HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-08-26, Page 1-4.111 _­- IIWWF,� ' - -- 1, Iitaadl� on, Its M 00 prits as antity, amuleta — , t 0% .010 Ana 04vedher Star gives, 'the VIC ry.,. best 10� fo r t fWDAY, A�Q 0 " "t" lAn ,E 1: 4 1-01 TNTOXT tg� aopmotft V*4 low, nitoo—", *0 1k, Nowit; 0411 Ik �"Wdotb it r" ylyis 14 to *�Coliirto M -E; as ego, 0 RON", *At PA iiId- e. A 9 to �iit Olitwoob log, A-nd 00 the JT14 EengICK pow AnagApg% exe. IWt A pie 1, he 41i , 0y'all your needs, f0 W Om4o 14 0 V W n'i Al - lines of e� in �a p ebAlm.4% Win.. .4 "P vibit b 0 �o 4�- �9 P i 11D.r, Hol imolu mtoo k essMOW "Oft wqm: $.Ow delp avore or tax4tfou for lk oso, r e Nome OUATAINS ilpoorwi, tot Writes., ide01 .100, Vic oe At 11 )y win. wo, e en 04" 0 itlOILCLOTH$ uAry list, trictest. - A very,4trAill g 1";Wg* til# ap 1401111i UPSIBAY1911 _'O, i 01:0 Tolat.�. ,jai - iT Sw A Qm AD My litUCTAO 1K , ll� *t%W Inc Revioi - �11 I I I FURS, fL#d:: KIRr BLANKETS. Etc. ^,iotte S. -Var. 44" 110004OX" It''rogurt), Mr. c �v Oto3ting ca ve '4� L vq� CO in1OVis.—ni Pr* 4 TOM It the ovi �Op 'Ale ant ad# 6rds'of fifty oIns last V -06k. The hero,-" 41416 900M. V shl'in" of a ly 40'i 00tio; tIon, ove rocoat eattk .4 both 401, 0 11 crijo vol".4 Ided themelves, Jbimt 114ro 0. jL *40 w W" takii: .147 10t thek it" 1. "Augh 11414110o, wh4e dpAth wu sooveiiiii at 0 so 444 Caine t4 Ise VeB on $win , so y0ur l4ti:,Wsek!4i Joinii t104 this t4o"I)Ot yAtf%oubliolied. houti . 0 tooK the ytos, 1, wo, o-'sa K , , * A I , ft � $ %,' . Q, Q ay' up tomOrroW. fsitlieali OVO4torarmr Am"la. "o .r ways, at * toin, not*wn for to, d and up, ay Played 4) .khe pol�. 4, arstli theWA to alleEde 61 The tlorqld, wasi at one tlin 6 till the setting e 0 Arooffix V. oAto retup. poir rlepa" Ott' mo best Itnown, and In, t'higilly 11, 4i IqV1qQ -P al Intimating b? t tiOltOwto. Hey. Father WQAV wo reo. .,pod Itfor uto ones interested, tin aii, ev, vh'tht' 'r.. 40 -nolvs te. aits xuardI41 of gob a, wit of -was tobf t o5ti tin of It O Inel I R4 it r--alitri-T&I r. JA find t It orot�and did much to keep the y oploll th *or: oopeow residents Of"thros tk _rMod on a Q ill Q _L W13 I % "Itho 00,000 to (aloag ildro wt h MLJor 1ID18 iscores or to old,ptipi s, Wl%%) boi3l.'stul --v PI Bittop TOWN the bnj a I Mi Toi kwv e to V, 00 q;s xxviluvr all well 11, vivid recollection at tho KI di, uwg* to (*oderlq� on $at and elit hai took to Wait, Milo'lt� P1491 uses AWAddItIonal localit do othor THE u STQRX.—The storm of To OP 044 ed him undef,arrest-aft "bt ugot ofor Y" he t4upp to f --- $0131it 1161!0.10, 40 PWIllago was what ailght be term an e go. q car4irim Qu O, a hot he Is ago, ed I t4 Orn both baci .05, ithilay thet Alippare r asid-Not. one. fai thrbugt tj4 fjobefore 'ItpeVc k iout,the dayltbe tv W, butt 0 eaft was, held oJoiF till � to And devOtoolteagh v but aI#0 as* a connected with hot . I Ir If, 4 Libor and A." VO Relplar meeting f -Town council 110d, 9 'll o qq to 44 Y. In the weaptIme the �4w Is 04, comp4rivio e-.024i4l �Z t telephone systems were to a 76ta A we IV It, a Or,* n0Xt riday night. ill qua anii.wit,mill, tbest of, 410 nict, ats agitat d 130 MkICII 40., tat peQ64, M efrain from an 4413t, ttv lid 'it were W, 3410,1 Ition iI'All to ties the tat I Ing any comment thereon,. e t, a kJ)Ana pt f, V '"to tuwT .lid and ilightnln� is reported I ft'liccepted at $2,000. 