HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-08-12, Page 3- ... �111111111;;Ilrl..1­111,r - -.11 ,,1W,—�--7;:17,--,- 1 I -To--?' - PT- - "I `1_ � - - ,� � i� ­.T�, , . , . _ 7.—,- ___,_, -- _ ." - I I 11w, _� I - _� -_ , �,. I , F 41F��,� ... 90-4RWr-"t' . I 5 Ir" I , V - n ; _W " I.., ­.; 116 ; - 171� . , , 4, 1 1 , � .. I I , 1. I ­ . ., 11 I 11 17T_771r", I - " i� -FT7" ': " ., � I . .. I 11 .. - I- ­ 410 I - - � _� pw:, �, I. . - I 1. I . . � � I !IT_MW9. , � - I '. . s - �J _ �, � � . ��._._ � -1 I . � - � . I . � � , , . , I 11 I � 1, 1, I I I I - I I . . I I '01 � . �, - I � . . . I I I I t V .1� .1 ". I "I I I . � � I �, 1� . . . � I I I I . - , I I � - I I , � .1 I - I 0_ . �. � . 11 � . , 1 I , - I I I . �. 1, ­ I � . 'i- I . . I I 11 _. " �.. - I I I I I I I I I � I . � 11 I - i . . I 0 - I - I*. -1 n. ." � � � ''. - - I I . .. .. i: . I I I , . . I 1. I I I . . . . � " 1.,�, � I . 11.1 I - - . * ��_J�_ _ i . I I , I � , . . I . I . .11 . I I I., 11 I - . � . I. - �,� ­ � I . . I � . � I I I � � . I � r - . . . . . . I I I I I � 4, - I - -1-1 ­ 4 - -4; I 11 . - -1 '. i im....'.. 11.1, !!! A *10 I 11! I ­ P,41.�, 4: ' I . �, . r . I ... � __ �, 1- . � - � ­_ . � I __ . I 1. ­ , ­ ... - . . ­­ - � � 0 ! _ ..r� � jr.,­ �­ ­_ I I � : � . � d V �,,,, . .1 11 I �_ .."'. 1� - - I -.11, - - I � ­ t"o, ­�.i­­­,;. - �_ ,, I:r I ,_ ­ ­­ ­'..' '� ­ ­_­­ ' r" '­ - , , 1-1 -:;;=,- 't"�, �� ,`Ir":11��:�,.; r ­ -_ - I �,, I li. mt I .10, 11 I . '. r- . . - I , I . � . r. I I ;,��111 7��'111� r 'm I .1 In. faffA of'= . I . .11 , . L , " , I,W I MI �, j, ' ' "",*'; L �, - ­­­. I j' I.. ­_ ­___ -r ­ , , T . 1 � -:. . , I . d , r , ­ � - � . , .. .... _­, , ,7,�7, � I " L . , , I . 111-- -1 I 1 ­ i ­ , rr 1, I - 1.1- TLL ,,, . . -11 1. . -­­ _L _.,__ _ .1 , I . I . .. .. 11 I . 11 r 1. I I L I I . - ' . L .'I I I I � I * I . . , �. . I � . I # ___ '6�-' 1 ­ . r I . � , H. L � L � . ., � _ � r . ` . I � r . . 11 . . . I ,. I I . _. L I r, , r I - .�, � I . I L; I � f. 1,*. m , * 01�, -W " __,,_,,.,,r . I I , " r .. r . - . W - ­. ��"­ -V_ �____ - , I �� , I , 'r I *.* �, r I � r , - I - . I .1 , 'i I .- r . .1 . . . � L I , , . I 1 "Wom 4VOSIVIrm � * � - , . I . �; * - .. _,;_ _ X I " � L I , - I I . I I L � - . , .. , _ � I I L I r ' ' , . of I . . � . .1 . . I � . � I - I L � * � . . . I ­. , " r " . ' " '_ � . . Q 3 1 . . � , ' ' , , I : , "t , �e, , - 1; I A* on, �*V* *44 otia *oi* . 't�� . I I 'r �f . r , , . _ � r, , I I I � 1. k . . . . �. I I r : . 1. 1 I i . I f, L' *",Amo � , - 11 , I . � .­ I , . 1. ;00. "W . �. I . I .1 ­ � L � Aoloiraw I 'i : 4 , i, � . , r ,, 4 � , , 4 A, ; � I . . � I #t, - . ... . 'L ' ' I , & I # Z :1 , . I � . ­ � r! . .1 - . . . I *., 40""�e* . '' I � J� r , r -A. 11 . . L '. I . L '. - 1, . ­.. � I - - - ­ - - '�J r #4 I . �� � N , ,� - . _1 I I , I 'r , L" _ I L - � . . � . . " ,'­ - .1 .. , , , � #*04 *%a*"& . , , L L : ,tM.A , ", pr X �1` �, �'L . � , L L ' 'r : � %,;-, � -1 " Z. � , I � . �":, i - -%#I . . . , ,�, " L . .! L Z I You , , ,., I , M �, Mpplo , , ­ L - I I ,1 4 , ­ � , ._ , -n IF � I a OT* ,*ft $W7jts r . r , W "'" *'t, iss_S,irJn& JW - " . ., 10 _f, L ' - 'k- r t '. , ' IN f � . *' �: I 1, 11 . . , I ,.� � . �, , � I I I , L'. " I : . , . I '� I L " . � I . I .1 . I � , L L". *1 I " ", L 'I ,� ��% � � . I . ��.. �' , , .1. - �. ; � I I " �ill .1;k._,;_. � . �, .� r � . � - . XX ' ' I '�Z4-� � . . I I . I I . r I . � . � � --- , ,:'�L _ - r ip"111 , ., L , - I . I I � . I I , I . I ­ I " _r r I I I � I . . ."*­ 1, I L _ . -'5� 410,110" I I o ,� , , . 2 ­ � I . . � . v � r � , I . I , � - � . ,�, L - I i" .4 �� 40 t* *&*A - ' I - - I . . . I . , L � . I i" I I , . . I � 1?1 I . . I I t4j*' � , - . " , , . " a`W$0:L I �� I I . 'L . I 1. .**�**Psp _ I , . . L I I �,, : ' '* , . I . I - � I IV I I . I , r �1 11 AM. 4& 4'Xa'a*"X* —" "Or ' . 04"WVW*T04,114110dos�*00r4� 11 " ,. LL I I r � . , . r L 'L .1 . . el . � � I "040a or E , i ' - —'-- � - 0.6* ' ' ,& �" ,. .� I I I ' .1 I . .�, .1 I . . . L r . . I I 1 .r. IM -1 '­ .. I I I , I I � I -r . - I . ",' . , L ' 'rft'- r ,. ' "'last'#. !j",- '. , , . ' I "" , " - . L I � � , L %�, i ! , .r I . I . . � I I I . . . '. . . I " I I I 1 L ' � i VA01-0. '041; breed of L grant Jim", 0* %kirot all 04 olww J0 . � . r y�' r L , �, � ,11111100,01011 .1 -11 I , - - .. .11" , r, ` I . I , = ^.- - . I I I , I .r I L . � %"#It,y, aud; 44" ' ' . I , . � _ ,* - I �' . r , , , I I I . _­ ­% __�p 1. � r 1 '�Isro' tW't!A _4*0tV#a, . . .. I . -1 , ': "� .1 . ­ " - L , ,* I r.�, . . gtit" r � I . , , . ': *;V*eXtt* ae . � ..! — . r ­­'­ ' ' '77 -_ 0. � r white cow Is 40 0*04, 'Xiii, oar"Oa� sow of - 0"hift 10, "t I I I �_ I . _ . , P%. I . " - I � . � dablit on" do " I . I I �� , ft 'Jlarth. � L I r r 11;PF t. !, . I 'L I, )LAS t."_ , ,OX,: . �"r 'i * . , - ;� I . I "I � i " A . 'M to 044 t � wa tvw� #. L " r, I 1�*4tAertji)4' Lltsl L _ , 14 L ,,,,,,,,,,�:r I "I , d ", �L . � og L .41 ", *1 I A V* , I I . . _4 I , 341 , 'tel- , i _4 ttA . r , 01 � . * '" I � . k'� .- r , _ _ . r L , _ , " , - _ � ,* L Val tktlry: og;� 4* ____ _____ _J ow* 41w w0t*ario ( kio** I . " �11 . tll(*. I 11 I r L P A11-4 , , , � � ilia pile; 10, self, 40 W W* "A t1heii-00*4 J",*- I ) , .. I 1. � L 06 0 � 'a �- rent, oa'_� At ,P&X. . it , � , . , AlgrA, � � , . d I , � � - I A& vuo*o� :P# - **-* ;F'" -r " �. I I I � I tic it Ox quArt400r at,. ,the_- � I 'L 0040 tapping 4. the, 0 4-T � I _` � � I � , . I Ill � ­Z.�11. � ", ----- I'll �­k .... I finds, S, � bq, -ow two, Ot *$*. 0'* *** ' r - L , . I � �"�. %�7�" ". - 'i ', ­ _­ � ­ L .... .. . --- ;i- ' '; I r I ? 1 9104 saili, '1;400.40, has,(* of. , ioied � .7 ­­,_ A . I � I , 's - , ; ��� .. ... .. .... $844 1. looking tato thit ,Qtw* to to*Ar V4. Ar#taabt*tj",tJWJ. 3 - I ­ P, ­11­1�11 .11,; �, o M .9 I I Mo T I . ,Vq*, W,4,04 ttts,�U'� L, it", �� � , ­ � ,,, �� L., - --- ­..--,,­ - ­­`­ .. I .1 �% sk, JA , 0 , I , I . ,� r � . .:I _ X; _41 l= 4 - ­ '111 — `­ " � , vtgu* 1 : L . ,r' r I . L I loviou � _ _ ' . , , I � . I i � '��­ � Ofttir ,Wjkj�s�*. _ � : �� �,.�j , ­ � , ,�' " �, , , I � � I I -Ie, 11 - . ., , ,. .i r" . , 7! "W " , 'l- . "'L ' ; . '. � . I . L . ., . 1� I ; , :' :1"X`_k 944 r - 410 00�1 , , 'L , 11 - ' , , L . . . ; " I— ur 0"'r, , -; �Jjj t� I I , . . I � I L'. ,.%* 41- . I *N 'S . " - * ' , � 'rawrtit * 411 t9_lhan �, , Spli I " 1, as . .. 'I " � _o.rcou.., � L ' , I . I—. I . I �0_ . L , *, tt," said the cuo In phitr * ` 's'lis ' ' . I � �" , �' 4*7'7' L ,4# , :Q$ U** do, 140 0 0 JW ' . . � . , _ riartrialit. quit* Ind I , 'L ,_ _L,7 , L _ L�, '. r itrfq, 'a . A , _I% W 10*4 tllt�' L'*". L' , 4ta4lio . . r . I � � , ,# '. 