HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-08-26, Page 7I -- .4" I I I ", , I I 1. If" I I - ­ ,I, . , , - I I I � "ll s ... I � I . 1� 1.-11 I -- 77"O""In"'IT-7; I '. 1, � . . '! � K I . -1 I FMFIV"WIM � - � I I � , 1. - ­ I I - —,%�. -yT-7FA"�111f%,*14WW11#W�1 -WITITir PMV1WRr11Vr0Ps,1�1;;,, ­-', T. I I ­ . ,.,;�'v �7 .1. 1� 11, � I . I I I.J I - I I . I I.. prm"w7r I , . .1, , � I . I � .11. I . . . , I . I I I "I � . � I �'. 1� . . I 11 I I . .1 � I ., . I I I -1 .1 I - � ", . I � :- I ,� r " I . I - I , I . I , ., 1. .. # . r I I . � I I . . I . I , I , . � � I- . - . I . I 1. . � I .1 . . I -. . . -, I . � I � . I 11 .- ­. I I � � � . � I I I . I - I 1 I I . I . � �� I I I— . I � ". ? I � ,,, ­. " - � � ­­ - -- , ­ � I I I I . �-� I , . . I , . � , - , -1 . . -11� �­ . ­ 11 � ­ ­� . I . . . I � : �1. . . � � 1. . I 11 I I � � I , * I I ... ,�- , 00 i I .11 I . ­ I , I . �. - " � ­, . I , I - -, I I .1. � . . ., I � - � . . . � . � 1 7 , I 1 .� . 11 I . 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""'Ift �- I � I at "W Z-3:44""� "t , - Wtoss - - I A=', � 1, I 1, , ,,, " 4A , — I" �1 W, , 4. I'll, ...... I `V! w O -W. I - - *W,-4*— - . V~.- A I 1, I d, , I . � .... . . q '%'#�! , .'r ... I . . , � . I I � , . - I Imulm . . , , � . #Al* B ­ - W. Ahoit � I . '40 -4-i-WW W-44% 4*0 g, , VO* , � " I 0010000 , I . ­ 4 * I .. 04 'M -- -00, il= _ ­', , I 1001 rut lln 11 ,�- I - 'r.r -an" ="-10 I , '. . .. ­ :"� 1� . I � I . ... ­­' , � ­�Ij -0 " � . . "I I ; I lrl"� W.M. orw, roo _Q04m" - ­ -. TA. I MW = , AN !N i 0 " A. I . 41WAM., -I -60 Aq*r'' 41111011101 Atu.14 40011114- I ,- 6 I '. O"! , I 4W #osittoA '*. do ' I- � 411.0 , . _*,Wb A,54*1% i+m - 14111W I � . � . I of W . .- . -. , I 0 � ,.It 04 ," ­­­* . I " "Ot 40 A* WoPOPY) " . 00 "** - , 4100-4 . * -o- A * . . . f , I -1 , �"M-41"WVTRM - - , 140 q# *A -TM" 104i'l,lit.: ,:"� - ft . ft ow, . Wd., wlmol � � I , %#�� �, � , , , I I ­ � � I , 'O * I " . . - , I , . , . � . �t '',"'. 14 I 411 " � � - -wm imoft I . . '� �' i .. 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P d '' , I ­ 2% JA M2ZU � -0-4 �, In. vi W, I . I 4i 4`0 -4 1011100""Atl 10 a t*4"Ot . I r p9mo, .AlIer"lar a CJ3Av**0I­ "nillOq! tv''Jilim oift ,. . � I "PINO .. X, � "I :kt , ­ �44600 � . I ". , , , .11 . I-, , , a" W.. 11 , I ­ , , A , ,- 1� � AM , W-:,tWIY 4.11=00WOO' , .1 I I , , I � r I , stlirrwd 1';�,o� � Sjr" 44*Msu"to'bo, boktoi *14 0" , r . ­ , , I I . , ­ , I - - : , . . , ��- , , � . � ryo, . 7 � I -41,01 ", * . v 1%, 4). * I "004"t -A , � , . 41il"Ji , ,-%1W . 4 * A** 441, - ** 4%.o. " " 04 **$44 oo I , , W: 11 I'd � . .W ft� , - T, ; '" orrug r, '00C . 10*0' 004"W, Tk**#A0, *4 4york I* 410M. - � A* �i 11 ,.- I - ­ - "n, 9wVWXav#AVWXW "'Xillor alet jtita 4AX0,V4 y - I , "b", It.. W. � 0-4 , o- q " I.. - I ­�', 4,A r W404111 -04 'C94411tion:,11,01% r.. t t1w. 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I - '� I 'F#b , :0, -Th � U%no 1­16t*� WAL by, -vpswo to t r I �, I rt, d � I . 04: 1:1. I . � - � , ".- � �, , , I , i I r. . . 1. �11 I I � ",111111% .... , - , , , " - , W - '04 ' ­ " , , ftf* � ­o� * 4 . � -.4t www #4 - !a- tli. 00a ** a a,''Onn"t- #-A4 �14 o"stom 40 '40 11*1101, A* wl 0 � It, 04 4%W 1" � .. 11 . I , J41in UTHXX1Z*dA4­ 6011141"Ad 4 ­* -'640 a$ r. 0a, 41ndJbIr4,P.kj",P6,ft do liw*" 4*4K yeam 60*00: It. in, *4, #W-, ��. i'*,' ': ,�., , � I , ., �. , k . 1, ,� � :. I to ,t � �, #r , ,. wul* lyosk 11"",-, I . .1 � I , � I 1, W'. �ak -_`1Wft1I I I , �*"v the 11 . I I " ' . . , - �,, 'r,,, ­. .r " -1 I I d . , I �� , , 'r � ant4st W - ­ .41, '* -" * *Wi. � I AV DeT101-019" AMS r I . I I , Y, *��* ftlict t*0 Who I ' � . 11 , , � , 0 � � �, I , U W. ""1V*`thfJJ*A , W', ­ , ,� , . 'I %*, Aii . Ijy: � . I Pub 1444, V ,,, - ; bnoa*v W­-� _ , 411 , ;,t It 1cro� Anryi,si �, 4"'j,"', no" , flDtO -,, enter � Allft.*- , , 11 i* U , I ... I 0 1 . V,Ore --�ta,,; #*" ,41 -I k ot , 10AW . I I, . t* �, AA 0o , . ., V - , ,I**', 1:1 , . _ . - . . *4 fA.tb ­ 10 t ,\I#,,, i J%* f*', ,WXT4 )* 1, � . *W " _ COW 04 down J , ." -to � -4 , � , , . k "� " ".. n� -4t 11 � I , ,st I . � Ao pealawritt � � 'd . . 1-4 " " �i "' , "" , . , - , 4 1�1 I of., -I It , , Ak, Asia not On - , - " , - �,�. - �, , � 0411140* '# i kko V .1; , *� 11 Aot"of d at , 1190*, . , * , - Owls, tlw a .. r, WliZO Alt% " - I / , - -7- 1 1 t I .4 . I � � . � I I ' !#"t -C - 1, -; ) � '�Ob ., 'jo ,, attue ,o . 1.*,4win. 4 , . , .:, I YOU ,01rev VA" . � _ 1404 & r I" , - ­ y .4 r. I op 000# I * 4' , 00 ' Jul$- ; '43 ollit '104,4 ARZf T . hma AAaraim , I 0 �P,# . 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The, t '*.* Wo 'at�t . *..,*k ' ' t"A)X4,,,� *.`V*%,rOt'tJlO_fekj 04 I e14, I 0 .111. .1.1 11 , '111 ,hatte. 14, #y L , .- A 'Ov *#" on. tho 0, . ago t*100", L. *4004 ant: tgj.4,h* , , , i , � '. *Jroix 10- - . oiiSaa - , ,* - ., , � - 4" , to, Awou PA, Do, i"u *Orn" - I . , 1. . nrog At 017,96, � � , . � �I , liou r, ­'' , . ­ . Waiink, Jd000r, the , '. Wul F *44�4.. W X*yd,Wo spe& jrA. 0 44. to bog 4 I , .tl 0 . I . , d , I ­ , "M . I ' 40 yonak g , jrW � I - ln;1104 ..'.t: ' L, fk Pat 4 . . A- I i 'T.41 ft ; " . - 1 4110 , , I'll I I 1 4 � I . , , -,i I -, I � , - ro 1. r -th" #4 fOI . , xg41*4t 0 , ,4eamn)ff, � - �� � �. , an 'w "' " , �W0,10eatia.:'li A.4gum-0,1OX-90101- - ,ba 446 Be _ � , I Will, � - ,, �% , . . - 'O%V thn�'. , _ , . � ly, 4 , 4, 14.90 444t"� sor * -4*40 , I �- . . qS' = � � . y W- $. . P4 W, # 141or"a W *VqX,tbA , 04 � 111'e ' GU04, , ,we* jU,,, W ISS I � 1, dItAptWof Over -M ,� 14=, t!4,K, � . ;,V.4* Aloo, but . .bo obligA , '' , . . ­' . .� , � . j*. qI� loxm - I " A 004vol � a*q 't - ­ I I . , I To , I S" 104 . .. lr"� -9 � Vj * h . I I ,, . �: ", I .1 -, * .3ppAird .Qdf, , vW I . I " J . . . . 4, Vol fr. ., I 'Jiq ., J, winot aso I d r 4 4vo � ."PIF , 1, �# 0, , divic, 1401*04, sooAthinj . 11 444 pt 0 - V t� , C'lo , 14 - ��41�`­ 46 4 r vp . �., M� 0.1110ti . , ., I . I . I r . - - T, � Z twi ,ug 40t; , L I "006C - 4AX a It ,k ,.Vr 0 -4 =104*140y, � of" 1149 1000 � to � . 11 :", -'V,UnIW , otas " "to; rj�y4U'u�.: . "r corre" on," . . . . t,.,.. , � 004*.t#A Ai"Wi4it, - *kt " * . *11110111. � . �L". f 60,90.9". c" � I i, , *�'40:,$4 4f ,":�lrotwy ;eht*,%P,VMu*tom4 t . " , . , - . � � I �, -1 ­ S,t - M *4,1- �., . � , tiviot 4 ., I *k r , ou'roh , ,40404 "404044,404M... 4 , wtrav .a4 pre4*, wore'dwy, otiost tw ao:'*t*tIo#. but''ywmant ., - ;, ..& wl Axnavorta PrIOAQ 4 . I MUlt bend #%a bw I"'. It*$ a 44191 'A � � , ,rd , , I � I d , Id .d 1. � � I I , t - 1014alt � 11 I .1 , 11 "' I �-:, Xl%4ttb* i0porta^'khat'. t4o "'Wil4ti, w". 9104.0va, -was. 11.1 � . ta jill, tgt� ... I I , 014op-xis,"wo, Awl, - ,and *I 04vpy unsm -10 not 1, nw,vilatlan 4, tv.be ��=* 04321t, I liava, 96 , fin It 00 to, . -,At A - Pat, �" I ., , , , d left qum- .0 for who . 