HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-08-12, Page 5IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII114 - 111WIPIRRIFF ­ -- — —7 011111100"_:-TT� � - � ­ � , . � � I �.?_Vv , "' - , -� F , r- -0-- I � . � IMIT I I I99-41119r"T"Op'-w"Is". ­1:r­7"s""fVM7,"r"`f , I . -� - �. - I I 11 11 IPWF!TW- 11 11 . I Iz I �, 1 ,7 - . I I I ­_­ ­ . - -, 11;11 .71irp- FMIXIMM . =44r­="�'; ZF .-1'_,-W , 7 � 4 I I - , - . - I- . ;, I . I � _ 't,'-1-17771 !. , 71 -­ - -7 -.1 . , ;,1z111t , . - I � I I I ­- , -� . . I ­ -1 I . . 44 1 01 , I I I i � I I � I � . I I I � I !, � . , e . 11 � . I - I - I do � � I . . I I I . I I 1. � I I . . � I - � . I �, 11 I . I , . . . . I . . . '. I . I - 4 , . " I . . . . I � ,- 115 � . I . ,� I . I . I . � I � 1. � I . 1� � � in , W W 11=11:�� " - I �. . I 11 ,-, 1. ! ��ia � , ,A ., I i _._.,�, , , `� , I . � , , - I 1 . Is, - , m,er!W,a , ch" 1, , - � pe .�e , POP io ''Who buy and � .. .-.".-A an. id*0 11-9 .1 I F 11 I - THF. QONRICWSTA� � -a News' a it �"w S .11 , I Paper, and: st n4s on its , ��"&40#es 4mong, t , ,, _, St 4 , $,� Qf Pa I " $ 91 =4001 - , I - � I , . t , , . . .1 , I I , "Y - , Tl a : I � � -1.11 . - --.,.- I � . I , P I -_ -_ 11, -1 '. .. �. . . I . �4 , �,_,., .:,: I_ $T� 1� I . I I �, I , mm" W. p ­­ I 4 1-1 I!, P55,111 I I C"Rz,,.,-.!;;11!,I.Ill,ll,ll,!011I I I I ; t, I � . . � - . ­ I I I ", � �.- � I "Ill, I � , � ; � 11� I., 11 � . - - ­­.. ­­­­... I'll � . , _.­-­­7�­,_� ­� .�, I :. 1. I " I., e , I I � I . I � * . - . 4 " I I . --7— --_11- __�_. , -with '� , . ­­ .. ­­ , . . �1. I I., I i . � I. � ., � � , � I I . . I I . - I � I . I I ..-- . Mod, - ­­, ., . _�',, .� "o, � ID, ") I . I , , � . ; I 1 4 . � % ­ I I'll, 14-� I � , . I _ ,� . � " ,o - I -, I I � 11 � I *�splkeo4W,Owt, "Ot '-� �- I , ,-t, 44mv� 1, �Ilpl­ . , I � I I � I . , I 1 4 'hot ti �Ioi �cheqia� W4"* , " - , , M k_R �Ugw � lliiiol sees. I /1) I,- .,� � . I - . � I'- , .. - - , _ .� I " Z%Zie` ., T loo � If 'roul "k,bloroll. Are, .trolx -, :, 0 , I , "VER i � ", ,,,,, 4t, Wm W1146 moj RI 444400-, Xolhoi"., I � I ­­­­ I I - . .. _ I grow , �, I . ;1 I I t . I , I - I I I I 8 i. I , 11A - - ; � �. , . - � I.- , Z� :4 . I , , 'In -1 M4 In _,so- . . . . � I . , ; I Is . � , , I 1 xtiwlira�,. 1*40 � 9. 4041. 1� 9104 X P W-AwIll, Axtermi4i I , . , I , " . 40% __ A- - .. ,� . , I - � . . - , - , I 1 . . � . I : A,,,o I "I I � 11, I Mill , , Aih :lot Vjt000-,O_�-I'efw.tum� Te'r, % *11 11A. 11 Lond" , ., - , � � . I . "I � .. .... - � � I 11 :�-, - 11 �'w.' . . 11 . � _� 11 .... � I � I I . �, 01.,� I . �'� , - KK*N'4& �VNVQX1140,14vo� - I I - , 9 t ­ I "I'll I'll 1. , .11 - I .; I , - . .. , .. 1 " . I '' i I Z_ I I - ­��qui . 11 " t, o: ni�, ,. V. 1111Gt � ''i I%- s ., . ,_ , _11.6, '111 0 � ... I,-- ... Lill- _­ ­ ,� '', ., . I- ­ � =�;sarp , " '"O � , W leark Mbo 1 ;�l � IN",! , � � - I P I I 11 -t, � �r We " " Ph -F I` I . I SI'S �p Ail! I I . . '. . 8 .1-0 . P I . I., � 11 I , # in � ZM14JI10. Vio'k. -t- - h - I . . ,�: , ," I - . ." I � I . I � "I I . � � .. 1. I . , .4I*krtA*X _904 , I I � I "_ , __ _____­, ­­ . �.. . . ,� . -, . - ,. ;.. � I 10y - TtA* - 1 I I 1, . : $A L # I . .. 11 ".I.." � "I � . 11­.',��, -7-7) , - _­ I : I , - I I - rr#, VMooru: %, 0* I 44;, oil'o -, �400 -week - e":: *,,, -, :, I ��, , � I .1 . I � �;, I � ,j 2. :L_ ,� 1. *7 . I AK ovtotpk J , � ­ . I , � - . .1 . I � � , . it - , . I I . I , 7" , I , I � I I I L I I . � I . . I., L . . r4y tit -f ." , Ift. 'PW I . � ­ ­ �� %.. �W,"'$,% Ia X;%t I 11 .. . �. 6y%]�,�" d 1'040,� Olt -4046 M0, ,V ifi� RigRipp.' 9 . . te wa4 pop *_ , . Oft � . . . I I . , � . , . - I I . . I . I I I rowmAqays #tlovqu�y,grm "Ttowto Me -TArm, tw attviiii I .1 I I . � I 1. I - - 1. � I . I;.. I I � . . � . - " f -1 �i�'�Mlifoi,,���RtA-Aign;e.ulpjr r1*4.J0 . pliwI,,)"�-.;itloovpAt)a,ttl.ip-40kog,g'�" " Oar ASIM044% 10i , W., $0404t: .04 %X411i to o""'WO&OZ U�.4'U4* ailo kit: 11130 � 0- � , ,i - , I 11.1 - I . I . ',. . . I I L I I I § _%, - -A V _ Q P;KQ r" . . 'SAW0104044*9 lmwo *00*Autitto ot — � , , " I �� "I : : � 1. �. " I , , , A'AAM, 'or I I . � I I . . . � ". I � ; . I � 10.4 � J'� ,sliplift . I . , , " , AIM,111�. , ',�� si, - � ,ft"Ou VW - . K756 I Jobo I J 'd* -rft , from t htlli� . , I Prag_Qo%** ztli�*, VU_b4-4,!T#P*-,Fy* � , . . _ ligazi � , _ � . ", � � � io To-ot; � '' - . � ,�� . " �: . , ARG '0004.01IR 04* tiria .I* Iletw. 404*k I : � . . I � � . � � � IJqP*f4DW _ge., . a . ", , _. , , , , , . I .1 .1 x, � ;'�, " , , . I IT. 9 r X 1A - , a he "AP I Ore. lilic"ot 14 Olq o"Alwy," . I I I : . I ., , � . . � , . I . :_ I 1 .1,c.; , I I I � 'tolp VAI)sfog 414to, rA h breoVwxthroe Ulk .ftiwor,", I , , - , : ­�, � , 1�, � ��­, . I � I � _;.� i vlor. Ae&ctIl;lRy0Plw*.J�, rvf!!iXW.0 ,�,, 3th 41;�#_]RUXI:41*441#1111% pa"I � . , . I . I 1, , " � ..