HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-06-10, Page 3.- - �Tfil-­ _%,K�r _ , � _ ---V­�19VWMTWVW"W � - -1 � . , _ ,, , � '1,q��74-�_ " - _� I MR—TT-11MM. ­ , . '. V, ,!TW7-W--.—jr—,- . "N""" � . I I 1. . 7"'w'i I - - It . - . , ''. ,,,, . g v7"7"W" Or"7 z �­ ,T)7,*-- -7 ,- - , -677-, - - 1 "I'TW74- - '' -- -- I _. -!P- I ,,, . ,,, I.. _", . . � 11 11 .,r I % � ; . , ­ 1. . I . . � , �- � -1 ­_ 1 41, __0 , I I . I I 1. .. .. ,� . I I I . ,�� ­., � - ­ 11 � I 1) I . � 11, I � 0 � I 4, 1 7 - � -� . I 1� 1, , I - . I . I � ­ 0 -011. , I.... ___ .. ON , "" , ­ . , - I - -1 - __ ­ - . � I . - ­ I - . --- ;. - . ­­ -!-�-_-!��r­!! . ­ I � " , . __ . � - . __ - - � . I I I I -I-----:---,--- - __ - I .. I.- ­­ _­ ­ I I 1. � 11 - - - -, _ �.. _. - -_ - - I _ I _ -_ - _ - ,_, __-----------7--=--- :. -.- -, - I -_ . I . . � 7- 1=� � I I , - � qzzzz�l I . .1 I I � - - - , , - nh _i­1..___­C;;�­ � - 4�"* A" 011,66 %A,tA*4jooufV'rt (A ila- YUNKMAW 7%*W* a gwa A"i At hus"s s4taft 1'. "Umieve sOVW , � , U ------- I - - gisr i*atfa tts' 4 t1*6416- . - iplortite s, ...-. Strength ,* w. .pvy, ZmAri" tZ oakZkOZ os Iss -,"V low is — - I A 11 11 DINO A IDID01 - I. XA-B a " :L=1 iftpa= - . _j - OVI UP I �� *I-AL*i*XtAW. - Pur *to * 'Polk -MY WUO hsftl 44 - . '. --.-. #Awl ,Watckiad vida lwwtitw hia WK ' '.,�, ' - . . . . . . LL - Gr,W*,WPrd to me 1W two W-"-- kA utt, vVitholot th* Vif*t Vol" ""no% kuwwt 44,4wrUCUTO I po t*rbA**-_-11A bm is am Cowas i4a I I I 11, S11"XITACA 21-VE"'HONS RK -TV . HOUSUEHOLD, jw& of 40� ovor-ripe *ts**t*r4C* )At wo wopoqi� MONSOON � � LL i" a ja& scwtuefsus 0"i4wh Allow baii . "*V*1 *" I" 01 " 0", " W-1 jit(be sopiko'no, Jurs. 1111110 Czy"M r" � . *AV9 Ift IWKDO*� ___. ------------- ___..___________. *jjl"rb­W*SdW *bat b" ooiao jjc.)-4�it $or"p4ttlia gal . protobowt, 0 , .11 .1,11 .0- ­"...­­.­__­__ " VuVAS Uf,4juiea fdaii a mick of Viu- -ow Wt* tt 0W0o06t�--Wbj � up't. Y" is pots* is IM4 V"hoft juia, woe Neft lksalel I A Wook #40 Abb j1OUV-',Y to#o* Au -t alttoogtboari tik�t otow a" b#'4j igot yoor Witt' 71W kYW ou A"M . &114twki *W&4#4 is tayrof �wr Xaow* *W111EN VATH" eAjK1V" DUCK- waa bjrt�u fibi. boll AV4 ti 1. � �, 1. 'MN . � t. i ', Itioit kta V61040c, vroAt _,ftlaidorl *�W-,Jw, "a! I tho"lit it � ' 044011=4=0 A War " I -i - "*" W. 1'�1411101100 NOW .06 � uoa�* it quort tA Nibegar alld fift VvUl%Wt IQ,k* lit Nit TYMV, TAUd AVW 1� I I tjw V~ - 4 #0*44 V1 V114*4114 UstrAW104 WVA. 411 1,K)k on witu aarkious wye* 1004# &ad a lialf of w0*4 �iu#kr and *be is atuayll with bw� UaltCo­ 11 '' U SpVWOU Wkil 1UV9jKQfkW1& lhi' W#A 4*6 Ot %4W'kA$*94V kA%*, T"61 i*14k "W **&W. 1 "06W440 0w, Wlw,u falber C*T-VO4 tue, dakt, 106tir Qiyr. At tb* *Ud Of 'U UDUTR, i%ua riijaviu- IJV jui6kiuIr th* Wok,h-t thAt, jf" -*h61Pl � !1 I IT YC -ai" -,,)r k 'A , , rtopent so"ttkii. ,� . And uiotlier almoat always i0jifis *� 6(� Aw , d elf Ma %b�ei f, -Oa 61A An',! i'are it, 66ti'ieujj(Jw*i;tb6 morvos � I BOATS Md UNM �"­ . . . . . 11 . 1W conjiltlQu of WI*u father cajv" the 4juok, I lK1ikC4DftAUA9)Qil%br081Win4t"� 14'�' thob *AUW AAA* ais holim, ­afa siy#* v*Afts�hiox stoop, - 11 . � ,W#"** I, I Dihil lhird'd&Y cook tlerrkU alld 600f 0- XfW. Xi,JUW_YUU jPf4kjb6L,y4- , 1 k 1. JUf jWjf .. L L An iUVf5U1v4ou Rut ThOA All Of Us Vrefwro to fi!*�, goviwi batt &a Wur and cita-­ . d1k - AL All, M I " I 1101" - V08=16 a" VIP folk, . . tt* Vooreat ~le of this Vity. low j"t too iuuclb, my 4"r., rowle would *I- a. - - � , Anii hald ourJaml Wore our eyoms Canoed k3trawbox4aw'—futo a vrk7 , -1 ­ I NOWSUrn mrilla 4 �Qu 14C,*sPAo�,(;Mu*tK*CC1", #1 ." surp-400 kloitle kilt , h ber,444 to IlMiate you UW "W Woula ile'll y,QiA ..:: I ., 340414e T"4.euta ,of London to hold UP A04 1W pl*jiared for 4C to, I I ; six bw SL I Lffe Narrb . . � - - , , Ut t1w Wbe'a Utber cawt4a the duck. qu&rt "Yeat, � H. their 11AU0 ;11 ar"t bwr0r'l 1*"jut 'T"', in tbalavep, ,,,, it 'I I . � . fill two Q44011 , , 1 'YO4 wOft W oulaiwe a fittli �40SC � *Now"* . I UA La*oa4 up Qua 4XAI* 0, %ovk; or ( .,&*&Q -, - � LL 11 11 .. I.. -1. __ . __ - LL � Vevow � I I , " iver &*low firo uUtil the jui� - i - 4=4 141�1 4Z_4_1-_ - ­­ � frotfal "V Ferowding 'Audoun"quent .'k- Xo04kVU14Cvr)4U Tor jjo� iwW&ality that bw boea wove4lod at*tt*; then gradtially inortaft tW P^t"t fetil-MU06- ur� KWAW - I "�..". - _­­­­, _: " -_ - &a4l V"', WA Voclo wwm memo . I . . - . - ,VvueAeor be, imrvvs a dock, - � best Ilu', Wt siukwr 1i or W,iimiuutea, T*r6l's wbere you an out. I did tbaft. ,_VN�_!_!_!­_._' I I of rjo4tow "t dcpalieo! w&y ter lokvo � ­ - 1. , � " - " Ita-C4 and , it t#t _' ­ _ SW ; . I wya a, tee -eat LQudelk letter. 3 It UAA And W -cwt allow * gout to t0u Aild two tes�V,nfula of wravubiltitil out- fm noboft 10A 4UY Wtit* I I Tap, V110 "�X, , i O` amps .,­ ;, o_*-o� jb&t in t1lis elty, high- Until he's caved theduc*- , 15 or 20 acluut4w long- of 140 but you, 1 . . T1 foot,printa to do "A'a Q! ,IV* I �� .,� 11000 ob Of . "'40041iAw am*_044byAA6iXL40t- " wow low I" 1"WIML ­­ , ( . 1� . I I ' The roxk- in jobbe'd into, tho 5140m, ar And, afiamer Littio Boy -Mr. slak*� wowt you Tbol PYAt*oix w*A the vtawe of thO , 11 -­ _-1— _. . I I . . . ,p*ay in Ruillam i ftoe~ . . gloi' the breast the knife he *)idea,-- or. It Upt in mmr bago,'ttle fn�tt . . firtit fire cow, J, aud it I 0, ftwu , -*ill not lo" tolor. XmdLJs f,jojjejO4#. bond awo for aw # XV. ,BjAk0-­1 ' , t Annu? -on the 00VAU061 W01- Azd w,ory f,avelul person 'bldos 'W' � , Oly � v.", establisbal in 14L4, At- thl%t flow, � lWalvit , Y, Vannea vol*—To it, 0 liclund of fruit 'c4at, guy boy. uttlo wy— Areu,t� in the tow -Us, squirts or sytimon weve L fare of tbe, poor, tbtr� aroPeOvIe WIX4 VXQJA tlylao'etipm of duck, _, , _ Noirtfo­1 &Vim Thts I - I . I � . '. allom, a "ud of.*mgar; diwlvo tbe 'ir , ra TAMMERERS6 11 lord together like ekttle, and fr4. 4u, �ar in the fe"t liclosible qu" you 0. C'mtortioDA"I VT. slux*— "4 for oxtinauiRblus fire, "oud the I autity -No, -child.'; what over g4we you, that uf1th did not exoied two Or three X"A"w" - 000. � Tiw' �Iatter alwolt seemw to , .41P., Z Q berries aui,l let bolt . mmme Alwpw tm -- . 