4 ., , , ,*eat l%t'jJ"# OR r I *P� �* I L - ._ I - , . t*UA, L4V% , , I f.'004 ;r ' I ". � ­­ ' I . - I -� , , itrilvv* uld. ha j* . jr, " '*jjo . I . I 1, I - ,% I I . """ , L - I . � : ,, . . . W_ , I I ,r ", � ii, ;ii*,**. , , _ , . _ * , I r I ­ ft4p"W -, - - ! r i ; , �, N Ar li, 1* It* s. basket ot, 00,1XV40A ywo . . ft , *1 r . � ;t ,*.&* ftwoo, w L 1. . I I , , , , . I - I t. �11 . IF";, ,J,4 K. ,; , , " �641,y 4, boy with r I I . I ,.- — . I , , - Lin , se . . _� , . . - _." n, il - 44 Z*V until kA in tired Pumorv, * Uor�wvoo* �W a4', ­. . ' , ", , r I . r . �1� will 'bio oftole-to'k by Mo aotual'O'V*t� . I I ' I ,"*-"*,i � �1� . . ." ��ojr 4!0;0'�0$0� :4". ut bi= ao4st A"'I oa, 0 ,' t , , , , � I � r �:, , � __ W� I . r I 1,j , A . I , , � 600— � - - W, .:.-**.11% I is'" � � owl - Li L94,1,0 " . p,oid . . � )i '", ;,&_. -V I . I the lxxo.004 tonsue. , . I I ,L� I . !;� M" 1. � I L ; r . 1 ,6* . I . I . 'T " �� -,,'.4 .,. '.. ..0 "'Nolto I 90-&-, ft,ftiqv4mg� .6 *�_06�11 ow Ors . ' r � - 0- � ­ . , L 11. . h to Rukt." , L� L L , is People '01 *tA ,worrId. , . ,.� , * �r­r.-4, -Iwi�4. ;00 I ! . _: �, 0 . 101010-11 � .1 NOW � 't -Y I ,� , , 444e. -.-W4 � ZZWOS44 I 4 I*- — count ot,044 of the" mebo '' .�, 1. I I- %"001011" j."O,W - '' "r�' r � I - - I . 'F�., . 'r I : Arl , - I - ��_ P , , NL, I , � I �" - __ L - 11Q,y n'boy I" salA the ime who has Q1. r *rtua I , � L - r . - :,tL,�, . Some hOpm is X!qt .#. #49=;*�­_ _.�� == 194. =P* . I ... �,111111�ill���4w . I 9�� I '' I.% - r- I L I __ . -L - �� r - rr __ -00 r ,�* heyn J4, , ' r , . . - �"P-��-q!OLP .-"*40,0-0 . I �, � _R9 . _""�� L -, `:� ..-#-ftc�� � - .... - � - L� —At x , _ , 'L , ' ' " r 2 1 "'�� V�_ . 0-- , ,Z.: !0�=_, ,,, . � - . - - - :0 WPXO .Coraor (a W heart . (or oil( 4v which She, owt "' _, L ,. sible of -Aocoo ut4. link it wul,�:0.6 O—N-1— __V1ft!,* —I-- - — * I . . . . . . . , I - - "&- ­ . L t=_W` . _ .,L, � '' - - 11 the tWx4 y ar--41x;ktI* .0A ,.. . 11 __ L� � r' , , plis . - I r . 'T, — - Z=: -mow -A iiiew -.''%I0- - - . . .11 I ., r I I . 'It I 1 'YQUpt", L7"' L �, � , an _. - I I -mm-, ­;;;�­ 1 r L I . , . . . . . boys. '�Wtronbgp him *by all meaus, atsv*.�qa tWr first, voll pq*4� 04p, -; � ,,, 11 11 ' I daniel-1,pa,06 effort :will`bs lot# :' pl= . _� I - , .*.-- do%,, — 'L' .%fia,vo ;W�A , r , �4�� - — r I L '"', L , � , I "' -L "W.�_Wwp, . — I ;;;;-t -^,OR- -11 � i. , . , r ,, _40=;Wll� 4-.0.4-0 ____:�*,�� '"7=11 - luft�;01*1 , 'r :, r ,, r , � ' ' I ,� � Illado mad no exp6ass sparod �to , . , -1 1'r 10% - '1600W __ . 0 We *V0, lu need ot oggit", tWo­ t6L fd,uryl. . '��4 ", 4 . , , , , r ., L I ...a , L . _�. . . ..'.t., '-�O'e L. M-- . =!M. - I ,r ** yes'. And (Fat,% lot of *tots 44&* 00 TbA JOUrAVY"01.144t, U10M L � r L � I � - I j' ..the returns. amurate. -, i L . ,-0, I . �, ",i . -r, I . fA jJJUm;#';'L'r , - - � . r . teen daya, and A*.0. piodA44 . , r . -,� L " I � � . , r; L "', I I I , I I LL .. I r I P R Our hands, an vre do whenever we be, tr&te the Studio* ot t j to - 1C ST. I . 04 � .. ; ;,,' : . ,�� . I L , I . , I �iy I To guido", ti4ilio-la-tbalrubit" tim can- � VIEW OF"THFWALLEI) CITY OF..SAN JUAN PH UE T0,11A 0 FROM THE NORTH -EA . 4 ,oat� . . 11, I- . i "".�, num,takers will have the: i4timatod po- I - . L r :", �rrr ' I . Have that* Use I you "a. meet who boyls;4 , Us% the L � . lobtl,6�., , ''Ll 11, L i L `_ they start, the _* .11 I ,, I I .. I , , , at r, t,ko ­ L ''' ­ I : , _#]r* t# L . I tX*,ra1*._ ,� . .11 �, ­ L I . '�r � pulation ma4e by John. Earth omew, I L (Part of thosLe: hw,y defencesibas been torn away to permit the egtenslon: of the �Ilinits an the eastern si�de.-From a recent pho�qgrapih.) comio to the door are tjot tha. regulAirit, try --through Widt. _ 'r ",_ I . r . - I OX - - . - ,, , - 1, W,R.O.S., of Edinburgh, who has flir- I I - ­_ . _�L�, ___ who know they weAld to" by Selling its manufactures $44 ,,StUr*J,'prQdft4t* � '� ^" , �.. , " I r ' L ' .11 r . ; __ I I �: , �., I , ,, , .1 ,� I - ,,� - — _____ , r. At,%ff � � . j L 1 444 � r L , L ured, out that in roprid nunibsrA tha, 8 IT" ' L, s .1 .1 r � L � L , .poO ,but somoons who has a lot and the old castles ouA ailtht4roU 44, 1 L: r ��, - , ��, L , :� , �=13 Year. An Immense number of people _____ - 1, � ach, benallt,tP7 sometimes be obtaip.' BY TOAICHINQ A BUTTON. of Stale eggs. works thom off . y,:, . 'i . ' 11 1. I , ,� I L I r , ­,",­' L DAWSON'L GITYL-A __­� �� bleeding part, if the vmtwd is on one � "I Us will visit, witit t�w,wiwrroi . , � ', L r ., . L � mr, - population of the world, is 1,44uiiolow. Arm ooimln�'Iu from all direatio , "� . . . " , ,. divided sg'fallinVat-'Xado-Germ%al� ol� I L I 045 ��,,J — oity fo.lks,, and u6**V shows hid face oi7ii . " � d I., � , .,� . 4 "I I . ., ll!� . without i,iiy provisions, soux, 8-itlh 11calth Dcpartmcuvl� . - The rart playeA k7 ateetrActir fit Modern again. 'Airtil I'll 'not got taken in by Pe4sibly Cho imatt Ixtoreotl�#" 11144 �,­, ;� r , , . , , ::"L �� Aryiiu_ 545,"Q.000;r _"� � . What they 'think will last theux a year. . bir roorc of the extremities so an to pro r'' I "i � NOARO'lar or Tu- A TYPICAL, MINING TOWN"WIPT These whp have had I L ,,r_":�' rent the rativn of blood through the of Cho proparvltog,�te'jajooi of,t - f, . I warfare -One Teurli, ftes it Ali, I". r � , ` I I several winteW ­ _ho cb0- ­ , I �� . ­ I L �,� attain, &W,W0,000; negro mid Bantu, 'r. lf�*�d" I ' - t , I L �:: � L 1,; "_ volts. In that way the volume of blood them its % I - _FO : �'J 1:1 circulating in, the 4rou Is the kvA0,s*W_4rIII, the �� L' - 't I , . R IT$ ORDIERLINASS. experienpp hor� masure me that the . INDIGESTION. _­ r. body Is reduced, and The commander of the modern fight- But the rapping still Continued. And C4 the d%:romd , b _ �V%xx% . L'� I:" �:�, I I .� '. � i� �, 150.0A0091 Hottentot i4id Bash150,000, — . usual estimate by the inexperienced W , ," ," r' .4 tho trip. On tiller I I.— :L , - , I ,_ I -1 � I America has the repUtat, , I .,,r � that which remains tands to, clot at Ing ship managap his floating for- me I we t to the door, apparently not OM"WA booto , and"ol4thso , ot � I I., � �, L " �'Z �,., I L Malay and Polynesian, 35,ODD.000 and trials Is SWIFOY Pibiliiked-Nq One Ivor too low. One tbou5nad Pon I the purt where bleeding Is going on t1w r .