HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-04-22, Page 44! (;ODE ONI% APRIL t.4i `thin% • year wo after Cue dead; dud practiol tads aro..1 dead, I -vial sue taut> gsktut cd death 1a- acrtned Qtt bririv and fit; and lip.; Thousands of 07 wOrarn Jiro for a year cr two after at help- Istioess and happiness/lave gone out of their lives* ArileilaWOUlaxi beComel itoPe-' :essay helpless and unhappy she is practic ally acad. woman to whoM tho future ry waste. the Toilet vite who * i less, itervoui WOO, The toed= whose s are * burden , rocaC of blessang.---- all :Meow, lintels they r3bo the ht inensures to 2- ov th I vi,iza ilo w:-.1 teGViari.43. ciiiiIVii-dii ro...:,ticap it, $6i Wiaia x, piaaaa coli i u4. 11 .-:.. Stan Goa wisi- ng 4o'1117,1 a caropailip can liaraby im railed too- bof a d ii-c.o_ssi5n cf the poili--; taz-,,..ca before ttlo pzr-ti;,^ :You may aa *Cs], own up to Ito C.Toth, 'briber; iex.t thailki that, 31r. Beck CC,0' duaid MaciirtfiQn iron tirsit to last on the still hi...At trimip1b sed that over,y word said hy Who EiffruzliTa' iiii tffiTkUce to tida roattc.r is true.° it is tedious anti perhaps unprofitable work digiFIRR 6P 11161f:Pritpulon3 arid per. (Teo on oppanenr, hat we rannot per. mit the contanticd repetition of this 'unjust) slander of both Major Beck and the, people of mat, Heroinaud we nail, the Ile with the folitrwing faets,.well known to the electors of this riding, end which, if tile ExpOsiter have . spark of common lien csty Ind fairness, a win lay befON its reatleks: i„cIktr. Beck, besides speaking tit the ' luV tato' dead II 11 tc e 11011)inatuili, la iloderiche held a series Sr. • , , majority of rases these ghosts of women of publiefinectings atClintion, Auburn, owe their condition to wealcuesa surd.dia , Ki t ii puggapirwo Strittit'a Hill and u a . i • cute of the distinctly feminine orgarn M - Yrciptcutly they hav,. been deceived . the incorpect diagnosts of seine nbscum physician and do nut understand tho tote natutz- of their. noulde. /t only Coats 4 flohneavillet all .of which* as We fold bef(0, were More largely attended than were it. ;4.arrew's meetings.ut the someplace& ` si*OrootIiir. Ciarro* the latter's meetings at ealtford utl Leepurn-A4he only meetings' Pessible Withont negleet;ng his foal in the brief: tnne alloWed for tho gamin:tip-am there Wiscutised the; public 4uestiiine. Will the laxpOSItor now oown up to the' truthq If 'not it will, to Ilse its own ,words, b'statul guilty ot dein tv.,oceat _postage stamp for woman to wtitc Aqua deacribe- her condition to In. It V. Pierce. an elninent and skilfutipeoliii. ice.. for thirty years chief 000pil1tiugiihyo. ician to the Invalida' Rotel and Snrgiod juatitute of audit% Zit Y. He will slower iettera from ailing women without ehatle Charoyerer of Dr. Riercelt varite Prescription, tile greattat Of. all known , medicines for women.- It acts directly on the delicate -owls, imAcorned It*snater,nity soul make* thetu. strong*, healthy andarigorona. It banishes the in. diayeavitiona „of -the *OxfOUJI, petted 'and 'mattes hatiyia'coming esmst.iurd almoat "Kinky. It eurea alt.dillerdea *114 placementaand checks exhausting drain*. ',Passion' .to -motherhOort inY wife war Yet* writes nouns It. Coloe1lY.1041.„ or qiesx oter; Wright coo Want A., Two bottles ot-Pfi s pasprite Prescription outdo tier wen a *trod." rir. ,Pittee's Pleasant Pellets Cure bit- idtoitess and etinsiiPation. One a 400, They nevergripe. 