen was unlucky?" When a man named W. J. SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CASH 'from FIRE and THIEVES. Wo have a size and type of Safe, or Cabinet for any purpose. Visit us or write for price. etc. to Dept. W J.6cJ.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS' / 195 Front St, E„ Toronto Established 1855 ISSUE 40 —1955 Cruckshanks won a big prize in a sweepstake many years ago, his ticket number ended with "13" and the news of his win reached him on the 13th of the month, Two hundred years ago an English soldier named Hatfield found that thirteen was indeed his lucky number, for it saved his life, He was condemned to death on a charge of sleeping while doing sentry duty outside Wind- sor Castle. He stoutly denied sleeping, declaring that he was so wide awake that he had actu-,, ally heard a distant clock strike thirteen at midnight. He was laughted at, but his story got round and shortly be- fore he was due to die half a dozen people came forward with affidavits which established that the clock had struck thirt- een on that particular night, owing to a defect in its mechan- ism. The soldier was pardoned and always after that declared that, for anybody to say thirteen was an unlucky number was ab- surd. Thirteen was always the favourite number of Woodrow Wilson, who became President of the United States in 1913 and whose name contained thirteen letters. His car number figures,' when added up, made thirteen. And he used to tell his friends that he regarded Friday the thirteen- th as ''a day of double luck." Those people who think thirt- een in a family is unlucky should listen to the evidence of a Lowestoft man, Mr, William Yowell. "I'm one of a family of thirteen," he said in 1924, "the eldest of nine brothers and four sisters, and we have always been lucky. For instance, five of us boys served in the war and all saw service in France, Bel- gium, Germany, Italy and the Dardanelles. We all got back safely to our dear old home again." Quite a number of famous men have counted thirteen -as their lucky number, Arctic evplorer Dr, Nansen, who between 1893 and 1896 led an expedition nearer that North Pole than any man had reviously been, started his great voyage on March 13th with thirteen inen. He reached civilization again on August 13th and was enter- tained at the 13th dinner of the Scottish Geographical Society on the following February 13th. "Dr. Nansen has forever set aside the evil influence associ- ated with the number thirteen," said one speaker at the dinner. Twenty-five thousand wild- fires annually burn 306 million board feet in Florida—enough to build 40,000 five room houses. CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETT•E CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IABP CHICKS TO be sure of chicks when you want them for Fall, Winter and Spring delivery order now, 3 Special egg breeds that lay more and eat leas to produce a dozen eggs, 3 Special broiler breeds, and special breeds for dual purpose. Turkey poulta, Hatches every week. Older pullets 12 weeks to laying, Catalogue, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCIHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO HATCHING EGGS flAI'CUING eggs wanted by one of Canada's largest and oldest establish• ed hatcheries, On some breeds eggs taken every week In the year, L arge premium paid For full detalis. write Dor, 136, 123 Eighteenth Street New Toronto Ontario,� _^-- — LIVESTOCk ~- - CATTLE SALE The Ontario Red Poll Cattle Club Consignment 'Sale at Orangeville Fair Grounds Thursday, October 27, 1.30 p.m. T.D. and Bangs Tested, 10 Bulls. 28 Females, A. ROY COUi.TER. Sec- retary •Treasurer, ec•retary•Treasurer, Camphelivllle, On• tarso, FOR SALE CERTIFIED RASPBERRIES For fall planting, the surest way to success, Viking, Lathem, Madawaska and others. Edenvale Gardens, Mine. sing, Ont. OVERSIZES! Dress shirts, white and plain colours sizes to 21. Trousers, over- alls, windbreakers, underwear up to size 60. Apparel for tall men. Refunds guaranteed, •Writo for prices, !Alder, 6378 Saint Hubert, Montreal 10, TRANSMISSION GEARS and universal feints repair kite for every popular ear and truck at corm petitive prices AUTOMOTIVE WAREHOUSE CO LTD 1430 Guy St., Montreal NEW perma•bronze oil filter element lasts forever the first cost Is the final cost can't soak out detergents - filters grit particles as small as 39 millionths of an Inch removes en gine moisture • makes your engine last up to 40% longer to clean, re move element from filter caso rinse In any solvent and replace - guar anteed to writing for 10 full years. One size fits present caso on all cars. trucks and tractors with standard by- pass ypans oil systems $6.95 another all full•tlow types, $11.95, Lifetime fuel filter fot all engines and oil furnaces. $2.95 Write Bloomfield Enterprises Box 154 Chatham Ont. HELP WANTED APPLIANCE salesman preferably with car for large furniture and ap• pllanco store Netter than average opportunity for experienced man. Write for appointment. Harold C. McClure Limited Georgetown Ont. OUR company requires two young men to commence sales training to add to our Ontario staff, No expert- ence necessary, but applicants should be 17 21 years of age, single, and primarily concerned with secgrpg a career with unlimited future,' C om• menctne salery $35 per week, Write Box 137, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Postw Eczema Salve will not dlaap• ppoint you. itching scaling and burn - Mg eczema. acne ringworm. pimpies and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment. regardless of how stubborn or hone. Tess they ahem. Sent Pm/ Free on R•ceInt et Prise. PRICE 32,50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. E„ Corner of Logan TORONTO MEDICAL READ THIS - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa; $1,25 Express Prepaid OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BEFORE buying, be sure and write for our latest Free catalog on guns, rifles etc. Large assortment, Scope Sporting Goods. 250 Bank St, Ottawa. Ont, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 318 Bloor St. W.. Toronto Branches; 44 King St„ Hamilton _ 72 Rideau St._Ottawa MAKE money quickly selling Stand. and Greeting Cards, Christmas and Everyday, stationery, Gift Items etc. Excellent commissions. Write: 195 Perth Street, Brockville, Ontario. SEW? Homeworkers needed spare time. No charge for materials Write:, ADCO. 561, Bastrop Louisiana SENSATIONAL Grow beautiful hair and took 20 years younger! Complete huh grow. Ing treatment Vlllard's hair tonic will give you beautiful strong wavy and silky hair. Price. 32.50 1 renclr cream will also grow hair un bald spots, Price: 52.50 Satisfaction guar- anteed. Money order or C.0 D Villard Perfumes 1368 ,Sherhrnoke East. Montreal. FALLING HAIR? Don't, worry Hair Tone recovers hair beauty for men and women, 51 per bottle HIYLAND LABORATORIES MacTier Ont TELEGRAPHERS on Railways wanted, We train and place you. Learn at home with Self•Teachtne Machine, Option coming to school for tests, 5250 first pay, STENOGRAPHERS In demand, Our ABC simplified system qualities in 10 weeks home•study. Free folder either course. and fees, Write Csssan Systems 20 Snndlna Road Toronto. LADIES buy your nylon stockings and underwear direct from the makers at wholesale prices and make extra money in your spare time taking orders from your triads. No experience necessary. We carry the stock for you, Write for particulars. Redfern -Metcalfe Car. poration, 4444 St. Catherine Street West, Montreal 6. IDENTIFY and personalize everything. Your name and address on checks. stationery, books. etc. Saves time, avoids errors. Finest three line PER. SONALTZED RUBBER STAMP nnstpatd for 11.98, Fowler's Sneel^1tt.a Drawer 2 Kinley. Sask, PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company. Patent Attorneys, Established 1890 600 University Ave, Toronto. Patents all countries. AN OFFER to every inventor Llat of inventions and full information Bent free. The Ramsay Co, Registered Pat. ent Attorneys, 273 Bank St. Ottawa, PERSONAL 51,00 TRIAL offer, _ rwentyfive deluxe personal requirements, Latest . cata• togue included. The Medico Agency, Box 124, Terminal ' "A" Toronto Ont. - FALSE FALSE •TEETH USERS RELINE your own loose plates per- manently with AMAZI (Acrylic) Re- Ilner; previously used only by den- tists, Guaranteed - Direct only $1.98. Naco Distributing Co„ Rodney, On- tario, PUBLIC MARKET FULLY - QUALIFIED SALESMEN = PUBLIC MARKET -All buyers may see your stock and bid against each other for its posses- sion when it is offered on the public market. On a normal busy claymore than 100 different buyers bperate on the Ontario Stock Yards market at Toronto. When your stock is sold through the mar- ket, competition influences the price you receive; competitive bidding assures you of maximum prices, FULLY -QUALIFIED SALESMEN—Abattoirs hire well-trained buyers to act for them; their first aim is to purchase as cheaply as possible. • You need a fully -qualified salesman to represent your Interests, to make sure you receive full market value for your live stock. REMEMBER—The Public Live Stock Market is the only place where fully -qualified salesmen are always available as your representative. - This advertisement published in the interests of the PUBLIC LIVE STOCK MARKET AT TORONTO by two of Canada'sjleading live stock commission agents BLACK BROS. LIVE STOCK COMPANY LIMITED and McCURDY & McCURDY LIMITED Ontario Stock Yards, Toronto PAGE4 I E STANDAIM COOKED HAM PER LB, 89c PICNIC SHOULDER (Fresh) LB. 39c BOLOGNA (Piece) LB. 25c Arnold Berthot MEAT --- FISH Free Delivery: 10 a.m. and After 4 p.m, Telephone 10 --- Blyth. 4++4 •++4••44+++4•+-• •444-•444444•4444•4 •+•+or•+• •4++•+•-••4 FULL COURSE MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Excellent Service --- Satisfaction Guaranteed. HURON GRILL G R�.I�L BLYTH - ONTARIO . FRANK GONG, Proprietor. j 7 FURNACES FOR SALE Hand fired, coal or wood; Oil fired; Stoker fired; Forced air units; Gravity units. Handling all name brand equipment. Free Estimates --- Repairs to all makes. A. MANNING E3 SONS Phones 207 or 234 --- Blyth, Ont. 1 BERNARD HALL Insurance Agency LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, WIND AND ALL CLASSES OF INSURANCE, PHONE 122 - BLYTH, ONT. . 4444 IVNMNN•JNI +144.44 •4, H4MH Needlecraft Shoppe Girls' and Boys' Station Wagon Sets, nylon gabardine, 4 to 6x $18.75 Station Wagon Coats only, 3 to 11, $9.95 and $12.95 Girls' & Boys' Sleepers and Pyjamas $1.98 & $2.98 Girls' Lined Corduroy Jackets & Hats, 8 to 12, $5.95 See our New Suits. for Boys, 1 to 4 years in cor- duroy, holland suede, gabardine, fibrene and quinella all at $3.98 each :.