HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1955-09-28, Page 1a 4 BLYTH -VOLUME 61 - NO, 44. Post AuttOffic as Department, aOtawa BLYTH, ONTARIO, WED NESDAX, SEPT, 28 1955 ....., , ..im—..inw.... UnitF.d Church Rally Service Well Attended - The United Church auditorium was 1 well filled for the annual Rally Day Service on Sunday morning. The sup; erintend.nt of the Sunday School, Mrs, Frank Marshall,'• presided, assisted• in the Scripture reading by Willis Wal- pole, T:nirteen girls from the Senior and. Intermiiate grades of the Sun. clay School comprised the choir and sang "Land of Our Birth." The service of wortlihip for Rally Day prepared by the Board of Christian Education of the United Church, was followed the theme of which was "Lord of the Lands, make Canada Thine Own." Miss Janis Morritt told a story of a new Canadian boy and his glass alley. Mrs. J. Walpole gave` the.life history of a well-known Indian missionary, Rev, Peter Kelly, D.D, In brief com- ment, Mrs. Marshall stated; "The re- cord attendance for one Sunday was 174.. There are 16 classes for all ages from three years up. These children are the church of tomorrow." The secretary, Mrs, Charlie Johnston, cul- led the roll for those who had merrit- ed awards. Pins were given for perfect attendance -3rd year, Ronnie Elliott; 2nd year, Larry Badley, Jimmie Web- ster, Ronald Walsh; 1st year, Charlie Knox, Larry Walsh, Bruce Elliott, Mrs, W. McVittle, Memory work: All pup- ips of Mrs. Reg. Hesselwood's class, Johnnie Alblas, Brian McDonald, John Henry, Buddte Bell, Brenda Nesbitt, Jimmie Webster, Allan Howes and El- mer Sanderson, Robert Raikes' diplo- mas and seals, awarded for perfect at- tendance according to the standard set by the school; 1st year diploma, Ross Hodgins, Bonnie McVittie, Vicki Fow- ler, Charlie Knox, Ron Henry, Ian Watson, Mrs, Keith Wcbater; 2nd year seal; Mrs. Reg. Hesselwood, Patsy El- liott, Reggie Badley, Margaret McCul- lough, Beverly McDonald, Sandra Ber- thot Dorothy Knox. 3rd year seals; Mr. W. Mountain, Laureen Walpole, Bruce Elliott, Grant Elliott, Ann Cald- well, Murray Govier, Kenneth Badley. 4th, year seal: Margaret Ann Doherty, Bob Galbraith, Jim, 13111, Doug and Ann Howson, Midhael and Ralph Harrison, Mrs. W. McVittie. 5th year seal: Miss Clare McGowan,. Jim Henry, John El- liott. 6th year seal; Mr. ,Keith Web• star, Sandra and Sheila Henry.. 7th year seal: Nancy and Marilyn John• ston, Sharon Jackson; :3 Sharon" Gray, John Galbraith, Ronnie Walsh. 8th' year advanced diploma; Graham Jack- son, Jeanne Hodgins. 9th year; Shir- ley . Jackson. 10th year: Marjorie Knox, Wayne Jacksan, Larry Walsh, _12th year; Marlene Walsh. ,14th year; Mrs, Frank Marshall. 17th year: Mr. Alfred Cook, Mrs. Marshall paid tribute to the ex- cellent efficiency of Mr, C. Johnston, the secretary, and commended the teachers on their faithfulness. W. I, TO MEET- The regular monthly meeting ,of the Blyth Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, October 6th at 2;30 p.m. in the Memorial Hall. Meeting in charge of the President, Guest speak- er, Mrs. Tait Clark, District President; Everyone welcome. AMONG THE CHURCHES Sunday, October 2nd, 1955. ST, ANDREW'S ARi1SBYTEIt1AN cl1URCIi Sunday School -3 p.m. Church Service -3.30, p.m. Rev. D. J. Lane, Minister. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Blyth, Ontario. .. Rev. A. W. Watson, Minister. October 2nd, 1955 10115 a.m.-Sunday School. 11:15 a.m,-Morning Worship. -World Communion Sunday, Sacrament of Holy Baptism, 7:30 pan.--Evening.Worship -- "The Tower." Sunday afternoon Every Family Visitation Campaign, Circle Group Entertained At McDougall Cottage Mrs. J, A. McDougall entertained the Friendship Circle at the McDougall cottage at Bogie's Beach Friday even- ing when thirteen members were in attendance. Picnic lunch opened the evening followed by a tour of the beach. On reassembling the first meet- ing of the autumn season was held dur- ing which plans were made for the next meeting to be held October 3rd, when the members will be hosts to the Londesboro Mission Circle. Mr. Brun deVrles will be the speaker for the meeting, LADIES' AUXILIARY TO .MEET The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, Blyth Branch, will be held on Mon+ day, October 3rd, at 8 p.m„ in the Leg- ion Home, Don't forget donations to kitchen and social evening, Engagement Announced - The engagmcnt is announced of Norma Pheobe Jane, daughter of Mrs, Taylor and the late Mr. Elwin Taylor, Brussels, to William Henry, son of Mr. Norman Behrns and the late Mrs, Behrns of Wroxeter. The wedding to take place the first part of October. ANGLICAN CIIURCII Trinity. Blyth -10:30 a.m.; Harvest• Thanksgiving Service. 7:30 p,m,: Har- vest Thanksgiving Service, Guest Preacher: The Rev, R. A. C Mils, Rec- tor of St, Paul's Church,'Kirkton, Special music by the Junior Choir. Guest soloist, Mrs. ,the VanEgmond. St. Mark's, Auburn -12 noon; Matins. Trinity, Belgrave-2;30 p.m,, Even- song, CIIUItCIIt tit 000 McConnell Sheet, Blyth. Rev. H. Stewart, 'Pastor, 10 a.m.—Sunday School. • 11 a,m.--Morning Worship, 7;30'p.m.—Evening Worship. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -Prayer and Bible Study.. Friday, 8 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. Subscription Rates $2,00 in Advance; $3.00 in the U'S.A4 Present For 99th Birthday Gathering at the Clinton Public Hos- pital last Thursday for a visit and to offer congratulations to Mrs. Frank Metcalf on the occasion of her 09th birthday were, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chowen and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Met- calf, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Chowan of Mitchell, Mrs. Luella Mc- Gowan. Miss Josephine Woodcock, Mrs, Frank Slorach. and Mrs, Metealf's daughter, Miss Ella Metcalf, all of Blyth. Mrs. Frank Fingland, of Clin- ton, and Mrs. Andrew Little, of Tens - water. Needless to say they found Mrs, Metcalf in excellent spirits, and most happy to have them all present to help celebrate her birth date, Afterwards Miss Metcalf entertain- ed several of the group at her ionic in Blyth to luncheon where she wIs misted by Miss Alice Rogerson end Mrs. Frank .Slorach. IIROTIIER PASSES IN ENGLAND'' Mr. Jim Denhobn, of Blyth, has. rq,• ceived word of the passing at Sussex, England, on August 15th, of his broth- er, Roy Franklin. Roy Franklin Denholm, who was fi was a native of Blyth, a son oi the lata John Denholm and, Lillian Barr. Ile; practised dentistry in Calgary, Alberta; up until the last war at which time his professional duties were demanded the Canadian Armed Forces. While.Jn England he married and never return- cd to his native land, Besides his wife he .Is survived by two brothers, ,lames of Blyth, and Ru:t'_ sell, of Fort McMurray, Alberta. Ts~i brothers and a 'sister predeceased, hint, - Value Of Local Newspaper Advertising Recognized By Chrysler Corporation .a Addressing more than 200 Chrys- ler of Canada fieldmen at their annual convention in Windsor re- cently, R. T. Brown advertising manager of the corporation describ- ed newspapers as "the cornerstone of our whole campaign." ,In outlining the company's ad- •yertising plans for 1956, Mr. Brown announced that Chrysler of Canada will expand its advertising .cover- age during the coming year, pro- viding increased s ;assistance to its dealers' merchandising efforts. "The bulk of the increase will go to local newspapers," he said, "for it • Is at •the local level primarily that we must meet the_buying pub- lic, During 11155, he added, the cor- poration's outlay for newspaper advertising was the greatest In its history, Tremendously increased .sales .of Ohrylser-built automobiles throughout the year reflected the value of the program and warrant - cd next year's substantial increase, PERSONAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook of London spent the weep -end with his brother, Mr. and Mrs; Borden Cook and fain- tly, and sister, Mrs. Luella McGowan. Mr, and Mrs, Ray Madill,"Cheryl and Terry, were Hanover visitors on Sun- day. Mr. H. G. Cronin of Toronto spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Cronin, • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Takser, Dale and Kevin, spent the past week visiting re- latives in Toronto, Brockville and Ot- tawa. •Mr, and ..Mrs, William Racine and .on, Robert. of Goderich, spent Sunday. with the ]niter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Philp. e BRIDE SHOWERED Mrs, H. Leatherland was hostess for o shower at her home' last Thursday night, Sept. 22nd, when 25 neighbours' and friends gathered to honour Miss Eyvonne McNeil, bride of last Satur- day. As Eyvonne entered the room Ura, Carman Gwynn broke balloons o der her head. The balloons haying been, filled .with confetti, showered approp- riately on Eyvonne as she took hi r seat in a decorated chair, .after which Mrs, Thomas Cole read the following address: Deal' Eyvonne—We, your friends are gathered here this evening in honour of your approaching marriage. You, Eyvonne, have grown up In our midst. and even though you have been gone from us for some time, we remember many pleasant incidents ave shared together. We are pleased that you are not go- ing to be too far from us and we hope that with these gifts you will derive many hours of pleasure, and with there go our best wishes for your future happiness, Following the reading, of the address John and Douglas Racine carried in the. gifts in a decorated basket. Eyvonne thanked everyone for their gifts after which the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Carman Gwyn and Mrs. Leo Racine, served lunch. New Chain Affiliation For Local Grocery Store Affiliation with the Red & .White Food Market was announced last week by Stewart's' Grocery, Blyth, and this week -end thostoro will celebrate it's grand opening under the new set-up with an entirely new look and an en- ticing list oL 4ree offers for those who may• wish to:"vjsit and shop at the store during the week -end, Full particulars are contained in an ad,ertisement on page 8 of this -issue, On Monday three representatives of the Red &••White Chain were present at the store setting up the new self - serve ,system. It is one of five stores in this district which have during the present season affiliated with the Chain which was described to The Standard by their representative us the larg- est chain of groceries in the world, with 8500 stores in Canada and the United •States with over 400 having been opened in Ontario during the past tyi years. • • He described the members as a group of,independent grocers banded togeth- er n 1n-' an to offer the highest quality merchandise to the pub- lic at. the lowest possible price, Ln his advertisement, Mr. 'Stewart tenders a cordial invitation to all to visit the store on opening days where they can see the new set-up first hand. New Church Circuit In Charge Of Rev. D. J. Lane The new Charge involving St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Blyth, be- comes effective on Sunday, when the Rev. D. J. Lane, of Clinton, takes over the pastorate of Clinton, Auburn, and Blyth_ Presbyterian Churches. Pre- viously Clinton and Bayfield Charges were together, with Blyth and Auburn also being a separate Charge, Under the new set-up Bayfield and Hensall will be served by the same minister. The Blyth -Auburn Charges was form- ed in .1925 with the last two resident ministers being the Rev. Al. M. Boyle and the Rev, A. D, Thomson,, now both deceased. Since 1943 the Charge has been ministered to under the supply system of the church. BIRTHS NETHERY—In Clinton Hospital "on Thursday, September 15, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Nethery, (nee Betty Lloyd) of R.R. 1, Auburn, the gift of a daughter, Cynthia Rose. WHITEHOUSFIn Clinton Hospital on Wednesday, September 21, 1955, to Cpl, and Mrs.' William Whitehouse 'of Blyth, the gift of a son, a brother for George and Bob: --- WEDDINGS -•- IiAMM - MoViTTIE A quiet wedding was solemnized in the United Church manse. Londesboro, on Saturday, September 29th, at 1 p.m. when the Rev, J. T. White performed a double -ring ceremony, uniting in mar• riage, Donna Kay McVittie, daughter of Mr, Kelland McVittie and the late Mrs. McVittie, of Blyth, and. William Murray Hamm, son of Mr. and Mrs, George Hamm, of Blyth. The bride wore a light grey -linen gabardine suit, with navy accessorief and a corsage of American Beauty roses, The bridesmaid, Miss Beryl Pollard. girl friend of the bride, wore a blue wool suit with white .and black, acces- sories and a corsage of pink roses. Mr, Harold Campbell, of Blyth, was best man. Following the wedding a reception was held at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham. Later the young couple left on 0 mot- or trip to the United States. On their return they will reside In Blyth. WILLIS - 111rNALL A quiet wedding was solemnized in the Blyth United Church manse, on Saturday, September 24th, 1955, when Eyvonne Muriel McNSll, daughter of Mrs, Pearl McNeil, Goderich, and the late Tpr. Jack McNeil, was united in marriage to George Arthur Willis, son of Mrs. Rose Willis, and the late Ed- ward Willis, of Goderich, Rev. A. N. Watson officiated. The bride wore a white satin and lace ballerina -length gown with lace bolero featuring lily -point sleeves. Her fingertip illusion veil was held by a bridal coronet in feather design head- dress and a corsage of red roses. Attending the bride was Mrs. Ken- neth Turner, of Goderich, sister of the bride -who wore a yellow satin baller- ina -length gown with a bolero of lace and a •yellow net headdress with white roses and a corsage of white roses. Mr. Kenneth Turner of Goderich was groomsman, A. receptio'h followed at th e Club Grill; Goderich, where the bride's mother received the guests wearing a navy flowered dress with a corsage of red •roses, a wedding trip to the United Mates the bride wore a turquoise • gab- ardine dress with white accessories, -'sMr. and Mrs. Willis will reside in Goderich. HORTICULTURALISTS TO MEET AT PORT ELGIN A district meeting of the Ontario Horticultural Society will be held in the Lihrory Hell, Port, Elgiin, on ,Oc- tober 6th at 8 P.m. Anyone •wishing to attend please notify the Secretary of the local Society, Mrs, Emmerson Wright. phone 119. Church Of God Rally Ser. .vices On Sunday Rally day service in the Sunday School was held last Sunday at the Church of God, with- a good attest. dance. Each class contributed several numbers to the program. Miss L. Tom- kins of Michigan gaveo short and in- spiring talk to the Sunday School, The pastor read a piece on child delinquen- cy. This was followed by the singing of several choruses, led by Miss Tom - Next Sunday the men of the church will' have charge of the services, and the Rev, E. Watson of Grand Bend wilt be in attendance to speak. There will be special musical numbers. LIONS PAPER, DRIVE TUESDAY, OCT. 11th Members of the Blyth Lions Club have announced October 11th as the date for their scrap paper drive,' Residents of Blyth and district are asked to keep the drive in mind and to prepare their papers, and magazines to be ready for the •collection. A plea has been put forth to the sur- rounding communities to also. help by saving and preparing their waste paper, Club members are hoping for a• good response as they have several worthy projects for which necessary funds are needed to carry to completion. Save your paper and help the Lions. Mail Route To Auburn Man The postal department has advised that the contract for providing mall service between Blyth and Auburn has been given to Mr; Wesley Brad - nock of Auburn and the new twice- daily service will be inaugurated `on October 17th, Mall times between the two points will be as follows: 'rrlp No, 1 Leave Atuburn: 9:30 a.m, Arrive Blyth: ,9:45 a,m, Leave Blyth: 10:05 a.m. Arrive Auburn 10:20 a,m. Trip No. 2 Leave Auburn: 3:25 p.m, Arrive Blyth: 3:40 p.m. Leave Blyth: 3;55 p.m. - Arrive Auburn; 4:10 P.m. Auburn rural route couriers are scheduled to leave at 11;15 a.m. or as soon as possible following the distribu- tion of mail received from the Auburn and Blyth stage service. For the . past several months this service has beef conducted once daily. during mid-afternoon, with the start- 1ng point being from Blyth, Mr. Geo. McNall had been operating the route. Rev. John Stinson Guest Speaker At Lions Club ' The regular meeting of the Blyth FAIR RECORns SECOND Lion:; Club, held Thursday evening of last week, was well attended. Lion. LARGEST ATTENDANCE President Jack McDougall was in charge of tile gavel and other assistant offi- Ideal weather conditions co-operat- cern well in charge of their respective ed with the efforts of the Blyth Agri- duties. Lion 'Tamer Art Watson led cultural Society last Tuesday and Wed- nesday to almost establish a new at- tendance mark for the Fair, according to officials, An estimated 2000 clicked through the turnstiles, and gate re- ceipts were the second highest that garet Jackson and Lois Grasby, Rev. can be remembered by present offf- John Stinson, guest speaker, of Sea - dais. In view uf the attendance :nark, forth. and the fact that all supporting features Misses Jackson and of the Fair were also well prtronized buted a lovely piano a happy state of mind exists among the Directors and Officials, a much different attitude than existed after last year's rainy days, I Large School Attendance The attendance of schools was large, probably larger than last year, and the parade marched to the grounds headed by the Brussels Pipe Band, and the Fair President, Mr. Wm. Gow, in company with John W. Hanna, Open- ing ceremonies immediately followed and the Fair continued throughout Wednesday afternoon, with Mr. Mat. Gaynor, as Master of Ceremonies. The program featured two good horse races, with 7 horses entered in in the 2:24 class, and 6 entries in the Free -For -All class. Entries of horses were light, but Mr. Gow explained that this would be rectified wtih increased money being given in horse classes another year. All cattle classes were well filled and the various supporting 4-H Club shows, and Huron County Black and White Show added interest. The inside exhibits were well up to standard, and the school children's, or junior section found popularity with the students. It was estimated that 400 students marched in the parade of schools which of course included classes of more than 100 students from Blyth Public School. The Agricultural Booth on the grounds was well patronized. Commercial exhibits in the arena were disappointing and an, increase in this department is. hoped for .next year. • Excellent Concert Presented Not always can a sponsoring organ- ization be sure of the talent which is concerned when they hire an outside concert troupe to stage a show. In this connection the Society has been disappointed on more than one occas- ion, but such was not the , case this year as those in charge took par- ticular pains to pick outstanding tal- ent. Those who attended the evening concert on Wednesday can verify the fact that a collection of district stars presented an excellent full-length var- iety concert, with practically every number being roundly encored. There was something on the program to please everyone. The Societies' Pres- ident, Wm. Gow, acted as M.C. At the dance which followed the concert another fine attendance was recorded. Blyth's 1955 edition of the Fall Fair will go down in the societies' history as a fine effort on the part of the sponsors. A complete list of prize winners will be found on page 5 of this issue. ' the groups in several lively tunes, with Lion Stan Chellew as solqist, and the fine box tinkled merrily to the whims of Tail Twister Walter Buttell. Guests present included Misses Mar - Granby contra - duet which was roundly encored by those present. The regular musical portion of the evening was presided over at the piano ,by Lion Pianist Mrs, Jack McDougall. Lion Arthur Watson introduced the guest speaker, Rev. Mr, Stinson, who delivered an interesting address deal- ing with his experiences as a mission- ary in China. He described the Chin- ese people as fun -loving. friendly, and fond of good food, actually no differ- ent from most of us. They look upon foreigners 111 their land with suspicion but once youprove your sincerity they are warm and friendly and welcome you to their homes, Good food and the proper standard of living are only for the wealthy, There are teeming thousands without a bed to sleep on. We know the Chinese in this country as a quiet, apparently non -fun -loving people, but this is due partly to tench- nc's and the fact that we do not know and mingle with them as readily as we should. They are strangers in a strange land. Famine can exist hur- riedly in China, and citing two points the speaker took the distance between Blyth and Seaforth as an example -- there might be famine conditions ex - fisting at Blyth and the people at Sea - forth might know little or nothing a- bout it—and if they did there would he little they could do to help —the old adage, the survival of the fittest seem- ed to apply. With the growing congestion and the great future in store for Western On- tario, the speaker suggested that we would do well to plats for such times throughout this vast area.' In closing the speaker referred to the large number of foreigners who. were settling In this country. We are rapidly approaching the point where we live in the centre of a great melting pot of humanity and it affords us the opportunity to extend the hand of friendship to these new Canadians in so many ways. There was One who lived and walked this earth setting an exam- ple for all Christians to follow. We are His men. Let us see that we are like Him. Lion Norman Garrett voiced the ap• predation of the Club to the speaker. Votes of thanks were also accorded Miss Jackson and Miss Grasby, and Lion 'Bun" Hall extended a vote of thanks to the leader of the catering group, Mrs. Calvert Falconer, for a most excellent dinner. Only item of business up for discus- sion was a forthcoming paper drive which the Club plans to conduct on October 11•th. The meeting closed with the Lions Roar. Enjoyed Plane Trip As Member Of Good Roads Committee Store Front Completed The front of Philp's Drug Store has acquired a brand new look, the work having steadily progressed on a new store front during the past few weeks and is now completed, adding greatly to the attractiveness of the store itself and the business block in general. New window lighting will also brighten up the interior and exterior of the store. The work was a "local job" with the carpentry work being done by Bill. Weber, the new lettering by Walter Buttell, the painting by. Baxter Mc- Arter. and the lighting by Bill Racin?, a son-in-law of the Philp's, who we consider in the local family circle, The old Standard Office front looks pretty lonely now in a block which has been completely modernized, but a bet- ter day may be coming, In any event the new fronts show • progressiveness an the part of our merchants, CONGRATITLATIONS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Snell of Westfield, who celebrate their wedding anniversary on Friday, Sept, 301h. Congratulations to Mrs. Lloyd Wal- den of Westfield, who celebrates her birthday on Monday, Oct. 3rd, Congratulations to Mrs, Edna Cook uf Westfield, who celebrates her birth, day on Saturday, Oct, lett 4 Reeve Wm, H, and Mrs. Morritt have recently returned home after a most enjoyable plane trip to Western Can- ada with other members of the com- mittee where they attended the Good Roads Convention held at the Banff Springs Hotel, The group boarded a North Star plane at Melton Monday, Sept. 12th at 3 pan., landed in Cal- gary in ten hours time, took a taxi to Banff, a distance of about 80 miles. and. together with a large represen- . Cation of delegates from all over Can- ada, attended the convention. While there. the ladies Were entertained to a bus trip to Lake Louise.. The moun- tainous scenery, flowers and the lake, was a magnificent sight. On Thursday afterne.