-,-','�_ � 'r .. � ; , . lito %I 1, � , ��' ,,�: , , :, � _- I � .11 ip .i�,., � 4� " .1, � " 1. � I I - , �!`,_, � , , , , ,11 -i -p I ,:I Ts',tllfp�_,,A ,�W,. d- p o"04 ov*14484 "o'lplom* z V lot - , Jr!"Rei: is , : ',�� o�, 1:, ''d : .. I., � I I" I., I ,O 0.0 Ira! ,. of I ..q $11JR-111.kv W4,04144W by oil, #4 . � "I J. I 0j"l. A do,yo meodh' . , ."ielAw"s, o., �� . . ; I ; . ,: I . ,__W�00,000,4 1*14 . I I JQ , q"T, mo-bixt 0 "Il"10, quairstQ4 W, I . , I.: #1y,A0 - 11 I . . o , . , . I , "Iti 4" 1 . . , III te 14f u for - V ,r _ I I . L , 011 " "� - , I _ vo ;hope, soon to Gar "'t , _0 4k 40* 1��U a as 10 p; V. #04, sjw�,*,Jptt caw. - ,, " , .. I I .1 I A .9% _bq4r*_ft# _, ,at I I 1� 1. I _ I . I., f4m pqoypry�% , I . I 00, . . I �� . I 1. I � ,:� . , ,��_, �! � I I I 2 � . I �Xt,' . mbe'�#'�%, 31 I P413011, , V, , . . . Ar#W,OT*o.­- . I i � � � .1 . - 7_:-. � ,., � I � . I L qilt-ohies, -1 I � �. � - I ,,,, , pq,, I fo,p Y,, ISIML V 110100'r0- %I; . T , . 11 I ­ I I : , '. �, . 'b I., " I :.., : . .1 . , . A401140, kialft,ot 1.300thili 40A t"*44M,iin Wedn"Atir , , , �� I . - . 1� 11� _. .., ., , , : :Z�w ,14. �08 #.11401;� ali vory VeR �thi� A. . . � i A,%IX a I q . .'I I * -m-, . - I . � I ,. I . 'r , I_ at* , . olllill�tkoo The 06*1 � I I-, . .L I . '�,ik�"' , , , I � I ' . 1-11 , � , .�;" � I � T " . I . . � 11 , � 1 71--l. : ., 9. -wiax ft pup. - . - .. , '. A . wat, Prislepio"twoArt—viiaeo, ft, apply to * 11;c .; �, 0 XPIA40. $00� -1, , � -1, I . . � , r,49- .-r, - - I . - 0V00*r,UX, AT LAST. , e �. '_1. --1 4, I" , � � I � I . . . -, , * , , il I ,� . .. , : 1, _� 4.' 77"*-, 4! � ghosa. 0, 0 jk, wlrjq;�T m to Oolt - I , i_, .� ft*''.., h- '' A-T.W44&.gfterftm. neuralgia In thy 11T. -COU W. -M. GARTOR"M I To". �,..,��!#OIWJRR.'� �, _' _ � __� -, I � 11 " 4'' i , , I 'L . - -1 * 14 ­ "11� � 'L �' I X . 11 I ., , 0 , , . �. I'll I I ,, I P '! I �� I � I �_,' :47 7346'..4110W)"i I k A!a_1*rh# I , , A M104QtOS DISCOV, VA'V�-- * side. #n -headaches, I rDilowe,4 _,��t, , , " " I � , I * I .1 As I I 1w I . I I I � " �, . .r"Pt000t. , � I " . . , � I _ __7 , I 1. � . . - '. -, , ;' �� . .1 I � I # . . . I - 1, �:1 F# -AIAO,I$�viij)'�.ii.%�iinint4iltl)le,,,t*'11.1-n .,IDP-MQMqvfp�amri�,tio,ptw.t&oat benefit . .� I I:;,.-- I., ... ­­ I.S.1 11 ;'; , .11, I . - .1 I . ! . . , ,.� I., , ,­­ 11.1) , fl.: " , 1 IP 1, ,� , $0,41; , L � - I I � J I ­ -, way peirfius,o ry Room Sar- 11 L , I .,., �. ,,,, — �. , L I . . I � : i L . . I ­ . 3 . . . '. i ' , �, , I , I ,0% , _ � . I - , . -1 I . '�, � I I .1, .0% � � �� ,,, - -',: � 1:1 � I , sk, .'. i � , , �, _ I . , . . , . 51:.', ., 1001101 " nou%, 311 ris It X'iad�taken only ono ' . . - A10,004111 relno - wi,tl ,Aod ' � . fl, . - , �, �.� I �,:, � I I s C'Fai'ti., 60ftI4fIftJIZed�Jt'WJ6d0jnR Me good �` '. ',� �.': � 11, . , , I '-1"L_-`, � I I., ''. ; �11, . ". I I 11 *�X . W , qro�tbro_Ao Apd A,v4rfo, y ofskilaa, I , ­ oft.p. . . � , r I I ' I , I I �1�1'1 � I , I` t 4*,*�00. less and upyl.pw 4 I � IQ � a � til'aw* *14:1111 10-15MA to, so i 0.1 -, 4-0; �"P.01119- !�W`11'0 .,_ !.- to, vu�e ofca)POr. c4AIIA : Ill :� I . I .... I- � I - Mfl'�C U;Idy . I � � , (40levW0 es.# Vail , okerinanypittV I 'ABd T continued t4kinx it until I 'was le, .r ,n�, . , " , - I I Y' I � .1 If � . ­ ��. '' �, . 1, '. I "L �_-� ' : ' � , ; . " i�, , . 4 I I I .1 I r6�d , too I U I I '? 11 - .. . I I ., ,. . I I . . ;� - " .� ` ' 'L . I I I �. . 11�10r_qll ,r� tiring kr, Owq. oki,tavo" � I ' J, � " i ,� t'L�l , - ' � . . � I � �' I L � � t �� ,� 11 I I 11 . ' , �, � , P , . ' . I ' ':' � ' I ''I I a. 0046K.Ap, chiViliRado, * 448 Pn, , I '_ �. I te liquid c ... Ur quiQd." . Wt, Carrie ]Price, George.- . FI, . 1�> , . ,�-;,, I., 4, I , I .. '' _ , _ ., . . P i:,",". , . 1W � . �' 1p; � � , ., ,, p�, 'S, , ,Ali: .1 Spoon.er.,� I Phen I .. ' I . ,�'�. , - I IF how so t 4. 801TV lit . I � I � L� , . '. '', 4 ", " � _MERON' tir� 0 f, 14 I I — I _ I . ., I . I � , ,��., (��11 ._�,�, 1, . , �1� 41, .- , . "I I I � I . 1 4, , ! . I 11 I I ­"�_ . � I CIO! Hood's Pill 'a are the favo-ite family , , . . .1 , : I ,.. 1. , L -and . '. � I , , .'"'. � ,� � 1 �* ,, '.I , " l3loyela, . *Ia%,41.0, 0701, T, - Go e It. e. a I _. ., " LL � '' 1� �� " I �, I 6 bvoi atbaitio, 'Raty-to take, easy to ope I I 0 - - - M �,.!:,r",'L �, . . I .. I rr o .?a . . .1 I I . - - - AND � .�,� �;. . . . I ..t I I . -:,. 1. , . � , �: � : r q I . . ' , 'E L - .. ; � , .1 I , , I '' L�', ' " . 11 ef ouss.sa -1 � er t T) ".... Wilerhalf I L t , ' P ,I � : ". P:, � " ' ' , , , 0 , i , r- TO ''OLD, ��IAIR COL I m on Sense - . W . - -, M DALS ­, . 11 . Ate. 25c. I ' * _', I . �4�,;� I ��­­_�­­, 11, ' ' : ' ' . " .. � ��,L`..­*,­� . .. . . . 41� - I I � 11 It I t . - I . I 11 11 I., --,_..'s, ,� A , ", � ., � . . 