HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1955-07-11, Page 1TH:J fl • c. 1 LYTH STANDAR VOLUME 55 - NO. 47. East Wawaiiosh School Area No, 10 schno; has been Temporarily Closed—and the pupils, 5 in number, are being assisted in transportation to other schools at an estimate saving of $1050.0(1 Estimates are beim, gathered for in- stallati 'n of indoor toilets at V 7—for Electric lights .at No. I3—Contract has been signed for a drilled well at VIi. Contract under way to have the in- terior of classru,onts and lobbies of eight schools painted including all school furniture. Three teachers resigned in June. As one school was closed two new. teach- ers were engaged to 011 vacancies, Miss Isobel \Incl?'wen of 1ll'eva le at S.S. 9, and 1). 1'.. \\rade, 11,2114.r:we, at S.S. 8. Aliss .\tit;w 'full moving from No, 10 to U.S 3, Eight teachers were engaged at $1300.1 0 per ;on, one at $1250.01 and one al $1201.00) for the new Tcrnt. Fences a naum.! all Schools are being repaired Department of Health Reports on samples of water taken from school wells in Dine 1945: USS. S.S. 3,A USS, 16,;1 L S5. 1, 11; U.S.S. 7, C; S.S. 8, i); S.S. 9. 1); S.S. 11, I); S.S. 13, 11; .U.S.S 17, 11, V 1 --- Promotion Examinations PROMOTION RESULTS AT U.S.S. NO. 11 EAST WAWANOSI1 AND HULLETT Final Report for U.S.S. No 11 East \Va\vanosh and Mullett.. Promoted—P. Conditional Promotion—C.P. Failtu•e—F, BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1915. Subscription Rates $1,50 in Advance; $2:00 in the U.S.A. r hydro Rebate Is Like Visit Froin Santa Claus 'I'Itose skeptics who believed the?e teas no Santa Claus nnust have received quite a shock when they got their hy- dro bills this month, and very probably the local Hydro Commission were just as agreeably surprised when they diel not receive a.; many complaint from hydro consumers, Local consumers looked at their hill and blinked 'when they found that all they had to pay was, in some cases a mere 6e, and Commercial users re- ceived a nice surprise when they dis- covered that their rebate would cover their hydro bill for the next month, or perhaps two months. According to 'Ir. Irvine \Vallace, Secretary -'Treasure)' sof the local hydro Commission, some consumers have been wondering why their rebate is not as large as their neighbours, \1r. \Val - lace explains that the rebate is based on the 1944 consumption—the 1110re you used in 19.14, the larger your rebate. 'I'hetl ;(gain. you may have added some electrical equipment that has increased yotm' cott.itttltl1 ton this, year. 'I'l'ls too would have the effect of reducing yrpr rch;tte, ,tori• anyone who started using hydro in 19.5, would be entitled to no rebate, as this rebate is based oil 1944 consumption, ' The total rebate, spread over the village ainonn!s to approximately $1,M0.00. Thi? rebate is being given because of -the reasonably large surplus the local Commission had on hand, and also because the Ontario Hydro Com- mission have granted permission for this to be done, due to the reduction in hydro rates. The previous minimum rale for 1)o - Promoted to Gracie 7-11rttee Falcon- tttcstic users was $4.05 for the three Cr, 1'; Shirley Falconer, P; Jean tttontll period. it has now been reduced Gloushcr, 1', ito $3.25. The previous Commercial Frank \IcMull:in Haines, age 65, Promoted to Grade 6—Keith Young_ rate Was $3.75, and it is now reduced to limiter 111vd., Toronto, died suddenly blut, P. ' •$3'00. on 'Ionclay at his home, following a Promoted to Grade 5-13obbie Dacr, i Rebates will not be paid in cash, brit heart attack, Active in banking circles P; Lorne G11fjllati, P., Elva Gross; P; credit w111 be given on future bills, for 48 years, and a former manager of Gordon Mowatt, 1'; Ross Voungblut, _—vseveral branches of the Canadian Bank C P. of Commerce, including those in Sarnia Promoted to Grade •I—Carl Falconer, W. M. S. MEETING Hamilton and Illy lt,'1 r. Baines joined P; J1111 Gloushcr, 1', The \\rumen's 1h.issionary Society of the silt 11 of the old Bank of Hamilton Promoted to Grade ' 3—Edith Dacr, Myth United Church met Tuesday, in Owen Sound and served in branches P; Donald Gloushe;;, 1'; Patricia Young ,July 10th, at.' o'clock. at \'ancouvcr, Winnipeg and Chesley. blot, P. 3f, \was connected with the Canadian Ilromutetl to tirade 2-1-111i'old Crclgh I M'''s. Sinclair, 1st Vlcc-Itresitltltt' 11ank of Conumeri'.e following amalgam- 1 in charge of the business meeting. 1 ton, I'; 1)ottglas Gibbons, C.P., 1)ottg-1,11 rs Pollard gave t splendid Temper- r iatiu'1. .lir Haines was manager of the las Gilfillai, 1'; Ieneth Gloushcr, P; I •ga I I ]313th branch about 20 years 't/go. Ronald Gross, P; Edgar' Daer, P; Jack lace rca;ling. Airs. \Vightn:ul led in the \\'orship Service on the thence �11 :\nylic;l,\fie 1 .tines , was art Howatt, P; Lila Daer, P. active churdun;tn and prominent in the Grade 1—Edna Dacr, Phyltss Dacr, "Help the Churches of Europe"—Now. .A.R.P. in the Kilgsway district, He Ilyam 1. have Thy Kingdom. Lot'd Gordon Gross. I had resided in Toronto since his retire - Mrs. Stuart Robinson, 'readier, was \Vsung. Viceal duct by 'Anne Jauettc intent eight years ago Surviving is 1alson and Joan ICcrnick. * * 1 I his widow•, Isabel E, Connell ]babes. ll's. R. D. Philp had charge of the Funeral services will be held at Yorke SCHOOL REPORT' OF S.S. NO. 10, topic and brought out many ways that ' HULLETT,TOWNSHIP churches in Europe. trust be free to preach' \I rs, Hilburn gave at story about Norway and De (honours); Kcutneth \Need (honours), Denmark, the cont.- age of leaders it turning to God and Prntniticn to Grade 7—Thomas Cron- not Quisling. M rs. Witt. Mills gave a in, Vera Lyon (honours). story al,out Belgium and holland; Promoted to Grade 6-13illy Cowan, Christians donne( persecute any race Gerald 1 -lurking, Bert Lyon, Betty Mc- Dougall, Leslie 'I'obicoc Promotion to Grade 5 -harry Cronin, Margaret Cronin, Bobby McDougal, Promotion to Grade 4—June Man- ning (honour) 1' velY.•n Voting Open I-Iouse At The Cheese Factory The Directors of the Myth Farmer's' Co -Operative Association have made arrangements for Open 'louse at the. Cheese Factory. Next 'l'ttesday night, July 17th, com- mencing at 6 o'clock, the public is in- vited to visit mid Inspect the factory. The work of processing the milk into cheese. will be explained to anyone, and we are store that all twill avail themselves of this opportunity to visit the factory, Visiting hotirs will he from 6 until 9 o'clock Following this a program and (lance, will be put on ip `file Memorial (Pall. Special speakers have been procured for the program, with the chief top;c, discussions on matters pertaining to the cheese industry. TIIis will be par- ticularly interesting to all patrons, as \vcll as those who may be interested in becoming Unit holders in the Associa- tion. 'J'ile evening will close with a monster dance in the 41;111• For further particulars sec the advertisement 011 page 4. --v Seperator Installed At Cheese Factory The large scpctator has been instal- led at the Cheese Factory, and the work of seperctting the whey was com- menced on Wednesday. Whey butter will be available to pat- rons the first of next \week. Alessrs..Ilarold Phillips ant) Irvine positions at the Bowes have taken factory. Former Bank Manager Dies In Toronto Proinot ion to Grade 8—Gail \l 811-11111)4 Ilc'os, chapel, Vonge Street, Thursday afternoon with inteimcent at Pat'k Lawn cent et cry. W. A. Meeting 'l'he regular monthly meeting of the or nationality, British turd Foreign( 1\'onlcn's Association of the United Bible Society is sculling Bihics an(1 Church oras held on Tuesday, July 101It. 'l'estame:its. 1)r, -Annie Ross gave a '!rile President, \lrs. J..1-1. Phillips, pre - story of ; hurchcs in France. Churches siding. Meeting opened I)y all repeat. opposed Nazism, Homeless and hungry i iig the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. must be received by church. Help is Nd \V. Kyle, Secretary, gave the thin Promotion to Grade 3 -Ronald Mc -needed in reconstruction and evangel- Bobb • Saundercuck Muriel b ales of the former wectiug, ism.'I rs. Albert Brigham gave at story I During the business session MIs. J. Shobbrol" of church in Germany', Alany leaders 'rauotion to Grade 2—Jean Bromley, Bailey rcpoxtal on marking dishes, It and ehtestany have been. persecuted ce was decided to pay for flowers put - JanO ]:ircndc." and need help lard' sympathy. M's, I chased' for the Meds at the church, —'Its. R L. Shaddick, 'Teacher, Curring told .(bout \Vorld Council of * � * '1'le group. leaders to meet at the Churches to assist in task of rebuilding I call of the President. \l ns C. Grashy Europe, being absent, Mrs, \Vin, Alills gave the Piano duct was given by Airs, Fred report of the flower and visiting coin. Somers anti Laurel Laughlin. - (imillee.. (ollcctio)t 95e, sent 1 box, 6 A special vote of thanks was given I bouquets of flowers. 1 parcel Sunday to the school girls who so willingly (ratting sent out, and 4 calls made, 53c PROMOTION RESULTS AT S.S. No, 1, MORRIS. Promoted to Grade 8 —Carman Craig, 'larg:ft•et Craig, Earl Kelly, Lloyd Aptileby, Pccmotcd to Grade 6-litelma Apple- by, Alvin \Wallace, Peter Hollinger. Promoted to Grade 4—Margaret Ap- pleby, David Nesbit. Promoted to Grade 3-01enc 1)t,ndas, Doreen Kelly, Eileen Nesbitt, Ann Hol- linger. Promoted to Grade 1—Joan Govier, Friends and relatives to the number local Orautgetuen, together Edith Lockhart, Teacher. of about 150, gathered in the'Icmlol'iil (large representation from all 'Western Ontario are celebrating the 12th of July in Bayfiecl this 'Thursday. Tke occasion marks the 100111 anniversary of the Bayfield Lodge. Orangemen of this district rcpresnt- ing lodges of Blyth, Londesboro, and Memorial Niall cn Saturday evening, 'acted in the capacity of floor manager. Auburn, attendee( Diviuc Service in the tehich was heartily enjoyed by all who At lunch time Mr. and Mrs. Bellinger Blyth United Church on Sunday even - were called to the front of the hall The members also exhibited many • nd a suitable address was read by beautiful flowers, which were arranged purees Laidlaw, anti Walter Alasott 011 tables ill 111e centre of the floor. made the presentation of a purse of 'Their beauty and fragrance added money to the happy couple. Alt', Ben - greatly to the enjoyment of the supper' wet. replied suitably, hour. The ladies present supplied lunch and The gross proceeds amountedt $45.20. helped with the MUSIC. Mrs \Vightuan closed this very in- teresting, meeting, Reception Given Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Bening'cr in the treasury, heeling was brought to a close by all repeating the Mizpah Benediction, ORANGEMEN CELEBRATING IN BAYFIELD with a —V HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY SUPPER WELL ATTENDED hall ou Friday- night, to honour 1\1-r.afttLMns. Sherman Bcniuger. who were recently married, Alt evening of dancing was enjoyed The members of the Horticulture by all, with jackson's Orchestra sup - Society served a lovely supper in the • plying the music, \fr, John Staples ing, when the ntititstcr was Rev, Reba Ilearn, of Varna, A very forceful ser- mon was enjoyed by a large crow('. • HOLDING A DANCE The Lions Club are holding a dance a most enjoyable time. all present hall in the Memorial Mall this Wednesday everting. - Auburn Was Too Good Defeat Blyth 10 '1'o 4 The local Softball team will have to improve their brand of ball consid- erably if they hope to annex the Group championship in this section of the \\'estcrn Onharu) Athletic Association. Proof of this was given in the game between Illyth and Auburn un \Imola)' night, when the ball team were fol- lowed to the Auburn diamond by a goodly number of supporters from 11101, and watched their . favourites outscored itt a nine -inning game by the handy score of 10 to 4. This was the second drubbing they had taken from Auburn since :he league games started. The gauze ',vas considerably late get- ting started, ant, when it did the Myth lads looked like champions for the first two innings, as they fielded and hatted \veal. :\t the end of the send inning the score was 4 to 0 in their favour, and the Illyth supporters were whoop- ing it tap in good style. lit the third in- ning Auburn scored twice, and \\'alter 'fans. their flashy pitcher, settled down after a lather shaky start, and for the balance of the game held the Blyth team scoreless, while piling up a total of ten runs for themselves. A few had errors in the field, ac- counted for sotttc of the :Auburn runs, but this does not alter the fact that they plated heads -up ball, and out- played their riv4ds both at hat and in the field. The work of 13ill Craig in centre field was outstanding. On two occasions he turned what appeared to be extra base hits, into outs for Itis team, The win placed :Auburn on top of the group with \Vcstficld and 1313th tied with a win each, The night of 3t11y 1st \Vest field defeated Auburn behind the canny pitching of the old veteran of the mound, Tommy Jardine, .Your reporter was not at the game, and hence \VC have been unable to- give the game the write-up it most surely deserved. \\re would appueciale it very much iff some interested members of each team would furnish us with write- ftps of out-of-town games, ars it is int - possible for its to attend all out-of- town games. Glen Caister started on the mound for Myth, and although the opposition were hitting hint, he could not be blam- ed for the loss, Ile was relieved by Freeman 'J'unncy in the .6th when he ran into difficelties. Toohey pitched very well in the innings he worked. The line-up: Blyth: Gray lb; 'tome), cf ; Foster c; Doherty 3b; \Miller, If ; 'I'yrcman 2b; Loc ss; Phillips. rf ; Cat'ter, p; l'unney pitching from 6th on. Auburn—'I'. l laggitt, J. Armstrong, \\', Tara's; \I ilia, Carder, N \Vitson, \\'. 1lradnock, 13. Craig, Beadle. The 'core book clues not give the position the Auburn team played. Umpires, at the plate. Everett Scrint- ;co,ur; on the bases, 11i11 Craig. Future Games July 16—Blyth at \Vcstficld July 23—\West field at Auburn. July 27—Auburn at 1313th, July 31—Blyth at 'Westfield. August 6--.\Vestfiehl at Auburn, August 15—\Vcstficld at 1313th. August 21—Blyth at Auburn. August 29—Auburn at \Vestficld 4 Carter Family Hold Re -Union The family of Mr. David Carter held a re -union at the home of Mrs.. Nelson Patterson, of Auburn on July 211(1. 61 members of the fancily were present. TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH 7th Sunday After Trinity 10 acne,: \lolling Prayer and Sermon. TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE 11.30 a.ttt.: M orning Prayer, ST, MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN 7.30 pan.: Evening Prayer, BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Sunday, July 15th. 11615: Sunday School 11.15: "The Ot'cn nooks." Baptismal Service. HULLETT COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Township Council was held 0m J 211d, in the Community 11x11. Londcsboro, with the Reeve and all members present. - \lotion 1—Rapson and Brown; That the minutes of regular meeting of June 7, and special sleeting of June 19, be adeptcd as read and sighed'. Carried. At this time Mr. W. S. Gibson, of Listowel, was present. Ile gave quite a tall( on the Municipal Li,;bilily. Pol- icy. Ile discussed the different angles of the policy with the council \lotion 2—Rapson-Brown: '1'It:tt we (renew the policy with \V. S. Gibson. Carried. Motion 3-11rown-Rapson: That the names of \Vol. Carter, Road Supt., and Arthur \Vcyntouth, gradcr.openator, be added to the permanent employed. Carried 7 p.m.: "Christian Optimism." \lotion .1—Jewitt-Dale: That the 'I r. George Branton, of ,�Turonto,' Pollard M-tnticipal 1):-eiu By -Law No. 8 will sing at both services, be read the first ;slid second time. Car- ried. \lotion 5—Rapson-Dale: That the by-law No, 8 on the Pollard Municipal The July uucting of the 11'our;lln,s (train be given the third reading and institute was Held on 'Thursday, ,July finally passed, signed by the Reeve and 51 h, at 2,30 petit., at the home of Mrs. Clerk, and township seal attached. Car- 5111, I.wcldialt. 