+n they boardbd the train for Vancouver where Mr. and Mrs. Morritt visited relatives. in- cluding Mr. and Mrs. Larry Woolcox, Mrs. Woolcox was the former Mary • Morritt, of Blyth. They took the boat to Victoria on Friday night which is about a four hour boat ride. • Here they visited with Mr. Morritt's broth- er John, and his wife. After returning to Vancouver, they motored to Chillitvack where they vis- ited Mrs. Morritt's aunt and family, al- so calling on Dr, John and Mrs. Wil- ford and family, formerly of Blyth. They returned home last ,Tuesday afternoon, and report that the plane Is the best mode of travel and that they had a most enjoyable week, EANP+E I4USTJ yow r�+¢�i cb�.rw«aot Dear Anne Hirst; About 8 months ago I married a woman with two daughters; I have three boys. Everything her girls do is OK, but my sons don't dare say a word about mining, She made life so miserable for the oldest lad (who was won- derful to me) that he has joined the Navy. My ,youngest should have a little loving, which my ' wife promised before we mar- ried, but now she only bawls him out, When I am away she has even locked him out of the house! "I have to cater to her all the time I am home , .. My !rouble is, I think a lot of her , I have been one of your readers for many years, and you have helped a lot of people. Please help me. A STEADY READER ASSERT YOURSELF * You seem to be the victim • of a calculating female who • sighted a soft berth for her- * self and her family. and now * that she feels her future se- • cure she is showing her feet • of clay, She knows how her Feedbag Fashion 4880 •S.-10-12 M—I4--t6 10-18 —20 ►,re. -astsf Use a 100 -pound feedbag or colorful remnants -- make this handy apron to keep you neat and pretty on kitchen duty! See the diagram — sew -easy, thrifty. Non -slip straps, plenty of pro- tective cover — be smart, sew several! Pattern 4880: Misses' Sizes Small (10, 12); Medium (14, 16); Large 18, 20). All sizes, 100 - pound feedbag or 13/4 yards 39 - inch. This pattern easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has complete illustrated instructions, Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS - (350) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this' pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont, • charms hold you, and has not. * a single fear you will ever * deprive yourself of them. * Their influence is understand- * able in a newly -married man, * But how long 'will you allow • her to maltreat your son? • Your oldest escaped, but what * of the little fellow who longs * for affection and is exposed to * almost inhuman cruelties? No * red blooded male can stand * by unmoved. In your mo- * ments alone you must be hor- * rifled by her persecutions. * Assert yourself. This woman • must be made to treat your * children with affection and * consideration, or she and her * daughters may find themselves * without the home and protee- ' tion they sought. Indeed, it * may be too late for her to win * the trust of your youngest boy; * he must already hate and fear * her -- and perhaps includes * you in his resentment, as the * one who brought her there. • This is your problem and your * first responsibility. * Your wife married you un- • der false pretences, For her * to continue in her degraded * course is monstrous. Consider, * too, in your plans for the fu- * ture, that one who must be * forced to be kind to a child seems a sinister influence in any home where children are. Is it time for you to talk to your lawyer? * ,* * t: "GOD PUNISIIED HEIt" "Dear Anne Hirst: That woman who is trying to break up a, sick wife's home reminds me of an. other wicked female I once knew. She y, as happily mar- ried, but she took a position with a married man who had an invalid wife. He got interested car and everything else "— after his wife died. So she divorced her husband, "And the ratan who was wait- ing for his wife to pass away suddenly. died himself , , , Now this woman is sobbing on my shoulder because she is without a husband and has lost this man, too, She is considering remarry- ing her husband if he will have her , . I guess she, didn't like my comment, for I haven't heard from her since. "God Himself punished her .. This is what will happen to the one who wrote you, I cer- tainly hope she takes your ad- vice and gets wise to herself be- fore it is too late. MRS. R. T." In any remarriage, the wel- fare of the children should be the parent's first consideration. Anne Hirst understands this deli- cate problem, and her wisdom can be helpful,. iirrite her at Box 1, 123 'Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ontario, Pun -Gent Names There are a number of alleged- ly living and solvent citizens (Jim Marshall does the alleging) whose names and addresses make complete sentences. Here's the evidence: Hans R. Dirty, Jr., Goan, Wash. Quoth D, Raven, Never, Mo. G. Thirza Mighty, Pritty, Miss, Ide Lamy, Down, N.D. Lettice Finder, Shady, Del. F. U. Pager, Income, . Tex, I. M. Phelan, Slightly, Ill. - Daniel Inner, Lyons, Tenn. Wish I. Newther, Reese, N.Y. C. U. Sunday, Early, Mass. Allis Frenza, Deadan, Conn. R.R. Crossing, Look, N.C. Will U. Raider, Cookie, Ga. A WILL ANDA WAY—Allan Criblez, paralyzed from the neck down by polio, operates this electric car by moving his head. The .car wai • adapted; for Criblez, 28, by the University of Illinoisresearch hospital. ; With the car Criblez' Is determined, to stay ,JM Ms farm with hi* wife. Lillian, above, and their four children. ... Fashion Hints .. . ABANDONING THE JEUNE FILLE LOOK for sophistication, Hubert de Givenchy employs an unusual, deep -layered texture of 100 per cent nylon for his bridal gown — the high point and finale of all couture collections. Double woven to' give a rich cordu- roy effect, this elegant fabric is cut on restrained lines. The elbow -length cape covers a snug -fitting bodice. HRQNICLE INGERFAIZM Gv iq r.dolUr.e P. C to oke Life is full of surprises—some good, some bad. I never know from one week to the next what this column will contain. So here we go again, with a little of each. I'll start off by telling you something that particularly ap- peals to my sense of. humour, You may remember that some time' ago we sold all our milk- ing cows, We were through with dairy farming . , , but definitely. Partner being so stiff with arth- ritis it seemed the only safe and sensible thing to do. But he re- lented to the point of keeping one cow, due to freshen in Sep- tember—just so we wouldn't have to buy milk all the time. So what happens? Yesterday our Jane calved right on sche- dule, in a secluded corner of the pasture. During the 'morn- ing Partner went over to see if she was all right, and what do' • you suppose "he found? Twin. calves, no less — and both of them heifers! So that's how .we go out of dairy -farming. One of the calves was frisking around, the other was busily getting her first meal, My other main item of farm news is not so good. Rusty, our promising watch -dog puppy was hit by .a car yesterday and has a broken leg as a result. Part= ner was down at the lane gate with the tractor, Both dogs were with him. Apparently Rusty ran on to the road just as a fast- moving car was approaching and he had it. It wasn't the driver's fault; Rusty just didn't have sense enough to get out of the ' way. IIe never has been car -conscious, • H o w e v e r, al- though his leg is. definitely frac- tured the 'vet' thinks if we keep - him quiet the bone will knit of its own accord. We hope so any- way -he is just a happy, affec- tionate, over -grown puppy=and an excellent watch -dog. All this happened while I was at the Exhibition, Yes, I was there again, It being Press Day I thought it would be as well to put in an appearance. And I really had a wonderful time. And do you know what . .. I had 'a few words with Marilyn Bell! She is really and truly just a'nice, unaffected little girl., Newspaper and radio reports to that effect haven't been exag- gerated One bit, I had no idea I was likely to meet her; it was just that Elsa Jenkins, head of the Women's Division, C,N,E,, conceived the bright idea of asking Marilyn Bell to be in the receiving line at the Press Wo- men's Tea, I had already been to the Grandstand Show for'the express purpose of getting a glimpse of Marilyn but meeting , her at the tea was a hundred percent better. What else did 1 do " at the "Ex"—just a few of the things we didn't have time for on opening day, The Art Gallery that is well worth a visit, 'if. only to see M. J. Boylen's private collection of Krieghoff's pictures of pioneer days. There were also many pictures loaned by the Art Gallery of Toronto. And do you know I bought a dozen beautiful Christmas cards, reproductions of famous paint- ings, If any readers are inter- ested in getting similar cards white to the Art Gallery of Tor- onto, for their complete list, available from October 1. The address is Grange Park, Toronto 2B, Ontario. The cards are no more expensive than the usual line of ' good cards that you are probably used to buying. Of course I had to take in the Dog Show at the 'Ex', Such yap- ping and barking you never heard! Apparently the smaller the dog the bigger the bark, Big dogs like • German Shepherds, Dalmations and Collies were ly- ing quietly in their appointed places surveying the passing public either with resigned bore- dom or with watchful interest, but without making a sound. I looked around for a breed that would give me a clue as to Rusty's parentage and I am quite convinced that he is partly of the Doberman Pinscher type, al- though his mother' was supposed to be a purebred collie. Oh well, it's a wise puppy fiat knows its own father; Now what else? Olt ;, es, 1 took a ride up to the lop of the new Shell Oil Tower --the view from the top was really wonderful. It was a bright, clear day and you .could see across the waters of the blue lake for miles, in the Exhibition grounds ears and people looked like miniatures. The elevator works with sur- prising ease. Once at the top you can stay on the observation platform as long as you please and there are two public tele- phones placed there fa,' your convenience. Just for fun 1 phoned Daughter from the top of the Tower just to let her knotiv where t was, Aetualty 1 was on my way out of the grounds when 1 decided to visit the Tower Once at the top I was so entranced with the view that I forgot all about time — and almost missed my train .. . in fact I would have only the train was late too. Good old C.P.R. — always so accommo- dating! Modern Etiquette Q. flow is all service made at a dinner tabic, from the right or lett? , A, From the left, and using the .left hand, Glasses are re- filled from the right, and with- out being picked up or " moved. The dishes may be removed, however, from either right or left, whichever is more conveni- ent, and they should not be stacked, but removed singly. Q. Should the first page of a letter be numbered? A. No; this is neither neces- sary nor proper, You may num- ber the succeeding pages if you wish, Q. -i When the brief form of introduction is used, as, "Mrs, Jones, Mrs. Smith In, what wny can it be made apparent who is being introduced to whom? A. The more important per. son's name should be accentu- ated so that it will be as clear as though the words, "May I present," were used, ISSUE 39 - 1955 P.1. Bunny Bag VIII 1) 411 Tots get ready for bed tas' when they can pull P.J.'s nut o1 Ronald Rabbit. Mornings, the} push night togs neatly througt the openings in bunny's tummy_ Fun to make! Pattern 601: Made of two fiat pieces plus round, stuffed head --easy! Complete pattern, trans. fers. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps 'cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor- onto, Ont. Print. plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. LOOK FOR smartest ideas in Needlecraft in our L a u r a Wheeler Catalog for 1955. Cro- chet, knitting, embroidery and lovely things to wear. Iron -ons, quilts, aprons, novelties — easy, fun to make! Send '25 cents for your copy of this book NOWT You will want to order every new design in it. MAKES HISTORY - Marine "Capt. Richard S.' McCutchen em- braces his wife, Betsy, after he won. $64,000 on a New York television show. It was the biggest prize in radio andtele- vision history. Fashion Greets Sandman In Sleepy -Time Garb Double -duty pajamas, at left, recently.. ;introduced, are suitablefor at,home in- formal wear or ,for use as de luxe sleep garb. Tuxedo inspired, ensemble h a s brushed rayon top with long, cuffed sleeves. Trou- sers, are made of acetate jersey. At right, French- embroidered ruffles lend an old-fashioned air to this calf -length ensemble for the little ladies. They're of nylon tricot, with pink top and blue knickers,, or vice versa. Items of slumber elegance_: such . as these will be high on the "want" lists Santa soon will be receiv- ing at his North Pole dress shop. Pipe Smoking Through The Ages Smoking is a far, more ancient custom than is generally sup- posed. Its origin has been traced back to the religious ceremonies of priests in districts of countries we now know as Mexico and Central America, Stone effigies of priests of the Mayas, whose elvilization began before the birth of Christ, show then en- gaged in the act of ceremonial smoking, They used a fore of pipe and blew the tobacco smoke towards the sun and the four points of the compass. The practice spread but did • not reach England until some time in the 16th century. Sir Walter Raleigh is popular- ly supposed to have been the first pipe smoker in England and it is said that Ralph Lane, Governor of Virginia, presented him with an Indian pipe in 1586. It is certain however that pipes were smoked in England before this, for William Harrison in 1573 writes in his "Chronologic" )of 'the taking in of the smoke of the Indian herb' and goes on to describe how it is taken — 'by an instrument formed like a little ladell', This obviously describes a form of pipe with a narrow bowl. Although not the first to smoke a pipe, Raleigh, by his example, did much to popular- ize the art among men of fa- shion who were soon carrying the necessary ponderous equip- ment. A good deal of fun was made of the smoker's apparatus and a contemporary pamphlet- eer writes: 'I beheld pipes in his pocket: now he draws forth his tinder box and his touchwood and falleth • into his tacklings: Sure his throate is afire, the smoake flyeth so Last from his mouth.' It is interesting to note that the word 'pipe' is derived from the Latin 'pipare' meaning 'to chirp' and was applied first to a wind instrument. One James Cartier concluded an explora- tion of the St. Lawrence estu- ary in 1536. In his description of the voyage, he mentions that the Indians carried a skin bag suspended from their necks which contained some dried herb and a piece of stone or wood 'like a pipe'. It would • seem, therefore, that Cartier's descrip- tion was the nearest he could give to this tubular piece of wood or stone which resembled the musical ipstrument, Raleigh's pipe were • made of clay and as the demand grew, manufacture on a large scale was started in this country. There are references to pipes made of silver and of walnut shells with a straw but these were possibly made in more remote parts of England where the right clay was not readily available. The growing popularity of the clay is illustrated by the report of a - German.. traveller, Paul Hentzner, of a visit to the Bear Garden in Southwark in 1598, He says: 'At these spectacles and elsewhere the English are constantly smoking tobacco, for which purpose they have ;pipes, made of clay. They draw the smoke into their mouths and puff it out again . through their nostrils like funnels with much of phlegm and defluxtion from. the. head.'. Nevertheless there was a good deal of .opposition to the habit which was condemned as 'loath- some to the eye and •harmfull to the brain'. Towards the end of the 19th century, English firms started tq, manufacture briar pipes .in that country and London became the centre. French workmen who had experience of the 'new' ma- terial were brought over to teach the craft. They found the British very willing to learn: They soon became experts and the •words 'London Made' became famous throughout the world as a sym- bol of pipe perfection, A high degree of skill is re- quired in the making of a pipe, where each bowl is turned indi- vidually. The. briar root, often weighing ten pounds , or more, is first dug up and • then sawn into blocks, the trade ,name for which is 'Ebauchons.' These . blocks are then boiled for twenty-four hours to remove .all traces of sap • and so prevent cracking. After seasoning the. blocks are roughly shaped and passed to the, craftsman : who. turns the • bowl. This latter is a highly -skilled operation as is also the Shaping Of the stem, which may . be round, square or flat, The bowls are next sandpapered and are ready for selecting and grading. After grading, the rich colour of the briar is brought out by fine oils and thehidden beauties of ' the '"grain "'disclosed, Finally the bowl is polished on a lathe head• running at high. speed. In all, more than thirty skilled op- erations are necessary to produce a pipe. The Amazing Jake Englehart By IAN SCLANDI RS In 1905, %, hen Sir James Whitney became premier of Ontario, he d+scovered that the Tcmiskaluing and. Nor- thern Ontario Railway, a provincial government ven- ture which had been launch- ed three years earlier, was in a sorry mess. He needed the ablest man he could find to unravel its tangled. affairs, complete its construction, and put it on a paying basis. He appealed to Jacob Lewis Englehart, of the little south- western Ontario town of Petrolia, a founder and vice- president of Imperial Oil. Limited, "Jake," , he is reported to have said, "will you come to the rescue and run the T. and N.O. for me?" "I'll be happy to," Engle- hart is reported to have re- plied, "What• is it?" The thinning -,number of men who remember the amazing Jake Englehart still tell this apocryphal story be- cause it flashes a light on three facets of his complex character: he was always willing to help' a friend, he reached decisions instantly, and he was not aflfaid to • tackle anything, These traits might have ruined an ordin- ary individual. But Engle., hart seldom failed at what he tried. When he established his own oil company, is a raw- boned youth of i19, older'men laughed at him and predicted• his: bankruptcy. They ,.stop- ped stop -ped laughing when within a few years he had built, and successfully operated, the biggest refinery in Canada. At the age of 83, he was the organizing genius behind the move that . brought • 16 leading oil men, 'business' - men and political figures to- gether to form Imperial Oil. * • • The biographical volume says he was born in Cleve- land; 0,, on November 2, 1847, a •son of 'S. John Joel and Hannah E. Englehart,' and that in 1866 he formed J; L, Englehart and Cone- pany, "refining, producing and exporting Canadian pe- troleum," with a refinery at London, Ont:, and an office at New York. The volunie does not 'say what his father did or how Jacob Lewis En- glehart, at 19, had acquired enough cash to come to Can- ada and. set himself • up in business. But the American Civil War, which in 1866 was just newly over, had. given many Northerners opportun- ities to 'make money,' Engle - .hart may. have been one of them, Or be -may have been backed by his father. In either. case he required 'a relatively modest amount of capitate Refineries, in 1866, were cheap, tiny contrap- tions which looked like over- ' grown ink bottles. The lar• - gest of .them had a capacity of only a few hundred bar- _ rels a week, They were risky invest - mints because many of them blew, up. But those Which • didn't explode yielded high profits, for throughout North America people who had al- ways burned a mixture of whale oil and lard in their lamps were clamoring .for the wonderful new lighting fluid, kerosene, developed by Dr. Abraham Gesner • of Nova Scotia. Southwestern Ontario was then one of the chief sources of the petroleum from which kerosene was distilled. That's how the in- dustry was when Englehart came to Canada. While his first refinery wa.s being erected in London, Englehart traveled through the oil fields persuading small producers, mostly farmers • with oil wells in their pas- tures, to let him handle their output and sell it through his New York office, Before his refinery started operating in the fall of 1866 he had an assured supply of crude pe- troleum to feed it. IIe had 'this in spite of competitors who followed him around spreading word that he was "wet behind the ears," too young to be trus- ted, and, what was worse, a city slicker from the States. Ironically, a practical joke and his one appearance in police court enhanced' his popularity with the produc- ers in the back• concessions and defeated the efforts of his competitors. Englehart, at the time of this affair, was a guest at the Tecumseh House in London and. one ,evening • as he was going out fora stroll he no- ticed two ' wooden spigots from beer kegs on the hotel proprietor's desk. On the street a couple of minutes later he encountered the head of the game'protec- tive association,' and, •on an impulse, informed him grav- ely that 'he suspected the proprietor of the Tecumseh of breaking the game laws, as he had seen two wood- cocks in his office. Without checking up, the president of the game association rushed off and laid a charge against the hotelkeeper. Englehart was summoned as a witness. Called to the stand,he con - ,firmed, his statement that he had seen two woodcocks on the proprietor's desk:' "I have -thein here," he said,' producing the spigots from . his coat