1;� '�­­, L, *04 , - , 10 441iiI 0 ;fltoryi A 44 # , , I 11.11 i , - ,, I". And, slovp#Udasa� �pzpi , , I . ItOwit that It,61, W, 011 T*WN. I I'll. , -4 *in;. whixt 04.0 -4 tus WA '"'....1 I bI UP U:r Awaxt*i "'llio", !" , " , mergul williF X0944 P0rW , , '.. , , , ­ 1909, ROP-VOILL , tams never ki . - VM4. Floo C*"= A o".: d , , � -39 Allrels, Of tho I � g4 ,,,. '' 1 04,'* _V_ P a '140 �. ." . It** . du , -felt 041*040'14,uti-,� , , , , , . I , , '"' �­', d I ''r, .1 ' 'April' 11 -Ir ­ I U_ a Wan - � 0 , . . , ut , 10MAII WWO.", in' -we will In tw t 6*11 0. 4"40,4, you- 40. , -Ximalk A , , iK sr"t squ dt to lip 11, I . � I h,m � M .,� 194; ftr to 1 - a 4uno 115 :, OWM4 . . Oly *401g.a.4 In .by young" I = , , d ., ��Oat X� IdI&I On 0, , *pQ04-411"to 0004 WWI, 0% 1% - y � ' � ,. tu , -to �4,cdf . clia " tol 41k #r in tb , t, 4"eto ,:I, : - �: �":� '. - . ­ , - , , � M_ Una VQAA XA4004'aud wItA w a f -plot to".1; tbax*144.VMIAWAitW4r.'$',Ae%t,,*O- him Wife kPoWilicWtolufl'itenon, ,J?l,.4 ,W ,. ulter w", tu ­-sx . � . ^%bor, glateal ftmila so,- plusih 4 .( -PT80A '04ir , "" , - S. b-- Ispul I 1# , , . 91904*46r. psullo Of nOVL.JW9gDt OA I t6ly 4 V4 tilt 'to I" I i, ': Ill C40AW 0,10846999, tA � $44 , ,V'rerzkolsoo'.1 a r 4 .qn, r - , 0 , 4, V. . - Iws - I � U -4 . - green Ila a? , . � , ... Is , �. . it, � it, Al � bye *at! "r, I , �" I 04 40*1 0 .0 - roslal'b" . . 1 1 ,;, I.. . V 6, - z', ust boo -lot it I* Asia tiho � 00 A - � I , �! �- a , iltIA40 fort;l 10 Mr.' - , . but TI)IX�i;'im;o",O,U,gbtt*t�Q�,,',bh..I d J Ste 041it'3001i , ,� 1, " !".; � ,A . , . p An rsAQO* voice fill the ,; W, -,h " "t, , April.. go -,#UD oovar� Y0.14'W'sMA14A 2 . elift �r000# I al. 44, the - 1, , " , � , . � 11 O �­ rah ----- . " , , - � , � . 'A' A , fine, . orted .agbl.ykgaW lip coriosponitaut. oll, rot. Sam, Anber-Owls" � , '' . I , ­ . %* r littlionoias Ilk- 0.94t,roAlstlaotloli from," 0 004" t"194 ta'* I , 4'' 1� , -,�,,,: � ,.,.,, � I . , �Po;', AtJi"t,augh, oorra* deapo " I , ot Wk, ko"4011 44 11 . -.4 I I f I I. .4 4, " I by Is I , , �, , I d'. Porto -, ... �.0 a- : qr for' 0 tell, $At 4WA *0 Tact wto . - ae I 1. ". 140$4,4k 1),b "Ine, of & third bo* -L gni. 10 St, L "41ASIon 0 Ili solne- Mary, I i a the, ft 14141�, w t , 0 46 of^ " I* - * . I 'a" � 16 to haelame P" 16- for' a I livoulk sad. M 1041F,iD � ,r r'�,, . 1. ­ ,�. . _ -V i4 Which DiAkee I L , , � � r'L: �" I �' 'it _ w and Ankla* � � 0 rGut jo left Oppoolto, to-Illin. 710 tile owhorqo I � ,an$, t] L - '' J 4, w". , TT , News litbavoc "' . 164with hi's anesta on minood"O" eltrt'�,'V' 'I ' "gk: �' �' ' �,­ ­­jik ., , _ , OD 0 19: � .. 4 ,.�4 , � , illy lia-GOA. mloa IS , The 11 mail W"if , ,, ';� �:� ; *10 00tructivo 4v 7W 'Tbt- r 46-0. . 000� t twzw *0*w , 11140 #4 toy, sfatiil� i d A . , a 00. first,. t . - , %,be rXin L two , � d. , I g d ­ .4ith� m4lt%.* � " � i Vivaing In th ll6 Cap! ­ � ,am 9 40 � I L ' 010- Q 112 SlWay.labb. shown to* her;.,* 0 , , P4 141 , ErU $Alt loa tab 0 I, 1: I 1 13 TL� "' I r N feU ' Hay- -" &14 should lt,be rKu � 6d. To, pi�*, V"r rou* . It .A uillia" L ­ 4 _' 11 I i ' � I _ , ­ �' : ' " X4alling,t6a. asks fOr'bl's O&MR-Ortill, $411AP404' I � 0. .'- � I' 0 C**%4e;* -bS4 11 , 10,1� C WO*41 , 'hit " , #ties - 'Tbo moro M sit"%1to .. .4 �d ijoi"hS I I I ,,,, O tP00011, � 3*8 8944110111 11001104 W eat of ft,40464 by Admiral 'AndiraiiO at AW reported that Ag- , v*! � - I a ")n Ort, _WUM do. Qi put, � 1: L� _ , L r ;''�,�­ ` a gq adron . Th vila and eakwor letters from &Ad,, to a lcqlaj�� you think or 1, � L I ' -4, 1 . lili , ftgt*A Il, 0 ,. 's - ' P lort,wes- redugad it It . rimeba,W,ob. he, to flAo.k1041 to, PA* Ilip a Prof I . ,t1do doolgad a dictatormbl' ,,' to not the q0*0 0, ping tq the his I 4- her a � 4,W . L't ,Y ­ _ ol warsitive, stronger , ,'� �*�Ka can b.t jARZ,44% - 0 at mllr4 t4% t k,. I%a _ *, 0 1 , '!.L._�-"�J­`�,".��', " .4 jIt.jJ­GQ4ar%rWO - tboTax", BlAwlso.. ali - thi W_tbo l?h1upolam, natives OxPS .1 ­ a U & of rn - _,htss L , "'' the�jkq I I , Q49014 00' to -use SDa;X,axbI0 I . d torout I , L I ­ 1�; ,',-,A;- -:;,,.�,- ­ , m0. I ed Inoi0audligoa., - Vii. Nor will a righb-millded'USA, i& at ��ku%rtlbc* a, man WhV thinks thlot whow, be ttil 11 I al f: rl - I "� , 0 be 14okW'g lij. liasolatt tatirltky tta it of. tu I , got .0 , A , . . I , - : � , . Z., - - - a p,"p9ito io Btsdrlil-an',4 110ov fO - , _ j)Im -0 i 4 O'�t good wK% . gp 4aine all I ,I, L , , , . 11 I I I Z I �Iq­,­,d *111 'i , , . end it ,000A , , I L L7 F Jo _ — - , 't t4 M Gino Rus t ut I Afllu=� *Iow , L '' - ;'-1-i4 " . i 48 17, AflintrAl way roppited , J#J t 0 have � llooi4ij;, 4 ,i, . 'a,mulit deal 00 One end qf'�ths #,V 19 4 - ,;, . 4t$ or t I, � F4'u'�Vj_. 4 14 it, I 110,014 \ 1. 11 I L I , , . . I 'wo -Ld � �. L:. ` '- �;' � , I * � .. I uno, A * an ,friands. Ultra at the 0011 " _* L It hepalosSelime. '(,I Lon. � , �, It W, - 1, I I, - �� , - Ly -T" thouSS44 Cubans at- .Is. ttera kept �* � � �L,�� "m - I '?�;.��",��, "04tia - � , ", -, d . froni, )s - to PreA X%r4to 40 Ill, Au, iiii. � Pro !lil .* - bouaw In f 4141t , I I , I, � , ;t , I . .: -#40 T date of J I , I - . � a"14*48 "4111W.. raw up a petition .� t _fJ , � � ,q = aud flop, 3W . , I .. ;,.�j�4,�* OVe Sit thlagV r- 40, 40 Other � to st = I", 14 1 , . I . i . � ". . ,, � "I I .- ` 114r, - -: , thd I U064 oil , _ "rtmoy-ba w"', . , a wolollialmi tu ' toin to- .s' Ili . , � , tlii 'Ifis �ntel bad prao , , a -A � � L . 1. it 400 --war oponswitu. the wast Way asking thStSpenlists ofw 6tivo.Of bolietit � b 0; a I uti 06 ViA .. I , Z-1, � ,:a� - ­­ -- I 1 4 ­ . I ,L L I . -Q a, and bad 4, . I one shouid 31WAs , Hatripaloy worked- hard for three 4 i ,tv 1, 1% , L a 0*1 . , jr, and fat*x . a , - , , � xp�rrouodad 3fan Pleasure, Am . ­� abould stand. a deftO to old *'L Public office. ogirlotin xLf"ban an a X i a ftnw.co ­* ' '14t., - �-'�M­ ' ' L " ' '�LL , ; ,��:,,-�, , , I!, el,a capt4q Of thi B'A I *4 . , 1. 1 -4. V , �Fl 0 4 I Wr Au % ­ got Ah roush, Is I a'. Its � Alt, , wit, " 40at: VOWS %.t Santiago should be reftoved. I I I U � . ' Se I ­ ., I It L I . i4a of Into 0a from low anif trusq spoil ouse. !I� titeb.4liest. tw artV not jls�'�lk," L ** I I stQ 'V.'GA�1', . _2 00 ,S ' - :trFve to wri" montath trying to nation . . i . pasl%�h Prisoners, The I ' J 1. , o forl!#, and . . . 1, th4 � I �L,'� r I 1�1 roa ast ad; and a ve- Wore O.W Spautab trLoo Sal tf V 4 � f IWO Indeed I Whava he doing ilow I Not a , , �, , . ing taiii Yosro _�,� . . 1. ,July, 2"on, 8hatter reported =" A , � I and the New Ybrigli, asquilri at the , I th seels. - 3 Lulat, d Where much oorramp 00.6 I I 'r 04 , r , ' ,� " ' '' 'L'%'. , � I AA04.065. we sometimes hear .0, no, mcla, 00 ffooraoqq�4 &ad falt Ift 0% 'Howat, .1. . �'.L pa . L '! ?ft -O have pea$md L , "It fame Suf1h ASWI , , L � I " �.L ,:L�� a. Havana. Jh4rbor.deolbrlid In % , dlraltsx,.bok�d __ P" I - YjAlill I L � .