'There were 17 mem- bers and four visitors present. Mrs Sct'intgeour, president, presiding, open- ed the meeting using the ()petting Ode, and the Lord's Prayer. That fine poem, "Gift of \lupe Trees", by Arthur Stringer, was read by Mrs. Scrimgeour. W. I. MEETING tied. Motion (,--Rapson-Armstrong: That we grant Secforth Fair $35.00 Carried. \lotion 7—Brown-Rapson: That the Council of J-lttllett Township gives it's consent to the inclusion in the Town ship Sch-101 Area of Morris of that portion of USS. No. 12, Morris and The secr,Utr3. Mr's. A. Taylor read IJullel1, that is situated (within this the minutes of the June meeting. 'I'hc box packed and sent to a soldier in England by 3iiss \Voodrock's group, dept the tender of George Radford on was valued at $5.00 a box a mou(it has the Pollard Alain and C. Trunk Chan - been scat to a shut-in, or lonely sol- (tel for the sunt of $0,317.73, and on (iter„ who has no intutediate loved one, is much appreciated and in•ings to hien at box of joy, because someone cared. municipality, Carried. Motion 8—Jewitt-l)ale: That we ac - The treasurer's report shows the So- ciety financially in good condition. A letter of appeal for funds to help with :sick children hospital, was 'presented, IA vote front Society was taken. result $5.00 donation has been forwarded to help this very needy cause The 1945-' 40 programs were distributed, each paid up member receiving cite. The programme committee for "Our Grand mother's" social afternoon was appoint - cd, this nitwit enjoyed meeting. will be held om tlic lawn at the home of Air. and Mrs. Daniel McGowan. 1)o try to be present, Invite grandmother, and enjoy a happy time. Hostesses, all Institute numbers. No fee .charge. The Council met this' (laic at 9 p.m.:\ full report of \\'mount's Institute at the Community 1-Iall, with Reeve 1)istt•ict, held at Belgrave was given by ,\l rs. Sadie Cunning. The roll call was answered to, "\\'hat constitutes a good citizen," by many hetpfttl ideals. The topic for this meeting was "Cit- izenship." Rev. R. A. Macconncll,•pastor of the Presbyterian congregations, as guest speaker. gave a very fine and hclp<<tl message. "Citizenship was ordained in heaven, and our home is the one out- standing plata, :'here a good_ citizen should be ('eared, and. sent out into the world to help build up our social life, for one cannot live to oneself. bear ye one another's burdens, thus fulfilling the law of God." A social timewas by all when a tasty 10e tea was served. 1•lostesses—Mrs. Lyildiatt, 1\Ins, Sadie Coming, Mrs, H. B\own. Branch 11. of the Pollard Drain for the stmt of $91).00, and on the Yungblutt Drain for the suns of $542.80. Carried. \lotion 9—Brown-Rapson: 'Thal we pay George Radford the sum of $275,00. the contract price for supplying 1 new and moving 2 sewers on Concession 8 and 9 on Kennedy Drain. Carried Motion 10— Jewitt -Brown.: That we pity George Carter $30.00 for expenses to the convention of •the association of assessing office's. Carried. Motion 11—Rapsn-131bw'n: -That the accounts be paid. Carried. 'Motion 12-1)ale-Jewitt -- That we adjourn to meet July 4th at 9 p.m. Car- ried. JULY 4TH Large Gathering' Of Masons At Auburn Service Air. Carter, Who is iu his 89th( year, Otte of the best attended' Masonic has 111110 children, Who were all ores- church services in the district was held ent, Jack, of Auburn, Mrs. Ilollyntan in Auburn on Sunday morning, when (\la•y), Blyth; ,\les Lockwood (Mar- garet), Clinton: Reg., of \Voodstock; \Villiaul, of \Westfield; Mrs. Patterson (Zelia), of Auburn; Russell, of Sea - forth; Harold, of Delhi; Nies. William (members of the Craft from Illyth, Cat.. - low, Goderich, Clinton, Luttdesboro aid other points met to attend Service in the Auburn United Church, An es- timated 125 were in the procession Knox Jr. (Irene), of Londesboro. which formed' at Poresten's Hall, and 'There are 30 gran(lcl ldreit, and,; 1.4 marched to the church The s'et'vicc great-gl'auldCitildl'cn was under the auspices'. of Morning Family pictures we:c ta!:^'t, !ml races JStar Lodge. Carlow.hld for the iaiax it 's e and all members present. This was the ,adjournment of July 2nd. 13y -law No. 9 A D. 1945, was read. Motions 1—Rapson-Brown: That 13y - Law No. 9 A.U. 1945, to raise second Assessment on the Flynn, Wagner, Medd 'Municipal drain be given first and second reading and passed. Carried Motion 2—•Jewitt-Dale: That By -Law No. 9 A D. 1945 to raise •the second assessutents on the Wagner 1)rain for $77.95, the Flynn drain for $148.25, the Medd chain• lot $294.25, be read the third time ani'. finally passed. signed 1 by the RCewe and Clerk, and Township seal attached. Carried. Accounts Relief i $30 00 Hospitalization . _._._.__.._.._____ 15.75 Geo..Cowat, Part Salary .•...___..-175.00 Huron Expositor, adv. Ct. of Rev. .84 beacon-1Icrak; advt. Pollard- Vungblutt Drain 3.78 Mutt.' World, deb. book, supplies 22.42 A. J. \\Murray, Clinton show._. 50.00 \V. S. Gibson, accident ins. __100.09 Robert Riley, washout ._..... _.._ ._. 5.00 Glenn Cater, washout and culvert 14.80 Iittgh Miller, culvert .......---.__-_._.. 6.80 William Carter, road sept, __- 20.70 \V Tyndall, cinders 3.00 A. Morrell, lights and gravel..._... 13,40 D. Millson, brushing ..___._.._. 2.00 A. Weymouth. grader operator.-_ 32.85 J. Crawford, washout 8.50 Gordon Radford, gas aid oil __.__ 59.24 Geo. Radford, tile and labour ..275.00 Geo. Carter, convention exp. __._ ,30.00. It tt I I tl fi t it the t11umed, The church seating capacity was tax E. Ellis, cutting weeds .-.-..- . 1.50 late members of the fancily had all been ed to the Itmtl.. The centre pews and , G. Elliott, clerk's Ices and ..... ws 19 chairs in the aisles vete ucedtal to \Nilson Drain 10.00 yeartogs since ries. Carter died accomodate the members of the vat• - years ago. ' G• laliott, cleric's ices and bylaws l'huce grandsons, who are overseas, iotas lodges represented. Rev. Harold Wilson Drain �___ .__..--. 10.00 r t Snell, pastor of the Auburn church, and ' John Creighton, severance Wilson and a t randslaugh((, not resent in \Vorshi tful 'taster of 1lullctt Lodge, 40.00 British Columbia were not present at I open c(raiu had charge of the service, and preach- Johtt I-I;dl:tm, scvcrancc, waver • the re -union. ed a very forceful sermon which was' . _ 20.00 1)e,:un _..... __. t' . BIRTHS !greatly appreciated by the large gather- I1Itg. Special 11111sic was t'ender'ed by the choir, and a men's quartette sang FINNIGAN-111 Gode.rich hospital, on a number, July loth, to 'I r, and Mrs. KitchenerI Seventeen local Masons were present \\'ilfre(' Tbontp :ot , severance on Finnigan, of \\rest \Vawaloslt, a song fur the service. (Continued on page 8) Fred Wagner, severance, Wagner Drain — _ . 55.00 John Yttnghlutt, severance, on Wagner Dtaltt L......___.._--- 50.00 'HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured royal refugee, Crown Princess --- 2 Her country 11 Tap. 12 Possesses. 13 Beverage. 14 Long fish. 16 Any, 17 Excavate, 19 Edge. 31 Toward. 22 Not (prefix). 23 Foot digit, 25 Demand of payment. 26 Calm. 48 Perhaps. 20 Whether, $1 Level. 83 Interdict, n Indian Army (abbr.), 86 Therefore. $7 Type measure. 39 Game. 41 Through, 42 Was carried. 44 Warble. 48 Unit. ROYAL REFUGEE Answer to Previous Puzzle 48 Lad. 49 Crucible. 81 Exists. 83 Make an edging. 55 Age. 56 Music note, 58 Also. 60 Crimson. 82 Mineral rock. 63 Aged, 84 President Roosevelt gave 11 Father. her country's 15 Behold! navy a sub 17 Alms. 18 Modest. 65 Remembrance.20 Greek letter. VERTICAL 1 Male. 2 Near. 3 Slim, 9 Witch. 5 Like. 8 New Testa- ment (abbr.). 7 Over (poet.). 8 Incursion. 9 One (Scot.). 10 Still. 22 Negati'�e, 23 Light brown, 24 Recede. 26 Apple juice, 27 From. 28 Signified, 29 Artist's frame. 32 Contend, 34 Neither. 38 "Ozark State" (abbr.), 39 She is a cousin of the late Duke of 40 Globe. 41 Bend. 43 Perform. 95 Electrified particle. 97 Auricles, 99 Verse. 50 Upon, 51 That one. 52 Jurisdiction, 54 Golf peg. 55 Before, 56 Insect. 57 Paid notice, 59 Exclamation. 61 Doctor (abbr.) 62 Mystic syllable 63 Either, 11111111111111 1111111011111111 Milli 11 111 2,1" 40 '16 49 I F;, I49 so SI s2 ir3 DID I NEAR You? WELL. BLEW SURE! I NEARDYoU MY HORN BLOW YOUR NaRN! o BEFORE YOU l ? -- ' !a 4'I; : S4 fij BLEW youR % li j WHISTLE! _,, `�' g, A��iU�r�' 01` '�"� ` j ss ,Q�d �S �,12>�fii V +�+�, yv,• yr �'�Ij.l \�-*„ . I ,l �; `• t • �� f ' \ ,�i ''4_ 30 56 Tr.31 1 S 32. 59 • ;Ci i `') I,136 33 61 a4• .go. 62 1vfAf63 prr fir,-,,! Ytft3? rant 38 ri�+� 1'' 40 %r' �rfl'.Cr 9'1 ( ' 42 43 41i1(,, OA 44 4 S '4i.0 [ 40 '16 49 I F;, I49 so SI s2 ir3 DID I NEAR You? WELL. BLEW SURE! I NEARDYoU MY HORN BLOW YOUR NaRN! o BEFORE YOU l ? -- ' !a 4'I; : S4 fij BLEW youR % li j WHISTLE! _,, `�' g, A��iU�r�' 01` '�"� ` j ss ,Q�d �S �,12>�fii V +�+�, yv,• yr �'�Ij.l \�-*„ . I ,l �; `• t • �� f ' \ ,�i ''4_ (Mgt. 56 f7 S 59 • ;Ci 60 61 62 1vfAf63 rant 1'' FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger "Private Jones wishes to present his secret weapon for pulverizing enemy pillboxes, sir!" THIS CURIOUS 'WORLD By William Ferguson • o0 n di • Ha RSE-cHcsrM rs. ARE s0 NAMED BECAUSE THE ANCIENT TURKS FOUND THEM USEFUL, ASA DRUG FOR S/C. H0A25E'S. • ROLLING FARM LAND STANDS STILL.;' says MRS. W.O. GROVEFZ,r MT STERLING, ILLINOIS. f1.fi • •r —1• 1... 4471k -in I aq • V. CCPR. 1941 BY NEA 5CRVICE, INC. • , T. M.REC.ya6,p.B.Cff,y...1t. GIANT DOANEp OUTsrANDING FORMATION IN CARLSBAD CAVERN, IS 62 .4-40.EP/1/G/.1./ IT 1S THE WORLD'S LARGesr ST,AL,4GM/TE AND HAS AN ESTIMATED AGE OP 60 MIL N YEARS, CROSSTOWN y Roland Coe "This used t'be our favorite picnic spot a year or so back." LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neer '1'm too old for him -1 use make-up while he isn't shaving yet.' MOPSY by6LADYS PARKER 1F WE MAKE OUR STEPS TWICE AS LONG, WE TAKE JUST HALF AS MANY, IN THAT WAY WE CAN SAVE ENOUGH SHOE LEATHER TO GO Ow THAT WALKING TOUR --'� .r MUTT AND JEFF—So What? Can't a Yap Blow His Own Horn? By BUD FISHER �^( t'•!����"c°F t Ll ,r�� 1 1 +1 an !'r6 ? ;;;' t' , . ryF F�\.. n, FF' ► (A!E`\� �i BES_ _ h t + r;, + i '1.1'%•�� i Y/'- 'HEY, DIDN`i You `<` SURE! I HEARD r> REAR ME BLOW Yowl DID YoU MY WHISTLE? NEAR ME BLOW { MY NoRN? DID I NEAR You? WELL. BLEW SURE! I NEARDYoU MY HORN BLOW YOUR NaRN! o BEFORE YOU l ? -- ' !a 4'I; : `' r ,..:�a ,, �,L r ". `►._ �' di �\` ��e d J j '-- `l BLEW youR % li j WHISTLE! _,, `�' g, A��iU�r�' 01` '�"� ` k '?' *i.1 a t7 0 `' }, rtw«J.., ' ' l ' v t 4 Igf • r -�• ,Q�d �S �,12>�fii V +�+�, yv,• yr �'�Ij.l \�-*„ . I ,l �; `• t • �� f ' \ ,�i ''4_ 4.. _ : , • �I % ri- The Sporting Thing PI don't feel anything do you?" Hold Everything 1514 \T Nt1 EtRYICI, INC. Tai; Ptd V. S. IAT. Orr "Will you make your little boy stop swiping our cement?" POP—They Thrive on It GIVE ME ANOTHER POUND OP YOUR INSECT POWDER) QUICK I'M GLAD YOU LIKE IT! GOOD STUFF, ISW't IT 9 YES ! S'VE GOT ONE COCKROACH VERY ILL)AND IF T GIVE HIM "ANOTHER, POUND 7 THI1+114 HE'LL DIE. 1 By J. MILLAR WATT t>• a • 4 i5 REG'LAR 'FELLERS -Waste Not THAT'S SHAME ! This BAG OF APPLES IS SPOILED! • HERE! THROW THEM OUT/ c• I'M GOING IN BU51NE55! 1'M GOING TO SELL THESE APPLES. By GENE BYRNES LAP5 P E5 2VORI' AND REAL 11 GENAWINE BAR T GAINS BASEMENT RECEIVES ARMY AWARD FROM GOVERNOR GENERAL Sgt, R. E. Hetherington, Canadian Women's Army Corps, of Ottawa, who was decorated with the British Empire Medal by the Governor General at an investiture at Government House last week. Sgt, Hetherington is shown here with her two sons A.B. Gordon Hetherington and Sgt. Melville Het- herington, CANADIAN -BUILT TANK ESTABLISHES RECORD The only one of hundreds of Canadian -built tanks which landed on the Normandy beaches on D -Day 10 still be in action on V -Day, was "bomb", pictured above with sone of the crew. The tank, now famous, was driven and fought by men of the Sherbrooke Fusiliers Regiment up the Normandy beaches, across northwestern France, Belgium and Holland and into Germany. Battle -scarred, and ixequently repaired, it is still, a 100 percent fighting vehicle. YANKS DAMPEN FIGHTING SPIRIT OF THESE JAPS Nothing like the guns of. an' LCVP picket boat and cool watet to dampen the ardor of Japanese cave fighters. At left, above, an LCVP crewmen holds a bead on Japs caught on one of the Kerama Retta islands while they peel down to their shorts, Right, clothes bundled over their heads, the Japs wade out to the boat to surrender, VICTORIA CROSS WINNER AND NURSE Much photographed Victoria Cross winner, Major F. A, Tilston of Toronto and Windsor, does a bit of photography work of his own, and takes a snap of his nurse, Lieut, (Nursing Sister)- M. Jamieson of Almonte, Ont on the grounds of No 24 Canadian Gareral Hospital, Smallfield, England, Major Tilston lost both legs in action. PROMOTED Brig. A. James Creighton, 43, of ' Vancouver, who has been promoted from the rank of Colonel and will hold an unspecified post with Can- ada's 0th Pacific Division, Brig. Creighton is a former officer coma mauding the Seaforth Highlanders in Italy. SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Arlariginitet DONT TAKE TN IS TIRE TAKE A >y �o;Hidi oiore fkir While union heads argue that there is no shortage of aircraft tires, U. S. employment office in Cleveland uses this sidewalk display to recruit more manpower for rubber factories. RESCUED QUEEN OF SHANGRI-LA • Forty-seven days in a hidden Shangri-la valley in New Guinea seem to have agreed with pretty WAC Corporal Margaret J, Hast- ings, pictured smiling after her movie -thriller rescue by glider. Right on the beam war. the Navy floating drydock as it rode through the Panama Canal en route to the Pacific. Too wide to clear the canal conventionally, officers of Naval Civil Engineers ' Corps resorted to simple but daring stunt of floating it through on its side, Drydock is large enough to accommodate cruisers, or several small warships at one time. WAS THIS TRIP NECESSARY? Living the life of Riley was "Forest Commando," 8 -weeks -old black bear from Ontario, on his arrival in New York, where he was placed in Staten Island Zoo, Bear, who appeared in tech- nicolor movie, is shown having breakfast in the dining car of train. CANADIAN NURSES DECORATED BY FIELD MARSHAL SMUTS 'en Canadian nurses were decorated for their services in South kfrica during this war by Field Marshal Jan Christiaan Smuts, Prime Minister of South Africa, during a recent ceremony in Ot- tawa, at which the Field Marshal laid a wreath on the Cenotaph. This photo, taken at the Cenotaph immediately following the pre- sentation as Field Marshal Smuts addressed a few words to the nurses, includes, left