'watly Vith lefis 4WIX016 quarters W&Alatttr earves, a duck. .. f w4ter. Vlut ira eIj bep,t.- Jde1%V 14ittle 1"­8iO said tUt sytry t. with jlIj%_% - of atber. N'V,%ter- . � � _ , ') , ".... � W" am Voll""ok 9046" � - . . *vlow - I . W" the cattle wbilae owner IV 1=04 And hovi It A4404 the dishes skips up louce thoxclughly"or until W, tivas,jou ollemd your mouth, you put ight IWAIWit"Ji 1190e W411 Sr4t gw4e In � I "M WARAWN& I � . . fA tbro�Rli, put 'fruit #ud gy-rup, in I . f"I A($ '01a, , I I - tol Of 3heir Condition.. . Vot%toeq fly awnck, PIC-Platea'aud let stlRud � yw t�ot in it, t n I . ;, � ft*—w4y dom a .e.****-#� . . I I . Agiong tlie.jaelsw and Public akeu The squash and cAbbage lesp in space detor earthea I re .� - - .. z .."-k"ft lWalidilkit 2A X 11140401of Rem -130011,00 I . . W . In the sun ave 'd Wit,UL j4QS4UJt.(j . �. I I 11 � tek b"Vt Vaid t1ke dAytr , yet� I OUP. � 0 get the Vrav on ouir %te, at) . iting. 24 ho%ita,' then J!Onr. T,l*,Y Ore L 00""M . - - 1, , I Wha b4`00, tftU TOU"d to OctiOlibAy, 00 AmA 4 W". I . �txt� of twults. imaA t father met tra Wadoo, grace . very nice. Otber small fruit ma4 b.0 AN IMPORTANT JVT*NBN'V-At .4 ­ =I: WS nil M I . showing 0 4M. L -,%VheA&P,T 'be V42ves a duck, . I ftcola Utall. T*ri4tq,,ou:NT.%y!!8th, on W -'t 4104�t ativorti!W for JAevo :tflot, %W�"* _____­­_­ .1 . I I . i0it In 00 zoodou courts, *114yi 0.44 . I I , Imt tip In the .%nie *ay.. . two *pphe4tkw of G� .T. Fulford * _W., but-forbusinew. '%T�e know thatXyou, �,_4vieXcui* tor Soros;'W, 10o; W. . L , - 4 heme learned, to'walk1kro%iad Str4-Wberq AcIll- — D1,5401VO . . _* 't W -, t1b t )u "UQUIA . ounceo, of, e . I 'aTt Of 'p.roorletors,01 t -t* Dr. AVIII19'aw smedl, I'M I'll, 3ee C14,10 W* .01 0 90S - - . . Vo* at"Otj 'Of L'tl* al=. 'difitri6ti" We tun b ro , % y4 'Tbe di i ;rQOAU Ana jolUok- itrie sold in a, 4u . ic 1000" 04 .I L - 1. . ­ ____ I . . I ­_ . - L RIZW q oIaoVoq�%VerpetuzA- ipjunetiou was U4,4,d . K,�v ictent ft , *m the Archbishops of (hLuterbury I... off tU low 51113 and W411%'' WA,t0r"jjQUroyeV four quart, _ -_ - - -_ , _ - - �. - I rwwwww . F , � i, W1,4C of vq$ V11flu"evve-pain t0t-b" , , --1111 . .1 � , - ­ 11 I - va Ot London, �Wbn 'OUT ebaii of. utllor�s 444, � . et"StOW04 124 b r�nted I�y ChwWallor FA6yd restralu- I I'll I "%M Im .., jUgjL .to ehWh jup 'Cur,%tive., __?1"W4 ; I . mod Yorko the JJIAq - , . r1po'berries, I I oora), $train, 9! 0i wonderfuA and inimodly4e _1XeW$**V1f(rW` - . - Noweslatle V Llobficlld,, Bal Codo&440 while folther . ", Tbwdort �§xoet� druggist of OL' t - orvenot. .Vj1I,b80�1ltf0rI*1 . uVe myla 10ft ... so I Lord C L RkMiltom. LO.Vd'L Hob0t a.ud with little 'or un Drees! . pouvr. It volloves 14 out luiuub�,* i , ��­ �Mor,% growls, And, � blow$ r V�, halt ca.tbarlue% frox 00111mg 0, pix;W colored 6 0A on siptotsf, WhIchwilltoWlawod; soft"Vevo. ; ; _ j4" L I Vint of juieck add o. pound and � Vink MY01- ,W five't TioupAut to, the taste I W1,00JUVotoliftod. [6jordoubTalabOtIT00 Vj ", L .- 'Xanula at MR klafokoja &! r ft - . Vwm�nt, JJ4ndoff, fte '�; let ,eta0d pill In Imalta-tion of Dr. WillIsMa' I - I . 4 %,""ft . a , A ��# 4 nil Of $10,W Of sugav� bolt ten, ralnute ond tbo'ke4 I^-AQNVU- tt)ue0, Pr v4iu; 'OpMr. 96= "ro"M . And � , ,V$ the, IMife N%J� f , . hK . , fl, seem" Deem, - I . 1 7 I TAAsdowao. Risht,116A., , H. C I �, ... And W,of thrve dais and bottle,'', ' : ' - . 11110 $Or Pa -16 PtOP10- It V . No"W""'. . �. . : . � - . . JCV,�' 'Houry X, stanloy� X.P., ' 4-6r. Molds bWm-W.611. UC^400r . . I I I ­ L I svy tot'agailu iA*.r*"."�QP,M,tbB public , , L . . . == =1, J)Uko of ' - ­1140� P,00104- �04%TA 4 iduo'k, ". . ........ 1�� "I r I I I . . L . . L L . I SUPR.LTVDLT0()]JjQV. I tbe faetthat Dr.. WiJlmnal Pink Pills I mUst give you ovedit for 'to-vinw, PAT stomote.'romal L I 00* . . - . . I L the � � , . , L 4 � 'R. . L I to WORIO . 'Utch. I .. . ?. -im�n�i,oltti-iszab"tfoub4oruy,.&!�46. B*Ifour, ...., 1. .0ANCE06 0-n only be.011tSIVA04 in PaCkagiOS the, � I � '�Komahl I I I LAW. Ir" lmll* "'s"A * Y. Ohl : ' L, - . j . . re"rk,�Wyll&t lweid, � 404 the. IhQuse�. " *044 Is% *04to. .. � . � . I I � . I ".. 41 . � ! I e ,or ArWV 0 au4� 110. , MI) ' evl* . . STU'AW '.' I .1 * 1 14* pUrV0VfA tq it voct around which bearo tho fu14 . - I I . , . . . L I ,r= jM. Rl . & . - . . L L � Aftomg I the oVtic a Wn wife, %� try, to Iciep'. it so. 1.0110 , . I I -_ I . .. I . . � .1 1. lithil. � I I I I I L I . L . IL rr I L I . 1a;iv;0rotected. trade ioark, I 'Dr. Wil- � I . l . I I I - ., L I I L . I I . 1, y , __Oeat oustomers, by IL WAMMOth LOW19A dry 114ms*, r4i't Pills. 16T.Vate, Peole'll Owtow.r. Aad: you oviocoid. it to, 40 : I - . 't I . ,O()=S VOA 213m. V00411* ,. I Oweet. $trawberr ,$hort6*e. , - -%t SHIP Y 0 PROD E, — I L 1 --O�_­1111�______-� 1 f_1 . , . t, . � . light, that it'g000 up In 0400 K gre . 00 L ' � , I .1.1. T L bVU04Oe ofj th6 reVel%tJOW ;of. two cg4s, '41ft two, � level tell 00#1ula. sibou 100�0, ate young d0moi,41K zft- 14 .,Pills offoxed lu.a4y other,forin, and :, . I I " - _�Jte��bgre� t It't Otaudilig 4 ,ytjjjnjK " tbe Aeailor . . I - lowo. L INKINAM4101 ftviop 4r4apoy,' . 1 . , . he 1 4_0 tw � oi Aea,lvasler than it over,goe4 ( . * ' tANADA PERMMENT . . I I . : .. . I I ' - rQ"jVg.L in t'bo' of ba,ktuk Vow, �WA t" t,oa,- '0 d, 0 , q3teSseo ha�vo the no ' ' tjoOSL ' .. , . .1 � - ,.� . "IMMI"I" L I I I I I fiM rallt'V­and'L�Q'Voro ?I d;bk;. W#4 11, ,a 8� , . a�ay'64 .are f 11, . r 1, , L ,. ,a __W, be" , iWttatl6a 1 L , 1% in obt ,. a I . . r V&U(Jujeut jjAit'R 'Th '' 4 1 361 ' L. J.91U�mas It an ly� , - , ima 6" I . gre%t4st 41"Ictity PLW "it tue ie- L - ' , - --,l . . I . , I 64 01r. �, . L '(11�1 I _0-- � I ­ in, ,o,4 f no, ,, xroo,t' 0. tv- � � . I - I I .1, r 11(mill"""101", I ore,' L 9 uls of R'niul ot� ,. . $114, should, always W'refuse4o­ 4ui6k4tro'tor rhq0r4atj.