HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-06-17, Page 9� 11. t . N, '"' . - ' -� '?-:'-- - , ` , 4" - ' - '7a - � -I I - - � � � . -: , �'. A` * - 0-11111177"w APP',-1-49$LI;71.r4r"mqgru.r-vww, .
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11 WIN ut I 166L Tt* law jo-owidad UI&L Tb* dj#� --�,�------,-.--,..'�...4.,—,--- '' , - — . - - �;�
- tfmd� plita Lis fiva as& who'. ii�y� wo Im TOW 10T BA I -PAY& '0 116g. 110�"-* - oo - W- *�*-*- - � Xura "a Spasim
�104" � " 4M9
"O %a faffw-w 4 StIA'auut so liows"s.o% �--� � *bite drem ILL IN" Utb"Wt hair .
* Wo Aira to 14VQW tA tirsat'at raw lt� , �, I I
WN NO , I" ly*4 L �0& - HEALTH. ..-
I � SU , t Oil aw" p"" of tw* es"19wa Ar"Reeiiii, . I
* "Adbd-� Qt "Wo ato � in War iA graut- SOWS"VICS of Tug U -TA WILI 447but ii"E- aw, . -1. Voung Folks. 4iftt. nowartlikia"a was sm"'4m.4 priiiotty. --�-,��-�-,-�- �*P- 1. r,
. .., 'lure I*— a ft&Jk I* New York 'Who Me Awro 40#ao"', V%oro Kra 60,104ty- UAX AWART OUDSWNL --- A04010- -- � 'rba et,lar gizia 6" Now 4(oewso, brat CARS (W Tug *ALUA . I
.1 - W810 *100%0rol d4trillStO. *U4 id *AW .— ,, 10, * - 4 m - * - *- #�-I*-4�0-- WM WOA T*rY'i*dspb
Sayli th" Axmrib4z woo" A4 Only fit*ao" Alaya (*"-,for altootiblix.. , Tat _RAAV., 414,11 IOLL I I
ele -ISCINCIt Of VAJL � . " in bar aambiiaotiiia ijt9w " Tboirw it awtmiiad **n ocipes" - I
:: - � � - ft""1111161
. , - *0g6t to bayoo the priv"4* of youal. tu, 1W fau""bw VW"l%U4*0*% "llid rtw� *a" -4110010 ;� RIDS A C K-HoRdk." -7 � I
I ,IN At Wi" "*wt Waivorildon ia MW N404" "O 9"UG 60 ad" fil, ;10�YN'Stb04ra0wQftWr Uvorste6o. tiiie bommy 4! tiw 66" &&w wwis4wpit ,
is NatkoF. ai", 0A,popplo *loev tbase a* Ulk a" Nk"ory *to%~# 4irk" "Xid* & cAxk-h6r** to 8 "w,i4ey C roe*-- nWr%L IMA bees, that boj' tatOor **.A I
, b%t � be nwAs to ae6 it� Be W.Mr, biugb five � ,�. .1 I I VOW601"s.', ",J& Tbo,r maig 60 boo *wss a" 1,
Own, - -IU law ia V#ry *tyict in ra- old x", . - I � Qa&ibt Litt(* oarly4w" 4"14#01 matbar 04MI4 a" so to bmf be r 't"A ,
Ludik- or Auckland. Australia, ood ka* gardt0th6"hCVAA%4hQU*W, Ittb*r* ,JtTA IS-,Ye4r,OJ4-i'W1IIiJkM (Rpoa T�$"f(AtJr*at4OdtiaGeg%ltJJr6at luttias wrikz* of hor-viiistsoir %o.twe hee 3. "A No &U4 b"Ir *it �,�bo lu- CW6 Or t" "" lb��-ftfwawd as
be" 0 =64abor of Now zoaNad Far- VO4vittiOxIi aroobtalutA by the polio&: IftsIrl'a4'(1144to"� - W114 ac)w. "-kVk4(% OW044 Uft 40iDS tbetr &.iiiaWt tqpot,. V&dor tr#" *Itil the dt"giit4ppiga t6ftattaig-thiA411111 t1b" JjfO 4k1A%# %0 w0ixi* If V*44. 89 oftoia 100VIO aft "4vw aw 1
� - fal OKLI w_1 ON lbs iaiiiik oilar *11 ec"- Z I
IW"at for toa years, In, Xr� Lusk's *0iA" S U084wi jorsou for 4jupply, to, t bA IV"tjs 'of JffAwat&4, ftld 0,4400Y Ilk UN �, Wdsm Suit aisw " A� OU& Alk*t yroaW*4 thoir boinoila, b%L
I I sount ry womoa,fate, act 40, is, So 0'a, ift I iquor to, *woo* ju a kaw U �� a po'diow of all impkawavo "4 woarww, %be Spor littio toot A44i a white littlotowa IbAt tba " ,,�"Iu* im ibe WA*-
intoxicatiow th4t maw, is not consid- " 4 W11" U i jr�a tll*u f4ar cvatude# ,,* to- '. , - asst"s t* taiiio Say, tt.WA. .bmt
it, I, a" eaubpa aw*y isita Lullaby Toypn:: i"t timm Ot %1110%
� thustfts�ia 00acerniar tboir--, ,dWriw- *red fit W h014 1k licenaeo &V�j it 1% 4 � 11� 3M - , iUCVi4*i%$ tbo ponxibMtUs of ,~ lor loaou� �111 f -- -
, fON' "ttiAlls M hot hapre "A bakis ow *w., Tb* toriii&iiiic, UkUAc, got tijij b�,p �;� c "N 44 Mir swAlo or ttylag to ov*.
jbatiQu at tl* polb tll*t joA# natuj�jly t4kaxi trana bila, %hoxe is very littU 44 "�Tvbwi or tiyiag greater rooft tov � bow t"& - I Ing, 4fte to 146 r"dy C(ir 11*YiUj( I Asid . watVAS tbojr iw"ty is *A,$I?W0. : I I
1� li'lormerly belonged to Sir *%AeA " tho motbor,*wd a 14roia cuarain, , .
havoo tkAv i4d WOM04 wuuv h4vo drunkoetw" t1lore, INhe 00401KMptioul - ,,, 066 has UpAtio '*h$r*V*r Ohs to I . W , f a t* N46UNI *"%A wo,plek � � I
Cl liquor io QJx0c . a I GlYXIA6, the oldor brotherot XX8.4104. I'd4ttioutt dstAl* of Vdato to tuo *01. "I a .48 I t.; xelle i -
d0im a 900d d"I t0w4ril, SiV14114 biM 6ror tbia-xopatr . . tl A boo* . If AtQft, 444 06 Wt Wale %Ombot Of "r. .�qxwo a �Wk-uiiirms to yon"Ury cro"-�, them to g" owal �. A k, k to , , a 00 Or. *sit tik*# a, *Ut* Q(W0*t,k% ,�. I..
ot What It f* i - a u*t This Av,Arla -, for exampls, bA** xf�l Nor itttt* diWW*-0jW4k$4 liderl
"A bia 6"t No axany tituos� When 0*04 im% , Ii 10 - *,family tbae was *I)le to tx*�a back ON . xr. "d A 32*15014 a alw#y# the MA, lkt ovon It "it aro so, 4
1 bow WOMAIL Suffrage bad wox-kod ig 1o%^Mxdfto,*b vtwtat I I . MIA Hor x3oArgor so tros is ber poloWs big bkWo banil. it poopi ,
AAA%, Whero #r* 00 very A* au"try in aa unbraken lime to fly adapt;44 for lbott iamy a awl. � _ alld Udbot I 44TAIlly'loagatiful, tbay rAqU'4r# Cjgw�, I
, �1 .1 O f. I , I a 41. , . us", L b" the want . ta AU 4dwWoupt f*J atteptim la,itoog, tham *a, 1114 YAW.
. " Now 2oaalaol Mr. Lvk saK-1,,. , tberii. ,gad 1A one of I I the AiUth O@AtUrr.' Wl*'a bi� died he tOr tOUL Which, When got Viteb4d. U And CAW Moopy SAY tMVIju bwd* lot; why. whiolt t oy-, Oro dote i4ed to , I !
* . I
" Adxa1rab1y.'*dwI.rAblY- WOU012 Ob"' A4 More tb" fivo,V I I 16 It WqWatbfid RAWarden io 44 brothe.t. 40paftted igto,)Aeo" ma to fold over Ovar tba hillA out of LiAllsby Town. give. thdir 'ehildtflA. T Is WAS a 4"t "l*.3W,.VaaY *0 Sawk im-, w1w .. %
Wood the ballot Juat movew YOW 40 S lifluor licoAft %"X* t9a., a sm 4 wa
f- tau , 'a in-law. mr. (;t*L-A,)A,4 who" jatate.at and tovinstorin o"ta for the 401dierp. W-0 the vttloy of COW � a - a - twimary fwbouL in th4 4'�i4IkbQT1AWWL *A bY 6 11010 CAM 04# "r aveVy .
. ro "WailLa ,
), *itlt us. I in Now 7401and the pro"*$ 0 VISO 4`40,W0 009VIS hO it W Ant therein *AU IWt,ok, t9 bIg. lijetilue, V* "torial I'* S, light. stroac. water- , P- Uor litig4rd And IAUS an and tkA younger obil.,titom jjVtr#1,d,W *t, W##k will Ndtift to k"Y tiWw"jago�4
ot obtskWing autfrage w" a YOVY Mrsd- nw-9mmog tQktiud frQW-At46U to two*- 11 I BbAi too*, " � 1. but Don had ~ into th# agdonly; Of4sr. Q I I I
A ro," 04 to W1W PrOOf H004, IXXWd along tbe, oft" I* I
ty or aviou wora ftlaklue W0000" after �VA14-,It we# to , hm Sauxic wborovor 04 go" Which W" thros, my,44 sw4y. Not. I
I � .