0 PC, 000, lent' ex Iblis it efri)rn three ;o bay%, 9 ierl '00 4 o - "no,es INd lof'stild, f�tsllion starrops, one a. - AY S. 46 y Oro, aropla COPY, sday Inoming three fires doul dasipitbIssessaii. Riathatis be seen'troin Goderich. a the uqtau r �11 . foe, 'Wlnghgtn� Blyth and InterI Block Wool, Figured rabries as correct in 10,; -to thase thl* W1* _jW� eii SeCT 8 now WittlyfOr liflobItA Ibarns. anti about RX VUSTOX.-On Fr)44 T 4Z IV; 04 I X rW111.11y., 0 , "41041A 4k Habel�R now dwelling On a" ".�'four hundrotl i-esid ll00 III16 . Ck ents. of tin. 01 it.. A, prowli tiou, W d one east and one slig e at, OWD u a t t itko The, -working at StraC eau durability ofwea/e tfi Tun N&W 8LgVATOP._Ths. elevator T0'9#*00W-4-Ab0bt two Weeks how WQ11111g..Nelson-street" The one seen In a en u east. t r 11110; late villages arrived-TE-111oderich being erected hot boo by -tho shippo lf�wvophrlwAio .9 over three hours. aI. in. ' The'excurston was gotten ileto be -e'aox'fEL]mANTiroi)za.-Cha.4. Wel*. the fire brJade of Win Goderich Elev �Plpo A 'to Robot ofcafflo to Priest, too &for And, Transit gbdm 9 �110d 1!406�� thessiltero 'Of the Bowl. Andrew DO in lbrotarl d lasb.voeek received a letter f the expectaio, 'of adding a little tow rising stehdity and vftb day adds rom, h6 Ing the abson de's ,exchiiquar. but the a few (set to Ito iill Ile bri 8 father in New Zealand,, and at the t6o, Ivere P 111to got, swom 01 tion wial no � be lArgo, as the aurti- the Main bulti4ing. on in ratintle, Andrews, Or hl 04 le 41 cI�Reairailce now falthr abows. Its Inside Mae k Wo' : Fi,.,%- 4 red a"ri cs of v�ritmg his parent 1�. I 010 1684, oir U004 was in god patrc in I= g toweptathat, hine in PW*Wood oil Tow in r.- 'go a I ssoalli;, to WaS not Up to ". f6TM 418 It will toll tW jbpeu played, day. - is, health. As usual, our old townsman; tion., This da)� was exciedingly be.Vheet fitill4e tot a -designis, Matila4se *&cbs. Amufft, and Pebble V;tfos ore uticilualled. enildires-aftgrthose-liQ knew ill ",.hiid the excursibellste had from the top Of th" It r -titoWiticii. Chic and styl4h in the effects, they yi-Id. FhOWMg afouo%ysk the Will 6 Via all Is 19-allittlitil draping and township. thus pawed Ott the that �itlme. as they took in all the. forl mentioned Ins stokwd thoughts often recur to the old to' was. The,yacbmwereitire4ileat. bIns7 lumo Won tir, e# 'two XiIta 00 *1 op: %rollutilla". With IMr. Wells says that the sprip -botlib.�Vitbiu rego -0, 144f.',,�pvery row h was = seven will be rath 90, 4d IL wel)` ; = yluft ing Auspiciously. that thingsloo ,lf liod. The Sir. City of Lood6n used only for loAdin b and aro.,dio ttat ptesent, indications an 011� '441) # 4 fugi, *ptnio, tiff thk 441rips on the la�b and cophidel-Ing �Ug oixty-ft ttlwldK yorylu, 1 619801 tthe summer if din 1j)Ipmber of pit I'S was LAMM being touch"&, T.fiolrh� hv Will n (J' a Vi4tto rKer. ... .... pized. A I few tried fietillig.-b" b 44.40d d %U111, e seventytt%vo reet, W1111111,11111 pt�ac X yarili iSal ford. on tiny ones were', act withiti Itf the delivery Of each, hint wVID, liguiber an IFALan e. A It r 0, peyffot t1list not,&, at I IOw" ran A IV or sout le 4119V I ! W., � A, Up, WIMUIpTs and Wok it dip r =X loading vessels. inJ134 on llawl[944 a — , 11 6i acosle, lo III' D: lllnle�,r in tfid n't-pr nit dWo -a donn "in arid AT, One "Ins halt th IoIners Will be run by all engine' of four "OTIMS IZVA�On--4R,iiwr�, J $I" k to R sult: HER, OF r at request the south pier into all his I red home power, one of the best klituoy has 1�ub %� labor saving so. CapL Trauuch I—' IS$ MUA A$,DREWS. TZAI, of committee, attendea and gave it the beati, fronting Babb's bath made on this continent. Although