HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-05-13, Page 7.1
_� Y , � � ti-, .1 - I _. - ;, � , . - . I 1. . �___As""06a-, .. . � I - � 1. , 11.7 - - . I � I 1. I IA-- I -, ,,,
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- . I i4o TAt*ata atmo 7�kl�,aeh .. lla*ta- #0604####"q*** "I 4 4 or"t, ow oI dvioot A&Lk two egg&. j Oills -Cur, . at,biet Blilffmrs 1M.1" � 11 , . � ,�,
B LASIM-1 aill'and "W" of iia At*&Lj* type 0 6. . a" ,*Mtoo b"talk aw"tely & vioctli tv 60"". We're 06116144� . ,
no" TH ITT . I a , I", I - - - i of O"t, a tat4ospooaful of butter &04 _., DISAPPOUNTED. lise-1 rvasiso atways ealt *oeu Otbor asiiiis - '", W 1. 11.1 '-' 11
,. ___
" lue-ts ifoutotillim, "t, W'Vi"Cla Krtwpw- , I - by th*4 Cbria�* ��., I L I .. � 11 I
I V"" . lAufft,44undiag t� t4id lifit C4 mooQU4. . AMR the BOUSCO, ettlo of noar.. or darr"36ast t4,N"* 4 ..A �" Irl QUKUUT OF Ln= MANWAM ' -
- . I I I To you julte. 14011V - � I _. 16 L ,
XTjtRX0Tjj � or SPAIK AND THE ,�Iaiw "U'(41149 V"6611j, wo rookou thwo :wd tA(w� stirring La tbo wkiteadf 0( 4;,Jur*o It ,Wooid W a klilmiqivvo,At� "c4flaid.L" I &w4we"j, riwk��,#".Ij. 173 QUIRU NA 39M
. o" rat the ow last, an a too-waaful of � z . �,'J. I Irl
UNIVID SUM ON THE 4111". lrQWiWj0g wmivn, 'ost V,Qw t I aloat� shoulds't a it I wo,firlet, A6001
2' Uiare'4, Vh"Q, 4,i5W tons, kl0tilut"i #0#*0"*#*"# owowoovwww- ,. twkilw poleder Vvith the f louir Cost by Iny *0 mom I
( wwon I J#, J�jiijjWej L 111:1,1p�, ' jtjW,gj*j6_UW *lk*o shonlAbe &&uart- I jaW sqwantly roiu!rned ttow alutuad Val I Me. One. Wowtpau� Mat" ,. =,� L
4A 1 tibia. 4.fk#; Newaric, 41,W% , _11*r 01101"k am 016 webm ft I
"itt Fraviciaeo, 4 0 - 10.4- HOW) _ , .�, t hiek, %vitb tile better ti" stud IA4 li*oa tofioij u44m by duty to ,b ,,,,,
4t*0#&ft41vo *Wllowfat ot the WAY04 , NO; ClUarlwoll,063w; 0 1 . Torotaiiiiisch --hope, It I can prow"a , 4oft it. W.Usallia, Ole some R1110*41
squip"Vat of lbo Two 4 004,61rhu T%6 it it isolt a word like 149CIVA- ,,�,'
� Loacmter, 42* �Iejvlunati, 10,411. ju- Before staAkiag liouioug it 6� willf to. try ilk kwop I" like doughoutmL ftc,"if jauravy d4*1A to Ow. d6wit4d iill"s .-You-to Awt to may u4t"'11 _.
walklit askii a" Otfldfal.r kke 110#0 leigil, 3 . , , i'lla A44614- the alt,*4 SkOL14 be it ajuor! � rowo"Opla 14L me wMed. saidew *oft .��
L �213; ., -, 6, ., , 3i' ' WA" OWOX 4U 'A IiAAib Ad, 111*4111W4 KJA WIL' �' of vil�ljolrj* Ito J�*Y.Jpvk,wit S4AiqWtA tv -4 *-awt thialL I it If## 111o" a WNW am "N" , 1,
_a �,, *,(", lJoston, . vigaillij. An) otberfruit wby,00
of It. QW. toll protoc�*& crWAors);-AUR.� Uo4t� � ivatiou it, wilt 14 found ii f4vocied wit 41 4kth-0;4i.4-UyA""ta*4-* 6�011_ alk : "
I - ter, for go exam , As Vea,.,�h§a,,(.vajW6* or banao" 411A 136 MY W40 UUJ 0 14 � _" i"It bAra t(k virk'noaneo" INd you ever bear ON a Pie" *%we . -
Tim Now )rark TbRoa r4liblUlie5l MO trOY. Yavl*tts turror� low frootioard that ito "tftae of V. leown is anytbillf '4�, U"d itiatead of 1APPISS. or I he batter &A tud ewaitt Wb',,) UPA juat, Idit W&�,Ul. IVA just M * M01%0)' WAS 401111111111101 WWL OWO ill - I 11
follu*1as iatereatwit vDW,%T&tjV6i�=Qb1tqr; tuo Xiautouomqll� Amllhi- " 4 461,0 1pay I can lbouage 04C P- I I
t3 f twite. aQA&J"%-" *ad Ter I rori, dauble- Nit cjeaa, '4104 it t*Ut, Uader Q6 iaicro- "caftli*dri,4wa bybinwaiubiiatotbolkibt , I ",,I,",over sepu her l'of-Itt. 41C#JA� IV *W. kk a soc lt is Um lo$%" 40 Tfbp . ...
�� . - I
� at and oovVed ** js*ia Witor1w, ,At I
16tato"Out as to, t4o Uaval 99*Avc , turret W, J)hlt. i -lb, ip; Add iva up. tlljilip� JA .
, M0'AitGX4 of 3,90 tUall ek-IA. The *Cope� it Will I)a _,0jF,CQj0l:#d t(A' IJAV6 rt A* i� baty� Init f vout'l ten d'Aou%h&. is Uto ftatb' &Mab"
of spain.'sud tj* XFaitikd, statoat -Spain awaiton are. ,of couTim 6 "t4,viod utid . I'M- ~( '#,4 �� W, wbat funny CAU44k.61 takiiihisy"iieva Not, , 11 I
. - on it, wbieb are tha - * Pa of,Abo 3roar a little lolwu Pe ,)4 e,w,d in the Vito h4yewt y4at 11,111, - t4A.ui4Q,W0, very Aliout luo %%4i 11140001 1101l," st . ,
"? I ut but OA0 effective hattloalkly, the heavily arrmil, -but ara,uot-fast, Aiia VARY tiuy spokU .. Juice -&-queeZ01 OA the xMilo W- th the turp� ll'or O'J�gdly. Dr 'Y' , I , "VA do , �,
� � -bftii fittodwith new ArrO. fqt Al$tOW %ther tIPU for frui#_ vait"ria was "f 4n iowet, � ougat iwrovaa tbo, flavor., eftuntr,v stylo, very likilly fro4olklod. &Ufi� . Ot'29tk U(it Very AlAt, 41b YOU— 4UaQd,)j0V* aalt il� islath A"d
, ten And landergi)idit golUe ,C " JA0, '' , ,� , ' ' . L - " - __ _' . , � �'. - etadev. PlAIII)l Ohl %A$31Qft IMOW WhAtYOW10 _1
.h&4 , . . _t�§Vd ., orstut'"64
"', , I si, -4�-.JOJ44-h 0t'lj.QAV&re& QW4 is -stir,_ , -, 0010'0"-'"-,..��.k4.p,olopo*§plklmo.ot,.!.-".N"" __ -, , - . . tfjbot� ftl you mom's jaw '40 this
- Iftlayo, which bla IN . _ . .., lsuik_&�Wollimr.o L
Ir -0 C I I At fti.&W_...____'_ - e- _.
1 BUTING vonqGx ismPs. , I . � jj,j into tlA -patt6i of whIch 61080V to ibolli throkt� JVItU Lth n W V , . ttlkill --j--,1-- ,ri4C%d",Ab&L-sa*6W 1k&&_-&4._z&l&w . ____ -
of aruiltiliont AV ikoulon, Uvid has boeill Ij fted to b&v$ Do NOT WORRT. I , j- e - ' &j"',%_ " * hot* . I _ tw# -Yklq� I
,�'V&jn I$ r4po No witi I* I a4d individuality of %yomen &Wttiap, "Ybit kno*, --kuaW fllpr� liftaloW "Ili* Islamic! Is taidaVirAt.-
__ bought, tbo anal)o are to Pe XuAda 06 suav � � very well, W Sow� I
Ordered to Cartagena, u4tivitsbed. f3ho. ,C,IVAqjV0. QlWdt trQi* ltalr,aad, Abe MoTe 0'rjsPL $W � Woven as a rulo, -with Is" Ailt two �Art&Iajy. J%Ud, P ---
. L Ild brittle, . , r� CGUr#*, lot Aunt, -wlj^t you'r* boldiA pa'. It )IV w-j*pWatim of ast,14mv
, hu a displacement of OW t0lli% 2101 bas far abw*j time Imen. trying, to� buy 11 4etUal carea and. bUrd"s ofrlifs� do tll* ' "I couldn't belly It!" It rr3elued to 1.
. I �, 33D toot loug, 06 feet bom, olid 194 feet Use QaXlo, AAberto. -T)AW aTo boti TA"o ltn"', the viowlasorticulavir. Molit, of the worrylair. M01% Whiv AT* ")&*owed 1 &Q t&ct At ft-, "t of "lAoll' oluo q0to "",totally.", 1. . *Ad is tbs tiftio4l; of also 1kitain's I
I . 01W jrmouvo. kinijilers, tj�o should te, ra"fuj,ly looked over More ' . I abould J*1dtT,-`Qoxto 4with ibis itllttr- c' IPIUV4 not ony &VA%§r.11 , Many SM611,601041M. .
: it inobea drought*, aud b*"% 061A& Ot first, , ' , the, breadwiolkors of tbo7WQTId,Af* too ' i '
1. 16 kaotsi. 8110, h0A *'steel Wit of' 17 foinner,of 0.810 tons *ad, .the latter ** syo put ,1'uj4',&r&tAr' to so if it -in tstinit fefoale for the greater Port of No� %A� ir# *ut�h &AW"It, little Once a, yeez tbo Orl" goveresseloN
4-4 UK both; bAve oix, - toellffia of ottiaeawitif frWit, Ily rubblaw 1*401 ,PV4 In tua, struggle for tuft dollors And a tot S=Wer attel000n, k3ho was, 180 hovid. and , yoWro. Dot 4"larso 14*0 lkra� oends Off IL Otip to the Island. J
104". iuvrexsiuj� to � 19 144t, 00 il* Rarveyft%tel ill their avo,i4�: balts,und tU lo,air look Ahead over the world of , 3rM111 I ,
. � �r<;Loffjlat this st*tus in alcobal 100to the li"ou. Is put I . too. A. W91111t 4AUU&O age. , SalAe OnoL wby .thts allottlill be dam I* not quift -
. . 041 jolliv,, and 9. ,owivaU steel %4eck, m%ke. 20. kliots ou hour, . I �'Jl)f N(ArM, I 04, HUjilYm
Xtert, L � r L Ual or, tiowlblo we, Wive; 14to Nystor. t6e at4in may bs.roa,qj� xe* � large stjoirs, to vex tbatr brains over WWI, Talw-aliA Ilave to be, polite-, talk Qoaldb* hiddea Ila the allivubbery with clear. 'A yowrl,r Owlt serelm Is qlait*
I AiMMUoUt C011101,SN'Of '0212,54UCU, '%qV18't_1oU "t . � dot&Ila,-WJCw,h *,Wo- '
. . , thei, two how, ftrazilisn, cr(ilw,% gud are JAQVoJIL L L � ,, L I I � . the hundred 14ty to 4er sod unt of 1,�#jjvea o_xkodak, t1vob*4irdotwIltbings�1� n"mary, for sltbixWh tbo ststy-fous "I'll
I on kuw. QA'Q to i1th,bor texideue,f tu w48011Y lit� Rie �
. fortr1lout t V,"�T4 ond alexotl4tog 'for wore'amwaa crublor16 , I)OVa'ate,va, and llat,flao W0 are Stain- vaa,,w ,, lay " 110b. i4o., tbero's u0body there. Y'0111 iallatittasts i;rs. DriU4,00bjwAs Uwp
I f� _'Ve4um -,: ) 1 abroad, a441 Won, It I had 14"k, I NUN , tand AwayA
, , 04, � kho NeAv-, I . L . I .