••••++•, + •.44. FALL & WINTER Wearing Apparel Women's and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats. Women's and Misses' New Fall Dresses. Skirts of Wool Plaids and Tweeds. Blouses in Misses' and Women's & Children's Sizes. Men's and Boys' Long Drawers with Elastic Waist. Children's Briefs and Vests. Children's Corduroy Jeans, Sizes 3 to 6 . , . , $1.98 Youth's Corduroy Slacks, 10 to 16 years, Men's New Winter Sport Jackets with Quilted Satin Linings. Men's New Fall Top Coats, Rubber Boots (Short and Knee high), THE ARCADE STORE STORES IN BLYTH AND BRUSSELS, LOND ESBORO Mr. and Mrs; A. Fangrud have re- turned home after enjoying a trip to Buffalo, Rochester and Letchworth State Park, New York, which is called the Grand, Canyon of the east, also vis- iting Niagara Fulls and Hamilton. Miss Ola Fangrad has resigned her position in the Mutual Life Msurance Co., Waterloo, and has entered the Nurses. Assistants class In -the Sunny, brook Hospital, Toronto, There are twenty-five in the class, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durnin and Mervyn spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Dave Milton and boys at Kin - burn. There will be no services in the Londesboro United Church next Sun- day owing to the anniversary services at Burns' Church. The -next Sunday, Oct, loth, will be anniversary services at Londesboro when Rev, Stanley Bren- ton of Woodstock Will be the speaker, Miss Vera Lyon, R.N., of London spent the week -end at her home. Mr, Gordon Howes of Clinton with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Gaunt. BELGRAVE Several members of Knox Church W.M.S. attended the Presbyterial meet- ing in Whitechurch. Donald Coultes was a patient the end of the week in Wingham District Hospital when he had his tonsils re- moved. Mrs, Jas, Young and sister, Miss Sadie McCormick, moved into one of the apartments in Mr. H. Irwin's house. We welcome them to the village. , Mr, Martin Grasby attended a Co- operative meeting in Geneva Purk a few days during the week, Saturday was moving day at Bel - grave when Lewis Stonehouse moved into the village from the farm on the 9th line to live with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Stonehouse, Mr, Roy Robitvson, who has been an employee with the Belgrave Co -Op, moved to the farm purchased from L. Stone- house, Mr. Ken Barbour. an employee of the Co -Op moved from one of the apartments to the house owned by the Co -Op and vacated, by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson and family, ••• Mr. and Mrs, R. Finnigan of Ash- field were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Vannas and Mrs; Perdue,, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. H. Hamilton of Wy- oming with Mr, and Mrs. H. Nethery, Mr, and Mrs, J. Smith, Donna and Gerald, of Walton with Mr. and Mrs. K. Wheeler and• family on Sunday. Clifford Coultos of Waterloo College spent the week -end at his home, C. R, Coutles left Tuesday morning by plane for Regina from Crumlin air- port. LIONS PAPER DRIVE OCTOBER 11th SAVE YOUR WASTE PAPER FOR THIS COLLECTION. WANTED Man for steady travel among con- sumers in 'Townships of Howick, Grey and Morris; Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered, Write Rawleigh's Dept. J-136-131, Montreal, P.Q. FOR SALE Oil space heater, good as new; also a cook stove. Apply, Roy Noble, phone 35B23, Blyth. 45-1p. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims a- gainst the estate of WILLIAM A. Mc - CALL, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the thirty-first day of July A.D. 1935, are notified to send to the unders'gued on o; before the twen- ty-second day of October, A.D. 1955, full particulars cf tiler claims in writ- ing. Immediately after the said twee.-. ty-second day of October the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice, DATED this thirtieth day of Septem- ber, A.D. 1955. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, 45-3, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Frank Christopher Nes- bit, late of the Township of East Wa- wanosh, In the County of Huron, Rail- way Employee, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of May, A.D. 1934, are notified to send to the undersign- ed on or before the twenty-second day of October A.D. 1955, full particulars of their clahns in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-second day of October the assets of the said Intes- tate will be distributed amongst the 'parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the adminis- trator'shall then have notice, DATED this thirtieth day of Septem- ber, A.D. 1955. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, .Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. 45-3. Wednesday, Oct, 5,1955 t reirouromarrimmirmas •••N•••r•••••rr•-•-•+♦•-••-r•-••-•-rr•+•+•-•-N+N+4-r.r 44444 • • •• • • • • • • • • PREPARE FOR THE WET WEATHER with a pair of good• duality RUBBER BOOTS WE CARRY: KAUFMAN, DOMINION, and BATA, MADILL'S .W.RR. W. SIIOES -- MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR "The Home of Good Quality Mercliandise" 444-4444-44 44-•-•-•-•-•-• • ♦ • 44 • • • 44+ 44-4441044-44-404.40-4-444-4-4444 4- mss Wingham Memorial Shop Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSIIIP. Open Every Week I)ay. CEMETERY LETTERING. Phone 256, Wingham R. A. SPOTTON. NrNIIIdVN•I NMNI44IN0.W4INW44..IM04`I ANNIVERSARY SERVICES BLYTH UNITED CHURCH OCTOBER 9th, 1955 11:15 a m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest Preacher ---REV. A. G. EAGLE, B.A., BD., Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Guest Soloist ---MR. BILL ANDREWS, Toronto, Ontario. 44-2. A Cordial Invitation to Everyone to Attend 404-441111444+4044444.4444#44,0•4444,044444#4•4444+IMMI "WHAT'S GOING ON IN BLYTH" Can you picture what life in your town would be like without a weekly newspaper? You'd have nothing to keep you up to date on happenings right in your own neighbourhood.__ If you had something to sell, you'd have to go out and look for a buyer. If you needed to buy something, you'd have to look all over town for it. Your neighbours. could marry, have children, or even die, without you hearing about it until much later. Council could pass a by-law affecting you and you mightilever hear of it, Plans for worthwhile community projects might never get started for lack of news and support. And how would you keep up with the fortunes of the hockey teals or the baseball club? Fortunately, your town has a weekly newspaper, a source of local information that no other kind of publication can replace, Over the years, Canadian weekly editors have lent their support unstintingly to many a good community cause, This year, for the first time, they are celebrating. National Weekly Newspaper Week, and Imperial Oil is glad to participate in paying tribute to your weekly newspaper. NATIONAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WEEK -OCTOBER or. TO 8". Mso IMPERIAL OIL. UNITED j 1111.111110111 Wednesday, Oct, 5 1955 THE STANDARD PAGE 7' Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH - ONTARIO, INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES Automobile, Fire, Casualty, Sickness, Accident, Windstorm, Farm Liability. WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE, Office Phone 104. Residence Phone 140 AUCTION SALT; Clearing Auction Sale of Farm, ' Farm Stock and Machinery At Lot 11, Con, 4, Morris Township, 21/2 miles east, of Belgrnve, on THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13th, at 12;30 pan. 1052 Chevrolet 2 -ton truck and racks, in perfect condition; McCormick Deering tractor, Super C, fully equip- ped (like new); 2 -furrow Fleury tractor plow; Massey -Harris 22 tractor; pow- er mower; spring tooth harrows; •John Deere tractor disc; 2 sets harrows; 2 - wheel trailer; Anternational hemmer mill; 2 rubber -tired wagons; circular sate; Massey -Harris No, 11 electric cream separator (like new); National milking machine; wheel barrow; 40 ft, extension ladder; 3 electric fencers; 120 gal. steel drum; steel barrels. CATTLE -11 young Durham cows, due to freshen in Jan. and Feb.; 2 Ayre - shire cows, due in Jan., 2 Jersey cows, due latter part of Jan.; holstein cow. due in Jan.; 3 Durham and Hereford cows, due first part of Feb.; 7 Durham and Hereford baby beefs, ready for market; 10 Hereford calves, 3 to 500 lbs. PIGS -1 York row, with litter of 12, ready to wean time of sale; 2 York sows, bred 12 months; 13 pigs, almost ready for' market; 9 chunks; number pig troughs, HAY & GRAIN - 1500 bales mixed hay; 1500 bus. mixed grain. FARM -At same place, 3 pan., the 100 acre farm will be offered for sale, sub- ject to reserve bid. 90 acres good clay loam, 8 acres hardwood bush, 11/2 stor- ey frame house, furnace and water in house, large bank barn with good stab- ling and water, 2 -storey chicken house, steel Implement, shed. All buildings are in good condition; TERMS: Chattels, Cash. Property; 10 percent down. balance in 30 days. Robert Houston, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 44-2. • AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stook and Machinery • At Lot 29, Con, 10, Morris Town- ship, 1/2 mile west of• Walton, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12th at 12;30 p.m. MACHINERY -Oliver 70 tractor, ful- ly equipped; No, 6 George . White threshing) machine with elevator and shredder (like new); 3 -furrow Massey - Harris plow (like new); Cockshutt 15 - run fertilizer drill on rubber, 2 years old; 9 ft. McCormick Deering culti- packer; stiff -tooth tractor cultivator; tractor double disc; John Deere 7 -ft. tractor mower; Cockshutt power take- off side rake on rubber; 7 -ft. Mnssey- Harris binder; 2 -row corn scuffler; No, 11 Massey -Harris tractor manure spreader (like new); 3 section spring - tooth harrows; garden tractor plow and scuffler (31/ to 5 H.P.); 4 section Diamond harrows; grain blower and pipes; DeLaval cream separator with motor; 2000-1b. scales; .