0;o4trich tat'. h 'DAY; Afft11,4 TUE AL$411000 GROWliL, onic weekego the Stratton? 1)04' Ofi, commenting tin the We 'West Ituron I.ithn, sault ' "It is inconteivahle that .an nfc11Igiut cos. , istituogoy flkv AvestIbiron would n4lect him 'Oar:row) tor to, ropoetobio • hOIROF like Mr. 1 -'pools, who Wits inadequatelit coalened.ter thoPoSition that he didnot **Wee. klief0i) Word entice 'platform oir publie nietero ' 'whole 1atoimtiol.0 respendenee of the Eleafortli ExPosdor, The. 'Mitchell- Advocate., knowing Tho +Ole oi such '.'eritieion Of the. this wt 'untrue, ,eorreetod the: bus. Senate" for it rejection of the Vokeri atitteineut paytog. "Instead -of ,being"ti -Railway deal, clothe estimated .4hobody,"„Mr. Beek is a 'mart of last Sentence (Meted. Will the edithr, genie, a fair platten:0 , speaker, and 'Or hie Varikee:correripriticlent. 'tit Pfts1-' held in the higheat respeet by therie wa, 14eaffe tel?' e4 -'*'114t, 7C7.a.hada'0. who ?movir hini. Alter•perfeeting his Senate has :'.With responsible . , -orgaidz#10,0 he held public Meetings governinent in the tinted Stitte0, ifl alteost every part of hi ruling." On thisthe .Itittefiell,Itecorder Coin, smote: . "It its niavoresteroarks str*•""Orlt *broom tiesisPonY *bit Would yeaeill the,Ailvootttes rejoinder to them/ The **unlit* of the Ailitt. mate's- reloinder will he resialitseen when it ia known that' ltr.„, :Sock never held a public *toting in "Mist Ituret4 arta never ilonverca' an sobleors, able or otherwise." • tho *aeon And Recorder wish to .conshlered fair and -Vend:did they , 111 Pablielt;the list Of ibtetingahell ileck, as given in Our reply tet the ticr;fortir RxPositori and., awn that us ood as Scotrs ;ittui we sell it muds cheaper," it a, atatitlicilt omeimu 111del by Moggist when Stara Emulsion is calla for. Ts show% that tbtOrisggista thcmselvcs regard the mains home hem; flushed; the ize Town Coufte The sewirroontbly monthly meeting fbe c,anteil was behl last ..FridaY vViU xl.efollowifig Ineinhe'q 41a, nt 4 Deputy -reeve., 11Q1U1,R 41141'EDlit1- 11Fors Eion4e, ColWell and McLean . op.rifeE138' 11EPOW " , Ungincer Smith rep6ited ()ply ittietit _ tcall 4 oat on hand; that the stand otit.i refilled and tinned ton Wain tok-wiitor *the. welt at the. pimp 110115.e is.quite .eleae and Effinittlelit Co4-11ver Oil with: iiiPuPhyow tes of Lime and Soda as the Ward and the h who Phi titans to procure the "standard" bemuse he knows it has been of told, bcnefitt should not, for mu instant think of taking the risk of using some untried prose ration. Inc subststution of something saki to be ludas good"for is stand. , ar4 preparation twenty. five years an the marke4 should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. 'Re sure you gat seeiTTPS kinursion., *Cr that tne,, room and doh ars op tb.P %-soe, and 4x.so, all eigisoisiii. ork nowt,Tx., T9WIttO What ,41) honorable man or 'Journalist lidsrepresont -and 4:44-trqr nc?tlatliteltfoy the seat's° 'ninthly taken from lif(tior neek, weeld doo libel a :fellow mom" And to 'Natter' Tito raising of ftindeftararnY on the pamphreseoor cotomporary'S remarks, protest *was 'diseussedi'aed the resneeso "Thereat; be lie obleetion to: The. thiftdoN'S4i4in keetiiilg witIA the; norneat pos , irit thi'O!igholA the iro m ach tounicipalfty was pleated 4..4w itOr Casing its political stomach of erfeeting V , all thebile possible, Re ib601113t 7.10 koki o-mihooto sore, whtoh .1%1)01 :he '661. leelf ridiculous, hat When it -abuses teeted they -Vice: Presidents audfor. a ih 1 p t, )4,6 .t. nand tiln Ivartled to tt e treasurer, D 4 rum . au - I - -e-g 410,241)-0 -It - el 1,,ze , „.i , - M. .T. 