� I 1. X%,& = "(10s esStq Villma, Sorlasso, In 46 surrender dim- d'alged in. It in wine t;d v ' I—, . , of m%Vrlad Ito thlZU. Why, DOW Can he afford tbStf t pleg" L= doWAW*M' In 244"11 in Wn'y. .. � I . I I '. r `;, ' � va 46 � ,kbore L � one lilro tstblenplogn &Ad 'Ile lfi4 Sunk . I I I I ­� L ..� :� ",:,­ , , . Juan. 18-Nows was recelyed of turs, t a the date of the reception a "i ut once exo! '019 an angry 9r He got the Office. � - . _ I:, " . , ­ ': ' , state of blockade. : . I ,rlot bad laid down their arm to andU111 back in which. is tt L Ia, " , . . I ther shelling lof,6pauls.rds at Calma,124 IAOU , 9 to..,' 4 UP * tl* a L .140", . 1: . �. . , I assent word6l - "a VD(Vor �Doc�.Voltfolttao A , I I I IS r � 0 to May bo r - - Mo �, .� ", " : , , 11 , O NX40 *0 - L - W�j he board & � lik '.1, j.1lit;al I L , L L I - I f - , t sk " ' I, �, : I � as are Wo kis v" l*W 11 0* wall have you oqtP1 i� - -:p _ ' L- -,; ,, , I ", I I L I I I - � , � ' 1 wtku IS the dittereftol totwoon Your JJ�tf u at ,�' I , . � April 98-kra"At '(�* for lgli'00 armIL 012.1'ano �7.L . I Jay"44. lifiles. with the Porto ter, so tb � , o I 4 L . ­ � �%"%, for those W Ao,,A%t)%rO8 Oro mli'doh L ' " L �, :­�,�,, ivol . i ; � I ,I � In, ,4 , ;, � "L " unteoto. . .� Jutia 21 -News game of the arrival, RICO expedition. began lendipg near turn, I I I.. reason and motion are, very Stan- tang I Clerk -in tbbas Ot this first c ,, I l g4 *t1*14w; I : 1, ,� , ,�, . I I . , , - 't , ,� . � . "��­ ' ! � , , � 1, . cloth alroolksgoollitil 11 41 1 �­' - the , L I I . - I Y. 001 P. 1011I 440 a rem (A)sitivo, hill stor). *row ­ " . , ­� .�, 11, - � . April U-430ato deolatefs war- off Saittifteo 48 0 Ponce. South coast. Gen. Merritt mz� To not even the moat intimate .4 ­ i . Al , $&(A t1a I 4 X. I T ' � -, "I I �,,�,,, , ine, of Gan. Shatter'o 44 i but it could not be said of lkw 9 We rut. . to I I fi L 1 . ' lquallty some bad SJ:ff1W roy" 'a b* with. k� ropili ,tto* to. Aq. � r . I . tom, to V3464 witilitlim at � , .. -troops, on pplto a should a letter b* ' 'Wgrity of wed4od People. Ap * 'I �1'g I � �, � ., . '0 I , "I" -,11. war %�mlpo,r,t,, wit,h .000 and. friends or relation , hoses is ox I I � I , 1� `;�1'11­ 1, [April 25-Congrom doo,laires that' 2 rIv*4 at Manila and assumed comin . � I" tied elf-ra-' L, -a thing to be - , 0003101y 00106r, ;Olt the rOF% pu d I I I -"� a .ad F 11 ,� SO= , , , I . "" "�11 KWtor ,o War AdinhIM July-20-ftalls, through the French seat that Is not neatly wri i I n is not Ah m t good, and In tWona *1 the OWU4 qA!%II ratifilauk, PA . t 04 or, I I I � �� k',-�­ be I at Spain. States , mps" s,udod at Acerraderos..Calls. Ambiiiiandor at Washington. formally spect dictates that: With Q! - ­ 'i , , �,- � will uotitiqgr the � .. �� ­"e"�'*"L'g"' gan Ap)rII 21hy act . AIR th of ty some good is mixed wlthl tIkO bad. and toon ho folldta L ' - -- . " I I - . - I "' a. u hat gradual grow . 'log thn -*A K,�`,,, - call d .upon 46r .their quata of troops. teetl,sti Leo, from Santiago, and Pon-. asked President McKinley to name tion a letter will be I I I , �,,,� 241 I Tko of h*Y knives iv#*006 When Its = to lito solis be fauna I :1��;, 'IL".;­�L,' a . - . . traq character. �. 1� Clarence that leads to atrophy at Palo., I want X pug -dog; t y,s so or . " , 1 1, ""C'i " April 26-01lairman J)l tetrad With Gin. Garcia. I -, 1! . . . . . , Us ussad, . . . ' d, *A & Obudlo Ueft I ,,, , � 1-1 11 �,�,�,,,. , - . 11 gal love. � I 1, I I.." Agley reports terms. upon which the United States I him It �L �, . I 1, , ED. ­; I, era are wa do Diansi; bs#0 at quarter oUnitw in 1X111 " 4" ar a t tlw U P010 . 1% ., - I ­ I � I , . . � . Iltten I 'L � . , A June 22-Offlotal reports by cable *gold be willing �o snake peace. . ;":I, I's ll 7801 , t,un, 'ristooratic-looklim'. Bobby, what 0',Aud lute for ou .ur and - atimull4t 0:01in ASOU'l-4 1, � � , -o - War revenue bill to the Hnues, Great WHEN A GIIM IS ENGAG ! keepiaf . lirittoor 41001 0 ,�L ' L' ";:��',�'t � 'ookinal WY, the OIVOA�a sat r0a: � �Lj L:�'�' from. a #tation on the Cuban liberal I Jtily 97 -The American forces ad- and In a loverlike apirl always. you mean by "40.1 i, L' "",,'.�','�`;�,,:,­'- - Arttain ' pub]46� liar. nedralit.v, new Calmestara, told of the landl ' tanned to Yumoo, Porto Rico. meet- One of the most blissf al periods of. sk ton 4P Itt 00,4, astid serviclit s� a thing de . 0, I 'Itito cisaw , I wo: those foot- they I I mvA 'flonj p , I - I r � I -1�"L - dated April %-tooltistS t .. be wife mitat ppv4er coke like' they'd git, he Insialial, a fullistok wl I sat4ill did this W160" w4at bad lispo, �';, L � L ' �, � - . .. '�; I and their expr4eipu that marked it �hqy. had tar git, grque.in, ad with - _ , , ' t I I L � 1. � r� ' '�'ji'!�' . hot "C6'atate of part of Gen. Shelter'& troops at9f. 141 some Spanish opposition. girl's life axe the days of her betrothsl'�4 irelu , 'I Ore 0_ I Y L �;­" , , I I tV�t only four or I viM winitars sed'tbe I , ,,',I,� ,. . " a n = near 0= I ition has tv, *harmed hours WhOU She Wall the' aftybollty. I . lowed I , got %, raft - 10, Ton . . I I L I I" I IL .i . 4, - ' ,��,�IJL of war unhappily, exists, . etli6. Isp I tiago do Cuba, with uly 28-Gon. Brooke. with soldiers When the momentous ques boost, tZ enter tift dlatag�40910- The 0 S t leads !A thelt 464;t, %, , , I 0- 111.,.,nd Massa- L . 11 . . . . . for the . Mrs. MdLubb#rt� . . � 0% . L 1. L ­,��;�,i�,�� - . resistance. .. on the St. Louis, St. PT theart. Lovigg thought The 1'­�­ L I 1;.,'�. �4�.�. L�. Appeals, td the, powers.-. - , L . f t ring is Upon! (looking uP from dining-rom, Is. atimedtatanoo how the 11 I I Rua .,� I �� �', , ,J,.�;,,�', June 32-LanaingallIfted to Siboney chusetts, left No . ... rt and happifiew of the ttiver . I 'I, ,� ,.%a r t or Porto asked and.tbe engagemen 0 A6 the bog, . , L" 'Ji" - April 27-Mat-anzoo, ,eirt�hworkd' Well- � ,,,, bar newspaper)-Ot'do be eadin' that Idtabin ba ' celerity In Imer'llullt IN 'Lt- be . out offiz*11-1 Neemod like ,�, �,-� � ,, � � L "!�," �;'�' � sa(l, continued dwing the night by aid Rico to join Gen. lesi her finger it shouAd be to each As thit d expression naturally in words 4. I ­,",�. , , -, '� , I ��:,,,,,�'�'., bf St, Douls' searchlights. Admiral �] &Ay 28-Cify of Ponce surrendered beginning of & new life. It is not riii;Q� in acts. It .mwt be the same to a stazlts,�Jlt ' found �ahlxtd, the scome -cfffCot '' L L , " 0, , ad and silenced, bythik NO* Tol?k, 1?s1rl- ut costs $1,500 & day to run & battle- trin6d by gyIng a mrstall'army of S* ad m ow-wavo. 06 tuo . , , I � . 