-John Deere wagon (new); 2 flat hay racks; set sloop sleighs and rack; electric ham- mer mill with :1 II P. motor; smolt type cement mixer; drop head McCormick Deering hay loader (like new); fanning mill; 32 -ft, extension luddeA; stone boat; mill -type bag truck on rubber, Beatty hay eat; stings, chains, ropes, hay fork, leg vise; , DeLaval Sterling milking machine; piping for 13 cows; 10 -gal. Woods water healer; wheel bar- row; set double ropes; roll snow fence; Iron posts; gas barrel; electric fencer, forks, chains, shovel.;; colony `house, 10x12, insulated; 3 shelters; electric brooder; oil brooder, CATTLE -2 Durham cows, due about time of sale; 7 Durham and Hereford cows, due in Feb., March and April; 1 Durham farrow cow. This is a choice lot of young cows; 10 Hereford steers, rising 2' years old; 6 Hereford heifers, rising 2 years old; 10 spring calves, sired by Iiereford bull; 1 Hereford bull, 2 years old. TERMS CASH. No Reserve - Farm is Sold. W. J. Cuthill, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 44-2. ESTATE AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Farm, Farm Stock, Machinery -and Household Effects At Lot 5, Con, 17, Grey Township, i1/2 miles cast of Walton Church, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7th at 12 o'clock: MACHINERY -Ford tractor plow and cultivator; Massey -Harris clipper com• bine with motor pick-up; 7 -ft. Deering binder; 6 ft. McCormick mower; scuf- fler; set farm sleighs; Massey -Harris side rake; culti-packer; 2 section drag harrows; set Diamond harrows; walk- ing plow; dump rake; manure spreader; good bench vise; 3000-1b. stock scales with rack; McCormick Deering cream separator with motor; Surge milking machine; hay loader; 13 -disc fertilizer drill; fanning mill with motor; rubber - tired wagon; 16 ft. flat hay rack; lad- ders; colony house, 10x12 ft.; cedar posts; 20 ton cut mixed hay; 12 ton Timothy hay; grass seed; forks; shov- els; chains; tools; 240 Ib, scales; 1951. Ford car, CATTLE •- 11 steers, 2 years old, Hereford and Durham; 5 Durham heif- ers, 800 lbs.; 11 Durham and Hereford steers and heifers, 1 year old; 14 geese, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --- Admiral cook stove; 2 heating stoves; 8.2 Ins. ternational Frigidaire (like new); Cof- field white enamel washer; electric rangette; hot plate; electrolux vacuum cleaner; frosted glass; antique parlor lamp;' oak dining room suite; table, buffet and chairs and oval dining room table; kitchen table and chairs; sewing machine; floor coverings; upright pi- ano; bench; book case; rocking chairs; small tables; chest of drawers; several PIE Career Men hi Khaki The Signalman VOW, MN IIIMICIMOU .111011B .1111011 INIM NOM IWO. "Get it there first; but first, get it right." - Signals -- nerve system of the Canadian Army -a-high-speed, accurate "combination of radio networks, telephone and teletype systems and motorcycle despatch riders. The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, with other corps, offers hundreds of good -paying, life- time careers. The opportunities for advancement, special' training and travel are many. A visit to your Army Recruiting Station will soon show, without obligation, how you can fit in. Remember, in the Army you team up with men and leaders you can rely on - right down the line. ANN+♦+♦+♦1N♦-+♦.4+♦♦♦♦N --- LLASI•IMAR --- *DrnVE.INITHEATRE1/ -CLINTON- (Next to Clinton Community Park) Box Office Open at 7:30 p.m. First Show at 8 p.m, TIIURS, - Flth OCT. 6 - 7 "GENEVIEVE" _ in Color KAY KENDALL, JOHN GREGSON Cartoonand Short, SAT, - MON, OCT, 8 - 10 DOUBLE FEATURE "Battle of Rogue River" (Color) GEORGE MONTGOMERY 5IARTHA IIYER "Mr. Hulot's Jjoliday" JACQUES TATI TUES. - WED. OCT: 11 - 12 "Miss Salic Thompson" (Color) RITA" IIAYWORTII JOSE FERRER (Adult Entertainment) Col. -Leon Errol Double Reel Comedy TIIURS, FRi, OCT. 13 - 14 "The Cruel Sea',. JACK IIAWKINS. CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND 2 -SHOWS NIGHTLY -2 Children Under 12 in Cars FREE! N44- ♦+++•N•-4 bedroom suites; mantle radio; folding ironing board; chesterfield bed: clocks; - lamps; hooked mets; quilts; blankets; bed linens; table linens; pillows; fea- ther ticks; large quantity of dishes including antique dishes and china vases and ornaments; sets of bedroom china; kitchen utensils; sealers; crocks; quantity canned fruit. PROPERTY• -Farm will be offered for sale if not previously sold; 96 ac- res, more or less, situated 11/2 miles east of Walton, 11/ storey brick house with new bathroom, hydro, pressure water system, large L bank barns, good cement stabling, drive shed, hen house, 92 acres of workable land, all seeded at present time. Farm is in good state of cultivation. ' Well drain- ed and good water supply: TERMS -Chattel$: Cash, Property: 10 percent down. balance in 30 'days, sold subject to reserve bid. Estate of Late Geo. M. Ramsay, Administrator, John R. Williamson. Solicitor, R. Hetherington. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney. 44-2. BAKE SAILE Sponsored by Group 2 of the Blyth United Church W. A., at the home of Miss Margaret Hirons on Saturday af- ternoon, October 8th, LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM. __ -Thurs., Fri., Sat., October 0, 7, 8 GREER CARSON, DANA ANDREWS in "Strange Lady In Town" An outdoor belodramu about a we - man doctor who sets up practice in Sante Fe during the Frontier Days of 1880, Matinee: Saturday at 2:00 p.m. Mon„ Tues„ Wed., October 10, 11, 12, 11011 HOPE, MILLY VITALE in "The Seven Little Foys" A comedy drama with musical num- bers about the life story of Eddie Foy, the famed song -and -dance vaudeville actor. •NNMNN.I..•.IN. STEWAIRT JOHNSTON MASSEY-HARRIS SALES sL SERVICE. BEATTY BARN F$UIPMENT. • Phone 137 R 2, Blyth. .MI.IVMIWIMN.P.I.N FOR SALE 6 room dwelling, bath, hydro, hea- vy wiring, insulated. Coombs St., Blyth. 11/2 -storey insul brick dwelling, hydro, bath, garage, Dinsley St., Blyth. 11/ -storey brick dwelling, hydro, ,water, built -In cupboards; Mill St„ Blyth. 11/2 -storey frame dwelling, small stable, 3/i acres land, fruit trees, hydro; McConnell St., Blyth. 1 - storey insul brick dwelling, bath, hot 'and cold water, oil fur- nace, modern kitchen, garage; Mill St., Blyth. 50 acre farm, brick dwelling, small stable; 47 acres good work- able land. 91 acre farm on 13th concession of Hullett. Good 8 -room brick dwelling; barn. 52x54, steel roof; drive shed 20 ton house and silo, First time is d for sale, Priced reasonable, Modern small dwelling and hen house; 55 acres land; Goderich Twp:. near Clinton, $5500, 84 acre farm, Goderich Twp. Brick dwelling, tile floor, modern kitchen, hath, water pressure, hydro. Good barn 36x32 and 36x32; silo and drive shed. $12000, Half cash. Further listings on request. ELLIOTT Real Estate Agency BLYTH - Phone 104 • Gordon Elliott, Broker. Victor Kennedy, Salesman Res. Phone 140 Res, Phone 78 ..HHNr..++r+.+l FOR SALE Beatty water pressure for a shallow well. Tank holds 130 gals, New mot- or. Apply, Gus Bisback, R.R, 1, Aub- urn, Ont. 45-2. +$+++♦+�+ $ ♦+H •++♦+♦+1♦++-+-♦-♦ *+++.+++4+♦ Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "'WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" HERE IS PROOF THAT THESE BULLS ARE DOING THE JOB • We have received from ,the Holseln-Friesian Association of Canada, an up-to-date report of the milk and fat production as well as type grading of the daughters of our Holstein bulls. These Production fig- ures are a comparison with the Breed Class Average which is 100%, 'The records and grading are on artificially sired daughters in many herds and under varying conditions. '_ 1'o be eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age, skilled tradesman to 45. When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of ago, • Apply right away. Write, 'phone or visit the Army Recruiting Station nearest your home, No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. - Telephone 9-4507 Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont, - Telephone 4738 Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. - Teelphone EM. 6.8341 - local 276 No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. -Telephone 4-1601 - Local 135 Army Recruiting Station, 230 Main St. W., North Bay, Ont. - Telephone 456 Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. East, Hamilton, Ont. - Telephone 2.0705400 to ,a a PO Elmcroft Monogram Duke V.G. Extra 205 Glenafton Milestone V.G. 163 Glenafton Trademark V.G. 48 Elmcroft Celebrity V.G. 47 Seiling Wing Double V.G. 28 ,Selling Wing Pietje 2 All these sires together average 493 a od 0 o1 A _ k, xee 110 114 111 105 106 88 110 111 288 120 302 116 101) 105 89 119 86' 86 11 114 885 60% 41% 48% 40% 50% a6% 49% The following two bulls were privately owned before being pur- chased by the Unit in the summer of 1953 and their artificially bred daughters are not yet in production. Glenafton Benefactor Ex 31 111 • 123 43 81% Elmoroft Tradition V.G. 30 105 100 50 70% PRODUCTION PAYS TIIE BILLS WHY NOM USE these bulls whb•have PROVEN THEIR ABILITY to sire daughters that are outstanding for milk production with a high test, and better, than average for type, The above bulls are all alive and will probably he good for some time with the exception of Elmcroft Monogram Duke whose ability to produce good semen is over and Selling Wing Pietje who was recently slaughtered. We have a supply of frozen semen on hand from Pletje. IF -YOU WISH TO USE A DESIRABLY PROVEN BULL OR A PROMISING. YOUNG BULL, WE HAVE TIIE ANSWER WITH THE BULLS IN TIIE UNIT. For more information or service to these or any of our bulls of all breeds, phone coiled to CLINTON 515, BETWEEN 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. ON WEEK DAYS 7:30 AND. 9:30 A.M, ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS, ROXY THEATRE, • PARK TELEPHONE NOW (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) - CLINTON. 1150 Top Screen Fare in Alr-Condltloned Comfort, NOW (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) = . "The Outlaw's Daughter" In Technicolor A brother's trail of vengeance tracks down three ruthless outlaws and re- forms Kelly Ryan; as a gun -slinging gal and adherent of the notorious Dal- ton gang, Kelly Ryan, 8111 Williams and Jim Davis ALL NEXT WEER-- • - "PRIZE OF GOLD" Technicolor This picture provides engrossing glim- ses of post-war Berlin under occupation Richard Widmark, Mal 7elteriing, Nigel Patrick, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "THE COMMAND" Technicolor A sweeping outdoor action drama -of the days when men were brave and women were beautiful, Guy Madison, Joan Weldon, James Whitmore. COMING-"JU61P INTO HELL" Jacques Sernas, Arnold Moss, "A Man Called Peter" The most -asked -for picture of the year, Filmed in Cinemuscope and Technicol- or, the biography of Peter Marshall, wale Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, A story you w111 remember. Rickard Todd. Jean Peters and Marjorie Rambeau COMING: °UNCHAINED",- also "BLACK FURY". WI.MNN.#4#.#4 • .NNNI.IN OP C(( F. C. PREST LONDESBORO, ONT. Interior & Exterior Decorator Suoworthy Wallpaper Paints - Enamels - Varnishes Brush & Spray Painting Telephone 37R26, Blyth, 44,60 WANTED Old horses, 3c per pound. Dead cattle and horses at value, Important to phone at once, day or night. GIL- BERT BROS, MINK RANCH, Goderich, Phone cillect 936R32 or 936R21. 44 tt, WATERLOO CAME BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls are Used." Ar- tificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle, For service or infor- mation Phone Clinton 242 collect, be- tween 7:30 and 10;00 a.m, on week days and 7;30 and 9;30 a.m. on Sundays. 