to right: Miss Gladys Sharp, Toronto; Miss P. M, Steinhoff, Toronto; Miss M. E. Booth, Ottawa; Mrs, M. Beal, Ottawa; Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) P. M. Farmer, R.C.A,M.C., Ordale, Sask., Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) M. V. Singer, R.C.A.M.C., Ormstown, Que.; Miss Dorothy Brown, Saint John, N.B., and Miss M. McAfee, Saint John, N. B. REWARD PROMISED if you serve Maxwell House Coffee to your family to- ' night. They'll just love you for it! Comes in an All Purpose Grind which suits any type of coffee maker. HEADS KIWANIS New President of Kiwanis Inter- national, elected in Chicago, is Hamilton Holt, above, of Macon, Ga, Holt is in marble and gran. ite business, and president of Associated Industries of Georgia. He succeeds Ben Dean, of Grand Rapids, Mich,, advertising ex- ecutive. How You Can Get Quick Relies From Sore, Painful Piles Most peopto seem to think the on• 1,;• way to get relief from their sore, painful piles is by local treatment. Local treatment may give tempor- ary relief from the Itching but you can easily see why such treat- ment tv11 not cor- rect the cause of your plies; No lasting free• dom ` from pile can be had unless the cause of the trottble Is correct. ed, Piles are due to Intestinal causes so the bost, way to get lasting relief Is to treat them Internally with ' a medicine like item-Rold. Hem•Rold is a formula that has been used for over 40 yours by thou. `sande of pile cut. forers. It le a ftuall, highly con• centrated tablet, easy and pleas• ant to Use. This cleverly , c o m • pouhded tablet formula directs 113 medical action to reliet of the congestion that le the real cause of your piles. Hem -Hold promotes free, no and comfortable bowel movements, Quickly relieves Itching Irritation and sureness and stimu- lates better blood circulation In the lower (towel With good blood ctr• culatlon In the lower bowel, the painful pile tumut8 soon heal over Ieavinj' the sensitive rectal mem- branes clean and healthy. We Invite you to try Hem•ttold and let It prove itself. You can mala your teatt,, In the privacy of your own home. NO COST If you ire not convinced that this Is an unsingly easy and surprisingly affective method of treating your aoro. painful piles. t u,td ul , Pre to„lona, iludu (let a package of Hetn•Rold to- day from a n y drug store and use It as directed for JUST h'IVfD DAYS. At the end of that time It you are not ab- solutely sure timn•Roid Is the nicest, cleanest ,ad most effective ,i 1 1 o treaUnent you ever tried, re- • turn the unused portion of the package to your druggist and tie will promptly re- fund you! money. Kll'I•lC, 'This generous offer Is hocked by u reliable firth doing hue. Incas In t:nnudu Cot n good ninny years, Item -Hold moat help your pile condition quickly, easily and olenenntly. o•• Ihls sluipte, easy teal collo von nothlna Try It today. PAGE 4. THE STANDARD Wednesday, July 11,194, Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH --- ONT. • INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life -Sickness -Accident. J. Ii. R. Elliott, Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104, Residence Phone 12 or 140, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" VId altIONII Rltfr;fnlF9titirirlhPti Meierallti tlaikhlkl:ltWIDMitmitWeraNlill iDiX10tlM V G. R. AUGUSTINE REPRESENTING THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas. Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licer sed Auctioneer For Huron HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist in Farm and Household Sales. Licensed in Huron and Porth Counties. Prices reasonable; Batts faction guaranteed. For information, etc„ write or phots Harold Jackson, R.R. No, 4, SeafortL Phone 14r6tU. Farms For veterans Has returned from service with the There may have been a time when Royal Canadian Air Force, and will be farming was a haphazard sort of busi- continuing his former occupation. Hess, operated by rule -of -thumb. but Correspondence promptly answered that's certainly not the case in 1945. Immediate arrangements can be made iAnd it is certainly not the case whenfor Sales Date at The Standard Office, or by calling Phone 203, Clinton, ,it comes to the Veterans' Land Act. This important part of the machinery Charge moderate and .sat'sfacticn_ Guaranteed, of rehabilitation. is functioning at the ipresent time, and will continue to func- WILLIAM H. MOItRITT I tion, with the clear purpose of seeing • that the men who elect to turn from LICENSED AUCTIONEER, war to agriculture are the men who Specializing in Farm and HouseholJ Ican make a sut.cess of it. Sales. There was criticism voiced at the way . Licensed tor the Cotmty of Huron. lthis aspect was handled after the last Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction war, This disappointmient arose from Guaranteed.• tthe haste in establishing a large num- ber of :eterans on the land within 18 For information, etc...write or phon• y -months of the end of the war. In this 1William H. Moffitt, phone, Residence period, 19,00(1 mien were placed on the 93; Shop 4, Blyth. 4.441' land. It was also stated that some of PHIL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS (By Harry J, Boyle) Tom Hughes has been thinking for some time about 'getting into purebred dairy cattle. He has a good grade herd and has been selling his milk to the cheese factory,.most of the rest of us around 'tore sell the creast to the creamery. Tom js a smart young fellow and he has been watching with biter - est for a long while now, how such good money is being made by some of the purebred breeders. The word got around that he was interested and I wish you could have seen and heard what happened. At the harness shop in the vilrage the other day 13111 Peterson hailed him. Bill is a Hols'.e:n man. He has a fine herd of Holsteins and gets his picture in the papers quite regular like. He got some awards and his cows have knocked off a few records of one kind or another for production. According to Toni, Holsteins just take the cake as far as dairying is concerned and there's no `way out of it. Tom went into town one day and he picked me up to go along. He wanted 'ho see a lawyer about something or oth- er and it was paining, so I went along. ,We met a fellow called Chester Peters who lives in the next township. I don't know him very well but be was well acquainted with Tom. The conversa• tion got around to dairy cows and from then on, the air was filled with praise for the Jersey breed. This fellow Pet- ers raises Jersey cattle and there just couldn't be another breed. We talked about rich milk and the low cost of feeding them and the wonderful future for Jerseys, He was "just as sincere as Bill Peterson was about the Hol- steins. Bill told us that if you put a quarter in the bottom of a pail a Jersey could- n't give enough at one milking to cover the quarter. Chester told us that a Holstein could fill a pail all right but the milk would be so weak you could still see the quarter at the bottom of the pail. Going home in the car we were talk- ing about it. It struck me that these fellows took cows more seriously than they did politics. who knows in time we may have the Jersey Party and the Holstein Party. It scents as if all these inspired fellows going around the country are alrc'dy whacking out good platforms. We were Wondering about a third party. The answer to that came when we got to Tong place, I the veterans of 191.1-18 got land that was poorly suited to agriculture And there was 'also the fact that men wcrc Iplaced on the land who were tentpor- lamentally unsuited to die life. Yon have to have an aptitude for farming, ''1st as t•ou have to have an aptitude or being a doctor, a lawyer or a book. ceper. You have to have the knack, nd the skill for Another advantage of the present and settlement scheme is the fact that his time there is a trained settlement taff. This was not the case after the last war. Re-esablishntent of the veteran of his war is putting stress on the angle If vocational guidance. Look before you Icap is the advice given by coun- sellors when he ratan d'.seri ses the rcblcnt of farthing with theta, • They tell him what he'll he up against, they find out whether he's really going to ;ike the life, aid whether his wife wilt like the life The advantages a'd the disadvantages of farm life arc under- lined, and the "eteran is asked to see he picture in its true perspective. The government will help the veter- an to finance land, buildings, stock and equipment up to $6,00. The maximum amount that can be expended for live - .;tock and equipment is $1,200. The veteran makes a down -payment of 10 per cent of the cost of the land and building in instalments which may be extended up to 25 years. The rate of interest on this three and a half per cent. The government absorbs the balance of the cost which is approxi- mately 24 per cent. In addition, if he has complied with the terms of -the con- A tract for 10 years the money which he nswer-No one knows how long price Len. Shobbreok, • gontrol will last. It is necessary to A letter of appreciation was read becomes an outright t grant, After 10 untilroc0 obtained for equipment and livefight the danger of inflationgoods from LenShobbrook for box received. • u are in normal supply and the possibility I Mrs, Sprung donated a sauce pair. years, or after the veteran has paid all of persons bidding against each other Tickets were sold and 1[rs. Brnttsdon his instalments, whichever is the long- , for scarce goods is eliminated, won lucky draw, Proceeds $1.10. Lunch long- er period, the veteran is given the decd I Helpful Information From The Wartime Prices And Misses rather Jamieson, Dorothy Trade Board Little and 011ie Moon and Miss Laura Snell, Welland, are home for the holi- days. ?Ir. and \Irs, Jack Armstrong, with l;auafons now valid are butter 90 to Mr. and Mrs, Fred \Vaguer, Auburn, Mr. and 1Irs. Colin ringland. \\'al - 1,14, siigar 46 to 60, and preserves .33 to tem, \Irs, Barker, 'Toronto, and \Irs, 57 and P1, Butter :Ammons 90 to 115 expire Aug- Jones, St, Thomas, with their parents, ust 31st. 11 r, and \Irs. 1John Fingland. Master L;IIi, Roberton is spending MAXIMUM PRICES OF POTATOES part of his holidays with his .grand- parents, \I r. and Mrs, J. Nott. (Ceiling prices of potatoes sold by \Irs. Stewart and Miss AIc'l'avish, shippers and originally scheduled to Stanford, with 11 r, and Mrs, Charles have been effective until July 14 will Weymouth. Continue effcctivc until July 21 accord- I 1'h0 \V, A. twill hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, July 18th, in the basement of the chttr'cli, The hos- tesses are, 11 isF Lawdey Young, 1l iss Mary Scott, 11rs, John Scott. and Mrs. R. Shaddick. Rev, A. E. Ptnm;m of Priceville will have charge of the service Sunday. I Rev. W. Wallace and Miss Gladys LONDESBORO RATION COUPON DUE DATES ing to an taint once mcnt by the \\'ar- time Prices and 'Prate 13oar(l, The prices from s11tppers or growers for potatoes delivered at 1-L•arrow to whole- salers are until July 21, 100 pound bag $3.75 ; 75 pound bag $2,81; 50 pound hamper $1.88; 15 pound container 61 1 cents and 10 pound container 41 cents. ?laximunt prices of potatoes sold to any distributing centre other than Har- i will include the normal cost of transporting potatoes 111 carload lots to that distributing centre from Har- row, providing it docs not exceed 40 cents per cwt. Wholesale and retail mark-ups remain the saute as provided in order .1-1620. REMOVE SUBSIDY ON LUMBER I Effective July 14, the 10 per cent seven were present. While friends subsidy on retail sales of softwood were gathci'ing a Raine of soft ball witslumber to certain classes of purchasers played, after which the races were run will be discontinued, according to an off anttouncentcnt by the \Viirtinie Prices I l.ollotw1 are the running races ;and and Trade Board. 'The subsidy applied prize winners to retail sales of softwood lumber when (;iris, 6 years and under: \larily11 Riley, Pala Riley; Boys, (i years and under, Billy Roberton, 1Iervyn Dur- nian; Girls, 7 to 9 years, Patsy Kerslake Ella Holes; Boys, 7 to 9 years, Gor- don 1"Jesk, Robert Stevens; Girls, 10 to 12 years, Vera Lyon, Marjory Hesk; Boys, 10 to 12 years, Bert Lyon, Doug-. las Shobbrookc; Girls, 13 to 15. Grace Lobb, Frances Lyon; 13oys, 13 to 15, Douglas llesk, Barry Lear; Young ladies race, Velma Ileslc, Helen Lear; Young men's i ace, Be, Riley, - Ellwin advised that these certificates will ex- Kerslake; Sack race. boys and girls, pies on and after July 15. Ben Riley, Jim Lobb; Shoe pile race, QUESTIONS OTHERS ARE ASKING Bei" Riley and Ilclen Lear, Harold Holmes ,ind Grace Lobb; Three-legged Question-lfow much sugar does race, Jack Riley and Shirley Cookies, Canada sell to other countries? Elhwin Kerslake and Marian Grieve. ' Prizes were given to the two canto the greatest distance, 1st, Chester Cor- nislt, just returned from overseas; 211(1, 11rs. Eldred Holmes. D1'esden, 1 Lunch was served on the lawn after which committees were named for the coating year. it was decided to hold the 194(1 Re -Union at the home of Mr. than others. rand Mrs. 1larry 1)urnin Answer -It may be true that city , residents are able to secure canned fruits and preserves ntore readily than rural residents but rural residents may use their preserves- coupons for the purchase of sugar for canning at the rate of one-half pound per 0,^ttt011. IQuestion -1 f trains are so crowded \why isn't there some regulation which forbids people travelling unnecessarily? 1 Answer-'l'heve is a regulation which bats large con\'enttions. This will help to provide solders aid those on n:ces- sary business with more traavelliug 'ac- 'commodation In some sections berths are not available to civilians. Question -flow long is price control going to last? \Vhy is it necessary now that the war in Europe is over? \Nilson were guests with \I r. and sirs. Sydney Lansing last Wednesday, I \Ir. and 11 r,. J. Pipe with the for - [liter's father, \I r. William, Pipe. of 13russcls, Annual Lcar-Lyon Picnic '1'he annual Lear and Lyon Picnic was held on July 4th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake, Exe- ter. The weather was ideal, and ninety it was sold to farmers. fisltcrtnen, growers of fruit and vegetables, trap- pers and individual civilian users who bought lumber for use in their busines- ses or for maintenance and repairs It was not allowed when the hillier used for erecting or improving dwel- lings or being 50l(1 to contractors or in- dustrial users. Holders of declaration for elgib:lity certificates for consumer subsidy on lumber which have been issued for purchases exceeding $2011 are Answer -Canada docs not sell any sugar, She imports about four -fifth; of her consumption, Question-\Vhy aren't people in rural areas allowed more sugar for canning than city residents who. can buy can- ned fruits and preserves more readily Londesboro Red Cross The Londesboro Red Cross stet on July 5th, \1rs. B. 13runsdon presided The meeting opened by repealing the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the' previous meeting were read and approved. In the business period it was carried that awe 001161111e 10 snake quilts 1111(1 quilt tops and 111 September to have a quiltiing bee. At the August meeting the roll call to be answered by donation of quilt block 1 8x20, or a sack There also ‘will he an auction sale sof gifts, each one to bring a gift wrapped and worth 25c. 