�' ' I 1;t, , . n As r, , � ,!, : tress almost a ys are caretull,*,�� ssAlpired ilyi ,,�� r�:'., " " �', , �, , , ,Ili' Deadly 'Wonpowal'ilad Irer6ineal .. grub Is generally thought an pii. t an It r ,, ._ Dry heat. in the forox of a h6t.water - be, , t4W - , �r r. -,I ,,"� , . American Indian ;WD.00. , uftabf- marred now, Perlis a La bag wholly by alsotrIcity. ,heading the muttered, . I .. - 1. �,�L ,,',, . century ago, of bein the _ LjjtWaa 4��Iudft r 4 1 - " T iMPM man for a year, and doubt- Ensconced within the steel walls of the .. wester, and all Ultelose L I �' ., 0 .eye _ I I one .r , or a hot brIoL applied to the I .'r� �'r*L I � I, : 0 " eouutor4 mro� Very Itara;lo-guly I 9 ""' fibei'll get taken in I Children can ad hnom the. kxApaspW r � , , - , on this reat,inatind POPU � 11 it would be in a large "nip and dyispeptio. When L"' _ ,� ­ �, � .. . . ­ , I , om* . ­rr . Drunks, a Week, *0282hlyy wkwaliA I .1 , 0 bleeding part, will be found efficient 00anfiv tower, any admilrdl in' any �%Ivv4ym twist her round their fingerst" When the day irrLrod, titi"A 1. -1. , ' L� L ' r .1 , ''I _ I , _ :, : ." r'..� _ L. ­ . ." _�""r '' ous ;­­ r, � I ,"rr , I Wo�";,�,L' � r I,- r ., IStIQU L by Actual counting pf'the vari- � . _Ury, Vvijk r a ,cooked in a careful way. by a comp�- causes that were to arty, at . ! " �'L . fia many cases; on the other baud, lco� -4 & , ,2,. i ­ races 'a the WQrkL that'the censum- a cxvelkslve I'lixur"y' W14k , . tort Cook, but, the ordinary man is 0 ,;; -forthcoming-Hispano-Ame-rican eintiago-, And an Instant later I found myself boy", in � obs' 161004 ill"fir �01 -1 ft a Glam,li. , .,. L . Prevent healthy digestion, , j' - cold appllci�ttoas are often equally meat will direct the &tearing he Jena P.T4 10 SMInAky, 947 '­ �' I 11 not a careful Cook, and there La a , , sarvi Of b14 _.4 ""�, , r .1 � tAkers who start out from Berne will �, epable, while sometimes alternate lookirl; into a fees which brought to t' - , , , , I 1, ., : I am writing at midnight without great deal of waste cans. not wonder that so many f by Morita an laill6ato students of ped4oty. Xtoxiiii .*y �,:,'�, 1, - � . I t" ., r ' , , Z1. . from various ant erad� , )A hot and colft applications vrill atop r on A wind a remark I once heard made to a , .. , 'Ll� ... ;, �. r": , "-�,"':;: � have. SO rail at hall post six An tllii 034 . : ' 'r r� .," � ' ­ r vas I - , . till$*, I � `L ��, ­ grown L , � . artificial light, says a ',Dawson City as. I am assured that in practice It this* malady, - ��,,,,,, bleeding where neither will aucceea AW. The dial is olootrically C`Uanaet* boy tall, by a blunt air or, In an boar they reTcUd Gr�iwiirij$a* ,- L' , ,,., "� " SET �011 TOEM TO DO, requires nearly a ton of provisions to ,�,, L tag L .1. ,,L , "i - r i: �, ��:.. I 1. I letter dated June 23. ter the.1past. The men were too busy to devoi*06 "". ad with another dial close by the man Slid began theig rAnIp. . ", '' , r ,' �,.��, - � . the man. Uany of the newcomprs will 111.111, Among the so-called styptica' which! at the b,b3L who in this v . whir ** Yom r the _�...,_ r _ ' I I ,,b WAS: Ataker pult . 1 , ", I r ,, , " , ., t ,�ay receives _ .r, ,­' r I I I Tliq expect tbat the most difficult mouth or six weeks there 94anot bak therefore if. they remain, be obliged to necessary time to their weals. 44,04, L � are useful to stoP troublesome blead., starap at honesty upon your face I an, The work accomplished tUt, da,* w" *. : � . _; " �," L ": - . L ,; .,� I ­ , - , . � _;, part of their uadart4iug will be to said to bare been any night, and about buy food i � varied anti IutoreAtIDjt,;. T�ia. boy* *ioltht . r ", 0 1 �� ' .� I � , award spr �. , . ad their food without the thq "', r, Notification that his it would be a great pity if I shoul ad the castles, mat a , �JL 4W.1irls ioa, �,�, :, . ,j�*Jh Ing from 0, small out, may be msu_ihit; ordeis. or li� ., , con as much work is done duringthe hours Amotuar difflouity is tile scarcity of mastication which a h ,� . � ft �:,," r�, 7'. . '. , . , Ut the millions of China and the usurem t e�:�,Ora- tioned vinegar. lemon juice and other, der bile been obeyed is Instantly tale. flaid,that you had written 'rawal'back A School Urns lof 0 , - L I I—. ,�,, 1�11 I torlor fuel. It was found irdpossible to got weak solids; oramots or carbollo aqid � graphed back to the captain, -tvbc, - � Y. examine . tb*, 10*0m I �i'11­ bpre fo-e sloop ." -,;_,�,- .� � ,�� . � lItionto ' aboo,4 �, L . vast bardes of sa,vagas It the in usually net apart aisew 'L per beginning of the digestive � a. Mesa stopped 1O ask the 0 ­ 1� . man nd L I . ­ , .%_i- ,, to cut much wood last winter, a alum. tannin, inulphatt of copper suit -bile. has his eye upon Another' dial of It." their work in the 6#10A want to tbo .). . � � � - �, r� �, " of Africa. How they hope to prevail as during the day. The various as, the little that was out will -be exhaust- The wxymen had more time to, o41C -if aulphate of Iran- The lost is a power- One look at that frank upturned face i, 1 ,'� i, ., .,%�,,,, � , that Allows how the W �,, , �'._ �', �L , ��- upon the fierce tribes of the Dark Car- -ills work double shifts. boal F ad the first trip of the, boats, if they they would have taken it, bt%V,-'0imY tot krrester of blaedinq� but ahould be p is . cathedral of N,aumburg, slid W, 004 at, , , ., . ­ this dial to also an indic ;S; I � , ,.. ' possible, As its use often It stor, wh be WOU14 have decided me beyond aques- last *h r&U' t Freiburg at to , W01ack I , , ' ' .11 tinent to aabmit to the counting pro- Tiving hourly down stream, and the 40 get UP. What are they, to do thient went out little, taking almost ril,�, ex- W-Ided, it - , , .­�.V , ith the subsequent healing 4AB at '%W-apaec4" "back bar," "4 d uy of I ��:, I tion- as to the boly'a honesty. but heed At 41t. a t1d, oliAtts , I. 1� ­ �', cass, when those savaged have resisted maila street is thronged with pleople all Some of the new steamers have sup- orcille, and the amount of food,�LjOoa terfares w . 0 - all 601at* L" ��L � I " , "1�111, L 4;, I Plied themselves with coal and some of the wound, allead." or "Stop hor," as he vvi �era, more ready for U4,05an : " ". I , shoe, ing the Admonition, I queried: " Are yOur0al I _�.' I 1: � � all,previoue. efforts of the white man 'light as well as all day. was almost always in excess 4-�.Ue thus tratismittLughtac Anything 03136. I " �.", . '11 with crude petroleum but only to sup- — do tip the they fresh I" - " i ,:��-', ,,, . , I I , � '_�'­ to mA6 friends witb�tbem, the Pro- the first boats to arrive here from plement the wood. But two full trips needs,of the body -a most I vi"bio � IMPRO, engine room. Some of the " had %dtoonw. but I �', . , �i';�`� � . , VING THE COMPLEXION. , 'Ilia present conflict on the AS& may The ulanly little paillar here looked most of them *loot in,,& 141*0 room . ' L 1 L '.1 , ,�', , motors of tbaLeaftana AC126me do, not up the river came on Way I$. Those is the -beat to be happili for undorlwen, conjunction for the produotio. oiz, A. at tba'Liftlo. in �,:]L" �� , ;�,_, I , 1 ;10,4,1 " , favorable condItions. Now, ther were The care of the a *ion in quite yet be marked by a number of trow, Mo bove the stable* im- ,.,, � � �.,­: ;,., say, l4either axe they on record with had been built on some of tile upper I I 0 Pepsi- 'ta, . , ompia squarely in the, face. and made re- & di'i , � . I 1. rurlsod be4s .that warm far, more At- �.14'- r �il ,, ; �­�',* est year, as 5,000 people to be fed .14, &in art. but being easy to a, ply; I �-,' �',_.,, ,,, , i �,.;t �'. ��' L Say explanation at the *'tans at their takes And hauled on the ice to the, foot This 'winter, even thp bulk of tbos' Finally, the food itself Was of;L44ch oquLre ; mendouA (fuels between Ships, In which tivo than th 1 klatka article, .. 