.. . not oAs 104ting sixtoon ye&rs. -The W4. ", um JA It that W0106A bAY4 t4o 0140t Son. Tbo loottor, Wiltiwu Ueury with *Ids brald and provi(fed, With oftide p, 64ck-h . *1(b"4*(IJAR tbo 4wtauce, $be had TbA Mail* NboAld be rat roigulavly *&(% � `4
silon didn't clamor for It. A trio" tit, V-1944 tpvlapt� Weil tQ,V4WiAmeAt by by axwo.dwd so 1. 00r& WhiCh 80TV4 tbb 4onhl% VUVW or*6 tot Jk*b%VY V1:064-" boom oSiAbJ44 t* gi$ #Vary d1xy,. oad *bo
, . vi�* 14X - , , se Sweet littla dowe-lip.016%wrl ,Mvifilly 'Kitu * reir or MO wiwro,
,� t their wroli 444 ` , . ,. Y"m sw,6 loav - I
.- Jaino. Mr. 0*1gomory. fuspote&Q4 'W �- . . . Iookooi,worw r#Addy *oil be*Ithy tb3a W j"t, #M
% ,- � not the right W of t"tGaing ottlior tbs toot Or C40at. FOr thel Sleepy W- 'Y'# Son# "
I , Jaw sever4a tbildrep, the oldeat of , tboy ANY scav"t trr to cut, ymii' 11
1. sauto -pr 'deow b 9* I 3464%- 1*110tir asked . - ou"ir %woplik ** not ot - to #p - -
the womext shoiid. have the he voi4!r. � , whom -that . to to'sty. the, pandsou VWU lwltia4 for, t be alght the sol. PUTUOY - MQUir � . Al Of MO otbor.girIA, after *W asita whkk s, blaut; We. Tba ObAiviii at ", .
000" ii1th Sheik in rosard W,an-9 '. I "T I dwra reluove,or Uolvick their Doota in 010408 WIS boApy b1ge Peeper; ..
I:-- I . be law 144 not roeogolxo wop*ulm � of the oranit Old 34p, 4 I%d 'now. � at � A04 MO, lighta b&V* "t 00 up In f RW14% 1611 tb# Wtificeo 1weAtS VA%k* �, th* 11411A 41iiMld be UsUlattod by tho
wont 00a Serving on V4001 4034mitteov., TIBut twa Neit in pirlirmckout whea it , po,irs� ti* fbaw togetbior and, forin tba I . olrtueta;tbeyio*t,-&�kua*tter,yet.rat,
. Sad go T. iitwood aw *ot known As 10,10 bor thatcanobiw"11, W14 Mr. Xtou'. 04W becomes, JAMtor ot, the ow- -, Lullaby TOS -4. a W tbaaj�;7thf.uRa jU an gatir,oly tipa of tb* 1ioproi- saa o4 to coff4w
1444k, . � I � tAint, upon tboir two xitio* wideb, wim -1 A,A4 Itra AIWht fa thio v&ll*.V ot,CvAdlo- *S' _dif. tz"d� , .c� I
Jaugfiiagxx� ,,xt JA bouna to -Como. tle,*U4 ost*w � � " fWAt 14 I , . ,
I . I ,tbo Lusk set, tbough ItAldn't original* howeyer. 11 - , bayohet,4, fired,, ore, stuicig into the So 14444wa-�* . L tht. Sad k0ow then whit th#Y , T;Z�']�
I W=*n �vill S,�t.- that privi. , Soth, We boon �eonqidof$Vy toi� Sbo h"M got the tinkie of bell* on owe, bard-workl4g. *aIt4acrificialt 1 As a Vuls, .the n lworiv tr6401 1* I
witbi uIes by which'tbo wora X4444" to, wbek ilia yout's.. It. BOO In Jirov,ad- 4A4 .1po ' ' VOlmd.-to tona teat polo*. obik tgat "t% 114t kbo pit Is t"'N't �sbam at 0-i ti�w, matbo 4401#0bould .
. . ,� , � L � valuo since ,
I , struok out. Tbs ,took such k'004 � *.Too - . - _;0.0md, in `� this-6haractor..Atforda am rpom out dx*"�r ,st � 0400 bocUtfbstabsps. TbUm uldbo, o
. . 1wr tow I I'Y of, it
I �#Pt to an"an , t'burry to Ot ,
, L r It.' Ooe,
W04104 . ,, . , the doii mobor# whorsvor abili , alo 41 As
, J, . go' OLI 'a vo- Oh 'of .$it -$Wphea - tot So beside& Vio . . often 00AAft t0o I (O -' the dwx
I 11., btereat 1A 00b.)01 1014040 a NOW tAbiv, boo W zarked about tb,x , , � 3ft. 01#4 bAe oxtr" . Z11 . I go" & .1 , I have,pawil away. atlaw.4 Cali nut telt �
, . L. .
I I I I I 0040 00 I . 1 them that we 00A 0400 4 fortnight; but #owe VW
-, t4 elect suelt dsolrobl% Saw 014 - the will', Soffrage ftolooes. ., "Y40, vvpoa eat Oor�.r ,*Jailn�a 110110"M I I - I kilow bow falthful'sna I
1. bave 4over:6 , . '10011101411� rooet'red In thO 84"er Of t*- M, wRARsRS, OF Tom �VATS- � -111 r I ow *-.1 � ( , , Patient they Werw with ua� in our �
. . I . . L L 'PtAted. They UaV4,(Auxotly plea ail's grow vary r4odly outt ro. 1
$0hool gonnAitt"S tb*t.JdUr.,y4*r# JI4. gQAoL0aSMpt,nSW.hat,US% '' , . 4"t& fro)U I hl, , ,r 1, � Intorostink oxwriviont* ��rs'bs.nir A TIMM'DW SMUT. / younger days, _1jut VorA %-ga tb& quirs T49r& frielltiont ttinlati, , 0 . I I
Q I boft grant. I I *a- f,%rontS 304. �#- tfgk I . ,m_ L I I ,� �. it If y 4 1.
at liKirprivil"" Wss ostoadea to tba od to them from time to 4wo, 41414vs I . Sna"'iA the U4 . , 631011tIOU to this Paerial, ralo-tobe did tso Alot WJ4 your left hand ta, atit tu
. . I do � theLAI"tof. their loj�llej 10"it ArIny Wltb tSJI � �* feVir YJe%ra OV SAY L tStb$r' Qft *Q*
I , JjC8aVJJW c(Im%oJtto$M' .'L' I . 'L� ... Ina, 's$, 'Who. cies frOMAtubr xol%ftvfs� 14, iuvolpaing 00-OTA004, t0worii which .�v` sy Iii 0ouat-ot poor bmltb, v%luoved from ' ;pVt4date IWr 4V" ''(SLOW4 Sad .
, .
., .'Zie�aOiS4 '*XAmJtt,b I L , 14 bp.4VO, Wt% motoaAzfOu4't0,gr#4t .10,ud' do3t'A�(IL1tWIa�%;Qiso 'th(S "t0e. th14 Suotholft OA40&yQr# to , VAIrs on �,t*r ,right,
, I eb
. 00 , 00 ,r4s&4JJr _ V ,46j, 'L $h% bad Y", " sw0d, got -
I atrol t4o, tb% the wome - .U0J0i4t*d 44'dill.L already JftnA$d bo #o4na;,Qa(% QW to ;,i,
14. � *te �i lik4.or� , � 6V,e" Ao�_ s4ic L, , n ,a to� 464141 L Whioulwith its V44VA410,01110404, clay 4124, 4444 Wed fttft t6 a v LW 4bo%t four all . * She WoUll U"
. � . L I I I . � 0 , _ do thl$ for'Yon, of L
� s,��,W
I . 0, � I . oult, ,, It fe, not so 110re WAOVO polttfo$ Is � Vits, oto.i, new Violas an. IA AlRoPw the 01011 41104 4' ma,"ll. Ili 44t, S*d lay"It. *ad -wit* too - ejifo thattairdollsts. .L . I; � -
I— - , . Como of - : r L I
L . , 080, . .
I 11
,. I twr,V0604� at# L L 4'�a V,01 , , . . . , - I When -tho, 14SWIT Water on' 404tod *t *or* for the pwpw,, . . I I I
I I mills, wbotover, jolt .,call 4 trllde. Wour M .y, ' L ' -' LL thei�,arulii Wiwtbo3o, Invido or 411ty oft)* Old bon*toid. - I I I
b . " rVOR00F. ,000 ,�, 0 x,year. .. 11 �� I �- I . L . 'L I
11 (,".�, , , * , % . Vef, st%, 11001)"'r, It' I O', � jo'- , , L . r -- � . 11 . tbA suppor t4bla, a younsor.; �Orothor The, A&II* ukot n,qvor ea 1%*y spoon
, hAve, h e.. We that tb�'jr4do -Wo . I * I tru , �
, , I I , . I . I
, them " you e'r � .old,ijo, _ : , woo oaxi aetuatly aroet coxi4lite's Aik a YOWW do# MY. V(are*t*. U141. "Wbat ,*to,you, Solo at, I
, r , . had� th " b - would, be, � , _0 ljwu,��' %. 0. i -priiiptioa not oalr 4fw
,b WOMOU-" ',O.� Lb'AIIQt, T -1 - WAa. I VTIIU$l I AS wO 111A �J'oto..-buy be bftt�n. This I
- * L 0, male,xixt�., . � ,to ., I , .O,A�:h-d' 1, not L 4001404 to, take their dot with them With roar tois doUav ..� , ,11 v, *44 � xlwil* tbb U%lt#, t :10 * I : . I I
bos� 1303* %44e, �. to tb0lr�,Ae,W,bJ)Aie, r . I "t;OthlVa�,"L1�6plied, the qioter.' "J'SU .,
ttj�'L, 'of tivo , - '%ad to hA , � 0164 With tbb Woo" 61rokay . . but he .
� m Vroytao", sod up to 188( A XI% subbo.. A4 a po . _p x0t that � W ,, Isdit � tlVe% IA t�141#ty mi'Aut*s�Wben , * Mt* ,, t%
- �J! � �4 .1 I % -A , I a UY '
I A0,41% $1 �jf'Woni�6,1*11% �, , tkal �'ibi��s � 11 ,- b . _Ott
. . L . . . 1*,*� M% q I � t Moth -t- � .
I Ilayeft elirKt4a a ,3 ofir Indi , Solo" ' 'j' �* L sguitingantruncleanty b%bi ,
I _ m# )r in I I L wA4tlAqdi4pps:l1to6peAA. 041 , aevelol*(l S, iolb�t to 11 .
. "' , , , - - " .