1-o"t, - 11. sMans doolaredg, "d .th6 --e I - , "L , cAmor , L .1 ^ ,:�r��;�,,,A . Z=4 at Fautellaris, half way ishowed great pleasure PC the change 1_ L, � ­ �­' 1� " I StL I ! V 13M _ - L. � � ,,-,.;�".,��;,-�,� tan and. Cincinnati, Guido Co Cadiz fleet was reported off to Stigma, forces and the inbabitatifs to .wait until marriage follows before,' �', a that woulit hold the husba,nd's sbip. Mt MtLubberty-Wtill, av the 8 in t , Service room and kitablen. I, Would have sank on tir eight --t0r**N1- - . �", �, tion. Then those little words that so, Oi am efeared aw 01 bad dho,run- a pea ''token Into the kitchen, It bog was tha most 4n4WOrqjuO'%J$c&,' ' ,�:,� " � . �'j, .L�"e",,, -,,,� -, Me" a prize bl monif4r,.Tortor. Dow- t 1. P.1biw;. " ted b love and received in nin' ay. a battlo-altio ut Wud 1104 to want be found that gas wall used ex- thin country. I " '' i *,'.,'.,;�',N�',�;�,�"" Cadiz to Suez. of rule. trying to loaxii all the . t - I from , , ,j L I p y it WOVO I . , I*. � . , I L L , �.�,��!�,��fl%,.­.,' or's Ad4tl6 equadron,imils,00%, Wrs June 2A.-Sixteou Amalrican soldlas I July 20-Philippinal residing in Eu- about each other. Many Young peoplif"11 a Irlt Uave a, world of significance-, walk afther dho, first tin minutes. f.", V�. , . ,", . , ,;� . - I � I',- , - elusively �fOr outinary purposes. - .1 ­ ­ '4'" ' I � I ��` `�`­ ' L . Hsi to. Manila and, th% Silpnlsb� fleet ftre killed and a,botit forty wounded rope cable to President NfeXinley-pro- of both sexes consider the. tirh6 of be*11� .1 I . �.-,-, -,i: � we should.not be left behind altar . LL �, � � -I I J�,�!,�oi - . , I Temcber-I bear your mother ban Dinner Is, *atan to* the amossipani- : r' , ;V­11;�­:,­ 1j"Ves .1"Alla to. meet hint. In driving back,the 8easilab force,near - testing, against the United States re- .t , home Ufa together in begun." " -THE 'USE 0.9 TWO WATERLAM - - i�'��,, -,".'�.7j . , ioarlat favor. you must not coma to mant of'soft, low music. The menu ­ ; _-%, � , """".,�" i The -trothad as one In which I . 1, ". � �Oi�,, ­.,; April 2&-coagreas 4graill .46'aaVal .Santiago. Six of the -killed were Raose- linquishing the islands to Spatz. all sorts OtL� '�,�]�,, . cards are mavm,t,jJiy plain, with a narrow I 11" e � �� . �,,�� ,L, �,'�i� �, velt's Rough Riders. . Cabin(At came to. . mannerisms axe to be shown off; they: ,� - � 1, you inight get the . . I I ,�-.,­, 4. �� , decision. &is %, school tilt she is wel child I �,­ i .,,,., , 4 Cadiz to pbace terms, tialtbe quo On become flightt, and -plit.on-ai ,4W T" ISLANDS. . ��.:L�,i 11 ,`�-�; bf nearly 047,000.000. ,, . laspI4 PHILIPPINE _ gold bordit. iM a royal crest, 8#100 of wktsstoxmp*,4*0**tmms,tnaa. . ,,T -,,,,jt -, appropriation bill Juste 2U. -Admiral Camara, ra and: . � . . Irg ,,� "13. P&mq.aS L - . disease and give It to thlo other r%"xt-V*a,Ux**O fts lintas LL�� , 1, ,�',,, ­� LL t I "'n :1.1 ;41 ­p,-Ivv� F., ,April 29-�-Hou�e bill fdr,pgPq­ . I . . "� 1� fleet reached Port Said, Egypt. slid Of the Ownership of the Philippin in graces, and assume a dlotAterial, atti-` :-The native women of the PhtlIPPIAO ran. Tarnmy-Oh you needn't worry --,��,�, , 4IN"', qg-,i� - I L L L " �. , `��'i-��. tar bond I � al awaited orders, Sticoossful, conclusio I aboyacloo. I � 11 I aimio vhre�sik.. . `�Z ��, , ., ­ U'l - ­ I I 00*8 of .0566,00iflM., '*�v tuds that in not at all becoming , t*� - 11 auds are generally very pretty and teacher. She is my a-tOP-Mother, A�A A CRW,%0NIO1U,5 TOILET Han there iever b4ou such a season I I �'14,r r[k11 July 30 -The Times' correspondent In I kt� e. NAW�i "I, bill passes,th Senate. Spanish fleet of the landing of the army by the navy "I', . 1. '­-;,�,­��,�;` , . a has never yet given me maythIng. L,* I A­�Z 4%.F" 'in a surf at Daiquiri lts�d 8 , oney . L L .4�- � r'. , � I Havane. reported it terrible state of young people who expect. to bacbmw.' aging, with supple figures, beauti- A gown that struck me an being an. the present oil* for thin mmto;lalis "I " � " .%, �", ". ,4�1�"' " I - ,, I ��' Views of an Expert-Boaler-You "a � �e)­�r,�, 1. �A �) , - . leaves Cape, Verde,. Islands affairs in the city. City of dibaft one and row their own 11 eyes shadowed by long lashas and . specialty Olfcallent in design and color of ovary kind. Says a London letter. . 'it PL� "," *Olt .� r Without loss or lnjtuwry of a sain n. canes. Each, ­4�1.0,1: ��>,`.% ,...,, , MaT 1--Svanlsh fleet deracillfted by . surrendered to the American navy. should Strive earnestly to air. Their heir may the last man'l should bivo expected , , � ­R,�.& "`6, �'I­k,;�4 ;U:- � . ,June 2Z -It was officla.Uy announced study tha� tLrL=t black'b -P., ­�.­]�.j- � . July 81 --Spanish Minister of War was of tlisiagy finest red milk muslin, From our head to our heals we ate .�`J,,.O.U, . , Clonmodare, Dewey In the Bay of Man- that Commodore Watson with a strong thee it d Ili a reas, J 'said with trath 'to be their glory 912 . -,-'. ..�,t6,-.,*� �."'­ ,";�'.­' and dislikes, an to find opposing the panel Ing of . , ',,�.,,. , ;,i received a despatch from Captain-Gon- 0 $11 88 % Overwrought,- with a Iwo stitch Patterli tlaeo�. foataing and flutterfus; great "; . , � � t employees no longer able I .:, �4`4�,R� � � i�` " , I lIa6 .Eleven Spanish warships complete. fleet would attack Spain's cosato oral August! confessing that he Is hi onable, mossure to center to pecull�, j the tendrils of a vine In black. twbting curves oftill1e, unhad to a " -,, �"Q.d -they devote much time to Its care gOvOramOn -,:;"­,A��,� '�, ", -The President proclia��;& in "A., gets like .,;�ffe 1". , �, i I e June 28 desperate strafts. airitiesesob may possess, It-sho do Q'M' with cocoanut oil and to,work. Heater-Whon a rattl . . . .., - ape' , visda f%,, Z �*: � . I LLL , �i, May 4�-Therfightllog piston of Admiral rX&AGAS bkk. Cap in C eir be burns in mind that it Is I M I I ing! It with lentan juice. Some 60 he Isn't able to do Whn't littlework - . -, . - I ,,,,�. - i". . blockade of southern Cuba fro , Ointing it Thim, qw5s. up Over a couple- Of ourvinq feather we ou"ItIqAt to torn& . . .. , �4, :� �,M,4 . Aug. 2 -.News received of dangerous , PDOW � � ...-T,7 ­ " , W", ... 1"... ", � . a Cruz, also of ,pbrtat . ,wb*t X Upas lalolot be ` ,lot I. �')%. , � .11,1%­A',P�., , . i - . . ,,,,, . � t1l''ro Is 10 a jo-ve-r=nt, 0 � ls� tblo ,,�',Of, .4" , I ,O? - '"lat to .. 11 I � I , '. � a Is lwhlti, a lt*."10 .41"Oprw I" , I , , , , I ; I I -4 . . %:,-, ftitipsbal ,14USACIX - �ftar � �L �aod ta'stej i IX%V at ; wair -it buming ,"Wa . - tall 4- 11,6111610`4111164t6i � A go)io tUt 10 far 6 ­ *,�;p, � 4 . . p4iled ,frp Way trietion. between Americans and Agula- *;keslisiv � .''I '§' . mz . 1406"gdaIL S­bf -O0'grI*A , io"%i taken 'Out b I Do , an '. -1(%iMd-.­`tfA',7iW,'av6rdr "" � , - % I t " , � t 4d`#ltJlJ - , vb"O� -.4 P Al. ­� . , t, , . 4Lmerlomn . I i .. I . I � , �:t!ftl& Alot coupw to Be - -, bo4cs, others build It up In m. � an 1606d f1buIllot ,.�,,�, - , . sh4. ­�Ikl�,:, . I " ,jj�'I` � . "', L ' . I 11 -Xislis., , statenleus, v 4,owme .e.eived io"Waall- .of the other in public places. . 'hAnot on the to# of thellead, which on,. of fine black Chantilly, loop, Wit" I 11�1 I :.. 