31114: 469t,1?0*�Airlul EffectivV'POW49F.Cd ' , V - 'b on ­� , - � , , �'� � � � - ': 'I �� _o� , " - - ,. . . , - ", I , - Alma, ; Oriv 41gy last week 4 ybunlc 01ilitton ; Ulbbitel McCarthy front a ., I ". 11. " � . , A , I I 01 do odposa GO U912", mid . I . .. '.1 -'- � I' , A� :" . �' , . . lad named Thomas Carter Ili . i'� I , . �d �,!,.�- � '; llp'..,_ 1 , we O;o . . ...7�. �,, , j, �: �� �'., , . , " , , " .- __ * -, " tb palligul Accident whilo-unloa(V FibachCastle 6xi Tuesday. He to 00 I I fectfint orize'd , . - ' - , , .. ieb with a L option township' was admitted into Gertnkide, M,itt , ", '.' t1io merit of the go4da I 1, , ,�":,L , , , Important to ,RdV8'rtiSP.'F51q -'f'n' lh'a"yt at r. IA. Little's. They had IT . oftropt age�Li!trld blind. This makes I I � . ' I ;' I'll, " , �, ., � . hanaie. . I . "idbw L " 'I'.,. . Huron 1-1 I ,� L L . I �. , , I In taking. off the troutof the , , L L j .",:'� , � � , I � I " '. . I ­ - . -bitilik a dpzen Animates, equalIK divided * ".,A-Mispe LL lc'-- . � . I - I I - I 'P_,: I �,:"��j"''­I r - I - I I'll, I ., - w and. , . ", �� � ` ` I- I I -1;11 I I I— I an.changes- of advartlilern4itts fdr the loa,4- and while a 'W .- "' ­' . . __ I I I . I ._�';,. _� '. as whom t - , 1� ­:,,�,L I ,.11".. 1, - ',',ri the rear pairt of the, load the lad 'ke 0 . - surplds� -Money, in a Bank I I I . I P", ___"' 1ttimpting to tit �4'� ..".. �, d � sex. frqT -he lig t off day I You put yq.ur �. ,; 1. 1. �.; , ,- , � � . , "'� , �L",'. must ba * the 4an L 21,11317 1. out. -There were two KNOWN TO,,'�t'MODERN !��-IENCE. I I ,�, ,�'. , tent j.,p)UO Of THE SiAlt "Al 8 I Ji. . . . "� ,:, '! "-,-, ban TUIC4DAT NOW of ed up the ladder of the rack to hand e t s; at t e stle on . . IS& I '.1 1. �,. �'_ , :''.,* , lIb.P#qtOraot later It Wednesday of outlive L that you know to be 5AFE. !A , I I -1 : '', .,_," , ..�, ,� : � . -.4, . gg L ;1: i ' � "iLr ,,_ - . . , , up. it- rope when the front A�uO-ifilped I t; eek,14'o Rhry Destroys Oif Orlorn �4i4in Death to Ittioct'l;ife Prevents Coo� 10 I . .,,� 1 � , .. ­ 961%�'iveok., Ailvegtl4itirs will Pleatle 99XI'm ey and Emanuel . $uh�ll PDX"Ohrileta, 10��r, Diphtheria, Malaria. . ' ., �, �- � �,��,_�_.", ��, � L I � . �; leaving the boy ttv�der ft w4goolk 11 44 ey bad been Affficted taglouR Diseases hold F � r,"� I l�L, ": ' L .tl ragelvP11-awardingly. . it . Cores Hog Cholera. Xeepa 09 '�Flles. eas, Ants, MosquiWes hnrl Nice. L . I'. 'L � �." � � !:� ben- he was taken out it,irtAfiri . W �, t, I U . nod '1' ral . � N, .e ,ML* M§ , Then put your money in a W . ,;,, w , `�j� L4'-.' . ,p LL y and wat, seventy-one . " " E E L, that . I ,"rj� , -1. , . a eikra o a e. . ... "I. L I � � ,;,'�_. I . 11 L ___ --- that he had brokertaconplootbotie Will Heal 04ts, Gashes and SO* Shoulders, and Cure Running at the Ncme, ' I ,.. '�,"". ., .1 % I r L I I , . I I ,'�`��%��,� y . - lX , .- 44h Grease or Fish Oil will drive ttke Horn . we know and guarantee to beSAFF' � ,'L�,!'' '' r ­ �:�',��;�',�'_�,:�; r , : . in his wrist, which was als!1_43ildly - and PiQK Eve ill H4rpes. 9 14 , , , � A - . . o . , L '� '!,�'-, ,,�.. _ .8 '_ �� =-- : _ '.6", . I �_j."; _ P61N -, TO ADVERTISERS. sprained. He Is. recovering �.j fast. " as � U LOSING FLE Ply from 45iiiile and Hor4os. � tMIS She�p Tick% Fleas orl Dogs. Lice an . -_ — - , . I , . ­ L �­ ­�. ,,, I T . ARE Yo SER . . . . I I." , " 7__ , ,!"�I,� , , . I canhilexpected. Mr. Little, whylwltlk , Vattlo, Colts. Chickens. Wire W.00,ms on Cabbaire. Insects on Plaxits. I . "' '' . . . * � t ,.� " � *�'i `�. � ads upon a Abor#1 Patronage of on -the load at the- time. also to out Thon tomething is wrong. To the . "­� � Pianos, Organs- and Sewing Miichines-�-the, ver " L ,:: 1, !, spmas,dope ,y best in the land. The ildraie' is a �: L : i., 4:�.i;,�,,� � 1. . Voting It always means trouble. It is ' ' , � escap L � ­�. J ,!, , �4.1.­'., .'' ed unhurt. , - - , 4,INGS GENERALLY. . guargntee—The Wormwith Piano, The Goderich Organ, The White. Williams, and -Ray. :�,-,�,,.; � -, , I ".1 �",'.,�L ;, _L�.1",'' ) overtleing-J. J� AOTOR. I a warning to one, unless they are � � , , . ', � "I'll L4 . I . illy :�, ;. �, �� ,% � � ��',;, - h r 1*11�1 �. �,' .111, Frotideno and constant advertising brought nd ' . OF alrea,dy too f.t. Scott's Emulsion Destroys all Germs. People 4 �Ithfnk or value'.hoitlth will use diia remedy. mond Sewing Mac ines—ft bestmakes'the world can produce. . . ,_ _ , ,��"U, ,�L:, ��,�-,�, I W11 "' : I .. is no humbug. it's a scientlfiT.'b .beyond doulit.. Bond the timall circulars I � , ��, � _ , L , L �";1�111� ., I own -A. T. 8THWAuT. - The great doirland for a-- pleasant, checkq this waste and bri ngs, up your it , . . . . A ��', �::L�, - I", � . artie and reliable antidote for all RITeri, 'weightagaim ateea high.8fi%de Makes jt� All these lines, I I , �.:, " :, � . I I We are headquarters, for gum - � . "I � �,, '�, cien I � , ! I is an, bonest insilOction , - ',v,: , " ,7.Pt,4 aerohants who do not advertise In TEM STAR tions of tbU throat aud lungs Is -fully . .. ---------- 4� , ready in case of opidernice'and fn�"Lf6ivn' use. Every Hotet, Residence-, 061legq, 'nd the Goode will do the rest. " ,,�, %­',� ' q�, " "�:.