. . L a ry Wo;� Y0JWJJ'LW4c0QAtVQJ1q a L , , . th tla�$ "'it Ltd VaothWtO�-4P .444 rx, aboultl bo vory-e*raftil not to 41to* . . r., .
.4 .. - &$'*loot -to" 14041 '%Ad h t # , _ t
I "' th " , or Or" tr" , 4.4(1 ,J)Vot,orly fttt L, th _ * , .
I son 'e"ie t .� , . stro'A 4 � out .0, �O� tbo e6ft, by , 104001019 down � 4 101W , *tron# P"Jud" , 41401
. , �:, L $0"I thlok tUaL Pojjtickjboa�
t _ . "
. . . r I 11 , a 00" W _,hg.., , - % I it within'. . I io L r . Ak6, & vA , t, Ausit gfjew$�#1 IL r� tbildrea to mvtp��t this liluti, , - - L
yoAra of : b4 do.
. I ,V� otqA 'kjC'�bo %his'jo� �4(yi� apojl$� am L ath. r Q4 tb000At'rar, a . ' I
. tho liqqor 1166noeivilialo"N 0slud, o6u.iti'v-4 In'," L 0) OX I
L I .L I - 1W t 0%, put I Wgbt &ad day ho :bowled "Youshan't do, an3vauch thincl *� _ IMat , 11 Q.0t[J* %tqq4 **, ,
� bo" AUt _ _ I L . . 0,011rao . _(4 nailt Jt&0,%*. VV�q L
. . . .
. Wore Act I L . -- U10 P .
� " , act vote 0 4. QrL elso, ' 0 *QUId 11 , I" Ali , t %,rf, #to L It'Ift VArLJ Plfftult to Care, . _ . " 1. .1. . I
,; I -�xxt*J%J4x* . ,could . ( Vo *. ft*er 0 0114mod, Uri. . L . . I
,on , hen 6:06 I, he *aa 4tep 4uring the courao ot'lAts. ,� I I f #k.IxAe0tA0sM4o kina. fu .Subera bat. life, In, X%411061k "YO . I . .
.. tb,,� , w bu I jS . half 'an bour. L UJ* . '�t*'%�WWI Ja I I . �
I ; lor 060VAItte4o and of �,Qdr#e'tb�� I rkublie' life L In p i , �W* ,towsro,wouia Jbqt,%A,,eAAVty &Akxu 11 tiat4J.,th0,r wove t I . - Jolo%yr wKi :44118-10 ould nover, J*,f�I8i%a#4.WJtR. _ ' - r ' ' ' r
- - *9000 IIAVO 0a'hoI26 , I .ecItni%ry atpalts� this K to Inw, 0, now, wtatii' I , _ - -,
%, , . 'e I I I 1 VA*ey 1 ..". 1. I I
I I Antii. J�'L 4.1, 1 L jil, Spiteaf hi�%'fo ' th be -r * I .Pib .VA �, � � . I � sh . -' . L:. .,
I I ", 4Uo �$ crex4oat =04, - 41 the auspltfto�fo -$I - a* �.g A'Xotberi " I . say Mh%V#,. Instrums I I . b.6 " ,
I I -,
rl ,Wqm 'Oulft . 84,; "en the :, "()no ok�Ovvreatest 4hook . . g4*1 i&A to and hfAq bapk to,tho -far, - " , . I.- S , "k, It a 330 I * .
, $a r , 'u. �
L "rd�,"j;ja]e Iiijalia joi*J�oa�s, _ ' , ecolv'sdvas vi�li 11 Illy Vor sin r .of - tho I 4aa�.er%� r jn-,wolfss observation, Stattaip.'. " ,L'to t&..faV,XL I $tit Dorai In 0, wattil, it' , I
11 I jle'L bloW. I � A* �j �
I . . ath a so 6�, x eb I , asicii � Vidtorl . - ': I t U'� f*t"eiL 4 $04"4 t�44� L IR U"d wb�a, WN WIds 4' I
I . r I .L I I ,0& t,b",t"ah, L,& I loai�'4'� deedo 'be IV64 L Conitiellea on, 6,40, Doe, to - Ito" is ek1prImanting *ith giant I Vote . q4tto of Voicis, ,*"You are *golov to -seio Anut .%V111 Sit)t he fouina 110 . I
. I
1, Ana'oilmeo that L . Morlean'CitiZet 4L . I - ,C#8*t;0t'�$.'U%e aft$` � ' I
UM4, -Woxaop xato,poyirs inar 00, Xudg I - 1 "Vhq Was t6aell hio libra, �-tbo edlie Veatohxli�ti mountod in JJ4110040 abd 4f,eg to I Sh -,tlng and 0 oilit j, , , o4wr =0*43 4 �403090 tit I . , : , , ,
, , I I tuou Lf t � � r th6 fivAit tow,,�joek$� .44it.014 U11611. I BWA kapp h6us 'k (Ina you
. L W.., for , tho. ,,,,; bad,bor;qwod! - :Jitettm�aU41 L - ' I t _ , . : ,,.
,� of ,030,
� IAVe #A Much as 'a at, who'gh . I see , h, . 0 totL of a . . "t,11AV6 84 61) tot Ila eft f L �
I � y bb an oim 0 , ose L I dt 440th6r tlmo�to put contawok 4100trio bora�ra eonaeot4 'T4*kJ the dK)'$t'ff n%SQ6o�aoV6t-faJJJ$dL ' _ d1rtL:YA0't1$�a (%Jt6'jj�d fo a
, . I I I
. commItte, I . 1 4#14 _ IWAS:, 0 '. " ribe and *alu,o With. d;� On tbor groun& Tbo . I W - *"r' -O%. 'citjii-t Su*o.- ilto butt.6j,# � 16"Va # - I L . . �. ,
L , , L L L
oil �tIJ6, Jnon�' -0 ,On jho� beach, L'T '0'o. _t I igive'l . - An* " . . .. '-
at a ebthUaip
� t46�8 as 4,p at. %notion hi's Lobe .u&ASO3 :_Up .s, _ andor tho raili. ",,,,,,,,,,, MO,= A.
I I . . . . 0 � , " , � ., ma$T hot . of obilli,, Was a1w . I%r&st,',of ,th , So, A. to grectiot.X40:4 and thori bi W phufal
e . . . , , - Ole i collootion & L ' t . 'I L ' . � I I I 1. SAS 69'6tt otbot , ` , "', ,
. I I , 11 Three or, f. IA; yc4r,% lat(jr skjgepor.� mau's �o t -if�t I I L. w- ivot , I , .Jr,$SA0Vf6FL
�,, � , , sk IoSAoIA tbe,. 1*11cb . . L141ft; aod'AtainS frogn - the ,
. it';4uniel L, � , 4j�ln troSh,b,44� . � I b%'Xiii4y forced to seli .&t,�&, dist& 'ea I , barkinS, lesPug- so . , �- I I r , I., � _ ' tot -J� - L - . ,
�t S4000. 4 1 "SRSL thali. JeVWA,
t , 4101 . I bid to�r4uoui* ip cvlw.�, 5�00(r ckadi owbr� , , Kt 06rs �JrXlied . � A 1,
"I - A - of A 3211t* , d woig,' 441Y "'' ,� r � .Vbi"b *W ,"tot* ,� , ' .
44' . A*fi6W`1e: 1*14, beivrowea , ii r[OU$6, To .1 I I � ' , joy; b bar Volat. , J(ja, I 1. - . IL L . I :.,� -
I I ,w I W"r broug Lcas6 b6foiebir he 1 rrajML, I remaiia V �3� 1 above tkA, t*rtk it L*JJJ oing bif) t%il- to .$X*j% hij .
I tbe,4 Colonio L , , Ut , the; 4kilk Irift _4VAVInit up Artr �'tb& � - - -�,. . ! .
. , to � ' I tg fton& -U01YAW V= ,
� L , a# IsAd, WoMan oont, upda, the - r ..
i L . A Wo:- , � aljtj,�a of_ frIends', lom[44ato a �
. , oil It A '
. .
I � I robtained th$ " Anodes _ hWp,t U 0Jj4U%V *%,*J� t�lo�', !"No W) a he saw # V $t� . X$046% �,4- oin thi oid to' hot Ot. . L .. I I
. . , �6 JA ia t propotow W teris, tbe� vory, Sioxt WV tR'! cwt x III . I
L ! _ ,,, L�, I , I ,Wefi,� had .t4o 6,r�'VJI I I ift'a oft, * lo"A fi*d , - . I .
'. ii , L 40. Of 'tb$ .ballot 104VO, be, LW � .
., L .1 I ,,f U, 14y.,. 040'at tL , 01 , . L the bills fhto� tKq I ffeahl.* ,%t ':�. . . ' L. ' ' "
. I I , power t4 vo I .
. I
, � . .
I . . - ' 11 4 . I heser I , tall b6tw*64� not. so�xk w4i othort0i itit . � . I - , L'
,. � � - I r L$e*t'4b0*o.% $00 , . ead yost*' I L 11 -4 1 � I I I
.1 " 41ors, Q*xoui4ti th.ow, fti,004, led I Po -o6 uajostl�,, troaUdz 4 U000 Sh%*WL 4nt lot taSt I I . I . I "
I , L ,- . -in iumniptet" to, t4o'brigh . .
, .
�,Ouue YOUVWO eA, e0hool to4o4ors Would � a6i 4, L Stay" � r I - , tuess
M,� 0 aii as C ,iliois' , 14 ''' ,,eWh W rjokA ReVo4pl, wr*uetor be -made, y4rds ek, Th6y ,bad �L
iu,Londog , I � of Ad afick bf� -
' L , ..� hia le thof *4ft. OUIY two , � . , , L . . -
, - It"te ,quite I I �, . L 4QAdt*(J WIO& 41)at ' for �t�ho "$%ta'� of " . I
I � , Sao droi hi# anelk 61it 00 � ... � I
' ' �t* I your 0,0�4.i�StAtw,- *1140�-' womew votI6 I 4 , I . L � 'I, . 4. . . . . I ., I . . . .