,�. I L oae,aft-� * rttifec4d tuvrets" 2 iplovea- ,f�j�jc,h uj��Jm n , . 04 _11161de U*y be,lilasnell wit -b. a 3411* NO t-binga, warries inemsAtly.- � 40alt Wmit to Ask# ,Y(Atr
.� I I � �, r ,ve
� , I I
. IAQU� 64148 , ATi I 0 * f thel : �OL - * AbVe .. eel*# Jkvy Owl. Tlior I"& a i
Uftly , -di "' �ad; I. or�,,- �Orle,aqis'od ft Albgzy, at a . , t " YOM kAOW-`f - " , .
. spos. . I _ , %Olt 441t, roc� 1%4'�4edtv� for 44tall,41lie litary extittowis. kauvlixg satmes *I �,
I _ IsNouil-qlps. *40*1114*14f; "' 410111aeo. 'turt ,of yinex-st k. naitt*! , h fixi fit� P104 t40 6XP,W, (Jit ftlat%i 10 "I do; but liow ria -1, when. .You!,ra, 40 1 L
I i' 12 4,11,146lii,,-�Aqald�-flre -sod 12 . ted. wilitw%ii, �ko 6f %ad ielwsji� �j' 40L VArly train
L . 0. � . - ,for t1w dellv*te tai 11 this Rivat world I*yo#A tWr ab~
. I govil .- L ,zae ,-,Tio �'bondful L' I - 1. I - I ft The tr%j#. jaltq(I itself tf� %L 41aildstilli sweex'"o It- tit upf", , - r
. ut;of 3,000 tozs� and O� Vood o L
I 011, 40usoued, avbott�s. : LUn - � �, , , . I . � . f �20 Ing ,NsC t00 tlio� Pox ",
� - , b I .. 1. ". - I.. *jA0_makidWj, mothorbood, tbe coroo , -
L I I 11 =04MAO 40st , L, , '� '�". . " '.'-,. � OR : . : - : �'. L i ' .- ': � - of $41t 04low 4 gill of Viototfiiat wb litl3band,ji L in_ 14 . � ou, Sold julAtl now tb*t $OR nevor *lid garing NO, j �j I. ,
. f : , . . , �r,� ' , . , be, ' - - fUl dj'*0arAj"8. 'of h" L � � orqo�_4 jolkfevs ,0444 US-, pirofelo Wi4v -as the 140- ,
I I r an L tl* $1,4". � I . . , I - I . L Mtrew,auyth!61
. .1 . =1;1" - . �, I tit t " 4eeSllteik."and abtt'ko�.�'.ejl "tit L 1.111- - . _r. That u . -JU Isit vidt W twulasid, %Tbwk
. . jll'VjtoVjQ'.L 7j.050 tons,ti L _ . ", I � I , .7, 1 . 4104A ""DXT.k��111- fVO4t Of X 6rhAy, IOU MeAt OUVA)! triaziW" � -
us �xwu �kvxstxts, t 1. I . I
1, I :,Thq, lattlosh 1 941 -, 6. % � large " number, " o '1;h,6',0.ji4.w hixvoL'.djSaVP4�Xjod. "I S jtjasd� mnl� suit tu. ulatty-Idelgands at soetety, - .4tirely gut of the truk of veoosl% ,
been v* . - �*, ttaluing $140, OU4 1148 _ . ofaro ,ba MIL I . I atr#jght In t130 ,%V0.L Thill W0# UW% lost Z40fossbor by 11#1f I
134tr ve $AV , . t '. _ 40d'4,W41A44(e4 U1100 My Pipliev'rancei !Iweg, Mo Ill the oxcelition. stuvidt" fa e
� , d all, maUjt4% ' *X6U,;jA our ' � 1. , L , I . I I rW& �vp, b r ij%'0%o j idslight I Koo I
., I L, , brulsors Ana L Nvel 1 L � I . �� I
a*%%fjoatft . : gigtI4 dght 1
3�6 C*Uell thi�d.,r&t� *ea.i
. spoo N-, it ,knota. 0% , .. -�14�zI A stopid-looki . .
A, , it of:00 $, bo'4 bee". L , 110 rs ot� A it tbo. orfloome foti4 'Mixt, ii , 1. ig, �oej' t 10 oil 1wr
I . - I V W, kept, ftol# , i 4 L ' ' ' , Wax quite polite, bevanso �u was 4htylll 814D W14J000. usilst 000amwili
. � i � L 'W U -8,M tons, (1-00'", " OtV�dlppod Of � A"Orty. AA � L
I witj'f.414tt�g � in" 4 #4 4$oJine W ,. - _r.
(I A t d'I'L 'I$. re4glai'L � - i is *ov��, "1*0dt Of � vaof told, ute , mo, the ladosvollo 14 lookiew "traight Into Wine
t -ted I , trou� I� AUythin - I mol'ay:bj wro,opliXg it in 01 I � (I it I - -- ;Wy attention vi�a# dimtr7tied. ' at- tli:utonant A. V. Outsey. IU
,*Ud S�Q,IUL jjoj� L krooly � , I
aaw Armament�. but ,,cannot lio:vegard fti � K . car ,v,. tbbz geattl# Of Z ri I .
L fto, bt4,L AQtbjdg,�.b& . 101.411 thing"JIllo, lza�jlj$ ,00:0rdelt, �o to the RAV04,9v"b .f %V
I -t,' , veobodluj to It' -to vine%&V:�Oai,v,�Ulag Aearly Or.'Co " L ,the 6WO r1brOD 11 Spe0lal. -
L - I I � . �L
qbgr,� qbip . ,. rqep,�X , I to. - 1.()Aev. I tj I I , at, PtIpor, L . I . I -he 11111t,,il 1,11040. cerNwilt'V44411 'RHAW. abollit arkion I ol)*t ot tbo 1�1* w" to od
I ad so,formidil,ble, T%o ef , or, IlalVot 1be 141moots 140e, 104 Pf t 4AVXIX 1. Ir . , ja " *0 'flej vf goldL 1.14%V tjb% Vo,y Lt6 t .
. Or. . . . ijC 4
4104�. V% -, on; th'e'L otb�r 'h��ad,, L'IS, tw #,,,QqR and 3.0m t�a% VVIII le, elpth Avitik. pi,,wraoer 1. I f U Lail. I b 'A I a It ileous'. CQ& _Ue Jsja%ijot$ A Wnelleg book .
. _ L , � , av6r&a6.Vom%A.. T00%%* X, Ott �- 0944 , L 'LLL I
or ,C,f# , I -P 11 - 444 jee� in & Coot J))%tei' � L , I 11 I , Y"L 0 . .. y a .' ,� L .. � V L . . .q I
. United stttos 14a tile I -orniser A%rt _�, I Vialti 4 , , . 'A Wit* w0a M41piod by tio Ailso."t.ty
. black jAlleet'L .. 4tIY I,(
tl%'whioh ftr(l,,� 2,70#�J,Q44, 0e, liarbour dofto , , I , , I _, � I "VeL , , h il $. was� �, I 'ha , �' " I ,.
I 1� powttful V�,Ossoi of 0,2M io , a .'ha
11 dV 'Ue.AtS# I IIAS#ttk4t10-l*"fil%(l sto .. I I '' from *4 t " 1. - � I—
. -k' tain� L 'A"' jjilob, im , ,wh - I , 114 -Vo Ir eVer' TA00,fft L'%L � ' : "Ali, i INTIOUBM., NG RAKIRT. ,
i_ ftfol!ej .V4.1, "K*6j) fIL"JL
� I L - � " , �K " - 'adj pretO ft ., 0, be Qom, , em 1. IW,i �� 1$tIjj "I le i.- #*tbac%
I $U"jJa,_."j50 the'Vppr6t . ' '
, r ,
11 L . arry 1,23 -0 , L, ,� ,ftt , L., " Us - 'th Lj�* - - ih , -b �d -nit of bro
fe0tL long, X - . I 1 . _ ': IfM 0 _ * 0 , $its T MAIM evoirlao:r .
, 4�'*d'Q , , � , I tons of "064- oud too. w I , _,4-, wh� t . Winit 0*0r,hor � Yolevo a . ; I
fte"14L 4" L . or ' I or It , , , I 0 1 I I . r,.Molt Move Tyron etwn
'. '20,kilots Au it, . j -oagh;� �udxfjoof ( . 5 1 ' t . 'L �; .
"ro Petrolt; J0-gtg6P*rp An ,a #reet it, " J$jjj L ; 4oi�irlid If*%Aetle " y . , 1,10%to'!",
L �ujr; � �e. L dj�ije, I heaW taunt ow, 111%vell"heva
.'" - pj( I ,
I 411QW11%$� I ,
I I .� I I .., L L - , 0,Vbj0jje0A;'Of ,q t �,,,�W?,�boo 140,11 11 . I . UQr Min( .1, .. your bead." I
, , q, ,pA5 I tv�atmant,13 I_, . I . I I : 1: � . .
'. , 1, I . alaft %bis followl,or rWtt to tk* Coto '
� ,)r JALwal I I " I I ,
L 67 feet`bo�*i�oa 2�',feet`4'r'i%l$�t; h6s 44,J64" L:. � 'Uh% .4 ' , d viotlov L 1 I4 , tu�111L . . I , L ,
, I
I I I b, . ftj)oP%Q, �'�U OL . �nj$.J�%,X"00�11�, f rI,04Q I . . It, . . I � . � , �, - ,where was A doeli fjlbwo� Wilifeu. 1) - I �
' , L tt'X go I �0U14y%twi%,0O# otL.ft,Ki't$'0 '�, . L", I L L.
, � "frieze. . U,�j% : �Ojd I I I . I ' U* oiltAl offleo.. .
� - � kof W1466o, , "* -,.r
_lt:'af.)�OjV '61. (ten th. .. ' L I ; l6latj#j�_JA�Vie 4e0j4j6d �t IL L
I I - �� 4 InAK164V M.Xx, RO,A-k "' , _ 'hat L worts, 1 believo l%i,a'60j'A0t;lijdg. I -might exw.broken: b.v Ott (414t OU4010's Of, k�.� - pop .