�� , and grow more a i `�Priiitd of Health�ohould have,'A barrel of It and all we ask I �!�'�.��,"j"L . love more monev thun we (Ia. — tive Syeil#. It Lie S J)urbly 'Home Farmer. Factor3 0, L'ILI Theatre, Jail, Prison and Public Place, : . . I - " . �", �, L )'� -Vekolpille of Reeve Carliog,met with it painful . all. . . . ,�, jL��' , " - . '�sNiq1i;CarIizg,daugbter r, Stahl � , ' .: , .v in ,. met with Bickle'a Anti- otistimp- Exeter i All a !.,.%;�,.L�.'��"" , , 11%1`11 il I ­ . _ . I � �,�"!,: '11 ,�_�'r,,C.�"_­ . - RVoilay. While on the should,be provided with SporitlePiphenyle. L . . : . * , � i. , I ,, 1. ),�� -,4..�, � - I COMpOURd. and acts rVomotly' and accident, oil . 6 I , ;.. ,.,�, .% . �"!';.%'!.';��!�: wagleallf -in subdiaittic at coughs, colds, street. near'J. N. Howard's. she, slipp- .. C] � 1'.�",;,�� _1'1-� 1P , �1� �­'�. , I � 16 k", Nta. EXANLINEi4l'i" . ...G' ale Wit, Thomson , L -,,��,,�.', _ , �L'mxr TO GODLINESS." I �L�­�'�:, _4 604tv A , . e ,,, .,- ";"I I ., . bronchit 9, Inflarbulation of the lungs, ed on the grass, and in reaching for " �:"!��""4`5 .. —­—­-­ . .� etc. It is so palattible that a'cititil will the fence to save herself. her arm came THIS IS CHRAP, 25a POUR0, Eviallynoby 0Ar4 V61M IT. The Square. GoderlCh. :. I . ,­ 9 - I j ­�- ,� '�L.�­.'.­ - 4LP., o- , ,:11".": . . I ' - ­��;_�,L�_ , -011�DAY, AUGUI . .1.1- I I . . - Agont. .1 '�,,,,.', " ST 1Z *I" not refuse It. and Is put at a price that� In c6ptact with A barb wire, mqking a E31CYOte and . i ,'-'�11 - � .. . FOR SALE AT I . . MUSIC � I - ., , P,,�,; ii, � , , I . will not estludef the pooe from Its cut near the wrist several inches long, I I , .11 , ffles Goderich. 11 � . = ­__i�;�= - �17___�__' r— . 1,�',�y'�,�:,., ..'...., � ;, . - I benefits. . . 4L' 11 . It ' I , `S��,�, �'.",V.,4 " � I . Several stitches were required to close , 1 1 " `1,tlr,k%:� , , I . . ,i :, ­ .� 11 � � . �:,., �-,'', . - ,��­�L� 'P.,��,;,�-;;,�, the wound. .. , .- ___ - - . . � L 1011 .1 I I ­ L ,��, L r -�,., . . - e * ­,!r� L, ,','�,�,,"�, The- Circus In Toronto. Morris: j)urbig tb6 storm of last � �) I ,­ HAY MANTED, &MIlodelling Oup ProeM� .,, , I I ,��,L , r ;-,�"-, � ,�4 -, � , WHAT TOMMY SAID. I r , ,1. . !,:� - ."'.. week, the lightnin stritek it tree near, . - - es ,�I,, �,&,��,, the residence of JX� it Bell, A10 I 11,11% kill- Uncle John -Well'. what do yon _L3y I I -1 ., -"-*--#— �,�.�, fi�"i-;,'�il-�. " ' - � STILL A IN N, ING to - ' ' r .'�,,!,�,,-',,,,�,�� , ".t,,�, - . g tWo turkeys ujlde� the tree. The mean to be when you get to be it man? , ERE - corAp � , . . ��.;,',,� E��,!,�-, TWO CUOWDED AUDIENCES HN- Ili ec - to FAMERSt, LOOK H , ale us 'to dispose of some, Of ()or (bods fit quickly a 1 �4 � �j'�,'� L�. el triaJOuiddienleapedfionr 'tree Little Tomiuy(promptiy)-A doctor, - I %'.';"�, - 11 , �­, �, . , . , . �11 N M ,, . . Fwant, AW Tout; of Good Timothy gay I -­­�, , TENTAINED.- . house, shattering'thb wind6wo and like pit. , I . I 1, . Goods as posiOliti. Such t�;v"�,'�'��, , , I I breaking it cupboard in the 1ptchell. . . this years' out, In excliange,for Apple . . .. , " ,, I ,-\v L ,;,;�-,",�, : � Uncle JohnNuizzleaNv)-ludeed: and -N-) � .. e . �',.!�';t�. ,., � . besides givint the , general . Barrels. Barrels to �e delivered, - . t( �L��4 ,_X',t. r bouse q I , 'We 403M3CIVAL . I I I . which do you nitend to be, an allopath . �, _�L,�� , �'­�'� . I during July and Augklot�' . "'4"�,'��;I' �';��,�-!,Z)'!.,�' AD11MAL DEwny REcprviwG Visy- shaking 1AP.' Airing the' sa . � _4Q,"� I file storm or a, homopopath P At Wtilxeter, July ls,t, F. DuNnArt, of Stratford, pressed during the - fall a w I n te t . " -,�..."",, ,',Tjp,���V, I � the lig tiling struck Qio batti of Mr. Little Tommv-1 don't a �'Ily, the twa prufossional races. He wall Months. Pattuerd in the'vtolnity or Take up on muc r I and "G1-Z�jjavjw4%jr.^,3Mj3 I `� . ""', - OF won e� . ` � , Tous-THn BAny LioNs—Saws I I L � �,i',i��;, I , I . -samelifie; the,harn, was them cwful big w6rda mean, Undo . . Moutit".4 On a I � � wit '.:L,",�,�L­ �.. !" �". �1, ." - L Millir on tbt . _0 Goderich, now. Is the time for ,you to h coin want to reduce the -Cloak. There G natime,of. Thilyear . ­,!�J� 1 I . 4�1 1 . I Tlig FEATURES OF TJd BIG SHOW. burned. , ; John-, lit that don't make no differ- . J�­'. a , � . I .� 1, I . I no, L ,c ­ I" ,,�.