pocket. Everybody roared with mirth -except the president of the game association. And in 'the back concessions, where a good joke was. ap- preciated and hunting re- strictions were 'disliked, the incident • cemented 'Engle - hart's prestige and his repu-r tation iof being a "real man even if Ile looks like a school- boy," Englehart ' was to rock London on twat other occa- sions—Mit not with laugh-. ter; On April 9, 1869, his re- finery exploded : with what newspapers termed "a re- port' that rocked the town." But, if the blast shook win- dows, it injured nobody and the 'damage was estitllated at only $2,COQ. Less than seven weeks later it was rip- ped by another explosion. This one caused $6,000 dam- age, One paper that reported the explosions was the Wy- oming News Letter, publish- ed at Wyoming, in the heart of the Ontario oil fields, It was in this sante year, 1869, that the News Letter ran an editorial advocating a new oil company "with a capital of $500,000" to enable Can- ada t0 carry 011 "an export trade of larger proportions." Englehart never forgot this editorial and 11 years later when Imperial Oil was born it had precisely what the News Letter recommended —a capital of $500,000, But other things were to happen first. Englehart re- built and expanded his Lon- don refinery and in 1870 got an order from Germany for a $30,000 shipment of kero- sene, When the shipment reached its destination it was rejected on the grounds that it was not up to speci- fications. The cost of bring- ing the kerosene back to London, refining it again, and returning it to Germany, would have been ruinous. Englehart met the emergency by sending refining equip- ment to Germany and re- processing the kerosene there -a procedure which reduced hiS losses, • Meanwhile he had been ac- quiring oil wells at Petrolia, where drillers were striking oil wherever they sank a hole and where oil even flowed down the deep ruts of the main street. And—perhaps convinced by the • German experience—he decided that in addition to his London refinery he needed a second refinery close to the oil wells,• So, in the muddy,. booming, excited little town of Petro- lia„ he bought a refinery and enlarged it until it was re- puted to be the biggest and most • efficient in the world. He -also laid a system of pipes through which oil could be pumped right into his plant, • v "I -Ie was a nice man," says Stothers, "but all business— all business, no fooling. Used to bach here one time; him and Ed Kirby, the first may- or, bathed together in a • frame house," He "was baching with Ed Kirby in 1880 when his dream came true—the dream of an oil company with fin- ancial resources large enough to improve petroleum pro- ducts, create new outlets for them, place. the Ontario oil fields on a solid foundation and meet the competition from American fields. After months of negotiations in which he played a leading role, Imperial Oil Company Limited -now Imperial Oil Limited—was formed. Engle- hart became vice-president and assumed an active role in managing the,new corpor- ation. The new company absor- bed refineries belonging to some of the 16 Original share- holders, and used the equip- ment to enlarge Englehart's London and Petrolia plants. These became the first Im- perial refineries, Englehart was at the plants six days a week from morning till night, Refining was still a hazardous trade. Englehart instituted a sys- tem by which funds were set aside to compensate men in- jured at work, but he also reduced hazards and preach- ed safety rules, Once he saw a man run- ning through a dangerous part of the refinery; IIe fired hint, but re -hired him two weeks later and from his own pocket paid him the wages he had lost, Up north. he pushed a rail- road into almost virgin bush country 1 Englehart spent a lot of time there after he ac- cepted the chairmanship of the T. and N.O. from Sir Janes Whitney. It was a new adventure for a .man who was• a pioneer at heart. The salary that wetit with the job, whicli',was supposed to be very nlucli a part-time job, was $5,000 a year. Eng= lehart made' ` the- job very "• nearly _a fall -bine .job and. gave his salary away to north country settlers who needed help, —imperial Oil Review. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IAIY CHICKS BOOKING orders for Chicks and Turkey Poults now for Fall, Winter and Spring delivery, Send for our folders giving full details about our special egg breeds and broiler breeds. Turkey Pouits, weekly hatches. Older pullets 12 weeks to laying, Catalogue, TWED SLE CHICK HATCHEON RIES D. FERG HATCHING 5001 HATCHING eggs wanted by one of Canada's largest and oldest establish. ed hatcheries. On some breeds eggs taken every week In the year. L arge premium paid. For full details, write Dos 136, 123 EIghteeeth Street. New Toronto. Ontario, LIVESTOCK LAND1tACE boars for Fall delivery from our imported Goval Ingrid sow and daughters of imported Goval Elsa, sired by grandson of famous boar Bluegate Polaris, Write Fergus Land. race Swine Farm, Fergus, Ontario, Phone 405. FOR SALE TRANSMISSION GEARS and universal tolnts repalr kits for every popular car. and truck at corn• petitive prices. AUTOMOTIVE WAREHOUSE CO. LTD. 1438 Guy St., Montreal NEW permu•bronze oil filter element lasts forever - the first cost Is the final cost • can't soak out detergents - filters grit particles as small es 39 millionths of an Inch - removes en• gine moisture - makes your engine last up to 40% longer - to clean, re• move element from filter case rinse in any solvent and replace - guar anteed In writing for 10 full years. One size fits present case on all cars. trucks and tractors with standard by pass oil systems $6.95 another all full -flow types. 311.95. Lifetime fuel filter fot ell engines and oil furnaces 32.95• Write Bloomfield Enternrises Box I,t Chatham Ont. Dare -Devil Stuff An anonymous young_ man is planning to defy death this autumn by plunging over Nia- gara Falls enclosed in a steel barrel specially made for the purpose. He won't disclose the date of his proposed exploit in case it is stopped by the police. Dare -devil Bobby Leach, one of the few men to survive "shooting" the roaring, foaming Falls, would have laughed at this ban on making the 168 -ft. drop over the brink. No police restrained him when, watched by 300,000 people, he strapped himself in a cigar -shaped steel barrel which had been carefully cushioned inside and took the plunge on July 26th, 1911. When the barrel dropped it was at once caught by a giant wave which hurled it twenty feet into the air. It was then held for eighteen minutes in the whirl- pool below the Fells. Between the time he went over the, ra- pids until he was hauled un- conscious out of the w a t e r, thirty-nine minutes elapsed. His knee -caps were found to be bro- ken, Leach's hair grew white from his terrible experience, but he little dreamed of the strange end which fate had in store for him. At the age of fifty-eight he broke his leg when he slipped on an orange peel in an Auck- land street. The leg was ampu- tated. He died some time after the operation. An attempt to "shoot" Horse- shoe Falls, Niagara, in an oak barrel killed George Stathakis in 1930, the barrel being smash- ed on the rocks at the cataract's foot, The man's body was im- prisoned in the wreckage in a cavern behind the thundering torrent of waters and days pass- ed before it emerged. A friend was so confident that the attempt would fail that he summoned an undertaker some hours before the barrel went over. A Bristol barber wore a pad- ded suit in an ill-fated attempt to go over the Horseshoe Falls in a wooden barrel strengthen- ed by iron bands thirty-five years ago. An iron plate weigh- ing one hundred -weight, and sixty pounds of lead were used to keep the barrel vertical. It was dashed to pieces at the foot of the Falls. The intrepid barber, who was killed, had thus made his last gamble in a life of adventure, for he used to boast that he had shaved cus- tomers iii a lion's den and had an apple cut in two on his throat with a sword. More Forest FIres were re- ported by an alert public last year, than by any single govern- ment detection agency. ISSUE 39 1955 111 You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody gels a bit run-down now and • then, tired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe bothered by backaches, Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, lust a temporary tom condition caused by excess acids 'and' wastes. That's the Inc to take Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess adds and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. I ooh for the blue box with the red hand at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 53 HELP WANTED APPLIANCE salesman, Preferably with car for large furniture and ep• piance• store, better than a'ctagi opportunity for experlm. man. Write for appoindnent, It. G. McClure Llmlted, Ceorgeto„" ant. MEDICAL DIXON'S REMEDY — FOR NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS. THOUSANDS SATISFIED MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Ottawa, $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Poet's Eczema Salve will not disap• point you. itching scaling and burn - Ing eczema, acne. ringworm. pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment. regardless of how stubborn or hone• less they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price. PRICE 82.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES • 119 Queen St, E., Corner of Logan TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BERME buying, he sure and write for our latest Free catalog on guns, rifles, etc. Large assortment. Scope Sporting Goods, 250 Bank St.. Ottawa. Ont, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN• CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL. Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession gond wages, Thousands of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrnted Catalnr""e Free Write or Coll MARVEI. HAIRDRESSING Seao01.s 350 Uloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa MAKE money with a profitable hob- by Correspondence watch repairing course Cost only 575.00. S chool ap- proved, Wholesale prices on Jewellery. Watches, Rings, Expansion Bracelets, etc. Detailed brochure from: Suite 1603 330 Bay Street Toronto. SEW? Uome•workers needed, spare time. No charge for materials, Write: ADCO, 561, Bastrop. Louisiana. SENSATIONAL Grow beautiful hair and look 20 years younger! Complete hair grow. Ing treatment. Vlllard's hair tonic will give you beautiful strong wavy and silky hair. Price: 32.50. French cream will also grow hair on bald spots. Price: 52.50. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Money order or C.O.D. Villard Perfumes, 1368 Sherbrooke East. Montreal, FALLING HAIR? Don't worry. Hair Tone recovers hair beauty for men and women, 31 per bottle. HYi.AND LABORATORIES. 51acTier Ont. TELEGRAPHERS ow Railways wanted. We -train and place you, Learn at home with Self•Teaching Machine. Option corning to school for tests. d250 first . pay, STENOGRAPHERS In emand, Our ABC simplified system qualifies in 10 weeks home -study. Free folder either course, and fees. Write Casson Systems, 20 Spndlna Road, Toronto. , LADIES buy your nylon stockings and underwear direct from the makers at wholesale prices and make extra money In your spare time taking orders from your friends. No experience necessary. We carry the stock for you. Write for particulars, Redfern -Metcalfe Cor- poration, 4444 St. Catherine Street West, Montreal 6. IDENTIFY and personalize everything. Your name and address on checks. stationery, books, etc. Saves time. avoids errors. Finest throe line PER- SONALiZED RUBBER STAMP. postpaid for 31.98, Fowler's Specialties, Drawer 2 Kinley, Sask. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company, Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 600 University Ave. Toronto. Patents all countries. AN OFFER' to every Inventor Wm of Inventions and full Infnrmatton sent free. The Ramsay "n Reeistered Pat- ent Attorneys. 273 Rank SI Ottawa, PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer rwentv•five deluxe personal requirements latest eats. Toque Included. The Medico Agency, Box 124. Terminal "A" Toronto Ont. MAKE a legal will. Don't delay! Two will forms 31.00. Complete simple in- structions,- Snttsrnetion guaranteed. Mail -Sales, 115 Glen- Albert Drive, Toronto. EUROPE 1956 • MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW Ylalla oil r Vacation Arrangements ti s4tp1�� in Bermuda - California Jamaica - Miami - Nassau Mexico - Hawaii AIR, AND STEAMSHIP RESERVATIONS CRUISES AND BUS TOURS Hotel Reservations Anywhere O. K. JOHNSON & CO. LTD. 697 Bay St, EM. 6-9488 CyANADA`:FINEST '�tt T E • ��!V4K�hEf • 6 " ' PAGE 4 THE STANDARD •►'#4~I11 •Nig.IJN ~#•#~••••M 4044,^mro~m~r.+JV•IN• • N SIDE BACON (rindless ends) . IIF. LB. PKG, 20c BACK BACON `fif. Lb. Pkg. 37c PURE LARD (our own) Lb. 15c BLUEBERRIES 16 Oz, Pkg, 35c SALMON STEAKS Lb. 45c Arnold Berthot MEAT --- FISH Free Delivery: 10 a.m. and After 4 p.m. Telephone 10 --- Blyth. M.+v 0.4~41,11#4,4441.4,04~"•###44'#####‘4,4"0"4.414, 1 .+4.4-$-t+••.1.41.44-••±4'+4-•*44+4.444444. 4.-•4•t•t.++.1+ 44444 FULL COURSE MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Excellent Service --- Satisfaction Guaranteed. HURON GRILL BLYTH - ONTARIO FRANK GONG, Pr3prietor.`' 1444444+•4+44 *4-44-.4444444 +•• •• •-•-•-•-•++++4•+•+•-•-N+4+•41 ' 4.4444444.44,44440444444444•444.~##4•4444.• FURNACES FOR SALE Hand fired, coal or wood; Oil fired; Stoker fired; Forced air units; Gravity units. Handling all name brand equipment. Free Estimates --- Repairs to all makes. A. MANNING & SONS Phones 207 or 234 --- Blyth, Ont. News SHOWER HELI) Of Auburn The Forester's Hall, Auburn, was Dna scene of a shower last Thursday ev- ening In honour of a popular bride -of - the -month, Miss. Amelia Mcllwain. The hall was tastefully decorated with aut- umn flowers, roses and colored maple leaves, Mrs, Wes. Bradnock presided for the program which was: piano solo by Mrs. Elt,in Josling, Londesboro; duet by Misses M,u•„o Grange and Gladys McClinchey, accompanied by Miss Rena McClinchey; reading, Mrs. John Gra• ham; accordion solo, Miss Rena Mc• Clinchcy, Mrs. Ed. Davies then show- ed picures of Florida and described the different ecenes where she had visited last winter. A duet was sung by Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Mrs. Ronald Rath - well , Mrs, Lorne Scrimgeour of Blyth gave two interesting readings; duet, Mrs. Ducan MacKay and Mrs. Larry Glasgow. Mitts Me1lhvaih was invited 'o the chair of honour an the platform nd Mrs. Gordon Dobie read an ad - tress. Gifts were carried in by Mrs. 4'illiam Straughan. Mrs. Cliff Mac- ')onald, Mrs. Gordon McClinchey,' Mrs. ordon Miller and Mrs. Keith Machan, and then Amelia was showered with -onfetti from balloons. Aphelia thank - ad everyone -for their gifts and invited all to visit then, Everyone joined in 'For She's a Jolly Good Fellow", and the program closed with "The Queen." A social hour was spent after. Mrs. Robert J. Phillips was the accompanist for the evening. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ENTERTAIN GRANDMOTHERS • Decorated with autumn foliage and baskets of flowers, the Forester's Hall was the setting for the Women's In- stitute Grandmother's meeting. The grandmothers were met at the door by Mrs. Harry Sturdy and Mrs. Frank Raithby, who were dressed in old-time costumes and then escorted to their seats which were marked with corsages of blue ribbon and golden -shaded glad- ioli. Mrs, Wellington Good presided for the meeting which opened with the Lord's Prayer, the Institute Ode, and .44•••••••####44~4rMIN••#.## rNr4.rMNN #~4saN 4.MKNN ''N4., the Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Can- ' ads. The roll call was answered by "How to Postpone Old Age." The min- ws#44•••######~~~"".#,#,......,fas~~~~essas4w#4m4smis#44. 411 otos of the last meeting were read and the new business discussed, It was de- cided to sponsor the Girls 4-H Home- making Club "What Shall I Wear". Mrs. W. Bradnock was chosen leader. The BERNARD HALL Insurance Agency LIFE, FIRE, 'AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, WIND AND ALL CLASSES OF INSURANCE. PHONE 122 - BLYTH, ONT. LINM4.4.IrM.N444.444#4 1.~.44,44•44,4"41.4444440444#4444,00.44444.4•4444.4444,44N 1N •++• •-•-04-•+•-•444 + •++ •1+•-+++4-•-.•-4-44+4+4•- Needlecraft Shoppe tGirls' and Boys' Station Wagon Sets, nylon gabardine, 4 to Gx $18.75 Station Wagon Coats only, 3 to 11, $9.95 and $12,95 Girls' & Boys' Sleepers and Pyjamas $1.98 & $2.98 Girls' Lined Corduroy Jackets &'Hats, 8 to 12, $5.95 See our New Suits for Boys, 1 to 4 years in cor= duroy, holland suede, gabardine, fibrene and quinella all at $3.98 each 1 . • • • • • ♦ 44 44 44++++4444444 +44+444+444-•4444-, :1111.1.11.1111111111"111" 1.211107 1 New Arrivals In Merchandise For FALL & WINTER NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS. NEW STYLES IN FALL DRESSES. LARGE SELECTION OF SKIRTS. GIRLS' JUMPERS (Sizes 7 To 12 Years. MEN'S FALL HATS (Stetson) in the latest styles and colours. MEN'S NEW JACKETS, In 'Windbreaker and Stroller Styles. CHILDREN'S CORDUROY JEANS . SPEC. $1.98 LADIES' JEANS (all sizes including large sizes upto44. LADIES' GREY FLANNEL SLACKS, Sizes -38 to 44. THE ARCADE STORE STORES IN BLYTH AND BRUSSELS. Resolutions to the Arca Convention were dealt with and passed. Mrs. W. Good was chosen as delegate with Mrs. George Millian and Mrs. Charles East as alternatives, 1l was also decided to send a donation to the Blind. Mrs. Sid- ney McClinchey extended a welcome to the grandmothers and led in commun- ity singing with Mrs, R. J. Phillips at the piano. One of the selections were sung by the Grandmothers themselves. A reading was given by Mrs. Wes Bradnock, "Grandmother's Chair," A harmonica solo, "Darling Nellie Gray" by Mrs. Everett Taylor, accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. A piano solo by Mrs. Sidney McClinchey. A duct by Mrs. Duncan McKay and Mrs. Larry Glasgow, dressed in old-time costumes, sang "Juanita". Reading by Mrs. Bert Daer. An accordian and vo- cal solo "I Dfeam of Jeanie" by Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor. All joined in "Faith of our Fathers." Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Alvin Leatherland for the grandmother whose birthday was near- est the meeting day;- to Mrs, George Iamilton for the grandmother with the most great grandchildren; to Mrs. J. C. Stoltz for the grandmother who had been married the longest; and to Mrs: F. 0. Mcllveen who was the last grand- mother to enter the hall. Refresh- ments were served by Mrs. Bert Daer, Mrs. Sidney McClinchey, Mrs, Roy Easom, Miss Viola Thompson, Miss Jo- anne Easom and Miss Elva Gross. Straughan-IIcllwain , A quiet but pretty wedding took place at James Street United Church manse, Exeter, on Saturday, September 24th, at 11 a.nh., when Rev. Harold Snell united In marriage Amelia McIlwuin, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Mcllwain, of Auburn, and Mr. Canner Straughan, son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Janes Straughan, of Colborne township. The bride was becomingly attired in a grey tweed suit with black accessories and a corsage of red roses, Mr. and Mrs. Willows Mountain of Londesboro were the witnesses. Fol- lowing the ceremony a dinner ;was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Willows Mountain by Mrs. Elgin Jos - ling and her daughters, Later Mr. and Mrs, Straughan left for a short wed- ding trip. On their return they will reside in Auburn, - Mrs, Fred Ross was guest at the Han- suld - Rutherford, wedding in Galt last Saturday. ' • • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Craig, of Gode.i rich, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. William J. Craig. Miss C. M. Ross, of Winnipeg, visited has entered Western University, Mr, Fred Darg, Mr, Del Monte, of London, Mrs. John Pepper and family, of Hensall, visited on Sunday with Mr, and -Mrs; Wellington Good. Miss Mary Housten, of Hamilton, Miss Frances Houston, of London, vis- ited with their parents, Mr, and Mra, John Houston. Rally Day Service Held Rally Day service was held last Sun- day at 930 a.m. in Knox Presbyterian Church with Mr, Peter Walter to charge, Miss 114arg orct Nevins and Mr. Gordon Daws read the scripture les:cns. A quartette of Misses Ma'- garel Haines, Marie"Leatherland; Ger- ald Dobie and Edgar Leatherinnd, sang "I. think when I read." Air. Walter spoke on how the Bible speaks to us to -day. IIe spoke on Stephens life and haw he was so faithful to his faith that he was stoned to death and that our responsibilities to -clay are to our Sab- bath Schools and the Church. Mr, and Mrs, James T. Craig who have been visiting in Western Canada and the Pacific Coast returned hone last Saturday.• Miss Ella Wagner. R.N., of Wayne. ,Michigan, and Miss Laura Wagner, R.N., of Syracuse, i•lew York, are vis- iting with tier b.olier, Mr. Walter Wagner, and sister, Miss Minnie Wag - Several front here mended the Blyth Fall Fair. Our school with Mr. Dun- can MacKay, the teacher. marched in the parade. A.tnnual Harvest Home hestival Autumn flowers, fruit and vegetables adorned St. Mark's Anglican Church for their annual Harvest Iiome Festival when the rector, Breit de Vries, was in charge of the morning service with the church organist, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, at the organ. The guest soloist Mr, Kenneth Monck, of London, sang "The Stranger of Gallelee" and "Bles- sing." In Mr. de Vries inspiring mes- sage was based on how thankful we as Canadians should be in this land of Plenty. In the evening the guest speak- er was, Rev. S. V. Uptigrove, tempor- ary assistant to the Dean of Huron, of London, Ontario, whose message was, "There is no salvation for mankind ex- cept through God," Mr, Monck sang two solos. "The Publican" and "I shall not pass this way again." Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell visit- ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lionel Rathwell, of Port Elgin, over the week- end. Mr. Murray Rathwell returned hone with them after holidnyingjor a week here, s Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan and Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Lyon, visited Mr. Straughan's sister, Mrs. William May- hew, and Mr. Mayhew, at Thamesville, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sisley, of Ni- agara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sisley and family, of Clinton, visited on Sat- urday with Mr, and Mrs, Ezekiel Phil- lips. Mr and Mrs. Donald Fowler called on Lucknow friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown. of Wind- sor, vsited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Fremlin and son, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Fremlin, of Clin- ton, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Maud Fremlin, Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Evans of Cincin- nati, Ohio, visited last week with their neicc, Mrs. Wm. L, Craig, Mr, Craig, Allan and Brian. Miss Joanne Eason of Wingham Hospital, visited last Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Easom at Marlene. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Haggitt and Rose Marie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haggitt at Blyth. Rev. D, J. Lane, Clinton, will have charge of the service in Knox Presby- terian Church, Auburn, next Sunday. Sabbath School at 1 .p.m. and church service at 2 p.m. Rev. D. J, Lane :► to be in charge of the congregations at Clinton, Auburn and Blyth. Residents of Auburn and community are reminded of the Blyth Lions Club paper collection to be made 0ctobe, llth, The co-operation of those with waste paper is earnestly sought by the Club. A disposal point has been nr• ranged for at the I3uron County gar- age where residents of the community may leave their collection prior to Oct. 11th. The Blyth Lions Club have several worthy projects pending. the funds from the paper drive being Ur- gently needed to further their efforts, 1VILSON - SHIELDS • Rev, George D. Watt officiated at the 'United Church parsonage in Dun- gannon at the wedding of Charlotte Rose Marie Shields, to Mr, Norman Wilson, on Saturday, -at 2 p.m, The bride' Is n daughter of Mr, and Mts. Percy Shields, Port Albert, and the groom is a sou of the Late Mr, nnd'Mra, Thomas Wilson, Goderich, The bride her aunt, Mrs Frcd Ross, over the wore a waltz -length strapless gown of white ,nylon ,net., and chantilly lace, The skirt featured .tierth of lace and net with scalloped 'lace hemline. Iter lace jacket had long sleeves ending to points over the hands and a Peter Pan collar embroidered with pearls and se- quins. Her headdress was a coronet of pearls to which was attached a fin- gertip veil. She carried a bouquet of deep pink rosss, white stephanotis and trailing Ivy. Miss Shirley Brown, of Port Albert, was bridesmaid, She wore a green strapless gown of nylon net over sat- in with green figured bolero and matching headdress. She carried a week -end. Miss Ross has recently re- turned from a 4 -month tour of England, Ireland and Scotland, Mr. William S. Craig, Clinton. Mrs, Betty Wilkin and Mrs. William J: Craig attended anniversary services Sunday evening at Constance United Church of the Londesboro.charge. Mr. Craig was gttestsoloist accompanied by Miss Mar- garet A. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross, of Oak- ville, visited at the home of his mother, Mrs. Fred Ross, over the week -end. Congratulations to Mr. George Wright who has won the LO,D.E. Bursary of $150 for his Grade 13 work. George Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1955 .4,44 4444.4444 •444.444 ••• •-• •4+.4.+..44.44+.4+++++44414• i + • • • • • • • 7th ANNIVERSARY SALE CONTINUES AT MADILL'S UNTIL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st. Snore -wide Discounts on Our Entire Stock not already on sale. 10 PERCENT ON MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR. 5 PERCENT ON LEATHER & RUBBER FOOTWEAR. Our Anniversary Sale thus far has been a huge success.. Corrie in and save handsomely on our Sale. NYLON IIOSE SPECIAL For those that were not lucky enough to get any of our Nylon Klose Special at 84c Per Pair, ! First Quality, we will have another rihipment before the end of this week. FREE CANDY BAR FOR THE CHILDREN ACCCMPANIEi) BY AN ADULT, R. W. MADILL'S • 1► ' '� ' c SHOES -- MEN'S �.130Ys WEAR "The Home of Good Quality Merchandise"' fi i b4- 44444.4•+444 • • 1 • 44-•4 • 4-4444-4 • • • + • 4 • 4444-4..••-•-4 4444 4-: Wingham Memorial Shop \ Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of �1.QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP. • Open Every Week Day. CEMETERY LETTERING. Phone 256, Winghani R. A. SPOTTON. MINIM II'N4.'rMNNrMI+4.N N•••••••••••••••••••.•••••044,•~4~ ANNIVERSARY SERVICES BLYTII UNITED CHURCH OCTOBER 9th, 1955 ' 11:15 a m, and 7:30 p.m. Guest Preacher ---REV. A. G. EAGLE, B.A., B.D., Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. • Guest Soloist ---MR. BILL ANDREWS, Toronto, Ontario. 44-2. A Cordial Invitation to Everyone td Attend Hw4,4N1N04044,444.•r+Nr.+r+.104v+.!N+4 •444+.-.-.44..++ 4-.44+4+• .4++4444 •-.-• • 4•44+4++-+44-++44444 KINSEN CLINTONCA INGO LIOdVf ARENA Fri., ept.. 30 • 33,500 IN P'IZES Sponsored by The Kinsmen Club of Clinton ADDED ATTRACTION: $500e Door Prize 1 1 1 Bring this ad. It Will't;'ivean extra Chance on the $500 Free Door Prize. Limit: one of these Free extra chances per person. Another Free Ticket 011 $500 Door Prize with each $1.00 worth of Bingo Cards bought Inside. YOU M UST BE PRESENT, TO WIN! ♦ 444444444444+ • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • .44 44444444-+4-..-.-.4.4-+ -% bouquet of yellow rand orchid mumu and ivy loaves. Donald McGuire of Goderich. was groomsman. A reception was held at the Park House, Goderich, for the immediate families. ' ' For travelling the bride chose n grey dress with red accessories. The couple will reside in Goderich. The' groom is well known in this district, having lived here for several years. I'Vehoday, Sept, 28, 1955 THE STANDARD w.._......... V ,AGE BLYTH FALL FAIR PRIZE LIST WINNERS IIORSES HEAVY DRAUGJIT - 'I'enm in har- ness, Ken McDougall. GENERAL PURPOSE -Team in her- ness, Ro3s A'icKague; Single General Purpc':e or Wagon Type, Ross Me- Kague, CARRIAGE 011 HACKNEY TYPE --- Single horse in harness, Ross Mc - Ka sae, ROADSTERS -Single driver, Jerry Longeway, Monkton; Team In hnt'no.;F, Jerry Longeway. 1st and 2nd, SPECIALS -Best team in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, Ross MeKngue, K. McDougall; Best team in twps, of Morris and Hun. lett, K, McDougall; Best horse: any as, shown on halter in classes 6, 7, 8, p, Ross MeKngue, ,J, Longeway, 2»d anti 3rd; Best 'horse shown on Ino in etas- f nes 1, 2, 3, 4, K. McDougall. Ross Me- Kaguc, 2nd and 3rd; half mile race by roadster team, , Jerry Longeway; nIalf mile race by single roadster, J. Longe - way, 1st and 2nd; Best lady driver, Airs. Ross McKague: Best gentleman's turnout, accompanied by lady, Ross Mc- Kaguc, ,Terny. Lonreway: Best matched team. IC. McDougall. SPECIAL --Public School Boy or Girl, Pony on halter, rndius 1' miles, Charlie Knox, Shirley Jackson, Blyth, Dave Kirkby, Walton. CATTLE SHORTHORN -Jr. heifer calf, A. Gaunt, Lucknon: E. Wightman, 2nd and 3rd; Senior heifer c:Zf, A, Gaunt, M. Taylor and Sons, Beigrave, Allan Scott; 1 year old heifer calf, A. Gaunt. 13o3 - men; 2 year old heifer calf, A. Gaunt, 1st and 2nd; M. Taylor; Aged cow, A. Gaunt, M. Taylor; Champion female, A. Gaunt; Jr. bull calf, A. Gaunt; Sr. bull calf, A. Gaunt, 1st and 2nd; Bull, 1 year and under 2, M. Taylor; Aged bull. A. Gaunt; Chiunpian bull, A, Gaunt; Herd, Mill and 3 females, A, Gaunt, M. Taylor; Get of Sire, 3 ani- mals,, A. Gaunt, A4, Taylor. .PUREBRED HEREFORDS - Jr. hei- fer calf, G. Kennedy, 11, Eedy; J, Coul- tes; Senior heifer calf, G. Kennedy, 11, Eedy, 2nd and 3rtl; Year-old heifer calf, H.Eedy, 1st and 2nd; 2 year old heifer calf, J. Coultes, H. Eedy, G, Ken- nedy; Aged cow, G. Kennedy, J. Coul- les, G, Kennedy; Champion renal', J. Coultes; Jr. hull calf. 0, Kennedy, G. Kennedy, J. Coulees; Sr, Hull calf, I1 Eedy, ,1, Coultes, 0, Kennedy; Bull, 1 yen' atul under 2. 1f. Ecdy, G. Kennelly.. J. Coullc, ; Aeed bull, .7 Couites; Cham- pion bull, It, Eedy; herd, bull and 3 fe- males, 11. Eedy, ,1. Coultes, G. Kennedy; Get of Sire, 3 animals, 11, Hedy, G, Ken- ney. J. Coulter. PUllEli 1tE1) ABEI1IEtN - ANGUS - Jr. heifer calf, Mnrjorie Rinn; 2 year 01(1 heifer calf, Ma': orie Ilinn, 1st and 2i+d; Champion female, Alnrlorie Rinn; Jr. bull calf, Marjorie Rinn: Bull, 1 yr. end under 2, Marjorie Rhus; Herd, bull and L' females, Marjorie Ilion, , ' T. EATON SPECIAL -••Beat finished :.icer or heif,;r for baby beef, wt. (11) to 750 lbs., Geo. Bacon, 1)A)RY (1:1'1'9'3[; A\'RESIiiIWFS-Jr. heifer calf, 7. Har- rison, Goderich; Bossily Nott, Ivan Howell, Sr, heifer calf, E. Schaus; Year old heifer calf, II. Cartwright, E. Schaus; 2 year old heifer. E. Sehsus; Aged cow. E. Schnus, 1st and 2nd; Ag- ed bub, E, Schaus; Champion bull, 1,1 Schsuts; herd, bull and 3 females, E. Schen. PUREBRED JERSEYS - Jr. heifer coif, Dr. K. Jackson, L. Carter, Dr. Jackson; Sr. heifer call, L. Carter, 1st and 2nd; Year oke heifer, L, Carter, J. W, Storey, L Carter; 2 year old heifer, L, Carter. 1st and 2nd; Aged cow, L. Carter, 1st and 2nd; Champion female, L. Carter; A;;ed bull, L. Carter; Chan - pion bull, L. Carter; Herd, bull and i3 females, L. Carter; Get of Sire, 3 ani mals, L. Carter, SHEET' LEICESTER -E, Snell took all 1st and 3rds in this class, with Linke Bros. tim- ing all 2nds, OXFORDS-Emke Bros: took all Ists and 2nds in this class. SHORPSHIRES-Emke Bros, took n11 Isis and 2nds in this class, SPECIALS -Champion ram, E. Snell; Champion ewe, Emke Tiro,,; Shorting ewe, and ewe lamb, Emke Br•os., E, Snell, P:mke Bros. HOGS YORKSHIRE --Boar, 1 year of over, A. II, Warner, A, Bacon; I3oar, over 6 months and under 1 y`enr, A. Bacon; J3oar, unc6:r ti months, A'. H. Warner. 1st and 2nd, Ivan Howatt; Champion male, A, H, Warner; Sow, 1 year or ov- er, A. J3acdn, A, II, Warner, 2nd and :3rd; Suw, 6 months and under 1 year, A. Bacon, A. II, Warner, A. Macon.; Sow, under 6 months, A, Bacon, A. H. Warner; Champion female, A. Bacon. SPECIAL. --Bank of Commerce -Best pair bacon gilts --Ivan Wightmun. 1'011 L'1'UY 3 pair Pekin ducks, 1055, Rne Hous- ton, Ist and 2nd; Barred Rock pullet, Wm. Carter; Rae Houston, 2nd and 3rd; ?.nrred Rock cockerel, Wm. Carter, Rae Houston, 2nd and 3rd; Rhode Islam: Red Pullet, M. Crich, Ist, 2nd and 3rd; Rhode Island cockerel, 7I. Crich, 1st, 2nd and 3rd; Pen 3 market cockerels, Rae I-louston, Wm, Carter, Howard Cartwright; Pen 3 bred -to -lay pullets, any breed, Rae Houston, Wm. Carter, GRAIN Half bus, fall wheat. G: McClinchey, Auburn, Hugh Blair, Don Coultes, Bel - grave; Half bus, early outs. Rae IIous- totn, David Nesbitt, Wm. Carter; Half bus. late oats, Robt. Marshall, Hugh Blair, Edgar Wlghtman; Half -bus. 6 - rowed barley, Rae Houston, .E Wight - man; ti stalks ensilage corgi, Wm. Car- ter;•1 bus. oats, grown from 1054 Field Crap Competition, David Nesbitt, It00Ts ANI) VEGETABLES -6 mangolds, white, S. Fear; 6 man- :tolds, red, Mrs. W. Gew, Mrs. S, Fear; 6 field turnips, Mrs. L. Phelan; 11 qt, basket late potatoes. Rae Houston, Mrs. F. Benninger; 11 qt. basket early po- tatoes, Mrs, Benninger, Mrs. A. Hag- gitt; 6 narrots, table use, Ivan Wight - man, Mrs, Haggitt; 6 beets, table use, Mrs. R. Procter, Mrs. G. Charter; 6 par- snips, Mrs, A, Haggitt, Mrs, G. Charter; 6 qt, basket yellow onions, Mrs. Hag- gitt, Mrs. R. Procter; 2 citrons, Mrs, A. Haggitt, Mrs, Benninger; 2 musicale). ons, Mrs. J. Walpole, Mrs, L. Phelan; 2 wutermelluns, Mrs. Bennniger. Mrs, S. Fear; 2 squash, Green Uubburd,'Mrs. F. Benninger, Rae Houston; 2 pie pump- kins, Mise If, Young, Mrs. Benninger 2 head white rubbagc, Mrs, W. Empey, Mrs. F, Benninger; 2 head red cabbage, Mrs. A. Haggitt; 6 ears sweet corn, Mrs. ll, Procter, Wm. Carter; 6 tomatoes, Iv- an Howatt, Mrs. E. Howatt; 2 kolerobl, Mr. IJaggitt, Mrs. Benhinger; Largest pumpkin, MiVs J. Woodcock, Mrs, Hag- gitt; Best collection, Mrs, Haggitt. Mrs, Serunger, FRUIT Plate, Northern Spy, David Nesbitt, Mrs. 11. Procter; Plate McIntosh Red, David Nesbit:; Plate Snows, Mrs, Orval Mu.Guwan; Plate Tatman Sweets, Rae Houston, David Nc' ')itt; Plate St. Law• renee, Ivan 1lowatt, Mrs, R. Procter; 6 winter pears on plate, Mrs. W. Empey, Ivan Howatt; 6 fall peers on plate, Mrs, W. Empey. UOMI' STIC SCIENCE Gormmn E':kert & Co. - Best spice cake, Mrs. W. Empey, Mrs, C. John- ston; Best chili sauce, Rae Houston, Mrs, A. Haggitt; Canada Packers -Best Apple Pic. Mrs, E, Howatt, Mrs, C', Johnston, Mrs, A. JIaggItt; Best layer cnke, Mrs, W. Empey, Mrs. C. John- ston, Mrs. S. Fear, BAKING -Sponge cake (not iced) - Mrs. C. Johnston, Mrs. " S. Chellew; Chocolate loaf cake,•Alrs, Johnston, Mrs, S. Fear; Banana layer cake (iced), Mrs, Johnston, Mrs. W. Empey; Light fruit coke, Mrs, Johnston, Mrs. Fear; 6 cup cakes, 2 different kinds, decorated, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Fear; Jellied fruit sal- ad, Mrs. Johnston, Airs. K. Webster; Jellied vegetable salad, Mr's. Webster, Miss J. Woodcock; Candy, IS/ lb, maple cream, Mrs, L, Scrimgeour, Mrs, S. Fear; Candy, Vs lb. chocolate fudge, Mrs. Scrimgeour, Mrs, Johnston; Pump- kin pie, Mrs. Scrimgeour, Mrs. Fear; Cherry pie (lattice top), Mrs. J. Kelly, Mrs. It Proctor; Raisin pie (lattice top), Mrs, Johnston. Mrs. E, Howatt; Tarts, �I. Mr. and Mrs: John Smith are happy toe Chevrolet announce the arrival of a beautiful Bel Air, Two -Tone Hardtop. and Caroline, A wonderful surprise for Jimmy and Mother and Dad are just too.excited for words. Bumper to bumperit's a real beauty - easy to handle, yet • o, et full of pep and raring to g�' glances You should see the admirinag it receives. are An addition .to the family we are in for a very proud of, and we -know, e great deal of fun and,joy together: mil i Why not add a Chevrolet to your a y Sas AVamo6 A DREAM FROM THE FIRST From the first moment you step aboard, you'll find Chevrolet is a real dream in every way- - in economy, in power, in ride, in stabili- ty and in luxury, too. This is the car you've always wattled, EASY ON THE GAS Ultra-high compressions, valve -In -fend design, short stroke pistons - these and many more produce a won.. derful fuel efficiency that saves you money with every thrilling mile you travel, SURPRISING HOW IT GETS AROUND Chevrolet's nimbleness and manoeuvrability allows you to make time, without speed- ingg, in all triune conditions, Ball Race Steering brings new ease of control and the new shorter turning radius gets you in, and out, of tight places safely, AMAZINGLY FIRM AND STEADY Unmatched rondability is the brightest of Chevrolet highlights, The new sus cn- sion keeps you on the levelp under any kind of roactcnn- ditions. And just wait 'til you try its cornering ability. A WONDER IN ITS WEIGHT CLASS The all-new, tremendously compact Chevrolet V6 is the lightest engine in its class, vet it powers a performance that outdoes them air, Try the high power -to -weight ratio of Chevrolet today, You'll be amazed! A REAL DARLING FOR LOOKS Looks are a matter of per. somal taste, but this year Chevrolet Is the fastest sell- ing ear In automotive his- tory, And we're sure that most people gave full can - sideration to beauty and style when they chose a Chevrolet, tllvstraled - Chovrolol Del Air Hardtop Chevr�:iet A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Day by day, Chevrolet grows in popularity and sales! Lorne. Brown Motors Limited CLINTON - ONTARI0 C•37SSD (3 butter, 3 jam), Mrs, 0. McGowan, Mrs. E. Howatt; White bread (1 loaf), Mrs. A. Haggitt, Mrs, J. Kelly; Plain buns, Mrs. Kelly, ,Mrs. Haggitt; Cream puffs, Mrs, Chellew, Mrs, Johnston; Date loaf, Mrs. Benninger, Mrs, Fear; Bran muffins, Mrs. Fear, Mrs, E. How. alt; Rolled cookies (6 each of 2, vatic - tie), Mrs, 0. McGowan; Plate 6 mac- arocns, Mrs. McGowan; Plate 6 fancy ':ookies, Mrs. McGowan, Mrs, Fear; Plate 6 short bread, Mrs. Scrimgeour, Mrs. Johnston; Sandwiches (4 variet- :es, afternoon tea), Miss J. Woodcock, Mrs. Fear; Child's birthday cake (de- corated for 8 year old), Mrs. Johnston, Mrs, Howatt, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE SPECIAL - Best white fruit cake, Mrs, Johnston, Mrs, J. Warwick. CANNED GOODS -Jar canned tom- atoes, Mrs. R. Proctor, Mrs. Benninger: ,lar canned corn, Mrs. C: ,Johnston, Mrs. R. Proctor; Jar canned peas, Mrs. R. Procter; Jar canned beans, Mrs, R. Proctor; Jar canned peaches. Mrs. R. Proctor. Mrs. L, Phelan: Jar cannel raspberries, Mrs. C. ,Johnston, Mrs. L. Phelan; Jar canned pears, Mrs. R. Proctor, Mrs, L. Phelan: Jar canned cherries (red), Mrs. C. Johnston; Jar canned cherries (black), Mrs, R. Proc- tor; Jar sweet cucumber pickles, Mrs. R. Proctor, Mrs. Johnston; Jar di!) pickles, Mrs. Benninger, Mrs. Phelan; Marmalade, 2 varieties, Mrs. R. Pro: - tor, Mrs, Fear; Jam, raspberry, Mrs, Phelan, Mrs. Johnston; Jelly. apple, Mrs, Fear, Mrs, Proctor; Jam, straw- berry, Mrs, Proctor, Mrs. Phelan; Ap- ple sauce, Mrs. Scrhngeour, Mrs. Char- ter. NFEULEWORK Quilt, pieced cotton, Mrs, A, Haggitt, Mrs, 0. McGowan; Quilt, pieced cot- ton, mixed colors, Mrs, W. Gow, Mrs. R. Schultz; Quilt, applique, Mrs, S. Chellew, Mrs. Schultz; Quilt, any oth- er, Mrs, J. Walpole, Mrs. Gow; Quilt, fancy quilting, Mrs, McGowan, Mrs. L. Phelan; Crib quilt, Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. Haggitt; Mat hooked with raga, Mrs. McGowan, Mrs. Haggitt; Mat hook- ed with yarn, Mrs, Fear; Mat, any oth- er, Miss Helen Young. LIVING ROOM --Cushion (new idea), Mrs, Warwick; Table centre, Mrs. Schultz, Mrs, Haggitt; Chesterfield set, 3 pieces, Mrs, Haggitt, Mrs, E, Harri- son, DINING ROOM --Buffet set, 3 pieces, Mrs, Walpole; White table centrepiece, Mrs. Fear, Mrs. Haggitt; Runner, 4 place (vats, Mrs, Haggitt; Luncheon set, 5 pieces, Mrs, Fear; Lace cloth, Mrs. 0. McGowan, Mrs. Haggitt. BEDROOM FURNISHINGS- Pillow slips (embroidered in color, new), Mrs. Warwick, Mrs. Phelan; Pillow slips, lace trim, Mrs.' R. Schultz, Mrs, Jim Wilson; Sheet and matching pillow slips. Mrs, Scrimgeour, Mrs. Wilson; 2 guest towels, different, Mrs. Gow, Mrs. Wit - son; Pillow slips, new design, Mrs, Wil- son, Mrs. Phelan, PERSONAL WEAR- Lady's pyjamas, Mrs, J. Wilson, Mrs. C, Johnston; Skirt, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Fear; House dress, best idea, Mrs. Webster, Mrs, Johnston; Work, apron, (most serviceable), Mrs. Fear, Mrs, Scrimgeour; Fancy apron. Mrs. Haggitt, Miss Helen Young; Best made -over garment (state from what it Is made), Mrs. Webster, Mrs. PheI- nn; Men's pyjamas, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs, Wilson; Men's work shirt, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Johnston; Boy's sport shirt, Mrs. Webster, Mrs, Johnston; Blouse, tail ored, Mrs. Fear, Mrs. Johnston; Child's cotton dress, Mrs, E. Harrison, Mrs. Johnston; ChIld's overalls, Mrs, Joan ston, Mrs, Webster, KNITTING -Men's work socks, Mrs. Haggitt; Men's fine socks., , one color, Mrs, Haggett, Mrs, Fear; Men's fine socks, fancy, Mrs, Haggitt, Mrs. Fear; Men's mitts, Mrs. Haggitt; Child's mitts, Mrs, Haggitt; Lady's gloves, Mrs, Hag- gitt, Mrs. Warwick; Lady's knitted sweater, new, Mrs, Johnston; Baby's jacket, Mrs, Warwick, Mrs, Harrison; Baby's bonnet and bootees, Miss J, Woodcock. Mrs. E. Harrison; Ankle socks, Mrs, Haggitt, Mrs, Harrison; Wool cushion, Mrs. R. Schultz, Mrs. Haggitt, MISCELLANEOUS Two embroidered tea towels, Mrs. L. Phelan; Pot holders, 3 different, Mrs. Fear, Mrs, Warwick; 3 hand -trimmed handkerchiefs, Mrs. McGowan; Tatted doilie, Mrs. Chellew;.3 hand -made doil- ies, Mrs, Schultz, Mrs, Haggitt; Large doilie (crochet, 15" or over), Mrs. Wit - son. Mrs. Haggitt; Article from 1 bag (flour, sugar), Mrs. Phelan, Miss Helen Young, SIMPSON'S SPECIAL -- Best quilt, "New Design", judged for workman- ship, Mrs, Chellew, Mrs. Scrimgeour, ARTS AND CRAFTS 011 painting, landscape, Mrs, C. Johnston; Water color, landscape, Mrs. W. Gow; Letter design, mail box, ink, Mrs. Johnston; Tally cards. Mrs. Chel- lew, Mrs. Johnston; Water color, mar- ine, Mrs. W. Gow; Oil painting, animals, single lir grouped, Mrs. Gow. SPECIAL-Conntestant winning most points in Domestic Science, Mrs, C. Johnston. FLOWERS Asters, 3 blooms, Miss J. Woodcock, Mrs. W, Empey; Marigolds. lnrge, 3 blooms, Mrs. E, Harrison, Mrs. C. John - atop; Caleridulas, 5 blooms, Mrs. L. Phelan. Mrs. R, Proctor; Zinnias, large, 3 blooms, Mrs. W, Empey, Miss Wood- cock; Zinnias, fancy, 5 blooms, Mrs Empcy, Miss Woodcock; Collection 4 an- nuals, 3 sprigs each variety. Mrs, Em - pay, Mrs, C, Galbraith; Dahlia, 1 bloom, Mrs. Chellew, Mrs. F. Benninger; Dah- Ila, 3 blooms, Mrs. Chellew, Miss Wood- - cock; Gladiolus, 1 spike, Rae Houston, Mrs. Johnston; Gladioli, in basket, Mrs. C, Galbraith; Rose, 1 bloom. Miss Woodcock, Mrs. Phelan; Roses, display, Miss Woodcock, Mrs. Phelan; Dining room bouquet, not aver 0", Mrs, John- ston, Mrs, Galbraith; Living room bas- ket, Miss Woodcock; Cactus, collection (3 varieties, Mrs, L. Scrimgeour, Mrs. 5. Fear; Snapdragon display, Mrs, L. Phelan, Miss Woodcock; Cosmos display, Mrs, Charter, Mrs. Johnston; Mixed bouquet, . Miss Woodcock, Mrs. Scrim - 'scour. SPECIAL, A. BERTHOT-For most points in flowers --Miss J. Woodcock. GROUP DISPLAYS 1st, Group 4 (Mrs, C. Sundercock); 2nd, Group 1 (Mrs. C, Falconer); 3rd, Group 2 (Mrs, L. Scrimgeour); all United Church W. A, groups; 4th, Blyth Women's Institute and Group 3 (Mrs. C. Laddis group of the W.A., tied. JUNIOR SECTION Best School Banner --1st, S.S, No. 8, Morris, Mrs. Beth Plunkett, teacher; 2nd, No. 13, East Wawanosh, Mrs. L. Wightman, teacher; 3rd, No. 10, Hul- lett, Miss Beth Campbell, teacher; 4t11, No. 16 East Wawanosh, Mrs, S. Lan- sing, teacher; 5th, No, 7, Hullett, Miss Nancy Webster. teacher. ART -Grade 1; Joan McNeil, Ruth Warwick, Vicki Fowler, James Henry; Grade 2: John Martin, Anne Knapp, Glenna Gowing, Don Scrimgeour; Grade 3 and Grade 4: Lila Black, Les Hoog- enboom, Tent Gecrtsma, Sharon Gray; Grades 5 and 6; Tom Siertsma, John McDowell, Nancy Johnston, 1?on Mc- Dowell; Grades 7 and 8: Jean Hod- gins, Garth Walden, Rose Marie Lutz. Yvonne Rath. WRITING --Grade 1; Joan McNale, James Henry, Marianne deVries, Rutlt Warwick; Grade 2: Glenna Gowing; Anne Knapp, Betty Cook, Terry Madill; Grade 3, Sandra Henry, Wilma Albas, Valerie Holland, Peter. deVries; Grad 4: Cheryl Madel), Sheila Henry, Joe Heffron, Teni Giertsma; Grade 5: Nancy Johnston, Gail Gowing, Bernice Mc- Dougall, Betty Siertsma; Grade 6; Aud- rey Lawrence, 'Trientse Bylsma, Her- bert Fangrad, Michael Harrison; Grades 7 and 8; Jean Hodgins, Yvonne Ruth, Shirley Turner, Irene Lawrence. SPECIALS -4 snapshots of animals, Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 Ronnie Elliott, Dianne Sieling, Jayne Proctor, Doug, Howatt; Grades 5, 6, 7, 8, Poster: Betty Blair, Betty Siertsma, Sharon Jackson, Tom Siertsma. COLLECTIONS -Girls, 12 fabrics: Sandra Berthot, Glenna Gowing, Gail Gowing, Doreen Howatt; Boys, 12 woods: Graham Jackson, Ronnie Elliott, Bruce Elliott, Ivan Howatt, FLOWERS --Asters, 3 blooms, Shar- on Currie, Michael Harrison, Judy Ta- man, Ralph Harrison; Dahlia, 1 bloom, Willie Dougherty, Irene Lawrence, Bet- ty Jean Cook, Lena Dougherty; Glad- ioli, 3 spikes, Dianne Sieling, Mary Ann Phelan, Betty Cook,, Doreen Howatt; Calendula, 3 blooms, Sharon Gray, Sandra Berthot, Joyce Procter, Donnie Elliott; Large Zinnias, 3 blooms, Shar on Gray, Bruce Elliott, 'Judy Taman, Dianne Sieling, ROOTS & VEGETABLES -6 potatoes, any variety, Betty Cook, Judy Taman, Joyce Proctor, Nancy Johnston; 