I 4,fi"Iv'E4ftut� .,a . Q�� L�te . C6t'Lljn6jjj�orj�L
I , , .1 , , : ;I .. NYY " , L It ia�' Ill! Will. W1, Itod. " I � . ... "The, total wa,tion Is Saw sixtyp
, L . . ' -, 064 three.Aeot -,%4I40,-:.wWVQ " so' . I
. r obgg� 4t� _tbaL - L
I fat, I , I 8414ittell."R 121194�� "Po 4naliltor$, !0're, � - tlj�y ,Uj)O - 1
1404-".1 oa)i I 4 q_i , . -'hy.thq �IWA 9, ,coo" . , havo'roluark0d" o. t4o.ive4tber, but 06 luAchoon gong,.' �
, ti _ tw.thwM t , 114 OnIs' tjj�t, 'but . I me��'to f)�' tat%jk V
,olotk�*�j at J�r'ht"* 441 It ^
1, " . - "Ourry upt *360ker U403 a I
� - 010*'#� bui .0 -, . J " L
. I . �%; 4, arr,V �2-'Jjft,B4 L lbov I
I jr, 1114til '. I -1 o47$AA3X '94U8 ,deep, b)6)-*Vnsr Ao4,1nQQ44yr;Wr- PWI�* how tbAt t 0 'Wait Jokte'!" ft"U'L in 10jV I U =41
1 ; L �' I I L gk., , or :1 ot , ,, � ,, ;040 fjjtjj6r 4 . 4WCotere(I Sn4t -
:; " I k , �kjljs r 'Nrot �, , �er, tane3, 0!�Jdon% I 01-00 0
- . , - I 11 a *,melij. 11(tosi . boys sall ,,
I I � . I ll� $I " 1 4 ok,most P, _ , u-1 , , I ,ad'
I .1 , I 1. . . AL�' . I a KOO, axrq;�Iw � . . .1 some bellove, f1t,461# saytIllog. Iwtoyhexr at� t%,vel e girls
, . - tUrret.,$'L 8'5�� � � '44t - ". I . 11* , � L, . L I 1. 1. L � , I
, �, , L ''14,� ��4,4
I e"Jqio�erw' - , . " � )t%b*-ItJX 001or, , 110 *1
L �, I f6etiv, 14'r , 6'" Dan 'A04i(l, -,iji�4koij, a � lot of, f�,'�h %it i a
144 4 I 'At of to, at ol!,&Qtfv� flatsu s�i .66tta.00,44d, *% -t I I -gold; I , I . _ � -The IsUnd .4. apsWo sif
. , O� L I it T ' "' jsej�: h#.44".'A" filkh" 13j)eQ (I aboods" wad is
iiii�aiel;. f'40,6 . *w not �'fijirb_x k
. I L ,
� . , � ed (
166usisto �of � 1.)" 6.1ov � ., uif�� " It , 10 r
- I I 1li-foroua'at ,,�, 8'5 40 . - % (T "' ller., - Sjj'lill han f toji$W4 . $ Z' .'r . , , I . " I loy-ell" � I I . . L � I 0 all, **cept .0" Ongers:1 � , I 11 . . 1.
I _'L . to"Lilft'jacl . rgaps on $)Us I . to j�jjjf��j�ja�of tVs,fii��"'a�a �j_-'&� r U10101 � . I ..
. ,
I L bil$ . , *�X6'W,.'dkUiscr6 ,Of "a' 'LL)Ittle 6VO ,$ ., . I j . I "f,m4ot, I �� , e ja�in�#J*L I I �� .
'ji , Xj" NVM at
I , . stfording'IlAstdroje. tor'som U* llo*14: .
, , i
� � 11 I f ' - -140 2,1�', - , I I , Z oller's e4rtul U. oni ,0. , And, r �_, '8jr j I �00;vo.yojk,to�t)at r, L 0 ous: kiwr � onfal tlia't- tit OIL _4 _'tUr# are WW, be_ .L . L. .
.... ' ..* _ 'j _ f ti6sk 0114�s ko oAlllblftilil�, , ti: ,16 .4 . I
� � 11 1 3'# 'h,p � 1��74nbli� -4 ,
fir�!L J�"$ " 4 L , �L _ vlio, Velwao, * t-vith I 114101 1. , 0 I � z. 740 Rra 4ttle'. And,;, As I .
, �
I i 4� od�0IX_jjWjjjne` , $' , aWL j1% � they .0 t Other for #4 feAv milmt�% Vail. 1*4 diffiftit' ' so, andi�ow t NO tottlo�oa this Island. , -'. .� . . .
I I I ..
. _ I , '�A �pll, " " ' 'h' , . . .
� iinob, �4n,�the,bir�� I ON to " 111521 , 'the lj�hi�)X no filUily L4 I .
4 , r",16,, . QUI& - 1:0 , , oUb. i it iieet w4ul 44 oludin � tVkon,L8W Md
I L, . I 40! l -'e" ie'ii� to.." DOU: 406nis, � de When _V're$'" ' � I �,w ',$�)Ko��-*6,,,tho� voi0o , , it W � , .
" �
I ' a 0#' ' . , I � " ; . . � , . ha4,be 104 '0�4 the .1 � A, L ": ' " �Jjio frbjl� � a4 to loeat% 11 unt Ogg*
I'll, L I 4t, I , � , � , .., . , I usn-L AeL AUI�trLjd, Inbnt#, L I., � � of WAR out and, 00M Woj*y;,C�Iti., 'Mwt. (be1uncheon 00aff out horeol, A1114 orl4g, little WaIng fmrls, - u'Wi" , t 04---woll, as 00 Alillou the ifib-abltant* : � 11 � .
.- b . : , � 01100, D'oh.. X of ia4jA6s%4,A , - 11 1. � - . ,
�L , , ' "' � jjbej,L'jtjjd,, 1�4%t''Jj,j, of-jil . -10a0,11 - , . � ,�14,
I'll, , LLLLL . . 1� ; � , � ca,rpet, % pi,14q I . - nalullo"r,is ,, ,;i_��;; , I j,,, r,,, .., , I lira 40;t"lS' toi,� dj*Jj�jsA..oC L t -
, . jq6jjjt.jW ' j L14 � -to %N -Ah- va a , - r - lxdy�, Withdrew, lt4tty,, aunt 16104, lit I bia-seta, it, bat soviollow It hoir LiUl� 'L � '*. �
1. I I . ,QOVW _ L
, 11 I .. - I � .It$, . , _* ea�t�jlj� in,e(ivAj , A a' lial.� , _: . 'J'it ,t,4e ,itt; � 4LO, U14 . L q , � - . . . I I L I � 6
1 �Hvm ATt I A r..4 mitsi .k. I041, L 6;* ,Ntir &et." L 4 t ' 41i'*s es%jva.i ,Xt last It, flow Away* � "
, 11 L I . � I L I I I a M& Ist ,�bjr, � - do, � Lbu�?,oxk; j -,watot L"', , " ��Ji��j �jje,�. ., b# � w . t 4r. . . .
'�4 1 L I I L I I I , dij� L I%' r ':, of �J'Wq I , � , , - jjbjj�L�L` ' - ' , ' :�,L .
. ,., � #ire jov "of the lmlo,t�4�* . _ I � �$..ho.jd� )jt%$U�,+bc, � OW�. c4s ,,u ,�, OL I plus atoe L
I � .% 4de V to, , n.4, , 6id let ; , .S ,o4Ae.rK'jXj. I It $ft- suagos ed that ik ahIP to
, � iiiitwa W �vol 40 iiv ��,�* " ,#Q;; �'t�jj� ,
.1 " I � I , ,time, toj re''t A,�,,,,ea�, r ',,,, t alit li)DWAX. lfoivit. ner t * :.. I
( -%Ad p4e. , w4X $(Lj� I Ver$�� oear, njjne� I bad to I %
. , , , I
, ,
I � ed Or , JL' �. , , ' WWI" '. I . '. .- Will. 11ftVe' , '0 0 1 Mo . , to etuforod to take MO gattlo Awsr 11 .
I "�'- Th , rMorl A�ia Aw%� - � � . , , : e$an4jo t�lk.' f nover ft) bui, X 1411"kep
I : I . , " ' L� . er"o I , - ��D 0�'sppo L a L , I � I . I q I
11 i � lilser,%.L,Qf fjW. Ajrajr�"te 0 ',aoh, TK -,Il- , - , 41 , -,:16 dr$�-' %Or . ,, . , . . , 0011 W`e, -b , f I .
i I , . , 'L i ,,ise f, 14� to der. .0,lvak, L '' ' . � , . L � ,
" , f ' - ' jler�a 6t4jZth, *) - Sod bot C"$o W4111 �.bo ,adVililltflte� I � I
Mo fjo �to me,j(*.,jVU"j WIMUK-"C01110 so j6astly'� "80-Y04 real-� sou&t, for, 044, il 'tjienp�0t#4.LUp. -1 .
, d r r , ` -
� '," "" �.�'L ,4, 1 an
. "quen 0, � L' _a IW,6 gTe"o"$p
� _#
. - Ll 'I h;;t.6rj �oir &ioWsk 0 � �;�, , �,�t , i4i I 1 L, , . ... �. , .
. 11 14406 `44d' th nj �aa(l bon- I A �,o ri ''
, 9�-01, tua, 6ar ls� ,, ' , 11'r - , ta, 10)i i n , . , I I I ar.0 I . L 1.
L . , �1; , # � 'dioappeavg " I L , �' il . , , .
I , ', -
I ,,,, , 4 na inchIr as. � L �� , " '-'4' . � I I I will r 'e ow jo4jigo�#,'', , I . do, L - , d , ther thl I , IP _ keep ly�,at,e M . r , . I I , " 1 J$S gu"%, r , I .
4 � , " '� . � . .6r: -Insect. � L r �� , otor sapplema �' ,
� I
� I ,v [n,(, jio,M, ., t�., _y,CoU;i AV, , I tho ' ' ' 11� .'
. ", . I � r I" L I�� , �.. �, i6v "'"' , at t be I b,a)r
I L a,: rfi&jjffe�_�T4j 'o)�., �'..W 11. _ 01' displUemont ZiAe -on ' ' ag - � jj�t,bL. ][ I 1),ope YOU . 0, " 411%.d Sftdaeo.t$� t'ho. L
4 nortoz._t`111:1 t6,41141t1l: L r it L I . ii� A L mted by 160i 4. L -
_Md', the tgkugo c Ara..'L � ftt I f toft, L fjj6 jLjol'K
. �st fied if ltr is, _*,�A� 0 _,;Po":- L, __ , �. bliek � lakor (or ,1W,tL a J.iuirp.
L I "I e$&� )?,rtjl,t,%$9',� __ � ., , I I I - _. 41,31 1811�311 ", - ,� , , [�, r, , � . I 1, - 11 . N* Wouild � It Is L '%L , I
I . � tiom�_ IAM 1 J6P Aowu . to,,JAQ.�,tho itAko right hi .L. _ 11 . , , - . .
", I : �, . 11 `:]JOt- jarjjL t w teAo4to� Xnau. L E glaor.ed_ dow , hboriag, tilj$t*, L iTki � ' .L' . :
, , I
- de� 44iituriaa � and, r th,e,�, lvv,� . . , , , ,dawt,iiiiii(I. It"s not 44y , fault. you lasljqj$r�'Ujjj4'. Sh6 tilted )lot bead _ L -1 I...
11 I I I 1, I , , XT'nIted�8fb�teS�'jaV,V �, ha�$ � �' , ,r ," AJfiWo 1�.' "' j�qrryW **Uo%"' &jtMuyLljttIe SWIO r , .
1 I - r$ ,qtObjjL 4�L OL , y ' I , , , a, � on, iqjutl� ,' lookedr'U.Pon t1jo s%V06j 0 - I . , .�
. cayi%. 10 L"Colo ,� '_ 11%8 0 Woerw, ��-Of .1be mo�t, 'Istat6d, bo� ores0,11y fbiiiad L. �'r tAW j6h%�
, , ." 'A ,�'t byroltlw� - � I L . . � ,U . �, . quiVe'red i L
. . _JS�'hQ14L ,oim*.Mb to: ojie " . 1".. 'bit0inta of Tristan d"Amobi ' L L
L �,Td,iue$6 `fuo, � I i W .. 3 - It'i bVb*jj , , d" I ..Lv , , I ��6�t lip, in,th
r. . I
�1. I " �` - '� L -Ul.L..,,r 'I, � ,,, ple6e Lof broad, 1, "I . "'li f r,f - � I , , �:iliicqq - , r� L Mout ,$be ." 0.0virCC1, it., Up wbild'; 1)0,if Xla,Rtod�' W il 'L L littl � �. , . I f ,
� , - - ' 1, I On I ' ' ' ry�s I , i .�44 L rag rai[tLhd JM b* h 6 e Imp$. . ffTU6 vottrof Mo, isloadw Are Aw - I
, . L . ' �� L. ' " r , L: ,� . , Uh m,whito rose , � ,
L , I Upt, bo" do '609 1WWrIO-a '' dn& ,X6 �, -' '41
1 1010 L foj�4" %r 8e: 7, 6toly'tfiw lar(I Lop��" , 0 �L Xf Is , �
I � _ r - - , I
' - r -
1. L 14 . - . I I . � 'go#- �Adam* Alliatioe, .V$i$6;.k,_, �L�nd _ _U. Ut a r. L , , ,most As fatbl,fia: Its *4 ialdlpso 0-.wi 16f. Wglih%fmoror 4
� oa I � I �qldg! 4bo%t in. h0'V : - . I
I I '
AbPiX, � .i �L �,�.. I- . _' " 6bjjao�_b*bjt. �jf''�Indtfl , gird ':- "t &44% r t,hini, yoWd be. x- bit like a �.� L- ..