'W. St. John, the hero of lArest electors of tom r; lug, c, fill oAtt “ yor -, 'WAS pregent. 411( ' dfeered a , . . brought to task for its shanieful con. rousing speech winch -was ',received duct.'" _ Avitll thepOSt hupiety appluOue., Mad the .....-.....---,-- veteran well deserved 1'110,r:beers fie. 0 teak' or the Canadian i;.'inoto as belos corded hint At the close of the ni etin ei sategnantuoirot rhmtv iegbuti,en, vr 6bOrt. Speeehos WM Mak-a so -1).3r Slevvgate frorn 11arniltorr 000hritt Road; \1ctoriatroitt,11r1atitti1ui Road that the ooeinninta of that chamber ots010.13. Win1. iJa13), Tennant, break in tbe intake pipe was I3eateu and one end raised above water, the American &auto Soap, ToWt Map d the 'yeti highest priomat onls 10e. 'Ica vain° overiaffeKca. MI rodlill '4140 avant Vrcam for the Toilet , a Otili BLACK GtitRit • FUN WONDERF RIMIER aria Cow le3i.T.ho lafcSt- and Twenty pollars 8,7 'tiottle pawtiou and hard to m- at that! Here cely Si IT AND GET CURIO. T,hese aro the latest Productiona of Seel*, thotonoas peri'innocr. And Aro! oircady very pepalarin the citiesef. the J4• length of loose pipe ritieed. Mid !hrCalglit ashore; the shore exid SvatOtthEl, tO PO: 4j.1111Y Pkt 'about .0 feet -out a line With the InPe. coming, from- the erib t1 c( of the Pipe wiiere:the-OreakWas.'14 about.750 feet from shoroan11612;feetof water«. L'igt.report WAS. 31K1. the Water,arol tight .conntattee empoivo cred toptirchaseepaL coatiatiNIO.S.TIONS 41.$11PS034900. Vrora Wm, Coates nei. seeretery if Huron Qounty Vierles Association asking payment of actual expenses by. Town council of the clerk While at- tending the annual meet -ingot the As, aoclation at plinton ;rune. On motion -of ilralbion and Martin, the conned agre(1 0'1)4.y such,expenses, 4 From F. Smeeth, asking' rebate on his taxes for SOT, from time of lire to oreetiOnt of his new factory. ;Referred' to Special committee. From VV. Blot, manager Baiiiref., Montreal, reporting aninunt to credit of town, Match 31Ste $710;10; an amount of nOtes under discount SIP,40(), ,V,E0211 eleven property owners on wolfe-sto, asking to: have said street properly graded ite soonrtaLposihle.,, SOnie disOii$SlOO ensiled on.tbis, the needs of other streets also being point* ed. on% and it. was floolly clecicled to peter the -41001140g ta .-the • Public 'Crocks committee, to consider and reQ ppyt Xfontrealstreet from -,Square to, • Waterloo ; IVater1o6 faun Elgin to St. Vincent.; Nelsen from 0401400k Road to Waterloo.; Quehee trout Watgliob to ''Wellingtott Lighthouse from 'wet, lington to WelleSiey ; Bence frOM North to St V'ncent. 