we Plfance Ila COII)ofte & Btirrowegrath Piano. I ITown Tpics as his optnion that the town could house Sews dozen or more were float- have mentioned It before. we may warchoule, .118thilton auedl, b0so goad to South str �.Ae �ftdviertlsement IV alty-of,tllo�riv th A I#r.,tf oil tsouth at British Pxchange. It 0 10ader art n etho dr6n. d for youbpr4till IegAIIT allow 25 per cent of the copt of Ing around like ducks. During the State that the to mast pArt.of the root Ther-Rousipgton Pnrtiituoe ()a ORTALANROUS .0 an I 1111, p 0 grano ithic side walks under the by. afWrtloon the 'bowli d* to ' when finished w If be one hundred and KrIll ti aWile the Toronto F, It elevator w6rlisd by botse UK all hills V St ST- % otio Potmoogiin.% '�_`c or -ohe and Sep- law alreay passed, He also recom- t . t . rq= *bousereoesiel, pplicialbri tit OUR SCHOOLs.-Thle Put ped a caiload of furniture to the iiM&,WIJai -_ 6da. arate schools and the Collegiate re- mended that a sepa�ate by-law be loniats pref4rrIU& bowls or water line, a, height not reached by ed works I a in The W - A eight= I nog t week Apply MIR, CL gay.g. pass,, Nowgsto Sr.,L661-111,41`b! lawn, rsls� well attended. many of the sixty-three feet sit Inches frotif the vower, and ea quigh only just coniplet. West Territories art To OUNO: MAN -1 to sailing Luke neon or tile any other building Ili Hui -on. -'of house is fitted wit I Of t l%r me plot as at That VANTED, to do*4Htfing at open next ThursdaT at 9 a.m. The so for each street of contract. itiety"after i� howeandsuliDl- iantH witloi.our goods; tj A H,joH ENDQRs9X'ENT,-The Ju v The Blyth band, pres- the machinery is belsif put In position #&ch of which a "tit to t o cofi4tr%c t to he =I ptlpits aie expected. to be present at linse'ball game. Most 0 If a eai�i war Ithe hardiest and beat Oil a-montu r. bins' a rabookirAlso ooloolce lot- 9 W,virolotily- imber of the American Health J our- Ulty. of London on her first trip, plag- building its just ready for roofing In. 1031 Chest= the opening, so that they may be pro- no' out 'With the party, was out with the in the engine and hot or house and the leg rung t4u, a savi to c§9601inaru, Pa. petty placed for the term. labor and considerable tionie, the tor t wn rnamve the Visitors that came up nal has an article signed by A, W. ed several tunes up town during I, e me crutimey, still rising. has droppaid being a desideratual on busy il,�,v o ;m We BOWLING To t the Carmons, on sxturds,v 014T. -That hatilsquio louid C419RVANT WANTED -The Gods. OUSID 'TO TU URNAMENT. IGray, M. D.. one of the editors. warm. evening and played them remarkably the square and assumed circular form. articularly. The machinery for te th011nugh dust bath on West streeL -A g wilonee. corner of 09triliq _t N 0 & We RNI 06"Er. rich Lawn Bowling club will hold their Iv endorsing Rice's Pure Salt, te well well, The tlin left About 8.80 p. in. This part of the work Is being solidly orse power. flied outside the east Ride ,& 6�tntod, at tb� 31,. tul Nolson stream, I on ,. bt sorcoeut- occup by the, %*ys The 0. T. it. pay car lightened the hunit otA416 tt�dior ed. Popstibi; the beautiful It V. givon IV . 1. — annual tournament, on nown Goderich product, and in the and he visitors'left town expretising built and as the mortar used has A of the buildin a is .K. qn that ourids here. (on Thursday and FridLv, course a Ageent t"I at`� 0 a 1ren't$08 to JOHN their day III Percentage of Portland cement to Its the n w"hing In grain. Messrs, el"PIOYe6s at this end of the line on WARNMG.