$nj. j$0, ")So. OW. "S" 11"WO"""W" - ; - ' . � � , - .. I . I I , , � , I I f . XQ)��a� for the Poor that JOITF �M$a,r* ` - � h f %, tc%ouj)f�r I t 0, ite, u�mb4r ot wol� �_-(IWOS 1"IT ']or. Willima* Xtdioh),�_Co�i will, JW, .- . ' . . ' Ir . I ' ITS .... ,''. 4� #4(' , ,r I I 0-vor %4 I I � , �Wjt L hal . Inio I I . L � . T I . , OF .... , _4*'j*0LjW'k'4.j4' *V­&*'.V"f "2240' ' L ' � . ,. 11 � enable, thOX0 _k -vor%j CoM_ ad(j. the*cFga,'' U,te L Ot' awoe L , th I j . . .. *--*" I I I to tALS ilt K" - _4kht i_*.L C . ­­­ -_ L L , , to IWO iz Outside of tile mornitaxy. gl4A to�'obtai% %A '00ofldeuee)t . , 1 pkows. .,14 ...... #.6*6,#_#.... creaipaA thoir balls.� " L , A Y. %, I . ft"�00%0_,rOVOWOLL jj� """L . 0 4, tm, , , � ' aKWANI Of vory� I A4WC0f,44Uy Af,414T 00"feving, f4* , -sA=o0TBtxGra-PUPOT1V9-. 'ft '' J� I 1. I I fo It 10%o `reUt that tt PAY , , . . I 'A "' " I C . 1* .1 - %� - 1-i 11 I '. I . I I I , , , mal minor- I �sto : , 11 I M jj'jjj",#'4sV`o1'4�*t,4.4 L 0 ,�7 , � on- �Nwk 04ow'-woosp-P 040� W, Valimp" . 0 - L . �� � 64. Are gait, au'l ii6a .In the , i L lour. ijaw in d � any, 4itAflon of their pills, � as, the ', Th� , - (Or t�btir -4- - - - . . ­ ,_ L ]DsV4ft%* 4" . L I for -tii� dirt . s -le, whie, . ta 0*4 lolrlra _ *'Aou t t 0 reguJ,N � . . I I , L I rX,pmCh I0,t,ej.V,,jdQj)tc � t 4presetit . �ef . rora. 8*4et�n to tote t4ree side�otsiu, the we- . 41 o"'f",sf; %tool ",jSbWUV . � i6ti , , 43owtAny 1d0t,tTW1Af,4 lotec * - ,- o , I L L . . - . Xo, three IQL - I tr�r " _ owded. All' tuo� ftto j jj� 0 t_Ue Or baga there a -re 19 . to Vr , t thO field teivsrax* 'rin4a . pole tan ON Aft IVAT" %nalwL ow a 1001% I wjiWo4m%c$rarejQ64 I �f_atr4�vberrjes,- 110 .. - b4tter fraud, , s of Ind' 0,110 C . taxil PX** 0 Is"odfor viaolor olopwkoft 'L I , I rublio -agalost this species:of. � 1 6 'boof% gbjoh­ther��V 'V I � L . I .an,re,4jy.:jC*VX,y A. X. ill 00or 704M. , , - "L I" I - jg,uost at, 411 tunos� �Icuty of",vtsitorsj " 400 000 Md, I V4 " 0A tioneA %wove e . litly re '% I . U0 10,V.is* 44d coves, each Nviflx bei ­­­ ' LLLLLLLLLL ­­ , I 11 - 1 14 lot� 1: Vj­ ­ L' ' ' 3I r" . IW � a �Wl. I _� . . � . Ws, - i,r "LO0,4 ' , . ­ I I q — I—% I L. � .4;b'0_jt.,.N�qt ., tho)A , , : 4 awsr ADVAROM Or - bvwo tulored"heartily'. igto I . .% _� . - rio, - .Over the, 1o4� 144er of borri ' . , I . . - L L r _cojA(3LuP .", , 1".. oil, the )uatoh - ­ - L ,, the AF*rqVW 6f,ftIWbuVy �g, I On youmir: TLAM, , L I , - .Y.' r , f� , . 4 1 1110046- I I I - - u .. F , � Who.', r , , L j30b]Mj3�j?jNG'X&j)t. V. A$ ; '" L . - . . ".,�' .11 � ­­­. ".­ " 2000floltogult"doo womboo"d . .. . � � I ­ I .1 4 ,%r. ­and�, spread - Virbipped - , I I . , . . L ..� &'Xft%"ft`** %%0jSQL W VOW '.. 1. , sentitatat" of, %U� w1wo, hq , . LL. 001441910 . . I 1, I I , 'I I V U 1 =404 or 4, arloguo � * - __ - 10000"14 00611".0441. . ft,$6., "A W L " I I ConcurlZenod.--ju tho. ob t:. M i, 00 . L ' .. , Z1"V4FM1zzVIMUkXzX6NL1k12L� Ion . I r I . � I � The 9 more tliiinone way"Io ke I . L I "It.1w , �ogg and forL a - tili� couAtrioi tue I . i I r.. . I I . I —'--- - ­ ... ­ L L 11 � 'L' L 'L I j . _ , � , I .Impossible to,:Toloft on . of Lone . 'L feW'da�o froo . I , I I I 1'r, 11 . I a tabI046ourtil, of'..augar.. . and broW,,n WAVeril.060" w4o� W6014be ouly. too. RI44 JS�,4%% or IDS16, 0ftV, OV, TOMM, 04'�, _ � )"W"*) - � � i4. . I - . I _"Y,bOQbWX04 I . . _joot I L . I , '6tL fte O�portuntty Lt 4. - L ,�(OW44'b - ,. Tbo,method ot JAVaAwcounTz� t I 101001"oullw-Woodoto . I I . .. I I 14'thoL o`�04.. '. . ' I 11, I '� . L : , 'd �%tteud prWr au'acetliamtook '000 VRA*Xj.VvFif­1r1 'Fra��` I- OA r"AUIWAjkfto� 400#aftl Agft WW . 11 vieW, TW 'Olote � 1, t I I!. , , . - viallovatut utluf atk# � . � de,barred ,tjtoretioo� "'I - the direction of siMplify; I .P , I 1 #13�1& 1 1 W _ ,&I L - , r 'tit V. teaou]�_ *nWited extgntL .0 I i J. VIR9 At vo� ,,V l�,JKAUV4 90400lil , L 1410W 1 . " . � $on Or usioriwiftinott A t .1 W ate boll, but ars. �, ,%"%% 4T I . ISA01tel i - . to 1'. It . rii4xam li*I'l M. s4t of their_ Ing tj�e 418tractins, zqattOt4 �of',-4014t, 014ab U0$01j1t11_ikF _ , . . � . � ,;)* b 40 gao --twoRcoWroa, §1&1101�fftffaoramffi� 7 I a I L ­ emu , -t = 11 4'.. 11 , , �n. , Vae talt&t OrCSVaar. M "*V#*.,. .1 . I I . ... � ... , , , oviae. to . , , . -1 I 'Leo" � r I I -4vor t _ott6mi of, %Plato , . . I N., 41 A, 74 �UdL hK laid Vift *IU-VOT IWO - --:--- 10 ' I L - j I I I I I I I I ,. , ,Kt'fjj a ��, Ill ."' , � ��_ 11 . - - of 4-rioe, � " , _ , .r. 1, � ewq I . . I I ' . I'll ­­ ­ I- --1 ftj. I I I . IstiOx 1, �h­ 1 '41�6, L "%tauft'JA tljo� Cit'Vo ,%Ad oroffit, �.: - 18, f0t` illk(lh L 1. I . *Itlk, 4 Myet Of V tbeh�_ With ome�. T�, ob, vi,[j�o L thiKARtioult � brliig . . j. XV,5., Callowa.V, I$ �PX'trj�V VAIR10 0XV, UUNDUK11 OULU&$ ----P- -�--__O,'��__.*�� , % . .,I. 0moor M I I L .1 , a,xid , 4ka.0 01 evycatd,ozc*t*tjtbtbokto6nnotbo4Mtea L . . A0,00� is' i, 40 i i 0 WT"WWO06 L - I .1 �,�_ ' It is� not ;4f,rhattev of *0u(16LVj1m0iiLt I � . ��L heStdaoo y kagetli � I o"nditures for bqft�ug). a ni, "'fluge Of 14 AjRRU CV% , - ,, fo 1Wj a Wyowl . Ile Vftsj L L , . I . L . , . � � L , ,,,,,, r ,,,,,,, 41&�'t s #4d OUes,to _ her . L Ij L. . I 1, L , , blusb'dd for _' rdjng� . . Ir , "'44DAV 0 "­ , 046% I I L. . - . , . I , ." Of,berrij4, ,4nd spriulxle Woe , the JnA4� 0 tY. the 060110111 . *4"Jk, . , 11 11 . 1$, 1 .1 li I I -, . thoi, Plops 101,14'W L I -'her husbtualla idea , I I . . RANK4 ITERM ,Z* Liu -Wor4j.jjb# L � L F , - . � : j , , I, r I stW,%�. JOQ t- � � . le wis Y 00 twk, am , . I . . " j I Y.'e, udit On,ot tbo'por.L as or aplan h641, em, deviaeill'by to ­f4i'lag., L , . ,*Clilt. 0 g , , L * ... ' , reveL , _ gee,*jb #*Tot V*0VAb0r",4* P.� 1� N 411, 1� , I I .: I 10118,in N n_jouo.,rq* . ct.L *0� 446,44b,orlted to MY r jigationgi, L j . kzuCL each layer whigh is . , �, 0 rectifyiAt' this 7 $wotu to bot IsIt0000 . ittat'ji . . '. . .1 , �. I oMaklior'.no I'd k4m*At of tho big, shop , wid� 'a view t W. 9AV ourvAll I It Jkk, ftnori� , T . I mmi Alk . � . I I #AL the 0 ,OX8 Mkde � tiIL 'YOU AU#Vo 'a , keeeztly to"lit her axr attra . ^*",4�L . Ot L. . Gul*x at. A , t 01116611111, I I � , I . 