'Wolfe from Victoria to (,..,ant iria Road ; Anglesoa earn North, to Camliria-Road; .nkr from Noah to Cainbria Read ; portant questions in aSudielalframoofmiudtio Irkeowi -Hot -McLean and Mayor e Govo meat 8 last) irlottd.r,ri:to vbto,n vi.1)11. ont:PV4:otir,,,•b, and ptek, fio tineithlo, forth() Slyer to remedy' this. eta te The Proceeajege tertninaterl With ititdrol# 'PrO,tty :04rtain; othorn180 ebeers for Majot 13eck,, lt1r, 12t,ibitrioy. OM* lgovermucnt ,Y,111, he a dead letter 1/) the and the QUeen Unita Stave. %UPI above 18 fe001, the Ottawa -• OBITUAR They 142111 Propest. vcitoutmox rotRit CONSDR. "ATMS WILL FIGHT IT OCT ON viraT unix, 4,110 °reaps -11*...,'OtAT,. ,0011,144.10kVittOttiliE 0144 . ' OUttg prn.nrMi1/410'.420,4:44,-, :• ' • The drenching rain and lierCe gale of. Tuesday:lest not -prevent the 'A'LUXANDERI. SNrilli4trt Alexander 1;A.i.14fritt, PeVitSirtyCia to Station ,Pteton Victoria to 000* bad!. 911,,g'girgil°4'n=1:iits:itd o , hire, -,theTrablic 'Works conandttee. nvre. on/poivered-to ascertain eosh ot totting , surbtee dram feom OrMotOr Elgin .street. and 0111 th "c • : to. V eteir 'a street the 01)e As'nedit10004 XenongalPs, oport, "Pnl to find the cost of re•:- ewing :the olddrain ,.the "dts.• , 'The f'011owntle.WiTr:12ireferred to atiCIA6 '00Oill(iftte0 A*:Kirkbride, ; ,Taniieson lectrfc Go., 11...;,;$1,4/t.".1!$0;i: Packard 10.63. 7 :unrcurrao, eolotrtvg,n know PAlinWerke Coinini tee ,:re, tretainregttinototr:tor thted4oututebe•oswitinoln, ollandt- his ',offer being t. 0.. 'lowest, $50.• T110' repOr 'ee0,0 adopt "FrOIO Final:tee eotninittee tol1oves: itecointne ding paYillen t the fol - wing otet.:(itint, t mith; $5;. '6487.4 7: 3t. StVilfrilbeOt si'f• 24-70)41:tat.no'Uttion'. ' -take " .aceennt, of J. • E. 13' 'dges.: , repairing br en through Iid defteV. sty Pi- that fol.,: wrIO4 be Wert ed: hack to, eoutledt ea *lb and,J. 74,111s rift! ote thoe:t 4tli4 60011 JI 13 EtHorni!Let:4i.e4.. tettdtatot tWill4sreC' t Punt' ote tO,:rn he -works 'e0o1014tee"ton' veatigate and report, •-nrconnentrit: 'xinsistress, . Mr. Tilt w‘ite present:4W garaing: U011.011440 against hiin for npaid Julliardlicense,And on Motion f d thepatt0r, an referred to Special cOPritalttea to 61:odder andreport next- meeting. • The ;Cemetery committee Watl-' meted tO'Consaley and report on tole atter: of purchasing the landin rear f the cemetery* 'Frialiam -tote 1410tiee • Of Otion to amend thu,bylaW &tint -fee Inspector of Public 'Schools • for p county,. died.' at Stratford on Tues. day last, ,from ' nttaelc of r ),phord fever, with whiali he was talt. 11 en 'down about two weeks- ago. Mr. ti Alexander was the second AleXturder', and was bornr •• 'Heidi. „ thand County 1014 „1:10reeelted:pis peoliminary" ednefitien at yrodernah., publie schoOlfi 'Pant Palcdonin High School. sillbSerin Ow taking, a 6°40 .„ at V.Ot tl uuria g. er be graduated tremme Toronto Noityro , al School. Aftet''',teitchinks`‘ po School for, ilve:Yearsk.nas.c.1401nted Xusneetor Perth blic Scheidt; .14 11 1871. Ile corithuledin this office fol tha• .Whole gorth until 1$77, when the ,coonty woe divided into two in- (1 sneotorates. John • heing,mlo - onted for the South 3..W' A Alexander wasagani given -00i* 0 totirebiri- -(1'711;0—Whole -noulaty.