� , ,. " speculate, Barrelsthlit fall will be to We han In tb6 Stirring and Summer. "�.��, '�� L � �,� . . . v ' you as ROW as -gold. . - .: ,,. 1. I I ence, atise lain't goin? to be either of Is 0=4i � ' As this is a snap7offer it. will only lie COMe and Sea 'Our BargainS �; t � !� �� � — .. Hollolvay's Corn Ogre, is a sipteill! f ' em. I'm Just. golu' to he a famil is , L . - 1 4 � I c r ' L . I . I I'll I The Globe, August 2nd. . I At a, doctor air' give all my patients Hood's I . - ': 1'1 I I -ilia, ,cause my pa says that ii . I i", .. , have never heard of it�� tailing to re- Sarsapa ";Q� held open until. the Ist. of August, so . I I 1, % , 111,��,,,, ; . .� , � the removal of corns nod W 'We I M GREADY . PINK FLYER � I . ,,--`�,"� 11 � - I I � , I " - � , %-.-A loll 'I'll" 1� 60 W I h I= ana. M I I I I I 11 I ­� . Tnt,pnto turned out lir force for the 1: � � . WE WOULD LIKE to fill Il ',,,'�,��,� .. ",.�� � . .11 I . . move even the worst kind. . . he is it doctor, he's Ibliged to own up !r. . "'-'ss",� come and see or write At onca And . You a sample order Of GROCORIES, X I. ­ ". Walter L. Main ghtw yesterday aftei- . -.— . thereby secure a mapket lor your am- Let ' I . . _,.'�,��, z:"�:� - . that Atiod's Sarsaparilla it; the best Which,*Was loaned him the day before. To win plus Hay� I I . Us U7 if We can suit you� . . ,'e,,','�'t 1 �,.' ��', . � 'L�'�',­ noon avid evening at the old baseball Walton - -ft races obd enjoy Cycling ride THE MoCREADY. SHOP AND RESIDENCE. . . . . . I ,;,�V,]�; :��;�Z,6,�. L Wellnesdav (if - last family medicine he ever saw in his life. " . �,,,N,,��', , , grounds. Both performaliceswere as- week Thomas McKtbbin, an old, well � . .1 . , � I I 1. !,.-�,-�,,`�;�, , , -esident . They,00 easy. - ioll . ,� . ceeding;y well attended. the big t,i-�t known and hilbly esteemed I , `,:, I I I TIPLING & CO 1�. � . . ,.. � .. . $Oar G.J. R.At t . I . to I .�,.L,��"."� "�, "�', - . � I . !alit of Walton, sal . good-bye to earth and .. Oypos! 'put 11604's t FAMIZVOROOERS, . , . I . ID 11111`��',�4� I t h it'j.' I ­.T."J PM'.. - -_ 11 -_ L -'I. ill ,9.'� "I., , I . I in Co. Antrim, — __=r, , I was giyj� . "Adlp#41 . I . '.11"i, 'v � , I � -and a VuOre highly' satisfied % lr�la'fid, -; , I ' Thk flofiderSoD, 151611619 *60 LIMIN I . . . 11 .,� bavinCall. It could seat comfor earthly orincems. Deceased- was Wrn BROFOR BLOVIC. � I r 0 t 1, ivearu a? . And tl� - L � . . . . *1 - I I ,III I 0 - - et;.gr9#tf16Ie?_W"0,;=J,W , _Je�; ,� . . �sbow that , � _,� - J, k I 4,� � . h;111'. ,Wg­�.. 1XI 'o'Anth, - 6,'600"69 OHAS'. BA, S, . I.T� , e a I � ::�_� , ��_;. ,_1 - 'r ,f 't I ;� . I -A, I . - ...'. Ajewev, . J r I In marriagiii to isil, Ja ap xkvlov� his � � 14 L, - . L I -�iinurge the; chief, attraction. and he I I " _.,,5Z,-__ ­ L now, ,bereft'�'ph p, .,, bprtly ter -:-A��4-��l . "",,,�r', XtIL % 11( ASK YOUR DEALER FO ---JW1ff%-,. , : 1_11�_ - - selfu ;essed yolll!g they eirroor to Cana . . I - 0 ��!: �.w *' - -, . - Z, I coulaty. ,� - ,� 1. �.- _& t . 3 . , , 1 ' ' _, ,_ I" '0 � , 0.9! L ., --��', KID HAM � " , I - ,a,, . l . Their first home 0 - . 7 - go" -�b - ior . I 11 . �;S,!Av'; ," I . . MCA& E5860M � % ,X,,.� �, ,��,� ,1-- , . M . . L' J ' V ��.� .: L _ � kf., ; . 16 ar.40fttifigt -wast-on,tIte-Goshen in"tinilev town- t. xs_.tha rawar6o -­ -"--'-* -- "Q I �,� ., - ` ��­ . '4111 . ; ,)��__ g" 4 " . �, �,-�,� - �j;errlrr,.0�4 ,,, �.,,a ,, i ed ' �; ��L, _..�� , all afterwa""', L . pv...""egr and Goderich Mining M11 , . I ACCOM t, '"J" bitim 'p, where A hey spent - - - AQ4 if - � ;; --a—, � � I � _'r.�T,o, ' ' - g ., rt I " 4 I t 11 � s Nino Fowder I nil Mv Stil�kWblffj. O'T. ' * L L ; I . 'I- 20 Vears. moving into Walton 10 years It . ,-----Now I , Ddatotanatiis or p&E�WiV69" nlo 119 td'A( 4. , are,, diiiiire 0 -part from thorii., R048 . I I lit classed unimig the best and most success I/ Essence 'of PINEAPPLE, e` also vigorously learning the olcl­hriak- "go' . ­ eohools In Zanadn. It. horoughly Frepare R -11 1 Buchanans& Rhynais - -61,dm �L rioung men and -wnmen ftor bitsinesm ife, an r a .. :: BANANA, Tho fliah 1� , ., j ward and forward bw motlon For Nine Years.-Ur-Sarn'ttel Bryan, hearaduates are successful In securinian( BEST FORTARLF.r)AIPY 01�91`% rli,Qm, I 1. RASPBER . 610thiffs 1�, which the big beasts It "ll, I Contractors and Builder's I Z.hf t when ,s I holding the best aituationti. Fail term' opt I BY. !�,, , I - Thedford, writew. -For nine veat Ist Write for catalocue. I I L . :' " STRAWBERRY, - � � ' 11 chained up for the delight of the p%14- -on my , Principal.. , L r 'k mannuoturers at and dealers . . I . t,r ,. lie. It is Impr6qsIve I. sti. the should. suffered witti, ulepratted sores ' W. J. ELLIOTT 14,�� YANILLA. I I ______1_1_- — 111.