I L *14, X .4, tlw*;, &r6- 10 Y 4100A And ItWi6afandug,
'IW4,'t J "' , , p6b4ble, that fho�'Q t, -lortifications
11 I �Lull,en)AAQAP IOU., ��$#'tbo'WomrL I . � ,��IdOM O'Dop Would, 'ji,6t L Lj� I
1, . , , J tr , . thii,e.j� Inv; o&�r Jo cotter, a for Lo�o �Ogly be it to' to'lool of ft t. W , L TA . . .- i
-- L � ' I , had, b6ew, 41181JU, avlo'Sy afta Y" Where � the yoIxtbf I'M , tb(, o:'but-anable . R Out h , itu A% air JVbtob � $eOlAill t6440114M could Siot. tio� sp a . $1, UVAIV , I . . .
. - L I I I , , tbo ool4iora 1. �'d ., - 3to , om VY nvi&t. IL- � 7,` , -
. .
11 . I � men' "abd . the AilAlly I , . .
' '84 iIera ssy, -,&ftor OW .act ercifoo, tbat Vight', " women to. vvaor pt 1)(Wardoo QW say! ' )r�j' 'Ae4ft%, tokei.-"'t'ho tr0U`b14 I I I .
, tle. i Rat"', doubt, - � I aeome- to Okel 410. W .
11 . AUOpsr& 104 'a'f�W. joaV% s0"W"Y Oolvi, the'sam �;,!o,�,. L . -, Whot'bev his fa%S�- g1a one of 1 . I .
, . I ... t, L , , �,eos8fUlly ,WRrk if they, do , Istio -, n - 00 r,0 go ltomii , , �
L ' I t" , , 11 0 . I to do o*.ht'-Wcr�� Drittin �Pl A %asn of odgliet"Vb(i ghros -is wt- -
I.. . . .pay. , r. do1ogL,tUo,,sxmo. Ily Will ji)ernift. ' , em '04116 fOrtifteation, ,on, to invite #ith, *on ,, saa � AuAt rMea bcId 149' at ,
. sue __It o�41 ll:�L Well.- It .4j�o, -.to Soo vti& d&� th , ve , 11 I Aedeotlo I, for Jourxloy hi - 4 ,,, "
1. 1� L ,VVfAL L MQS As L I tlke.�JA�L "tD4 rJ*tjMatI4W, 4�& . "
, 064M,00t (
A(k . ,
". 11, " I I Chat �n, that j ber oW*rV,brSii*bt,Ntudy it wItbim1rnAifS,,, ,I coul.44% ,� think pepsin. Wifet4 O'C'.15 sosllf, , ,
". iWom4ti, laa, I I . __� of , , W0=4
' I � . I
11 . .1 . �, ' '' , ,AfttM`.:VA.q bar(! Yo tinction, for #�, ft:*Olk k -vitl�k4olooL � �i I.. ''. I oir . 11 to hok.. Istoter" i 'J.'. L; 1. .
�r. L I 116;, *0&ob,6-Ss.AX6�0�a "' tbL, Ur Wom6A �Uj6$ty" Voo`� tb,V*, a6p3raL '0�-.O -IcAS #'hig],4 endugh to ' , . -, ,� � ' Dor& klamv' ,*40:z OCIliqx that eall* roe -46- 1
11. , L Ll - ' A. L.. � , , r I I.. "Olafttono L J* *it,. I . I , � , , it, IWOU , I . . . I �
otk,cLtycoutiollfign(Lxt6iu.$..46W ,,T*%I�, less 44 jj�oa, fotLdc� ,.. L . L L =avl . 04,%$ 1 1 ' 'L ' � . polo, voo�y MA,
. L , � ' � , ,
. � �
. I I
. L
I., . I L ' iry oa,m q" Y. 'SEIL a P�4ragoi L L .� rXSp":'.V"11V -� - 11 Vb�'4064 , - I . _Who "Ji�,.L:441 thet6 �Oes ., - ,. . rn lt4* ,�, L .,. ,
,pre$,Vd. ,**11- *t 6: late': W� . joy L t4 bb fa With thos-6 stitem
. .0 I r S" VAL(W$ : Attet�'4* , _ Were lo A ty tot 4or'ot them,woull'be asv,.�,
- ik" Ing ; Y0 , � 61i: -It � � dxat�Jh.v 11
� " 1 1:41k. pji�cp - " the � *, �.. I I
� osxI Was made1hat. evory' h
: . 1�, L I L W,81 � LI't $6 . q - wprk o 11 , -71. 1 � . � I
, ,� �' . I I - Ut, u.rein1t,'hi1AL 61:f%ko � w, . , �- .1
JVcg . I - Lbe in '46sy' JUatter'fo to. W, 44,011, 'Other �Agatn'; i'ad 04,-Itwtwm4�# -
' L" PoT40a, tWonty,0 yo A I I it, PC , the
I � " I` , . more tb", hard -jt itt 4*4',. othoi business io, attend r, 4W � , ,
� L ' no, srioi�IiSo 44oul , , , 'title of 'gaft of L twjU ts*-�.Wft,ld, It's .
, , % , _i�61" in ' 'donft. Lt�� r .AVrW$4 I . � I I � � .
111. . I ..� W0441 voting , , - '�L 'Who -01110A ., rly- unjuat.,, 01 LL , . I .4V6 J - fo� tW-6 Or . or WotI.WV.-41 L . A' ;6�1'r I na I I
I , � teAcy �.VL , . I I " N $te3L . . , at#d 6f L ,$* pro"K$". rt* I* blinsfat 0 ui
I orbillogem . .I$, utole;al "'streanIs W1tk4;d'aJ.&';bf *&tbor ,to. b*JJ "aQf vii%jt.0dtbe �4
I' , , U 'It � t6,�retailS. qu��oc; ot ',the I%ttor laying . �U,tho _or ; . to, to tbroo "Olf4 . , Vol W,N- " ob, Z'kitoZ wasladly iu:c I 'L ]
, I - ,
i4xiaout !:,ii46 anQ", L W" bg - , 10ro ih' the! �'jebool " �o 1 0,4M11' Lth -Well ,as 'thi h. - Wit I b"ti.' if, *xporljoau - _ . of air and tost.'. ,P6�4V)a ,$ad e,af,tL fljj�'�, IVIMA&S, Wt 1* knows 1111W
" L t ,t, Wohi _ 'ity of his, -birtULL't 11 0,11.1110,
�A' . _P*o
I ,,, 444, 5�bili i4jr, wit* 3A(A I sister t4% "It, oy _ ,-1 .
V I . tIL ,� Progre$ajo tbo AustrA4 arjuy pro-Voi , e0a. old, eatored 1he vrepart� 'Aw " L.
I ,bsdbOt_onl. 1 ,�, 013 116 th"-e :for. � k Ion W fj4h1Jy"XokL,,,.thah� genera OpIA. _ - 'T 4vo , � I 11
_k P"r ' or 'his �, 191%
� I
I . sho"'Ata 01140 �biitt will, =11147, tv,�4111 *V%*A*a1iod1d ti'6� the I L . I J%)3L , ,Bui)66�iiiitUl. Tb$ officer la'ohargG of th.o, t tho,''old 40g $"149d 'to Jjt6 ,th4 L, ilPitt of"tho..", "becasioul -ribs bl�Uftlf L� "" � ',.1111 k 'Can prepar )
, , ,h', L, , If,rNM1J00'N0T1 I . I � . 061' ", V, � f I
`:. , , not se _ Alutiod � that : " , -- . �, , it -)
- I . � - "o 111110, 00trantoo of �T' , � I L .1 " I _ ,: 404i�6 � . � �f
I. 1, %W01Y a", . t;o t�sks imir4, I a 1n.W on man , .1 ,11-.1; I .1 . I
2, I ,,, L . a rotolxt(6111�11*4 , okid. ni4i* �d 4*10; On MCA I � -2
. " I . . " . I '' , xUit%f# SwInviniaz -Soboa, Nsoaul grow � Mov - . .01% xiti d4y *44 MY Affloiebt, inlielplow 'With the, I . 1. . -,--1.11 ;�,,. ,1,,Imp I
, I I "OV WbIA4111,0110tIrs i4ibilitr" , or obw . MO oladstotte; howievq;o profolTed, to .bAs"lov,bixto(t,va�rtoua.istyte$! 16 , . I I L P0440 UJ#6 W6J6,Y'#'WJfe' WhO #ot* b -to #.%t tfij""; -0&:L---1 � - "' '
� . Wro ot�thb G at�, The, rishit',to, ,he of 14 1 -W$1tJV�eJY1' rotu#ftj 'WHOVIC. . Anti J t I -�tt , , I
� -
L I -1 overumo filiou d b6 furn . e , , ,&& TPIA a omaloner, -4 (1104(t at - 14st j#& , . e PrOW, tifVA I . I - I I , - ,
I . 0 ! , I I'l, 4' out 'And. a . ' ' - W164 by "*14441� , . I in'' 11 . , - ' L' �
Uto L _ , tb&t�,a.J*etia!g)e,
- I 1 Apo IMP, t W11z 0 juaking rlKhtlY, 1A1100m Tor floating � bot , the 1141r4a boui* "Qu tb6 hill, 00o'gaoto 16 aqt,hJjg less Q�ap, safteldst ,
. . � I - I . .. ,�� # . sb1a c6if(t'46t Qd to �+ to rwhp W% .1 is , , )400 W,w I I I I I
' "
I I L :Was igrau" tboo4oppa."the I � subitit a , he Wrmls', A�Vqlr ,W be f" - , ,i,g itififnIt. � , - . r L
,Y. �oacher . lu yotwo �64m, A, sajdVb�ra'Sbutte WA$'V4,!$ood4$Lhe,V ..