'These will be sold again for 25c. Ones paying hos- tess money, \irs, 1-larry Riley,- \firs.` Robert Caldwell, Mrs. Robert Wells. Mrs. F 'l'amb'yn, 11 rs. J. Scott, Mrs, Joe Shaddick, Mr's, W. Ross a nil Mrs. to the property. collection $1,80. The ticket for the , I quilt will be drawn at next meeting. But 'the government's interest in the W, F. Campbell ,on Friday were, 11'rs The meeting closed by singing the Na. veteran goes past the purely financial R. Stonehouse. Mrs. N. G. Ainslie, 11 r, dental Anthenm, aspect of the situation. *Personnel and Mrs, 11. Krctt'inger, of Godcrich l counselling helps the man to know the I 11 r, ,and \Irs. Harold Cardiff ancf type of farming he likes best -whether family, 11 r. Sant Sweeney of Brussel., children were guests- on Sunday at the visited on Sundayhome of Mr, and Mrs Jack G'lbead.. it be in wheat. fruit, livestock or any at the home of Mr. of the other phases of .Yriculture, and Mrs George \Vighamant. land Mr. and M'rs, Lloyd Picot of Gode-- There is no intention of extending LAC. Jinn Snaith of Molesworth visited ricin Township, ��w financial aid to veterans for establish- last week with Mr. Charles Smith and y-,.. -.... SAMENSIN went on land that is unsuitable for set- other friends in the vicinity. CONGRATULATIONSticment purposes and the adntinistrat- I Mr. Harold Bosman has returned ors of the Act arc working in close home after receiying Itis discharge Congratulations to Mr Jack Buchan.- co-operation 3uclnan-co-operation with the federal and pro- from the A'rnny. ' - an who celebrated his birthday on vincial departments of agriculture and I. lir, and Mrs. Olga 1liller, Mrs. Clar- Sunday, July 8th. - Canadian agricultural schools in pur- encs Miller of Godcrich, Mr, and Mrs. ' • + * suance of this policy. !James Barnes of Detr.cit, t'ut'ee on Congratulations to Mrs. Halter Cook1 And lonlincss, that bugbear of land Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas who celebrated her birthday, Monday, settlement, is also receiving attention. 'Campbell, c was gci ng to look over sine of the grade July 9111' ofIt is the intention of those in charge I Mr and Mrs. J. 1ldirictt of God(- * * >w cows with a mind to buying two ofto sec that the veterans settle in cont- rich, Master NewtonRerschenski, of t them. There was a visitor. Imunities that are well established, ancf Detroit, visited with lir, and Atrs.l Congratttlatic;ns to H. R. -Redmond, Clgardlces• This fellow turned out to be a re- where there is a reasonable standard of Gordon Snell last week. of .East Wawanosh, who celebrated ,, Legion \\ottld lilac lo: thank the presentative of the Purebred Guernsey I social services established.his birthday .on Tuesday, July 10thi people of Clinton,and surrounding \'il Breeders. He listed all the goingGuests at the home of Mr. and 1[rs. * * • I- l i, points -Rehabilitation Wartime Information Maurice Bosnian last week were Mr. lutes and the Rural Centres, for their Boar:l, Ottawa, and Mrs Duncan McNichol of Walton, I Congratulations to Mrs. Frank Whit- ' ,tore; of Ho :nese! a w'ho celebrateul trite support of the bingos, which are v' Ain and lies. Neale Robb of l)elIvilIe. 1f r, and \irs. \1'. F Canrown, At._ her birth•layonn_1Vulncstla�', July.11lh. 1:014 ca.'t Saturdaiy' -evening ' in the Council ;;.toms• \\'iuuifrrd, are visiting lies. Cannibal's . IN WINGHAM HOSPITAL „ince the start of the Bingos, the sister, Mrs, J. E Ford ane! Mr. Ford, , Afrs' and other friends of Comber and Rus. I Little Jackie Crottyn, only son of Mr, Legion have scut over one million Cig- Alva McDowell visited on Sunday with comb. rand Mrs. Leo Cronyn, is in the \\i ng- Mr. and Mrs. K Cameron of Lucknow. ham Hospital, suffering from a throat a etl0s to our boys from Clinton. and Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lir, and Mrs. Norman McDowell end condition. Surrounding Villages and the Rural MEET ME at the Blyth Lions Frolic To be held on the Main Street of Blyth Wednesday, August 23 commencing at 7 o'clock in the evening Games of Chance, Amusement, Dancing, Fun Galore! $300,00 IN PRIZES 1st, Electric Washer. 2nd, 6 -Piece Breakfast Suite. 3rd, C.C.M. Bicycle. 4th, Set of Dishes. 5th, Electric Iron. Gth, 2 pair Blankets. Tickets now on sale in Blyth. Draw night of Frolic Give the Lions a Boost in their first attempt to Raise Funds For Community Welfare Work. KEEP AUGUST 2381) FREE FOR THIS EVENT! INTERIM FINANCIAL S'l'AFEMENT East Wawanosh School Area AS OF JUNE 30.3,1.1, 1945. RECEIPTS JANUARY 1ST TO JUNE 30TH, 1945. Jag. 17 Balances from School Sections • $11,457.60 \ta. 27 Government Grants i 3,835,03 Rent -i) and Miscellaneous Receipts 81.55 Total Receipts 15,374.15 July 5 Outstanding Cheques .. 60121 1.5,975.36 DISBURSEMENTS JANUARY 1ST TO JUNE 30TH, 1945 Jun 30 Teachers' Salaries -Net i 47.410.37 Income tax deducted and remitted 835,10 Instruction equipment 606.94 Cost of operation 440.49 Caretakers 713.95 Repairs and maintenance ....................... 352.12 Stationery, Printing and Administration 122,89 1liscellaneuus, stamps, telephone 11,(:5 Total Disbursements - $10,493.8l July 5 Balance at Bank of Commerce ....................5,181.55 $155,975.36 C. 1i. \\'.\ l )E, Secretary-'l'rcasurer. oo.oo.o,o.o..•..oo.o.o..o.o.oo.•..oo,o,.oo.o.•o,•.,a,•..•..•,o.o..•,o.s..•.r,o.o.a.o.o..o.00 o,r,.•..•.,00.,;« 'i BLYTI-I FARMERS' CO- OPE' yr' V I .. .t. .t. ,t, ,t, ,t, •t, ,t,0 PEN NIGHT ,t, .t, . •t• .ti : on the evening of ••3: X,t. :• TUESDAY,JULY 17 •t• .t. t •. �_� CI'IEESE FACTORY INSPECTION s t Everyone is invited to the cheese factory between i :i the hours of G. and 9 p.m., wh('n the factory 3: will be open for inspection4. •t: t , _, • PROGRAM AND DANCE s: ,t, 3, .:. .. •t, ,t, 3* . •t. .. A. ,s, 414 ,t. ., , . At 9 o'clock there will be a short program in the if. Memorial Hall, with Special Speakers on subjects pertaining to the Cheese Industry :_: Program will be followed by a Dance, with music .:_: furnished by Waddell and Conn's.Orchestra, Admission to Dance 25c. - X Don't Miss This Fine Evening of Instruction a: t. ., and Enjoyment. tY 0.•.44++•o.•,.a.•+44o.4:4 o44o.4..•.4.,•,44+44444444,.4.o..,a.••,44.•.,•.,•,4.4444,•.+4.+4,44440:44.4.:+, JOHN oo.+''44'•' ""''.':. JOl•IN R. BUTLER IS TREASURER Sections. `- OF CLINTON LEGION It is a great pleasure to the members, when reading the overseas ,nail, and we read Ile letters which say "Your tiga'eltcs received to -day. 'Thanks a .\Ill ion times," . Our -flailing list is very incomplete now, owing to 1110 1111 being ever with Germany std our boys are still being moved around to different camps, and s onn0 coming back home We would like the :o -operation of all the parents rf the boys to notify either A. R, her, or N. \\'. Kyle, of these boys ad- dresses and if they intend to come back soon. With your 00 -operation we (tin keep our list tip to date, and your boys will continue to receive their supply of cig- arettes. 'Thanks, Lcgicn Spcc'nl Nctice Regarding Cfgare''tee John R, Butler was erected treasurer, Branch 140 Canadian Legion Clinton, Legion Special Notice Regarding of the Guernsey breed and he was just as much inspired as the other fellows had been. My oh my," we had found another party. so don't be surprised one of These days with the Grits, Torics and C,C.F,'ers are lnken over by the Holstein, Jersey and Guernsey follow- ers, as far as the rural areas are con. cerned. WESTFIELD Mr. \Von, McDowell, Mr. and John Buller, Sec. ,\ccYnes(1a3', July 11, 19,15, 1 mhaftwinTemomegprammumr 74.084-.;;4;0. 4.4. ,•,,,;,( I-IIGH SCITI00I, LYCaEUM'!.'I'IEATRE Ti ENTRANCE RESULTS WINGHAM-ONTARIO, Two Shows Sat. Night BLY'1'H BAYFIELD '4 Maty Beatty, Carolyn Campbell, t Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 12.1314 � Charles Brigham, ,lean Cartwright, George Castle, Helen Erratt, Audrey Lana Turner, Laraine Day, 3, Alatti•ice 1Lallah;un Doreen 1lo logg, hill Harris, Betty Heard, Joint McConnell, • Susan Peters in J, •��' '! Juhnston, Donald Johnston, Elaine Dur•utl:y McGuire, Norman Smith 4' "KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY" '• Jl'ltltstutt, Pauline King, Jean hmrkcoa- fad' Summer. ('toms Westlake. Ra). - mond Young. TIIE STANDARD w PAGE Jean Rapicn, Shirley Iegcle, Billy \Valsh, I'he funnies', show since "The \Vu -3, nett, miry Kyle, Mary Litt/, \tie me_ men" Here is a lowdown on the 3; Caughcy, \'iule; ';ti'ivin5 • S11irlc ('hil- t :rumen in t man', world. ,i } CLINTON ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" ,= 1ps, Sltirlcy Radlfurd, ,\lark ltaithby, 'Matinee, Saturday afternoon, at 2.30, Grace Roc, Isabel .'1'huc11, Stewart 'Tull, 1?rina Bayley, \I urray Riggin, Freida d1 Glenn Yf:ngbint, Irma \\'Mace, IJattie Blake, \Valuta Bowden, Francis Cante- 11'igltli'am, Jim \\'ilsan, Mon., Tues., Wed., July 16.17.18 d John Garfield, Paul Henricd Rt' Sidney Grecnstrcct "BETWEEN TWO WORLDS" An cxtr,a rd;mary melodrama telling' a fantastic story and presented by a competent cast. 4 ALSO "SHORT SUBJECT" •..•,,•1441.1,•,.•. 44 44 4444 441:144 44 4.411.1.•11.4 44 44 41.•11.41 HER \(\j 01 THE NAME GOODYEAR ON YOUR TIRES MEANS • EXTRA MILEAGE •EXTRA SAFETY • GREATER DEPENDABILITY AND SATISFACTION For the synthetic tire that wins on every count, for long trouble. free service .. ; if you are eligible ; ; ; SEE YOUR GOOD EAR DEALER HAMM BROS. PHONE 159 BLYTH, ONTARIO GODERICU Ion, Fern Carter, David Colclough, Gloria Dales, Bessie Dutut. Doreen Elliott, Donald Ellwood, Nora Eliza - Bruce :\Nin, Joanne Allison, Gretta beth 1?vie, Stanley Falconer, Nancy Arbour, Gordon Argyle, Eugene L'akcr• Ford, Beatrice Fowler, Mary Fulford, \1'illiaut Beacom, I,rnure Beadle, \lar -'Jeanne Garan, Kathleen Glew, James Bogie, George Bolton, Marion:Edward lfann, Luis 1lcsse1tt•oud, \lar- Iloyce, Beverley protan, Mary court. ,ion Hill, Raymund Iluggarth, \largaret mcy, Sylvia C'racklor:lc, \Iargrtret Ctaig,'1lolland, Anne (lusty, Betty LautInnall, Abide Crich, Catherine Cult, Raymond 1lelen l.;,bb, Frances Lyon, \('tris NIen- Cutt, \Ia • .inn Erskine, lees, Isyclyn \lacDonald, Gordon \lac- } James !ler, )ougall, Jantcs Paterson, Jack Petrie, lntys, Gerald Fisher, Charles Fuller, . I?lrannt Fuller, (Gene Hamilton. Rose Lois Pickard, petty Putter, Robert IN MEi�IORIAl1I Marie Hartman, Patricia Marney, DOH-h:chl, Donald Shanahan, Phyllis Shan- NO01.,1%-In toying memory of our ;tld 11ulmes, i?ric Holmes, Rulh 1lc}, l'ttan, '1'hchna Shobbruak, Joyce SI}', dear mother, \Irs, arses Noble, who Rosemarie l lunfrdt'y, Harold elf's • !Phyllis hyllis Steep, Elizabeth Stewart, Cora J Jeffrey, }':'Taylor, \'crena Taylor, \Villiain Taylor, passed away .1 years ago, July 10th, Edythe Jenkin,, Marie Juhusdun,.l hyl \I;y Thompson, Kenneth Tyndall, 1941, lis Johnston, Donald hcrni;han. Joan Menzies, Hubert \Iourheatl, Lois Mug- J'tcl' \anL.gntund, Thos. Varcoc, Luis "She has taken her last journey ford, 1lclen \IacDottgall, 1)enald ;Mac- IVoud, In God's beautiful ship called Rest, 1'hai1, Donald McEwen, Charles Orr, DA.SHWOOD Away front this world of sorrow \larjoric Overholt, \Vegdell Pitblado 1'i, a bonne of eternal rest. ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE CLINTON. GODERICH. NOW PLAYING:- "Cowboy Cart. NOW PLAYING: "THE VERY teen" and "One Mysterious Night." THOUGHT OF YOU" Starring Mcnday, Tuesday, Wednesday Dennis Morgan. "WINGED VICTORY" Mon , Tues,, Wed., Two Features This fi'a10rc a•ill commence :0 7 p.mLaird Cregar, Linda Darnell. and The soul -stirring saga of a fighting and George Sanders, plane and the magnificent encu Telling one of the year's most tt•hn maimed it, dramatic stories. Sgt. Marls Daniels, Pte. Lon Me- "HANGOVER SQUARE" Callister and Cpl. Don Taylor. Jcan Davis, Jane Frazee and Thtirsday, Friday, Saturday Bob Crosby. ['hit Baker, Marjorie Mnasow and The screen's comedy queen sets a stew high in laff prodnctin'). Edward Ryan. :in evening of carefree entertain"KANSAS CITY KITTY" ment with your favourite Thursday, Filday, Saturday radio stars in. Maria Montez,Jon Hall, Peter Coe, "TAKE 1'1' OR LEAVE iT" Present a 'Tecnicolor tale of a col - ALSO -A Technicolor short subject ()Hid tn:tad and other vagaries. "GYPSY WILDCAT" "MUSICAL MOVIELAND" COMING: "Objective. Burma" COMING: Heddy Lamar' in: 'THE CONSPIRATORS" ' COMING: "THE MASTER RACE" 1'Itis feature trill commence at 7 p.un, Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat., Wed., Sat,, Holidays 2.30 pm Matinees Sat. & a. 2.30 p.m. . 'NI�ININ�IN�tN�1NtINtIN11+Il�NI1tItI.INt�I��h"I *I ♦*I ♦s'NII NINdN44.rtMN4.•01 REGENT THEATRE S EAFO RT•H. NOW PLAYiNG:"'Sundown Valley' With Charles Starrett, , Mcnday, Tuesday, Wednesday Liard Cregar and Linda Darnell, with George Sanders. The strange doings of an odd com- munity makes one of the year's• finest dramatic stories. . "HANGOVER SQUARE" Thursday, Friday, Saturday John Wayne, Ella Raines and 4udrey Long. A red-blooded tale of the old \Vest in Technicolor. "TALL IN THE SADDLE" Verne Porter. \larion Powell, \larion Mona Baird, \largaret 13ccka; Mur -''Where the buds from earth transplanted Reis, Shirley Robertson, A1arvin Ross, ray Desjardime, Bettie Dcsjardine, Lu• For our coming watch and wait, Sally Sharpe, betty Sotverb}', Con ncl clads: Linney, Pcat•I Iickstein, 11o►•g; n in the upper garden growing, ins Spain, Ramona Spain, Ruth Stokes, 'Gill, Betty Green, Ronald Green, Elf- Just within the golden gate. Peggy Stubhiuglun, I Betty 'Taylor, Ret;t gene Hartman,, Robert Haugh, \larion Though our' hearts may break with \licltic :and Charles Coultcs 11'ilsun, John Fellows. flicks, Glen Ireland, Bernice Luft, sorrow \loved by Charles Coultcs. seconded Paul LeviJ'e;tchcy, Uuris Rader, Or. By the grief so hard to bear, I,}' 111ilUain Sj:sir, that the lights be DUNGANNON vine hegicr, \Villiam Smith, Dorothy \Ve shall meet her some bright morning grafted to 131nevalc on the same basis Tt+trcau, Ronald Turnbull, Valeria In the upper garden there, as in P,clgravc and \\Patton in co-opera- 1'htcettt, 1 ayntondl 11'cin„Grant 1V!Id_ tion with Turnbcrry Council --Carried. Vincent' -Sadly missed by ler daughter and Moved by Janes ichic, seconded Under Regulation 10 (6)-llarold suns, by \Vat. Spcir, that the road bilis as \lusscr, Margaret Raster, _ presented by Road Superintendent be passed -.Carried. EXETER Clearing Auction Sale \lura•' by 1larvey •fohnston, second - Of Property, Farm Stock, Luple- ed by Janes 1lichie, that the Clerk be stents, and 1lonsehold Effects, at Lot instructed to send a letter of apprecia• .15 and 16, Concession 8, Colborne tion to liuchnan Farm Forum for the Township, 1/ utiles west of Auburn, im ciearitt.-4the brush on the oil County Road, on road -Carried. \fnvcd by C!urles Coultes, seconded LOST :\-Gasoline Book No. 45\IS8. Reward offered to finder, Please leave at The Standard Office. 