�, )nt elephant ro6kinit back- leg, I ex ended over $100 to phvsi- . Lverbodu Is Talkino .: LEMON. in all Itinds of Building Material, ' . -/-< , "' ers of a ton -ft clans, ang tried every. preparation I - :: :: tl.ATIFIA, suctir as Lumber, Doors, Stioli, 11 rl,�- , I - whtds and, 'forwards over one'R head, heard of or saw recomitiond6cl for such XX M Xn Its bu&.; - -1 __1 .. WINTERGREEN, � , � - � , and 14 iq instructi ve to watch. n d�mhi' disease -but coitid get. no 4relief. f at . I . .. .1 Lath, Shingles, &a.. &a. Standard Summer Goods to .0idei 04 V � ABOUT ' POPPERMINT. . -_ , - .t.10tov elepbaut busily uttlizingan last, was recommended 6 Rive Dr. — I 1. .. OINNAIVION. . L ' �,;., - ' tiff moment to perfect the tootlon- Thomas$ 104clectrie Oil a trial, which Piano and Estimates furnished on appil- "I t There is also tb family of lion elihs, has resulted, after using eight bottles __ at Big Re duction s to - from - $3 to ..'� , �'�"'��. three little boo-qtA who are very much (ustnir it internallyand externaliv), In THE OLD RELIABLE D. Gantolon's flour.. floe Per ounco-DAMiNG POWDER -25o a Ili. cation, � " . (10intablished ta") v.���', . a complete cure. 1. ilelieve is the -�All made 1 $8 less than regular prices. "I I .`.�. - ctit ai�d who converse with their bF us and guaranteed or mongy Ly" .. � . 22=ust received another car load from book If hot eatisfaOtory. 1. ­ motherin tones itnoommool .... ggq"- best medicine in the world, aA I write I I Ho has no on havil two of the BUC'hanans & Rhynas . >< , _ �,,�]'. tive of the unnecessary midniRlit torn. this to lot others know what it, has beitt brands of flour thwt the world can Pro. � Prescription I I- --- , I '�L� �', C�"t� duce-14ke of the W 5 J. WILSON11 Dr" '3torp. . . ".'� ­ The said mother it; firm in her ossplr- done for Inc." . r . Q LO -0-0 wi code and OR11viiiii frolli Telephone 45. � KINGIATON , -��:,, tion of parental authority and appboirs ,O=Nille, made from No. A hard wheat. ". ", I eps the . - ..., L'. I to linvo, estAblished good disreiplive in ­' . . — STRE9T, ' r�' ;,,., - , � , her four wheeled home. , The rest of Wingham : A deptitaflon of Harris- - - , - i t Tle People know we carry the Gbods, that , . BEST BRANDS .401- ". , �, L . - the mentia.,orie is decidedly fair and ton gentlemen visited Witigham on . flouse . DYE WORKS ­ . ; I '�,,��%' . I proved as attiketil ve its bf oi�d to the Weil ne9day. consisting of Ma . �or Edy, ALL, XINDS OF - —OF-- * . he Make-up ,is Perfect, and that there is no _ Re L , I r _ ., - GODERIGH. ,,, -which thronged' to watch In- -t, ONTARIO FLOUR L , ternill dissen.-tons make the monKey clerk, and Engineer ,Gray.' Their ob . , clip ]Fipe, - � "' , crowd, eve McQuibbati, A. Steivai - Pee lo bu 11, _..0. e fit . -� O.D1 rV,.ng o.urwoulddowellbyea ng I ,� - -� Re unharpy. to observe the ostrle4eq Jert. wits to examine our grart9lithic AN EL01 rs� 1�11 ell , the practical bakerv. and 11"', . try to,vitr uttnns off spectators' cloth- walks and,report IA) their Council. he will tell you how to blend 'he Mnnitob Don't ran the risk of losing your We are overstocked with Summer Goods and .;, I . L 11'�' � . with Ontario to make a beautifni family valuable Deeds, Mor gea. Insur- R. SMITH, Froorletor, �,� L � ing,'tb experience rt, fearful Jor Ili see- - e at It . 'rhe prices will surprise r , the "�,,,, 1; C O -AL' flot""L I r �.. Ing the baboon cluten IovinR v af shee Policies, Iteceip%L. Notes, or must reduce every line. �1111 .1 _ - I Thormigh- . on wish to keep., qLOTHES CLEANED, DYED ybu. I ­, - They Cleanse the *Systeiti Amomm— REASONABLE PRICE ­ an casll�l small boy and to listen halt , y other papers I 1- . I risively to the bad language iv._Parmole&s Vegotable'Pills clear ILLWiY$ ON EANI­ sciure in case of ire, but buy a . ,� h I . , 1,;, . 119104611 - t'he stomach And bowels of hilions — AND REPAIRED. 41 t I us used to each other wbeh food .VICTOR BURCLAR AND FIRE PROOF SAFE. ,,�, ' Ing tiroerame. matter, cause the excretory vessels to F. -1. PRIDHAM. The Tailor. 'I, � I . ond I - You can gab one from $ 1 5.0() In 4he most modern elle' Ana satisfaction . - ­ The best Scranton Ha.,d CoaJ I _ _____ --- - ",.�,,�,� The strot point of the circus aparC throw off Impurities from the bi Orders will be promptly attended to In up, according to size. Just what ;�?,w, . from its quAraped k Indergapten is the into the bowels andegpei the deleter- Old clothoo made to look an good as new. -_ ____ - --- - 'L, k� "L . lous mass from the body. They do In the market for PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS . Farmers. Doctors, and Private In. ' '­ �TL main show. The triple perfornilidnEle dividualg . I �:�,��,� , IF. (intiQuIlteffiv exceedingly "It done. this without vain or inconvenience to CMURME —on— s=In every house. Positively money 60ing to you. �,, � ".. the atlen.t., who speedily reafize,, their OYSTER -PATTIES , Call and at - I I , ; � ! "!.". ,., The actsi ate good and are pill, on v,lot,,V goodf oflaces as soon " Ii2ey begin I o — PRIORS MOii9lUTR. , .. Weil. A good deal of praise Ana b take effect. They have stron Pecoln- Or any other thing in the Cake lines. pl. H. WORSEliLlS CATTLE, @' BROS. ','��' , ­ given to thb clown couting(Int, w9lel'i mendationsfrom all,�;kinds b people. All coal weighpd on the market scales w I A. Smith. 