4-- "Atir : � : � :::::::::::: ........... 4 . 10110 I -01 osprA 4 I" Otto ;; F C6 , f , m , ia, aldo, , _p,r ffil ,; . .- I 1W!,#WlAt " , PA S is . . ­ . .4 -0?�JRr1P1qA1 4.4 , Gas a Issercr is, rulfor scantur laid fcisnd�fton Silk "go soft and thin -tbAt' I V :: - , - L . ­ � '. i . .. � � � t,;. 404; " . I ��I',r! - ��m , , -error at Isall ,�T n on " . � I N , ,�'��;'��l ..:.-1'V dim con- notim'that while we try to k thros' I 0 of the ame, , I I'L' . �, . Way 10. -The Spanish Cortes voted the 9-1 I 11 Ington, accepting the principal I've had a delightful time on . cap$ of Insortiol it in itself siniont, transparent, emd � I '.. ... .1 � I . . -1) ..� 1� , I Id. held in plane by a gold comb and , in . .., ­' .1. 22. , 1�.,., , . n.... . : I I " L"". I I , , 'I . ditions named by the American Gov. the way for some Young . days. No regulax hours for, in -then over that two 'or three vellings . ­,, �,'.� �. ,,, .1 ;bredfts.' ae. N ernment. .Reports received as to not lay the. blame a et a upon 8. - oftansauted with face h knee& the bodice was of fine red of chiffou and laos,. round ourl throats I .- . war 7, --Further advances toward lace graduated sproulltio from blip to '-�,,'Ai, . ", , 5 . . r y pins or a hope large, airy room. No charge It 1, �L,c 1,5, A May U-Major-Goneral Merritt was Santiago of Gen. Shafter's armX, were -­ ,�, ,:,� .1�1 , I ,6,;n � , . "' ��q6'1 . :;.­.. the Am- er one. If anyth t may 8 of flowers. They goarg bonnets and muslin Alightly puffed, tits fallnesses great fluffy.niannes of chiffon and f- --. .- . .,; �, I �, ��. - izI and cold baths. All kinds of fruit .and -'rL--" .1 �, X ".L . �, ., 1.�L " . ordered to tli�'Fbiliopiae Islands as rmPOrtOd- , 11arleaus-in Porto Rico, nine towns hav- often the girl -hO Mee Ca. thers., and over our koads as PrOt00- , ".71, � I.. - I - e s . tE' " '­ # � 7 04 W Agalwj i V4,4449; 1 � 0611 . "A = -, I AM alliollm"o 1� 'a" 00194 = * Z, i I W" r I � I I I If Ill , 'I, I I lolto 4"64 i�R` .09 WA' 11 . � '' I - I - -1� - '. I :.. � July I -Gen. Shatter reportmd t ha�a, but carry parasols -for protection, v A well-stacked wine eel_ being alternated by horizontal - lines � he b , .,� � .. . � Military Governor. . I tog hoisted the American flag. Auxill- ly uncontrollable during etrotb ut , egetables. of black Iwo Insertion. while the tion (but how slight) from the sun s , , ," , - . � ,.L.;, " �,,�� I'l, ­ � ginning of ,ageneral assault ask -San - ary cruisers St. Louis and St. Paul young men also exhibit a f r s Brost 411 of the women have fine lar, a:nd no charge for -rkaas, and, sleeves had boo of black lace from dome of delicate lace, silken and atb- - ��,,,�",-�� I ��,' kr,­.','�, , Alay 12 -News was, received -at the ago. Gen. Lawton's division Carried % above ail, no fees for thin servants. about, I About the throat areal liglituess. It in all very love . L �01'i�,,'� , , 'J"L, *­­ I *bre released. Spanish garrison ask- this weakness. eyes and feet of which they aTo vary lor to wr9t. - 17 , , , . .7 ,� ­ the citys'.and th - - I Delicious I Where Is this Ideal a tf w a- d ;,;", �.'Lj-� �,,,'�, I arrival of the Spanish Cap* V" (Istuay, &suburb of la ., , ,,, �'LL"".:­:.­,,� . ad Garcia's permission to evacuate Man , -proud. They never wear stockings, PO as a broad hand of creamy white 6 an summary. but the Wonder of . ., - 1;� .,:," �"'r Squadron at Martittique, West Indies, Roosevelt Rough Riders, with the First zartilla, and retire to Holguin. Body I stayed at home. � tin edged with black Iwo rising high is whore pe to tar, sufficient money �;'��'J�Z ....... A,,­� " .-.�, 'Income their feet in embroldered I 'i, ,�")"� � I took' San Juan, WARNING TO GIRLS. but ;�I:!�L'11%11; 'S and Tenth Infantry, of American troops landed at Arro Nt I . "., The gunboat -Wilssaington. the to ado ,They ,11,,, Disapproved�Wbat Nonsense I ev- at the seek and sides, with curving to be con itally purchasing much ,� -;Q�,: .1� r,- , rp .another suburb, after despelate fight- Porto Rim, to take Spanish linea% "Bicycles interfere with the oboe allippers without heals. . pe of black lace. A diaphanous trifles. Them thinas can't ! "''; IN 1"" , . stiffened scallo 'N."', *, boat Winslow and the a the tbatab nail of the right hand to claimed the young father, an be flung - , q,g'�.­­, "Wary gun- Ing. with heavy ,owes. flank. basideas in more ways than one," ex- I start white satin belt drawn through a last long In this treacherous climate. '� I'll, 11 ;-"Iv 1q:"'' Bad . -1 �;;,�:�-�,,, - Aug. 4 -Word received that Gen. will, "�,"�, boat HudsonI while in Cajedenas Bay. July 2 -The Spaniards made unsue ,h ,a,l,to them the book aside. To what do you r black and diamond buckle was tests A dash of rain. too strong a wind, at I , ; 'coastal efforts to retakq Son Juan. Merritt I I - ­!. 1, 11 were attacked Rnani batteries -ainin- control of a ple4ned a well known cycle rider "It 9rQW vary large' asked the friend who welcomed any , 4.1-- b k with a bia flat bow The Hurfinglism, or Ranelacb. and pant I )J: I - in Playing the guitar, their favort- . a -Y I . ­�', " I . . I I 1, ,.- Admiral Sampson's fleet *Outinued situat 0 ;­�; 11 "!, a ii, Manila. that riding topic that did not lead to a descrip- bodice was unlined, and to be worn out, like the flame of a candle, goes ­,,!!�, I and guubAts. Ensign Bagley and four to proved beyond all d9alit �111�', � 1 " �� . . shelling Morro Castle and other forts, t. The blouse of the Toast a. `," !­� IL, �', "I � 1: I � , - Shatter's army north. .� . pan consists of a little irt d ti n f Ph colette bodice of white silk most dell. , �, ­� 'I',. of the Winelow's crew were killed �Lnd 'doing great damsisre Aug. 5 -Decision taken tt, move (ken. & wheel will in one season cause the "istrumen onomenal children. This ander It was a dainty. equar"ut d the ­ 71, �� I ho risrace and the smartness Of nu ".,;,- L,�',:��, 11 , ­% ­ . the town of I :":�:, � Cardefilts Was she4led. I foot to grow one to one and half won ak me a 0 0 are born oqu- tat'histai is the use of moralizing . . .L!" ��L' . .1, 1, �, " ,,� , ': �. . July, 3-A,daiiial Cervem's squadron Ang. 6-Announcoment that Spa a Hundreds of bicycle of plan cloth. It Is worn loons, and statement that all men cately embroidered - with a (era -like Bit I ,�.��.,, ," , May 13-11aa,r�Adsztiral Sampson rs� maxis adash for liberty fromSentiago. yields to the United States' desnands. inches larger. to the walst. The skirt con. at. it's an utter fallacy. Whyi my pattern of fine blaok milk. on such matteral At any rate, nev- ---� I �, 4.',-�q , t.� ',',.�,,*., -bar, butbeing headed oUb Samp- riders have ascertained this. With re"has baby weighed ton pounds when I was Of course, this in a toilet thRb Is in- or have the Loudon shop windows took- . I"' � .�,L �,,, I 1,�"' � �,,, ,,, ,.