47-1, Morris 'Township Council The .Morris Township Council mel on July 9, in the Township flail, with all the mcmbets present. The Recvc presided. The minutes of the Last meeting were read and adopted 011 motion of James James Cummins, s, Evelyn 31oy, Lloyd Iltnuphrcy, Lorne Ilumq,l'ev, Lois ,lolunstum, \lichtol Kinahan, Iteta \Ic- imtyre„ \'yonne \laguffint) Irene Men- ary, Rcta Moran, Charles Mulford, Sam \ichuls'_ii, Kenneth Petrie, ,lean Ritchie, Ety'd Robinson, Joyce Stewart, \Irtrk'ua Slinge1, Dorris 'Taylor, Gwen- dolyn Treleaven, Arthur Young. Under Regulation 10.5 -Adeline Niv- ins, Lois :1lexanc11;r, Glen Belling, Rex Cameron, Audrey Campbell, \largaret Cann, Joyce Chambers, Kenneth Cud - more, Ruth Dawson, Gerald Dearing, Andrew' Iaouga11, \Villiam Dougall, WINGHAM Barbara Elson, Velma Ferguson, Dor- •othy Finkbciner, Fred Gibson, August Lloyd Anderson, mart' Luuisc Oct- JG'cgtis, Mary llattagau, 1cttaldllitm- itger, Gwendolyn Blatchford, John ler, Malcolm Kirkland, Mary Logan, Busman, John Brophy, \iuricl Brydges, ran, treses old, Moved by Harvey Johnston, second- content to be craven. Tenclers to be inI%':test L'ttckttilti, \lack, IGtthlOcr, Alar, Gant \larga Lois Burchill, Joan cd by Wits Speir., that By -Law No. 9 the handl, of the County Clerk, Court' 13ushfield, Ji itt Campbell, Ruth Caine- Joanne McCurdy; \boons NleDonald, C;1'11'1.1:-11'bite sun, 3 years old, be given Std reading and ,Assad, Car- House, Godcrtch Ontario no Ion, 1'anzie Champion, Robert Col- Dolma M0I'alls, Donna Parker, Ntaxin0 dile December 21st; 1)urh;un COW, 5 J t later, borne, Audrey Cook, Flay Cook, Mar- Parsons, Ross Parsons, Lorraine Pres -'years old, with calf at fol ; ilereford fled. than July 21st, zeator,Maxine Reeder Amt Rivers, 'cow, clue on November 5th; Holstein Mnacd by Charles Caulks, seconded N. W. MILLER, jure Cc ;tcla'd, James Currin, jean , by IIs•t•cy Johnston that Court of Dawson, Eleanor 1)e ill, Doreen F,1 Donald Rocszkt, Robert Roa•cliffc, 'cow, dile 111 July; Fat farrow cow; Revision be closed and the Assessor's 47-2, Clerk, County of Iluron' • Butt, Vivien Ernest, Kenneth Felker, Dolores Schenk, Edith \1 ay Schroeder, 2 Durham steers, 2 years old; 3 Dur- Roll accepted. Carried. John 1'uxtcn, Constance , Fryfogle, Bruce 5Iaptom, Helen Shapton, Sam ban heifers, rising 2 years; 3 yearling Grace Gilmour, man Gregg, Skinner, Ralph Swetzer, Ila Tilley, Ir- steers baby beefs. hies by , III Speir, seconded by J :\ tar), ; 2 James Michie, that the meeting ad - Gaines, \Vallacc 1.lazelgrove, John lien- enc Trueblood, \larion Webber, Velma dcrsun, liken Henning, Edna !lig- \\'ebster, 501111 \Vols, \Lary Wells, :1r- 1 IGS -fork soar, due July 10th; journ to meet again on August 13, 1945, gins, ,loan liiscicr, mariori4 Iloinien, lis Wein, Joyce Willard, Donna WrightY ort: hog ; 3 y,:�ung 1 url: sows, due at 1 Pan. Curried. MONDAY, JULY 16TH by James Michie, that lir-i.aw No, 9 commencing at 1 pan., the following: authorizing the collecting of 1-5 of 1 11ORSl';S-pL•ack team of geldings, mill for Federation of Agriculture be 11111 Luxton, Anne Luther, \Vinmifred `) and 10 years old; Brown marc to given 1st and, Ind readings. Carried 4 414414 *ANN, FOR SALE 40 year-old Leghorn hens, laying Apply to 1)un. Alurritt, phone 70, Blyth, 47-1. FOR SALE Medium size :rood range; Extension table; 1),tymund sell ''r machine; couch (drop back), Apply \1rs. J. ,'iratstrong. 47-1p. LOST Black leather billfold, containing; small suns of ::wuey, registration card and driver's permit. Finder please leave at Standard Office. Reward. 47-1. HAY FOR SALE By the acre. Clover and timothy mixture: Lea is 1Vlnitficld, phone 131), Blyth. 47-1p. TENDER TEN DERS arc asked to supply 150 tun of 11A or 1;; incl: nut, pea or slack stoker coal, 25 ton of anthracite stove coal attd 25 tots of coke for the Ilttrott County Il,otne Prices to be for coal Laid down on the tracks at Clinton; James Irwin, William Johnston, Irene Under Regulation 10 • (5) \went: August 11th, 12th, 13111. One of these The following accounts were paid: abest. Can 00 purchased outright, or King, ?1arprct Al a0 Donald, Laura Snell, cBurney, Rosie \IcGlyun, Shirley1 \1cGlynn, Kenneth \IcKague, John Mc - EAST OS.1 Kenzie, Scott .!cLcutan, RuthMach, ]:Ileo Dell, Ilona Caldarell, Leonard Born hens; 100 \Vhite Leghorn spring \1n. and Mrs. Neal Thomas and a:t, Audrey Ridley, Doris Silica' Wil" daughter, Devct'ly,,uf \Vindsor, spent a' fcrd Sltiell, Douglass Spading, Norma few days with Mr. and Alts GeorgeStacey, '1'hutnaa Wade, Annie \VaInc, McGowan. FOR SALE 37 acres of grain. 11 acres oats, 18 acres mixed grain, and 8 acres buck - is at Registered sow from the \\'ell- \1'nt, flrydges, salary • $130.00 cut on shares. Apply, Arthur Cronyn, wood Farm, London, with papers. Advance -Times, advertising 1,(0 RR. No. 4. Brussels. 46-3p. HENSALL POULTRY -80 year-old \\Titftc Leg - Mr. ;and \Irs Findlay McGowan and daughters, of Fergus, spent the week- BRUSSELS • end with Alt•. and Mrs. Alex. McG,...it I rant: Alcock, ,leery ]tare::, Afarie au• Bennett, Shirley Eileen llennett, Ken - Airs. K, Irish is visiting iter sister, meth Dune Olive Cardiff, Audrey Dav- Aliss 11ay 1';tt'ker, who is under the iclson, Ruse Da VidS011, Roy Urtvidson, \Iat'ie Doll, Betty Fischer, 1)oreem Long, Fannie McLean, Peter \lcQuar- Master Robert Charter had his ton. eis, Florence Querengesser, \Vl1liant sits rennovcd s.t Clinton Hospital on Ran, Emma Alary Sanderson, M;u•- jorie Sanderson, Mary Smith, George _ _ Somers, is;tbc1 Spica', Betty 'I'luell, Donelda \1'illis, Alien \filt1, Florence \Villoughby, Doris \\Prat•. doctor's care. rritlay a xeoezve MORE PICKLES -but don't risk wasting ,precious food and sugar by spoilage through the use of inferior vinegar. Use Canada Vinegar -- the vinegar your Mother used - always uniforin high quality and strength. It has been the leader in Ontario for Over 80 years. On sale at all grocers. Send for FREE Pickling Recipe Booklet to Cana- da Vinegars Limited,112 Duke Street, Toronto. CANADA Vinegars Paeieut ized Q' Clarke, Charles Fee, John Lavender, pu ids; incubator; Brooder stove; Hen crates and egg crates, • IMPLEMENTS -MAI. binder; M.- hI. mower; Farm wagon (new) ; Sloop Sleighs; 1 -harrows; cultivates'; seed drill, fcr(ilator attachment; hay rake; 'riding plow; walking plow; root Ind - per; cutting box; fanning mill; hay rack; gravel box, and stack rack; bag holder and truck; grass seeder; post \Vill;tut Lemmmot, Helen Love, Betty \licltic, Patricia Alitchcll, Ian \Icrlllis- ter, Pearl Alcl_cod, Edna Pctzke, Ro- bert Speir, Joyce Isabel. Stephenson, Itcssle Stevens, Robert J. '1'raquair, Eleanor \Penner. WINCHELSEA Dolores Allisc m, Gladys Batten, Ag- Af. Grasby, as:aessing 4850 R. Shortreed, assessing 39.50 R. Jcrnivit, assessing 53.50 R. :\lcKintton, assessing 53.50 Lyle hopper, assessing and post- age, suppl;cs 152.00 Lyle Hopper, expenses to assess - Frank's Bakery PRONE 38, BLY'TFI, ONT. or's Convention 1111._ 20.50 George C. Marlin, Clerk, PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. COOL WEATHER The weather turned decidedly cool on nes Bray, Harrold Frayne, John herrn, auger; harrow cart; buggy; cutter; De- Tuesday afternoon, and in many cases \Vanda Stephen, Floyd Stewart. Laval cream separator; 2,000-10. scales' smoke was seen rising front the chitu- ZURICH cross -cut saw; forks; shovels; earpeta- ttcys ;wound town during the evening. ter tools; Electric fence; ladder; nes' Extra quilts had to be hailed ottt of Rebecca Corriveatt, Virginia 1)01011- 'hay, fork; and utumcrays other ;trticles. 18001110r storage to keep warm during end, Theresa Deitrich, Rose Marie Den- 1IARNESS--Set doable harness; Set I'ly the night. w ;1 �", only, Cecilia 1)uchaame, Donald Du" single harness; Number of horse col- Tile 00n1 seance may hav0 the cl0- elt;trtuc, John Dncharnte, Kathleen jars, sired effect of settling the weather. SE/ -FORTH Ilcss, Doreen Ileaulricic, Elgin Hen-, Farmers, who into the haying, have c /kick, Herbert lilopp, Bernadette La- GRAIN" of gran been having a difficult time as showers Donna Agar, JamesEdgar Alkw, pork, Charlotte Laporte, Alma slartim,--11'hc, 1, Oats, Barley, Dorn and Chop. held tap ;he procedure. Mutat Bennett, Yvonne Bolton, Alary Veronica Alcidinger, Eilcene \lilct•I 1IOUSE1-10L1) FURNITURE- Que. Doswell, Phyllis 1110 •0s Muriel Cant,- Norbert Mittclholtz, Juanita1g room suite ; I'-" -`---~___-_.._._ • } J J Joyce bac cook stove linin bell, Jame 'l'ltonlas Chapman, Marilyn Mottsseau, Russell Snider, John Ina fe1; ext elision table; 6 chairs; day I PUBLIC NOTICE Chesney, Stanley 1)orratce, Dorothy Stecicic, Mildred Steckle, bed; number of rocking chairs; num- J in accordance with tate provisions of Drager, Ronald •Farquhar, Afctrle Fitz- bar small tables; kitchen table and '1'hc \Veed Control Act, public notice 1..0,4patrick, Jcan Fcaiser, Jacqueline (dab- chairs; chest ,of drawers; clothes is hereby given to all occupants and kirk, (Gladys hopper, Levcrne. 1 -login, AUBURN horse; 2 bech•oont suites; springs and owners of properly within the Alm1110i- ...dfna Iluisr:cr, i\la•juri0 1 -Dunt, Lewis mattresses; hanging lamp; hand lamps; p8!ity of 131yt1:, that noxious weeds Kennedy, \Iarjerie Kpight, Betty Lang- Mr. Stewart King has :returned to tub stand; wringer; linokuuns; Dar- must be destroyed on their property on ford, Lorraine Livingstone, Along tic- 'Toronto after visititng friends here. pets; bedding, dishes; and other ar- cr before July 19th,,1945, and that sub - Cowan, Ilclen AIcllwain, Patricia Nle- \Ir, and \Irs, Gordon R. Taylor and ticks too numerous to mention. scgucnt to the above date the \Vecd Quaid, \1111'y Alalnney, 3err`j'' Meir, !:larion Joan, with Mr. and Airs, 13em 1;Ai 151- Parcel 1- Lot 15 Audi If Inspector shatl proceed to have the Beth \fair, 1'b; Nis Pretty, 1)u: iso Pull_ llamiltou, '1'0: t,uuto. Concession 8, Colborne Township, East- work done, the costs of wlticlt will he Warn, Lois Richardson, Muriel Rivers, Mr. and A1.•s. Leggett and Mrs. ,ern I)ivision, containing 53 acres, 'tore charged against the property and col 3usc.ph hunch, Barbara Russell, Bert .11/Ingham, ....... „-- ----, ,4or less, stuccoed house, DA-storeY batuc , , .. e same Inanner as taxes as Shaw, Leona Stevens, Alnrgaret Stev- ens, Joyce Strong, June Snell, Ruth \Vallace, petty \\Peach;ark, ETHEL Iwai';t Earl, Rita Keifer, Doreen La- mmm11, Grace Lamont, Shirley Lamont, Velma Lucas, Donclda Nlachan, Doreen Menzies, Lorraine Quill). MANLEY Donald .\rmtstrong-, Gerald Benet.- mann, Francis 1lruxer, jack Case, Dor- is Dalton, 1)011 1)cnnis, Joyce Deigel, llauricc Dillon, Ruby 1)oerr, Marjorie Fischer, Norma Lecniiittg, Harold 1\1c - Callum, Joseph Malone, Alurray Alills, Ross Montgomery, Patric Murray, William J. Craig. hiss lin 13 Craig in \Vinghatm, Buildings in good state of repair;. 25 Rev. \1r. Atkinson, 13rucefield, Mr. acres in hay, 14 acres in spring grain, ;and Mrs. Pluntstcel, Clinton, with Rev, ba lamcc in pasture, Maty sial grain will and Mrs, llarold J. Snell. be sold separate if farm: not sold. \I rs. Andrew Fox, Whitechurch, with , Mr. such Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips, PORCEL 2-48 acres pasture farm, Mr. and Irs. Art Young and family, south -half of Lot 17, Concession 7, Mrs. Carrie Armstrong, Mrs. Orval Cony:it•nc Township; never -.failing Miller, \Voodstock,',\Liss Ruth Arthur, spring creche, barn, silo, lien house a::,! d •i••e shed. rrovi,led by The Weed Control Act, J. A, COWAN, Weed Inspector for the Municipality of Blyth, Reg.N., London, with Mrs, John Ar- thur. Hiss Lucille Kellar with friends at Woodstock. Mrs. Walker has returned from a visit to Brampton. Reginald Asquith has returned lu Kingston. PERMS -On Chattels, Cush:: On Property, • Tert115 made kmga•n day of sale, Airs. Margaret Edna Moulden, Exe- cutor of John W. Moulden Estate. R. C. f=lays, Solicitor for Estate. .Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, 47.1. FRESH EVERY DAY Everything Homemade Home -Rendered LARD BY THE SINGLE POUND OR BRING YOUR OWN CROCK 15c PER LB. OUR OWN HOME SUGAR -CURED Smoked Side Bacon 45c PER LB. BOLOGNA, WEINERS, SAUSAGE A GOOD SELECTION OF COOKED MEATS. N. McCallum Butcher. Phone 10, Blyth. 1 Dead and ' Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. - GROWING STRONG ON SPECIAL DIET Colour makes no difference at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, where any child is accepted regardless of race, creed or financial circumstances, Little Laurien is of the same belief for she and her black dolly are inseparable companions. Because of an unusual stomach ailment, Laurien can only digest a few foods. The Hospital has worked out a special dict for Laurien that is gradually rebuilding her strength. It is to take care of more babies like Laurien (there are 200 children on the waiting list) that the Hospital for Sick Children is appealing to everyone in Ontario for $6,000,000 for a new building, OTTAWA REPORTS That Two Empire Statesmen Praised Canada's Part at San Francisco Conference Once implacable enemy of the British Empire, now one of Its greatest and most trusted loaders, }' i e 1 d Marshal Jan Christian Smuts was greeted by thousands when he visited Ottawa. In the red -tabbed uniform of a British Field Marshal, ho laid a wreath for the Union of South Africa at the National War Me- morial, inspected servicemen, in. chiding a, group of South African War veterans, and decorated nine returned Canadian nursing sisters Tepresentfng a group of 300 who responded to the call of the South African government in 1941 to serve with the forces of that conn. try. Later he spoke vigourously and hopefully of the events of San Francisco from which he had just returned, • • * Despite his 76' years General Smuts steps along with the brisk- ness of an athlete. His physical fitness is attributed to a frugal life on his farm near Pretoria where he spends most of his time. His mother was of French Hugue• not descent, his father a Dutch farmer and minor politician, Once destined for the ministry, General Smuts became a lawyer,—later soldier and statesman. * • * Lord Cranborne, British secret- ary of state for the Dominions, who also came to Ottawa from San Francisco, said in an Cuter. view that the conference and Lon- don talks which preceded 1t, were good examples of how the relation. ship between the Commonwealth countries works under the Statute of Westminster. "There is no question of the coercion of one member by the others. We are all arbiters of our own fate, hut, by constant consultation with each other, we are able very often to reach common view, By maintain- ing'that view we can exert great Influence in the affairs of the World." Lord Cranbourne said of the Canadian delegation to San Francisco, "The amendments which they put forth were always constructive and helpful, and the contribution which they made lett its mark upon the charter," HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPOSITE C.N.I. STATION SAFES Protect your i1O0ICS and CASH from VIRE and TiIIEOVES, We " have a else and type of Sate, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit vs, or write tor prises; etc. to Dept, W. J,6cJ.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 140 Irronl 21. 