-NotAce Is heri�r giv f the article Dr. Gray says:- thclfi satisfaction with Is within easy reach of heart a and weighted the pockets at the boo 9 ot having "As in every similar insta, I made 9rpt.lstand2nd. Itpis expected there nee at r Godierich. =91tion it should stand al weath- Cal & urrows are to be con. Tuesday. o11l be -b-at 100 outsidera in attend. of aAcertaini the facts this ages. Over one bandied car- g AAROi UDFO% BARRTSTERS ric , such not lend proe Iron, brats fte, al)para, Attibro Ucitorb. c., rich. J. tua or Any other s MCI,, i!p Town once. The Goderich club is an or n has included the tests which HARTIOR 8PLASIYES.-The steamer e t4tb11l% d on the addition to their A now smokestack Was pVed in #it Beek's tannery, Sal Ord. on oder o I whether purchaAcd or -ed to in pre- Carraotia. arrived In were at work on the muln building considerable labor in hauling grain, 'i penters or handy men at the trade, ant, am it not only saves P00T. of 0 , �es the pr6party of the ization the town should be pr.tly Pr'o' epeated I v refert port between hin -d ., I ''I tberwise without the consall t of tho0hairman, and the game is one of the most pleas- vious articles. We have thus secured eleven* and twelve Tuesday evening. Chlystal �WeOf WATIM-At the flainlitn-ML firoditoo Ill the 100121 CotnitWa. or the Alai will be Wednesday, and the hrl layers and but will prevent long Walts on busy the long I 'High, prdsdclged� 0 , ifia-li By the In extentof p pe. "WN. Ilu tol;� Eg urable to be found. During the past a result which leaves no uncertainty, and landed some twenty and took on IshOuvers working on tZ property days. thus gi�lng �he seller of grain Prof. Zoellner, of Berlin, th MO no W arid weekgt%ve free lessonsin vocii! -a able to report that this pro- sixteen pi�,7�sengers. She had one 061,00h 00- Datdi W. To a 013IMTVIOM'SON, Mayor. Clodarich. few yettrs the members of the clut) and at that day made the total over one ore time to a outside business _12 have been to great experise in V)Lrious dpet is distinguiphed by the highest �1 hundred and fifty, 4 his te4in EL longer rei the stable trEI61 SUER or AIARAtAGIM ways, with the result that Goderichi Orcea��Lt of nutritive qnalit� That htmar6d and seventeen round trip Inbo skating rink. The profesone had ong 9, godarich. Ont. VASLAUIA it is n tah, Ir . e NEAR SANTIAGO DE uiliA.-Wo WILL TILT AGAIN. -The carrying srood sized -classes. ,!LE TOWN PR"HPTY FOR can boast of one of the finest bowling v pure and can used pagoeogers, the record of the season. have been favored with extracts from out of the IM Chautan with entire satisfaction." �;ICIWG RD CLEANING. -Why ikhould greeim in western Ontario. But this qua Assembly It was a pleasint innovation an But- huzone in h go out of towil to 1. Th% brink remidenco dvorlooklinishe rive and left about midphrlit In the starts), a letter sent by our )veil known Gods. atGoderieb. proved not na sneces9flif urday evening w en the town else- brave dyeing ot cl= done when t and lake, formerly. occupied by tho late H. all costs money, about $100 being re- S. S. ExoURSION.