, __
.. I I �; takon, put, to -tw6 4oxja�al61�etiqao, _ , feje I Wt it L to theliVt9 ,Z��5 L I 'Y atiioft to, , L I I I I
" ' i - . lustre a) �'hisl name, �ut xowad thq w4 I a tQ I 'WJ L' ftothsi-s� � I . bYsin -%vork(jr, f*r In . I
I ;. -Ar,om4b ouffraeeo, ta. Z;e,,Lw tia-, c;,1�640 'o Otribotoii .r I L I I "for the I
� I . now' t'4jr1i4 elocted at jb,W�end �$.flU4008afaJ`ftOhSL 'o tealand. ,- , " 1�a ' re , it" L � Afore ists of tbo inein'L 4n, to I - I . - " , L
A 11., t 'L 0 _ tbooLbAVn6,M Lof ti"L of 014 *o, .A_t L146t. Ojlj�'P.riaay at.' ' ,NV'h$n M'",'. eat k I art�t in I , , , I � , ��
.. I ., , aWat is vary :stand mlght,possib4, qu., ithe horsoiii. . . ' I . Ach, .06�1)16 ,Who SV* -11
� fit the I �
..".. . I I P020. A' - 0 ]not L I L; 11 . .. L , �rftlfloia asmo, boina,4o "L " I
. _
I 4 I eyeq, tbr�t I I to L . y MUC4 � L I -
.9t "Veaft. ' ' "* e6LUjae, JJ[jeA. Aaa I think that It, Is �bouia OvOry W1104' tbo,zidp6f.gir A�rt Pool in'oso tho air. Ila ex"luixtea . Vo ' ftft0d.J$o'brf&to'SA4L toJJ1.So,SAA -
III�o 4laot.aQ I . Sod Who''oXft
, , JL ' 4 '44 o%ti(Aa, f 40 14IT � , - . , ' L'
, in, � I L I ' an 6. tainoom soon di ir ftpei , �bO6 07 I t V esa, 040 a ftt %jJSSt .thtf - ,
, OiL j4 . (1� to* be 'so .�� , , �Jdeint$ about b 'r '*( I , I I .
1� .tJ04obUt *t thj6 every c4ixutrr�-,, I 4% , I .' died, �- . 04dolinod the ropa tako,�" -littlie room. iu ' Atore$tIng 144 e or- 4 . I I .-I. I
' I "lof 'Jatt44 1A I be, . I d 0 k! ' il�,�appoa", _) L'' , 01'so fteal, .1 .
I 4 , qUttoL,aa -old in after 'of ai pootaii,00, tAing. the gr'UJI . I . I � ,sod 4fd.%qt r6turn until t th '$atiafy . . . o . . � I
L � ,04d of, the' ieri4 tyvy Me- � ja�% dut, an, %Ra,6hi I fievor. visit ' The, ,Aostrikii irvay - lately & � - . usy Abd Wt, 9.004, times: oba� OW h6r � Ole$$$, so ths, _ey, b I , L "I
. . . , , 4 - Aboir Uiqwgi� ' -
I 'r .
. ve t4kon 4a,jaoro0lngly AiplarI61% r a 0, ,, J0, I hope 4omo 'd.sy far brboabr of J*4A thit f16014g,foot- bridges, ,a�ont I ty y4T . ae aext'attornoWi� .A fi�* d4yotr� o, $is 41 ,; tb,j6t the nch4dron weve, 1. . Puao,tu%T,��
, `� WQXhda b4 pi - b , tb4t.ba wai, . .
I , L - - . I I
4 . . .
� I )Jevg;�, SA4 JOV,L I L baSoq:-ob4ek which his, fathe -, ba be-.� long by one'Wide. � M tb*,Xa , " at *t stilted pwlwi a4a.4re, , . �
I . 40tiv a ps,0, In VA"'. 41�otlonii-� 'In, the to,16%r thiii- tw�l , V i I stch tbeo* tor 1 4u,w Lin) 1406i an't ht #%Id �jh�t dolightedli) iiapw It all. - A week, it, aij 1. . I
. I
Isat 0 'Ott, 841jeth,ag.L e Y W04 QQJUO� f%MQO "� J?rc% Y, , cn :WVI"$� afj . �ftee . tbinks i . jiil� ilt, L I .
' -
- I .1 I I � , JQtt 'Llike A000 rc� Iftalitbf .this 1%�I�Adid,. Lpatri6tio'land,' . L I ,*V�� than' 00ino r iLWA!Bid�oto4' tbe;p%Vti'WAg equall " - &r.noo 'L � ber . riatoxnAho,saitt to'Doxi.- 1"r aidn't. 004t be, - t bl�*, , : .j. I , ,
11�(W f b , . , , � Light. � ,r
� ; L ' L � - �men,44ro. 0041114d Alka.,oior 0 L 0 ,W -fledoa title *fitch *044 louly 41stVIVIOAd- 4woogtbe �sol 4 the'tIV0,41008049410, 'Want, to, *%y� I
&Vo` * ft;r�a tfie'4 r _Utah, ; 14 neW, , * . L, I I I
� I 1. ' " I so -Vv . Pareat . ., Wad dle"*; 'In i'-"�' tobiabotft, . fWal* X*eut :s0AhiPg`0bUt Ik �4 or6lasi for 4 Wom4A who liii�, to Ui6 . I
� �L -:. Tb&trkA�0U-'tbt oubda7 theits,' -*,.:tight 1-tichlim I% '.4 is- to conoe%A 'his - IL each 6nd of 4 46, I , abd o14,14ok-,out %It kilov '
, ..
, the": Vi)tO& I W 1. ove . . I 440, L� 11 Wage ata,00b a, %ol � .. to Aunt BMWs -1 felt her brain, $1�4 Wbo"il�b'bi,04SL'the *I. L' I I
.1 I - 0 kjootlozi I or ,st . . I '0144, t -vould not got on, 4o�.thot, day., . '.
I I . L
I , I � I '. � . " won I Mice, ry. � I. I I I � ' r . nvaa, ''1A -ohs - 4"l-Wouloug f�&"ra, tn' ft§ deI1gfit_.Lkt
I ,401M out J64. tii6', AVJgQXA0�.%,t Or. Id 6xeicW 't6t..thol t 'LL trig boat of co, 4� , t _", L � . L
� . _ L
, b, - t . . � b .. bo.tter i 1 'fid. e� .8061ag.,hiff 0J& So%Ster' j 'I "..
,.� �� Tjn�., �q � PF I I ,.eat 'Ut0*8." Tbe� Gladoton ", h, - I" .; L 1. � . - � AV* seiizil:643o, drag, drago draj�;, ,.''V16krous WOANIAY" toliv-� , , " . -�', ,
" L #0 .JWAA Og" got tho,ballot,iishw , their , � . . es'danhot'd 91 ber . vtpidly formed, .0is I a tois lvj" X '' �, L
I - - , tfi, � it 0 1 1 .ta�. 16 . , iiig witli a L . .
, �1. , �, � . ! , L �4 ' -1 ,� "'i I , �, , - -'x - -t # . ..
to, � V1
_tbera 1 L 11 follQ�r.thoLOX'%op Olsi 1JI, 'tp Me Iftg'a W de xlvier� 494i Who"L ft'
I L , - -�-�-� I -'imali picAe -*It, t , L . 4,( ,, . . . I I .
I � Y, I . 1. 11 �11 ,L-Zr'-�, L , o of thete t , W; "y titftor� supposed thht the ,'W noo'-Ifeet -�jad 1'r r,L - . -
w! Iol4nd , g4o it. 0'a vor I - tho)r,B L is e ry . " , , ,like a Ao%V poraon,, sit the blool frdmhoi�btsb , , . I I L I . .
I I L . I
- - I .
. I I
tO_ a ooil�l L
)S�IbI6 Wat�,*agg"04. bri" , h- * , , P'thought "
I � c% V, id A* 'to, 6 ink " $1 . Mf"L'-. ' ' �
� 'ph�g Tke C* .6.j#cs dog biad follo*od mojo,t6wn,ibut am I Sin; I -- thankfni 04 Or fbit I to x�ost aeedk , 6* i ' O� ' ' �m . I I
�. * '' strong Wilftwont'-.jo''Lvots In NeAv . : -6%tW;�'Alt'the =0110,14$. , It 43 pq
1 7 ' ,Zo&IV,A4. :`TlAor$ it U hold, tbat 4 por$bn ' ' -9 WA�WFU'PIPL91t. , ; i0duo dhutao-'�iiiid b*- inhorita I _ _ I
I I ,r . �o � corits I k '31 d'411111; 44"t, it 1,6a,117 40MOd Upon U-70 14''AsUghter w tif It to V1�6* 40 a VrowlsouO& lot . 1� I
I Oto, � TR I - 44 L q . . , ,- - L ogi L not, un., o la Vors. . � ,, L .to Lion" I. I .. I
XkUstr'V lofA , 'bj$:'ft . 0 ... :� i tOr of Ualwaid I him that the WOW ota 4 ful'of " iio Was"' 11
� I . L *A011W. I th 44tug 100$ , I 0 k & utle, a ostlingboat diit*otod sud* �r . ;
I bab tbe effect _' 14, , L I : I I This � . * to, . ati 4., 64 ,
f '' L sx,161th 110161, Toroutok I%n. not !A-Ibp Veraoj%� b�Mt'ro - A re , 4WILY ,40rsta-ndiig . . . 1. .-. L'U'W'.baor ... 004; U4 IS Of tbil 0 In 00 't , , , .. " I
t�p Ili - �- 10 wol U110 evdry OAe.1, so,- , - ; , to f to (I , So &S'L to J* fit � . L , I I � I . I .
�- ' f braill. L"Vo* . , 'L
1 - I . rm 0 ai _ , _ t04 tolr,6th6r, WhM, big I AU190.000 dolulak " L . er' 'T , : .. .L., I
I 06 �6WO4 At 4 OrPaginj -late U iWht, ': &JfipVq - l*r6aiatak, � � ON, ivin -ojj&bLJ6, a44fu11V.-,iJ*pd at si�*o . - Mtao, bid t*fsUad,04 thei: Young �,4,og , ". , $boo)&, 0%, Shoat beao,4 *
I I L U04.� At the &4. 6100tioi %bojle,ftoo .T _0 .' - *hr . 'L, 0 L. . %oAVi,bOtJe6 to 4CCOMVaLa, I P: : . - " I At ter tiolt "* Bre. '4 1 , . L .
- 1. .
. � L' . ,W WIQ W 0 hilli L4 od keep, . .1 I aaJin'the case of Sir rtobortAP cnL Z*aDJRo$J 4, ])eift of *&t*r; " I V I '. X!g W0* I$ (IWO. . W, .. .
. Men: itxkd.-opwar&�of 91,600 women.,vou o0li.t.he him, sod had 0OW0 to� � I :..