- Welt VOintien be hold ntititthe 41190 ti. of his death, a period . twenty.eight fo years. The deceased 'Was Member of 'al Alley 'were ntittinformed, (jOnser*Itt Ives a vtreot 111311 front the Methodist tinurelt ,stalwart, 10 Poet- 0'18 next weetkb mid .ntennwidle holding One of - the best and most en- fourofa fa 1 :13,1 4 a fe And • r_Vative,' Ifo F 7411* 04'08r itieei tatere not to tei4 thtisiastie' utectings. in the hiStOry of of Oh°1000.1.:'PoLlY.1/4:04rt-VIO-014nedii-alrii,i'MY4°ran.. -the is their Mither clding Association .at Dungannon.' '91V201'4 °we:4'78°11114, • . tor AllthinglailitiCal that odeurein The 'Weather' VAS Mort, greiable- (stste'"°:'"7' Lige';°- Ctle-ii411)" U. Alexander had ie reputatton of beinl L •. ' • and•111160131fOrtable. but thOgatherang, cOnipetenv 011101111 and:latits , 01100 ri AN reoregeOtt d itiViiiAtte Of the riding, tratford'a Most prominent often*. .0 unItoTHFIrkt BXVONITGR. 4 1 te at, Rev. ass Vdge watt. called to deceased's „ many 0 the, 0 00, s ng1 111 -bedside' ,ort Jtondayicand company lier'forta E*Petiltee ?leis 're" to OD Miles. in *esti:WM, atta-inoludEid with r Itits.-Zrdgewent down again .yct. r$01.116, and not creditable; faculty remsentativebusinets And proteasiOn. tertlay to attend the funeral, • ;3"7 for distortink or suppressing *habit. 401E% as 40.88 'the sturdy agrieul. Estsfiovr(0',,--After illneeslextexto" o deli not with to *lee% and mistepre- • ing from 3anoeryi8tb,.AVI,M‘41e0. Ent. * aenting those who thoole . to differ Atter orolanakitit remake by the Merton, sow of Air. leht Eirotleoto's $141,1 it on anypublie question. • 8ome president -Major Beckt- the. meeting Moon 'now), 'dietT on. Friday 1st. ',reeks ago it berated the electers of proceeded t:eleckOfileers for the tot- Nowa, low was telt 20 yearsof age, ; West flown for their suppart, of Mr, rent You', this /*Wig the annual mice toOk ill in Clinton. Wbere he had beeo 0 Lie Conservative ,noinine'el say. Jog iintougat other things: 411,1tentIlerpreullealt,Of thia Contest vita that . thetClorecrvatite candidate -did net bOhl Any • vublit; 1.;tinge And •poeiu'rebr rotated ssa Ifiddienisnes OA A VIM Pitkitt:Gy 3 was that lin 1M not knoWsnxtblog *tont the Inibile questions or that be did net tonsiderit worth Ms while todisertes them, irm, dn'notknOw. 0 '0 0 .4, nothaitynt two In not • *vets Mtge nokioritr, butit owe 'little tor tbe 'bitell'sto of 'say constituency tbat- *weld. tinder *my eireninstanees, ev,eu by Eti mull a no„loriticelect emelt a nattost nian who, "would treat' thent time totitemptUously, and one AL/ eeldeUtreo little Atted fee, the roil- Von ttei';,11.ch, he as * ‘,17.11, flaWkins and Thos. Dalton. As Rut' wing how false this we% TUE field • Wm Cameion and Jame John . inff$ as well as to tor:under *he . protest- ing the 'recent election, The old ofti. eers Were re-eleeted, .s,nd seyeral changes- were nuole the yiee presi.. dente fit lnlinieiPalities, as follows; preemene,..3eseph Beck, Saltford; 'kc preeidentaDe. Case, Dungannon, ttlid Feta W. Scott; Belgravet secre• toy, jamosiditchell. edderich; twee. men Pr, T, Bruce, elIntoo, Executive committee -Dr. Holmes, I 04 1101.1 Campbell, R. AM. cliff° and,E. VartipiOn; finderlehl Cantelon,IB.Blackalland W.O.Doher. tlr, Clinton; B.L. Dickenson and Wm. +Nogg, Winglunit: ;mu mitora, MYth ; &outs Connolly, John Bea:earn And I.J. NeSbitt. Goderich townshi f3vArs 11,6.4 the,Expositor to task for its %into; rl tinkles*, pointing out thatlifajot ch, ?hen he had tompleted his or- ganization, . °lied a emits et Mlle rvetings .clirerind . the pa:,..:joal points in the wing, at which ho • vow rtft.:,,lieoly dealt with publio triegiOUN einOte of hi! opposszt to *, thonoroly• Of lti.4 Ming. TheEe nteetkOiti n -ere tench Vora lArgol$, ottethit4 thin Iwo them held be Jir.