4j5.','r1j,4, ,,q. '�J," Wj�.' . L bat.t algeora to be 6xrth,of
:j" ; tq.n. 6r*ers � lire� uparly %1111�1,0111'1!1 .b _ _ _le*� �"' - �L " 'r .,:id 4 �Jal - , - ",Vhijjt4!,L j - ,� I P. ` . . . . ..
" U , pjjjj�,� 1, 15 " t4 � I -mgkln�� I ' tua� 4boe In— � I'L '' � "t _ , - _W � &j - " I' � . Sife � L . '. - ��, , L. . I � og , * � I
� ,7 �j, � feo� . %otl$'L"': Zb6' _j _$eso, ". ,, � -
. � I , , ., gjU�,':',*tt6ak':' to" ' ii� oi�,the li6r f); &0dLa'j;�%jVj$,
I . . , I I . rjth'8trojjj;' ilk"" it",tjjjjUje$f�.'b�j. a,_L* P - _ : *bjf �.O,_ IN 841 V,wX I YPI I I . -Lot b 6 -see _. eapo�jftt� 1. 1, I
L . t , 0e, , long, ot , 11 41�be*lnl And an(I "* K;,gor INO; , oigbi..9 -0 ,6 6U41voice -how:'o _4 1 1 ",a. vegetab ,
: ' L � A 'if �,,,,, r 6,", ,� 11 6. ,0_ fi,,qo�,er t L bia a a XI; -, Or 011at I Of'rft��' It'sL . ' � I$, of 0 . .
. ' , , �,W�jV�� � .;r 11 I I " .
. - 11 , 'tj�e, , Ii , ; �,tL. .. _, , � L .people, 0,,,,, r D;jo " %V"ha& ybd eX_ woAderft I _#$bb, I , I
� z . IL . y , . "014, - , I , -4, - ithe , talia. . I. , . . , Ll �QW e)qlr�*� I . W browqtr;�oiloa% inil
, �
I - .
� . .11 20�.� fcot,,drau; _ . tvve , MOA -L OTS, _ I I , I I � AhMoviali 4, 6jgivaod,lcp"thi6x*)�k *fWWboiirs. ,rolls of4be br4la,,g 1 V , tiolug � rdli"r6 djjj_� $IV ,: b* very. sA* . �, I .
. L ,
, ,
. L. I. C InolivaitAir, , " ,21�, ' � , at goi Mt011l, Aa�g6a��'� I If , ��. �It, , � , fi,Qjj,n�'., �, WbL6 pe'o I PiA, t1sogry � � ' L '' ' keLa WOUOS:�HaUlb � owiflowbi . . '! .
�,A, 1 1 - r a,P,60, .1. , Acblgb',4� Ont n tho'glao , fhe hnoitt�e l*xzer of,tha "llo . t theni to bo. 6, ,.#"d* WoOM . . _ . 11
:" L.;; . PoIt!�, �10 1, hen, heo�,t to., be lik'o; 6. J.11y., "jjr6t 'j, 'O' ' . d�r.�:gvad,- I � -� L . I � � , &U, e4A, MA I Y"Q4 yon �Lebjktj%010�" L ' '
.1 'Ue$LOf,6 eo . �Oatt of _I'?10 t�*�L; tjf�,J)e).14 I . OM L.." ,'W',- & ., I . bjg; , , , , 1, L 1. I I I
t,h , , , ", , r , ' '-1 likat X]Wtu6k,6,6,an4 keiolik."!,thrite; : ' 'Wit 'tbld,lt�f&aula 110 , ,. !A" lbe, 0,1 0a 04 vpoI,4t,e& ,, , " I � "N ill sou tell me� 14006i0i I , _ L .1 - . :
� I ;61Dns),;t`wQ:xt4d � r&A Inc a U '0 ' ,6a jiud ;&allyi,�sO%6 iseas ,X*JU IXOt.., I;, , t a y - j. ' -46: t - --Soft, - I I *___-1_' -, I
I L I I I . 1�gt4o,� W . _U�e(k,thp Vo _. �Aff, ,-;. " IE didn't wa -1 4--s" evflW*-*Xo,. -for, IWAUO�, T00404
L " I . -4 'S�ej � 6 'lot * " I I h%vA othor
' ' ,. 4W. I h0jj,jfie,gjj6,js toLbo I . . qC F01010i'161P I
� I de�k;'j)jatjnK. , � ' ' L 'I, tb�.Otn;,; a, L,
�� . . .tWjtf_Jj0jo�V4., * t'h ,_*so 'oure . __�i)
_0 jeh , . 'dI .jj' 7 J*- ,- , Moon �dia'Wt-ICnoIV,�i*llit�,L�,t��l$t�Y.L' ' � .j tile Fatl$ of Italt'. ftlit & 40aa- - .
., L21* ,=8 � ubrd'AAd, t'�rkto'wn;, � d.� eoA .LIX , 0� as i 7, �011 0-1 OA, of 1, I .1 �� : ', thia of 'two, tuodrewl dolltra - I .
, ,
'. I '00L. I � . ,:tit 'fa, * hbtL14,be placed, in I orgi , I , I- couldn't -help It,, -Mild vottIC
� L' , t ' dng'it r. , _ . i'"N ".. , , : L * . .
I I.. I L , ., . - ., I -
11. I A'P(t deAtli'� .� i � I I.. , L 0 �q : , , � , I - , I .
L I I L , 4 '440,t. I" � I v 11 ad. 166,ill' t*,o' % I!, _c;f,b0jjj0g "ter, toij3oftoA:th0 g I "Mot.i", 6 ,e'0 .rtaiily, .wa,s lo,ugfi- blamed ujItieky .60'-U, h, , ,, 'L th ' �: L triblit -
. � of PQ�&l 41*iply'kad jalak( "6. knots Mi, b iat,;Dolphio- �Of, 1: ,,b6�'r j�j�L r lue, , " luo vollot. � . b . � I ___ta _ f4._ . for d * -
% . , o " � I a L , . L_ . . $ � L Itp I -
. , . I � , aj� 60jtj�",' . L , � . ,�Cja$4tg andpjgtOte'� " 0� AAAAY L o.her Alsoaa- . . I 9,g . . L I , *h
. " L ( dirauglLf, Ohl ,. W,ij ,th6, 1 r L ' ft Ion Among t1wiloubitants, �' �' L
- Ur""Theik'aimaments diffeil , .�. � � J�_, _0jejanin,g of_ $oAjtUou0,jj,_L "* , .inj ja4lt�_. � --- - . _ I a '
1:71 U) _ - I .. . I j..'r � I I . 'eq��jLj�arj,$" t L � I 'L I� , I 11 I NV0 - I X .
I 'Vjj�j , eteelie '. " _'fj't"j�46rjbabje'1jr' 1. �Iast tralp from, Mayb1irn thitiwonlug-, Reg 00140 naulied G I
1. - $., 1 r ', - . the bot thia-9 to'ivw I _,kf L , or '14�tL 'ja , . I r �A. I - . Ito jUICL 60L 'tbf# ' I
I , I- , 'I A JU,Lbre I I , 'd ,tl* iSlar ow I
`" L nt .`.'L��"_f'l . I r 'hthe'�'W,Lajj� j3j,.jnL.fbj � ti � lj'aa _V.J��L
I .
. I . lijit,Are� �Jraotically '04ilivale iningtolik lind Tkleif4- lie MX4% _ I ,,
b 7'- ,, fwO,69 t ' , ,
I , , �qU , Or fa�e,.%V46 h%jj bn ja the rosoo intment" : 1, � , ill, eo= , � ..
1. I _ 90 '
I , or thi�"Aaaaka -0d, 'ag, a :of 11371 (6nil I .., � 1W � __ - 4, � ,0 �
I L _4tci, PA40j t4 il hot SO- for%: -of '�'J& �Jflgfet " C0116tank, Ue'V
,� $ofUPN,., C6)ijjj4tL I � I .1 ti. 6Ab*A10`.Au4"WU04 Anotlitr 414 ,
L ,
I 1 _M74) '2� c I W , twu Ull , Ola.4gU3,jbo&ts, thw,lq Auli shelve)g 'with, is��a. strah 'L , m6 Over ftet WrQt'�' SJettor to tbe Load L
. I �. ��11,41%Vcglneh, �,.,�_'%Ud �y', I '' ,As, .�. ,& bruAlf4soul(l, idea, � and,,Asi �0jeto"t44t'lltoppidg -of r gafa two� bilglit ey�& Wokod AX . i .
__ jo.,Ij�6�jfth jjOntdX , , g"6, g 2'� latioli of AlUol'iV4to jo "'-*O" � '. � I I
` t-�_ -.1. in`�b I tioo �&Jqd ,B . I I I— � L I I I . - lei.whiolithraft A,* addition,61 , "
I . - - ', ,W,Igq'�'� �aud, IWO: 4W, 6)6i '" heLj)jjrPo56 AS th"tt, Will '%Vatej Lo,itr � 1,0,tidk,of�yta,ra will On- tho- 't I "I've, knoAvh lots of girls , . I : . I , � , - Upo 0, 1014"Orit. 110 I
-1 EN 41t1W:.,_ - , L � hL ." U 0 tw*6 ottatig �.
I . ,
, L
" j:,kfiro � . " ' ' " J,A . J* tl�jed for, t, ,
. , .W� _ ..... . _ , L L , ,,,,,stdd,,,.r. 0
, , Tlwy 'werealt. all At*," " J)01MTj()'J[tr(,J:l�P0L
r . ' Dow * so -- -I '- � . , , , ' � I;. .", _
" . _ 1.16,�, 11 - 0100., , 0 A Y-Vear AWE ., - ,dmf� worry ,
.1 _ _&nd__ �t*q e 'It" I 't' . �. I Is; e I I Mra=itabi4o". -
� -4a&-f;-, v ,�1;44 , , `�,
I I . .- , A_.� 1, Ul"! I . : . :L Q*
, , N
, I :L. "CIM1106W5 � . - I rackattit or' 11, t " U 46,
. I � ' "� " - - every t 8Qmo,,%,6T6 L $ 44 &UStUve .t �, o .. � , �,W.�, � eisid. to t - , ,� - I
- ; eito .0 Vjcka"bttrj,:� ''L "I "L �Apo� L J)Ut qvid I I I ,Art .0v . � I
". I . =",WAe"aVtjW, �, .. �'T, ey'.haV Rotor f6i,011 gra;du�411k,,'Jv op J* .
, �. rw . a Ai�4ftti- aid I a'400d etad ,44rn tjbjs� r. , o .,Iltit . I . .. 1: L
. I �.toroed(X,L t%tbj#_. � 1%1�,Cjjb at coloh ,Is - ylioli�tI44-' '�W 4 L in- Won; dilg%P 'iw . ! � , . ,� I
L I I tob .Ne*j�ort. Lj�'"&njo 'r,rig thi�'L� �Jljt aly�*htrok t,h Pointid-vo4l yl�,.-. ITU -4,ri , Doliei4o ito"it; of r4gmb�,�__& delkjoos � , mossr, fs, VALTamr.-a :, . I
. ''r . 11.1 _41torg � , ,%ea, -$�Jjj.�!%Is6 k'll*b�� .00jie�'t'U' lei6siir o,liva , A
, ' 'tly � I - .h"L___' , 't llisao , %L' t, 6 Mach '.J��oet or 14%6,%, t * , 1) ' ' , oil* 'I(X(6WW btJOL " "_� .F �. I 1 I' .