1. , � if a Peron on the banner at it* the w r ., .;: �, � , 'L _ �,,�'; � command for-3oyprooming the scruples of Lal;�s Lobarke, wb,bre the river be- Coming in 000 a kind, and prepared in such every we -Will " Yea, just AS framb as they can be. Thus first do MOW school JOur- � ,� I �'�, ""!"�", remain, there will be 25, ­` Should be learned by man:! ovsi*0toorrybeaded sau more Intelligent I I'll I il. I . I ,­ _�,,,��. X '*&Y' That mav minor defecto may be captal Everyone was laid yesterday Ill no — to An end. . I . ,.I, . ",:_�,� 11'.1. Of the half -civilized races to the heart glue. 1ACa soon as the ice ]lad gone out at different points along the Yukon as to tax the digestive Organs Lt6, the A. Novel, before In Ills history is . - ; . .1. - � '�Llll "Z possibly twice that number, Including remedied by proper treatment in a fact of warfare has so 11111 b depended upo, as said It on fearl".y, to glibly, Auring All tba tri the boyti behaved ..� 11..�'. � ;.,�,' of the Chinese Emplzo, about allow- which wusisoms weeks earlier thou In utmost. The trying -pan rejguad,�ou- I th b1lains 0 14 well. They did As ttay .wore told, mad CL , - �,, , ' tit ommander. He Is that I was reminded of a man - ��,,,��',i` �i , � the,, in Alaska, Is there not serious not am well known ag it shoui of the c ho was ''� L i, � lug the Prying ourla%ttj of the the lakeS, they dropped down with, the g 0 U Oreille, and greasy, smoke j 66 " ` d be. . t:,. I �, w; � . : . white r u d f4r anxiety f ad �� rned ly the goal of alwaya asked I permission bofqt6 they �,�,-,-, "L�' _� , , .,. L'� dhill fIgIltiAll 1114� so good a talker tkat not long before attempted to Oo Anything that might , -.:; , I ' Perso ally. I have no anxiety as —the only Combatant on board � 1; I 11", �"! , I ` I mesa to be cratitled without a fight. current, surcely'neading say other it I meatd, with hot saleratus,biscuoikor Freckles end tan are easily romoved chin , ­, , , ' � �:,_,- ��,� �, , Lvt,tbe abodding of-blocid. propelling power. The journey from La do not intend to spand next winter heavy pancakes. led the aaaa.ulf' it by applying a simple lation mado of. who has any freedom of action. file he sold us eggs so stale they were use- Interfere with 4he barnbuy of tb* par- I �,��!,,­ �,,. � 1�.,�:'�� L� ", .t is asked whether oi� not the Census here, but I fear for them who will equal parts of rose water and orange officers and men are merely parts ot Is",' And whp stoutly affirmed they t 'Thare Was a toucli, of military dls� .11 -1 , L! : %-' � I,. � . barge can be done in fivoi or six days, bEreakfaet-time upon the sorely i0ifir- .� line about the TogulAtions of the " "" j, � . ,�,, .11' takers inteud to make the qomplete remain. water to which a little borax Is added. the Inwh4alaul which be directs. Ro were 11 laid yeate,rasy." and thinking, W L I I ' % - , . � .'. : L:' , 7. ,, -lab of the savage tribes of Tho first boats to come all .the way � THE YEAR'S OUILTUT. worked stomach, hardly recovered All- I may Ile said. Indeed, to Point and shoot I journey. but It was tempered " �1?1,�,,,,�� I 1. Imu,b4tisst For a'Pi,mP]y ukin avoid starchy food, " his &oll, probably," I maid. with inuch Wonfallty and kindness *4 I �, ,, ��,' I � I ". I . itfrica ;in incident, o,t� the cenaus- tak- from. Bennett beahm to Arrive about,. om its barclilpan erY gun. The electric range finder ' ,, E0ow can you be so sure they warm the Part of the, masters. - , 1� , 11 ;1 . L I I Ing, LhoVr theV The output of the, mines this exercise daily In the open air, and bathe evords in the conning tower the exact . I - I , prnpou'Aa, break Into June Ill and since that timei every day 'has, I know, been placed at #30,Y00001".- I 'struggle with the hot broad. vW.'suid to ��",L ;�m ,,,�z.. " 0 the seclusion of the Asiatic mountain and ovary , distance of tilt enemy in yards, so that 14FA yeatorday I" - __1 " , L,, 1- -,Q atiring -': - . _,,, , ­'�Vl I k ----,w ., L . - . '' 1 ,-1"8 bour of the twenty4our the WO Even now. wine with the facts be- 11 I he knows waan the great cannot as "Why," replied he earnestly. "my ". � I .. . � ,_: �, . .1 , 1:_� �; 4", tribeaman's. domaina. without an ar I , or' I very warm borax water. a �'Ilill, , doughnuta of the preceding supi the face every night before r ,��,tl�l I at their backs. vrb'itb k or not river hits pros6ilted the appetruncis of a fare them still talk in this t&shi0n- �60 much has been sald, and 1;�4�ttu be most offectively discharged. and fath , oz bola ga one, buildroil ben* that AN AMUSINd DRILL I I �,!:,� " J 1� �� I - 0 1 ' When the skin is course and ;ad. thin L ,_­_ � � ,� - f ey , I The 'More, conservative lig , I 'L' �!' , ,re . nily,or an this subject', that theme eau 4 fire -guns , .11, I I . 00'M to #La. of I - -0y � rg man a -011,01 � kNA148. I _ hey 114* ,; " , , will include exploros,ig,i-epilte, straggling .Xeg#tSI,,JbXt*"yy ,"�,, 1W I how Soon I he rapid- 0 . �',, " 1�1 �� , " r .� th ., _t . rare � , t"'wili'lle f9und.'Am" __ , battery Cog 0 , 1. . - ,:'IT 63--ev �*,b ' 0, t it 11 ", " 1� thtne, wort" 1�� 4 ' '6t ' i;ial , , Ir -, "I __ , ,./ A _ _7,p lsyi,.�"d Als awaa me Ow. lily 41=6 of I " on tusy will "ad1ii "co nt ellp ery style '000 l less "tivo t&day, but t ,,��.*­e&' vitm I , Idi,rau now aw itpuadlam"14"I"It" Were, "lled tit , � I . I SO �' "V. � " rafts; 006, nd, fr IL I 4 At �,_, "'it 1, , I ,�" wxk:rogiona , eye 4 I 1=11 , an ,now haar'� . 'And linsitoving if applied daily. boi;,�, A&UVa1,Jtb0f­*h6*oft-1U I ,�': , ., - , , " "I �, �,�.r opr. of tha-itakno . 'JW i'A0"t#*a'�t*#'**0 ontot the ` ' t"nSiyS*r1(%Jr",-_S& ' L - � I ,,,, . I I �, �'__ , % Himalayas or in the land of'et _ same carrying goods for salis. provl&- the cle&n--up I thick the lowei figure sufficiently so to bring misery to large shialls� I L . I '' - , you* , L ..", � ... , , I I open pores will nasts, SO ,you. me I know everyone walk During the oalri� � ileare 'at the ota- . .� *;�­ - 'd ' . , , � . ;7-;i,�� 1; , , . rh will be nearer We fact.- The supply of nualber& yield to treatment, but ThB whole ship may be said ',.'