�"7�,, � "'! ��: L � ported that he had bosubarded,' the hax tacked born and Taokley's weighed only seven tended only for the most ceremonious ad more Inviting, more doliciouity I �, . 11, "'.., �i�11'1 son's ships ran ashore and Z Were state of silk, elthar striped or ol . .... , ­ !" `,;�­�, ­ "'. fokU at San Juan. Porto Rico, with . . men it does not make any difference; ..'�'. �L. L, � ,`� ,,, �?;.,�, � destroyed. The first Manila expedition I In the street 111011116tiam is worst & and a half. kind of da,y entertainment, and a hat redolent of all that, makes glad Iho .1 1�, " �: , '. 'jel, " ,� 11 , a. loss of twq sl4en kitled'and ', aliC was reported uy Pdattral, Nwey to THE MAN OF MODERATE MEANS. for, except in very rare easeK man do talills, or shawl, wrapped tightly around Eager InquLrer-Are there any.good that was provided to be worn on suite heart of the divine feminine. I took "I ;" L 'LLL' .,�g "��`L 1� . 11, I., , . :�� , '�z,;"­O` 1, �,,,�*'��('. ' in after stop at the not care as much for the size of their Intent as original as the gown a pilgrimage down ]land street the ,�­ - , wounded, the Amorlean squadiron, using have joined hi ,Ifni the loins. A profusion of jowelry of 1141�;'� 4tilt1y" ",�*� � in Ininir locations atilt open up therell W" Im, ­ �, � . Ladrone Islands and cap arng the — cesdillY ,�J, .1 -,,,c " stinjured, The flying squ"ton, under one Advantage of Being Tall That A0CMeA feet as they do for comfort. With the Itsel . it wan a flat curved shape of other day and started from Pi .1 , ,, �""'1,`L,%`iy,,i,N1,, : I Spanish officers there. . 'LlI kinds is an important part of tits Returned KlondIker-I should my so- dead white straw, the low crown with a note of admiration, that was . �` , I 'tinv -(,,f, . ' 1 ­ . Coii�mgdqro Schley, sailed under adoret July 4-Rear-AdWIF61 88MRSOU re- fit Summer Only. ladies, howe-ver, it is quite another � , :: 1�q4o,1;4j�, 1 Tagal woman's toilet. Over a neatly you can got there and take your pick encircled by rolling bands of crimson prolonged pant Brook street, past Graf- �1� .; vl, "'��,L'.,4 - "This." said the man of moderate thing. They wear bicycle shoes for, . 1: . � . .... . .. � , Hampton Read . The St. portea the destruction of Admiral Car n , '11 '. ��fiw . i��,, . �� " � . . orders from I a folded n6okohict is worn a crucifix, or Eager inquirer -Great Scott I If I velvet, a d around this, falling away ton street right away to the busy and , " I . V , � � "".1 '�, - " ," . Louis broke the cable between San vara!s entire fleet, the Vlzqa�a, Cristo- means. "is the third yeax of my straw riding, but find to .their sorrow that tightly, coil after coil of lightly ar- more avo�y day condition or oxford "'�,� I " ..'�L­,�'*" �' I it little, bag containing ralied, mospend. Returned a �­ ."! , - W Colon, Oquendo, Maria Teresa, Plu- can go and take my choice and white tulle. over street. You seem to got 80 close to LL ""', , 'V� L, :� ­ Juan;.Porto Rico, ana St. 'Thomials. it for in a season air so they ca;nnot wear ad bt & chain. Philippine wome f ranged blacir : �� ��, I ton and Furor, in an &fort to leave but- A straw bat does very W&' � , �; .11 � I'll" the size shoes that they Wore before n 0 Klondiker-I didn't, say that. I said which was finally laid a most exquisit- things in Bond street; Its limitations I V:111,�i,e", , �1, � , , ­ , , . T.,,,,, May 14-Th6 Spanish ()set was r6- Santiego harbor. Gran. Shatter report- two years. It may took a little dusky i amoke long clatirs. chew the ely fine soarf of black lace, tic birb are so pleasant and its possibilities so �, . , , they developed their feet , Cycling not all'ages you could take your pick. But you'll ��,!�,�i, ;:J,`,v­_,,.,:�v Ported at'Curacao, off the Venezuelan ad thi6t be had dowunded the aurron- at the tuts'st of the second year, but only tends to lengthen the foot, but "I nut, dance, swim. and ride. but have to use it in somebody else's dig- at the back in a big bow, the -andA pervasive. .. " ` � ­� j�­, I I � , ­ - I j"' : ';L' , 14111. ,� . 00"t, and Admiral Sampson was Off der of Santiago, which had been to- wb�an the season has advanced some- also to widen it. The shoo manufac- the-4roat ambition of every woman is glogm. Eager Inquirer -Ohl drooping all tly over the depressed � " .111 "I � I 11 , �; � I — ''il " " 1, L� " � . Puerto Plate- fuse& what its tan will easily pass for color turers, as a result, turn out many 11 -- brim at the=. From the front on I - I , � ... I , I I ­,�­ July 5-C-sinerals fleet entere a draw a mearf at IMAGINE HER FEEPNGS. long and beau- . ­�, . ., , �, I, , MAY 10 --The - Spanish fleet left , id the ' sizes than to 00096" each side curved two RIGHTS' OF A PEFRESS. ,,�A� I " foot Suez canal; his three torpedo boat de-, gained that year. But not so 112 the formerly. It is the old story coming least of the famous, pino cloth, which but a careful housekeeper t1ful white plumes with those small I �,� ,, � 1 � ,�, , , , , `., , Curacao, and Admiral Saulpson's � at�oyars, however, started from -Port third yea.r. In the third year the true in another way-thosle who dance it Will be remembered Is made from Nobody black spots that are no much In fav- There are 10 women in Greal Britain I "I ­ . was reported aft CAps Ilaytion. could imagine them, but others may s ,� ,#,� , , '. � Said back to Spain. straw hat shows signs that even the must piLy the fiddler. 1. don't know the fiber of this pineapple leaf and Is or ju t now. Under the brim at each who are pearesods In their own right. 1, L I 1 :e,�'L, ' ""*"� ' ,Xa,y i8--�Tbe Oregon Wes announe rver could not mistake that it does & gice-looki ,� ', f;�:�;";­." .04 July &-The Senate voted to annex most casual Obse ca 0 ng girl - any expensive. enjoy the store Lot their measure. It Is side red and whits room% were messed, not by inarriaga. While they are de- , . , ,.' �'; , 14aft by Secreta.ry Long. . Hawaii. The President issued a pro. if he can see them, but that be tin k mite upward t$lt . , 4J", As harm to widen or lengthen bar foot q related by the Washington Post, and thus giving Cho hat in I , ,1 ", prived at memo of the rights hold by I ,,,, �111 ­,,�,i, . May 19 -Spain's Cape Verde fleet clamation of thanksgiving for victories, ELI do. & ,little, but they think it does. Still, The moat Important Industry that the the lad that was lnflnitely, more becoming I 1, I I I I aK1111 hat. of course, tans most on the there.s no getting away from it, and women of the Philippines are engaged than the ordinary "VicLorian" cbap- the men who are pears, notably that of . ��-�,�-,, , � -- "; -':��, -,"".. � � was reported to ha,ve reached Santiago Hobson and his men were exchanged. 7 y of the story has not long .1, . ", � , 1, ��­",�.. 1. do Cuba. Commodore fleet, The Texas sank the cruiser Reins, Mer- roof. The shingles gather mons when thei have to grin and stand the con- in is tobacco. Wolision .l... . been ma"d. can, . a seat in the Hiouse of Lords. they I . 