-On Wednesday -The tug McIntoi with barge Ben- ?o,.4cDoeruioI1.,10sq-. terin Chaneary,aneof best yr6rk And roost ratlsfactic� at quired Ito fai- this year to meet the ex- the Seaforth Methodist, Sunday school son In tow, arrived on Saturday night. n the noosjjpluablo 4104nT desirable properties In trician turned on the incandescent rich bay. George Buchanan, son of 3 its. as Its promoters had hoped. much to Wurks. Wcst�stt. aclearoin pon*. The Town0ounell will bpa,sked andlieft Mondaywith acargootsaitfor Buchanan. or., street. Al. the d1uppointment of the energet . lights ln the Square. town. held their annual picnic in Godericb, res, ch. Ladles and Goolleovi 2, The twZ ftwy fralne dwellina 'liouite or, fOIF& 8MLL11 grant to assist the worthy to lyrod. any coltor required. and all to nates of Wlafton,-Tbe schooner M. L' Bivek, though The price of apples on the tree took olothesiclean0d,iftlirst lollo,ityle. Everr I South atran ion iatety adjoining, the Fill. object, and it IS claimed, we think so nie three hundred tickets having the young soldier does not and enthusiastic promoter, Miss Kim- a rise this week, and those who Were fish Xxoban% he I at preeblit occupied by V sition his position In the artity her, and, we believe, t4n, the ually early in contrActiog for their pull are o(Wotk turned ut tacit, Im. with M.00o feet of lumber from The.s. eaaonabl�. some recognition Should been sold for the occasion. The party salon for N. DVmeut, arrived fit port on delta u love Mr. Andrew addefi. how. " to Such an organization is arrived about 11 a. in. and left for deep reg, ­et of those of.our 12tzenw now regretting. their haste. inedibmte, solid a. 0 RM 0. Tlio dwell g house and adjIlinhiggtburods clendillo. a goealsity. It S --in ay. -F nk Humbec steamed it is evident he Is -acting as brigade rear me 0. T. station, former v occupied oy undo6htedlv who know what such a xcheme am- benefit to the town, h6nip at eight p. m. Although tile dowo from Port Albert in' the yacht clerk, rather onerous position when Miss Fisher gave a riding paVy on Judge Toons. Several citizens of Detroit have signi. morning looked far from asuring. the bodies. As nqte4 In Tan STAR Last A1610. fied theki, intention of orranizing rinks day wsw flne anti the excursionisto had it 20 voting people Mo terma ritparmenVeason -list on Friday, and says lie made the briga o is on active service. WAI N tim that 411 Ill SW Friday evening. about I l4ers tire hero y c oned till Apply to GAR OW & ROVDFOOT, excellent tite on the Jourttity, 10 the Out *eek. finding that there was almost in an enjoyable bicycle ride. and Uf take part in tournamenis here next it. really plejunint time. one time citizoo Is evidently shoiVing surmountable difficuloy in the way (if havinji gding bn it Bonts weW in afternoon Lou NWamed In the harbor, to pleasant eatextainniont on its comple-- Ai, of the walks he b Solicitors Goi odiorloh. I parAous Ififri n th P Year (inany of whom will become per- Freat re uest. A few paddled and what Qanadlana can do, and that he adequate Lranspot-tation to Menesetfing give theexeursioniste in Opportunity of fJU ovei. Bicycles w keeps up his end is certain. The fol. Park, an attempt was made to tranis- I'lon' 31000 Ing to 1.9w. 7-3 lar1De*s cided to hei members and play and all present meemed to spend con- lowing extracts from the letter Peter r - forthe meetings to the Skating Itink Next Monday, Labor I)ai is a public a r a QOLTO SlUvX HOUSE FOR sALA-That manentmembers),and otbershavade- iathed a ong the b -thing house front his boat. -The so oo r Fannie K ?I .4eeing_ b no olld brick house attud 0 on Lot 14. con, 0 0 not 00 or1niglit require ore is ed to. will be Interesting to Georlre'n Ili towih., but here aghin tile fates seem- holula-Y!, The banks will lie chimed, the bowls during their surnmer residence siderable time watching the now elp- day to land lumber for this port. -The , many fricado; In