4i"'� L . f f\ . , �­'_ is composed of fifteen very clever per- wherb yon get 2000 1�s. for a ton. THE CHEAP STOVE MAN, — . 00 � . .6 � Weddina Cakes with Almond Icing it : GODERICH. ,,, �, forhkeo and u. lady clown. Their bitr- - . , � ­1� 'L . I I L, ''. 11 - L I1?A4ue.of`Sousa,'A4band wAsexceedingly E lebter : W, Cann, durtni the elec- WM. LEED spocialty. ��`,�'-�� good. The mennKerle participates of trical stonn on hrdndg. had,,q narrow Order. left at 'Lee & Sheppard'is 'store — . -0 P UMBERS ��,,';,,�,`� , I i I . 1,1, rourse. "Brutus.' the riditir lion-. eocape ffam� being'kill dt: H&,had only will r# ceive prompt attention. - No . '��;_�, -Canandai oint looking out of it - — ___ J. E. BRYDGES PUMP - ... . �ua,11,tbe rldm%ptiny,,,qod stopped litick , t , --11 --c I robin aod,Vzzie,"t eperform. . ,,.;, ". 00 - f STEAM FITTERS � . kk..& _9­&� ItAu'llf..: 'rl.,� Be—.otoo- 1. ffINNING MILL WORKS, P, � " , ca.v .. p V . I . . .5 ; �'1111:�,`o -.1A9 good. 11 I � ! . Mg ­_ ** MUM (y �,� "', illd 6 abong 'the !'queLp - I Uun b e 11 NELSON -ST.. CODE RICH. �, I � ".4", � �, �­ tria"s boo oseph Berris. Wft, P& . � I . . 11 Wande. Jameq WRIroy, � � . . I ., , ., . on. Tolly' V ­­ ­e� 1'0;�Iln 1. TINSMITHS ch"" W Passed -116 Ot I` ' itust_, I I � 1,/�� �, , Win flenctey. fl. Driscoll, f9flefo _ .,: his ", nod 11 14VIe 06 Gook #.� PUMP DEPARTMENT. �. " � , il . . VAj, , obt. Abrams, Jol Lo*� . cap. ni'm; 1. I SO , _ I � , ,, I Ist, Y� , , Buy LAKE Or T1W, WOO.,Well Dressed, i . , ; WHOLEUtM 41111I RZT"L. #:, "' " Ido, � 0j'at4-Milleri Mrs, %irke, Mand The Advertise �Viiiiiqelvqw�__Imm_ - Wooden pumps in a number of different - v If West Side of Square - - GODERICH I , t best Patent and Strona Baker's === U I ,�_`,,� '. -,w � PICattI.Adli MOM eillgte V they j*eft,6 eVWto the . _� 10 , " e I : I I . 0d"'Attly pabile, styles and sizes: , � I ,� ,!V 6 nfA16,71Nh(§ usual 'ROTOVAMIO feats Parnielee'*4 Vegetable P1114, , A business man I a . .. . . - �` , lt� , 11010,111 boratue I I � V No.'s I and 2, suitable for house Cisterns. TP -_ - �___ -_ I 11 ,. "., '. wom I 6 mention hoing4ue OOPUlar lieck0d, of t�e good report No.'R2.8,4,5,0, -I ... .. wells . - I - - ___ .. I. I- - - __ , , . -11.:, . tit( '1001 � stud orntz families, Thil the,k lb,ade tor themolves. - That re- @ FLO,UR@Cann Ot Afford ., 11 " ,.. I., ..� I 1. . I 1. . 11, , �� "11 Miami , �' Aelentille boxing wasiajoq ilittoblon has roivfi. And, they now -FUOM- I MANUFACTURER OF No.'s 5, 6, 7 stock well .­ )told. "'. a races, which brox ti Th 'in a- Cause to be Ppoud --awwwom— . _ .1 %ht the rank amonF he flist;jAedielot I , ' I �, for RA n tkl It% to be otherwise than 1:1 N p r% . etc po lis are manufactnred from , 'a co to a conchi-drin w rib *till - .- t.- - *A r,, ja, A L _gjnl Qr%p .ApplAf%1:_Q I . 11;": . - . e,40_211, .1 � 4n J . � . . . . .. UA C , U I a P Mai; � #)a 1114. A gurnii pine, -3panish , . I f" , IV r* M2 ' No . a so ac e ere . I., 'rid sinartly ran tift 4fid Iloilo, ,,vomplaintJt-ti JAVer ,04 Id' Wbolesalo and Retail, Goderleb , - 4% ­ a �_ I , ,, , At , , � Well Dressed OVALLSTYLVS. losther tr`1;:=a@. iron cap valves gustran. , . � � , � ` orrip , �Wr� '. — I fantory work In Hilfg1r.m. VarrlageA There is always a feeling of salk. .. �. �, MO. � taking kieyktlhetkiki'tktiktti;'t6V(i"!tL)IdUiVii;' d teed not to season check. W , an I "I ,#sWMt oAr seEvicc was 9�1�: Arid the 11%tto-0014, - 104(11lllca,��o to -1-10-1 . . , . No.'vt 5, (I stid 7. closed iron capped top* - 4, 1041towd Was andibil Wei . - The which t Jotijig . ;pill fa3tion if not of pride in being .. e I .,: � � ; . tbl M&M 0; , nad Lumbot WAmona. Refla nting. rotri, : with iron beorings. � ,*e ROC"'.., Ing. tnpq. euahtansl. &c. A I work warrom L ���: olt, 4,� z,*Ith: Its OW hando Ana 1�1�'11­1441­11Z� , 4 _ U610 61voru NO ready-to-wear garment can Non ,oil itressed in good form. This is a . h Pdairilrwromptly attended to. F4"�ond- No.'s 5 and 6 guaranwed to wo it with I ft; tintpAttled at Cherrif street 111:1 Olnselburs.'t-t�: AhW'Baht"Mf met possibly fit &I I the pectiliaritien nor,rly it,, kinds for A I I or childron in evr 4, [any feeling tliat comes to our patrono. , r if " � ph-rkil At,cirJ0fibWt,9atUrdff - - c '.P. ease by vvnfnon 71 Your pride