61-12 FOR RENT Floor polisher, vacuum cleaner; co• ment mixer; rotary lawn mower; wheel barrow. Sparling's Hardware, phone 24, Blyth. 25-tf, FOR SALE Ducks dressed and delivered, 40c per lb, Apply, Gilbert Nethcry, phone 16R8. Blyth. 38-tf-3p. FOR RENT Apartment in Blyth, Apply, Mrs, Key Bennett, phone 82R4, Brussels. 43. M. CHRISTENSEN CONTRACTOR Home Building, Complete Concrete Work, Specializing in Steps and Floors Free estimates on work gladly given. Phone Blyth 11R7. 27-tf. HURON FARM SUPPLIES OLIVER SALES & SERVICE Telephone 4 and 93, Blyth, PRICED TO SELL GEHL FORAGE HARVESTER, NEW, OLIVER 6 FT. COMBINE, straw spreader, scour cleaner, pick- up attachment, grain thrower, _ only slightly used, 88 TRACTOR, IN GOOD SHAPE. TWO 2 -FURROW PLOWS, almost - new, ONE 3 -FURROW PLOW. ONE INTERNATIONAL 3 -TON TRUCK, in good repair, runs like new. NOTICE A meeting of the Directors and Committees of the Blyth Agricultural Society will be held in the -Library on Tuesday, October 11th, at 8 pm. Please attend. 45-1, Mrs. A. Berthot, Secy-Treas. White Rose Service Station Phone 203 - Blyth NOW IS THE TIME TO WINTERIZE YOUR CAR! SNOW TIRES B.F. GOODRICH "TRAILMAKER" New & Guaranteed Re -Treads. TRUCK TIRES SELLING AT LIST PRICE. WINTER THERMOSTATS FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS. RADIATOR & HEATEIL HOSE. PRESTONE BRAND ANTI - FREEZE COME EARLY, AND TAKE FULL AiDVANTAGE OF OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL YOUR 1VINTER MOTORING NEEDS. BEV. W ALLACE, PROPRIETOR. CUNNINGHAM'S POOL ROOM. Billiards & Snack Bar Ice Cream - Hot Dogs Homburgs and Sandwiches. Smokers' Sundries LIVESTOCK WANTED Highest cash prices paid for dead, old, sick, or disabled horses or cows. Phone promptly, Leroy Acheson, At- wood 153, Collect. - 38-13, District Agent For LUNDELL FARM MACHINERY All 3 -point hitches, The economy offset Harvester, $840.00, Camparison will prove these machines will out- perform and undersell any other line of farm equipment. Goldie Martin, Benmiller, RR, 4, Goderich, phone Carlow 1922, 30-7p-tf. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. H. Crawford, R. S. Hetherington, Q.C. Q.C. Wingham and Blyth, IN BLYTII EACIH THURSDAY MORNING and by appointment. Located in Elliott Insurance Agency Phone Blyth, .104 Wingham, 48 Sanitary Sewage Disposal Septic Tanks and Cesspools, Etc„ Pumped and Cleaned -Prompt Service ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED. LOUIS BLAKE Phone 42R6 - R.R. 2, Brussels, Ont. SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tanks, cesspools, collars. etc„ pumped and cleaned. Quick service. All work guaranteed. Apply, Louis Blake, phone 42R6, Brussels, Ont, 17-14, SEWAGE DISPOSAL Have your peptic tanks and cesspools pumped the sanitary way, Blocked drains opened without costly digging. For prompt service call Irvin Coxon, phone 254, Milverton. Ont, 43-13p. G. B. CLANCY OPTOMETRIST - OPTICIAN (Successor to the late A, L. Cole, Optometrist) FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 33, GODERICII 25-61 RONALD G. McCANN Publio Accountant Office: Royal Bank Building Residence: Rattenbury Street. Phones 561 and 455, CLINTON - ONTARIO. DR. R. W. STREET I Blyth, Ont. OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS FROM SEPT. 21 TO OCTOBER 12th, INCLUSIVE. J. E. Longstaff, Optometrist Seaforth, Phone 701 - Clinton II'OURS: Seaforth Daily Except Monday & Wed , 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wed. - 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p:m. Clinton-MacLaren's Studio, Albert St., Monday Only, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. G. ALAN WILLIAMS, . OPTOMETRIST PATRICK ST. • WINGHAM, QNT, EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT. Phone : Office 770; Its. 5. Professional Eye Examination. Optical Seriieee. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT OFFICERS: President -J. H. McEwing, Blyth; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Seaforth; Manager and Secy-Treas., M. A. Reid, Senforth. DmECTORS: J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H, McEw- ing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, Walton; E. J, Trewartha, Clinton; 3, E. Pepgler, Brucefleld; C. W. Leopphardt, Bornholm; H, Fuller, Goderich; It Archibald, Sea. forth; Allister Brondfoot, Seaforth, AGENTS: William Lelper, Jr., Londesboro;. J, F.. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Bakes; Brussels: Eric Munroe. $eatort. - ... Fashionkints .. . Finding the Bard In His Own Work Staging The Drama Of Sun And Moon Walter Folger's astronomical clock was built by himself, and for himself. His objective was not to teach or tell anybody something that he thought it would be good for him to learn. He wanted to provide a me- chanical representation of time man uses, an exact mechanical representation of what took place in part of the solar system, and resulted in man having years, hours, days, and months. He wanted to reproduce on a - clock's face, the marvelous dra- ma that is played, in three epi- sodes — one lasting twenty-four hours by the sun, another lasting a matter of twenty-eight days by the moon, and the third, by the sun, lasting 365 days and a fraction. And of the three, Walt- er's greatest interest was the challenge in the second episode, the moon and its curious move- ments which form a cycle only repeated in 18% years .. . Walter Folger had found what he wanted. With satisfaction in every movement, he took the works of a grandfather's clock out of the blanket in which they were wrapped, and set them on his bench, They were good works; the brass was tarnished, but the wheels were well cut, and the pinions well set; in every re- spect the works filled his dreams. As he sat quietly gazing at them, the whole plan which he and his fpther had discussed be- came clearer to ,his mind. He would build an astronomical me- chanism that could be attached to these works, and while the clock would show the hours and minutes (he wouldn't bother with a hand and dial to show 60 seconds in a minute), the as- tronomical additions would show the exact time of the rising and setting of the sun; it would also show the rising and setting of the moon. The moon must be put on a spindle; half of it must be black, the other half silver, and it must turn on the spindle to show the new moon and the quarters. Day after day and month after month followed, as every spare moment of Walter's time was spent in cutting wheels with his "cutting engine" brought from England in one of the whale - ships. Some wheels and parts were made by handfiling with careful accuracy. The pins to hold the wheels were turned and polished; their sets in the brass plate bored; and little by little the astronomical addition took shape and was placed in front of the works of the grand- father's clock, and the connec- tion . . , established, The arrival of the case from Boston was an event — it was stately design, and well made, but too tall for the low room where Walter worked. By cut- ting holes in the floor, and notches from the corner beams, it was finally made to stand in Its place, and the works, dials, and weights were inserted. On July 4, 1790, Walter hooked on the pendulum, and ticking began.—From "The Clock That Talks and What It Tells," by Will Gardner. The heaviest uying bird in America is the trumpeter swan with a maximum weight of forty pounds. • HOBBLE — Norman Hartnell, H e r Majesty's dressmaker, brings the hobble skirt to the fore for autumn wear in Lon- don, England. Model shown Is in white jersey, with "wing" and flying panel of grosgrain. GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT ... such a pretty blouse as 1h(sI Fashioned from the newest manmade fibre, arnel, It's grace- fully styled with a gently draped V neckline and push-up sleeves, TABLE TALKS dam Andrews. For parties, or for any time when you want to have your meal prepared well in advance, there are few things to equal loaves or salads molded with gelatin, Veal, chicken, fish, vege- tables,, eggs, 'and cheese may be successfully molded In this manner and used for a main dish. * * This main -dish, loaf combines eggs and vegetables. Unmold it on lettuce leaves or watercress and serve with either mayon- naise or French dressing. EGGS AND VEGETABLES IN ASPIC 1 envelope unflavored gelatin ?1 cup cold water cup hot water ' 1 bouillon cube %% teaspoon salt 1 cup tomato juice 8 canned or cooked asparagus spears 2 hard -cooked eggs, chopped 1h cup cooked peas Soften gelatin in cold water; add hot water, bouillon cube and salt, and stir until dis- solved. Add tomato juice. Pour gelatin mixture into mold .to depth of 1/4 inch, Arrange as- paragus spears in mold. Chill until almost firm. Chill remain- ing gelatin until consistency of unbeaten egg whites, Fold in eggs and peas; put on top of stiffened gelatin and asparagus. Chill until firm. Unmold. * * * Chicken is a favorite of those who love loaf. Make a design on the bottom of your mold, using 2 hard -cooked eggs,. sliced, 1/2 cup cooked or canned peas and 6 stuffed olives, sliced. Then proceed as directed below. CHICKEN SALAD LOAF I/a cup vinegar IA cup salad oil I teaspoon each, salt, pepper and paprika 3 cups chopped, cooked chicken 2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin ?� cup cold water 21/2 cups hot clear broth 1/, teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon onion juice 1/2 cup finely chopped celery Mix vinegar, oil and the '1 teaspoon salt, pepper and pap- rika and pour over chicken. Al- low to stand 1-2 hours, turning occasionally. Drain just before using. Sprinkle gelatin over cold water and soak a few min- utes, Dissolve in hot broth, Add salt and cool until slightly thickened. Carefully cover de- sign made with eggs, peas, and olives with a thin layer of this thickened broth. Chill until firm. Mix onion juice, celery, and drained. chicken with rest of thickened broth. Carefully pour this mixture into mold. and chill until firm, * * * Make a simple ham salad by combining 2 cups cold, diced ham, 11/4 cups diced celery, salt, pepper, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 1/a cup mayonnaise, and serve it in an avocado ring mold for a fresh luncheon idea. AVOCADO RING MOLD 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin I/ cup grapefruit juice 1% cups hot water • • IA cup lime juice 11/ teaspoon grated onion 1% teaspoon salt 1/16 teaspoon red hot sauce % cup , salad dressing 3 cups ripe sieved avocado (3-4 avocados) Pimento strips for garnish Soften gelatin in grapefruit juice. Dissolve in hot water. Add lime juice and seasonings. Stir in avocado puree and salad dressing. Cut pimento in 1/4 - inch strips and layin pattern in bottom of oiled mold, Carefully spoon 1 cup of avocado mixture over strips,Chill until firm. Pour in remaining mixture. Chill, Unmold •onto serving plate; garnish with curly en- dive or 'watercress, Fill center with ham salad, Serves 6-8. * * * Mold this salmon -with cream - of -celery soup either in a loaf or individual molds for. pretty party .food, SALMON SALAD 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 1 cup cold water 1 can (11/ cups) condensed • cream of celery soup 1 cup drained, flaked salmon IA cup chopped celery 1/ cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons sliced stuffed olives 1 tablespoon lemon juice Soften gelatin in cold water, then set container of gelatin in a pan of boiling water until gelatin dissolves, Combine gel- atin, soup, salmon, and remain- ing ingredients. Pour into in- dividual molds that have been rinsed in cold water, Chill un- til firm. Unmold on salad greens. Four servings. * * * MAYONNOISE VEAL LOAF 3 cups diced cooked veal 3 tablespoons gelatin 3 tablespoons water 1% cups hot meat stock 1/ cup diced celery IA cup sliced olives 1 cup peas 3 diced hard -cooked eggs 2 tablespoons capers 1 cup mayonnaise Cut meat in cubes. Soak gela- tin in water and dissolve in hot veal stock. _ Cool. Add re- maining ingredients to veal. When gelatin mixture begins to congeal, combine with meat mixture. Pour into 5"x9" loaf pan. Chill in refrigerator until firm and then slice, Serves 12. Silence, Please Fish hear by feeling the vibra- tions of, sounds. Any noise on or in the water will frighten them, Few fishermen realize just to what extent this particular type of quietness plays in the differ- ence between a full and an emp- ty stringer, Talk as much as you like, but hold noise that might have any contact with the water to an absolute minimum. When fishing from a boat use an old piece of carpet under your feet to muffle the noise of .scrapping shoes. Keep oarlocks from creak- ing by "greasing" them with a piece of paraffins It is more effective and lasts longer than oil or grease, Fish toward the sun. The moving shadows of a fisherman, a boat swinging at anchor, an anchor rope, a rod or even your line puts a warry bass on guard. Quiet, please — and watch the old stringer fill faster! MODERN WITCHCRAFT Recently at Beauvais a farm labourer of thirty-two, Henri Freines, was jailed for four years for murdering a woman of sixty-three known as "The Witch of NoaIlles," They had been drinking together in her house, which was filled with stuffed owls and pictures of skeletons. Nearly a century ago there was a similar murder in Shrop- shire, A young man, William Davies, killed Nanny Morgan, a crone of sixty-eight in whose house he lodged at Westwood Common, near Wenlock. She was a much -feared witch who kept a box of toads under her bed as •"familiars"—demons that are petted by witches—and was credited with occult knowledge acquired in her youth from gip- sies whom she joined after be- ing jailed for stealing, No one dared oppose her or refuse her anything she wanted, for she was believed to possess the Evil Eye, All kinds of peo- ple consulted her, and after her death letters from even the local gentry were found in her home, with jewellery evidently given her in return for occult services. It is . astonishing, but true, that witchcraft still survives in out-of-the-way places all over the Continent, and in Britain. In Balkan - villages I knew of more than one old crone whom the peasants held in awe, be- lieving they possessed super- natural powers. By this means they were able to exercise au- thority and inspire terror in- stead of being merely ignored old women, They were assumed to have power over flocks and crops, over love affairs and marriage matches, even over life and death, In some cases they were local despots whose word was tantamount to law, for super- stition dies hard in remote hill villages, where there is still an implicit belief in charms, talis- mans and magic philtres. In this country one might look for survivals in wild Wales or the Highlands and Western Isles; hardly in the smiling West Country, Yet as recently as 1924 a Devon farmer, pro- secuted for wounding a woman in the arm, claimed that she had betwitched him, Writing of the North Devon where he has lived most of his life, Ronald Duncan tells of local cases which had come un- der his notice, . including a neighbour who consulted a widow after his sow had pro- duced three dead d litters, and was advised to drive the sow down to the beach and leave her there for four turns of. the tide—whereupon she produced ten fine piglets, He also consulted her about his habit of sleep -walking, and was told he would get over it if he never crossed the road any more. He followed this ad- vice so rigidly that he neglect- ed to feed some young steers in a field the other side of the road, and was summoned for cruelty. Another case mentioned in his book, "Where I Live," con- cerned four patients the local doctor was treating for a baf- fling wasting illness involving lack of appetite, insomnia and sharp pains, either in the leg, arm, foot or ear lobe. Mr. Dun- can took the puzzled doctor to the widow's cottage when she was out, and on a dusty shelf in the loft they found six roughly made wooden dolls, each label- led with the name of one of the doctor's patients, each with a pin driven through leg, arm, foot or ear! George Bailey, of Wimpstone, gives this -instance of modern withcraft. One snowy morning he called on a woman carrier trading between Audley and Coventry who claimed to have occult powers and undertooll. to prove it by 'fetching his sis ter ten miles to him, Thursting• twelve new pins into an apple, she muttered some charm, then put it into the fire, Within a few hours the sister walked In having trudged ten miles through snow in very bad weather. The only explanation she could offer was that she had suddenly been seized with an irresistible impluse to comet A few years ago, in his book "Witchcraft," William Seabrook confessed that he once tried the doll -magic himself against a supposed "priest" who had up- set his wife by telling her she was fated to die' within a few months. Dressing a doll in black robes and hanging a reversed crucifix around its neck, he drove brass -headed tacks into the region of the kidneys and stomach, then sent him a photo- graph of the doll and got a friend to play on his fears, The effect of all this was that in August, three months before Mrs. Seabrook was due to die, a letter came from the "priest" withdrawing his prediction and apologizing, In September came news that he was in a Paris hospital suffering from kidney trouble, and when the time limit was nearly up, a despair- ing message through the friend, for he was nowin grave dan- ger of dying. Mr. Seabrook accordingly agreed to lift the curse provided his ' wife was alive and well on the day predicted for her death. Soon after that day had passed the "priest" began to recover. It seems incredible that, as recently as 1936 in Woodbridge, New Jersey, three neighbours should have. brought charges in a magistrate's court against a Mrs. Czinkota accusing her of being a witch and werewolf and going about on all fours dressed in an animal's skin, one witness alleging that she had changed into a horse and walk- ed on her hind legs, It savours of witch-hunting in.the 17th century, when hun- dreds of old crones were hounded to death and an Ips- wich lawyer, Matthew Hopkins, elected himself Witchfinder- General and scoured East An- glia with a hangman and woman' assistant, nosing out suspects. He s(ayed at the best inns like a judge on circuit, all expenses' paid by the local authorities, plus $5 for every witch brought to 'judgment and execution! The surb bird nests on the mountain tops of central Alaska but winters in South America. For nearly 150 years after the bird was given its scientific name, ornithologists were un- able to locate its breeding ground, Contrary to thereceived opin- ion that Shakespeare did not reveal himself in his plays, Frank Harris maintains that he did so, not once, but again and again, After reading and re- reading them many times, he became aware, he tells us, of a certain untidy underlying all the diversity of Shakespeare's char- acters. "And, at length," he adds, "out of the myriad voices in the plays, I began to hear more and more insistent the accents of one voice, and out of the crowd of faces began to distinguish more and more clearly the features of the writer." This voice and this face were, to put it briefly, Ham- let's face and voice; in Hamlet, Shakespeare, he said, had por- trayed his own soul, the very essence of his nature; and when he wrote Hamlet's speeches, it was his own heart he was writ- ing down. This is made plain, in the first place, Frank Harris says, by the fact that when Shakespeare's characters fall, as they so often fall, out of character, and say things which such personages would never say, they are apt to drop into Hamlet's way of talking—to think his thoughts and express them in his langu- age. Shakespeare portrays, more- over, not once, but many times, figures that resemble Hamlet, dreamy contemplative beings given to irony and melancholy brooding. Romeo is the first of these; and Romeo, as Hazlitt said, is Hamlet in love. He is, indeed, Hamlet's young brother, less ma- ture and less complex, but ab- sent-minded like the student prince, and living, like him, in a world of his own imagination. Richard II, in the play of about this date, is another Hamlet, a passive contemplator, rather than a master, of his fate. A more mature character of this cast is. Jacques, whom Shakespeare ad- ded to the -figures in the old story from which his later play, "As You Like It," is derived. Jacques, who finds that all the world's a stage, possesses Ham- let's detachment, his wit, and his lightning -like intelligence, and is, like him, wrapped up in a humorous sadness of his own. Indeed in the whole progress of Shakespeare's plays we no- tice how more and more men of action - and resolution tend to be replaced by dreaming and brood- ing heroes, who have mostly failed in one way or another, and prefer to look on life as ironic spectators, — From "On Reading Shakespeare," by LO - GAN PEARSALL SMITH. TIME FOR THE ARTS—Blobs of paint replace conventional hour markings on , the plastic -glass palet which is the dial of a modernistic clock shown at the"'Frankfurt Autumn Fair in West Germany, Bamboo"brushes" form feet for the table -top time- piece. AFTERMATH OF HURRICANE HILDA—Children play in the flood waters' as rescue workers labor in ti:e debris left by death dealing Hur ricane Hilda which struck Tampico Mexico, The hurricane Icc!t the lives of 99 persons in Mex ico and hundreds are missing, Never Trust An African Buffalo The man in the bush hat was :,trolling across a dusty track to take a closer look at a small herd of elephant grazing a few hundred yards off, Being on a pholograpic expe- dition, he carried no rifle. Yet when he heard something move behind him he was not alarmed. Shall deer, fast but harmless, were common in the area. Nev- ertheless, he looked round just to check. There, twenty yards away 'and surveying him with a fiery eye, stood a buffalo, Buffalo are classed among the Big Four of Africa—elephant, lion, rhino and buffalo—as the wild creatures offering most danger to the hunter, Would this fellow live up to his reputation? Twenty yards is no distance when there are no trees to climb, A buffalo can charge at 35 m.p.h. The situation was fraught with obvious peril. As a delaying action, the man snorted, waved his arms. The buff snorted back —and moved closer. Then it tossed its head—and moved closer still, The man took the only chance he could. To run would have been fatal Roaring loudly and waving his arms more vigor- ously, he advanced, The buffalo stopped, turned—was that a sneer on his face?