Goderich and vicinity: ad against It. and the failure at the last post allies will only be oven for a short order of Tha Cc H Unrupboll aniled for Theassilon on Ft I. W; w1r, a T 0 of land " ;Mhi DOL14L,ric. IFL Mayor f far under the hop000. Thlk to : in Goderith. By all means eticotirAge vator going up. WNPOs were not tug'Seaman left for the Georgian Bay I., h,,, aOraporty forgardenho, much in use the roads beifig too heavy leolid frult such 4 worthy object. enjoyed excellent health since Lots Pon SALE. -THE FOLLOW 81, --"!Wu Zll I) Saturday. -Tho steamer City of coming promised, couglelled the m1ma ement, holiday. growl rchard on prom ,ift n hour of several of the beat speakers time and as usual It will be% school Towg, but quite a number had it carriage here, and think this a grand b A CHARGE OF LARCENY. -On Wed- London left 13aturdaV for Owen Bound. eountry. The only drawback at" the Ili at der to save further loss of MdstQ The 0. T. R. -aph repair car Irptopartles (or solo In the Town of an tAble for the manufactov of, ime Jerfust06i'd uralluor. drive in and around the t,own. and v�.ill not return to this port again to Ve O otem Fziot-st. with nice brick cottAke to ago. MaUltoss at ntp�, a orbraisea F, telegi Ir.- nesday a Miss Phillipps swore to tin In- THE HOME PAPeft.-A weil known thisebason. She took on a cargo of insects and other living nuisances- declare oil the program for this year, refiched town on Mondny and left ves- vcinutando Agent, West stroaL formation against one of our residents writr says: OrTiv those who have Hall -1110 bar"Is to the Georgian Ba Post. Oubans for Instance. who steal everV- and have only the closing c rt in t While In twvto the workmen building lot on ft David ,bin otherwise. I the rink. Thiki was,hold on edneg. (overhauled the wires cannecte I -eL with two brick cottages NEW AbivEnnnMENT& charge came tip before Me, Seager he my clothes off and da, evening and proved most credit- the railway. t'DJSr 'r 1. -.Ing her WatCb. and when the lived in a large to' The fishin taga are not brinir n in .1 . ff with t a 8 D'&V d's wn an realize the lake ft a, nation � of the the first time ab e to both Prot Zoollner and all who i3tic"dit PAam remanded it till 3 p. in., as the proseen- h0ole rumoredthat they will Jay Up for the On Monday Win. Morti onFa oil Brittahla-6L. on Servant Wautod­gt. )[Awtancio Raper. The home news III a month. and you can imagine the tookpartinit. Alargeclassof oung over 1000 dozen of eggs to Montreal. paving catetes Just now. and it is I t. A -pisog [I kets ti 'IL JZ well fadc ' In N&A. ...... I t. x had no su orting testimony. power and fasal -paper cronies season, unless they are allowed to fish len 1w hlplioed 'Wit 6; What They g plainant to get counsel as the defend- ?very column to Rea it blis or. her name even remove our 8hoes, and washing some of the best singars In our church 1'42 M lot. 10 Young Mali Won 001) Co esto,lways. Every hod v looks through re I ff For two weeks we did not childreip s6nd a chorusofadults Inc ailing and on the e day he E III r quit"t., a OV146. tb I Tie P. M. also ree mmended the com- south of Godoricb.-On Monday the 1 st"t I sUm shipped to the 1. cot 0 he Fwhot er Fanny Campbell. that left salue elt over a ton of butter per re- 'b L roll 10 hd 9 the ;Ii Bitch bit (if local got- even your hands was out of the ques- choirs. had been drilled In several frigerator car. T 6 96 osl� rbiIblfincl 11 1be llost, Solop-Itpu9#16.