'Whenr "PokbL �S'uqk . 4 � �� ro�ft ..... 0.1. , AW ww,,� "I I I . 1, " . 404 by the've, . p�rafflw " . ' ' etive lit- VtV . joi5 %i � _ 0 tl i " . - , W. 0* 8441,dootorlly.� When a 00- ,&. W. 04"woX, - � - '0110 � J,Ute 'L " , - I 0orvo:W'tjj W 'Vpqd Ore. ': L -.- '0,to' � I . � ` h , 4�n�, ' tle aceouat boO, and carefully. wt- 77 . Oki . L t , L , I I- �r 'O�r - I *I, � "L , a to, ]&e a. ball, and I I 1 "In one'roOV4, let ,,: r � � Sh4j*', D d I 0=1 _ finds I "jjjj . , L t 1. I . I 0%blio. ­ . . 'ast over Pow I t find *rt-. Ph. -u,% to her, I I . I 1_*%1_0 , I , ,;L t�'* j ... 41, Ir, I, . LE ,$L' L I I L", W . . I I I I I I . on 'As's Oue,-XO9j#"1 I . deTed" 1140 ' 11 *4 tut, she Wit I *Ot oo M410 to -4- a itti't- dued ita -i, 0 - lion!gcrlkta,vrhCui6,iit�ik4s%itkt4ttioUrsud.#Ats . , ." , '' "...- �, , , � . � COW , '' � L I I 1. .. �. ­ue)44o*t,, we fouA , 'r, We -; WK4 T"loca.-Soak Over night in ners fo-4,�Aj' jjei�jvon,jeu�go -0 . -,_ �_Xow,he-saidj,h6re 5�twouty-tiv '401. d VARe 0% 14M000 I . . . I , I . I te . d 'i J)od , , t4ploCa.; I , _ _4,t, p&'not I di0c%1Y 1D*A 06 Uqod� qM ,9 I � . lftlk* r . , . it,,( 014 tb6s� . , - L . � � --�- -AL - � A&,ak �..L,AL - - -..& . Aj"N% fMt. $0 J&� L . . L L fi,otbor" L .�VUU �j ffio", ahQj� t6L Supply -her -VVitb, 6 spee. lArs. Put down what I mthle you ,btobt, 9,6n4fott60tj1dojajAj8jV"-,L 1, IL I . L ; . ­ 1. , , . "4 � I o.bftt to bec, tbeL teac�pf�j� Oj, L . I - L I I I . L 11 . � I . oze a , one stae, Cknd lop I 1, LF AN -1 0. .4 - .- - 1. L L . "S I . I . I On jj­ the ,.L, ' Cold ,�Vovter , it , T44 order hute$ On -1 . J. OHF VY -409,1001 0.0 I = I i �­ Li, exP441 . [;a I, I . . tusbkU4'atd 'thil4r, 'Jputj half.1a m,butterodl' iarthen. b�jj� We4 number,of young Mon., , . L . � . - I 11 � . :. I _. , , L I None * L , gone. sold'll rufalot;.NUO, , il. ­' �� . -orm, 'A 'M'A. � -,' � L' , " _ � I , , , 1 3 . I JMW%T " ­ 01MU LL 0 4�6,W . , : I �, . . . - I , sug�r, p L � , 1"gh * o medium,of 0, list,, 140 lotlicr. v0pu . I .. - , IR01raV31W 7 Palo are)tho ".06 1 1� - * L . I I � .10A; . . I I 'ROM ON, %% � I . . � I - ut -in " 'Y,911�4' ,. I . I , I I � A., fo* "d4ysL ' . . . I I '. ., I " Ined wbot t1e subee(tuent, lives �44 " _L a , te I I I I .1 . Is. L L ,. I ioolu Jii�vine,their tea, It- im VvAlk, 140 Ai* spilu� ia fill d th , fh that laoney - is ., "ON" . , I . "10 witu -the ,City, are All have mo"�­ I i . L I �__ 11 I . ' Mt44 wbe'reau w0Ao,*1sit0V6 to' . estA I I . ftA *w** X -14t, 1"govorlo"ll'-, - -:1 I _L 1 -_ 1, I. . L ,& qUartL: O - - ;*qj�,tsteA ' eutm thaix aw .1 Of ' � ... I later; he asked to vo,'f1_W I ""­; , I L* , , **"a *o$,.b6%W LOW '. ._1_1, ­ � ., "I" L "' children, will be "' � Or raor � . 44 I. .1, : � , . , "V**0jD* L - . sgoh . f, atjr0,wbcr'Tjo$j�­h%If -0 to we$� $A , I � AIVISM j , 000 I ,. I I - the te'- conra uagotaedt 16f tlie shollbat, b**�, * ich, * . - - -, a 11 %Ij6,V#t" 10 L b �4 Vzllo� . .,.; , I tiaja CIXJKUL OfLgqUsr;L, 0,'4ud may prodio 1 understand that waij rativr ,-A mix, , - I ' I � I " I 1. '� I Thlo wM 'awful cn-64U ��fOr Chils ' .e ttio v I �wfth L'on air , - �, - _, , L , , _ � ", ' " � �mk I-— L L, I ,.,w , W "IF 171r�lw . 'yjtM, t''L I L .. � I L " ,13*41f � . W,�014 ii�V�Orx One �bb- �jt, L loc�kf*, '6110 I L'7 '"" . I I . . I c6neeVnIUM, the so- bf:modeat vtide.,04. one I", I !: I I � , - , r j ,jjj#l..' t , ., 1 �nli, to , v,e4d, �xq4ijailcr, 6f...the' tA I ill thd dish t - very cilirefui �64 orow that a It, A0440 Wt * � -.- . ..... . . , -p ' Wea. r ., �X-q written, it ttended �you]r bejaefi ; �L�l I , *4"! 1 114 "d i4d* f"* sl" r, � , ' ' - I I :. I � . 11, I- lieved,'thi�t bektUdii g ' ' Jo L , d* ' - With -water, anCba,ke until cj,jr �t%tn�'Qf, boAta�'464 - It Vag43 r" TWOvect. from Xolfti ,ball, '11ASt'na. * Vassir, dV 4iled ,once I I I L, I I . � ' :11 _,_#j*�sta�r * *U IK , I , I . - qua , r, an XgOOr_ ' 1. , -ld , ­ - I.. - I. ­ , , 4wouty-flie,4611ars, on the' opposito -, t , - I 4 Vj "d skost*"*,"10� � W , tb*.�L A�0" 00 : . '.. � . _� ' . ,,e im�oiltia radm_ +1 s?,ottere4 I It *vltar' I .1. I " � " A�7 ,Jesr,j�ijj _uL , 3r bot-�ovm 'r3at -6 eeud aw.a.11 t or tw1oo, , ba -we , go, -.6% :. I L . I 1-1 , A , �AV j . wou pever do U 1, I I ­ . ­ L 11 , , I . I' ,­ , , I 81,010,O)"'At. *440 t*U**1t*4h0i!., ,.. L L . "or a rol if ' o01&­?dt;IX loteoou V I Wo j�i L 'L�*4�V%� $ '_ �, "j, � . L I., anoc4waslat 4wv;y '. ijit�entt. 20 , . ) O MING 1 .64 L � 'DOO' �'Ojn�rebejjaj�'O'' an4 fir� �� $A . , . 11 I , ; 10T I I if rajal;. ,,page 0 11 I .04=1111M rzo W, V .0 !�, . . � R I ; , , ­ . .1.1. . . tifia..'o.15ou - tWJnv0 � Pie'wj L, ­ L ­. .� -1 � 1. I %jig _ diffiCUlty L ,L jf$­obVj%ted'by oi�syf�. -0 l$1*t. I I I 11 I I 11pir $�"jr - V V. . �-Xleo, inote islabo 6f the . .ith% s*tot oug�- wvu,to;,ti�o hollsre'ot'a-. *600A,C befw any V44 �A4 two to call: J41 L:: Va/ I � I .LL I I d' ' AMC. entry�peut - , . . .1�� . . . Fi0oft- I wt. MK )i I I � 4 taird. j, L . . , it'all., I :, ..... 4 4 VIP 11 00401y , _, � .-i " L , W400" 4 , ­ I ;a I _11do' I . ,�., I � 7 ftb , stigatoraLln *th, . ' .1 ' . . I L ,�04 . I 111. . . � . .� . _ "t�eo; _�;!Ix , 1, I the berr e.9- tem Qf't4'b -tearlajorstalce, . "I'l - j . —1 I ''..:, 11 . L -1_.-;�__*0_"_ ,� �1 I L. , I , Vol)] - _t"00_*%*"-V��_ - .1 I . ' . I ' ,worse fbinj� f6'isj;rt, as, for imAaAeo, In. ul '. � I ulai6m, I'Tji4, I I ; ­ r I : �, I ,)", lifew0solft '"'��'jj.L$OXW � L , � , I . L� '' :. �, L - I I - " boateafts I , I . 'No" . L L, , 'm tw L� , I ...Ij . -1 �,­ 1 V " I I �A I � .11 . I , L,% � . L I I I I I .Wj% TIOS.., . L f04 '*I 11 I ­ 'en�: to'ta�te, 'gAd r 1* %Mn . I . " I ��,�� I .. . 1. . . , " I � ! I I � , L' t � rich orn�t, - I I I , L I I IW L I 'm9n, 0406,-Al�,,­-, ., _ 11 I I L swoet , lv�aeouce�nlnjt tj3ei.r.,j . I I I I � t" ' . .., 11: ' , +'r _� - . I . I "J* Liff . ;11 , I I 11 '.1 . 4 .0ha out )Osition inj I , '�'�'r' ' I � � ­ ' " int, . I .1 I... mtc . �L,L �1� .