6 carrots, table use, Nancy Johnston, Doug. Howatt, Doug. Scrimgeour, Shar- on Benninger; Best pair, pie pumpkins, Sharon •Benninger, Madilene Lawrence, Michael Harrison, Ralph Harrison; 6 onions, Elaine Johnston, Sharon Ben- ninger, Betty Cook, Sharon Currie. SPECIALS --Best dairy heifer calf, Don Carter, Seaforth; Graham Jackson, Blyth; Bobbie Storey, Seaforth: Best beef heifer calf, Ivan Howatt, Beverley Wright, John Wlghtman, W. I, Special -Best Dogwood sand- wich (boys): Ivan Wlghtman; Best school lunch (girls); Nancy Johnston, Dorothy Riehl, PET 'SHOW Cat, .any breed, Donald Elliott, Shar- on Benninger; Rabbits, any breed, 1 pair, Donald Young, Graham Jackson; Best dog in show, Bennie Thomason, Melvin Crich; Dog showing least re- semblance to any breed, Jimmie Carter, Jimmie Phelan; Pair. homing pidgeons, Graham Jackson, Sharon Jackson; Pair any other breed pldgeons, Marjorie Young, Donald Young; Pair bantams, Melvin Crich, Billy Armstrong; Fancy fowl (1 bird)), Melvin Crich, is and 2nd; Most unusual pet, Wilma Albas, Bruce Elliott, WALTON Mr. Archie Summerville has return- ed hone after two months In the west- ern provinces. Mr. and Mrs. .Tames' Mowbray, Des troll, MIch., with Miss Mary Mow- bray, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston and family of Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs, Silas Johnston, st Declining Bee Industry Serious Threat To Farm Crops. "The current trend towards fewer beekeepers and fewer colonies of hon- ey bees in the province of Ontario will seriously affect yields from all those Ontario farm crops requiring pollin- ation," Professor G. F. Townsend of Ontario Agricultural College warned recently in Toronto at n joint meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture, the Ontario Soil and Crop hn- provement Association, and the On- tario Beekeepers' Association. $40,000 worth of equipment invested m their business, "It Is not as easy for a beekeeper to switch over into some other agricultural specialty as it usu- ally is for a general farmer," Mr. Wad- man stated. BELGRAVE The September meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held in the Com- T'he joint meethnsa was called' by the munity Centre on Tuesday afternoon Ontario Federation of Agriculture to with the president, Mrs. W. Scott, In consider a report by the Ontario Bee- the chair. The minutes of the prev- keepers' Association that changes in ions meeting were adopted and the the methods and emphasis of Ontarh treasurer's report heard. Articles for farmers was endangering the beekeep the rummage sale by the Wingham ing industry, Hospital Auxiliary, are to be left at the V. S. Milburn, secretary treasurer of home of Mrs. Clifford Logan, The re - the Ontario Federation of Agriculture solutions to be brought before the Lon - and chairman of the meeting said the don Area Convention were voted on. main objective of the meeting was to Delegates to the convention were ap- bring together farmers who specialized pointed, Mrs. C, Wade, and alternate, in different fields of agriculture to Mrs, J. M. Coultes, Mrs. F. Cook sug- discuss a problem which in one way vested that each member plant a ger- or another affected alt groups. The anium slip for the cemetery flower bed chairman added that beekeepers want- ed more nectar bearing crops and far- mers generally wanted more honey bees. After eonsidering the Beekeepers' re- port, the joint meeting endorsed re- solutions calling for government sup- port of an accelerated research pro- gram on nectar bearing• plants. a vig- orous publicity program pointing out to Ontario farmers the importance of honey bees to their crop yields, and an appeal to the Ontario Federation of Agriculture to consider at its annual meting early in November the bee- ) eepng industry's current problems. A fourth resolution asked that all On- tario farmers should. with a view t maintaining their local beekeeping in- dustry and thereby protecting crop yields, consider planting between one , to five acres of high nectar -bearing plants. Mr, A. H. Martin, Director of the Crop Weeds and Seeds Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture told the meeting that he would be in favour of recommending to his department that in Its plant research program con- sideration be given to plant strains -- particularly in red clover—which not only had high volume. but also high nectar production, Professor Townsend reported to the meeting that honey production in the province of Ontario had gradually slip- ' ped from a peak of 24,000,000 pounds in 1938 to approximately 7,000,000 In each of the past two years, He said that ;;1.1945 there had been 230,000 col- onies in Ontario, which compared with this year's total of approximately 150,- 000 colonies. Not only had production and the number of colonies dropped sharply, Professor Townsend continued, but the beekeeping industry was in a per- iod of adjustment, Beekeepers in Western and Southern Ontario were on the decline, while those who were re- maining In the industry were moving to more northerly and easterly points' in the province, where nectar bearing plants were In greater abundance, This shift In the location of the bee- keeping industry in Ontario, Professor Townsend said, was a matter whims farmers in western and southern On- tario had to regard with concern. Fruit - men in the Niagara belt, he said, were now paying beekeepers to place colon- ies in their orchards. Bee colonies were being brought from as far east as Trenton to pollinate the Niagara area, The problem which faced the Ontar- io beekeeper today, Professor Town. send stated, was that the acreage of suitable honey plants such as buck- wheat, alsike and sweet clover had been markedly reduced in recent next spring. This meeting was ar- ranged by Mrs. J. M. Coultes, conven- er of Health. Roll call was answered with naming a recent medical discov- ery, Mrs. Jas. Michie gave a very in- teresting and instructive talk on civil defence, Mrs, C. Wade sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs, J. M. Coultes, Mrs. W. Scott had charge of current events and spoke on the importance of the World Health Organization, A musical contest was conducted by Mrs. J. M. Coultes. Following the singing of the Queen, lunch was served by Mrs, G. Higgins, Mrs, Harold Procter and Miss Edith Proctor, The regular meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the W.M.S, of Knox United Church, was held at the home of Mrs Ross Robinson with 16 members pres- ent. Mrs. Russ Anderson led in the opening worship service. followed by prayer by Mrs. E. Wightman. News items of interest concerning missions were read by Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mrs, J. R. Coultes, Mrs. Cameron Walsh, Mrs. Clifton Walsh and Mrs. E. Wight - man. Mrs, James Walsh read an article on "Old and New Canadians," Mrs, Ross Anderson read from the new study book. Mrs. Harold Vincent, the presi- dent, took charge of the business per- iod. Reports were read and visits to the sick reported. An Invitation from the' afternoon auxiliary to meet with then at their thanksgiving meeting was accepted. Mrs, H. Vincent and Mrs, Ross Robinson were named dele- gates to go to Presbyterial meeting at Whitechurch. Mrs. Ted Fear gave a re- port on the school for leaders at St. Thomas. A good crowd gathered in the Fores- ter's Hall, Belgrave, on Thursday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Nixon (nee laine Bolt) newly-weds. Music was provided by Bruce's orchestra for dancing. Following lunch Clifford Coultes addressed the young couple through poetry. expressing the best wishes of those present for a happy future. Garner Nicholson presented the young couple with a purse of mon- ey. John replied and thanked all for the gift. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wheeler returned home from London and St. Thomas during the week. Clifford Coultes of Waterloo College spent the week -end at his home here, The Presbyterian W.M.S, held a very successful tea and sale of baking in the Co -Op room on Friday afternoon. James R. Coultes left on Tuesday morning for Manitoulin Island where he will attend the annual sale of Beef Cattle Feeders on Thursday, He also consigned two of his Hereford bulls to the Purebred Hereford Bull Sale being held by the Provincial Hereford Asso- ciation following the Feeder Sale of years, Woodlots and fence -rows have cattle. •_. been removed, most of the basswood Mr, and Mrs. Pickett and family trees have been cut, roadside spraying spent a couple of days with ' relatives which removes moat of the clovers has here last week. been increased, and the use of bale s and forage harvesters remove most of the clovers as they come in bloom. In this same period there has been a very great increase In the cash crop areas of southern and western Ontario. To add further to the beekeeper's Wale, Professor Townsend said, there had been in increase in the frequency of crop failures in recent years. When the current; adjustment period in the beekeeping industry is over, there will be fewer beekeepers operat- ing larger units in Ontario These Professor Townsend predicted that colonies will be operated in smaller yards spread over a wider area in or- der to overcome':%le problem of repeat- ed crop failures*. Some districts will not support bees, and 'for fruit and seed production in these areas, com- mercial pollination will expand. It is also probable that crops for honey pro- duction may be grown on sub -marginal areas under special cultural practice for heavy nectar secretion, Following the joint meeting the exe- cutive of the Ontario Beekeepers' As- soclation stet • to cony/der ways and means to provide assistance to bee- keepers in the counties of Lincoln, Welland, Grey and Bruce whose honey crop this year had been a failure. Att Wartman, president of the Beekeepers' Association had told the joint meeting that there were - beekeepers who had had as many as three and four succes- sive crop failures, He said that this was very discouraging for beekeepers, particularly those who had $30,000 to RETURN TO STANDARD TIME . UNEVENTFUL Citizens turned their clocks back to Standard Time on Saturday night, and the change caused very little incon- venience if indeed any. The extra, hour of daylight now shpws to advantage in the morning Instead of the evening, which is all the better for school children. We don't suppose the change back to Standard Time had anything to do with the welcome rale that `fell on most of Tuesday, but it certainly would help soften up the ground for fall plowing, . The next public holiday is Monday, October 10th, Thanksgiving Day, Crop Report The general rain on September 23rd, the first in weeks, will be of great benefit to fall wheat and pastures. 14 4-H Clubs held their Achievement Dav programs at 3 Fall Fairs during the week,` Numbers and quality of cattle hown at Breed Shows were excellent, ne hundred and fourteen head at the County -Black and• White Show, one undred and one head at the County Hereford Show and one hundred and hirty head at the Perth -Huron. Region - 1 Shorthorn show. Forty-one dairy elves were shown in the County 4 -II airy Show, sixty-six beef calves in he County 4-11 Beef Show and twenty- our gilts in the County 4-11 Champ- ionship Swine show. s 0 h t a e D t 1 p G. W. Montgomery, �aY Tit sirANbLItD BELGRAVE ANNUAL TURKEY SUPPER PLANNED FOR OCT. 12 One of the biggest turkey suppers Is again in the planning stage, one which hundreds of people have come to lock forward to as a highlight of the sea- son. We refer to Belgrave's annual fowl supper which annually now for several years has fed more than eight hundred people, with the entire gath- ering being fed at one time. The event is always held in the Bel - grave community centre arena, f.S. a public meeting held recently it was decided to hold the event this year on October 12th, The following were named to the various tentative cont- mittees, the first named to be chair- man, with power to add to the com- mittee; General chairman: Clarence W. Han- na, Turkeys; George Cook, Stewart Procter, Tickets; C. H. Wade, C. R, Coultes, Martin Grasby, Tables; Robert –Higgins, Kenneth Barbour, Cecil Chamney, Tony Lang - ridge, Harry Goll. Seating; J. R. Coultes, F. Cook, Jack McCallum, Jesse Wheeler, Turnips and potatoes: Ross Ander- son, D. Armstrong, It Walsh, Mac Scott, Ticket collectors: Wes. Cook, James McCallum, Fred Deacon, George Grigg, Decorating; Ross Robinson, -Mrs, M. Mathers, Clifton- Walsh, George John- ston, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph McCrea. Stoves: Mason Robinson, Les Bolt, Roy Robinson, Gordon Pengelly, Gor- don Bosman. Program; Simon Hailahan, Rev, C, Krug, Mrs, Murray McDowell, Mrs, George Michie„ Mr's, Ross Anderson, Mrs. W. Scott. Carving; Albert Vincent, Harry Mc- Guire. R. H, Coultes, Coffee: Mrs. Fred Cook, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, Mrs, Jack Anderson. Mrs. Joseph Dunbar, Gravy: Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Mrs. Cecil Chamney, Mrs, Robert Higgins, Mrs. Herb, Wheeler, Mrs. R. Nicholson, Lines committees: 3rd Morris, 2 tab- les; Mrs. J. M, Coultes, Mrs. Stanley Hopper; 4th Morris, 2 tables; Mrs, Jas. Coultes; Mrs. Garner Nicholson; 5th Morris, 2 tables; Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mrs, Clare VanCamp; 10th East Wa- wanosh, 2 tables; Mrs,,L, Montgomery, Mrs. Norman Coultes; 9th East Wa- wanosh west, 1 table: Mrs, Calvin Rob- inson, Mrs, C. P. Chamney; 9th East Wawanosh east, 1 table; Mrs, 0. G. Anderson, Mrs, Athol Bruce; 6th East Wawanosh, 3 tables; Mrs. Allan Dun- bar, Mrs, Ivan Wightman, Mrs. C. Roth, Mrs. Lewis Cook; Village of Bel - grave, 4 tables; Mrs. Ross Robinson, Mrs. Ralph McCrea, Mrs. CIiff Logan, Mrs, Cliff Purdon, Mrs. • Mac Scott, Mrs. Cameron Walsh. . Turkey room: Mrs, C, Wade, 0. E. Taylor, Dan Hallahan, Calling, Girls In, Teens A World Frlihndship,Rally is planned for ALL tee>a;age Chtarch School and C,G,I.T, girls_ in Huron County, ALL are invited. Over 300 girls are ex. pected, The Southern Area Groups will meet at James Street, ftxeter, on Saturday, October lst, from 2 to 5 pan, The Northern A,reu Groups will mee at W;inghtnn United Church on Sunday, Octolscr 2nd, from 2 to 5 p,m. The guest speulcer is' Mrs. J. Marquis of Durham, Director of Girl's Work and Camps fn. Grey. Cottaty. The program also includes a Worship Service, spec- ial music by Doris 'Johnson, and June and Audrey Ilaekwcll, a lively sing- song, rocreaton, 'and .a discussion, The thecae of this year's World Friendship Rally Is "Today Well Lived," A book display .will be featured. OBIT MARY PETER S'LI;. MARIE Peter Ste, Maxie died suddenly Fr; - day tit his home in `The 5th concession of Morris township, following a heart attack. He was in his Kist year„ and a son of Alexander Ste. Marie and the for- mer Selena Duvall He moved from Clifford to this comrtunity some years ego. His wife, formerly Rose Weber survives along with c ne son George of Clifford; five Cuutoo t( rs Mrs. L. J, (Ir- ene) Brohman. .lueiph, Mrs, Hugh Selena) Burnett, Elmvale, Mrs, Lorne (Laura) Arthurs, Harriston, Mrs, Gor- don (Helen) Blake, Brussels, and Mrs, Victor (Joan) Walden, Kitchener. Requiem high mass was sung at 10;00 a,m, on Monday in St, Ambrose Roman Catholic Church, Brussels, Bur- ial was in Mildmay Ronan Catholic cemetery, , LIONS PAPER DRIVE OCTOBER it th SAVE YOUR WASTE PAPER FOR THIS COLLECTION. Londesboro-Formosa Series Tied At 2 Games Each Londesboro and Formosa are waging a red-hot battle in their softball series for the right to advance further along the WOAA play-off trail \ A large crowd saw Formosa tie the series at two games each at the Blyth diamond on Monday night when they defeated the B-A,'s 10 to 5. Formosa won the first game of the series but Londesboro bounced back to take two in a row before the For- mosa boys found their eye and tied it up here Monday night., Both teams are playing headsup ball, and whoever wins will be worthy con- tenders for future honours. - Sports have been eliminated from our pages during the past two issues, When columns are crowded something must go, and its usually the sports commentary that suffers. For the benefit of subscribers at a distance we should mention the fate of our Blyth Legionairres, The Legionairres`fottght a dismal bat- tle against Lucknow and went down to defeat in four straight games. Prime spoiler for the Legionairres was George Westlake, first baseman for Lucknow. For a man of .his pro- portions he sports a sprightly pair of legs, and a keen batting eye, which was responsible for many of the rums scored by Lucknow, The Legionairres have gone to the showers for good this season, and our hopes are now pinned on Londesboro to bring glory to the district. Barn Raising Staged In East Wawanosh Township East Wawanosh district farmers turned in a real community effort- on Monday as they staged a barnraising bee on the farm of Henry Pattison on the 10th concession, Some 25 neighbors assisted the five farmeru in erecting the structure In record time, The beg was in charge of Fred Dea- con. Framers were Robert Douglas, Stanley Cook, Rutherford Reavie, Ken- neth Scott and Fred Deacon, ' • The barn will have a steel roof, Timbers were taken from another dis- trict barn, The women of the community also contributed their services, They took tt>)rns feeding the men Monday and during the time the old barn was be- ing torn down, Some 11 tractors- were used to hoist the timbers into place. The previous barn was destroyed by fire June 19 when hit by lightning, W diiesday, Sept, 2s, 19155 Londesboro News Mr. and Mrs. David Mair and Char- les of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Fairservice, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Nesbitt and Mrs, George Potter with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gaunt on Sunday. Mr: and Mrs, Geo. Millet' of Toron- to, Mrs. Mosnck of Teeswater, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Miller of Bolmore with Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Cronin, Mr,. and Mrs, Andrew Turnbull of Brussels• with Mr, and Mrs, Emerson Husk' Mr, and Mrs, Jos, Lyon spent . the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, Eldrid Holmes of Dresden, Mr, and Mrs, Willis Mountain, Mr, end Mrs, Robert Youngblutt, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Glov- er near Detroit, Mich. Mr, and Mrs, W.• E, Manning visited with Mr, and Mrs, Gormley Thompson of 3rantford on Sunday, Mrs, Bert Alien spent the week -end with Mrs, Annie Gibson. of Wroxeter. Mr, 'Phos. Fnlrservice is a patient in the Clinton hospital. Residents of the Londesboro commun- ity are reminded, of the Blyth Lions Club paper drive which will Nice Placa on October 11th, The co-operation of everyone is sought to make the drive a real success, The Lions have several projacts for which the funds derived from the drive will be put to good use. A disposal centre for thst Londesboro centre will be announced next week. Mr, Peter Brown of Riverside was a recent visitor with his uncle ,Mr. Ds vld Ewan, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Kerslake, Ed- win, Donald and Joyce, of Elinwille, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Durnin, Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairservlce -were, Mrs, W. Crit- tenden of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Ball of Detroit, and Mrs. Don Pub - low of Vancouver, B.C. Mrs, Jack Clark attended her class reunion at Victoria Hospital, London, one day recently, Dr, W. L. Mair has returned to his home in Detroit after spending thn summer with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Fai'service, W. I, To Meet The October meeting of the W 1. will he held Oct, 0th at 2 o'clock when the Grandmother's Club. will be entertain. ed. Roll call; A law for which I ant thankful, Guest speaker will be Mar- garet Brent& of CKNX. Thote wish- ing to go on the bus trip to Toronto in November, purchase their tickets nt this meeting, as this is the last chance they will have to get them. Program committee: Mrs. W, Manning, Mrs. L. Honking, Mrs. J. McCool, Mrs, R. Riley, Mrs, Sundercock Hostesses; Mrs, M, Little, Mrs. Thomason, Peggy Peckltt, Mrs. T, Allen, Mrs, J. McCool and Mrs, A. Riley, FiRST BIRD BANDING COMMEM- oRA`rEn Fifty years ago, J, H. Fleming. a leading Toronto naturalist, banded a robin in his garden at 267 Rusholme Road, Toronto. becoming the first Can- adian to band a bird for scientific study, - On Saturday, Sept. 24, the anniver- sary of Mr, Fleming's experiment, a,, memorial will be unveiled in High Park to commemorate the first known instance of a bird being banded in Canada. Since Mr. Fleming banded his robin, the bird banding technique Inas been extended throughout Canada by the Canadian Wildlife Service and other agencies. Knowledge of bird life has been increased by the banding of almost a million wild birds, The monument was erected by the Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources on the recommen• dation of the Historic Sites and Monu- ments Board of Canada, J. R. Dymond, of the University of Toronto zoology department, unveiled the memorial, with Professor Fred Landon, of Lon- don, chairman of the Historic Sites and Monuments Board, representing the Board and the Northern Affairs De- partment, TE WIRING for Better Electrical Living Adequate wiring in your home assures convenient, economical electrical living at its best, If you are planning to build a new home, have your local Hydro or your Electrical Contractor explain why it is to your advantage to have sufficient circuits, switches and convenience outlets in order, to derive the full benefit from today's many electrical aids to living. Too often the unsatisfactory operation of electrical appliances is due to inadequate wiring, Many older homes, and some newly built homes, are not wired to efficiently operate more than a few electrical appliances. Specify "Red Seal" wiring to the standard of The Electric Service League of Ontario, a non-profit organization maintained to assist you with wiring problems. See your local Hydro Manager, or send for the FREE BOOKLET, "Facts About Electrical Wiring For Your Home." Write to: The Electric Service League of Ontario, 4 Carlton Street, Toronto 2,. This Red Seal on the service box is your assurance of an Adequately Wired home, 'etliteAfly, Sept. 281 1956 TIM STANDARD PAGE if/ Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO, INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES Automobile, Fire, Casualty, Sickness, Accident, Windstorm, Farm Liability. WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE. Office Phone 104, Residence Phone 140 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm, Farm Stock and Macldncry At Lot 11, Con, 4, Morris Township, 215 miles east of Belgrave, on . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13th, at 12:30 p.m. 1952 Chevrolet 1/2 -ton truck and racks, in perfect condition; McCormick Deering tractor, Super C, fuily equip- ped (like new); 2 -furrow Fleury tractor plow; Mnssey-linr'ris 22 tractor; pow- er mower; spring tooth harrows; John Deere tractor dtsc; 2 sets harrows; 2 - wheel trailer; International ha►nuner mill; 2 rubber -tired wagons; circular maw; Massey -Harris No, 11 electric cream separator (like new); National milking machine; wheel barrow; 40 ft: extension ladder; 3 electric fencers; 120 gal. steel drum; steel barrels. CATTLE -11 young Durham cows, due to freshen in Jan. and Feb.; 2 Ayre - shire cows, due In Jim.; 2 Jersey cows, due latter•part of Jan.; Holstein cow. due in Jan.; 3 Z)urham and Hereford cows, due first part of Feb.; 7 Durham and 'Hereford baby beefs, ready for market; 10 Hereford calves, 3 to 500 lbs. PIGS -1 York tow, with litter of 12, ready to wean time of sale; 2 York sows, bred 12 months; 13 pigs, almost ready for market; 9 chunks; number pig troughs. . HAY & GRAIN - 1500 bales mixed hay; 1500 bus. mixed grain. FARM -At same place, 3 p.m„ the 100 acre farm will be offered for sale, sub- ject to reserve bid, 90 acres good clay loam, 8 acres hardwood bush, 11/2 stor- ey frame house, furnace and water In house, large bank barn with good stab- ling and water, 2 -storey chicken house, steel implement shed, All buildings are In good condition, TERMS: Chattels, Cash. Property; 10 percent down. balance in 30 days. Robert Houston, . Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, E. P. Chesney, Clerk, 44-2. ESTATEAUCTION• SALE Auction Sale of Farm, Farm Stock, Machinery and ilotusehold Effects At Lot 5, Con. 17, Grey Township, 11/4 miles east 'of Walton Church, on ' FRIDAY, QCTORER 7th at 12 o'clock: MACHINERY -Ford tractor plow and cultivator; Massey -Harris clipper com• bine with motor pick-up; 7 -ft. Deering binder; 6 ft. 'McCormack mower; scuf- fier; set farm sleighs; Massey -Harris side rake; culti-packer; 2 section drag harrows; set Diamond harrows; walk- ing plow; dump rake; manure spreader; good bench vise; 3000 -Ib. stock scales with rack; McCormick Deering cream separator with motor; Surge milking machine; hay loader; 13 -disc fertilizer drill; fanning mill with motor; rubber - tired wagon; 16 ft, flat hay rack; lad- ders; colony house, 10x12 ft'.; cedar posts; 20 ton cut mixed hay; 12 ton Timothy hay; grass, seed; forks; shov- els; chains; tools; 240 lb.' scales; 1051 Ford car. CATTLE 11 .steers, 2 years old, Hereford and Durham; 5 Durham'helf- ers, 800 lbs.; 11 Durham and Hereford steers and heifers, 1 year old; 14 geese. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -- Admiral cook stove; 2 heating stoves; 8.2 In- ternational Frigidaire (like new); Cof- field whiter enamel 'washer; electric rongette hot plate; electrolux vacuum cleaner; frosted glass; antique parlor lamp; oak dining room suite; table, buffet and chairs and oval dining room table; kitchen table and chairs; sewing machine; floor coverings; upright pi- ano; bench; book case; rocking chairs; small tables; chest of drawers; several bedroom suites; mantle .radio; folding ironing board;"chesterfield bed: clocks; lamps; hooked mats; ttuilts; blankets: bed linens; table linens; pillows fes ther ticks; large quantity of dishes including ahtique dishes and china vases and ornaments; sets of bedroom china; kitchen utensils; sealers; crocks; quantity canned fruit, PROPERTY -Farm will be offered for sale if not previously sold; 96 ac- res, more or less, situated Ws miles east of Walton, 1/ storey brick house with new bathroom, hydro, pressure water system, large L bank barns, 'good cement stabling, drive shed, hen house, 92 acres of workable land, all seeded at present time. Farm is in good state of cultivation. Well drain- ed and good water supply. 1 TERMS= -Chattels: Cash. Property: 10 percent down. balance In 30 days, sola subject to •reserve bid. Estate of Late Geo. M. Ramsay. Administrator, John R. Williamson. Solicitor, '11. Hetherington. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney. 44-2. AUCTION SALE ' Clearing Auction Sale of farm Stock and Machinery At Lot 20, Con, 10, Morris Town- ship, 15 mile west of Walton, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12th at 12:30 p.m. • MACHINERY -Oliver 70 tractor, ful- ly equipped; No. 0 George White threshing machine with elevator and shredder (like new); 3 -furrow Massey- 1-1irris plow (like new); Cockshutt 15 - run fertilizer drill on rubber, 2 years old; 0 fl. McCormick Deering cults - packer; stiff -tooth tractor cultivator; tractor double disc; John Deere 7 -ft. tractor mower; Cockshutt power take- off side rake on rubber; 7 -ft. Mnssey- Harris binder; 2 -row corn scuffler; No. 11 Massey -Harris tractor manure spreader (like new); 3 section spring - tooth harrows; garden tractor plow and scuffler (315 to 5 If.P.); 4 section Diamond harrows; grain blower and pipes; DeLaval cream separator with motor; 2000-1b. scales; John Deere wagon •(new); 2 flat hay racks; set sloop sleighs and rack; electric ham- mer mill with 3 11,P, motor; small type cement mixer; drop head McCormick Deering hay loader (like new); fanning mill; 32 -ft. extension brisket; stone boat; rill -type bag truck on rubber, Beatty hay or; slings, chains, ropes, hay fc•rk, leg vise; , DeLaval Sterling milking machine; piping for 13 cows; 10 -gal. Woods water heater; wheel bar- row; set double ropes; roll snow fence; Iron posts; gas barrel; electric fencer, forks, chains, shovels; colony house, 10x12, insulated; 3 shelters; electric brooder; oil brooder. CATTL,.E-2 Durham cows, due about thne of sale; 7 Durham, and Hereford rows, due in Feb., March and April; 1 Durham farrow cow, This is a choice lot of young cows; 10 Hereford steers, rising 2 years old; 6 Hereford heifers, rising 2 years old; 10 spring calves, sired by Hereford bull; 1 Hereford bull, 2 years old, TERMS CASH. No Reserve - Farm is Sold. W, J, Cuthill, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, E. P. Chesney, Clerk, 49.2. CUSTOM CORN, PICKING We, are now in a position to take on Custom Corn Picking. For further particulars apply, Gordon Carter, phone 12110, Blyth: 44-1p. F011 SALE , Whiter carrots, by the basket or the bushel. Apply, Russel Bentley, phone 204, Blyth. 44.1p, FOR SALE - Holstein heifer, due shortly, Apply, '11, N. Alexander, Londesboro, 44-1. • PIGS FOR SALE 3 litters of chunks, 0 to each litter, 8 weeks old, Apply Tytus Woszczynski, Blyth, phone 131115. , 44-1p. LOST Wallet, containing sum of money and important papers, at Blyth Fall Fair. Finder plettsenotify Levi Good Sr,, R. R. 3, Blyth, 44.1, COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1050 Assessment Boll for Morris Township has been adjourned until Monday, Oc- tober 3rd, at 3 p.m: 44-1, GEO, C. MARTIN, Clerk, CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Metcalfe, that though she was in Clinton hospital, she wishes to .thank all her many friends for the cards and gifts which she received for her 00th birthday, 44.1p. 3 WOLVES SHOT NEAR GODERICII Three brush wolves were shot In Colborne 'Township during the week- end by Jimmie Sheardown, Tom Cald- well and Tim Davis. Another brush wolf probably belong - ng to thes arae Family, was shot ear- lier this month by George Ross. Pelts of tha four brought a bounty of $25 to each hunter. - EAST WAW.ANOS.O Local men who have returned from the Western harvest fields include Mes- srs, Ross Youngblutt. Robert Charter, Alvin Pengelly, Harold Govier, Earl Caldwell and Lawrie Scott. Mr. George Steinhoff returned to his home at Listowel on Tuesday after visiting at the Charter home. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dixon of Wood= stock spent Sunday with their cousin, Mr, R. C. McGowan, 4 +4-444+++N •+ N+N N s- s- •-• LLASIIMAR •-• DRIVE•IN THEATRE 7-CLINTON- (Next to Clinton Communi'y Parte) Box Office Open at 7:30 p.m, First Show at 8 p.m,' -' THURS, -.FRI, SEPT. 29 . 30 DOUBLE FEATURE "JESSE JAMES VER- SUS THE DALTONS (Color) BRET KING BARBARA LAWRENCE 'FLAME of CALCUTTA'S (Color) DENISE DARVEi. $ PATRICK KNOIVLI S SAT. - MON, OCT. 1 • 3 "SCARED STIFI+F" MARTIN & LEWIS Cartoon and Short. TUES, - WED, OCT, 4 - 5 "THEM" ' (Adult' Entertainment) JAMES WHITMORE, JOAN WELDON _ _Cartoon and Short. T IIURS. - FRi, - OCT, �6 • 7 "GENEVIEVE" In Color KAY KENDALL, JOHN GREGSON Cartoon and Short, CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND , 2 --SHOWS NIGIITLY-2 Children Under 12 in Cars FREE! •-•-•-•-•-•-•444-•-•+•44-•-+ +-N•H+-. White Rose Service Station Phone 203 - Blyth NOW IS THE TIME TO WINTERIZE YOUR CAR; SNOW TIRES 11,F, GOODRICH "TRAILMAKER" New & Guaranteed Re -Treads, TRUCK TIRES SELLING AT LIST PRICE, ' WINTER THERMOSTATS FOR ALL •MAKES OF CARS, RA,DIATOIt & HEATER HOSE, PRESTONE BRAND ANTI - FREEZE COME EARLY, AND TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL YOUR WINTER MOTORING NEEDS, • BEV, W ALLACE, PROPRIETOR, CARL) OF THANKS The Booth Committee of the Blyth Agricultural Society wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who in any way helped make their booth a success on Fair Day, A special word of appreciation is tendered to the four Blyth men who helped so efficiently In the afternoon. If our Fair is to continue we need the full co-opera- tion of all Blyth businessmen. 44-1p. . CARD OF THANKS The officers and directors of the Blyth 'Agricultural , Society wish to thank e\eryone for their;: eo-operation and assistance in makingrth;1955 Blyth Fall Fair a real success.` Yours for continued co-operation towards a more successful Fair in 1956. Mrs. A, Berthot, Wm. A. Gow, Secy -Treasurer, President. 44-1, CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank' all those who re- membered me with enquiries. cards, gifts. flowers, and visits, while I was n patient in Victoria Hospital, London. All were greatly appreciated. ' 011ie Wilson, CARD OF 'THANKS The baby and I would like to thank our many friends for the lovely cards. treats, and gifts, while in the Clinton Hospital, Special thanks to the nurs- ing staff, and Dr. Street. 44-1. - ' Marie Heffron. CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my thanks to those who remembered me with cards, treats, flowers and gifts for the baby. Very special thanks to Dr. Newlands and the staff of the- Clinton Public Hospital. 44-1p, - Mrs. James Wilson. IN MEMORIAM DAER-In memory of the late Henry Samuel Doer, who passed away Oc tober 3, 1953. This day we do remember, A loving thought we give, • To one no longer with us But in our hearts still lives. -Always remembered by his wife, family and grandchildren, 44 ip LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM. Thurs., Fri„ Sat„ Sept. 29.30, Oct. 1 KINK DOUGLAS, DELLA DARVI "THE RACERS" There are thrills galore In this high- ly exciting auto sports car racing ire lodrama. You become a partici- pant in the dangerous sport as the rading cars jockey for position and swerve around. hairpin curves at death, defying speeds. Matinee; Saturday at2:00p.m,_ Mon,, Tucs., Wed., Oct. '3, 4, 5 VICTOR MATURE, R!CIIARD EGAN in 'VIOLENT SATURDAY' (Adult Entertainment) This is a taut and exciting thriller with the plat about the preparation and execution of a bunk robbery in a small modern mining community. N.INNNNNN4s4MINNNr'1 NW 1 M NN4IN•IMNS,"N'M STEWART RT JOHNSTON MASSEY-IIAHRIS SALES & SERVICE. BEATTY BARK " gU11'l1IENT, • Phone 137 R 2, Blyth, MNI MNNN•II ••NI N ` PN~fMIItMNNINv.I1NrINIIN FOR SALE 60 acre farm, 2 storey insul brick dwelling, Barn 50x70, steel roof, ce- ment stabling, Hen house 16x30, Hydro, Water; Good workable land. 6 room dwelling, bath, hydro, hea- vy wiring, insulated. Coombs St., Blyth. 11/2 -storey insul brick dwelling, hydro, bath, garage, Dinsley St., Blyth. 11/2 -storey brick dwelling, hydro, water, built-in cupboards; Mill St., Blyth. 11/2 -storey frame dwelling, small stable, ?'t acres land. fruit trees, hydro; McConnell St.,, Blyth. 1 - storey insul brick dwelling, bath, hot and. cold water, oil fur- nace, modern kitchen, garage; Mill St., Blyth. 100 -acre ftirm, modern dwelling, hydro, bath, furnace, drilled well, water pressure; Good barn 68x78, hydro, water bowls; double garage. 50 acre farm, brick dwelling, small stable; 47 acres good work- able land. 01 acre farm on 13th, concession of Hullelt. Good 8 -room brick dwelling; barn 52x54, steel roof; drive shed 20x40; hen house and silo. First time listed for sale. Priced reasonable. Further listings on request. ELLIOTT i Real Estate Agency ' BLYTH - Phone 104 Gordon Elliott, Broker, Victor Kennedy, Salesman Res, Phone 140 Res, Phone 78 • W MH 1114~~1,••••••0411.#414141~41#41.1 TEESWATER • FALL FAIR OCTOBER 5th. LIGIIT AND HEAVY HORSE • Shows. • LIVESTOCK, 2 HARNESS RACES. RUNNING RACE, GODERiCii GIRLS' TRUMPET BAND: HANOVER MUSICAL SOCIETY BAND, 1000 Reserved Seats for Grand Stand at 75c. 3000 rush seats at 50e. W. J. Freeman, Melvin Rome, President, Secy-Treas. 44-1p, FOR SALE Registered Aberdeen -Angus bull, 21/2 years old, quiet, bred by Stewart Mid- dleton, Clinton; also .12 feeder steers, 800 • lbs. Apply to Jack McEwing, phone 231114, Blyth. 44-1p. HURON FARM SUPPLIES OLIVER SALES & SERVICE Telephone 4 and 93, Blyth. PRICED TO SELL GEHL FORAGE HARVESTER, NEW, IA Cit 6 FT. COMBINE, straw f,*preader,• scour cleaner, pick- up attachment, grain thrower, only slightly used, 88 TRACTOR, IN GOOD SHAPE, TWO 2•FURROW PLOWS, almost new, ONE 3-FIIRROW PLOW. ONE INTERNATIONAL 3 -TON TRUCK, In good repair, runs like new. N4+N-14-$441-1-•++.14-44-44+.444-114-•+++.414-4•-•-•-•++.4444++1 BOXY THEATRE, PARK TELEraoNE -_� CLINTON. 1150 Top Screen Fare in Air -Conditioned NOW ('Thursday, Friday, Saturday) - Comfort, "Gentlemen Prefer Blondest, NOW (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) "WE'RE NO -ANGELS" In Color-Vistavision A new and downright rollicking ro- mantic comedy in which three escapees from Devil's Island decide to love, ins stead of loot, their benefactor. Joan Bennett, Humphrey Bogart. Aldo Ray and l'eter Ustlnov Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Pat O'Brien, Mickey Spillane, Jahn Bromfield and Clyde Beatty All the wonders of the circus and in the center ring Mickey Spillane him- self, and violent terror! Featuring Clyde Beatty and his gigantic Direc- ting circus: "Diamonds are a girl's best friend", is the philosophy of a glamorous gold - digging model. Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell Charles Coburn. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "Dial 11I For Murder Adult Enertainment Thrills in the Hitchcock manner for ail mystery fans. A smashing stage play becomes a suspenseful movie, Ray Mllland, Orace Kelly, Robert Cummings 11 COMING -"PRIZE O1' GOLD" -Tech- "RING OF FEAR', Widmark, Mal Zet- _ In Calor-ClnemaacoPe lerling, Nigel Patrick, COMING -"A MAN CALLED PETER" .+1-•-$4-471 47444 `�NII+I NNNI NVNNNNIII N���r F. C. PREST LONDESBORO, ONT. Interior & Exterior Decorator Sunworthy Wallpaper Paints - Enamels - Varnishes Brush & Spray Painting Telephone 371126, Blyth. 44;,00 IN 4W~ NJJIAIOI#NIN#NN. Old horses, 3c per pound. Dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, day or night. GIL- BERT BROS. MINK RANCH, Goderich, Phone cillect 9361132 or 9301121. 44 tf. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls are Used." Ar• tificlal InseminatIon service, for all breeds of cattle. For service or infor• motion Phone Clinton 242 collect, be- tween 7:30 and 10:00 a,m, on week days and 7:30 and 9;30 a.m. on Sundays. 61-12 FOR RENT Floor polisher, vacuum cleaner; es• ment mixer; rotary lawn mower; wheel barrow. Sparling's Hardware, phone 24, Blyth. 25-tf. FOR SALE Ducks dressed and delivered, 40c per Ib. Apply, Gilbert Nethery, phone 10118. Blyth. 38-tf-3;a. WANTED Walnut trees or logs, free of limbs that must be 7' long and up, 16" in diameter and up 16" from ground. Good prices paid. Apply, E. S, Thomas son, Mt. Brydges, Ont., phone 21. 42-3. FOR RENT Apartment in Blyth, Apply, Mrs. Hey Bennett, phone 82R4, Brussels, 43. FOR SALE 1 Shepherd Deisel tractor, 3 plot", 38 H.P., use,: 2 years. $2,000.00; 1 13 John Deere tractor. 1951 model, 2 plow, $1,250.00; 1 new John Deere 50 trac- tor, no trade in, $2,500.00; 1 Massey - Harris 3 -furrow plow, $125.00; 1 Oliver 2 -furrow plow, $50.00; 1 Ford disc, like new, $100.00; 1 used 200 John Deere corn picker, trail type. $775.00; 1 John Deere side rake, new, $279.00; 30 Cock- shutt standard tractor, 3 years old. $1,100.00. All priced for quick sale to save storage. Better price if no trade-in. Contact Don Haines, phone 111113, Blyth. 44 -In. CHOICE QUALITY APPLES MacINTOSH RED, • RED DELICIOUS, NORTHERN SPY H. Boyd Taylor PII. Blyth 15r5 RR. 3, Walton M. CHRISTENSEN CONTRACTOR Home Building, Complete Concrete Work. Specializing in Steps and ,Floors. Free estimates on work gladly given. Phone Blyth 11117, 27-tf. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 3 p.m., Saturday, October 1st, 1955, for the construction of the Bishop Drain and the repair of the Sixth Concession Drain in the Township of Grey, The Bishop Drain consists of 1,845 lineal feet of tile drain and 1,852 lineal feet of open drain. The Sixth Concession Drain consists of 1,200 lineal feet of tile drain and 5,174 lineal feet of open. drain, Plans and specifications may- be seen at the Clerk's office, Ethel. Ont. Tenders to be nccompanied by certified cheque for 10 percent of amount of tender, Low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. MRS. E. M. CARDIFF, 43-2, Clerk, Township of Grey. FOR SALE TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the sale of the brick building, known as Hlyth Lock-up, situated on the north-west corner of Lot 4, McDonald Survey, corner of Qtieen and King Streets. Dimensions of lot, 18 feet x 20 feet. Tender may be for the building sep- arately, land separately, or building and land together, In either case, building to be remov- ed from the lot by November 15, 1955. Tenders to be in on or before 6 p.m. October lst, 1055. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • 42.3, . GEO. SLOAN, Clerk. �IN h/#NINIIJN•N•• • CUNNINGHAM'S POOL ROOM. Billiards & Snack Bar Ice Cream - Hot Dogs Homburgs and Sandwiches. Smokers' Sundries LIVESTOCK WANTED Highest cash prices paid for dead, old, sick, or disabled horses or cows, Phone promptly, Leroy Acheson, At- wood 153, Collect. 38-13. District Agent For LUNDELL FARM MACHINERY All 3 -point hitches, The economy offset Harvester, $840.00. Comparison will prove these machines will out- perform and undersell any other line of farm equipment. Goldie Martin, Benmiller, 1111, 4, Goderich, phone Carlow 1922, 30-7p-tf. CRAWFORD & IIETIIERINGTON BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. H. Crawford, R. S. Hetherington, Q.C. Q.C. Wingham and Blyth, IN BLYTH EACH THURSDAY MORNING and by appointment, Located in Elliott Insurance Agency Phone Blyth, 104 Wingham, 48 Sanitary Sewage Disposal Septic Tanks and Cesspools, Etc., Pumped and Cleaned -Prompt Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED. LOUIS BLAKE Phone 4286 - R.R. '2, Brussels, Ont, SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tanks, cesspools, cellars. eta„ pumped and cleaned. Quick service. All work guaranteed. Apply, Louts Blake, phone 42116, Brussels, Ont, 17-14, SEWAGE DISPOSAL Have your ',optic tanks and cesspools pumped the sanitary way. Blocked drains opened without costly digging. For prompt service call Irvin Coxon, phone 254, Milverton, Ont, - 43-13p, G. B. CLANCY OPTOMETRIST - OPTICIAN (Successor to the late A, L. Cole, Optometrist) FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 33, GODERICII 26-61 RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Building Residence: Rattenbury Street. Phones 561 and 485. CLINTON - ONTARIO. DR, R. W. STREET Blyth, Ont. OFFICE 1V1LL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS FROM SEPT. 21 TO OCTOBER 12th, INCLUSIVE, J. E. Longstaff, Optometrist Seaforth, Phone 791 - Clinton HOURS: Seaforth Daily Except Monday & Wed, 9:00 a.m, to 5:30 p.m. Wed.- 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p:m. Clinton-MacLaren's Studio, Albert St, Monday Only, 9;00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. G. ALAN WILLIAMS, OPTOMETR IST PATRICK ST. • WINGHAM, ONT‘ EVENINGS BY APPOI.NTMENT. Phone: Office 770; 14.o. S. Professional Eye Examination. Optical Sarvtae. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAPORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: President -J, H. McEwing, Blyth; Vice -Pres., R. Arehibald, Seaforth; Manager and Secy-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. - • DIRECTORS: J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEw- ing, Blyth; W, S. Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; 3, E. Pepper, Brucefield; C. W. Leotthardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; it. Archibald, Sea. forth; Allister Broadfoot,'Seaforth. AGENTS: William Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; J, F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker} Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaf firth. • • Zesty Steak Sauce, Pickle Recipe Call For Some Sampling BY DOROTHY MADDOX You can make a moderately priced steak more tender and more delicious with a fresh lemon barbecue sauce. Serve your steak with baked potatoes, a tossed green salad and a large loaf of onion -cheese bread and you'll have a feast—whether you broiled your steak outdoors over charcoal or In the kitchen range. Lemon Barbecue Sauce One-third cup fresh lemon juice, 1 cup (8 -ounce can) tomato sauce, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon mustard, 1 tablespoon Worces- tershire sauce, 2 tablespoons honey, dah Tabasco, 1A cup salad oil, 2 lemons, thinly sliced, Combine all ingredients and pour over steak for several hours before broiling. Pour off sauce, saving it for later; broil steaks as desired. Baste with sauce occasionally and serve any that is not used. Cauliflower Pickle (Yield: About 7 Pints) Two large heads (5% pounds) cauliflower (approximately 4 pounds, trimmed), 12 (1 pound medium) onions, 2 tablespoons salt, s/4 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon ground turmeric, 2 teaspoons whole mustard seed, 1 teaspoon whole celery seed, 1 small dried whole red pepper, 1,2 teaspoon whole cloves, 1/ cups white vinegar, 11/1 cups water. Remove leaves from cauliflower. Wash and tear into flow- erettes. Scald onions, peel and slice. Mix with cauliflower and salt, Let stand overnight. Drain. Rinse in cold water. Taste; if too salty, soak one hour in cold water. Drain. Combine sugar, turmeric, mustard seed, celery seed and red pepper in an 8 -quart preserving kettle. Tie whole cloves in a bag and add. Stir in vinegar and water. Boil 5 minutes. Add cauliflower. Boil ONLY until crisp -tender, 5 to 10 minutes. Pack, hot, into sterilized jars. Fill jars with boiling liquid. Adjust lids. Seal at once. Lemon barbecue sauce adds zest to this sizzling steak treat, a "something -special" to serve to your family and guests. 