1O., 'l'oront" etabllehed 1860 BELGIAN TARGET Dark-haired Princess of Retby, above, commoner wife of King Leopold III of the Belgians, is target for attacks of Communist ' wing seeking abdication of the King, now in Austria. A featured article in the Communist news- paper challenged payment of a pension to her father. Britain Ta Build 200,000 New Cars A British automobile industry proposal to manufacture 200,000 private cars during the next 12 months has been approved by the British Board of Trade and the Supply Ministry. It was understood that most of the cars will be of small types and half of titent will be for overseas export under the agreement by Government agencies. The manufacturers expect to complete 40,000 of the cars by the end of this year. Floating Docks Floating docks for use by the Royal Navy in the Pacific war are being built in South Africa.. The first dock, built here and completed within 18 months, already has been towed to its destination, /101/1#01141 --that a10o package of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more files than $5.00 worth of any other fly killerlll Grocery, Drug Hardware and General Stores Bell and recommend WILSON'S FLY PADS. STOP'1TC1IBass_FInseet oNeatAasb- Qutckl Stop Itching of Insect bites, heat rash, eczema, hives, pimples scales, scabies, athlete's foot ga�nd other externally caused skin troubles. PRESCRIPTIOsoothing, eaeless,sstainle stainless. stops or your money hack. Your druggist stocks D. D, D. PRESCRIPTION. Do you suffer from MONTHLY NERVOUS TENSION i with its weak, tired feelings? If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous tired, restless—at such times—try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to relieve such symp• toms, Pinkham's Compound is one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label directions. Buy todayf 44 2.40944/1444 e.O3nt hams i coni DU I Horror Pictures Sober Prisoners Gerutan war prisoners confined at bort Custer, Mich., were taken on a brief movie tour of German horror camps and emerged a far more serious, sober lot titan enter- ed the theater.. It was the first showing of a series of newsreels of Nazi prison camps which the War i)epartntent has ordered all German prisone:s to see. As pictures of gaunt, emaciated German captives were flashed on the screen, many of the prisoners shifted uneasily in their seats. As they filed out, many of the Germans were swallowing hard, their lips in tight thin lines, There was no joking, laughing or talking among themselves as when they were going into the theater. China Plans 100,000 Miles Of Railways During the tvar China has lost most of her railroads. However, she plaits to build a railroad sys- tem with 100,000 miles or rails, 20,- 000 of which is to be built within ten years after the war. The Chinese railroad engineers and personnel have been the last to retreat from places taken by the enemy and they are now the first to enter regained areas. They have moved rails by hand over long distances. They have built bridges where it was thought bridges could not he built. '['hey have improvised with equipment never before thought of in rail- road building. But in spite of all this, China is left with less titan a tenth of the railroad lines she had before the war, which was approximately 13,000 miles or railroad. Lack of railroad equipment has been the biggest of China's prob- lems since the war began. Kittens Never Did Like Juicy Worms A Leghorn hen has adopted three orphaned kittens and owner Herman Offenbachcr of AEedford, Ore,, says already trouble has developed, The kittens battle, paws 'against wing as their eager foster mother tries unsuccessfully to get them to eat the food she works so hard to provide—fat, juicy worsts scratched from the garden. GROWTH OF CANADA'S F000 EXPORTS Percentages refer to 1944 increase over 1939 figures, .bi !. ' 1939 BEEF 3,813,200 LBS BACON 181,825,000 LBS, EGGS 1,214,321 DOL CHEESE. 00,944,800 LBS. FISH 185,606 TONS WHEAT 4,881,137 TONS 1944 103,203,800185; 695,157,000 LBS, 58,403,410 DOL 131,429,200 IBS, 215,180 TONS 1,150,391 TONS W.IS.CANADA Emergency Flat Kept In London For Royal Family The King and Queen had a fash- ionable flat in Mayfair to use if they were bombed out of Bucking- ham Palace. The emergency apartment was on the fourth floor of Curzon Street House, used by the War De- partment as its prisoner -of -war of- fice. Very few of the 1,000 amen and women working in the build- ing throughout the war knew the secret of the fourth floor. • The existence of the apartment was disclosed when it was learned that the Dowager Queen Mary would use the flat when she re- turns from her country ionic in another week or so if her own Marlborough House Is not ready for her, The. King and Queen never used Easier To Move Dutch Than Rebuild "It would be mutat easier to transport all of Holland's nine million people and re-establish them in America than to re- build the country", Prof. F. .J. T. Rattan, of Nijmegen University said recently, IIe said this was the tragic commentary on the devastation in Holland as expressed to him by a senior United $ta•tes Artny officer last thanth, ]'.prof. Button is adviser of . the Dutch Government and has Just arrived in Canada on a special mission, their enterggncy palace, but the Duke and Duchess o' -f, Gloucester and the Duchess of Kent used the apartment during the worst of the London blitz. IIAIIY CHICKS BE PREPARED — AUGUST PUL - lets, chicks, cockerels should be ordered now, We may have some available for delivery this month, Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Ilain- ilton, Ont, IMMEDIATE DELIVIORY '1'WO- weok-old started chicles in many popular heavy breeds In non - sexed, pullets or cocicerels. Also eight -week-old up to laying free range pullets. Taking orders now for August and September hatch- ed day-old chicks. Free catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. END OF TiIE SEASON SALE 2 wuelc old pullets, cocicerels and ,non -sexed chicks pure breeda and hybrids. Also tree range pullet's 8 week's up to laying. 'Free cat- alogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario, DYEING ANI) CLEANING HAVE Y00 ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to ua for information, We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Werke LiAnted. 791 Yongo Street, To- rnnrn L',tRill MACHINERY POR SA1,1O A WELL BUILT BUCIC RAICE ON heavy trucic rear wheels and Bulcic Motor ready for work. Also Model C Cane tractor In good condition. James Finlay, Grand Valley, Ont, PERFECTION MIhKERS AND SUl'- plles, J. F. Donaldson, Joyccville, Ont, MASSEY HARRIS 101 SUPER TWIN power tractor on . rubber, prac- tically now, or Model C Case on steel In Al condition, Alvin (Iauer, Ormstown Station, Que, 16-30 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOIt on 'steel Price $350.00. E. Bell, 11,12, 8, London, Ontario, FOR SALE VALUABLE COUNTRY STORE property, suitable alae for touriat Mildness; Parry Sound district. 441 Westnount Ave., Toronto, IA, 4404, REGISTERED FEMALE COCKER puppies, 14 weelcs old. (teal beauties, 745 Indian Road, Wind- sor, Ont. Ci0I,1)1E-McCULLOUGH 100 HORSE - power Stettin Engine, perfect con- dition. Ono Warren Stearn Pump size 10 x 12 x 12, Ono Warren Steam Pump size 12 x .12 x 12. One Smart -Turner Duplex Steam Pump size 71 x 4/ x 10. All In perfect condition, CROWN IRON & METAL CO., HAMILTON, ONT. REGISTERED 13OSTON TERRIER Puppies for sale. W, 13, Coulon, RR, 2, Tlllsonburg, Ont, RgMNANTS 16 TO 20 YARDS, LINEAL MEAS- ure ;1.98, consists 334 lbs, un- bleached cotton, cushion covers, raineape material, flannelette, woollens, C.O.D., postage extra. Refund If unsatisfactory. Pubiex Sales, 377 'Parliament, Toronto, FOR SALE Vr18SOT 13" BALL bearing grinder direct driven 30 H.1', motor Most class condi- tion. Apply J. ,A. Eager, ICentpt- vine, Ont. ELECTRIC AIOTURS, NiEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pill. leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com puny Ltd., 2326 nurrerin SL. 1" ronto. FOR SALE GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids you retain Slender Figure turns your food into energy instead of fat. GUARANTEED HARMLESS, • composed pleasant herbs, no exer= cisos or drastic diet. Menth'n supply $1.00 postpaid Dominion Herb Distributors 1428 St. Luwrenec Itivd„ Montreal FAITHS FOR SALi) 100 ACRES, 60 CLEARED, CLAY loans, balance bush, pasture, sugar bush, 7 -roomed house; good barn, implement shod, Ilydro, telephone available, 10 miles north of Bracebridge, Muskoka District, E. Bulao, Falkenburg. FARM FOR SALE -198 ACRES 1 mile west of Kitchener limits on ICilchener-Stratford h 1 g h w a y, Charles W. Moser, 13,R. 4, Kitch- ener, Ont. 63 ACRES, 25 1 ARMING, 4,500 FT. bordering bay of French • river, 2,500 It. frontage on rnnin road to Rutter Blgwood and famous Bungalow camp: new home; oth- er buildings, Mr, A. Gaudette, Butler, Ont. HAIiti)Itl]SSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. MEDICAL DIXON'S REMEi)Y—FOR NEUR- Itis and Rheumatic Pains. Thous- ands satisfied, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Post- paid $1.00, STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often aro the cause of 111 -health in humans, all ages, No ono Im- mune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Muiveney's Remedies, Specialists,,, Toronto 8, READ THIS—EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic I'nlns or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Muero's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00, BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE - 'greys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle; Ottawa agent, Denman Urals Store. Otte we, • 4)I'I'tt111'11NI'I'IEs 101111 R'0I611015 BE A 'HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHWA Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest eye. tom, Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLUUIt W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St, Hamilton 8. 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. MUSICAL INS'I'IRUMiEN'I'S FRED A, BUDDiNGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Metro - 'newt Irl Church Toronto 2 PATIENTS Fi'I'l1ERSTUNIIAU11H & COMPANY Potent Solicitors. Established 189u: 14 Karg %Vest, Toronto Boni' let r,t Infnrrrinllon on re. quest HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Steco Harness Supplies. We,sell our goodsonly through your local Stec° Leather Goods dealer, The goods are right, and so are our price'. We manufacture in our fee. torics — Harness, Horse Col. lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods, Insist on Staco Bran Trude Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E,, Toronto Have You Heard? New Missionary: "Did you know Mr. Browns?" Cannibal Icing: "011, yesl Ho was the pride of our island" New Missionary: "Why did he leave such a nice island." Cannibal King: "Ile didn't, sig', you see, times got so hard that we had to swallow our pride." o0o Commuter: "Well, I'll tell you, Jones, I wear the trousers In my home." Jones: "Yes, but I notice that right after dinner you wear an apron over them." o0o Naive Nellie: "I think it's won•• derful that our servicemen are such a happy lot." Mother: "What makes you say that?" "Why, whenever you pass there they're always whistling," SUCCESSFUL PARTIES result when you serve Maxwell House. This de• licious coffee stimulates and cheers. It's a choice blend of rare, extra -flavor Latin-American coffees— the fittest obtainable. I'llu'I'0018 tI'IIY TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at lowest cost, Don't take chances with your film rolls, You can't take "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Sizo Roll — 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25o A customer In Cape Breton says, "I have been sending films to you for 4 or 5 years, 1Vouid'not send them anywhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (4c ,SPECIAL la ,PRICES nt with ft ON lm roll, FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 8 for 25c, Framed on ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Block Ebony finish frames, 69c each, It enlargement colored, 79c each, OLD PICTURES RESTORED Wo can restore any old photograph or snapshot. and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. Tho process requires the work of sicllled artists, but the cost is .rensonable. Send us your picture and tell us what you wont done and we will tell you the cost before doing the work, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Natne and Address Plainly on Orders, TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films property developed ane printed s U1t 8 I:XPt)SUltb; ItOLLS 25c REPRINTS h tor 26c FINEST ENLARciINU SERVICE You may not get all the fume you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your fume to IMI'i;RIAL t'uu'ru 51418 VICE Station J. Toronto TEACHERS 1YAN'I'LD BRANT CO.; 5 MILES SOUTH OF Brantford, Experienced female ,1't•otestant teacher, 8,5. No, 4, I3rantfo'd Twp. Salary $1,600.0U, .,State qualiticatlons, also former inspector, Personal application preferred if possible. Gordon Kellam, See.-Preus,, It,R, No. 2, . Brantford, Ont, STISTED TOWNSHIP AREA • requires three Protestant teachers for three one -room nehools• mar Huntsville, Salary 1,200. Please state qualifications, experience and lest inspector, Duties to continence September 4th. Apply to George 'Tait, Ituntavitte, Donsl:P — TEACHER WANTED (Protestant preferred) to tench grade 6 to 10, Inclusive (senior room), and act• as principal of n 2 -room school with modern con- veniences, terra commencing Sep. (ember, 1945 aatnry $1,300, Apply, Stating qualifications, to (1lilas) Phyllis Clayton, Dorset, Ont, KENT CO, TEADIIEII WANTED for 8.8, No. 15, Dover Twat). Sal. no. $1100,00, Apply stating quell - flee Ilona end anlu'y expected to "Adolnt'd Tetreault, 11.11, No, 2, Dear Line, Ont. 11111,1' WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR PROTlOS11- ant motherless home In country. All conveniences, Two school age children. Box 89, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, Young Women to train as Nurses' Aides, Earn while learning. $76.50 monthly to start. 220.60 monthly deducted for maintenance. Uniforms supplied Progressive increase when coure) completed. Health Supervision, Sick Leave. Permanent position, Penalon Plan. Apply Supt, of Nurses, Toronto hospital, Weston, TWO WOMEN TO WASH DISHES and prepare vegetables In North. orn Ontario 'summer resort for July and August. Exceptionally good wages. Apply by letter to Pow -Wow Point Lodge, Hunts. vllle, Ont, GIRL, OR YOUNG WOMAN FOR housekeeper on a farm, good home, wages, Apply Lawrence Browe, Box •42, Dalkeith, Ont. STRONG, ABLE WOMEN FOR general housework, $60 - $90 month, bed, board. Girls, young women for summer resort, pap according age ability. Married couple, ratan, boy, garden farm. Mrs. itoyd, Carlsbad Springs, Ont, AUTOI110131LE BUMPERS A N 1'1 Painters, experienced on repair work, highest rate of pay, 48 hour week, best working conditions. Apply nearest Selective Service Office. CR 2925. IIOUSEKI;EPER WANTED ON Farm 2 miles from Tlllsonburg. All city conveniences, 2 children, 2 adults, Good wages, J. A. Mc. Cabe, Tlllsonburg, Ont, FARM MANAGER, MARIIiED,, 100 - Acro Mixed Farm, good wages, house and privileges, J. Kee, Inglewood, WAN'rttn WANTED II11511eDIATELY mused garage garage tnechanlc as part- ner, Fredl Choir, Burks Iralls, Out, I3ox 254. GENERAL STOIRE, WITH GOOD mixed clothing stock; will pay cash; confidential. Lightman, and Company, 3270 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont, SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES: APPLICATIONS NOW BCINa coN- aldered, Date of admission Sep•• tember 4th, 1945, Educational re- quirements Junior Atntriculntlon. Remuneration after preliminary term,'110,00 to 112.00 per month. WANTED TO PURCHASE !'UL• tela, all hreeds from 8 weelcs up to laying, Gond prices paid. Apply to Itox 38, 73 Adelaide W., To. ronto. WE BUY hundreds of herbs, Roots, Barka, (terrier. hlntvers. Leaves, etc, PRICES HIGHER NOW 11'rlle for full list Dominion Herb Distributors ' 1425 S1 I,tiwrenw• ltivd„ MontrenO ISSUE 28-1945 reigignamismia DECIDEDLY Mild DEFINITELY' Enjoyable Table Talks Sugar -Saving Cream Pies—Delicious, Too The home economists ot the Consumor Section, Dominion De- partment of Agriculture, discov- ered iscovored that auger could be saved by folding the meringue right into the pie filling so that the sugar used to sweeten the egg whites would contribute its sweetness to the ening too. The saving of course, 1s not large but It Is by many email savings that the ration can bo painlessly stretched. Chocolate Mint Ple 1 tablespoon gelatine 14 cup cold water 2 squares (2 oz.) unsweetened chocolate % cup boiling water 8 egg yolks 1/ cup sugar teaapomn salt. 2 drops oil of peppermint 3 egg whites 2 tablespoons auger 1 9•lnch pie shell Soak 10P0110 in col() water. Cook chocolate in boiling water, about 5 minutes, beating until smooth. Remove from heat add gelatine, and stir until dissolved. Beat yolks slightly add sugar, salt and gradually add the chocolate mixture. Add peppermint and chill until partinlly set., Whip the egg whites until stiff and gradually boat in the two tablespoons of auger, Fold into chocolate mix- ture pour into baked pie shell and chill until set. Makes one 9•lnch pie. 