�� I I . . 4 this, � . I , I W #,h'iboa tbe L �' I dirvokoom I Wav _ _ .. . .0 ". ", , :L � . � I ,raugo ,& 4eep Tvio � tin liu- Care 0 aat.�S , _ L W itthow"tri. *aoi"s W01ftot __ 2. A a - . . � t in layer� in % I VIVO I , tied "APFgEClATgD, X�: �;W,Q "OL.04 ,)� � pT6Xj�'rij Ir � , L Amd'hk%Vj%j; . o ,_ � WHOD I ....... I � , I � i ; ". �' � � ­ ''A I _ I _0 � ,theinso IS '. , HIM, .. Ift'jS .� , , ­ ,; " - . _ ,tL,�f.. the 04e­;00)n.sy9tq1h cov6t vitli �moderate y thfok, pastvyj,� rd- ,'4d '%V*e kNIV 40 L , I � I 1 4_-1"T_ 1 Ats"W L ­ ' - ' I . I .;; .+ A` , !Ay"4rfange tbom in gro,lip'sacoo . J"!ll"ljjtO%t'r0j)R4r,0,0 Xf s, .t�vlw ItC ' I . Vz0A1VXX6,& - * 11 I , ' I I , , . - -� _ - . , , .. I . �0 1��Ado,O, r I � . .1 g X, � ' ,L �Jjjlamd.`, Ak ' d - , �, I I I I � .. �'. -1, � I - . 01141"Otstractartilr C0004, ,. . . ,r r : ;­,�- $A ohyiroaall, ond 44or r -t t Or() ,, I I I I 010=* , , : � ,� v dud.r4oftlly bey cruA,: B�iko Alowly, lin th uRW ' ' 9 ­­ In L ]A 1 4-4 I . ti, el , , I , " - " floription. * In'the.fitat pla,eo, the, i3ne;4- � . ­ . ­ - ' �� ' ' ' I I � , . : I . 11 I . I I ' T] 04'May glS , y, 1% I I . . " . :..�'.., . . loads to the'O When. 4040' � "Move It, Ile top, and POWr. Thus evetybody C44 be suited,Mitb- Navy 0agotte ' t COontaits, WHAT THEL GLOSS,SAYS "OF TOR V. , deIIM0 lode W*11oa-ftino . ­ _� I If . 116- . I . . to* ,. , V160, 1 � I '. : -room, aystow 41ways, .. .4*rjf C"Von. Royal 1411: SNAWIL110 I I . tin � .,. . � . L � �,:'L ' L bed yatow. , It you, go' lutatuese:. 0 I 1. I , . pleasant con L K. I treal. O%3 I 'r, IS" , ip;le :over tho'�bailiap; `imliktAixe-.� �Ileat tZ, Out danger Of tretemp,4� refore�eck toom.e, oftlam, I 'r I * , "I 1:� , ,,�, i T10. s A t6r..,be profffitble to the. followin, , . I . & 'D. B10VOLB. I .. 1;4WjVj*T40011"*I1h *11 I , . I �t: I � . . Al. Ac 4�11,45,mje is Say . ,. jlto4o,a, prodixets �. � . . . '. . � I 1. . . I I I ,tipf � I . 1. � . f I young men- ' I --�*,_. . 1. � - . i . 9011%, J oWnSW � . fiWeetereo,ui. atir r W , irie4 I . A MWOM9% I LL .. � � ". room you, r4ay sometimos," lind, two , Wiling ant i4aclipfuL 6f thi 11 11 I I ststtO , 0NQ�jjtft^f to L $jVj0P00101 r.. r . r , b "o, but, YQn'W'jl_ r #6meja,11y � find�cme' in the, hitts 0 4, the - st�.oro for, .d:courso 'the, Thi� sxAgk_er who has, not ,yA . . I I I , I L . ; . . . . . � . � .,., I . _e , I , L ' Ste tbU8'L 'a��;coMjno&ated - buy the #,T� &*:B.,! X�ylitlo �CUtLtob�tceo has jig rA#*y G004 jr4)IjkfjjOV0 Ajjnd,qf'V,0O� ]VIP - � � 'Cla ft :: � I ... LL 11 ,L I *'r"%r'A%' . . I I .1 . bed _oCcj*jed byL tM'Whojo fa'jmjl$`� In lop e 1) , . y W110 r . , r Mi , ,L 1:. � . .� *a irktuea, 4 -tawe Of ' Of I a ",04;, Stsg%oj!j 04 hoja'3Ar60trej%j GVarYL84JU* I '. , 1,'. � r . . I ­ r .L _.� . . ! es"(409,itnd other ue668saries elro" tO*e**1,616T# " w . . V%ftnift 0* . SM,fill 01 t"Ano ftolnTot0ato L , , j.-: . . I � I r . , . . , �,,"`.. �­ many Of 0*36L cases, CohSiStIft of" ��,, .rf"e . I .*;" raAaa -N. " 0 of- their glOv .rdift a 't". . a ,new V10as0ke b6fore Min- 14th4�uso . ' � r. , � � = . I - .., ., r, I ...ked otoo I . .. ler I � . "aw 4� *41 _ j*Vj$#WGj0Cj.. L . L , I - ': I - . "I . I - I I . I . � , V'J*V r L I I I H ' thtlrO, ' �- . . eaXings I � �. L I I ­__t_.'t.r_.A&rr '� - + ,*"O'J"J�', . I L I � . The 'I . , : ":..,: � , t or�mothor. '4tid son, - or,, of .father fs�lrmtarth %dt -*Uhl oold ­­­ ............ 11� of "the weed.,' An1livestment will ou,thto blayele - were . : r. .: , I I r I . ' _ �.,. � . � , . . h, r tocl . � L . jokujj�ihr hIft With.th& T'AC4011 of giving inveutied in, Canada, in 1895 by cabikd- ' . XAVA16.011 VA0"0XL L , r, _r . � r L I . . . I . ."d AtkU01*Vs, �,ov brgthois A64 pistork ,)nillt. Voll until moot% and W L _ j r r . . '-,'r',,, ,U L ,&�tVUctjV;o.of.0,A beopfit ,vft �.vw dilreated. . : sorvp cold i � jOkled r vtaj,� FIJI -so sn .1t 0, fair test, . Lot us advise -hiM to faus, and, thO. wileel io'Wlt only to Dom1blook Uno ftesimshlboi -up 0 *, kwood iow . I I It is totdIly I i A ,v*cx%HE$Ejt. - , ftbjelqjo'So ravA .wo6rdi I A I I. . A_ 'In , 'th r I I r , � , I 'flttefftor fA9 :Lj'VRtV03j'fk L ,. I '11, Vn . .1 I . I r . exp L I . _�thb , MV0r. fAtSo nt and &114 1*4% �. , to -'Ohodr.ou rto be� jl�bgetkt - I r I 1, I I eximl . ilf.flu4 the, Canada: and expLor d tUvoughout'tha �MkjLd I"ll tW'n' $Ore I NO 110kador, 'Wh, 411631. - GJ%"4Wt � W40h' 141%dondat"..'Or i I . � : r L � , I AkMko the 1wobtreal sil4 Qu4bdo ouve"I in.so � .ft 'L � : . I L �At "�J.t6L NVi . t43 r. .. . I . L r . I . 4111�lujr pow.4ex6d sugar. . , I I . . 1. �_ .r IL I ,,,,,,,r it, iho . , " "!'& I., tW I . . I . I 1 .L . be al usands World. it, is., the first -pu& V*Astitist _ % . . .. I �L �jjlq t*46,,!tt" jjnr I . '' . . :, ,�'�. _4 1&;j as whou tbo retou , - 1%140 . .** toldy' APP)ltil lob"co 'to . Only Cali* touver'"IDLOMInIft'L�'. "'tSMft" 4goo"StOWA �W450 426JA* L' ' , . " , , r , %y, ut'me ' b otft . L . ­ totjj,,ejr'rh6W" ,n+;40Lhouj 1 poe%llopod: Strawberries . 1P no I - -,'I. .1.1.11 I I , hey #n;_ r �­ jj�8�0 )p 'L ,r I � of, Uleods eldr.a for it'. 41011 the.* are Adiao bicydo that. :has -Successfully 13tirtlor *0w1%,j3Q(,3#,tj0,% r4or FIN001n,840, - A,roautttori at Itire'ver"aL K *it 0*� ­ . _7 I _r.r.,, , r, . . r 11 I ".. .. I . I . . ' 004ed the United State.S.Wltket, a � . f'rip'L fjr,gt fledge, It r 11 , . "; I r , &c(V , I * . 10 , , ­ , stingy 'i l , - na oA *0014 AvA Steers4targOuirarb. HMO* Of 'round I Cotl0tablug.0ke X 1 ,.A I I I . Mired; � till dry d..ViAt of.ereaW; r'fi ,Vr.­W%1 tak 9146 1 ,4 I 11100� �:. r'. - ,over. mi � &'knaxt- of � . ftr,from% n tkeIr Drd fis - $1U04"i0p . . .. r I learn , ythG; th oy have . I *", ) , A,ju0j,g VaaUy_ In . rtt,,,,, . , and the' , �j,egsra, ,jueUo�t. & S61N ou�ht to be eaaaXja,Lj�have a partjcut4,t'$*"On .for .4 ." . a - . . Ing& ofj$t0*jftJOr$".0tb6fjW0M . . I � � - - ­ r ,r I. . - Moy � 1'r I I L'� r during, f)* 'do".. Our a'ont Vultea ,% berfjo�" jor ad 181� , TW ,� is, Xi 14M . . . I .f I I ��P. gI r L t Wto a I. An W T q. at V a bo!jX04 O$e" , L ' I I , p I _ ., I . hOtM And Uskedr tW Vbtl4n h6w', ,, ,,,,,,r aitprbik Vicinity who have, beet belt6flttetl One pleased *ith Isuch a ,Xe0O0jm0Udat10-4 feellog proud when It I$ known that I eA100910" . 