4.:� �17 " TABLE TALKS 7 ti dam, Anduews Once again, in hundreds of thousands of homes, the prob- lem of sandwich -fillings faces the housewife. How to fill those school and work lunch boxes with sandwiches that are — nourishing and, at the same time, are a bit different. Perhaps some of the follow- " Ing suggestions may be help- ful, I hope so! * * * There are many good sand- wich fillings which include hard -cooked eggs. These are easy and quick to mix, as the eggs may be hard -cooked at breakfast time and are cold and ready to chop by sandwich - making time, HAM -EGG SANDWICH FILLING 2 hard -cooked eggs, chopped 1/ cup canned deviled ham 2 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing 2 teaspoons prepared mustard Combine all ingredients, Makes 4 sandwiches. * * * CHEESE AND EGG SALAD FILLING 1 cup grated process Cana- dian cheese 2 bard -cooked eggs, chopped 34 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing 1/4 teaspoon vinegar 2 teaspoon grated onion 34 teaspoon prepared mustard 1/4 teaspoon salt 'Combine cheese and chopped eggs; add mayonnaise; add all other igredients and mix well. Makes, 5 sandwiches. * * * If you have leftover chicken (or want to open a small can of chicken or turkey), try this fill- ing that makes 8-10 sandwiches. CHICKEN OR TURKEY FILLING 1 cup chopped, cooked , chicken or. turkey 14 teaspoon salt 34 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons salad dressing 2 teaspoons chopped parsley 34 cup finely chopped celery Blend all ingredients. Add more seasonings and • salad. dressing if desired. To vary this lflling, add 1/1 cup grated 'carrot and 1 teaspoon . finely grated onion, PEANUT BUTTER VARIATIONS If your children ask for pea- nut butter sandwiches every day, you may want to vary their fare while still giving them pea- nut butter! Here are several ways to make new fillings with peanut butter; Pineapple: combine 1 cup crushed pineapple with 2 cup peanut butter.. Prune: combine 2 teaspoons lemon juice with / cup chop- ped cooked prunes and 1/2 cup peanut butter, Raisin: combine 1/, cup milk or cream with 1/2 cup chopped seeded raisins, / cup peanut butter and 2 teaspoons lemon juice, . Cranberry: combine 2 cup cranberry sauce with / cup peanut butter, Carrot -raisin: combine 1 cup shredded carrots, 1/4 cup chop- ped seeded raisins, 1 cup pea- nut butter and 1/4 cup salad dressing, * * * For a simple soup with a fancy name,try this combina- tion of two canned soups, PUREE MONGOLE 1 can condensed tomato soup 1 can condensed green pea soup 21/4 cups milk 1 cup 1/1 -inch bread cubes 2 tablespoons butter ' Mix soups together in sauce- pan; add " milk, stirring until well blended. Heat thoroughly, Saute bread cubes in butter un- til delicately browned; serve as a garnish. (Thinly sliced celery may also be used as "a garnish. * * * You may also combine canned soup with a canned vegetable for an unusual cream soup. Here is a colorful o n soup, CORN CHOER 1/2 cup chopped onion 34 cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons butter 1 No. 2 can corn (cream style) 1 cup milk 1 can condensed tomato soup 1 teaspoonful salt Vi teaspoon pepper Cook onion and pepper in but- ter. Add corn, soup, milk and seasonings, Heat to serving tem- perat9re, * * * �f< ,5;41S ...r , s ¢ s£ Vii° }•try^ CAVING ALL' "HAMS"—Believed to be the youngest "ham" Is eight-year•old Elizabeth Deck., Shown here broadcasting on the shortwave radio set she received from her father, Elizabeth received' her novice license from the FCC In July. Her call letters are KNGMTQ. Instead of saying, "Eat your spinach, children," try putting it, in the luncheon soup for a special treat. CREAM OF SPINACH SOUP 1 cup raw ground or finely chopped spinach 4 cups milk 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon salt * *. * If you grind the spinach, catch liquid which runs from grinder and add to spinach, • Heat milk in double boiler. Blend flour and fat and add to hot milk, Add spinach and salt. Cook and stir until thickened — about 10 minutes. * If you have a cup of leftover cooked peas, try this savory soup, * * LUNCHEON SOUP 3 tablespoons butter 1/4 cup diced onion - 3 tablespoons flour 4 cups milk 2 teaspoons salt 1 cup cooked peas (partially mashed) 1/8 teaspoon pepper 14 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce' (optional) Melt butter in saucepan; add diced onion and cook until ten- der — do not brown. Blend in. -flour; gradually .add milk while stirring, Cook over lowheat un- til smooth and thickened, stir- ring constantly. Add seasonings, peas, and sauce. Serve garnish- ed with chopped parsley or grated cheese. Serves 6. How Can 1? Q. How can I remove oil stains from leather? A, By dabbing the spots with spirits of sal ammoniac. After allowing it to remain for a while, wash with clean water. If necessary, repeat the treat- ment, but be careful not to in- jure the color of the leather. Q. How can I give myself an invigorating bath? A. " When one is tired, and every muscle seems to ache, try taking a warm bath at bedtime to which has been added 1 cup of Epsom salts and "2 tablespoons of mustard. Q. How can I separate glasses that have stuck together? A. Pour cold water into the inner one, and place the outer one in warm. water. They will separate readily, Q. How can I save time when cleaning the bird cage? A. Cut eight or ten thicknesses of heavy white paper and place at the bottom . of the canary's cage. ' Every morning a sheet can be removed, leaving a nice clean floor, This will save much cleaning of the cage. Q. How can I easily remove ink stains from school `chil- dren's fingers? A. These stains can be re- moved by rubbing with a cloth moistened with household am-, monia, and rinsed in clear wa- ter. Waited Years For Sleeping Beauty Up to the time she was twenty-seven, beautiful Patricia Maguire lived a normal, healthy and athletic life in' her Chicago home. Than, in February, 1032, she "fell asleep," in a mysteri- ous sleep from which doctors and specialists failed to arouse her. Checking up on h e r back- ground, the doctors found that Patricia was engaged to be mar- ried, was perfectly happy and had had no unusual or disturb- ing illnesses in her life,. At first the doctors were non- committal when Patricia's par- ents and fiance wanted to know when she would wake up. "She may awake soon or it may be a long time," was the gist of their .evasive answers. So specialists were called in and on their recommendations nu- merous cures were attempted. Patricia, however, quietly slept on, unaware of the fuss going on about her. After a while, the story of Chicago's "Sleeping Beauty" be- came widely known, Seeing her picture in the papers, and deep- ly disturbed that so lovely a girl should be sleeping her life away, many men fell in love with her, Some of them wrote passionate letters declaring their devotion, and telling her about themselves — their lives, their aspirations and hopes. They promised to wait until she was better, and then they would call on her and propose marriage. . They sent flowers frequently, followed by other letters. But Patricia couldn't read the letters or see the beautiful flowers ,that filled her bedroom, an so knew nothing of the de- votion lavished on her by her admirers. Oddly enough the ad- mirers didn't know 'Patricia was already engaged, nor • that her fiance visited her at least twice a week, and 'phoned her par- ents daily to ask how she was. 'As time went by, Patricia didn't improve except to grow more beautiful as she slept. Oc- casionally she w•uld open ,her eyes, but apparently they regis- tered nothing, Once she scrib- bled a message on a.slate, which nobody' could decipher. In 1934 she 'stirred as though' she .might wake - only to lapse swiftly into a coma again. To maintain hers physical con- ditionand keep her healthy, Pa- tricia .was' given a special liquid diet which was fed to her six times a day through a tube, She- was hewas massaged regularly, and ' visited once a week by a mani- curist ani- curist and by a hairdresser. Steadily she grew even lovelier — but stayed asleep. Then it was that the keen eyes of one of the visiting specialists diagnosed further trouble - an andominal tumour. But before they could operate, Patricia con- tracted pneumonia. At thirty-two, lovely Patricia Maguire died, And the romance of the twelve men who loved her — her fiance (thirty-four- year-old thirty-four- year-o1d jewellery salesman Jimmie Burns) and eleven others, none of whom knew of the others' existence — came to a tragic end. In vain they had waited, some Dearly six years, for Chicago's "Sleeping Beauty" to awake. But their identities, though known to Patricia's mar- ried sister, Gladys Hansen, were never revealed, a pledge each had extracted from Mrs; Han- sen after she had acknowledged their letters and flowers. After her death, Patricia's brain was examined by special- ists and it was found to have withered through disuse. Per- haps just as well that she died, for had she recovered consci- ousness she would probably have been as simple as a very young child, Let's Face It, Men! If anybody takes up the ideas of an American plastic surgeon, homeperm outfits will soon be followed by home face-lifting kits. Lines and wrinkles are rubbed out by stretching the skin with little cloth tabs that are backed will a modern adhesive. One tab is placed at each side of the head just in front of the ear, They act as "pegs" for a facial rubber elastic belt. This is worn for one or two days, then removed by dissolv- ing the adhesive in the same kind of solvent used for dispos- ing of nail varnish. After a rest for the face, the treatment is repeated. Husbands — let's face it -- this is going to be far worse than curlers! "Doreen thinks no man is goodenough for her," "She may be right," "She may be left!" SAUY'S SALLIES "It's a break for you, darling; I couldn't carry any more." Niagara Falls'. Face Gets Beauty Treatment By JAMES MONTAGNES NEA Special Correspondent NIAGARA FALLS, Ont— Niagara: Falls is having its face lifted. To make sure that the famous falls will look 'as magnificent for future honey- mooners and world tourists in the years to come, the Cana- •dian and United States gov- ernments are doing a $17,500, 000 beauty job on the crest of the waterfall It is expec- ted to be completed •by 1957. When the French missionary and explorer, Father Louis Hen- nepin, first saw the Niagara Falls in 1878 the drop. into the Nia- gara River was almost 1,000 feet further than it is today. Since records of the crest of the water- fall" have • been kept since 1784 the falls have receded 865 feet, morethan half of this in the first 78 years, * * * Use of the falls for hydro- electric power has slowed down "the recession considerably. Once the falls was an unbroken line of water falling from Lake Erie into the .Niagara }River, Grad- ually rocks fell off and two sec- tions were formed, the American Falls and the Horseshoe Falls. The former is in : the United States,' the 'latter straddles the - international boundary. In recent years there,have been a number of rock slides which have left more spots in both falls. Ict floes have . also carried -away sections of the rock over which the water used to plunge. Now under an international treaty' signed'. in 1950, Niagara, Falls is. being given •a new ap- pearance;'so that. the `Horseshoe .Falls will present an unbroken front of water tumbling 180 feet , down from thb rapids ' in the upper Niagara River to the lower Niagara 'River .which car: ries the water in a foaming tor - AERIAL VIEW OF FACE-LIFTING: Diagrammed photo shows the .work now under ` way at Niagara Falls to beautify this major tourist attr action. Near top Is location of the 13 sluices that will form the control structure, while on both fl anks are excavation and fill to be, dene by 1951. rent down to Lake Ontario. The project consists of first building a control structure on the Canadian side above the falls, so that the amount of water failing over the crest can be controlled. Then the rapids near both shores will be ex- cavated to make for a more even 'flow over the crest, and sections. near the shore will be filled in to provide better vantage points fromwhich to see the plunging waters, A start, on saving the face of Niagara Falls was made during the Second World War when a weir was submerged on the Can- adian side of the river about. miles upstream from the falls, This weir not only pro- vided more water diversion for. electric power generation, 'then greatly neededon both sides of the international'border, but it also maintained the natural level. of the water. In fact it increased the flow over the American Palls, enhancing its appearance considerably. * * * When engineers on both sides of the river began studies of how to obtain more electric power from Niagara Falls and at the same. time fight erosion, wa- ter surfaceand river -bed sur- veys were so`: difficult. that con- ventional methods ' were out of the question; The steep clig surfaces and the turbulent waters meant that ky- toon balloons and helicopters had to be' used to provide sky- hooks from which- to, hang sur- vey 'equipment, In one section on the American side of the river trees and a narrow chan- nel. required an 'even more in- genious method of surveying. Searchlights with 800 million candle-power were -used and en- gineers found their figures by taking measurements of water reflections from the searchlight beams. On both the Canadian and United States sides of the Horse- shoe' Falls -rock and earth will Joe excavated, 4,000 cubic yards on the. U.S. side, and 64,000 cu- bic yards on the Canadian side. This will allow - the waters to flow over sections which have till •now been only partly under • Water. Nearthese excavations small areas will be filled in as well and have concrete retaining walls, so that visitors will be able to better see the unbroken crest of the Horshoe Falls. Chimpanzee Was Almost Human Had Philip been htmian he probably would have been a very distinguished person, res- pected for his great intellectual powers and admired for his so- cial accomplishments, • Actually Ile was a very clever and well educated chimpanzee who died at Edinburgh Zoo not long ago at the advanced age of nearly thirty, - Almost the only thing Philip couldn't do was speak, He was such a past plaster of t, a art of imitating that befdre he was very old he had acquired practi- cally every other human accom- plishment. When he was only a few months old he was adopt- ed by Mr. W. E, Humphries, an Englishman living in Nigeria. For the next eight years he lived as one of Mr, Humphries' household. working as a house. boy. When Mr, Humphries came home tired at the end of the day Philip would unlace and take off his boots and put on his slip- pers. - Then ' he would bring newspapers or magazines for him to read, and make himself generally useful about the house.' Like all servants, Philip look- ed forward to his leisure hours, when he was able to sit back and enjoy a smoke and 'a drink. Sometimes he decided to go for a ride on the tricycle that had been bought for him. Philip enjoyed all forms 01 smoking. If he was offered an open cigarette case - and a .box of matches he would carefully take a cigarette and put it be- tween his ilps, lighting it with a match taken from the box. He would then puff away at the cigarette with obvious en- joyment, knocking off the ash every how ar.d again, and fin- ally stubbing out the end, just as he had 'seen his master do. He also enjoyed cigars when they came his way, but his fav- ourite smoke was a pipe, He never mastered the art of Tight. ing it, so it was considered po- lite to fill his pipe and light it for him, He would then sit back in a chair and enjoy, it, careful- ly cleaning, out the ash from the bowlehen :it was finished. His'. ast in drinks was wide, thong hth , too,'he showed sits-. crimiljat.iog.;He would sit down and ijov;a glass of Veer with anyone, . and would' appreciate gin :and bitters or whisky and lemonade. Above all he liked port, perhaps unconsciously em- phasizing ' mphasizing' his essentially gentle- manly •character! In his port drinking Philip went back to the good old days, when you drank it by the bottle. Although capable, of putting the bottle to his lips anddraining it in one draught, if supplied with a wine glass he would despatch his favourite drink in more genteel m a ti n e l; repeatedly holding out the glass for refill until the bottle was empty As you may imagine, zoo ani- mals are not usually given to smoking' and drinking, so when - at the age of eight Philip came to Edinburgh Zoo, bringing his tricycle ,with. him, he caused quite .a stir, Philip's change of home became necessary because Mr. Humphries came over to England to live;, and, no longer needed a --trained houseboy. The zoo authorities were de- lighted and a little bewildered by their new guest: Zoo chimps cannot of course enjoy .the same freedom as those ;.living with families, and in any case Philip was approaching an, age when he• was likely to become less good-tempered, Nevertheless, for a time he was allowed to, spend part of the day cycling around the zoo usually with a cigarette between his lips, 'His last 'social function took place some little, time after his arrival, , when Mrr Humphries paid_° ,visit to the zoo with a friend. Wlth Philip they were entertained in.,. the library by he superintendent of the zoo, the four of them silting around in armchairs smoking cigarettes and drinking glasses of beer, When the zoo authorities fin- ally decided that it was no longer safe to give Philip the freedom of the grounds, ,they discovered to their dismay that his cleverness made . it more than ordinarily 'difficult to con- fine him to a cage. He soon realized that if shoe -laces could be unlaced, so could wire -net- ting! - The first time lie escaped he went straight up to a rather scared young lady and proceed- ed to unlace her- shoes. Al- though he remained one of the best known . personalities at Edinburgh Zoo until his death, he gradually lost some of\this finer accomplishments. The time came when he could no longer light his own cigarette, though he continued to enjoy one if it was lit for him, Chimps as houseboys and companions are not • so rare as one would imagine. Many..years ago a, collector from Natural History Museum had a startling experience on one of his trips to the interior of Africa, Arriv-, ing after dark at a remote river landing stage in order to visit a white man, he was just setting off along .an ill-defined path through the dense undergrowth when he saw' a lantern bobbing towards him, It was swinging scarcely a foot .from the ground, I -Ie thought his host must have sent a native child to meet him. But guide turned out to be a lThlf-grown chimpanzee who took his hand and led him to the white man's hut! This story unforuntaely had a tragic sequel. When the ani- mal approached maturity there was the usual change of char- acter, and fits of temper devel- oped. Despite repeated warn- ings that it was no longer safe .. for him to. keep such a power- ful animal at large about the hut, the white man refused to give up. his companion. No un- armed man . would be a match for an infuriated chimp, and" one day his mutilated body was found in the hut. He hada been overpowerdd and killed by his former friend. . Cheery Kearton, the famous naturalist and traveller, had a wonderful chimpanzee called Toto, who was his constant companion for several, years. Kearton became as attached to Toto as Toto was to him, and immortalizzed his pet in a famous book "My Friend Toto." Reading this book one can ap- preciate the great comfort this affectionate and helpful animal must have been to Kearton, . alone in the wilds of Africa. Toto's extradorinary devo- tion was shown 'ori one occasion when his master went down with a severe attack of fever. "Toto made himself my nurse," Kearton records. "All .day, he would sit beside me, watching with a care that seemed almost maternal, and anything, that I wanted •he would bring me. He would go to the medicine chest when I told him to do so, and bring the bottle 'of quinine, and then he would 'fetch a glass and water... Each afternoon, • his house- hold chores completed, he Would, lie down on the bed be- side his master, put an arm around him, -and. fall asleep. Mount Robson, in B.C., is Canada's best known mountain but Mount'Logan,, in the Yukon, is nearly a. 'mile and a half higher, 5, Malt liquor 29. Crowing out CROSSWORD 6, Man's name 30, Doleful. Licher 31, Creek letter 8. weary 7 9, Black bird 10, Writing implement '"'"'" "" ""--- 11. Compass ACROSS . 60, Timber tree' point 1, Without sugar 61. Climbing 17, Age 4, Rotatingperennial 19. Puff up 1f 2, Terntlnnh 22. American piece:" 63, Diocese poet i, Public. • 23, States of storc'house PUZZLE 12. dolt instructor 13, Wing 14, Baseball team° 16, Take up weapons 18, Foreign '18. Cables 20, Pulled apart 31, Of an his. tortoni period 22. The pineapple 23, Before •lpreftx) 28, Edible bird 28, The soft palate 30, Stntc gradually 11. Articles of belief 11. Former Prime Minister' 14, French revolutionist 16,:24 hours 1d,111intrande 31, Demonett•a• . five pronoun 41. Utilizer . 41, Italian ' scttlptur It. Specify 17, Blower (mus,) -- It, Zeal It Cotton-eebd- lug machine 32. Make ince • 31. Optical illusion 37, Diamond State lab.) 30, Aromatic seed 40. A tenth 41,0n 42, Make a loan: DO WN excessive 43. Salt 1, Do without fullness 44. Three 2. Mistake 24. Deep wagon (prefix) 3. Solidly track 45. Mountain 4, Explosive 26. Typo squares in Crete devices 27. Enjoyment '46, Metal 11111111h1111•011101111111 11111111011111111111111111111111111 wienjuu20 uggipti'tit••.1 ingmuntmillim 30 ®A®®®s ?i..