I , 6"', in � � if jol W
.11 . I , Ut L of 4, tol X4 U86 Or him 0*0104trio light, � hext, -6f 10101� 64 , 4itain 04pChf, tho..IateA 13i'v"O'Atto . I I 4" kVbII WIth b,4,014 Shast#r �" � L DRUT101, WORK OJITINTIMS,* fast may I)e7tacidembbly,bo-krty, or .11 .
cd 0 L . . .. .1 . - I - I
.� � , At -01,1160 th41T 210.00 ,� nd'.014 uft tor lft� and - ,� I
1 . '$�Ja 04 JaStrtietiVe faet,flAst'* r"t o It lit Of,o"'L I Wean %1- � I I � ' fnlitr�ls I . I., . I I . � , , "*&o . . ,� I
. , *V,ot8k$. L, !014 � hioi-Awgo, - * ,I, , , ibbinaL gunO IS- that cJ'AA ,&U40144, it I * L 'T finite hearty Iflitkoo &U boui, Or imor* -
* , , .
I I IL I . I �, 'kill orooMeasuit A"Ahatkis 0e, befoft'L be4janj - Ludox , bow.,, .. " " " "'
I 11 I tta' . 6 1J1pb!doV,kd,pA i ,The b0ouetcy is -i k. 19, , - � _ "Ic worx� I ,
I Amorlowki ough t4ko. abt I ,, IIJ(JW41 k6W� Ueld by Sir is &A autUomatic 1441ror, lwotkedby 4t a bowl dWlaok uttAr jb%t..Ajgbt, oiey**� to ., I
. ,
. "L' , a ,of,. In � �� - ` Avid',baro . d,s:xd �,' ouIY,'AOW-Of the Grand -kopmld bY'Lt 'lAea ,"Otooted - obtil L thtV f I , X -V .. evor, modid, be wMe"nal,V4146t, Inik '. , , I., . � I ,
� 11 this oQu4tr$,, I've beon� . Ot "' ' ttoro& ,T0hW41ads6U 4 fhp�A�obeol lk %notlon _ho r.6., � Land he jem;�' _ . � - Atw L vr� ", tt , .. 14'.. lAtle, tWiusug# nAtUre'L fJJI dianot �2p.
. 1-,-4 , . travollins over k t4rVo ;. g for & gulde " hsdi I Old. NAa1,9',oI&at'brotbor,. Thomas,,-und . 9hot. JR1411 I rp 411 gtVea J*Xt, ,aftdftoon' V %n Sh� ' 0 ('t , , I I . "
L , ItJOr osj# in' %%r0h`(J4 hf$%Itb' � - h; - 0611 altr tath, _e , , V Y Parent$ $%,W : X1 '. I I
. ,�W,� I . . ' jte� -- 61, a , , ViS. 4 Iling f b* wild Sol ' L.. '� �
I I - 460116 lfilia-1 � -thitt"I't -)VAto th6 *hot' the Wit 4oig. W1 ionottidod his ,10*. for theli OkIASI 4taj to thf) - 6r, Lor two; frol�'a 8006 � , kit& , . .1 -
I I L '44.1 - � I -tm
1, I ,; _ 0,00 � , �Yk a& ,rare I . � : wb�,19 the o.w, IS 16A* 09146,01' t110 � ,it WL. A cup of boot , ' and. a,apJ*-
le A 1410414 "e, coA- L � A* A VMS 1
4AUX P00,010# vbwrol I . . �, I ,jiop of the 01 - . ,. ''.
I -as 00 all wi`6 1. , . . .. ily-Jo$fttoL , 8 - 9 , I 994111.6941163,14" , it $'Ad woo; reoy tu,tetuiu,it-on.tiv� Jr4rm, I or &, CUD, �
I "I �� tin oi- V aft#6 in L cotland, 81� I I '', 116419 i , , .. .
l � � ustly trying, , thin He, -,%�41 , not put�, With lohn, l�y-;the!.by,6, � �;, jsitfeot -0 , � . � 1*
I 1"Vf In thw, 0044 & * thkt ljosoro� � glilut In r 11; and., )*- TJJX.4 nat4 V%W* - that 1XIN hiee'A, #'010$t,'01k for of, 6&� 'Dianer wb$t You iileaft, it ,
I 'try" This Is wxo�'t'- iQ1 "L 1: �,lfxitndl � 1. - � I ,. , _1. -t.bo' R0 jUbiped Over the. froAt f6ac% trot-! I . � I I I � . 11.1. L Lr�.* #fo . . I I
'I, �: � - I c L I , - .P$,V�d*. L 1
4 1 . � J$ta 0",'ia L i biln L .. , ted 40ro�A`,�tII6 �htte to a0d.tUfA dL t " i6"Xy oftotr$ 6.1 , I L . - .. I I I
J, 'A fj#iI�of,brlgU,tep,dsya" L . '14�6'W father. befam . . I . 7 Ri -- . . . . ,� I
. I
1, .
L, , t . � _ itioti b`;0*b%uste4,` # 6 0 = yt"� In . I I
, I M 11 01 �. _ , .1 OA-04� I . " 1;
L Pi *1649, Sod the Otb* Is wrong," Itr � . . A
. . a Coowrvmtivo� ,and,, ,% tans L now �,U�*, L &Sl'_0jei1I. *off th
.. . , . , �"Youbgi k tbo At hater, . I I . I I . 11 .
I � L arger U6, -of ,MilitOr obo6**atJo;i . Jq0flt.%t be wai Aot.614.Taek retnJ*Lop I - L 'OU'�=' *oNrIaX101f.. . '. I
t do,their. r-�g ' -.4611sr had bs'to apea . . I 149 wos (loralhit i. tiod. ws game tm 04�' - - . 'r
, '0 Th"
" rok."t1loy 40 vi -o , %
_ g,hLg6i'10Jn,#
L , 4 � lWor ,U4$ 40LJ;Ive�,,tho'l Unt,Vsb6m �Z , . �
i- I . d�oxfaul- m...a- Ltho I I
� ZV �x 1. Va � � , , , of hi4 60. haidoftblo rev . $1 , 'd .1 1*
, , . MA, VIOLL, Zbokuoi & bad zaaa aad, "�$, bei tta& migrottubela, IV *�s battoofis" wbertb L 4.1441d.4.44 und jail., .� I :
1� , .d'- - 'ar $ L for. office, #6 L I 24"iPprowch bt . , .: 'Thet kanty of - cut .81ttu 6 Tuoro,60, -
I , -Y t .an to the -yard,
!I *611)06, . � . - V lif t0h, . u. _&ft�nfj5a, an LL tWait% gtaited. ,0104101 I . L �� I
. , . I I tiv,16. from xtdiaos Jkm�., �- L. Very e:Xe . .. 4L &0% ILWacteid hO'compt I It, 00ars froia. ,% vorl . . I
I . . , . L , 6116at- �i isite 0 i IN J ftftay by"a (or: Isti xnay bs,sea - e. siveAny. t * . .� I -
And t1me, Vad t I Ima k4blf$bed, in, UglandL by W"'j#V8,4�j, , L
I ,
�1, :. I., .. 'L L 616 ..-re L on, " 1 '': B4 'd fV61h. V(irtuAp oad bQ) A16- t4lletl- o1i 1ho rtsaquo I ilt ,�'l ., L ar,eat d1AtaneoJ...�'AL tMM$X&�])Xnglqt' t'll , Y , d . follo, d; blat , x4adont -upon ito 0103ullueas than. 6111. . � I .1
. ,,, 4 --- - t'sublinio - , � ; , W '004a bg Ve . . L
I "I I tia, $ I ... But -Iovi�� $ 1 1 'F ,� " - tiVoia'At Lf ana AV I , ,,r "I
I a . , I ftom,'bifte b"Lalloon' *44 a lies 'JJo::.,jrSA, tired 'bat a)i, AW atak% an;* in VA3, pI11n,,%t4,deiA , . , . I I
to: st, their... �� -` � , , , Auds''T"POUTANCA - . - blch,inako� hi&. -lonti t,4. . I . tel.! elLotes 010 travall'as" that Snaity of Jh6 I . .
, , , I _ I . . . �,"_ aid, 04if h4t.roath 1 � � *4 .'z L L � . , tbWo
r$L L 4 I . t3r
I Irt ax
. . I .1 �, I � I I ' I .. I tive 1"%� w -, , . , � liol: 11 *Y�S`I � I �� I *uAreftakon0lines.4.04Y. only be 04%luett., by I 1. 11 "
I � vtillilva Ur 211 ia `
�.. t . .. . at V20; I I . of 6ig plue, of ,, fie, I
� . I .L *,I, 1*1telfe'that tll� �,#116.L 1. p Wo xrl�ola,aqtono, it mmb W 0- - I I . . ,. . I
V. � , . . I I I .. � , ,
� lwdu(�%rtoly V .1 ,
, L .1 .11644466 hoin "tb�,*Astersl, rate and a � "%Vot, we, of waxot vmtoro.' -a - puro by.
, I I I I wAloh 4ro, ttde, . I ,.. . I . She Ma Was tho sowest of fout � .". ,� �, ..4 , .1.1, �, % 1. ,� hav�o 'Won pvtbef�r 460tiow, by' 'k, the,, ..
1. . rilmp4nt U60 would, be .000fad it, WO- ,V, . 'goftA"JV.h0. �eaoh of, them . i 91'0.010 130op and by a ffiotloa whtbu - - I . �
I - -- nat,na, w1dr!"t'lie ax.rie'd and )bOnA 4&Ndw wd,ppilzxi - j%SaWK tl*� 01)%o 114.
1146 fr4a6litioe'and. *Orik lkaflt ' aid of book,- - ': ,bsdLlajS,o' faMijit,3 of �ijhjl, ' .1 .eod-h'�at6M" � . - I., , '.
W16t. 'L
't � yet i6voty noto of their, wor , I , .. I - PPI 11 I not t* t" Aplonk-bui must he .
, - .. - ..,.�
. " � ' 'SAIM't" t and ,r0jee6u14hoe1t,h.h1,,AI0 al(0 Trog, loud. R*�O,AbSL- 0"Itp"W" � � . I" so, exterinln�tt�d.- Ore I S`W� . L
11 s.� , 4 Uoo it. L I k kd�*, . ,, "Too dollais, tat6rf zu�t it ...Irtant spe I
It thok had tho _ , - 'bave to - ,
I . I: olt:4-1 I ,ftily iollo0h; All'tho nopb6�s I I . � . .1 I . , I hitt 01 t qW491%. 90 . �
11,; . � woxi� ,04t uAde, to neis Ito: �t kolmau . 10, thei- W111W 11bloorAroot and tb � -:-- 4eavehlag, onwigh to ofalod all fai-
I ,� L l died,, off wittiftt - 100,vini "'A . - "pad Dom 93050614 took t4o'�o% * I . 1. .