� I I -parry o'. Jig -,.,, , , I M,W 0� -condition a !AL 'L % L
� I - - � f�W i - b- ' ftfbioit,�ine �smqo h OW'."t 1-1 I ' L tmo, L -j", 11 : e _ tj�)t6btftjt"
. . dlniousloao an' d , 0. 1, Mit 44d': To "' ' ' , lit, i � I r j eufta i$�."pir;b ',j#tt,jh4y,A4i6. 0 1
1 � �
- __
1�1 11 . , � _0t_fijI& -__tjjn&jIej_L -
. ,4nd tj� '' Stj� ' Or . I I ,
'' . 1 411 _ . - I . � I , I
, t I b'ag'b �A,� ,ii��t6t�ood'_kovjic 't, '0611A, ile"at; Rain
. I , Ut �- �JX boresL L :. I � em: I . . to'Lpe'rfor � , - �aSant Ojae%',� L . I
; -.118h rMMOU , dot Mo a 8 0431A., I _ ro - their nice . as, there sire, w L '�a a is "tbat moner
, I I � .
eok�ll I i 16 torzi iAg A I Is o �,
L , Wl( .it 14 aorl�r tlioio L ot,
. . I - tolr� 4 atl&tIjA _Ojro. L' ' . . '', I I , - - ky Were 'yftl4,..d u witli fdtw - - I
1 4 1 flao'bi . jAn 'LL.. . 0- . , I ,�. �tjeo�', LpccaSjon �. . - W. � � �'Nikat 'Wit. , 1"L, . , , 3tref., Ily ioidte�,i. IeK,
. I -four ., r _ I I � a , I � I , Isapp6lat- Ple.. Nvhewr 1", , . I
� 1. _*�Of a,tmour 14 �oi, The Orgi-vite 1,605 .1� Zia i � I � i �; , � 1; I . I or, , I 1 . I
I . , , , L &Y�111' ,fiffkA " ;.,j*j�ljjjj ` , , I I ., I I . ,� Izo L 00o"t%*lt � - , f 240 V%fto fo tjWilft I . .
''. , ANV " 410a%1jer"PB�OeA, `jn0Ijj4j�i* 9 . 1, I ,po�, %vft but, h I , 'ed W,Aou Yom PJ0V.!V_ , I
,, � ,pe, of i I i?i,1:1_4panl$lf' I . I
fightlilt. for .: r oe five, sjWt,ohl6ii in tho, water. WgA .then# .W 1881, 1� 6 0 e gy I,tk . -
I � on jt Is rt4t L - '
, �1_1'1 boat I a ".�6o SO% RP1.10MU, S.", I 'j I r � ' U ; ' ' - Cre it W0111 _
I . I I tjjon� Jje!$,jA this One b . _AL. _ �0%r�rr t: I G600 . jt4tj r , � : . �all�'- L.'-' jeAt#. but, JV , '
r v m 0 . L- Ugon: ono.,sido a� d C4 .
. 010ed ,battlosh The &-u , Ill its:_l 1 .1.0 ��fl oV'
I , " I . ', L _0 �j I tli� On* emobso a, for thelit emylosit . . I � 11
I � . - 4- 7'. � " I . * I 10,140 I I , , , i0i 00 . 'fIr saw L your 1"t, I)Aoto , r I I !V� - " . _1�
, "It'*(Laa .an _W0&L,poj oky-ablit-fitftly-Ve dsf . 'Ito ,
I pr�__�_ �__"_
- _ , , uuqr , , . � 0"� L --hy-tW4 f 3 I , I
,fij6kea_w,% e , . a fspring- .t o, cello, "'ot, � are L ' " .. I kno _VWji_Aft�_41_ 0Arm, � 1 LL
L armo"VXO&,':0*411jotjt�� ' '"� a�, fhot iji,� � , I . v 11 I �L I � .1 it 11 (114 . 11 . I 1 400MLI , . �
*dd� 0gh _ ____ _ ,� .1 ; " , , �', btai , , 131 0 177 I
I _ � fine ,� i he I _$t' I k ,
4. ... 1. L I � OM06 ,
. .1 __ _ I I � .. L , L , 11 I "
- ,
- .- --,.1-11 I ,te"g . weigh ug' -four polatI0. `�Vlt ,� ' ". __ .., .1 - . . hor IlAdd� artiol't '' ! I L
. *"ot" �Iotbjgijr 44t
I- .1 �i, MrS, -9'P . I tilinoi .It ,
, . I ,Q"��_ I I I I I 11 ". - - -to-as,yj---- �---� ,�.__._, q
�,� , � � XEIMARAAML. 1* , 11. L 1,1s-vt �ot . Agatlast. . �--_,_ _ - _ bMteued i1oftonod $44, �xq*t,toiv4x over It. hod no ,i*,. for Ito- tWy,, ss4d,7..iT* ,tfi; , .,
'L , , I I . 6 I '-r. - 1. I . .1 '##,O, Lthero Was it consen- ,'",' I . I
" I I it was. it 4'4wrod, your hoirij)- , ot L L
I - havo".!W: " , �. 1 0 _0 Li,goUbo Nyo. lqjua�ris 4'bof(t Wator and ,$601e, jjm��L�' - -
I , , zet.''VA, Me � what ,W6, ".4 - , _ ']�%'L ' ' "" I ,'' f L Wonder ,VljU,w0j6Wt �A , r .
: � ,, OT00. iqW 4: biK., q�, tO " or As, aA4 In oftt� t * , 1. I , � I . On nli4htoar tlijt 0 o4ld be � .
I . ,,,,Ar to,, .Wi�, . Ut I . I suslof.opfiiio*�L W, 4ing - 11 . sh %%ed of e I I 1. J$, 11�061104L U'Ad��e%ftjkjj(j'�loek*; %Ujt'� .., I
L .11 . r U ltw. I . Y. ,: 1. L I I 11 " , I I I .
1 100 O ,; QA,V4,q .our othor-,'OralOOE I hat 6�#s - I . 1 . I , . " 11 �, . I I '' `jo' ,
"t, p . %i6rj�e,�j
- I I �A In i _ s dtsh w,
I ,
, . ,
I L h . f '14rdt�,`6f iei4� th%4 -'Low, wa��cu t . thor4 W�04*i A . ' 'iikoLt boll ,%per I "� I , �, Average a r of : ij�"! � � L "I , , L iiifh '06104, 'OLd to, tw� fl6t of" the elillar't , L; , L .
� I - , i JACIUdin , ��_69 L , I 410 ro"My � I I . . I
I L I 41V6441414ible 11,1�2�-t,Dli":.ti4tilow.,por,.t6.no�,di4iiWL-�bi�iit fadh biocause tt_JIAitet0a wor.", : , , I � %'WfX*V$* L .: 1. ., .
1, i .1
I 'Atook I , . tAidut , _Wi�y. '. ,Wh,pL'jx-tender,�,44..,�,,(iy*vter Of, .S,t!tti,8,.'*�t7a..�ivr�iiti,:,O;otossio�r4 : -, %0;''-`1,1,ws8�4ot oVe ' , it ; Mt1WrjWrft Is 0 to -L!, , tj�jtj," ,.Utwit a '10 ','�
- 4 � , " � . I r U1 it Ja, not, "ep'"CAt. * L' I
L the X� ky, Xf.mrs4rdo'.11114015; AL14-,: th it Oab%i:�40141 . . A " 1) , aea �@voa %W]i Vie , ,�
� - I .4 boapit gUard i � , ' I � �L� ' =" , or I I.. .1 ,OIL, jamjL, L�' that, X U 1i *,&t L , , I , ,,,r ,bl,,ji I L I.,
. '
I .. I 0jL4S0,6.40, , . � w . . ' . 'jthDg � r0L ng , . do*o. and .or t*o�,fj Its . Ono I . tolIA& jV_djffj6%jlfy In. 0bt4j4"jr'tob&%N� '�_ 11
. - fbx All _,, . it 4 liwii �,-' '14
.. - w ;� ' 4, Liter' sAlt,tO 040:04k# 00 Id �, t . 11 . '.jWL'IA'd�'di ip 4e&I
- I bli�JU& ajjd�.W - ip '4,roj�,41th�f � , #,' W. ,at 000A, . 0 - t. t 6 1:#q .. awl � ,'I'm 41*4 'y $jjC#4 't Ltb�'t
_1*011�jfi`, ** _h Inoffe,ot"t f0ce $or',vax liparvo , , �� ' to$ OW9 $0011. at - 001 VoRe-
co, Lalid t _, L,
. I np*;y JaUlftoh* j*o�;s6.Voja'*rcAsAj,q� t1l&t".4ji� I Or $Paola , W I,g4fIkej*d# %'ag tb*Lobjoe�L.:,� �'
I . 4dyk,L,joj: , I I I . , ':jtj6 tU � I 1 . .1 i : oi O', Cte *� , ,. " - zatog : ..
. I
I "ryk 'foij 11.1 40 , I I
, still, On vio,ioasor � t, b � 'L L it one, .xx i iolflii6w.
, t� j fill Ot, 461rei'�'* L iv
. 4 , �i tvio:oin - 'i�iuG;6 Tow nhlvorx�tlwaq the -bw§b Uvo-a littlo�'vxeltebiebt., , tabili; 14wlth'tho,u#yo� flavor
11 ad Oil not X40 rthja�te. Th�OrX '0, ;ajJ14"W' Ifloj&L ,, " , 11 Waa , -1 L
4 .... I . , -11014 - - ,0pWjoA;*' _j ys 6 Y" Wol ... W,;%ft _ . .r,U. _- �
I I I ii$. Ift JSX L
. I 41s'. , e () r,V , I ,of W, _I#A'U,4 'aoWL qWtA &Vold ot "ibeir 11*e% TN� L _' . ..
' . -
11 _ � girld, *O� '' .. r, L * L I Of SOY. h%r4$W# 6004e",
, 11 I 00� W'o. �IiAvb gUn'L.V"Be I to' ,_mjXoL I., w -O _`w&tpp, ,b6f. _ "',"t � - 111i- - lit- - - � I , * ,
- I i , "' w � 7. tU . 1-41, _ ii I . . .1 I
, ,
. - . tbon" the' fox f)attlois ',0�46 . _ , , ton " _ I lit . llii4 11 __ '' 444 had &is L j,4 1 . - L ... .
. Mv ii*- U.., I , vl� .1 I � ilh*ss, It should be .
A 'r�., _fadtr osuvi.u% 939, i %tL� Pot ' q , , , 't , Ojiduirsifteii' for thO stthln of pro- 00� A ,
I �0's�;%Aj)j�;- , _ I )%401 14 ftwv�r'. L zgeh 14"R" Ion I 0 � .' 0,o I ro W`UC"Want
1 , 30. '011 - Ind C'L�,Oft tkff.,4ndh !*dg C04AA109 of one On "Wat'jitil, aie �iMoo � I ntay iiat, -a I of bo0jZ
. L I
, � - I tL 9 , .of L f 0 '' b,%t" that me . � 1, ,
I .." � 0 , iiiiis, 16,28E - ort ,so 1 � w, . jii��PJAW , tdaspwufjol, Of feadol6iaXllfe ag man, you!r,�,'4416 �6i-�- 44itliti1jr, It WoUld i w . Few *Ot 00110 04W remd, UVA aw WIN ,
. . 1 siot�, IU§i; 0 0. I 'UT, 16, 1. . % I OF
� , oft; tia'a"TH)r'' L r "Yov i 1 ]�%ture enoUgh - _f" I_ �
. 6.1 � � ,� jot_,:'.6jj , 1.,.