-'�, � ��,� - �_�,;j"_": oat Ice that surrounila . ' ", �,T,l " , It must be both inward and outward. laid yesterday, lady.,. I its North Pole, ions, Clothing, millinery, no-spap- water has been very short, delaying I The familiar symptoms of dymp6pols. .1 ated end controlled by- the b tury. the military life of Canada gtvo li,�"14"���,��, � , I �4.,�,A" Them difficulties are bu� a. few of the are, some merely bringing their own- and in memo cams utting an end, for 1 - Acidity bt-ttic-�,,_ - I � T* _. _- -- I , �,�', I , ­ - 1, -1 _�v ,��,�,�&q,­' P . _1�1�1�11� WO -but 16 tel- ­"%��'� "r' l ­1� q', . ers and what is supposed to be a year's this Summer to 01 . up. On the are 6 Coated tongue, a disagreeable tt,oa,- She- is Ill - , a wide v*%g .1. � .- many thlat suggest themselves to those I � - ,in, for 4niginality in URI- - , ,,.,,�'.,! ,�,-.­ . eaning � � ,_ I � .- ,., ­. ;�, .., !,� , who question the succeas of the at- outfit .of "grub," recited by medicine and pro ,er' diet ad Ski , roughq411W elfttrlclt�; mine- W-- . , ��41�� fQna. accoutremen-1, - - - I - , � '­,�-,�j�i, '.. -1 -1 ,,, f ­L", , . hand, some of the mines have . """��"_ � � ';'"pt to - _�._i -stiff I �v%.­,� ., ­­ ­! ,- - other breath and a bad taate in thei'mouth. F tr fkna r&ro4 6gib air Into bar n eyes, - � -i, " ,, . , �t,4 � 21, -;, �­��,.,��. 11 ' "I think you are telling t j,ut&"* Wmilltia drill. three or four nu, - -41" - 1, � I ". ,,, � , � ,,�4, a; � I I 'A"', The laigir -of these scows of her turr r turned, d b r guns `_,� I'll iki?,�­,�' : NUMBER TEES PEOPLE. Are Anderson. showed me his Go jament be ravenous, there may- be nausea and betioplut of cologne, half & pint 8" a 6 an a but people often drad men. wearing uniforms which �,�,,V� - � �';;�,�� I FLOA:TING, STORES. come fully up to expectations. A'M.r. i The appetite may be poor. or it may the skin bathed with a wash ma�. of terior � her search-lighte are elootrl 6 !­ . In answer to those their "nozzles against ver ' boiling water and ten tabl f . oil by electricity; If there is A fire and then I find I were not Uniform. would be scattered �,�_ " ..�, ,,� "' Who point ,OUt the brought with I receipt for $11,850 paid As royalty.! vomiting, a feeling of weiglit in the � ,il"4"' , . i� ­ ,, '.n� _ -ties to be looked -for In Count- -the bank." and used as stores from That means la stomach and often ofoppression in the Or a look anywhere, notification of the At this the boy In a ("hion mare picturesque - than . d ! I 0. . �` """"w- . ' InS the people of thii Cillnest Empire, which to dispose of the wares.on board. which must b dad he exempition of, �, V -Si ­` toot in given by an elinctria alarm. She Instant. And then with a snap in his :: � "i I . difficul paid on flatulence and heartburn, and inora or The complexion may u ompoo"',up': I Lr bright eyes, said: .11 ", �e'. eand t 8118'600' to chest. There will probably be much of powdered borax. , tit 'd.1]", " ,'il�,Q'dk��7--�'.,T thoss who favor thb,plau to take a Those now form a,sort of street, $2-500, making his total output 0121 - ,.ally be it taoticaL The author of *'Ilu=Qr*a of . � . �,; has twenty or more telephones. son- ), ' kA_ , ..'vi" � cessus of the world's population point Tko front axenue, of Dawson along 000; and, Ilia was not likely, � ;��v9ilr_ , to axaggo;_ i less acute pain. In good condition by washing the face necting all parts of the vessel. with DjD YOU SUPIYOMS I would tell a lie '87` than described ilia scone. Id. ", . ,,�,O�Q� , I I_ I . ...'i��. 1 net to Bell a few eggs I" . out that Lk Hung Chap since had to pa, ler cent, I Palpitation of the heart, a sound of every night with hot water and a little I a fully equipped central station, Every- i " Among the few mounted ones, known , 1, � -1 , & has been Con- the river was intended by those who atc- he Y 10 I ;;�"`�'T_'%11 11 � an it. He has invested all his net pro-, healing arteries in the head, and a I � % True. I stood reproved by his Am lancero. were seen fiablog-poloo an L I _�;W�� I sulted and ties givew'his enthusiastic laid out the city to have he frar- I'll � ,." 2 .. ,,, . , uses thing an board done by electricit I � ". �� ,.. . 1 �1'4";&`A7;_ indersement. and I on fit in the purchase of another mine. i very rapid or all unuatially slow put" Pure amp, and then rinsing with cold 0 is ", L, "i - L4 .. promised to reader only oils side, leaving a wide thor- xcept the Cooking, end an effort J� less way of putting itrand admit that 'i ... I Ir �.,'. 7��4?_ any assistance In his power. L ouglifare between, them a There is not much stir In the sale are often present, and may lead the water, and (trying on a soft towel. A � ag made to lntroduze electric I looked away, am I maid, evasively: whose ands wore Imebed Initaber- I ,.', . _ � _14g" . - ,�nd the water. . L4 ., - , �'A' At present no friend has arisen in Some persons obscrv�nd that at cer- ,)a to i,il. �f.�_,;'�,;� ,J, of millinsolaims, As the moi3eyed, men patient to believe that he has heart- little almond Oil Or Cold cream ad it U- - it would aurely be had policy to knives. In the ran" of the infantry I 1�_, , ": ��, iiw� 9.114t, ,; r, �'io"�`!`40'�' the heart of Africa to offer a safe pas. tain places this space was over the 66 will not arrive till the steamers come disease I a few drops of rose water well rubbed � The electric spark. to fact, will play do so. for if YOU should 6011 me 8tsl6 Wrt-aleaves wore proininent. and oc- ' ,� i'..' � _'�_­'i" � �"._ ,�,." I "i,%r"', sage through that land of mystery, to feat usually allowed for astreet and up from 9t. Michaels. about July 20. i A great danger to be Avoided In dys- �,,,� - , L, '�J_ � " aid in toning and softening the i a most important part in the war. As eggs, for fresh. I never would buy of c"jeas t � , � ,�, k4.,;.� _ . the man who comes with panel) and I Pepaia is self -treatment. The pati. in will , I Ily an umbrella migh be dis- " ,,, 1 7,!,�,:,"­ conceived the Mae. of getting a leaso.'of AN ORDERLY TOWN. an agent of destruction. direct and in- you again, noir would Anyone also, who ��-`; ":,�L�,� " o� " , pad to, number the inhabitants. This, , I ' ent walkhes himself, cuts off one artl� skin. In the morning wtpe a covered. or a walkiag-stick. doing %�' . - �i�.�",�,,�. _ the excem from the Qovernment. They Do ff with direct. It will be Conspicuous from the had once been docervad by you." I I . L� �: ,:1, L, W4,��. L vv�ou is a very orderly town. San- ole of diet after another which he b4W a soft cloth wet to tepid borax waten I ,. , ­ �,�,. of all land& it Is importabt�to Include succeeded in procuring -such a lease ous crimes against the person are al- I beginnin to the end of the conflict. He caught my meaning, And went in duty for a gun. ., �, , L' I -.1.1 '1z,!,. , rOA- , Ain extremely, 6licate skin may be � I'� I., �,,, I, d! , ,, , I advapee of me again, as Ile said, with "Gentlemen with the ulabrefla& take I 'L;, . I I ii� �, La the cansus taking, for the figures Of local Dominion OffiOi- most Unknown. No one carries alinife son to be injurious to him, until he P�r The day by applying a I amphasis: I ! ,4: from acouple been led tobelieve, often without a L. 