44 UK r I , .V. SO,j,jU r I X�nt _jj$.­W -, _X0$ft ... 00aY ,Place a, lorer o si/add; . ... t a V it 1% 0414 1- - I - . *a -------. ­ - L' . I she t L e _ yirl,l -r by t1o, uae� of"Dor, Wil- � frj>,% s;V,�h: a, sour 'll L 'Who tbiA wbW1 UO44 o, bighom Price, A � Cz 41 1 .. . . �. � '014 him ljb� _ 'r I VL or aubthL , * I Or* I . . I ro.oi)x1j. she 000UPjedjL,';%ud , Of POW(jetod sugar. ad,cover-with fi4jus Pink Pills for Pale'V4,60e.Alle, � are interostgdju.the�: fko ­LCOMM GOTA943% 17j 11,114 . 0� b. Ontr . � . : , 11 I . giesjA.ot llat6- than �,Aljy W - . �� two-Thon he a,sked ,her.' 11row jn4a* ;ba r hool in the U,. 8, and,that I.. L . I ­.. �.­ . I 0 st It * 1,L Ay"# *'6U"s;� :.;-, � . - ­ I I r w . r L . . .- . .1 __�, j �� .r I tbo, f4mily V� Ofw,aoswer. wwao., �Iw ., ". I tj D,t. an ajW . an6e� Of from ; , I ---" �:­_ ­ - I I � , hipped broam, omot r. layetbf�bet- oUjOal bag jea'r1dea Of th4r"��seof Xrs. � ilton,a indastilea wlt 7be,' ple-04ad to it is, soJ4 there . I L . 11 I all ore dilehri'St, Wife lot J&. T� V. Goo lat, . I . , an' , . 1,4 , ' " LL �­ L' N1.'".:jqQ .. ,,,L* , - r .., I . . - LI" V* � 6,400 until hr know that I -- ­ I r. . . . . , r jo 6r, 11., ,,,,,v� rm,,� , , L , , . ,#$�, !f,*o d L I . .. ,,, _' � ' . in 'i , '01T. the top I Xyrtle Na #15 to, 420'abovo Its Prioro, to Canada. L .1 1. .,�* I .. .- . � L �­., beds 11 't ' L r' - � ,� I I I ., of Waouborgfi. Mr,L GjlchXj$t k"PS itself OV tha''othaj dols are thi, �0 I L I Ef. I �r K ' 1 I . . I � I .. . . . r . . I . ' 19413POSO, 'You and : your kus-. t , 4L tV 001 , a it t chilled before a,g.r"ry at tha;corier Of Foufth Ave' ai,place for J?traou�k�jy, r� '�bej sidi of -r I)JO. JOB Mo bea joe ot'-per- ' �L . I I M1,A0 L I � I . . uty'.L . 11 I . I I �A . I., I I . b4tid, wo*.y onol' IV"- , ana' 1*0 or - . L .- I I . tho_ 6aap.. r , I TiMee joeotion -'and perfeCtionr Of ' ' .1 9-MALt . L � . ` - ,;%,I,,,,,,r rving. , . an& C%d�.r, $tt".t�L and is Well kub�ft. to ' , ' Ir , ., L - - 0ree of ffiek'�youoj6r - r . I , to,Q&zc9 oexthert do" ,not ag: -$a - 1 L ISSING... L �� - %_74: . � .. r , " Then I roe witb� wokment, of course, basalwo, b*ei.m 1 I I I L HINN" I , I L 'r . b.&ro � are "-, el&t )860� 4Akt, An oldLerr , ploating ujaud;,�-Xeasure 'out' a 0, qkt�t i;�ky_,�% in Otto, -,6 " weal - . r . rrr I I . . - . . .. t I " to -the '�. li4r, -a,uthOtitY' On. -Milit0Y the partictlar tho*Or Of this company, . I .. . r I ­ r 1. . - ' L - , ang, _",.Of ji1q`ge,f_,$' O'L ibis. �ilturb'of -th" , � every reasc � I MW . L r r 11iful. � sta but holds. th# tke "Plug'r twil they h,%V( in 'to f461 WNC . ­ I .. . 1 4' hf6r, ogods perhaps,',% or 10 br quo,# of 'Milk; I .& r tablespot - fhe :0��W--, _W%'e'0136rist, . 1"t cooler', ajo%'Or ..aod' 'g�DoTrajl3t j*pritatioik they "bavo - I I . AWDOSMAB 4 '� . I . r I 0�;O . I L L r ay 'b6. j and jvh(j4" �ho it. teacUpf I ,1' 8, that I I . "I . 19;,, us -the eam In ' Co)rj"t4r4* and, 14, � . _. 4, 00, =4,= vro%4 of tbe . the ,,,,r ' I- . I . . si%oilmmio 10# , . , ,,� � eo. � I 3;AW wa oditl o dur- more patisfuotory quolte� - than tho o 4ort "ime, 10,V . , ' 'a'j§koulderja the reply ,r, , U of �4 a " , I � . . 4 j . . Ishpugs hl �*O&s of fOU'r �rwllo in, 6 , 11 . L . . . � . .j . _ _. I %ined to t I M1 a O" "V.. I . . � ..... - In �filad 010, gar. J%at the .. eggs with ' WE, tW opring 09 1897, SI10 Was gX04;t- 1'cu;t,". alwiyo provided t r at. botli 9 this: VVOm4eVjQj hub, We, ' itie' '10- , .. I L 11 t*00 tow Wwr 6*0 10" I - . I I � . I oft6ift k� "ron must'bwv ,. I , . . I �U' r "r."-** "W ' ' . . I . ghf�r aoL - or L�'t ' My half. � joacupful L Oj tlie Wit are .1ftrtlo, Navy to At4r .LL 'that " t ­ .,4�, . %C,t , hat . 0A. Tho. fotnie L ' ,. I r k;­416solvo - ly �troligthqao& . ana, built. ub - by the* 4. tw IAVO never . . .1 I my � 0 - I . -1. . I SUI)"; . � , . . j � ,: I I r �� tho oora-4qq� inturc6 table h(wa 'we ot"t this Caribc, I I #" , ta I I _� ''. _._ ... r L I j ' ,jWX:,t6Lft,jo,fh3j report_ I � . L I . . a ul#jj#" the'r � to tot always L $leep Of m%jjk_" I loarn With redard to fbo .. 0 . � . . :�', '' , MONEY dongh .a, do not; 41tvays come Vomie lr, Williatmi"'Phik Pillf§.'9064k-�. njiglialunan, �harj rormaef , t to "0310 or b411 for . to" - � _ ter , *0 . plied a e . 1�. , I . I Ut6 I" , . L,- . � 444-atir the two.toiptber. 7kw 13 'he 4A, , r 1011� nor even havo been ,askeO to "place � I ... ls)�C . . . I . � , 4. 1 . . . e:f" jsbo_ aftt( �­ 0110, .. .- . I ,,(t'.L that While able to & for .r ... ... _____­. . - , . . . I I .11 L . � : ,", . � latim_ the,'VeMajader, ,6f ther',t4ilk ,to , -at 'far from . L,%vrapped. up in'. Aryrt L Tkor - dofy thoir � e0wiletitol* -or , . I I '�jtl$ 4$ftjy�r$'Vo $!Z4'-. SM*1 , r . I f� 'about tl r * ' Ltk%o e116 ,"a -il"Do3i ? I. I . . -tv-&4046"�."'t of their IP4- . IL ,. VMU � L 90in vin�6. � . � others to tjho . . -1 . I I I . r . _ , r . . �. I' , L, bcaXa� t . _ qa"r . r I � t.j4ho4j, no =tter, how buff, -it' h , est . . ' r DBMUCTIVZ, T09BALTR, bo!Gg. A-44 O&Sr and corn4tareb. sublo I * r ".,be . . , , to,OU JMtil VTe , ­ ' ft dAa, Wt M , hot blood w, .Oor. SW.Waa ' I . , L . . . cAiMbily to 4)AY, r en .feot to beaAacho r,, ,: r _______W0-1_-_ � . �. . ­_ I . � L I L . . I '0� 0,04 .to Tlio ,who o'teporh I 'it jr4ed.attor , '10.u,o, that sho" tht� s ghttst Inill- .. BKQ #O#r 11 . had - - #4V QAL L 1 read L ,gooy , z � I t th'at L kr# " lovent8d tile r . I � qj I We f4c OVorordirdlig, '4 -ad �fbor _40ontitj ot salt' and tlie alugdr. , I v�uaor who' it ivas Ir . . I . 1. 4, PIVCA jan4 �tir_. the', ejj1ffUt0t;t -,qlx4Xt_jojj� 4$U6 r � . . I Cation of wear. The* also -ab3j1eiiqL6 I (REELIN , I - . . single 'Xd()Jn. ay$tora LIS _ Most AcAtju��; WU�A r t)]lo. L$ 'effeetod bly al AM I"." I dOn't.jM0j'V. the 1q,h1ja to deSt;roy ono , �. id , . kt . <� . . ' . t , , _W4V J$ 18f at dAkrooN .4 phra'�** r d10 rut . t)f L tholk I.. .