'Rhubarb Cream Pie 8 tablespoons flour % cap sugar 1k teaspoon salt 4 cups diced raw rhubtirb 1 tablespoon gelatine 2 tablespoons cold water 2 egg yolks 2 egg whites 2 tablespoons sugar 1 9 -inch baked pie shell Combine flour, sugar and salt. Add rhubarb and mix well. Lot eland one hour, then cook over boiling water for lb minutes, stir- ring occasionally. Meanwhile soak golaline in cold water, Beat egg yolks until light, Pour rhubarb sauce over egg yolks stirring well; return to double boiler, stir and cook for 3 minutes. Remove from beat and add gelatine, stirring until dlsaolved. Fold in meringue made with stiffly beaten egg wbitea and 2 tableapoons sugar. Pour into baked pia shell and chill, Makes one 9 -inch pie. 1Dr. Chase's Ointment for Chaf, Skin Irritations Eczema idat;o (mass and della at/0g Did know that • secpackage of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more flies than 15.00 worth of an other fly killer? The lea do the work when you use WILSON'S FLY PADS! ' You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL ronoNTo • Ever, It with /loth, tihuw• er and Telephone, go Slagle, tt2.10 up— Iloubte, e;i"'IO up. • (hood fund, IllnInk and Mac. log Nightly Sherbourne at Carlton Tel RA 4135. ISSUE .28-1045 Cream Ple 14 cup sugar _• y4a cup flour IA teaspoon salt 14 cup cold milk 112 caps hot milk 1 egg 1 teaspoon butler 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 9•1nch pie shell Mix sugar flour and salt. Com- bine thoroughly with cold milk. Stir in hot milk and cook in top ot double boiler about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Beat egg, combine with a little of hot mix- ture and add to mixture in double boiler. Cook 3 minutes, Remove from heat and add butter and vanilla, Pots' into batted pie shell, Makes one 9 -inch pie shell. Note:— \Vell•drained canned fruit or slightly sweetened fresh fruit may be spread in bottom of baked shell before pouring In cream tilling or used as a topping. How Can 1? try Anne Ashley Q: How can I keep the range from rusting during the summer? A, By painting It with a good lubricating oil, When winter conies, wipe oft the oil before using the range. Q. Ilow can 1 prevent the spat- tering of fish when trying? A. Invert a colander over the pan, When boiling, add a table- spoon of vinegar to the water to prevent crumbling, It also adds to the flavor and makes It firm and white. • Q, How can I. keep the bristles of the toothbrush stiff? A. Evt;ry person should have two toothbrushes and should use there alternately. This gives each brush. a chance to dry and regain its stiffness before using again, Q. How can I make smooth gra- VY? A, An absolute necessity hi the kitchen equipment Is a flour. dredge, if one wishes the gravies to be smooth, Q, How can I remove postage stamps from envelopes? A. To remove them from enve- lopes or when they are stuck to- gether, place the stamp under a sheet of thin paper and run a hot iron gently over the paper. The stamps can be easily removed, Modern Etiquette By Roberts Lee 1. Wouldn't it be rude, when at: tending a church wedding,- for one to leave the church before the members of the two Immediate fa- milies? 2, Would it bb all right to serve coffee in the d'awingroonu, fol• lowing a luncheon? 3. Is n mans expected to make calls of inquiry, congratulation, and condolence? 4. In what way can a girl show gratitude or appreciation to a group of friends who have given her a bridal shower? 5, When an invitation is accept- ed by letter, is it best to repeat the exact date and hour mention• ed in the invitation? 6. Is it ever Permissible for a person to leave the table tltu'ing a meal? ANSWERS . 1. Yes, it is very rude to do so. 2. No; a luncheon Is an informal affair and the coffee should ' bo served at the table.. 3, Yes, it he expects to retain his friends. 4. She can give a dinner, a luncheon, a tea', or even a theater party to these friends. 5, Yes; this will avoid any misunderstanding as to the time, 6. Not unless there le a very urgent necessity, Churchill `Choppers' I -low desperate was Britain's Britain's defense situation at one time is.. evidenced by a new Churchill story in Guy Eden's new book "Portrait of Ch. , chill," At the close of his famous chal- lenge "\Ve shall fight on at the beaches and' in the streets," the Prime Minister turned and mur- mured something to the Cabinet members, It was this: "1 do not know what we shall do it with— choppers, i suppose." Choppers were the instruments wardens carried to help them break into burning buildings, LOUIS ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM CHAPTER IX "You are mistaken," said Meri- del, but here own voice sounded strange to her and there was it feel- ing in her breast as if icy fingers had closed around her heart. "It was some other one you saw—some Nazi who looked like—like Michel." They shook their heads in unison. "There was the sank small scar on this one's chin," said Pol Mar- tin rallying to his sister's aid, cling- ing to her hand and thinking of Bonhomme Fricot's crumpled body hi the dimness of the but and the grin one the German soldier's face as he left the lonely cabin. "It showed blue on the side of his cihin," "No more of this!" Rudolph spoke with unwonted authority. "You have no right, no right what- ever, you ungrltcfu children, to cause pain to Madame Laurin, who has been so good, so kind, so gen- erous to you." "'!'hey are young, Uncle Rudi" ;deride' chane quickly to their de- fense. "They did not know what they were doing. N1adanic Laurin, I am sure, will forgive therm, And it is to you, after all, that they 'owe their gratitude." "To lee!' For a moment, ccutg;ht off guard, .Rudolph almost be- trayed himself. "011, f sec what you mean. But please take them away now, Merideel, They have clone enough mischief for today." \Vhen they had gone he bent over the oil lady, who seemed to , see nothing of what went on about her. "Madame!" he said earnestly. "Madame! Is there not something I can do? Let me take them away from here. They have caused you this mortal pain. It i9 folly, some childish nonsense! They play games of pretending so much and so long that they think the people in them are real. I ani sure there never was such a one as Ilonhom- me Fricot—" Madame shook her head. "1 pray God you are right, Rudloph. I'd like to think that it is what you say—sonic of their make-believe, But I ani afraid—" "But I knew Monsieur Michel and he—" "Yon know the ,vas, he used to talk, Rudolphr-wild things he'd say and wilder things he'd do. He had three years at Heidelberg. And he was so quick to identify himself whin anything revoluntionary, But, any God, I cannot think that be— why, his father and two of his un- cles died in the battle of the Som- me and Roger wears the cross his king gave him for bravery. No-• . n0—" "Please madame. I tell you it is some child's mistake. It is noth- ing." "I shall try to think so, Rudolph. The other thing would drive me mad, Why, he was as dear to me as my own—I could never think this of him, never." * • * Yet there was the gnawing doubt, And in Mericicl's eyes, as she picked up the shattered picture of Michel Fabrc was the same hurt, terrified look that she had seen in madame's. What a horrible thing was thisl If there were truth in it, what ghastly truth! No, no, a man did not turn against his own blood, \Vhy, he would be facing his own brother, seeking to des- troy him, The face of Michel was little marred, Meridel took the broken glass away and put the picture back in its place, "It is not so, madame," said Meridel at length, "You must not for a moment believe this wild story." "I)o you believe it? You knew hint for only a little while; I knew hint for years, yet I feel that in the short time you were with hien you learned much. And do you believe it?" "1 won't let myself believe it, I should have to see it with my own eyes. 1 should have to hear it from his own lips." And you wont(' believe it then, Meridcl?" Woman looked at woman, the young one at the very old, and they understood each other. "Perhaps," said Meridel. « * • 1'ol Martin and Rosine • were standing with Idcrichand Miss Carrick and • some of the other children in front of the house one afternoon when a long cream - colored. convertible sedan drove up and disgorged a huge beefy ratan in a checkered jacket and tan slacks, a lady in gorgcoumink and a diamond choker, "\Veli, bless my soul, Martha!' The big man's voice seemed to shake the walls of Philibert, "Look what Mimi has here now -a kin- dergarten, by gad! Trust her to do the proper thing. }low d'you do? Ilow d'you do?" Ile bowed right and left to the curious children, and beamed on Meridel and Miss Carrick. "I'ni Guy \Wintcrsidc and this is my wife, Martha Stahl, \Ve used to he on the stage with Ma- dame Fabrc • Lusignan. Where is Miami? We came to surprise her. Oh, here's someone we knowl Here's Rudolph, the butler—good old Rudolph!" Meridel' was dose t1. hint, but had she been a block away she could still have heard hint, Slowly her cheek grew white; her hands were clenched at her side. "1Iaa he been butler here a long time, Mr. Winlersidc?" she asked softly. • « • The big man grinned down at her' "Bless you, my (leas, of course he has—years and years and years. He's as much a fixture at Philibert RS the statues in the park, How d'yon do, Rudolph? We popped in for a brief visit. On our way to Quebec. Mow is madame? I'll bet she'll be surprised," Rudolph's face was inmpassive; only ;deride] could see the turmult, the sickness, behind the smooth, menial masque. IIe bowed to the Wintersides. "It is good to see you aSain, sir, And you, madame. Let Inc take you upstairs. Madame Fabrc-Lusignan will be so pleased to sec you," Ile conducted them into the house. Meridel and the quiet Miss Carrick stared after their depart- ing backs, Pol Martin and Rosine came close to Meridel. They did not quite understand what had hap- pened, but they. could tell from Meridel's face, the fixed look in her eyes, the way her nostrils flared that 'everything was far from well. And Uncle Rudi had been like a different person and the big man had flung his coat to Uncle Rudi - so carelessly and Uncle Rudi had carried it on his arni, "Want rs it, Meridel?" Pol Mar- tin tugged at her hand. (To Be Continued) TINY PATIENT IN HER GLASS HOUSE Two fractured legs and a premature birth is enough to discourage any new baby, Yet this little girl is daily growing stronger in the safety of her glass•encloset cubicle, equipped with ultraviolet light barriers whch Blake it 95% germ free. One out of every three babies in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, come from other parts of the Province, All Ontario Is being asked to aid the $8,000,000 Building ,Fund Campaign, E@1E o TEA CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM By Gwendoline P. Clarke • • e • t Expectation is better than real- isation—so they say — but this week's, events have been the ex- ception that prove the rule. We have been living on expectation for ages but last Thursday realisation began. Yes, hydro, power was really turned on at last. It was about two o'clock that (lay when rine of the linesmen came along and said, "Are your lights all r•ght?" "Are they?' 1 answered stupidly, and then added hopefully -but in- credulonly--"Do you mean the power is on?" "Sure—and I can sec lights on upstairs so 1 guess they're all right." "All right"—what a mild way to put it, And yet after all it was a very conclusive description; I am not sure one could find anything better. We turned on switches here, plugged in there, wandered from room to room trying out the lights, switched on the pole lights, and turned oe the ones at the barn, and finally we agreed that, just as the linesman said, everything "was all right". • * * But that wasn't the only excite- ment. 'i'wo days later our hard- ware elan phoned to say my washing machine had arrived. That was almost too good to be true. And yet there was really no doubt shout the matter. In clue time the machine arrived home and I'm telling you it is like something out of fairyland . . , a magic whirligig that makes drudgery vanish into space; takes kinks out of backs and makes any wash "the whitest wash" --irrespective of any particular brand of soap bars or soap chips. * * * On the same day that the wash- ing machine came to brighten our lives, there also arrived a letter from my brother in England, with news that son Bob had been to visit him and his fauni'y. That was a wonderful piece of news because we knew then that . Bob was one step nearer home thotigh we had not yet heard from him to that effect. And for the holiday w,ekend six visitors arrived—four adults, one little girl and a baby five months old. 11 is a long time since diapers flapped in the breeze from our clothes' line! Butyit was good to see them there. And That baby he was just the goodest and the sweetest wee thing you ever saw. * As for farm work—on Monday there was hay to draw in -and our guests supplied Partner with plenty of help for cne clay, inexperienced —hut help none the less. laughter did her part by driving the horses on the hayfork. Daughter and 1 put in a pretty good day washing, ironing, getting meals—minus potatoes — washing dishes, fixing over dresses, and so we had a busy but satisfactory visit —to which properly lighted rooms added considerably to our com- fort and enjoyment. Now preparations are underway, for the departure of our guests. There is a scurrying around from place to place, a picking up front one room and then another, 1 ant keeping out of it. When they have got everything together I will go around and gather up the things they have missed. And tomorrow is another day! Utmost Accuracy Special machinery for measuring hair, 25 one -hundred -thousandths of an inch to 500 one -hundred -thou- sandths ,was developed by the Timken Roller Bearing Company, Bair used in precision instruments for the army and navy must be measured with utmost accuracy, 4549 SIZES 14-20 32.42 When the temperature sonars, the button -front "open -out" dress is a real pal. Pattern 45.10 spreads flat for easy ironing. Choice of short, three-quarter, or cap sleeyes, Pattern 4540 conies, in si;:es 14, 16, 18, 20; 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, Size 16 requires 3/ yards 25 -in, fabric. Send twenty cents (20c) in coins (stamps cannot he accepted) for this pattern to Room 421, ;:; Ade- laide Si. -\Vest, •J'oronto. Print plainly pattern number, size, your name and address. BE. FAMOUS for your coffee. Serve Maxwell House. This choice blend of rare coffees is roasted by . the famous "Radiant Roast" process, so you get extra flavor, fragrance and vigorous body. NA�EG PLACE AT ANY M EAL,e ANYTE M E Busy housewives appreciate Kellogg's ready -to -eat cereals more and more every day. Kellogg's are a satisfying dish anytime—for breakfast, lunch, odd -hour snacks. Ready in 30 seconds. BOYS! GIRLS, they're free « . . 