. I rogoo� 10;280- ( ow on, the rol. -, tile 6 "%4 toL an dt - 0dt,'3d(j that wooldWt : buted �00ett wlile` It brawns, , ea'a have )Ito
,., ,�� ;, tha; two otinburbit I o . A . x , - 'Ac . .",� great, and It _ g.UM 1. I . their :r
eqUiremeoft. ItLiat&'&j�61joL .�' ,
, L "to, I I - Ot = �Jjo;' 'betsir. lb'doeoWt 0,04 il� .4 uaheA nice. W I _ I I
- 3*10o), I 1 , Me .0"M .b.aljfdoopoo4ft L'4 WIY,,the stiala.,wao too, ,
. 440; the gunboat � B0 L ;1 , .
" �� I , '� L �,�� 4 1 14, L MOM TSU, 686416, 1 11 � 31it I I after a fqw,�'ejirs,-. she gayi olit, oft i*ii 1. 0,00 . .1 If4 chee",-�iflwasli and
A I ; 130.01yaj 921016us,. and Xow_ - - York: 6rTr6 r� . I , % : t U' otajjjy:.Or I I . I liet
I ^ oketo" ,, QrUfod,tf) ^ oo� . L _1 a. ft & tA soft asl"�, '. �. . .
. � I - , , , , 6, gng- ow .,a - ii little's I: _ i+'Iss . , - � . I I - I
I , ,6i j togolitWL 'flib, . , _-001a, NXCr.�---_.._,;_., pielk 6,6i 0"Jew -ions; gel"tclusli andii to
I � .4 that any donat � �
. _ _ permilaeaqs', - � I I p, of rloo.. Drop in
.11 - , I
I . r ' . , ' ,L , , , ' ' . � a er -war,, ': T , , a4ppose n(At., I --bovoy V
1. .. A Ni Ga; Eb _ .- _ W , , .
1: I I' I AA 11 It 0� o: or , a 'L b : ci� Tiott� 65-0 , -: ,jsjbj�A�4 roll 1, h4vo4bo d . lie ry, , 0 hii stiows, 4016. the .001 17: $0, .to, alli; oil' the."; .eople will be ,%p.
, I ., I 11 r� UlA **, " L . ''&lid Xjfi#e�'qOIj8L" ; 1. I I % ,"idi. #a.t�� , 41tod; rli- 11400 -
"I r . I - . '* V
1. � . a L a %6-, i4v;)� antL line' O' f " 'of tho'ke I ttrWi. I .1c on ,,Offtoti Of Wol , ,4. 1:1 hwwt, . .. " Wr t -1 plied In & mahzer vidiieff koej* in vW 4. � ,. � L'
11 . � tho :06eow(glii� - boaltloobili � � , ". z I$ fit L a,& Inake, win nalra goidustotAetall � �' I've 4uilta proved UjyL Vold
� . 'L ftsulsh nav ., L ob"'o I I I I I 1 . 11% &,4V)rt. ot Vft ... 11 I
I . I ,far ilwiiov zo, 'L ;did W ` - I " : �' , rev
. L Ot r ft#, 'or., 110, .,I , . I 1%
I ... , I , It et�#* f0V tWenty y !lit, ld$t,
I ,m,!"r 4,tq.o , ", orafts", . W _� lfliwoy . I ther je�sii tht their * . ItieSp r
I ,L ft$ tojj3�"`tboLd0W-b1q.-tUrvLet , tr,,� t*; busill6sa, " RIO- it", , negess
'L . , lateog "by" Very, W00 Oeotoi; tot'l I ", . SOL*e'wila�'y"
. 4-%� - , I �qld*" t , ��� i" L it k Lone Ot� the" :�Iltq,fmeg P I *Ojilily; ' -&_ -wit304 ottxvwmi tso �tut tli6, gral" -Ila. whir - I
I . I I I , '01-II'L tX&.on6,)*rr,hW:�', ire, �', � go M, WAAY , R X woulloting b . . ...
� . 71vuVitS14 Aft*'Alld tim"I'Do 11 W, 0, do -, forj*40 Loot puiting, .. Tki�NoAdotTsist4ad"Agu�.iii *
, .
Q8r"ffiLL .'n- ' :: - . I I .11 I . o-Imll a#,hq r P I:r I . ,.g , PDAt$0 IV" ' OW IL �Otlld WJI,L b6"djf)tlAet,,. Wl*]* .Luaaorl WV0 .1gAgen deaoribj�(l , %-� the, - lottalient . .. I
I 16ra 01;6;% t1fin ( 6 .. b6ag 1.16 �Ljlj �befo. ,rdfif6blo IOMO& to be Je0hedL. fromf .
r6l I ' ' .. I .
I I . I L ,�, L , Whilol.&SW bag tWd ,MV,V n$. ' L: �. ' �
. I �
I I , . '. 6f . thAostr0yopi, I _ . , . "or ,*�tptoo; tbAt .A rast, dosl aitho, Wss:fhe'Jast , trala, fro . %, -,�"141" . . , rosa,emil)
I 0 � largo 't' * L " , , ilt , " W, *1th, A L - -tvith, a; , a, On the 44 of,ths
4), , , 0 14 � . r I . : ,:� " � L , , , ,.I * 1. I .,r
. . - 11 AfAstid stedlo I . L �.�'. � _ OlZe"q PL'40' v ... I 1� ( , . 'k . I I V 1kr ,I I , 9�6voo[Agl.� ready A, WfArtil hAl"K ah* I b a�m 00L Jtf4 r, . 61 � .
11 lgp4l�iijoh�, U,ne� ' , L L L t" "th _ 4,44 , _.- onli* quaft bt pi*� dtHeato ba.)Mivor bl5 rJr,1V tha , , .OpUf %tj'oo � .
I lffei-WAio,�,*Ioved *osselq " 6 . i "olt Vi),tatoi.4'. _. 1� L ' _ .ajalf . 11 1 a O 60 welt 10 ,
� . ains , .0 *iJ.'-'Df� $OL U0OjM_tjjA`&�;j4k #004- 08aft 1 I.." I .1 L . , _ f I , JAUOVi� I '61* Of L .
, I .
.,� I I- t* ., 1, 11. A, I Ith - - ' . Rho did, Ili other gohor t 1i �*qw, L vt JOL , Or$tect 10M0*01i the bOttOn. ft. 14 a� motrAtaluous, plat% the bijrh#AW-- ,I I
LI I I lat, edun Ing LOU I )o*,-�oldj %Wd, OoOMI Pid 061ft I I .. junst 1A oqvid�: AA06vt 10$ �
1 7, P(Ujjta'1j'L, : IF 1,4 da� , L L . . k X, I
jSing (0. An aItjt't#jt f)t#"f,
or , . I I L .% ftaf, L L
"' ' I t air6Ve t1W., 46 .
�&. JoVil.4 'Tho "he!14t. iiWe L
U Of Sal"UCI in _fgoLtijo .'ty:,aild on,whole" "'Now i've'll, j;ij ',%bo%t MoRtetwok 1, olto , . , _
, TLoX". 4init'L Q�io _whj6h,,. IS 610jV, ,nd throe otj ", I . . bei4 Ilona for her by , , footyL* 60 flp,6med &mrar ' 11hit Id A��16�ar of rke, thou a smaller -P& ,
je)m sear0oli liss.' , Wtl ,
� ;"! I : , , orOU4,1LjM,)V,0oi$1 Torpor &ACIP111to. O%;;,kIW!WIkj"0ne olt"#"
. ft6LI!0 tj�" ,- I , . , , I h. . 'to � '
. oud'ralUr A h'arboi,; 4tifouao thqu a �q,hi,Ljl *A 4 0ov6ral.ver.* larg6t"peara � r'h L:' )0140V po r, .1, . . _ L 101014"s, ltyer of g.r&to( _ej",, Until ride 4nd
� I � I , * . . . I OtL_tho (41OL44, _�kjl,3WA. $0 tflo� (;6'rernor I
� O'A&L'L �8 . I It - � . :'L of I I �j, or, 046 1 0400A 1 0 ;. : . I
f � ;*eq1,L4i4rk ", _ - � I , _ ,P t flat jabor-4i-VIA8 dOW000,:of. irlaaag Eve, ow" , , I I V , * *W '
I .. 0 W, � 4 . .
. veasel, *qwled I t, d#o,ij 010f d tw, - 'At J, L '
I I I Ung D0104. tile bojiti,10, I It, long,' *1 'k $6. , , atented Aod gn "LT)ak,Tko "V6it"lor inst4oce'lk I votitilt - . , ;v, put on 1% IS, & (DJOEUX"%no. -oj(X' fell( I I I
�� -1 I fo.'f j%%te,.kA%ts � #*aJAM6 th)$'' 20L khota_ Of IyWb, .40 . 1; - ,ideh� .beoja V , tU , - Lrod. lW . A401t I
- - jw1ne, ilffoeti '. , . - tlooir; -, att;os In '03,10 Ulf Lot _ L , d, PoUr OV,et Poter, %V,114 (;. � I r, L It � � "jko 414jJ04, 1
1 . - jL knan , ... M 010h. e . , I .. , L
� Sp*dWUL 111ne" ." I I k , fho'Arlet#40 '�.fkf6 " ,A6$,s`ho,j';ir%d not tao .80 "That would ,be as � dult 4* -,as, the 140=1 prumbo"Im I .
, �
� L , 0, ,Xn � 0 , 0 � -at 111,,Svww-� ' %vre 1, *Ole*, Milt'.
L, 0 e$t' $jl L y ye*t# isgo 8kjadj ' L, L, , ,
� " , I 0 .
ev6'rything, � Imt islAeo . � 3"i �c W. p`&� � I .1 V '�qoko I read.tar.L .
- i � * 4.e, *ustofi" g6,180% JUOM UJ�411 fp
L , lit, t000dki"outfit In-, 1, A tap of 00ttLtoa- . - , , ,
46 outolw , 101 A tillai of �*f�� , iph Words I it this IA4t .-0 0 '010e(
�' I hAV4j'&�jq#$lldL jjtL I L '%%e L� I -i 19i .000- or 1_0 - 5 I& _: ii,141 .0t4ugLht,'f6rjb6'*orroiV,/ 4 moMr. F A" no W -11-beWo egg, 1K
. .
� Nwrl 11 o - . V IL - �roam I 0 as *4s Aotesa t4r. fifty ioir a .. I )*Vfj to -twisti oty. moath Into. all im- '%vUR 11113 AIP04tes "ft- tiv*14 t' 4 . . .
� or 11; knots 011 - Ight ut t . I ' 'b � , %$"jA%bj0 '$hj 'f* l� L - ') ... - I I
_ L on's' I';' . �- oa, tUrtyt,ei -,-of Aho,11*401ass-!� 0 1�4ttov; a A Ik, two tablelpoonfuls bhb on off,jlft kinA003. -WIlleh W, N0010 .
� L ,Ud 6VejVL'ajj &V fh - 0;10 LO(t � . '606 ooi Ta
1 L , L, ' - but both olaige4 Ott L jLOjj# ' . ... , P,rl(ido Nalt to-Ibrr-o"a '. , , � .1)64. , ter. ant �4eant tablesPOnfilt R31b. 0004 , .
. � r
. I -*a fiftz ' of, ou.1548 I", It$,* 10 f '. or *0"-A%Ad lautv� be I I ,- , .- - A- "Give Me Oka example." - r I - it"" of this Isia"a4ro .
, , 0 ,vi I .
. I , L. L ito liat: fl* 'Vrooklyla� Aftil, 60t Tork xloll.x; fivo,ft f0foljou. wtsu to At", ; * a great *00ditiv hast 3i t1krd, Ono Wedged. V4 the
_ wmiy somllor'.01ft64, *116h , are,' .vot, . . -4 g ,;�hj
. I . e 100tift- 'lip ' tor 6ro6§, tjj��6. , " , 0 stowl ,. �, JUL . , .
I I I 41*- oreditf.4 yOU 20,knoW, t'111 ,Oeer�A Via Jyiliffit. X4, �Xaportloft I fia."Womeo xro� she thought t6r 4 momon , .1� t rourth'teav000rat dry luum , - d lihn to'"WAIA. b011144 - and, - - ,,, ,
I ,j I Ol 4' A � 4 60 tho ato, . _ � . like f4. be, 1400h, 04%yejlne. nake tt,mat:V mlautes in �.