� L I I L . . I . tivo to ho4ily hoo4th, -It is proved , _1 mtly, . tO&O'froxn; t1k firei- and , - thues of'oure , I . I CA$" r L � I tbat il�A. n 0, I V,r% L. .. . . r . . 0$telo, pre�. 'when ,I � Wo the, 1W of, .1 �Vjlliama' )?In'k Pills, 1),-e_n �$0%0 jelio�r WhOL bearlugs or t6l.w�.ake it bind, no juat- r I I . ft* "Ion""" ""t . . I . 11 I Ili dlatflet$� WLhero that r led, flavor .With, . lemon Xt MOA hiia . LLLL I .. . . . I .� � . I i V&. r I r I ., TaW A plAtL (if Strt andAccided!to, try. t'heol..She vvas�,beue- 'waa unable to foresea tow bus.v be' i � 111* I lowl 01i.161 W ­ --- .. L .. .� !! r", I I . valls4he doath'3?06 ody %, twbovrlea, . , ttkraft . tor -how tight it way r . ..1.1 L � .. .11 '11- __ _-, , �� .- ­_ I . _. - - ", - .- . ­_'_­__­_­____.. i ��� .1 IrMing r 46tim0a, ofteh- tittea br twfirot box aud'oontinited ,Woula bo 1$L theae A#s Qf JV�Ar With 7rThe whool is guarauteed to run -the I ­­ .. ­��'_.-­ 111- ,�==, , I es, ,,,,tr ,,,, figure* withotit,:th6 jVjtUjWf' r'a tjja6jVfttj Of '.'sugal" ' let . � ,,, r � 3� - -_ .--. 1, I � their use unt aken, five ival'u. . '� . .. . -_ ---,--,rL- ' , , -r, rr r ,. _1 r- I.. ... ''I taOj*;'rbn 11 she bad t I clean... . 7. ' .1-.-..-.. . ; L - Of �14 6pjd0XmjV4 ,V . 11� I - 11 � r . ­ 60broak .or, J10ton6e, ,a' rhoiir aAd ,straio. Whip the boxes - 0,648iderod herself' I. L yvar without'. be oiled or V i I . __ . . ­� .... . ­ , L L - . . .11, j . LtWo''t no pAtter how tuany, mites it in ridd . .., __ 11 . �� Y in &ccrt&ljt qgarter' Xur %. )?$nor", w,filtes of the �gp;% add I 'ablo-. , , *t0h, she . . - - do,, . . 4 4% . I th� , 'be r (juite i000roted, Mrs. Gilch elfoure (" J?ijnpjo - terod. T 0. I , ye4r re'gch4 rry I --- I ,,, r , , r r Ivist I _L_.L . I r ,; . " . .11 the x4to of morta�llty in I I L e. r Qtd L . . L UIrt .1 � L' I ,., . . . 'r . Ilia , _,1 111) YI-ifal as m builder . I . .- . I , , -11ttlo third keep 0601- led.- ,,,,,, r,,,b,,,, ,,,, )of her JHO.TeU �'the trUtlt and Sba;Ane� tjje qUirc . . . , to W_ a4jot4ed or I'm (Ot'red .. L "". .1 . r I .. ,Xu rom, . . L ter '. ,4# . I I . .. ,.� , " . . _ -, , onfuls nVer 'the 'r i . . .. tfavinga Mom aro guzz 'Xi. .q I 0 . ? I I I ! ono 611gar : and _9, 150, gg% goo. or how juu�h dirt ia e0ebun � ed the onotbidw r6t6 of I&Xxibr thdus- by -Apo ,&_�� , .r � anteo-a agall6it I �. - - 11' L 1, , L, and. - - The suffering among - 3501�1r`17�� 001:14 'until L. $6TV , vv*ar gor three yeara, They nover'V6 � � g. I . ., . ron .. " ., fromj' ' 'r 4 0,j4%4V0nt,_jjA0 - 'the f I � Weai�. or �'jjj_ g" r. ' * 46VII "YOU IM�ZV. $hc-1 don , r UnOW it . . r I.. . I , . ,, L r in' fiv,orcrowaod ttlot1% ftftwbo 't w: h . , I . LL r , 'ry 'V whether . L � 6 ' 'hth%Wi 0 .1 - f 1� . . . ' . mr, 'Whielk, �* , ". r: I rogards aditift, 'it 'Was, iound th�f in I done, Iimh Over W., I . . RAXi A 96Vikk � � '. to. tell the tpAhl 10t it Would,. stl*rlo lug Out 00�4",`al maodiel thw YL r . 'r L I - I L . . I to Wt 0A . Ift Muohi . : , . '. ... 'Ih I , L 'Jnolud�t-� an rkt,,�tpwatie braW th'at act6 I '. . . - . 11 . . , t a., soofala,, and 4Dtmr -, 00" - '" tU &� Patly pajj'� Whoit 4014y , . .. . . , �'� .' .L _ I , �6, riag A ' - 1. , she Tha T"Om W&zuy ar b ' - - Ififtl diftams Is +a1py 'great� , 13 . .pb *6 � . . . ,4$%. , r. - - It Wo�td CjhW'ne,4 himi for YOU " , -� A tX-J116 'Alft bfj�ll I I , W. av . � ' . MBERIN"E" :W,h n6ighbilrboods, upon, thor jo%�at, .0 .. I r , I ,&, "tMtou''to ra� istiff troth, ,an& Ito Oro , , a rogt4j card. h .of,.. , , .r L . , I 'Ce L ��, . . oa the rear 194b. ZjAplo baok pedal- .. .. oq r � � � , . 'ta . . _21z.111.111 . . . .. � . - ;11 'L. . . . '. 1. -1 . 4 . .. . , j-*� . 11 . .1. I .1 NIVIOragib *Yery w0kUlan'OV -WOVkWO%- 4fhiU10*w1th:1'gr"4latd4 slugar- get 11 " applios tM bza� 'ju(t tVhen "W I . . � . .,"� � ­ . ",. � 0 1 - " - L'*"' !��_� ­­ ­­­ �.- '� .. I I I L . an lo8t, about 20 4aym- in the �4rbr Irout In �rwgpk OV,04 1101wMill4be,% ;;ateh- --- , UP but w t "O the rwt 'WekoUro 1fojtL Boll% 150,' .Suoo ove, � ')&�d the foot tl�A to rpMoVed ____ 11- q- F. i R 0 .1 ­ . = ....-- , I 1.11 . - ' r I - ` " lnv� that WAwstiot brown, Vill with Of eourse" 1 be ro- _� . . .. 11;-;fte#4," ., , , . ,r ua I . I .. ��r_ � - r I ­ ... ­ .., . gfik)le ""Wtion ."' L - r ,010*8:.sagry wai thit W . Z9 braw 16,waillo, tvhfle fo�wafa p4ed_ r r . ,� it molts to ua;� at,fLtammed 4�;o& atrawwtv ... rftsetve, sorinklo with dL6,4,t . � I . 1. _' 'r, aic,�*._D# yot% tWW, it ,will V*,v wo atlep r ' I 6 4W . . I , . ailing Immediately releases the bf I 1) owfow 0" A" %*%g 04% pfoolft i . , the philauthropl-st,q fat this P h r& lohlekVy, lettori. ptod nmv, thoy r . I .Ofttfy that r towdoxod M-gs , 4nd Rlako, Wit ROOM whetbej,'A ,uO664 hba or, . r *,#*,, S"o 14, Vol, L 1'. . the Vrawr way,, - I , . lr� . . . �._ - 1. li r . - L Jo X*04 loodliev os b66kt, jVj0kg ,_ -.1 4 so t)io 4der complotelp, - c-ontro1W his , . I . 11 . I tU'uttook "M A661al got 011001' L ' ' . . I r - V# . , , W*�* - 44 0 A, "V 46 , - , . I 6. aftftk if Wj�ero it JS jarg4e­ � 00t. . - , - . . wk"10 whether Ufa foot 16 on the veddl . . � I . *0 I !OVII' t , � LtVill Tolle' V I . L , D# r at ]ft4)�t, L .. . I . I . L !*ho ai*MS 'Vjrj0j' iii4k it win". V I oil of ­ I � . I ,.,. ­ j Is, creAled-In of'Zondon. ' 0'r'0Wa""go*'0bi& onmeo of L �� . . I f� WL . . . . n"S I L I � � ­ .2­i� : , .. .1 . I - . 1131 I,tf r., all 4#,�iro fmvor.0 034 1XIAMlig 0100 This uWal ako ixi�IaQs tka MoA 1 �4 � -,. I ok bo , , 4 . 0 . talk4o 'tui%Uy, or most 6ther revolations 041stInO t�VO 110'1�-" ftaoullf4i L' ' L It'10106 wrt la-14vollowl. -` . I froso h% two. - � I Vorttot gear tam huldo� It I?j COM r � WIRMOV" Dandniff itu. Otto Week* - . . "' L 14*11 ,:;A� I , tholt. dre"bittekl$, repr6aWtil to.thoso�� OV�014 Wk;ter; CMIY M',400t 6f t-� ri,xaffilao_ bor (cot-, anit. if Ow has*' . .. _�� - %103P-4 of alutainum and g al I I .. L 1*,a.,)�4 feacu . .