. -8, I d, of the Ust L
I *ftla not do ^�, for the 4*14s :, 44ft � . . e0% aild �gkj4. 'r, x6bn. to stafkA, abovoi the I I ,tfio' jdj*j0V,. L � . JzJ
b4v�, IN't, th6uh hia, O�Lia woriv also Sty Snalt 16- 100'riattol"81MON. as aftircii Theba!Aao 0f,sUAbv*t1*X1*4 - o1go to % keep th,ift ,
, 0 _ . ar , ft6r from tbo poic
. $4 'Onr I . I . I I , " , � , 04--polrAlk Ott 0�16� ton.doll4*,00to out of tbe'.vWPe* ,xio,it on. j4ffo ) 'O -641�060 thenS 14L kb�) pojt. �, � L
, '.. that"It lowt W-0maul 4 4;rw Tile ; I . � . ' ) "', L � . -Jopr - ,,, throd4hout the * dis. R 'rea And ofiL . .
. . This moO,'i6f h1h- goal, Woft br. Wt ison of M4 Isto, Ur. 010,doton, loj*� axia hold, It, u6 Wr jl�,thor,,% , ftietS, Of' L .
1% light va'. L bf4ij g004 teA of tbo.0; I A xgs� ly - a%t, , tW at'. " JcX"%nML oJ' their foctiong, Wa filo,
,; . voinenAo. Aot, tftl that W # � , 4 IvIlizatl6n . I .lng , I I .
I I .
. . L I
. , � 0'. And, the toider ton -03 of Avital spafk ". lld� hk6thor is i 004firoed bapholor, of amoft'ntr$ is to tO J6404 In its Jail-, IWOOtIO11- - t1sholonflat 1; - . .
: ... oulta of Universal iuftrikto, htive beea, : DM,V . I . ON'tis�,i%iuox.11l(ttt*T,r3uiy�i 410aft 011tatood. t4tpughlho-&Uylusa
a,e ; I .
, L
. . most fttisfocto " , :It has Stibe(I t46 'row', th . I The ovina ok rrZoa �;doud' brothori I road -mileago., ASUOU I g ths. N,6u,%Y4.L 'e6me'.. Vail# V rola thoto distriots Mono "boo- � . , . :
14 , - .At chilly hiek" L ' ' � Ilobertsou baA ao lesl than $IX sona, itopoxt4nt "'14m rem vzona of Vfoft 01 t1*0 "of skins. of,tqild, 4%nJMaf$ i of tho. comolla-h%ir fatwormbbWX
I character ,Of 1(7041ciins ,sod th6,best Ao,,ttot�'ittAt,dfol,ttt(itenot: piate'l, 11i,11 all of VG;�JS%vo ditil, without leaving . I ISO* r haid,�,a Mo YOU, V60at . I ,,brWh. MUV bf tha SIMPIO , forw Of .
. 'bAV,6bef*mQJ6stroagor;i ' litical. skul", - . . I 5 SlftmeL&I COTXSI�AA Of f46.%vQX'J4f4 th - -4, got'fjll�, I . I
men rm . L ,us" ftV6 Ow . tiphard, like.: I � . . fitgo prift, aloUgh , I . tmt ari '814"Atarel oply for th--It" skin dkelW-s ne?,WAor otbor tre3tment . -
141A. #, 1A66ing-A 4itands lowest in iespte� , t did not Sly i-aay� 111dos Sre 4 md to r, a � ,
ly Q14 tbo '10f*S"Or Sfi0tjWe2,er.- xzx.� The M9 �V,h , , 6; ,Sit tloh% k eohfirmoul bubelor . . V�V041"Iro":1 , I . � g,1444 pach ., fa 63 � . '. I
- . .�, deed�*JkMrit,r= Thelf popkiAg aad-pix1r�d�,9t,ving* js I N. twIig about 4: to youlpf '. L. . Y8,%r 140al3e, into leot or.. 'hlou , than -th'At viebteft 'I, I
.t�14f theI&t ' to I .fled th3- caraem.
11 � � ter, havo , � . . . ]JOVA' Tho thipa,"i d Awor, brother of 00 wileagoln popolm P�risl& has Just 44 1 . hair Z dUk6ut. . I
-lost theif sexts 'to 'Ur.- Sidddn At WIM . . . . , TW father *ho follow alkht-huntiog #07 a trd4o; in ell
. ,pthor, , ,�T,,,** 64 an(i ,ftet ,j,j , re it-atak%mxx Mf t 4i bis Aftitli.`61(0 mIAW09, rAffx�ddj'4hd it laitAddo, up of , . � ..- . . I
_g g I was hool". votatwi to thW Vegions, are desartfxA .
. (the V�rtkt rxeraiorV I 4�L . ot il4i , �00'4, "V,ho ll%% tt rd4oily of danghtoto � L I his 011ra. �, . �
, 1. . ths-,�Wr and a's -be pipoWlhe Wid 4awn Aftes tvb* do, . . ..,
Struck A, 46W t slai
I" -ttie koyttoto Of' the- , VJd0n*h ft)r 'Pre'V" fteMS-bod %a& $Ua MfNr th,% *Mibn t "' the line front Ube , to Shaabdut- not 40mid IWO the c6i� To, G,jvt. pl�()rwar,�;Jalqp "Reox .
. situAtiloft "I I ,�
" , i vit - .. , t next '14. his hom. took o9i blap w1do-brihImod ba try tof settro, but. *Mray tho gamo .
tvhm.he Midi 'Tlo ibffoot, bft � , - 11 I , stwl
I rtorrodej��44LA�gV�6roqot' ' ' domoa, 'Yovug. Nvillianx 114010, tot a brawyokwo , .
I df female , t1w7b3ronetey. I Aslu, .a good L to,
I Suffr4go, fit so , t _ 'Gly , e * Vw6thei Ito 4111$14(tinaod )d1oself-IVIA6 It, f6r thft th*t''th6 ke3l 88ftloft V.,�"14Mo for VbV tbo lieaogit of OW�h " da"t"eir . I
Mir 7ANIgAd h4s,beoff %02 xx*(Wone; who, - h�a ,,,mt In- aMOU000140ft, I "
0140vato tharact'"r Sbov# She tl 1T1W p'�,ordas wihtb, 111ii, .& jw"ifig-il I I I 6", 20 Jbilei I �. (601 in ,order to� got. 4 to,* 0V liopr$ 61V)X tv�U,J,Wg ana 86wttt�ae,�, urvo, to �-
. . , lWrl 44aws 41SY, wis vaty hot. , I I
. I , r6 4,bluty, p s . *Wdra e . I � I I rdI�In. fte� boiy wllbtt�rp- IoAg wag beano. but 6bnmdoued latier. A# LL , .. for tho IN4481 I � . I -L.. � I .1;
. . . 11 136 106 the, Woolen Vote A* thei-raft fOV4 eV6,11tIAR "C,$5 in VAditon . W. OW r k IN— ildt"111 . This zeb,rAVpm[dA w-Acsa leat4r' 'as -Ibanet up 0046j, fwwfody jplaceo� lok Mg I
In thoir IsMiliea direot them I', J%SkI , to potill's distinotion Wboing Iftst,04 t1* " I I
, Drove, thoft lome to tholt*WW 000 04MIT40A Wit ' ItA ftOft a *eS4 the, 1. �� 11 't phing, ft"; .
,". L. I .4 , I ,wo, tit � .. I 1 �10t& 401hate4'an(I *14 as much I zi,y- 'at -II60, tho.0 Idol) them
- A thst Who, So iw%slda, flaq, it is, A , th,%b It IU4 42d of abrete
pla,y# . ,..Ath tho3ep,of�oldt)Asft .tothei,
,AW th3 ropator. � Ithe 1&53t P64&Yk%AW 1* , 16trAiiipto�,o, tand tbo Wobah. tsf%tep and rai%oaa list sooms U01Y to toAtin - I 'L .... I , tho London w1irkdt, , 6 -
I . " 140, 60" *06.11' vwxw-6red UWV. Lowsk., bight, I I - . distilferiM ,of Vvqup, w" j�iel b 1W I CAMWO to ton spou. I will 14 * .
sap , 11kVe, AW , , it, �tl*,V �Vlll 84vo JiSlo re ,4 L .
I ,,The VMMeft h0ld that 4 man, �,vf -?." , . a an Witolk, China 4111d in . bwjbr$� Mjjo��Ift 6f aftttJQVc',Jn4 dftl� aloo , qM .t�jij .,
. . Iq fa. ,.& sjoath,thil I f XOM6 42A .1 . . . .
, . I 1 h9d Wallin t6w, . noolft 0 MO to Yost, 66 t-ft't vitr$'-pWrally, been to -a r" buk, to tho home now, �.and tell Voplout and, VbInwM the olstbe3 **It 'not twist or blaw"ou
; " � . .
I ,90 I ggaviled 48 AW . I I . skiml arc .'� 11
, privatol,v diAonest vilt bo ilishotieW Arid, *Mn tb& feivi6v *g% lit i,t,* heightw. bY' tWAW" hIS 4104jr;s 1%'-ft9rd &10% . : lar conilftiv5- but while China is dk**� ft0fIldr,"' I ftub -to Skofflold, -whow they 0're, ustj Antesa tho wind Is vdrsr strong talted. �.�
I.. in public AffAir4J%# onta,q .. .* #JVelJ,,1 I Vol& 4915L he Will Mim beom!5 th a. SU6, 'A00to V�
. - 11 I
. . V Ito W '4 Mth fiddle sna bow -- � ., , ftltwtft 4 iWtA Wisbury tis,'& dying, 30.0. wiiskeld w0i takip & r -'%V7 $t%f L Of cot" with AOM6 artfeleoi. i
I snob and snob * ran4idit* is, not 116 fAA= ftemo 04 Sing- t -11- � . I'Aft . g th6 frooh I In :6 043m, ftLo wltobt$ (Or this'.11 not Va" " . -
04 tam bLatitmi )dt. t , Q0. .