8 Coloured Cards In every package. Save 'cunt Trade'enti PAGE 8' THE STANDARD , l SHOES FOR SPRING Women's Arch Shoes $2.95 - $5,95 Women's Suede Pump $3.95 Children's Oxfords $1.79 - $2.95 Boys' Work Shoes $2.75 - $3.50 Men's Dress Oxfords $2.95 - $7.00 A Good Stock of Wheeling Yarn on Hand. Olive MeGill Il tltISISI iNWA,lt WAItilMdsiiNetSIItiMDtiAttiMa NIIIIMIti lAt3hltitDMIIIRInIPMA E t F d d d STUART ROBINSON Rhone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery, North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. •1• .s. ♦ Aliss Isabel Brigham, Reg, N., is 3•1 nursing at Scaforth hospital after a 4; holiday at her hoose here. a. •_♦ ._, ,1, .1. ._. .1. •1• was a week-ec;l visitor with M rs Glen ._. •, Gibson. 'i I airs. James Gibson spent a few days Macaroni 4 lbs. for 25c •• .t• in Goderich visiting M rs. Eldridge Rice 2 lbs. for 25c :=. Johnston. Lux Flakes per pkg. 25c =: Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Taylor of Port Havo you items of interest for this column, if' so we invite your letter, er phone call. Phone 89 with your pews items. Your kind- ness will be appreciated, • •• Miss Mary \`Watt is visiting relatives in \Wroxeter. \irs.:\. Cole is spending a few days with her daughter, \Irs. aliclie, of 13e1 - grave. \Irs Edna Richardson is visiting this week with her sister,Alrs, Geo. Cowan, ami \lr. Cowan, and family, Mrs. McGuire is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs, A. R. 'Tasker, at Bruce Beach this week. Mrs. \Vilfse is visiting her daughter: \Irs, Jack Bowes, of Ingersoll, and \Irs. Arthur Douglas, of Stratford. Mrs. Borden Churchward of Toronto Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For Liternational- Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEEM OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "T1IE HOME. BAKERY" H. T. %TODDEN, Q..;••;..�; 4M't.4 • .4.';.x;••,4.+•0+4•.;..1..•0+0•.J" •o A. L. COLE •:_. ,X R.O. ;1; Stanley spent the week with Mr, and Jr OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Rinso per pkg. 25c •_. \Irs. Will Cockcrlinc. •I♦ •_• Jiffy Pie Crust 25c �� .♦ GODERICH — ONTARIO. ;_; Rev. A. and Mrs Sinclair, and Nor- Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, •_. • t,+ Red Rose Coffee,, per lb. 45c T. alio(. spent Sattlltlay and over Sunday • With 25 Years Experience �_; 1 1 wall be at • Laly Grange Tea half lb. pkg. 45c :4_: in Sin•nia, ' •_• Tomato Soup lOc ;4 t , Alisses '1'Isetnu, Dawson and Helen := R. D. Philp's Drug Store +; 34Barman of Owen Sound, arc spending ;t; BLYTH, ONTARIO 1, Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. for 25C 1, this week with Miss Helen Howatt. ;_� NEXT VISIT t _• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15TH .t• •1• •f ,1; FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. ;1; ;_• TELEPHONE 2Q :_: •= R. D. PH:LP'S DRUG STORE •_♦ 3' FOR APPOINTMENTS. 4 .1. ,1, t♦t0••4•.i 4,....4.4.4•.0;.0;•..;;.0;•.;•;y♦4.;ti;# .44.7414-4144414441+41.41++++++++++44+++++ 1.4t••iM.4.4.•;.•ji.; 14•;• .8-. •i;i.;i•;•. +4.4O.;u;,1Iisse$ Pauline and Helen hri:neilll _ • t , .. sof Detroit. arc visiting with Mr. and PERSONAL INTEREST I Mr. and \Irs. George 13. Hodgins of \ifs. Kenneth Poole this ,week, Woodstock, spent over • the week -end \f r. Harvey Barr, Toronto, is Mr. and Mrs Glenn Cuthill and with their sou and daughter-in-law, ling It's Ii �lidays with his brother, Mr.spend- 'iamily spent Monday with the lattcr's Mr. and Mrs. C. E. lludgins, :\ Him B•lrr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rober- I Miss Gladys Leith of Stratford is vis - ton. with her grandmother, \ifs. Geo. \ icingIt'. Arthur Gunder of Vancouver, FORMER BL1TH RESIDENT DIES 11.G, (visited his uncle and aunt, Mr, • Mrs. Win. Merchant of Formosa, for- Leith, and also with \I r, herb. Mels uul Mr;. R. I1. Robinson. air, Good- M iss Sarah Elizabeth Johnston, an merly Leonore Scanlan, visited on r0)'' ger is \Irs Robinson's nephew, and it is aunt of Major Alliin juhnston, former Wednesday with Mr._ and Mrs. John' Mrs. Harvey Little of Grand Forks, 28 years since she last saw hint. imayor of London, died Thursday al her • Heffron. I residence in Lor don, in her I'3rd ycal'• N.D., and daughter Glory Ann, have airs. 'I'hnnsas Kernick spent the past Miss Rostra teas born In Illwth a Afr. and Mr-; Clarence Johnston, been visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Ar J ' thur Barr during the week. Iweek with NI and Mrs. Earl 13enticy daughter of ibe laid! John and Jane Iona and Kenneth. and Mrs, John b of Galt, M r. 'and \Irs. Armand Ker. Grasby, spent Sunday with Mr. and Johnston, She came to London in 1883• I Mrs. Karadi; and children of Nctt nick motored down on Sunday and She was a life-long member of the Mrs. Lawrence Plant, of Atolestvoeth. 'I York City, are . visiting the fornser's brou ght ner home. Presbyterian ,• h l I c.,bytcr'tan Church, and in. London ND'. and airs. Gordon Philp and son, mother, Mrs; Thomas Elliott; also Miss Al r. and \Irs. Earl Bentley received 'Fits a erianbcr of Chalmers Lrttsby- Peter, of Toronto, visited' with the Anita Wright of Toronto, is visiting a cable from their son. Walter, who at Leila" Church," fcrmer's 1 eth^.r, Air. R. D Philp, Mrs. her grandmother over the holidays, the time, twa� on leave hs •.Englanu Surviving are two nephews, Major Philp, arta family, on \\'edttrs<lay' Mr. awl Mrs. Calvert Falcoltci' and `\'after does uol CXpcct to get home Cot Johnston, and Robert Johnston, Lon - Mr• Lewis Wallace of Newark, N.J., family spent Sundaywith Mr. and at least two months. (Ion; a niece, airs, Kathleen Devitt, visited at the home of his brother, Mr 1 Mrs. Milani Hackies, of Ilillsburg, I \oalcrino. l'hrcc brothers, Joseph, Wallace, he occasion being\frs. Ruben Coghill f Stratford Robert a''d John Johnston, died some Irvine Mrs. Wallace.\\ lland oth- a family reunion of spent the past week with her sister, cr relatives. Mrs. Falconer's relatives Shirley re--\Irs, Stuart 1) i• ardl, acid \I •r. 1)11r- years ago, Cpl. Eric Maize of Montreal is vis- Inaincd for a longer visit, '' , ti1't;ncral Scrrice was held from the ward. lr. Co hill was here for the O;dUuan funeral home on Saturday af- iting his grandfather, Mr, 0. L. Angus- Mrs• J. F. Atkinson has arrived t.1 N111c,cu;l. tcrnoon at 2:(10 o'c'ocic•'t'he service was tine, .and uncle and aunt, Air. and Mrs. take up residence in the dwelling on \Ir, and Mls. John Irvine of 1))negal 'In charge of Rev. E. M. Ester, Inter - G. R Augustine and family. Gpl. Dinsley street, recently rented by her and (laughter, Betty, spent Sunday Wild went was in Myth Cemetery. Maize is•just back from Overseas after husband, who is 110w operatingthe Mr. and Mrs :C. E. Hodgins and fain -___v a year spent there, an.d has volunteered pool room.' Mr. Atkinson's mother, il, Miss \'io:cl Chotzen of Stratford for the Pacific. Airs. Th)nIas Atkinson is also here. is also visiting at the Hudgins' house..' WEST BOUNDARY RED CROSS Airs. George Radford. and Diane, The West Boundary Red Cross held returned home on Saturday after. vis- it's regular meetiii in the school house • iting for a week with her sister, Mrs. on Thursday afternoon. Eleven A New mens -Jack Bowes, and afr, Bowes. of ln- hers and visitors were present. Two gersoll. air. and Mrs. Bowes returned large quilts were, quilled. with Mrs, Riadforil, to visit have for a i \Irs. John \1 Cl1uchey, who is in her week with Mr. and Mrs. Radford and 87th, year pateaed iuid quilted two \i r. and Mrs, \\'m. Bowesilarge quilts and one small one. 'These Airs. Benson Cowan and child were (Ionated to this branch of the Red ren are Cross, visiting with the former's mother, Mrs, I \f iss \'era 'Eternity was the winnerRobert \Vightuuin, and also with Mr. Cotvtun's parents, Mt'. and Mrs George of the lucky (Iraw. Cowan, East \Vawanosh. Mr, Cowan atwas here over Sunday, returning to 'foronto where he is taking vocational PARTIAL ECLIPSE SEEN HERE training. Many people were up with stn glas- Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Richmond, and scs, and smoked glass, viewing the three daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ken partial eclipse of the sun on Monday nett' \VInitnot'e, and Douglas, spent nsorning, A hazy sky and a shower a very enjoyable Sunday with Mr, and lobstructed a contisiuous view, but at Mrs. A. R. 'Tasker, at their cottage at 1tinses the sky cleared sufficiently for Truce Beach, (..n Sunday. Miss Donna observation. • The sun was about half 'Richmond remained with than for the hidden. ,week. A New Shipment of the Famous Waterman's Pens and Pencils Just Arrived. Beautiful Sets and Odd Pens at Popular Prices. Nurses Set in White, Pen, Pencil and Thermometer An Ideal Gift, Priced at $7.50. Eclipse Pens (Guaranteed) $1.15 Eagle Pens $1.25 Eversharp Pencils 29c and 60e Crokinole Board and .Buttons $3,75 NEW STOCK OF CARDS Sympathy, Get Wells, Birthday, Acknowledgement of Sympathy, Wedding Anniversary, Personal Birthday Cards, Wedding Congratulations, Baby Congratulations; Wedding Gift, Shower Cards and Shower Wrapping, and Ribbon. Bill Folds (genuine cowhide) $2.25 and $2.75 Sun Glasses 25c to 59c Sheet Music (All the Popular Titles). Ink, All Brands.' Writing Tablets, 10c, 15c and 25c TEXT POOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES Get your Text Books NOW, as these may be scarce at School Opening Time, The Standard Book Store COMMUNITY WILL HONOUR Wednesday, July 11, 1945. 1 i Summer Time Supplies TO RELIEVE AND PREVENT SUNBURN— Noxzenta 17e, 39e, 59c Sun Rex Oil 35c I'angel . 50e Ca,ofax 25c TO REPEL AND ELIMINATE INSECTS - 2 -Way Insect Repellant ....... --.39c Nyal Rcpcllant 25c 2-WaY Fly Repellant 59c, 98cOil Citronella DEODORANTS- 1?tiquct . 39e Arrid ............._ 39c and -59c Mum 39c Odaroi,o , 39e DISINFECTANTS— Lysol 35e 811(1 65c Chloride of Lime 15c Creoline ''Sc and 75c Detrol j 45e R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. atm DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 20. 1441 6104011{t{t41444iCKIC RIICKKICRitetetal liCICI mete; tiKI w laICte teiCt8411 living -Room Furniture We are offering many New Designs in Chester- field Suites, Studio Lounges, Sofa Beds, and Occas- ional Chairs, upholstered in the latest fabrics at popular prices. Tri -light lamps, End 'fables, Magazine Ricks, Coffee Tables, other odd Living -Room Pieces. Ilelp to Make Your Home More Comfortable and Enjoyable. A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering: J. S. Chellew Home P'6rnisher — Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director. d ' ky WIMIN2Wtala111tWAa,a19WINNIr.DI INDIZMA=WW1r12MM212121, lMNDIN 4•44 0.•.4• ••. ••.04. ••..1..•. •• •••.•• ••. •11.1.•. ••• ••11.1 ••1.•.1•,1.11.11•• •.41.•, i 1.•..•. •••.•11•• 1•• ••• ••1 •:•': ••..•. ••1 ••. ••.0 3, •1. 4S, .1• .2, HURON GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO, •.; ,1; ,1, 3: 3: .1; •;. ._: :e :_: EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. '1' ,1, : Meals at All ours. 4t; 1 ;f; •1. .t• := FRANK GONG Proprietor ?. 4t, .♦ •;. •••.•o.oo•.•.o..•.o..••.or.o..••.00.o,o.o..••••.•o••••o••.o,o.,•.,oo.o.••,.oa..••.••••.o..•.••••••.••.o.�•,.•••:•,•.,•..:4.•,.• HUI:LETT TOWNSHIP COUNCIL (Continued from page 1)• 1vagtter Drain 50.130 Theo Flynn, severance, Flynn Dr8J.1n II. Trewartha, severance, Flynn Drain • 45.1)0 Geo. Cowan, b3 -laws on the Pol- lard Drain 161!'0 —George W. Cowan, Clerk. v PURCHASES PROPERTY • Mr. Harold \redden has purchased the property formerly owne(1 and oc- cupied by Mr and Mrs. John Foster, and twill take possession. August lUth, Aft.. and Mrs.. Foster are moving to IGod'erich where they have purchased n home. SUN WORTH Y Wallpapers ARE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LASTINGLY BEAU'T'IFUL PRICES ARE RIGHT ALSO PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF QUALITY RIDSMEL to Stip Pant Sino'l V— SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. INFLATION - OUR OLD ENEMY The 'Cease Fire' has not sounded and will not sound for many months against our old enemy 011 the economic front, inflation, Canada's ex;:ericncc during and after ,the last war demonstrated that infla- tion is not merely a hardship to the majority of the people while it is in progress but it inevitably results in a V corresponding period of deflation such as we experienced .- in the early 30's, ENJOY FISHING TRIP The government's price control pro- gram is likely to meet its most severe test- during the coining Months. The continued effective fight against infla- tion is the responsibility of every Can- adian Price control must 11e Main- tained and the public must realize that it will lie many months before 811 ade- quate, supply of civilian goods becomes available. Undue impatience in making unreasonable demands on available Enmities feeds the inflation fire, 1 In a series of advertisements carrie'i by this newspaper during the past year or More the Brewing Industry of On - _ \fission Band ,of laving Service tario h'• " conducted a worthwhile edit - will hold their regular monthly meeting rllional program on this subject. The lin Saturday, July 14th at 3 p.m. present series points out the necessity Children will please learn memory of preventing inflation in the post-war verse front the Bible containing the period so that the luxuries as well as word "love" for the Roll Call. All vis- the necessities of life will be within iting children welcome. 1the reach of everyone DR, WEIR M''osrs. Bert Gray and I-Iarvey Mc- Cidltun were on la fishing trip to the Citizens of ;he Auburn community .Alailitrulin Isl.'tnds this tveek. '1'hcy will honour an e'steeine I resident of jdltow% to '1'.ebcrmory and took the Boal the community this Friday night. Alt'across to the Island, wilerc tlicy visited evening program has been arranged,'tvutb Al r. and ND's. C. ] . Clark, who and Dr, Weir will he the recipient of have a. cottage there. lir, and Mrs. a very handsome gift. iiiappreciationClark 'sue cousins of Ales• Duncan( s of his long and value, service to the McCallum, community, It is expected that many ifrom the Blyth commonly will also be r—V present, Dr, \Veir is well known here. MISSION BAND TO MEET (V BLYTH CALF CLUB TO MEET The timbers of the 13d3.th Calf Club will meet at tile home of Orval Mc• Gowan, East Wawanosh, on Tuesday flight, July 17th(, at 8 o'clock, All members are urged to attends, * ** F. C. PREST Phone 37.26. LOiIDESBORO �. •'3'S�NWt�pTNY' EDITH CREIGIITON'S DECORATOR'S SHOI'P;2 PHONE 158, BLYTH,