'ZL 7 given of the nuintiors: of its Inhabit- aJa at a rental of W,60 a year. The or gun around town, nor, I believe, out nearly starves himself; , ground to the rigli-L" called, out scap� '�,.'� � or he Kwa.1- little cold creain well rubbed In. and I THE DrPENDA.RLE Boy. - it was not the selling part I was I s:; .I... . adta change every time An OxPlorer lemmas ha" now aub-hat this stripi.at of it. unless when bringing down 90'u-: laws box after box of pUlA, or bottl� then dusting the face with fine pow- I tain giving the word of command; I 11 �'. , ­­ . dives Into the interior 'and after P Prices varying from , 46 t $12 No weapon has been ever dra in after bottle of Doctor Someboly's anti- der. The boy who is bright and witty, %boutl It's. --it's why. lady, 11 � ., . Z;, ­ . .1 a P r wn I Thin twiy who longs for fame thinking �!, L:,. � ",,t� lapain of time emerges to tell thI5 world front toot par' mouth!, i,6. space - It should be borne in mind that an'T . pe,rhaps I cannot make you Und ontleman with the walking -sticks, , I ,� "t � , ��,., ,v; any quarrel. There has nover boon an' dyspepticum. until his powers of di tratand "9 " n'. h sc a beyt race of ,feet wide pays a ground 'ront of Sk attempt at a "hold-up" or personal he brilliant toy, him teacher's joy. about it, but -but I wouldn't tell a lie take ground to the left." t �, ,;.';.;', il people numbering a 9W millions to be to $M a mouth I Them spaces i , gestion are utterly ruined. improvement Ili the complexion will, to sell all the eggs in the cit r t Yom gentlame with the guns.ram- 7 � . -.'LL .I � I some robbery, though tans of thousands of i If an intelligent physician is ever not follow Irregular treatment as here And the boy who leads each game 160, 0 .. I I a bon t by any one, it is by the out- sulgeated. Perseverance must be the' Malat Cordially I greet them p ng I rods, horse -whips, walking -canes and � � ,4 ­;�, , I added to the known population of cases do not exceed ton or tw LU0, fell dolla,rs in dust are daily coming down, needed save mysdIf from an awful w _,�.,:. �� Africa. I deep, and the sub-temaes are ad without escort from the mines. The And wish them ovary joy, But Just t* clool of the eggs, 6 con- , . I 11 I., I 1. h � i, d � � � . I , � - �ir, , "I .7 , I ,*i� - Went of India are the vast lands that to Accept a morth's notice to ,4uit, ferer from this distressing and eom.� go de that will lead t good results i r one, holding the umbrellas, and them that hasn't any. . �",Kil"";".',;.� Promptness with which the police have piicated malady, which must be tak- Daily rules must be la'13d down, habits'' But the warmest part of my boy-lov- .. I � Alexander over -run in his Conquest— The conse,quen basket towards me, " if you do not be- get together right barel" shouted a 11 .�. � , ,,R1(:1; - C16 is that only dealt with criminals and the punihh- an in hand earll to be cured easily, regular and healthful ing hesrt� 1. ;­ � I '�; . togetheir manc.'etab I ta 1, e it, ,La d � I give the dependable boy. say- captain, vainly trying to call his com- 11 I �L" .�,�,", and Turkey in the most cheaply slapped ment meted put by the courts have bad or Perhaps at ths, diet if, earlier Ith the nee" I "I do believe you," said 1, tonality. I , F'�,�L :� ,�,� . Afghanistan. Persia lieve what I ",I,�4. ,,, A�; Asia- How many scores of millions or abacki havii been run .11P. an4 the gen. a salutary effect, and any order is- I .' ' of the individual systel'u. from watching a game Of carde. I I , . .��411 '. I avian hundreds of millions itay they aral appoArance I.% anything but impos- sued by authority in promptly obeyed. , i If he says he'll come at .seven. " I do 0 d to trT them; I know Polly "":2%1� ;i. I :,,�'S"iL­"��, not coutaint Many' of the uplapils. of Ing, Tb6ao who Ae business from their When Lthese suggestions are faith- � '. When the game had been finished. this , .., ,?;,!,, * - In a recent case of st,ealing gold dust r.;i 'IOU ,�.;, �64 Persia are praotically Unkild' I3FMX0rRHAGE. L P -',r the clock strikes he'll appear I can , I in fully followed the benefits derived will At a fine, brisk Pao And then ltrnlwmaded to make my captain. who had consulted his hand- 'I" , L.3 , Wn to the meows escape tb exorbitant rent. from a miner's cabin a sentence of five a. with a glowing I � I . 1,-Otg.­,� civilized world, but they a= support There is a Band bar in-frOnt Of about years, imprisonment V 1�0 Sin" the "g�ood old days" when , more than compensate for the little But by thin time I was more � "I' : 1��.'�,_.' - visa im. sod. (see. imirrhase. " L ,!�� . I .. " a great population.". No one Jiro" aia-tblrd of' the town.whieb at low bleeding was the Panacea for all dia- trouble necessary in complying with And a greeting good to hear; Interested in tbA genuineness of the book of instructions. said'poilitely: . _,:, 11��," " . t A few evenings ago seven debtors - bola. ., '';�_,4 "Now gentleman. I am going to car- � 11", .: ', how )many people Arabia contains, water is bare. On thi village were intending to go out without set- J eases. when it was thought that the t if he says he'll mail your letter boy than the froohnsism of the agqm: I '' Nobod� known h'ow many Egqdirmux . �`. . ., , , ��: is encamped Ili tenf;8.154=11 .0 :re also it will be mailed don't doubt It; small pedlar ry you through Lho revolution.of the . L I , 1!� LL. . I � � � �11 1.i�111. there are dwelling in I tllng up and tied already bought their i summer Could not be survived without He will not tuck it to some dark pock- his due, I said. in an apologetic tone: ma no, exercise. I'll be abort as pos.- , . , ,� � I � , the lands of subject to aviation on very short no- tickets by the May Onset for Seattle. :' a copious bleeding from the arm in REVENUE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. ,at . sible, and if I should go wrong I hope , " .11 . eternal Ice that landirelin the North Mae by &sudden rise Ili th)3 river. Their gold sacks and baggage were, on I 1. 'd I ,wish all be" could say an y , ­� 1,L'"!, Pole. many of the islands The fir -at; man who bridught in fresh board, and the hour was at band for I the spring, and when bleeding, was em- — And th�n forget about It I do. that they would not tell a 116 'Due I , , I t 'no of you gentlemen will put me � 1, .L " - '1V " � Pacific swarm with inhabitants living eggs sold them quickly At $1.50, apiece[ bidding *Dawson good-bye, when the played even to stop bleeding, we have vArgo imereaAe wrom The j,ovrvAt") save themselves from punishment.ov"n. rl bt, " 14.. 