—and trotted off. • According to big -game hun- tersf that man was a very lucky one, The buffalo Is often rated as the most dangerous of the Big Four. "Never trust a buffalo" are words that have been writ- ten more than once. Especially true is this when the buff is in heavily -wooded or jungle areas. And these days, this is where be is most likely to be found. The buffalo has learned to distrust the plains. This is where the armed hunter has the advantage and the wild creatures are sitting targets, In close country, the tale is .different, and any hunter will quail at the thought of pursuing a' wounded buffalo into thick vegetation, It is here that the four -legged fighter's vindictive cunning comes into his own and where he will stand up and fight until the last drop of blood has drained from his body. . He likes to catch his pursuer on a narrow trail whence escape is impossible:. His triangle trap has brought disaster to many a hunter, experienced and other- wise. This triangle trap appears to be a trick used only by buffalo, . A wounded lion will lie in a patch of bush facing the pur- suer. When the, opportunity arises, he will spring. If the rifle shot is accurate, however, only one is needed to effect a kill. The buffalo ignores both these "rules." He will lead off into OCTOBER SAFETY—This draw- ing won first prize as the Octo. ber safety poster in the Ameri- can Automobile Association's nationwide contest for 1955.56 school safety posters. It was drawn by Robert Wong, of the Galileo High School. • the bush, leaving a clear blood trail behind him. Some way in he will turn and double back on u trail parallel to the first. The hunter moves up the first trail until suddenly the buff will appear behind him. There is nothing reckless about a buff's courage. He comes in at an even controlled pace, swing- ing his great, horned head from side to side, ready to brush aside any opposition, Unlike the lion, he is rarely downed by one shot. There is a case on record in which it took ten hits --all in vulnerable places —before the buffalo went down. Like the animals used in the Spanish bull -rings, the African buffalo never gives up. One hunter, caught from be- hind, was flung by a buff's horns. Most creatures would have been content with this, But not the malevolent buffalo, Walking up to the wounded man, he tossed him again, and then stood by in case a flicker of life should show that he hadn't finished his work. Fortunately the hunter was unconscious and didn't move. The buffalo was badly wounded, and, after licking his 'victim's face with his tongue, keeled over. He preferred to die on his feet than move away! Another hunter trailing a wounded buff, was caught on a narrow path. The creature came at him from the rear, hav- ing played the triangle trap. The, buff's horns caught the man be- hind the thighs, He was thrown some yards and lost his rifle. The buff' moved over and re- peated the performance, and only a miracle saved the hunter —he was tossed back to where his rifle lay. Before he was gored, he just had time to grab the weapon and fire, Oscar Koenig, one of Central Africa's best-known personali- ties, tells a story that fully illus- trates the fury and power of a wounded buffalo. Out hunting, he took two shots at one on the run, He failed to bring it down, and the animal disappeared into thick vegeta- tion, Koenig, another European, and' two African gun -bearers, went in to find the wounded creature and put it out of its misery. • . The vegetation had closed In behind the buffalo, and they had to follow the blood spoor through narrow tunnels on their hands and. knees. This blood spoor showed that both shots had pen- etrated the animal's lungs. In single file, Koenig leading, the four took thirty minutes to crawl about a hundred yards. It was very dark, the sun's rays being unable to penetrate 'the 'thick vegetation, The terrible silence almost persuaded Koenig that the buf- falo had died, when the African behind him whispered: "There he is. Look out; he's comingl" From nine yards—the distance was measured exactly later- the buffalo rose out of the un- dergrowth and charged. Koenig fired instantly and hit the ani- mal in the chest. The four -legged fighter staggered for a brief in- stant and then bore on, Koenig wrote later: "I could see the black wrinkles' on. the forehead. The whole massive body towered over me, seemed already on top of me, I pulled the trigger again,, then hurled everything away and ran -ran for my life in utter terror, .tear- ing through the bushes, breath- less, and almost senseless." But the huge animal was dead, The second shot had caught him between the eyes and reached_, the brain—from a range of eight feet! Little wonder that, as Hoenig says: "Hardened hunters will take off their hats" when a buf- falo dies, "Of all big game to be found in Africa, the buffalo is perhaps the proudest," CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1, Was carried 6, Stitch 8, Small valley 12, Above 13, Slander 14, Cry of tis, bacchanals 15, 16'xcept Id. 9letrir measure 17, rounder of the t' eystone State IS, Cut thin 2.0Altns high 22. One of the oceans 24, Caress 26, thse for a• nlcture 27. Neat 11. Royal stable. beeper 39, Slake certain .95, Wnitc in nater 36. within 'comb, form) 17. Productrot natural r�!still°tion 14, creased 49, Remainder 45. 1ntpc'lled' 46. 4lnsir^1 Instrument • 40, nnromn,tahed 11. Nice yards to hnl,t S, '',._ Si R• 65, insects 58. Affirmative vote 57, Anglo-Saxon slave DOWN 1. Sen In the Ante' clic 2. Egg-shaned 26. 1;urupean 3. Digressed ,. t'oblms 4, upright . Anger •30, Cry of n cal b. Largo body 32. Novelty of water 33, Inquire 6, Wandering, 34, 4'radcd 7, Twist t30, Real being 8. Delineates 39, Sun hod 0. At any time 40, Asiatic 10, Solitary conntry 11, Optical gins : 41. Expunge 19, Other 42, List 1, Mixed type 43, 1'ery black 23. Tune 44, Maximum 24, Animal's foot 40,13 ood vessel 25, Uncle Toni' 47, C ty In Italy friend r,a. rrmnle rabbit 1 2 • 3 45 6 7 `;ti; 8 ' 9- 10 11 12A13 .14 15 IB19 <16 i 11 Mi 200 21 4,•>ti `;ti: 22 23 •'• 24 25 .7. 26 'firms x:27 28.29 1p 3I ' 32 . 33 34 . 35 '.1.1a ti � "'`37 e' 't, n38 39 40 ` • 41 `�ti•p' 42 43 44 't� 45 46 47 /' 48 ' v 49 50 • .. f: 51 1 52 ,,•353 — wz ' 54' 55 ,k4.4< 56 ,4,6; r,:57 ,•r elsewhere on this page, ROYALTY ON THE RUN --"William" the pony doesn't know it, but he has a famous "exercise boy" taking him for a run on the grounds of Scotland's Balmoral Castle, The little boy is Prince Charles, Picture, just released, was to ken during the Royal Family's recent summer vacation. TIILFMN FRONT 612=41 Corn is not just an ingredient of comedians' jokes. . It is also one of the grains that has served mankind for hund- reds of centuries. So important was corn in the economy of the ancient Egyptians that archae- ologists have found it in Egyp- tian tombs, left presumably by relatives and friends of the de- ceased to sustain the traveller• on his journey into another "land." There, are numerous Biblical references to corn, in- dicating the part it played dur- ing that' period of history. « • * Its use seems to have been common among the peoples of many lands, even in more re- cent times, When the white man first came to North America, he found the Indians growing maize or, what is sometimes known as "Indian corn." * * * Today, corn has many every- day uses, which, perhaps, are not always too apparent. Besides its popularity as a canned food, it is used in breakfast cereals, as livestock feed, and in the manu- facture of syrup. It is employed extensively in the manufacture of starch, paper coatings, textile fillers, cooking oils, the prepa- ration of antibiotics, etc. And who, once having experienced them, can forget the tantalizing arema'of johnny-cakeand syrup, or the ineffable delight of fresh, tender corn - on - the - cob? , Corn has become an increas- ingly important crop. in Ontario. Production is three times what it was in 1934, and almost double in 1944, In 1934, Ontario farmers grew 6,797,000 bushels of .corn. Ten years later, this had in- creased to 11,040,000 bushels, Last year, in spite of extremely bad harvesting conditions, the corn crop of the province to- talled 21,920,000 bushels, writes Horace Brown in "Ontario Hyd- ro News", To be successfully marketed today for many of its uses, corn must have its moisture content reduced. This is a major .prob- lem because corn is some 30 per- cent•water, If It is not dried out sufficiently, it is susceptible to rot and mould. Experience of corn growers, and those using it in various manufacturing pro- cesses has shown ,that this mois- ,tune eontent should be reduced by about half. .