� hi's � - � �ftfttt�r-;AjiiLA 7004040 611 61 putfoo. It Is shla that .
'Irs, bat BwfttArzoto!� nwr 486, - '� . *,$"efy di!� r t 1. ... I , 4-, Thb 601A btitfWroaltottlo um,,*n4sftWok-� Vou'-%blog 06 I ... . I. I ,,do I
otriptly Straight is' hiii,owa Of* %rIflN, lack, I L �% 0 . 7 of - Jax*" is 410,00-ifimK 0 ,A% otli6r jasterfat ih Atj s:,Wijfttef%,$ for I . . .. . . -
I I t. ly� - IM00 O& up to W6, her dAU$140r'4S 411 W, ftta to ;
: . wont toto to M"ttho WANTAP - JRP A,x Aftft. ' ftuftAt WN* " t1w- 4re& of Ob his, is I �
wiao. no wo�willf,vot* for h4a , k , . I �, I ftloaWmil", ' Paulliag faco� tooking through the 1104 ssitg*tftat,j�� tvIW4 th,sgo skig,jean, ; SPAIWIS TAWND U00 -L., . .
I he (a a 01OVer pk* Sad his couiliol 10 I ""N"t'"', 116111 . In Y40116, Of the obitu*60 of Mr. 014d- VOW - or Iffifts,than tight f611440, tho PUP0001 and Ith%t It It .
.. man voter wAs xttvor known"4+10% � zoth6 twe "oVIW *UkV - jf6-uo hp tl* fAtt. b"n blontioged t,fi&t Rmas gre%ter. The popittation of Jspian� I - . I �
, , Of kitelhe.0 lwiodoltv , � � mit 116 hAt though fte, apprombing � Th,a, throno. room, at -ftain is &!t4trib�, .
. cuoh vlaw& There ba,ft beeh May 64i , ., I 0N4.,,'J4-WW , '.. " L is 4ZOO.", *1116y"s, MO P-0 , . � I "tf-A'�tJM . .
, . �; .1 " . ,,, 114 only was lm* pliywright, bat thtt , p4afift bf ,41 g6.t it, vi(*11104116 prizo, I ,me," 11 " . ;of the $UJM%J$� . I i ecl as ,% 1W811a&ut ,4pavtmea� 'a , . I
I tidlanui levelled at tbe. WoM41141 "rots, -1 I - *ONAMM I �� , ,
� . tit ontjL Woatnt JW AoVIo0I3r.e0nQtrjd Chins, is in oxteft At WOO,^ or ten : so iW�jn tL* ten �IlnAr ,Iat6 ,W ` GG&AIns ate uteil for W'Addg I I I L
') In our Oustr$. It kw, been & gr466t Rtme .010trip,ra-Voltm, ) toing " - V41% 4 . 0, rl no 0 a a n a goK tv -it, h t 01 W -,VA Waro tv � ,
. , - , a the, mt,wo a& 6prorANA16fixt tLmos gt"itk 1 oind *Ab tbo, t*4 - 8S ftdilloo, .'whIps and otWratHeL*3 of , , I
. di=pDd16tMeAt to the tttfeme pf6hib, itt tho, rolm Official " 'rtguAsw"A wto for tm okko of Z6 fivitw. Ite W" JAlJ0$0'i6f Z@�; f# 40fily umq4ht out to VI?)Vpv I . . ,. "L F�C%t atilfty In �%4 f - .113olplipt 446OL- OtAta! tmt .
,,, ition Vg&dy. I do not "y tem1wsn(* � rh ",eXf�pnb At�*"brttek in Vs J*f 04- - M whilo tb*t ' '% I . i- V16W 0000 it I TfA autt .N,n -
P_JSS *a$ '2,* J* Q 11 t , 1.
I L I , ra , �d " I wat ry,*s . Th tm r*$t h-laits tho 6Ml-1kGtV4t4 kbwt In tho W001, lrnl6t tho gorg.�Otys -
'(finitts at, I'll Wwo DOI* wl"Vol't I C11% howlyl %
- prt�.4,qcauft txt- t nevlt; tok ""''it )�S ot" ft&f 'fjjg-jtk�aa t6 ft' _ *Mo it 0 MM6 MAke theni Int(I W224, % oq*Ooftl thstfinest tva�pld of th&
� temper�ft XoeopW Tba' Prt)hibitiolt fitrome r"96 14 -thg T46*6t- routi thtt 116 64syllw f1w ft.mouir Ac, %U19"WAt of the ftilsoftu In ftj. b", - it, Itow RL , .
, 6-r4 W- tor. stiv,tvAdr, to-q*dittg Yfi# d4do, is 7� im3let from Tienttift.,to PONA, Tho yl "A *4 ii� CAVistl4g for tr&V4 tre-1050 ato WU 13VV� Ch%irs* Mal.
PrEy thought to lRet OV6 *61tievil's vote 1#kInky fm, t4ey, ao 001A, X") JAMS of wwoea 1W tfi& L&A"Ole Weft. J111ville" r#*�Ms rilfx-A 14% 16ar ftfbL0,1,**A9tV,itV , . -* eluug'�W* " - but thi* It doAey ltqpkl��, 40"00Y. CUMA and gadoi and utpbaltw I .1 -
but , - ot Y"r "'. _ta, JW� I
'I Lfo ' , ,
_ , of fi�ft I " � , b mu tl�,-!!6
Q � . It D%ftt Tb* vm"*� havo lx* -h vi. ARYA, , with a Arove, - wixa. M V* fto 't 4 a OWL -As= m1do. ft -
im*k .V, tht #VS;4
_ 4vA isn ft r . -
� ft�6%toit to have ex. WAM 0ts-"iirz5,, T -11's card **61% ,,,, J"At 0#06 'I Pke Vot%to lot, 943t�kma tt
- 4 4d ' VftU-*§d,% fe'vadr-g-1416 6 IOU ' * -- _ .1 am Ore %W60-mito
I trow4V 0AWT01M an ari"It.th* fkAVA b"U iffift-rvItf, TM bol. t _4tWM _ . �1 to rAW * Is. 00% 1, and tbp� iWAS of ilij; fl* Qaten Repat "I ft toy was
.4, hIM. Xft r6 n p in ,
, _Pft
-* _ 0A bxxv,3r -V tt� rL"
- ,
I 4a�% elodion, ,*bon Prohlbl"Ork WA# 14541*11*1ind tboir vixy tbx"Wh joinf,# Of ftt fttofttleaffy W, 014�w-ft* VIM" xt4& 1,4J, Of Ploul-ge, 5,Wjj - tm "'i. aobt.ho.o " the JJftMteA JhtoL 4JItJfJJJZt'.,J' � Moo, I I.. I
wab quite a f p 0"X,* Sit, o �M, �Qmmlons 09 ocre- 7.
I- featlart. bardly, 4 414. 'w,"t- =1160 tft WMIS Mo aido wory fnftoo4, tj, AlAndon Igo Intentiatw:111. fffly fttiflir . hi laro�-A r,qflroid mqe, &-owflea tawrott trhlws, b"ks #Ad - , . ,; fti�-----=---xW,-p 1,
L - ontlor probibitids anit *nroo. _ & �. , er I I .
L -
I triet w fi" 4"'�A#t ift ftMiftt, A.bm* Ito f.W. dfintion, by t* mirlao 0 LL _ C6 $A prop6dion to i* Orom i"01*1gin4% , "w6f, �Ud, 701% 1&3606 it. VOW t4w, SAWIR& rvft th#� cArA "tt , - I
�y 0, Candidate 6* thoit platform wao Vow,04#, 664 L "
I "o,atc4fo-4 '0" , 11W t6ke mil' -'s m6ry Movaing . to In L 11"I' f#' tb6 Mt%$o ta 06'Ver , 0011T NY SgAG",-A� ,- .
. rwatlr th* trl"411 Ufa M4-Alo I I 400i In, rexxtit to M,S4,0 �1 kvirrAm". in I tb�lo , Ilia M1115, of W3gafa $I% te to light. � -�) I
I 1, W04 four.
Ole-,etod. , *W4W 404, ^f, At&�jwdl brwA S 'W- - il.f�h EsrI af,� N", Mo t*10-trAttea- so 7031(on-4 mae,T-,�,, , 9141�3 � Vixu4tr rAt wb"I, "�'- thrp'o ffilics & $at-. A 61ALAS ot fta�, W -Rig. .
, .
' ain of �0* rpr "At" 4% ft$6 eAt #Ve!rJr stle .44s I --�=Nft�;�- 1 4 . I tj 6V, afttylen6'1-j,a� : ,.IL Ve(JC,.L,t�ojr$� . I L
"Aa I sail"W6 hwm 'no sisloosi: Tho siaw-4aw brte. , MI. L Uomvm4 **rtk PrJ_".,V-jn%4r6 *a4 a* t.r4#VJ%f.& I , ,)e pffi,
, of with a it, "401h, 9 $1 , , �
. , " -In t - V,0961m, , I", i v
liquor 6hep is pr-woly On *dJ11WL,t, to -4 JN* rroto-f-t0m. thon, 1, , * t A aa,t - TTLI& Olsdlo 4%t -o 1�m gy am-�tegv- �
lit'ro ,xp-* wbm *10J w6r& df ltovmt. fivt xe3rs, Q&,hi.-k"-y oitg 7, thit ef Aleg,(4 d lia �7rn MSVM6 C, -
4 f-3 "t C-%r�"'t-1* itr-tteKfieX Lot ?-q. Gfstol- P"*165A. d10 4'f ;,Telf Rvifntfn 8, T,N�V6 ing t"My ,0,-4c� dar- "OWC
1� I 'tt. ft 07,59"t Q, th W , ,
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I -1 ftLA hp� I"o"d , irffia ;O&I 46aa, J.h" lquot is ftVIb . .1-fe- , It
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. N obIl liqviw _ N Witia ho alWayol iqrr ids% lalttr it JWW 00k. mbaywo 0,41% r*�09goe-% 111kewl-a6, vrefgfho-A PM ReW, ratl--# twr m0rosu In Attica, ywrlif 0-11(t -.016119 401A
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