1.�­P on the open bounty ,of niituro,, whoso ThAy cAn tiout he had At $3 a 'dozen. ., I", � ir, ­4�;, , to L65 Deputy Sheriff, armed with salient of' qAds*8 Do may he bright and wVtty ; F�Iid fou 'never tell a 1161" nake aiml Ram down cartridfo- ., I . L , � ;,,,. ,� , -V...".111 frie and "reloss life has as SIN Me. Quarter of U4 Year. 11 Hk mqy be brilliant. we; em, told a whopper, oncel But DO. no, firel firing comes next. Gen,- . I .. t " I 11 , N, .. tittrated Oranges sell at 50 cent s each writs of attacbment against their goods nag over to the other ertrea I For the quarter ending June 80, t,)a 7Z_�(J,:�'­.. the buagifiatiOn of highly IOU tivated lemons 23 cents. Ice oat hardly be A pretty copious nosebleed or a rath- He may lead In the race with him man- it hurt mr, so baAly, lady, I'll never tLauLan. with u ion .� , 4 ..__ .�F.; L tilia like Robert 11DUis Stevenson; and tlamed so an imported article, cAmn aboaild and suggested this prompt . jo r perm!" . I'll read ,,,.'� , I � Iz, . - w Yet it I or obstinate trickling from a cut finger revenue of the United Kingdom' '(� ly face tell another. If I live to be as old as-- the words of command -that will save . ii . ken t'blw "nsus is Completed, If it sells at *L a Pound. 'Ilhink of t at for I can*t quite , ,�. .�.'­'� h payment of the claim. Other intending 0 11 �, "'; 4' 1 absodindera have got a lemn,and found ften Causes great alarm wfien it Great Britain end Ireland was 012DA21,. - HM may plan great things to do; as---Mo-Methu-I guess time. flandin cartridge I Pretty ., T; ..­ r�, �.,, ploilvaii ,prwticabI6, wbA,t will It proll, a Atillfriald. tots. W may have all gifts and gracem� may it. but you know who 1. mean- , L �; , ,,':� ij`�;� " &bI *how the population of the irlobe it wiser to square up before going on ought to be welcomed as a saluta" do. 205 rompared wdLb S127,070,11M In the well. considering you done it wrong "I �j �,!_, �� X9W,9PAVtR9 IN DFZIAND, But bought can wake nurb joy the man the Bible tells about,.. what end foremost. Draw rammort Charge , � " - 1. � !,�:4�,,�` � to 1, I . . . board. pletion. Still there arn times V;ben ,,responding quiarter last year, show- And pride in me an to know that he lived almost a thousan d years I I.", d �: , . � . -, . .- No Per& three.to Nur weeks old The largest church In Dawson, that be bayon.t 1` 1;� � 1, , nfr ,marrhage is excissive, and life it, Ing a not increase of $2.417,905. Customs In a stanch dependable boy I "Yen, I kv to vvhnm you refer." "I �,� . , 1:� , , bring m 50 oolata te4l, each and� Are of Father Judge, was accidentally ' avv listener. biting her "That can't be right. captain. Bow I I I 1. , , ,)4 ).�: oaIlerly -bought up. 01 --the ,iray, the self depends upon its prompt arrest. erentied ,i ,��'� go TRIO IN SUICIDES. lips " Niethumalell in a h rd name for - :, :�. , I - T10 WORLD'S WAM. � now* that Great B C&ln sympathizes and the adjoining hotpital� full ofailvi, In all classeft of "first-nid" inmtruc, 9680,520- excise, 136,572.745, Increase. gunml** shouted several men. . : . � �� 1,1 I burned down a couple of weeks produced $25,769L,265, a decroam of said thp int can wo charge bayonets' without our I I I , � r I ,� T dd Ing. A brit , , I'll ,� -War Q6 &kMIJ63 df�tru� with the 10ARtcl St teg 'has made our 'tiants. wa6 with difficulty moved, tion, rulea rLre given for lirre.sting 4287JI5. estate &c., duties, 621.220,965. Mr. Poppe, of Germany. uitg his 11 I niln,nae you mean thun'taa, w"h (a , Your Pardon. gentlemen. I've I TA ti*66 Of -it, v,ife R") small a bay to pron- m � ropaab nations can 6 raised tO 9.W.� American folilow-towrialatin morii than . to you turned over tv,9 4%avos at once. Ad. I � 11 � , ., 1 � 00,�tein. and the daily expense *111 friendly ,t,o the, Thlion Jack, and thin 1 #200 SALOON LICENSE. bleeding from an open xround by Increase, 01,856,640; stamps, $950,000, and a friend, went to Monte ('arlo re- told the lip, you worn lie severely Pon- vanno, arrosl Now. gentleman. win 'L . - I I L I I "I J BrItish lion'saudal iipponilogo is noyr Heretofore liquor vendors paid iin com1krension of the main artery of the decrease, $353,003; land tax. $50.000, do- nmritly to win a fortune nn a liure l,,ya- ished that One "vhil"Iting will ml%vays com� to the revolutions. 'Tention to , I � : 4 . boA4*ijy 44ADOAW, to say, nothing at gettl w 4; long desired. iest. . tax for the privilege. This apiring Mr. limb. This is very well, and if the 15,000. house duty, $2,4orp tem. of tmtting, devispA by the friend. remain %,, fresh in your th t � , I � 1 I I :­ I I TV crease. 62 Am. momor Y. IL I the " bola, To this left. no. -that Is the � , , � , '� t*jS,'deAtrddt1bn of life and property. S `616&11-140" of the imme, Ruiyea. of the Northwest Government Thpy lost ft(W, and determined to You %viiI never tell another " I I mean the right --left whealm- I L , , , , I taken Use dumps Pupit can keep his hend sufficiently to increase, $115,00, property ,and income OV- I I _f� �4 out tot winter, on the creeks arrived, &ad put In force a lip.enap sym- orlmmit muleide. The three Futt on the "OIL" awd he with amusing frank- mkr,&hl,- .1 , I � I Ii. I 1- ottring the moat peace�ul yftrit �b6 is Uov in all cases provit$t is satiated- toul, with a fee of $2,ODO. This would remember the anatomy of the part, I t&'. $15,400,000, wcreai�, 11,100AM. beach at Antibes. then %alkali Inio the nexR. " m y fit t he r "a I In,pod nip good, I He W [La Oboynd-Kame vi healing to the, . � , 1� . � �, I I . or 4 0"' , ri tory " **a,, olpo6w. In fact. many seeini iretty steep to an outsider. but and where and bow to make the needed 'Post office, $12 200,000, Incrempe, 62:jo,- %T a to their norks. each hel(I a when b- f.uriil It out and %.,till that j right. others to the left. and sow# both ,. , �'. at&,- it And clot Ing at the ted, for r volver, anti at the word from Poppe he did rint want mnv lyiasg boys around I ways -1, , ,s; tax pressure, the instructi n uill not have ""' Lip I 0*tlars' 0if fiomt* 416appoin here ?t was paid without a murmur. 0 000; t,elegraph ifervice, 88,875,(W, in- ll'�I,l it to him head and fired. This him: but hi,, hurt didn't lalt long lt, -'HaJt­Iet'u try agairil "rentiont by I .j ,� arli A ai, It t , IL Aft t. g,aylng all ex they will Whtski�y sold lost winter as high as $75 ,been In vain. lInfbi-tunatetv nature crease, $20.000; Crown lands, S300,(W, loppem were kiII4,1 inst&ntly, but tha'vias fh- h,irl h,re. ]PAY, v,bat lastst"I �,, d I I * 0 - , "A"A I I � " , , d "I 6 t of orl. f" flul t tmselvea Witt *#q little left. a gailotI. though it now sells at 030. The 11.1 I divi,sioam,­to tb. right. %vhueJ. inarchl" I �; a , the Cr d ' he eb " ,- OL ptaI[tS , , . Where th '06 'Proved small rintal-lors'oharge, 50 cents to $1 a glass, I s a,0Jtt,d to mark on the skin the memo an in corresponding quarter of fri�n(l murvivFA loona enough to tell , As he said I his. li� put him hanA till Tbey dill. ,,nf, it seemed am if bediam I , ,000."