« • '• In natural corn -drying, the farmer places the shelled corn in huge, open-air cribs. . While" this method 'is reasonably satisfac- tory, it is entirely dependent upon the vagaries•of the weather and corn may take weeks and even months to dry sufficiently: In addition, there is a consider- able loss, due to the depredations of birds and rodents as well as mould caused by insufficient air, getting through the corn cribs. « « . • All these factors made, it im- • portant to find some mechanical means of kiln -drying. Experiments conducted by ag- ricultural colleges, universities and experimental stations in . many sections of this continent, indicated that exposing shelled corn to some form of heat, .coupled with an nir blast, -would dry this important grain sat- isfactorily. This method, it was found, also reduced the drying - time to a mater of hours, Instead of the weeks or months required by, natural drying, • • * Then electricity • came to the aid. Manufacturers devised elec- trically -operated egiupment that made corn -drying . automatic. Now, an 'increasing 'number of such installations mean money in the farmer's pocket. • • * A man who has put this elec- trical application to actual use for the farmer is Glenn C. Bro- die, of Melbourne, Ontario, some 20 mules west of London, Mr. Brodie felt that individual corn - drying installations would be too great an expense for the average farmer. He reasoned, however, that the farmers of his district would be willing to patronize A project that kave them a chance to market well -dried corn at a reasonable cost, To back this reasoning, Mr. Brodie invested $35,000 in a corn -drying .enterprise three years ago, in conjunction with his grain elevator at Melbourne. Now, . farmers within a radius of 14 miles bring their corn to Brodie's Elevator and Feed Mill for shelling and drying. Then it is either shipped out as grain, or is sent to plant for the produc- tion of starch and other products. The enterprise has been so suc- cessful that already similar equipment had been installed at several other points in the di- strict. « ...• • The activity has had an in- teresting effect upon the farm economy around Melbourne. Un- til the new corn -drying business was opened, that area planted a very small acreage of corn; today, it is one of the distric'ts main cash crops. In the first United States and even: to over- seas. Last year, business had more than doubled, with 143 carloads going through the dry- ing process. This year, due to ' unsatisfactory harvest conditions in " the fall of 1954, the volume may be lower, but the customers are si;ill''fPtore than satisfied with this service, which means more money to them. «, • • Thanks to electricity, the slid.- ling ltel-ling and drying of corn are prac- tically automatic, requiring the attention of only two' men. When the farmer's truck brings in the husked corn, the front end of the truck is attached to an electric- ally -operated hoist, which lifts the; vehicle and allows the load to slide into, the shaker. The lat- ter, operated by a 21,11-horsr- power electric motor, conveys the corn to the shelter, which is, in turn, operated by a 30- horsepower electric motor, mak- ing it possible to strip kernels from approximately 1,000 bush- els an hour. Naturally, the stripped cobs and kernals are, by this time, mixed together. But power -op- erated machinery finds this no problem. From the shelter, the kernals and cobs move up a bucket elevator, making 60 revo- lutions a minute, into a' separa- tor -- a sort of fanning 'mill — where they are parted forever. • • • Another interesting and im- portant electrical application is introduced at this point, when an elecronic tester is used by Manager Keith Hutcheson to as- certain the moisture content of he corn before it is put through the dryer. Measuring out exactly 100 grams of the grain, he places the kernals in the tester and passes an electric current through them. A dial indicates the electrical conductivity of the. corn, which is directly propor- tionate to the moisture content. A table of comparative measure- ments gives Keith the actual moisture count, and this de- termines the length of the dry- ing period. « • • Sifting, cleaning and automatic weighing follow this test, and then giant augers take hold and convey the corn to the 55 -foot high Snoblen dryer, capable of handling 300 bushels an hour. Corn, still with a relatively high moisture content, is carried by the augers to the top of the dryer. 011 -burners, operated • by electric motors, provide heated air, which is blown through the corn. Three hours later the moisture is reduced by about 15% percent . , . a process that would take Mother Nature many weeks, A chute carries the dried corn down a 47 -foot drop into railroad cars waiting on the Brodie siding. • • • This process requires several electric motors with a total capacity of more han 200 horse- power. In fact, one room in the Brodie elevator accommodates a veritable battery of switches to conrol the various pieces of elec- trical equipment. - • • • At Melbourne, corn is no joke, but money in the farmer's pocket, thanks to Glenn Brodie and his modern-day use of elec- tricity. • While you do the dishes after a hard day's work so the missus can go to bridge club meetings, you can get considerable conso- lation out of remembering that the male bass does all the house- work, Despite the obvious injus- tice of it all, the bass species have survived for many thou- sands of years. Gigantic lizards were the mo- tives for many of the legends of winged dragons and griffin -5; consequently, their modern de- scendents are the subject of su- perstition and fear. It, Barclay Warren B,A., B,D. The Boyhood of Jesus Luke 2:41-52 Memory Selection: Jesus In- creased In wisdom and Mature, and In favour with God aa man. Luke 2:52. Only Luke ,records an Ind - dent in the life of Jesus during the period from infancy to his baptism at thirty years of age. It occured when he was twelve years of age, the time when boys took their place with the men in worshipping inthe temple. Even at such an early age his understanding astonish- ed the teachers, When Joseph and Mary returned and found him in the temple they said, "Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing." Mary never forgot his reply which was, "How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that 1 must be about my Father's busi- ness? He was realizing some- thing of his Divine mission. Nevertheless he obeyed Joseph and Mary, accompanying them to Nazareth and being subject to them. Here is an example of obedience that al] children would be wise to follow, Parents have a responsibility in seeing, that they do follow it. Jesus likely spent the years of boyhood and young manhood very much as others did, , Mat- thew speaks of his sisters and his four brothers, James, Joses, Simon and Judas. 13: 55-58. However Jesus differed from all others in that he never knew the taint of sin. He resisted every temptation to do evil. Jesus doubtles helped to sup- port the family byworking et the carpenter trade. Sometime before Jesus reached the age of thirty, Joseph, the head of the family, died. Jesus on the cross made provision for his mother's care with the beloved disciple, John. The memory selection reminds us of the intellectual, physical!, spiritual and social development of Jesus, Each phase is import- ant to each of us, The spiritual one is the one most frequently neglected by youth today, Re- ligion is not just for old people. Youth needs God. "What became of your partnere, those vfonderful Windfall boys?" Nal Upsidedown to Prevent reeking 01I100 ©©0 DOM 111n©F.1 . DEMI 0E10© 0000 a oar °013010 01211:1:10 1,3©[i©12j 1Li 0010©®naa ©©C1 1313© 061% 000©00 E7©©0WO ©noEr . on© MEM onoa0E1EO 00o11000 ©o®oE? ©©®0 " ©E 11 ©L�OEi E11:1120. JL O 0E1010© p a 3D a c80 M TOTED TOTS—These British youngsters got all the thrills of a carnival ride without even going on one. They just got into this ,fork lifj, truck/while attending Public Day at the Royal Engineers' Camp at Longmoor, England. The brightly colored • truck gave the kids an up-and-down, back -and -forth, zigzag ride they'll probably long remember. PAUlt 10 THE STANDARD Weditesda , Oct, 5, 1. ollmitonirmam 1 EY'S SELF SERVE GROCERIES, FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES COOKED MEATS, FROZEN FOOD. THANKSGIVING WEEK -ENI) SPECIALS STOKLEY'S FANCY PUMPKIN 2 28 -oz. tins 33c LIBBY'S, l'IINCEA'MEAT 25 oz. tin 37c LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI 2 15 -oz, tins 25c LIBBY'S Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE, 2 20 -Oz. Tins 25c For the balance of our holiday features read the Superior Stores Ad. in Thursday's London Free Press. PI-IONE 156 --- WE DELIVER. /1I.1I.IININIIMIIJYMI4•I.~0.0 f•NN• 11, NMNI~IJ.Ite"t: INNS d ' Fall Clea ung Hints Blinds, Curtain Rods, Drapery Track, Venetian Blinds, Ferneries. SPECIAL CLEARANCE ON CLOTH TAPE -VENETIAN BLINDS $3.95 We have only a few on handl, so take advantage of these sizes now: 3-28x64; 2- 26x61; 6. 34x64; 3- 36x64; 1- 30x64; 1- 29x64. Lloyd L. Tasker Furniture - Coach Ambulance - Funeral Service Phone 7 Blyth NMMNIPNNNINI NIN44.1,44` I.IIII M4.0.~INI.TI 1~4,4W141rIIIIA THURS., FRI., SAT., OCTOBER 6th, 7th, 8th FREE- 15 BAGS GROCERIES FREE , TO BE GIVEN AWAY SATURDAY BY ALARM CLOCK. GARDEN PATCH KERNEL CORN 12 TINS $1.63 BANQUET TOMATO JUICE 12 TINS 1.63 SALADA TEA BAGS (GO's) 79c REI) & WHITE INSTANT COFFEE 57c and $1.39 RED & WHITE EVAPORATED MILK, 2 Tins'25c FRUITS El VEGETABLES GREEN PASCAL CELERY (lge.) , , 2 BCHS. 29c LOUISIANNA GOLDEN YAMS 2 LI3S.19c CAPE COD CRANBERRIES .... 1 LB. PKG. 23c FANCY MACKINTOSH APPLES. BASKET 49c W1PkI EVERY PURCHASE A FREE TICKET ON KROEHLER ROCKER. DRAW SATURDAY NIGHT, TEN O'CLOCK. BLYTII Phone 9 WE DELIVER "The Best For Less Values Unsurpassed." liiiMMETEMEIBIEMB11.110111r Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Ro-'who celebrated his birthday on Tues - bed Bulmer of London who will cele- t CIaY, Oct, 4th. Congratulation to Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacArthur who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on October PERSONAL INTEREST Mr. and P,Irs, Wm. Tunney and son, Bruce, of 'Toronto, were visiting at the former's hone on Sunday having )nought Mr. Tunney's mother, Mrs, Mary A. Taylor home after a two - weeks' visit with them In Toronto, Airs. Margt.ret Cuming of Clinton, ;pent Sunday at the home of Miss J, Woodcock, also attending the Harvest Thanksgiving Service at Trinity Angll- can Church. Other guests with Mis; Woodcock were, Miss Ella Metcalf, I1rs. Mowry, Mr:. A. Quinn and Mrs, Geo. Potter. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Lyddiatt and family of WeIlandport spent Sunda. with the former', mother, Mrs, A. Lyd- diatt. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Bowen and Wayne of Exeter visited on Sunday ,,with the former's mother, Mrs, H. Bow- en, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bowen and Billy, of Goderich ware Sunday Visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. 11. Bowen. Mr, and Mrs. George Fritzicy, Ron- ald and Domna Lynne, of Burford, spent the week -end with the former's mother, Mrs. M. Fritzley and Mr. E. Pollard. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who re- numbered me with cards and gifts while 1 was a patient in the hospital, •45-Ip.Mrs. Peter Hoonaard brute their second wedding anniversary on Monday, Oct, 10th. Congratulations to, Mr, Wm. Gow 4th. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thnnk nil those who re• membered me with cards, gifts and flowers during my recent illness, Spec - hit thanks to 1)r, Street and the nurs- ing staff of the Clinton Hospital. •14.1p. • Ruby Philp. CAItI) OF THANKS The baby and 1 would like to thunk our ninny friends, for curds and gift; while in the Clinton Hospital, also to W, treet and the nursing stuff. 45-1. Mrs. Bob McClinchey. CAIt1J OF THANKS George Hamm, Sr., wishes to thank his friends and neighbours who re• membered him while he was 0 patient in Scaforlh 1to:pit;;1 and since return- ing home, Also thanks to the doctors and nitrsing staff. •iN MEMORIAM POLLARD -In loving memor,' of Mrs. Sam Pollard, who passed nwuy Sept. 30th, 1939. We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever nets They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget But so far time has only proved How much we miss you yet, -Ever remembered by Beryl, Elmer and George. 45.1p. News Of Auburn Itnox Church W. A. Met The Women's Association of Knox United Church met Tuesday evening in the Sunday School room with the Sunny Circle group in charge. The devotional period was led by Miss Margaret R. Jackson with Mrs. Ralph D. Munro presiding at the piano. The scripture lesson from the Book of Luke was taken by Mrs. James Jackson. Mrs, Elliott Lapp sang a solo, "The Ninety and Nine," accompanied by Mrs. Jackson. Mrs, 1-Iarold Webster led in prayer. Mrs. Fred Plaetzer in. troduced the guest speaker. Miss Jani:a Morritt of Walton who spoke on hits stay at "Five Oaks," a christian youth training centre near Paris, Ont, A vote of thanks was expressed to Miss Morritt by Mrs. Elliott Lapp. A read- ing "To 13e Needed," was given by Mrs. Wm. Dodds, Jr. The offering was received by Mrs. Robert Arthur and Mrs. Ernest Dua•nin, The presi- dent, Mrs, John Durnin, took charge of the business period. Plans were made for the rummage and bake sale and tea. Following other business it- ems the meeting closed with as hymn. and the Benediction by Mrs. C. C. Washington. Lunch was served by the ladies of the Sunny Circle under the convenership of Mrs. Wm, S. Craig. Horticultural Display Successful The Horticultural Society held a successful floral display, demonstration and afternoon tea last Thursday after- noon in the Sunday School room of Knox United Church. Guests were re- ceived at the door by 1VIrs, Arthur Grange, Mrs. Gordon R. Taj'lor, Mrs, Robert J. Phillips and Mrs. C. M. Straughan. The president, Mrs, Ar- thur Grange was in charge and open- ed the program with the singing of 0 Canada, with Mrs, R. J. Phillips pre- siding at the piano. Plane accordion solo was given by Miss Rena McCliin- chey, Mrs, Wes Bradnoch favoured with a solo. Mrs. Bert Craig introduc- ed the guest speaker, Mrs. Clifford Epps, of Clinton, who gave a very in- teresting- talk on floral arrangements suitable for 'dining and living. room bouquets. She stressed " the point that flowers like roses, gladioli and zinnias, should be picked In the even- ing when their sugar, content is highest. She demonstrated how to choose con- tainers to emphasize the blooms and not to overcrowd or not to add too many varieties to one bouquet. She Made up bouquets suitable-for•mantle, corner and coffee tables, She showed coloured pictures of floral arrange- ments which could be used at different seasons of the year. • Mrs. Kenneth Scott thanked the speaker for her. in- formative address,' Mrs. Fred Plaetzei favoured with a solo. Tea was then served from a beautifully decorated table centred with a silver basket con- taining roses, flanked by silver candel- bras with lighted white candles. Tea was poured by Mrs. F. 0. Mcllvecn and Mrs. W.. T. Robison. Serving were, Mrs. Herbert Mogridge, convener, Mrs. Harry Sturdy, Miss VIola Thompson, Mrs. William Straughan Ad Mrs, Ed. Davies. The many bouquets of fall flowers that were brought for the dis-, play were judged by Mrs. Epps. The dining table display was tied by Mrs, R. J. Phillips, for roses end Mrs, W. T Robison for zinnias, The living room bouquet was also roses and won by Mrs. R. J. Phillips. The lucky cup was held by Mrs, Wes Bratlitock. The, prize was paper white narcissus bulbs in n plastic container ready for winter blooining. Mr, and Mrs, Orville Phyle, Guelph visited the lady's mother, Mrs. Clark and Mr, Hiram Lindsay, over the week end, Miss Margaret Sanderson; daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, is a patient in Clinton Hospital with a broken arra. Mr. Keith Machan and Mr. Sandy Andrews, of Windsor, spent the wceh end at their respective homes, Mr. Thomas Johnston and Mr. Arthur Youngblutt, were London visitors, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs, F. 0. Mcllveen, have sold. their home to Misses Ella and Laura Wagner, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Kellar, of Blyth, spent the week -end with their daugh- ter, Mrs, Harry Arthur, Mr. Arthus Judy and Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Rathwell, Mur- ray and William, of Port Elgin, visited •with their son, Mr. Ronald Ralhwcll and MrS. Rathwell, last week -end. The Rathwell family were en route to their winter home in Florida. Mr,, Joseph Carter and Miss Sadie Carter are visiting his son, Mr. Reg. Carter, Mrs, Carter and family, of Port Elgin, this week. • • Miss Jannett Dobie visited with her friend, Miss Carol Clark of Colborne township over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Coates of Flint, Mich., are visiting her sister, Mrs. Maitland Allen and Air. Allen this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Craig of Wing - ham, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Craig antifam- ily of Bluevale visited at the home of NIr, and Mrs. Janes Craig. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Dodds of Gode- rich visited an Sunday with his anoth- er, Mrs, \Vm. Dodds Sr. and Mrs. Clark. Mr. and NIrs. Jack Lemon and De- borah of Toronto visited with her grandmother, Mrs. Alice Wiles on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs.Ernest Patterson and Grant MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. of cd with Mr, and Goderich, Visit Mrs. George Beadle on Sunday, Mr., and Mrs,Calmer Straughan re- turned from 'their wedding trip last week -end, Mrs. .Robert J. Craig and Vera Jane Saturday from a tri returned on S, p to her home in N ewfoundland. Miss Margaret R. Jackson, Mrs, Fred Toll, Mrs. Charles M. Straughan, Mrs, Herbert Mogridge and Mrs, Albert Campbell attended the Sectional meet- ing of tine Women's Missionary So- ciety of ,the Wilted Church of Canada held at Holmesville last week. Mr, Alen Hanna of 'Toronto visited with his brother-in-law, Mr, James Jackson, Mrs. Jackson and Miss Mar- garet R. Jackson over the week -end. Mrk: Clarence Cox is .a patient in Clinton hospital. Iter many friends are pleased she is improving in health. Mr. Wm, H. Campbell has returned from •London to his home here with his :on. NIr. Albert Campbell and Mrs. �annpbcll, Mr. Donald Haines is visiting with. his mother at Dauphin, Manitoba. Mr. George Wright, Miss Carol Bea- dle and Mr, Charles Beadle of London visited their respective homes over the week -end. Mrs. Wm. Httggitt, Donna and Rose Marie visited with her brother, Mr. Forrest Carter and Mrs, Carter of Underwood. Mr. and Mrs, Keith Arthur were London visitors on Saturday. Mr. Donald King of Str•athroy spent the week -end with his aunt, Miss Mar- garet King. Mr. Gordon R. Taylor had a success- ful anniversary sale last Saturday, It was 30 years ago he purchased the business from the late W. T. Riddell, All children rdceived free ice cream cones and souvenirs for, this special occasion was given to everyone." Mr. Win. Gow returned home last Friday from the Vinghan ' General Hospital, - When`• Mr, 'Bill Gow went for the cows one morning last week he found one of his valuable Holstein cows ly- ing dead hn'the field. Recent visitors with Mr, 'and Mrs. Wm. G.ow .were Mr. • and Mrs, Fred MacArthur, •Colin and Catharine,, of Brunner. 4444414-0v 4444444444 4-044 4-+44+4 4 +4444 0.4.4+4+44+4+44-"‘ OPEN THE DOOR;TO'FALL with it's sparkling fresh crisp, mood, Start taking vitamins now to retain that vim and vigor.- We have a complete line of the following popular 1 brands: Neo Chemical Food $1,55, $3.35, $5.99 Neo Chemical Food Capsules $1.65 and $2.95 Alphamettes $1.00, $1,85 and $3.50 Enc1'jets (vitamin and mineral). $5.95 Vitamin and Mineral Capsules $2.00 Maltlevol , , $2.00 Wampole's Extract. , , $1.35 ()ne-a-Day Multiples-- - 81,35, $2.50 and $4.25 Cod Liver Oil Capsules $1.,35 Scott's Emulsion x+1.00 and $2.91) ...ter+-"- R. U. FHLP, P'hm, B iJttUGS, SrnirDIVIES, WALiuPAf'T'R--N.i1ONA 24, ,.,• 444•-•-4.44 0 • 44 • 4-•-s•$ • • ••• • 444-44 •-s• •• • • •y +++ •♦ • 4-1.111+41. tiH-•-•-N-• • • • ••-•-• b • • 0014.-4 44 •-• • •4+• 44-4 o • ('44-$ 4+•-44-1-444 • V D N ELECTz 1C SHOP 1 • •.5, Mr't. YOUR WESTINGHOUSE! DEALER YOUR I4IOTOROLA, ADMIRAL, SPARTON, PIIILCO & PI-IILIPS TELEVISION DEALER With this wide choice we supply the best aerials and give the utmost in service. CALL' IN ANI) ASK ABOUT OUR PRICES. PHONE 71R2 --- BLYPkI, ONT. 44-444444 +4 •+• •-•+0+4+•+444-44+4. 444 •-•4 • • +4-4 44 4 44444444 .4+•40-040 -.444 4 44-440 4444444444 44 044•+4•+44-4441.4.4.4-444 STOP LI S Shop at Holland's. Food Market This Week -End. SEE AND COMPARE OUR PRICES. THEY ARE COMPETITIVE. 5 LBS. WHITE SUGAR•39c KRAFT DINNER 2 FOR 19c I BANANAS 2 LBS. 33c THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR WEEK -END SPECIALS. --- QUALITY FIRST --- L P.. li. to Hofland7s Food 4Yarket AND LOCKER SERVICE. WE DELIVEi. Telephone 39 4 4.44444-4-• 4++4+44+444-'4+4+4 +444444444444 •44444-•-•-• s NII IIPPITPI..~0•NJ./•NNNII•••44+IMOS+N44nI 1 SHOP- AT WALLACE'S FOR YOUR DRYGOODS- WOOLLENS.- LINGERIE WORK CLOTHES. OVERSHOES BOOTS - RUBBER BOOTS Phone 73. .••••••••••••••• N444 N'••••~•I'04.1I44,•44 4.••NV•••••~•• /4•••••••••••04~.~~•~•~•~•••~~4•44`4,044•44 CONGRATt1LATIONS Congratulations to Mrs, George Pot ter who celebrated her birthday . on Sunday, October 2nd. Congratulations to Mr: and Mrs, Sid McCullough -who celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary on 'Thursday, Oc- tober Oth. Congratulations to Mr. Elmer Pollard who celebrated his birthday on Sunday; October 2nd, Congratulations to Mrs. Robert Ril- ey- of Londesboro who celebrated her birthday on Monday, October 3rd, NOW IS THE TIME TO, WORM YOUR PULLETS and give them a tonic to preparo them for the " linter months of. good heavy laying-. • FOR THIS JOB WE RECOMMEND CHEK R TON GRANULES a straight feed, or _CJTEK-R TON MIXED IN YOUR OWN HASH. Then feed Ilowson's 20 pelrcefit Lay Mash plus Booster Checkers for Top Results. HOWSON & HOWSON Ltd. BLYTH' - WINGIIAM. `Better Feeds Mean Bigger Profits" .