1, , . the under side of th8-8aVeS of the house re am- , � , r ­�,�: , , , � MOY2111stal4y, codes in Santiago harbor. The cruiser a, or al least of courim. among her weddimg pro- share others, such as the right to do- I - ��Ilill�­ � , which reached Key We stand on the : I �,,� , " was expected to lea.0e for a Aborot Alfonso XIII. was sunk in attempting in still bright. So wlLh my st,raw bat es"I"no's ploSbd to make obaroots. and there are be �,,�',: �� .,� � ,,, consequences." ate, there were bits of dainty chins I I � ­­ . ", -, ination. to escape from Havana harbor. Ca- The top Is pretty brown, but the under' . ---. no Ital; than 4,W0 worman busy In the a CIIEFRFUL WIDOWS. mood audience with tll� sovereign. to �.. ; I � I ... I dost nd out glass of every description. She present views an public welfare. tQ 1. , . "L , mara and his fleet were ordered back side of the brim looks all right. . "' "�.L�; . I ;­ " May. 22-Theoralar 104prlestoa sail. "Add so I count myself fortunate in STOCKING DARNING. manila factories. Ken make the Do you ever think. when you "a a re I -r :1 r'��:L�l , , Ind from San Francisco for Manila, Via In from Suez. rillon, or small cigars, which are Is exceedingly proud of liar treasures, be tried by one's pears It convicted of ,�, �,:-�­�, , Honolulu. . to ST311 7 -The President Signed the He- being tall. I place my third ye&T straw "Some folks," said the middle-aged alga t- rcl6ay. & peeress in bar own right �r. q,� . " !��-,'.'�� �' A I and has a perfect jewel of a maid. wh,,) woman following meekly along in Cho i � � " ,:"%" � -fleet wait waited annexation resolutions and the on my head level an(] walk abroad con- asnoW by the natives. Women make -sasar ',� �,', . 1�,��­ . XV 94 -Admiral 64A;iisla, Philadelphia was ordered to go to Ho- fident that many whom I meet Ivill man, "spread a stocking out over their all of the cigars. It is estimated that hasn't broken a single piece. not to wake of some braggart and salf ��l ­ reported bottled up in Santiago her- speak of ebippfi�g it, by far the worse Ing man, or when you Boo a Wits start retains her title after marriage. no . � 1:', '' - They don't see fingers to darn It, but I imagine that matter how humble ber hushand may I ­;,:', hour by the American fleetjq� The Orew nolulu -to :rise the flag, of the United never know Its age 21,00 wassion find employment In this when her husband suddenly aVeaka to a; but a peeress by marriage. If she I 1, ­�­,� rived at'Jupiter, Fla. States over the island. Admiral Dewey the top of the hal, but only the under most people use a form of some sort, business, and only 1AM men, Each offence, b titio on ra- � " 1,� I I gon ar 11 , '� P"', Way 25-�-The Ptesidant called for 70r. reportea that the American troops of side." one afternoon not so very long ago her. and a look of fear comas creeping becomes a Widow, learn hOr ", 11 1. to stretch the stocking over. I roment. A " I The transports the first Mantla, % rood% of the enormous ractorte con, W warryipi; below her title. Smnetimes � , . nedition had landed the mistress came home amd found the I up in her eyes. (to yun ever think hat I L I ? � - �111. ON more To untears, , her seeing an orange used for this par- 8 - bulldozing and intimidation the husband of it peeress takes his � I I � 1' I " I Australit, au of PAkbn and Cit.*L Of at Cavito, and t at Oil July 8 Agui- Won from SW to 1.000 women, all of . I � Ido had oclatined himself President A LITTLE PHILOSOPHY. pose once when I was a bay, How maid aut. An hour or go later the & story of � � I 'ife's name. For instance, Maronrot of " A . *1 Sydne . , Mr, . they ever dried It I don't know but whom SX6 seated tailor -fashion on domestic returned. Her arms were lull in behind that. asks Dorothy Dix. Newburgh, the celebrated Couniam of � . � , ,,,�., ,f,' with 2'iW'a&Ora` left a" O"t the Ph lipplas reptilbIld. placed little It . L I rrane 800 for. USAIIS, " A disappointment sometimes Mean I ' th6ftoor. Atintervalsare � ,- 11 .1, July $-The armilatlo between the Its shape was preserved perfectly, and one i seat- of bundles. and alto carried a basket. I Sometimes 1 hear a woman say that Warwick. married John Marshall. and I'', L 1� �L "I Un a a rr I we use - � I I ", ppot t apalm t Is tolw&tch Her face was radiant. ay are the bu&- 1 �4: ]� �g the Spanish fleet Ili Ssiltat"16 ment", to a pit 8 doesn't matter what she wears b Ile became) Earl of Warwick. Similar in .1 V rept, Va W-dontillmdoris "Is. t round tables. and at a .1 ",", " � sightf go Ited States and Spanish forces at a higher , the skin was a sort of brown or gray ad m, matron whose duvtYe I or notices it, or that bar stances of the present a *� ,,­� d ", . I I "�. '. Wbor. elt4r 4, , Santiago was extended until noon of reading of the unfortunate aide of life. and an hard as wood. It was very ljght over the dozen or so young women and *1 Oh," mho said. " the table wat Par- � nobody or utts. who � I ,, ­� �L � aira$ 8"a W" ordbr& to July 9 in order to allow Gen. Linares There is much truth in the philosophr. girlib The noise is maddening. as _ctly lovely I It was jtlat exactly the husband never praises her. or nations bands of Barone&q Burdett -Cb " I , I ,&,Sh to IL I �­ atawk, It. or ate tm#s at to communicate with MMkid. Afintiral and when you abook it you could hear took the title of Baron. The state robes To say that we often learn much bv me are used for basting out the way you fix yours wben you have com-, her housekeeping except to find fault, of "sees are very gorgeous, con- I I �,,. , L iC` ,Ogb and 40onoord to inside. It mads a good =., ny---candles and eventhing. It Was and then no matter bow ortunat6Ly sistfolex of crimson velvet trimmed wilh I I'll I " :1 I Tamp% Satktlago thouglif to b6 Dewey Seat the RA14 our disappointments and fallureswould the seeds ratt A cigar -maker earns from $6 r � . , L � 11'.�1�1. . their, Satitttlou. ., . t6 Graoft InlAsid Sbbig Day, an In- a �� ." I .,� I May $1­fts" repatL I ound trite, only that there are at- stocking darner. to #0 a month. which is quite sul- Y-81.r"t Cco sweetl Everybody thought I she is sitLaed, no matter how tino bar ermine in bars, the number of bars .1 ',: 4i' ' ts TO At formation that ae GOrman cruiser ficlaut to provide her with necessary '. � �.�,, It Ways lenty of new -people learnin "Gourds, I isappose, must be quite so tl,, a _: gowns, or bow f&shionablo Cho toes- Indicating the rank. A Duchess hanfour ,��' calved of the boniboxi - 1 -at - , Irene on the previous day hall "vent- I comforts and leave a balance for dre", 11 What are you talking shoo, * a Marchionem three and a bait I I I . 