. � I � _L�, 1 .611. � �r I , L evvo thoinp I I Slut ag, ,$141L 14111im;, owwooWasr, omight. too, Mw, I 6bould . CASIT HM TAt NVITH THIM ,,
- �. war �Wfth r2lop Md, tu mianeapollo o it to"4, the.potatoes, Until IOU Oita. .
: �. I jilalorpedo 004 e6rislats_ I twegty� ,do.A( L . tbol*dka tut'sud was twok . I
I in �Jj, ti�'rrjdg ad t efoaft b*in$ 0 66ilt ideall-*Uld ajtlall unwiintlala till, Ing abotit. .
� _ WIMZ. , 4%V flki%Wlaas .,- b0tjosld�* . , ditl L r 0 ly.Kbbla at 6 O 4; i.e., * , All - 80411 !1rsy6101-69AA;*-AP Jb C . , Tory ollf3ify VrItters."-'%'V*P6 one dozeu Ho� tval, aftelmyofft tatirrI61 tok on4, ' _' ,L.
Iften to.21 WoAo-A'j�d none, of �Wui`�6 10411 001 041� e0obtuank, . .11, 0 ,f I , eA*ly,,.. . L . raot,s, t1irorlIng theft into?'_0614 6f the' wot*& Of' t_,he. IllIft'j, L . .@I f%
. �� . 7 ' ". ')j*V,64 armftr I*Ito Ot fou _ tw� b40s one ju,ei � Alohk 0011wo, .404 wbst 49 salsity , ,*
, t4�04 ftao$ t of. th6. $,erft I .. . I *orile�,, Ard" , . . -bboo ag, ualtuibk L 11 I , I _ ' L
� % ,,, ,fite " � 4Ad th,r06.jnOh d 0Lk OJUX)aTe' ILA I . . , , 1, . . So ft, . 1 ��701 -
'k _ '�;dL '0, UP01% tIjj*L .
1, I L . I - . .r , 0: , is, Of.' I 11 nafm lWater *A 6*1 1 . . . � I ...
. Lpl%tlhg� but tho f " _4"rr Wft the, L Nat � , r ,, f8��ORAPavo. tlf6- '11, t% ., L I till, T�x 411i . . . . . . ,�, I � Inoved naillO I I , * I
A . A$t drujA fliZo. � . 4 _j%& once on a, W9,4' I and bappfor s ..O W .. I believe I all do lie, 0 ravent 419001- beewne I& o it*, U0
' . &S 41M not Sp4liiiax! , notibe - of Taft.to 170 . L L . d 0 . ., .. . , I Is . 1
21%; . ,; I rhe t r
r � A ooroildot&blo L - 001'4tbeS.' "W .1 I Ims bq t At.'. '. "... ,:- j*d back - . , 0 LOA. Men 411 'IT6, Otte, oat, ttletu - deaM of the I -hen _66yeroor; 'William � ,
y tlj#ij� , al&& JdL'f0.V *"he KI O�,�. into L I- *I' .
. , hmvlly'-%Moured,� a0tsinK' belts of, ,6ilimig Vk8sel# OiAd Mau %r L. On' WIR I L - . antes. Ghw,411 IM, M_Wandors IM041- . I
. I
. I I ,� . � , I . I 0&_jj.f#LL_0t.U�:trjj(t% . I "IyAll't tlAt an awfl%l word P. ts and boll -thirty va -
%r J#L ,�;: 14i 0 10 .
, _At� Size- of"an ' g. .ty $*0 11 , Ve * do op -of raid Ond "U. through 0, colaftll6t# wopsl�r o4eattd Pettit to fill his VW-Idi '' . I -
- Alid, Aoir to e 4
"I �t.effoetj" 0r&Ajbgdj..J0VL R&,Vo�. a " niT lumv tW one to
. - 1 tb. vkfoft *t "A gun. 1)040008. �, �tta, pUtd fjilt d 'an I ci � -1), 1 :%4#6 a .1ittlo 418traotiul Ito � 110.3ro add to 4 %$P000fttl #31t,L Oiijtj� a
'%Nint fout ihowm of steel, Inore"Ing &Akller OVO4b WIdAg, to .00'aWro but b"lle inwo balls t . _6 he h&$ i*CtVjtj4 -over L
I I ., . 1. , IL I I t. * . I _d, . . . .... . .6uth, , 5 I , _qd f.hj$ offie . 11
. I # _t , - tuo ttvd "o ; ,
I . .� 11 i,&jtg,AAWNTS. , L Id * ;41)owtat W6 - tlr96 arm .04S. balls 0011 I , I, MI i3vt Mr tbVre .1 I - ta - t be#aa to. toot a talage, table. tionto floun dneAuav - t-03- tAnce. H6 I!$, kwtowni to fA over elabt* .
Pw " t, wat qgr04 - - � ter ..
I" tR . � , --ft , 11 , 0 luve wo, Ahraak� from tiliet, vago-0 ap. '1j)Ol1#b.eNV,0At, aspio", I said. -W064 eq ., IsA is bate and vfgoro4*4�
''I �� " ,Vh��PwZ LtAts, bf th", , I attleships $01% dad, fordo �6r&ft,' .Ov�o 1 aagu6t bi%ten 09,9; 31VOWD � 010oven i 0 . 4 r esre�, opened In woodering 98vrr, two, well . g$,. Yale old . I ., . I
i " _. , L. - 0, I VV00031QUe Ile r cjr� 61toon 0] . 4),10,ster-iShapod M advajdj�tratiatk of VA101 slist
') :1 1, , aj* 1"vtor than th4m of t s Sp3abh I Ay - Ono .44111ija RAIR3 lander an I 1. Of OqI6� W,t * .("arred" , its, 4�1v!lw. 40tv" . I I bat , L . �
It, jislat D" e0l&(1�'.a,AV"%Atj,P. , .0voi aum . Wit . a0loov. bc � 10 ,L sm Into. .
, . I., . . . I I ' L "' kot lard, tarnlnQt tico ba,q-ty6a hirt the re
L 6 th%t (jf, the", 14*Wa.,all tL.n Sk . " , . " , . . � Dlowfi, . I I , . , L . L m e "* . . � . I
. I 00mr& T*k $10 , . . OAtO a 1*1010M40r, 00d I .1 ."o,0g**1"w-.P 0I)WIMe;-1111 toll yon l3tar 64 "' . iA ver.7 . . . �
� . _4t, .e0flaA,$tSL6f,4,lNd0h, 8 I I , , 11 . .00 . t -Nm of 11S fol, owotm . . I L,
I . �BXftpjot I 1. My.. 11 _ i. I . i., I . a I I ,
. I --
: , � � . ! kl� �.F#-� ,, I Vie] L '� Tllr" C0AW`S"rAC1(T3' ' . -h111 SIddonly""Ibn't this ebijet, both . . W411% llj'_Voyftea� b,T tj*' 39'0'r-# . . .
r 11 '18'.446111 61 440611i ." onall ifro), M, 6. � . I , � Duot Ri6-;**tlf6'6taW 3i64Y'PqV� . Ileef S$jtW"__M0P fine ,Otlongb Cold'- Tja6j$jj*jlCt
�. . POWT190 PARAORALPIN.,-. I . I And; toti,der IWMsh theril and cut svith a I . ty, rolt P � ; I boiled 1�00f` t4 W*0 Oneplot., kddL , Otto tqw$6 in 15w, Aftd,,%�Aa n3med AM* . .,
I tiountlet. kov#-iiiundor. An& At MR 1 106 1 L I 11 I . 00 vowtor of.AWSW,00, Wthis " lavo seed & Prettier." � � t716 rojoMtju I
. I .11 . I L L It tko lVitholt-t 4 'ext . 11
I 11 'L "Inownt Of the , . .. I . . I . .. &f46L 'Aj,(ojUt'ojAebj6jj0 'fig a tablespoonful 61oft two Ats1ka dee of the 'edition. IF
gans, Mis on, . . I . 41 4 _ #ojar Sjj%r, %Vj4h 06:$t av,er ;p,l 0* OW 01431il", What & delicato drawn :'I -ped onto"
,tit . L �� , - I
. ! 4,r#Wr llrooll:134: Is# &ja0h I I - in I A4 , "kNg,qff th� pikiii, IvIlich 81tts it * I 0 0 I �, I 0 0016ry elzopped, jiaa� - one 1Q.0ed tvas otmPlett br'Aukeileaq si!:�Tera JrOA
. � 'L - - . _ , � 6mpt� - heuA za,aynoxytnoua ;Wlflh lu�o,tty p1jak *,itit. ,Mtelv Me pleplo,ot, Atoklidgi alit'Oto Gtandart, e 6 I 0. , -
, of ii lowet v6plest lill.
M� :00ladrk . . f6f , e do flea a pfettior. .
11 I 14, 41011004 r , I I .1 � 1, " . I I
,,� ( ,fijj%ff;* - , * 4 � __ id - , WIA, h coo . to .,A O'CgLo ,BIRMd 9MAII; S'sW311. J*P bstid IM to, 1811, SA4 In 1911'rokmo td*��'
.. ft ),
. . I 6; 64 t L' i i.ra I ... ...... 1. gota,old It *4��b li� skjaned L ,?at filto abotit h%lf " ranell, "eiloog; " t , I . ...�,
I ,� . � 'It � R�A: Xooj,tto 'OS tbAt� 40kam , to cold- pot'stars ish. Apft�*,
*40 g. - 111111 It . _ 1166r ,. or,'Nulft Zm tiat1sa't 6ne...,
, ir and, 4 #Is& 448, . . bo;, ft.+* or� i* s1.on,tv*_%,tdi1ke3v by tlpo grit
, "I . � 'IV . . - - ;�_, gL Ver$ littl9w, $adhta� thin ady other Vlkropeatt waft- 11JDXd you dvor iii6w. Mo to t6n on ry ,U�skk 10it'.
;k: M� New Tork, tok sab 'AS� At6 Q('Dod 'i)a -, �opaa *ith t t6k atilt 41*� ed Me. one f_0C.pQ'DAf,%l Of 8itto .j;t1nk'0k 11AUSh"aftille U t 11
. le".11 st&ntj%11v,,'*L%a - k4iC � I _.''.., .., , 11.1. - , '.' � , - , 411, ;5MB I , " � . - �
- L . e " - -TH-6 7j). iqtf , . Mbt'k, h-IN6to,44611 0�0 , 'Wok -63- - Aoft_�-C# 6%0h,01wof%_th6 � ttatlivIg'' , 2% ..
_ ,
�. , I I � lol It masV60M41 10 -fourt ed fl4tr6 for tht parpo3a of keeplog 4
�' �_ 'I , - - -, - __ 'ed -ft -IRM. b6l 1 mralr.- r6idt-hanated MolmnaTiawo , I ; �
L ' �, 11 at. 'A' her I . a , , I aj tela & Ufa! 0 . I tw"Orldellik . , , . Doers Opp L
I _': ' L I _'Cal - I 6 84ffek " S.' .4-liteb 8 4-Ifth "at #OVOV. gbt$�,06 a 0116tigIt $to_W,0& *.bj6pj*nt, G116%f , ' f , "Oft . r , fiv� , Nialbat" Im8k de,i t MIt tirao a* L .
�.' 1. Irleg Oft I I - , " t0A.--trooliftl mad �,
- o i9ttistard, o66 #,u#,dii , vatch, on SAF011toll't Cht
. I # Ono -beat �*"%, atilt, aug L TeA bat WAS h!�Jj��; p4jC*Aer, Ott jZt t4jS,ft4, t1f. ,
, _8t
N (rxpld firt)j 12 $-i;tiftlioto, 4 lwpound. , to Uip tw sociat'v bo " boffor 06101 ( alt %vas spent oil a kilf of tho'lignor twi blWt �. jj6j0j.Xjj#__. L _ - - - ''
. I . - oust - - ______ __.