& ... .......... s ant had a lawyer to defend hith. At 8 here Taturci­y, ran on share near Little tion. The main question was Good TItne-11. Aknistraiii oil .... A p. in. when the case was Again called "IV is read and discussed. Sometimes Eagle. about three miles north Of Itting choruwa and pattlutic songs. and these McCready lia%taken out it tiatent for 1; it, 6 ft,1101119 t6n acte 11. 8 Misdi Phillipfou was again unscipported 11, 19 r& birth. sometimes it is it death, Jo moton's H%rhor. It III maid that tile 'U f_� IiiIW - , Ili enoucch water to drink. We are were fluely rendbred. to a most appre- 06111vt coal I -F. sometimes a mart-inge. No whou now camplog up on the mountains. ciative, audience. The little ones made ....... by evidence or counsel. and while the Matter Rcbo6her was on a long tack. and with wnter about a mile Away. a new nd juatable buindle-W and head. which does away entireIV, with nuts th t a very pretty picture, and as they wav- oned nearing the Bruce Penin4alm ran tilt; Aw 110�.. 0 At M, FI. P. M. was colikiislertnex tile case Chief wbat it Is, is miliar to all, and for this one PC d a nephew of large cloods of Firnoke. caoAsed by bush can beef every day now. The flirst day Union Jack. they were inspiring In- II WA have fresh bread and good Amori- ed maple branches and tile good old how a strong heAd makes a good wheat. Wh3ley of Clinton an 1, and bolM McQread�'m latest shown Miss hillpps from l9etroit appeared alone the hoine paper is prizerl above fires. and losing her sailing mark struck and said they had come to take Miss and heyond anything tile "Ilterarr tbeshure. The place where tile Camp- eating It. wit bout butter of course. as tin the Henderson bicycle tadtory. hav, bread ciiinit in It Was 8,111110"t a curiosity Aped. Mias Laura Acheson gave no vio- es Phillippq to her friends. Under th 'it follow" van produce. You should it bell rests is it, rockv bed gains digtanco butter $1 per Ili. Is out of reach of $15 to her, "d the en solo that was a pleasing surprise Ike it (I point W pay for it flrpL 0 circumstances the case was dismissed, ways 1; They dre now busy on the V9 wbeel at frornshore. and It will require it pull U= who heard I got through most, of the% work. ace -fully responded, testiff the Magiatrate retriftriking that if per mouth Men. Here is tin e th encore. to whic KINCARDINE VS. GODERICH.-On of A hundred and sixt feet over this h she la, it Is expected, will he a busy year, porting teNtimau con rock farrnstion before Abe will float. simple of m v day's work. Ross at& Rcoo.Ecd Ivy own breakfast, then to air great appreciation. chary mifht CoM6 before hint again. on the howling green, West stree headquarterR for regimental a lorl- Fisher, who Is popular and As the County floard has not order- TheM. 1. Breck left TueRday night fhr Miss I Iding public. Miss hill pps is a well known person- t, for the scene of the wreck, when (lapt. over vessel,s pos,. gaile reports, which took till e even; age round towti,havin been Ili service and played a challenge itine at bowl Sutherland will tocto the e?. `0 0-0L 0 P Tf Friday Kineardine and Goderich met, IdAie fc= oil to as the MeCt eady crank has caught the PrAlsewort1tv. also gave two excellent oil otherwise. the Model fitudent9pill In,inVy 9* then took charge of a detail and MqIO num s Zoollner. daughtex ot 4ain cla-so according t,o �v of otor stilig. tfon,,andtAke effand pay the crew. toil hi)(1111010P two rinks from q I clatigonto tansA lolds, but never t6i oily read 61o3taill this, stil reniathing for a 7 lengtL11 Of time tit a