�JIUIOW, and I L . , I who ,h&" hegtettetl theLv .duty, thOV4 kico with, & , ,6foj ,�f' 131%_ oftg% bjW, j*r Putnam's Vatuloasr Corn I . ,, . 11 ItChit C ot a, . .. I I I � L. N A - ;ia h6ur, WhIli to r4ArA4& Some* Will, tW'VL' 146 06 I dommot loalm 010 'Whtellook heavy or " . I _. tj' L * &4�11)� ' . 1�_ 0 4011bt 010 thO M901040%0 tlAt' �Oar and. tot.'stanA , n4ly - . I _­_ - . I L ­.. r, . . r U, . - . 4,4avoL ,� ,* , 1%, #,� %Voth 0�'Vjnt . , Of '*Alk 119. 'I. � 010YO10'r1res-0. omfx2mme, It Cald * , Ito reva0v . � ' :`. " A.%Vtj#, _&X%d6,A -;Ill 03 lot ��kp � . ftit � ts " ­ I , ,MA, atrai%jr ,%o J%M VA,eo - �Xveh 14 tbe�� .... 4__ I- 'a.bag4 4 to j ,jJ6,V ,V-fg- 6f,th6 L . GOV, I 4ft"*Ww". w4witWIAR 0 and leaves "ie Clalu 6d xcxu . - . d "41016 I I _r�Mo - - T�' i ral., BMW r _ _ _6 _ t,hfjr 1. � I - - -016th MAVXI6djifo1sdw-*ocarjjrw(q., jPft- a&s­ vhy�loa � 8;1XUN"r1T1"0t% - at 41 1 I _ I � erwhod WrViOA through ,. 6likso �� b. r' . wolffel lt1MtAe$ dirlt,006w. q � jin! r .t t r tho bft,k WlItel CP I ;'..OUt , , . ,� SIVM k�n#Atjk. Wroj' If, a4A se,eW likt* int& #, ,)&S k At . _41111 . _Zt I . � . I r , brighf, tjjj I . in, I" 'OVer' tW t%tfto . " 'r . 'tor J$ M"*, j6JAkj#, and I . _ r IV. On th" sito of tl* filthy rookerl" pistinet yj'If''o 4 I .111. . I 11 I #0 att ct, . "A DA. 4, I , , team. fal 6f boiling 11 - . r to 1,V *�_. I 'Pr b6 Vd nftbKt, 4a dur ws,v dilp. 401%V A Fat A� ­ I I , . , �f .$ 1 w3_QI -VoVr ., ft a 4W - 8 lbo et" I I . I . . I , � , - ' -, k tenc�,, tU�%Sjnj , ' ' _­. ­,,, . _0 �V , XV AM Mr. � t C jW a JVt di"'graft I'tondon .411y thAro V&ter; wht � . , , %n di"OlVe strift it jhto, TWO Vio ." I �, ,Pw. 9*A I ViC I 9- . ., *ROW'$ -##A%"& I. � r ' �� , 40 lot, �� , �_%L, W40� At, 1&t, 1-1�)M . - L d ,�t . r , V� % of, jatetagb. fln tftlr 18!� . L '#jL r'J'My; �. . W In A' 'IS'"J" J�t. �, � " " � "I fi - r . .1 01! � 'pot $W"$ it,V thMott tbor tL I I ow- � - - & 0 I I ivinto I � . I ' r , 7 6;4 9 I I g tbor I Daymt kuow fl*r6 fit V , . Uent's %2(60�66 1*61,62 price, will % With- -a' Im, and heat U'AW Ifiliture ­ , ,,,,,,,.;,,,t:r &n., � I I., mob% .,%I* ftf, -.31 I . : I . in t1W MeMS 01tM jftfe polmae . "Jj� jilanno I In riding & w*6 t . Iftly too aftevous to . �� . C-� � & . , , &.;:,. ;danno . 1, . _4t,", the . To. thwkoas. V�Mg.,Iiko� 6A custard stir 6M k6te I , �eht.of dftrft r 410, : I �� . I I .. .1 . lobt i1hple"Int dwloure* M411 111 Cob in.. the-, �,qhlVile.d ertax%, %rh jiit� .a tnim. I %pbW rd ho,vq to look for . ,� toMbItL4 firAlt' J* notfoc4 1*re, but ve adylao alI In. �- I . I W- ~ ft"~ ow M06 ­ " � I . jaeld $tud jemve. tq cj)ol yjA4 bSrdezk. �"m Wor k 4 ob, S t - . I h .. . . . I . 4 ,tftding purx,%**rs to, at Jet# all and .. r ­ " -, L""", ­­ ­­ .r".. .­­ r-_- ­­ -r I ­­ r, _-L L � r, ­­­­ ­­.. - .. . _____ . L. . breen MV10 lit Vain. - It, it ob I . ..., .W_*"" I A" tho 'IV. & D01, *1101K LINO" tw (!#- - ___ _____ 1, r I I .1 . -.."��,�.,At�xr.�,e-t��.,�-,,�� �__�, I servo ,with wwoom eteva". - . o 0 I Ay ; I . *11 JAfj$jMjnktM 4 . WS tt(16 CiA thtir 1M %01Wt0�_TT'*nt'j . r, .1 -I _ %$! C3,= ,# L .1 vo josin , IM , Q*ktutwfaf r . .? .. I A :01 jP3ft i J I . 1. . .... z I ?MAV -f Mtli�C,ff TO Utg. , ftl)f, Undor *,I* fto4V.­9(Ak_ hAlf, % � -A cow WN .. I _ I W", . . . Ir I _ I I t * - $6, 5ft ,,7, " I % LI;ffi .1,f* wom 2 I *,-.-A i I - Ttkii 19011 ZaW�g_ �t_*TA , Z ,1- I . I I* r r V%t of f4j, .. # I .161i '111 I 1, I 'oil , , 10 s 1, I I 6,11 1, 11,1""11 I—— ­ I � 'JL ­.J�', '­ij­ ,,jrjjjj­. ­ ­.­­ � lo, ,I , , 4ML ghe-1 6M not Lip ill, "It l"gWl't8o of 10M t'�V,t�** lj*,VX$1 in fjAlf a 0$""ft 0V*"nrE11Sf*ff*t61fty&1 ft . - ." 9W mom# *to r __ -'r __ I . , 11 I I � _ t�� I . . I 11 I *046 ot i .. A I � flwem What diiii that bunch of S4t- 143At Of col(I -ater, ada LAU ft 10"ClA . " ;�'d '"'r � r I 0*0 to I - + 7 1�' � 0$ 1"e*a thftrt *6jj Semt M($f rind $Ijftd r # I& 10V iron,. - ,to� . I .1 . I ­ � ., , plot 'of 6qja'fttfX jjj%a . . . - VVV . r. I I.AA. Ali" I ! 4017VT &A,t i*�,It fi�� trwA.-le" from . I . - -.r L I LL . t AA"ft I . I : I , � 1g, 3,6or vofsm AM", .; . .%Nw %IM . ­.�. 1. . I sim)Atr Iftfil elost. Atifte've Oft lat, , 'gift **�Milft, 0, t , L I � I . 0 ft (4t I L I the 11orW, vatil, 0,* end W, the: Moot,b, on� IStir J. h%lfr a Plitt 6f,At*&,*jWjr,fr X t - ­ .. I - ,- . 0 . r, _ #_MAX3q& * mark *to 1*4 boo, ar. NOT HESITATE-o"o"o* " � L .1 r I . . I I - � I I I I �-�� r Ily" *'quart'" of apw *ht lvfte for _. r r 14 I - V of sftar.. reptoa tl* " , , w0g6lis* I .1 I ­ .... ­ , . w , L . . 'it ' 0 � � WLff.T* 1%*?,0a0- ft- mms dedatethiffi- 4 * 4 * Ievw% Ili .'i Wr*ramvft#"1.=11LU'rC#yjftT#$. "jj*SfA#4fWV'k'V#r*jjjt ' � r _.��, ' j '* 4"Wo ; I sm t i '�� L I I I r ., f oil 4 # r 1� .- . . 1*IF Uft-orthy o.t bif4 gw",tbrgrt,�g,love-, Coeh ft_*W,V a feW TOJI6, jodetj de the jkke, fr#*&j* fi** ***ft*j" #ON*- _"jjg It to oil 00*AV044t J04COW of Cadd .'. I - 4' L I I ­ 1. -1_11.- 4 1 . _;!*I rojt.*�jjjp", jet4 ! . ...... ­­. .I L.. ----LL r. ­­­ 'L . ....... ­.. - I And aff -r W�.krsilito� M or),�env_'* 06-ut, 76rint", V*V itio t" t"_*11 xl&", gLV_1f* 1h _­ - = . I . I I _# � � 4-11% foltts a 4*- To*, WS VAMIA"104 , ! Al 4% 40 "A ok., � . _­___­_ '_­__'—'_ - 111- _.­ -1 I . ,Wldte# of rm Ilsr4y 11 I r I Or L t*O--1Ilir* Of hjit li"* it% p.tckviv it. djobeir, mv*r vlth 00 w "ftakg. . � I r I I L I - . 11 I � " � �', I I . I r . � r � , I . 0 i . � . L . * ­ . , . � I L 1 41 1 I 11 f? I .1 L I . I I , ... � I . I I - , I I I I I 1, . I I , . t 'L i - I " I Ii 'I 11, I I I I I I I 4 Elm, I Ii I I i it f" I t S I* 814YONIS I' plin". I ill I r'. U no 010. Do, . I 11 1� 11 �, I .1 1_, �, �. I I . � I " I 1, r I I � . I � . . . . '. . I I 0 , I I . 1. I I., , , I I . 1. . - -1 1) , I . 1. r ; � . . 4 "�! 11 r 1. � . ,1VL,.A�&,. � �11 - 1.4 . I 11 I 1, . � offebosAit. r, .. I . � . r Ell _0"_AA"k%­L _,�_'ams,6�"Lwd&l I I 11-1 I , �4 . 10 , A& LLL ik­ �_. � . � _ ­ . 1. ,�AR;666 .21lieft -, , . �_,;Ai�_� � , A � __Jswr�z I ­ I 11 . �, � . ____ - . - ,*&­ Iii- �� I - __ dik" ­ - - a ___ . L - _1 -, .