11, . old phy- 1`1 ; ago 0orts * Cosliftdilira "ar. lobut Onto fromi attacilift the these Tessons. and the 4amO ad women, whose husbands ed the inistress. ,,, " ! �, osophy whinst largely need for darning purposes, atill, Tlta m,rrI I tion of Lh�! house, I know I am looking rows, �L ,�'!:�., ;tl DO #WC has helped Others may though I Imagine Chat In cities things on,rn their living for them In the fIOld, " Why.— answered. tho maid, " the I on a bit of domestic tragedy that to and a Baroness two. The trains are two . I L ­.4ugal-NtAils woror iVO4 of to , n. The Irette Ott and help them. . ad dark and bitterX yards long. L a . 1:1-."�� all" 1 av . , just sa deep t & iDuchess is a circle ' '' !,�',,, bombudsoatib of the %n logd Orts y S Npania,rds antronderad. -, Or factory. kPAp house In a primitive junche 0 my F,Lgtcv g a to-d&y L ­ � It takes some time and numerous ex. of this sort have been mostly supplant �0 can be woven out of tho woof nd a `J�1' 11. oomm-oamr6 8ghly OD Bray ,11� With the JUly Q�Gen. Shelter reported, that ' fashion. The vatriarebal custom of I ,: Pet-imenfis before wo find out just the ad by the wooden darner&, mushroclul Mak, 2 the lovaT SUT6 113 the house at didn't have time ta, ask you. but I knew arp of a woman's disappointed hope of gold surmounted by eight (told � " Lj!",J: '' gowMbo own, Slid New Or. the arlDimitift It Smotiagw had been ox- �., , -eatts, .. 10, I Ill ou wquldn't mind. Nothing's broken.' w - ,�, L' , 1; � �'L ' ' ad egg shaped, that are Made ad love. And when a well-to-do we- strawbery leaves, mounted on a crUp . � " ­­ 16T,14, , L*.: ; , ; ,tended until 4#Ah..Jul rselves, and ex. shaped, a. without. We lutOuded brid6la v L � . .y f&*ar Is Universal. And unwrapping bar bundles. she dis. a pts, up In a public meeting -d son, volvet cap with a gold tassel. In ; - � July 10-4illantiago refils6d, to sUrren- Rctly the road 6 istarriag" man g . , v " 1 DO 4�1h&,Ixolsft of ftmlltde er w 11 says she can d go. fir give th. coronet (it s, Marchioness four at ­ !­­ in which It is best we to am with a handle or wt Mare I live, 'the Philippines. I 1, � ""', tivos Anatit an * ,ff"f d6r. ThoubMiAs of r,aftia6b., left the ohoutd go. If we know beforeh,and use a mushroom darn � cloned to her mistress's astonisbed eytIs 't join so an , `,�i�;,`,�-.r. _gent d6f at ney bill. t to a plaft th4bre is IWO st feast of the vary pick of all the cherished www her mite to out: I , .� 1, 11, fiction. what to do to order to have a an"688- and. as there ars children there, I It wid such a obarity the gold strawberry leaves are replao- 01, I I 1",',7� barty?r S', ti"rl,* $ISMIOW L fdf� ftf I elty and soilgil-l' AA*rlcai'� 'PtOt iota days, and the bride of 15 rars ding chins and class, not to mention atria ohm &skB kar husband. we will ad by silver bails. called pearls. A � � � I . . ' f ne life. and Wore as wi brought,into regular and constant, Use. � . �) �:, ", 114160s. - . I i, I T16 St. touli-tWhod 1164i�lidhth, N. . 46 at the begin- taken to the small house whic ber sundry pieces of silver. Tkay had ad- until she aska bar husband we all Countemi wears a lovely coronet of .i I, ­, .� ,:L. Arr 111 I'll I ,�, , I . - 111111 as we expect to be at the and I find V�on a casual Inspection ,of It I I �t, - . Q. L , holud- I . t�­ �, tina I i*110AW-psoli ftpohed' 6" %4tlifah Ott fts; 'I t, -a should not need lits's lemons, that the varnish is Fit) Worn off Its face, husband less built wittl his own hands, � , :L,", �*," )4fa . . ' th . ,It, - orned the luncheon, and the Cable Wall kMoW that ,ve have a gilinpan of an op- eight &liver ball& mounted - on golden I : 6 .111 � MOW 1XI,P. Hdboft, ing Advalral W I alit. gulate. of t. N red with many marks of , perfectly tMaly." pression and slavery that in all the bit rays. mingled with gold Arrmberry . ; , — " . P " I and there Would be no need for tie to which (a near - , �w "': I I , 11, � . .. . of tits V-Way4. 1 1 , ,, I ­ � oft , :.L, S 0 wal #0111 0160 L -Tul3r 11-!4VU11031, �Ilo� ".8"tiago be here at all. the u6edle Point, giving more than a SUMMER REVOLUTIONS. — -- terar because it masks In the guise of leaves-, & Viscountess a coronet ,of I I I ) Itot � . . - hint of the many thousands of Union day we ore fourteen silver halls. wbilpi a Va,ron- � � I - L' ", fA tb#" ,� L "IT&SIMP9, t4o freedom. and that name !, �.,! all L 1, W te'UTO '04 lag So, as odie 64AArLesleas era meant r doth tbe mory biking girl. A boy named T. Wnbridire fell Into I ��, I'll .. . arbor LLL "I ., 0 i"061C rj Coach as, it It Wisest to take each the needle haA travelled back and forth H top iing to see & mighty reconciled &ad age has six silver belts in harq� Them I . I U , L 00 11 !r&'Who, t1w � .1. " ;� � , I L .11 11, �. tifigin - � 11 r a L 7 ` '4 A - [own Wally, - It- minute, a burning coke even at Past Heston 19C widow enjoying Insurance coronets *to not worn except act ftr- �11, i 1, : , I I.. 1,g'i, '' ly.I"t#,��T,Oi*tj,jI*�'t,i00&d to knook4 and witb the okra in y Soaham barbour, and chearf n I , . 11 r ,� .1, I , Isaft *it I'll . is OtS. in Jill . . thought, " Well. at, least I know how "Really. there is nothing that brings AS bar dai t 1SOt 311 Pedals whirl chIllary near 0"9160 ceremonies of a now sovereigns. . � . , . - atte, bill by autronde , "I"MAIAM6. � , , I to way inind so strikingly the fact that For everything th"1111 to It. was cremated. money. I" , , I I 11�1 , I � ''. I 1; , I to do it next thba I" 4 � I . I , 22"k I , ''. �, �. � I I July , - : I" t%*rbd that a got . I : L '4 1 . I I I '. . I 11 , . " ,,,,.,- :,'%'�,' ,*, L.. - � I I .. . - . , ,�, I I li, , � . 1. I , i, � �.! ,­!�, k �. ";;: ,, " . I . . , 1, I , , , '! ; . . , I'' . �., I L , L' , " , 11.1 , 1� , I I �. - I . .. I . I I .1 � . �. � . . ­ ., I . I L. " I %�, �. '' I . . . 1, I , , I - I .,�'. 1, ,'� . I , - 7 . I , I � . . . . - � I ' , I . . I t", I., I , , '' L I I . I , . �, 11 , - , I * 11 j- :L_ , � . I '. - , . I , L, '.1 , 1''.. , .,;, 1 1 . . .",� , " ,. . I I .. ,�� " � " I I . I d' , 11 "I , 11�� .1 , , , 1. 1 , . , . . . I � L . L I " I 11 'A , .1 I , . I I . . I �! �. , , . � ,., "I I - ,',.�. , �'!, F �, , ,� . I L 7 I . I . I .. . . . . I � � . ',,� , , v I � 11� � ­.. I., " 11, � . . I � I I I I "I ! , 4 � I �� .., I � . . , �. . 1 11 . I I . . � , I;, . �, ,� ., . ­�',' '. , ., ' � T 1 4. :1 . ,, :. �, � � A � � I li " , . I I" I 1: . -I .. I L' ' � L, , L ' ' �­, .' .- , . .. . , , 11 -, � , . '' I I I I I il : . - . , 11 I �... I I I � 1 , . 41 I, " L `,� :1 ." : . -... '' 1. ., :­ , . � , '. L��, . I .,. I L 71 . , , ., . . I., I I L . 1. . L W"&� L'� 0 :'� '" r� . . . , I . , . �,, . I L I ,. �":. ". I I . � I � . ., I I .1 I I I L. t I ,�� " I ,, , .'' , � I ., ., . � . '. .1 � ".. " r , , , . % e - L �­ 'L , ­ ­­ ,,,.� .;��, I �-"�'�" I,- I '­ ­ , MEMENEW , I-' , , � - 11 1; �. " I I I 'A' , . . , 1. I I '. ,., .­ �' , i "I& I I-., ­1��­��"­� A ­�k� _ _�_ "I ,I - ANN",, -11—:. -.A­� -, .., . ,6! ,,,J,,,­�,�, ,,�­­­'ffi.."l i��� .. I I 4 "1111"M -" �-- -11 — Aii1mms" I M"A iibwiftim"