(40Arrine, *ad thelgh ProtOnelona to tolgtottn )raisrs-sad /Ave Mr. tfArtAA'SfiteltatIC6' thatecantoittati rea0r. and not land steerlim intha Mn'', 1,1401fit is wanted- 14 Beet vrea Oneere rrnlit frail both, :limit anti °Fitments by his manhrend 1air4iZEr,144011.° Tilk•XXViAllq; ignorlog reft"Ing 1104 very explicit statement MI! to Mr, Ib.' facts of which it cooly have verified, *lid should have ;mown before it preinnted to arobl ;,t titt atandt,1^ t tied ors Of Alireot Homo qntply *sited where Mt Beek wi'n praise, and we referred it to *he kotost'S report 1.4 Mr. Rock's speech on ntiminatinnelsy. 'that 'wait nnorter sistM,vient. hilt the Es(iositer haul no Intomntton of being eittnit, truthful or fair in his rnattipr. Ana butt wt4!k *VIM : -Awl Sr. .444 411.p.o4 10. vothige mewl - glees boors she stalftli ATM* II foto% West Wawanosn; AI, Lockhart. EPA Wawaneels Wm, Patterson, Hollett. Vice Presadent* 4:if municipalities Ashtleld..-No. T.B. Durnin, non ; 2. John. Kingsbridge; Junes It ()Wainer, Lucknow; 4. J'ohn tlehoenhales, POrb Albert,. 5, Thomas Dalton, Kingsbridge; Hugh Cham- bers, Isiehalsh; Th James wife. Am. berley,. Colborne.No. I, Wm.` Vanstone, '11 Jon. T. tiolathorpe..t,...3. Thomas leamilion, Jr., Auburn; 4, An' $haw. Dunlop, , fIndOrith Township -No. 1, Charles NAPO. tioderieh 4 2. John Metlibbons Brno:tiller ; C. S. Necibltt,t2lintert. 'West Wawsnosh---No! I, John sow. ereA Duogarmon; 2, (tem Itnilsrlge, anti; 4. horst** Joynt, 8t.Helenal Auburn .1t. McRoberts', 8t. /101 W)n. MO nillsn, lamknow. - 1'%nst, awitoosh. No. I. John Mlle. * John *ell, Psligase ; 3. Joseph Thandon„ &home; ,t, Joseph chimney. Fordyce. llithett 1%16,4 Jnalttn% tidtartler- hill ; O. 'obit Lasharn, Loudest/ore ; Ts Wm. Patterson, Althorn, The MAI t*.t• Of en tcring protentinno then ,disensielf. 40 on 'notion a tir itrot e, Clinton, And r, litdelat ni illyt it wssa nnaniennosIT doeldthid en enter a prows. &inland a srentiny and claim Lb* soot. Namtlyers °trampoliner* cited "shirk fully itssfary daelaina. and it is sate betting Vaal Me. J. T. living, and abent °*reentli later came to his father's residencejor the rtdvare.in tagee of home tare.. Eteetite medical fo trouble--Itidney :'cornplieatient..-Oroved ea "Insurinotintable. Mid be died as stated, .haviogbeea 'iinconscions ter nearlY m Week. The fullers/ 'took Igoe on Sun- 10 day tiffernOlui, under the NOM JOS, Of lin uron,lartigerl. 0. O. P. Mr, muter. ton desires to express his sineere T thanks to the lodge 'here, Mid ttl6o to re the brethren 'chutes.* for their kind An attention to his son doting Ids ilhieks, II and their Ortprogsi011844 Syttlratb..P 111 ri his atirrOW. r ii.educing rein to $20- for 'first:, table and $Illk for drother table. . councillor 'Cantelon.:gAy0 trot.00 of You 11 c) • to pass . , bylaw reepecting tal iloprevemente:and special assess, cat , A. motion to grant .the nee of. the oWn 1141 to Beldett-Paul 004 -.the skid and unremitting at entioni the 00 Vie ODE S DRITer STOAT gyiroRp /Loco.. LOOD FILLS. A MISS ARNOLD „.