. iqwa I ' : , ,me Iolbtftr,�4 Avo Oft6n W6,411. 1,0,�v to HAI I Alillttwollt,� lightw Nviaorl, "'No %W&7t 'wi - X� tr,�.3fd 'L � -
� ,er and 4 jgans% A#jI L thA ' , . I I on � . -in t .
i. ' ke,aceeptobblo to MN �Jates IM6 ` f* main deo* of the Vo%r Star. ejoVeft Vdigutc.q. if ,, . I I ed IS,_Or;& mw of,gravy-or 0,A6 tabI6 -On tht &AMat sat,0� ,
. 11 Mae -At of Molehill tLe"H% 14 pre�tl8ely '.th6n 06 Post of AdmLssioo. ', ,,.,: ,wit,)i a,11446r crot onlyo 0 prevent Thc� depor-Afloo of flia dIAW92�room cost oAnd gw4n4s,911 X Amitadded; 40ter. alwW I - �
.� : I tt It I . . kIL eftft of �Jjftr J�"4 batter, rtlb- woro wiflAritwo, with tho exco0ion of . �
. - � ' tab it over wit -h le Lj(!d foge%
06 006W. TM Tpikaa haq 2, 12-4ach and, ' Ne:ttly 411 ' ,,axt from. roakto 'or, Sod one CUP hot �VStf$r, C
g _20,0%# ,jbo, I# 'S . ,0*ora�j Gj$!" 8dd.t%j*L Co _P t,Q" # 1i
� 4f 11 dt an -I
� Al -1-14, art fg"pi"'i"s � od. "36 tj .4$ MW Vet�r, ,oUrlo", Majqed, to UV6-,,M� ditt. ,; �;�; '3n
r 1, 6,fii#*,AMW, bmidem U, 41 all wmftof,egg. WV16% _. 'Ate _* , 1; AM 0, 1V116, wltb tamt *bMing Ata, weft tl* , .) .
) , I yjo%rj* $11 Itti)Me r vith )ftpper emg ,king v-1voil, ivi0i ked, blv�k, imil wl o8ixteod, aba t, jout you Aall.h3vo NIX ttordt bly, ttiter a, gr to t) I
�, Ion I 0--ic r, " A *oAnft jftt1V'45r _b0006 .Mat in 10:04irt" Nko Afteert 1"blatet IwLi LtJC . ly '- tel'j.. ., ilf
�. M fn(I fORf 11AC"t 11�1 90631 . ,;,do ,
-it It into, MA,rIll.6, ilud IM're I% t�-Marbli� f6t1h* � tl i1bt " PH, sl� twen; -
�Vauad6r,, a aft 1RUPtrAUSAW." (to not, cook tho filidt, bat A , , judets 04 ule praent ike'lemmt,
, "JA Mort bittfirly S, I 40. tin Il"1e&,%VIth jDasbry. '&tttew tafu.6 M10 � �0 ext'silent It -611t 1116 Vrwevtyl i_% pra", 3j I I I
� , - � %in whem Bhe woel)9 f014 ftito& - ", , , * " unatto-6 041-%Mter IS , .
"a "he, purft4u (Motlit"ry Ilas 4 1,2_ .V. 11W Ng ,_Ptfog�A"ft , below ty. Alta yate 'two an 141r -ed ,
, L � � , #0 -
. I I I ge"evogaly. aild 0, ftNespoolaftl bX &49*10 aeu z100 pormrms� All tho 10% IAIV�131'. -told M6 Sit, 11titfuth 44ry � MIA 10rivo, well flam I , �, StP309 diiii�
L inch, 6 4,,-�inclt (quitilo firq, 4 &JAnn'do red, $10 fritfl. onizon. TUM is Ill
I I ,Ovo -de ,flgd of 11b", out on 'd with rswe atones "g. t -1 -At fto, 0 , 11gLA, brwm. $$ITO With Chaps or so arlm% AnA, 043 14113ndots are bt%qtb.*
I 1� 1116 effee work of zl�qalset, - 'j%'a 1
1106 g . L W Aad tv drt I I �
. 8, Poo$ Wgrem - on 0% '01!6% V"Ot afJ4 b'�tjbq, - W$t Wtft L$,614, an(I Wood" !X*IU . .
4 onej4,4A4er &.nd s. a-par-fox,ntis aro fitte, . A, Mr._ ;' I
Awj- .0'r0aVXjLj" I :
. Ubile the Sloontsh crtwewrs L f0i I deal foj� C. _S 101b'W *$jd J#4*3rd�l( "'VOU J'AVO 'Lft'" � I , 1. Ott" . .. I add long ljite,& .
L 1W., two4tict, tt , 1�,q I �iW'.kjNhhj,K~ Thtre &Y6 two ,
,dr, ,,i,,N Thip ,%,� ap't",
1. ,016 cralk we c%nnot bo I I , ,%,Vjth 'M _ea(A. , - trithbrft 10 .11 I . _
" � , thitt , "r - Tho yleht Eton. X Eald , , qt4eq I �(!��s r;,.N Mng!* I
. .Mn ratrano , t I Amber 4M tmm* 'qu W , � �
C, tq o -m - �ped P At4jitent ft!elf, RftoW*
.. �, ,� ��*Wvkallil " iii'i;_ Aek _Arc� .fV%_fW&jAAPftf1b for Mwee, rub it iliv ftrt is -*-A OM'��, SYJWWbAt _00... jM_.'*'6t _L ,. �* . I � A - .- ... - I 10 TAT1744 aft'(11 Twto(*�w
, L
1�0*11Z�Tftstowd ilt " firAtel , - i , �y _ - __ '� add �Jjf ItlArAw _. J'. '_1 __ - ��_ I'm " 7a "I - :: _ .__ _ -
,� tnn�: .-,. -, .- I __ I 11 . I 1. - ., � -I -ItM t ' - . to, W $Out mte ,'A I " WtW � __ ., ,. � ,: I
, I -, : so directi �)VTeftdid V � - i jd� ,fiv,, wter (dr ,*�,wirsl
� tj tfit firj� jile, 64 t1leF jjn6g 0 t. _ 811)lki &I ,
11 3rowls. .t h6 Vbi,rls and qitberstleAm* 'n't ja0vor 148"Ookil Isoythis .11, - - C I . "
, ... i .0 I 'AIMO, dii a AM .-
! Wmn,R itl*4" Ili tho" of stcoAd . ." 1 tvith th,k *q -w and emtost f�416 back 0z the MOV6, 'O' j ) W , a ov�r (or f yolsm t_*th6K*4 two Getm*ww. .�
The, man who �4 in tow, ofto th,M; t(m W% '6A ,%uth i 11 h6 mTrp", %�,q e bratho
IL ". 1 tate. OV kAft Own ISAN.tans7 displao�, f 06th�OJML 4.4 $*V.61' Itt LVM_M ith 'Kj*j_e J& "Ill hftt jM'8j*&d1ft' ' ' ' �_, A 41 dlal� ij ad sw aqt�-A _� 0 �, al 4 f3[1)1tfAL-,% *bo rtio-'04 0 , ",
, ft _%_1 ally. Wh6d ,ankNewir VoiX Ifor actocann ON "Alt 001A. M41y, I 400W� sec. SAY 'tit, - t6li 0 *� ft.: I "It, kn wo F_ t 6 " v6 trforg, 1,
L � rapylt (dm� A to 2^ft %-6 are, far ,-,t_1_)pj.d ft, I r �. 1! I I the'etIpAif J_'� ,*&4ejd,, Or Ae3VIY E01 J)nt -erb�,'ftwrq bei , , mmo no "', MO* oftat nff It01V,A4_--_tj rttv," existt __L ,
1� � I - . to 06 & t0ow is ISM, 84 . �'Of ro'je�,&_,Blilre�OJAOA6,11 , , � , , was tAMP-q *_,a_
or $*ft, om 110A the Alfon-4�j MR., Tly� mit-flower,o0mit is ofu%tb� Ishoc it ,0011 hoat - _nlaiiag or c9bia* for 0-TtOttk, "wfut-evs,of tm Boy. " t. T'A'vo, � ft , I
J)X At en, . I . , 'd tvIvantap 000lf roq�' 'Of LitcordF6114;wAft4 (linter. wolviii. edge'A' - MN litok,C
to br tlWietifIg V"�j .
_ , 0,4 _eWfth,Q0 nt2 mid 16%ve till, t le'r, al ISMOY4, ', � ft I wer-6 w " 160149"g- %,itith ts 'auio* xwm of 4i -(*,Wfni� _4�4 110 Dis - W
_ at
ell 6.0a Min, the, rotbantow,0246, Aefao� , ly 4; - , e1krk bAj 'tlk�, uj!� C71-81
11 ta _ _, TA thbo 'way (he Viet" xjemAin Wllple� . � I cultrfto AV;', 11.1�_,!6r6 g�f" f lit tur-%t, fer-Al)(044 1"s �
ChK4104., kW,, Ariii-gets, j,NQ0, (!L,t04tjjjtSd, L gt�_-L_ -.t-- I .0 11 gV
,2tq*_,�.011, . , 'r ' � If
M -Z, XA�Aflrsl� kfQ; 'Alfori;� IXIL, 3�- lf'�jM M-ta ard 60'Meff-eonfidejNt fl*f' tA_6 ft"r J�S ,t'jelj �tfjdi 48,frupy ind of . -, � lMf , f" or Ot&r, awl'over it 4 Ottelt f .11
� I W 'lob , . )X61 0 "It, of qolw t1jiflon, Igil even ft in fhJ3 tqtkft� �
,t f a 100dtAH1f#tXiqh-% wee .- 1101M ru IN31VrI, -I" thAt k %v its" tw !M�sa.
- hp" , _% ftftgj)j,6 t k 0 -
I 000; 04, Iteinit _M,-r,4e_des, 4figff. jihnm '. - . lelklol3fixvor. I .. 104 S�st i,1X-,A,9b 1�6% *st� - Ad owt ,font, "(I io-oArted tvitht"4 - or. tfftt, Ih % "mork-It'l- ft��,It bl"t
stt% unyrnfftt#4, of m , 0, d4r and. is jw" , St . is _G�t
1, .,(j!tok,r0jte, apl!ea, �02t� � UP16 FKtttrs44xr & dMi r.t op _. moilK
. pli& f3o-m-o of flin Mrong6r laii-4004 %'anc% I
� LILt 'he -ow t? - -1 C , n" dtg1j. f*j_%t_A&_d A the "Ir ow Cut ,marrvAo
, . wh��*Nwg_--_q-=�" ov(�,00, twitil - *;t I "Ith *qftething to Cox- ilte, - .0
. #4 ft-4ft" J)A-folt, M15 amfes f%V6 , nil . am. dMX,U*#"j to argao 04 & frmt V . , I . " ,
tLU�, tjJV.& Lgong. I
, �_� ff4�t Althyllv) 11tit"'OAA the yiel)"V ., " - , _ � _ � . - , -tgo!14 � an", LwAtt5thing ese� knd I vve,haaro, " WAlf, Hilf$o to N 46� lliott# 'i�,
I � v�Moh Oro rra�14#4 with 20 R"bt, .14 *01", (17i'st f*m SM car6 fenr Isuar 1 ell ttli� bit, is".9more V_K.t*_f 0
, - �_ .1 L NPIPPA11.1 � T Now" , t , ho
- " , It W1, tma, INA vog Ott 6t, tdt In b t4l 0wout my nott" to-W-le*4 MV -1!6 uwko, , lir "" ho f r, tc, 4
I-1myle-Al. h , I 6,Nt-V63 i0iWAt 'em"gh ftilite,f Oil AAA" tma. MM',6 tlhem� ,epi -ink -1t; %Ith �4 f h'An * whole 41-vAd an to'"'t, MAI fil. I I '' .1
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