®1111®■ 611111111111111 Nil (®11x1 i®� 11111111 ii`i611®® 461111111110 i11111111111: Answer elsewhere on toil' page,` About Those Crazy Marx Brothers Groucho Marx, explains his brother Harpo, is infatuated with words, "Groucho," he says, "does not regard words the way the rest of us do. Het looks at them upside down, backwards, from the' middle out to the end; and from the end back to the middle. Next he drops them in 'a mental Mixmaster, and studies them some more. Groucho doesn't look for double meanings. He looks for quadruple meanings. And usually finds them," One day an officious lady at the Brown Derby in Hollywood pushed a waiter aside, leveled a finger at Groucho,' and demand- ed, "Are you Harpo Marx?" Groucho raised an eyebrow and replied, "No. Are you?" An elderly book clerk In Hol- lywood is still suffering from the shock sustained when Grou- cho entered her shop and in- quired blandly, "Have you some- thing obscene for a seven-year- old girl?" Groucho is said to net over $4000 a week these days with his radio and television chores, but there was a time when all four Marx brothers together had a difficult job keeping the wolf away from the door. When traveling from one town to an- other their mother, Minnie Manx, dressed them up in short pants and Buster Brown collars so they ' could ride for half fare. Once, when a harassed conductor in- formed Mrs. Marx that her "lit- tle boys" were smoking cigars, chasing girls, and playing poker in the coach ahead, she beamed at him and confided, "They grow so fast," Al Shean, famous as the part- ner of Mr. Gallagher, was also the man responsible for making Harpo Marx a silent comedian. Shean scripted the first vaude- ville act for the then -unknown Marx Brothers, and inadvert- ently forgot to write in a part for Harpo. When Harpo indig- nantly called the omission to his attention, Shean hastily explain- ed, "I did it on purpose. I want you to play in pantomime, I've got a feeling you'll be terrific." Mr. Shean didn't know how right he was! Incidentally, one of the first towns to see the new Marx Brothers -turn was Wauke- gan. In the orchestra pit, a kid named Kubelsky played the fiddle, and doubled up with laughter every time Groucho opened his mouth. Today, some thirty years later, Kubelsky is still laughing at Groucho. Now,. however, he is known as Jack Benny, HORSIN' AROUND -Stephan J, Spudic, Jr., quit his job, bought and saddled a six-year-old horse named "Rusty," whistled to his dog, "Frisco," and headed for Los Angeles with a bedroll. He's averaged 32 miles a day; TIILFMM FRONT Joku No treasure on earth is as valuable as a simple lump of soil. It is the very core of life from which all organisms emerge, and it is the basis for the prosperity of all nations, writes Georges Malheux in "Farm Progress". * * * A mass of sand or clay, min- eral fragments, scraps of plant and animal matter all bound to- gether, a lump of soil absorbs water and solar energy and har- bors a swarm of living things, Inthis minute laboratory, the very leaven of . life is evolved. A tiny seed finds in it the heat and moisture necessary for germination. Here, too, is a store- house of food; assimilable ele- ments from which rootlets de- rive" nourishment that is passed along to stems, leaves and fruit. All this from a pimple lump ,of soil! However, the soil ' can only give forth *what it possesses. if rich in nutritive elements, it can produce an abundance of. food for man and beast; lacking such reserves, it can only grow weak plants and poor crops. * * *• . Here . is where Science inter- venes, It advises improved me- thods of tillage. With chemical fertilizers it adds to the soil re- quired quantities of the food it lacks, It has even developed "custom made" seeds, brim full of strength and vitality, which enclose, all 'the desirable charac- teristics of species, variety,pro- ductivity, early maturity, 'rapidi- • ty of growth and 'resist'ance to disease, Science •expands the wonders of the soil,` thereby- creasing hereby creasing harvests andimprov- ing the quality of agricultural products, * * * Picking up a bit of soil, 'the farmer runs it through his fin- gers to feel` its texture, its 'body, Its resiliency,- He sniffs at,.it'and all . but' tastes it. This handful,' of earth symbolizes 'the, myriads of others . that make \ up ' his fields, his vegetable garden and. his orchard. He can' well lift this eyes heavenward in thanks- -giving, Let him be thankful al- so for the discoveries of Science which multiply a hundrefold the results of his labor. 4 * $ • Flowers are modern farming's most beautiful cash crop They are also the most'delicate, Com- mercially grown flowers.` re - 'quire • devoted attention' from the time' they are 'first set until the blooms are harvested. ' * * * One of the 'problems faced by growers .as selecting the. right time to move, young plants from the greenhouse 'where, as the season advances,; they may re- ceive too much' heat: for proper ;,development. If; set outdoors too early,' however, they are exposed to wide fluctuations in'tempera- ture and' moisture: conditions, * Bill Kenyon, who has a large chrysanthemum and carnation nursery in Burnaby; B.C., be- lieves hehas found the answer to this problem in the use of poythene-roofed shelters. It is the plastic fijm widely used in the packaging of vegetables. * * * This spring, Kenyon used wide sheets of the .film as a roofing material for two large frame structures which were left open on all 'sides to allow free eircula- tion of air. Under' these canopy- ' like covers he set out about 4,000 square feet of mum and carna- tion seedlings, * * * The results have been en- 'cotlraging, Kenyon reports a 100 per cent increase in growth compared with what could have been expected; had the plants, been growing unprotected from the elements or in conventional greenhouses, This is the first season he has atempted to grow carnations out-of-doors, a n d they have done well under the plastic cover. * * * Quality of the mums is bet- ter too, he says. When grown outside, the stems . usually be- come hard and woody, but un- der the plastic they have retain- ed a desirable softness. With the new shelters,,Kenyon figures that he will be. able to produce and market flowers at least a month longer than previously. * * * , Big advantages of the plastic roofs are . in' permitting greater control of soil moisture and .in protecting the plants ono cold nights. One .surprise. frost early.. this year, for, example, covered the ground outside, coated the underside of the polythene roof, but did not touch the growing area underneath the poly-_ thene had acted asa barrier which retarded loss of ground heat by radiation. Although agriculture ,remains Canada's most important pri- mary industry,' only 16 per cent • of the total labor force now is directly: employed on the farms, Government transfer pay- ments -- that is, money collect- ed by taxation and thRn paid out to the public in the form offamily allowances, old age pensions, welfare payments, etc, - amounted in 1954 to $2,141 million, as compared to $229 million in 1939, R. Barclay Warren B.A., K.0. New Respect for God's Law Ezekiel 20:19-20; Nehemiah 9:1-3; 10:32, 35, 37, 39 Memory Selection: I am the Lord your God; walk in my statutes, ,.and , keep .,my .. judg- ments, and do them. Ezekiel 20:19. Under the leadership of Ne- hemiah the wall of Jerusalem was speedily built, It was done in fifty-two days, Less than a week later the people assembled "as one man" in the square be- fore the Water Gate and call- ed upon Ezra to bring the book of the law of God. It was an op- portune time for religious in- terest had been quickened by the manifest help.of God in the swift 'building of the wall. and by the joyous celebration at its dedication. Ezra stood upon a pulpit (or high platform) of wood, which they had made Tor the purpose, Beside him stood six helpers on his right hand and seven on his left. From early morn until noon the law was read and expounded The people then realized how neg- lectful they had been of the law. They wept. They were sorry, But Ezra told them not to mourn but to go forth with joy and send something good to the poor. The reading on the next day reminded them of the feast of the tabernacles. They proceeded to observe it with great joy, Later came the day of mourn- ing for their sins. They entered into a covenant to observe God's commandments, ' When Nehemiah returned further re- forms were introduced. inter- marriages with foreign women was stopped and other abuses. ceased, At this point Old Testa-• ment history ends. The preaching of the moral law still produces sorrow tor sin, In the Scotland crusade Billy Graham preached a series on the Ten Commandments. The ceremonial law has been fulfilled ' in the sacrifice of Christ, But the moral law is binding still, It is still sinful to steal, murder, commit adultery and bear false witness. This generation needs to be remind- ed of the sinfulness of sin. 'We must respect God's law Upsidedown' to Pi•evem' Peeking' 3 3 s a N H S V N .1. 1 S N ata 0 H 113 nli 3 1 N 3 3 a 1 l 1 a 3 A d b 9 3�3 a a 1 3 a bW 1 3 0 N 0 3 N 1 a d 3 n N d 1 0 a v e 3 '1 d S d n 3 1 d 1 3 I A 1 1 3 d dW 1 3 a 0 8 S a S 3 a SN I N M11/ 08d -97:-)1V1_Wya 0 I S NO SHELL GAME - The turtle's name WAS Henry, but now it's Henrietta, since "he" laid those two eggs. Some firemen made her their mascot when • they --found her in front of the fire house, run. over by an auto;' SUSPENSE ..- • Kenneth Collins, six months old '.h olds his breath as he waits for, "Poste," pet skunk. of'famiiy, to train her artillery elsewhere. Adopted' by "Susie" and her kittens, the baby woods pussy has so far caused not one scent's worth of trouble. PAtl13 16 110. CASEY'S SELF SERVE Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Cooked heats and Frozen Foods. ELLIIARR PURE PEANUT BUTTER, 16 OZ. JAR . 31c LYNN VALLEY 4-5 SEIVE PEAS, 2 20 -OZ. TINS 25c BREA.KIe'AST CLUB STRAWBERRY JAM, 2.1 OZ. JAR 39c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 7 LB. BAG 49c 24 LB. BAG $1.63 AYLMER CATSUP 11 OZ. BOTTLE 19c "CHEERY MORN" COFFEE .. , . 1 LB. BAG 89c For the balance of our Week -end Features see the Superior Stores Ad in Thursday's London Free Press. PHONE 156 --- WE DELIVER. atoms, al111111111ttnsti .o.w..J.•N... NY••..••NwN Fall Cleaning Hints Blinds, Curtain Rods, Drapery Track, Venetian Ferneries. Blinds, I' : ernerles. SPECIAL CLEARANCE ON CLOTH TAPE VENETIAN BLINDS $3.95 We have only a few on hand, so take advantage of these sizes now: 3-28x64; 2- 26x64; 6- 34x64; 3. 36x64; 1.30x64; 1- 29x64. Lloyd E. Tasker Furniture - Coach Ambulance - Funeral Service Phone 7 Blyth 'NMNIvN.1 NMMINIMNM�+N`IV�MIw►.I�IMIJ.IMINMN.II•NINh/HNM GRAND OPENING It is with pleasure that we announce our affiliation with the Red & White Food Stores. The renovation of our store into a modern Self -Serve Market is now complete, and to celebrate this change -over, we are featuring a week -end of Outstanding Food Values, with many Free Premium Offers, We invite your inspection of our remod- elled premises and also call your attention to the Many Outstanding Values offered for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 29 - 30, October 1st, our 3 Grand Opening Days. - FREE DRAWS KROEHLER ROCKER - VALUE $70.00. 30 BAGS OF GROCERIES - ABSOLUTELY FREE! A LOAF OF "WONDER BREAD" FREE to the FIRST 50 CUSTOMERS, EACH OF OUR OPENING DAYS, compliments of Won- der Bread Co., London. BALLOONS, ASH TRAYS, GLASSES, ETC, A LAANNOND OPTENINGAFFORD TFESTOIVAL YOU CMISS ! Stewart's Red C3 White Food Market BLYTH Phone 9 WE DELIVER "The Best For Less . Values' Unsurpassed." blaMilliniMMOMEMMEMMillir SmANDAltD Wednesday, gept, 28,1956 PERSONAL INTEREST Mr, and Mrs. Bert Maddocics of Grund Valley and Mr. and Mrs, Don Walker (nee Jean McDonald) of Or• angeville, were in attendance at the Fall Fair last Wednesday, renewing many former acquaintances here, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Brown, of River- side, visited lent week with the latter's brother, Mr, Jim Stalker, . and other j elatives and friends, Mr, and Mrs. Dotlnld McNeil end daughters, Donna and Joy, of Toronto, spent the week -ends with the former's parents, Postmaster W: A. and Mrs. MeNall, Cheryl, Brian and Mrs. Mc- Lean, VIsitor_ at the home of Mr," and Mc„ George Haines on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. John Mathews, Bonne and Berkley of Hanover, end Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mousseau, of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. George Haines and Don- ald. of Blyth, Miss Joy Montgomery, of Kinburn, Mrs, Robert Houston end Bob, of Brc'5se1;, attended the Billy Gra- ham Crusade at Toronto bn Friday, Mrs. Thomas Tucker of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Ketmetli-McArthur and twin sons, Keith and Ken, of Pricevillo, and Mrs. Thomas_Shoebotton, of Belgrave, spent Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs, Clar- ence Johnston. Mrs. Thomas Robertson returned home from the Clinton Hospital on Friday after being n patient there for several months. Mrs. Mary Peters cf Clio, Mich., vis- ited with her niece, Mrs. Ann Sunder - cock and her brothers, Messrs. Albert and Charles Weymouth rind other rela- tives in the district for ten days, Mr. and Mrs. J. Coe of Saline, Mich, and children, Allen and. Janis, visited with Mrs, Ann Sundercock on Sunday. Mrs. Coe's mither, Mrs, Mary Peters, returned home with them, Mrs. Mary McElroy returned to Blyth on Sunday after spending the past two weeks it Point Clark and Palmerston. Guests of Mrs. Ann Sundercock for a family gathering on Sunday included Mr. and Mrs, J, Coe, Allen and Janis, of Saline, Mich,, Mrs. Mary Peters, of Clio, Mich„ Mr, Geo, Hosie, Toronto, Messrs, Albert and Art Weymouth and Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Weymouth, Londes- boro, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Weymouth, jr., Donald, Douglas and Bruce, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, Reg, Collar, A j,tdrey Ann and Donald, of Winghcn. Mr, George Hoak of Toronto and niece, Mrs, Ann Sundercock, left Mon- day on a months' visit with Mrs, Roc Hesk and other relatives in Mather, Manitoba, end other places enroute, Mrs, Jean Pingel is spending a month with Mr, and Mrs,, Reg. Collar at Wing - ham, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Young ani Patricia, of Fort Willem, were recent visitors at the hone of the former's another, Mrs. Henry Young, of Blyth, and other relatives, Mr, and Mrs. R: C. McKenzie, Kin. =dine, spent the week -end with Mir,' ses Olive McGill and Isabel Fox. Miss Josephine Woodcock spent Sun- day the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Arnston and family, of Clinton, and LAC Harrison Arnston of the Clinton Radar School. LAC Arnston gradual• ed on Tuesday and is being posted to Trenton, Miss Lena Crawford returned home after spending a few days at London and attending the Fair, going on to Chatham where she spent a few 'days with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. G. Car- rier and Mr, and Mrs. A. Lavery and Garry. Mrs. Sadie Cuming returned home last Thursday after spending two weeks' holidays with her brother and sister- in-luw, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Somers of Timmins, also with her daughter ann son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, G. 0, Brad- ley and family of Meaford. Mr, and Mrs, Fred, Somers of Tim- mins are spending two weeks' holidays• with the latter's aunt, Mrs, Beatrice Dixon of Kingston, Miss Clare McGowan visited with London friends last week -end, and will spend a few days this week with her cousins, the Ross family near Ailsa Craig, Miss Bell Ross. who will be DD years old this fall, is a very alert lady, interested in everyone, News Of Westfield —0— Mr, and Mrs, Harry Boothman and Rodger of Sarnia visited with her par- ents, ar •ents, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Wightman ov- er the week -end, Miss Lois Cook of Belgrave spent Sunday with her cousin, Ruth Cook. Misses Lorna Buchanan and Marion Madge of London visited over the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan and at• tended the Paton -Cook wedding in Bel - grave on Saturday, . Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Smith spent few days visiting his brother, Mr, Mar- vin Smith and Mrs. Smith of Leaming- ton and enjoyed the ball games played in Detroit on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rodhar visited with the former's brother, Mr. Leslie Rodger and Mrs. Rodger, St. Catharines, also in Niagara Falls and New York on Sunday. * * * Anniversary Services Westfield United Church observed its Anniversary on Sunday, September 25, Rev. D. J. MacRae of Whngham was the guest speaker for both services. In the morning he chose as his text "Fruits of Life", taken from the 15th chapter of St. ,John, verse 5: "I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me, and I in him, the. same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me, ye can do nothing." The choir, under the direction of Mr. A. E. Cook, with Mrs. Elaine McDowell as organist, sang the anthem "l•I;ippy Are Thy Courts," and the Auburnettes, Rena and Gladys McClinchey, Donna Walden and • Bar- bara Smith sang "The Church in the Wildwood," Rev. C. C. ' Washington, B.A., B,D , of the Auburn Charge, as- sisted Rev, Mr. MacRae at the evening service. Rev. MacRae chose as his text "Three Lives in One" taken from the 10th chapter or II Corinthians, verse. 5. and bringing into captivity every thought of the obedience of Christ. The choir rendered an anthem "More Love to Thee, 0 Christ." Patsy Logan, Dor- othy Cook and John Bylsmn of Bel - grave, rendered n lovely number and the male quartette, Messrs. Murray, Harvey, Lloyd McDowell and Lloyd Walden sang "Remember Me, ' Oh Mighty `One." The church was decorated with bas- kets of gladioli and full flowers. A good attendance was present for both services. Miss Gladys McClinchey, Auburn, spent the week -end with her cousin, Miss Barbara Smith, Miss Norma 'Taylor, Brussels, end Mr. William Behrns, Wroxeter, visited Sun- day evening with Mr, and Mrs, Harvey McDowell and Mrs, Lizzie McDowell and Gordon. World wide commu,nfon Sunday will be observed in all the Churches next Sunday. Mrs. May Taylor and Eddie, Brussels, were visitors with her sister, Mrs, Liz- zie McDowell and Gordon on Sunday evening, Mrs, Blan'shard and Mrs. Victor Rod- gerson, of Jamestown, New York, Mra, M. IL Martin, Goderich, visited on Sun- day with the, letter's sister, Mrs, Bert 'Taylor, and Mr, Taylor, also Mrs. Frank Campbell and other friends, Mr, and Mrs. John Gear and children of Waterloo, visited on Saturday with her mother, Mrs, Lizzie McDowell, and Gordon. Mrs, Lizzie Snell from Clinton Hu. ron County Home visited this week with Mrs. Edna Cook and Mr. and Mns, Walter Cook and other friends. Misses Lois Campbell, of London, Violet Cook, Goderich. and Mr. Harvey Wightman, Kitchener. spent the week- end at their respective homes. . Mrs. Jim Bonk, Donnie and Jamie, of Crewe, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs, Edna Cook, and family. Mr. and Mrs, Roland Vincent and Mr, and Mrs. Dan McKenzie, Blyth, visited on` Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Marvin McDowell. Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Chapman, Louise and Gordon, Miss Betty Rodger and Wm. Helesic, Goderich, and Mrs. Thorne, Toronto, Mr, Everett Taylor, Auburn, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. `and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger and Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Rodger, Mrs. Lloyd Walden and Donna at- tended the Paton -Cook wedding in Belgrave United Church at 2 o'clock on Saturday, Sept, 24th. Miss Donna was soloist for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ament and Gary, also Mr, Wm. Carter, James and Robert, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Snell and Jeanette, and attended the anniversary services in Westfield United Church on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Sydney McClinchey Rena and Ruth,. and Mr. and Mrs. Har- old McClinchey, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell. ° Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Biggerstaff viv• lied Monday with Mrs, J. L. McDowell and Gordon. - Westfield residents may leave their waste paper at the Huron County Gar- age in AAuburn, where it will be pick- ed up on October llth by members of the Blyth Lions Club at that time, Your co-operntlori will be appreciated as the Lions have several projects for which the money from the drive will be put to good use. DONNYBROOK Master Billie Robinson is recuper- ating after an attack of the mumps, Mr. James Leddy had his barn and drive shed painted last week. A number of Donnybrook people at- tended anniversary services at West- field on Sunday. Members of'the Women's Missionary Society' met' at the home of Mrs, H. Jefferson and packed a bale of blankets, infants' and` children's clothing to be sent to Northern Ontario, A special meeting of the Women's Missionary Society will be held in Donnybrook Church on Thursday, Oc tober lath, Auxiliaries are invited from Auburn. Brick, Whitechurch and Westfield, Mrs. (Rev.) , Washington will be guest speaker, • Mr, and Mrs, John Tiffin and Steph en of Winghum were Sunday visitors nt the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thdmpso►, h Mr, and Mrs, Elwin Chamney, Dor- othy and Marilyn, of Wingham, visited on Sunday with` his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney and Graham Cham- ney, of Goderich spent Monday here, , SUBh C1tIPTIONA ACKNOWLEDGED • +++.-,rw •--• .+++•+•-+-.1 •-o.'•-. . F., 4+.-+'•'•••e+44-•44+++14+•41. OPEN THE DOOR TO FALL with it's sparkling fresh crisp snood, .Start taking vitamins now to retain that' vim and vigor, We have a complete line of the following popular brands; Neo Chemical Food $1,55, $3.35, $5,90 Neo Chemical Food Capsules , , , , , $1.65 and $2.95 Alphamettes $1.00, $1.85 and $3.50 Enerjets (vitamin and mineral) $5.95 Vitamin and Mineral Capsules $2.00 Maltlevol . , , , $2.00. Wampole's Extract , , , $1.35 One -a -Day Multiples $1.35, $2.50 and $4.25 Cod Liver Oil Capsules $1.35 Scott's Emulsion $1.00 and $2,00 --'--.. _.-_,r-----,.... __ .-.... --- R. U. PHILP, Phm. B DRUGS: HEINDRII'E , WALLPAPT:R--PUON)& * .• •.+•44-10. •++ • 0044.•-! 444 414.4 ••• .0.44 • •+-.+•- -.44+•-.11 +11+4t I; 1 •.+$-..-• -• 0444444-* .•-...+. 444444444449-•44+44 + • VODDEN EH,ECT1tIC SHOP Nt. YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER �JI JUST. ARRIVED 21 -INCH DECORATOR MOTOROLA In the New Charcoal Color. ,r Camera true picture -- Up -Front Tuning Special Glare Guard Viewing. BE SURE AND SEE IT. Ask about the economy prices on all Motorola Models. PHONE 71R2 --- BLYTH, ONT. 1+44++4 • •4+.-++•4- +•+•++ •++-+ a.., --h+-. -+-•-•++• 1-•-•-.-#4»+-..-•-.-• STOP! LOOK LR1EAD 10 LBS. WHITE SUGAR 79c KRAFT DINNER 2 FOR 19c' TOMATO SOUP (Campbell's) 2 FOR 19c CHEESE WHIZ 29c CHRISTIE'S SODAS 1 LB, 25c CHR1STIE'S (PIC NIC) COOKIES 1 LB. 29c LIPTON'S TEA BAGS (30's) 29c STOKELY'S PEAS (15 oz.) 2 FOR 29c Holland's Food Market AND LOCKER SERVICE. Telephone 39 -- WE DELIVER 14444 • • •+•4- 4-•-•-•-#+4 .4444+ 04+4 N14-• • •-• 1-• •-•-1-• 4-•-•-•-•-.-•x-1-• SHOP AT WALLACE'S FOR YOUR DRYGOODS. WO.OLLENS - LINGERIE WORK CLOTHES. OVERSHOES -- BOOTS RUBBER BOOTS Phone 73. HP* INIMINWINAPIWO 0#41~114 44#0.0.004,00.1414.41. We acknowledge receipt of subscrip- tion renewals from Miss Eileen Robin- son of 202 St. Clair Ave West, Toronto, and Mr, Wm. J. Smith of Fort Erie, NOW IS THE TIME TO WORM YOUR PULLETS and give them a tonic: to ;prepare them for the winter months of good heavy laying? FOR THIS JOB WE RECOMMEND CHEK R TON GRANULES a straight feed,, or CHEK R TON. MIXED. INS YOUR OWN IVIASHL Then feed Howson's 20 percent Lay Mash plus Booster Checkers for Top Results. HOWSON & HOWSON Ltd." BLYTH' - WINGIIAM. 'Better Feeds Mean Bigger Profits"