% or onough to give S, couple cours- of the artertea baneath, an owis- . IL thm... tbruttiont, is, not i exacting the and the saloons are doing a rushing , last year. interest on Snez Canal the story. his heart. in a ,vay th-it went ntralirilt hall broken looso. E'vary man took I I . . ,of, 006ftigad to kv ry h. 0 wbieb it has been pToposed to sup- � % . A. 1`0714% Rion I I . .1 , .. , � �, _Aikobi I M y- Tb*104 U i*9i6a bare been trade. shares. &P-, $77,870, decrease. $8n. mia- i t� minp, and in tr�mulous tone, I said, tbo Command. "Not so fast on the I 1, i ".. I - r , %dien thaZiob . In i a ton hl4h. Xo�4Ainlrg ,aimp In America Few drunken men Are to be men. lily artificially is the caiss of soldiers cellaneou8. $2,511.860, increw5e. $134.- LIFE. &A I patted him nn the shoulder. , fight I" "Itaill, drrva those ambral- , I ad thkt sit," the CChrristl Ali IlM, *t6r.bof0fe 1*144,n6n--ordi b � going to battle. Mo. Of the total revenue there was -God can take the hurt all away,i Iss I- "Faster an the left -keep back I ') I.., ,� i Wit , 4 000,000.00 human too to skille4 I& - . a nary an. ow0vo1r, and no hoiny ones. You may For those of us who lack such a A little work. a little play � � . - - " 11 � 4 � vorli-lim 12 bonr, and Pam the saloons night or dAy anti never d to local taxation accounts $9,087,- To keep Us gninW -and go if T.11 ask Him tri- i In th,; middle I" "Don't crotrd got' I ,� . I � 1, 114"441,111 'W". I It map it is useful to rf-member that by Mi. and paid into the Exchequer $1201. 1 - ox yea, I know EIP can I- said him � -I-va lost my shoe I" And then all was , 11 ': r � " 1. ,(I'- 1. , , I I -1 I 1. I Z046,440 t a *6k,Y� rich Omits can pay h"r a sound of a quarrel or land words strongly binding the joint &hove the 489 230, compa.rod with 9.7S. . (1004 day f . �', �, I I � 11 . � , . that W0� 1W IM altil IW only So a The pbltcb do not bring in on 9.1540 paid to I wilh 3 91--1 look in him ATes- '*for I confusion amid the fifteen gun& ten . I ' � , L r , , I ."i I , ""_--w'"� 11 an over- ble'e,king part. if the wound in on ore local taxation accounts and #l'8r279,760 A Milo n2rmth. alittle light diel ask Film, anti ri�w it Only hurt" A ramrods, and twenty two horsowhi , � I I I , , I 1, , �­ *Atft AND, kpVton'. , JAY WM j661A W, V,tWalbra were less 46 mars than threa drunks avi-eak. Of , I . 11 ,., � �; I I . I eroilsito'. Vilitilb !Wltli latoraved trans. Iror it population of 8,0M or 0,000 that the limb&. we can Oft6D " tedUCO PAM Into Exchequer In correpponding Of love's hesto-ing-and so little, %� live I fblnk ab�nf it. Bill, Ob-, canon and Umbrellas- " The c4ptAlri I . I �111 :% , ! .o, . *k4lik;tilt dwttar btt*ftt� 18ifint, vwa-' tbo,trt,L,t4it,6"61'ttl,�4',,th4*,V*�bf living and is 9,prAtkY &Od showing. the flmv of blood in the s.rtary that period of last year. During the last Good -night I I r,luldn't to]) smother Ila and bring missed them_ � " ': 1. I ltr*�st feast eat in !F the hemorrhago will I taxation tho hurt back I %nd I never will so ", "', I � I 11, J , " � I . ; I Alawgdflwir only imullib om* wtien. t k 4 *4 - cease xPontaile- quarter there was paid to I A little furi to matt4v the sorrow I , �� .1 1�'11 I I 01joelut6l# a '4 ' � � ou,sly. The mame, resuJI. in.my some- accounts 4M customs *ca long a.s I live, whALt*ver comes to enot" I - J - Wol 0*&i%tlV6I$­140 'alsims will THAT115 HOW. 4244,f85, from of 6441h 4fty's Jour"lay-and an I . ' . 'I" I I I -1 t $0, ald"ty. A . 1� I ,". I times be reached by raising thri wound- exciam $&W.M from entitte. &a., dut- I f is inood less to say I hat t he aggio I ya*m Victoria came pear losing b" '', . I i4i aw'-Ulougg to, ft,rdolkil*. kUoi 1*1 'W" wilftlar force, Its -ore fro4?L and that flow we Md It old wooden yacht_tho Vittoria And Al . , �, , ' ' . .1 � f , Ift i"4,dAtjyj11 46%4TJON, Kt. C&vlkef-But bow do you knew ed member, and so opposing the $49-V,M, There Waa paid into the 0orid-morrow I - " .1 ,� . D U4 41*014 U001,011it provitoft, it iaini I , I - , r IS It it a iftrdtv� of4ra ity to the blood current. Exchequer from Customm $215,00-5,0% A little trust. that wb6n we dle few our ;ntor--it to swait the coral b^rt recently. Fire Caught in tke fQ1,01- " . 11 � I - ' '*� 0 till"rigAti ha, � tui" ,to The, , ,,* 9 ,, � 1. , . I - I t,41 � " V* A -Wlow do I know f Wky. hen the henwrrkage . .. , , �­`W`W I . o,V is from an from dj&c4fs $a SW I.Itlnill castle. brt Was put out by Mtd warit 1. " , liolk ,* � to bo� JAZ" PrOlribm Xft,,0aiwka'r ,000, &ad from estate, We reap our so-rina--and so of tb- -ee p,441-ir who" heart is 4,1 " ,i ; J101, ., t w1kalast ever . I , I " I r' �il Zi , , !�� I i I I I . L . .1 ,-1 � , Y)fadj k4o" tbM It's a smarot. internal Organ. an the lungs or at4a,la &0,, datled #11,WO.OW Good -by. tender over him first lia. I on tha, part 6f tba, oftw. "I � � .. �. L 1. ., I i � , , ; . , :� ,� , � � I , d . I : r , � I � � I I r �� I I . I � I I I , , ": � �, . I . I ,� . I . I " " , ''� . 4 �� I I " , I � � I , ,,� . I 1. " I , al .11 I I I I r ' � . " . � I _d I L I "I � , ks - , 0­0_*"J1 1�' , I.. � I . I L­ � I I I � - I'll" I I , 'I 'r . ,�, �� , ,�,, � � , I I I I i� I � I , , I 1 4 � , I I . ,) I I I I I I I .1 I - 11 � I I I i, "I ." 4 (1;_�� .�!, �'�:O'_ if ' ' �, �� I I I , . '' " ,,, , , i , "N" I I I 1� f . . 1� I - � _! � �, . I I , � , ", I . I I ­ . , - . �, I 11 I . .1 . ". . .1 . . . . A I I I I 1 I ., 11 �' , I . - �, � r �, ;, 1, - I . � - . I I . I I � I - �.il I .1 . .1 , : .,� �� I , . � I I � I �f . I �� , . I I . I . . � , I I I , � � . I I I , � � I � , , � ;` I �, , , '* I . I I , , � '! � � . I � I I 1 I . . . I I " i 41 I , � ,_ I d I � 1) .� " � r I r � .1 - I L I .�, , � , 1, .. I . � I � . , * "N' �', , , , . . i ' '4 ­' , . 14 ", . � I I ­ , . ,� I , - , . . '�_,,j,'�'),�,,­ , � �, � � " �, , .� � �, .� � , �. ,�., " , � LL _'a, I , All 1: �, , 'n, , " �, " - , � ,� � - ­­' " -4 1 ­ - -1 i, - . �, -�, �v . ,�.,4 �' , . .., , 11 " I � � , .., � I AAAn101"1*a 11 , ,. AA 4f,* Q� i , . , 'r, � I . I - -1: i * . � 4% 0 * 4�** 40 'A"A'* * * �,4, 4 -A ot *� a;'- * ** kb i f � A, - . _"��_'� �0_,.Jk-_ __�� _.Y,L� — _­ I V PA .11.40 a * V�qkww. *.**44. . . 1�., .:1,, "oX, , . ..... I ,�, - .­ , A - , - ,­t-�_*!i !,�t,�Ik I I . -, �1,1��'W%!,_,__&_. ___ - - 6= ,