in being well dresseJ , � � I ',�, hledI44 i 'to, WI it f§yArling. of man. Oar pritiett, consis- and litty feet deep. . . " . , ,atior the evening, perfor , � ,:, � AT '�Cuftdclr viray. A6 hio"Was. 16tov 604% a- I , � '' � I lboow,l�`�k d 0 and R-60dir Shop tent with work done, are DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS Sinks. Water Tanks, Wood and Iron in shared by us in our pleasure at . L 41kililt GLODERICH on RATPR itt it To" , -1�40#00r�7066 of ' TOP , V I �',�': �-­ 1) r, , , X 0 MIL , . IS AT TH R OPPOSITE COLBORNE HOTEL. piping. etc. � I UGUST is. . higelho"t. h16"661*0 y1filh( 40"�, dome 'OF TICE LADDER f . .11, . . ,,, . !?t equally an ehosp as the I knowing that we have the bonor � 1 ; I '' I 11 L � �� �,� z , � �: L .. 1.1 �_ . ­ '01) ftWft.*6lide_J "'till*L r64.('�_....'JbrOW' ­ -do Braiina, Voloanizin " lteady�to-wear .— __ Orders by mail promptly, attended to. )of ile"ing so many welI-dremd . I A'VW WAWANOSH. . , �,& Wc garments " , I �, I., . I , -Witimit-ofthol ' ikild. 'if , uring m Enam- )J,.. ji. COX, pafflily gUtet Wbtill ,,,d.ri.g give depth at well from poe Is. ' L �, " 9, it I � .1 I A U04 %�' Ont(ot,,11 fijel according td hift" lWV-0i-*AI 2-Dtift � WAS eIing. Teaching# And. nil kin a of Re. made b? stop tailors. er platform. p .1 I 'O I . , , .1 t . I � §Ail 1% W pairin I 6 1116t6heli all pt*"111t; ot.1 it, *#y t U06AII. on alit WWI atid I 8XVIIIIAL GOOD A0211"hi wkx?]KD. L I . ''.1-AW16AIMIAtAt, . I I our"Whool., for hire Are all reliable Hetiftilfitelft-1111t., d6dilplish. I , , 1h , , I � " L - 'Tpb�llt* ft'N mtiKft0)oAt shwv0d bilitfibO � h kiffAbriottliou * I the And easy-ruilning. and the rental very We he" our Spring and Summer Stoo - I 11 _' - , ; . ''." - rs", lii"d tit 44%, '00eived aT14 Al#&� I I h, , � " . it I A*- ' '� �, . � .- . I ' --@.of.t,1i0 . t'rs' itioddrAte. I .. I I "Ov"boMill *I& *till to oleasts and always Ancoem. ij V*fftij"j�Lf(If tfitI Vlear W61jo ifte Iti L� L . �C,;�k of SUITINGS tiod SINGLE PIECES, .1.1.0 . FANNINC MILL DEPARTM111M. � 11 Mo L , , 11, L li, " LL � Wj�otvaq I I- N1, - in . , ' " L .'A 6 algf ,. Mtos We", 6 " MkOftlift, We hak J61; out In several Little ad for your Inkspectian and invila Ton -trarig'- I -proved Grain and good , 0 d%'?ll0Aiiwa9 ' I I LL - " . lklig*14, Knd they ate having I ro Y loone7s fit any Panning Milk I � . � '�a L M Ifirr, a L (lW,tW,"#^ , �'! " o Call. . . C Air. I , , 10" fil on the I I offith#11i, , 'A bi tun , lkkoan's Meat markot 0*44blofti*1 omilliko 01 0;;:Z�� a Am R MILEAN, I 1: "" ��110 �' = -yilft #jttit, duythinsr In Firming Mill Screms suit fllirew.f4w "y ., * th­LftjM�� .. I. ' ­r_*hJft0' ' out - k,_­,­�­,­ I �, I t') , 6, b for .1pl# WAj"d , .& - 4*mer scasit-S& Kind A14tinapts. make of mill. ,� , 'L ik .�Thi&,` I E, a t " - � oft , ", t�� be- lino corde, _�t!?!!`P�Vnry � . I I i , - 6i#ftkkff&it�iG;1.kil;V RAM,& . — __ ­ 1�01, �"Apv f 1111101 11111111161) IThe Up -To -Date Men's L *Mpowom W "Orrow zue PUM or 175111,1141r) I IS 11!17ef JXeJP Or, 13 jr. the I -­ ­­­-, -­-� - - - - - - - - I 1-10mily lurocroX nverying . ­__­ ­­ ­­ -1_1 - - 004 I ____ - 'The old and reliable 1_* IX \ I . 1. i Ide, ;Akei�, wootbit. folo� towiloblo t�h _"tb,A4 '-&&L k" , . . J 6A = Inprotle"n I Furnisher. i e .11 --.'�, #41 11# � 1�gr , Mitt I L L "POT: I _�11 i i X YULE House, RIW&jm right. ARMSTRONG BR , - , I . � L 1, ' r� i, ­ 11 , . , , I � L I a Specialty # *on 06.1 I i . ' L ''.1 ,, . I r . ''.,", L 0 � %, I ,�,A� W-11 I �� 4�0: 1,1* �14 ,,, ,, � I . , : . � . I I L I , ; � T � . I : L , � I , ,,, ,': , 1. I . I " I I , , I I I , , . . . W I , , I I . . L I I I , I ., , I .1 I 1, I I I v I . I I L I . I . . I!, : � � I ' � I I , � �� ., . ,. I L. I "I � . .. I I " :*L' , ' , I � I , . I I i . 0 � � I . . , L. . I 1. I I I .1 ,.- � 1� L' . I . � , , r I ��_,, �.� _ � , : , , � , : , , IL " " I � I , I " r I , 'I I , I I L . - , . , . . ' ' ' L I I I I . :, . r, " I . . I � ,,� r: , � , . � , ; , L . 4 . . I I � � ,. I ' L � , L . ' f, . . , I 0 1, ' � 11 I .. . I - . I I I , 1, . I 11 - I I I I . ... 11 I .% _� '­­ ­ ' I'' ' 11 �?, ,-".-`A-: I ., . I .� " .. "'�': , ' , L " " I - I I AM46"6W�"gd- "A . I— .1L, , 1. ILA&� I , , . ,� �. "I 4 '�p L' .I . " � � ' I— I I ,>. , . I .. � , JL, ­ 11 .1 . , ." , , , I., L I , . �, L , , � I.,� . , I **4.016 i�111111111 11111111111 . . . . . . . 111111 A.1 . 11 .. I . sh, *&Aol 4 1 460ko 4 . A.& * . -, i�,,.-��,_.L_4­ -_ I I L�._ , I.AkNLA&_Ik6r,4161�._� _1& .&A, �_ _. - , 'I'L ", ' Ili," - "I A, -.-.r-,, 0 bb I 11 I , . &4 Wr o, 4 & #J. *'A�k P, 0 4,�h *** * '. , i qo* W, is * , uffidwk""� _'.��­ " N61A& _,L*_6 N't" , I , . ,I I , I . I I . .satt,ts-4106 4 �& 1*1 I &,�*A' I k 4 4, * 4,6. ,A 0 W - �tmo. As A', 4 11 _L6L± _L --- -­ ­ ��� -ti��� mmmmw&-t i� N