# Artist *tad ,Oltsber..ssill give leanOrta free Of •Oharge- ott Art Needle Work In tbo rooms OiMr the Signal 0010e ftont . * - April 25th to May 6th. 16401,101 P,m. each day, livery lady is invited to be preaent s Mns Al.rnoldt vvillinatruct in ail the NEW STIrCEES. • , We have (AO- received a Fresh New_AStack of ° •411.rt Silks, ^rt. Needles,' Embroidering Staturfed Linen, etc., etc a ext Bargail Days April 28th and 29th. James o tssixvsiii""e"www00. -,Th‘coinfort your feet ,something'that shoal(' not he 'overlooked, and is sehievea by a careful Siting of Cl A Properly Pitted Shoe is a Daily Comfort Until Worn Out. Ana you gain in wear folly WA per cent. Isn't this worth striving for. We believe it is, and make' it an aim to see that every pair of Shoes that leaveg our Store are .fully intended for the wearer. - This is Why OUR TRADE is Increasing so Rapidly. Why , not give us the contract for fitting you to your next pair Of 13hOes WM. SHARMAN, JR. Bole Agee too the SLATER. SHOP, and the WILLIAMS Patent VOW BoOt, • ' • , • • , • , nt to be jAnd in Intrarioo, the heat d light. paid for and Suitable arrange. (nate made with the bands,was ear, ed,. — Bylaw O. regulating and reducin IMPURE ritOODIN Ater tato tor livert stabh* bwns. -*Aar 8141ING. Wa9 read sod passed. - Council then adjourned, y - There.eari ho difference of °Pinion Most. subjects, but there is Only 0 opinion cis to the rellainlity of nl This iR the almost tinIvosatesper*, awe. rthriihinhed perspitatiOh :during winter, rich foods artdelose confine. r e!it indoors are 'sonic of titeennseii.4111 .A, geed 'spring medieinei iike T1lIu41'Ft ..,fl S )1 i bS 1 1 por y the bloo4 and:put the watem atrial a, $ o ute 3r necessary to 111 healthy- Condition- at thia. eaten. , , Mod's Pills are the best family cath- artic and liver tonic.„ Cent% 'reliable, SO& • 'Why go limning ana-wninink aheut, y_our coins, when* 25 cent bottle of Holloway's Corn Core will remove thecalo (Jive it trial, and yen Wall net regret it ' 104 DEALE FOR, of t it at g now ho atom ienutric on hi 4 is wan a hi the DERY AND PROVISION LINE. We hoe a reputation for tompletness of Stock Quality nod Prlee, that its been won by prompt attention, long experience and ample capital to get speciali lly, though we have otherEt# e hest 14 our *WA VAN& WO Wallt yen to ttp. our Teas salads., BUTTER We 'keep the hest tbt litta, and. when ytitt ' want it gee yon have, only to try TURDY BROS. Mother (infirm' Worm Ext.erminater. 1ykiL It is safe, sure end effectuai. • weie cquare Grocers T VORTArii,fcatoy eikir re, rnot 'ma INAIMISION INIIIIP011 ASO .1111011T1tAlt. Clittf$1, Oticrifonmre tke4 Celf14 Toren 14t, Is antibiosis& alio 1,1or..iftsco4n•04. fichutoj„ fit itIttl4ni4 that naatfrar 1.y oiparteliakki 1.1.410E $01100.tqlootillopio . Oodrif *itweltik.111M0144 trot, Wstor St, D,..1.aritysA,TXP.ts 114,1*11110*, Toisiargrailhiobi arltbroave 17•Iiterilli gm* et at r.a, NJ% 1041114 *Ad *hot* am Whit ii*b* IresttlY Woo sod as VAVAISILIVAL 11,0/MINS tostplest told mid do Post stsa. Coon'. own, It TAns beak Salt am/ dads stiotafte11 Ais trot A )pr tee* aid nom tar was datesi. ZA4Wiraiteit "ItAtIt s=437417: on" Catievbei woo loilimuilinA11 v -, Camelia ast *Fr. poi se= * For ilalf by W. C. Clover, DriWAt Godavieb, Ont, Eve 4110/4“Mit MEIN 1%1 day to buy tbent at a fair wear "Slater Shoes." LiLlwaya p!1WtJ0ft of w4WanilitiF and profit, not' form ye!tir in, year out, tie pety,-,nornt wait, EZ:T7411ii steady, Tihte money'sworth.straightionlaboreltinittdo , gear:Indeed by the matters. Goodyear 'welted. Name: atut $3,eo. $4400 And iskio per pa;ratirtoiioolc, "The Slater Shoe.," On flee& th ee Or walung • M. SHARMAN Jr. Sol* Agont. Goclotich