lednesday, wagon: drove two Miles over ro4dso the Prot a I made ti )tit the board at Its Meeting to-moriblor tred were -Monday, Tuesday and linti allo at Is end of nee before a Goderich a ishenco. atly place. It es that the moth- ei were greAt days for surf bathing, con- ado, got the wagon loaded and return- he unique ba which yen can have no idea of In i0sork- onav make the openin d th Oth of- tiopi off Manday scquehtlY a largenumbotof Our RUM- cooked my then helped lond both her c overly executed now- Next Bar$sin Das at so, plainAnt tm n the terith head the ecor6 Atood 29 to 11 pleasing xyloohone, Sept., the day after Me I( and it to Ahid that *hll;s t dititser. ere. iitori;; In favor of the visitors. On 'the trick guests utilized them, by paddling ad' Robinson's Ofth one Quarter Master astle broad and beef. herti were heartily encilied. If tile and Slat August. 2* 1, _ed.. to ts�ga, 0 her sts.tiouse. eleventh Godii Reored Live and con. or wLImmin IQ,, R Fl. a( chi) I;te front. Found a male, took him over to 2nd concert were n. criter Ion of what might skeepas. If she wait d nebti In Gotle- '.inued to gain until tile finish. The Among the lady vts oro in t a In Ise., iiinior !'It, I ke on battallon of tilim rogilnent. rich on W-oduesday. U194 phillipps players and scores were: WeAtiesday mni were swinimers twent rolls belongin tA0 SIC f0I1W4 fie Hartistan Town Council atits lash 149kidt ul a t about be exomted in is complete Chnut.auqua I . 1 04 to toWnr ft. OD4 those who Ii - .1- I A" etarin bribo, tetird it will hope #*w iritiolan and Gorivatee. W110111, It was it Pleasure to see moving on h M, and brouKL Meeting awarded thecontractnI17 6� AtieZ home will lie revived next year. 't e resident No, I rink. N& I risk. an gratefulirns ducks In d"p wstar. CVbW or itm;ar- hint b eliarg theittsknolithtio walks to the rCS "Ooot Iftoas r- 4T, _ed 00d, With hot# tip town and W. Campbell Speaking to one of t e swimmers ruber has wriltan alit for PQ;Sodlowt4t�, drick Joni Gall bout our beacb. slip ait thatit it* battalion Aikiii 0111tor in leation a complel 16, eftoli. IMI11ijeof's fetldenee ht k M.T:i �, q,, reported to A explans- 1341100 "tone Pavement (4.0fIll toje Me. ought Command, made out monthly rilotorns molt, for the remarkAbt low gun, r : 41*lso , ' . daoah� A �"J toflil-tile, town with toutista. --and at the emu" leading to t,% Pet, equAr6 too tier wAt0hi h4thewoffmat ought or, elds) ... .. I foe General Aimpai. then a walk of two the failure this year, and what she cen L she W6Tdd,ftiC4 bfae(Wft *ho would No. 2. miles back a Ain.ciinj W i I ther onl), tbIr.X needed (o no it.." said W, - h6t, kftleft Is 1119asle 11141to for V9. but the time when It The kiteter Tiii for ufair vial'tor. -is far Vdar a clth, bav deoldeato SA 7"t= ftw people t4O roll and he 111"N hint I tb" received prevents itQ appearance hold a meeting shoi Called. #it every Dr bV using tile time It wait o1wir after t 4_6 at nts. to find Jno. Aloffatt, beach themselves.,, tUM- this week. - I't will he published In Evoter Iving lesork. u ul!ke'luinsion,skip-24 od In, thiis ending ,a day' fleXt Issue of the tocal papers and any- will be �ift ANA T Ve ad t a oe"On ad _=td, meet in At. Murray. qkl Od . n IF" d Forp .... 20 .IJ I Show a good example Is. for 4 fris§,f NZ Bargain Dayi &I lWn@m,s Sillb Just think of it. I have n t tot % And (A ratip"'A alld Itlat 66agaill. 0 do *oil to wait Its perusal. bioyclo Goderleh, Total..... -i a bed 0 disposed to complain at present 2:X tra Total since Aprill." 1W t